September 2021 Meet the Missionaries - WMU

Page created by Jordan Wright
September 2021 Meet the Missionaries - WMU
Meet the Missionaries                                            Missions Area: Toronto
                                                                 Concept Area: World
September 2021                                                   Writer: Cara Brown

                                                                                Helping Others
                                                                             Threes and Fours will make birthday cards
                                                                            for senior and homebound members within
                                                                           the church. See Sessions 1 and 4.

                                                                          Kindergarten will collect birthday items for
                                                                         the local food bank to distribute to the needy.
                                                                        See Sessions 1 and 4.

                                                                            Prayer Requests and
                                                                            Contact Information
J. D. Fasolino serves as a church planter for Emmanuel                 1. Pray for God to help Mr. Fasolino make good
Baptist Church East in the Ajax area of Toronto. His wife,                 choices as he leads his church family.
Andreina, helps at the church too, along with their two young          2. Ask God to help the Fasolinos spend time
boys, Daniel (7) and David (3).                                            together as a family.
                                                                       3. Praise God for providing a place for the Fasolino
Mr. Fasolino grew up in Venezuela, where God gave him                      family to live for a long time.
a desire to tell others about Jesus. His family now lives in           4. Thank God for making a way for Mrs. Fasolino’s
Toronto, and they love spending time with different kinds                  mom to move into their house to help them.
of people in their big city. Mr. Fasolino enjoys talking to new        5. Pray for the Fasolino family to be healthy.
people at coffee shops to help them learn more about Jesus. In
addition, he values time with his family—both with the people          Address:
in his house and in his church. The Hispanic multicultural             69-1775 Valley Farm Road
church he leads is home to more than 14 cultures.                      Pickering, Ontario CANADA
“To hear someone discovering the Truth in the Bible, realizing
what Jesus wants for them or hearing answers to prayers,               Email address:
literally make my days,” said Mr. Fasolino.                            Website/blog:

Visit for more information and activities.

6                                                        Fall 2021                              Mission Friends Leader
September 2021 Meet the Missionaries - WMU
Planning Made Easy
by Vivian Howell

                                       When overwhelmed by a major task, the question to ask yourself is, “How do you
                                       eat an elephant?” The answer is, “One bite at a time.”
                                          Huge tasks can be broken into smaller bits that can be more easily
                                       accomplished. This adage applies to planning a month’s unit for Mission Friends.
                                       Planning for the month becomes easy when it is broken into manageable parts.
                                          With the wealth of information and ideas in Mission Friends Leader, planning
                                       for a month at a time can help you keep details straight and gives you continuity
                                       throughout the unit. It also allows you to prepare ahead when you have time,
                                       rather than scrambling at the last minute. Just remember to take it one bite at a

                                       So, let’s get started.

   • Pray for God’s guidance as you plan, for your preschoolers, and for the missionaries themselves.
   • Bactivities,
        egin with a preview of the month’s materials, noting the information on the missions area, the suggested
                   the stories, and the Helping Others Activities.

   • Phow
        ull out the month’s items from the Mission Friends Leader Kit, both resource kit items and pictures, to get a feel for
             they will be used. Prepare the kit items as directed.

Let all these bits and pieces simmer in your brain for a day or two. Then set aside some time to plan the sessions.

    • Review the materials so you have the overall picture fresh in your mind.
    • Note how the concept area is incorporated into the activities and stories.
    • Allow the outcomes to give you a focus for each session.
    • Jsuggestions
         ot down notes on the three or four activities you will use each week. It isn’t necessary to use all the activity
                    every week. Use the free downloadable “Monthly Planning Sheet” found at to
      help keep your thoughts in order and give a one-page overview for the month.

    • Rruneadthrough
                through the story for each week a couple of times to become familiar with the details. Before each session
                      the story again, practicing how you will tell it.

    • Check off items on the supply list as you gather them.
    • Place needed items for each session together, ready to pick up and go.
    Once you have finished planning the weekly sessions, take a look at the month as a whole to insure there is a
balance in the activities to meet the learning styles of your preschoolers. Will preschoolers have opportunities to move,
create through art and blocks, express themselves in music and homeliving, hear Bible thoughts, pray for missionaries,
and reflect with a book or puzzle?
    You may find you prefer breaking your planning time into smaller segments of time spread over a few days. Or you
may feel that planning the whole unit in one sitting gives continuity to your plans. Do whatever works best for you.
    Now you have a plan in place which allows you to feel prepared, confident, and ready to enjoy leading your
preschoolers. Just take it one bite at a time.

Mission Friends Leader                                                                           7
September 2021 Meet the Missionaries - WMU
September                               Outcomes
                                       Babies, ones, and twos will hear about Missionary J. D. Fasolino, his wife
Activities                             Andreina, and their two children, Daniel and David. Preschoolers will learn that
                                       Jesus wants people to love him.

and Ideas                               Bible Thoughts
Babies, Ones,                          Jesus said, “Love one another” (see John 15:17).
                                       We work together (see 1 Cor. 3:9).

and Twos                                Activities
Missions Area:                         Play a Toss Game
 Toronto                               In advance, prepare kit item 2, “Toss Game.”
                                           Show a one- and two-year-old how to drop a bean bag on a picture. Talk
Concept Area:                          about things Missionary J. D. does. Show Pictures 1-4.
 World                                 Build with Large Plastic Blocks
Writer: Janora Skeens                  Set out a toy train with the blocks. Say: Missionary J. D. has two sons. Daniel
                                       likes to play with trains. David likes to build with blocks. The boys know that
                                       their dad and mother are missionaries and love other people.
Supplies                                    Sing “Jesus Loves Me.”
Pictures 1-4*                          Open the Bible and read: Jesus said, “Love one another” (see John 15:17).
Kit items 1, 2*
“Mission Friends at Home for Babies,   Roll a Ball
   Ones, and Twos” (p. 63)             Roll a ball to preschoolers. Sing “Roll, Roll, Roll the Ball,” page 43. Tell how
bean bag                               Missionary J. D. loves to play soccer with a special ball just like this one.
large plastic blocks
toy train                              Play a Drum
soccer ball                            Provide musical instruments for everyone to play. Make drums from empty
musical instruments                    coffee cans. Give each child a turn to play a drum with their hands. Say:
empty coffee cans with lids            Missionary J. D. plays the drums at church. His wife Andreina helps with the
flatbread                              music. She loves teaching children about Jesus.
cordless toy phones                    Open the Bible and read: We work together (see 1 Cor. 3:9).
                                       Tasting Flatbread
Books                                  Post the allergy alert chart. Give each child a small piece of flatbread to taste.
In My Community / En mi comunidad,*    Picture read In My Community and One Little Child. Say: Missionary J. D. loves
   E188107, $1.99                      flatbread called Arepa. He enjoys flatbread and coffee when he meets people
One Little Child,* W198102, $8.99      at a coffee shop to help them know more about Jesus.

Songs are from Sing to the Tune.*      Talking on a Phone
*See page 2, Important Resources       As an older baby plays with a toy phone, show him how to hold the receiver
Information.                           to talk to his mommy. Say: Missionary J. D. talks to people and tells them
                                       Jesus wants people to love him.
                                       Open the Bible and read: Jesus said, “Love one another” (see John 15:17).
Note: Give parents “Mission Friends
 at Home for Babies, Ones, and
                                       Bible Fun
 Twos,“ page 63.
                                       In advance, prepare kit item 1, “Bible Thought Cards.” Place in the Bible and
                                       hide beneath a scarf.
                                            After a baby discovers the Bible, read Bible thoughts as ones and twos
                                       pull out the cards. Say: Missionary J. D. teaches people about the Bible.

8                                                    Fall 2021                                  Mission Friends Leader
September 2021 Meet the Missionaries - WMU
Outcomes                                                                            September
                                                                                     Session 1
Preschoolers will learn that J. D. Fasolino helps Hispanic families who live
in Toronto. Focusing on the concept world, preschoolers will pray for the
Fasolino family.

 Activities                                                                          Threes and
ART—Birthday Fun
Post the allergy alert chart. Let preschoolers use play dough, cupcake liners, and
candles to make birthday cupcakes. Say: Mrs. Fasolino has a birthday this month.     Missions Area:
Take these cupcakes home to remind you to pray for the Fasolinos.                     Toronto
Caution: Let each child use his own play dough.
                                                                                     Concept Area:
In advance, wrap wooden blocks with wrapping paper.
    Let preschoolers build a church with the blocks. Say: Mrs. Fasolino’s birthday   Writer: Celeste Albaugh
is this month. The Fasolinos help many Hispanic families in Toronto.

BOOKS—Around the World                                                             Supplies
Read Around the World in English and Spanish. Encourage preschoolers to repeat     Picture 2*
Spanish words. Show Picture 2. Say: Mr. Fasolino speaks Spanish when he tells      Kit item 5*
Hispanic people about God.                                                         “Mission Friends at Home” (p. 25)
                                                                                   play dough, one container per child
HOMELIVING—Happy Birthday                                                          cupcake papers
In advance, fill in “Helping Others Parent Note” information asking parents to     birthday candles
send copies of a photo of their child. Ask permission to use photos in birthday    wrapping paper
cards for seniors in your church. Make copies.                                     tape
    Post the allergy alert chart. Serve cupcakes. Say: Mrs. Fasolino’s birthday is “Helping Others Parent Note,”
this month. We will make birthday cards for people in our church.              , Free
    Send note home.                                                                      Downloads
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT—Musical Chairs                                                  napkins
In advance, arrange chairs in a circle, with the back of chairs facing the middle hand clapper
of the circle. Use the same number of chairs, minus one, for the number of         spice bottles (chili powder, ground
preschoolers playing the game.                                                           cumin, Mexican oregano)
    Sing “Happy Birthday.” When the song ends, preschoolers sit down in a chair.   coffee  grounds
The preschooler who remains standing is the leader who will play the hand
clapper during the next round. Say: The Fasolinos enjoy spending time with and Books
helping Hispanic families who live in Toronto.                                     Around the World / Alrededor del
Tip: Do not remove chairs.                                                               mundo,* E188101, $1.99

NATURE—Scent Jars                                                                    Bible Thoughts
Post the allergy alert chart. Let preschoolers smell each spice, pausing to smell    Pray for one another (see James 5:16).
coffee between spices. Say: These spices are used in Hispanic cooking. Mr.
Fasolino tells Hispanic people about God.                                            All songs are from Sing to the Tune.*
                                                                                     *See page 2, Important Resources
PUZZLES AND MANIPULATIVES—Fasolino Family Puzzle                                       Information.
In advance, prepare kit item 5, “Fasolino Family Puzzle.”
    Let preschoolers assemble the puzzle. Name family members and say prayers
for the Fasolinos.
Open the Bible and read: Pray for one another (see James 5:16).

See page 11 for Group Time and story.
Mission Friends Leader                                                                            9
September 2021 Meet the Missionaries - WMU
September                                Outcomes

Session 1
                                        Preschoolers will learn J. D. Fasolino tells Hispanic families in Toronto about
                                        God. Focusing on the concept world, preschoolers will learn about people
                                        who live in a different country.

Kindergarten                             Activities
Missions Area:                          ART—Birthday Hat
                                        In advance, fill in “Helping Others Parent Note” asking families to gather
 Toronto                                birthday supplies. Make copies. Trace large semi-circles on construction paper.
Concept Area:                               Let preschoolers cut out and decorate construction paper with markers.
                                        Help them cut on the line, staple the paper into a cone, and wear as a birthday
 World                                  hat. Say: Mrs. Fasolino has a birthday this month. We will give birthday
Writer: Celeste Albaugh                 supplies to a food bank so families can enjoy birthdays. The Fasolinos tell
                                        families in Toronto about God.
                                            Send notes home.
Picture 1*                              BLOCKS—Tell About God
Kit item 19*                            Let preschoolers build a church with blocks and use people figures to tell each
“Mission Friends at Home” (p. 25)       other about God. Use Spanish picture books to teach some Spanish words.
“Helping Others Parent Note,”           Say: Mr. Fasolino tells Hispanic people about God., Free 		        Open the Bible and read: God made us (Psalm 100:3).
large construction paper                BOOKS—Learn Spanish
markers                                 Read Pinafores and Pelotas. Encourage preschoolers to repeat Spanish words.
stapler                                 Say: People from many Spanish speaking countries live in Toronto. Mr. Fasolino
people figures                          tells them about God.
gift boxes                              HOMELIVING—Piñata
Spanish worship music                   In advance, display the piñata in the homeliving area.
guava juice                                 Show Picture 1. Invite preschoolers to use gift boxes and toy foods to
coconut water                           have a pretend birthday party. Say: Some Hispanic families have piñatas for
papaya juice                            birthdays. The Fasolinos meet Hispanic families from all over the world and tell
small beverage cups                     them about God.
dry erase markers                       MUSIC AND MOVEMENT—Freeze
                                        Say: When the music stops, freeze like a statue.
Books                                      Play and stop Spanish worship music as preschoolers move to the music
Pinafores and Pelotas,*                 and freeze in place. Say: Mr. Fasolino leads Hispanic families in Toronto to learn, Free 		           about God.
                                        NATURE—Fruit Juice
Check libraries for:                    In advance, pour a small amount of each juice into cups.
   picture books teaching Spanish           Post the allergy alert chart. Let preschoolers taste juice. Say: These fruits
   words                                grow in many warm climate Spanish-speaking countries. Mr. Fasolino tells
                                        Hispanic people in Toronto about God.
Bible Thoughts
God made us (Psalm 100:3).              PUZZLES AND MANIPULATIVES—Spanish Word Game
                                        In advance, prepare kit item 19, “Spanish Word Game.” Print words on paper
All songs are from Sing to the Tune.*   strips and place in basket.
*See page 2, Important Resources            Play the game. Let preschoolers use dry erase markers to mark pictures
  Information.                          and words as you say them. Say: The Fasolinos speak Spanish as they tell
                                        others about God.

10                                                    Fall 2021                                Mission Friends Leader
September 2021 Meet the Missionaries - WMU
Group Time Tip:
During story time, explain that people from other countries may continue to
make food, wear clothes, listen to music, and speak the language from their
birth country when they move to a new place.                                         Session 1
 Introduction                                                                        Group Time
Help preschoolers sit in a circle. Ask each child to share something that makes
him or her special. Say that God makes everyone different, but He loves and          Missions Area:
cares for all of us.                                                                  Toronto
 Tell the Story                                                                      Concept Area:
A Special Birthday Dinner
“Where would you like to go for your birthday dinner?” Mr. Fasolino asked his        Writer: Cara Brown
     “Let me think about it.” Mrs. Fasolino smiled. “Our city has so many different
types of places to eat.”
     “That’s right,” said Mr. Fasolino. “People from all over the world moved here to Toronto. So that means they
make food from different recipes. It’s different but so good!”
     “I agree,” said Mrs. Fasolino. “I’m glad we live in a place with people from all around the world.”
     “Isn’t it great that we can talk to people from all over the world without ever having to leave our city?” asked
Mr. Fasolino. “And we can tell them about Jesus!”

Stop here for Threes and Fours.
Ask: Why do the Fasolinos have so many different kinds of foods in their city? In what ways can people be different
from one another? What ways can people be the same? (Go to Prayertime below.)

 Continue for Kindergarten
“Remember when we ate dinner with Mrs. Sanchez?”                     “Is that why you also ask other people in our church
asked Daniel. “I really liked the beans she made.”               so many questions?” asked Daniel.
    “That’s because she makes beans with a recipe from               “Yes, Daniel. By asking questions, we can get to know
Argentina,” said Mrs. Fasolino. “I make beans with a recipe      someone better. And that helps us to become friends.”
from Venezuela.”
    “It’s fun to try different foods, even if they are called    Ask: Why do the people at church in Toronto want to
the same thing,” said Daniel.                                    learn about one another? What do they do that is the
    “I like to try new foods, too,” said Mr. Fasolino. “It       same?
helps me learn about the person who made it.”

Thank God for making people different. Pray for the Fasolinos to tell people in their town about God.

 Closing Activity
Form a line and play Follow the Leader. Let the line leader walk around the room and make a motion for the rest of the
preschoolers to copy. Guide the line leader to walk to the back of the line. The next preschooler in line now gets to lead
and make a motion. Continue until each child has a turn.
    Give out September “Mission Friends at Home” (pp. 25-26).

Mission Friends Leader                                                                       11
September 2021 Meet the Missionaries - WMU
September                                Outcomes
                                        Preschoolers will hear that J. D. Fasolino meets people in a Toronto coffee
Session 2                               shop for Bible study. Focusing on the concept world, preschoolers will learn
                                        missionaries tell other people around the world about God and Jesus.

Threes                                   Activities
and Fours                               ART—Tie-Dye
                                        In advance, fill spray bottles with water. Print a prayer request for the
                                        Fasolinos on card stock.
Missions Area:                               Help preschoolers don aprons. Let them color a filter with markers. One
 Toronto                                at a time, let each child place a colored filter on card stock in the dish pan and
                                        spritz it with water to make the colors blend. Say: Mr. Fasolino meets church
Concept Area:                           friends in a coffee shop to study the Bible. He tells people about God and
 World                                  Jesus.
                                             Read the prayer request and pray together with preschoolers.
Writer: Celeste Albaugh
                                        BLOCKS—Coffee Towers
                                        Encourage preschoolers to use coffee cans and blocks to build a coffee shop
Picture 1*                              or church. Say: Where can you talk to your friends about God? Mr. Fasolino
Kit item 6*                             teaches the Bible to people in local coffee shops.
card stock
spray bottles                           BOOKS—Spanish Reading
white coffee filters                    In advance, prepare kit item 6, “Number Flashcards.”
washable markers                            Picture read Spanish picture books. Use number flashcards to practice
dish pan                                counting to 10 in Spanish. Say: The Fasolinos are missionaries who speak
white card stock                        Spanish as they teach people from around the world about God and Jesus.
empty coffee cans with lids
toy food and dishes                     HOMELIVING—Coffee and Care
magnifying glass                        Encourage preschoolers to use toy foods and dishes to prepare a meal for a
coffee beans                            sick friend and pretend to make coffee for each other. Say: The people who
multicultural people puzzles            go to church with the Fasolinos love and help each other. They helped a lady
for Group Time:                         when she was sick. Mr. Fasolino teaches Bible studies at coffeeshops.
  coffee beans                          Open the Bible and read: Love one another (see 1 John 4:7).
  tea bag
  lidded paper coffee cup               MUSIC AND MOVEMENT—Tell
  paper                                 Discuss Picture 1. Sing “Missionaries Tell,” page 35. Say: The Fasolinos are
  crayons                               missionaries who tell people about God and Jesus. Who can you tell about
Check libraries for:                    NATURE—Coffee
   Spanish picture books                Post the allergy alert chart. Invite preschoolers to smell and look at coffee
                                        beans with a magnifying glass. Say: Mr. Fasolino meets people at the coffee
Bible Thoughts                          shop to teach them about God.
Love one another (see 1 John 4:7).
                                        PUZZLES AND MANIPULATIVES—Multicultural Puzzles
All songs are from Sing to the Tune.*   Let preschoolers work multicultural people puzzles. Say: Hispanic people from
*See page 2, Important Resources        around the world live in Toronto. Mr. Fasolino teaches people about God and
  Information.                          Jesus.

                                        See page 14 for Group Time and story.

12                                                   Fall 2021                                Mission Friends Leader
September 2021 Meet the Missionaries - WMU
Preschoolers will learn ways J. D. Fasolino helps other people. Focusing on the
concept world, preschoolers will pray for people in a different country.
                                                                                  Session 2
ART—Spanish Color Words                                                           Missions Area:
In advance, prepare kit item 18, “Color Flashcards.”                               Toronto
    Distribute crayons and white paper. Instruct preschoolers to listen as
you say colors in English and Spanish. Say: When I name a color, find the         Concept Area:
color and use only that color to draw until I say another color word. Say: Mr.     World
Fasolino’s church has classes to help people learn English and Spanish.
    Guide preschoolers to describe their pictures using Spanish color words.      Writer: Celeste Albaugh
Open the Bible and read: Help one another (see Gal. 5:13).

BLOCKS—Coffee Time                                                                Supplies
Let preschoolers build with blocks, coffee cups and lids, creamer bottles, and    Picture 2*
coffee stirrers. Say: Mr. Fasolino helps others when he meets church members      Kit item 18*
in a coffee shop to teach them about God. Where can you tell your friends         reusable coffee cups with lids (two
about God?                                                                              activities)
                                                                                  empty coffee creamer bottles (two
BOOKS—Biblia                                                                            activities)
Read Around the World. Compare the Spanish Bible and your classroom Bible.        coffee stirrers (two activities)
Say: Mr. Fasolino speaks Spanish to tell Hispanic families in Toronto about       play coffee maker
God. He uses a Spanish Bible when he meets people at the coffee shop.             empty coffee canister
                                                                                  name tags
HOMELIVING—Coffee Shop                                                            whole coffee beans
In advance, print coffee shop roles on name tags (barista, cashier, waiter,       coffee grinder
customer).                                                                        canister
    Let preschoolers use the play coffee machine, cups, lids, creamer bottles,    world floor puzzle
and stirrers to set up a coffee shop and take turns playing each role. Say: Mr.   for Group Time:
Fasolino meets people in a coffee shop so he can help them.                         coffee beans
Open the Bible and read: Help one another (see Gal. 5:13).                          tea bag
                                                                                    lidded paper coffee cup
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT—Work                                                             paper
Sing “Missionaries Do Their Work,” page 36. Ask: How does Mr. Fasolino help         crayons
people? How can you be a missionary in your neighborhood?
NATURE—Grind Coffee                                                               Around the World / Alrededor del
Post the allergy alert chart. Guide preschoolers to take turns placing coffee         mundo,* E188101, $1.99
beans in the coffee grinder and grinding them. Pour coffee grounds into a         Check libraries for:
canister to gift to a church staff member. Say: Mr. Fasolino helps people by          Spanish Bible
teaching them about God.
   Pray together for the Fasolinos as they help families.                         Bible Thoughts
Caution: Supervise carefully.                                                     Help one another (see Gal. 5:13).

PUZZLES AND MANIPULATIVES—World Puzzle                                            All songs are from Sing to the Tune.*
Show Picture 2. Let preschoolers help each other work the puzzle. Say: Mr.        *See page 2, Important Resources
Fasolino helps people from different countries learn about God.                     Information.

Mission Friends Leader                                                                         13
September 2021 Meet the Missionaries - WMU
September                                 Group Time Tip:
                                          Post the allergy alert chart for the introduction activity.
 Session 2                                 Introduction
 Group Time                               Pass around coffee beans and a tea bag for preschoolers to smell. Ask them
                                          to feel the cup and lid. Then, ask them to listen quietly to everything around
                                          them for 10 seconds. Explain that these are things Mr. Fasolino may smell,
 Missions Area:                           touch, and hear when he meets people at a coffee shop.
                                           Tell the Story
 Concept Area:
  World                                   Good News at the Coffee Shop
                                          “Hi, Mrs. Cecilia!” said Mr. Fasolino. “Thank you for coming to talk with me at
 Writer: Cara Brown                       the coffee shop, where we can sit and talk for as long as we need.”
                                          		        “It’s good to see you,” said Mrs. Cecilia. “I wanted to thank you for
praying for me.”
    “You’re welcome. I love to pray for the people at my church,” said Mr. Fasolino. “How are you feeling?”
    “Well, I was sick, and that made me so sad,” said Mrs. Cecilia. “But now I’m happy because some friends from church
came to visit me. I’m feeling much better now.”
    “I’m so glad to hear that!” said Mr. Fasolino. “And I’m so excited that you are a part of our church.”
    “Me too,” said Mrs. Cecilia. “My friend invited me to church and told me about God. Now, I want to invite people to
church, too. I love telling others about Jesus.”

Stop here for Threes and Fours.
Ask: Why does Mr. Fasolino meet his friends from church in a coffee shop? Where can you talk to your friends about God?
(Go to Prayertime below.)

 Continue for Kindergarten
“Would you tell me more about the work you do at our            explained Mrs. Cecilia. “I enjoy helping them so they can
church?” asked Mr. Fasolino.                                    talk to and understand their neighbors.”
     “Yes, I would love to! I teach English and Spanish              “What a great way to help those around us, Mrs.
classes at church,” shared Mrs. Cecilia.                        Cecilia!” said Mr. Fasolino.
     “That’s wonderful!” said Mr. Fasolino. “Why do people
in our neighborhood need English and Spanish classes?”          Ask: Why does Mrs. Cecilia teach classes at church? What
     “Many people in our city moved to Toronto from             do you like to do with others? Can you invite people to
a different country, so they don’t know the language,”          church while doing that activity?

Lead preschoolers in prayer. Share that God hears our prayers and we can pray for one another. Pray for the people in Mr.
Fasolino’s church to help others learn about God.

 Closing Activity
Guide preschoolers to draw a picture of themselves telling a friend about God. Ask them what they would say to their
friends when they share. Encourage them to keep their picture to remind them to share God’s love with others.

14                                                     Fall 2021                                 Mission Friends Leader
September 2021 Meet the Missionaries - WMU
Preschoolers will learn that J. D. Fasolino teaches a weekly Bible study so
people can learn about God. Focusing on the concept world, preschoolers will
hear God loves people around the world.                                             Session 3
 Activities                                                                         Threes
ART—Leaf Rubbings
Let preschoolers place a leaf on the table, cover it with white paper, and color
                                                                                    and Fours
gently over the top with crayons to make leaf rubbings. Say: It’s fall in Toronto
where Mr. Fasolino teaches people that God loves people around the world.           Missions Area:
Discuss Picture 3. Provide blocks, people figures, miniature trees, and a doll      Concept Area:
playground so preschoolers can build a park playground. Say: High Park is in         World
Toronto where people go to walk, meet friends, and play. Mr. Fasolino teaches
a Bible study so people can learn about God.                                        Writer: Celeste Albaugh
Open the Bible and read: God is good to us (see Psalm 73:1).
BOOKS—Mystery Bag
                                                                                    Picture 3*
In advance, place the Bible in the bag.
                                                                                    Kit item 7*
    Ask: What do you think is in our mystery bag?
                                                                                    artificial leaves (two activities)
    Allow preschoolers to guess. Read Thank You, God, for My Bible. Ask
                                                                                    people figures
preschoolers to guess again. Say: Mr. Fasolino uses his Bible to teach people
                                                                                    miniature trees
about God.
                                                                                    doll playground
                                                                                    gift bag
                                                                                    coffee cups and plates
Provide Bibles, notebooks, pencils, coffee cups, plates, and toy desserts. Let
                                                                                    toy desserts
preschoolers pretend to have a Bible study. Some could share favorite Bible
stories while the others take notes or draw pictures of what they are learning.
Say: Mr. Fasolino uses the Bible to tell people about God.
                                                                                    electronic tablet
                                                                                    paint swatches
                                                                                    for Group Time:
Sing “Missionaries Do Their Work,” page 36, while playing the maracas. Say: Mr.
Fasolino tells people about God in his weekly Bible studies.
   Guide preschoolers to pray for the people of Toronto to love God.
                                                                                      2-inch wide construction paper
NATURE—Leaf Colors
In advance, search online for images of fall in Hide Park in Toronto.
    Look at fall pictures. Let preschoolers match leaves with paint swatches.
Say: Mr. Fasolino teaches people about God and how He created a beautiful
                                                                                    Thank You, God, for My Bible / Gracias,
                                                                                      Dios, por mi Biblia,* E188110, $1.99
                                                                                    Check libraries for:
                                                                                        picture Bibles
In advance, prepare kit item 7, “Bible Matching Game.”
    Mix cards and place upside down. Let preschoolers find matching Bibles.
                                                                                    Bible Thoughts
Say: These Bibles may look different, but they tell about God who loves people
                                                                                    God is good to us (see Psalm 73:1).
around the world.
                                                                                    All songs are from Sing to the Tune.*
See page 17 for Group Time and story.
                                                                                    *See page 2, Important Resources

Mission Friends Leader                                                                           15
September                                 Outcomes

Session 3
                                         Preschoolers will pray for J. D. Fasolino as he teaches people in Toronto about
                                         Jesus. Focusing on the concept world, preschoolers will hear missionaries tell
                                         people in other countries about Jesus.

Missions Area:                           ART—Kite
 Toronto                                 In advance, cut card stock into diamond shapes and tissue paper into small
Concept Area:                                Let preschoolers glue tissue paper onto kites. Say: It’s fun to fly a kite in
 World                                   High Park. The Fasolinos live in Toronto where they can go to the park and tell
                                         people about Jesus.
Writer: Celeste Albaugh                      Pray for Mr. Fasolino as he teaches people about Jesus.
                                         Open the Bible and read: Pray for one another (see James 5:16).

Supplies                                 BLOCKS—High Park
Picture 4*                               In advance, search online for pictures of the High Park Zoo.
Kit item 20*                                 Look at pictures. Let preschoolers use blocks, animals, and people figures
card stock                               to create a zoo. Say: High Park is in Toronto where Mr. Fasolino lives and tells
colored tissue paper                     people about God and Jesus.
glue sticks
electronic tablet                        BOOKS—God
plastic animals                          Read Tell Me About God. Discuss Picture 4. Say: Boys and girls learn about Jesus
people figures                           and God at church. What are some ways Mr. Fasolino teaches people about
picnic blanket                           God?
toy foods and dishes                     HOMELIVING—Picnic Fun
painter’s tape                           Provide a blanket, basket, toy foods and dishes, and picture Bibles. Let
two plastic bowls                        preschoolers have a picnic as they share favorite Bible stories. Say: Mr. Fasolino
bean bag                                 teaches stories from the Bible about God and Jesus.
poster board                             MUSIC AND MOVEMENT—Air Hockey
for Group Time:                          In advance, use painter’s tape to create a center line in the middle of a table
  Bible                                  and two goal lines at each end.
  crayons                                    Let preschoolers invert a plastic bowl and push the beanbag down the
  stickers                               table to cross their opponents’ goal line. Say: Many people in Toronto love
  2-inch wide construction paper 		      hockey. Mr. Fasolino is a missionary in Toronto who tells people in a different
      strips                             country about Jesus.

Books                                    NATURE—Zoo Fun
Tell Me About God / Dime sobre Dios,*    In advance, prepare kit item 20, “Zoo Fun.”
     E188109, $1.99                          Let preschoolers study the cards and move like zoo animals. Say: Families
Check libraries for:                     enjoy going to High Park Zoo. The Fasolinos are missionaries who tell people
     picture Bibles                      in other countries like Toronto about Jesus.

Bible Thoughts                           PUZZLES AND MANIPULATIVES—People Puzzle
Pray for one another (see James 5:16).   Let preschoolers cut pictures of people from magazines and glue them on
                                         poster board. Cut the poster board into 20 puzzle pieces. Let preschoolers
All songs are from Sing to the Tune.*    work the puzzle. Say: Mr. Fasolino teaches people in Toronto about God and
*See page 2, Important Resources         Jesus.

16                                                    Fall 2021                                Mission Friends Leader
Group Time Tip:
During the introduction activity, preschoolers may want to describe the Bible
in different ways, such as singing a song about it, acting out a story, or saying
a Bible thought they know.                                                               Session 3
 Introduction                                                                            Group Time
Show the Bible. Ask preschoolers to describe the Bible, whether a story inside
or what it looks like. Say: The Bible is true.                                           Missions Area:
 Tell the Story                                                                          Concept Area:
Learning About God                                                                             World
“Mr. Fasolino! It’s good to see you,” said Fernando.
    “I’m happy to see you, too. How are you doing?” asked Mr. Fasolino.                     Writer: Cara Brown
    “I am well,” said Fernando. “But I would like some help. I would like to know
more about God. Can you help me?”
    “I know we can learn more about God by reading the Bible,” shared Mr. Fasolino. “The Bible is true, and it tells us the
truth about God.”
    Mr. Fasolino asked his friend an important question. “Fernando, would you like to read the Bible together with me?”
    “I would!” said Fernando. “Maybe we could meet and read it together each week.”
    “That’s a fantastic idea,” Mr. Fasolino said with a smile. “We can read it, talk about it, and then discuss how good God is.”
    “Yes, that would be great. I can’t wait!” said Fernando.

Stop here for Threes and Fours.
Ask: Why will Mr. Fasolino read the Bible with Fernando? Who tells you Bible stories? (Go to Prayertime below.)

 Continue for Kindergarten
Mr. Fasolino and Fernando met together every week for                  “That’s wonderful!” said Mr. Fasolino. “I am excited
three months.                                                       that you and your family want to learn more about God
    “Mr. Fasolino, thank you for meeting with me each               with our church family. I look forward to seeing you
week and reading the Bible with me,” said Fernando.                 there!”
    “I enjoy reading the Bible with you. What have you
learned about God?” asked Mr. Fasolino.                             Ask: How did Fernando feel about studying the Bible?
    “I know the Bible is true and God loves me,” Fernando           What does the Bible say about God? What Bible stories
shared. “I want to share this with my family so they can            do you like to share with others?
know God, too. Would it be OK if we all came to your

Pray together for Mr. Fasolino to continue to read the Bible with people who love Jesus. Pray for Hispanic people in
Toronto to believe God’s Word is true and worship God.

 Closing Activity
Distribute paper strips. Let preschoolers decorate the bookmarks by coloring or attaching stickers to them. Print the
Bible thought on the back of bookmarks. Say: The Fasolinos love Hispanic families in Toronto.
Open the Bible and read: Love one another (see 1 John 4:7).

Mission Friends Leader                                                                             17
September                                Outcomes
                                        Preschoolers will learn that J. D. Fasolino helps Hispanic families feel welcome
Session 4                               at church. Focusing on the concept world, preschoolers will hear God wants
                                        people around the world to work together and help each other.

and Fours                               ART/HELPING OTHERS—Birthday Cards
                                        Let preschoolers glue their pictures inside a card and decorate it with stickers
Missions Area:                          and colored pencils to make birthday cards for senior adults in your church.
 Toronto                                Give birthday cards and envelopes to your homebound ministry or senior
                                        adult ministry leader to send to seniors on their birthday. Say: God wants
Concept Area:                           people around the world to work together and help each other. Mr. Fasolino
                                        helps Hispanic families feel welcome at church.
 World                                  Open the Bible and read: Help one another (see Gal. 5:13).
Writer: Celeste Albaugh
                                        BLOCKS—City Driving
                                        Provide the play carpet, blocks, and toy cars. Let preschoolers drive around
Supplies                                Toronto and tell people about God. Say: Mr. Fasolino tells Hispanic people
Picture 4*                              about God and welcomes them at church.
Kit item 8*
pictures of preschoolers                BOOKS—God
blank notecards                         Read Tell Me About God. Show Picture 4. Say: Mr. Fasolino tells Hispanic families
envelopes                               about God and invites them to church. The church welcomes new people so
stickers                                they can learn about God.
colored pencils
glue sticks                             HOMELIVING—Virtual Church
city play carpet                        In advance, locate the social media page of Emmanuel Baptist Church East.
toy cars                                Cue up a section of a virtual worship service recording showing Mr. Fasolino
electronic tablet                       playing drums and Mrs. Fasolino singing.
artificial leaves                           Play a short section of the worship service. Say: The Fasolinos speak
child-sized leaf rake                   Spanish with Hispanic families in Toronto. Mr. Fasolino helps people feel
leaf sack                               welcome at church.
puzzles about people
for Group Time:                         MUSIC AND MOVEMENT—Sing and Move
   white paper                          In advance, prepare kit item 8, “Movement Cube.”
   dot markers                              Sing “Can You Do What I Do?,” page 53, while preschoolers roll the cube
   plastic cups                         and copy suggested movements. Say: God gave us hands and feet to help
   rubber bands                         others. God wants people around the world to help each other.
  Sing to the Tune*
Books                                   Scatter artificial leaves on the floor. Invite preschoolers to help each other
Tell Me About God / Dime sobre Dios,*   rake leaves and put them in the sack. Say: It’s fall in Toronto. Mr. Fasolino plans
  E188109, $1.99                        events to help new church members make friends at church.

Bible Thoughts                          PUZZLES AND MANIPULATIVES—People
Help one another (see Gal. 5:13).       Let preschoolers help each other assemble the puzzles. Say: God wants people
                                        around the world to work together and help each other.
All songs are from Sing to the Tune.*
*See page 2, Important Resources        See page 20 for Group Time and story.

18                                                   Fall 2021                                Mission Friends Leader
Preschoolers will learn that J. D. Fasolino shows God’s love to Hispanic families
in Toronto. Focusing on the concept world, preschoolers will hear God loves
people of different cultures all over the world.                                    Session 4
ART—Decorate a T-shirt                                                              Missions Area:
In advance, print the T-shirt Pattern on card stock. Cut out pattern.                Toronto
    Help preschoolers trace the pattern on construction paper, cut it out, and
decorate it. Help them add a prayer request for the Fasolinos to their shirts.      Concept Area:
Say: God loves people of different cultures all over the world. Mr. Fasolino         World
learned that each country uses a different Spanish word for “shirt!”
    Pray together for the Fasolinos.                                                Writer: Celeste Albaugh
BLOCKS—Sewing Supplies
Encourage preschoolers to use the sewing items to build a church. Say: The          Supplies
people at Emmanuel Baptist Church East all speak Spanish, but sometimes             Picture 3*
use different words for the same thing because they come from different             Kit item 21*
countries. God loves people from different cultures.                                card stock
                                                                                    construction paper
BOOKS—Helpers                                                                       stickers
Read One Little Child. Guide discussion on ways preschoolers can be helpers.        T-shirt Pattern, Free Downloads,
Print their answers on the chart paper. Guide preschoolers to pray, asking God
                                                                                    empty thread spools
to help them be a helper at school, home, and church.
                                                                                    fabric scraps
Open the Bible and read: We are helpers (see 2 Cor. 1:24).
                                                                                    craft sticks
HOMELIVING/HELPING OTHERS—Birthday Boxes                                            cutting mats
In advance, gather donations.                                                       empty ribbon spools
    Let preschoolers sort and fill boxes with birthday items. Discuss how the       empty pin cushions
donations will help families celebrate birthdays. Say: We are helping families      chart paper
by giving them birthday party supplies. Like Mr. Fasolino, we are showing           large boxes
God’s love to others.                                                               non-toxic glow sticks
                                                                                    worship music CD
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT—Glow-n-Praise                                                    pine cones
Play worship music as preschoolers move their glow sticks to the rhythm and         magnifying glass
sing along. Say: The people who go to church with the Fasolinos enjoy singing       for Group Time:
worship songs together. Mr. Fasolino teaches them about God’s love.                    white paper
                                                                                       dot markers
NATURE—Pine Cones                                                                      plastic cups
Post the allergy alert chart. Discuss Picture 3. Let preschoolers look at pine         rubber bands
cones with the magnifying glass. Ask: Where can you find pine cones? What do            Sing to the Tune*
you think the families in this picture see around them?
PUZZLES AND MANIPULATIVES—Leaves                                                    One Little Child,* W198102, $8.99
In advance, prepare kit item 21, “Leaf Match.”
    Let preschoolers mix and match the leaves, discussing how each is unique.       Bible Thoughts
Say: The Fasolino family sees leaves and beautiful people around their church       We are helpers (see 2 Cor. 1:24).
where they show God’s love to others.
                                                                                    All songs are from Sing to the Tune.*
                                                                                    *See page 2, Important Resources

Mission Friends Leader                                                                           19
September                                     Group Time Tip:
                                              Enlist an adult to quietly assemble drums as you lead Group Time. See
 Session 4                                    Introduction and Closing Activity.

 Group Time                                   Spread sheets of paper around a table. Give preschoolers a dot marker. Guide
                                              them to move around the table and make one dot on each paper, until each
 Missions Area:                               sheet of paper has a dot from every preschooler on it. Dry. Cover a plastic
  Toronto                                     cup with the paper and secure it with a rubber band to make a drum. Share
                                              that although each person is different, we can help each other and we can all
 Concept Area:                                worship God together.
                                               Tell the Story
 Writer: Cara Brown
                                              Family Near and Far
                                              Mr. Fasolino sat down next to his friend, Fernando. “Hi, Fernando. You look sad.
Can I help you with something?”
    “I miss my family,” Fernando explained. “My cousins live in Peru, which is far away. It’s not easy to travel there and it
can cost a lot of money for a plane ticket. I don’t get to see them often, and that makes me sad.”
    “Fernando, I miss my sisters. They live in Venezuela, which is far away, too,” said Mr. Fasolino. “Many people in our
church don’t live near their families.”
    “I didn’t know that,” shared Fernando. “What do they do when they miss their families?”
    “At our church, we treat everyone like our own family,” explained Mr. Fasolino. “We can have dinner together and visit
with each another.”
    Fernando smiled. “I’m glad our church takes care of one another. That makes me happy.”

Stop here for Threes and Fours.
Ask: Why is it hard to live far from family? What are some ways church friends can act like family? (Go to Prayertime

 Continue for Kindergarten
Mr. Fasolino stood in front of the people at his church.               Everyone laughed.
“Remember to bring a white franela [FRAH-nay-lah] to                   Mr. Fasolino said, “I know we may say different
church next week,” Mr. Fasolino told the church people.            words sometimes, but I’m glad we can still worship God
     “A franela? Is that like a mop? Franela is what we call       together!”
a mop in Argentina” said Mrs. Rodriguez.
     “Maybe a franela is a jacket. Where I used to live,           Ask: Why did some church members not understand that
that’s what franela means,” explained Mr. Garcia.                  franela means shirt? Why do people worship together?
     Mr. Fasolino smiled. “No, no. A franela is a shirt. That’s
what we call it in Venezuela.”

Lead preschoolers in prayer. Thank God for people from all over the world that now go to church together in Toronto.
Pray for Mr. Fasolino to help church people act like a family.

 Closing Activity
Sing “Missionaries Do Their Work,” page 36, as preschoolers tap their drums.

20                                                           Fall 2021                            Mission Friends Leader
Preschoolers will learn that J. D. Fasolino teaches children about God. Focusing
on the concept world, preschoolers will hear God showed everyone His love
by sending Jesus to the world.
                                                                                      Session 5
 Activities                                                                           Threes
ART—Hands Wreath
In advance, cut out the center of a paper plate.
                                                                                      and Fours
    Help preschoolers trace a hand on card stock, cut it out, and glue it on the
plate ring to make one giant wreath. Say: Look at our handprints. Let’s invite        Missions Area:
our friends to church so they can hear that God showed his love by sending             Toronto
Jesus to the world.
                                                                                      Concept Area:
BLOCKS—Playground Friends                                                              World
Let preschoolers use blocks, dollhouse, and people figures to build a
playground and pretend to invite playground friends to church. Say: Daniel            Writer: Celeste Albaugh
Fasolino invites his classmates to church so his dad can teach them about God.

BOOKS—Friends                                                                         Supplies
Show Picture 4. Read picture books about friends. Say: Mr. Fasolino teaches           Picture 4*
children about God. He teaches friends at weekly Bible studies.                       Kit item 5*
                                                                                      colored card stock
HOMELIVING—Board Games                                                                paper plate
Guide preschoolers to play board games with their friends. Lead them to take          glue sticks
turns and be kind to each other. Say: It’s fun to play with our friends and go to     doll house
church together. Mr. Fasolino teaches children who go to church about God.            people figures
Open the Bible and read: Be kind to each other (see Eph. 4:32).                       children’s board games
Caution: Supervise carefully.                                                         “Mission Friends Song Sheet Music,”
                                                                              , Free
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT—Mission Friends                                                      Downloads
In advance, download “Mission Friends Song Sheet Music.”                              scarves
    Sing “Mission Friends Song” together as preschoolers move their scarves.          gallon-sized ziplock bag
Say: Daniel invites his classmates to church so they can hear God showed His          clear hair gel
love by sending Jesus to the world.                                                   red and yellow food coloring
                                                                                      artificial leaves
NATURE—Sensory Bag                                                                    leaf confetti
                                                                                      plastic acorns
In advance, place fall items in the bag. Fill with clear gel. Add several drops of
                                                                                      electrical tape
food coloring. Squeeze excess air from bag and seal it with electrical tape.
                                                                                      for Group Time:
    Post the allergy alert chart. Let preschoolers locate the fall items in the
bag. Say: It’s fall in Toronto. Daniel goes to school and invites his classmates to
                                                                                        Sing to the Tune*
church. Mr. Fasolino is happy to teach boys and girls about God.
Provide kit item 5, “Fasolino Family Puzzle,” for preschoolers to assemble. Pray
                                                                                      Check libraries for:
for the Fasolinos as they tell Hispanic families in Toronto about God.
                                                                                         picture books about friends
See page 23 for Group Time and story.                                                 Bible Thoughts
                                                                                      Be kind to each other (see Eph. 4:32).

                                                                                      All songs are from Sing to the Tune.*
                                                                                      *See page 2, Important Resources

Mission Friends Leader                                                                             21
September                                Outcomes
                                        Preschoolers will learn that J. D. Fasolino teaches children about God in
Session 5                               weekly Bible studies. Focusing on the concept world, preschoolers will pray
                                        for people in Toronto.

Kindergarten                             Activities
                                        ART—Invitations to Church
Missions Area:                          In advance, fold card stock in half to make cards.
 Toronto                                    Invite preschoolers to use markers to draw pictures of friends reading the
                                        Bible on the card front. Encourage them to print their name on the inside of
Concept Area:                           cards. Let them staple a church flyer listing meeting times to the back of cards.
 World                                  Say: Mr. Fasolino teaches children about God at weekly Bible studies. Daniel
                                        Fasolino invites his classmates to church. Who can you invite to church?
Writer: Celeste Albaugh
                                        Let preschoolers use blocks and magnetic tiles to build a school. Say: Daniel
                                        invites his friends to church where Mr. Fasolino teaches children about God in
Picture 1*
                                        Bible studies. We can share God with our friends.
Kit item 19*
                                        Open the Bible and read: Do good and share (see Heb. 13:16).
card stock
church flyers
                                        BOOKS—Language Bibles
                                        Encourage preschoolers to look at Bibles in English, Spanish, and Chinese.
                                        Discuss the similarities and differences. Show Picture 1. Ask: Why are Bibles
magnetic tiles
                                        written in different languages? The Fasolinos go to church with children who
toy foods
                                        speak Chinese, Spanish, and English. Mr. Fasolino helps them learn about God.
toy dishes
                                           Pray together for people in Toronto to go to church to learn about God.
plastic vase
artificial flowers
clear, plastic ornaments
                                        Encourage preschoolers to host a “Friendsgiving.” Let them prepare a meal for
for Group Time:
                                        friends, set the table, and enjoy a pretend meal together. Say: Daniel Fasolino
                                        likes his friends at school. He invites them to church so they can learn about
  Sing to the Tune*
                                        God from Mr. Fasolino.
                                        MUSIC AND MOVEMENT—Go Tell
                                        Sing “Missionaries Tell,” page 35, encouraging preschoolers to jump up and sit
Check libraries for:
                                        down when they sing the word “missionary.” Say: Mr. Fasolino is a missionary in
  Chinese Bible
                                        Toronto who teaches children about God through Bible studies.
  Spanish Bible
                                        NATURE—Nature Ornament
Bible Thoughts
                                        Post the allergy alert chart. Lead preschoolers on a nature hike to collect small
Do good and share (see Heb. 13:16).
                                        nature items to put in their ornaments. Say: It’s fall in Toronto and Daniel has
                                        returned to school. He meets new friends and invites them to church.
All songs are from Sing to the Tune.*
                                            Pray for people in Toronto to go to church to learn about God.
*See page 2, Important Resources
                                        PUZZLES AND MANIPULATIVES—Word Fun
                                        Play kit item 19, “Spanish Word Game,” encouraging preschoolers to repeat
                                        Spanish words. Say: The Fasolinos speak Spanish to children and families as
                                        they teach them about God.

22                                                   Fall 2021                               Mission Friends Leader
Group Time Tip:
Consider incorporating classroom instruments in the song time. Ensure each
preschooler has an opportunity to play an instrument.
                                                                                      Session 5
Sing several songs about church from Sing to the Tune, pages 20–22. Create
                                                                                      Group Time
motions and lead preschoolers to follow along. If you are doing motions,
consider singing the songs more than once so preschoolers can get the hang            Missions Area:
of the motions.                                                                        Toronto
 Tell the Story                                                                       Concept Area:
Time for Church
The Fasolino family finished breakfast. Mr. Fasolino helped Daniel and David             Writer: Cara Brown
brush their teeth while Mrs. Fasolino cleaned up from breakfast. She heard
giggles and looked up.
    Daniel, David, and Mr. Fasolino were all standing in the doorway, smiling at her.
    “Are you ready to go to children’s worship time at church?” asked Mrs. Fasolino.
    “I’m ready!” said Daniel. “I’m happy to go and worship God with my friends.”
    “Me, too,” said David.
    “I’m so glad,” Mrs. Fasolino said with a smile. “Today we’ll be worshipping together with other children who speak
Spanish and children who speak Chinese.”
    “That sounds great!” said Daniel. “We’ll hear so many languages.”
    “That’s right. I’ll be there, too, because I’m going to help teach the Bible story,” said Mrs. Fasolino. “And then everyone
will sing praise songs to God together.”
    “I like to sing and do the motions to the music. I can’t wait to see my friends and worship God!” exclaimed Daniel.
    “Me, too!” shouted David.” Let’s go to church!”

Stop here for Threes and Fours.
Ask: What is special about children’s worship time at the church in Toronto? How can you praise God right now? (Go to
Prayertime below.)

 Continue for Kindergarten
“What about you, Daniel? Are you ready for children’s             great way to share with them about God.”
worship time at church?” asked Mr. Fasolino.                           “I want my friends to know God and love Him, too,”
    “Yes!” shared Daniel. “I love going. But Dad, I was           said Daniel.
thinking about it and I want to ask my friends if they
want to come with me.”                                            Ask: What could Daniel say when he invites his friends
    “That’s a wonderful idea, Daniel,” said Mr. Fasolino.         to church? When could you invite a friend to come to
“Asking your friends to come to church with you is a              church with you?

Lead preschoolers in prayer. Pray for David and Daniel Fasolino to continue to invite their friends to church. Thank God
for friends.

 Closing Activity
Stand together in a circle. Bounce a ball to a preschooler and ask him to pass the ball to the person beside him.
Encourage the preschooler to practice inviting that friend to church as he passes the ball. Continue passing the ball and
asking friends to church until all preschoolers have had a turn.

Mission Friends Leader                                                                          23
September Extra Activities
For Threes and Fours	                                                      For Kindergarten
Party Art                                                                   Sack Races
Supplies: paint, bowls, water, aprons, white paper, eye                     Supplies: old pillow cases, traffic cones
droppers, party blowers                                                         In advance, place traffic cones at the end of
    In advance, water the paint down with water. Place in                   an outside grassy area.
bowls.                                                                          Divide preschoolers into two lines. Encourage
    Help preschoolers don aprons. Guide them to use the                     one child from each line to stand in a pillow case
droppers to place a few drops of paint onto white paper.                    and hop to the cones and back. Continue until all
Let preschoolers blow their party blowers over the paint                    preschoolers have a turn. Say: Daniel Fasolino likes
to create a pattern. Say: The Fasolinos celebrated Mrs.                     to play games with his friends at school. He invites
Fasolino’s birthday this month.                                             his friends to church to learn about God.
Caution: Make sure each child uses her own blower.
Discard after use.                                                          Prayer Leaves
                                                                            Supplies: artificial leaves, permanent marker,
Hopscotch                                                                   brown construction paper, scissors, painter’s tape
Supplies: sidewalk chalk, river rocks                                           In advance, print sentence prayers for the
    In advance, draw a hopscotch grid on a sidewalk.                        Fasolinos on artificial leaves. Make a tree with
    Guide preschoolers to toss their rock and then hop                      construction paper and attach it to a wall. Attach
around it. Say: Daniel Fasolino likes to play games with his                prayer leaves to the tree.
friends and invite them to church.                                              Let preschoolers choose a leaf. Pray together
Tip: To play hopscotch inside, use painter’s tape to make                   as you help them read sentence prayers. Say: The
the grid.                                                                   Fasolinos love and tell Hispanic people in Toronto
                                                                            about God.
Play School                                                                     Send leaves home as prayer reminders.
Supplies: whiteboard, dry erase markers, globe, writing
tablets, pencils                                                            Soccer
   Encourage preschoolers to play school, taking turns                      Supplies: soccer ball
being the teacher and students. Say: Daniel goes to                             Go outside. Guide preschoolers to stand in a
school in Toronto. He invites his friends to church so they                 circle and kick the soccer ball to their friends. Say:
can hear about God.                                                         Boys and girls in Toronto like to play soccer with
                                                                            their friends. When they go to church, they can
Taste Tortillas                                                             play with friends and learn more about God.
Supplies: tortillas, plates, butter, plastic knives, napkins,
cups of water                                                               Sing and Pray
   In advance, warm tortillas.                                              Supplies: Sing to the Tune*
   Post the allergy alert chart. Guide preschoolers to                         Sing “Pray Around the World,” page 34. Ask
spread butter onto a tortilla, roll it up, and eat it. Say:                 preschoolers to name a friend Jesus loves. Say:
Many Hispanic families eat tortillas. Mr. Fasolino tells                    The Fasolinos tell friends about Jesus’ love.
Hispanic people in Toronto about God.

24                                                              Fall 2021                            Mission Friends Leader
WMU® grants permission for leaders to copy these pages for each child’s parents(s) or guardians(s).

     September 2021

     Jesus’ Love
     in Toronto

  Meet J. D. and Andreina Fasolino, church planters for Hispanic people in Toronto, Canada.
  • The Fasolinos have two sons, Daniel and David.                                     meets people at coffee shops and restaurants to
                                                                                       listen to their life stories and talk about God.
  • T heir church is a Hispanic multicultural church.
     Fourteen different cultures are involved in events                              • Pray for good health for Mr. Fasolino and his family
     provided by the church.                                                            as they share the love of Jesus with Hispanic families
                                                                                        in Toronto.
  • Mrs. Fasolino is on the worship team and is active in
     women’s ministry.                                                               • For more activities to share with your preschooler,
  • Mr. Fasolino loves to tell people about Jesus. He

Mission Friends Leader                                                                                             25
September 2021
                                                                                                            Families on Mission Calendar
                                                                                                            Missionaries: J. D. and Andreina Fasolino
                                                                                                            Missions Area: Toronto
                                                                                                            Concept Area: World

     Sunday                     Monday                     Tuesday                Wednesday                     Thursday                     Friday                   Saturday
                                                                                           1                           2                         3                           4
                                                                                 Plan a neighborhood           Say: Mr. Fasolino and  Teach your child to say      Hispanic people moved
                                                                                 walk or bike ride. Talk      his family moved from hola [O-lah] (hello) and       from around the world
                                                                                 about fall weather in        Venezuela to Canada to   adios [AH-dee-ose]          to live in Toronto. Pray
                                                                                        Canada.              start a Spanish speaking (good-bye). Mr. and            with your child that
                                                                                  Say: The Fasolinos            church. God wants       Mrs. Fasolino want         Mr. Fasolino will meet
                                                                                  enjoy beautiful fall          people all over the     Spanish speaking            them and invite them
                                                                                   colors. Thank You,          world to know about     people in Toronto to               to church.
                                                                                  God, for creating a                  Jesus.         know God loves them.
                                                                                    beautiful world.

          5                            6                         7                          8                           9                        10                          11
    Search online for        Talk about games and       Download and read          Open the Bible and         Use blocks to build a
 images of Toronto. Tell     sports that children in   Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes*.   read: God made us (see       city. Say: Daniel and
your child the Fasolinos      Canada and America                                      Psalm 100:3).           David Fasolino enjoy
live in a big city so they     like to play, such as                                                          playing with plastic
  can tell people about               soccer.                                                                 interlocking blocks.

          12                        13                         14                        15                            16                        17                          18
 Look at family photo                                      Search online for       Search for a picture                                                               Pray that Hispanic
 albums. Give thanks                                      a video of children        recipe and make                                                               boys and girls will hear
 for families and pray                                   singing “Jesus Loves    tortillas together. Say:                                                          that Jesus loves all the
for people around the                                   Me” in Spanish. Watch       People in different                                                             children of the world.
 world to hear about                                     and sing along. Say:       Hispanic countries
         God.                                            Mr. Fasolino teaches     often make different
                                                       children about God and      recipes of the same
                                                                Jesus.                 type of food.

          19                          20                        21                         22                          23                        24                         25
                                                       Help your child make        Open the Bible and        Sing “God Is So Good.”     Print the Play and Learn      Look at the picture
                                                          leaf print cards to    read: Be kind and show      Tell your child that Mr.      page at             of the Fasolinos.
                                                       send to a senior living   love to others (see Lev.    Fasolino tells Hispanic      preschool. Help your       Talk about ways that
                                                         residence. Add the             19:33-34).             families in Toronto        child do the activity.    families work together
                                                        Bible thought: Love                                        about God.                                         to share God’s love.
                                                         one another (see 1
                                                              John 4:7).

         26                            27                        28                         29                          30
   Find materials for                                   Place nature pictures      Pray with your child
 your child to make a                                    or stickers in a bag.    that Hispanic families
drum. Say: Mr. Fasolino                                As your child removes     in Toronto will want to
 plays drums and Mrs.                                   a picture, say: Thank       hear about Jesus.
  Fasolino helps with                                  You, God, for making a
    music at church.                                      beautiful world.

                                                                   *Borrow from your child’s Mission Friends class or church library; or order from

26                                                                                  Fall 2021                                                    Mission Friends Leader
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