Research Review: Publications and Grants - January 2019-December 2020 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - UNC School of ...

Research Review: Publications and Grants - January 2019-December 2020 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - UNC School of ...
Research Review:
Publications and Grants
       January 2019–December 2020

    The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Research Review: Publications and Grants - January 2019-December 2020 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - UNC School of ...
The Work Of The Academy
I am proud to share with you the inaugural issue of a new publication at UNC
School of Social Work: our Research Review, providing a compilation of our faculty’s
recent scholarly achievements.

Through these research activities, more than 40 social work faculty leaders and
innovators are contributing to the body of knowledge in our profession, identifying
new interventions with lasting impact, and addressing some of the most serious
problems facing individuals, families, and communities throughout the world.

Their research has never been more important than it is today. As we have learned
from the COVID-19 pandemic, our social safety nets are vital but fragile. We must
continue to seek new solutions that will advance equity, transform systems, and
improve lives.

At UNC School of Social Work, this is what we have been doing for more than 100
years. Our vision is to be the leading school of social work for impact: Accelerating
discovery and the translation of knowledge into action. The scholarly work
reflected in this review is a strong indication that we are moving in this direction
with intentionality and focus.

We launch this new publication in our centennial year both as a record of what we
have accomplished and as a clarion call to move forward. I invite you to peruse its
pages and see how our faculty are making an impact on the science of social work

With warm regards,

                     Gary L. Bowen
                     Kenan Distinguished Professor
Research Review: Publications and Grants - January 2019-December 2020 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - UNC School of ...
The Impact Of Our Research
Bridging academic and real-world settings is a hallmark of social work research.
This review of our faculty’s grants and publications reflects something greater than
cutting-edge developments in our scholarship: It reflects real change in the lives
of those here in North Carolina, as well as lives across our nation and around the

As a School, we have doggedly pursued these changes at a time when new public
health challenges swept local, state, and global communities. Our faculty adapted
to new digital platforms for instruction, conferencing, and data collection while
also renewing their commitment to investigate and address the disparities in
care and resources that COVID-19 underscored. As the pandemic highlighted the
growing interconnectedness of our world, our faculty pursued with new urgency
the University’s broader focus on global outreach. At the same time, faculty have
also reaffirmed the importance of their efforts within North Carolina to address
inequities with intractable causes — such as structural racism — that long predated
the pandemic.

The Office of Strategic Research Priorities is proud to showcase the most recent
chapter of our School’s scholarly leadership. I hope that this review will spark new
collaborative efforts that draw from and add to our faculty’s range of expertise as
we build, together, a just and equitable future.

With warm regards,

                     Rebecca J. Macy
                     L. Richardson Preyer Distinguished Chair for Strengthening Families
                     Associate Dean for Research & Faculty Development
Research Review: Publications and Grants - January 2019-December 2020 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - UNC School of ...
The best way to
                find yourself is to
               lose yourself in the
                service of others.

                Mahatma Gandhi

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Research Review: Publications and Grants - January 2019-December 2020 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - UNC School of ...
Contributing Faculty
Travis J. Albritton....................................... 6       Todd Jensen............................................. 32

David Ansong............................................. 6        Kirsten Kainz........................................... 35

Deborah Barrett........................................ 7          Michael Canute Lambert....................... 36

Joy Noel Baumgartner.............................. 8               Paul Lanier............................................... 37

Neil Bilotta............................................... 10     Barbara Leach......................................... 39

Amy Blank Wilson................................... 10             Melissa Lippold....................................... 40

Sarah E. Bledsoe.......................................12          Rebecca J. Macy....................................... 41

Tara Bohley.............................................. 13       Rainier Masa............................................ 43

Gary Bowen............................................. 14         John McMahon........................................ 45

Kanisha Brevard...................................... 15           Andrea Murray-Lichtman...................... 45

Mimi V. Chapman.................................... 15             Tamara H. Norris..................................... 46

Ding-Geng Chen...................................... 16            JP Przewoznik.......................................... 47

Gina A. N. Chowa.................................... 20            Emily Putnam-Hornstein........................ 47

Gary Cuddeback...................................... 22            Cynthia Fraga Rizo.................................. 50

Allison De Marco..................................... 25           Tina Souders............................................ 52

Dean F. Duncan....................................... 26           C. Joy Stewart.......................................... 53

Linda Kendall Fields................................ 26            Kimberly Strom....................................... 54

Marilyn Ghezzi......................................... 27         Tonya Van Deinse.................................... 55

Trenette Clark Goings............................. 28              Sarah Verbiest......................................... 58

Rachel W. Goode..................................... 30            Christopher J. Wretman......................... 59

Will Hall.................................................... 31   Lisa De Saxe Zerden............................... 62

Josh Hinson.............................................. 32       Sheryl Zimmerman................................. 64
Research Review: Publications and Grants - January 2019-December 2020 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - UNC School of ...

                     Travis J. Albritton
                     Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
                     Director, Chapel Hill 3-Year MSW Program
                     Clinical Associate Professor

                     Ansong, D., Okumu, M., Albritton, T. J., Bahnuk, E. P., & Small, E. (2020). The role
                     of social support and psychological well-being in STEM performance trends across
                     gender and locality: Evidence from Ghana. Child Indicators Research, 13(5), 1655-1673.

                     Lambert, M. C., Levitch, A. H., Lambert, C. T. M., Hickling, F., Samms-Vaughan,
                     Ramkissoon, M., Gibson, R., & Albritton, T. (2020). The Caribbean Symptom
                     Checklist: A culturally valid multidimensional measure of psychological functioning
                     in English-speaking Caribbean nations. Caribbean Journal of Psychology, 12(1), 40-82.

                     David Ansong
                     Wallace Kuralt Early Career Distinguished Scholar
                     Associate Professor

                     Ansong, D., Chowa, G., Masa, R., Despard, M., Sherraden, M., Wu, S., & Osei-Akoto,
                     I. (2019). Effects of youth savings accounts on school attendance and academic
                     performance: Evidence from a youth savings experiment. Journal of Family and
                     Economic Issues, 40(2), 269-281.

                     Ansong, D., Eisensmith, S. R., Okumu, M., & Chowa, G. (2019). The importance of
                     self-efficacy and educational aspirations for academic achievement in resource-
                     limited countries: Evidence from Ghana. Journal of Adolescence, 70, 13-23. https://doi.

                     Ansong, D., Okumu, M., Kim, Y. K., Despard, M., & Darfo-Oduro, R. (2020). Effects of
                     education savings accounts on student engagement: Instrumental variable analysis.
                     Global Social Welfare, 7(2), 109-120.

                     Ansong, D., Okumu, M., Albritton, T. J., Bahnuk, P. E., & Small, E. (2020). The role
                     of social support and psychological well-being in STEM performance trends across
                     gender and locality: Evidence from Ghana. Child Indicators Research, 13(5), 1655-1673.

                     Chen, D., & Ansong, D. (2019). Bayesian modeling of space and time dynamics: A
                     practical demonstration in social and health research. Journal of the Society for Social
                     Work and Research, 10(2), 275-299.

RETURN TO CONTRIBUTING FACULTY LIST                                                                             6
Research Review: Publications and Grants - January 2019-December 2020 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - UNC School of ...

                     Chen, D., Testa, M. F., Ansong, D., & Brevard, K. C. (2020). Evidence building
                     and information accumulation: Bayesian paradigm cohesive for child welfare
                     intervention research. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 11(3), 483-

                     Okumu, M., Ombayo, B., Small, E., & Ansong, D. (2019). Syndemics and sexual risk
                     practices among US high school students: Evidence from the 2017 Youth Behavioral
                     Survey. International Journal of Behavior Medicine, 26(3), 297-305. https://doi.

                     Wu, S., Wu, Q., Wei, X., Bledsoe, S. E., & Ansong, D. (2019). Exploring the factors
                     of achieving successful educational attainment among Chinese doctoral students
                     in the United States. Journal of International Students, 10(2), 244-264. https://doi.

                     EXTERNAL FUNDING
                     Evaluation of the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program Educational Campaign. (D.
                     Ansong, PI). North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of
                     Social Services, #A21-0084-001. ($52,451). Role: Principal Investigator. 12/2020-

                     Family First Prevention Services Evaluation. (D. Ansong, PI). Illinois Department
                     of Children and Family Services, #1005709016. ($546,563). Role: Principal
                     Investigator. 7/2020-6/2021.

                     Illinois Birth through Three (IB3) Waiver Evaluation. (D. Ansong, PI). Illinois Department
                     of Children and Family Services, #1005709016. ($1,071,692). Role: Principal
                     Investigator. 1/2019-6/2020.

                     The Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program (KinGAP) Implementation and Evaluation
                     Support. (S. Childs, PI). North Carolina Department of Health and Human
                     Services, Division of Social Services, #30-190-368. ($24,708). Role: Co-Principal
                     Investigator. 1/2019-6/2019.

                     Deborah Barrett
                     Director, Continuing Education
                     Clinical Associate Professor

                     Barrett, D., Brintz, C. E., Zaski, A. M., & Edlund, M. J. (2020). Dialectical pain
                     management: Feasibility of a hybrid third-wave cognitive behavioral therapy
                     approach for adults receiving opioids for chronic pain. Pain Medicine, pnaa361.

RETURN TO CONTRIBUTING FACULTY LIST                                                                            7
Research Review: Publications and Grants - January 2019-December 2020 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - UNC School of ...

                     Miller, V. E., Chen, D., Barrett, D., Poole, C., Golightly, Y. M., Sanders, A. E., Ohrbach,
                     R., Greenspan, J. D., Fillingim, R. B., & Slade, G. D. (2020). Understanding the
                     relationship between features associated with pain-related disability in people with
                     painful TMD: An exploratory structural equation modeling approach. Pain, 161(2),

                     Miller, V. E., Poole, C., Golightly, Y., Barret, D., Chen, D., Ohrbach, R., Greenspan, J.
                     D., Fillingim, R. B., & Slade, G. D. (2020). Characteristics associated with high-impact
                     pain in people with temporomandibular disorder: A cross-sectional study. Journal of
                     Pain, 20(3), 288-300.

                     Joy Noel Baumgartner
                     Wallace Kuralt Early Career Distinguished Scholar
                     Director, Global Mental Health Initiative
                     Associate Professor

                     Cherenack, E. M., Tolley, E. E., Kaaya, S., Headley, J., & Baumgartner, J. N. (2020).
                     Depression and sexual trauma among adolescent girls and young women in HIV-
                     prevention research in Tanzania. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 24(5), 620-629.

                     Egger, J. R., Headley, J., Li, Y., Kim, M. K., Kirya, J., Aldridge, L., Weiland, S., &
                     Baumgartner, J. N. (2020). Beneath the surface: A comparison of methods for
                     assessment of quality of care for maternal and neonatal health care in rural Uganda.
                     Maternal and Child Health Journal, 24(3), 328-339.

                     Lillie, M., Gallis, J. A., Hembling, J., Owusu, R. K., Ali, M., Abubakr-Bibilazu, S.,
                     Aborigo, R., Haliq, A., McEwan, E., Awoonor-Williams, J. K., & Baumgartner, J. N.
                     (2020). Prevalence and correlates of depression among pregnant women enrolled in
                     a maternal and newborn health program in rural northern Ghana: A cross-sectional
                     survey. Global Social Welfare, 7(2), 131-140.

                     Lillie, M., Lema, I., Kaaya, S., Steinberg, D., & Baumgartner, J. N. (2019). Nutritional
                     status among young adolescents attending primary school in Tanzania: Prevalence
                     and contribution of mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) for adolescent
                     assessment. BMC Public Health, 19(1), 1582.

                     Mascayano, F., Alvarado, R., Andrews, H., Baumgartner, J. N., Burrone, M. S.,
                     Conover, S., Cintra, J., Dahl, C., Galea, S., Gorroochurn, P., Fader, K., Jorquera, M. J.,
                     Lovisi, G., Mitkiewicz, F., Pratt, C., Rojas, G., Restrepo, M., Rosenheck, R., Sarução,
                     K., Schilling, S., et al. (2019). Implementing a recovery-oriented intervention for
                     people with psychoses in Latin American: a study protocol. Cadernos de Saúde Pública/
                     Reports in Public Health, 35(4).

RETURN TO CONTRIBUTING FACULTY LIST                                                                            8
Research Review: Publications and Grants - January 2019-December 2020 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - UNC School of ...

                     Ostermann, J., Vasudevan, L., Baumgartner, J. N., Ngadaya, E., & Mfinanga, S.
                     G. (2019). Do mobile phone-based reminders and conditional financial transfers
                     improve the timeliness of childhood vaccinations in Tanzania? Study protocol for a
                     quasi-randomized controlled trial. Trials, 20(1), 397.

                     Pack, A., Tolley, E., Kaaya, S., Sastry, G., Headley, J., & Baumgartner, J. N. (2019).
                     Stakeholder acceptability of adolescent participation in clinical trials for biomedical
                     HIV prevention products: Considerations from Tanzania and India. AIDS Care, 31(7),

                     Schrumpf, L. A., Stephens, M. J., Nsarko, N. E., Akosah, E., Baumgartner, J. N.,
                     Ohemeng-Dapaah, S., & Watt, M. H. (2020). Side effect concerns and their impact on
                     women’s uptake of modern family planning in rural Ghana: A mixed methods study.
                     BMC Women’s Health, 20(1), 57.

                     Sico, I. P., Hall, B. J., Aguilar-González, A., Orozco, M., Ramirez, C., Baumgartner,
                     J. N., Boyd, D., Bolaños, J., Calgua, E., Lou-Meda, R., & Rice, H. E. (2020).
                     Implementation analysis of a perioperative patient safety program in Guatemala.
                     World Journal of Surgery, 44(7), 2131-2138.

                     Stephens, M. J., Schrumpf, L. A., Nsarko, N. E., Baumgartner, J. N., Ohemeng-
                     Dapaah, S., Akosah, E., & Watt, M. H. (2020). “I have a lot of faith in her”: Value
                     of community health workers in addressing family planning in rural Ghana. Global
                     Public Health, 15(10), 1509-1521.

                     Vasudevan, L., Baumgartner, J. N., Moses, S., Ngadaya, E., Mfinanga, S., &
                     Ostermann, J. (2020). Parental concerns and uptake of childhood vaccines in rural
                     Tanzania – a mixed methods study. BMC Public Health, 20(1), 1573. https://doi.

                     Veling, W., Burns, J. K., Makhathini, E. M., Mtshemla, S., Nene, S., Shabalala, S.,
                     Mbatha, S. M., Tomita, A., Baumgartner, J. N., Susser, I., Hoek, H. W., & Susser,
                     E. (2019). Identification of patients with recent onset psychosis in KwaZulu Natal,
                     South Africa: A pilot study with traditional health practitioners and diagnostic
                     instruments. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 54(3), 303-312. https://doi.

                     Watt, M. H., Nguyen, T.-V., Touré, C., Traoré, D., Wesson, J., & Baumgartner, J. N.
                     (2020). Integrated mental health screening for obstetric fistula patients in Mali:
                     From evidence to policy. PLoS One, 15(9), e0238777.

                     EXTERNAL FUNDING
                     Adolescent Wellness Visits to Reduce Health Risks in Tanzania. (J. Baumgartner, PI).
                     National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, #1R01HD102279.
                     ($3,378,096). Role: Principal Investigator. 8/2020-6/2025.

RETURN TO CONTRIBUTING FACULTY LIST                                                                            9
Research Review: Publications and Grants - January 2019-December 2020 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - UNC School of ...

                     Family Psychoeducation for Adults with Psychotic Disorders in Tanzania. (J. Baumgartner,
                     PI). National Institute of Mental Health, #R34MH106663. ($644,034). Role:
                     Principal Investigator. 2/2017-2/2021.

                     Neil Bilotta
                     Assistant Clinical Professor

                     Bilotta, N. (2020). Anti-oppressive social work research: Prioritising refugee voices
                     in Kakuma refugee camp. Ethics and Social Welfare, 14(4), 397-414.

                     Chowa, G., Masa, R., Manzanares, M., Bilotta, N., & Barrington, C. (2021). A
                     systematic literature review of Positive Youth Development impacts on marginalized
                     and vulnerable youth. USAID.

                     Amy Blank Wilson
                     Prudence F. and Peter J. Meehan Early Career Distinguished Scholar
                     Co-Director, Tiny Homes Village
                     Associate Professor

                     Blank Wilson, A., Ishler, K., Morgan, B., Phillips, J., Draine, J., & Farkas, K. (2020).
                     Examining differences in criminogenic risk levels among people with serious
                     mental illness incarcerated in prisons and jails. Journal of Behavioral Health Services &
                     Research. Advance online publication.

                     Blank Wilson, A., Mahadevan, T., Villodas, M., Rodriguez, M., Bailliard, A., &
                     Cuddeback, G. (2020). Tiny homes are huge for people living with serious mental
                     illness. Research on Social Work Practice. Advance online publication. https://doi.

                     Bonfine, N., Blank Wilson, A., & Munetz, M. (2020). Addressing the complex needs
                     of justice-involved people with serious mental illness within community behavioral
                     health systems. Psychiatric Services, 71(4), 355-363.

RETURN TO CONTRIBUTING FACULTY LIST                                                                         10

                     Bonfine, N., Blank Wilson, A., & Munetz, M. (2020). Meeting the needs of justice
                     involved people with serious mental illness: In reply. Psychiatric Services, 71(8), 876-

                     Cuddeback, G. S., Grady, M., Blank Wilson, A., Van Deinse, T., & Morrissey,
                     J. P. (2019). Sex offenses among offenders with severe mental illness:
                     Services and recidivism after release from prison. International Journal of
                     Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 63(12), 2157-2170. https://doi.

                     Epperson, M., Blank Wilson, A., & Fedock, G. (2020). The promise of research to
                     advance smart decarceration. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 48(1), 3-9. https://doi.

                     Parisi, A., Sharma, A., Howard, M., & Blank Wilson, A. (2019). The relationship
                     between substance misuse and complicated grief: A systematic review. Journal of
                     Substance Abuse Treatment, 103, 43-57.

                     Thomas, E. C., Bilger, A., Blank Wilson, A., & Draine, J. (2019). Conceptualizing
                     restorative justice for people with mental illnesses leaving prison or jail. Journal of
                     Orthopsychiatry, 89(6), 693-703.

                     Tomar, N., Ghezzi, M., Blank Wilson, A., Van Deinse, T., Burgin, S., & Cuddeback
                     G. S. (2020). Demographic and clinical characteristics of consumers who transition
                     from assertive community treatment to less intensive services. Social Work in Mental
                     Health, 18(4), 398-409.

                     Van Deinse, T., Bunger, A., Burgin, S., Blank Wilson, A., & Cuddeback, G. (2019).
                     Using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research to examine
                     implementation determinants of specialty mental health probation. Health & Justice,

                     Van Deinse, T., Cuddeback, G., Blank Wilson, A., Edwards, D., & Lambert, M. (2019).
                     Self-report of mental illness among probationers: A population based analysis.
                     Probation Journal, 66(2), 236-247.

                     Van Deinse, T., Cuddeback, G., Blank Wilson, A., Edwards, D., & Lambert, M. (2020).
                     Variation in criminogenic risks by mental health symptom severity: Implications for
                     mental health services and research. Psychiatric Quarterly. Advance online publication.

                     BOOK CHAPTERS
                     Blank Wilson, A., & Givens, A. (2019). Targeting criminogenic needs. In R. D. Morgan
                     (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of criminal psychology (Vol. 1, pp. 329-331). Sage. https://

                     Blank Wilson, A., & Givens, A. (2019). The responsivity principle. In R. D. Morgan
                     (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of criminal psychology (Vol. 1, pp. 1254-1256). Sage.

RETURN TO CONTRIBUTING FACULTY LIST                                                                            11

                     Blank Wilson, A., & Van Deinse, T. (2019). Prevalence estimates of mental illness
                     among offenders. In R. D. Morgan (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of criminal psychology
                     (Vol. 1, pp. 1072-1074). Sage.

                     EXTERNAL FUNDING
                     Tiny Homes Village. (A. Blank Wilson, PI). Oak Foundation. ($1,000,000). Role:
                     Principal Investigator. 7/2019-6/2022.

                     Tiny Homes Village. (A. Blank Wilson & T. Mahadevan, M-PIs). Chatham County
                     Housing Trust Fund. ($50,000). Role: M-Principal Investigator. 2021-2022.

                     Tiny Homes Village – Public Water Connection. (A. Blank Wilson, PI). Chatham County
                     Housing Trust Fund. ($54,000). Role: Principal Investigator. 2020-2021.

                     Improving Mental Health Services for Prisoners with Serious Mental Illnesses. (A. Blank
                     Wilson, PI). National Institute of Mental Health, #R34MH111855. ($450,000). Role:
                     Principal Investigator. 4/2017-3/2021.

                     The Use of Restricted Housing in Jails and Prisons. (L. Digard, Parent PI). National
                     Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice (#2016-IJ-
                     CX-0016) through a sub-contract with Vera Institute (G. Cuddeback, sub-contract
                     PI). ($349,998). Role: Co-Investigator. 1/2017-12/2019.

                     Sarah E. Bledsoe
                     Associate Professor

                     Killian-Farrell, C., Rizo, C. F., Lombardi, B., Meltzer-Brody, S. & Bledsoe, S. E.
                     (2020). Traumatic experience, polytraumatization, and perinatal depression in a
                     diverse sample of adolescent mothers. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 35(23-24),
                     6017-6040. Advance online publication.

                     Lombardi, B., Bledsoe, S. E., Killian-Farrell, C., & Lanier, P. (2019). Victimization and
                     adversity in child welfare involved youth: The cumulative influence on behavioral
                     health symptoms. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1-27. Advance online publication.

                     O’Neil, J. C., Marraccini, M. E., Bledsoe, S. E., Knotek, S. E., & Tabori, A. V. (2020).
                     Suicide postvention practices in schools: School psychologists’ experiences, training,
                     and knowledge. School Psychology, 35(1), 61-71.

                     Wike, T. L., Grady, M., Massey, M., Bledsoe, S. E., Bellamy, J., Stim, H., & Putzu,
                     C. (2019). Newly-trained MSW social workers’ use of evidence-based practice and
                     evidence-supported interventions: Results from an online survey. Journal of Social
                     Work Education, 55(3), 504-518.

RETURN TO CONTRIBUTING FACULTY LIST                                                                        12

                     Wu, S., Wu, Q., Wei, X., Bledsoe, S. E., & Ansong, D. (2020). Exploring factors for
                     achieving successful educational attainment among Chinese doctoral students
                     in the United States. Journal of International Students, 10(2), 244-264. https://doi.

                     EXTERNAL FUNDING
                     The International Rescue Committee (IRC) Wichita to Bring Trauma Adapted Family
                     Connections (TA-FC) to Families with Minor Children who are Living in Poverty in
                     Wichita, KS. (K. S. Collins & S. E. Bledsoe, M-PIs). Kansas Department for Children
                     and Families, Youth and Family Stability Programs SFY 2021, DCF – Division of
                     Economic and Employment Services through a sub-contract with International
                     Rescue Committee in Kansas. ($67,687.67). Role: Principal Investigator. 7/2020-

                     Family-Informed Trauma Treatment (FITT) Center. (L. Kiser & K. S. Collins, M-PIs).
                     University of Maryland School of Medicine, School of Social Work, Kenney
                     Krieger Family Center. United States Department of Health and Human Services,
                     Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration. ($2,400,000). Role: Co-
                     Investigator. 5/2019-10/2021.

                     Tara Bohley
                     Director, Behavioral Health Springboard
                     Clinical Associate Professor

                     EXTERNAL FUNDING
                     Carolina Comprehensive Approach to Suicide Prevention. (T. L. Bohley, PI). Substance
                     Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, funded through the Garrett Lee
                     Smith Campus Suicide Prevention Program, #H79SM080448. ($306,000). Role:
                     Principal Investigator. 11/2018-11/2021.

                     The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill-School of Social Work, Behavioral Health
                     Springboard (BHS). (K. J. Strom, PI). NC Department of Health and Human Services,
                     Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services,
                     #40579. ($3,598,632). Role: Project Director. 7/2020-6/2021.

                     The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill-School of Social Work, Behavioral Health
                     Springboard (BHS). (K. J. Strom, PI). NC Department of Health and Human Services,
                     Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services,
                     #39674. ($1,745,228). Role: Project Director. 7/2019-6/2020.

RETURN TO CONTRIBUTING FACULTY LIST                                                                          13

                     Gary Bowen
                     Kenan Distinguished Professor

                     Bowen, N. K., Lucio, R., Patek-Pietrafesa, M., & Bowen, G. L. (2020). The SSP 2020:
                     The revised School Success Profile. Children & Schools, 42(1), 19-28. https://doi.

                     Graham, L. M., Jensen, T. M., Givens, A. D., Bowen, G. L., & Rizo, C. F. (2019).
                     Intimate partner violence among same-sex couples in college: A propensity
                     score analysis. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 34(8), 1583-1610. https://doi.

                     Jensen, T., & Bowen, G. (2020). Correlates of help-seeking intentions among
                     Airmen in the context of family maltreatment perpetration: Practical barriers as a
                     moderating influence. Journal of Family Violence. Advance online publication. https://

                     O’Neal, C. W., Mancini, J. A., & Bowen, G. L. (2020). Connecting experiences of
                     community shared responsibility and collective competence to the well-being of
                     adults in military families. Journal of Community Psychology, 48(5), 1637-1650. https://

                     Wretman, C., & Bowen, G. L. (2019). Analyzing military connectedness and
                     children’s individual adaptation with multinomial propensity score matching. Youth
                     & Society, 51(8), 1031-1053.

                     BOOK CHAPTERS
                     Bowen, G. L., Jensen, T. M., & Martin, J. A. (2019). Standing strong in the context of
                     organizational and family demands: A measure of USAF civilian spouse fitness. In R.
                     Moelker, M. Andres, & N. Rones (Eds.), The politics of military families and the rise of the
                     negotiation household: State, work organizations, and the rise of the negotiation household
                     (pp. 211-230). Routledge.

                     EXTERNAL FUNDING
                     United States Air Force Family Advocacy Prevention: The Way Forward (Phase III). (S. Stith,
                     Parent PI). United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and
                     Agriculture ($2,293,000; #2017-39575-27343), sub-contract through Kansas State
                     University (T. M. Jensen & G. L. Bowen, sub-contract M-PIs). ($302,415). Role:
                     M-Principal Investigator. 6/2018-2/2020.

RETURN TO CONTRIBUTING FACULTY LIST                                                                           14

                     Kanisha Brevard
                     Research Associate

                     Chen, D., Testa, M. F., Ansong, D., & Brevard, K. C. (2020). Evidence building
                     and information accumulation: Bayesian paradigm cohesive for child welfare
                     intervention research. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 11(3), 483-

                     Sokol, R., Austin, A., Chandler, C., Byrum, E., Bousquette, J., Lancaster, C., Doss,
                     G., Dotson, A., Urbaeva, V., Singichetti, B., Brevard, K., Wright, S., Lanier, P.,
                     & Shanahan, M. (2019). Screening children for social determinants of health: A
                     systematic review. Pediatrics, 144(4).

                     EXTERNAL FUNDING
                     Evaluation of the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program Educational Campaign. (D.
                     Ansong, PI). North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division
                     of Social Services, #A21-0084-001. ($52,451). Role: Co-Principal Investigator.

                     Family First Prevention Services Evaluation. (D. Ansong, PI). Illinois Department
                     of Children and Family Services, #1005709016. ($546,563). Role: Co-Principal
                     Investigator. 7/2020-6/2021.

                     Illinois Birth through Three (IB3) Waiver Evaluation. (D. Ansong, PI). Illinois Department
                     of Children and Family Services, #1005709016. ($1,071,692). Role: Co-Principal
                     Investigator. 1/2019-6/2020.

                     The Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program (KinGAP) Implementation and Evaluation
                     Support. (S. Childs, PI). North Carolina Department of Health and Human
                     Services, Division of Social Services, #30-190-368. ($24,708). Role: Co-Principal
                     Investigator. 1/2019-6/2019.

                     Mimi V. Chapman
                     Frank A. Daniels Distinguished Professor for Human Policy Information
                     Associate Dean for Doctoral Education
                     Chair of the Faculty, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

                     Hall, W. J., Rosado, B. R., & Chapman, M. V. (2019). Findings from a feasibility
                     study of an adapted CBT therapy group intervention to reduce depression on LGBTQ
                     (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer) young people. Journal of Clinical
                     Medicine, 8(7), 949.

RETURN TO CONTRIBUTING FACULTY LIST                                                                            15

                     Merino, Y., Lightfoot, A., Simán, F., Eng, G., Thomas, T., Coyne-Beasley, T., &
                     Chapman, M. V. (2020). “They were just waiting for me to mess up”: A critical
                     discourse analysis. Journal of Community Psychology, 48(2), 605-622. https://doi.

                     Wu, S., Chapman, M. V., Zhu, M., & Wang, X. (2020). Household assets, the role of
                     government assistance, and depression among low-income families in Shanghai.
                     Social Indicators Research, 149(2), 571-584.

                     Wu, S., Fraser, M. W., Gao, Q., Chapman, M. V., & Huang, J. (2020). Welfare
                     participation and depression symptoms among youth in China. Global Social Welfare.
                     Advance online publication.

                     EXTERNAL FUNDING
                     Essential Women of Color: Coping During the COVID-19 Pandemic. (M. V. Chapman, T. C.
                     Goings, & R. Goode, M-PIs). North Carolina Policy Collaboratory. ($100,000). Role:
                     M-Principal Investigator. 5/2020-12/2020.

                     Implicit Internalized Stigma: Measuring and Examining a Determinant of Mental Health
                     Disparities for Sexual Minorities. (W. Hall, PI). National Institute on Minority Health
                     and Health Disparities, #1R21Md012687. ($422,799). Role: Co-Investigator. 8/2018-

                     Ding-Geng Chen
                     Wallace H. Kuralt Distinguished Professor
                     Director of Statistical Development and Consultation

                     Bo, A., Wu, S., Chen, D. G., Marsiglia, F., Zhu, Y., Zhang, L., & Zhu B. (2020).
                     Understanding alcohol-specific antecedents among Chinese vocational
                     school adolescents. Addictive Behaviors, 110, 106483.

                     Chen, D. G., & Ansong, D. (2019). Bayesian modeling of space and time dynamics: A
                     practical demonstration in social and health science research. Journal of the Society for
                     Social Work and Research, 10(2), 275-299.

                     Chen, D. G., Liu, D., Min, X., & Zhang, H. (2020). Relative efficiency of using
                     summary and individual information in random-effects meta-analysis. Biometrics,
                     76(4), 1319-1329.

                     Chen, D. G., Testa, M. F., Ansong, D., & Brevard, K. C. (2020). Evidence building and
                     information accumulation: Using the Bayesian paradigm to advance child welfare
                     intervention research. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 11(3), 483-

RETURN TO CONTRIBUTING FACULTY LIST                                                                        16

                     Chen, X., & Chen, D. G. (2019). Cognitive theories, paradigm of quantum behavior
                     change, and cusp catastrophe modeling in social behavioral research. Journal of the
                     Society for Social Work and Research, 10(1), 127-159.

                     Chen, X., Wang, Y., & Chen, D. G. (2019). Nonlinear dynamics of binge drinking
                     among U.S. high school students in grade 12: Cusp catastrophe modeling of national
                     survey data. Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences, 23(4), 465-

                     Guan, T., Guo, P., Santacroce, S. J., Chen, D. G., & Song, S. (2020). Illness uncertainty
                     and its antecedents for patients with prostate cancer and their partners. Oncology
                     Nursing Forum, 47(6), 721-731.

                     Guan, T., Santacroce, S., Chen, D. G., & Song, L. (2020). Illness uncertainty, coping,
                     and quality of life among patients with prostate cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 29(6), 1-7.

                     Herrenkohl, T. I., Wooten, N. R., Fedina, L., Bellamy, J. L., Bunger, A. C., Chen, D. G.,
                     Jenson, J. M., Lee, B. R., Lee, J. O., Marsh, J. C., Solomon, P., & Williford, A. (2020).
                     Advancing our commitment to antiracist scholarship. Journal of the Society for Social
                     Work and Research, 11(3), 365-368.

                     Miller, V. E., Chen, D. G., Barrett, D., Poole, C., Golightly, Y., Sanders, A. E., Ohrbach,
                     R., Greenspan, J. D., Fillingim, R. B., & Slade, G. D. (2020). Understanding the
                     relationship between features associated with pain-related disability in people with
                     painful TMD: An exploratory structural equation modeling approach. Pain, 161(2),

                     Miller, V. E., Poole, C., Golightly, Y., Barrett, D., Chen, D. G., Ohrbach, R., Greenspan,
                     J. D., Fillingim, R. B., & Slade, G. D. (2019). Characteristics associated with high-
                     impact pain in people with TMD: A cross-sectional study. The Journal of Pain, 20(3),

                     Vazquez, E., Wilson, J., & Chen, D. G. (2020). Analysis of correlated data with
                     feedback for time-dependent covariates for psychiatry research. General Psychiatry,
                     33(5), e100263.

                     Yu, L., Liu, L. & Chen, D. G. (2019). A homoscedasticity test for the Accelerated
                     Failure Time model. Computational Statistics, 34(1), 433-446.

                     AUTHORED BOOKS
                     Wilson, J., Vazquez, E., & Chen, D. G. (2020). Marginal models in analysis of correlated
                     binary data with time-dependent covariates. Springer.

RETURN TO CONTRIBUTING FACULTY LIST                                                                           17

                     BOOK CHAPTERS
                     Chen, D. G., & Chen, X. (2020). Logistic cusp catastrophe regression for binary
                     outcome: Method development and empirical testing. In X. Chen & D. G. Chen (Eds.),
                     Statistical methods for global health and epidemiology (pp. 373-394). Springer. https://

                     Chen, D. G., Chen, X., & Qin, H. (2020). Moore-Penrose generalized-inverse solution
                     to age-period-cohort modeling for historical epidemiology and global health. In X.
                     Chen & D. G. Chen (Eds.), Statistical methods for global health and epidemiology (pp.
                     243-256). Springer.

                     Chen, X., Yu, B., & Chen, D. G. (2020). A 4D indicator system of count, p rate, g
                     rate and pg rate for epidemiology and global health. In X. Chen & D. G. Chen (Eds.),
                     Statistical methods for global health and epidemiology (pp. 201-218). Springer. https://

                     Chen, X., Wang, K., & Chen, D. G. (2020). Cusp catastrophe regression analysis
                     of testosterone in bifurcating the age-related changes in PSA, a biomarker for
                     prostate cancer. In X. Chen & D. G. Chen (Eds.), Statistical methods for global health and
                     epidemiology (pp. 353-372). Springer.

                     Chiang, J., Ng, H. K., Tsai, T. R., Lio, Y., & Chen, D. G. (2019). A survey of control
                     charts for simple linear profiles autocorrelation use. In L. Lio, H. K. Ng, T. R. Tsai,
                     & D. G. Chen (Eds.), Statistical quality technologies: Theory and practice (pp. 109-126).

                     Chiang, J., Ng, H. K., Tsai, T. R., Lio, Y., & Chen, D. G. (2019). Economical sampling
                     plans with warranty. In L. Lio, H. K. Ng, T. R. Tsai, & D. G. Chen (Eds.), Statistical
                     quality technologies: Theory and practice (pp. 211-230). Springer. https://doi.

                     EDITED BOOKS
                     Chen, X., & Chen, D. G. (Eds.). (2020). Statistical methods in global health
                     and epidemiology: Principles, methods, and applications. Springer. https://doi.

                     Lio, Y., Ng, H. K., Tsai, T., & Chen, D. G. (Eds.). (2019). Special quality technologies:
                     Theory and practice. Springer.

                     Ting, N., Cappelleri, J., Ho, S., & Chen, D. G. (Eds.). (2020). Design and analysis of
                     subgroups with biopharmaceutical applications. Springer.

                     Zhang, L., Chen, D. G., Jiang, H., Li, G., & Quan, H. (Eds.). (2019). Contemporary
                     biostatistics with biopharmaceutical applications. Springer.

RETURN TO CONTRIBUTING FACULTY LIST                                                                              18

                     Zhao, Y., & Chen, D. G. (Eds.). (2020). Statistical modelling in biomedical research.

                     EXTERNAL FUNDING
                     Reducing Recidivism and Improving Outcomes among Probationers with Mental Illnesses:
                     Combining Mental Health Probation with Supported Employment. (G. Cuddeback, PI). U.S.
                     Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, #2019-MO-BX-0022. ($740,693).
                     Role: Co-Investigator. (10/2019-9/2022).

                     Assessing the Reliability and Validity of the North Carolina Department of Public Safety Risk
                     and Needs Assessment for Offenders. (G. Cuddeback, PI). North Carolina Department of
                     Public Safety. ($149,334). Role: Co-Investigator. (1/2021-12/2021).

                     Family First Prevention Services Evaluation. (D. Ansong, PI). Illinois Department of
                     Children and Family Services, #1005709016. ($149,334). Role: Co-Investigator/
                     Biostatistician. 7/2020-6/2021.

                     Illinois Birth Through Three (IB3) Waiver Evaluation. (D. Ansong, PI). Illinois
                     Department of Children and Family Services, #1005709016. ($1,071,692). Role: Co-
                     Investigator/Biostatistician. 7/2018-6/2020.

                     Implicit Internalized Stigma: Measuring and Examining a Determinant of Mental Health
                     Disparities for Sexual Minorities. (W. Hall, PI). National Institute on Minority Health
                     and Health Disparities, #1R21Md012687. ($422,799). Role: Co-Investigator/
                     Biostatistician. 8/2018-3/2020.

                     Improving Mental Health Services for Prisoners with Mental Illness. (J. Wilson, PI).
                     National Institute of Mental Health, #1R34MH111855. ($1,063,042). Role: Co-
                     Investigator/Biostatistician. 12/2017-2/2020.

                     Specialty Mental Health Probation: A Randomized Controlled Trial. (NC Department
                     of Public Safety, Parent PI). Bureau of Justice Assistance (#2015-SM-BX-0004)
                     through a sub-contract with the North Carolina Department of Public Safety (G.
                     Cuddeback, sub-contract PI). ($670,000). Role: Co-Investigator/Biostatistician.

RETURN TO CONTRIBUTING FACULTY LIST                                                                            19

                     Gina A. N. Chowa
                     Johnson-Howard-Adair Distinguished Professor
                     Associate Dean for Global Engagement
                     Director, Global Social Development Innovations

                     Ansong, D., Chowa, G., Masa, R., Despard, M., Sherraden, M., Wu, S., & Osei-Akoto,
                     I. (2019). Effects of youth savings accounts on school attendance and academic
                     performance: Evidence from a youth savings experiment. Journal of Family and
                     Economic Issues, 40(2), 269-281.

                     Ansong, D., Eisensmith, S. R., Okumu, M., & Chowa, G. (2019). The importance of
                     self-efficacy and educational aspirations for academic achievement in resource-
                     limited countries: Evidence from Ghana. Journal of Adolescence, 70, 13-23. https://doi.

                     Chowa, G. (2019). The next frontier for social development: Deepening our
                     understanding, discovering new solutions, and forging ahead. Global Social Welfare,
                     6(1), 1-3.

                     Chowa, G., & Masa, R. (2019). Asset ownership and academic achievement of youth
                     in Ghana: Examining association based on asset type and academic subject. The
                     Educational Forum, 83(2), 181-198.

                     Elliott, W., Chowa, G., Ellis, J., Chen, Z., & O’Brien, M. (2019). Combining children’s
                     savings account programs with scholarship programs: Effects on math and reading
                     scores. Children Youth and Services Review, 102, 7-17.

                     Gichane, W. M., Mutesa, M., & Chowa, G. (2019). Translating evidence into policy
                     change: Advocacy for community-based distribution of injectable contraceptives in
                     Zambia. Global Social Welfare, 6(1), 41-47.

                     Masa, R., Bates, C., & Chowa, G. (2020). Direct and indirect associations
                     of food insecurity, adolescent-parent relationship, and adolescent future
                     orientation. Journal of Family Issues. Advance online publication. https://doi.

                     Masa, R., & Chowa, G. (2019). Correlates of animal source food consumption and its
                     association with psychosocial functioning of adults in rural Uganda. Food Security,
                     11(3), 665-667.

                     Masa, R., & Chowa, G. (2019). The association of material hardship with perceived
                     stress and medication adherence among people living with HIV in rural Zambia.
                     Global Social Welfare, 6(1), 17-28.

                     Masa, R., & Chowa, G. (2020). Household food insecurity and educational outcomes
                     in school-going adolescents in Ghana. Public Health Nutrition. Advance online

RETURN TO CONTRIBUTING FACULTY LIST                                                                        20

                     Masa, R., Chowa, G., & Sherraden, M. (2020). An evaluation of a school-based
                     savings program and its effect on sexual risk behaviors and victimization
                     among young Ghanaians. Youth & Society, 52(7), 1083-1106. https://doi.

                     Masa, R., Graham, L., Khan, Z., Chowa, G., & Patel, L. (2019). Food insecurity, sexual
                     risk taking, and sexual victimization in Ghanaian adolescents and young South
                     African adults. International Journal of Public Health, 64(2), 153-163. https://doi.

                     Masa, R., Khan, Z., & Chowa, G. (2020). Youth food insecurity in Ghana and
                     South Africa: Prevalence, socioeconomic correlates, and moderation effect of
                     gender. Children and Youth Services Review, 116, 105180.

                     Patel, L., Graham, L., & Chowa, G. (2020). Evidence of non-economic indicators as
                     markers of success for youth in youth employability program: Insights from a South
                     Africa study. Children and Youth Service Review, 118, 105404.

                     EXTERNAL FUNDING
                     USAID Youth Monitoring and Evaluation Services Indefinite Delivery Indefinite
                     Quantity (IDIQ). USAID Bureau for Policy, Planning, and Learning ($650,000,000
                     ceiling) through a sub-contract with Making Cents International (G.
                     Chowa, sub-contract PI). (UNC sub-contract amount: TBD). Role: Principal
                     Investigator. 7/2020-7/2025.

                     YouthPower2 Learning and Evaluation. United States Agency for International
                     Development. ($25,000,000; #7200AA19M00018) through a sub-contract with
                     Making Cents International (G. Chowa, sub-contract PI). (UNC subcontract amount:
                     TBD). Role: Principal Investigator. 6/2020-5/2023.

                     Siyakha: Pathways to Youth Assets and Employability in South Africa. (G. Chowa & L.
                     Patel, M-PIs). Ford Foundation. ($350,000). Role: M-Principal Investigator. 1/2014-

                     Chowa, G., Masa, R., Manzanares, M., Bilotta, N., & Barrington, C. (2021). A systematic
                     literature review of Positive Youth Development impacts on marginalized and vulnerable
                     youth. USAID.

                     Graham, L., Patel, L., Chowa, G., Khan, Z., Masa, R., Mthembu, S., & Williams, L.
                     (2019). Siyakha Youth Assets study: Developing youth assets for employability. University
                     of Johannesburg, Centre for Social Development in Africa.

RETURN TO CONTRIBUTING FACULTY LIST                                                                          21

                     Gary Cuddeback
                     Berg-Beach Distinguished Professor
                     Research Fellow, Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research

                     Blank Wilson, A., Mahadevan, T., Villodas, M., Rodriguez, M., Baillard, A., &
                     Cuddeback, G. S. (2020). Tiny homes are huge for people living with serious mental
                     illness. Research on Social Work Practice. Advance online publication. https://doi.

                     Cuddeback, G. S., Simpson, J., & Wu, J. (2020). A comprehensive literature review of
                     forensic assertive community treatment (FACT): Directions for practice, policy and
                     research. International Journal of Mental Health, 49(2), 106-127.

                     Cuddeback, G. S. (2019). Jails and prisons: Caring for those with complex needs.
                     North Carolina Medical Journal, 80(6), 357-358.

                     Cuddeback, G. S., Grady, M., Blank Wilson, A., Van Deinse, T. B., & Morrissey, J.
                     P. (2019). Persons with severe mental illnesses and sex offenses: Recidivism after
                     prison release. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology,
                     63(12), 2157-2170.

                     Domino, M. E., Gertner, A., Grabert, B., Cuddeback, G. S., Childers, T., & Morrissey, J.
                     P. (2019). Do timely mental health services reduce recidivism among prison releasees
                     with severe mental illness? Health Services Research, 54(3), 592-602. https://doi.

                     Domino, M. E., Norton, E. C., Yoon, J., Cuddeback, G. S., & Morrissey, J. P. (2020).
                     Putting providers at-risk through capitation or shared savings: How strong are
                     incentives for upcoding and treatment changes? The Journal of Mental Health Policy
                     and Economics, 23(3), 81-91.

                     Gertner, A., Morrissey, J. P., Grabert, B., Cuddeback, G. S., & Domino, M. E. (2019).
                     The effect of expedited Medicaid on substance use treatment utilization among
                     released prisoners with severe mental illness. Journal of Substance Use Treatment, 99,

                     Ghezzi, M., Van Deinse, T. B., Crable, E. L., Buck, K., Brewer, M., Brown, S., Sullivan,
                     N., & Cuddeback, G. (2020). Adapting a clinical case consultation model to enhance
                     capacity of specialty mental health probation officers. Perspectives: The Journal of the
                     American Probation and Parole Association, 44(2), 40-49.

                     Hunt, M. G., Cuddeback, G. S., Bromley, E., Bradford, D. W., & Hoff. R. A. (2019).
                     Changing rates of mental health disorders among Veterans treated in the VHA during
                     troop drawdown, 2007-2013. Community Mental Health Journal, 55(7), 1120-1124.

RETURN TO CONTRIBUTING FACULTY LIST                                                                         22

                     Longmate, C., Lowder, E., Givens, A., Van Deinse, T. B., Ghezzi, M., Burgin, S. E.,
                     & Cuddeback, G. S. (2020). Social support among people with mental illnesses on
                     probation. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. Advance online publication. https://doi.

                     Pecukonis, E., Keefe, R. H., Copeland, V. C., Cuddeback, G. S., Friedman, M. S., &
                     Albert, S. M. (2019). Educating the next generation of public health social work
                     leaders: Findings from a two-day summit. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 39(2),

                     Perez Jolles, M., Givens, A. G., Lombardi, B. M., & Cuddeback, G. S. (2019). Welfare
                     caseworkers’ perceived responsibility for the behavioral needs of children: A national
                     profile. Children and Youth Services Review, 98, 80-84.

                     Scanlon, F., Schatz, D., Scheidell, J., Cuddeback, G. S., Frueh, B. C., & Khan,
                     M. (2019). National study of childhood traumatic events and criminal justice
                     involvement: Evaluating the protective role of social support from mentors during
                     adolescence. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 80(5), e1-e9.

                     Smith, M. J., Mitchell, J. A., Blajeski, S., Parham, B., Harrington, M. M., Ross, B.,
                     Sinco, B., Brydon, D. M., Johnson, J. E., Cuddeback, G. S., Smith, J. D., Jordan, N., Bell,
                     M. D., McGeorge, R., Kaminski, K., Suganuma, A., & Kubiak, S. P. (2020). Enhancing
                     vocational training in corrections: A type 1 hybrid randomized controlled trial
                     protocol for evaluating virtual reality job interview training among returning citizens
                     preparing for community re-entry. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 19,

                     Tomar, N., Brinkley-Rubinstein, L., Ghezzi, M. A., Van Deinse, T. B., Burgin, S. E.,
                     & Cuddeback, G. S. (2020). Internalized stigma among probationers with serious
                     mental illnesses. International Journal of Mental Health, 49(2), 201-211.

                     Tomar, N., Ghezzi, M., Blank Wilson, A., & Cuddeback, G. S. (2020). Demographic
                     and clinical characteristics of consumers who transition from assertive community
                     treatment to less intensive services. Social Work in Mental Health, 18(4), 398-409.

                     Van Deinse, T. B., Bunger, A., Burgin, S. E., Blank Wilson, A., & Cuddeback, G. S.
                     (2019). Using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research to examine
                     implementation determinants of specialty mental health probation. Health & Justice,

                     Van Deinse, T. B., Crable, E. L., Dunn, C., Weis, J., & Cuddeback, G. S. (2020).
                     Probation officers’ and supervisors’ perspectives on critical resources for
                     implementing specialty mental health probation. Administration and Policy in Mental
                     Health and Mental Health Services Research. Advance online publication. https://doi.

RETURN TO CONTRIBUTING FACULTY LIST                                                                          23

                     Van Deinse, T. B., Cuddeback, G. S., Ghezzi, M., Crable, E. L., Buck, K., Brewer, M.,
                     Brown, S., & Sullivan, N. (2020). It’s not just what, it’s how: Using implementation
                     science to advance specialized mental health probation approaches. Perspectives: The
                     Journal of the American Probation and Parole Association, 44(2), 50-59. https://www.

                     Van Deinse, T. B., Blank Wilson, A., Edwards, D., & Cuddeback, G. S. (2020). Variation
                     in criminogenic risks by mental health symptom severity: Implications for mental
                     health services and research. Psychiatric Quarterly. Advance online publication.

                     BOOK CHAPTERS
                     Cuddeback, G. S., Lowder, E. M., & Mayo, J. P. (2019). Mental health courts. In R.
                     D. Morgan (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of criminal psychology (pp. 555-560). Sage.

                     EXTERNAL FUNDING
                     HomeLink: Services and Housing Stability for Justice-Involved Persons with Serious and
                     Persistent Mental Illnesses. (T. Mahadevin, PI). Substance Abuse and Mental Health
                     Services Administration, #1H79SM080750. ($2,500,000). Role: Evaluator. 10/2018-

                     North Carolina Victims of Crime Needs Assessment. (T. Van Deinse, PI). North Carolina
                     Governor’s Crime Commission. ($268,317). Role: Co-Investigator. 3/2021-7/2022.

                     Establishing the Current State of Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Implementation
                     in the U.S. (L. Moser, PI). Laura and John Arnold Foundation. ($479,388). Role: Co-
                     Investigator. 10/2019-9/2022.

                     Reducing Recidivism and Improving Outcomes Among Probationers with Mental Illnesses:
                     Combining Mental Health Probation with Supported Employment. (G. Cuddeback,
                     PI). Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, #2019-MO-BX-0022.
                     ($740,693). Role: Principal Investigator. 9/2019-8/2022.

                     Re-Assessing the Reliability and Validity of the North Carolina Department of Public
                     Safety’s Risk and Needs Assessment for Offenders. (G. Cuddeback, PI). North Carolina
                     Department of Public Safety. ($149,443). Role: Principal Investigator. 1/2021-

                     Durham County Integrated Reentry. (Durham County Government, Parent PI). Bureau
                     of Justice Assistance ($749,771; #2018-RW-BX-008) through a sub-contract with
                     the Criminal Justice Resource Center of Durham County (T. Van Deinse, sub-contract
                     PI). ($133,000). Role: Co-Investigator. 10/2018-0/2021.

                     North Carolina Predictive Analytics Supervision Effort. (F. Taxman, Parent PI). Bureau
                     of Justice Assistance ($748,115; #2017-SM-BX-0006) through a sub-contract with
                     the North Carolina Department of Public Safety (T. Van Deinse, sub-contract PI).
                     ($104,864). Role: Co-Investigator. 10/2017-9/2021.

RETURN TO CONTRIBUTING FACULTY LIST                                                                          24

                     Innovative Models for Serving Homeless Individuals with Severe Mental Illnesses. (G.
                     Cuddeback, PI). University of California, Los Angeles. ($44,497). Role: Principal
                     Investigator. 1/2019-12/2020.

                     National Survey of Probation and Mental Health. (T. Van Denise, PI). Pew Charitable
                     Trusts. ($149,257). Role: Co-Investigator. 12/2019-3/2020.

                     Improving Mental Health Services for Prisoners with Serious Mental Illnesses. (A. Blank
                     Wilson, PI). National Institute of Mental Health, #R34MH111855. ($665,000). Role:
                     Co-Investigator. 4/2017-3/2021.

                     Defining the Core Components of Specialty Mental Health Probation. (T. Van Deinse, PI).
                     Fahs-Beck Fund for Research and Experimentation Faculty/Post-Doctoral Grant
                     Program. ($18,884). Role: Co-Investigator. 7/2018-6/2019.

                     Implementation and Dissemination of the Risk Needs Responsivity Simulation Tool. (T.
                     Van Deinse, PI). North Carolina Department of Public Safety. ($77,000). Role: Co-
                     Investigator. 2017-2019.

                     The Use of Restricted Housing in Jails and Prisons. (L. Digard, Parent PI). National
                     Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice (#2016-IJ-
                     CX-0016) through a sub-contract with Vera Institute (G. Cuddeback, sub-contract
                     PI). ($349,998). Role: Principal Investigator. 1/2017-12/2019.

                     Specialty Mental Health Probation: A Randomized Controlled Trial. (North Carolina
                     Department of Public Safety, Parent PI). Bureau of Justice Assistance GMS Award
                     (#2015-SM-BX-004) through a sub-contract with the North Carolina Department
                     of Public Safety (G. Cuddeback, sub-contract PI). ($670,000). Role: Principal
                     Investigator. 8/2016-12/2019.

                     Evaluation of a Primary Care and Behavioral Health Care Integration Project. (A. Hall, PI).
                     Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. ($1,200,000). Role:
                     Evaluator. 10/2014-9/2019.

                     Allison De Marco
                     Advanced Research Scientist, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute
                     Equity Lead, Jordan Institute for Families
                     Adjunct Faculty

                     De Marco, A. C., & Kretzschmar, J. (2019). The impact of cocurricular community
                     service on student learning and perceptions of poverty and homelessness. Journal of
                     Poverty, 23(1), 21-43.

RETURN TO CONTRIBUTING FACULTY LIST                                                                           25
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