Page created by Neil Terry
REDLAND DISTRICT COMMITTEE                                                          May 2021

              ON THE AGEING INC

          Printed at 57 Wynyard Street, Cleveland

.Dear Members and Friends ,            I am very pleased to advise that RDCOTA held its 50th Annual General
Meeting in-person on Friday 19th March 2021 at the Redlands Sporting Club with approximately 40 life members,
members and guests in attendance. Election of the Management Committee was conducted by our Patron,
Councillor Karen Williams, Mayor of Redland City. The re-elected 2021 Management Committee comprises:

President – Robyn Robinson
Vice-President – Judith Chapman
Treasurer – Paul Barnes
Secretary – Fay Dougall
Management Committee members – Deslie Brady and Neale Condon

The following is an extract from the President’s Report that I delivered at the meeting.

         With great excitement, we kicked off 2020 on Saturday 1st February with RDCOTA’s 50th anniversary
luncheon, held at the Redlands Performing Arts Centre. More than 80 people were in attendance, including life
members, past office bearers, members, volunteers and special guests. The luncheon provided an opportunity to
reminisce, and to recognise and celebrate the significant achievements of the organisation over its lifetime. We
were extremely fortunate that we were able to enjoy such a wonderful event before the onset of the COVID-19
pandemic in March 2020. Our plans for a full year of events to celebrate our 50th birthday were however,
         From March onwards, the COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions had an enormous impact on RDCOTA’s
operations. With only a few days’ notice, our 2020 AGM was transferred from a face-to-face meeting to a
combination of online and postal communications. Our office was closed and all programs and services were
suspended. The Management Committee quickly moved to conducting its meetings online. A small group of
volunteers manned the phone lines to carry out welfare checks on our members and volunteers, arranging
additional services where required for anyone in need. RDCOTA participated in the Redland City Council’s
Covid19 Seniors, Disability & Age Care Facility Working Group to share information and identify issues of concern
for affected residents.
         The easing of some restrictions in the second half of the year enabled us to re-open the RDCOTA office
on a limited basis in August, and re-open our seniors information and referral service. We continued to convene
online meetings of the Redland Seniors Network. Restrictions still in place as at the end of 2020 have meant that
we have not been able to re-instate our one-on-one computer tuition services, our Chit Chat morning teas in
Capalaba and Victoria Point libraries, our regular Mens Group meetings or our Tournament of the Minds
gatherings in local aged care facilities. We intend to work towards re-starting as many services as we can in
         We acknowledge and thank the organisations that provided valuable support during the year including
Redland City Council, Redlands Sporting Club, Star Community Services, Bendigo Bank, Global Community
Resourcing and Stocklands. In spite of the lockdowns, RDCOTA registered more than 3000 hours of volunteer
labour during the 2020 year. I would like to acknowledge the efforts of all of our volunteers during what has
been a difficult year.
         With the ongoing support of all of our members, volunteers and supporters, we look forward to a
brighter and more rewarding year in 2021, and to the next 50 years of service to the Redlands community.
         Robyn Robinson , President
REDLAND COTA MAIL— May, 2021                                                                        Page 2

                       TOP 10 MYTHS around NUTRITION and AGEING

Myth 1: The stomach shrinks as people age
Although appetite may change, the stomach doesn’t shrink as people get older. In fact, not eating well enough only
accelerates the ageing process.

Myth 2: Weight loss is healthy
Unfortunately, this is not the case for older people. Instead, dieting or unintentional weight loss should be avoided in
the later years. In fact, extra padding in later age is beneficial and can support the body and brain of elderly patients
in the years ahead.

Myth 3: Elderly people need to eat less as they get older
While metabolism slows and energy output decreases, food and eating remain the key to ageing well. Elderly people
may need to eat less of some things and more of others, particularly foods rich in protein, vitamins and minerals.

Myth 4: Older patients only need to eat what they feel like
The ageing process can play tricks on people’s appetites and the triggers that tell them if they are hungry or full. As a
result, older people might eat less than their bodies really need. It’s important to realise the vital importance of
continuing to eat despite the tricks; this will ensure your elderly patients’ bodies continue to get the energy and
nutrients they needs to function. An outright loss of appetite is not normal, and could be symptomatic of an underlying
health problem. If older patients are having problems, try to nourish them with small meals regularly throughout the
day, even if they don’t always feel like it.

Myth 5: A low-fat diet should be followed
Contrary to deeply entrenched popular opinion, a low-fat diet is not always the best, especially for older people. Fat is
an important source of calories and some seniors might need to eat a bit extra to maintain weight. For most, however,
eating foods containing mostly unsaturated fats is best for heart, body and brain health. Fats found in foods such as
olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocado and oily fish are ideal.

Myth 6: Increase vegetable intake
Whilst nutrient-rich vegetables continue to be essential in the diet, protein foods need to be at the centre of an elderly
patient’s plate, with the vegetables surrounding it from now on. This is because people need more, not less, protein
as they get older. Protein keeps our muscles, our immune system, our body organs and brains working and renewing
minute by minute. Vegetables are always important, but if your patient’s appetite is small, ensure they get protein in
first, then enjoy the vegetables.

Myth 7: Only drink water when thirsty

If someone feels thirsty they are already dehydrated, and that’s a problem as neither your body nor brain can work at
peak capacity in this state. Dehydration can bring on confusion and delirium, hamper kidney function and worsen a
multitude of other problems.

Myth 8: Supplements are sufficient
Of course the elderly can’t live off vitamins and supplement tablets alone. The body works best when it is working —
that means digesting food. What’s more, most supplements promoted to help older patients live longer, boost
memory and fight off dementia fail to live up to their claims. Many interact with common medications or just don’t work
the way they would if you consumed them from food instead. Older patients could spend a lot of money for no gain .

Continued page 11..
REDLAND COTA Mail, May 2021                                                         Page 3

RDCOTA’s 50th AGM—celebrated on the 19th March 2021 at the Redlands Sporting
                           Club HIGHLIGHTS

                                                       Paul Barnes/Fay Dougall/Deslie Brady/Robyn
                                                                Robinson/Judith Chapman
     Kay Burnett/Brian & Susan Russell/
                Fay Dougall

                                          Marianne Thornton-
                                          Vincent & Susanne
    Mayor Karen Williams                                                Paul Barnes & Suze Harpur

      Cr. Wendy Boglary                               Redlands Sporting Club Reception Centre
REDLAND COTA MAIL—May 2021                                                       Page 4

         RDCOTA is a Healthy Ageing Hub

   RDCOTA has been successful in its application to be part of the Brisbane South
       Primary Health Network’s Healthy Ageing Hub Pilot Project.

 We have been engaged to deliver targeted health and aged care
 information to seniors in the community over the next six months.
 Redlands, including the islands, has been specified as our area of
 operation. Given the hotly contested application process, we are very
 proud to have been chosen to lead this project for Brisbane South, phn =
 ‘Primary Health Care’
 By hosting various events and encouraging enquiries to our Seniors
 Information Plus service, RDCOTA will promote great awareness of
 health and ageing issues, and improve knowledge of the availability of
 services, particularly for seniors.
 Two topics for event Presentations include ’Dementia Awareness’ and
 ‘Movement is Medicine’. Healthy Ageing Hub activities will allow
 RDCOTA members, and the wider community to provide input into
 primary health services being undertaken by Brisbane South phn. These
 activities will inform services design and result in relevant services, which
 in turn promote improved health and ageing outcomes.
               HEALTHY AGEING HUB INFORMATION: dates for future sessions
              Tuesday 18th May—Dementia Awareness—Macleay Island Progress Hall
                  Wednesday 26th May—Dementia Awareness—Redlands RSL
                  Phone the RDCOTA office 3488 0680 if you would like to RSVP.
REDLAND COTA Mail, May 2021   Page 5
REDLAND COTA MAIL—May 2021   Page 6
REDLAND COTA MAIL— May 2021                               Page 7

         Fund raising, garage sale to be held at the RDCOTA office.


    If you have packaged food or toiletry items to donate please
        bring them to the RDCOTA office 57 Wynyard Street,
     Cleveland. Please consider helping those who are doing it
     tough, and leave your donations at the RDCOTA office, 57
    Wynyard Street, Cleveland. COVID Safe directions must be
                 observed when leaving donations.
REDLAND COTA MAIL— May, 2021                                        Page 8


Paul Moran is a tax specialist financial adviser and principal of Moran Partners
Financial Planning; this is his advice
   Check any super funds with current life insurance have a remaining
    balance to pay the premiums. That prevents a policy from lapsing and
    disallowing a claim.
   Make an early claim for superannuation and life insurance under the
    terminal conditions clauses.
   Complete a binding death benefit nomination for superannuation funds—
    this is a written direction to the superannuation trustee setting out how
    you wish some or all of your death benefits to be distributed.
   Ensure a partner has fund in the bank account to their name only. This is
    because a bank may request some documentation before releasing funds
    from a joint account.
   Check on Centrelink implications for those nominated as beneficiaries,
    Consider a testamentary trust to hold assets and be overseen by a
    nominated trustee for dependent children or at-risk beneficiaries.
   Ensure tax returns are up to date. Put insurance policies, bank statements,
    investment and superannuation statements in one place.
   Check the executor is aware of their responsibilities and knows where the
    will is.
   Make sure the executor knows your funeral plans, or that the funeral is
   If necessary, put in place an enduring power of attorney for any period that
    capacity may be lost to make decisions. A power of attorney is a legal
    document allowing the appointment of someone to make decisions about
    personal or financial matters. The person appointed is called an attorney
    the power endures during the period you are unable to make decisions.
        NB: This information is general in nature. RDCOTA does not provide
                         individual financial advice.
REDLAND COTA MAIL— May, 2021                                                                 Page 9

        ATTENTION MEMBER                                           2021 RDCOTA
                                               MEMBERSHIP/ RENEWAL FORM
Please note: The quarterly COTA Mail
                                             Redland District Committee on the Ageing Inc.
Newsletter is available to our Member
Organisations for a 1/4 page                                     ABN 89 778 445 390
advertisement. The cost of this
advertisement is included in the
subscription paid for Membership. Email                 I wish to Apply for / Renew financial
                                                         Membership for 2021 or
your description/picture to                              Our organisation wishes to apply and the                         for/renew financial membership for 2021
advertisement, will be placed in the next                I/We wish to make a financial contribution                    in
issue. …………………………………………………..                            support of RDCOTA
How long a minute is depends on what side
of the bathroom door you are on.
                                             Name: (Individual / Organisation)
    Happiness comes through doors you
     didn't even know you left open.
    Have you ever noticed people who are
     late are often much more jolly than
     the people who have to wait for them.   Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    You may be only one person in the
     world but you may be the world to one
     person.                                 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Postcode . . . . . . . . . .
    A truly happy person is one who can     Telephone: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
     enjoy the scenery on a detour.
    Working for God on earth does not       Mobile: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
     pay much but his retirement plan is
     out of this world .
                                             Email Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A Smiling Change—Jean Etherington Sims
A smile is such a little thing
                                                  ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION 2021
But what a change it brings
It brightens up a dismal day                 Individual               $10.00
Those cheerful friendly grins
They do not cost a lot                       Organisation            $40.00

And only a moment or two
                                             Donation                $. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
But money cannot ever, buy
What they will bring to you
                                             Cash / Cheque
For that lovely happy feeling
Will last you all the day                    Office Use Only:

When a smile you give another
                                             Database Noted . . . . . . . Receipt No. . . . . . . . . . . .
Brings a returning smile your way
REDLAND COTA MAIL— May, 2021                                     Page 10

                               1800 020 080
                Community Recovery Hotline—1800 173 349
                NATIONAL DEBT HELPLINE—1800 007 007
                             LIFELINE—13 11 14
                       BEYOND BLUE—1300 22 4636
                        HEADSPACE—1800 650 890
                          MINDSPOT—1800 61 44
               If you are having a medical emergency, Call 000
                          13 HEALTH (13 43 25 54)
                      MY AGED CARE—1800 200 422
           COVID SUPPORT LINE—1 800 171 866, Monday to Friday

                RDCOTA VOLUNTEERS NEEDED—2021
 Redland District Committee on the Ageing, (RDCOTA) has been
 supporting seniors’ in Redland City for 50 years. Enjoy interacting
 with senior people, WE NEED YOU! Please contact the office on
 3488 0680 and speak to a volunteer or leave a message you would like
 to become a volunteer.
REDLAND COTA MAIL— May,2021                                                                                 Page 11

COVID-19 support line for older Australians extended

  Minister for Aged Care and Senior Australians, Senator Richard
  Colbeck has announced a $2.5 million funding boost to expand
  the Older Persons COVID-19 Support Line and keep it running
                        until 30 June 2021.

The line received more than 5,000 inbound calls – around 27 a day –
and provided more than 29,000 outbound calls – about 161 a day –
between 22 April and 23 October, with the top five reasons for calls
             wellbeing checks
             information about COVID-19
             advice to vulnerable people
             travel restrictions
            access to new, or queries about existing and home care
The extra funding will see the line expanded to include outbound calls
to carers of people living with dementia, as well as more specific
community supports for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)
seniors. The support line is a joint initiative of COTA Australia,
Dementia Australia, National Seniors Australia and the Older
Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) with Partners in Culturally
Appropriate Care (PICAC) Alliance to now joining the alliance. The
Older Persons COVID-19 Support Line is available on
1800 171 866, Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 6pm, except public
Continued from page 2

Myth 9: The elderly must always eat a ‘proper meal’
Making sure older patients eat regularly is essential to helping them live well and remain independent as they age. However,
eating three full meals a day can be a struggle if there is a loss of appetite or if they find cooking too difficult or time-
consuming. The elderly can opt for prepacked meals, frozen dinners or takeaway foods, but some of these don’t contain the
protein or nutrients that are important to support ageing bodies and brains. If three good meals are too much of a challenge,
five or six small meals or well-chosen snacks can be just as beneficial.

Myth 10: Malnutrition is a normal part of the ageing process
Malnutrition can affect anyone at any age, and it is is not normal part of the ageing process. However, seniors are
at greater risk of malnutrition and it’s important that everyone doesn’t dismiss the warning signs as being a part
of ‘old age’.

Read more:
REDLAND COTA MAIL— May 2021                                                                                                    Page 12

                    RDCOTA would like to acknowledge its supporters and sponsors:
                                                                                           RDCOTA is sorry to
                             Bendigo Bank
                      Redlands Foundation
                                                                                        announce that the Seniors
            Great Southern Memorial Garden                                               computer/phone/tablet
                         Alex Gow Funerals                                                 tutorials have been
                       Grill’d Victoria Point
                                                                                          suspended due to the
                Seaton Park Retire Australia
                      The Flour Mill Bakery
                                                                                        Coronavirus restrictions in
                                     CWA                                                          place.
                       Redland City Council
                                                                                        Members, Volunteers and
                             Redlands RSL
                     Redlands Sporting Club                                              Redland Seniors will be
          Donald Simpson Community Centre                                                   notified when the
                  STAR Community Services                                              restrictions have been lifted

DISCLAIMER                Whilst every care is taken by RDCOTA in the compilation and publication of this newsletter, RDCOTA does not warrant or represent
that the newsletter is free from error nor accept responsibility for any listings, entries, or articles published therein.

In particular, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, RDCOTA expressly denies any responsibility regarding qualifi cations, expertise and/or
experience claimed on behalf of a person or entity referred to in the newsletter, including any product or service offered by any such person or entity. Should
any concerns exist, then RDCOTA recommends that independent inquiries should be undertaken by the reader.

          Friday Men’s group—suspended                                                                 USEFUL phone numbers
           Ladies Craft group—suspended                                                       Seniors Information Plus—3488 0680

      Chit Chat Victoria Point—suspended                                                     Cleveland Meals on Wheels—3286 2626

           Chit Chat Capalaba—suspended                                                   Victoria Point Meals on Wheels—3207 7126
                                                                                                  Elder Abuse hotline—1300 651 192
    Tournament of the Minds—suspended
                                                                                          Donald Simpson Community Ctr. 3821 1089
                                                                                               Star Community Services—3821 6699
Seniors Information Plus-by telephone
  and email and in person available.                                                      National Dementia Helpline—1800 100 500
                                                                                                     Public Trustee—1300 360 044
                         3488 0680                                                                    My Aged Care—1800 200 422
                                                                      Energy Made Easy 1300 585 165
                                                                                        Older Persons COVID Help Line 1800 171 866

             Mail: P.O. Box 1051, Cleveland. 4163—Phone: 3488 0680
                      Office: 57 Wynyard St, Cleveland 4163
               Office Hours: 9.30am to 2.30pm Monday to Friday
                    Check our Facebook page (RDCOTA Community)
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