International Student Arrival

Page created by Greg Caldwell
International Student Arrival

Guide           1 20
International Student Arrival
    Dear Incoming International Students,

    From Europe to Asia to the Americas, our journeys across the globe have opened doors to opportunities that have
    significantly changed our lives. We left behind what had always been familiar to us in order to explore and embrace
    the exciting unknown. We connected with other cultures by learning different languages, meeting new people,
    tasting unique food, and exploring ancient landmarks. These colorful experiences will forever be woven into the
    vibrant tapestries of our lives, and it is our hope to share with you this passion for enlightenment and growth
    through international education.

    Our office is excited that you have chosen to also expand the boundaries of your known world by studying at High
    Point University. We look forward to meeting you and seeing you grow through your experiences exploring North
    Carolina and the United States, building new friendships, and learning both inside and outside of our classrooms.
    HPU is an innovative campus offering an extraordinary education in an inspiring environment with caring people.
    With our personalized and engaging atmosphere, we are confident that your time here will complement your
    educational and personal development.

    The HPU Office of Global Education has worked diligently to prepare for your arrival to High Point. Before you
    depart for your semester here in the U.S., there are several
    important tasks that you will need to complete. The first
    half of this guide will help you through this process and
    will supplement the important information sent to
    you through emails from our staff.

    The second half of this guide will serve as a
    resource during your time at HPU. It explains
    the details of your arrival and orientation
    and provides an overview of the
    opportunities available at High Point
    University and the surrounding cities.
    While we can never put all the information
    you will need into such a short guide, we
    do believe it is a great starting point.

    We are very excited to meet you! As always,
    if you have questions or need more
    information, don’t hesitate to contact us at

    Happy travels,

    Jeff, Marjorie, Chris & Kristen
    High Point University Office of Global Education

International Student Arrival
Dr. Jeffrey Palis                      Dr. Marjorie Church
Director, Global Education             Director, International Student Affairs
Cottrell Hall 146                      Cottrell Hall 145         
+1 (336) 841-9636 (Office)             +1 (336) 841-4638 (Office)
+1 (336) 953-0239 (Mobile, WhatsApp)   +1 (336) 420-9720 (Mobile, WhatsApp)

Chris Ferguson                         Kristen Cruz
Advisor & Designated School Official   Global Education Coordinator
Cottrell Hall 144                      Cottrell Hall 142       
+1 (336) 841-9051 (Office)             +1 (336) 841-9471 (Office)
+1 (336) 823-1673 (Mobile, WhatsApp)   +1 (419) 350-3885 (Mobile, WhatsApp)

International Student Arrival
    Pre-Arrival Planning & Checklist
          Register for Courses����������������������������������������������������7
          Activate Your Computer Accounts��������������������������9
          Confirm Campus Housing & Dining������������������������10
          Complete the Student Medical History/
          Immunization Form ��������������������������������������������������12
          Enroll in the HPU Health Insurance Plan ����������������12
          Pay Your Program Fees��������������������������������������������13
          Notify HPU of Your Arrival Plans ������������������������������14
          Apply for Your F-1 Student Visa ������������������������������15

    Arrival & Orientation����������������������������������� 16
          Important Dates��������������������������������������������������������16
          What to Bring with You ��������������������������������������������16
          Arrival Day ����������������������������������������������������������������17
          Orientation: Days 1 & 2 ������������������������������������������18
          Orientation: Days 3 – 5 ��������������������������������������������19

    Contacts������������������������������������������������������� 20

    Academic Life��������������������������������������������� 22
          Academic Calendar������������������������������������������������22
          Academic Life at HPU����������������������������������������������23
          Information Technology������������������������������������������26

    Student Life��������������������������������������������������� 28
          Survival List for Resident Students����������������������������29
          The HPU Passport Student ID Card��������������������������30
          HPU Dining ����������������������������������������������������������������30
          HPU Transportation ��������������������������������������������������32
          Airport Shuttle Service����������������������������������������������34
          Private Transportation����������������������������������������������36
          Public Transportation������������������������������������������������37

International Student Arrival
Student Life, continued������������������������������� 28
      Banking & Financial Matters������������������������������������38
      Living in the Piedmont Triad������������������������������������40
      Immigration ��������������������������������������������������������������49

Appendix����������������������������������������������������� 51
      Frequently Asked Questions������������������������������������52
      Glossary of Common U.S. Terminology ����������������54
      Campus Map������������������������������������������������������������55

International Student Arrival
                                    Pre-Arrival Checklist
                                           Register for Courses

                                           Activate Your Computer Accounts

                                           Confirm Campus Housing & Dining

                                           Complete the Student Medical History/
                                           Immunization Form

                                           Enroll in the HPU Health Insurance Plan

                                           Pay Your Program Fees

                                           Notify HPU of Your Arrival Plans

                                           Apply for Your F-1 Student Visa

    Global Education Mentors Program
    The HPU Global Education Mentors (GEMs) program is HPU’s international student buddy program. The program was
    developed to help our incoming students meet HPU students and acclimate to the HPU culture during their first semester.

    Many Global Education Mentors are either students who have studied abroad previously or are international students
    themselves. They can help act as a peer advisor to help you make friends, learn about life at High Point University, and help you
    become active in the HPU community.

    All international students are encouraged to participate in the Global Education Mentors program to gain the most from their
    time ajusting to life at HPU and building lasting friendships and support systems while enrolled at the university.


Register for Courses
Degree-Seeking Students
Your Success Coach will assist you through academic planning and course registration. You’ll need to begin building a degree
plan starting with your first-semester enrollment. Look for communication from your coach regarding academic advising and
coaching, as well as degree planning and course registration. Contact your coach for questions you may have.

Exchange & Study Abroad Students
The Office of Global Education will assist you through course registration. Your process will vary from the process degree-
seeking students use to enroll in courses, as you will need to take into consideration your home university degree plan, not a
plan specific to an HPU degree–you will not be required to enroll in general education requirements or set electives.

When you applied to HPU, you listed a selection of courses you may intend to take at HPU. This information was useful to
let our faculty know in what classes they can expect for exchange students to enroll and will be used for the basis of your
enrollment. Submitting the form did not automatically enroll you in your requested courses, however. Your requests were sent
to Dr. Marjorie Church, who works with Karen Naylon, the Assistant Dean for Academic Services, the Registrar’s Office, and
professors in order to create your schedule. This process can take up to one month.

As courses fill quickly at HPU, you may find that some of your preferred courses will not be available. While the Office of
Global Education will do everything possible to help you to be placed into these courses, additional alternate courses may be
necessary. You will be notified via email should schedule modifications need to be made.

Finding Available Courses
Fall class schedules will be available starting in mid-March. Spring class schedules will be available starting in mid-October.
The instructions below can be used to help you find available courses.

    1. Go to MyStuff

         Go to Click “Search for Classes” on the right-hand side of the page and then “Search for
         Classes” again on the left-hand side of the next page.

    2. Search for Courses

         At the “Search for Sections” page, select the appropriate term for your course registration. Terms are listed with the
         academic year first. Choose “FALL Undergraduate” if you are arriving in August (e.g., 2019 FALL Undergraduate) or
         “SPRING Undergraduate” if you are arriving in January (e.g., 2020 SPRING Undergraduate).

Course Catalog
The High Point University course catalog is
accessible online and does not require log-in

To view the online course catalog, go to http:// Click on the orange “Search
for Classes” button and again the blue “Search for
Classes” hyperlink.

Descriptions and course information can be found by
clicking on the individual course titles.


            Leave the Starting and Ending Date fields blank.

            For “Subjects” select the subject(s) you are interested in taking and leave the remaining fields (i.e., Course Levels,
            Course Number, Section, etc.) blank. Click on “Submit” and the screen will open up into your results.

               • Business courses are listed under Business Administration, Management, Marketing, Finance, Accounting, etc.
               • To find course descriptions, click on the course title. A section information page will open with more
                   information about the course including a description, meeting information, and a list of prerequisites.
               • Some courses have prerequisites: Please read the section information page to determine if your courses have
                   prerequisites. If so, please determine if you have met those prerequisites by completion of a similar course at
                   you home university. For each course that you are requesting that has prerequisites, please be able to explain
                   how you have met these prerequisites and what these courses are titled on your transcript.

        3. Determine your preferred and alternate course enrollment

            It is best to discuss your options with your home university advisor to ensure that you are selecting courses that will
            transfer to your home university for credit. After consultation with your academic advisor, choose the courses you
            are most interested in, along with some alternates.* Make careful note of everything listed in the Section Name and
            Title column (the third column) for each course. Courses will need to be listed in the following format: BUA-2990-01
            (35635) Bus Comm/Prof Dev. This can be copied directly from the MyStuff column titled Section Name and Title.

               • HPU will permit you to take undergraduate courses outside of your given major, but you always will want to
                    confirm your course selections with your home university academic adviser to ensure you will receive credit
                    for these courses at your home university.
               • You may request courses that are closed. While we cannot guarantee that we can register you for them, we
                    will do our best to accommodate your request.

    Frequently Asked Questions
            How many courses should you choose?
            You must enroll in courses full-time to retain your visa status. Twelve (12) credit hours (usually three classes) are
            the minimum number of hours to be considered a full-time student at HPU. A typical student spends two hours in
            preparation for every one hour of class time. Most students at HPU enroll in approximately sixteen (16) credit hours
            per semester.

            What is the first day on which you can enroll in classes?
            Fall term course registration is available to study abroad/exchange students from May – August. Spring term course
            registration is available from November to January. Please send your course requests as soon as possible in order to
            increase your chances of getting in your top choices.

    Confirmation of Registration
    Once you have been registered, you will receive a confirmation email from the Office of Global Education confirming the
    courses in which you were enrolled and any courses that are pending. If you have not received confirmation within one month,
    contact Dr. Church at

    Schedule Modifications
    The Office of Global Education, Office of Student Success, and Office of Academic Services are here for you! We will do
    everything we can to ensure that you get the classes you need. If you do not get the courses you have requested, remember
    that in some cases you can change your schedule within the first week of classes to suit your needs. Sometimes seats become
    available during the Drop/Add period. Ways to modify your course schedule will be discussed during Orientation, the
    weekend before classes begin.


Activate Your Computer Accounts
Once accepted to study at High Point University, you will be given access to the HPU systems. You HPU account will allow you to
    1. HPU Email: your personal, private email account ( which you will use as your primary
        method of communication with HPU faculty and staff.
    2. MyStuff: a portal you’ll use to access important academic and personal information on file with HPU.
    3. HPU Portal: a general portal where you can access important HPU resources and directories.
    4. Blackboard: an online course management system used in many of your courses at HPU.
    5. Housing Portal: an online application for on-campus housing.

Within 2 weeks of finalizing your information in our student management system, your account will be created automatically
by High Point University’s Office of Information Technology.

You will receive an email to your personal email address that you provided coming from with login
information including your unique HPU computer account username and a temporary password. If you do not receive this
email within 3 weeks of your acceptance, please check your SPAM filter and then contact the Office of Global Education for

Upon receipt of your login information, change your password to a more secure option:
   • Log into
   • Enter your username and temporary password and click “Log In”.
   • Create a new password noting the following:
            ◦◦ The password must be at least 8 characters long.
            ◦◦ Use characters from at least three of the following categories:
                     ▪▪ Uppercase (A,B,C...)
                     ▪▪ Lowercase (a,b,c...)
                     ▪▪ Numeric (0,1,2...)
                     ▪▪ Special (!,$,#,%...)
            ◦◦ Username cannot be part of the password.
            ◦◦ New password cannot be the same as your previous password.
            ◦◦ Password cannot contain your first, middle or last name.
   • You may be asked to select and answer a security Challenge Question (e.g., mother’s maiden name, first school
       attended, or town of birth). You will be required to answer this question when you reset your password.

Note: While you can change your password, you cannot change your HPU username.

Keep your login information private as it will provide access to important and confidential information.


     Confirm Campus Housing & Dining
     HPU offers 23 residence halls with single and double rooms in dormitories, apartments, and town home settings as well as a
     variety of dining options from cafeterias and coffee shops to restaurants, including a fine dining steakhouse. Housing options
     are tiered, beginning with our standard rooms under Tier 1. Meal plans are compulsory for students living on campus.

     Exchange and study abroad students are required to live in on-campus accommodations and will be able to select which option
     and pricing tier they prefer. Exchange students from universities with a TFR (tuition/fee/room) exchange agreement or TFRB
     (tuition/fee/room/board) exchange agreement are eligible for a Tier 1 room included in their housing benefit, and choosing a
     higher tiered option will result in a supplemental billing for the additional investment.

     2019-2020 Fees for Accommodation and Meals
                                                       TF Exchange         TFR Exchange         TFRB Exchange
                                                        Agreement           Agreement             Agreement
      Room (Tier 1 housing)                                  $3,679.00             (waived)              (waived)            $3,679.00
      Board                                                  $3,672.00            $3,672.00              (waived)            $3,672.00
      Board Tax (billed alongside board fees)                  $247.86              $247.86              (waived)              $247.86
      Total Room & Board Expenses per Term                   $7,598.86            $3,919.86                $0.00            $7,598.86

     For direct-enroll study abroad, please inquire with the Office of Global Education:

     Housing Tier & Pricing Information
      Tier 1       $3,679.00 per semester, or included per TFRB & TFR exchange agreement
                   Our standard rooms consist of double rooms in Belk, Finch, McEwen, Millis, North, North College Court, North
                   College Terrace, University Houses, Wesley, and Yadkin.
      Tier 2       $5,523.00 per semester (Tier 1 pricing plus additional investment of $1,844.00 per semester)
                   Single rooms in Finch, McEwen, North College Court, North College Terrace, University Houses, and Wilson; double
                   rooms in North College Townhomes, Point Place Apartments, University Center 2, University Village, R.G. Wanek
                   Center, and Wilson; 3- & 4-person suites in Blessing, Aldridge Village, and York.
      Tier 3       $6,239.00 per semester (Tier 1 pricing plus additional investment of $2,560.00 per semester)
                   Single rooms in McCain Place Townhomes, North College Townhomes, Point Place Apartments, and University
                   Village; 4-person units in Caffey Hall; double rooms in Greek Village, Centennial Square 1 & 2.
      Tier 4       $7,366.00 per semester (Tier 1 pricing plus additional investment of $3,687.00 per semester)
                   Private bedrooms with semi-private bath in Centennial Square 1 & 2; 2-bedroom suites in Blessing, Aldridge Village,
                   York, and Caffey Hall.
      Tier 5       $9,443.00 per semester (Tier 1 pricing plus additional investment of $5,764.00 per semester)
                   Single rooms in University Center 2 and R.G. Wanek Center; single bedrooms with private bath in Centennial Square
                   1 & 2; 1-person units in Caffey Hall.

     Your Housing Assignment
     You will be assigned housing after being accepted to High Point University, and the details of your housing assignment will be
     sent to your HPU email account. If you want to change your housing assignment, you will be able to do so in MyStuff. Follow
     the directions in your email from the Office of Student Life, realizing you may need to be added to a waitlist for your preferred
     option(s). Also, please be aware that a higher tiered room will result in additional costs. To be added to a waitlist:
         1. Go to
         2. Click log-in, and on the next page, you will enter your HPU User ID and Password. Then click submit.
         3. On the next screen, you will see four options on the right side of the page. Click the blue option that says, “Students.”
         4. On the “Current Students” page, you will scroll to the bottom where it says, “Student Life.” Click on the link that says
              “Fall 2019 Returning Housing Waitlist.”
         5. On the Housing Waitlist page, you can submit your waitlist options by entering your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices.


Frequently Asked Questions
        Are cooking facilities provided?
        Most Tier 1 housing options do not have cooking facilities; however, you will find cooking facilities in Aldridge Village,
        Blessing, Centennial Square, Caffey Hall, Greek Village, McCain Place Townhomes, North College Terrace, North Collage
        Townhomes, Point Place, University Village, Wilson, and York Hall.

        What is provided in my bedroom?
        Your room will be furnished with a bed, mattress, desk, chair, and dresser.

        Are bed linens and blankets provided?
        No. But they can be purchased on day one of orientation.

        Are towels provided?
        No. But they can be purchased on day one of orientation.

        Are laundry facilities available?
        Yes, free of charge on campus, but you will need to supply your own laundry detergent, washing powders, softener, etc.

        How far is housing from where my classes will be held?
        On-campus, with free student shuttles connecting campus locations.

        Do I have to pay a housing deposit?
        All degree-seeking students are required to pay a housing deposit for accommodations before submitting their
        housing application. Exchange students are not required to send a housing deposit for accommodations.

        Are married, co-ed, or family rooms available?
        No. Co-habitation is considered a violation of the housing contract and can result in dismissal from on-campus
        housing. Please contact the Office of Student Life if you have questions regarding married or family housing.

For more detailed information about housing options, including pictures and videos of housing options, visit: http:// You can read more information about dining on the HPU campus at http://highpoint. or


     Complete the Student Medical History/Immunization Form
     All students attending a college or university in North Carolina are required to submit proper immunization records. If
     immunization requirements are not met, registration for classes will be canceled (North Carolina Law GS 130z 152-157). To
     create your student file with the HPU Student Health Center, all incoming students must complete the Student Medical History/
     Immunization Form, found at (click on “Health Form Packet”)

     Note: You are not required to have a physical exam. You must, however, have a TB test (Tuberculosis) that has been
     administered and read within the past 12 months before coming to High Point University. If you are unable to have the test in
     your home country, please let us know and we will work with the Student Health Center to arrange for you to have it completed
     during the first week of classes.

     After reading all of the instructions carefully, meet with your physician to obtain any needed vaccinations and have them
     complete the appropriate sections of the Student Medical History/Immunization Form. Mail, email, or fax your completed form
     to the HPU Student Health Office by July 1 if you are arriving in August or December 1 if you are arriving in January:

             High Point University
             Student Health by Cornerstone Healthcare
             One University Parkway
             Campus Box 50
             High Point, NC 27268
             Fax: +1 (336) 841-4693

     If you have questions or concerns regarding immunization clearance, please review
     or contact

     Enroll in the HPU Health Insurance Plan
     *Note: No action required from you.

     U.S. Government regulations require international students to have sufficient medical insurance coverage to participate on an
     exchange to the United States. Therefore, all international students are required to purchase a health insurance plan through
     High Point University’s insurance provider and will be enrolled automatically in a comprehensive plan. The costs of coverage
     will be billed automatically to your HPU student account and payment for insurance will be due by the end of the first week of

     Dates and Approximate Costs for 2019-2020:
      Full year               The policy is effective August 1, 2019 through July 31, 2020, for an annual cost of $1,500.00.
      Fall semester only      The policy is effective August 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019, for an estimated cost of $625.00.
      Spring semester only The policy is effective January 1, 2020 through July 31, 2020, for an estimated cost of $875.00.


Pay Your Program Fees
Billing statements will be sent to your HPU email account once accommodations are assigned—in August for fall term and
year-long programs and December for spring terms. Payment may be made by cash, personal or certified check, money order,
Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express.

All balances must be paid within 10 business days of receiving the billing statement.

Payment Options
    1. Online Payments
       Payments can be made online to the Student Account Center at
           • Payments made with a checking or savings account must be associated with a US Bank.
           • Payments made with a credit card must be with the following services: Visa, MasterCard, Discover (including
               the following cards in the Asian market: China UnionPay, BC Card, JCB, and Diner Club International), and
               American Express. Note: Credit card payments are subject to a convenience fee.

    2. Wire Transfers
       Funds in US Dollars (USD) may be directly wired via SWIFT FORMAT MT 103:

 Field 56A Intermediary Institution         Field 57D Account With:                    Field 59 Beneficiary Customer
 Pacific Coast Bankers’ Bank                Bank of North Carolina                     Name: High Point University
 Walnut Creek, CA 94596                     3980 Premier Drive, Suite 310              Address: One University Parkway
 SWIFT CODE: PCBBUS66                       High Point, NC 27265                                High Point, NC 27268
 ABA Number: 121042484                      Account Number: 053112039

         Please include the student’s name and student ID number with the wire transfer so the funds will be credited to the
         correct account. When funds have been transferred, please email with the amount and the date
         the funds were transferred.

    3. In-Person Payments
       In-person payments may be made by cash, credit card (with a convenience fee), U.S. check, or money order to the
       Office of Student Accounts located at 106 Roberts Hall, HPU Campus.

Note: Payments may not be made with non-U.S. debit cards or non-U.S. checks (even if the currency is U.S. dollars).
Additionally, installment plans are not available for exchange and study abroad students. All balances must be paid in full by
the provided deadlines.

Estimated Personal Expenses
 Health Insurance        Fall semester: $625.00. (The policy is effective August 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019)
                         Spring semester: $875.00. (The policy is effective January 1, 2020 through July 31, 2020)
                         Annual: $1,500.00. (This policy is effective August 1, 2019 through July 31, 2020)
 Tuition & Fees          $18,134 per semester.
 Tuition Protection      $152.50 per semester. Students can opt out of this plan by completing the waiver at: http://
 Textbooks & Course $200 - $600+ per semester. Actual cost depends upon classes taken.
 Room                    $3,679.00 per semester (Tier 1), per agreement
 Board                   $3,672.00 per semester, per agreement
 Board Tax               $247.86 per semester, per agreement
 Miscellaneous Costs $150+ per month for miscellaneous costs such as local travel, entertainment, supplies, etc.


     Notify HPU of Your Arrival Plans
     We strongly recommend you fly into Greensboro’s Piedmont-Triad International Airport (GSO). Before purchasing your tickets
     to travel to and from the U.S., keep in mind the following information:

             F-1 regulations allow you to enter the United States as much as 30 days in advance of the start date. Your program
             start date is:
                 • Fall 2019 semester (August – December): August 15, 2019 (arrival August 14, 2019)
                 • Spring 2020 semester TENTATIVE (January – May): January 9, 2020 (arrival January 8, 2010)

             As an F-1 visa holder, you are allowed a 60-day grace period after completing your program in which you can travel
             within the U.S. Your program end date is:
                 • Fall 2019 semester (August – December): December 13, 2019. Your grace period ends on February 11, 2020.
                 • Spring 2020 semester (January – May): May 8, 2020. Your grace period ends on July 7, 2020.

     It is recommended that you do not travel beyond the borders of the United States during the 60-day grace period as you may
     not be permitted reentry.

     More information regarding your visa and your valid travel dates can be found at:

     Arrival to Greensboro and Hotel Information
     It is recommended that you arrive the day prior to your program’s start date, as
     orientation begins early on day one and you’ll need to be present at check-in and
     ready for orientation activities to begin.

     On-campus housing is not available until the stated term dates, so if you arrive early,
     you will need to plan on staying in a local hotel. We recommend the Fairfield Inn
     Greensboro Airport, as it is located less than 15 minutes from campus, offers special       Fairfield Inn Greensboro Airport
     rates for HPU students, and offers complimentary Wi-Fi, breakfast, and airport              7615 Thorndike Rd.
                                                                                                 Greensboro, NC 27409
     shuttles to and from the Piedmont-Triad International Airport. In order to receive the      Phone: +1 (336) 841-0140
     HPU rate, you’ll need to book your room using the HPU group reservation system,   
     created specifically for HPU international students, which has been emailed to you          gsoap-fairfield-inn-greensboro-airport/
     from the Office of Global Education.

     Note: using other budget websites will not allow you to receive the HPU rate. Please know, you will be responsible for paying
     your own hotel cost.

     If you don’t want to stay at the Fairfield Inn Greensboro Airport, there are several other hotel choices in the area. However,
     please note that HPU will only pick up students from the Fairfield Inn to bring them to campus. You’ll need to find alternate
     travel plans to HPU if you stay in another hotel.

     Travel Arrival Information Form
     Once you have confirmed your arrival details, please complete the Arrival Information Form, which has been emailed to you
     from the Office of Global Education. In addition, please e-mail your complete itinerary to

     Should your plans change, notify the Office of Global Education with your updated plans as soon as they are confirmed, so we
     can arrange for an HPU volunteer to greet you at Greensboro’s Piedmont-Triad International Airport (if arriving on arrival day).
     HPU volunteers can only greet you at the airport on arrival day. If you arrive on any other day, you will need to take a taxi to the
     campus. Greensboro’s airport is very small and there is a taxi counter right next to baggage claim.


Apply for Your F-1 Student Visa
All non-immigrant students studying at High Point University must obtain an F-1 Visa to enter and study in the United States.
Use the following checklist as a guide to obtaining your F-1 Visa. Please refer to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s
website, Study in the States,, and the U.S. Department of State visa website, http://travel., for more information.

        Apply to and Receive Official Acceptance Letter from HPU
        First, you’ll need to apply to High Point University.

        Degree-seeking students must apply via the Common App, working with the Office of Undergraduate or Graudate

        Exchange and study abroad students must apply to the Office of Global Education. Work with your home university to
        determine if you should apply to an exchange or study abroad program. Applications can be found on the High Point
        University Global Education website ( by clicking on Applications for Incoming
        Study Abroad Students.

        Once you’ve been accepted and have provided proof of financial responsibility, you will be entered into the Student
        Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) and issued a Form I-20. You will receive by post your official acceptance
        letter and original, signed Form I-20, both of which you’ll need for your visa application.

        Pay the SEVIS I-901 Fee
        Before starting your F-1 Visa application, you’ll need to pay the SEVIS I-901 Fee. Please note that this fee is not your
        visa application fee. Visit to access the Form I-901. You can pay online by credit or debit card, or
        print and mail your Form I-901 to pay by check, money order, or Western Union Quick Pay. Visit the U.S. Immigration
        and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) website at
        to learn more about SEVIS and the SEVIS I-901 Fee.

        Apply for a Visa to Travel to the United States
        The application process will involve several steps and these steps may vary by U.S. Embassy or Consulate. You should
        consult the instructions available on the U.S. Embassy or Consulate website where you intend to apply, generally an
        Embassy or Consulate in the country where you live. The process will be similar to the following:
            1. Complete the Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application, Form DS-160, found at;
                 upload your photo into the online application; print the Form DS-160 Confirmation Page
            2. Pay the Visa Application Fee
            3. Schedule your interview appointment
            4. Gather supporting documents:
                     a. Passport (must be valid for at least 6 months past your return to your home country)
                     b. SEVIS I-901 Fee Receipt
                     c. Form DS-160 Confirmation Page
                     d. Application Fee Payment Receipt
                     e. ID photo
                     f. Form I-20
                     g. Acceptance letter from High Point University
                     h. Letter to Consular Officer from High Point University (for students on exchange only)
                     i. Additional documentation as listed on the website of the Embassy or Consulate where you will apply
            5. Attend interview

        Receive Your F-1 Visa
        After you receive your visa, verify that the visa type is correct (F-1) and that your name and date of birth match the
        information in your passport.

     Important Dates
     The 2019-2020 High Point University program dates are:

      Fall Semester         Thursday, August 15, 2019 to Thursday, December 12, 2019
      Spring Semester       Thursday, January 09, 2020 to Thursday, May 07, 2020

     Orientation begins early on August 15th for new students beginning studies in the fall and
     January 09th for new students beginning studies in the spring. It is recommended that
     you plan to arrive the day prior to your program’s start date so you will be present at
     check-in and ready for orientation activities to begin. On-campus housing is not available
     until the stated term dates, so if you are arriving early, you will need to plan on staying in
     a local hotel.

     What to Bring with You
     For staying in High Point during both spring and fall semesters, you should bring winter
     items (coats, boots, scarves, pants, long- sleeved shirts) as well as summer items (shorts,
     t- shirts, dresses, light sweaters). The weather in North Carolina offers four distinct
     seasons (summer, fall, winter, and spring), so be sure to pack to accommodate all of the

     In the United States the electric voltage is 120V at a frequency of 60 Hz. If you bring
     your own electronic devices which can only use a different current (check the label on
     your devices), you will also need a converter. Otherwise, you will most likely get by with
     simply an adapter. You also might consider buying your hair dryer, shaver, etc. in the U.S.,
     as they can be bought relatively inexpensively.

     Your residence hall will be furnished with a bed, mattress, desk, chair, and dresser.
     Linens, towels, and personal items can easily be purchased when you arrive. For your
     convenience, a shopping trip will be scheduled on day one of orientation.

     Other useful things to bring include:
         • Extra passport-size photos
         • Phone number and email address for relevant contact persons at your home
         • Hard copies of all important documents (passport, personal prescriptions, etc.)
             and letters from HPU
         • A laptop or tablet computer
         • A watch


Arrival Day
If you are arriving at Greensboro’s Piedmont-Triad International Airport (GSO) the day before orientation and have provided
HPU with your arrival details, a member of the Office of Global Education will greet you at the airport. We know how
exhausting travel can be, so we’ll help you collect your luggage and request a shuttle to your hotel so you can rest.

                                            We recommend that you plan to stay at the Fairfield Inn Greensboro Airport, as
                                            it’s located less than 15 minutes from campus, offers complimentary WI-Fi and
                                            breakfast, and provides complimentary airport shuttles to and from the Piedmont-
                                            Triad International Airport.

                                            Hotel Shuttle
                                            To request the complimentary hotel shuttle, call the hotel after you have picked
Fairfield Inn Greensboro Airport            up your luggage. The hotel can be reached at +1 (336) 841-0140. We’ll help you
7615 Thorndike Rd.                          make that call if you are not able to do so. If you’re arriving on other days and need
Greensboro, NC 27409
Phone: +1 (336) 841-0140                    assistance in calling for a cab or shuttle, a taxi stand can be found on the ground floor     or pay phones can be found throughout the airport.
                                             Shuttles will meet you at the Ground Transportation area on the ground level of the
airport: Exit the airport at Baggage Claim into the parking lot. If you’re arriving on United or Delta, Ground Transportation will
be found to your left. If you’re arriving on American Airlines, Ground Transportation will be to your right.

TIP: It’s customary to provide a cash tip to shuttle
and taxi drivers in the U.S. For an airport shuttle
to the Fairfield Inn Greensboro Airport, a $2-$3 tip
is sufficient. For a cab ride to the HPU campus, you
should be prepared to tip $4-$5 in addition to your
cab fare.

Hotel Check-In
When you arrive at the hotel, you’ll be asked
for your reservation information, as well as
your passport and a major credit card (Visa,
MasterCard, etc.), even if you’ve prepaid for your
accommodations. This credit card will be used to
pay for any incidentals or charges you incur while staying at the hotel. It is customary for the hotel to swipe your card to pre-
authorize the card for payment. When you check out of the hotel, your card will be charged only for expenses you have made.

Once you’ve settled into your room, you’ll find several restaurants within walking distance to purchase snacks or enjoy a meal.
For restaurants further away, you’ll be able to call an Uber or Lyft ride, as both are common in this area. The hotel staff can
recommend options if you’re looking for something in particular.

Alternate Arrival Plans
It is best that you fly into the Piedmont-Triad International Airport, Greensboro, North Carolina. HPU is fifteen miles, about 20
minutes, from the airport. Transportation to campus will be provided on the morning of move-in day from the Fairfield Inn
Greensboro Airport; however, if you’re arriving at another time, taxi cab, Uber & Lyft rides from the airport to campus begin at
$30 (be prepared to tip the driver $4-$5).

The Charlotte Douglass International Airport (CLT) and the Raleigh-Durham International Airport (RDU) are both 90 minutes
from campus; and the Amtrak train and Greyhound bus stations are both a five minutes drive from campus. If your arrival
plans vary from the recommended plans above, you will need to find your own way to campus. High Point University is located
at One University Parkway, High Point, NC 27268 and is easily accessible from Interstate 40 or Interstate 85. For detailed
driving directions, please visit You’ll need to meet us in Cottrell
Hall before check in and orientation events begin.


     International Student Orientation: Days 1 & 2
     Days one and two of your orientation are designed to help you get settled into the HPU campus and meet your fellow
     classmates. Please arrive to campus on the move-in day and be present for your mandatory orientation.

     You will participate in university orientation activities for all new and transfer students with special orientation programs and
     events designed only for international students. A completed orientation schedule will be provided to you prior to orientation.
     What follows is a general plan for your orientation.

     Transportation to Campus
     You will be greeted by HPU staff in the lobby of the Fairfield Inn Greensboro Airport. Before we meet, please make sure you:
         1. Eat breakfast. The Fairfield Inn Greensboro Airport provides free breakfast to guests with reservations.
         2. Bring your luggage to the hotel lobby.
         3. Check out of your room.

     If you have made other arrangements for your first night’s stay, or are arriving the morning of orientation, please make your
     way to Cottrell Hall on the HPU campus for Check-In.

     Once we arrive at HPU, we’ll meet with HPU Security to create your HPU Passport ID card and with Residence Life staff to pick
     up your residence hall keys. Then, we’ll go to your dorm room to drop off your luggage.

     Shopping Trip
     We’ll head to a local shopping center where you can purchase items you will need to settle into your dorm room, including
     linens & towels, food & drinks, kitchen items, bathroom supplies, cleaning supplies, school supplies, and other personal items.

     HPU students have compiled a list of suggested items you may want for your dorm room. We’ll give you that shopping list and
     explain some things you will need to look for while shopping.

     Campus Tour
     In the afternoon, you’ll go on a walking tour of campus. If you have your class schedule, you may want to take it along so you
     can find the various building in which you will have class. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. An HPU student will be leading your
     tour and will be able to answer your questions.

     Don’t worry! You’re not expected to know where everything is on campus from this tour. We are here to help you find things as
     you have questions. Also, you’ll find maps of campus located at the Campus Concierge desks as well as in the back of this guide.


Global Education Staff & Services
You’ll meet with the Office of Global Education first and learn what each of us do in the office. Then, you’ll have an opportunity
to meet with some of the Global Education Mentors (GEMs), HPU students who will help you become acclimated to HPU
and life in the U.S. You’ll learn more about the Global Student Association and other programming options available to the
international community at HPU.

Later, you’ll meet with Dr. Marjorie Church and Chris Ferguson who will discuss important information regarding immigration
and how to stay in status while in the U.S.

HPU Libraries & Technology Introductions
We’ll begin with an introduction to the various computer accounts you’ll need while at HPU. We’ll discuss HPU email, the HPU
Portal, MyStuff, Blackboard, ordering textbooks, and making payments. You’ll also be given an overview of the HPU Libraries
and their services, including the computer labs, media services, printing, and reference assistance.

Academics and Life in the U.S. Classroom
You may find, life in a U.S. classroom can vary greatly from what you experience at your home university. To help you adjust to
the U.S. classroom, Karen Naylon, the Assistant Dean of Academic Services, will discuss:
    • Syllabi
    • Faculty expectations
    • Participation
    • Attendance
    • Plagiarism
    • Tips on how to be academically successful
    • Office hours

Karen and Dr. Church also will be available to help you make adjustments to your class schedule, should you need to do so.

Social Activities & Free Time
While we have a lot to cover to help you adjust quickly to life at HPU, we also want to provide time for you to get settled and
rest. You’ll find time through these first few days where you can get away from the large group to unpack, get to know your
classmates, and catch up on much needed rest from traveling. In addition to free time, more structured social events will be
offered to enjoy each others’ company in a relaxed environment.

New Student Orientation: Days 3 – 5
Beginning on Day 3 of orientation, you’ll join all new and transfer students for a university-wide programming. Some events
during this period will be optional, but many will be mandatory for all students, including you as an international student.

Student Services
Many workshops and sessions will be offered to introduce you to the various student services offered at HPU. These sessions
will introduce you to various offices, staff members, and student mentors, as well as a range of programming options. These
activities are provided for you to help you be safe, successful, and engaged. Attend, participate, and ask questions.

Engagement/Activities Fair
In the afternoon, you’ll be able to join other first semester students for the HPU Activities Fair! This high-energy fair will
showcase the numerous clubs and activities on campus as well as many of the local businesses and restaurants that you may
encounter while in High Point, NC. You do not want to miss this event!

Opening Convocation
A long-standing tradition at High Point University with a keynote address by the University President, Dr. Nido Qubein.
Business casual dress is required.

     Academic Advising
                             Contact Information
                             Ms. Karen Naylon , Assistant Dean of Academic Services
                                                                                      For assistance with…
                                                                                      Class registration & schedule changes
                             (336) 888-6388
                             Smith Library, 4th Floor
     Academic Services       Ms. Sarah Keene                                          General academic questions, tutoring,
                             (336) 841-9478                                           change of major & adding a minor
                             Smith Library, 4th Floor
     Campus Concierge        (336) 841-4636                                           Questions, reservations & general
                             Slane Center, 1st Floor
     Counseling Services     (336) 888-6352                                           Concerns of emotional, behavioral,
                             (336) 841-9111 (emergency)                               and/or psychological problems or
                                                    mental health emergencies; home
                             Slane Center, 3rd Floor                                  sickness
     HPU Libraries           (336) 841-9102                                           Books & media checkout, reference &
                             Smith Library
     Information             (336) 841-9147                                           Computer & technology problems
                             Norcross Hall, 1st Floor
     International Student   Dr. Marjorie Church, Director                            Global Students Association, obtaining
     Affairs                 (336) 841-4692                                           a social security card or driver’s
                                                       license, questions about working in
                             Cottrell Hall, 145                                       the U.S. & insurance
     Registrar               (336) 841-9029                                           Transcripts & academic records
                             Roberts Hall, 1st Floor
     Religious Life          Rev. Preston Davis                                       Spiritual questions, prayer,
                             (336) 841-9132                                           meditation, multi-faith campus groups
                                                 & Interfaith Dinner Club
                             David Hayworth Hall, 200

Office                 Contact Information                                     For assistance with…
Security &             (336) 841-9112                                          Safety, security, dorm access &
Transportation                                  transportation
                       North College Admin Building
Student Accounts       (336) 841-9259                                          Billing & payments; HPU health
                       Roberts Hall, 105
Student Employment     (336) 841-9679                                          On-campus part-time employment
                       Cottrell Hall, 135
Student Health         (336) 841-4683                                          Full-service infirmary & medical
Services                                  services
                       805 Panther Drive, Wilson Residence Hall, Lower Level
Student Life/Housing   (336) 841-9231                                          Campus activities, housing, roommate
                       (336) 880-4409 (emergency)                              conflict resolution
                       Slane Center, 3rd Floor

                      Academic Calendar

     Fall 2019 Semester (Semester 1)
     01 JUL 2019               Payments Due
     14 AUG 2019               Arrive in Greensboro, NC
     15 AUG 2019               Orientation begins & accommodations open
     20 AUG 2019               Classes begin
     12 - 20 OCT 2019          Mid-semester Break
     27 NOV - 01 DEC 2019      Thanksgiving Holiday (no classes)
     04 DEC 2019               Last day of classes
     06 - 12 DEC 2019          Exams

     Spring 2020 Semester (Semester 2)
     15 DEC 2019               Payments Due
     08 JAN 2020 (tentative)   Arrive in Greensboro, NC
     09 JAN 2020 (tentative)   Orientation begins & accommodations open
     13 JAN 2020               Classes begin
     20 JAN 2020               Martin Luther King Day holiday (no classes)
     07 - 15 MAR 2020          Mid-semester Break
     10 - 13 APR 2020          Easter Holiday (no classes)
     29 APR 2020               Last day of classes
     01 - 07 MAY 2020          Exams


Academic Life at HPU
Most international students find academic life in the U.S. quite different from their home country. A typical U.S. course will have
frequent assignments, 3 tests (including a mid-term and final exam), and at least one paper. This gives you more chances at
increasing your grade in the class; however, it also means that you may have more day-to-day studying for your classes. At HPU,
expect to have two hours of homework per week for each credit in the course. In other words, a 4-credit course will require
about 8 hours of homework per week. Also remember that your participation in the class is expected and sometimes factored
into your grade. In all classes, attendance is required.

What you can expect in courses at HPU
  • A detailed syllabus outlining what is expected of you for the entire semester
  • A specific percentage breakdown of the various components which determine the final grade
  • Frequent assignments (required reading of texts or articles, written papers or reports, etc.)
  • Periodic testing: quizzes (perhaps unannounced) and exams (midterm and final or more)

What HPU expects from you
  • Diligent attendance at lectures and discussion sections or labs
  • Class participation, especially where it is specified in class points (check your syllabus)
  • Purchase of required texts and/or study materials for the course
  • Prompt completion of assignments (reading or written work turned in by the dates specified)
  • Presence at a professor’s office hours if you have questions or problems (you will find your professor’s office hours
      listed on each syllabus along with his/her office location)
  • Typed papers and reports (computer labs with printers are available across campus)
  • Take the final exam on the day specified (no special arrangements)

Schedule Adjustments
Before arriving at HPU, you were able to register for classes. For a period of approximately one week, you will have the
opportunity to add and drop courses as you like. We call this schedule adjustment period “Drop/Add” for short. This is a
normal part of registration at a U.S. university. Keep in mind that you absolutely must finalize your schedule by the last day of
schedule adjustment. Remember that as an international student, you must be registered for a “full-time load” (at least twelve
credits for undergraduate students).

You must consult with your DSO prior to enrolling less than full-time to assure enrollment meets USCIS regulatory
requirements and to ensure that authorization for the less-than-full-time enrollment is registered with USCIS.

In order to drop or add a class, you should see your success coach (degree-seeking students) or Dr. Marjorie Church (exchange/
study abroad students).

Class Structure
Typically, classes meet for a total of four hours a week. These hours are divided into three classes meeting on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays, or into two classes meeting on Mondays and Wednesdays or Tuesdays and Thursdays. On the first
or second day of class, you will be given a syllabus of the course. It will give an outline of class assignments and homework.
Homework is usually assigned for each lesson and will usually consist of readings. Readings for each class are usually assigned
by the week (25-100 pages) and must be done in order to participate in class discussions. Test questions are usually taken
from both the readings and class notes. Tests can be organized in several ways; and the professor should tell you what to
expect. Most tests are either in multiple choice or essay formats.

Attendance is mandatory and will be recorded for most classes. Exceeding the number of allowed absences in a class may
result in your involuntary withdrawal from the class. When you are close to exceeding the number of allowed absences, you
will be emailed an Attendance Warning/Probation notice, describing your status in the class and the attendance policy for the
class. If you receive this, you should not miss any more classes, for any reason. You should direct questions to the professor.
Since no absences are “excused” at HPU, you must be sure to attend all classes unless a valid emergency or sickness prevents it.
Always notify your professors of the reason for your absence, and be aware that it is your responsibility to get assignments that
you missed when you were absent prior to returning to class at the next meeting.


     Academic Assistance
     HPU offers academic assistance through the Office of Academic Services, located on the fourth floor of Smith Library. Tutors are
     available for both drop-in and appointments. All tutoring services are free. To schedule an appointment, visit: www.highpoint.

     The Writing Center provides writing assistance for students at any level of study — from freshman to graduate — at any stage
     in the writing process, from invention through revision. The Writing Center staff will be available in a variety of locations
     around campus during various hours throughout the day, Monday through Friday. Information about the Writing Center, as
     well as links to make an appointment, can be found at

     Writing Center tutors do not proofread or edit students’ papers for them, but they do work with students to help them
     develop strategies for improving their writing in light of their respective assignments, instructors, and writing styles. For more
     information, contact the Writing Center Director, Dr. Leah Schweitzer, at or (336) 841-9106.

     If you still find yourself having trouble in a class, get to know the students in your classes. Suggest that you organize study
     sessions for a class. These can be good opportunities to get missed class notes, and the U.S. students will know more about
     what to expect on the exams. It is a good idea to arrange for a classmate to share class notes with you if you are having
     difficulty keeping up with the pace of lectures.

     English as a Second Language
     Non-Native speakers of English have access to several support options at HPU, including ESL tutoring provided by Academic
     Services, a Conversation Partners Program that pairs students with native or highly proficient speakers of English for weekly
     conversation practice, and access to professional tutors (at additional cost).

     English as a Second Language Sequence (ESL 1010, ESL 1020, ESL 1030, ESL 1040). These credit-bearing courses are
     intended for students with TOFEL iBT scores of 79 and up or IELTS scores of 6 or higher.

         •   ESL 1010: English Grammar Skills for Speakers of English as a Second Language.
         •   ESL 1020: Composition Skills for Speakers of English as a Second Language.
         •   ESL 1030: Oral Communication Skills in English as a Second Language.
         •   ESL 1040: Reading in English as a Second Language.

     *Many professors will work with non-native speakers of English who need extra time on in-class tests, but these arrangements
     must be made in advance.

     Academic Integrity
     Academic Integrity issues are of great consequence. Please consult the HPU Honor Code and Student Guide to Campus Life to
     be aware of policies and issues related to HPU’s academic conduct and honor code. The issues of plagiarism and collaboration
     in the presentation of academic work, especially in terms of cultural differences and expectations will be addressed at your
     mandatory orientation.

     University Honor Code
     High Point University is an academic community which seeks to be open, just, discipline, caring, and celebrative. In support
     of this goal and with the assistance of the Student Government Association, The University Honor Code and Uniform Conduct
     Code have been established.

     University students have the right and responsibility to live and learn in an environment free from fraudulence and dishonesty.
     Therefore, the Student Government Association has developed the High Point University Honor code which has been officially
     adopted in a student referendum and endorsed by the faculty and by the board of Trustees. The Honor Code affirms that:
         • Every student is honor-bound to abstain from cheating;
         • Every student is honor-bound to abstain from collusion;
         • Every student is honor-bound to abstain from plagiarism;
         • Every student is honor-bound to report a violation of the University Honor Code.

You can also read