Rainbow Schools Reopening Guide - 2021-2022 School Year - The Reopening Guide for Rainbow Schools was released on August 10, 2021 and will be ...

Page created by Jacob Norman
Rainbow Schools Reopening Guide - 2021-2022 School Year - The Reopening Guide for Rainbow Schools was released on August 10, 2021 and will be ...
Rainbow Schools
Reopening Guide
2021-2022 School Year

The Reopening Guide for Rainbow Schools was released on August 10, 2021
and will be updated as required.
Rainbow Schools Reopening Guide - 2021-2022 School Year - The Reopening Guide for Rainbow Schools was released on August 10, 2021 and will be ...
The health, safety and well-being of students and staff remains the top priority as
Rainbow District School Board prepares to welcome students back to class for the
2021-2022 school year.
While the school experience will continue to look and feel differently, the quality education delivered by
our caring educators will remain the same with expanded opportunities for students. Clubs, activities,
sport teams, bands and extra-curriculars will safely resume with appropriate protocols. There will be an
ongoing focus on mental health as we continue to support students.

As directed by the Ministry of Education, Rainbow Schools will reopen for in-class instruction
in elementary and secondary schools with enhanced health and safety protocols in accordance with
COVID-19: Health, safety and operational guidance for schools (2021-2022) released by the
Province of Ontario on August 3, 2021. This document constitutes a return to school direction
issued by the Ministry of Education and approved by the Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health for the
purposes of regulations made under the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act 2020.

This includes an emphasis on screening for symptoms of COVID-19, cohorting, hand hygiene,
cough/sneeze etiquette, physical distancing, where possible, the use of masks and other
personal protective equipment as well as enhanced cleaning and disinfecting.

It also includes operational guidance on the management of COVID-19 in schools, which will also
apply to child care centres and before and after school programs that operate within schools as well as
expectations for reporting COVID-19 cases by schools and school boards to the Ministry of Education.

This guide provides an overview of what parents/guardians, students, staff and community members
can expect when classes resume on Tuesday, September 7, 2021.

Thank you for working together to keep everyone safe.

Vaccination is an important tool to help stop the spread of COVID-19 and allow students,
families and staff to safely resume normal activities. Vaccination rates may provide opportunities to
reduce measures over time. Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines for youth.
Rainbow Schools Reopening Guide - 2021-2022 School Year - The Reopening Guide for Rainbow Schools was released on August 10, 2021 and will be ...

Provincial Directive										4

Remote Learning										4

Back to School Survey			                          						4

Here’s what is happening in Rainbow Schools						5
   Kindergarten to Grade 8
   Grades 9 to 12

Before and After School Programs								5

Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO)					                                              6

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) 						6

Volunteer Hours										6

Special Education										7
   Mental Health and Well-Being

Transportation to and from School								7

Safety and Well-Being									8

Cautious Optimism										9

Preparing to Reopen Rainbow Schools							11

Overview of Health and Safety Protocols 						13

Communications										18

Appendix I: COVID-19 School Screening Tool - Students					                                           20

Appendix II: COVID-19 School Screening Tool - Staff/Adults				                                       23

Our Priority, Our Role, Our Plan 								27

Rainbow District School Board acknowledges and thanks Public Health Sudbury & Districts for ongoing guidance and support.
PROVINCIAL DIRECTIVE                                       REMOTE LEARNING
   with guidance from Public Health
                                                              If unable to attend in person, students will be
   On August 3, 2021, the Ontario government                  expected to attend school remotely on a
   announced the safe reopening of schools                    full-time basis with access to learning materials
   for in-class instruction beginning this September          posted online as well as synchronous (live)
   and released COVID-19: Health, safety and                  learning opportunities throughout the day,
   operational guidance for schools (2021-2022).              in accordance with Policy/Program
                                                              Memorandum No. 164.
   As directed by the Ministry of Education,
   for both elementary and secondary students,                Attendance will be taken daily.
   in-person learning will be provided for the
   2021-2022 school year. Students will attend                Elementary students will have timetables to
   in-person learning daily for the full school day           connect remotely/synchronously with a
   (five instructional hours) in elementary and               remote learning teacher.
   secondary schools.
                                                              Secondary students will connect synchronously
   Remote learning will remain an option for                  (live to a classroom).
   students who are unable to attend in person.
                                                              Please note: This may not be with the regular
                                                              classroom teacher and timetables may be
                                                              adjusted accordingly.

                                                              Technology will be provided, if required,
                                                              for remote learning.

   Back to School Survey
   Rainbow Schools will reopen for in-person learning on Tuesday, September 7, 2021.

   For students who are unable to attend in person, remote learning will be offered.

   Please note: There will be one opportunity to transition between remote
                and in-person learning in February 2022.

   Parents/guardians are required to confirm if their child/children will be attending in person or
   online by completing the form at the following link:


   Please complete one form per child by NOON on Monday, August 16, 2021.

Reaching minds. Touching hearts.                                                                                  4
Here’s what is happening in Rainbow Schools
   Kindergarten to Grade 8                                       Grades 9 to 12
   Elementary schools will reopen for in-class                   Secondary schools will reopen with enhanced
   instruction five days a week with enhanced health             health and safety protocols.
   and safety protocols.
                                                                 Secondary students will take four credits/subjects in
   Students will be in one cohort for the full day,              the first semester.
   which means they will be with the same group
   of children throughout their school day,
   including lunch.                                              In week one, students will have a 150 minute period 1
                                                                 class (Subject 1) followed by lunch and a 150 minute
   Students may be placed into small groups with                 period 2 class (Subject 2) each day.
   students from other classes, for example, special
   education support, specialized reading programs or            In week two, students will have a 150 minute period 3
   English-language learning.                                    class (Subject 3) followed by lunch and a 150 minute
   Students may use common spaces such as gyms                   period 4 class (Subject 4).
   and libraries.
                                                                 This rotation will limit direct weekly contacts and
   Members of different classes can interact outside             allow students to complete four credits in the first
   with distancing encouraged or inside with                     semester.
   distancing and masking.

   For families who are unable to attend in person,              Secondary students learning remotely will connect
   elementary students will have timetables to connect           synchronously (live to a classroom).
   remotely/synchronously with a remote learning
   teacher.                                                      Please note: This may not be with the regular
                                                                 classroom teacher and timetables may be
   All students in Rainbow Schools in Grades 1 to 12             adjusted accordingly.
   are required to wear non-medical or cloth masks
   indoors in school, including in hallways and during

   Kindergarten students are required to wear non-
   medical masks and/or face shields in indoor spaces.           Secondary School Timetable - At a Glance
   Staff are required to wear medical masks as well as
                                                                              Monday       Tuesday       Wednesday     Thursday      Friday
   eye protection. Parents/guardians and visitors are
   required to wear medical masks.                                Week 1      AM Period 1 AM Period 1   AM Period 1    AM Period 1   AM Period 1
                                                                              (150 min.)   (150 min.)   (150 min.)     (150 min.)    (150 min.)
                                                                              Lunch        Lunch        Lunch          Lunch         Lunch
                                                                              (40 min.)    (40 min.)    (40 min.)      (40 min.)     (40 min.)
                                                                              PM Period 2 PM Period 2   PM Period 2    PM Period 2   PM Period 2
   BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS                                           (150 min.)   (150 min.)   (150 min.)     (150 min.)    (150 min.)

                                                                  Week 2      AM Period 3 AM Period 3   AM Period 3    AM Period 3   AM Period 3
   Before and after school programming will be available and                  (150 min.)   (150 min.)   (150 min.)     (150 min.)    (150 min.)
   students in these programs would be part of two cohorts.                   Lunch        Lunch        Lunch          Lunch         Lunch
                                                                              (40 min.)    (40 min.)    (40 min.)      (40 min.)     (40 min.)
                                                                              PM Period 4 PM Period 4   PM Period 4    PM Period 4   PM Period 4
   Schools and child care operators will collaborate to ensure                (150 min.)   (150 min.)   (150 min.)     (150 min.)    (150 min.)
   student lists are maintained and readily available to be
   provided to Public Health for contact tracing purposes.
                                                                 All students in Rainbow Schools in Grades 1 to 12 are required to wear
   Please contact your before and after school service           non-medical or cloth masks indoors in school, including in hallways and
   provider for more information.
                                                                 during classes. Kindergarten students are required to wear non-medical
                                                                 masks and/or face shields in indoor spaces. Staff are required to wear
                                                                 medical masks as well as eye protection. Parents/guardians and visitors
                                                                 are required to wear medical masks.
Reaching minds. Touching hearts.                                                                                                                  5
EDUCATION QUALITY AND                                 VOLUNTEER HOURS
                                                         The community involvement graduation
   ASSESSMENTS                                           requirement has been reduced from 40 hours to
                                                         a minimum of 20 hours of community involvement
   For the 2021-2022 school year, regular EQAO
                                                         activities for students graduating in the
   assessments for Grades 3 and 6 will resume in the
                                                         2021-2022 school year.
   new digital format for math, reading and writing.
                                                         Temporary changes to reduce barriers students
   Students in Grade 9 math will write the Grade 9
                                                         may face to earn their community involvement
   math digital adaptive assessment and the results of
                                                         hours and provide greater flexibility in how they
   the assessment may count towards up to 10% of
                                                         earn their hours will continue for the 2021-2022
   the student’s final mark.
                                                         school year.
   EQAO assessments are required to be done
                                                         The community involvement graduation
   in-person at the school. Students learning            requirement of 40 hours will be restored in
   remotely can choose to participate in the EQAO        2022-2023 and students working towards their
   assessments in-person at the discretion of the        Ontario Secondary School Diploma will be
   school board as long as all applicable health and     supported to meet these requirements in time for
   safety measures can be met.                           their graduating year.

   The literacy graduation requirement is waived for
   students graduating in the 2021-2022 school year.

   The literacy graduation requirement will be
   restored for students graduating in the 2022-2023
   school year.

   Students in Grades 10 and 11 and non-graduating
   students, including those who are learning
   remotely, are required to work towards the literacy
   graduation requirement, through participation
   in the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test
   (OSSLT), adjudication or the Ontario Secondary
   School Literacy Course (OSSLC).

Reaching minds. Touching hearts.                                                                             6
SPECIAL EDUCATION                                          Individual Education Plans
                                                              The Individual Education Plan (IEP) is written and
   Schools will work with families and regulated health       revised by teachers with student and parent input.
   professionals to plan for a safe return to school.         The plan outlines the student’s needs and goals based
   Staff who work in intensive support programs will have     on a thorough assessment of the student’s strengths
   the personal protective equipment necessary as physical    and needs. IEPs will be written to reflect the individual
   distancing cannot be maintained in many cases.             learning circumstances of each student.

   Supporting Students who are Medically Vulnerable           Special Equipment Amount (SEA laptop)
   Pre-existing health care plans remain in place and         Assistive technology is an integral part of the
   will be revised in collaboration with families and their   Individual Education Plan for some students.
   health care providers. Families are encouraged to speak    Students who have SEA laptops were given the
   with their health care providers about their child’s       opportunity to keep this specialized equipment
   specific needs and considerations in preparation           during school closure and over the summer months.
   for a return to school and communicate these needs         Support will continue to be available to students
   to school staff.                                           with SEA laptops to ensure they know how to use the
                                                              software programs for their learning.
   System Level Student Support
   Students with significant special education needs          Student Mental Health and Well-Being
   in intensive support programs and students with            The social work team continues to support student
   mental health concerns may take part in a face-to-face     mental health needs throughout the summer. Students
   return to school transition program. The programs          and families in need of mental health services are asked
   will focus on re-establishing familiarity with routines    to connect with the school principal. Schools can link
   and procedures, resilience building activities and         students with a member of the social work team as well
   how to deal with stress. Students may be connected         as refer them to community services.
   to mental health providers, where required.
   The programs will run in the mornings during               Rainbow District School Board’s mental health team
   the last week of August.                                   will support school staff to promote a mentally healthy
                                                              transition back to school for students.
   External Services and Community Agencies
   Rainbow District School Board works collaboratively
   with community partners who provide support
   to students during the instructional day. A protocol
   is in place to minimize risk and maximize available
   support to students. Where available and appropriate,
                                                                 Transportation to and from school
   virtual services will continue. Referrals to external         Parents/guardians can access their child’s transportation
   agencies by our staff will also continue.                     information by calling the Sudbury Student Services
                                                                 Consortium or by visiting the Parent Portal on their website.
   Transition Programs
   Students with significant special education needs             If parents/guardians decide not to use school bus
   in intensive support programs and students with               transportation, they must opt-out of transportation
   mental health concerns may take part in a face-to-face        by logging on to the Consortium’s Parent Portal or
   return to school transition program. The programs will        by sending an email to trans@businfo.ca.
   focus on re-establishing familiarity with routines and
   procedures, resilience building activities and how to
                                                                 For more information, please visit businfo.ca or
   deal with stress. Students may be connected to mental
   health providers, where required. The program will run        call 705.521.1234 or 1.877.225.1196 (toll free).
   throughout the last weeks of August.

Reaching minds. Touching hearts.                                                                                      7
SAFETY AND WELL-BEING                                      It also includes following your school’s protocols for
                                                              pick up and drop off and any other health and safety
                                                              measures that may be implemented.
   A balance between safety and well-being
                                                              It’s important to remember that we are in this together.
   In planning for the reopening of schools, it is critical
   to balance the risk of infection and transmission of
   COVID-19 in children with the impact of school
   closures on their physical and mental health.              Enhanced Health and Safety Protocols
   Current evidence and experience support that schools       Rainbow District School Board will implement
   can safely reopen in a manner that protects the health     a number of enhanced health and safety protocols
   and safety of children and minimizes risks from a          to limit the spread of COVID-19.
   public health perspective.
                                                              Staff will engage in professional learning and training
   In its plan for reopening schools, Rainbow District        prior to school reopening.
   School Board has complied with the following:
   • The directive from the Ministry of Education             Professional learning and training will focus on daily
     with guidance from Public Health.                        self-screening for symptoms, monitoring and responding
   • Health and safety protocols to mitigate risk             to reports of COVID-19 symptoms, classroom set up,
     and protect people, including students, staff,           use of masks, hand hygiene, cough/sneeze etiquette,
     parents/guardians, education partners and                physical distancing, entry and exit, and all protocols
     the community as reviewed with input from                pertaining to health and safety.
     Public Health Sudbury & Districts.

   A Shared Responsibility                                    Enhanced Mental Health Supports
   Safety is a shared responsibility between the school,      Students cannot learn unless they feel safe and supported.
   the home and the community, and families play
   a critical role in limiting the spread of COVID-19.        Mental health and well-being, therefore, form the
                                                              foundation of a successful reopening plan.
   Note: This section will be updated when the
   Province releases its guidance on the management           Staff will engage in professional learning
   of COVID-19 in schools.                                    throughout the school year.

   Parents/guardians are required to screen their children    Professional learning will have a strong focus on
   daily for any COVID-19 symptoms and keep them              building social-emotional learning skills for students
   home from school if they are sick, have had close          to become resilient, manage stress and nurture positive
   contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19,               relationships.
   have been advised by a doctor, health care provider
   or public health to self-isolate, and/or have travelled    School Mental Health Ontario provides school boards
   outside of Canada in the last 14 days. Secondary           with a professional learning framework and toolkit
   students can self-screen and monitor for symptoms.         to support the mental health of all students.

   Parents/guardians can support their children’s             There is intensive help for students who have been
   education by encouraging them to follow health             most affected by COVID-19.
   and safety protocols at school, at home, on the bus,
   and in the community.                                      Collaboration with child and youth mental health
                                                              agencies will support stronger connections and
   This includes keeping a safe distance, washing or          optimize mental health resources and supports
   sanitizing hands, coughing or sneezing into an elbow,      across the integrated system of care.
   and wearing a mask, as required.
Reaching minds. Touching hearts.                                                                                         8
CAUTIOUS OPTIMISM                                            If a student has a pre-existing medical condition,
                                                             parents are advised to talk to the family’s health care
                                                             provider before returning to school.
COVID-19 has disrupted living and learning around
the world and here at home.
                                                             Monitoring and responding to reports
While staff, parents/guardians and students have taken       of COVID-19 symptoms
unprecedented steps to ensure the continuity of learning
during the pandemic, Rainbow District School Board
looks forward to bringing some sense of normalcy to          The Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and
families in September.                                       Public Health will work closely with school boards
                                                             to monitor and respond to reports of COVID-19
Structure, schedule and stability will be balanced with      symptoms.
safety. Rainbow Schools will use multiple protective
strategies and a layering of controls to support healthier   Note: This section will be updated when the
and safer environments for students and staff.               Province releases its guidance on the management
                                                             of COVID-19 in schools.
As the reopening plan unfolds in Rainbow Schools,
we will prioritize the health and safety and well-being      Student or staff with symptoms at school
of staff and students while maximizing the delivery          Any student or staff member who develops COVID-19
of the curriculum and safely resuming clubs,                 symptoms while in school will:
sports and other activities.                                  • be immediately separated from others, in a separate
                                                                room where possible, until they are able to go home.
We will follow the direction from the Ministry of               Please note: All parents/guardians must ensure they
Education and guidance from Public Health.                      have shared a full list of emergency contacts with
                                                                the school. This will be important in case parents/
Our focus will be on frequent cleaning and disinfecting         guardians are not available. Emergency contacts must
of high-touch surfaces and common areas, hand washing,          be aware that they could be called to pick up children,
cough/sneeze etiquette, physical distancing, where              if required.
possible, and controlled access to schools in order to        • not take student or public transportation
limit the spread of COVID-19.                                 • be supervised after they are isolated
                                                              • maintain physical distancing
There will also be strict protocols to manage illness         • wear personal protective equipment that is
and outbreaks.                                                  consistent with health guidance
This includes daily screening for symptoms and
contact tracing.                                             Parents, guardians and staff with symptoms
                                                             If you are a parent/guardian or school staff with
                                                             symptoms, use the COVID-19 School Screening Tool:
Daily Screening for Symptoms                                 https://covid-19.ontario.ca/school-screening/.
Before Leaving Home for School
                                                             If you test positive for COVID-19 at an assessment
Use the COVID-19 School Screening Tool:                      centre, you cannot return to school until you are cleared
https://covid-19.ontario.ca/school-screening/.               according to Public Health guidance. In addition,
See Appendix I and II.                                       members of the same household will have to self-isolate.
                                                             After your initial positive test, when you retest negative,
Note: This screening tool may be updated                     you can return to school after you are symptom-free for
throughout the school year, as required.                     24 hours and well enough to participate in all activities.

All staff and students who are experiencing symptoms         Recordkeeping
consistent with COVID-19 as identified in the screening
tool must not attend school and should follow the            Schools will keep records of:
guidance provided in the screening tool, which may             • classes
include seeking appropriate medical attention as               • seating charts
required, and/or getting tested for COVID-19.                  • bus cohorts
                                                               • daily visitors who are approved to enter the school
During a period of potential higher transmission,                (Visitors might include supply teachers, occasional
after holidays, for instance, the Ministry of Education          teachers and custodians/cleaners).
may direct school boards and schools to perform
daily confirmation of self-screening. Should this occur,     Schools will maintain these records and the records
Rainbow Schools will advise parents/guardians and            will be readily available for public health for
                                                             contact tracing purposes.
students of the confirmation process prior to leaving
for school.                                                                                                            9
Reporting suspected and confirmed cases                                Staying informed

   Note: This section will be updated when the                            For the most current information on the status
   Province releases its guidance on the management                       of COVID-19 in Sudbury, Espanola and Manitoulin,
   of COVID-19 in schools.                                                please visit Public Health Sudbury & Districts at:

   Schools must immediately report any suspected                          https://www.phsd.ca/health-topics-programs/
   or confirmed cases of COVID-19 within the school                       diseases-infections/coronavirus/schools/
   to Public Health Sudbury & Districts. Schools must
   provide any materials (for example, daily attendance
   and transportation records) to public health officials
   to support contact tracing and other activities in
   accordance with all applicable legislation, including
   the Municipal Freedom of Information and
   Protection of Privacy Act.

   Public health officials will determine any additional
   steps required, including but not limited to the
   declaration of an outbreak and closure of classes and/or
   schools. Every day school boards must report suspected
   and confirmed cases within the school community to
   the Ministry of Education.

   Principals will communicate about the status of
   COVID-19 cases in their schools in keeping with
   ministry guidance and relevant privacy legislation and
   maintain a dedicated contact in Public Health Sudbury
   & Districts and a list of the locations of the closest
   COVID-19 assessment sites.

 Our commitment to staff, students and parents/guardians:
 Decision-making will be guided by Public Health.
 Health and safety, as always, remains the first and foremost priority.

   Rainbow District School Board remains committed
   to the health, safety and well-being of staff and students.
   This priority will guide us every step of the way.

Reaching minds. Touching hearts.                                                                                          10
PREPARING TO REOPEN                                             Plexiglass in high traffic areas
                                                                Portable plexiglass will remain in high traffic areas
RAINBOW SCHOOLS                                                 where distancing may be difficult to maintain, such as
                                                                at the front reception area of the main office.
Keeping schools safe
Rainbow Schools have been cleaned and disinfected               Thermal thermometer
as well as regularly maintained and inspected by the            Each school has one thermal thermometer. This is only to
Board’s Facilities staff. There has been limited access         be used if there is a concern about a child’s temperature.
to schools. Before students return to school,                   School staff will not typically be involved in the direct
health and safety inspections will be completed                 screening of students for fever. The guidance provided
at all sites. A safety checklist has been provided to           to childcare staff for the taking of temperature checks
each school to ensure readiness for occupancy.                  shall be followed by school staff, including the wearing
                                                                of required PPE during this task. Temperature checks
Wall Signage and Floor Markings                                 on their own are not reliable indicators of possible
Signage on walls and markings on floors will help               COVID-19 infection.
students maintain distance from one another.
The signage will be posted at school entry and exit             Hand Sanitizer and Disinfectant Wipes
areas, and entrances to classrooms, large spaces such as        Health Canada approved hand sanitizer and disinfectant
common areas, and meeting spaces such as the main               wipes will be provided to each school. Hand sanitizer will
office, principal or vice-principal offices, and the resource   be placed in all classrooms. Where equipment must be
room. There will also be signage outside elevators.             used by more than one student, disinfectant wipes will be
                                                                made available to disinfect equipment. Shared materials
One Way Directional Signage                                     outdoors are permitted, with appropriate hand hygiene
Where practical, separation markers and floor decals will       and respiratory etiquette.
be placed to signal one-way direction within the school.
This will assist in maintaining physical distancing.            Classes with Sinks and Running Water
                                                                Classrooms with running water will receive a supply
Playgrounds and Play Structures                                 of liquid hand soap and paper towels.
Play structures will remain open.
                                                                Work/Prep Rooms
                                                                Where possible, educator workrooms will be reconfigured
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)                             to allow for physical distancing. Students will not be
All staff will be required to wear both a medical mask          allowed access to any staff common areas other than
and face shield/safety glasses/goggles within the school.       classrooms.
Additional PPE will be provided to staff based on
their roles.
Schools will receive an inventory of disposable                 Air quality in classrooms and learning environments
medical grade masks, face shields and disposable gloves.        will be optimized through improved ventilation and/or
                                                                filtration. Schools currently have a variety of ventilation
All students in Rainbow Schools in Grades 1 to 12               systems. The majority have the ability to exchange fresh
are required to wear non-medical or cloth masks indoors         outdoor air by way of mechanical ventilation. Where
in school, including in hallways and during classes.            possible, staff will open windows throughout the teaching
Kindergarten students are required to wear masks                day to allow fresh air to enter the classrooms/building.
and/or face shields in indoor spaces.                           Building automation systems will be reviewed to improve
                                                                the amount of air exchange.
Students are not required to wear masks outdoors.
Students do not need to stay within their classes               For schools or parts of schools without mechanical
during recess and breaks outdoors. Distancing will be           ventilation, stand-alone high efficiency particulate air
encouraged as much as possible.                                 (HEPA) filter units will be installed in all classrooms and
                                                                learning environments.
School visitors, including parents/guardians, are required
to self-screen and to wear a medical mask while on
school premises. A medical mask will be provided by             Community Use of Schools
the school if needed. Visitors are required to sign in          Community use will be reviewed and phased in when
confirming they passed the self-screen prior to their           deemed appropriate. Rainbow student activities will be
arrival at school. Schools may restrict visitor access for      the first priority.
health and safety.

COVID-19 Isolation Room/Area                                Lockdown Practices
Each school will designate a COVID-19 isolation             Lockdown practices will continue. Teachers will review
room/area. This room/area will be used for the              lockdown procedures as a tabletop exercise rather than
temporary placement of any student or staff member          moving all occupants into one corner of the classroom.
that becomes ill during the day. A COVID-19 isolation       Lockdown practices will be pre-scheduled with
kit containing staff/student PPE for illnesses will be      communication to all staff.
provided to each school. The kit contains nitrile gloves;
medical masks for staff members and symptomatic
students, face shield or safety goggles; box of tissues;
                                                            Secondary School Cafeterias
hand sanitizer; disposable gowns/lab coat; and an           Students may eat together:
                                                            • outdoors, without distancing
infrared thermometer.
                                                            • indoors, with a minimum distance of two metres
                                                                maintained between cohorts and as much
Enhanced Cleaning and Disinfecting                              distancing as possible within a cohort.
Cleaning and disinfecting will take place on high-touch
surfaces including railings, door handles and faucets.      Schools will employ various means to limit the
Schools will be cleaned and disinfected each evening.       number of students and cohorts eating lunch in
                                                            proximity to each other.
The cleaning team at each school will focus on
high-touch common areas such as bathrooms, cafeterias       Secondary students are permitted to eat off-campus.
and kitchens. Special attention will also be focused on
classrooms and the COVID-19 isolation room/area when        Each student is encouraged to bring their own
anyone is sent home for exhibiting any signs of illness.    drink bottle that is labeled, kept with them during the day
                                                            and not shared.
As students and staff return to school, cleaning routines
will be based on the advice from Public Health Sudbury      Use of shared microwaves/kitchen space is permitted.
& Districts and direction from the Ministry of Education
in consultation with the Medical Officer of Ontario.
                                                            Visitors, Volunteers and Parent/Guardian Access
                                                            School visitors, including parents/guardians, are required
Cleaning Products                                           to self-screen and to wear a medical mask while on school
Cleaning involves removing dirt, while sanitizing           premises. A medical mask will be provided by the school
reduces germs from surfaces up to 99.9 per cent;            if needed. Visitors are required to sign in confirming
and disinfectants destroy bacteria and prevent them         they passed the self-screen prior to their arrival at school.
from spreading. All cleaning and disinfecting products      Schools may restrict visitor access for health and safety.
are listed on the Government of Canada list of approved
disinfectants and possess a DIN (Drug Identification
Number). Products available for use in classrooms
                                                            Recycling and Composting
will have a safety data sheet posted.                       Recycling and composting will resume.

Washrooms                                                   Pizza Days, etc.
Schools will ensure that bathrooms are cleaned              Special food days may continue with strict health and
frequently and that there is an adequate supply of          safety measures as it relates to good food handling
liquid soap at all times. Washrooms will have a supply of   practices.
paper towels or hand dryers. Access will be coordinated
to limit mixing of cohorts in washrooms/change rooms.

Fire Drills
Fire drills will continue with enhanced health and safety
measures. Schools may modify evacuation drills by
designating areas of the building for physical evacuation
while other areas conduct tabletop exercises to review
what to do during a fire drill.

   Presented in alphabetical order

   Belongings                                                 NUTRITION
     • Use of lockers/cubbies is permitted.                   • All components of Food courses will resume,
     • It is good practice to bring only what is essential.     including food preparation and cooking.

     • Elementary students will be cohorted with              TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION
       their classmates and their homeroom teacher and        • Shops will proceed with protocols for machine
       other subject teachers for classes such as French,       cleaning pre and post use.
       the arts and physical education.
     • Secondary students will take four courses
       per semester, on alternating weeks.                    CO-OPERATIVE EDUCATION
     • Secondary students will be limited to two              • In-person community placements may be
       subjects/courses per week.                               arranged in alignment with the relevant
     • The purpose of cohorting is to limit the                 provincial requirements.
       mixing of students and facilitate contact tracing.     • If in-person placements are not possible,
     • If a student or staff member develops an infection,      students will be offered placements virtually.
       the number of exposures would be reduced and can
       easily be tracked to limit the spread of COVID-19.
                                                              SCHOOL CLUBS and SPORTS
   Electives - Music, Sports, Food, Shops                     • Clubs, activities, sport teams and extra-curriculars
    MUSIC                                                       are permitted.
     • If and how instrumental music classes are held         • Further guidance on extra-curricular activities and
       will depend on distance between students.                health and physical education will be shared
     • One-to-one use of wind instruments is                    with schools.
       recommended, however, if instruments are
       shared, proper sanitization will occur between use.
     • Instruments, when used, will be sanitized.
     • Vocal classes are permitted indoors.
       Masks are required indoors.

     • In elementary and secondary health and physical
       education courses, the use of gymnasiums,
       swimming pools, change rooms, weight rooms,
       indoor physical education equipment and shared
       outdoor equipment are permitted with distancing.
     • Masking is encouraged but not required indoors
       for low-contact physical activities if a minimum
       distance of two metres can be maintained between
       classes and as much distancing as possible
       maintained within the class.
     • Swimming is permitted, with physical distancing
       around the pool area encouraged to discourage
       mixed-cohort congregating.
     • Further guidance on health and physical education
       will be shared with schools.

Reaching minds. Touching hearts.                                                                                 13
Enhanced cleaning of common,                               • For day and overnight trips, anyone entering the
                                                             area will be screened upon arrival and the
high-touch and high-traffic areas                            pick up/drop off of students will happen outside of
 • Personal hygiene responsibilities will be
   assigned to students.                                     the area or within a designated and isolated area.
 • Sanitizer and wipes will be available for               • Students will be cohorted throughout the duration
   regular use in every classroom.                           of the trip, with the number of students and staff to
 • Shared objects: Use of shared objects (ie. gym            a cohort varying based on grouping arrangements.
   or physical education equipment, art supplies, toys,    • Keeping daily accurate records of individuals
   games) is permitted. Objects will be cleaned and          entering the program setting (name, contact
   disinfected on a rotating basis.                          information, time of arrival/departure, screening
 • High-touch surfaces: Frequent cleaning and                completion) is required to facilitate contact tracing.
   disinfecting will occur daily. This includes            • Arrival and departure times may be staggered
   washrooms (toilet fixtures, faucets), eating areas        to support cohorting and physical distancing
   (tables, sinks, countertops), doorknobs, light
   switches, handles, desks, phones, keyboards,
   touch screens, push buttons, handrails, computers,      • Activities will operate in consistent cohorts
   photocopiers, sports equipment and musical                with assigned staff members who stay together
   instruments.                                              throughout the duration of the excursion.
 • Where there may be a suspected/confirmed
   case of COVID-19, enhanced cleaning and                Gymnasium Use
   disinfecting will occur. Items will also be cleaned     • Gymnasiums will be used based on up-to-date
   and disinfected. Items that cannot be cleaned and         health and safety measures from Public Health
   disinfected, such as books and paper, will be stored      and guidelines from sport governing bodies
   in sealed containers for a minimum of four days.          and associations.
                                                           • Capacity in change rooms will be limited.
Entry and Exit                                             • Shared spaces will be cleaned and disinfected
 • School entry and exit may be staggered.                   regularly.
 • Many entrances will be used to move students            • Regular hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette will
   safely, easily and quickly.                               be practised prior to, during and after gym use.
 • Pavement markings will be used to
   promote physical distancing in bus zones.
 • Physical distancing will be promoted                   Hand washing and
   inside and outside the school.                         cough/sneeze etiquette
 • Separate cohorts will be maintained as much as          • Hand washing/hand sanitizing is the most
   possible to limit interactions.                           effective way to reduce the spread of germs.
 • Signage/floor decals/ground markings will be            • Everyone entering the school will be required
   used to direct students and manage flow.                  to practise proper hand hygiene.
 • Pick up and drop off of students will occur             • Hand washing will be incorporated into the
   outside the school.                                       school schedule to occur at regular intervals
 • Schools may limit access to buildings for
                                                             throughout the day.
   health and safety.
 • Parents/guardians will be required to practise          • Hand washing will occur above and beyond
   physical distancing outside the school building.          what is usually expected (ie. before eating food,
 • Schools will provide guidance on drop off and             after using the washroom).
   pick up procedures to discourage congregating           • Cough/sneeze etiquette will be promoted to
   at school entrances.                                      reduce the risk of transmitting droplets that may
 • Schools may interact with families through                contain the virus directly onto surfaces where
   video meetings, telephone calls and, where                they may be picked up by others.
   appropriate, in person.                                 • Students will be required to use tissues and
 • When necessary, in person meetings will be                place them in lined, no-touch waste baskets.
   by appointment only following protocols.                • Staff and students will receive guidance on
                                                             hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.
   Field Trips                                             • Supplies will be provided for appropriate
 • Day trips and overnight stays are permitted and           hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.
   will follow the relevant provincial requirements        • Use of soap and water is preferred over
   under the Reopening Ontario Act.                          hand sanitizer.

Illness, outbreak or identified exposure                        Masks
   while at school                                                 Students
                                                                    • All students in Rainbow Schools in Grades 1 to 12
   Note: This section will be updated when the                        are required to wear non-medical or cloth masks indoors
   Province releases its guidance on the management                   in school, including in hallways and during classes.
   of COVID-19 in schools.                                          • Kindergarten students are required to wear masks and/or
                                                                      face shields in indoor spaces.
     • Staff and students must stay home if they are                • Members of different classes can interact outside with
       symptomatic or ill or if someone in their household has        distancing encouraged or inside with distancing and
       tested positive for COVID-19 or they have been deemed          masking.
       a close contact by Public Health.                            • Students do not need to stay within their classes
     • Learning materials will be provided for students               during outdoor breaks. Distancing is encouraged
       required to stay home to quarantine.                           between students.
     • Schools will maintain up-to-date lists of students,          • Staff, parents/guardians and visitors are required
       staff and school visitors to facilitate contact tracing,
                                                                      to wear medical masks.
       including names, contact information,
       date/time of arrival/departure, etc.                        Teachers and staff
     • School principals are mandated to report infectious          • Medical masks and eye protection (i.e. face shield or
       diseases under the Health Protection and Promotion Act.        safety glasses/goggles, etc.) will be provided for all
     • Principals will inform Public Health Sudbury &                 teachers and other staff of school boards. All school-
       Districts who will provide guidance and will follow up         based staff will be required to wear medical masks,
       with contact tracing, as required. Public Health may           with reasonable exceptions for medical conditions.
       recommend school closure, self-isolation, additional         • School-based staff who are regularly in close contact with
       testing, additional cleaning/disinfecting and                  students will be provided with all appropriate personal
       may provide notices.                                           protective equipment (PPE).
     • If a student begins to experience symptoms of                • Where necessary, such as in leading classes with students
       COVID-19 while attending school, they will be                  who are deaf or hard of hearing, masks with clear
       immediately separated from others and                          sections may be appropriate.
       placed in a designated COVID-19 isolation room              Exceptions
       until they can be picked up.                                 • Reasonable exceptions to the requirement to wear masks
     • Schools will notify parents/guardians/caregivers if their      will be considered. Staff or students with sensory or
       child begins to show symptoms of COVID-19 while at             breathing difficulties may be exempted by the school
       school, including the need for immediate pick-up.              principal.
     • Where possible, anyone who is providing care to the
       individual who is ill will maintain physical distancing.    Movement in the Halls
     • Where possible, COVID-19 isolation rooms will                • Schools will develop a schedule to coordinate
       have ventilation (ie. open window).                            movement throughout the school.
     • If a staff member develops COVID-19 symptoms,                • Students will be discouraged from congregating
       they will return home and self-isolate immediately.            in the corridors.
       If they cannot leave immediately, the staff member           • Designated routes will be created for students
       will be isolated in a designated space until they are          to get to and from classrooms, including separate
       able to leave.                                                 entrance points for students in different grades.
     • COVID-19 isolation rooms in schools will have                • Signage and floor decals/markings will provide
       COVID-19 kits. Items in the kit will be used by the            visual cues and physical guides to direct the flow of
       individuals who are sick and the staff members caring          traffic and promote physical distancing.
       for them. The kit will contain alcohol-based hand
       sanitizer, gloves, surgical/procedural masks, eye
       protection, and a gown. Instructions on proper use of
       PPE will be provided on the outside of the kit.
     • Tissues will be provided to the individual who is ill          CLICK HERE to access the Ministry of Education’s
       to support proper respiratory etiquette.                       Operational Guidance on COVID-19 Management in Schools
     • Guidance will be provided on proper disposal of
       the tissues in containers with open lids.
     • The COVID-19 isolation room will be cleaned and                Note: This link will be updated when the Province releases
       disinfected after use.                                         its guidance on the management of COVID-19 in schools.
     • The space and items used by the individual who is ill
       will be cleaned and disinfected after use.

Reaching minds. Touching hearts.                                                                                              15
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
                                                                  • Medical grade masks and eye protection
                                                                    (ie. face shield, safety glasses/goggles)
                                                                    will be provided to all school staff.
                                                                  • All school staff are required to wear a medical
                                                                    grade mask and eye protection while working.
                                                                  • Additional PPE may be required and is available for
                                                                    staff who are required to work closely with students.
                                                                    For example, in situations where direct contact is
                                                                    required with a student for positioning and assistance
                                                                    with eating or toileting, gowns and gloves will also
                                                                    be provided.
                                                                  • All students in Rainbow Schools in Grades 1 to 12
                                                                    are required to wear non-medical or cloth masks
                                                                    indoors in school, including in hallways and during
                                                                    classes. Kindergarten students are required to wear
   Nutrition Breaks                                                 masks and/or face shields in indoor spaces.
   Elementary Schools                                             • In accordance with the Ministry of Education
     • Students will be required to remain at school.               directive, outdoor times like recess will be used
     • Students who typically go home for lunch                     as opportunities to provide students with breaks
       will be able to do so.                                       from wearing masks.
     • Students will be encouraged to eat lunch in their          • Staff, parents/guardians and visitors are required
       classroom with their cohort to minimize contact              to wear medical masks.
       and reduce opportunities for the transmission              • Parents are required to send a non-medical mask
       of COVID-19.                                                 to school for their children to wear. Students are
     • Nutrition breaks will be scheduled to allow students         responsible for the safe use/compliance during the
       to wash hands before eating without creating                 school day and ensuring cleanliness of the mask
       congestion in washrooms or hand washing stations.            with the support of parents/guardians.
     • If weather permits, nutrition breaks may
       occur outside.                                            Physical distancing in classrooms and offices
     • Students and staff will perform proper                     • Where possible, physical distancing of school staff
       hand hygiene before and after eating.                        from children and other staff will be emphasized.
     • Students will be required to have a drinking bottle        • When children are in the classroom, the classroom
       that is labelled and kept with them during the day.          furniture will be arranged to leave as much space as
     • Drinking bottles cannot be shared at any time.               possible between students.
     • Students will be encouraged to use water bottle            • If weather permits, consideration will be given to
       filling stations.                                            having classes outside.
     • Drinking water fountains will be closed.
       Some fountains will be used to fill water bottles only.
     • Students will not be allowed to share food.
     • Physical distancing will be maintained while
       students are eating.
                                                                               Keep a safe distance
   Secondary Schools
     • In secondary schools, multiple lunch periods may
       be staggered with students physically distancing
       and cohorting in the cafeteria or classrooms.

   Opening Exercises
     • Students will continue to observe the playing
       of O Canada, and may sing with masks on.                                  Thank you for working together
                                                                                     to keep everyone safe.

Reaching minds. Touching hearts.                                                                                      16
     • Students do not need to stay within their class
       during recess and breaks outdoors, but distancing
       should be encouraged between students
       as much as possible.
     • Shared materials outdoors are permitted, with
       appropriate hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette.

   Shared materials
     • Shared materials are important for learning
       (for example, toys for imaginative play in
       Kindergarten, manipulatives for math, computers
       and other tech materials, books, art supplies,
       indoor physical education equipment and
       shared outdoor equipment).
     • The use of shared materials is permitted. The risk
       associated with transmission with shared objects is
       low. The focus will be on regular hand hygiene and
       respiratory etiquette to reduce the risk of infection
       related to shared equipment, particularly when
       regular cleaning of shared objects is not feasible.

     • Signage will be posted at school entrances to
       remind students, staff, parents/guardians/caregivers
       and essential visitors of protocols.
     • Signage/floor decals will be posted throughout
       the school to promote physical distancing and
       direct the flow of traffic.
     • Posters will be placed in strategic areas to remind
       students of key messages, including hand washing
       and use of drinking fountains to fill water bottles

     • School visitors, including parents/guardians,
       are required to self-screen and to wear a medical
       mask while on school premises. A medical mask
       will be provided by the school if needed.
     • Visitors will be required to sign in confirming
       they passed the self-screen prior to their arrival at
       school. Schools may restrict visitor access for
       health and safety.

   Washroom Access
     • Shared surfaces in washrooms/change rooms
       will be cleaned/disinfected frequently.
     • Capacity in washrooms will be limited.

Reaching minds. Touching hearts.                               17
   This Reopening Guide for Rainbow Schools is our first step in sharing
   important information as we look ahead to the 2021-2022 school year.
   The guide will be updated, as required, based on direction from the Ministry of Education
   and guidance from Public Health.

   When staff and students return to school, they will see signage that will look familiar.

   The COVID-19 pre-screening questionnaire will be posted at main entrances.
   There will also be a notice that masks are mandatory.

   Floor markings in the form of colourful dots and arrows will be used to promote physical distancing
   in common areas and direct the flow of traffic throughout the school.

   Posters will also be placed in strategic locations to remind students of key messages.

   Staff will review health and safety information with students so they understand the importance
   of the floor markings and the signage.

   Rainbow District School Board’s website will remain the primary source of information regarding the
   reopening of Rainbow Schools.

   Please visit often to obtain answers to questions.

   Updates will be posted on rainbowschools.ca and promoted on Facebook.

   Schools will share updates with parents/guardians through their communications channels.

   As always, parents/guardians are invited to contact their child’s school to keep the lines of communication open.

   Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.

   Thank you for working together to keep everyone safe.

                                                                           This Guide can be accessed
                                                                           online at rainbowschools.ca.

Reaching minds. Touching hearts.                                                                                   18
                          Enter                                                                             Exit                                                                                                                               No gathering
                          Only                                                                              Only                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Working Together to Keep Everyone Safe

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                20 s

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Hand sanitizing          Hand washing          Cleaning and        Cough and sneeze
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  disinfecting           etiquette

              ATTENTION                                                                                                                                                                                      Thank you for working together to keep everyone safe.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Masks mandatory            Cohorting         Physical distancing    Pre-screening
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  where possible       for symptoms
              Please do not use the elevator.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          prior to entry

              If you must, please ride alone whenever possible.
              Remember to sanitize your hands.
              Thank you for working together to keep everyone safe.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Keep a safe distance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Protocols to              Limited access to    Parents/guardians       No gathering
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               manage outbreaks            schools/facilities     and visitors by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                appointment only

                                                      Wash your hands                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Fountains closed        No sharing food
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           or water bottles
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Dots and arrows
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to move safely
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                throughout school
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        elevator use

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        To learn more about health and safety protocols to limit the spread of COVID-19,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               please visit rainbowschools.ca.
                                                                              20 s

                          1                                    2                3                     4                                 5
                         Wet                                 Soap             Scrub                 Rinse                              Dry

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Thank you for working together
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   to keep everyone safe.                                                                                                                                 Masks Mandatory
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          With reasonable exceptions, all students in Rainbow Schools in Grades 1 to 12 are required
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          to wear non-medical or cloth masks indoors in school, including in hallways and during classes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Kindergarten students are required to wear masks and/or face shields in indoor spaces.

               Drinking Fountain                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Staff, parents/guardians and visitors are also required to wear masks.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Thank you for working together to keep everyone safe.

                                                                                                                                                                 Know the Symptoms
               FILL water bottle ONLY                                                                                                                            How to identify symptoms related to COVID-19

                                                                                                                                                                 Student and Children
                                                                                                                                                                 Do you have any new or worsening symptoms that are not related to
                                                                                                                                                                 other known causes or conditions?
                                                                                                                                                                  •   fever (37.8 celsius or greater) and/or chills
                                                                                                                                                                  •   cough or barking cough (croup)
                                                                                                                                                                  •   shortness of breath
                                                                                                                                                                  •   decrease or loss of taste and smell
                                                                                                                                                                      sore throat or difficulty swallowing
                                                                                                                                                                      runny or stuffy/congested nose
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Think of this hallway as a two-way street.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Stick to the right and stay in your lane.
                                                                                                                                                                  •   nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea
                                                                                                                                                                  •   extreme tiredness or muscle aches

                                                                                                                                                                 Employees and Essential Visitors
                                                                                                                                                                 Do you have any new or worsening symptoms that are not related to
                                                                                                                                                                 other known causes or conditions?

                                                                                                                                                                  •   fever (37.8 celsius or greater) and/or chills
                                                                                                                                                                  •   cough or barking cough (croup)
                                                                                                                                                                  •   shortness of breath
                                                                                                                                                                  •   decrease or loss of taste and smell
                                                                                                                                                                  •   sore throat
                                                                                                                                                                  •   difficulty swallowing
                                                                                                                                                                  •   runny or stuffy/congested nose
                                                                                                                                                                  •   pink eye
                                                                                                                                                                  •   headache
                                                                                                                                                                  •   digestive issues i.e. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or stomach pain
                                                                                                                                                                  •   extreme tiredness or muscle aches
                                                                                                                                                                  •   falling down often

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Thank you for working together to keep everyone safe.
          Thank you for working together to keep everyone safe.                                                                                                                                                                                        Source: Ministry of Health

    Fact Sheet                                                                                              Fact Sheet                                                                                                Fact Sheet                                                                                                                    Fact Sheet
    COVID-19 School and Child Care Screening                                                                COVID-19 School and Child Care Screening                                                                  How to wear a mask                                                                                                            Handwashing
    Employees and Essential Visitors                                                                        Students and Children                                                                                     With reasonable exceptions, all students in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Rainbow Schools in Grades 1 to 12 are required to wear
    A Shared Responsibility                                                                                 A Shared Responsibility                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The most important thing we can all do to limit the spread
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      non-medical or cloth masks indoors in school, including                                                                       of COVID-19 is to wash our hands.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        How to wash your hands
    Safety is a shared responsibility between the                                                           Safety is a shared responsibility between the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      in hallways and during classes. Kindergarten students
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      are required to wear masks and/or face shields
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    How to wear a mask                                              Handwashing is the best way to prevent the spread of illness.
    school, the home and the community, and                                                                 school, the home and the community, and                                                                   in indoor spaces.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1 Before putting on your mask, wash your hands                  When soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer
    families play a critical role in limiting the
    spread of COVID-19.
                                                                                                            families play a critical role in limiting the
                                                                                                            spread of COVID-19.                                                                                       In accordance with the Ministry of Education directive,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.                         with an alcohol content of at least 60 per cent.                                       1 Wet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      outdoor times like recess will be used as opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      to provide students with breaks from wearing masks            2 Secure the elastic loops of the mask around                   Hands must be thoroughly dried, preferably using
    Parents/guardians are required to screen                                                                Parents/guardians are required to screen                                                                  within their cohorts.                                            your ears. If your mask has strings,                         disposable tissues or towels.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       tie them securely behind your head.
    their children daily for any COVID-19 symptoms                                                          their children daily for any COVID-19 symptoms
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Use the disposable towel to open the door.
    and keep them home from school if they are sick,                                                        and keep them home from school if they are sick,                                                          Staff, parents/guardians and visitors are also required to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    3 Cover your mouth and nose with the mask
    have had close contact with anyone diagnosed                                                            have had close contact with anyone diagnosed                                                              wear masks.                                                      and make sure there are no gaps between
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       your face and the mask. Ensure the metallic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Handwashing and drying should always be done after                                     2 Soap
    with COVID-19, have been advised by a doctor,                                                           with COVID-19, have been advised by a doctor,                                                             Wearing a mask can help to prevent the spread                    strip is at the bridge of your nose. Press it to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    coughing, sneezing or handling used tissues or after
    health care provider or public health to                                                                health care provider or public health to                                                                                                                                   form a snug fit around your nose.                            touching objects, materials or hard surfaces that may have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of some respiratory illnesses, but it can also become                                                                         been contaminated by someone with an infectious illness.
    self-isolate, and/or have travelled outside of                                                          self-isolate, and/or have travelled outside of                                                            a source of infection if not worn or discarded properly.      4 Do not touch the front of the mask while you wear
    Canada in the last 14 days. Secondary students                                                          Canada in the last 14 days. Secondary students                                                                                                                             it. Wash your hands with soap and water
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Handwashing and drying should always be carried out after
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      When you wear a mask, be sure to clean your hands                for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based
    can self-screen and monitor for symptoms.                                                               can self-screen and monitor for symptoms.                                                                                                                                  hand sanitizer if you accidentally touch your mask.          using the washroom; before and after eating; after playing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      frequently with soap and water or alcohol-based
    Identifying symptoms related to COVID-19                                                                Identifying symptoms related to COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      hand sanitizer.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    outside; after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing; and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    anytime hands are visibly soiled.                                                      3 Scrub
                                                                    Remember to screen daily                                                                      Remember to screen daily                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  20 s
    Do you have any new or worsening symptoms
                                                                     for COVID-19 symptoms
                                                                                                            Do you have any new or worsening symptoms              for COVID-19 symptoms                              Masks can be reused if they are not damp or damaged.          How to remove a mask                                            Here’s the recommended technique for good hand hygiene:
    that are not related to other known causes                                                              that are not related to other known causes or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Here are steps to properly reuse your mask:                                                                                   • Wet hands, preferably with warm water and apply
    or conditions?                                                                                          conditions?                                                                                                                                                             1 Do not touch the front of your mask to remove it.               liquid soap
     • fever (37.8 celsius or greater) and/or chills                                                         •   fever (37.8 celsius or greater) and/or chills
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         1. Remove mask following the proper steps.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2. Place in a paper bag, being careful not to touch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2 Remove the elastic loops of the mask from around
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       your ears or untie the strings from behind your head.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Rub hands vigorously together and rub all areas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      (in between fingers, palms, nails, etc.)                                             4 Rinse
     • cough or barking cough (croup)                                                                        •   cough or barking cough (croup)                                                                                                                                                                                                     • Wash for 20 seconds (about the same time it takes
     • shortness of breath                                                                                                                                                                                                  the inside/outside of the mask.
                                                                                                             •   shortness of breath                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to sing Happy Birthday twice)
     • decrease or loss of taste and smell                                                                                                                                                                               3. Wash hands.                                             3 Hold only the loops or strings pulling away from your face.   • Rinse well and dry hands thoroughly
                                                                                                             •   decrease or loss of taste and smell                                                                     4. When ready to reuse, remove from bag and
     • sore throat
     • difficulty swallowing                                                                                 •   sore throat or difficulty swallowing                                                                       discard bag. Put mask back on by following process.     4 Wash your hands with soap and water for at least
                                                                                                             •   runny or stuffy/congested nose                                                                          5. Practise proper hand hygiene once mask is on.              20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.              Schools will remind students to wash their hands often.
     • runny or stuffy/congested nose
       pink eye
                                                                                     May 31, 2021            •
                                                                                                                 nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea
                                                                                                                                                                                        May 31, 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    In fact, we’ll take regular breaks to wash our hands.                                  5 Dry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      When a mask becomes damp or damaged,
     • digestive issues i.e. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or                                                   •   extreme tiredness or muscle aches                                                                    you must replace it with a new mask.                                                                                          We invite parents/guardians to reinforce this practice
       stomach pain
                                                                                                                 Source: Ministry of Health                                                                                                                                                                                                         at home.
     • extreme tiredness or muscle aches
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Students are encouraged to bring spare masks in the
     • falling down often
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      event one becomes wet or damaged throughout the day.
         Source: Ministry of Health
                                                                                               1                                                                                                   1                  Masks should be washed and dried on a nightly basis.                                              September 2020                                                                                                    September 2020

Reaching minds. Touching hearts.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  19
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