September 2020 - Apply online at Information for parents applying for a school place - Thurrock ...

Page created by Andrew Burns
September 2020 - Apply online at Information for parents applying for a school place - Thurrock ...
Secondary Admission Information
September 2020

Information for parents applying for a school place
Apply online at
September 2020 - Apply online at Information for parents applying for a school place - Thurrock ...
September 2020 - Apply online at Information for parents applying for a school place - Thurrock ...
Information for parents applying for a secondary school place
Apply online at


Starting secondary school is a very important       Thurrock secondary schools offer a range of
time in a child’s life and here in Thurrock         specialisms and each will have something to
Council we appreciate what a worrying time this     offer your child. Our schools achieve well at
is for parents. We are determined to make this      GCSE in comparison to national standards and
as straightforward and worry free as we can.        are amongst the most improved schools in the
The information that follows is designed to help    country.
you make informed decisions when you come
to make an application for a secondary school       I wish your child an enjoyable and fruitful time
place.                                              at secondary school and every success for the
                                                    future.                                            3
Our online application facility has proved
to be very popular and almost 9 out of 10           Please go online at
applications are now made this way. The    and
advantages are that it is immediate, you will get   follow the instructions on screen.
automatic confirmation your application has
been received and it will remove any risk of an
application being delayed or lost in the post.
                                                    Roger Harris
Apply online and you will, from 12.30am on          Interim Director of Children’s Services
2 March 2020, be able to check online which
school place has been allocated. This is nearly
two days earlier than offers in response to
paper applications are likely to arrive.
September 2020 - Apply online at Information for parents applying for a school place - Thurrock ...
Information for parents applying for a secondary school place
    Apply online at

    Who is this                       chances of being offered one         You will get an automatic
                                      of your preferred schools you        confirmation that your
    brochure for?                     must get your application in         application has been received.
    If you have a child who was       on time.                             Once you have submitted your
    born between 1 September                                               application online, if you make
    2008 and 31 August 2009, you      What happens if I                    any changes e.g. change
    must apply for a secondary                                             preference order, you must
    school place for September
                                      miss the closing                     re-submit the application.
    2020.                             date?
                                      Applications received after          If you change your email
    Here we describe how to           the closing date will be             address you must notify the
    transfer your child from a        considered after those that are      Admissions Team by emailing
    primary to a mainstream           received on time and after the       school.admissions@
    secondary school and set          first round of offers have been
    out for you what you need to      made.
    do in order to maximise your
    chance of obtaining a school
                                      How do I apply?
    place that you want. Last year
    Thurrock Council co-ordinated     The easiest way to apply is
    the admissions to Thurrock        online. Go to
    secondary schools and 71%         uk/admissions and follow the
    of parents who applied on         instructions on screen. If you
    time had their first preference   do not have internet access
4   met in the initial round of       at home you can still apply
    offers.                           online at your local library or at
                                      the council offices in Grays.
    When do I need to
                                      Once you have a ‘My Account’
    apply?                            you will be able to complete
    You must get your application     an application, review, amend
    to us by 31 October 2019.         and submit it online.
    In order to maximise your
Which schools                      wish to apply for, but it is for    secondary schools are
                                   guidance only and there is          included on the individual
should I apply to?                 no guarantee that last year’s       school pages. The number
In Thurrock there are different    outcomes will be repeated.          of preferences that you can
types of secondary schools.        You should start by gathering       make on your application is
There are nine academy             as much information about           limited and so we recommend
schools, one of which              each school as possible.            you include in your list of
includes a studio school, one      Information is available from a     preferences schools for which
voluntary aided school and         number of sources:                  you are most likely to be
one free school. They are all                                          successful.
comprehensive, which means         • The school descriptions in
they cater for children of all       this document                     You should also try to get
levels of ability and all except   • School prospectuses               along to one of the briefings
one are mixed. Some have                                               by Thurrock Council designed
                                   • School websites
specialist status and some                                             to help you through the
offer places based on aptitude     • Open evenings                     application process. These will
for specific subjects or           • Ofsted reports (available         include sessions where you
curriculum areas. Brief details      from the school or online at      will be able to put questions
are given in the second half of                 to our admissions staff about
this booklet. You can get more     • Council presentations (see        how the process works.
information from the schools         below for details)
themselves.                                                            The three briefing sessions for
                                   Our advice is that you should       parents will be on:
The law gives you the right
                                   not base your decisions solely
to state a preference for the                                          Tuesday 10 September 2019
                                   on the past examination
schools that you want your                                             at Thurrock Adult Education
                                   results of a school or what
child to attend, rather than                                           College, Richmond Road,
                                   other people say about it. We
to be given your choice.                                               Grays, RM17 6DN
                                   recommend that all families
This is because there will                                             First session begins at
                                   make up their own minds and
be times when there are                                                1.30pm – 3.00pm, second
                                   that the child is involved in the
more applications than                                                 session begins at 4.00pm
                                   decision about where to apply.
places. When there are                                                 – 5.30pm and the third
                                   Consider taking your child to
more applications for a                                                session begins at 6.30pm –
                                   the open evenings/days to see
school than places available,                                          8.00pm.
                                   what he or she thinks about
oversubscription criteria (often
                                   different schools.
called admission criteria) are
used to determine priority for
                                   When thinking about which
admission. As many schools
                                   schools to apply for, it is
are oversubscribed it is
                                   very important that you take
important that you consider
                                   into account each school’s
as many schools as possible
                                   oversubscription criteria.
when you are thinking about
                                   These describe how offers
which schools to apply for.
                                   of places are determined
Within the booklet there
                                   and who gets priority when
is information about what
                                   a school is oversubscribed.
happened in the 2019 round
                                   Details of the oversubscription
which may be helpful to you
                                   criteria for all Thurrock
in deciding which schools you
Information for parents applying for a secondary school place
    Apply online at

    How do I complete                   whom the child spends the             dispute between two parents,
                                        majority of the time and who          these applications will be
    the application?                    receives Child Benefit for the        placed on hold and will not be
    We recommend you apply              child, if this is paid. You will be   processed until such time that:
    online at          required to provide proof of
    admissions                          address. We will require you          •   written agreement is
    Each local authority has its        to provide your council tax               provided from both
    own application form whether        reference number which can                parents stating which
    it is electronic or a paper         be cross referenced with the              application to take forward
    copy. You must complete             address you give.                         for processing; or
    the application for the local       If you move after completing
    authority in which you live,        the application or change             •   a court order is obtained
    regardless of which schools         your email address, you                   confirming which parents’
    you are applying for. If you are    must inform us so that                    application carries
    a Thurrock resident and want        correspondence continues                  precedence or the court
    to apply for schools outside        to reach you. A change of                 decides which parent can
    Thurrock you must do so on          address may affect your offer             make decisions about
    the Thurrock application.           of a place at the school of               school preferences.
                                        your choice. As a starting
    It is important that the            point, applications will              Failure to reach an agreement
    application is fully and            only be discussed with the            about which application
    accurately completed as,            person/people named on the            to take forward can affect
    if there are omissions or           application.                          whether or not your child is
6   inaccuracies, your application                                            considered for a place at the
    may be adversely affected.          Parent/carer details                  schools you want, especially if
                                        The person applying on behalf         they are not in Thurrock.
    Child’s address                     of the child will normally be
    We normally process                 the person with parental              Children in public care
    applications on the basis of        responsibility for the child as       Children in public care and all
    the child’s home address at         defined by the Children Act           children previously looked after
    the time of application and         1989 and amended by the               will automatically be given first
    offer.                              Adoption and Children Act             priority over other categories
                                        2002.                                 where priority is claimed on
    The home address is the                                                   the application and validated
    address where the child is a        Shared parental                       by the relevant local authority.
    permanent resident, or where        responsibility                        Looked after and previously
    the child is ordinarily resident.   Where more than one adult             looked after children will be
    This is usually the address         shares parental responsibility        considered to be:
    of the parent, or carer with        and they live at different            Children who are registered
    parental responsibility. The        addresses it is important that        as being in the care of a local
    adult with whom the child           agreement be reached, prior           authority or provided with
    is ordinarily resident would        to making the application, on         accommodation by a local
    receive the child benefit for the   which schools to apply for,           authority in accordance with
    child.                              and for only one application to       Section 22 of the Children
                                        be submitted for each child.          Act 1989(a), e.g. fostered or
    If the parents do not live          If different applications are         living in a children’s home, at
    together, it should be the          received, or the Admissions           the time an application for a
    address of the parent with          Team is made aware of a               school is made; and
Children who have previously         However the definition might       Reason for preference
been in the care of a local          be different in the case of        There is space on the
authority or provided with           some schools. If your child        application for you to give a
accommodation by a local             will have a sibling at one         reason for naming a school
authority in accordance with         of your preferred schools          as a preference and this will
Section 22 of the Children Act       in September 2020, it is           be shared with the relevant
1989(a) and who have left            important that you include         school(s). Whilst a school will
that care through adoption, a        the sibling’s details on the       look at what you put here, this
child arrangements order (in         application to ensure that, if     alone would not normally give
accordance with Section 8            it applies, the correct level of   priority for a place. If you wish
of the Children Act 1989 and         sibling priority is given. You     to apply under any school’s
as amended by the Children           should not name any child          special criterion, you will need
and Families Act 2014) or            who is not a sibling, nor any      to ensure that you comply with
special guardianship order (in       child who attends a different      the school’s requirements for
accordance with Section 14A          school to the school named         supporting evidence.
of the Children Act 1989).           as a preference.
                                                                        Not all schools have a social
Applications under this              Your preferences                   medical/category. Please see
criterion can only be                You are invited to name up         individual school pages for
considered if supporting             to six preferences. You must       their oversubscription criteria.
documents, in the form of a          name the schools in the order
copy of the adoption order,          that you prefer them, with         Submitting your application
residence order or special           your most preferred school         You must not make more
guardianship order, together         named first. All preferences       than one application. If you
with a letter from the local         are given equal weight and         apply online, please do not
authority that states the child      schools will not know your         send a paper application form.
was looked after immediately         order of preference on your
prior to the order being             application. You do not gain       Supporting evidence
made, is submitted with your         any advantage if you only
application.                                                            Please ensure that you comply
                                     name one or two preferences,
                                                                        with schools’ requirements
                                     or if you name the same
Siblings                                                                for supporting evidence and
                                     school more than once.
                                                                        supplementary forms. Failure
For most schools in Thurrock         Whilst the local authority has
                                                                        to do so may adversely affect
that give priority to siblings,      a responsibility to make a
                                                                        your application. If you apply
sibling is defined as brother        place available for your child,
                                                                        online and want to submit
or sister, half brother or sister,   it does not necessarily have
                                                                        supporting evidence you
adopted brother or sister, step      to be at one of your named
                                                                        will need to send copies to
brother or sister or the child       preferences, nor at your
                                                                        the admissions team by the
of the parent/carer’s partner        nearest school. If you meet
                                                                        closing date of 31 October
who is living as part of the         the oversubscription criteria
                                                                        2019 to the Admissions Team:
same family unit at the same         for more than one school
                                                                        School Admissions, Thurrock
address, long-term foster            you will be offered the one
                                                                        Council, Civic Offices, New
siblings living at the same          that is higher on your list of
                                                                        Road, Grays, RM17 6SL.
address Monday to Friday at          preferences.
the date of application and
Information for parents applying for a secondary school place
    Apply online at

    Supplementary forms should         will be an investigation.             applications it receives. To
    be returned direct to the          The local authority as the            help it do that it has access to
    school by 31 October 2019          co-ordinating body reserves           lists of applicants ranked by
    which is the closing date for      the right to seek evidence            the council as co-ordinating
    applications.                      from parents, council records,        body. These lists are ranked
                                       primary schools or any other          using the school’s published
    Children with an Education,        source deemed appropriate.            oversubscription criteria but
    Health and Care plan               Any application found to              the final decision on each
    (EHCP)                             have been made using false            application rests with the
    All children with an education     information may be withdrawn          school and not the council.
    health and care plan (EHCP)        by the relevant admission
    that names a particular school     authority and may be subject          When will I hear?
    in the plan must be admitted       to legal proceedings. If an           As an online applicant you
    to that school.                    application is found to be            will receive confirmation that
                                       fraudulent after places are           your application has been
    Equality Act 2010                  offered, the place offered may        submitted. Paper applications
                                       be withdrawn in which case            will not be acknowledged
    An admission authority
                                       a new application will have to        unless accompanied by a
    must ensure that their
                                       be made at a time when the            stamped addressed envelope.
    admission arrangements
                                       availability of places is likely to   As an online applicant you can
    do not discriminate on the
                                       be extremely limited.                 log in to your account anytime
    grounds of disability, gender
    reassignment, pregnancy                                                  from 12.30am on 2 March
    and maternity, race, religion
                                       Appeals                               2020 to view your offer.
8                                                                            An email will also be sent to
    or belief, sex, or sexual          All admission appeals must
    orientation, against a person      be heard by an independent            you on the morning of
    in the arrangements and            appeal panel in accordance            2 March 2020.
    decisions it makes as to who       with the School Admission
    is offered admission as a          Appeals Code.                         If you apply on paper, your
    pupil.                                                                   offer letter will be posted
    How we will use your               Appeals for voluntary aided           second class on 2 March
    information                        schools, academies and free           2020.
    We will use your information to    schools are the responsibility
                                       of the governing body or              14 – 19 Provision
    provide the service requested.
                                       academy trust.                        The government has recently
    We may share your personal
                                                                             made it a legal requirement
    data between our services and
                                       If you are refused admission          that all local authorities must
    with partner organisations,
                                       to a particular school you will       inform parents and carers of
    such as government bodies
                                       receive further information           all pupils in Year 9 to tell them
    and the police. We will do so
                                       about how to appeal.                  about schools in or within
    when it is of benefit to you, or
                                                                             travelling distance of the local
    required by law, or to prevent
                                       Please note that you can only         authority area that admit pupils
    or detect fraud. To find out
                                       appeal for a school for which         at the beginning of Year 10.
    more, go to
    uk/privacy. Get free internet      you have made an application
                                       and been refused.                     The government wishes to
    access at libraries and
                                                                             ensure that parents and carers
    community hubs or the Civic
                                                                             are well informed about all the
    Offices in Grays.                  Frequently asked
                                                                             options available for children
                                       questions                             of this age.
                                       How are places allocated?
    Where there is evidence to                                               This does not mean that you
    suggest that a fraudulent          Each secondary school is its
                                       own admission authority and           have to move your child to
    attempt has been made to                                                 another school – for the great
    secure a school place there        makes the decisions on the

majority of children, the school   GCSE curriculum to a typical      secondary school. You
they are already attending will    secondary school, including       can find out more at www.
remain the most appropriate        English and Maths, as well as
place for them to continue         their specialist subject. You
their education.                   can find out more via www.        Can I apply for a Studio
Schools which admit pupils in                                        Yes. If your child was born
Year 10 are called University      Studio schools are similar        between 1 September 2005 to
Technical Colleges (UTCs) or       to UTCs in that they have         31 August 2006 and you wish
Studio Schools.                    employer involvement in the       to apply for your child to start
                                   curriculum and focus on           in Year 10 in a studio school
UTCs are set up by                 developing skills needed          in September 2020 you must
universities and businesses        for employment, involving         complete the application and
and specialise in one or two       personal coaching and work        return it in time to meet the
technical subjects. In years       experience. They have a           closing date of 31 October
10 and 11 they offer a similar     similar curriculum to a typical   2019. Please contact out of
Information for parents applying for a secondary school place
     Apply online at

     borough UTCs/Studio Schools       Can I go on a waiting list?            Will I get offered a school of
     to confirm how you apply for      Yes. Your child’s name will            my choice?
     a place. For any settings that    automatically be added to the          The law gives you the right
     require a common application      waiting list of any Thurrock           to state a preference for the
     form please complete this         schools you were not offered           school that you want your
     application.                      that you ranked a higher               child to attend rather than
                                       preference than the school             to be given your choice.
     List of UTCs and Studio           you were offered. For any out          This is because there will be
     (Schools) within a                of borough schools you were            times when there are more
     reasonable distance from          not offered, you will need             applications than places.
     Thurrock                          to contact the relevant local
     Elutec                            authority to find out how your         Are my preferences
     Specialism: Product Design &      child can be placed on the             confidential?
     Engineering                       waiting list.                          Yes. They are confidential and
     Location: Yew Tree Avenue,                                               will not be shared with schools
     Rainham Road South,               Can I apply for schools                before admission decisions
     Dagenham East, RM10 7XS           outside Thurrock?                      are made. However, we will
     Phone: 020 3773 4670              Yes. You need to include any           share details of any out of
     Email:      school outside Thurrock that           borough preferences with the
     Website:         you wish to apply for on your          maintaining local authority for
                                       application including grammar          a school. If you appeal for a
     London Design and                 schools. We will arrange for           school, they may be entitled
                                       your details to be passed              to see your application at that
10   Engineering UTC
     Specialism: Design |              on so that your application            stage.
     Engineering                       can be considered. You will
     Location: Docklands Campus,       need to ensure that you also           We live in Thurrock and pay
     University Way, London            complete any supplementary             our council tax to Thurrock.
     E16 2RD                           forms required by the schools          Do we have the right to
     Phone: 0203 019 7333              and return them to the relevant        have a place at a Thurrock
                                       school by the closing date of          school?
     Email:         31 October 2019.                       A local authority has a
     Website:                                               responsibility to provide
                                       Will my application be                 school places for children
     Mulberry UTC                      treated differently if I apply         residing in its area, but may
     Specialism: Creative industries   online?                                do so outside its area.
     | Healthcare and medical          Applications submitted online
     services | Digital technology     will be treated in exactly             Can we stop giving places
     Location: 64 Parnell Road,        the same way as paper                  in Thurrock to children not
     London E3 2RU                     applications, but will receive         resident in Thurrock?
     Phone: 0203 137 7024              notification of their offer earlier.   No. There is a legal ruling
     Email: info@mulberryutc.          Please see “When will I                (known as the Greenwich                             hear?” above.                          Judgement) which effectively
     Website: www.mulberryutc.                                                states that a local authority                                                                   cannot give priority for school
                                                                              places in its area to children
                                                                              living within its boundaries.
My next door neighbour got          a special reasons category. If     Are places reserved for
a place at the school last          it does you must make sure         children moving into the
year, will I?                       that you comply with any           area?
Not necessarily. The distance       requirements for supporting        No. It is unlawful to reserve
that each school allocates out      evidence.                          places for children moving
to varies each year according                                          in. Additionally, we would be
to volume and spread of             The admission authority will       unable to predict the number
applications.                       make an informed decision          needed and it would be unfair
                                    as to whether the school you       to those parents who are
Will a child who lives further      want is the only one which         already living in the area.
away from the school be             your child can go to for the
given a place ahead of me?          reasons given. It may seek
                                    further professional advice on
This can happen. A child
                                    the evidence you provide in
may be offered a place on a
                                    support of your application.
higher criterion giving him or
                                    You will need to submit these
her priority such as an older
                                    reasons together with the
brother or sister at the school.
                                    supporting evidence at the
                                    time of application in order for
What should I do if I feel my
                                    them to be considered.
child must go to a school
because of special reasons?
The first thing to do is to check
to see whether the admission                                                                           11
criteria for the school include
Information for parents applying for a secondary school place
     Apply online at

     What if my child is from           What happens if I am               What about transport to and
     overseas?                          not offered any of my              from school?
     All children of compulsory         preferences?                       You should note that
     school age (5 to 16 years)         If you are not offered any         assistance with travel to
     in the UK have a right of          of your preferences you            school will be provided only in
     access to education. However,      will be offered a place at         circumstances where:
     where the child is in the UK       your catchment school (if
                                                                           •   you are offered a place in
     for a short period only, it        applicable) if places are
                                                                               a school that was not one
     may be reasonable to refuse        available after allocations have
                                                                               of your preferences and
     admission to a school.             been made to all parents who
                                                                               that school is more than 2
                                        applied for a place on-time. If
                                                                               or 3 miles from your home
     Children who hold full British     you do not have a catchment
                                                                               address, depending on
     Citizen passports (not British     school or it is full after the
                                                                               the age of your child and/
     Dependent Territories or British   initial allocations, a place
     Overseas passports) and            will be offered at the nearest
                                                                           •   you or your child meet
     have a passport endorsed to        school with places available
                                                                               the eligibility criteria for
     show a right of abode in the       by shortest walking route.
                                                                               free transport within the
     UK or are European Economic
                                                                               Education Act, 2006
     Area nationals, normally have      What if I am offered a place
     unrestricted entry to the UK.      that I do not want?
                                                                           Please see the link below
                                        You have the right to reject       to the Transport and Travel
     An application for a school        any place offered. However, if     Policy. We advise that you
     place will be accepted for         you reject an offer it will then
12   such children even though
                                                                           note the information relevant
                                        become your responsibility         to your child in relation to
     they may not be resident           to secure a place at an            eligibility.
     in the UK at the time of           alternative school. Our
     application. The application       advice would be to accept an       •    Thurrock Council
     may be processed, however,         offer you receive until such           Transport and Travel
     on the basis of the overseas       time as you get a preferred            policy
     address.                           alternative. At that time you          sites/default/files/assets/
                                        can then reject the earlier            documents/home-
     Other children from overseas       offer. Accepting an offer does         school-transport-policy-
     do not generally have              not prejudice your waiting list        201606-v01.pdf
     automatic right of entry to        position or appeals for any
     the UK. An application for a       higher preference schools.         For further information please
     school place will not therefore    If I accept a place at a           contact Awards and Benefits
     be accepted until they are         school that was not one of         on 01375 652511 or email
     resident in the UK. Proof of       my preferences, will it affect
     entry to the UK will be required   my waiting list positions for
     before an application is           other schools or any appeal        What happens post 16?
     processed.                         I make?
                                                                           Some secondary schools in
                                        No. Accepting an alternative       Thurrock have their own sixth-
     How many places are
                                        place does not prejudice your      form and therefore provide
     reserved for successful
                                        child’s position on a waiting      for pupils from age 11 to 19.
                                        list for a higher preference       These details can be found
     None. An independent appeal        school or any appeals you          on the individual schools’
     panel is empowered to direct       might make. However any            websites.
     the admission authority to         preference that is ranked
     make an additional place           lower on your application will
     available for a successful         be withdrawn as part of the
     appellant.                         coordinated process.
To do list
September 2019
• Read secondary transfer information
• Attend schools’ open days/evenings
• Attend Thurrock Council briefings for
  prospective parents
• Research Ofsted reports

October 2019
• Attend schools’ open days/evenings
• Complete Thurrock admissions application
• Ensure that you have submitted your
  Thurrock application before the closing date
  of 31 October 2019
• Ensure that you have submitted any
  necessary supplementary information forms
  to the relevant school(s) by
  31 October 2019                                                                      13

March 2020
• Check your online account on
  2 March 2020 to view your offer

July 2020
• Prepare your child for secondary schools
  transition days

At all times
• Please remember to notify the Admissions Team of any change of address or email
  address. We need this information to keep our records up to date so that important
  communications reach you.
Open days/Evenings
     School           Headteacher/ Address                   Telephone Type of     Age     Places      Open day/evening
                      Principal                              number    School      range   available
     Gable Hall       Acting Principal Southend Road,        01375     Academy     11-19   272         Year 6 open evening will be held on
                      Mr C Evans       Corringham,           400800                                    Monday 30 September 2019 from
                                       SS17 8JT                                                        6:30pm-9:00pm for students within
                                                                                                       catchment and Tuesday 1 October from
                                                                                                       6.30pm-9.00pm for students out of
                                                                                                       Alternatively ring 01375 400800 to
                                                                                                       arrange a guided visit whilst the school
                                                                                                       is operational.
     Grays Convent    Mrs P Johnson    College Avenue        01375     Voluntary   11-16   124         Wednesday 2 October 2019 6:00pm-
     High School                       Grays, Essex          376173    Aided                           8:00pm. Headteacher’s address
                                       RM17 5UX                                                        6:45pm. Tours available on request.
     Harris Academy Mrs N Graham       Mayflower Road,       01375     Academy     11-19   180         Open Evening: Thursday 26 September
     Chafford                          Chafford Hundred,     484580                                    2019 at 5.00pm - 8.00pm.Open
     Hundred                           Grays RM16 6SA                                                  morning for new Y7s (by appointment
                                                                                                       only if unable to attend Open Evening).
                                                                                                       Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25
     Harris Academy Principal:         Erriff Drive, South   01708     Academy     11-19   240         Open Evening Thursday 3 October
     Ockendon       Ms J Rainey        Ockendon Essex        851661                                    2019 4:00pm – 7:00pm. Principal’s
                    Executive          RM15 5AY                                                        Tours & Open Mornings (by
                    Principal: Mrs                                                                     appointment only), 10, 17 and 24
                    N Graham                                                                           October 2019
     Harris Academy Principal          London Road,          01375     Academy     11-19   180         Open Evening Tuesday 1 October
     Riverside      Mr Andrew          Purfleet, RM19        802060                                    2019, 4.30pm - 8.00pm
                    Betts              1QY                                                             Open mornings for those who cannot
                                                                                                       attend open evening - please call to let
                                                                                                       us know you are coming - Wednesday
                                                                                                       2, Thursday 3 or Friday 4 October,
     Hassenbrook      Principal Ms J   Hassenbrook Road,     01375     Academy     11-16   150         Open Evening: Tuesday 24 September
14   Academy          Williams         Stanford Le Hope,     671566                                    2019, 5:30pm - 8:00pm. Alternatively
                                       SS17 0NS                                                        ring 01375 671566 to arrange a
                                                                                                       guided visit whilst the school is
     Ormiston Park    Mr Huw Derrick   Belhus Park Lane      01708     Academy     11-19   180         Wednesday 9 October 2019
     Academy                           Aveley, South         865180                                    6.00pm – 8.00pm
                                       Ockendon RM15
     St Clere’s       Mrs A Hughes     Butts Lane,           01375     Academy     11-16   261         Open Evening Wednesday 25
     School Science                    Stanford Le Hope,     641001                                    September 2019 6:00pm – 9:00pm.
     and Sports                        SS17 0NW                                                        Open Mornings by appointment
     College                                                                                           if unable to attend Open Evening
                                                                                                       Monday 30 September, Tuesday 1 and
                                                                                                       Wednesday 2 October 2019.
     The Gateway      Head of School: Marshfoot Road,        01375     Academy     11-16   215         Open Day and Evening: Thursday 12
     Academy          Mrs Grainne     Grays RM16 4LU         489000                                    September 2019. Open Day School
                      McLaughlin                                                                       Tours 8:45am – 12:30pm. Open
                                                                                                       Evening starts at 6.30pm. Head of
                                                                                                       School presentation 7.00pm. You are
                                                                                                       welcome to
                                                                                                       tour the Academy any Friday between
                                                                                                       8:45am and 10:30am in September
                                                                                                       and October. Please call in advance to
                                                                                                       book a tour 01375 489000
     The Hathaway     Principal Fatima Hathaway Road,        01375     Academy     11-16   180         Tuesday 17 September 2019
     Academy          Rodrigues        Grays RM17 5LL        371361                                    6:00pm – 8:00pm
     William        Headteacher –      Stifford Clays Road   01375     Academy     11-16   250         Thursday 12 September 2019, 6.30pm
     Edwards School Mr S Bell          Stifford Clays        486000                                    visitors arrive (parking on site). 7.00pm
                    CEO - Mr S         Grays RM16 3NJ                                                  and 7.45pm Headteacher’s introduction
                    Munday                                                                             to the school in the main hall
     Thames Park      Executive Head   South Essex           01375     Academy     11-16   120         Thursday 19 September 2019
     Secondary        Mrs A Hughes     College Theatre       648966                                    6:00pm – 8:00pm
     School                            High Street
                                       RM17 6TF
Information for parents applying for a secondary school place
                            Apply online at

                                   What happened last year on National Offer Day 2019?

                                                                                      Attending Gateway Primary Free School
                                    1st preference applications received

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Gateway Learning Community
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Feeder School (St Cleres)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Out of Catchment Sibling

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Parent Former Student

                                                                                                                                          Catchment Sibling

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Out Of Catchment
                                                                                                                                                              Children Of Staff
                Places available

                                                                                                                                                                                             Feeder School



 Gable Hall
 School           272               188                                      9                     *                           81         44                        7               *           8                  *                           *
Information for parents applying for a secondary school place
     Apply online at

     Gable Hall School
     Acting Principal: Mr C Evans

     Southend Road,
     SS17 8JT
     01375 400800

     At Gable Hall, our aim is to achieve the very      lively enquiring minds, to be capable of
     best educational and social outcomes for every     independent thought and to appreciate those
     student. We put learning and teaching at the       areas of knowledge and understanding which
     heart of all aspects of our work. Our vision is    will nurture wisdom.
     based on clear and well-articulated values:
     Caring for each other, Success, a Passion          Comments from Ofsted 2018 regarding
     for Learning, Personal Challenge and Social        Personal Development, behaviour and welfare
     Harmony. In working towards making these           ‘Most pupils are more positive about their
     values visible in every student, we strive to      confidence in staff to tackle bullying issues in
16   provide a safe, healthy, stimulating and           the school. They say that bullying is rare and
     exciting environment for all to work, learn and    dealt with well.’
     play in, such that all students from Year 7 to     ‘Most pupils take pride in their appearance.
     Year 13 have access to a broad and balanced        They are smartly dressed, and most come
     curriculum which is relevant to the demands of     prepared for lessons and behave in a polite,
     the 21st Century.                                  respectful way to staff, other pupils and visitors.’

     We have a very well established reputation as      We live by our values Respect, Integrity and
     a desirable, popular, multiple award winning       Excellence through everything we do.
     school whose mission is to locate and unleash
     the gift in every child.                           Gable Hall is a Specialist Performing Arts
                                                        College. Each year the school will admit ten
     We work hard to create a learning and social       percent of its intake (27 pupils) according
     environment which engenders high aspirations.      to aptitude in Art/Textiles, Music, Dance and
     We want our students to have the best              Drama. The 10% will be allocated across the
     opportunities to meet and exceed the highest       four specialist areas.
     standards, to enjoy school, to participate in
     leadership and to develop into well rounded        Parents wishing to apply for one of the
     global citizens.                                   places listed above should acquire a further
                                                        application from the school. Pupils will be
     We want to work even more closely with             invited to a workshop and auditions on a
     parents because we know this breeds                Saturday morning (an alternative day will be
     academic and social success and wellbeing.         made available to applicants unable to attend
     We want Gable Hall to be a valuable resource       on Saturday).
     for its community through our partnerships
     with Ortu Hassenbrook Academy, Corringham          Selection will be made following this day.
     Primary, our specialist Performing Arts work and   Further details of the selection process are
     through our 6th Form Partnership.                  available from the school.
     Gable Hall students are encouraged to develop
Oversubscription criteria                            (d) Pupils resident in the priority admissions
                                                         area (catchment area) of Gable Hall
(a) Children who are in the care or interim care         School by distance, using straight line
    of the local authority pursuant to sections          measurement, with pupils closest to the
    31 and 38 of the Children’s Act 1989, or             school being given higher priority (straight
    children who are accommodated by a                   line measurement being from the front
    local authority pursuant to section 20 of the        door of the home address to the school
    Children’s Act 1989. This includes children          reception using a digital mapping system).
    who were in care but have since been
    adopted or become subject to a residence         (e) Siblings living outside the existing
    order or special guardianship.                       priority admissions area for the school.
                                                         Pupils whose older siblings are currently
(b) Pupils who live with parents, guardians or           attending Gable Hall in years 7 to 10
    carers, who are employees in the Stanford            and will continue to do so on the date of
    and Corringham Schools’ Trust, provided              admission.
    that the employee has been employed by
    the Trust for a minimum of two years at the      (f)   Pupils attending Primary Schools under
    date of application for admissions and/                the Stanford and Corringham Schools’
    or recruited to fill a vacant post for which           Trust.
    there is a demonstrable skills shortage.
                                                     (g) Children of former pupils of Gable Hall
(c) Siblings living in existing priority admission       School. The former pupil must be able
    area (catchment area) of Gable Hall                  to satisfy the school that they were in
    School by distance, using straight line              attendance for 5 full years.                    17
    measurement, with pupils closest to the
    school being given higher priority (straight     (h) Other pupils by distance from the school
    line measurement being from the front                (by straight line measurement as above)
    door of the home address to the school               with those nearer being accorded the
    reception using a digital mapping system).           higher priority.

Pupils whose older siblings are currently            (i)   Notwithstanding the provision of points
attending Gable Hall School in years 7 to                  a-h above, the Secretary of State may
10 and will continue to do so on the date                  direct Gable Hall to admit a named pupil
of admission. For the purpose of allocating                to Gable Hall on application from the Local
places, sibling means: Full sibling living at the          Authority
same address as the applicant. Step sibling
living at the same address as the applicant.
Half sibling living at the same address as the
applicant. Long term foster sibling living at the
same address as the applicant.
Information for parents applying for a secondary school place
     Apply online at

     Grays Convent High School
     Headteacher: Mrs P Johnson

     College Avenue, Grays,
     Essex RM17 5UX

     01375 376173

     ‘Inspiring ambition and achieving excellence’              challenged to do their best by an experienced
     is our mission. Our section 48 Inspection in June          and specialist staff. Pupils receive vast and
     2018 identified that we are an ‘ Outstanding Catholic      meaningful opportunities to develop as young
     school in every respect.’ At Grays Convent High            leaders within the school, representing the school
     School our first-rate examination and progress             regionally and nationally as transition leaders, eco
     results, in the top 12% nationally and significantly       ambassadors, sports representatives, peer mentors
     above national and local averages in all areas,            and prefects.
     demonstrate that high quality teaching and learning
     are at the heart of what we do. We are an 11-16            We nurture our pupils’ self-confidence with the Jack
     Catholic girls’ school but accept girls of all faiths.     Petchey Speak Out Challenge, Rotary Youth and
                                                                debating clubs. They regularly perform in public
     We believe at Grays Convent that if the                    through the competitive House and Sports system.
18   relationships and values are right, then all else will     We provide a wide range of vibrant extra-curricular
     follow. Our Ofsted in November 2017 identified             learning activities in sports, music, drama, dance
     that we ‘live and breathe our shared vision to             and computing. We have great football and rugby
     empower young women to discover and achieve                teams, excelling in athletics, netball, football and
     their potential’. Attendance is very high as girls enjoy   cricket which is why we are a Gold Sports school.
     coming to school; we know that pupils are at their         The school play is the highlight of the year and as a
     happiest working hard for teachers they like and           ‘Thurrock Trailblazer’ school, we are blazing forwards
     respect.                                                   in the Arts with Silver Arts Award, also offering
                                                                LAMDA qualifications. The Duke of Edinburgh
     Academic progress is important to us and more              is perhaps the jewel in our crown, and students
     than 64% of our girls leave us with grades 9 to 6          complete the Bronze, Silver and Gold awards.
     ( A** to B), 23% at 9-7 (A**/A* /A), ensuring that         We run the Passport To Adventure programme for
     100% of them enter sustained education post -16, in        younger years. We also offer a variety of trips and
     excellent sixth forms, every year.                         exchanges in France, Spain and Germany.

     Girls gain outstanding results in the English              We are a forward looking school which still believes
     Baccalaureate subjects, with particularly exceptional      in the importance of traditional values. Putting the
     progress in English and Mathematics. Girls perform         welfare of young women at the heart of our work we
     similarly well across the board with 80% of the            expect our students to be ready to learn, to work
     curriculum subjects on offer achieving 80% or more;        hard and to take pride in their own and their school’s
     50% of them at 100%. In 2018 our Progress 8 result         achievements. Our close knit small-school diverse
     was +0.7, well above the national average.                 community means that every girl can be known as
                                                                an individual.
     Education here is about far more than just exam
     results however and we combine high ambitions              We recognise that when parents choose our school
     for academic achievement with an emphasis on               for their daughters they entrust us with something
     personal growth and student leadership. By the time        very precious, years that are irreplaceable. You can
     our pupils leave us they are articulate, kind, and well    be assured that we will value your daughter; she will
     qualified young women ready to make a successful           be inspired to fulfil her potential and challenged to
     start in their post 16 education (Ofsted 2017)             do her best in our vibrant community.

     Embracing a culture of high expectations, our
     girls excel in many areas, encouraged and
Oversubscription criteria                                                 5.   ‘Catechumen’ means a member of the catechumenate of
                                                                               a Catholic Church. This will normally be evidenced by a
                                                                               certificate of reception into the order of catechumens.
The Governing Body has set its admission number at 124 girls to
year 7 in the school year which begins in September 2020.                 6.   ‘Eastern Christian Church’ includes Orthodox Churches, and
                                                                               is normally evidenced by a certificate of baptism or reception
At any time where there are more applications for places than
                                                                               from the authorities of that Church.
the number of places available, places will be offered according
to the following order of priority:
                                                                               6 (1) “Girls of other Christian denominations” means children
1. Catholic looked after and previously looked after girls. (see               who belong to other churches and ecclesial communities
   notes 2 & 3)                                                                which, acknowledge God’s revelation in Christ, confess
                                                                               the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the
2. Catholic girls who attend a feeder Catholic primary school,                 Scriptures, and, in obedience to God’s will and in the power of
   namely, St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Primary School,                    the Holy Spirit commit themselves: to seek a deepening of their
   Grays; St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Stanford le Hope;               communion with Christ and with one another in the Church,
   Holy Cross Catholic Primary School, South Ockendon; St Mary’s               which is his body; and to fulfil their mission to proclaim the
   Catholic Primary School, Tilbury (see notes 3 & 4)                          Gospel by common witness and service in the world to the
3. Other Catholic girls. (see note 3)                                          glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. An ecclesial
                                                                               community which on principle has no credal statements in its
4. Other looked after and previously looked after girls. (see note 2)          tradition, is included if it manifests faith in Christ as witnessed
                                                                               to in the Scriptures and is committed to working in the spirit of
5. Catechumens and members of an Eastern Christian Church.                     the above.
   (see notes 5 & 6)
6. Girls of other Christian denominations (see note 6.1)                       6 (2) All members of Churches Together in England and
                                                                               CYTÛN are deemed to be included in the above definition,
7. Girls of other faiths whose membership is evidenced by a                    as are all other churches and ecclesial communities that are
   minister of religion or other religious leader (see notes 7)                in membership of any local Churches Together Group (by
                                                                               whatever title) on the above basis.
8. Any other girls.
                                                                          7.   “Girls of other faiths” means children who are members of a
Within each of the categories listed above, the following                      religious community that does not fall within the definition of
provisions will be applied in the following order.                             ‘other Christian denominations’ at 6 above and which falls
(i) Where evidence is provided at the time of application of an                within the definition of a religion for the purposes of charity law.
    exceptional social, medical or pastoral need of the child which            The Charities Act 2011 defines religion to include:
    can be most appropriately met at this school, the application will
    be placed at the top of the category in which the application is           •    A religion which involves belief in more than one God, and
    made. (see note 10)                                                        •    A religion which does not involve belief in a God.

(ii) The attendance of a sister at the school at the time of enrolment         Case law has identified certain characteristics which describe
     will increase the priority of an application within each category         the meaning of religion for the purposes of charity law, which
     so that the application will be placed at the top of the category         are characterised by a belief in a supreme being and an
     in which the application is made after children in (i) above. (see        expression of belief in that supreme being through worship.
     note 8)
Notes (these notes form part of the oversubscription criteria)            8.   ‘Sister’ includes:                                                     19
1.   A ‘looked after child’ has the same meaning as in section
                                                                               (i) all natural sisters, or half sisters, adopted sisters, sisters,
     22(1) of the Children Act 1989, and means any child who is
                                                                               foster sisters, whether or not they are living at the same
     (a) in the care of a local authority or (b) being provided with
                                                                               address; and
     accommodation by them in the exercise of their social services
     functions (e.g. children with foster parents) at the time of
                                                                               (ii) the daughter of a parent’s partner where that child for
     making application to the school.
                                                                               whom the school place is sought lives for at least part of
     A ‘previously looked after child’ is a child who was looked
                                                                               the week in the same family unit at the same address as the
     after, but ceased to be so because he or she was adopted,
     or became subject to a child arrangements order, or special
     guardianship order.                                                  9.   A ‘parent’ means all natural parents, any person who is not
                                                                               a parent but has parental responsibility for a child, and any
2.   ‘Catholic’ means a member of a Church in full communion with
                                                                               person who has care of a child.
     the See of Rome. This includes the Eastern Catholic Churches.
     This will normally be evidenced by a certificate of baptism
     in a Catholic Church or a certificate of reception into the full     10. To demonstrate an exceptional social, medical or pastoral need
     communion of the Catholic Church. For the purposes of this               of the child which can be most appropriately met at this school,
     policy, it includes a looked after child who is part of a Catholic       the Governing Body will require compelling written evidence
     family where a letter from a priest demonstrates that the child          from an appropriate professional, such as a social worker,
     would have been baptised or received if it were not for their            doctor or priest.
     status as a looked after child (e.g. a looked after child in the
     process of adoption by a Catholic family).                           Children With a Statement of Special Educational Needs
                                                                          Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs are
3.   For a child to be treated as Catholic, evidence of baptism or
                                                                          allocated school places under different regulations and will override
     reception into the Church will be required. Those who have
                                                                          all other categories of priority.
     difficulty obtaining written evidence of baptism should contact
     their Parish Priest who, after consulting with the Diocese, will     Admissions of Twins, Triplets or Other Pupils of Multiple Births
     decide how the question of baptism is to be resolved and how         Where fewer places within a category can be offered than there are
     written evidence is to be produced in accordance with the laws       girls from multiple births living at a single address, the Governing
     of the Church.                                                       Body has the discretion to treat this as an exceptional case and may
                                                                          admit all such girls in order not to split the family.
4.   For the purposes of this admission policy, attendance at a
     feeder primary school includes those who were prevented from         Fraudulent Information
     attending a feeder school due to oversubscription of Catholics       In the case of fraudulent information being supplied, any place
     and whose application to attend was unsuccessful, normally           offered will be withdrawn.
     evidenced by a letter of rejection from the feeder primary
Information for parents applying for a secondary school place
     Apply online at

     Harris Academy
     Chafford Hundred
     Principal: Mrs N Graham

     Mayflower Road,
     Chafford Hundred,
     Grays RM16 6SA

     01375 484580

     Harris Academy Chafford Hundred is an               our academic strength goes hand-in-hand with
     outstanding 11-19 secondary school. The             our pastoral care to create a close and caring
     principle aim of the academy is to prepare our      community.
     students for their future in an ever-developing
     society, hence our motto “A School for the          As part of the Harris Federation of Schools, we
     Future”. To this end, we offer all students,        offer excellent opportunities for our students
     regardless of their starting point, the very best   to enhance their learning experience by taking
     chance of academic success. We encourage            part in extraordinary events. In line with the
20   them to aim high and support them with              Federation’s guiding principles, the academy
     excellent teaching and academic guidance, as        also promotes sound basic values amongst
     well as focused intervention when required.         our students, such as good manners, excellent
                                                         behaviour and respect for one another.
     Harris Academy Chafford Hundred has
     achieved outstanding academic results that          The Sixth Form was introduced in 2011 to
     place the academy in the top 1% of schools          offer our students a route of progression to
     nationally. However, what is very evident to our    academic study within the academy, building
     students is the value we place on their personal    on the relationship developed between the
     wellbeing and development. Our pastoral team        academy, the students and their families over
     work closely with students and families to help     time. We offer a wide range of subjects and
     ensure that we look after the whole student, to     continue to offer outstanding care, guidance
     enable them to truly thrive as individuals. Thus    and support.

     Oversubscription criteria                           1.   Looked after children and previously looked
                                                              after children will automatically be given
     When considering applications, children with             first consideration above all categories
     a statement of Special Education Needs that              of priority. A ‘looked after child’ is a child
     names the Academy or those with Education                who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or
     healthcare (EHC) Plans will be admitted first            (b) being provided with accommodation
     and under different regulations before the               by a local authority in the exercise of their
     oversubscription criteria is applied.                    social services functions (see the definition
                                                              in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989)
     In the event of there being more applications            at the time of making an application to a
     for places at Harris Academy Chafford Hundred            school. Previously looked after children are
     than there are places available, after the               children who were looked after, but ceased
     admission on those with an SEN statement                 to be so because they were adopted (or
     or EHC plan, places will be allocated in the             became subject to a residence order or
     following order of priority:                             special guardianship order).
2.   The children of Employees of Harris              involving flats or home(s) of multiple occupancy,
     Academy Chafford Hundred:                        random allocation will be used to separate the
a)   where the member of staff has been               last two children for consideration.
     employed at the school for two or more
     years at the time at which the application       Waiting list
     for admission to the school is made, and/        The academy operates a waiting list for in-
     or                                               year admissions into all year groups. Your
b)   the member of staff is recruited to              child’s name will remain on our waiting list for
     fill a vacant post for which there is a          the academic year at the end of which you
     demonstrable skill shortage                      will need to complete another application. It
                                                      is important to note that each added child will
3.    Pupils resident in the priority admissions
                                                      require the list to be ranked again in line with
      area (catchment area) of Harris Academy
                                                      the published oversubscription criteria. Priority
      Chafford Hundred in the following order of
                                                      is not given to children based on the date
                                                      their application was received or their name
a) Pupils who have brothers or sisters
                                                      was added to the list. Children’s position on
      attending The Academy at the date of
                                                      any waiting list will be determined solely in
      application in year groups 7 through to 10
                                                      accordance with the oversubscription criteria.
b) Pupils resident within the priority admission
                                                      Where places become vacant they will be
                                                      allocated to children on the waiting list in
For the purposes of allocating places, the            accordance with the oversubscription criteria
following will be classified as siblings: full        and where applicable, priority will go to children
siblings (brother or sister), step siblings, half     with a Statement of SEN or EHC plan.
siblings, and long term foster siblings living
at the same address at the same time of               Appeals
application and admission, as a child who             Parents/Carers will have the right of appeal         21
attends Harris Academy Chafford Hundred in            to an Independent Appeal Panel if they are
any year group excluding current Year 11 and          dissatisfied with an admission decision
Sixth form students.                                  of the Academy. The Appeal Panel will
                                                      be independent of the Academy. The
4.    Residence outside the priority admissions       arrangements for Appeals will be in line with the
      area of Harris Academy Chafford Hundred         School Admission Appeals Code published by
      in the following priority:                      the Department for Education. The Academy
a) Pupils who have brothers or sisters                will prepare guidance for parents/carers about
      attending the school at the date of             how the appeals process will work and a
      application year groups 7 through to 10.        timetable, and publish this on its website.
For the purposes of allocating places, the
following will be classified as siblings: full        Note: Harris Academy Chafford Hundred
siblings (brother or sister), step siblings, half     is the designated Additional Resource
siblings, and long term foster siblings living        Provision (ARP) base for Children,
at the same address at the same time of               Education and Families for speech and
application and admission, as a child who             language children. Places allocated
attends Harris Academy Chafford Hundred in            under this will cover children with Autistic
any year group, excluding current Year 11 and         Spectrum Disorder and all pupils in this
Sixth form students.                                  category will have a Statement of Special
b) Pupils living closest to The Academy               Education Needs or EHC plan. These
                                                      children are not included in the school’s
Distance from home to The Academy
                                                      published admission limit. ARP are allocated
(measured in a straight line in metres by a digital
                                                      through a multi-disciplinary Local Authority
mapping system) will be used to allocate places
                                                      admissions panel, in consultation with
as a tie breaker in the event of two pupils having
                                                      Thurrock Council’s Special Educational
equal right to an available place. Straight line
                                                      Needs Department and the Academy’s
measurements from the front door of the home
                                                      Principal and Achievement Director of SLCN
address to the front door of the main Academy
                                                      Resource Base.
building will be used. In the case of a tie breaker
Information for parents applying for a secondary school place
     Apply online at

     Harris Academy
     Principal: Ms J Rainey
     Executive Principal: Mrs N Graham

     Erriff Drive,
     South Ockendon,
     Essex, RM15 5AY

     01708 851661

     Harris Academy Ockendon is a brand new              We are one of nearly 50 Harris academies
     secondary school within the highly successful       in London and Essex. The Harris Federation
     Harris Federation. We are co-educational and        regularly tops academic studies and national
     educate our students up to and including            league tables measuring performance. Almost
     sixth form.                                         all Harris secondary academies are judged
                                                         ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted including the nearby
     Harris academies in Thurrock are already            Harris Academy Chafford Hundred.
22   oversubscribed by a ratio of nearly 4
     applications for every place available. We are      Harris secondaries are known for combining
     pleased to be adding new places this year           traditional standards of manners, discipline
     for parents seeking a school with drive and         and uniform with the best of modern teaching
     ambition.                                           and technology. At the time this document
                                                         was sent to press, there were an incredible 51
     We aim to provide an exceptional standard of        sixth formers at the Harris Federation holding
     support for every student, drawing out their        offers for Oxford and Cambridge. In addition
     talents and celebrating their achievements at       to running schools, the Harris Federation
     every opportunity. We are constantly telling        provides high quality training and professional
     our students to “Enjoy Being The Best You           development for teachers throughout this part
     Can Be”.                                            of England.

     Students are empowered to explore their             Sixth Form
     interests beyond the classroom, develop a           Our Sixth Form is vibrant, innovative and
     social conscience and take advantage of the         inspiring. Teachers are experts in their subjects
     many opportunities we offer to gain a broad         and aim to ensure all students are ready for
     understanding of the wider world.                   successful futures.

     Facilities within the academy are modern and        Sixth formers get opportunities to gain work
     ever-growing. Our building developments             experience whilst studying towards academic
     over the last few years have created a vibrant      and vocational qualifications. This reflects our
     atmosphere and provide a high-quality               focus on ensuring they have the skills and
     environment for students to enjoy.                  experience they need to progress in their future
                                                         education and career paths. Whatever their
     We are committed and passionate about doing         aim for life beyond the academy, we are here to
     our best for every student in our care. We strive   support them every step of the way.
     to ensure that all students receive the very best
     education, support and opportunities possible.
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