Shaping our future Lewisham's Sustainable Community Strategy 2008-2020

Page created by Scott Caldwell
Shaping our future Lewisham's Sustainable Community Strategy 2008-2020
our future
Lewisham’s Sustainable
Community Strategy
Shaping our future Lewisham's Sustainable Community Strategy 2008-2020

Foreword                                              2    Safer – where people feel safe and live free from crime,                24
                                                           antisocial behaviour and abuse
Together, we will make Lewisham the best place        3
in London to live, work and learn                          Empowered and responsible – where people are actively                   32
                                                           involved in their local area and contribute to supportive communities
Our principles                                        6
                                                           Clean, green and liveable – where people live in high quality           40
Sustainable communities                               7
                                                           housing and can care for and enjoy their environment
Our strategic priorities                              10
                                                           Healthy, active and enjoyable – where people can actively               48
Lewisham today                                        11   participate in maintaining and improving their health and well-being
Lewisham into the future                              13   Dynamic and prosperous – where people are part of vibrant               56
Ambitious and achieving – where people are inspired   16   communities and town centres, well connected to London and beyond
and supported to fulfill their potential                   How we will work together to achieve this vision                        63

1 Shaping our future
Shaping our future Lewisham's Sustainable Community Strategy 2008-2020

At the beginning of the 21st century,   Here in London, we are very aware that      This diversity is Lewisham’s defining
the pace of change is breathtaking.     we are global citizens. We make a key       characteristic and will continue to be
Innovations and developments that       contribution to the world’s economy         its key strength.
were recently considered cutting        but are also subject to global pressures
                                                                                    I want to see a future where all of
edge are now commonplace. We can        and events such as climate change
                                                                                    our citizens, young and old, feel
communicate with each other around      and an increasingly mobile human
                                                                                    empowered and where they are
the world in an instant.                population. At the same time we are
                                                                                    involved in the changes that shape
                                        residents of Lewisham and the quality
                                                                                    their lives. Real, lasting improvements
                                        of life in our local neighbourhoods
                                                                                    can only occur when we all recognise
                                        and communities is of vital importance
                                                                                    our own contribution to making
                                        to us.
                                                                                    them happen. By pulling together
                                        It can be difficult to know what the        as individuals, communities and
                                        future will bring. What will Lewisham       organisations we can help make
                                        look like in 2020? How will we live,        Lewisham a prosperous and exciting
                                        learn, do business and enjoy life in the    place, with strong, cohesive and
                                        borough? We can’t predict for certain       sustainable communities, today            Sir Steve Bullock, Mayor of Lewisham
                                        but we can establish a vision for the       and for future generations.
                                        borough and its people. Shaping
                                        our future sets out how Lewisham’s
                                        public, private and voluntary and
                                        community sectors will work alongside
                                        our communities and citizens to
                                        make this vision of the future a reality.
                                        It is a strategy which recognises
                                        that Lewisham is an integral part of
                                        London and is characterised by its
                                        diverse and distinctive communities,
                                        neighbourhoods and localities.

Shaping our future Lewisham's Sustainable Community Strategy 2008-2020
Together, we will make Lewisham
the best place in London
to live, work and learn
Shaping our future is Lewisham’s          Shaping our future reflects the            The Partnership involves key local     • Millwall Football & Athletic Company
Sustainable Community Strategy.           many individual strategies and plans       organisations and stakeholders,        • Lewisham Fire Brigade
The strategy looks ahead to 2020          endorsed by different agencies and         including:
and explores how Lewisham will            partnerships in Lewisham, which are                                               •S
                                                                                                                              outh London and Maudsley
                                                                                     • Lewisham Primary Care Trust           NHS Trust
change and develop over this period.      all working with our citizens to build
It identifies the key challenges and      a successful and sustainable future.       • Lewisham Hospital NHS Trust          • Lewisham Ethnic Minority Partnership
opportunities that the borough and our    It takes forward the aspirations of the    • Lewisham Council                     To help citizens achieve their
citizens will face and looks at how we    original Community Strategy and builds                                            aspirations and ambitions, the
                                                                                     • Metropolitan Police
can ensure that everyone can benefit      upon its achievements.                                                            Partnership is committed to achieving
from the changes the future will bring.                                              • Lewisham Housing Association Group
                                          Lewisham Strategic Partnership                                                    its long-held vision for the borough:
                                          is responsible for leading on the          • Goldsmiths, University of London
                                                                                                                            Together, we will make Lewisham
                                          Sustainable Community Strategy.            • Lewisham College                     the best place in London to live,
                                          The Partnership brings together            • Race Equality Action Lewisham        work and learn.
                                          representatives from Lewisham’s
                                          public, private, voluntary and             • Voluntary Action Lewisham
                                          community sectors to examine how, by       • Lewisham Community Network
                                          working together, the quality of life of   • JobCentre Plus
                                          Lewisham’s citizens can be improved.
                                                                                     • South East London Chamber
                                                                                       of Commerce

3 Shaping our future
Shaping our future Lewisham's Sustainable Community Strategy 2008-2020
Shaping our future Lewisham's Sustainable Community Strategy 2008-2020
5 Shaping our future
Shaping our future Lewisham's Sustainable Community Strategy 2008-2020
Our principles

Reducing inequality – narrowing           Disabled people and our older              Delivering together efficiently,          Effective partnership working draws
the gap in outcomes for citizens.         population are more likely to face         effectively and equitably – ensuring      upon the expertise of citizens and
                                          barriers to securing employment.           that all citizens have appropriate        organisations to tackle challenges
We share our citizens’ ambitions for
                                          Educational outcomes are significantly     access to and choice of high quality      in an intelligent way. It starts with
themselves, their families and their
                                          lower for our children and young           local services.                           citizens helping to identify their
communities. No individual or section
                                          people on free school meals.                                                         needs and design solutions that will
of the community should be excluded                                                  Many of the challenges that face our
                                          Deprivation is often accompanied                                                     make a difference. It encompasses
from the benefits and the opportunities                                              citizens are complex and cannot be
                                          and made worse by discrimination                                                     the work of the public services, the
the future will bring. Lewisham                                                      easily solved by a single individual or
                                          and prejudice.                                                                       activism of voluntary and community
has pockets of affluence but also                                                    organisation. For example, improving
                                                                                                                               organisations and the specialist skills
neighbourhoods that count among           Tackling both the causes and the           our health is first and foremost a
                                                                                                                               of private and commercial sector
the most deprived in the country.         effects of deprivation and challenging     personal responsibility. However,
                                                                                                                               partners. By working together,
                                          discrimination are at the heart of this    citizens can be supported to lead
Deprivation and poverty can limit                                                                                              combining resources and avoiding
                                          strategy. The Partnership will work with   healthy lifestyles through good
people’s prospects and some of                                                                                                 duplication, our local services will
                                          citizens to narrow the gap in outcomes     education, high quality health and
our communities are more likely                                                                                                represent value for money and provide
                                          so that an individual’s background,        care services, an insistence on decent
to experience their effects than                                                                                               effective answers to local problems.
                                          community or circumstances will not        standards of housing and easy
others. Our black and minority ethnic
                                          be a barrier to them achieving their       accessibility to culture and
communities are at greater risk from
                                          full potential.                            leisure activities.
health conditions such as diabetes,
hypertension and stroke as well as
being more likely to present to acute
mental health services.

Shaping our future Lewisham's Sustainable Community Strategy 2008-2020
Sustainable communities

A sustainable community is one where        A sustainable community is:              What our residents have said                 • Good connections to the
people feel responsible for their local                                                                                              opportunities that exist in London
                                            • Socially progressive – tackling       This strategy is based upon what local
area and those who live there, where                                                                                                 and beyond are of vital importance
                                               disadvantage and social exclusion,    citizens have told us about their life
people are tolerant and hospitable                                                                                                   to them.
                                               responding to the needs of its        in the borough and their hopes for
and where individuals and groups can
                                               diverse citizens and communities.     the future.                                  • People want to live in communities
feel confident in their ability to effect
                                                                                                                                     which care for our most vulnerable
change. It’s a community which can          • Environmentally aware – protecting    • People are proud of where they
                                                                                                                                     citizens and do not tolerate abuse
rely upon effective services and a good        the environment and using                live. They recognise that they are
                                                                                                                                     or neglect.
infrastructure for support.                    resources prudently.                     a part of London and feel a sense
                                                                                        of attachment to both the city and        • Crime and the fear of crime remain
                                            • Economically dynamic – regenerating
                                                                                        to their local area. They enjoy the          key areas of concern. People want
                                               its localities and ensuring its
                                                                                        diversity, dynamism and sense of             the borough to feel safer in the
                                               citizens are skilled and equipped
                                                                                        community in Lewisham that set it            future.
                                               to take advantage of economic
                                                                                        apart from other places.
                                               opportunities.                                                                     • Citizens have told us that a clean
                                                                                     • Lewisham’s citizens are active in their      environment with high-quality and
                                                                                        communities. They want to make               affordable housing is important if
                                                                                        sure that their voices are heard and         the local area is to thrive.
                                                                                        that they can influence decisions
                                                                                                                                  • They want to lead active, healthy
                                                                                        which will affect their lives.
                                                                                                                                     and enriching lives with plenty of
                                                                                     • They are ambitious for themselves,           opportunities to participate in
                                                                                        their families and their communities.        leisure and cultural activities.
                                                                                        They want the best education,
                                                                                                                                  • They want a dynamic environment
                                                                                        training and employment
                                                                                                                                    that supports business and
                                                                                        opportunities in an increasingly
                                                                                                                                    contributes to Lewisham’s
                                                                                        competitive global market.
                                                                                                                                    successful future.

7 Shaping our future
Shaping our future Lewisham's Sustainable Community Strategy 2008-2020
Shaping our future Lewisham's Sustainable Community Strategy 2008-2020
9 Shaping our future
Our strategic priorities

Shaping our future is based upon a       Drawing upon all this information and     Ambitious and achieving – where         Clean, green and liveable – where
thorough analysis of the borough and     reflecting the concerns and aspirations   people are inspired and supported       people live in high quality housing
its needs. It incorporates some key      of Lewisham’s citizens, this strategy     to fulfil their potential.              and can care for and enjoy their
assumptions about the changes we         sets out six priorities. Lewisham                                                 environment.
                                                                                   Safer – where people feel safe and
are likely to see between now and        Strategic Partnership will work
                                                                                   live free from crime, antisocial        Healthy, active and enjoyable –
2020, based on projections, evidence     alongside citizens to build and support
                                                                                   behaviour and abuse.                    where people can actively participate
prepared for the borough’s Local         sustainable communities that are:
                                                                                                                           in maintaining and improving their
Development Framework and national                                                 Empowered and responsible –
                                                                                                                           health and well-being.
and regional strategies such as the                                                where people are actively involved
London Plan. It is also informed by                                                in their local area and contribute to   Dynamic and prosperous – where
the challenges identified by external                                              supportive communities.                 people are part of vibrant communities
inspection or review such as the local                                                                                     and town centres, well connected to
authority’s ‘Corporate Performance                                                                                         London and beyond.
Assessment’, the Primary Care Trust’s
local needs assessment ‘A Picture of
Health’ and the Metropolitan Police’s
‘Strategic Needs Assessment’.

Lewisham today

Lewisham is a part of London, the         Stretching from the banks of the           economy, though relatively small by        across the world. Lewisham’s vitality
largest, most culturally diverse and      Thames, in the north, to the borders       London standards, is well placed to        and dynamism stem from the energy
vibrant city in the European Union and    with Bromley, in the south, the 13.4       grow, encouraging new enterprises          of its citizens and diverse communities.
home to over 7.5 million people. As       square miles of Lewisham encompass         and allowing existing businesses           Lewisham’s people have a long history
one of the world’s largest economic       strong communities who take pride in       to prosper.                                of welcoming and championing
centres, London is powered by the         their local areas and neighbourhoods.                                                 new communities, valuing diverse
                                                                                     There are excellent transport
dynamism and diversity of the people      This sense of place ensures that while                                                viewpoints and recognising
                                                                                     connections from Lewisham to the
who live and work here. Sustaining this   the borough and its neighbourhoods                                                    the contribution that different cultures
                                                                                     rest of London, the wider region and
position means making the most out        develop they maintain their unique                                                    can make to the quality of life in
                                                                                     the world beyond. Our developing
of all the talents of our communities.    identities and preserve Lewisham’s                                                    the borough.
                                                                                     infrastructure connects citizens
                                          rich natural and architectural heritage.                                              Lewisham has over 800 active
                                                                                     to Canary Wharf and the City and
                                          Lewisham is one of the greenest                                                       voluntary and community sector
                                                                                     provides fast access to London City
                                          parts of south-east London. Over                                                      organisations and more than 200
                                                                                     Airport and the new international rail
                                          a fifth of the borough is parkland                                                    individual faith groups. All these groups
                                                                                     terminal at Stratford.
                                          or open space. ‘Green Flag’ parks,                                                    and many others help to strengthen
                                          attractive residential neighbourhoods      Lewisham has a population of
                                                                                                                                our communities by galvanising our
                                          and Lewisham’s waterway network            250,000. The population is relatively
                                                                                                                                citizens, addressing local concerns
                                          all combine to create a relaxing and       young with one in four under 19. The
                                                                                                                                and advocating on behalf of some
                                          pleasant environment in the midst of       population over 60 represents one in
                                                                                                                                of the most vulnerable in society.
                                          bustling city life.                        seven in our community. It is the 15th
                                                                                                                                There is at all times a huge variety
                                                                                     most ethnically diverse local authority
                                          Lewisham contributes to the diversity                                                 of community and cultural activities
                                                                                     in England. Two out of every five of our
                                          and energy of the capital, supporting                                                 taking place in the borough,
                                                                                     residents are from a black and minority
                                          its growing economy whilst gaining                                                    highlighting the creativity and energy
                                                                                     ethnic background and there are over
                                          significant benefits from being a part                                                of local citizens and organisations.
                                                                                     130 languages spoken in the borough
                                          of a world class city. Lewisham’s own
                                                                                     making links throughout London and

11 Shaping our future

  LONDON                                  Whitechapel
                    Tower Hill

                                                                                                                              London City Airport

                                                             Canary Wharf

                                                                                                                               A Y
                                                                        Isle of Dogs
                                                                                                                         T E W
                          Surrey Canal Road                                                               S
                                                              New Cross         Greenwich

             Camberwell                 New Cross

                                                     New Cross

                                                                                       T H
                                                             St Johns                        Blackheath

                                                        Brockley              Lewisham
                                                                                                                                                          Areas for regeneration

                                                             Crofton Park
                                                                                                                                                           East London Line Extension
                                                                            Ladywell           Hither Green
                                                                                                                                                          Docklands Light Railway
                                                    Oak Park                                               Lee                                            Railways
                                                            Catford     Catford Bridge
                                              Forest Hill

                                                                                                          Grove Park
                                                                                  Beckenham Hill

Lewisham into the future

Place                                       Within the borough, significant           Some of the headline developments            People
                                            investment is planned for our town        in Lewisham over the next 12 years
Lewisham’s future is intrinsically linked                                                                                          London will continue to be a
                                            centres and localities. New business,     include:
to that of London and the wider                                                                                                    destination for people from all over the
                                            leisure and retail opportunities will
region. The borough is part of the                                                    • A £280 million programme of               world and an attractive place for new
                                            transform our centres, refreshing
Thames Gateway area which will see                                                       rebuilding and refurbishment will see     communities and citizens. By 2026,
                                            their appearance and adding to
significant housing and economic                                                         all the borough’s secondary schools       projections show that there could
                                            their dynamism. Lewisham’s Local
growth in the near future. In London                                                     brought up to the highest standard to     be as many as 35,000 more people
                                            Development Framework (LDF) sits
itself the number of jobs is predicted                                                   help our children and young people        making their home in Lewisham.
                                            alongside Shaping our future and
to grow by over half a million by 2016.                                                  achieve their full potential.             This population growth will
                                            provides the spatial context for new
Lewisham citizens have a key role                                                                                                  predominantly be in the north of the
                                            developments and regeneration             • A major redevelopment of Lewisham
to play in supporting this growth,                                                                                                 borough, in line with many of the
                                            initiatives. The LDF ensures that            and Catford town centres will
employing their skills and contributing                                                                                            proposed physical developments
                                            developments incorporate high                provide new business and leisure
to the vitality and continuing prosperity                                                                                          and regeneration initiatives.
                                            standards of design, accessibility           opportunities along with new housing
of the capital. In 2012 London will
                                            and sustainability, improve the overall      developments.
host the Olympic and the Paralympic
                                            quality of the built environment and      • The extension of the East London
Games showcasing the city and the
                                            strengthen our citizens’ sense               Line will connect the borough to
achievements and vibrancy of its
                                            of place.                                    London’s Overground network
communities. Lewisham’s citizens will
be well placed to be involved in this                                                    and provide greater accessibility
major international celebration.                                                         to central London and beyond.
                                                                                      • The proposed Convoys Wharf
                                                                                         development in the north of the
                                                                                         borough will open up a major part
                                                                                         of London’s riverfront to Lewisham’s
                                                                                         citizens, providing new homes and
                                                                                         affordable housing, cultural facilities
                                                                                         and retail and community premises.

13 Shaping our future
Lewisham’s communities will also             Services                                     The transport infrastructure will need      Stretching our horizons
become more diverse:                                                                      to accommodate more journeys and
                                             A growing population will increase                                                       New technology and biotechnologies
                                                                                          more people per journey. This will
• Currently around 40% of residents         demand on services and the local                                                         will continue to revolutionise how we
                                                                                          require increased capacity on public
   are from a black and minority ethnic      infrastructure. Our schools, colleges,                                                   live. Economic, political and social
                                                                                          transport and alternatives to private
   background. By 2020, this figure is       university, hospital and local surgeries                                                 trends will evolve, changing the context
                                                                                          car travel. Walking and cycling and
   projected to increase to 44%, with        will need to adapt and change to make                                                    for action and the way we approach
                                                                                          initiatives such as car-sharing will grow
   particular growth in the Black African    sure that the needs of the future can                                                    many of the challenges of today.
                                                                                          in popularity as we seek to reduce our
   and Black Caribbean communities.          be met. Increasingly the police and
                                                                                          carbon output.                              Even with all the information available
                                             other agencies will work at a local level
• New communities from the European                                                                                                  on how the borough might develop,
                                             to tailor their activities to local needs.   The projected increase in the
   Union and beyond will continue to                                                                                                  no prediction can be entirely accurate.
                                             People will expect easier access to          population will produce a larger
   make their home in the borough.                                                                                                    There will be challenges over the next
                                             public services, with one single point       environmental ‘footprint’. We are
                                                                                                                                      12 years that are not expected and
• Improved health services and              of access for many of their enquiries.       likely to witness the impact of climate
                                                                                                                                      require entirely new solutions and ways
   medical technology will result in a                                                    change, with warmer, drier summers
                                             More health services will be provided                                                    of working. This strategy will support
   larger proportion of older residents,                                                  and milder, wetter winters. Our
                                             in the community to reduce the need                                                      Lewisham’s citizens, communities
   as people live longer, and more low                                                    services and our communities will have
                                             for travel to hospital and to support                                                    and partnerships to work together
   birth-weight children with disabilities                                                to adapt to these changes, tackling
                                             people with long-term conditions to                                                      to address these new challenges
   surviving into adulthood.                                                              new challenges such as the increased
                                             manage their health. There will need                                                     and to ensure that the borough
                                                                                          risk of flooding.
                                             to be a better spread of specialist                                                      continues to prosper.
                                             services across London and the region
                                             to ensure that our citizens have access
                                             to the best possible healthcare.

15 Shaping our future
Ambitious and achieving –
where people are inspired and
supported to fulfill their potential
Everyone who lives, works and               Whether looking to achieve good           To support this priority we will work     What will progress look like?
learns in the borough should have           academic and vocational qualifications,   together to:
                                                                                                                                • More of our children and young
the opportunity and the confidence          enter employment, start a new
                                                                                      • Inspire our young people to achieve       people going on to further and higher
to set themselves high ambitions            business, change career, take up a
                                                                                         their full potential by removing the      education and securing places at top
and to achieve them. A good start           hobby or branch out in an entirely
                                                                                         barriers to learning.                     universities and colleges.
at nursery and at school is one way         new direction, Lewisham will be a
people can shape their futures, but         place where people feel supported to      • Encourage and facilitate access to     • A higher proportion of children and
ambition and aspiration do not stop         achieve their personal goals.                education, training and employment        young people achieving five A* to C
once people leave full-time education.                                                   opportunities for all our citizens.       grades at Key Stage 4.
London is one of the world’s leading                                                  • Celebrate local achievements so        • A higher proportion of children and
cities and opportunities exist for people                                                people feel proud of their area and       young people achieving level four or
of all ages.                                                                             eager to be a part of its success.        above at Key Stage 2.
                                                                                                                                • A reduction in the achievement gap
                                                                                                                                   between our most disadvantaged
                                                                                                                                   pupils and their peers.
                                                                                                                                • More 16–18 year olds in education,
                                                                                                                                   employment or training.
                                                                                                                                • A higher proportion of the working
                                                                                                                                   age population with basic skills and
                                                                                                                                   vocational qualifications.

Inspire our young people to achieve
their potential by removing the
barriers to learning
Education is one of the key factors in    By raising standards in our schools and     What has been achieved                      Plans for the future
determining and transforming people’s     colleges and by supporting parents,
                                                                                      • Standards in Lewisham’s schools          • Continue to work with our children
life chances. Achievement at school       more of our children and young people
                                                                                         across all age ranges have improved         and young people to raise standards
or college multiplies the opportunities   can reach their full potential. For some
                                                                                         significantly over the last six years.      at all Key Stages to meet and then
open to our children and young people.    of our young people there remain
                                                                                                                                     surpass the national average.
Before entering school, high quality      barriers to achievement. Statistically,     • Young people’s achievement at
pre-school provision can lay the          children from particular black and             GCSE has risen significantly, making     • Continue to focus support on
foundation for a child’s successful       minority ethnic and white working-class        Lewisham’s schools some of the              underachieving groups so that
development.                              backgrounds, looked after children and         most improved in London over                circumstances and background do
                                          those most affected by poverty achieve         three years.                                not act as a barrier to them achieving
                                          less well than their peers. Children                                                       in the future.
                                                                                      • In 2007/8, 28% more Black
                                          with special educational needs usually         Caribbean pupils achieved five A*-C      • Work with the government and our
                                          require additional support to allow            grades at GCSE than in 2002.                private sector partners to invest £260
                                          them to fulfil their potential. There are                                                  million in rebuilding and renovating 15
                                          also particularly vulnerable groups of      • The achievements of both Lewisham
                                                                                                                                     schools in the borough and building
                                          young people who are at risk of not            College and Christ the King have
                                                                                                                                     a new all-age school in Lewisham
                                          participating in education, training           been recognised with the awarding
                                                                                                                                     town centre.
                                          or employment.                                 of Beacon Status. This award marks
                                                                                         out both colleges as examples of         • Ensure that the Building Schools for
                                          Local people, especially those with            excellence for others to follow.            the Future programme incorporates
                                          children, consistently tell us that the                                                    the latest technology and design
                                          quality of local primary and secondary      • Our local communities, libraries,
                                                                                                                                     to provide stimulating learning
                                          schools is a key priority for them and         parks, theatres and natural
                                                                                                                                     environments and to support
                                          for the local area.                            resources complement the
                                                                                                                                     innovative teaching.
                                                                                         work of schools by providing
                                                                                         safe, clean areas for learning.

17 Shaping our future
• Continue to invest in quality further    How can we all help?
   education in the borough. Lewisham
                                            • Volunteer to become a school
   College is undertaking a £150m
                                               governor and help your school and
   redevelopment of its Deptford
                                               its pupils to perform even better in
   campus, one of the largest further
                                               the future.
   education investment programmes
   in the country.                          • Mentor a young person, helping them
                                               to deal with challenging situations
• Provide high-quality information,
                                               and to plan out an ambitious future
   advice and guidance to all young
                                               for themselves.
   people aged 13–19 to remove the
   barriers and obstacles to training and   • Participate in the life of your local
   employment.                                 school, perhaps by helping out with
                                               after-school or holiday activities.
• Provide our young people with
   a fulfilling educational career,         What else can I look at?
   supporting them through pre-school       • Children and Young People’s Plan.
   and primary schools to secondary
   schools and colleges, into further and
   higher education, employment, and

Encourage and facilitate access
to education, training and employment
opportunities for all our citizens
As London’s economy grows the           Many of these jobs will require specific     What has been achieved                      Plans for the future
number of jobs and careers available    skills. Lewisham’s citizens should feel                                                  • Enable all our citizens to aim high
                                                                                     • Students from our schools, colleges
to Lewisham’s citizens will increase.   equipped to compete for the best jobs                                                       and achieve their full potential by
                                                                                        and further and higher education
The London Plan, developed by the       and fulfil their aspirations. Everyone,                                                     ensuring that all education and skills
                                                                                        providers have achieved great things.
Greater London Authority, predicts      regardless of their background or                                                           organisations provide accessible and
                                                                                        Five winners of the Turner Prize and
a minimum of 249,000 more jobs          experience, will be able to develop                                                         quality services that support and
                                                                                        almost a quarter of those shortlisted
between now and 2016 for east           their skills through lifelong learning and                                                  inspire development.
                                                                                        for the award have been Goldsmiths
and south-east London.                  access these opportunities. New skills
                                                                                        graduates. Every year 10,000
                                        can be learnt in a variety of situations,                                                • Identify the skills required for
                                                                                        students attend vocational training
                                        whether it be caring for a relative,                                                        Lewisham citizens to access future
                                                                                        at Lewisham College.
                                        starting an adult education course or                                                       employment opportunities and close
                                        training to advance or change a career.      • Granville Park, the borough’s first         the gap between existing provision
                                        Some 30,000 adults in Lewisham                  purpose-built adult learning centre,        and future needs.
                                        require help with basic literacy and            opened in July 2006.
                                                                                                                                 • Ensure that all our communities have
                                        numeracy. With access to the right           • Since 2004 education providers              access to appropriate learning and
                                        training, development opportunities             throughout the borough have                 training opportunities and the chance
                                        and support, all our citizens can               helped over 3,000 people attain an          to benefit from the employment
                                        benefit from London’s dynamism and              entry level qualification in literacy,      prospects that will accompany
                                        transform their prospects.                      numeracy or English for Speakers            the London 2012 Olympic and
                                        Learning new skills is about more               of another Language (ESOL).                 Paralympic Games.
                                        than finding a new or better job. For        • The Mayor’s Training Scheme,             • Improve the quality, availability
                                        many citizens and particularly those            developed by Connexions and the             and flexibility of childcare so that
                                        who are now retired it’s also about             Youth Service with private, voluntary       more parents and especially young
                                        achieving personal goals and pursuing           and community sector support, has           mothers will be able to access
                                        a particular interest, whether that be          helped the borough to have almost           training and employment.
                                        taking up a new hobby, learning a               the highest percentage of young
                                        language or becoming involved in a              people in education, training or
                                        voluntary or community organisation.            employment in the region.
19 Shaping our future
• Extend the opportunities available     • Make use of local facilities to find
   for lifelong learning and encourage       the best route into employment.
   citizens to make full use of the          Organisations like JobCentre Plus
   libraries and learning resources          and Connexions provide advice and
   available in the borough. A new           guidance and local libraries have a
   library and learning resource centre      range of resources available to help
   in New Cross is being built as part       you expand your skills or look for a
   of the New Deal for Communities           new job.
                                          What else can I look at?
• Support more people who are
                                          • Achieving Ambitions – Lewisham
   currently on Incapacity Benefit
                                             College’s Strategic intentions.
   progress into employment. The
   New Horizons project provides          • Goldsmiths, University of London’s
   mentoring and support services            Strategic Plan.
   that facilitate people entering or     • 2012 Action Plan.
   returning to employment.
                                          • Ageing Well Strategy.
How can we all help?
                                          • Children and Young People’s Plan.
• Commit to achieving your ambitions
   and make use of the resources and
   opportunities available in Lewisham
   and across London. Local and
   regional organisations run courses
   ranging from performing arts and
   communication to numeracy
   and literacy.

Celebrate local achievements
so people feel proud of their area
and eager to be a part of its success
Lewisham’s citizens have a lot to be      Internationally acclaimed institutions   What has been achieved                       • Annual high profile Civic
proud of. Our young people compete        such as Goldsmiths (University                                                           Achievement Ceremonies promote
                                                                                   • Millwall Football Club progressed all
at the highest level in national sports   of London), Trinity Laban and the                                                        business, academic and citizen
                                                                                      the way to the FA Cup Final in 2004.
such as basketball and the Special        Horniman Museum all contribute to                                                        accomplishment.
                                                                                      When not on the pitch, the Club
Games. Local heroes such as Sybil         London’s creativity and continuing
                                                                                      and its players support a range of        • 11 Lewisham care leavers took
Phoenix, Asquith Gibbs and the late       success. The Stephen Lawrence
                                                                                      local initiatives including community        part in a pioneering international
Dame Cicely Saunders inspire people       Centre which opened in 2008 adds to
                                                                                      coaching and anti-racism and men’s           volunteering project in South Africa.
through their examples of leadership      this group of leading-edge facilities,
                                                                                      health campaigns.                            This was the first of its kind in the
and their contributions to individual     providing excellent opportunities for
                                                                                                                                   UK. It was sponsored by Sir Richard
and community well-being. There are       our young people. All of these are       • Students from the Trinity Laban
                                                                                                                                   Branson, featured on national
artists and academics of world renown     or are set to become leaders in their       conservatoire of Music and Dance
                                                                                                                                   television and was recently profiled
who live and work in the borough.         respective fields.                          enjoy great success, performing with
                                                                                                                                   in government legislation.
                                                                                      leading choreographers and dance
                                          Lewisham citizens have a host
                                                                                      companies throughout the world.           • Horniman Museum is the first
                                          of opportunities open to them in
                                                                                                                                   museum in Britain to open a gallery
                                          the future. In 2012 the Olympic          • The contribution of our older
                                                                                                                                   specifically celebrating African art
                                          and Paralympic Games will                   citizens is highlighted in My Life,
                                                                                                                                   and recently added ‘Blue Earth
                                          place London, its citizens and its          a Lewisham publication which
                                                                                                                                   1807-2007’, a sculpture
                                          distinctive communities at the heart        celebrates success and details
                                                                                                                                   commemorating the Bicentenary
                                          of international attention. In the          opportunities for active participation.
                                                                                                                                   of the Parliamentary Abolition of
                                          run up to the Games and during
                                                                                                                                   Transatlantic Slavery, to its collection.
                                          the celebrations, Lewisham will be
                                          able to showcase its strengths and
                                          demonstrate its vibrancy, creativity
                                          and dynamism.

21 Shaping our future
Plans for the future                         How can we all help?
• Promote and reward the                    • Tell us about your achievements.
   achievements of Lewisham’s citizens
                                             What else can I look at?
   and organisations to inspire success
   in others.                                • Lewisham Arts Strategy.
• Develop Lewisham’s identity as a          • Cultural Strategy.
   vital, creative place by promoting its    • 2012 Action Plan.
   distinctive qualities and opportunities
   so that it is a recognised and
   respected part of the capital.
• Ensure that Lewisham’s arts,
   heritage and its cultural opportunities
   support and inspire people’s
   ambitions and learning.
• Inspire our young people and our
   communities in the lead up to the
   London 2012 Olympic Games,
   maximising opportunities for them to
   connect and contribute to the event
   and its ideals.
• Support festivals and events which
   contribute to citizens’ sense of
   place and celebrate local areas
   and identities.

23 Shaping our future
Safer – where people feel safe
and live free from crime, antisocial
behaviour and abuse
Crime and community safety are key        Feeling safe is about more than crime     To support this priority we will work   What will progress look like?
areas of concern for our citizens. The    and policing, it’s also about how an      together to:
                                                                                                                            • A reduction in the rates of crime that
crime rate is falling in Lewisham as      area looks and feels and how people
                                                                                    • Reduce the overall level of crime        impact most upon Lewisham, such
it is across most of London. This is      treat one another. Safer communities                                                 as serious violent crime, serious
                                                                                      to below the London average.
important because our citizens move       are based upon effective partnership                                                 acquisitive crime and repeat incidents
around London every day and are           working. By sharing experience and        • Tackle antisocial behaviour and
                                                                                                                               of domestic violence.
affected by the crime rate elsewhere.     expertise the police, the fire brigade,     ensure that people feel confident
However, our fear of crime is not         the council, schools, community             and safe throughout the borough.      • A reduction in the number of first
diminishing in line with the overall      groups including the Lewisham                                                        time entrants to the Youth
                                                                                    • Keep our children and young
reduction in real crime. This issue       Community Police Consultative                                                        Justice System.
                                                                                       people safe from harm, abuse
needs to be addressed because it          Group (LCPCG) and crucially citizens         and criminal activity.               • A reduction in reoffending and
results in some of our most vulnerable    themselves can ensure that local                                                     substance misuse among
citizens feeling unsafe. People want to   areas are free from crime and                                                        Lewisham’s children and
feel safe as they go about their daily    antisocial behaviour and provide                                                     young people.
lives and want to know that children      a safe environment for all.
and young people are safe travelling                                                                                        • An improvement in the stability of
around the borough and across London.                                                                                          placements for looked after children.
                                                                                                                            • A reduction in the numbers of people
                                                                                                                               killed or seriously injured in road
                                                                                                                               traffic accidents.

Reduce the overall level of crime
to below the London average

Crime wrecks people’s lives, damages       Lewisham has generally had lower            What has been achieved                       Plans for the future
communities and can undermine              levels of crime than most of the other                                                   • Use the latest technology, data and
                                                                                       • There are now 18 Safer
citizens’ perceptions of where they        inner London boroughs. However, as                                                          intelligence to target offenders more
                                                                                          Neighbourhood Teams across the
live. It can create fear and intolerance   with most major conurbations, there                                                         effectively and bring them to justice
                                                                                          borough, one per ward, set up to
and reduce the sense of well-being         is a prevalence of certain crimes,                                                          more efficiently.
                                                                                          address local concerns and tackle
and togetherness that is essential for     including burglary, violent crime and car
                                                                                          crime and antisocial behaviour.
a sustainable community. Hate crime        crime. There are also hot spots of                                                       • Continue to work alongside local
and discrimination can marginalise         antisocial behaviour and street crime.      • Successful targeting of hotspots and         communities to build trust and
individuals and whole communities.         Some offences, like domestic violence          work with local schools has resulted         confidence in the police and the
                                           and abuse, are often unreported and            in a significant decrease in the             criminal justice system.
                                           undetected for years. However, the             robbery rate during 2007.
                                                                                                                                    • Safeguard our most vulnerable
                                           damage caused to victims and their          • The Central Clinic opened in 2005,           citizens, ensuring that staff in local
                                           families causes untold misery and              providing a single point of contact for      organisations recognise the signs of
                                           has a significant impact on health and         people accessing drug and alcohol            abuse and neglect and work together
                                           educational outcomes.                          support and treatment services.              to provide appropriate interventions.
                                           To tackle crime effectively, citizens       • The sanctuary scheme, developed           • Develop specialist support for
                                           need to feel confident about reporting         with Supporting People, works                victims of domestic violence and
                                           criminal activity and working with             with victims of domestic violence to         create an environment where such
                                           criminal justice agencies. The police          enable them to feel safer at home            violence is not tolerated by improving
                                           and other public agencies need to              by providing physical adaptations            education and holding
                                           collaborate effectively and involve the        to their properties, easier access to        the perpetrators accountable.
                                           community. Our response needs to               emergency services and additional
                                           be appropriate and proportionate.              advocacy and support.
                                           For some crimes a custodial sentence
                                           is the right solution. However, we          • Community justice programmes use
                                           need to look beyond apprehension               trained local volunteers to help young
                                           to interventions which stop people             people who have got into trouble
                                           offending in the first place and which         with the courts for the first time move
                                           rehabilitate offenders so that they can        in a more positive direction.
25 Shaping our future                      break free from the cycle of reoffending.
• Reduce drug-related crime by              What else can I look at?
   targeting drug and alcohol misuse
                                             • Safer Lewisham Strategy.
   in partnership with health and social
   care support and ensure that all          • The Adult Treatment Plan –
   sections of the community are                substance misuse and alcohol.
   accessing the available drug              • The Young People Substance
   support services.                            Misuse Plan.
• Reduce hate crime – crimes                • Domestic Violence Strategy.
   perpetrated against people simply
   because of who they are: their race,      • Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
   their faith or their sexual orientation      Strategy.
   – and provide ‘safe’ areas for third
   party reporting of these crimes.
How can we all help?
• Report all criminal and suspicious
   activities to the police.
• Get involved – speak to your
   Safer Neighbourhood Team,
   consider joining your local Safer
   Neighbourhood Panel or
   become involved with the
   Lewisham Community Police
   Consultative Group.
• Help out in the community justice
   schemes run by the Youth Offending
   Service or in a project that helps
   young people to stay out of trouble.
Tackle antisocial behaviour and ensure
that people feel confident and safe
throughout the borough
Fear of crime can have a damaging          Antisocial behaviour can exacerbate            What has been achieved                     • Electronic reporting of images of
effect on a local area. In many cases      this fear of crime. Significant numbers                                                      graffiti, fly-tipping and other elements
                                                                                          • Teams of wardens across the
fear of crime is not related to the        of young people hanging around                                                               of antisocial behaviour through the
                                                                                             borough work to make areas look
level of actual crime. Nonetheless,        without apparent purpose, aggressive                                                         ‘Love Lewisham’ campaign has
                                                                                             and feel safer and resolve issues
this fear can stop people travelling at    street drinkers and rude behaviour                                                           resulted in a significant improvement
                                                                                             before they become incidents of
certain times of day, it can shut off or   on public transport can all contribute                                                       in the cleanliness and safety of the
                                                                                             antisocial behaviour.
stigmatise entire areas of the borough     to people feeling insecure. People                                                           local area.
and it can leave people feeling unsafe     should expect to feel safe to enjoy the        • Almost 200 CCTV cameras have
                                                                                                                                     • Programmes of restorative justice,
in their neighbourhoods. Scams             borough, no matter what the area or               been installed throughout the
                                                                                                                                        where offenders meet their victims
and ‘artifice’ crimes target the most      the time of day.                                  borough, acting as a preventative
                                                                                                                                        and are supported to make amends,
vulnerable and leave people suspicious                                                       tool and a valuable source of
                                           Citizens have made it clear that better                                                      have been introduced by the Youth
and unwilling to engage.                                                                     evidence when crimes do occur.
                                           lighting and a more visible presence of                                                      Offending Service. In schools this
                                           police and wardens are important in            • Our parks and open spaces are well         programme is being used effectively
                                           making people feel safe. Installing               maintained and looked over by park         to tackle bullying and antisocial
                                           CCTV cameras and removing signs of                rangers, allowing people to feel safe      behaviour between pupils.
                                           neglect, like graffiti and fly-tipping, have      to use them throughout the day.
                                           also been highlighted as important in             At Ladywell Fields, an EU-funded
                                           making the borough look and                       project to incorporate the river into
                                           feel safer.                                       the parkland is being developed on a
                                                                                             ‘designing out crime’ model, creating
                                                                                             a safe and accessible green space
                                                                                             for citizens.

27 Shaping our future
Plans for the future                         • Improve the speed of response
                                                to nuisance, graffiti and antisocial
• Tackle antisocial behaviour
                                                behaviour with the help of Safer
   through better area-based working
                                                Neighbourhood Teams, Community
   with local assemblies and Safer
                                                Wardens, youth workers and the
   Neighbourhood Teams.
                                                CCTV network.
• Extend the use of mediation,
                                             • Employ and enforce trading
   restorative justice and ‘payback’
                                                standards so that people are less
   to hold people to account for their
                                                likely to be victims of ‘artifice’ crimes
   behaviour and to improve the
                                                and the number of illegal traders
   outcomes for victims of crime or
                                                operating in the borough is reduced.
   antisocial behaviour.
                                             How can we all help?
• Make new developments, open
   spaces and public facilities, including   • Report antisocial behaviour when
   the new and refurbished train                it occurs. Make sure your Safer
   stations, feel safe by ‘designing            Neighbourhood Team is aware of
   out’ crime, improving lighting and           your concerns about antisocial or
   accessibility and dealing with               abusive behaviour, so that steps
   vandalism and graffiti.                      taken to tackling the issue can
                                                support and complement other
• A new street lighting contract will
                                                work in the area.
   replace run-down lighting columns
   throughout the borough, making            What else can I look at?
   areas feel safer, improving road
                                             • Safer Lewisham Strategy.
   safety and assisting the work of
   the police.                               • Safer Neighbourhood Team priorities.
                                             • Local Development Framework.
                                             • Antisocial Behaviour Strategy.
Keep our children and young
people safe from harm,
abuse and criminal activity
Children can be among the most          No child or young person should             What has been achieved                     Plans for the future
vulnerable groups in our society        have to suffer abuse or neglect.
                                                                                    • All Lewisham’s schools have anti-       • Support parents and families in crisis
and keeping them safe from harm         Some families in crisis or challenging
                                                                                       bullying schemes with initiatives          and ensure that all care assessments
is everyone’s responsibility. Young     circumstances find it hard to provide
                                                                                       such as bullying post boxes to             for children and young people are
people in the borough tell us that      sufficient care and protection to their
                                                                                       make it easy for young people to let       timely and respond to concerns.
personal safety is their top concern.   children. Support needs to be available
                                                                                       someone know what’s happening.
Addressing this anxiety requires        not only to provide care for the child                                                 • Ensure that all areas of the borough
coordinated work from all local         but also to address the underlying          • Multi-agency work by the police,           have access to services and support
organisations, whether it be schools    problems that have put the family              the youth service and local schools        for parents and children and young
helping to eliminate bullying or        in difficulty.                                 has resulted in a 30% reduction            people through Children’s Centre,
Transport for London ensuring safe                                                     in the number of first time entrants       the work of the voluntary and
                                        The vast majority of young people
travel on public transport.                                                            into the youth justice system.             community organisations and the
                                        in Lewisham are focused on success
                                                                                                                                  activities of extended schools.
                                        and have high aspirations. They             • A programme of activities offered
                                        add enormously to the vitality of the          by voluntary, community and public      • Ensure that the opinions of children
                                        borough. However, there are still too          agencies during school holidays has        and young people inform the
                                        many of our young people involved              significantly reduced the level            development and implementation
                                        in criminal and antisocial activity. In        of antisocial behaviour during             of local services.
                                        particular young black males are               these periods.
                                                                                                                               • Tackle violent crime by and against
                                        significantly overrepresented in the        • A Stop and Search conference               young people by intervening at an
                                        criminal justice system. Keeping               organised by the Lewisham                  early stage with families, building
                                        young people safe involves creating            Community Police Consultative              trust and accountability between
                                        opportunities that allow them to aim           Group (LCPCG) in 2007 has                  young people, and managing
                                        higher, improving their relationship with      resulted in police officers receiving      high-risk individuals more effectively
                                        the police and schools and inspiring           specific training on how to build          in the community.
                                        them to respect themselves and their           better relationships with children
                                        fellow citizens.                               and young people.

29 Shaping our future
• Promote access to drug and               What else can I look at?
   substance misuse services and
                                            • Safer Lewisham Strategy.
   ensure that a higher proportion of
   young people in the criminal justice     • Young People and Crime Plan.
   system are referred to specialist        • Children and Young People’s Plan.
   treatment services.
How can we all help?
• If you own a local business,
   consider supporting the Work
   Placement Scheme that helps
   young offenders into jobs and
   changes their prospects.
• Lewisham needs more foster carers
   in the local area for our looked
   after children. If you are interested,
   contact the council.
• If you are a young person with
   particular anxieties or concerns,
   share your problems with someone
   you trust (your parents, a friend,
   your teacher etc).

31 Shaping our future
 mpowered and responsible – where people
are actively involved in their local area and
contribute to supportive communities
In many situations the people best           Lewisham’s communities are also             To support this priority we will work       What will progress look like?
qualified to deal effectively with local     supported by the borough’s vibrant          together to:
                                                                                                                                     • A higher proportion of citizens
issues are citizens themselves. Many         voluntary and community sector              • Empower citizens to be involved in          who believe that their local area
people in Lewisham actively take             which engages local people in a whole          their local area and responsive to the      is a place where people get
responsibility for the well-being of their   range of social, participative and             needs of those who live there.              on well together.
area and those who live there, whether       cultural activities. Active organisations
it be participating in a Neighbourhood       across the borough dedicate their           • Promote volunteering and the             • A greater number of people
Watch scheme, keeping an eye on              time to support our most vulnerable            activity of voluntary and community         who feel that they can influence
older residents living alone or helping a    communities, fostering community               organisations.                              local decision-making.
neighbour who has fallen ill. When           links and encouraging active and            • Champion diversity and the               • A higher proportion of people
citizens take the time to report             involved citizenship.                          contribution everyone makes to the          participating in volunteering.
fly-tipping, graffiti or other hazards,                                                     borough’s quality of life.
                                             Between now and 2020 new                                                                • Increased levels of local activity being
it means that local services can
                                             individuals and communities will                                                           delivered with and through voluntary
respond quickly and effectively.
                                             make their home in the borough.                                                            and community organisations.
Empowered and energetic
                                             Alongside existing communities,
communities also contribute to
                                             they will contribute to the diversity
tackling disadvantage,
                                             and strengthen the social fabric of
discrimination and inequality.
                                             Lewisham. The borough will continue
                                             to be characterised by the hospitality
                                             and energy of its citizens, welcoming
                                             newcomers and the contribution they
                                             make to Lewisham and its future.

Empower citizens to be involved in
their local area and responsive to the
needs of those who live there
Democracy can only work when             Alongside these rights come                 What has been achieved                     • All wards in the borough have a
people make their voices heard.          responsibilities. The cleanliness of the                                                  Safer Neighbourhood Panel where
                                                                                     • The Young Mayor, Young Advisers,
People need to be aware of how           local area, the behaviour of people                                                       residents can set local priorities
                                                                                        Young Commissioners and school
they can influence decisions and be      towards each other and the way in                                                         to help tackle crime and
                                                                                        councils provide early opportunities
confident that becoming involved will    which local services are delivered all                                                    antisocial behaviour.
                                                                                        for young people to voice their
actually result in real changes on the   rely on the active involvement of our
                                                                                        opinions and influence policy locally   • Lewisham’s voluntary and community
ground. Citizens and communities         local citizens.
                                                                                        and nationally.                            sector has piloted a participatory
should also be aware of their rights
                                         These responsibilities extend to looking                                                  budgeting initiative, through which
and what they can expect from their                                                  • The Older People’s Advisory Group
                                         out for our neighbours and fellow                                                         local groups and people have the
local services in terms of quality                                                      has been established to bring
                                         citizens. Many people look after and                                                      opportunity to put forward their
and choice.                                                                             together representatives from 30
                                         provide care for a friend or relative.                                                    ideas and influence how local
                                                                                        diverse groups across the borough
                                         As the number of vulnerable and                                                           money is spent.
                                                                                        and to influence policy and service
                                         elderly people increase so communities
                                                                                        provision for older people.             Plans for the future
                                         will need to play their part in providing
                                         them with support, companionship            • The Blue Borough Grand Prix             • Each ward in the borough will have
                                         and care.                                      and For Real Youth Conference,             a local assembly where citizens
                                                                                        organised by Race Equality Action          and organisations will have the
                                                                                        for Lewisham, give young people an         opportunity to come together with
                                                                                        opportunity to debate current issues       their local councillors to agree the
                                                                                        with local service providers and           priorities for the area and to explore
                                                                                        be involved in developing effective        how these priorities can be achieved.
                                                                                        responses to local problems.
                                                                                                                                • Enhance the opportunity for citizens
                                                                                     • All the major public services provide      to fully realise the benefits of their
                                                                                        ways for citizens to be involved and       local facilities by considering how
                                                                                        give their opinions on the quality of      these assets can be best managed
                                                                                        local services.                            to enhance an area.

33 Shaping our future
• Provide citizens with greater access    How can we all help?
   to decision-making processes.
                                           • Take an active interest in your local
   People will have the opportunity to
                                              area. Report fly-tipping, antisocial
   raise issues through the Councillor
                                              behaviour and broken or damaged
   Call for Action and the use
                                              street furniture and keep an eye
   of petitions.
                                              out for your friends, neighbours
• Provide citizens with the opportunity      and colleagues.
   to help develop, tailor and exercise
                                           • If you want to be involved in local
   choice over the services they receive
                                              decisions, why not speak to your
   through effective dialogue and
                                              local councillor or go along to a
   initiatives such as Direct Payments.
                                              meeting of your local assembly?
• Make more services accessible
                                           • Make sure you make your voice
   electronically and online so that
                                              heard by voting in Young Mayoral,
   citizens can resolve problems and
                                              school council, local, London,
   report issues more easily.
                                              national and European elections.
• Establish opportunities for older          Contact electoral services to make
   people to participate in Lay Visitor       sure you’re on the Electoral Register.
   schemes, which will enable them
                                           What else can I look at?
   to advocate improved services
   and provision which is tailored to      • Volunteering Strategy.
   individual need.                        • Lewisham Statement of Community
                                           • Local Assembly websites.
                                           • Children and Young People’s Plan.

Promote volunteering and
the activity of voluntary and
community organisations
People being willing to volunteer        Lewisham is especially fortunate           What has been achieved                       Plans for the future
their time and energy is a sign of a     in this respect. There are over 800                                                     • Encourage wider civic participation
                                                                                    • Many services in the borough are
healthy community. Whether through       voluntary and community organisations                                                      at all levels, from volunteering to be
                                                                                       directly provided by voluntary and
formal voluntary and community           in the borough. They range in size                                                         a school governor or non-executive
                                                                                       community organisations. The
organisations or informal volunteering   and scope, covering issues from                                                            director, to helping manage a local
                                                                                       Supporting People programme,
work, individuals and organisations      the very specific to ones that relate                                                      voluntary or community organisation
                                                                                       which helps some of the most
contribute to vibrant and active         to the whole community. Many of                                                            or dedicating some time to a club, a
                                                                                       vulnerable within our society, relies
communities and help to raise the        these organisations have specialist                                                        community or a person in need.
                                                                                       upon the contribution and expertise
borough’s overall quality of life.       knowledge and experience, whether
                                                                                       of the sector.
                                         for a particular part of the borough or                                                 • Work with the voluntary and
                                         a specific health condition, enabling      • Significant funding has been                 community sector to build their
                                         them to respond to local needs in an          secured on behalf of Lewisham’s              capacity and to facilitate their
                                         effective way.                                citizens by voluntary and community          involvement in the development and
                                                                                       organisations. It is estimated that for      delivery of local outcomes.
                                         The sector is a major part of
                                                                                       every £1 invested in the voluntary
                                         Lewisham’s success. It makes a                                                          • Develop commissioning practices
                                                                                       and community sector by the council
                                         significant contribution to the economic                                                   that allow for greater involvement
                                                                                       and other local public services, the
                                         and social development of the borough                                                      of voluntary and community
                                                                                       voluntary and community sector
                                         by securing funding to support some                                                        organisations in the design, delivery
                                                                                       levers in an additional £4 of
                                         of our most disadvantaged citizens. It                                                     and monitoring of local services.
                                                                                       external funding.
                                         also helps to foster the connections,                                                   • Move to three-year funding
                                         links and networks that bind               • Lewisham’s Volunteer Centre
                                                                                                                                    arrangements in appropriate
                                         communities and individuals together.         provides resources and guidance
                                                                                       to volunteers and organisations
                                         Our citizens recognise that volunteering
                                                                                       that involve or include volunteers.
                                         is an important way of improving their
                                                                                       It successfully matches volunteers
                                         quality of life. Almost three quarters
                                                                                       with appropriate organisations and
                                         of the borough’s residents have
                                                                                       increases awareness of the benefits
                                         participated in informal volunteering.
                                                                                       and value of volunteering.

35 Shaping our future
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