Page created by Catherine Caldwell

Dr. Kathryn E. Jeffery     Joshua Elizondo                 Jamar London
    Superintendent/President   Associated Students President   Math Professor and SMC Academic
                               (2021-2022)                     Senate President (2021-2022)

Cindy Ordaz
Administrative Assistant,
Art/Communication & Media Studies
(2nd Vice President, CSEA)

                                    Leading the Way

                                    Santa Monica College is proud to continue leading the way
                                    safely, with empathy, and with the greatest commitment to
                                    our students’ success and wellbeing.


Free Enrollment, Chromebook &
  Up to $1,200 for Textbooks*

FREE ENROLLMENT                                                     WHO IS ELIGIBLE?
New full-time students (12 units or more per term) are eligible     • You graduated from any public or private California high
for free enrollment and payment of Student Benefits, Health            school in 2021 and are directly attending SMC as a
Services, A.S. Resource, and Student Representation fees.              first-year student.
Continuing eligibility requires completion of 12 units each term.   • If you graduated in 2021, you are eligible for any term in the
                                                                       2021-22 academic year.
FREE CHROMEBOOK                                                     • You will take 12 units or more per term.
All Promise program students are eligible to receive a free         • You are a California resident or an AB 540 student.
Chromebook while supplies last.
                                                                    • You submit FAFSA or Dream Act application by the start of the
$1,200 TEXTBOOK VOUCHERS                                               first term of your first year and by the start of the first term of
If you qualify for the California College Promise Grant,               your second year.
you’ll receive book vouchers for the first and second year:         *Textbook vouchers for California College Promise Grant qualified students.
$500 for fall semester, $100 for winter session, $500 for
spring semester, and $100 for summer session.

                For complete details, visit                                                                                    4
                                                                                                                    • Degrees, Certificates, and Transfer      6
                                                                                                                    • Special Programs and Support Services    7
                                                                                                                    • Other SMC Programs                       7
                                                                                                                    • General Information
                                                                                                                      – Admission                              8

WELCOME TO SMC                                              STEPS TO BECOME                                           – Enrollment
                                                                                                                      – Dates and Deadlines
If you don’t currently attend Santa Monica College,
fill out an application online at for         AN SMC STUDENT                                            – Fees                                  10
admission. Then sign up for classes online at your          Applying to SMC and enrolling in classes is easy.         – Payment Policy                        11
appointed date and time. SMC is filled with dedicated       Just follow these steps:
people who want you to succeed, so if you need help,                                                                  – Financial Assistance                  11
please ask!                                                       APPLY                                             • Winter 2022 Schedule of Classes         12
                                                                                                                      Complete Listing of All Classes
TAKE A SHORTCUT TO                                      
                                                                                                                    • Planning Guides and Special Programs    48
Our Welcome Center offers new students assistance
                                                                  APPLY FOR FINANCIAL AID                           • Special Programs and Support Services   54
with enrollment, orientation, financial aid, and more.                                • Academic Policies                       58
The Welcome Center, located in Student Services                                                                     • College Policies                        59
Center S110, is currently providing all services online.          COMPLETE NEW STUDENT
See for details.                                                                                • Residency                               60
                                                                                                                    • Financial Aid Guide                     64
FREE PARKING, SHUTTLE SERVICE,                          
AND WIFI                                                                                                            • Parking and Transit Guide               66
Free WiFi is available at the Bundy Campus. You can               REVIEW YOUR PLACEMENT                             • Map of Santa Monica College             68
park for free (with a free virtual parking permit) in   
the SMC Bundy Lot, and when campuses are open,
ride the free shuttle to other campuses. See page 66
or visit for the most current              DEVELOP AN EDUCATION
parking and transit information.                                  PLAN / SEE A COUNSELOR
STATEMENT OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY                          
Santa Monica College is committed to equal
opportunity in all of its programs and is in compliance           ENROLL IN CLASSES
with Equal Opportunity standards as required by
Federal and State laws and District policy. Unless
specifically exempted by statute or regulation, ALL
SMC COURSES ARE OPEN TO ENROLLMENT AND                      For the winter session, Santa Monica College is
PARTICIPATION BY ANY PERSON WHO HAS BEEN                    offering online, hybrid, and on-ground classes.
ADMITTED TO THE COLLEGE AND MEETS THE COURSE                Special programs and student support services will
PREREQUISITES.                                              be offered primarily online. You must submit proof of
                                                            COVID-19 vaccination if you are attending on-ground
       Santa Monica College provides a variety of           classes or accessing campus services in-person. To
       support services to individuals with disabilities.   submit proof, request exceptions, or learn more
       If you require a disability accommodation            about the vaccine program, visit
to attend or participate in a class or event at SMC,
contact Nathalie Laille ( or
310-434-4299) at least 5 business days in advance.

                                                                        Santa Monica College:
                                                                        Changing Lives in the
                                                                      Global Community Through
                                                                       Excellence in Education
SMC offers Associate degrees, a specialized Bachelor degree, certificates of achievement, department certificates, and rigorous preparation for transfer
in a wide selection of areas of interest. See the “Academic and Career Paths” section of the SMC catalog at for complete details.
Choose your area of interest. Learn more at

           ARTS, MEDIA, AND ENTERTAINMENT                                                        EDUCATION

2D Animation                                 Film Studies                             Child and Adolescent Development               Infant/Toddler Teacher
3D Animation                                 Graphic Design                           Early Childhood Associate Teacher              Introduction to Early Care and Education
3D Production                                Interaction Design Bachelor Degree       Early Childhood Education                        — Noncredit
Animation                                    Interior Architectural Design            Early Childhood Studies                        Nature-based Pedagogy
Animation Foundation                         Interior Architectural Design            Early Intervention/Special Education           Transition to College and Career –
Architecture                                   Fundamentals                            Assistant                                       Noncredit
Architecture and Interior Design             Journalism                               General Education                              Transitional Kindergarten
  Digital Production                         Journalism – Multimedia Storytelling
Art                                          Media Studies
Broadcast Programming and Production         Music                                                HEALTH AND WELLNESS
Broadcast Sales and Management               Nail Care
Cosmetology                                  Photography
                                                                                      Athletic Coaching                              Medical Coding and Billing Specialist
Dance                                        Scenic Design and Construction
                                                                                      Electronic Medical Records Clerk               Medical Office Clerk
Digital Audio Post-Production                Stage, Lighting, Sound, and Projection
                                                                                      Hospital Inpatient Coder                       Medical Records Clerk/Receptionist
Digital Media                                Studio Arts
                                                                                      Introduction to Working with Older Adults      Medical Transcription
Digital Media Foundation                     Technical Theatre
                                                                                        — Noncredit                                  Nutrition and Dietetics
Digital Publishing                           Theatre
                                                                                      Kinesiology/Physical Education                 Registered Nurse (ADN)
Digital Video Post-Production                Theatre Arts
                                                                                      Medical Administrative Assistant               Rehabilitation Therapy Aide – Noncredit
Entertainment Promotion                      Visual Development
                                                                                      Medical Billing/Coding                         Respiratory Care
  and Marketing Production                   Website Creator
Esthetician                                  Website Development Management
Fashion Design                               Website Software Specialist
Film Production                                                                                   PEOPLE AND SOCIETY

                                                                                      Administration of Justice (Criminal Justice)   Liberal Arts – Social and Behavioral
            BUSINESS                                                                  Anthropology                                     Science
                                                                                      Communication Studies                          Political Science
Accounting                                   General Office                           Cultural Resource Management                   Psychology
Bicycle Maintenance – Noncredit              Insurance Professional                   Economics                                      Public Policy
Business                                     Insurance Specialist                     Environmental Studies                          Social Justice Studies, Gender Studies
Business Administration                      International Business                   Geography                                      Sociology
Business Bookkeeping                         Legal Administrative Assistant           Global Studies                                 Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Business Essentials Level 1 – Noncredit      Legal Office Clerk
Business Information Worker 1                Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Business Information Worker 2                Management/Leadership
Clerical/Data Entry                          Marketing
                                                                                                  STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)
Computer Business Applications               Receptionist – Noncredit
CPA Track                                    Sales and Promotion                      Astronomy                                      Introduction to Engineering
Customer Service – Noncredit                 Salon Business                           Automotive Technician – Introductory           Mathematics
Entrepreneurship                             Small Business Tax Practice              Basic Solar Photovoltaic Installation          Microsoft Azure
Entry Level Business Information Assistant   Social Media Assistant                   Biological Sciences                            Mobile Apps Development – Android
Fashion Merchandising                        Staff Accountant                         Chemistry                                      Mobile Apps Development – iPhone
                                                                                      Cloud Computing                                Networking
                                                                                      Computer Programming                           Physics
           CULTURE, HISTORY, AND LANGUAGES                                            Computer Science                               Recycling and Resource Management
                                                                                      Cybersecurity                                  Recycling and Zero Waste
                                                                                      Database Applications Developer                Solar Photovoltaic and Energy Efficiency
Advanced English as a Second Language –      History
                                                                                      Energy Efficiency Specialist                   Solar Photovoltaic Installation
 Noncredit                                   Intermediate English as a Second
                                                                                      Engineering                                    Sustainability Assistant – Noncredit
African and Middle Eastern Studies             Language – Noncredit
                                                                                      Entry Level Programmer                         Sustainability in Organics Aide – Noncredit
Art History                                  Latin American Studies
                                                                                      Environmental Science                          Sustainability Services Technician –
Asian Studies                                Liberal Arts – Arts and Humanities
                                                                                      General Science                                  Noncredit
Beginning English as a Second Language –     Linguistics
                                                                                      Geographic Information Systems (GIS)           Web Developer
 Noncredit                                   Low Advanced ESL – Noncredit
English                                                                               Geology
                                             Low Intermediate ESL – Noncredit
ESL for College and Career Pathways –                                                 Geospatial Technology
                                             Modern Languages
 Noncredit                                                                            Information Systems Management
Ethnic Studies                               Spanish

Santa Monica College offers many special programs
and support services to assist you in reaching your
education goals (see the listings starting on page 54
for more information).

Adelante Program
Black Collegians Program
CalWORKs                                                  OTHER SMC
CARE (Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education)
Career Education (CE)
Center for Students with Disabilities (DSPS)              PROGRAMS
Corsair Intercollegiate Athletics
Distance Education/Online Classes
DREAM Program                                           In addition to its academic and transfer preparation programs, Santa Monica College offers the community
English as a Second Language (ESL)                      a variety of other programs and services that support career preparation and lifelong learning.
EOPS (Extended Opportunity Program and Services)
Guardian Scholars Program (GSP)                         NONCREDIT INITIATIVES/PROGRAMS
High School Programs                                    If you are planning to re-enter the workforce, prepare for college, or become fluent in English, SMC offers
International Education Center                          free, flexible, online noncredit certificate programs and supportive services to help you plan your next
Internship Program                                      chapter.
Latino Center                                           • Short-term vocational and workforce preparation courses and certificates
Mentor Program in the Arts                              • English as a second language (ESL)
Noncredit Program                                       • Chromebook Loans
Online Program                                          Visit or call 310-434-3399 for details.
Peer Navigator Program
Pico Partnership Program                                SMC COMMUNITY EDUCATION
Santa Monica College Promise Program                    • More than 450 low-cost classes, seminars, and workshops each semester
Scholars Program                                        • Classes in everything from watercolor techniques to writing to piano
SMC Outreach and Recruitment                            • Professional certificate and continuing education programs
STEM Program
                                                        To enroll, visit For questions, please email us at
Student Employment Program                              or call 310-434-3400.
Study Abroad Programs
Supplemental Instruction Program                        SMC EMERITUS/NONCREDIT OLDER ADULT PROGRAM
Sustainability Center
Teacher Academy at SMC                                  Free noncredit adult education courses — in Health and Conditioning, Art, Music, Writing, Literature,
                                                        Theater, Computers and Software, Current Events, and more — specifically oriented to the interests of
Undocumented Ally Program
                                                        older adults. All currently offered online, along with free art and literary events and receptions.
Veterans Success Center
                                                        To enroll, see For questions, please call 310-434-4306.

Athletics Counseling                                    SMC’s Workforce and Economic Development Office (W&ED) helps develop the skilled workforce the
Campus Police and Student/Staff Escort Service          region needs to compete successfully in today’s global market.
Campus Store (formerly SMC Bookstore)                   • Customized training programs and services
Career Services Center                                  • Pre-employment training in basic and job-specific skills
Center for Wellness & Wellbeing                         • Post-employment training to upgrade employee skill levels
Child Care Services                                     • Concurrent employment training to update and expand employee professional and managerial skills
Computer Labs and Services                              For more information, see or call 310-434-4199.
Corsair Newspaper
Counseling & Transfer Services
Education and Early Childhood Counseling
Financial Aid and Scholarships                          FINANCIAL AID                                           PARKING & TRANSPORTATION
Food Services                                           Students who need financial help to pursue              For parking, maps, and transportation information,
Health Sciences Counseling                              their education should see the information on           please see page 66 or go to
Health Services Center                                  page 64 or visit the Financial Aid website at           for the latest details. Use to
Library                                                                          find the best way to get to campus.
Office of Student Life and
  the Associated Students (A.S.)
Ombudsperson                                            SMC STUDENT EMAIL                                       ALCOHOL, SMOKING, & DRUGS
SMC John Drescher Planetarium                           Santa Monica College uses Google Gmail to provide       California state law prohibits the use, sale,
SMC Pete and Susan Barrett Art Gallery                  each SMC student with a FREE email address. Go to       possession, or being on campus under the influence
SMC Photography Gallery                        for more information. CHECK YOUR         of alcohol or of any controlled substance. (Cal. Ed.
Tutoring Services                                       GMAIL ACCOUNT OFTEN, as this is where SMC will          Code §§ 76032-76033). Smoking — including the use
Welcome Center                                          send all official communication from the College to     of e-cigarettes or vaporizers — is also not permitted
                                                        you. SMC email addresses may be restricted at the       at Santa Monica College, except in outdoor areas
                                                        College’s discretion at anytime.                        temporarily designated as smoking areas.

                                                                                                                             to qualify for readmission. Go to and
                                                                                                                             click on the “Petition for Reinstatement” link for details.
                                                                                                                                 If you have been disqualified from SMC more

                                                                                                                             than once, you will be required to take a break from
                                                                                                                             attending SMC for up to a maximum of one year.
                                                                                                                                 For further information, please see an SMC counselor.

                                                                                                                             ENGLISH, ESL, AND MATH PLACEMENT
                                                                                                                             Assembly Bill 705 requires Santa Monica College and
    Admission                                                    online college orientation, and prepare an education
                                                                 plan (see for details). Once done,
                                                                                                                             other California community colleges to help students
                                                                                                                             enroll in and complete transfer-level coursework in
                                                                 you will be able to enroll for classes through Corsair      English (or ESL) and math within one year. You will be
    ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS                                       Connect at on the date and time of your          placed in English (or ESL) and math based on either
    OFFICE HOURS                                                 enrollment.                                                 your prior work or a guided self-placement, depending
    Monday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.                                                                                           on when and where you completed your prior work, as
                                                                 International Students                                      shown below.
    Tuesday & Wednesday: 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
                                                                 Santa Monica College defines an “international              If you have completed the 12th grade or graduated
    Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
                                                                 student” as a student attending the College while in F-1    high school in the U.S. in the last 10 years:
    Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.                                  or F-2 visa status. The international student application   • You will be placed using multiple measures that
       Hours subject to change without notice. Please go to      is available online (go to Please visit          include your high school GPA, courses, and grades for updates.                     for additional information about          reported on your CCCApply admission application.
                                                                 the application process and deadline dates, tuition and     • You may check your placement once you have
    ENROLLMENT BY WEB                                            fees, and support services for F-1 and F-2 students. For
    Monday – Sunday: 4 a.m. to 10 p.m.                                                                                           activated your Corsair Connect account at
                                                                 the winter 2022 session, applications for out-of-country Just log in, click the “Placement” tab,
    Web (Corsair Connect):                            applicants must be submitted by October 15, 2021; and           and review your placement. If you do not see
                                                                 applications for in-country applicants who already have         courses listed, your SMC admission application is
    WHO MAY ENROLL                                               an F-1 or F-2 visa must be submitted by November 15,            missing some necessary information. Follow the
    You may enroll at Santa Monica College if you:               2021.                                                           instructions on the screen, enter the information
    • Have graduated from high school, or                        • If you have F-1 status from another school, you may           requested. Once done, you will see your placement.
    • Are 18 years of age or older, or                              enroll at SMC on a limited basis. Please consult with    If you graduated high school in the U.S. more than 10
    • Are 16 years of age or older and submit an official           the International Education Center.                      years ago or graduated high school in another country:
      “Student Score Report” for passing the California          • If you have another type of visa status (not F-1          • You will be placed using “guided self-placement,” a
      High School Proficiency Examination, or                       or F-2), you may enroll through the Admissions               set of online tools that help evaluate how prepared
    • Are a qualifying younger student who is at least              Office. However, if you are currently on a B visa,           you are with the skills you are expected to have
      13 years of age, has completed 8th grade, and                 you cannot enroll until you change status to a               before starting a particular math, English, or credit
      is participating in SMC’s Concurrent Enrollment               visa with education privileges. Please contact the           ESL class. To be guided to the best class for your
      program (see for details), and                   International Education Center for details.                  needs, it is important that you read everything
    • You meet the residency requirements (see page 60),                                                                         presented to you carefully, and that you answer
                                                                 Veterans                                                        honestly.
      and can profit from the program.
                                                                 Santa Monica College is approved as an institution for      • To access the guided self-placement tools, log on
     PLEASE NOTE:                                                higher learning for veterans and veterans’ dependents           to Corsair Connect at Then click the
     All official communication from Santa Monica                entitled to education assistance from the Veterans              “Placement” tab, and follow the instructions on the
     College will be sent to students at their SMC student       Administration (VA). SMC cooperates with the VA in              screen.
     email address (last name_first name@student.smc.            helping veterans, and offers academic, career, and          • Plan on completing your English and math placements
     edu). You can check your student email account              transfer counseling, as well as priority enrollment,            together. You may take each guided self-placement
     by logging into Corsair Connect at and           tutoring, and other services to support veterans in             only one time.
     clicking on the SMC Mail icon. Be sure to check your        achieving their education goals.
                                                                                                                             • Please note: The math self-placement presents six
     SMC student email often!                                       If you wish to attend SMC under one of the veterans’         options based on your academic and career path
                                                                 assistance bills, please see the information and                (major) or the course you are interested in taking. If
    APPLYING FOR ADMISSION                                       instructions at or consult a counselor in           you are not sure which option to choose, check with
    Continuing students do NOT have to reapply for               the Veterans Success Center.                                    a counselor. You may take any of the math guided
    admission. If you have never attended Santa Monica              Eligible nonresident veterans may qualify for resident       self-placements only one time.
    College (new student), or have been away for two or          fees. Consult with a Veterans Success Center counselor
    more consecutive semesters (returning student), or           or with the Admissions and Records Office for details.      About Your English, ESL, and Math
    applied to SMC but did not actually enroll in a class,                                                                   Placements
    you must first:                                              Students with Disabilities                                  For English, depending on your placement, you will
    • File an application for admission online (go to            If you wish to use the special counseling services          start in one of two ways: (a) directly in English 1, a and click on “Apply” to get started);       provided through the Center for Students with               transfer-level course; or (b) directly in English 1 paired
    • At least four weeks before the start of the session,       Disabilities, call 310-434-4265. See page 54 for more       with English 28, a supporting course. In some instances,
       arrange for transcripts of previous college work (or      information.                                                you may also be encouraged to take another reading or
       high school work, if no college work was completed)          Printed SMC materials are available in alternate         grammar supporting course. See page 27 for the English
       to be sent directly to the Admissions Office. Copies      media upon request. To request publications in              Course Sequence.
       issued to a student (even if in a sealed envelope) will   alternate formats for disability accommodation, send           Some students may need to be placed in selected
       NOT be accepted.                                          email to or call 310-434-4265.           ESL courses. Depending on your placement, you will
       You will be emailed an admission letter. Please           This Schedule of Classes is also available online (see      start with one of the following courses: ESL 10G and ESL
    review it for information on resident status for tuition/                                         10W, ESL 11A, ESL 19A, ESL 19B, or English 1. ESL 19A,
    fee purposes, any outstanding admission issues,                                                                          ESL 19B, and English 1 are CSU/UC transferable courses.
    orientation, placement, education planning/counseling,       Disqualified Students                                       See page 27 for the English Course Sequence and page
    and enrollment.                                              If you were disqualified from a previous college, OR        29 for the ESL Course Sequence.
       All regularly admitted first-time SMC students are        were disqualified from Santa Monica College AND have           For math, depending on your placement, you will
    required to complete the math and English placement          been away from SMC for two consecutive semesters            start in one of two ways: (a) directly in a transfer-level
    process (or the ESL placement process), complete the         (one year) or longer, you are required take certain steps   math course, or (b) directly in a transfer-level math
course paired with one supporting course. Selected
NONtransferable courses are also available if you are a
                                                               the course, and how clearly defined your transfer goal
                                                               is.                                                           DATES AND DEADLINES
student who needs a refresher course before initiating             To make things easier for SMC students to transfer
your formal math course sequence. See page 37 for the          successfully, Santa Monica College has worked out             NEW AND RETURNING STUDENTS
Mathematics Course Sequence.                                   transfer agreements — called articulation agreements          (but NOT Continuing Students) must file an application for
                                                               — with most local colleges and universities on how            admission in order to receive an enrollment date and time.
Other Assessment Services                                      your units of credit transfer or meet graduation or other     Students who applied for a previous term but did not enroll
Santa Monica College will continue to offer limited            requirements. You can look up transfer information            will need to reapply.
assessment services for the Chemistry 10 challenge             yourself (go to for details), but you will find    You may enroll in on-campus, online, and hybrid courses
exam and math proficiency for graduation. You                  it much easier to talk to a counselor in the Counseling       on or after your enrollment appointment date and time by
must have already applied for SMC admission, and               Department. To schedule an appointment with a                 web at
must present a valid government-issued photo                   counselor, please call 310-434-4210.                             If you enroll in any winter session course at SMC, you
identification (e.g., driver license, passport, military           STUDENT-ATHLETES PLEASE NOTE: If you plan to              MUST attend and actively participate in all classes or (if
ID). Test preparation materials are available online at        transfer with an athletic scholarship, please see an          class is offered online) during the first week of the course                                         athletic counselor for a list of requirements and to          or risk being dropped by the instructor.
   The Success & Engagement Center (formerly the               arrange for continuous counseling while enrolled at
Assessment Center) is located in Student Services              SMC.                                                          ENROLLMENT BY WEB
Center S145. The Center offers limited testing services
on a walk-in, first-arrival basis. Please check our website    ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY                                        Monday through Sunday: 4 a.m. to 10 p.m.
( or call 310-434-8040 for up-to-        To the best of our knowledge, SMC does not                    Web (Corsair Connect):
date information on office and testing hours.                  schedule courses in inaccessible locations. However,
                                                               some locations may not be accessible to students              WINTER ENROLLMENT
Is Placement Required?                                         with specific disability-related access needs. SMC will
                                                                                                                             Continuing Students                   Early November 2021
                                                               relocate classes to accommodate individual students.
Completing the placement process in English or ESL and                                                                          Check Corsair Connect for specific date.
                                                               To initiate this process, please contact the Center for
in math is mandatory if you are:                                                                                             New Students                           Mid November 2021
                                                               Students with Disabilities at 310-434-4265 (voice) or
• A first-time college student enrolling in more than six      310-434-4272 (fax).                                              Check Corsair Connect for specific date.
   units during your first semester at SMC; or                                                                               End Web Enrollment (online, hybrid, &
                                                                  The path of travel from the public bus stops on
• A continuing student who has not completed the               Centinela to the Bundy and Airport Arts campuses is              Arranged Hours classes)                  Sun, Jan 2, 2022
   placement process; or                                       a steep grade that may be inaccessible for some with          End Web Enrollment (on-campus classes)
• Enrolling in an English, ESL, or math course for the         mobility limitations. However, the Sunset Ride — an              10 p.m. the night before 1st class meeting for classes
   first time (even if not a first-time college student); or   accessible public bus line — which transfers from Big            meeting once per week and courses with a lab
• Enrolling in courses with required English or math           Blue Bus Line #14, stops inside the Bundy Campus.                Midnight before 2nd class meeting for other classes
   preparation (prerequisites).                                   In addition, the following rooms have access                  (if not 90% full)
   Based upon your placement results, you will receive         restrictions:                                                 Winter Session begins                       Tue, Jan 4, 2022
an English, ESL, or math placement recommendation.                ESL and Art buildings: Accessible restrooms require        Last Day to Apply for Pass/No Pass See Corsair Connect
                                                               an access key.*                                               (for full semester classes)                 for specific date
Placement Exemptions & Placement                                  Access keys are required for elevators when classes        Winter Session ends                       Thu, Feb 10, 2022
and Prerequisite Waivers                                       are not in session in the Business, Art, and Student
You may be exempt from the placement requirement               Activities buildings, as well as for the Gym basement         WITHDRAWAL, REFUND, &
if you meet certain qualifications. You may also be            elevator.                                                     PASS/NO PASS DEADLINES
granted placement and prerequisite waivers — as                   *For restroom access-key copies, go to the Center
well as credit — for selected English, ESL, math, and                                                                        Deadlines vary for class withdrawals (drop dates), refunds,
                                                               for Students with Disabilities (Student Services Center
chemistry courses under specific circumstances. Please                                                                       and requests to enroll in a class on a Pass/No Pass basis.
                                                               S155) or call 310-434-4265.                                   Check your Corsair Connect account for each class you enroll
see our webpage ( for an overview,
                                                                                                                             in to find deadline dates for enrollment fee and tuition
then consult with a counselor in General Counseling &
Transfer Services for details.                                 Enrollment                                                    refunds, to avoid a W (Withdrawal) on your permanent
                                                                                                                             record, or to receive a guaranteed W. See page 58 for
   Please note: Although you may be exempt from                IMPORTANT: All enrollment transactions take place             important details. Refunds and withdrawals will not be
the placement process, you still must successfully             online. You may enroll in any class with space available      granted after the deadline.
complete — or receive waivers for — any prerequisite           until the evening before the second class meeting,
courses that are required for classes in English (or           if the class is less than 90% full. Beginning the day of
                                                               the second class meeting, you must have an Instructor         IMPORTANT DATES,
ESL), math, Anatomy 1, Biology 21/22/23, Chemistry                                                                           HOLIDAYS & BREAKS
11/12/21/22/24, Film 31/32, Microbiology 1, Nursing            Authorization Code for each class you wish to enroll in,
17, Physics 7/9/22/23/24, and Physiology 3 (among              even if the class has space available. EXCEPTIONS: (1)        Winter Break                            Fri, Dec 24, 2021
other courses). For further information, please consult        The enrollment deadline for online, hybrid, or Arranged       		                              through Fri, Dec 31, 2021
with a counselor in General Counseling & Transfer              Hours classes is the Sunday evening prior to the week         New Year’s Day
Services.                                                      the course begins; (2) for classes meeting once per             (observed; campus closed)            Mon, Jan 3, 2022
                                                               week and courses with a lab, you may enroll until 10          Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday       Mon, Jan 17, 2022
ABOUT YOUR TRANSFER UNITS                                      p.m. the night before the first class meeting. If the class
Many students use Santa Monica College as the                  is full, you will need an Instructor Authorization Code.
freshman and sophomore years of a four-year college                Please note: All enrollment takes place on the web
plan. SMC is a leader in transferring students to their        via Corsair Connect at If a class is closed
junior year at four-year colleges and universities,            and the term has not started, please keep trying, as
including the UC and CSU systems. Each of these                it will re-open if space becomes available. For more
institutions has a list of courses that must be completed      information about the enrollment process, please see
• satisfy general education requirements,                      ENROLLMENT BY WEB
• satisfy lower-division pre-major requirements, and           You may enroll by web on or after the enrollment
• satisfy elective requirements.                               date and time listed for you. You can enroll from any
   How credit for an SMC course transfers to your              computer in the Admissions Office lobby. You may also
future school depends on how that school will accept           enroll from home if you have Internet access.
G EN ER AL IN FO R MATIO N   1. Go to                                           SMC STUDENT CARD                                             Enrollment Fee
                             2. Enter your username and your password                      Students may obtain one SMC student I.D. card FREE           All students — resident and nonresident — in graded
                             3. Follow the instructions provided.                          of charge through the Cashier’s Office. To request           credit courses must pay an enrollment fee of $46 per
                                 To confirm that the classes you selected have been        instructions on how to obtain your student I.D. card,        unit.
                             added, click on “Transaction Receipt” in the menu on          send email to with “Student ID” in
                             the left. If the receipt is correct, print out a copy. You    the Subject line. If you lose your card, a replacement       Upper-Division Coursework Fee
                             must have this printout to contest any discrepancies.         card may be purchased at the Cashier’s Office for $20.       (B.S. in Interaction Design)
                                                                                           Your SMC student I.D. provides a convenient way to           In ADDITION TO the per-unit enrollment fee of $46,
                                 You may also add or drop classes by web. If you           check out materials from the Library and access the
                             decide NOT to attend a course you have enrolled in, it                                                                     all students — resident and nonresident — enrolled in
                                                                                           campus tutoring labs and learning resource centers, as
                             is YOUR responsibility to officially withdraw from it. See                                                                 graded upper-division credit courses for the Bachelor of
                                                                                           well as purchase discount tickets for selected student
                             withdrawal information on page 58.                            events or activities.                                        Science degree in Interaction Design must pay an upper-
                                 For payment information, see the PAYMENT POLICY                                                                        division coursework fee of $84 per unit. This fee is
                             section.                                                      SMC STUDENT EMAIL                                            NOT covered by the California College Promise Grant
                                                                                           Santa Monica College uses Google Gmail to provide            (CCPG). For nonresident students pursuing the degree,
                             ABOUT PRIORITY ENROLLMENT                                     each SMC student with a FREE email address. Go to            this fee is IN ADDITION to the nonresident tuition fee.
                             You are STRONGLY encouraged to enroll as close to    for more information. CHECK YOUR
Wi nter 2022

                             your assigned date and time as possible, since students       GMAIL ACCOUNT OFTEN, as this is where SMC will               Nonresident Tuition Fee
                             who come after you in priority will quickly fill the          send all official communication from the College to you.     In ADDITION TO the per-unit enrollment fee of $46,
                             classes you need if you wait too long.                        SMC email addresses may be restricted at the College’s       all nonresident students must pay tuition of $331
                                State and local regulations, combined with other           discretion at any time.                                      per semester unit (for a total of $377 per semester
                             factors, determine the order in which your enrollment         NOTE: Your email address is NOT             unit), or $307 per semester unit (for a total of $353
                             date and time are assigned. It is important complete          permanent, and will be disabled after a period of            per semester unit) if eligible for AB 947 exemption.
                             the SMC assessment process, online orientation, and           nonenrollment. DO NOT link or associate your SMC             For residency information, visit or
                             education plan requirements as soon as possible —             student email address with personal and non-SMC              call the residence clerk in the Admissions Office at
                             especially if you are pursuing a degree, certificate,         related services, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,    310-434-4461 or 310-434-4595.
                             or transfer, or you are a first-time college student          etc., as well as your bank account(s) and ATM and
                             — because the sooner you do so, the sooner you will           credit cards. Also, DO NOT use your SMC student email        Health Services Fee
                             receive your enrollment appointment.                          address for purchased apps/services.                         The mandatory Health Services fee of $18 during the
                                                                                                                                                        winter session includes free basic health services,
                             LOSS OF ENROLLMENT PRIORITY
                             You may lose your priority enrollment status if               Fees                                                         information, and referrals by full-time RN; emergency
                                                                                                                                                        first aid treatment; and free or reduced-cost
                             you do not complete SMC’s online orientation (see             All fees are subject to change without notice. See           immunizations.
                   , placement process (go to       for the latest details.
                    and click the “Placement” tab), or an                                                                           Student Benefits Fee
                                                                                               If you qualify for the SMC Promise Program, you
                             abbreviated education plan if you are a new or first-
                                                                                           are exempt from paying enrollment, Student Benefits,         The optional $22.50 Student Benefits fee supports
                             time-in-college student, or a comprehensive education
                                                                                           Health Services, Student Representation, and A.S.            access to technology (campus WiFi, computer lab,
                             plan if you are a student who will have either earned 15
                                                                                           Resource fees. See for details.          printing, Chromebook loan program), transportation
                             degree-applicable units by the end of the term or will
                             have completed a third semester (whichever comes                  If you are taking only noncredit courses (designated     options (Big Blue Bus free intercampus shuttle service,
                             first; see the information at You          by section numbers of 7000 or above), you are                the Big Blue Bus “Any Line, Any Time” program, free
                             will also lose priority enrollment if you are on academic     not required to pay the Health Services fee or A.S.          rides on Metro lines, and a selection of rideshare and
                             or progress probation for two consecutive semesters/          Resource fee. However, you are required to pay the           bike programs), and the LiveSafe app. You may opt out
                             terms, or you accumulate excessive units, or you are          Student Representation fee, or you may opt out of it         of paying the Student Benefits fee by sending email to
                             found responsible for violating provisions of the SMC         through Corsair Connect (go to, click on Be sure to include your full name
                             Rules for Student Conduct, such as holding or selling         “Enrollment,” select the relevant term/semester, then        and student ID number.
                             seats in a class. For more information, please refer to       click on “Fee Assessment”).
                    (click on “Policies and Procedures             PLEASE NOTE: You may be eligible for financial aid.      Associated Students Resource Fee
                             Index” under the Policies section).                           Work Study funds and the California College Promise          The optional Associated Students Resource fee of $10
                                                                                           Grant (CCPG) are available for the winter session. To        supports SMC’s many student clubs and other activities
                             OPEN SEAT NOTIFICATION                                        find out, call the Financial Aid Office at 310-434-4343 as   that foster academic achievement, campus life and
                             If you wish to take a course, but the section you             soon as possible. See page 57 for additional information.    social events, campus sustainability programs, basic
                             want is already closed, you may sign up for an Open                                                                        needs programs, and Cayton Center renovations. For
                             Seat Notification list up to two weeks before the              CA Resident Fees for Winter Session:                        details, see the A.S. webpage (
                             term starts. You will receive a notification if a seat         Enrollment Fee                          $46/unit            students) or stop by the Student Life Office (Room 202
                             becomes available. A notification does NOT mean                Upper-Division Courses                  $84/unit            of the Cayton Associated Students Center). You may
                             you are enrolled in the course. When you receive a                                                                         opt out of paying the A.S. Resource fee by sending
                             notification, it is YOUR responsibility to go to Corsair       SMC Health Services Fee                     $18
                                                                                            Student Benefits Fee (Optional)           $22.50            email to Be sure to include your full
                             Connect at and enroll in the class. You may                                                                     name and student ID number.
                             also unsubscribe from the Open Seat Notification list up       Associated Students Resource Fee (Optional) $10
                             to two weeks before the term starts.                           Student Representation Fee (Optional)         $2            Student Representation Fee
                             WAITLISTS                                                      Nonresident Fees for Winter Session:                        The optional Student Representation fee of $2,
                             You may be given the opportunity to join a waitlist for                                                                    mandated by Assembly Bill (AB) 1504, provides support
                                                                                            Enrollment Fee                          $46/unit
                             a class section, starting two weeks before the term                                                                        for student government representatives who may be
                                                                                            Upper-Division Courses                  $84/unit            presenting positions and viewpoints to representatives,
                             begins. You will be able to track your status on the
                                                                                            Nonresident Tuition                    $331/unit            offices, and agencies of local, district, and state
                             waitlist through Corsair Connect at The
                             waitlist is provided to faculty, who can add students          AB 947 Exemption                       $307/unit            governments. The fee is divided, with $1 going to the
                             to the class if there are seats available once the class       SMC Health Services Fee                     $18             Associated Students, and $1 for use by the Student
                             starts. If you are on a waitlist, you will receive a notice    Student Benefits Fee (Optional)           $22.50            Senate of the California Community Colleges (SSCCC).
                             by email if a seat has become available, and may enroll        Associated Students Resource Fee (Optional) $10             You may opt out of paying the Student Representation
                             in the course on a first-come, first-served basis. Please                                                                  fee through Corsair Connect (go to, click
                                                                                            Student Representation Fee (Optional)         $2
                             visit for more details about the waitlist                                                                   on the “Enrollment” tab, select the relevant term/
                             process.                                                                                                                   semester, then “Fee Assessment”).
Materials and Supplies Fees                                 account. Please see for payment                   • Scholarships: Awards from foundations and private

                                                                                                                                                                                       G EN ER A L IN FO R MATIO N
Some classes require additional fees for materials and      deadline dates and other related information. It is              endowments or individuals.
supplies. Consult the class listings in this schedule to    YOUR responsibility to drop any courses you do not
determine whether any such fees are required. Please        wish to continue. If you do not drop the courses by the        Important Dates
note that these fees are NOT refundable.                    refund deadline — even if you never went to class —            FAFSA application available                October 1
                                                            you will be responsible for paying the fees and will not       FAFSA and Cal Grant priority deadline        March 2
ON-CAMPUS AND SATELLITE CAMPUS                              be able to enroll in future terms until all fees are paid. A   Extended Cal Grant deadline              September 2
VIRTUAL PARKING PERMITS                                     hold will also be placed on your records, which prevents
A virtual on-campus parking permit does NOT                 you from receiving enrollment verification, diplomas,          Who is Eligible?
guarantee you a parking space. What a virtual parking       etc. See for the latest details.                  1. You must be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
permit does is entitle you to use on-campus student                                                                        2. Possess a Social Security Number (SSN)
parking areas on a space-available, first-arrival basis.    How to Pay
                                                            SMC offers students several payment options.                   3. Demonstrate financial need (except for SMC Promise
NOTE: Your virtual parking permit is for ON-CAMPUS                                                                            and many scholarships)
PARKING ONLY — it is NOT a residential (street) parking     • You may pay fees in cash or by check, money
permit.                                                       order, cashier’s check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or       4. Have a high school diploma, GED, California High
                                                              American Express.                                               School Proficiency Certificate, or demonstrate an
   Parking at all SMC campuses (main, Bundy, Airport                                                                          ability to benefit from post-secondary education

                                                                                                                                                                                       Wi nter 2022
Arts, Center for Media and Design, and Performing Arts      • Nonresident tuition may be paid in cash or by money
Center) is FREE this winter, but REQUIRES A VIRTUAL           order, cashier’s check, or a personal check drawn on         5. Comply with Selective Service registration (if
PARKING PERMIT. Go to and register            a California bank.                                              required)
your vehicle. See for details.       You may pay:                                                   How to Apply for Federal Financial Aid
   PLEASE NOTE: Student virtual parking permits are         • By web using a MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or                You can apply as early as October 1, and you do not
NOT valid for faculty/staff parking areas.                    American Express card ONLY (web enrollment takes             need to wait to be admitted to SMC to apply. To be
   Accessible Parking: The display of a DMV accessible        place on a certified secured site, and all data              given full consideration, you must apply by March 2.
placard AND registration for an SMC virtual parking           transactions are encrypted; to pay fees online, log          1. Create your FSA ID username and password at fsaid.
permit entitles you to park in any accessible, student,       onto Corsair Connect at and make sure       To expedite the financial aid process, have
or staff parking space.                                       the correct “school semester” is selected, then                 your parent create one also.
   An important caution: Car alarms are disruptive to         select “Pay Fees Online” from the menu on the left);
                                                                                                                           2. Once you receive your PIN, go to to
other students and our neighbors. Cars with activated       • By mailing your check, money order, or cashier’s                complete the Free Application for Federal Student
alarms in the SMC parking areas will be TOWED                 check (no cash) to Santa Monica College, Cashier’s              Aid (FAFSA). Santa Monica College’s Federal School
IMMEDIATELY at YOUR expense.                                  Office, 1900 Pico Boulevard, Santa Monica, CA                   Code is 001286.
“ANY LINE, ANY TIME” BIG BLUE BUS                                                                                          3. When the FAFSA is sent to the Federal Processor, this
                                                            • By phone by calling the Cashier’s Office during                 information is put through the eligibility-determining
(BBB) & LA METRO                                              business hours at 310-434-4664.                                 formula and an Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
SMC students can ride ANY Big Blue Bus or L.A.                If you have a credit for any prior transaction(s), the          is calculated. A Student Aid Report (SAR) on financial
Metro bus or train ANY time — at NO EXTRA COST!             amount will be applied to any owed balance.                       aid eligibility will be mailed to you.
— if they are currently enrolled and have paid the
Student Benefits fee. About 24 hours after you have
paid your Student Benefits fee, look for an email           Financial Assistance
from with instructions on how to
                                                            Santa Monica College provides a variety of resources
register any TAP card you have with a new interagency
                                                            to assist and encourage students who need financial
transit pass. If you don’t have a TAP card, one may
be provided for you. See for
details.                                                    FINANCIAL AID
   SMC students can also ride ANY LA METRO                  Financial aid is used to pay for mandatory fees, books,
bus or light rail ANY time — for FREE! See                  transportation, room and board, and other education- for details.                         related costs. Before starting enrollment procedures,
                                                            contact the Financial Aid Office. The Financial Aid
                                                                                                                                          WINTER 2022
WITHDRAWAL REFUND SCHEDULE                                  Office is open Monday and Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to                      SCHEDULE OF CLASSES
See “Academic Policies” on page 58 for information          4:30 p.m., Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to               Go to to find schedule
on withdrawal refunds. Withdrawal refund deadlines          6 p.m., and Friday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Hours for the           information for all open enrollment semesters,
appear next to each enrolled class listed in your Corsair   Financial Aid Office’s Q-less online phone system are            including changes, cancellations, and additions.
Connect account.                                            Monday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tuesday                        Apply today at
                                                            and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Friday
Payment Policy                                              from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Hours are subject to change
                                                            without notice. For additional information, please see
                                                                                                                                   Enrollment starts in early November.
                                                                                                                              Winter classes begin Tuesday, January 4, 2022.
                                                   or call 310-434-4343.
PAYMENT                                                                                                                       _______________________________
                                                               SMC offers various types of financial aid:
PLEASE NOTE: You may be eligible to receive some
form of financial aid. Call the Financial Aid Office        • Grants (Pell Grant, SEOG, Cal Grant B, C, ACG): Need-
at 310-434-4343 as soon as possible. Work Study                based assistance that does not need to be repaid.
funds and the California College Promise Grant              • California College Promise Grant (CCPG): Need-
(CCPG) are available for the winter session (go to             based enrollment fee waivers for eligible California for details). Please note: The            residents.
California College Promise Grant and SMC Promise            • Santa Monica College Promise: Free enrollment and                    ASK PEARL, OUR CHATBOT!
Program do NOT cover upper-division coursework fees.           fee waivers for high school students who graduate             Pearl — SMC’s chatbot — helps answer your
   You can pay your fees by using a MasterCard, Visa,          in 2021 and go directly to SMC as full-time students          questions about admission, enrollment, class
Discover, or American Express credit card at the same          (see for details).                        scheduling, counseling, financial aid, parking, and
site where you enroll. For other payment options, see       • Federal Work-Study (FWS) funds: Federally funded               more! You can also find Pearl on select SMC
the “How to Pay” information.                                  program that provides wages to eligible students for          webpages, through the SMC GO app, by texting
   Payments of enrollment and related fees for courses         employment.                                                   your question to 310-807-2262, and on the official
you enroll in are due by the deadline dates published       • Loans: Federally administered, low-interest funds              SMC Facebook and Twitter feeds.
on the fees webpage and in your Corsair Connect                that must be repaid.

                                                                    TYPES OF ONLINE CLASSES (MODALITY)

                  Scheduled                                              Flexible                                     Flexible with Optional                                Flexible with Scheduled Exams
        Fully online and will be taught                     Fully online and will be taught                            Scheduled Meetings                                      Taught primarily through Canvas and
       through Canvas yet also require                      primarily through Canvas and                   Fully online and will be taught through Canvas                    other learning platforms that are flexible
     students to attend Zoom meetings                     other learning platforms that are                 and other learning platforms that are flexible                      for the student’s schedule, but with
         at the scheduled class time.                    flexible for the student’s schedule.               for the student’s schedule, but with optional                     mandatory Zoom meetings for exams
                                                                                                          scheduled class meetings at the listed class time.                 and quizzes at the scheduled class time.

                                                              TYPES OF ON GROUND CLASSES (MODALITY)

                                                                            On Ground                                                       Hybrid
                                                    Fully on ground and will be taught in person at the                       Taught on campus and online.
                                                    time and location listed in the schedule of classes.

      SMC is offering online, hybrid, and on-ground classes for winter 2022. Check with your instructor for additional information about how the class will be conducted.
      Visit to find schedule information for all open enrollment semesters, including online, hybrid, and on ground modalities, changes,
      cancellations, and additions. You must submit proof of COVID-19 vaccination if you are attending on-ground classes or accessing campus services in-person.
      To submit proof, request exceptions, or learn more about the vaccine program, visit

     Accounting                                                                  • Advisory: Math 20.
                                                                                 This course introduces the student to the sole proprietorship,
                                                                                                                                                            This course continues the study of introductory financial
                                                                                                                                                            accounting principles begun in Accounting 1 and also covers
                                                                                 partnership, and corporate forms of ownership. This course                 introductory managerial accounting. The financial account-
     General accountants examine financial records of municipal, county,         also familiarizes the student with recording, classifying and              ing portion of the course (2 units) covers the corporate form
     state, and federal agencies for compliance with laws. They record
                                                                                 interpreting financial data for service and merchandising busi-            of business organization, bond financing, installment notes
     transactions, such as receivable, payable, payroll, property into a
     general ledger. Corporate accountants set up and design accounting/         nesses. It includes a study of the journals, ledgers and finan-            and other long-term liabilities, investments in debt and
     bookkeeping systems and procedures, risk management programs,               cial statements used by these entities. Also covered are com-              equity securities, international operations and the Statement
     tax law and finance methods, record financial transactions, and ana-        puterized accounting systems, internal control, ethics, cash,              of Cash Flows, corporate financial statement preparation
     lyze and evaluate financial records for businesses. Their duties include    accounts and notes receivable, merchandise inventory, plant                and analysis and other GAAP and IFRS considerations. The
     interpreting financial information and preparing reports for busi-          assets and intangible assets, liabilities, and equity accounts.            managerial portion of the course (3 units) covers accounting
     ness executives and government regulatory agencies. Advancement             Basic managerial accounting topics are also introduced.                    concepts relevant to internal users rather than third party
     includes senior accountant, controller, treasurer, and chief financial      1001 9:00a.m.-12:15p.m. TTh              BUS 263        Lamarra F          users of financial statements. Managerial accounting study
     officer positions.                                                                Arrange-8 Hours                    ONLINE         Lamarra F          includes full absorption and variable costing, cost accounting
     Some of the courses listed in this section are accompanied by                 Above section 1001 is a hybrid class taught on campus and online         for job order and for mass produced goods (process costing),
     Supplemental Instruction. Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an academ-         via the Internet. For additional information, go to
     ic assistance program that utilizes free peer-assisted weekly study
                                                                                                                                                            just-in-time, activity-based and total quality management
                                                                                   OnlineEd.                                                                approaches to costing manufacturing operations. Also stud-
     sessions to help students learn the most difficult course content. For      1002 9:00a.m.-12:30p.m. MW               BUS 254        Knight R B
     more information, please see the SI website at                                                                                             ied are segment reporting, performance measurement, cost-
                                                                                       9:00a.m.-12:30p.m. TTh             ONLINE         Knight R B         volume-profit analysis, flexible budgeting, capital expenditure
                                                                                   Above section 1002 is a hybrid class taught on campus and online
     ACCTG 1, INTRODUCTION TO FINANCIAL                                                                                                                     budgeting, standard costing, responsibility accounting, and
     ACCOUNTING                                                    5 UNITS         via the Internet. For additional information, go to
                                                                                   OnlineEd. Tuesday and Thursday sessions are in the Scheduled             decision making processes. Ethical issues surrounding these
                                                            Transfer: UC, CSU                                                                               topics are also addressed.
                                                                                   modality, fully online and will be taught through Canvas yet also
         C-ID: Students must take ACCTG 1 and 2 to earn the equivalent of C-ID                                                                              1004 9:00a.m.-12:30p.m. MW             BUS 263      Trippetti V J
                                                                                   require students to attend Zoom meetings at the scheduled class
                                                                    ACCT 110.
                                                                                   time.                                                                          9:00a.m.-12:30p.m. TTh           ONLINE       Trippetti V J
     • Prerequisite: None.
                                                                                 1003 Arrange-15 Hours                    ONLINE         Brookins G T         Above section 1004 is a hybrid class taught on campus and online
                                                                                   This section is Flexible and will be taught primarily through Canvas       via the Internet. For additional information, go to
                                                                                   and other learning platforms that are flexible for the student’s           OnlineEd. Tuesday and Thursday sessions are in the Scheduled
       SMC is offering online, hybrid, and on-ground classes for winter                                                                                       modality, fully online and will be taught through Canvas yet also
       2022. For more information about the section modalities,                    schedule.
       “Scheduled,” “Flexible,” “Flexible with Optional Scheduled                                                                                             require students to attend Zoom meetings at the scheduled class
       Meetings,” “Flexible with Scheduled Exams,” “On Ground,” and              ACCTG 2, CORPORATE FINANCIAL AND MANAGERIAL                                  time.
       “Hybrid,” please see page 12 of this schedule and visit          ACCOUNTING                              5 UNITS
       searchclasses.                                                                                                                   Transfer: UC, CSU   ACCTG 9, ACCOUNTING ETHICS                               3 UNITS
            Students with disability related access needs, contact the            C-ID: ACCT 120; Students must take ACCTG 1 and 2 to earn the equivalent                                                         Transfer: CSU
            Center for Students with Disabilities at 310-434-4265 or
            email to
                                                                                                                                        of C-ID ACCT 110.   • Prerequisite: None.
                                                                                 • Prerequisite: Accounting 1.                                              • Advisory: Accounting 1 or 21.
                               Go to to find schedule information for all open enrollment semesters including changes, cancellations, and additions.
This course surveys professional ethics for the accounting                1010 Arrange-9 Hours                     ONLINE         Lopez En           AD JUS 2, CONCEPTS OF CRIMINAL LAW                            3 UNITS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 SCHEDULE OF CLASSES
profession in the context of ethical theory, the history of ethi-           This section is Flexible and will be taught primarily through Canvas                                                            Transfer: UC, CSU
                                                                            and other learning platforms that are flexible for the student’s                                                                     C-ID: AJ 120.
cal thought, the nature of accounting, tax and auditing fidu-
ciary responsibilities, the rules of accounting codes of con-               schedule.                                                                • Prerequisite: None.
duct, financial statement representations and fraud, and the                                                                                         This course examines the doctrines of criminal liability in the
                                                                         ACCTG 23, PAYROLL ACCOUNTING                                  3 UNITS       United States. It covers topics which include the sources of
theoretical and practical application of ethical principles to                                                                      Transfer: CSU
business situations. Topics include ethical standards specific                                                                                       law, the elements of a crime, the classification of crime, the
                                                                         • Prerequisite: None.                                                       nature of credible evidence, the adversary system, criminal
to the accounting profession, an examination of the balance
                                                                         Students will learn the fundamental skills and basic principles             defenses and related subjects. The course utilizes case stud-
between the competing interests of the accountant’s roles as
                                                                         of business payroll. The focus of the course is primarily in                ies to ascertain and analyze the concepts of criminal law. It
management consultant and reporter of financial information
                                                                         payroll and personnel record keeping, calculation of gross                  also provides a foundation for upper division criminal justice
to third parties, and the interests of businesses, government
                                                                         pay using various methods, calculation of Social Security and               courses.
and professional regulatory agencies and the public. Reading,
                                                                         Medicare taxes, calculation of federal and state income taxes,               1017 Arrange-9 Hours                     ONLINE         Junghahn L A
writing, analysis and discussion are core elements of the class.
                                                                         calculation of federal and state unemployment taxes, jour-                     This section is Flexible and will be taught primarily through Canvas
1005 Arrange-9 Hours                     ONLINE         Huang Ai M
                                                                         nalizing and posting payroll entries, and completing various                   and other learning platforms that are flexible for the student’s
  This section is Flexible and will be taught primarily through Canvas   federal and state forms.                                                       schedule.
  and other learning platforms that are flexible for the student’s
  schedule.                                                               1011 Arrange-9 Hours                     ONLINE         Rubio C
                                                                            This section is Flexible and will be taught primarily through Canvas
1006 Arrange-9 Hours                     ONLINE         Huang Ai M
                                                                            and other learning platforms that are flexible for the student’s
  This section is Flexible and will be taught primarily through Canvas      schedule.
  and other learning platforms that are flexible for the student’s                                                                                   Please see listing under “Biological Sciences.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Wi nte r 2 0 2 2
  schedule.                                                              ACCTG 45, INDIVIDUAL FINANCIAL PLANNING                       3 UNITS
                                                         Transfer: CSU
                                                                         • Prerequisite: Math 31.
                                                                                                                                Transfer: UC, CSU
• Prerequisite: Accounting 2.                                            This course provides students with the tools to achieve their               The Animation program prepares students for careers in the enter-
                                                                         personal financial goals. It will help them make informed                   tainment industry through comprehensive, hands-on training. The
Basic pronouncements of the Financial Accounting Standards
                                                                         decisions related to spending, saving, borrowing, and invest-               program is designed to meet the industry’s need for creative profes-
Board and their applications to accounting are covered in this
                                                                         ing by training them to apply quantitative reasoning concepts               sionals who excel in developing ideas and have the technical profi-
course, along with cash, receivables, inventory, time value of
                                                                         to solve problems. Topics covered include personal financial                ciency to execute them. Our instructors are experienced professionals
money, and financial statements overview.                                                                                                            who bring first-hand knowledge of industry practices to the classroom
                                                                         planning; money management; tax strategy; consumer credit;
1007 Arrange-9 Hours                     ONLINE         Lu M                                                                                         and work in close collaboration with industry advisors to keep up
                                                                         purchasing decisions; insurance; investing in stocks, bonds,
  This section is Flexible and will be taught primarily through Canvas                                                                               with trends and changing requirements. In addition, participating
                                                                         and mutual funds; retirement; and estate planning.
  and other learning platforms that are flexible for the student’s                                                                                   companies often provide guest speakers and student internships.
  schedule.                                                              Accounting 45 is the same class as Business 45. Students may earn           We offer day, evening and weekend classes to provide educational
                                                                         credit for one, but not for both.                                           opportunities to all students. In addition, select courses are offered
ACCTG 10B, INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING B                        3 UNITS       1012 Arrange-9 Hours                      ONLINE         Resnick W J       online through Distance Education. Students who are interested in the
                                                         Transfer: CSU       This section is Flexible and will be taught primarily through Canvas    Animation program are strongly encouraged to schedule an appoint-
• Prerequisite: Accounting 2.                                                and other learning platforms that are flexible for the student’s        ment with one of the counselors at the Center for Media and Design
• Advisory: Accounting 10A.                                                  schedule.                                                               campus to develop an Educational Plan. This is to ensure that you are
                                                                          1013 Arrange-9 Hours                      ONLINE         Resnick W J       taking the necessary courses to meet your educational goals. To learn
This course includes study of the basic pronouncements of                                                                                            more, please visit
                                                                             This section is Flexible and will be taught primarily through Canvas
the Financial Accounting Standards Board and their applica-                  and other learning platforms that are flexible for the student’s
tions to accounting. In this course, the following are covered               schedule.                                                               ANIM 3A, INTRODUCTION TO 3D ANIMATION                         2 UNITS
in detail: revenue recognition, investments, land, buildings,             1014 Arrange-9 Hours                      ONLINE         Rubio C
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Transfer: CSU
equipment, intangible assets, current liabilities and contin-                                                                                           Formerly Entertainment Technology 24A.
                                                                             This section is Flexible and will be taught primarily through Canvas
gencies, and long term liabilities.                                          and other learning platforms that are flexible for the student’s        This course provides a basic introduction to 3D animation,
1008 Arrange-9 Hours                     ONLINE         Lu M                 schedule.                                                               and is intended for students to gain a general understanding
  This section is Flexible and will be taught primarily through Canvas                                                                               of 3D software. ANIM 3A is not equivalent to ANIM 3, 3D
  and other learning platforms that are flexible for the student’s                                                                                   Fundamentals.
                                                                         Administration of                                                           This courses uses Autodesk Maya.

                                                                                                                                                      1044 Arrange-6 Hours                      ONLINE         Fria C T
ACCTG 21, BUSINESS BOOKKEEPING                              3 UNITS
                                                                                                                                                         This section is Flexible and will be taught primarily through Canvas
                                                         Transfer: CSU
                                                                                                                                                         and other learning platforms that are flexible for the student’s
• Prerequisite: None.                                                                                                                                    schedule.
                                                                         Students prepare for careers in local, state and federal law enforce-
This course surveys basic bookkeeping principles and prac-               ment; security; and courtroom operations. Our courses familiarize
tices and the use of records to help bookkeepers and busi-               students with the American justice system, crime causes, the role of        ANIM 5, HISTORY OF ANIMATION                                  3 UNITS
ness owners/managers better understand common business                   administration of justice practitioners, the role of law enforcement,                                                              Transfer: UC, CSU
terms, transactions, and record keeping in small businesses.             evidence procedures, juvenile procedures, and criminal law. Students                                                            IGETC AREA 3A (Arts)
This course provides the student with the basic accounting               apply principles of the justice system; constitutional and procedural          Formerly Entertainment Technology 61.
concepts and procedures required for all businesses. Through             considerations affecting an arrest, and search and seizure; human           This course will explore the history of animation through its
lecture and problem solving, the student will learn to do a full         relations; and concepts of criminal law.                                    earliest beginnings to the present. In addition to the chrono-
set of books pertaining to a small business enterprise. Topics           AD JUS 1, INTRODUCTION TO ADMINISTRATION OF                                 logical order of events, this course will look at the multi-
covered include analyzing and classifying business transac-              JUSTICE                                    3 UNITS                          faceted aspects of this relatively modern art form. The influ-
tions, financial statements, worksheets and adjusting entries,                                                                  Transfer: UC, CSU    ences of economics and social/political pressures on the art
bank reconciliations, payroll, specialized journals, and tax                                                                         C-ID: AJ 110.   form will be examined. Included will be the study of individual
aspects of small businesses.                                                                           IGETC AREA 4 (Social & Behavioral Sciences)   animators and studios, big and small; different art techniques,
1009 Arrange-9 Hours                     ONLINE         Lopez En         • Prerequisite: None.                                                       materials 2D and 3D. The class will also examine the principles
  This section is Flexible and will be taught primarily through Canvas   This course provides students with an overview of the charac-               of movement and how they apply to the zoetrope as well as
  and other learning platforms that are flexible for the student’s       teristics of the criminal justice system in the United States. An           the computer.
  schedule.                                                              emphasis is placed on examining the structure and functions                  1042 Arrange-9 Hours                     ONLINE         Poirier N P
                                                                         of the police, courts and corrections. The following additional                This section is Flexible and will be taught primarily through Canvas
ACCTG 22, ADVANCED BOOKKEEPING                              3 UNITS                                                                                     and other learning platforms that are flexible for the student’s
                                                                         topics are explored: the origins of criminal law, theories of
                                                         Transfer: CSU                                                                                  schedule.
                                                                         crime, the adjudication of a criminal case, measurement of
• Prerequisite: Accounting 21.
                                                                         crime, the evolution of the principles and approaches utilized              ANIM 10, QUICK-SKETCH AND RAPID
This course is a continuation of ACCT 21, and this course                by the justice system, the social impact of crime, sentencing
extends the bookkeeping principles and practices to a mer-                                                                                           VISUALIZATION                                                 2 UNITS
                                                                         policies and related subject areas.                                                                                                    Transfer: CSU
chandising enterprise. Through lecture and problem solv-                  1015 Arrange-9 Hours                     ONLINE         Khalil N              Formerly Entertainment Technology 93.
ing, students will learn how to account, manage and report                  This section is Flexible and will be taught primarily through Canvas
merchandising activities for a small enterprise. Major topics                                                                                        The major emphasis in this course will be the ability to draw
                                                                            and other learning platforms that are flexible for the student’s         clear, credible, and simplified representations of complex
covered are accruals and deferrals, financial statements                    schedule.
and closing procedures, including specific topics in Accounts                                                                                        visual phenomena. These phenomena include the human fig-
                                                                          1016 Arrange-9 Hours                     ONLINE         Khalil N
Receivable and Uncollectible Accounts, Notes Receivable and                                                                                          ure at rest or in motion and the spatial environment for these
                                                                            This section is Flexible and will be taught primarily through Canvas
Payable, Inventory, and Property, Plant and Equipment and                   and other learning platforms that are flexible for the student’s
                                                                                                                                                     figures and their actions. Students will use a variety of media,
Partnership.                                                                schedule.                                                                some of which will be applicable spontaneous reactions to
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