Saint Therese of the -

Page created by Daniel Jones
                              of the

Child Jesus
    Father D. Timothy Grimme, Pastor                                    Confirmation: Confirmation is celebrated each year as
                                                                        scheduled by our Diocese. Candidates are expected to
     Rev. Mr. Thomas McFee, Deacon                                      fulfill all Diocesan and Parish requirements in
             2301 Fifth Street
         Altoona, PA 16601-3863                                         Holy Eucharist: First Communion is celebrated on the
                                                                        First Sunday of May. Please call the Parish Office to
                                                                        arrange for Holy Communion to be brought to shut-ins.
                        Mass Schedule
 Saturday Evening:........................................... 5:00 PM   Reconciliation: Saturdays from 4:00 to 4:40 PM or by
 Sunday Morning: ...................... 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM              appointment.

                     Parish Telephones                                  Anointing of the Sick: For the seriously ill or injured OR
 Office: .............................................. 814-942-4479    those about to have surgery, please contact the Parish
[Usual Office Hours: 9AM-2PM, Mon., Wed., Fri.]                         Office. Communal Anointing as arranged by the Pastoral
 Mary Beth Schmidhamer, DRE……….814-515-2914                             Council.
Holy Trinity Regional Catholic School:                                  Weddings: Weddings are to be scheduled at least six
      Elementary School Campus: ...... 814-381-7011                     (6) months in advance and should precede any other
     Middle School Campus:………. .814-942-7835                            arrangements for the wedding. All Wedding liturgies are
Fr. Kelley Hall: ................................ 814-944-7450          scheduled so as not to conflict with regularly scheduled
E-mail: …………                            parish liturgies. All Diocesan directives and regulations
..............................          for Marriage preparation (FOCCUS, Pre-Cana &
Fax: .................................................. 814-942-1873    Natural Family Planning) are required to be followed.
                    Homepage Pending:
                                                                        Christian Initiation for Adults: People desiring to
Weekday Masses: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday                       become Catholic should contact the Parish Office before
at 7:45 AM, Wednesday at 9:00 AM (with Holy Trinity                     September of each year to begin the Christian Initiation
Catholic School during school term), Saturday at 8:00                   Program which concludes at the Easter Vigil.
                                                                        Religious Education: Public School Students from
Holy Day Masses: 5:30 PM on the eve of the Holy                         Grades 1 through 11, meet Sunday mornings from 9:00
Day, 12:05 PM & 6:30 PM on the Holy Day. Please                         AM to 10:20 AM in the school building.
refer to the bulletin for Christmas and New Year’s                      Catholic Education: Our Parish is a supporting
schedules and for any schedule changes.                                 member of Holy Trinity Regional Catholic School,
                                                                        grades Pre-school through Eight, and Bishop Guilfoyle
Baptisms: Our parish generally celebrates Baptisms on                   Catholic High School, grades Nine though Twelve.
the Third Sunday of each month at the 10:30 AM Mass.
Please contact the Parish Office for information                        Parish Membership: Consists of Registration in the
regarding     required     instructional    preparations.               Parish Census, active participation at Mass on Sundays
“Baptismal Names” can be a saint or biblical name, an                   and Holy Days, worthy reception of the sacraments of
expression of a Christian mystery or virtue, no name can                Holy Communion and Reconciliation regularly, and
be used which is foreign to the Christian mentality.                    financial support of our Parish.
SAINT THERESE OF THE CHILD JESUS                                                                       ALTOONA, PA

                                                             CURRENT DIOCESAN GUIDELINES
                                                             WEARING MASKS only if not fully vaccinated or you
                                                             feel uncomfortable.
                                                             Listing current guidelines:
                                                             • All pews can be used. Use your own judgement as to
                                                                  whether you want to cluster near other people.
                                                             • Holy Water can be used - hand sanitizer will be
                                                                  available as well.
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                • The Sign of Peace should not be given by
February 6, 2022                                                  hand-shake, except among family members.
I will give thanks to you, O L   ,                           • Missalettes and Hymnals are permitted - those who
         with all my heart,                                       have Hymnals at home can use them but are not to
    for you have heard the words                                  leave them behind, take them home with you.
         of my mouth.                                        • Offertory Procession (the bringing the gifts forward
    — Psalm 138:1                                                 during Mass) and the taking up of the Collection
READINGS FOR THE WEEK                                             should recommence in October.
Monday:    1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13; Ps 132:6-7, 8-10;              • Entrance and Recessional Processions will also
           Mk 6:53-56                                             recommence.
Tuesday:   1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30; Ps 84:3-5, 10-11;           • Confessions will take place in the confessional.
           Mk 7:1-13                                         • PRAY for the health and well-being of all people
Wednesday: 1 Kgs 10:1-10; Ps 37:5-6, 30-31, 39-40;                impacted by Covid-19, including hospital and
           Mk 7:14-23                                             medical personal and patients.
Thursday: 1 Kgs 11:4-13; Ps 106:3-4, 35-37, 40;
           Mk 7:24-30                                        MONTHLY ROSARY
Friday:    1 Kgs 11:29-32, 12:19; Ps 81:10-15;               A Monthly Rosary for the Intention of Vocations to the
           Mk 7:31-37                                        Priesthood & Religious Life as well as for Pro-Life has
Saturday: 1 Kgs 12:26-32; 13:33-34; Ps 106:6-7ab,            started. The Rosary will be prayed on the First
           19-22; Mk 8:1-10                                  Saturday of each month. Anyone is invited and will
Sunday:    Jer 17:5-8; Ps 138: 1-5, 7-8;                     gather in church following the early Mass on Saturday
           1 Cor 15:12, 16-20; Lk 6:17, 20-26                morning). The next date will be Saturday, March 5,
#IGIVECATHOLIC                                               ---------------------------------------------------------------
Online giving has been completed. To date our parish         UPDATE YOUR PARISH CENSUS
total is $3,900.00. Donations in the form of cash or         If you have moved recently, changed your phone number
checks can still be made to St. Therese for the special      or have had a change in your household (Ex: A child no
projects listed below:                                       longer living at home) please fill out the attached form to
• New air conditioner for Fr. Kelley Hall                    have your census updated.
• New spotlight fixtures in the Church sanctuary             Env #: _______
• Replacement of the main roof on the School building        Last Name: _____________ First Name: _______
Thank you in advance for your donations.                     Old Address:_______________________________
As with all planned repairs there are unexpected repairs     _______________________ ___________________
that come along.                                             New Address:
• Church boiler had a frozen line during the recent cold     __________________________________________
     weather.                                                Phone #:
• A convection oven in the Hall needed attention.            __________________________________________
• The exhaust hood in the Hall kitchen wasn’t working.       Change to Household:
Religious & Magnetic Calendars for the year 2022 are
still available. There are wall mounted style of calendars   __________________________________________
located under the tables at the end of side aisles. There    CLIP & DEPOSIT IN SUNDAY COLLECTION
are magnetic calendars on the tables at the end of each
        Saint Therese of the Child Jesus Parish thanks
                ENGLERT LEAF GUARD
   For sponsoring an advertisement in our weekly bulletin.
FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME                                                                                                          FEBRUARY 6, 2022

HOLY TRINITY CATHOLIC SCHOOL NEWS                                                                    VALENTINE KISS & BASKET RAFFLE!
Contact Information: For more information about Holy                                                 Join the Brian Morden Foundation for a VALENTINE
Trinity Catholic School please visit our website at:                                                 KISS (Keep It Simple Sweets) and basket raffle or Facebook.                                                          Sunday, February 13, 2022 from 2:00 PM to 4 PM at
• BINGO on Tuesdays and Fridays at the St. Rose                                                      the Duncansville Evangelical Lutheran Church Social
    of Lima basement. Doors open at 5:00 PM, games                                                   Hall and help children battling cancer.
    start at 7:00 PM, admission package is $35 which                                                                    $30.00 in person or
    includes 18 cards for 24 regular games & 5 special                                                                     $20.00 virtual
    cards. Any questions can be directed to Anita Zeth                                               Buy tickets on-line at
    or Jan Crossman at: 814-942-7835.                                                                or call Cathy Chirdon at 814-931-4635.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS                                                                             Spend the afternoon sampling simple desserts for
• Contact Mary Beth Schmidhammer (DRE) at                                                            Valentine’s Day. Special guests like KC O’Day will
    814-515-2914 for an individual registration for a new                                            provide demonstrations and recipes will be provided.
    student or to update returning student information.
    Tuition is still $20.00.                                                                         SOUP FUNDRAISER
• Classes began September 12 with face to face                                                       The Welcome Committee is having a Soup Sale
    classes. We are following the CDC and AASD                                                       Fundraiser to raise funds for future parish activities. The
    guidelines as far as wearing masks are concerned. In                                             soup will be ordered from “The Village Pantry” in
    the event we cannot continue with face to face                                                   Tyrone. The three (3) choices of soups are: Broccoli
    classes, we will switch to home schooling like we did                                            Cheddar; Vegetable Beef Barley; and Italian Wedding.
    last year. Hopefully we won’t need to do that.                                                   The soup will come frozen. The soup will be sold for
• If there is anyone who would like to be a teacher or                                               $8.00 a quart and PAID FOR at the time of ordering.
    substitute teacher for Religious Education, please feel                                          Order Sign-up sheets are in the Narthex on the
    free to call Mary Beth Schmidhamer (DRE) at                                                      weekends of February 5-6 and February 12-13. The
    814-515-2914. We are in need of one more teacher.                                                delivery date will be the weekend of February 26-27.
    If anyone has questions about Religious Education,
    please feel free to contact Mary Beth at the above                                               SVDP 5TH SUNDAY COLLECTION
    number.                                                                                          Our St. Therese Conference of the St. Vincent DePaul
• If anyone does not feel safe returning your children                                               Society held its 5th Sunday collection on January 29 & 30
    to face to face classes, let Mary Beth know. We can                                              and raised a total of $881. To this is added $160 which
    work out something else.                                                                         was collected before the end of the calendar year 2021.
                                                                                                     Thus our parish-family amassed $1,041.00 for this
                                                                                                     quarter. These funds help the needy of our parish and our
                                                                                                     community with food, clothing
                 PRAYER OF THE WEEK                                                                  and shelter among other projects.
              Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time                                                          THANK         YOU      for   your
     Keep your family safe, O Lord, with unfailing care,                                             generosity. Consider joining the
     that, relying solely on the hope of heavenly grace,                                             work of the St. Vincent DePaul
      they may be defended always by your protection.                                                Society. Conference meetings
          Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,                                                   are the first Sunday of the month
                who lives and reigns with you                                                        at the rectory meeting room.
                in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
                    God, for ever and ever.
                                                                                                     WEEKLY PARISH SUPPORT
Reflection question:                                                                                 Deposits for the week of January 27- February 2, 2022:
How can I come to rely more on heavenly grace?                                                       Sunday Offertory Adults:        $ 2,127.00
Collect text from the English translation of The Roman Missal, © 2010, International Commission on   Monthly Collection:             $     70.00
English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company, Inc.                                                               Loose Collection:               $     57.00
                                                                                                     Total Offertory:                        $2,254.00
WHERE GOD IS                                                                                         Twin Parish Collection:         $     15.00
We cannot go where God is not. And where God is, all is                                              Christmas Club:                 $    338.00
well.                                                                                                Votive Candles:                 $     24.00
                                                                                                     Catholic Register:              $     15.00
TESTED LIKE GOLD                                                                                     SVDP                            $    881.00
God wishes to test you like gold in the furnace. The dross                                           TOTAL DEPOSIT:                          $ 3,527.00
is consumed by the fire, but the pure gold remains and its
value increases.                                                                                     May God continue to bless you for your support of Saint
—St.   Jerome Emiliani                                                                               Therese Parish and its programs.
        February 7: Karen Fields + Karen Fox, Jamie George
               + Nina McCarville
        February 8: Molly Shaffer + Alissa Hamilton +
               Stacey Lynch
        February 9: Theresa Plunket
        February 11: Neil Ellick
        February 12: Christine Kepner
        February 13: Kristine Hennaman

Our prayers for ALL of you celebrating “special days.” this
week, is that God gives you His continued blessing.

               ALTAR SERVERS
     Instructions will precede all ministries.
               CHOIR MEMBERS
   Contact the Rectory if interested (942-4479).
             Any of these volunteer posts
                       could use
            the talents of our parishioner
This free weekly bulletin download service is offered
by J. S. Paluch Company to Catholic parishioners.
The link works on desktop computers, mobile phones
and tablets.
To sign-up for this service go to their website: On the
“Search” page, search by “city,” Altoona PA; select
“St. Therese...”; fill in identification and submit.

For nationwide Mass times and locations:
Internet OR call 1-410-676-6000.
Monday, February 7, 2022
7:45 AM SPERO TSIKALAS (Paula & Phil Hall)
Tuesday, February 8, 2022 - St. Jerome Emilani
7:45 AM JUDITH KLEIN (John Bravin)
Wednesday, February 9, 2022
9:00 AM BRANDON TSIKALAS (Paula & Phil Hall)
Thursday, February 10, 2022 - St. Scholastica
Friday, February 11, 2022 - Our Lady of Lourdes
7:45 AM JAMES TURIANO (Ellen Turiano)
Saturday, February 12, 2022
8:00 AM JIMMY & RITA LUCIANO (M. E. Burke Family)
5:00 PM MARY LOUISE HASSON (Jack & Cathie Reilly)
Sunday, February 13, 2022 - 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In considering a day of the week and time of day for
Eucharistic Adoration, as well as how often a month to
hold it, there is a sign-up sheet is located in the Narthex.
It lists Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, to see which
is the most popular. Although not determined yet, we are
generally considering the time to be an hour following
morning Mass (8:15 AM to 9:15 AM; 8:30 AM - 9:30
AM Saturdays).
Contacting Patricia Hatch at 571-730-9224 is another
way to show interest and indicate time and day and
So far Tuesdays are looking
most popular, with Saturdays
coming in second. As yet the
turnout is less than suggested
by the diocese to consider this a
popular devotion. Calls will be
made to ascertain the most
convenient time for and
frequency of adoration.

          February 12 & 13, 2022
8:00 AM Natalie Etters
10:30 AM Owen McCarville & Paul McCarville
5:00 PM Judith Wilkinson
8:00 AM John Bravin
10:30 AM Linda Guida
5:00 PM Deacon Thomas McFee
8:00 AM Mary Bravin
10:30 AM Alice Sturm, R. Thomas Forr
5:00 PM Leonard Haduck, Theresa Plunket
8:00 AM Marjorie Beiswenger, Linda Guilda
10:30 AM Robert Chirdon, Cathy Chirdon,
      Dianne Hite, Paul Hite
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