Page created by Victoria Powers
MoU - Saudi Arabia Railways
        marzo 2023
Sito Web                                                                 agbi.com

                                                                                                                                    La proprietà intellettuale è riconducibile alla fonte specificata in testa alla pagina. Il ritaglio stampa è da intendersi per uso privato
             Italian travel company to invest $75m in Saudi luxury train
 LINK: https://www.agbi.com/articles/italian-travel-company-to-invest-75m-in-saudi-luxury-train/

  Paolo Barletta, CEO of                                   working with Accor, which               train will give the people in
  Arsenale, with Saudi Arabia                              owns the Orient Express                 Saudi       Arabia      and
  Railways chief Bashar Al                                 brand, and the country's                international tourists the
  Malik Arsenale Group and                                 rail operator to develop a              chance to visit one of the
  Saudi Arabia Railways link                               service called the Orient               most beautiful parts of the
  up to offer 'rail cruising'                              Express La Dolce Vita. Its              kingdom," he added. "This
  Dream of the Desert service                              six trains are due to start             is the reason why one of
  scheduled to start in                                    running in 2024. The Dream              the first countries we
  November 2025 An Italian                                 of the Desert train, which              targeted was Saudi Arabia."
  hospitality company is                                   will have 40 luxury cabins              "It's a challenging project
  investing around €70                                     and a maximum capacity of               but the rail network is
  million ($75 million) to                                 80 passengers, is due to                there," said Barletta.
  develop the first luxury                                 arrive in Saudi Arabia in the           Bashar Al Malik, CEO of
  train for "rail cruising"                                summer of 2025, with the                Saudi Arabia Railways, said
  across Saudi Arabia.                                     first paying guests                     the agreement was "a first
  Arsenale Group has signed                                scheduled to depart in                  step towards debuting
  an agreement with Saudi                                  November 2025. Arsenale                 another unique tourism
  Arabia Railways to                                       will invest €50 million in the          solution". Tourism is a key
  introduce the train on a                                 engine and carriages. "The              plank of the Saudi Arabia
  770-mile route from Riyadh                               heaviest investment is of               Vision 2030 strategy. By
  to the northern city of Al                               course the train," said                 the end of the decade, the
  Qurayat, close to the border                             Barletta. A further €20                 kingdom wants the sector
  with Jordan. CEO Paolo                                   million will be spent on                to contribute more than 10
  Barletta told AGBI the                                   setting up in Saudi,                    percent of gross domestic
  Dream of the Desert train                                including hiring and                    product, provide 1.6 million
  would provide Orient                                     launching commercial                    additional job opportunities
  Express-style luxury travel.                             operations. Arsenale's                  and attract 100 million
  Riyadh Air set to spark price                            Orient Express La Dolce                 visitors each year.
  war among regional rivals                                Vita train Arsenale's Orient
  Saudi outpaces neighbours                                Express La Dolce Vita
  as prime tourist destination                             Arsenale is also developing
  "The Orient Express told us                              a European luxury service
  back in the days what a                                  called the Orient Express La
  train could do, what a train                             Dolce Vita, with six trains.
  could mean for tourism.                                  Pictures: Arsenale The
  Unfortunately, for many                                  route will take passengers
  years the rail network has                               from the capital through Al
  been abandoned from the                                  Qassim and the historic
  investment and luxury                                    Hail, skirting the King
  tourism side as people                                   Salman Bin Abdulaziz Royal
  preferred planes," Barletta                              National Reserve to Al
  said. In Italy, Arsenale is                              Qarayat. "We believe this

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                                                                             45
Sito Web                                                     www.spa.gov.sa

                                                                                   La proprietà intellettuale è riconducibile alla fonte specificata in testa alla pagina. Il ritaglio stampa è da intendersi per uso privato
    SAR, Arsenale Group of Italy Sign MoU to Launch a Luxury Train in
                              Saudi Arabia
 LINK: https://www.spa.gov.sa/viewfullstory.php?lang=en&newsid=2435186

  Riyadh, March 15, 2023,
  SPA -- Saudi Arabia
  Railways (SAR) has signed
  a    memorandum            of
  understanding (MoU) with
  Italy's Arsenale Group to
  launch the Middle East
  region's first luxury train in
  the Kingdom of Saudi
  Arabia. The MoU was signed
  by Dr. Bashar bin Khaled
  Al-Malik, CEO of SAR, and
  Paolo Barletta, Chairman of
  the Board of Directors of
  Arsenale Group. The
  agreement reflects SAR's
  commitment to promoting
  tourism and cultural affairs
  in the Kingdom and aims to
  boost national tourism
  goals. The luxury train will
  offer visitors and residents
  of the Kingdom a unique
  opportunity to explore a
  range of tourist attractions
  within a framework of
  integrated          luxury
  transportation services. --
  18:30 GMT 0027

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                            44
Sito Web                                              constructionweekonline.com

                                                                                                                                       La proprietà intellettuale è riconducibile alla fonte specificata in testa alla pagina. Il ritaglio stampa è da intendersi per uso privato
   Saudi Railway teams up with Italy's Arsenale to launch region's first
                             luxury trains
 LINK: https://www.constructionweekonline.com/projects-tenders/saudi-railway-italys-arsenale-launch-regions-first-luxury-trains

  Saudi Arabia Railways                                     manufacturing, and $10
  (SAR) has signed a                                        million       in  further
  m e m o r a n d u m        o f                            investments in Italy. "The
  understanding (MoU) with                                  signing of this MoU between
  Italy's Arsenale Group to                                 SAR and Arsenale is to be
  launch the Middle East                                    considered a first step
  region's first luxury train in                            towards the introduction of
  the Kingdom of Saudi                                      a new offer within the
  Arabia. The agreement                                     tourism market with an
  reflects SAR's commitment                                 experience of luxury travel
  to promoting tourism and                                  by train" concluded Al
  cultural affairs in the                                   Malik.
  Kingdom and aims to boost
  national tourism goals, said
  its CEO Dr Bashar bin
  Khaled Al Malik after
  signing the deal with Paolo
  Barletta, Chairman of the
  Board of Directors of
  Arsenale Group. The luxury
  train will offer visitors and
  residents of the kingdom a
  unique opportunity to
  explore a range of tourist
  attractions within a
  framework of integrated
  luxury transportation
  services, it added. The
  agreement, signed in
  Riyadh is part of the project
  Dream of the Desert, in
  response to the new trend
  of slow tourism and
  experiential travel, which
  will bring a train with 40
  luxury cab i ns on Saudi
  railways by 2025 with a
  journey that will cross the
  country from the capital
  Riyadh to Qurayyat. The
  project has a value of $51
  million         in    train

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                                                                                46
Sito Web                                                             zawya.com

                                                                                                                                                          La proprietà intellettuale è riconducibile alla fonte specificata in testa alla pagina. Il ritaglio stampa è da intendersi per uso privato
      SAR, Arsenale Group of Italy sign MoU to launch a luxury train in
                               Saudi Arabia
 LINK: https://www.zawya.com/en/business/travel-and-tourism/sar-arsenale-group-of-italy-sign-mou-to-launch-a-luxury-train-in-saudi-arabia-d1q045yl

  Riyadh: Saudi Arabia
  Railways (SAR) has signed
  a    memorandum            of
  understanding (MoU) with
  Italy's Arsenale Group to
  launch the Middle East
  region's first luxury train in
  the Kingdom of Saudi
  Arabia. The MoU was signed
  by Dr. Bashar bin Khaled
  Al-Malik, CEO of SAR, and
  Paolo Barletta, Chairman of
  the Board of Directors of
  Arsenale Group. The
  agreement reflects SAR's
  commitment to promoting
  tourism and cultural affairs
  in the Kingdom and aims to
  boost national tourism
  goals. The luxury train will
  offer visitors and residents
  of the Kingdom a unique
  opportunity to explore a
  range of tourist attractions
  within a framework of
  integrated          luxury
  transportation services.

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                                                                                                   47
Sito Web                                                     breakinglatest.news

                                                                                                                                          La proprietà intellettuale è riconducibile alla fonte specificata in testa alla pagina. Il ritaglio stampa è da intendersi per uso privato
                Arsenale signs an agreement with Saudi Arabia Railways
 LINK: https://www.breakinglatest.news/business/arsenale-signs-an-agreement-with-saudi-arabia-railways/

  Arsenale, an Italian                                    Arsenale's international                        hundred years» reads the
  company active in luxury                                expansion plan to build the                     joint press release.
  hospitality, and Saudi                                  largest fleet of luxury
  Arabia Railways, the                                    cruises on rail. Italy, in
  national railway company of                             particular the South, thus
  Saudi Arabia, yesterday                                 returned to producing
  signed the memorandum of                                trains, after the last one
  understanding for the                                   built in 1989 by Fiat
  development of the first                                Ferroviaria. The first six
  luxury train in the Saudi                               trains will see around 160
  Kingdom. The agreement,                                 million investments in the
  signed in Riyadh, on the                                Italian supply chain. The
  occasion of the Saudi                                   development of the plan will
  Forum of Tourism, by Paul                               then lead overall to an
  BarlettaCEO of Arsenale, e                              impact on the Italian
  Bashar Al MalikCEO of SAR,                              market of over 500 million
  is part of the project Dream                            over the next 7 years. «The
  of the Desert, in response                              carriages will be made in
  to the new trend of slow                                Southern Italy and this will
  tourism and experiential                                result in the creation of jobs
  travel, which will bring a                              and will relaunch companies
  train with 40 luxury cabins                             heavily burdened by the
  on Saudi railways by 2025                               covid and by the low
  with a journey that will                                activity of the Italian
  cross the country from the                              railway manufacturing
  capital Riyadh to Qurayyat,                             activity» comments
  in the north of the country                             Barletta. Find out more The
  and on the border with                                  project in Saudi Arabia
  Jordan. The project has a                               «The        Italo-Saudi
  value of 51 million of train                            partnership establishes the
  manufacturing and 10                                    union of intents of the two
  million       of   further                              companies for an innovative
  investments in Italy. "The                              and revolutionary project
  signing of this MoU between                             that will guarantee Saudi
  SAR and Arsenale is to be                               Arabia the expansion of its
  considered a first step                                 tourist offer and confirms
  towards the introduction of                             how much luxury tourism in
  a new offer within the                                  the Arab country is full of
  tourism market with an                                  new opportunities. A new
  experience of luxury travel                             frontier of travel in a place
  by train" commented Al                                  where the railway has
  Malik. Trains built in Italy                            ancient origins and has
  This agreement is part of                               been present for over one

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                                                                                   48
Sito Web                                                         menafn.com

                                                                                                                          La proprietà intellettuale è riconducibile alla fonte specificata in testa alla pagina. Il ritaglio stampa è da intendersi per uso privato
   SAR, Arsenale Group Of Italy Sign Mou To Launch A Luxury Train In
                              Saudi Arabia
 LINK: https://menafn.com/1105787930/SAR-Arsenale-Group-Of-Italy-Sign-Mou-To-Launch-A-Luxury-Train-In-Saudi-Arabia

  (MENAFN- Saudi Press
  Agency) Riyadh, March 15,
  2023, SPA -- Saudi Arabia
  Railways (SAR) has signed
  a    memorandum            of
  understanding (MoU) with
  Italy's Arsenale Group to
  launch the Middle East
  region's first luxury train in
  the Kingdom of Saudi
  Arabia. The MoU was signed
  by Dr. Bashar bin Khaled
  Al-Malik, CEO of SAR, and
  Paolo Barletta, Chairman of
  the Board of Directors of
  Arsenale Group. The
  agreement reflects SAR's
  commitment to promoting
  tourism and cultural affairs
  in the Kingdom and aims to
  boost national tourism
  goals. The luxury train will
  offer visitors and residents
  of the Kingdom a unique
  opportunity to explore a
  range of tourist attractions
  within a framework of
  integrated          luxury
  transportation services. --
  18:30        GMT       0027

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                                                                   49
Sito Web                                                     www.fananews.com

                                                                                                                         La proprietà intellettuale è riconducibile alla fonte specificata in testa alla pagina. Il ritaglio stampa è da intendersi per uso privato
    SAR, Arsenale Group of Italy Sign MoU to Launch a Luxury Train in
                              Saudi Arabia
 LINK: https://www.fananews.com/en/sar-arsenale-group-of-italy-sign-mou-to-launch-a-luxury-train-in-saudi-arabia/

  (MoU) with Italy's Arsenale
  Group to launch the Middle
  East region's first luxury
  train in the Kingdom of
  Saudi Arabia. The MoU was
  signed by Dr. Bashar bin
  Khaled Al-Malik, CEO of
  SAR, and Paolo Barletta,
  Chairman of the Board of
  Directors of Arsenale
  Group. The agreement
  reflects SAR's commitment
  to promoting tourism and
  cultural affairs in the
  Kingdom and aims to boost
  national tourism goals. The
  luxury train will offer
  visitors and residents of the
  Kingdom        a   unique
  opportunity to explore a
  range of tourist attractions
  within a framework of
  integrated         luxury
  transportation services. -
  SPA 21:3

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                                                                  50
Sito Web                                                     arabianbusiness.com

                                                                                                               La proprietà intellettuale è riconducibile alla fonte specificata in testa alla pagina. Il ritaglio stampa è da intendersi per uso privato
                                          Saudi announces luxury train tours
 LINK: https://www.arabianbusiness.com/industries/travel-hospitality/saudi-announces-luxury-train-tours

  Saudi Arabia will soon see                               page, which is updated
  luxury train tours in the                                daily. TAGGED:Luxury
  Kingdom, according to the                                Travel, Rail, Rail Network,
  state-run news agency SPA.                               Railway, Saudi Arabia,
  Saudi Arabia Railways                                    Saudi Railway, Saudi
  (SAR) has signed a                                       Railway Company, Saudi
  m e m o r a n d u m        o f                           Tourism
  understanding (MoU) with
  Italy's Arsenale Group to
  launch the Middle East
  region's first luxury train in
  the Kingdom. The MoU was
  signed by Bashar bin
  Khaled Al-Malik, CEO of
  SAR, and Paolo Barletta,
  Chairman of the Board of
  Directors of Arsenale
  Group. Luxury Saudi train
  The so-called Dream of the
  Desert train tour will launch
  in 2025 and will transport
  luxury travellers in style
  from Riyadh to Qurayyat.
  T he ag reement refl ect s
  SAR's commitment to
  promoting tourism and
  cultural affairs in the
  Kingdom and aims to boost
  national tourism goals. The
  luxury train will offer
  visitors and residents of the
  Kingdom         a   unique
  opportunity to explore a
  range of tourist attractions
  within a framework of
  integrated          luxury
  transportation services. For
  all the latest business news
  from the UAE and Gulf
  countries, foll ow us on
  Twitter and LinkedIn, like
  us on Facebook and
  subscribe to our YouTube

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                                                        51
Sito Web                                               www.tradearabia.com

                                                                                  La proprietà intellettuale è riconducibile alla fonte specificata in testa alla pagina. Il ritaglio stampa è da intendersi per uso privato
      Saudi teams up with Italy's Arsenale to start region's first luxury
 LINK: https://www.tradearabia.com/news/CONS_407506.html

  Saudi Arabia Railways
  (SAR) has signed a
  m e m o r a n d u m        o f
  understanding (MoU) with
  Italy's Arsenale Group to
  launch the Middle East
  region's first luxury train in
  the Kingdom of Saudi
  Arabia. The agreement
  reflects SAR's commitment
  to promoting tourism and
  cultural affairs in the
  Kingdom and aims to boost
  national tourism goals, said
  its CEO Dr Bashar bin
  Khaled Al Malik after
  signing the deal with Paolo
  Barletta, Chairman of the
  Board of Directors of
  Arsenale Group. The luxury
  train will offer visitors and
  residents of the Kingdom a
  unique opportunity to
  explore a range of tourist
  attractions within a
  framework of integrated
  luxury transportation
  services, it added.-
  TradeArabia News Service

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                           52
Sito Web                                                            poandpo.com

                                                                                                                         La proprietà intellettuale è riconducibile alla fonte specificata in testa alla pagina. Il ritaglio stampa è da intendersi per uso privato
      Saudi teams up with Italy's Arsenale to start region's first luxury
 LINK: https://www.poandpo.com/companies/saudi-teams-up-with-italys-arsenale-to-start-regions-first-luxury-train/

  T he ag reement refl ect s
  SAR's commitment to
  promoting tourism and
  cultural affairs in the
  Kingdom and aims to boost
  national tourism goals, said
  its CEO Dr Bashar bin
  Khaled Al Malik after
  signing the deal with Paolo
  Barletta, Chairman of the
  Board of Directors of
  Arsenale Group. The luxury
  train will offer visitors and
  residents of the Kingdom a
  unique opportunity to
  explore a range of tourist
  attractions within a
  framework of integrated
  luxury transportation
  services, it added.

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                                                                  53
Sito Web                                                       article.wn.com

                                                                                                                   La proprietà intellettuale è riconducibile alla fonte specificata in testa alla pagina. Il ritaglio stampa è da intendersi per uso privato
   SAR, Arsenale Group Of Italy Sign Mou To Launch A Luxury Train In
                              Saudi Arabia
 LINK: https://article.wn.com/view/2023/03/15/SAR_Arsenale_Group_Of_Italy_Sign_Mou_To_Launch_A_Luxury_Trai/

  (MENAFN - Saudi Press
  Agency) Riyadh, March 15,
  2023, SPA -- Saudi Arabia
  Railways (SAR) has signed
  a     memorandum       of
  understanding (MoU) with
  Italy's Arsenale Group to
  launch the Middle East ...

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                                                            54
Sito Web                                                   hoteliermiddleeast.com

                                                                                                La proprietà intellettuale è riconducibile alla fonte specificata in testa alla pagina. Il ritaglio stampa è da intendersi per uso privato
     Saudi Arabia gets its own 'Orient Express' trains across the desert
 LINK: https://www.hoteliermiddleeast.com/saudi-arabia/saudi-arabia-orient-express-train

  Saudi Arabia's national                                  opportunity to explore a
  railway has partnered with                               range of tourist attractions
  the Italian development and                              within a framework of
  management firm behind                                   integrated         luxury
  Orient Express to launch                                 transportation services."
  "five-star luxury" trains                                The train service will be
  across the Kingdom's                                     called "Dream of the
  desert. The trains launch in                             Desert."
  2025, taking travellers from
  Riyadh to Qurayyat, with
  AlUla along the way. Saudi
  Arabia Railways (SAR)
  signed a memorandum of
  understanding (MoU) with
  Italy's Arsenale Group, the
  latter of which develops the
  Orient Express in Italy. The
  project has a value of $51
  million         in   train
  manufacturing, and $10
  million       in   further
  investments in Italy. "The
  signing of this MoU between
  SAR and Arsenale is to be
  considered a first step
  towards the introduction of
  a new offer within the
  tourism market with an
  experience of luxury travel
  by train," said SAR's CEO
  Dr Bashar bin Khaled Al
  Malik. The Saudi Press
  Agency said in a release:
  "The agreement reflects
  SAR's commitment to
  promoting tourism and
  cultural affairs in the
  Kingdom and aims to boost
  national tourism goals. The
  luxury train will offer
  visitors and residents of the
  Kingdom         a   unique

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                                         55
Sito Web                                              arabnews.com

                                                                                La proprietà intellettuale è riconducibile alla fonte specificata in testa alla pagina. Il ritaglio stampa è da intendersi per uso privato
  Saudi railway company signs deal to launch region's first luxury train
 LINK: https://www.arabnews.com/tags/arsenale-group

  The agreement was signed
  by SAR's chief executive
  officer, Bashar Al-Malik, and
  Arsenale Group chairman,
  Paolo Barletta Train will aim
  to provide a unique, luxury
  way for domestic tourists
  and international visitors to
  explore Saudi Arabia's

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                         56
Sito Web                                                 www.leaders-mena.com

                                                                                                                                               La proprietà intellettuale è riconducibile alla fonte specificata in testa alla pagina. Il ritaglio stampa è da intendersi per uso privato
   Saudi Railways to sign MOU with Italian company to launch a luxury
                              tourist train
 LINK: https://www.leaders-mena.com/saudi-railways-to-sign-mou-with-italian-company-to-launch-a-luxury-tourist-train/

  Saudi Railways (SAR)                                    transfer minerals from the                               more than 300 kilometers
  signed a memorandum of                                  Hazm Al-Jalamid mine and                                 per hour. Short link :
  und erst and i ng w i t h t he                          the Al-Zubaira mine to the                               https://www.leaders-
  Italian Arsenale Group, on                              refineries in Ras Al-Zour,                               mena.com/?p=22930
  Wednesday, with the aim of                              north of Jubail. It contains 9
  launching luxury tourist                                stations for freight services
  trains for the first time in                            distributed along the track,
  the Kingdom. The Italian                                which are Riyadh, Sudair,
  company said on its Twitter                             Qassim, Hail, Al-Jawf, Al-
  account that the aim of                                 Basita, Ras Al-Zour, Jubail,
  launching the trains is to                              and Al-Haditha, and
  "contribute to enriching the                            transporting phosphate and
  tourism sector and                                      bauxite ores from the north
  providing new travel                                    and center of the Kingdom
  options for different                                   to processing and mining
  customer segments." The                                 facilities in Ras Al-Khair on
  Italian company explained                               the Arabian Gulf. Haramain
  that the new train, which                               Express Train The length of
  was called "Desert Dream",                              the Haramain Express Train
  provides an opportunity for                             in Saudi Arabia is 450 km
  visitors and residents of                               f o r       p a s s e n g e r
  Saudi Arabia to get                                     transportation. It connects
  acquainted with the                                     Jeddah and Makkah with a
  Kingdom's landmarks,                                    double line of 78 km, which
  which contributes to                                    shortens the distance
  supporting tourism goals in                             between the two cities to
  accordance with the Saudi                               less than half an hour. The
  Vision 2030. Passenger &                                length of the line linking
  Mineral Transport The SAR                               Jeddah and Madinah is 410
  train is 2,750 km long and                              km and shortens the
  is intended for passenger                               distance to about two and a
  and mineral transport. It                               half hours. It has a
  consists of 6 passenger                                 passenger station in the
  stations in the North Train                             center of Jeddah and
  project distributed along                               another at Jeddah Airport,
  the track, which are King                               in addition to a station in
  Khalid Airport, Al Majmaah,                             Medina and two stations in
  Al Qassim, Hail, Al Jouf, and                           Makkah Al-Mukarramah.
  Al Haditha. The operation of                            The next stages include
  the industrial part of the                              establishing a station in
  project began in the last                               King Abdullah Economic
  quarter of 2010. It aims to                             City. It has a high speed of

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                                                                                        57
Sito Web                                                             menafn.com

                                                                                                                                                    La proprietà intellettuale è riconducibile alla fonte specificata in testa alla pagina. Il ritaglio stampa è da intendersi per uso privato
     Saudi Arabia to launch Middle East's first luxury train in efforts to
                           boost tourism sector
 LINK: https://menafn.com/1105809212/Saudi-Arabia-to-launch-Middle-Easts-first-luxury-train-in-efforts-to-boost-tourism-sector

  (MENAFN) Saudi Arabia                                    significant step towards                                  country's rich cultural
  Railways (SAR) has signed                                achieving the objectives set                              heritage and natural
  a    memorandum            of                            out in the Vision 2030                                    beauty. Overall, the launch
  understanding with Italy's                               reform plan. The plan aims                                of the luxury train is a
  Arsenale Group to develop                                to boost the country's                                    major step forward for
  the Middle East's first                                  tourism sector and create                                 Saudi Arabia's tourism
  luxury train. The move is                                new opportunities for                                     sector, and a significant
  part of Saudi Arabia's                                   investment and job                                        achievement for SAR and
  efforts to boost its tourism                             creation. The launch of the                               the Arsenale Group.
  sector in line with the goals                            luxury train is part of a                                 MENAFN190320230000450
  of the Vision 2030 reform                                wider strategy to attract                                 14228ID1105809212
  plan, which aims to                                      more visitors to the country
  diversify the country's                                  and promote tourism as a
  economy away from its                                    key driver of economic
  reliance on fossil fuels. The                            growth. The agreement
  agreement was signed by                                  with the Arsenale Group is
  SAR's chief executive                                    a significant milestone for
  officer, Bashar Al-Malik, and                            SAR, as it marks the first
  Arsenale Group chairman,                                 time the company has
  Paolo Barletta. The luxury                               partnered with an
  train is expected to provide                             international firm to
  a unique new way for                                     develop a luxury train. The
  domestic and international                               partnership will bring
  tourists to explore Saudi                                together the expertise of
  Arabia's attractions. The                                both companies to provide
  train will offer a luxury                                a unique and innovative
  experience that has not                                  service that will help to put
  been seen before in the                                  Saudi Arabia on the map as
  Middle East. The aim is to                               a top tourist destination.
  provide a high-end service                               The launch of the luxury
  that will attract visitors                               train is expected to have a
  from around the world and                                significant impact on Saudi
  help to showcase the                                     Arabia's tourism sector,
  country's rich history and                               providing a boost to the
  culture. The train will be                               country's economy and
  designed to offer a                                      creating        new      job
  comfortable and luxurious                                opportunities. The train will
  way to travel to some of                                 offer a unique and luxurious
  Saudi Arabia's most popular                              experience that will be
  tourist destinations. The                                unmatched in the Middle
  partnership between SAR                                  East, providing a new way
  and the Arsenale Group is a                              for visitors to explore the

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                                                                                             58
Sito Web                                                   www.ttnworldwide.com

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      Saudi teams up with Italy's Arsenale to start region's first luxury
 LINK: https://www.ttnworldwide.com/Article/345141/Saudi-teams-up-with-Italys-Arsenale-to-start-regions-first-luxury-train

  Saudi Arabia Railways
  (SAR) has signed a
  m e m o r a n d u m        o f
  understanding (MoU) with
  Italy's Arsenale Group to
  launch the Middle East
  region's first luxury train in
  the Kingdom of Saudi
  Arabia. The agreement
  reflects SAR's commitment
  to promoting tourism and
  cultural affairs in the
  Kingdom and aims to boost
  national tourism goals, said
  its CEO Dr Bashar bin
  Khaled Al Malik after
  signing the deal with Paolo
  Barletta, Chairman of the
  Board of Directors of
  Arsenale Group. The luxury
  train will offer visitors and
  residents of the Kingdom a
  unique opportunity to
  explore a range of tourist
  attractions within a
  framework of integrated
  luxury transportation
  services, it added.-
  TradeArabia News Service

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                                                                           59
Sito Web                                               www.alriyadhdaily.com

                                                                                    La proprietà intellettuale è riconducibile alla fonte specificata in testa alla pagina. Il ritaglio stampa è da intendersi per uso privato
    SAR, Arsenale Group of Italy Sign MoU to Launch a Luxury Train in
                              Saudi Arabia
 LINK: http://www.alriyadhdaily.com/article/129de9a120084be0859503b14a82899a

  Saudi Arabia Railways
  (SAR) has signed a
  m e m o r a n d u m        o f
  understanding (MoU) with
  Italy's Arsenale Group to
  launch the Middle East
  region's first luxury train in
  the Kingdom of Saudi
  Arabia. The MoU was signed
  by Dr. Bashar bin Khaled
  Al-Malik, CEO of SAR, and
  Paolo Barletta, Chairman of
  the Board of Directors of
  Arsenale Group. The
  agreement reflects SAR's
  commitment to promoting
  tourism and cultural affairs
  in the Kingdom and aims to
  boost national tourism
  goals. The luxury train will
  offer visitors and residents
  of the Kingdom a unique
  opportunity to explore a
  range of tourist attractions
  within a framework of
  integrated          luxury
  transportation services.

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                             60
Sito Web                                                      luxurylaunches.com

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    Just like the iconic Orient Express, Saudi Arabia is all set to get its
    first luxury train which will take passengers on a 1300 km journey
                             across the Kingdom.
 LINK: https://luxurylaunches.com/travel/saudi-arabia-luxury-train.php

  It seems there is nearly                                 Saudi Arabia back by $51
  nothing iconic left in the                               million as the train
  rest of the world that                                   manufacturing cost, a mere
  doesn't or won't exist in                                drop in the unending ocean
  Saudi Arabia. From a year-                               of wealth found in the
  round ski village to an                                  region. "The signing of this
  insanely ambitious linear                                MoU between SAR and
  city called The Line to OTT                              Arsenale is to be considered
  airports and gravity-defying                             a first step towards the
  skyscrapers, it is all in the                            introduction of a new offer
  pipeline. Still, it sounds like                          within the tourism market
  something is amiss.                                      with an experience of
  Perhaps adding a luxury                                  luxury travel by train," said
  train will complete this                                 SAR's CEO Dr. Bashar bin
  oasis of opulence perfectly.                             Khaled Al Malik. In a
  With that thought in mind,                               release, the Saudi Press
  Saudi Arabia is set to host                              Agency said: "The
  the Middle East's first                                  agreement reflects SAR's
  luxury train, adding yet                                 commitment to promoting
  another jewel to the ever-                               tourism and cultural affairs
  glistening and growing                                   in the Kingdom and aims to
  crown of Saudi Arabia.                                   boost national tourism
  National Railways has                                    goals. The luxury train will
  signed a memorandum of                                   offer visitors and residents
  understanding with Italy's                               of the Kingdom a unique
  Arsenale Group. The                                      opportunity to explore a
  agreement was signed by                                  range of tourist attractions
  SAR's chief executive                                    within a framework of
  officer, Bashar Al-Malik, and                            integrated         luxury
  Arsenale Group chairman,                                 transportation services."
  Paolo Barletta. The 'Dream                               Earlier this month, Saudi
  of the Desert' luxury train                              Crown prince MBS
  will service from Riyadh to                              announced a new national
  Qurayyat in 2025.                                        airline with the ambition of
  Passengers will enjoy the                                making it bigger than the
  natural beauty and habitat                               legendary airline, Emirates.
  exclusive to Saudi Arabia.
  Along the way, the luxury
  train will cross AlUla, an
  ancient oasis city in Medina
  province. The train will set

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                                         61
Sito Web                                                                        jiac.it

                                                                                                                       La proprietà intellettuale è riconducibile alla fonte specificata in testa alla pagina. Il ritaglio stampa è da intendersi per uso privato
      Saudi teams up with Italy's Arsenale to start region's first luxury
 LINK: https://jiac.it/blog/2023/03/16/saudi-teams-up-with-italys-arsenale-to-start-regions-first-luxury-train/

  Saudi Arabia Railways
  (SAR) has signed a
  m e m o r a n d u m        o f
  understanding (MoU) with
  Italy's Arsenale Group to
  launch the Middle East
  region's first luxury train in
  the Kingdom of Saudi
  Arabia. The agreement
  reflects SAR's commitment
  to promoting tourism and
  cultural affairs in the
  Kingdom and aims to boost
  national tourism goals, said
  its CEO Dr Bashar bin
  Khaled Al Malik after
  signing the deal with Paolo
  Barletta, Chairman of the
  Board of Directors of
  Arsenale Group. Link:

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                                                                62
Sito Web                                                   www.railpage.com.au

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              Dream of the Desert cruise train planned for Saudi Arabia
 LINK: http://www.railpage.com.au/news/s/dream-of-the-desert-cruise-train-planned-for-saudi-arabia

  A Dream of the Desert five-                             Saudi Arabia', offering a
  star luxury cruise train                                luxurious option for local
  service on the North South                              and international tourists.
  Railway from Riyadh to Al                               Barletta said the project
  Qurayyat on the border                                  would 'promote the
  with Jordan is planned to                               discovery of a magical and
  launch        in      2025.                             exciting territory'. He said
  https://youtu.be/6oNAins94                              'rail cruising is the future of
  1I A memorandum of                                      tourism and Arsenale wants
  understanding for the                                   to make it available in the
  project was signed at the                               world's most beautiful
  Saudi Tourism Forum in                                  places, introducing this
  Riyadh on March 15 by CEO                               fascinating and sustainable
  of Saudi Arabia Railways                                new way of travelling. 'We
  Bashar Al Malik and Paolo                               are glad to say that Saudi
  Barletta, CEO of Italian                                Arabia is the first country
  high-end hospitality                                    outside of Europe in which
  company Arsenale which is                               we are bringing our luxury
  working with Accor to                                   train expertise. This
  launch Orient Express La                                partnership proves that
  Dolce Vita slow travel cruise                           there are no limits to
  trains in Italy next year.                              passion and no barriers
  Production of the Dream of                              capable of stopping the will
  the Desert train is to begin                            to go beyond the
  this year, using Z1 coaches                             imaginary.' Subscribers can
  similar to those used for the                           read a Railway Gazette
  Italian project. The work                               International interview with
  will be undertaken in Puglia                            Saudi Arabia Railways CEO
  and Sicily. The train will                              Bashar Al Malik which
  have 40 cabins, with the                                covered plans to expand
  styling inspired by Saudi                               the network, develop a
  heritage, while the                                     regional supply sector and
  'craftsmanship, quality of                              prepare for privatisation as
  onboard services, interior                              part of the national Vision
  design and know-how' will                               2030 strategy.
  be 'proudly Italian'. SAR will
  provide traction and
  maintenance services,
  replicating the partnership
  between Arsenale and
  Italy's FS Group. Al Malik
  said he train would 'enrich
  the tourist experience in

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                                                   63
Sito Web                                    nouvelles-du-monde.com

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 Arsenale signe un accord avec Saudi Arabia Railways

 Arsenale, une société italienne active dans l'hôtellerie de luxe, et Saudi Arabia Railways, la
 compagnie nationale des chemins de fer d'Arabie saoudite, ont signé hier le protocole
 d'accord pour le développement du premier train de luxe du Royaume saoudien. L'accord,
 signé à Riyad, à l'occasion du Forum Saoudien du Tourisme, par Paul BarlettePDG d'Arsenale,
 e Bachar Al MalikPDG de SAR, fait partie du projet Rêve du désert, en réponse à la nouvelle
 tendance du tourisme lent et du voyage expérientiel, qui amènera un train de 40 cabines de
 luxe sur les chemins de fer saoudiens d'ici 2025 avec un voyage qui traversera le pays de la
 capitale Riyad à Qurayyat, dans le nord du pays et à la frontière avec la Jordanie. Le projet a
 une valeur de 51 millions de fabrication de trains et 10 millions d'investissements
 supplémentaires en Italie. "La signature de ce protocole d'accord entre la SAR et l'Arsenale
 doit être considérée comme un premier pas vers l'introduction d'une nouvelle offre sur le
 marché du tourisme avec une expérience de voyage de luxe en train", a commenté Al Malik.
 Trains construits en Italie Cet accord fait partie du plan d'expansion internationale d'Arsenale
 visant à construire la plus grande flotte de croisières de luxe sur rail. L'Italie, en particulier le
 Sud, est ainsi revenue à la production de trains, après le dernier construit en 1989 par Fiat
 Ferroviaria. Les six premiers trains verront environ 160 millions d'investissements dans la
 chaîne d'approvisionnement italienne. Le développement du plan conduira alors globalement
 à un impact sur le marché italien de plus de 500 millions au cours des 7 prochaines années.
 «Les voitures seront fabriquées dans le sud de l'Italie, ce qui entraînera la création d'emplois
 et relancera les entreprises lourdement grevées par le covid et par la faible activité de
 l'activité de fabrication ferroviaire italienne», commente Barletta. En savoir plus Le projet en
 Arabie Saoudite «Le partenariat italo-saoudien établit l'union des intentions des deux sociétés
 pour un projet innovant et révolutionnaire qui garantira à l'Arabie saoudite l'expansion de son
 offre touristique et confirme à quel point le tourisme de luxe dans le pays arabe regorge de
 nouvelles opportunités. Une nouvelle frontière du voyage dans un lieu où le chemin de fer a
 des origines anciennes et est présent depuis plus de cent ans» lit-on dans le communiqué de
 presse conjoint.

BARLETTA - Rassegna Stampa 23/03/2023 - 23/03/2023                                                   64
Sito Web                                                             www.insider.gr

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                               Dream of the Desert:                                      Orient Express                            &
 LINK: https://www.insider.gr/stiles/spend-it/267676/dream-desert-treno-orient-express-tis-mesis-anatolis-tha-ftiaxei-i-saoydiki

            ,     :
  170 . The Line, resort ,
         . : Diriyah Project -
  «»          300
                      .          ,
       ,      . ,       (SAR)
  Arsenale,            SAR, ,
  Arsenale, . 2025            ,
  «Dream of the Desert»
  ,           - - .         ,
  51 . ,                 budget
         .«       SAR Arsenale
              :     »,      SAR,
    . ,       :«       SAR
  ».            mega project
      : Mukaab,           ,     20
     Empire State Building

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