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OH_HmFinPorch7x95_062116.indd 1                                                                                                      6/21/16 1:20 PM
 2 President’s Message
 3 Working together to ensure student success
                                                                 VOL. 95                         NO. 4                          AUGUST 2016

                                                                          The professional publication of more than
 4 The Ohio Education Association: Building 		                       123,000 members of the Ohio Education Association

		 strong public schools and strong member                       Ohio Schools Editorial Staff
		advocacy                                                       Julie A. Newhall, Editor
                                                                 Gail Botz, Graphic Designer
 6 OEA Leadership Team                                           Subscription price for public and university libraries is $18 per year.
                                                                 Editorial Offices—Ohio Schools (ISSN: 0030-1086) is published seven times

 7 OEA District Associations		                                   a year: February, April, June, August, September, October, December by
                                                                 the Ohio Education Association, 225 E. Broad St., Box 2550, Columbus,
                                                                 OH 43216.

 8 OEA Board of Directors                                        E-mail: Website:
                                                                 Address all advertising or editorial correspondence to Editor, Ohio Schools.

10 OEA Field Office Information                                  Postmaster: Send address changes to Ohio Schools, Ohio Education
                                                                 Association, 225 E. Broad St., Box 2550, Columbus, OH 43216.

13 OEA Headquarters Information                                  Postage: Periodicals paid at Columbus, OH.

14 Attorney Referral Program 2015-2016                                 
16 OEA Dues Dollars at Work                                            

18 The Value of OEA Membership
24 Organizing for Student Success                             OEA Mission Statement
26 Stand Up for Public Education                              The OEA will lead the way for continuous
                                                              improvement of public education while advocating
27 NEA Member Benefits Programs and Services                  for members and the learners they serve.
30 OEA Awards and Scholarships                                OEA Vision
31 Tools to Assist Local Presidents                           The Ohio Education Association is the
32 The OEA and NEA Representative Assemblies                  hallmark for excellence in education.

36 Share your story: How are you helping to 		                OEA Core Values
		 make sure all students succeed?
Photos by NEA, Jamie Newhall, Julie Newhall, Tim Revell and
                                                              The foundation o f a strong democracy is
Brent Turner/BLT Productions, Inc.                            high quality public education, w hich is essential
                                                              for an educated citizenry.
                                                              Collective Action
                                                              When we unite a s one voice, w e are strong
                                                              advocates for learners and o ur profession.
                                                              A high quality e ducation, a ccessible to all,
                                                              promotes a fair and just society.
                                                              We respectand embrace t he diversity
                                                              ofall communities.
                                                              By holding o urselves to the highest standards,
                                                              we promote good citizenship a nd maintain t he
                                                              public trust.
                                                              Professional judgement a nd expertise of educators 
                                                              are critical t o student success. Educators deserve the
                                                              status, compensation and respect due a ll professionals.

                                  the lives of our
                                  TOGETHER, WE ARE PREPARING OUR STUDENTS
                                  TO BE SUCCESSFUL, LIFELONG LEARNERS

OEA members share a deep                     s teachers, faculty members         The work we do—whether
commitment to the success                    and education support           volunteering for student programs
                                             professionals, we understand    in our districts, shaping school
of Ohio’s students.
                                             that ensuring opportunity       practices through labor-management
Ensuring every child—             and success for every Ohio student         committees, supporting candidates
                                  requires the support of parents and        for the local school board or state
regardless of zip code—has
                                  community partners that value              legislature, or talking with parents
the support, tools and time       education, and policies that provide       about education policies and their
to learn is at the heart of our   adequate resources and allow us to         academic impact—makes us stronger
work, whether we are driving      use our knowledge and skill.               educators and advocates for student
a bus, teaching class, serving        We have earned trust and a             success. And the relationships
                                  reputation for expertise through our       we build will strengthen public
a meal, preparing a school
                                  classroom experience and work as           education for many years to come.
building or leading a meeting.    education support professionals,               OEA’s strength comes from its
We care about our students’       as higher education faculty and            members. The more we are active
                                  staff, as advocates for those with         and organized, the more we can
academic success and              developmental disabilities, and as         accomplish for our students and
personal growth. We care          retired teachers who mentor those          ourselves. No matter how you
about their families and          entering the education profession.         choose to participate, you can make a
communities. We take time             OEA member advocacy has                difference for your students, yourself,
to learn their stories and        resulted in a reduction in the overuse     your family and your colleagues.
                                  and misuse of standardized testing,            Share your stories, ask questions,
understand their journeys.
                                  charter school accountability and          challenge assumptions and take
OEA members know that             reform, the passage of the Every           action.
                                  Student Succeeds Act that ended the            As members of local associations,
all students have the ability
                                  No Child Left Behind era and more.         district associations and the largest
to achieve and work to            Together, we are creating a vision for     union of professionals in the great
inspire students’ curiosity,      a high quality public education for all    state of Ohio, OEA members are
imagination and desire to         students, seeking solutions to econom-     transforming lives—one student
learn. We understand the          ic and social justice issues, working to   at a time.
                                  end institutional racism and advance
importance of play, the
                                  inclusivity, and challenging anti-public
power of discovery, the           education and anti-union efforts.
critical function of social           I’m proud of the work we are doing                            Becky Higgins
development and so much           to create the kind of education our                               OEA President
more.                             students need and deserve.

Working together to ensure student success
We cannot fail in our collective mission to facilitate the path toward learning, understanding and reasoning.
We must teach our students the skills that will empower their future, but we must also recognize that we are
building and shaping each generation’s ability to discern, create and contribute.
Find and maintain your inspiration for teaching, because when teachers are inspired, they are able to inspire others.
Find inspiration through your professional organizations. Seek teaching communities that rekindle your creativity.
Rediscover your own genius through your students.
You are the hope for the future. It is through your efforts that one of your students will find a way to save the
environment, negotiate peace, help those who have been marginalized, and strengthen the country we love so dearly.
                                            TERESA CIANCHETTI, FIELD LOCAL SCHOOLS, 2016 OHIO TEACHER OF THE YEAR,
                                                         ADDRESSING THE OEA 2016 SPRING REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY

Louisville teachers support the community in which our students live, not just inside the classroom, but outside
as well, by building relationships with others and strengthening community bonds.
Building bonds in a community will garner your association support in times of need. But the most important
benefit of building a stronger community—and being identified as being a part of that—is the direct benefit for
your schools and students.
                                                                 PARTNERSHIPS TO BENEFIT STUDENTS AND SCHOOLS

A public education system that educates students from pre-kindergarten through high school also serves a larger
purpose: the continued improvement of society. Toward that end, students must have the best and the brightest
teachers and support staff to help them achieve success; educators should be well-prepared and have the
support needed to help their students reach their full potential. The system should have the support of and be
accountable to the community, and elected officials must be counted on to support our students throughout their
school experience. Education has, and will always be, a collaboration of all stakeholders who must share in the
responsibility to deliver the best to our society.
                                                        THE OEA COMMISSION ON STUDENT SUCCESS IN ITS 2016 REPORT,
                                                  “OUR VISION FOR HIGH QUALITY PUBLIC EDUCATION FOR ALL STUDENTS”

Worthington is still a relatively affluent area, so it’s easy to underestimate the amount of need in the community.
But over the course of my work, I have watched the number of students who qualify for free or reduced lunches
grow. We feed them lunch Monday through Friday, but what about the weekends or the many days off from
It is inspirational to see students excited about reaching classroom, grade level and school goals to collect
donations to help feed hungry children through the Buddy Bags program. The whole endeavor is a lesson for
everyone in recognizing the often unseen needs in our community, and how helping to meet some of these needs
can be fun and rewarding.

                                                                                         (Far left) Camille Evans,
                                                                                         a student at Portsmouth
                                                                                         High School, and teacher
                                                                                         Arthur Lard prepare a T-shirt
                                                                                         for printing.
                                                                                         (Left, left to right, back row)
                                                                                         USW Local 1046 President
                                                                                         Karl Brendle, Louisville EA
                                                                                         (LEA) President Kory Swope,
                                                                                         LEA Building Representative
                                                                                         James Callan, (front row)
                                                                                         Director of the Louisville
                                                                                         Library Jason Buydos,
                                                                                         Manager of Youth Services
                                                                                         for the Louisville Library Emily
                                                                                         Callan, LEA Vice President
                                                                                         Laura Esposito, and Vice
                                                                                         President of USW Local 1046
                                                                                         Mike Baumgardner.
Licking Heights
                             teacher Gina
                             Daniels participated
                             in a White House
                             roundtable to
                             discuss the
                             process and how
                             educators teach
                             students about the
                             Supreme Court and
                             its role in national
                                                      Donna O’Connor (Dublin) talks about her
                                                      local’s efforts to successfully bargain teacher
                                                      working conditions at the 2016 Collective
                                                      Bargaining Conference

public schools and strong member advocacy
As the Ohio Education                         “Ohio’s system of public schools                  In Ohio and many states across
Association enters its 170th              has been so successful for so long that,          the country, conservative legislators
year as an advocate for public            in many ways, Ohioans might take                  and governors are tightening school
education, members are working            it for granted, but OEA doesn’t,” says            budgets. Meanwhile, education policy
                                          OEA President Becky Higgins. “Our                 makers are instituting higher and
to transform schools and                  public school system faces competition            higher standards for performance.
colleges, advocate for student-           for public dollars from charter schools,              As advocates for students and
centered reforms and defend               criticism from private school and                 public education, OEA members have
collective bargaining rights from         corporate reform advocates and a                  responded by voicing support for the
anti-union attacks. OEA has               continuous struggle for funding at                reduction of standardized testing and
emerged as the strongest, most            the state and local level.                        organizing an information campaign
consistent and most informed                  “How we respond to these                      to raise public awareness of failing
voice of advocacy for students,           challenges and how we tell our story              for-profit charter schools in Ohio.
                                          of tremendous achievements in public              They have created a vision for a high-
educators and public schools              schools will determine the future of              quality public education for all
in Ohio. With a vision of OEA             Ohio’s public schools and the future              students, supported grassroots public
as the hallmark for excellence            of OEA.”                                          education advocacy, pledged to end
in education, OEA has steadily                                                              institutional racism and advance
gathered allies to answer critics           Ohio legislative and policy                     inclusivity, and built relationships
of public education, including                                                              with labor organizations.
                                            mandates include:                                   Legislators and private businesses
some who want to dismantle
                                                standardized tests                          continue to chip away at the livelihoods
Ohio’s system of public schools.            n
                                                                                            of education support professionals by
                                            n   school district report cards
                                                                                            privatizing school services, a trend

S   ince its founding in 1847,
    OEA has been an advocate of
professionalism for teachers and the
                                            n   value-added ratings for schools
                                                and teachers based on student
                                                test scores
                                                                                            that continues to replace county-level
                                                                                            developmental disability professional
                                                                                            work performed by OEA members with
proper resources to prepare Ohio            n   teacher evaluation                          private practitioners, despite evidence
students. But in several stages—                                                            of unexpectedly bad results in every-
see story, “OEA—Our history of              n   Common Core State Standards
                                                and new curriculum goals                    thing from school nutrition and health
transforming education in Ohio”—                                                            to school transportation services.
the organization has worked through         n   Third Grade Reading Guarantee
significant changes to meet new             n   funding for charter schools and
challenges.                                     vouchers
OEA—Our history of transforming education in Ohio
From the Association’s beginning            Since 1847 the Ohio Education Association (OEA), formerly the Ohio State
until now, OEA members have worked          Teachers’ Association (OSTA), has advocated on behalf of its members and
for continuous improvement of public        for strong public schools in Ohio.
education and advocated for fellow          In 1851 the OSTA set broad goals: to build a strong public sentiment for schools,
educators and the students they serve.      to promote the adoption of a better plan of school organization, and to improve
                                            teachers and elevate the profession of teaching.
                                            Since that time, the organization has continued these early goals, elevating
    In higher education, Ohio’s policy      public schools through sound instruction and curriculum, by standards of teacher
                                            preparation and teacher certification, and improved working conditions with a
makers have continued this pattern,
                                            state minimum salary schedule and state teacher’s retirement system.
short-changing funding for key
initiatives and raising student tuition     Many teachers interested in their profession and the improvement of Ohio’s
and fees while public education critics     schools attended the first OSTA convention to help organize the association
direct new attacks on teacher training at   and promote its interests.
many Ohio colleges.                         The OSTA recognized the importance of political action to achieve better teaching
    At Ohio’s charter schools, educators    and school organization and funding. The initial focus was on teachers’ institutes,
continue to work at a small fraction of     followed by normal schools for the professional education of teachers, both aimed
the professional salaries and benefits      at improving teaching. OSTA worked toward state support of teacher training and
of traditional schools, including some      establishing state-funded normal schools, resulting in passage of a supporting law
                                            in 1902.
former OEA memberswho worked
at traditional public schools until         A survey in 1913 examined school conditions in Ohio, leading to a complete
state and local budget cuts forced wide-    revision of rural education and to minimum standards of teacher preparation
spread layoffs.                             and changes in teacher certification requirements in what became known as the
                                            Cox School Code. This 1914 legislation created positions for county and district
    The OEA Representative Assembly
                                            school superintendents and, for the first time, based teachers’ certificates on
in 2012 passed a resolution to authorize
                                            having a college diploma with required academic and professional courses.
organizing of local associations to
represent charter school employees. In      In 1920, when the minimum teacher salary was set at $100 per month,
2013, OEA hired organizers for the first    membership surged from 12,000 to 21,309. The Department of Classroom
                                            Teachers was formed as its own group, separate from administrators, principals
time since the 1980s to renew efforts to
                                            and superintendents in 1924. By 1930, more than 40,000 classroom teachers,
enlarge the Association’s membership.
                                            administrators and elementary and high school principals had become
    In 2011, OEA member rights were         OEA members.
threatened by Senate Bill 5 (SB 5), a
proposal to curtail collective bargaining   OEA’s legal services, school law expertise and consultation programs began
                                            in 1954. OEA’s new headquarters building was constructed in 1965 at
rights for all public employees.
                                            225 East Broad Street in Columbus. OEA soon began field operations for local
Ohioans agreed with the OEA that SB
                                            advocacy, political action and negotiations aimed at supporting teachers’ rights.
5 was unfair, unsafe and hurt people in
every Ohio community.                       In the 1970s, the average teacher’s salary was $8,798. Through successful
    Attacks have continued with             lobbying at the federal level, an exemption was secured to avert a wage freeze
                                            that had the potential to affect all Ohio teachers. The state minimum salary
restrictions on voter rights and early
                                            schedule was implemented through extensive lobbying, resulting in salary
voting, intrusions into collective          increases for 37,000 teachers in 486 school districts.
bargaining in schools and ‘Right to
Work’ proposals that Ohioans defeated       During the 15-year period between Ohio’s first strike at Tallmadge in 1966 and
in repealing SB 5.                          the passage of Ohio’s Public Employee Collective Bargaining Law in 1983,
                                            teachers in every major city in Ohio went on strike, with the peak coming in
    Challenges to freedom, teaching and
                                            1969-70 with 28 walkouts. That same year, superintendents, principals and
learning conditions and the economic        other administrators left the OEA to form separate organizations.
security of Ohio school employees
cannot be met simply by elections,          By the mid-1970s—before any statutory provision for public employee bargaining
                                            was enacted—OEA helped win negotiation agreements for local associations in
collective bargaining agreements or
                                            two-thirds of the state’s school districts. A 1975 Ohio Supreme Court declared
OEA’s power as an organization,
                                            negotiated master agreements and binding arbitration legal and enforceable.
Higgins said, but only by a renewed
activism and energy among members           During the 1980s, the Ohio Supreme Court ruled in favor of four cases involving
ready to face the critics and attacks.      OEA members, establishing legal precedents in areas of fair dismissal and salary
                                            credit for teaching experience. The OEA continued to grow when the association
    “We are the change we seek. We are
                                            extended membership to Ohio’s education support professionals (ESPs).
the future we seek. And we will work to
shape the schools of the future with our    As OEA continued to advocate for school funding in the 1990s, the Ohio Supreme
creativity, our professionalism and our     Court affirmed the trial court’s decision in DeRolph v State of Ohio, finding that
commitment to doing what is right for       the state had failed to meet its constitutional requirement to fund a “thorough
                                            and efficient system of common schools.” OEA continued promoting educator
students and teachers alike,” she said.     standards and public accountability.
    Today, the OEA continues to strive to secure equitable funding, defend collective
    bargaining rights, work to preserve the economic security of OEA’s 123,000
    members, and ensure great public schools for every student.
OEA Leadership Team
Becky Higgins is beginning her second term as OEA President. A first-grade teacher in the Copley-Fairlawn City Schools
with more than 19 years of classroom experience, Becky is a firm believer in the promise of a high quality public education
for every student in Ohio no matter where they live. She believes that the key to a better future for Ohio ‘s educators is to
combine the potential of OEA’s large, diverse, talented membership with responsible, dedicated leadership in Columbus.
Becky recognizes that the challenge of OEA office is to provide strong leadership at the state level while maximizing
the impact of leaders throughout the state. She believes that the success of all students is of prime importance to OEA
members and she will advocate, in all ways possible, for the attainment of teaching and learning conditions for educators
and students that ensure student success.
Becky has served as President of the Copley Teachers’ Association, Member of the Board of Directors and President of
NEOEA. She is Chair of the OEA-FCPE State Council and serves as a board member for We Are Ohio and as a member
of the Ohio Democratic Party Central Committee.
As NEOEA President during the Senate Bill 5 crisis, Becky built a strong base of support for collective bargaining in
northeastern Ohio and has continued that work as she builds coalitions with other labor leaders across Ohio. She knows
that building a strong organizing culture within OEA is crucial in order to meet the challenges public education may face in
the future. Positioning OEA to be the pre-eminent educational labor organization in Ohio is a task she takes very seriously,
and she looks forward to continuing work with other statewide leaders to achieve this goal.                                                Becky Higgins

                                    Scott DiMauro, a high school social studies teacher from Worthington, became OEA Vice President in 2013. He chose
                                    to become a teacher in order to give students the critical thinking and decision-making skills they need to be successful
                                    citizens in our democratic society. It was only natural, then, that he chose to become actively involved in his local union
                                    in order to advocate for his students, fellow educators, and a vibrant system of public education.
                                    Prior to becoming a full-time OEA officer, Scott served for nine years as President of Central OEA/NEA, and has
                                    experience as president of his local, a member of his local bargaining team, chairperson of Central’s leadership and
                                    professional development programs, and political action coordinator. He also led the NEA Legislative Committee for
                                    three years.
                                    As vice president, Scott has served as co-chair of the Healthcare and Pension Advocates for STRS and represents
                                    OEA’s 123,000 members on a variety of coalition boards and steering committees. He chairs the OEA Legislative
                                    Committee and works with OEA’s Government Relations staff to represent educators in the legislature and State Board
                                    of Education. This past year, he was proud to help lead efforts of the OEA Commission on Student Success to lay out
                                    a comprehensive vision for high quality education for all students and lay the groundwork for positive implementation of
                                    the federal Every Student Succeeds Act in Ohio.
          Scott DiMauro

Tim Myers is serving his second term as OEA Secretary-Treasurer. He has been a classroom teacher with the
Elida Local Schools, teaching Life, Earth and Computer Sciences since 1981. In 1980-81, he was a coach and
teacher at Columbus Grove High School.
Tim served on the OEA Board of Directors as a Northwest OEA representative for five years and as an NEA
Director for six years. He served on the OEA Program and Budget Committee for eight years, including one year
on the Personnel Committee and two years on Constitution and By-Laws. While on the NEA Board of Directors,
Tim served two terms on the NEA Program and Budget Committee.
Tim has a strong commitment to finding a fair and equitable solution to the pension crisis. He has represented
Ohio’s current and retired educators on the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio Board of Trustees since 2008.
He served as Board Chair from July 2010 until September 2011. He is currently Chair of the NEA’s Pension Trustees
Tim believes that OEA must step up its efforts to get local members involved in legislative issues for the improvement
of education. Senate Bill 5/Issue 2 has shown us that we can stop the anti-public education legislation that is flowing
into Ohio if we work together.
                                                                                                                                                  Tim Myers

                                     Sheryl Mathis joined the OEA as Executive Director in December 2013.
                                     Sheryl has more than 35 years of professional experience in education. Before coming to Ohio, she was the Executive
                                     Director of the Arizona Education Association (AEA) where her leadership brought financial stability to an organization
                                     coping with the challenge of membership losses caused by the elimination of payroll deduction. Under her tutelage,
                                     AEA moved to a culture of organizing and she played an instrumental role in the creation of Arizona Wins, a progressive
                                     coalition that quickly became a force in electoral politics.
                                     A native of Texas, Sheryl began her career as a classroom teacher in the Putnam City School District in Oklahoma City, OK.
                                     “I am proud to have been an educator,” Sheryl says. “It’s given me a valuable perspective on the best ways in which to serve
                                     all members of the education association.”
                                     Sheryl later served as the President of the Putnam City Association of Classroom Teachers, and as a UniServ Director
                                     for the Colorado Education Association. From 1996 to 2007, Sheryl was the Associate Executive Director of the
                                     Kansas Education Association.
         Sheryl Mathis
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  OEA District Associations
                                                                                             NORTH EASTERN OHIO
                                      CAPITAL DISTRICT INC.                                  EDUCATION ASSOCIATION (NEOEA)
                                      ■ Kriston Crombie Stotik – President                   ■ Jeff Wensing – President
                                        S: 614 365 5039; C: 614 302 2878                       S: 440 885 2363; C: 440 227 5932
                                        1533 Lafayette Dr., Apt. B, Columbus 43220-6808        13421 Whitney Rd., Strongsville 44136-1949
                                        E-mail:                          E-mail:
                                      ■ Gerry Curran – Vice President                        ■ Mary Alice Conkey – Executive Director
                                        S: 614 365 5268; C: 614 208 4324                       S: 216 268 6650 or C: 216 598 2542
                                        1820 Tucker Trl., Lewis Center 43035-8104              2176 Cottage Grove Dr., Cleveland Heights 44118-2874
                                        E-mail:                          E-mail:
                                      ■ Dorothy Wilson – Business Manager                    ■ Linda Grunden – Executive Assistant
                                        H: 614 864 6524; C: 614 506 6678                       O: 216 518 0200 or 800 354 6794; FAX: 216 518 0202
                                        1312 Knollwood Dr. E, Columbus 43232-1539              NEOEA Office, 5422 East 96th St.,
                                        E-mail:                               Suite 200, Garfield Heights 44125-5330
                                      ■ Tom Busher – Budget Director                           E-mail:
                                        O: 614 253 4731; H: 614 755 2686                     WEBSITE ADDRESS:
                                        8112 Kingsley Dr., Reynoldsburg 43068-1373
                                        E-mail:                          NORTHWESTERN OHIO
                                      WEBSITE ADDRESS:                       EDUCATION ASSOCIATION (NWOEA)

  O     EA’s network of 10 district
        associations assures
  that Association decisions are
                                      CENTRAL OEA/NEA
                                      ■ Adrienne M. Bowden – President
                                                                                             ■ Jennifer Long – President
                                                                                               S: 419 293 3853; C: 419 215 0917
                                                                                               833 Edgehill Rd., Findlay 45840-2893
                                        S: 614 830 2200; C: 614 619 0062                       E-mail:
  made by representatives from          11438 Chanticleer Ter. NW, Pickerington 43147-7813   ■ Joyce Wisebaker – Executive Director/Treasurer
  all parts of the state. About         E-mail:                         O: 419 424 1708 or 800 366 9632;
  two-thirds of the OEA Board of      ■ Russell Hughlock – Communications and                  C: 567 230 6819; FAX: 419 422 3417
                                        Organizing Coordinator                                 NWOEA Office, 101 W. Sandusky, Suite 302,
  Directors is elected from units                                                              Findlay 45840-3267
                                        O: 614 222 8228; FAX: 614 222 8218
  within the district associations.     Central OEA/NEA Office, 947 Goodale Blvd.,             E-mail:
  The number of units each              Columbus 43212-3824                                  WEBSITE ADDRESS:
  district has depends on its total     E-mail:                    SOUTHEASTERN OHIO
  number of members. Each             WEBSITE ADDRESSES: and           EDUCATION ASSOCIATION (SEOEA)
                                                                William Van Pelt II – President
  district association also has a                                                            ■

                                      EAST CENTRAL OHIO EDUCATION                              S: 740 423 3000, ext. 518; H: 740 423 7467
  representative on each OEA                                                                   1588 Gene St., Belpre 45714-2104
  committee.                          ASSOCIATION (ECOEA)
                                        Julie Nelson – President
      The districts serve as a
                                                                                             ■ Pam Smith – Executive Director
                                        S: 330 497 5655; C: 330 705 7328
  liaison to the local associations                                                            H: 740 286 2371
                                        818 Lorena St. SW, North Canton 44720-2844
                                                                                               24 Payne St., Jackson 45640-1868
  from the OEA, providing               E-mail:
                                      ■ Valerie Heban – Business Manager
  professional development                                                                   WEBSITE ADDRESS:
                                        O: 330 499 8587
  opportunities, legislative            129 Easton St. NE, Suite 103, Canton 44721           SOUTHWESTERN OHIO
  updates and networking for            E-mail:                          EDUCATION ASSOCIATION (SWOEA)
  members.                            WEBSITE ADDRESS:                     ■ Phyllis Bell – President
      Each district sends its three                                                            S: 513 398 5025; C: 513 706 7701
                                      EASTERN OHIO EDUCATION                                   7021 Devon Dr., Middletown 45044-9631
  officers to the District Leaders    ASSOCIATION (EOEA)                                       E-mails: or
  Council (DLC) to represent          ■ Michael Dossie – President                   
  their respective district and         S: 740 676 3652; H: 740 676 7754                     ■ Veria Maxberry – Office Secretary
                                        56871 Hospital Rd., Bellaire 43906-9549                O: 513 771 3319 or 800 346 2175;
  share information to and from         E-mail:                                   FAX: 513 771 6674
  the OEA. The DLC sponsors           ■ Jack Boyd – Executive Director                         SWOEA Office, 270 Northland Blvd.,
  the District Leaders Hospitality      H: 740 453 2186                                        Suite 224, Cincinnati 45246-3775
  Night for the delegates to the        5324 E. Sheffield Cir., Zanesville 43701-7406          E-mail:
                                        E-mail:                         WEBSITE ADDRESS:
  OEA Representative Assembly         WEBSITE ADDRESS:
  (RA), OEA’s Got Talent                                                                     WESTERN OHIO EDUCATION
  Contest held during OEA             NORTH CENTRAL OHIO EDUCATION                           ASSOCIATION (WOEA)
                                      ASSOCIATION (NCOEA)                                      Sophia Rodriguez – President
  Summer Academy, and a               ■ Jen Lepard – President
                                                                                               S: 419 678 4821, ext. 5103; C: 419 852 0082
  Stay-to-the-End drawing at            S: 419 525 6307, ext. 1104; H: 419 492 8018            1125 W. Bank Rd., Apt. 101, Celina 45822-2485
  the NEA-RA.                           5847 St. Rt. 103, New Washington 44854-9514            E-mails: or
                                      ■ Becky Cashell – Executive Secretary-Treasurer        ■ Kim Honeycutt – Office Manager
                                        S: 419 525 6369; C: 419 564 7528                       O: 937 339 9509 or 800 598 9632; FAX: 937 335 0323
                                        295 Chapman Way, Lexington 44904-1079                  WOEA Office, 1100 Wayne St., Suite 2522,
                                        E-mail:                           Troy 45373-3048
                                      WEBSITE ADDRESS:                       E-mail:
                                                                                             WEBSITE ADDRESS:

OEA Board
of Directors
T   he 53-member OEA Board of Directors directs
    implementation of policies established by the OEA
Representative Assembly. It is headed by the President,
Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer.
   Thirty-seven of the members of the Board of Directors are                              Samuel Adu-Poku               Barb Armour            Meisha Baker
classroom teachers and/or Education Support Professionals                             Youngstown State University        Brunswick                Lorain

(ESP) elected to represent constituents in OEA’s 10 district
associations. Four members are elected At-Large by the
Representative Assembly, including an ESP member.
   OEA’s eight members of the NEA Board of Directors are
also members of the OEA Board of Directors.
   In addition, three OEA Divisions—OEA-Retired, the OEA
Division of Higher Education and the Ohio Student Education
Association—each elect a member to serve on the OEA Board
of Directors.                                                                              Andrea Beeman                  Sue Bills             Joy Bock
   Pictured are members of the OEA Board of Directors for                                  Maple Heights                 Coldwater          Groveport-Madison


                   * All information is current as of July 15, 2016.
                    New member terms begin September 1, 2016.

                   * Beginning September 1, 2016 a vacancy will exist
                     for an OEA Board of Director At-Large position.
                   * At press time, a photo was not available for
                     William Palma, OSEA-Youngstown State University.                        Anne Bowles            Herman “M.J.” Burkett      Amy Butcher
                                                                                               Wooster                  Steubenville            Westlake

    Jeff Caivano            Diane Charters     Joyce Coney-Lacy        Lonnie Dusch         Amanda Dyer                  Larry Ellis           Cindy Endres
    Northwestern              Ashtabula           Mad River              Princeton            Kenton                    Youngstown               Jackson

     Rob Fetters            Jorge Gonzáles        Amy Grittani     Melanie Hameed        Soozie Hetterscheidt            Mark Hill          John Howell-Sanchez
     Mt. Vernon                  Kings           South-Western         Warren                Olentangy                  Worthington              Columbus

Ella Jordan Isaac           Robin Jeffries           Linna Jordan      Carol Kinsey        Tammy Koontz         Brenda Lemon       Debra Lipnos
Trotwood-Madison              Columbus                   Hilliard       OEA-Retired            SCOPE             Logan-Hocking       Twinsburg

   Teri Mackey             Thomas McOwen            Dwayne Marshall      Tyler Meyer        Jerry Oberhaus       Emilly Osterling   Geneva Parker
    Wadsworth                 Bethel-Tate           Gahanna-Jefferson   Mount Healthy        Liberty Center           Lakota           Canton

  Jeff Rhodes                Kim Richards           Sophia Rodriguez    Danielle Russo   Kecia Sanders-Stewart   Angela Stewart      Ty Tatman
 North Royalton                Cardinal                Coldwater           Mentor           East Cleveland       Newcomerstown       Zane Trace

William Van Pelt II        HaSheen Wilson             Karen Wright      Rhea Young
      Belpre          Youngstown State University      Wellington       Washington

                                                                             OHIO SCHOOLS’ OEA MEMBER RESOURCE GUIDE 2016                           9
OEA Field Office Information
                                                                                                                  Mark Linder                  BOARDMAN
                                                                                                                  Ennead SC                    Gary Carlile
                                                                                                                   Bexley EA                   Western Reserve SC
OEA Field is responsible       Service Councils                                                                    Canal Winchester EA          Canfield Bus Drivers Assn
                                                          Northeastern Local ASE     WESTERVILLE                   Franklin County Bd of
for ensuring that the          (groups of local           Northeastern Local EA      Sara Baker                     DD EA
                                                                                                                                                Canfield EA
Association’s key              associations that each     Northwestern A of Sch                                                                 Lowellville EA
                                                                                     Heart of Ohio SC              Grandview Hts EA             Mahoning Co Career &
professional activities        work with a specific        Emp                        Big Walnut EA                Grandview Hts Ed SSA           Tech Ctr
—including collective          OEA field professional)    Northwestern TA             Big Walnut Prof of SS        Madison Plains EA
                                                          Southeastern Local EA                                                                 Mahoning Co CTC Classified
bargaining, member             make sure that there       Southeastern Local ESP
                                                                                      Buckeye Valley TA            Southwest Licking EA         Poland EA
rights and protection,         is effective, regular                                  Elgin EA                     Worthington CA               South Range EA
                                                          Springfield EA              Marion EA                    Worthington EA
professional efficacy,         communication              Springfield ESP (SEUSS)                                                               Springfield Local CTA
                                                                                      Pickerington SSA OEA/
local development and          between the OEA            Tecumseh EA                  NEA
                                                                                                                  Melodie Terman                Teachers Orgn West Reserve
training, organizing           and local affiliates                                                               O- D4                         West Branch Clsfd Emp
                                                         Kerri Hoover                 Pleasant A of T              Delaware Area CCEA             Assn
strategy, information          regarding service-        Sterling SC                  Ridgedale TA                 Delaware City TA             West Branch EA
systems and business           related matters. The       Circleville EA              River Valley Emp Assn        Dublin EA                   Sherri Fowler
support/administration—        Service Councils also      Logan Elm CTA               River Valley TA              Dublin Support Assn         Tri-County SC
are available to all of its    ensure the effective       Miami Trace EA              Tri Rivers EA                Olentangy TA
                                                          Miami Trace Non-Cert                                                                  Boardman EA
754 local affiliates.          coordination of             EA
                                                                                     Bret Benack                  Diana Watson                  Columbiana MRDD EA
                               activities and programs                               Big Darby SC                 Unit 8 SC                     Mahoning EADD
The OEA has four                                          S.C.O.P.E.                  Fairbanks EA
                               within the council and     Teays Valley EA                                          Gahanna-Jefferson EA         Robert Bycroft EA
Service Regions. Each                                                                 Graham EA                    Hamilton Local EA            Warren EA
                               with other association     Washington EA
OEA local is assigned                                                                 Jonathan Alder EA            Plain Local EA               Warren Secretarial Assn
                               units.                     Westfall EA                 London EA
to a Service Region                                      Patty Ray
                                                                                                                   Upper Arlington EA           Youngstown EA
                                                                                      Marysville EA
that assesses service                                    South Central Ohio SC        Mechanicsburg EA
                                                                                                                   Westerville EA              Scott Lakus
needs and the adequacy         ORGANIZING                                                                          Westerville Ed SSA          Unit 43 SC
                                                          Adena EA                    North Union EA
and quality of services;                                  Chillicothe EA              Tolles EA                   Theresa Whitney               Austintown EA
aligns services with           ANNEX                      Greenfield Ex Village EA    Urbana ACT                  Central Ohio Valley-2 SC      Campbell EA
                                                                                                                   Amanda-Clearcreek EA         Sebring Local EA
OEA’s mission, vision,         Jeremy Baiman              Huntington Local EA         West Jefferson EA
                                                                                                                   Amanda-Clearcreek SSA        Struthers EA
core values and strategic      Makia Burns                Paint Valley EA             West Liberty Salem EA
                                                          Pickaway Ross TA                                         Berne Union EA               YSU A of Prof Adm Staff
goals; plans annual            Matthew Ides
                                                          Southeastern Local TA
                                                                                     Lynn Davis                    Columbus State EA            YSU-ACE
programs and allocates         Bob Matkowski
                                                          Union Scioto EA
                                                                                     Eastern Edge                  Fairfield Union EA           YSU Chapter of OEA
staff and other resourc-                                                             Educators SC                  Hocking Technical College
                                                          Unioto SA                   Bloom Carroll EA                                         Herman Pipe
es; and works to ensure                                   Zane Trace EA               Eastland EA
                                                                                                                   Hocking Technical SSP       Trumbull County Joint B SC
the availability of staff to   REGION 1                   Zane Trace SSP Assn         Groveport-Madison EA
                                                                                                                   Lancaster EA                 Champion EA
                                                                                                                   Lancaster SSA
meet identified service        ANNEX                     COLUMBUS                     Liberty Union Thurston EA                                 Champion Local SSP
needs.                                                                                Pickerington EA                                           Girard EA
                         April Braun                     Ezetta Murray                Reynoldsburg EA             REGION 2                      LaBrae TA
Within these regions,    Clark County SC                 Columbus Education           Reynoldsburg SSA                                          Liberty Assn of Sch Emp
the Association supports Clark County Voc ASE             Association                 Walnut Twp EA               ATHENS                        Mathews EA
78 Service Councils.      Clark County Voc EA                                                                     Matt Conrad                   McDonald EA
                          Clark-Shawnee Local EA                                     Amber James                                                Newton Falls ACE
                                                                                     O.H.I.O. SC                  Blue Ribbon Joint SC
                                                                                                                   Alexander Local EA           Niles EA
                                                                                      Forest Rose EA                                            Southington EA
                                                                                      Hilliard EA                  Atco-Beacon EA
                                                                                                                   Athens EA                    Trumbull Career & Tech
                                                                                      South-Western EA                                            EA
                                                                                      Whitehall EA                 Eastern Local EA
                                                                                                                   Federal Hocking TA          Sheila Saad
                                                                                     Diedri Kennedy                Logan EA                    Trumbull County Joint A SC
                                                                                     CAR SC                        Meigs Local TA               Badger EA
                                                                                      Ashland Voc TA               Nelsonville York EA          Bloomfield-Mespo EA
                                                                                      Colonel Crawford EA          Southern Local EA            Bristol A of Sch Emp
                                                                                      Crestline EA                 Tri-County TA                Brookfield Assn of Schl
                                                                                      Ed Assn of Pioneer           Trimble Local TA               Emp
                                                                                      Galion EA                                                 Howland CTA
                                                                                      Lexington SSA               Don Dalton
                                                                                                                  Tri County Plus One SC        Hubbard EA
                                                                                      Lexington TA                                              Lakeview School Supt
                                                                                      Lucas TA                     Buckeye Hills SS
                                                                                                                   Buckeye Hills TA               Assn
                                                                                      Mansfield Schl Emp Assn                                   Lakeview TA
                                                                                                                   Eastern Local CTA
                                                                                     Jeff Kestner                  Eastern Local SSPA           Maplewood EA
                                                                                     KALM                          Jackson City EA              Trumbull Co Board Clsfd
                                                                                      Cardington-Lincoln Fac       Oak Hill Union Local EA        SA
                                                                                      Centerburg TA                Piketon-Scioto EA            Trumbull Co Board Prof
                                                                                      East Knox EA                 Vinton Local TA                SA
                                                                                      Fredericktown EA             Waverly CTA                 Vacancy
                                                                                      Highland EA                  Wellston TA                 Northeast UniServ SC
                                                                                      Knox County Career 		        Western Local EA             Ashtabula ACSE
                                                                                       Center                                                   Ashtabula Area TA
                                                                                      Loudonville Perrysville     Karrie Strickland
                                                                                                                  Blue Ribbon Joint SC          Ashtabula Co Emp Assn
                                                                                       EA                                                       Buckeye EA Ashtabula
                                                                                      Mt. Gilead TA                Belpre EA
                                                                                                                   Carleton Sch/Meigs Ind       Conneaut Clsfd Emp
                                                                                      Mt. Vernon EA                                             Conneaut EA
                                                                                      North Fork EA                Fort Frye TA
                                                                                                                   Frontier Local EA            Geneva Area TA
                                                                                      Northridge EA                                             Grand Valley SSP
                                                                                                                   Marietta EA
                                                                                                                   Morgan Local EA              Jefferson Area TA
                                                                                                                   Northern Local EA            Madison EA
                                                                                                                   Southern Local EA            Pymatuning Valley EA
                                                                                                                   Warren Local EA
                                                                                                                   Washington Co CC TA
                                                                                                                   Wolf Creek Local EA
BRILLIANT                   Gary Kovach              Amy Yevincy                Beth Chandler-Marks         Anne Thomas                Ann Field
                            East Stark SC            National Trail SC          Summit/Portage B SC         North Coast UniServ        AlWyDin SC
Randie Cosby
                             Alliance EA              Caldwell TA                Akron Classified           A SC                        Ada Classified Assoc
Ohio River SC
                             East Canton EA           Cambridge TA               Coventry EA                 Berkshire EA               Ada EA
 Belmont-Harrison Voc EA
                             Louisville EA            Coshocton City EA          Cuyahoga Falls EA           Cardinal EA                Apollo EA
 Buckeye Local CTA
                             Marlington EA            Coshocton Co CC EEA        Geauga School Emp           Chardon ACE                Carey EA
 Columbiana Associated
                             Massillon EA             East Guernsey Local TA       Assn                      Chardon EA                 Hardin Northern EA
                             Minerva Local EA         East Guernsey SSA          Nordonia Hills EA           Kenston EA                 Kenton EA
 Connotton Valley TA
                             Sandy Valley EA          Mid East EA                Springfield Local ACT       Ledgemont AN SS            Lima EA
 Edison Local EA
                             Stark Co Edu & Pro 		    Noble Local CTA            Tallmadge Teachers Assn     Ledgemont EA               Ridgemont EA
 Harrison Hills TA
                              Trainers                Noble Local SA             Twinsburg EA                Metzenbaum EA              Riverdale EA
 Indian Creek EA
                             Stark Co DD SSA          River View EA              Twinsburg SS OEA/NEA        Newbury EA                 Upper Sandusky EA
 Jefferson Co JVS TA
                            LaVonne Lobert-Edmo       Rolling Hills EA           Woodridge EA                West Geauga EA             Upper Sandusky SS
 Steubenville EA
 Toronto EA                 WOEISME SC                                          Don Holub                                               Upper Scioto Valley TA
Nate Williams                Ed Assn of Orrville     REGION 3                   Unit 38 SC
                                                                                                                                       John Grafton
Brilliant SC                 Green Local EA                                      CHASE                                                 Putnam County SC
                             Northwestern Local EA   HOLLAND                     Cuyahoga Hts A of T        Airica Clay                 Columbus Grove EA
 Barnesville ACE
 Barnesville EA              Norwayne EA             Denise Carmack              East Cleveland EA          West Shore Regional         Continental EA
 Bellaire EA                 Norwayne ESP Assn       Maumee River SC             Garfield Hts TA            SC                          Fort Jennings EA
 Bridgeport A of Clsfd       Rittman EA               Anthony Wayne EA           Independence Clsfd EA       Access                     Kalida EA
 Bridgeport EA               Triway EA                Maumee EA                  Independence EA             Avon TA                    Leipsic EA
 Eastern Gateway CC EA       Wayne Co JVS EA          Otsego EA                  Lakeland Faculty Assn       Bay Indiv/Sm Group 		      Miller City-New Cleve
 Martins Ferry EA            Wooster EA               Perrysburg EA              Maple Hts TA                  Inst TA                    EA
 Shadyside EA                                         Pike Delta York EA         Maple Organiz Sup Team        Bay TA                   Ottawa Glandorf CTA
                            ZANESVILLE                Springfield EA             Richmond Heights EA         Fairview Park EA           Ottoville Local EA
 St. Clairsville EA
 Switzerland of Ohio EA     Vacancy                   Swanton EA                 Warrensville EA             Lorain Assn Clsfd Emp      Pandora Gilboa EA
 Union Local EA             Salt Fork SC              Swanton SS Assn           Lynne Rumsey                 North Olmstead EA          Putnam County EA
                             Franklin Local TA        Wauseon EA                Summit/Portage C SC          Olmstead Falls TA         Sam Radel
CANTON                       Guernsey Noble EA        Wood Lane EA               Barberton EA                Rocky River TA            Kaleidoscope SC
Thomas Booth                 Hopewell EA                                         Copley TA                   Shef-Sheffield Lake 		     Clyde Green Springs
                                                     Dee Groman
Columbiana Unit 21 SC        Maysville EA                                        Field Local TA                Clsfd EA                   EA
                                                     Black Swamp SC
 Beaver Local EA             Monroe Co EA                                        Green EA                    Sheffield-Sheff Lake TA    Fostoria EA
                                                      Bowling Green EA
 Columbiana EA               Tri-Valley EA            Eastwood EA                Green Local Assn of SS     Tad Colbeck                 Fremont EA
 Columbiana Local Assn       West Muskingum EA        Elmwood EA                 Manchester EA              Emerald Coast SC            Hopewell Loudon EA
   SS                        West Muskingum SA        Findlay EA                 Maplewood Career Ctr        Bedford EA                 Lakota EA
 Crestview EA                Zanesville EA            Lake EA                      EA                        Brecksville Broadview      Mohawk EA
 East Liverpool EA          Hilary Conley             McComb TEA                 Norton CTA                    Hts EA                   New Riegel EA
 East Palestine EA          Licking County SC         North Baltimore EA         Portage Lakes EA            Brecksville Broadview      Old Fort Loc EA
 Leetonia EA                 C-TEC TEA                Penta Career Center EA     Waterloo EA                   Hts SS                   Seneca East EA
 Lisbon EA                   Granville EA             Rossford ACT                                           Brooklyn EA                Tiffin EA
 Salem EA                    Heath EA                 Van Buren EA              LOCAL OPTION                 Lakewood TA               Linda Repko
 Southern Local TA           Heath Ed SSA                                       Dave Oldham                  North Royalton EA         Kudos SC
                                                     Tori Hodges-Finch
 United EA                   Johnstown EA                                       Firelands A & B SC           Strongsville EA            Columbia Loc EA
                                                     Maumee A SC
 Wellsville TA               Lakewood Classified                                 Amherst TA                  Westlake TA                Edison TA
                                                      Archbold EA
Kim Borzyn                   Lakewood TA              Evergreen EA               Avon Lake EA               Mark Costantino             Elyria EA
Canton Unit C SC             Licking Heights EA       Gorham Fayette TA          Clearview EA               Southwest SC                Firelands EA
 Canton Local Clsfd 		       Licking Heights SSA      Northwood Loc EA           Elyria SS Staff             Brunswick EA               Keystone Local EA
   Assn                      Licking Valley EA        Northwood Loc Schools      Erie Co DD Emp A            Brunswick ESP              Lorain County JVS TA
 Canton Local EA             Newark TA                 SA                        Lorain EA                   Mayfield A of SP           Sandusky EA
 Chippewa EA                Debi Maynard              Ottawa Hills EA            Midview EA                  Mayfield EA                Vermilion TA
 Dalton Local EA            Shawnee SC                Ottawa Hills SA            North Ridgeville EA         Medina Co Achv Ctr EA      Wellington EA
 East Holmes TA              Clay EA                  Sylvania EA                Oberlin Ohio EA             Parma EA                   Wellington SSP
 Fairless EA                 Green Local TA           TA of Lucas Co Schools     Sandusky Non-Teach EA
                                                                                                            Susan Dodge                Jay Riggs
 Garaway TA                  Minford EA               TA of Washington Loc                                  Medina County SC           ARK SC
                             Northwest Local EA
 Perry CTA                                                                                                   Black River SSP            ASHCO DD EA
 Plain Local TA              Portsmouth City TA      HUDSON                     Anne Barrett
                                                                                                             Black River TA             Ashland City TA
 Southeast Local EA          Scioto Co Career Tech   John Avouris               North Coast UniServ                                     Crestview TA
                                                                                                             Cloverleaf EA
 Stark Area Voc Educators      Ctr TA                Unified Portage SC         C SC                                                    Hillsdale EA
                                                                                                             Highland EA
                             Shawnee EA               Aurora EA                  Chagrin Falls EA                                       Knox New Hope Ctr EA
Sarah Drinkard                                                                                               Highland Support Staff
                             Southern State EA        Crestwood EA               Euclid Classified Assn                                 Madison Local EA
Hall of Fame SC                                                                                              Medina City TA
                             Valley TA                Garfield EA                Euclid Clsfd Assn-Transp                               Mapleton TA
 Canton Prof EA                                                                                              Medina Co Voc Ctr
                             Washington Local CTA     Portage Co DD              Euclid TA                                              Plymouth EA
 Jackson Classified PA                                                                                       Polaris EA
                             Wheelersburg EA          Ravenna EA                 Lake EADD                                              Shelby A of SS
 Jackson Memorial EA                                                                                         Wadsworth EA
                                                      Rootstown EA               Mentor Clsfd Emp                                       Shelby EA
 Lake Local EA              Amelia Woodward                                                                  Wadsworth Support Staff
                                                      Southeast Local Dist TA    Mentor TA
 North Canton Clsfd Emp     Lawrence-Gallia County                                                                                     Vacancy
 North Canton EA            SC                        Southeast SSP Assn        Orange TA                   TIFFIN                     S.H.O.E.S. SC
 Northwest TA                Chesapeake Local TA      Streetsboro EA            Kim Lane                    Mick Bates                  Bellevue EA
 Tuslaw CTA                  Dawson Bryant EA         Streetsboro SSPA          North Coast UniServ         HCC SC                      Danbury Assn-Non
                             Fairland ACT             Windham TA                B SC                         Buckeye Central EA           Teach
Alison Hoffa
Tri-County Educational       Gallia Co Local EA      Lee Blanden                 Ashtabula JVSD TA           Bucyrus EA                 Danbury EA
Leaders                      Gallia Co Local SS      Summit/Portage A SC         Career & Technical Assn     Bucyrus Org of SS          Ehove TA
 Buckeye EA JVS              Gallipolis EA            Hudson EA                  Fairport Harbor TA          Monroeville TA             Gibsonburg TA
 Carrollton EA               Ironton EA               Mogadore EA                Kirtland EA                 New London EA              Huron Clsfd EA
 Claymont EA                 Ironton SSA              Mogadore ESA               Painesville City TA         Norwalk TA                 Huron EA
 Dover EA                    Lawrence Co Voc TA       Revere EA                  Perry CTA                   South Central Ed A         Margaretta TA
 Indian Valley TA            Rock Hill EA             Stow Munroe Falls Clsfd    Riverside Local EA          Western Reserve EA         Oak Harbor EA
 Malvern EA                  South Point ACT           EA                        Wickliffe EA                Willard EA                 Perkins EA
 New Philadelphia EA         Symmes Valley EA         Stow TA                    Willoughby-Eastlake C       Wynford EA                 Woodmore EA
 Newcomerstown Clsfd                                  Weaver EA                  Willoughby-Eastlake TA
 Newcomerstown TA                                     Weaver Workshop Supt
 Ridgewood EA                                          Assn
 Tuscarawas Valley TA                                                                                                                        ➤ CONTINUED
Scott Maney                 TROY                        Wayne Wlodarski                   Covington EA                   Troy City EA
REGION 4                 Miami Valley Joint                                      Happy Trails SC                   Edison State EA                Troy City SSA
                                                     George Bozovich                                               Miami East ASP
DEFIANCE                 Council B SC                                             Ansonia EA                                                      Versailles EA
                                                     Western SC                                                    Miami East EA
                          Dayton EA                                               Ansonia Local Sup Pers
Pat Johnson                                           Brookville TA                                                Piqua EA
                          Ed of Montgomery Co                                     Bethel EA
AVA SC                                                Huber Heights EA                                             Tipp City EA
                          Miamisburg CTA                                          Bradford TA
 Allen East EA                                        Jefferson Township EA
                          West Carrollton Clsfd EA
 Bath EA                                              Milton Union EA
                          West Carrollton EA
 Bluffton EA                                          Newton TA
 Delphos EA              Dan Mueller                  Northmont Classified EA
 Elida EA                Omega South SC               Northmont Dist EA

                                                                                  OEA Field Office Locations
 Lincolnview Local EA     Blanchester EA              Northridge TA
 Marimor EA               Bright TEA                  Trotwood Madison EA
 Perry EA                 Clinton Massie EA           Vandalia Butler EA
 Shawnee Classified EA    East Clinton EA
                                                     Donna Christman
 Shawnee EA               Fairfield EA                                             ANNEX                                         HUDSON
                                                     2 Far West SC
 Spencerville EA          Hillsboro EA                                             225 East Broad Street, P.O. Box 2136          591 Boston Mills Road, Suite 100
                                                      Arcanum Butler CTA
 Waynesfield-Goshen EA    Little Miami TA                                          Columbus, OH 43216                            Hudson, OH 44236
                                                      Eaton CTA
                          Waynesville EA                                           PHONE: 614 227 0046 or 866 427 0046           PHONE: 330 650 9200 or 800 654 4034
Annette Kubiske                                       Eaton SSP
                          Waynesville Non Cert EA                                  FAX: 614 227 0191                             FAX: 330 650 9373
Phoenix SC                                            Franklin Monroe EA
                          Wilmington EA                                            Nina Ira, Administrative Secretary            Arlene Doubledee, Administrative Assistant
 Antwerp EA                                           Greenville EA
                         Jeff Nolasco                 Mississinawa Val TA                                                        Lori Navin, Administrative Secretary
 Ayersville EA                                                                     Organizing Department
 Four County JV EA       Eastern Butler County        National Trail EA                                                          MENTOR
                         SC                                                        225 East Broad Street, P.O. Box 2136
 Hicksville EA                                        Preble-Shawnee Loc EA                                                      5804 Heisley Road
                          Edgewood TA                                              Columbus, OH 43216
 Holgate TA                                           Tri-County North EA                                                        Mentor, OH 44060
                          Lakota EA                                                PHONE: 614 227 0046 or 866 427 0046
 Liberty Center CTA                                   Tri-Village EA                                                             PHONE: 440 639 1300 or 800 686 4228
                          Lakota SSA                                               FAX: 614 227 0191
 Napoleon Faculty A                                   Twin Valley ACT                                                            FAX: 440 639 1634
                          Midd-Roe Employees                                       Kathleen Edwards, Administrative Assistant
 Patrick Henry EA                                     Valley View CTA                                                            Kim Ziegler, Administrative Secretary
                           Union                                                   Will Klatt, Research Technician
 Paulding EA                                         Dominic Williams                                                            MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS
 TA of Central Loc        Middletown Clsfd EA                                      ATHENS			                                     7530 Lucerne Dr., Suite 100
                                                     Grand Old River SC
 Wayne Trace EA           Middletown TA                                            53 Johnson Road                               Middleburg Heights, OH 44130
                                                      Anna Local EA
                          Monroe EA                                                The Plains, OH 45780                          PHONE: 440 243 6030 or 866 871 4567
Mike McEachern                                        Bellefontaine EA
Northwest SC             Laura Rakay                  Benjamin Logan EA            PHONE: 740 797 9630 or 800 292 8395           FAX: 440 243 6126
 Bryan EA                North Bend SC                Fort Loramie EA              FAX: 740 797 0859                             Maisha Lloyd, Administrative Secretary
 Defiance City EA         Finneytown ASP              Hardin Houston EA            Angy Thompson, Administrative Secretary       MONROE
 Edgerton EA              Finneytown EA               Indian Lake ACE              BOARDMAN                                      30 Overbrook Drive, Suite A
 Edon Northwest TA        Lockland EA                 Indian Lake EA                                                             Monroe, OH 45050
                                                                                   945 Windham Court, Suite 1
 Millcreek W Unity EA     Mt. Healthy TA              Russia EA                                                                  PHONE: 513 539 3131 or 800 487 6266
                                                                                   Boardman, OH 44512
 Montpelier EA            North College Hill EA       Sidney EA                                                                  FAX: 513 539 3121
                                                                                   PHONE: 330 726 3250 or 800 637 1659
 North Central EA         NW Assoc of Educators       United Riverside EA                                                        Shelly Cook , Mary Ann Walkenhorst,
                                                                                   FAX: 330 726 3258
 Northeastern Local TA    Oak Hills EA                                                                                           Vacancy, Administrative Secretary
                                                     Shelli Jackson                Page Hicks, DeAnn Satterlee, Administrative
 Northwest St Com Coll    Reading EA
                                                     Grand Lake SC                 Secretary                                     TIFFIN
                          Southwest Local CTA
 Stryker EA                                           Auglaize EA                                                                674 Miami Street, Suite A
                          Three Rivers A of SSP                                    BRILLIANT
                                                      Celina EA                                                                  Tiffin, OH 44883
MONROE                    Three Rivers EA                                          1479 Third Street
                                                      Coldwater TO                                                               PHONE: 419 448 1498 or 800 686 3948
                          Winton Woods TA                                          Brilliant, OH 43913
Jess Attilli                                          Fort Recovery EA                                                           FAX: 419 448 6808
                         Sean Thompson                                             PHONE: 740 598 3561 or 800 544 7301
Alpha SC                                              Marion Local EA                                                            Pam Assenheimer, Administrative Secretary
                         Western Butler County                                     FAX: 740 598 4352
 Batavia Prof EA                                      Minster TA                                                                 Barb Picker, Administrative Secretary
                         SC                                                        Denise Gunsur, Administrative Secretary
 Bethel-Tate TA                                       New Bremen TA
                          Butler EA                                                CANTON                                        TROY
 Clermont County Sp EA                                Parkway EA
                          Fairfield CTA                                            4061 Bradley Circle N.W.                      180 S. Stanfield Rd., Ste. A
 Clermont NE EA                                       St. Marys EA
                          Hamilton CTA                                             Canton, OH 44718                              Troy, OH 45373
 Felicity EA                                          Wapakoneta CA
                          Madison EA                                               PHONE: 330 492 1648 or 800 221 7427           PHONE: 937 335 4544 or 800 766 1165
 Milford Clsfd Emp A                                  Wapakoneta EA
                          New Miami EA                                             FAX: 330 492 2926                             FAX: 937 335 3766
 Milford EA                                          Becki Villamagna                                                            Lori Barnett, Maggie Crumrine, Administrative
 New Richmond EA          Ross EA                                                  LaTasha Ball, Daphne Midcap, Administrative
                                                     Miami Valley Joint                                                          Secretary
 West Clermont EA         Talawanda Classified SA                                  Secretary
                                                     Council A SC                                                                Linda Hofacker, Administrative Assistant
 West Clermont HOPE       Talawanda EA                                             COLUMBUS
                                                      Beavercreek Classified
 Williamsburg EA         Renee Townley                  Emp                        929 East Broad Street                         WESTERVILLE
Marla Bell               Southwest Hills SC           Beavercreek EA               Columbus, OH 43205                            5026 Pine Creek Drive
Warren County SC          Eastern Local EA            Centerville CTA              PHONE: 614 253 4731                           Westerville, OH 43081
 Carlisle TA              Fayetteville-Perry Clsfd    Fairborn Classified EA       FAX: 614 253 0465                             PHONE: 614 895 1041 or 800 686 4632
 Franklin EA              EA                          Fairborn EA                  June Rotundo, Administrative Secretary        FAX: 614 895 1482
 Kings EA                 Fayetteville-Perry EA       Kettering EA                                                               Shawntá Bailey, Sherri Lawrence,
                          Goshen EA                                                DEFIANCE                                      Carolyn Wright, Administrative Secretary
 Lebanon EA                                           Mad River EA                 25568 Elliott Road
 Mason EA                 Goshen EA SSA               Oakwood TA                                                                 ZANESVILLE
                          Manchester Ohio River                                    Defiance, OH 43512
 Springboro Clsfd Emp                                Jasmine Williams              PHONE: 419 784 9588 or 800 942 1634           223 Main Street
 Springboro EA            Ohio Valley Local                                                                                      Zanesville, OH 43701
                                                     Greene County SC              FAX: 419 784 9684
                          Ripley-Union-Lewis EA                                                                                  PHONE: 740 439 7751 or 800 255 5748
Katie Boerger                                         Cedar Cliff EA               Deb Edwards, Administrative Secretary
                          Southern Hills JVS TA                                                                                  FAX: 740 432 6813
The Cincy 10 SC                                       Greene Co CC Clsfd EA        HOLLAND
                          Western Brown EA                                                                                       Beth Hudson, Administrative Assistant,
 Deer Park EA                                         Greene Co CC EA              7359 International Drive, Unit D
                          Western Brown Sch Emp                                                                                  Melissa Wilson, Administrative Secretary
 Forest Hills EA                                      Greeneview Classified EA     Holland, OH 43528
 Hamilton Co EA                                       Greeneview EA                PHONE: 419 865 1837 or 800 662 8347
 Loveland EA                                          Sugarcreek EA                FAX: 419 865 9616                             *Information effective September 1, 2016.
 Norwood TA                                           Sugarcreek Local Assn
                                                                                   Mary Ann Wolf, Administrative Secretary
 Princeton ACE                                          of SP
 St. Bernard-Elmwood                                  Xenia EA
  PLC EA                                              Xenia Education SP
 Sycamore EA                                          Yellow Springs EA
 Wyoming EA

OEA HEADQUARTERS                                                          OEA Program
225 East Broad Street                                                         Government Relations, Communications and Marketing
P.O. Box 2550, Columbus, OH 43216                                             David Williams, Director of Government Relations, Communications
Main Phone: 614 228 4526                                                        and Marketing
Toll Free (Ohio): 800 282 1500
                                                                              Melissa Clark, Lobbyist
Fax: 614 228 8771
Claire Nance, Receptionist/Clerical Assistant                                 Robert Davis, Lobbyist
                                                                              Matthew Dotson, Lobbyist
OEA Executive Management		                                                    Russ Harris, Collective Bargaining and Research Consultant
Sheryl Mathis, Executive Director                                             Julie Newhall, Writer and Publications Editor
 	   Tina O’Donnell, Mgr of Administrative Services-Operations                Michele Prater, Media Relations Consultant
   Susan Babcock, Assistant Executive Director-Strategic and 		               Dinica Williams, Communications Specialist
     Workforce Planning                                                       Dan Ramos, Political Advocacy Consultant
   Linda Fiely, General Counsel                                               Gail Botz, Communications Technician
   Kristy Spires, Assistant Executive Director-Business Services              Julie Parsley, Administrative Assistant
   Parry Norris, Assistant Executive Director-Field                           Lisa Simpson, Administrative Secretary
     Executive Offices                                                        Education Policy Research and Member Advocacy (EPRMA)
     Tina O’Donnell, Mgr of Administrative Services-Operations                Patty Nyquist, Director of EPRMA
     Carol Price, Conference & Elections Coordinator                          Ellen Adornetto, Education Policy and Practice Consultant
     Briana McKay, Mgr of Administrative Services-Governance                  Demetrice Davis, Education Policy and Practice Consultant
     Darlene Hebert, Administrative Secretary                                 Daria DeNoia, Education Policy and Practice Consultant
     Lori Gray, Administrative Assistant                                      Nick Gurich, Collective Bargaining and Research Consultant
                                                                              Todd Jaeck, Membership Consultant
OEA Business Services                                                         Eric Urban, Collective Bargaining and Research Consultant
Kristy Spires, Assistant Executive Director-Business Services                 Matt Whitman, Collective Bargaining and Research Consultant     
     Davy Kenimer, Executive Assistant                                        Laurie Nelson, Administrative Assistant
     Accounting                                                               Kelli Shealy, Research Technician
     Joe Cohagen, Controller                                                  Laura Simonini, Research Technician
     JoLynn Austin, Staff Accountant I                                        Legal Services
     Patty Brown, Staff Accountant II                                         Vacancy, Director of Legal Services                
     Danielle Chute, Staff Accountant II                                      Deborah Gray, Administrative Assistant
     Dave Hill, Accounting Assistant                                          Pam Yarbrough, Administrative Secretary
     Nate Linton, Staff Accountant I                                          Computer Services
     Shawn Primm, Staff Accountant II                                         Kristy Spires, Assistant Executive Director-Business Services
     Lisa Williams-Wilcutt, Accounting Assistant                              Mark Allison, Data Information Systems Specialist
     Printing and Mailing                                                     Alex Barbu, Network and Computer Systems Engineer
     Davy Kenimer, Executive Assistant                                        Darren Clum, Data Information Systems Specialist
     Michael Owens, Printing & Mailing Specialist                             Stuart Graham, Network and Computer Systems Engineer
     Membership					                                                          Jon Hart, System Analyst/Application Developer
     James Capehart, Director of Membership                                   Brian White, Computer Technician
     Trinka Keers, Membership Coordinator                              
     Terri Kaliszak, Membership Technician                                OEA Field
     Sandy Tackett, Membership Staff Acct II                              Parry Norris, Assistant Executive Director-Field
     Vacancy, Membership Specialist                         	             		  Ric Castorano, Executive Assistant
     Deborah Winters, Membership Specialist                               		  Region 1, OEA Headquarters
                                                                              Patricia Collins Murdock, Regional Director
OEA General Counsel                                                           Joyce Stewart, Administrative Assistant
Linda Fiely, General Counsel                                                  Region 2, Zanesville
    Kelly Bailey, Legal Executive Assistant                                   Kristin Johansson, Regional Director  
    Angela Thum, Legal Secretary                                              Beth Hudson, Administrative Assistant
                                                                              Region 3, Hudson
OEA Strategic and Workforce Planning                                          Jeanette Cooper, Regional Director
Susan Babcock, Assistant Executive Director-SWP                               Arlene Doubledee, Administrative Assistant
    Dana Mayfield, Executive Assistant
                                                                              Region 4, Troy
    Human Resources                                                           Cris Muñoz-Nedrow, Regional Director
    Susan Babcock, Assistant Executive Director-SWP
    Dawn Elias, Human Resources Administrator                                 Linda Hofacker, Administrative Assistant
                                                                          		 Andrés Becerra, Director of Organizing
                                                                          		  Kathleen Edwards, Administrative Assistant
                                                                          		  Will Klatt, Research Technician
                                                                          		  *Information current as of September 1, 2016

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