Reduced growth by salinity                                              111


           Muhammad Jamil1; Shafiq ur Rehman2; Kui Jae Lee3; Jeong Man Kim4; Hyun-Soon Kim5;
           Eui Shik Rha 1*
             College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Sunchon National University, Suncheon - 540-742 - Korea.
             Kohat University of Science and Technology, Department of Botany, Kohat NWFP, Pakistan.
             College of Agriculture and Life Science, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju - 561-756 - Korea.
             Jeollabuk-Do Agricultural Research and Extension Service - Iksan 570-704 - Korea.
             International Technical Cooperation Center, Research and Development Bureau, RDA, Suwon - 441- 707- Korea.
           *Corresponding author 

           ABSTRACT: When plants are grown under saline conditions, photosynthetic activity decreases
           leading to reduced plant growth, leaf area, chlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluorescence. Seeds
           and seedlings of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) were grown in NaCl solutions under controlled
           greenhouse conditions. The NaCl concentrations in complete nutrient solutions were 0 (control), 4.7,
           9.4 and 14.1 dS m-1. The salinity reduced germination percentage and also delayed the germination rate
           as the salt level increased. Lengths and fresh weights of root and shoot decreased with the increasing
           salt concentration. Furthermore, photochemical efficiency of PS2 (Fv/Fm), photochemical quenching
           coefficient (qP ), non photochemical quenching coefficient (qN), leaf area and chlorophyll content
           (SPAD value) were also reduced (P ≤ 0.001) by salt stress. In contrast, the Fo/Fm ratio increased with
           increasing salt concentration while salinity showed no effect on the efficiency of excitation captured
           by open PS2 (Fv’/Fm’), electron transport rate (ETR), and leaf water content. Linear regression shows
           that the photochemical efficiency of PS2 (Fv/Fm) had a positive relationship with the photochemical
           quenching coefficient (qP), leaf area and chlorophyll content but had no relation with Fv’/Fm’, Fo/Fm,
           and qN.
           Key words: Raphanus sativus L., plant growth, photosynthesis, leaf area


           RESUMO: Quando plantas crescem sob condições de salinidade, sua atividade fotossintética diminui
           levando a um crescimento reduzido, menor área foliar, conteúdo de clorofila e fluorescência de clorofila.
           Sementes e plântulas de rabanete (Raphanus sativus L.) foram germinadas e conduzidas em soluções de
           NaCl sob condições controladas de casa de vegetação. As concentrações de NaCl adicionado a solução
           nutritiva completa foram 0 (Controle), 4,7; 9,4 e 14,1 dS m-1. A salinidade diminui a percentagem de
           germinação e também atrasou a taxa de germinação com o aumento do nível de sal. Comprimento e peso
           fresco da parte aérea e da raiz decresceram com o aumento da concentração salina. Além disso, a eficiência
           fotoquímica de PS2 (Fv/Fm), o coeficiente fotoquímico de ‘quenchin” (qp), o coeficiente não fotoquímico
           de “quenching” (qn), a área foliar e o teor de clorofila (valor SPAD) também foram reduzidos (P ≤ 0,001) por
           estresse de sal. Ao contrário, a relação Fo/Fm aumentou com a concentração salina, ao passo que a
           salinidade não teve efeito sobre a eficiência de excitação capturada pelo PS2 aberto (Fv’/Fm’), taxa de
           transporte eletrônico (ETR) e conteúdo de água na folha. Através de regressão linear mostrou-se que a
           eficiência fotossintética de PS2 (Fv/Fm) teve uma relação positiva com o coeficiente fotoquímico de
           “quenching” (qp), área foliar e conteúdo de clorofila, mas nenhuma relação com (Fv/Fm), (Fo/Fm), e qn.
           Palavras-chaves: Raphanus sativus L., crescimento vegetal, fotossíntese, área foliar

                  INTRODUCTION                                      effects on yield (Greenway & Munns, 1980; Shannon
                                                                    et al., 1994; Neumann, 1995). In spite of this extensive
         Salinity is one of the major obstacles for increas-        literature there is still a controversy with regard to the
ing production in cropping areas throughout the world.              mechanisms of salt tolerance in plants (Neumann, 1995).
There have been numerous reviews of the effects of                            The growth of plants is ultimately reduced by
salinity on plant physiological processes and subsequent            salinity stress although plant species differ in their tol-

Sci. Agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.), v.64, n.2, p.111-118, March/April 2007
112                                                        Jamil et al.

erance to salinity (Munns & Termaat, 1986). Success-                lengths and fresh weights of root and shoot of the ger-
ful seedling establishment depends on the frequency                 minated seeds were observed and recorded after 15
and the amount of precipitation as well as on the abil-             days. Root and shoot length was measured manually.
ity of the seed species to germinate and grow while                          A second experiment was established to inves-
soil moisture and osmotic potentials decrease (Roundy,              tigate the salinity effect on leaf area, PS2 photochem-
1985). High levels of soil salinity can inhibit seed ger-           istry and chlorophyll content. Seeds were grown in
mination and seedling growth, due to the combined ef-               plastic pots (16 cm diameter, 22 cm height) in sand
fects of high osmotic potential and specific ion toxic-             culture. NaCl concentrations (0.0 (control), 4.7, 9.4
ity (Grieve & Suarez, 1997).                                        and 14.1 dS m-1) in complete Hoagland’s nutrient so-
         The decline in productivity observed for many              lution (Hoagland & Arnon, 1950) were used to raised
plant species subjected to excess salinity is often asso-           plants under greenhouse conditions.
ciated with the reduction in photosynthesis capacity                Measurements of PS2 photochemistry
(Long & Baker, 1986). Salts taken up by plants may                           PS2 photochemistry was measured on attached
not directly control their growth by affecting turgor,              dark adapted leaves at room temperature with a por-
photosynthesis or enzyme activities rather then buildup             table Mini PAM fluorometer (PAM-2000, Walz, Ger-
of salt in old leaves may hasten leaf death (Munns,                 many). A data acquisition software (DA- 2000, Walz)
1993). The reduction in photosynthesis under salinity               was used to connect the fluorometer to a computer. The
can also be attributed to a decrease in chlorophyll con-            experimental protocol of Genty et al. (1989) was basi-
tent. Salinity reduces the chlorophyll content in salt sus-         cally followed in this experiment. The minimal fluores-
ceptible plants and increases in salt tolerant plants. Sa-          cence level (Fo) was obtained by measuring the
linity reduced growth in radish (Raphanus sativus L.)               modulated light, which was sufficiently low (
Reduced growth by salinity                                                            113

Leaf chlorophyll measurement                                        NaCl (Figure 1A), however germination response to
         Leaf chlorophyll content was measured using                4.7 dS m-1 NaCl did not differ from control. Simi-
a hand-held chlorophyll content meter (CCM-200,                     larly, germination was delayed with the increase of
Opti-Science, USA). At each evaluation the content                  NaCl concentration (Figure 1B). The final germina-
was measured 6 times from leaf tip to base and the                  tion rate under various conditions of salinity was ex-
average was used for analysis.                                      pressed as 1/t50 of the germination of the seeds of the
         Analysis of variance was made using the MS-                same population in relation to control. A marked dif-
Excel Statistical software and linear regression by the             ference was found in the time of germination start
Minitab statistical package. Mean values for germina-               and completion under various NaCl concentrations.
tion and early seedling growth, PS2 photochemistry                  Overall germination started within 48 hours and com-
parameters, chlorophyll content, leaf area and leaf wa-             pleted on the 7th day (Figure 1B).
ter content were compared by their LSD using Tukey’s                         Salinity caused delayed emergence of root and
test (Li, 1964).                                                    shoot as compared to control. The continuous in-
                                                                    crease in length of root and shoot was detected in
                             RESULTS                                frequent hours in the control as well as in salt treat-
                                                                    ments. The data on the average lengths (Figures 1C,
Salinity effect on early growth stages                              1D) of root and shoot shows a strong inhibition with
        Germination percentage was strongly affected                the increasing level of salt solution. Salinity caused a
by all salinity concentrations (Figure 1A). Increased               reduction in seedling growth. Significant (P < 0.001)
salt concentration caused a decrease in final germi-                growth reduction occurred at 4.1 dS m-1 and at
nation percentage. A marked reduction in germina-                   higher NaCl concentrations. The root length de-
tion was observed at 9.4 dS m-1 and 14.1 dS m-1                     creased more pronouncedly as compared to shoot in

           120                                                                                    0.7

                                                                                                  0.6                             B
           100                                     A
                                                                     Germination rate (1/t5 0 )

 Germination (%)



                    40                                                                            0.2

              12                                                                                  7

              10                                       C                                          6                               D
                                                                     Shoot length (cm)

 Root length (cm)

                    4                                                                             2

                    2                                                                             1

                                                                                                          0   4.7           9.4   14.1
                         0    4.7           9.4     14.1                                                                   -1
                                                                                                              Salinity (dS m )
                              Salinity (dS m )

Figure 1 - Salinity effect on germination percentage (A) germination rate (B) root length (C) and shoot length (D) at various Na
           concentrations for radish (Raphanus sativus L.).

Sci. Agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.), v.64, n.2, p.111-118, March/April 2007
114                                                            Jamil et al.

all NaCl treatments (Figures 1C, 1D). Highly signifi-                   consistent at varying NaCl concentrations (Figures
cant differences were also observed in the fresh mass                   3B, 3D).
of root and shoot (Figures 2A, 2B). Fresh mass of
root and shoot was reduced by increasing salt lev-                      Salinity effect on leaf area and chlorophyll content
els, whereas shoot fresh mass was more reduced then                             Salinity concentration caused considerable re-
root fresh mass.                                                        duction of leaf area (Figure 2D). A similar pattern of
                                                                        reduction was observed for 9.4 and 14.1 dS m-1NaCl
Salinity effect on PS2 photochemistry                                   while the leaf area was not different between 4.7 dS
         Maximal quantum yield of PS2 (Fv/Fm) was                       m-1NaCl and control (Figure 2D). Furthermore, NaCl
reduced with the increasing salt concentration espe-                    had no effect on leaf water contents (Figure 2C) but
cially at high salt concentrations (Figure 3A). The ef-                 reduced the leaf chlorophyll contents (Figure 4C). The
fect of salinity was also observed on the photochemi-                   effect of 9.4 and 14.1 dS m-1 NaCl was far more evi-
cal quenching coefficient (qP) and non-photochemi-                      dent than for 4.7 dS m-1 NaCl (Figure 4C).
cal quenching coefficient (q N). The photochemical                              Linear regression was used to find the relation-
quenching coefficient (q P) and non-photochemical                       ship between maximum quantum yield of PS2 and
quenching coefficient (qN) decreased as the salinity                    Fv’/Fm’, Fo/Fm, qP, qN, leaf area and chlorophyll con-
level increased. The rate of decrease was more at the                   tents (Table 1). Positive relationships were found be-
highest concentration for qP and qN (Figures 4A, 4B).                   tween Fv/Fm and qP, leaf area and chlorophyll content.
In contrast the Fo/Fm ratio increased with salt con-                    A strong significant positive (R2 = 0.97, P = 0.02) re-
centration while no effect was observed for the sa-                     lationship was observed between Fv/Fm and leaf area,
linity treatments on the electron transport rate (ETR)                  and a weak positive (R2 = 0.90, P = 0.05) relationship
and the efficiency of excitation captured by open PS2                   was also found between Fv/Fm and qP. There was also
(Fv’/Fm’) (Figures 3B, 3C, 3D). The pattern of in-                      a non significant relationship between yield and
crease or decrease in ETR and Fv’/Fm’ were not                          Fv’/Fm’, Fo/Fm and qN (Table 1).

                          9                                                                             180
                          8                                                                             160
                                                        A                                                                                B
 Fresh root weight (mg)

                                                                              Fresh shoot weight (mg)

                          6                                                                             120
                          5                                                                             100

                          110                                                                           60
                          100                                                                           50
 Leaf water content (%)

                                                                                    Leaf area (cm )

                          90                                                                            40

                          80                                                                            30

                          70                                                                            20

                          60                                                                            10

                          50                                                                             0
                                0   4.7           9.4   14.1                                                  0   4.7          9.4   14.1
                                    Salinity (dS m )                                                                           -1
                                                                                                                  Salinity (dS m )
Figure 2 - Salinity effects on fresh root weight (A) fresh shoot weight (B) leaf water content (C) and leaf area (D) at various NaCl
           concentrations for radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Error bars are not shown if smaller than symbols.

Sci. Agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.), v.64, n.2, p.111-118, March/April 2007
Reduced growth by salinity                                                                          115

  Maximal q uantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm)   0.82                                                                                       0.8

                                            0.8                                       A



                                           0.68                                                                                       0.6

                                           0.25                                                                                        40

                                                                                                    ETR (u mol (electron) m-2s -1 )
                                           0.24                                                                                        32
                                           0.23                                                                                        24
 ( Fo/Fm )

                                           0.22                                                                                        16

                                           0.21                                                                                         8

                                            0.2                                                                                         0
                                                  0      4.7           9.4            14.1                                                    0    4.7          9.4             14.1
                                                                       -1                                                                                       -1
                                                         Salinity (dS m )                                                                          Salinity (dS m )

Figure 3 - Salinity effect on the maximum efficiency of PS2 photochemistry (Fv/Fm) (A) efficiency of excitation captured by open PS2
          (Fv’/Fm’) (B) Fo/Fm ratio (C) and electron transport rate (ETR) (D) at various NaCl concentrations for radish ((Raphanus
          sativus L.).

Table 1 - Relation between maximal quantum yield (Y) of PS2 and Fv’/Fm’, Fo/Fm, ETR, qP, qN, leaf area and CCI treated with
         different concentration of salinity.
 Parameter                                                         Regression equation              Regression coefficient (R2)                                  Probability
 Fv'/Fm'                                                          Y=    - 0.417x + 1.06                                                     0.12                      0.65 ns
 Fo/Fm                                                            Y= - 2.69 x + 1.38                                                        0.08                      0.70 ns
 ETR                                                              Y=    - 0.002x + 0.78                                                     0.01                      0.86 ns
 qP                                                               Y=         0.565x + 0.33                                                  0.90                      0.05 *
 qN                                                               Y=         0.523x + 0.34                                                  0.89                      0.06 ns
 Leaf area                                                        Y=         0.001x + 0.73                                                  0.97                      0.02 *
 CCI                                                              Y=           782x + 566                                                   0.93                      0.03 *
x-Denotes the parameters in the linear equation; ns - Non significant; *Significant

                                                      DISCUSSION                                   disturbed the ionic balance of plant cells and also
                                                                                                   caused imbalances in plant nutrients, which affect the
         Increasing NaCl concentration caused reduc-                                               germination percentage, germination rate and plant
tion in germination and early seedling growth. Germi-                                              growth. Germination rate and the final seed germina-
nation and its rate were strongly inhibited with the in-                                           tion slow down with the decrease of the water move-
crease of salt concentration (Figures 1A, 1B). This                                                ment into the seeds during imbibitions (Hadas, 1977).
might be due to the fact that high amounts of NaCl                                                 Germination failures under saline soils are often the re-

Sci. Agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.), v.64, n.2, p.111-118, March/April 2007
116                                                                                       Jamil et al.

                                                                                                   as to an imbalance of the nutrient amount in the plant.
                                    0.85                                       A                   Some studies indicate that the plant has a reduction in
                                    0.8                                                            its growth due to the proportional increase of Na. High
                                                                                                   salinity may inhibit root and shoot elongation due to


                                                                                                   the lower water uptake by the plant (Werner &
                                                                                                   Finkelstein, 1995). Demir & Arif (2003) observed that
                                                                                                   the root growth was more adversely affected as com-
                                                                                                   pared to shoot growth by salinity. Jeannette et al.
                                    0.88                                                           (2002) reported that total fresh weight of root and
                                                                                   B               shoot of cultivated accessions was reduced with in-
                                                                                                   creased salt stress.
                                     0.8                                                                    Maximal quantum yield of PS2 (Fv/Fm), pho-

                                    0.78                                                           tochemical quenching coefficient (qP) and non-photo-
                                    0.74                                                           chemical quenching coefficient (qN) were reduced as
                                    0.72                                                           the salt level increased, and no effect of salinity was
                                     0.7                                                           found on ETR, Fo/Fm and Fv’/Fm’(Figures 3, 4). The
                                                                                                   reduction of chlorophyll fluorescence is associated
                                                                                                   with the increased Na accumulation (Dionisio-Sese &
 Chlorophyll content (SPAD value)


                                                                                                   Tobita, 2000). The inhibition of the photochemical
                                     40                                                            quenching coefficient (qP) by NaCl may be a conse-
                                     30                                                            quence of stomatal closure by salinity induction, caused
                                                                                                   by the reduction in osmotic potential. The major pro-
                                                                                                   cess involved in the protection against photo damage
                                                                                                   is probably the photochemical quenching energy dis-
                                           0   4.7                       9.4       14.1            sipation, which reduces the relative quantum yield of
                                                     Salinity (dS m-1)                             PS2 in order to maintain an adequate balance between
Figure 4 - Salinity effect on photochemical quenching (A) non-                                     photosynthetic electron transport and carbon metabo-
           photochemical quenching (B) and chlorophyll content                                     lism (Weis & Berry, 1987; Krause & Weis, 1991). Re-
           (C) at various Na concentrations for radish (Raphanus                                   duction in photosynthesis by increased salinity could
           sativus L.).                                                                            be due to lower stomatal conductance, depression of
                                                                                                   specific metabolic processes in the carbon uptake, in-
sults of high salt concentrations in the seed planting                                             hibition in photochemical capacity, or a combination
zone because of upward movement of soil solution and                                               of these (Seemann & Critchley, 1985; Dubey, 1997).
subsequent evaporation at the soil surface (Bernstein,                                             Salt decreases efficiency of photosynthesis (Hasegawa
1974). Salt induced inhibition of seed germination could                                           et al., 2000; Munns, 2002; Ashraf & Shahbaz, 2003).
be attributed to osmotic stress or to specific ion tox-                                                     Plant exposed to saline environment generally
icity (Huang & Redmann, 1995). Germination percent-                                                has the leaf area reduced. In the present study, salinity
age decreased as the level of salinity of the medium                                               reduced the leaf area and chlorophyll content as the sa-
increased (Mauromicale & Licandro, 2002, Gulzar et                                                 linity level increased with no significant effect on leaf
al., 2001).                                                                                        water content (Figures 2, 4). Salt stress reduced the
         The root and shoot lengths are the most im-                                               leaf growth rate by shortening the length of the leaf elon-
portant traits for salt stress because roots are in di-                                            gating zone and decreasing the growth intensity in its
rect contact with the soil and absorb its water for                                                central and distal portions (Bernstein et al., 1993). Leaf
shoot supply. For this reason, root and shoot lengths                                              growth inhibition by salinity must be expected to oc-
provide an important clue to the response of plants to                                             cur via an effect on this region (Lazof & Bernstein,
salt stress (Jamil & Rha, 2004). Salinity reduced root                                             1998). NaCl stress decreased total chlorophyll content
and shoot lengths as the level of salt increased, how-                                             of the plant by increasing the activity of the chlorophyll
ever the decrease in the length of the root was more                                               degrading enzyme: cholorophyyllase (Rao & Rao, 1981),
prominent as compared to the shoot (Figures 1C, 1D).                                               inducing the destruction of the chloroplast structure and
Fresh weight of root and shoot was reduced by in-                                                  the instability of pigment protein complexes (Sing &
creasing salt levels, whereas fresh weight of shoot was                                            Dubey, 1995). It has been reported that chlorophyll con-
reduced more then fresh root weight (Figures 2A and                                                tent decreases in salt susceptible plants such as tomato
2B). The reason of the reduction in the root and shoot                                             (Lapina & Popov, 1970), pea (Hamada & El-Enany,
lengths may be due to the toxic effect of NaCl as well                                             1994), and soybean (Seemann & Critchley, 1985)

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Reduced growth by salinity                                                       117

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