Saving lives, spending less - Methodology - World Health Organization

Page created by Jeff Austin
Saving lives,
spending less
Document number: WHO/NMH/NVI/18.9

© World Health Organization 2018. Some rights reserved. This work is available under the
CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO licence.

Analytic scope ........................................................................................................................................................ 2

Intervention impact sizes ........................................................................................................................................ 4

Coverage and scale up patterns ............................................................................................................................... 5

   Clinical interventions .......................................................................................................................................... 6

   Tobacco control interventions ............................................................................................................................ 6

   Alcohol reduction policies .................................................................................................................................. 7

   Unhealthy Diets .................................................................................................................................................. 8

   Physical inactivity mass media ........................................................................................................................... 9

The health benefits of scaling up intervention coverage ....................................................................................... 10

Estimating health care costs of interventions........................................................................................................ 12

Estimating the economic and social returns on investment .................................................................................. 15

   Translating avoided deaths into economic returns ............................................................................................ 15

   Translating incident cases avoided into economic returns ................................................................................ 15

   Social benefits of increased years of healthy life .............................................................................................. 15

   Calculating the Return on Investment .............................................................................................................. 15

Summary of Findings ........................................................................................................................................... 16

   Costs of scaling up action ................................................................................................................................. 16

   Health benefits .................................................................................................................................................. 18

   The economic benefits of investment ............................................................................................................... 20

   Return on Investment ........................................................................................................................................ 20

Limitations of analytical framework ..................................................................................................................... 22

References ............................................................................................................................................................ 23

The analysis for the economic data underpinning the NCD Global Business Plan was overseen by an informal
advisory group consisting of the individuals listed in table 1. The informal advisory group met in November
2017 to review the proposed methodology, scope and preliminary results, and provide direction on the final

           Table 1: Informal Advisory Group members
           Name                                                                      Organization

Kelly Henning                                                             Bloomberg Philanthropies

Judith Mackay                                                             Vital Strategies

Ala Alwan                                                                 University of WAshington

Johanna Ralston                                                           World Obesity Federation

Dean Jamison                                                              University of California, San Francisco

Thomas J. Bollyky                                                         Council on Foreign Relations

This scope of the analysis follows the proposal of the informal advisory group and focuses on the 16 “best buys”
for NCDs as described in the Appendix 3 of the Global Action Plan for NCDs, updated in 2017 1 (table 2). The
best buys are a set of evidence based priority interventions for NCD prevention and control, which include
considerations of cost-effectiveness, feasibility, affordability, acceptability and potential for successful
implementation. The analysis covers almost all low and lower middle income countries1.

           Table 2: WHOs NCD ‘Best Buys’

Interventions included in the analysis


Increase excise taxes and prices on tobacco products

Enact and enforce comprehensive bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship

Implement large graphic health warnings on all tobacco packages

Eliminate exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke in all indoor workplaces, public places, public transport


Increase excise taxes and prices on alcohol products

Enact and enforce bans or comprehensive restrictions on exposure to alcohol advertising (across multiple types
of media)

Enact and enforce restrictions on the physical availability of retailed alcohol (via reduced hours of sale)

 This excludes Kosovo and West Bank and Gaza Strip which are not WHO member states. In addition South Sudan, Somalia, Syrian Arab
Republic, and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea have been excluded due to a lack of GDP data available to project prices. Kiribati
has been excluded as insufficient baseline epidemiology data was available.


Reduce salt intake by engaging the industry in a voluntary reformulation process

Reduce salt intake through implementation of front-of-pack labelling

Reduce salt intake through a behaviour change communication mass media campaign

Reduce salt intake through establishment of a supportive environment in public institutions such as hospitals,
schools and nursing homes to enable low sodium meals to be provided


Increase physical activity rates through a behaviour change communication mass media campaign


Combination drug therapy post even and for those at 20% or greater risk of CVD event over the coming 10


HPV vaccine in 13 year old girls

Prevention of cervical cancer through screening and treatment

Two alternative scenarios are measured using the OneHealth Tool impact module – the first in which the
intervention coverage scales up to the target coverage levels in either a linear fashion from 2018-2030 or applies
policy interventions in the year in which they are enacted, and the counterfactual in which the coverage remains
at the baseline level until 2030, assuming no additional investment is made to NCD prevention and treatment.
The difference in number of fatal and non-fatal CVD events between the two scenarios represents the health
gain attributed to additional investment in an intervention.

Table 3: Impact sizes of interventions modelled

Intervention                         Effect Size on tobacco prevalence          Comments on evidence

Increase excise taxes and prices     Elasticity is -0.2 to- 0.52                Based on an assumed tax
on tobacco products                                                             increase that increases the retail
                                                                                price of cigarettes by 25%.

Enact and enforce comprehensive      Reduction in prevalence of 10% if
bans on tobacco advertising,         implemented at the highest intensity
promotion and sponsorship            level3

Implement large graphic health       Reduction in prevalence of 4% if
warnings on all tobacco packages     graphic health warnings implemented
                                     at the highest intensity level3

Additionally, implement
plain/standardized packaging

Eliminate exposure to second-        Reduction in prevalence of 4% if
hand tobacco smoke in all indoor     implemented at the highest intensity
workplaces, public places, public    level3

Implement effective mass media       Reduction in prevalence of 3.8% if
campaigns that educate the public    implemented at the highest intensity
about the harms of                   level3
smoking/tobacco use and second
hand smoke

Reduce salt intake by engaging       2.2 g/day salt reduction4                  Based on Argentina experience
the industry in a voluntary
reformulation process

Reduce salt intake through           1.8g/day salt reduction men                The experience in Finland
implementation of front-of-pack                                                 indicated that salt intake reduced
labelling                            1.0 g/day salt reduction women5            by 15% following
                                                                                implementation of a labelling
                                                                                system5. This translates to the
                                                                                gram per day reductions

Reduce salt intake through a         5% reduction in salt intake per day7       Movement from 8.48 to 8.05
behaviour change communication                                                  g/day via urinary excretion in
mass media campaign                                                             Vietnam following BCC
                                                                                campaign.7 The same campaign
                                                                                in Australia saw a 10% reduction

in sodium intake8. We have
                                                                               taken the conservative option.

Reduce salt intake through           7% reduction in salt intake per day       A British study on implementing
establishment of a supportive                                                  standards for school meals shows
environment in public institutions                                             a 30% reduction in sodium
such as hospitals, schools and                                                 intake.9 An Australian study
nursing homes to enable low                                                    shows a 20% reduction in
sodium meals to be provided                                                    sodium intake.10 We take the
                                                                               more conservative Australian
                                                                               study as the base, along with the
                                                                               assumption that with one out of
                                                                               three daily meals eaten in public
                                                                               places, the overall impact on
                                                                               daily sodium intake would be
                                                                               one third of that observed in the
                                                                               school lunches

Drug therapy (including              -1.05 mmol/L change in cholesterol11      Intervention impact is mediated
glycaemic control for diabetes                                                 via the risk prediction equation12
mellitus and control of              5.9mmHg reduction in systolic blood
hypertension using a total risk      pressure6                                 Additional supportive evidence
approach and counselling to                                                    suggests a reduction in stroke
individuals who have had a heart                                               incidence of 80% and IHD
attack or stroke and to persons                                                incidence of 88% predicted in
with high risk (≥ 30%) of a fatal                                              use of fixed dose polypill13
and non-fatal cardiovascular
event in the next 10 years

Treatment of new cases of acute      acetylsalicylic acid14
myocardial infarction with
acetylsalicylic acid,                reduction in CVD mortality 15%,
                                     ischemic stroke mortality 30%,
                                     haemorrhagic stroke mortality 20%

For the purposes of this analysis, ambitious implementation and coverage scale up patterns were modelled, in
order to demonstrate the impact that an increased commitment to NCDs could yield. For all interventions, expert
opinion was sought from WHO technical groups related to the quickest possible time in which interventions
were believed to be implementable. Table 4 provides a summary of scale up patterns.

Table 4: Intervention Scale Up Summary

Intervention                                          Scale up time frame

Clinical interventions for cardiovascular disease     From current to 50% coverage of population in need by
and cervical cancer                                   2030

Tobacco “P” – protect people from tobacco             1 year – begin 2019, implement 2020

Tobacco “W” - warnings -- mass media                  1 year – begin 2018, implement 2019

                         -- packaging                 3 years – begin 2018, implement 2021

Tobacco “E” – enforcement of bans on                  1 year – begin 2019, implement 2020


Tobacco “R” – raise taxes                            3 year step-wise pattern to reach 75% of price by 2027-30

Salt “H”– reformulation                              3 years to implement, with 28 years to reach full impact

Salt “A”– front of pack labelling                    3 years to implement, with 28 years to reach full impact

Salt “K” – mass media campaigns                      1 year – begin 2018, implement 2019

Salt “E” -- low salt food in public spaces           3 years to implement, with 28 years to reach full impact

Alcohol – marketing restrictions                     2 years, beginning in 2018

Alcohol - taxation                                   3 year step-wise pattern to reach 50% of price by 2027-30

Alcohol – advertising restrictions                   2 years, beginning in 2018

Physical Activity mass media                         1-2 years dependent on readiness

For the clinical interventions – treatment of those at high risk of cardiovascular disease or post event with
multidrug therapy and cervical cancer screening and treatment in the absence of country level data collection
systems to monitor coverage, and based on expert knowledge, it was assumed that current coverage in low and
lower middle income countries is no higher than 5% of needs being met. In order to reach the SDG target of
meeting 50% of current unmet need by 2030, we assumed a linear scale up from the current value to 50%
coverage in 2030. The assumption that the health system will strengthen and increase capacity in the appropriate
way to meet this target is implicit within the analysis, however as the health system must strengthen as a whole,
this has not been costed. For understanding of resource needs for health system strengthening, readers should
review the SDG health price tag analysis15


The intensity of the MPOWER interventions are graded from 1 to 4, with 1 being the lowest and 4 being the
highest level of implementation. These grades correspond to the scores in the most recent WHO Report on the
Global Tobacco Epidemic (GTCR)16, with the exception of R (expressed in total tax share), and W-graphic
warnings/plain packaging (modified scale that includes plain/standardized packaging at level 5).

We assume a scenario, where the scale-up happens ambitiously, and at the soonest possible time for all countries.
However, we also take into consideration what is historically possible, meaning that these immediate scale-ups
or jumps to the highest level of implementation have been observed before. The baseline figures for these
interventions were sourced from GTCR 2017 (2016 data), while scale up was assumed to begin in 2019 – the
year after the publication of the NCD business case.

    For P – Smoke-free policies & E – Tobacco Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship bans: The
         consensus was that these are interventions with no specific pattern of scaling up (i.e. a country at level
         1 or 2 can just as easily jump to level 4 as those countries in level 3). Also, there is no set time-frame
         by which these interventions occur. Since these are legislative processes in most countries, the team
         considered it best to allocate 1 full year for these processes (drafting the law, debates, approval, etc.),
         before its full implementation can begin. Hence for the ambitious scenario, we assume that 2019 is
         when the process of changing the policy will begin, with 2020 as the first full year of implementation
         for all countries at the highest level.
        For W – Mass Media: Since this is usually an executive function that mainly requires budgetary
         allocation to be implemented, the consensus of the team was that it could be scaled up immediately
         given that funds are available. Because of this, all countries scale up by 2019.
        For W – Graphic Warnings / Plain Packaging: Appendix 3 lists these interventions together, however
         plain packaging is not included in the GTCR score. To resolve this, it was decided that plain packaging
         be added as an additional level of implementation (level 5). This makes sense because all countries that
         have implemented plain packaging are already scored at the highest level in GTCR. In addition, the
         effect size for plain packaging, although separate, can be added into the projection in the OneHealth

With regards to the scale up pattern, similar to smoke-free policies and TAPS bans, this usually requires some
form of legislative approval which means having at least one year allocated for that. Looking at historical data,
countries could also jump from having the lowest level of implementation to the highest level. However, the
team’s expert opinion is that this particular intervention would need a longer time frame to be implemented,
considering that the highest level of implementation (for this simulation) is plain packaging. Hence the earliest
time for full implementation would be 2021 among countries that aren’t already at the highest level.

        For R – Taxation: The team considered the data from GTCR and observed that countries below the
         highest level of implementation (with less than 75% total tax share of retail price) increased their taxes
         from 2% to 2.5% per year on average. However, once a country has had a significant increase, it would
         take at least another 3 years before the next significant increase is implemented. This is the main
         rationale for the 3-year stepwise scale-up pattern, and the corresponding magnitude of 7.5% for each
         step (2.5% each year).

We are targeting the highest level of implementation for all countries by 2030; therefore the scenario is built so
that all countries reach a 75% tax rate by 2028-2030. In order to reach this level, and following the determined
scale up pattern of 7.5% every three years, all countries needed to have a tax rate of at least 52.5% by the first
step of scaling-up in 2019. This is the reason why countries that had lower tax shares (below 52.5%) have a
slightly different pattern. In keeping with the aggressive scale-up, it was decided that the first jump would be to
52.5% for countries below that threshold. Though certainly very ambitious for some countries, the team
considered this as a possible scenario given that historical GTCR data shows the maximum tax share jump to be
an increase of 48 percentage points, which happened with a country that initially had a 2% tax share. This is also
consistent with the observation that a jump of this magnitude is more feasible if coming from a very low starting
point, compared to having the same jump from ~30% to 75%. After this first scale-up, it would then revert to the
7.5% increase every three years until it reaches 75% in 2028.

For countries already at the highest level of implementation (above 75%), it was observed that taxes still
increased by approximately 1% per year. In keeping with the 3-year pattern, these countries would then increase
their tax rates 3% at a time, until their rates have surpassed 80%, after which no additional increases are

A baseline of coverage was constructed based on the NCD Progress Monitor 17. The following exclusions and
clarifications were made to the NCD Progress Monitor data:

    Following the NCD Progress Monitor, those countries that were marked as ‘n/a’ in the previous NCD
         Progress Monitor were excluded. This applied to: Bolivia, Haiti, Kyrgyzstan, Micronesia, Nepal, Papua
         New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Tunisia.
        ‘Dry’ countries (i.e. those in which alcohol is prohibited) were included, and the policy recorded as in
         place. This applied to: Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen.

As with the approach taken for the above tobacco control policies, expert input was sought on the quickest
feasible scale-up for countries, based on historical precedent.

For legislation based alcohol reduction interventions, i.e. reducing the availability of alcoholic products through
reduced hours of sale, and restricting advertising, the following approach was taken:

Based on historical precedent, it was assumed that the fastest a country could implement a policy from not
having a policy in place through development of the legislation to the point of implementation would be two
years. The same approach has been used for legislation-based tobacco control interventions. This was then
‘scored’, by creating a dual scenario from the baseline 2018 data; i.e. an enforcement score of 1 was given for
countries that did not have a policy in place in 2018, and an enforcement score of 2 was given for those that did.
For those countries with an enforcement of 1, costing for the planning, development and then full
implementation of the policy was applied, with full implementation costs being reached in 2020. For those
countries with an enforcement score of 2, the costs of full implementation of the policy were applied from 2018.

For taxation on alcoholic products, the following approach was taken: Baseline data was constructed from the
OneHealth Tool, with taxation as a percentage of retail price recorded separately for beer, wine and spirits. A
scale- up scenario was then applied, following the tobacco taxation model, in which the tax on all products
increases every 3 years, reaching 50% (or above) in 2030. For those countries currently below a level 12.5% tax
of retail price, the first increase was to 12.5%, and then 12.5% every three years thereafter, thereby reaching 50%
by 20301. For those countries that that already have a taxation level above 50%, the same increase every 3 years
was applied, with a ceiling of 200%. These levels of taxation are in keeping with the very wide range of taxation
levels for alcoholic products seen across the world.

Limited country experiences exist for the SHAKE package of sodium reduction policies. The first assumption
made was that a minimum of 3 years is required in order to create the political economy within which sodium
reduction policies can be implemented. The fastest scale up is likely to be in mass media campaigns
incorporating behaviour change communication techniques which aim to change population behaviour around
adding salt at the table. The other interventions, particularly reformulation processes will require some time not
only due to the political economy but also due to the time it will take companies to complete reformulation

Current country implementation was taken from the NCD progress monitor 17. An assessment was then made by
the WHO technical teams about the readiness of countries to implement new policies, and an implementation
year ranging from immediate to 2020 was proposed.

In 12 high income countries where packages of salt reduction policies have been implemented over a period of
time, the average rate of change seen in salt intake is between 1 and 2% per year 18. Figure X below shows
tracking over time of these countries salt intake. The maximum change seen is in Finland where a reduction in
intake of 38% has been observed over a period of 28 years. The combination of 4 salt reduction policies that are
best buys have an impact of approximately 40% reduction in salt intake. Therefore we make the assumption that
it will take this 28 year time frame to reach full implementation of these interventions. As this purpose of this
modelling exercise was to model ambitious scale up patterns, we assume that 50% of the full possible health
benefit could be seen by 2030.

Figure 1: historical examples of salt reduction policy impact

All countries were assumed to need a lead time of 1-2 years to develop a mass media campaign, followed by an
implementation year during which health benefits begin to be seen. Countries existing policies were taken from
the NCD Progress Monitor17 . An assessment was then made by the WHO technical teams about the readiness of
countries to implement new policies, and an implementation year ranging from immediate to 2020 was proposed.

We use the NCD impact module of the inter-UN agency OneHealth Tool (OHT) to calculate the health benefits
of scaling up the best buy interventions. OHT is designed to strengthen health system analysis and costing and
to develop financing scenarios at the country level. It is primarily designed to inform the development of
national strategic health plans, by assessing parameters related to cost, impact and financing projections related
to strengthening health systems and delivering costed and quantifiable strategic plans in low- and middle-
income countries. Given its incorporation of epidemiological models that allow for prediction of health
outcomes and costs in an integrated way across programmes and interventions, OHT has been used for previous
global “investment cases”, including Cardiovascular disease 19, reproductive, maternal, newborn and child
(RMNCH) health 20 and mental health21, as well as for the cost and impact analysis for the SDG Health Price
Tag 15.

The impact modules developed for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, asthma, COPD and cancers follow the
structural format of the population models previously used in WHO’s cost-effectiveness programme, WHO-
CHOICE 22,23.These are multi-state dynamic population life tables, taking account of competing risks amongst
diseases, causes of death and interventions. The impact modules are populated at the regional level using the 21
Global Burden of Disease (GBD) regions, further analysed to develop complete epidemiological models. Data
to populate the modules is derived from the 2010 GBD study along with the WHO Global Health Estimates
database, and supplemented by literature reviews where data were missing. Risk factor modules impact the
incidence of associated diseases using relative risks from the Global Burden of Disease Comparative Risk
Assessment analysis24. Country-specific current risk factor prevalence was drawn from WHO Global Health
Database, except for salt intake which was taken from the Global Burden of Disease estimates.25 A full list of
epidemiological parameters used to populate the modules is available online at , and is summarized in table 5.

Table 5 Parameterization of the OneHealth Tool

Data input                    Measured as              Source

Tobacco smoking               Yes/No                   WHO GHDx (Country specific data for ages 20+ M/F)26

Alcohol intake                Hazardous and            WHO GHDx (Country specific data for ages 20+ M/F)26
                              harmful use

Physical activity             Insufficient vs          WHO GHDx (Country specific data for ages 20+ M/F)26

Salt intake                   Grams per day            Global Burden of Disease estimates 25

BMI                           BMI (kg/m2)              WHO GHDx (Country specific data for ages 20+ M/F) 26

Systolic Blood Pressure       mmHg (population         WHO GHDx (Country specific data for ages 25+ M/F) 26
                              mean and SD)

Cholesterol                   mmol/L (population       WHO GHDx (Country specific data for ages 25+ M/F) 26
                              mean and SD)

Stroke epidemiology           Prevalence               IHME GBD data27

                              Mortality                RR mortality post stroke, adjusted by regional variations
                                                       in stroke deaths28,29

                              Incidence                DisMod 2 calculation using prevalence and mortality

IHD epidemiology              Prevalence               IHME GBD data27

Mortality                RR mortality post IHD, adjusted by regional variations in
                                                       IHD deaths 31,32

                              Incidence                DisMod 2 calculation using prevalence and mortality

Diabetes epidemiology         Prevalence               IHME GBD data27


                              Incidence                DisMod 2 calculation using prevalence and mortality

Asthma epidemiology           Prevalence               IHME GBD data27


                              Incidence                DisMod 2 calculation using prevalence and mortality

COPD epidemiology             Prevalence               IHME GBD data27


                              Incidence                DisMod 2 calculation using prevalence and mortality

Cervical Cancer               Prevalence               Globocan database33


                              Incidence                 DisMod 2 calculation using prevalence and mortality
The impact modules are used to project two scenarios, one in which current intervention coverage is continued,
and an alternative in which the intervention is scaled up at the rate as previously described, and with the health
impact previously described. The difference between incidence and mortality rates, and healthy life years lived;
between the two populations is the impact of the intervention.


The use of the OneHealth Tool to estimate the health costs for individual level interventions enables us to take
an integrated approach to costs and benefits. Numbers of health services required are dynamically estimated
over time, and are affected by population growth, mortality and disease incidence as interventions are scaled up.
The costing analysis uses an ingredients approach which multiplies needs-based quantities by country-specific
unit costs for intervention delivery. The prices used to develop unit costs come from the International Drug
Price Indicator Guide, combined with the WHO-CHOICE price databases 34,35. The quantity assumptions used
reflect current guidelines for intervention delivery and not necessarily delivery practices in countries. Estimates
of the number of health services delivered by country and year enable calculation of the additional health
systems capacity to deliver the interventions at scale. For the non-commodity intervention specific costs, the
number of inpatient and outpatient visits is calculated in the OHT and then multiplied by the WHO-CHOICE
unit prices for inpatient and outpatient visits36. Table 6 and 7 outline costing assumptions for policy/population
wide interventions and individual pharmaceutical interventions, respectively.

         Table 6: Costing inputs for policy/population wide interventions

Intervention                                                Major costing assumptions

Increase excise taxes and prices on tobacco products        Taxation is considered a legislative intervention.
                                                            Assumptions on human resource requirements are
                                                            previously published37

Enact and enforce comprehensive bans on tobacco             This is considered a legislative intervention.
advertising, promotion and sponsorship                      Assumptions on human resource requirements are
                                                            previously published37

Implement large graphic health warnings on all tobacco      This is considered a legislative intervention.
packages                                                    Assumptions on human resource requirements are
                                                            previously published37 It is assumed that plain
                                                            packaging would require additional legislation to
                                                            large graphic health warnings.
Additionally, implement plain/standardized packaging

Eliminate exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke in all      This is considered a legislative intervention.
indoor workplaces, public places, public transport          Assumptions on human resource requirements are
                                                            previously published37

Implement effective mass media campaigns that educate       Generic advocacy/awareness campaigns are included
the public about the harms of smoking/tobacco use and       as part of all health care interventions, with
second hand smoke                                           assumptions relying on information from the
                                                            marketing literature. We estimated that 10 times the
                                                            intensity would be required to enact behaviour
                                                            change in line with previous costing estimates37

Reduce salt intake by engaging the industry in a            Voluntary intervention assumptions are published in
voluntary reformulation process                             previous work on the costs of scaling up NCD

Reduce salt intake through implementation of front-of-      Legislative intervention assumptions are published in
pack labelling                                              previous work on the costs of scaling up NCD

Reduce salt intake through a behaviour change               Behaviour Change communication is considered as
communication mass media campaign                           an intensive mass media campaign. Costs have been
                                                            developed based on literature reviews across public
                                                            health and marketing to ensure adequate viewership

is reached

Reduce salt intake through establishment of a                Legislative intervention assumptions are published in
supportive environment in public institutions such as        previous work on the costs of scaling up NCD
hospitals, schools and nursing homes to enable low           action37
sodium meals to be provided

Increase in excise taxes on alcoholic beverages              Key categories of resource include human resources
                                                             (e.g. administrators, lawyers), training (e.g.
                                                             enforcement), meetings, mass media. Assumptions
                                                             follow previous work on the costs of scaling up NCD

Enforcement of bans or comprehensive restrictions on         Key categories of resource include human resources
exposure to alcohol advertising, promotion and               (e.g. administrators, lawyers), training, meetings,
sponsorship (across multiple types of media)                 mass media. Assumptions follow previous work on
                                                             the costs of scaling up NCD action37

 Enforcement of restrictions on the physical availability    Key categories of resource include human resources
of retailed alcohol (via reduced density of retail outlets   (e.g. administrators, lawyers), training, meetings,
and reduced hours of sale                                    mass media. Assumptions follow previous work on
                                                             the costs of scaling up NCD action37

                                                             Behaviour Change communication is considered as
Implement community wide public education and                an intensive mass media campaign. Costs have been
awareness campaign for physical activity which               developed based on literature reviews across public
includes a mass media campaign combined with other           health and marketing to ensure adequate viewership
community based education, motivational and                  is reached. The price was benchmarked against a
environmental programs aimed at supporting                   successful BCC campaign for physical activity in
behavioural change of physical activity levels.              Australia 38

Table 7: Costing assumptions for pharmaceutical interventions

                                      Percent         Number of     Days      Unit cost (USD)       Cost per case
                                      receiving       units/day     per       (2018)                (USD) (2018)

Combination drug therapy for those post event or at 20% or greater risk.

Drugs and supplies required per patient

Hydrochlorothiazide, tablet, 25       95              1             365       0.0043                1.491025

Enalapril, tablet, 20 mg              40              1             365       0.01                  1.46

Atenolol, tablets, 50 mg              25              1.5           365       0.01                  1.36875

Amlodipine, tablet, 10 mg             40              0.5           365       0.08                  5.84

Simvastatin, 15 mg                    100             1             365       0.04                  14.6

Laboratory tests per patient

Blood glucose level test            30             1                1       2                     0.6

Cholesterol test                    30             1                1       2                     0.6

Urine analysis                      30             1                1       1.83                  0.549

Urine sugar analysis                100            1                1       0.67                  0.67

Facility visits per patient

Outpatient                          3 per year     97% of patients

                                    7 per year     3% of patients

The model calculates total costs for intervention implementation for each country. The sum of country level
costs are then divided by the sum of the population from the countries in each income level to provide an
average per capita cost for each income level. Costs are stratified by low income, lower-middle income and total


The economic modelling of mortality follows the cohort of avoided deaths for each of the years 2018 to 2030.
Each cohort is classified by age and sex. The effect of avoided mortality on the labour force is calculated by
taking the numbers of deaths avoided by age and sex and applying a corresponding labour force participation
rate for this age, sex and year sourced from country specific International Labour Organization projections of
labour force participation rates 39.

The contribution that each of these labour force cohorts makes to economic output is calculated by multiplying
the number in each age and sex category who participate in the workforce by a value of the GDP contribution
per worker. To do this the average productivity is first calculated for 2018 by dividing the World Bank estimate
of GDP in current US dollars by the labour force in that year. The total GDP generated is calculated by
summing the GDP produced by each cohort for each year of the period in which they are in the labour force.

The contribution to GDP of each cohort of healthy persons is calculated in a similar way as for mortality using
the same assumptions about participation rates and productivity in the cohort of avoided incident cases of CVD.
Firstly, 11% of people who have a heart attack or stroke will leave the work force entirely. Those who avoid
having an event will continue to participate in the workforce, this contribute the GDP per worker value each
year. It is assumed that there is reduction in productivity of 0.5% due to absenteeism 40 (those who miss work
days) and 3.7% due to presenteeism41 (those who attend work but are less productive than expected) for those
with CVD who continue to work. These values are similar to those reported by Alsono et al 42and Bruffaerts et
al 43 based on analysis of the World Mental Health Surveys. Again, the differential contribution to GDP from
each cohort is summed to give a total contribution to GDP for each year.

It is common when estimating the benefits of improved health to put a value on being alive. The common term
employed for this kind of statistic is the value of statistical life (VSL), but a more accurate term would be the
value of (a small) risk reduction (VRR). Building on the results of Viscusi et al 44, Jamison et al 45 , estimated
the value of a life year as between 1.4 and 4.2 times GDP per capita, averaging 1.6 globally. Stenberg et al 20
modified this approach by assuming that the value of a life year was 1.5 times GDP per capita and that the
economic benefit was equal to GDP per capita, leaving a residual value of 0.5 times GDP per capita as the social
benefit. Following this approach, we apply a value of 0.5 times GDP per capita to each healthy life year gained
from the interventions to estimate the intrinsic value of longevity. An exception to this within our methodology
is for cervical cancer where we were not able to capture incident cases avoided, and instead used a VSL of 1.5
times GDP per capita for each life year saved due to premature mortality avoided.

While the returns to an investment in health can be expressed using different but related metrics such as the
internal rate of return, this paper uses benefit-cost ratios (BCR) to compare net present values of benefits and
costs. These ratios were calculated by dividing the net present value (NPV) of the economic and social benefits
from mortality and morbidity avoided by the net present value of the costs of the intervention. NPVs were
calculated at a discount rate of 3% as is usual for analysis of health programs.


Lack of political prioritisation and action for non-communicable disease (NCD) prevention and control places
the world at risk of failing to meet the SDG targets if action is not swift and ambitious. The NCD “best buy”
interventions suggest high-priority, low cost interventions that can be implemented in all settings if political will
can enable it. To rapidly implement all policy-level “best-buys”, and begin a concerted effort to scale up
individual level “best-buys” to reach 50% coverage by 2030 will cost just $0.62 per capita in low income
countries and $1.44 per capita in middle income countries – an average of just $1.27 per person, per country, per
year (table 8). The majority of costs are for clinical services, with population level costs of policy interventions
very low on a per capita basis (figure 2).

Table 8: Investment needs for best-buys

                                           Investments needed

                                           Cost of implementation

                                                                                                           Total per
                        Policy                                                            Total per                    Total per
                                           Total cumulative to      Total cumulative to                    capita
                                                                                          capita average               capita
                                           2030, $ millions         2023, $ millions                       average
                                                                                          2018-2023                    max 2030

                        Total package of
                        all 16 best-buys   $45,296                  $12,954               $0.55            $1.01       $1.27

                        Reduce Tobacco
                        Use                $2,485                   $1,152                $0.05            $0.04       $0.04

                        Reduce the
                        harmful use of
Best-buys sub package

                        alcohol            $3,163                   $1,495                $0.06            $0.05       $0.06

                        Unhealthy Diets    $2,390                   $1,256                $0.05            $0.04       $0.03

                        Reduce Physical
                        Inactivity         $159                     $56                   $0.00            $0.00       $0.00

                        management of
                        CVD                $32,109                  $7,825                $0.33            $0.75       $1.00

                        Management of
                        Cancer             $5,424                   $1,360                $0.06            $0.13       $0.14

Figure 2: Investment needs by intervention sub-package

Current rates of non-communicable diseases are responsible for approximately 8.5 million premature deaths per
year in low and lower middle income countries, with cardiovascular disease responsible for approximately 40%
of these deaths, and cancer 27%. Implementing the best-buy interventions would prevent 8.1 million premature
deaths by 2030 (table 7). This represents a reduction of almost 15% in total premature mortality due to NCDs,
however when looking at CVD alone – which is the major health outcome of many of the best buys – the SDG
target would be reached by 2028, and surpassed by 2030. Additional targeted interventions for cancer control
and other NCD treatment are also needed to fully achieve the SDG target (Figure 3).

                                   Premature deaths avoided         SDG target 2030








               2018   2019    2020    2021   2022    2023    2024    2025   2026      2027   2028   2029   2030

Figure 3: Deaths avoided and SDG target for CVD mortality

In addition to mortality prevention, these interventions will prevent many primary events from occurring, as
many as 17 million stroke and ischemic heart disease events by 2030 (table 9). Consequently people will live
longer, happier, healthier lives, with 72 million additional healthy life years lived.

Table 9: Health impact associated with scaling up best-buys

                                       Lives saved                 Healthy Life Years Gained     IHD + Stroke Cases Avoided

                                       Total lives   Total lives                                 Total cases   Total cases
                        Policy                                     Total HLY,      Total HLY
                                       saved,        saved,                                      avoided,      avoided,
                                                                   cumulative      cumulative
                                       cumulative    cumulative                                  cumulative    cumulative
                                                                   2018 - 2023     2018 - 2030
                                       2018 - 2023   2018 - 2030                                 2018 - 2023   2018 - 2030

                        package of
                        all 16 best-   1,544,681     8,171,626     11,780,877      81,503,254    5,534,863     17,207,993

                        Tobacco Use    56,928        352,275       1,216,542       8,364,550     280,536       906,897

                        Reduce the
                        harmful use
Best-buys sub package

                                       14,217        96,863        5,550,391       32,082,596    9,901         56,034
                        of alcohol

                                       64,656        1,196,934     537,312         11,231,040    266,438       2,668,144

                                       1,218         10,173        11,584          110,831       8,043         29,628

                        management     1,147,735     5,560,231     2,607,893       20,593,805    839,478       3,938,440
                        of CVD

                        of Cancer      140,047       670,346       -               -             -             -

Investing in NCD prevention and control has not only health but economic benefits. People without NCDs work
more days per year and work more productively. Preventing deaths from NCDs increases the volume of the
workforce, also contributing to economic growth. Investing in the NCD best buys yields a return of at least $7
for every $1 invested by 2030. The economic benefits amount to $2.05 per person, per year on average by 2023,
growing to an average of $9.03 per person per year between 2023 and 2029, and peaking $14.06 per person per
year in 2030.

When considering that many of these interventions are preventive, and the full impact will be seen over a
generation, this is a strong return over only 12 years (table 10). The highest return on investment is seen for
investment in sodium reduction policies, which have a large health impact for a very low average cost.

Table 10 : Economic benefits of best buys implementation

                                                            Low income countries   Lower-middle income countries   Overall

                        Total package of all 16 best-buys   $    2.05              $    8.01                       $    7.43

                        Reduce Tobacco Use2                 $    5.01              $    7.98                       $    7.63

                        Reduce the harmful use of alcohol   $    3.45              $    9.51                       $    9.13

                        Reduce Unhealthy Diets              $    5.61              $   13.61                       $   12.82

                        Reduce Physical Inactivity          $    0.72              $    3.28                       $    2.80
Best-buys sub package

                        Pharmaceutical management of CVD    $    1.14              $    3.54                       $    3.29

                        Management of Cancer                $    2.25              $    2.76                       $    2.74

Due to the nature of these preventive interventions there is a differential timing between the costing and health
and economic benefits. As demonstrated in figure 4 below, the economic benefits steadily rise over this 12 year
period, not yet reaching the plateau.

 Note that the impact of tobacco use on lung cancer is not included in the model, thus this should be considered
as a minimum ROI


   12.00               Economic benefits






           2018         2020           2022            2024      2026   2028   2030

Figure 4: costs and economic benefits of the best-buy strategy

This modelling exercise should necessarily be considered normative and indicative at the global level. In order
to fully grasp the costs and health benefits of scaling up action in countries, a country contextualisation process
should be undertaken. The model used to underlie this analysis, the OneHealth Tool, is available free to
download and use for countries to undertake this process. A contextualisation process involves reviewing the
epidemiology taken from global databases (WHO, GBD) and comparing to local sources, identifying how
interventions are delivered in countries and if these match the quantity assumptions used in this model,
identifying how much is paid for different inputs into the interventions in the local setting – this may differ from
global modelled databases – and using the countries’ realistic implementation plans.

There are two main limitations which impact ROI values calculated within this analysis. Firstly, we are limited
in the number of diseases for which we can prospectively model health impacts. This affects in particular
tobacco, where cancers have not been modelled, however given the lag time between smoking cessation and
reduction in cancer incidence this is unlikely to influence the ROI greatly over the 12 year period. This brings us
to the second limitation which is the time frame through to 2030, the SDG target year. For many of the
preventive interventions the full health benefit will not yet be realised. An excellent example of this is physical
activity mass media campaigns. If extending the analysis through even 10 additional years, the health benefits
increase by 2.5 times, which strongly influences the ROI.

Further limitations related to the ROI calculation are associated with the use of the labor force participation rates
from the ILO, which capture only the formal workforce. At the country level more may be known about the
informal labour market in order to incorporate this into the analysis. Secondly, relying on GDP per capita and
GDP per worker estimates necessarily produces lower economic benefits in countries of lower income. This
leads to a correlation between income level and ROI in this type of analysis. This should not be interpreted as
indicating that only higher income counties should invest in NCDs. As countries’ GDP increases over the
coming years, higher productivity values will be seen in those countries currently classified as low income
countries. Finally, the use of non-country-specific values for absenteeism and presenteeism has an unknown
impact; however, the values used are quite low and we would thus anticipate represent a conservative approach.


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