Shared decision making from reintegration professionals' perspectives to support return to work: a qualitative study

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Vooijs et al. BMC Public Health   (2021) 21:325

 RESEARCH ARTICLE                                                                                                                                   Open Access

Shared decision making from reintegration
professionals’ perspectives to support
return to work: a qualitative study
Marloes Vooijs* , Nicole M. C. van Kesteren, Astrid M. Hazelzet and Wilma Otten

  Background: Work participation is an important determinant of public health; being unemployed leads to a
  decrease in an individual’s health. In the Netherlands, people with a work disability can apply for disability benefits,
  in which people also receive support to return to work (RTW). A method, currently used in the medical sector, that
  can include both the perspective of the reintegration professional and of the individual in the process of RTW, is
  shared decision making (SDM). In this article we explore to what extent reintegration professionals currently use
  SDM, and to what extent they prefer to use SDM in their ideal interaction with clients.
  Methods: We performed semi-structured interviews with fourteen reintegration professionals from four different
  municipalities. The transcripts were coded according to content analysis, applying open and axial coding.
  Results: Reintegration professionals emphasised the importance of having a good relationship with clients, of
  building trust and collaborating as a team. They did not inform their clients that they could be part of the decision-
  making process, or discussed a shared goal. Although professionals did emphasise the importance of aligning their
  approach with the preferences of the client and though they tried to offer some choice options, they did not
  mention available options, discussed the pros and cons of these options or evaluated decisions with their clients.
  Furthermore, they did not mention any of these aspects in their ideal interaction with clients.
  Conclusions: SDM has a potential value, because all professionals underline the importance of having an alliance
  with clients, collaborating as a team, and striving to align their approach with the preferences of the client.
  However, professionals currently perform a limited set of SDM steps. Additional knowledge and skills are needed for
  both reintegration professionals and municipalities so that professionals can consider and reflect on the value of
  using SDM, or SDM steps, in supporting RTW. Providing clients with knowledge and skills seems necessary to
  facilitate both self-management and SDM.
  Keywords: Shared decision making, Patient participation, Autonomy, Evidence based, Employment, Employability,
  Return to work

* Correspondence:
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO, Sustainable
Productivity and Employability, Leiden, The Netherlands

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Vooijs et al. BMC Public Health   (2021) 21:325                                                                Page 2 of 10

Background                                                    needs to be informed that he or she can be part of
Although work participation is an important determin-         the decision-making process, and the professional and
ant of public health, many people are confronted with a       the patient need to discuss the shared goal they want
work disability [1–3]. People with a work disability face     to achieve [18]. Secondly, the patient is informed
unemployment twice as much as people without a dis-           about all the available options to reach the shared
ability [4, 5]. Unemployment leads to a decrease in           goal and all the possible pros and cons of these op-
health for these individuals, since work provides struc-      tions are discussed, that is option talk [18]. Finally, in
ture, social contacts, a sense of belonging and the feeling   decision talk, the preferences for the various options
of being part of society [6–8]. In addition, unemploy-        are discussed and a shared decision is made, which
ment greatly reduces the labour supply, which limits          could also entail delegating the decision to the profes-
economic growth for society as a whole [9].                   sional [18].
   In the Netherlands, people with a work disability            The premise of SDM is that both the physician and
can apply for disability benefits. The work disability        the patient have unique and valuable information rele-
policy is decentralised and delegated to the munici-          vant to the decision; the physician provides evidence-
palities in order to provide individuals, referred to as      and experience-based knowledge, while the patient con-
‘clients’, with customised support [10]. In recent            tributes his or her preferences and personal experiences
years, most municipalities have shifted towards a             [18, 19]. The use of SDM in doctor-patient relationships
more support-oriented policy instead of a more                results in greater satisfaction with the alliance between
control-oriented policy, because it proved to be more         physician and patient, higher levels of self-management
effective in supporting individuals to return to work         and autonomy, and greater compliance with the plan of
(RTW) [11, 12]. To support clients, that is people            action [16]; outcomes which could highly facilitate the
who receive a disability benefit and being supported          process of RTW. Therefore, in this article we want to
towards RTW, many municipalities have pre-                    explore the research question whether reintegration pro-
purchased re-integration interventions executed by a          fessionals already use one or more of the SDM steps in
re-integration organisation, such as schooling or             their interaction with clients and to what extent, and
training (e.g., learning Dutch language), empower-            whether they would like to use one or more of these
ment interventions, work placements to ‘learn’ the            steps in their ideal interaction with clients in the future.
client to work etc., which are deployed depending on
a client’s situation [13].                                    Methods
   After the application for a disability benefit has been    We performed semi-structured interviews with reinte-
received, reintegration professionals in the work and in-     gration professionals working for municipalities. Before
come domain check and approve the issuance of this            the start of the interviews, we developed an interview
disability benefit (‘legal aspect’) and primarily support     guide to answer the research question of this study (see
the client toward RTW (‘goal-oriented’), adapted to his       Supplementary Material), based on the three-talk model
or her abilities [14]. Depending on the municipality,         explaining SDM [18] and multiple work sessions with
these functions are either executed by one reintegration      the research team to formulate and structure the ques-
professional so that he/she has the complete overview of      tions. Features of the consolidated criteria for reported
a client’s situation, or intentionally distributed among      qualitative research (COREQ) [20] were used to improve
two reintegration professionals as some municipalities        the design and quality of reporting the present qualita-
strongly believe that dividing the goal-oriented and the      tive research and are addressed in this methods section
legal aspect is more effective in building an alliance with   (see Supplementary Material). The Medical Ethics Com-
a client [15].                                                mittee of the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Sci-
   The decisions and actions in order for a client to         entific Research TNO determined that no ethical
RTW, like promoting an individual’s employability,            approval was required for this study.
greatly impact a client’s life. Therefore, it is important
to include the client’s preferences in the decision-          Participants
making process [15–17]. A method to stimulate inclu-          We recruited reintegration professionals. In the
sion of the perspectives of both the professional and         Netherlands, there is no specific training required to be-
the client, is shared decision making (SDM) [15].             come a reintegration professional working at a munici-
SDM originates from the medical sector and focuses            pality. Most reintegration professionals have a
on the three-talk model that contains three phases:           background (i.e., study and/or work experience) in social
‘team talk’, ‘option talk’ and ‘decision talk’ [18].          work. The professionals were recruited using two strat-
Firstly, in team talk a professional and the patient          egies. In the first strategy we approached managers of
must cooperate as a team, after which the patient             the municipalities with whom we have already
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cooperated in projects to optimise the support of profes-      they can be part of the decision-making process and dis-
sionals. We asked the managers if we could interview           cussing shared goals), option talk (informing clients of
their professionals. After receiving the managers’ con-        all available options, and the pros and cons of these op-
sent, we asked the managers to distribute information          tions), and decision talk (discussing the preferences of
leaflets explaining the aim and content of the study           both the professional and the client of the available op-
among the professionals. Professionals who indicated an        tions and making a shared decision). We also focused on
interest in participating, were invited to send an email to    the execution and evaluation of the decisions and pre-
the primary researcher (MV), providing their name, con-        conditions of the use of SDM. We interviewed partici-
tact information and the municipality they work. In the        pants until data saturation was reached.
second strategy we informed professionals at a national
conference, to which professionals of all municipalities       Data analysis
were invited, of the possibility of participating in the       The audio recordings of the interviews were transcribed
study. They too could apply by providing their name,           verbatim. The transcripts were coded according to con-
contact information and the municipality they work for         tent analysis, applying open and axial coding [22], using
in an e-mail to the primary researcher (MV), after which       the Atlas.ti software program. Themes were derived
they were sent an information leaflet. We selected pro-        from the interview guide, following the three-talk model
fessionals using consecutive- and voluntary sampling           of Elwyn et al. [18]. The researchers MV and MaVi
[21], including professionals who are Dutch-speaking,          coded one of the transcripts independently using open
had over 5 years of experience and provided current and        coding, after which they discussed the codes until they
frequent support to clients to facilitate their RTW. We        reached a consensus. MaVi then coded the remaining
also selected professionals from four different municipal-     transcripts. Afterwards the retrieved open codes were
ities, since each municipality has its own approach to         categorised into subjects and themes. The themes are
work participation. In two municipalities, the execution       described in the results section. During the process, the
of the legal aspect and support to RTW was performed           list of open, axial and selective codes was repeatedly
by two separate professionals, in which we spoke to the        checked by the primary researcher (MV) and discussed
person facilitating the support to RTW. In the other two       with the entire team to check the codes and reach a
municipalities, these functions were performed by one          consensus.
professional. Municipalities subdivide clients (i.e. people
who receive a disability benefit and are supported to-         Results
wards RTW) into client profiles, categorised according         We conducted a total of fourteen interviews with reinte-
to the estimated time to RTW or how ‘work fit’ a client        gration professionals from four different municipalities.
is. We took care to select professionals supporting cli-       in our analysis, we found 19 subjects divided in seven
ents of all client groups; people who were not ‘work fit’      themes. We included quotes of the participating profes-
and had an estimated time to RTW of over two years,            sionals to illustrate our findings.
ranging to people who were work fit and were estimated
that they could RTW right away.                                Team talk
                                                               Professional and client collaborating as a team
Data collection                                                Most professionals roughly follow the same procedure
The semi-structured interviews with professionals were         for new clients: first the intake, then guiding the client
conducted by telephone in November 2018 and had a              towards being ‘work fit’, after which a client can RTW.
duration of an hour on average. The interviews with the        The intake is where the professional and the client first
professionals were conducted by an experienced female          meet and an overview of the client’s situation is estab-
researcher (MV, PhD) working in the occupational               lished. Professionals all emphasised, especially in this
health field. Participants were informed that all informa-     phase of the process, the importance of building an alli-
tion obtained prior or during the study would be han-          ance with the client. One professional explained this by
dled confidentially and that an audio recording would be       stating that “you have to build trust between each other”.
made. Prior to the interview, all participants were asked      Professionals indicated that building a relationship and
to provide a verbal consent which was audio recorded.          trusting each other is the foundation for support to-
During the semi-structured interviews with the profes-         wards work participation. Building a relationship takes
sionals, we zoomed in on the different steps supporting        time, but according to some professionals investing time
SDM in both their current interaction with their clients       in a relationship from the start, will pay off later.
and their ideal interaction with their clients, specifically
team talk (having a safe relationship and the professional       “In any case it is important to build a relationship
and client collaborating as a team, informing clients that       with clients. It doesn’t even have to be because you
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   want them to get a job, but this way you are in               sorted, it becomes easy.” – Reintegration professional
   touch more often. I think that helps.” – Reintegration        (6).
   professional (8).
                                                               Explaining to clients that they can be part of the process
  A good relationship and trusting each other is indi-         None of the interviewed professionals indicated that they
cated as a precondition for clients opening up about           informed their clients that they can be part of the
their lives and” getting through” to the client, and           decision-making process or recognised the need for this
have him/her provide a professional with information           in their ideal interaction with clients. Most of the profes-
and insights into the client’s behaviour. By “getting          sionals interpreted this question differently. For instance,
through to the client” some professionals meant:               professionals responded that they explain their role as a
teaching clients to reflect on their actions towards           professional to clients, and inform clients about their
work participation and on their wishes and prefer-             legal obligations (e.g., clients must cooperate and accept
ences, and also, according to some professionals, to           work offers whenever they can in order to receive their
gain a feasible perspective on work participation.             monthly disability benefit). Some professionals even
Gaining insight into a client’s situation and learning         interpreted the question of informing their clients, as
about the obstacles a client faces on the road to work         informing other professionals about collaboration in-
participation, are important in making a good diagno-          stead of collaborating with the client.
sis and planning follow-up actions. Professionals also
indicated that a good relationship increases both the            “In any case I also try to explain my role in this, and
motivation of clients toward RTW and a willingness               the reason it is important and why, what I inquire
to take action to reach that goal.                               from supervisors of clients and that, when it involves
                                                                 benefits, they (clients) must know that they have
   “Interviewer: So in fact you sort of guide people to-         rights of course, but obligations as well, and what
   ward gaining insight? Interviewee: Yes, that is right.        those obligations are, and if that is something the cli-
   It takes up a lot of time, you know? At least three           ent can accept. Because I really want all that to be
   hours of work, and more often than not they do not            clear (to the client).” – Reintegration professional (7).
   enjoy it much, because I ask them a lot of questions.
   And they think, yes well, shouldn’t we get started          Setting a shared goal
   already (with actions to RTW)? I often have to ex-          All professionals indicated that the goal of their support
   plain, yes, but I have to know more about you before        is the client’s RTW, as instructed by most municipalities.
   I can really start helping you. OK, in the end they         Professionals indicated that they strive to make clients
   get it, but they do not like it, because they want this     ‘work fit’, meaning that a client is ready to apply for a
   problem solved as quickly as possible.” – Reintegra-        job, followed by RTW. To achieve this goal, profes-
   tion professional (14).                                     sionals explained that they use a step-by-step approach.
                                                               They seem to formulate these steps themselves, but the
  Professionals explained that they build relationships        steps are not written down or shared with the client,
with clients by introducing themselves, using small talk,      which limits SDM. Some professionals interpreted ‘set-
by making jokes and having a laugh, being informal in          ting a shared goal together’ as ‘setting a shared goal with
their one-on-one communication and by having infor-            colleagues’.
mal contact moments by app or e-mail to foster the rela-
tionship. Some professionals indicated that to establish a       “I also often consult with other professionals. We will
good relationship you must approach a client as an equal         get together and sometimes we will decide what to
partner. They label the relationship with their clients as       do with a client and how we can approach it to-
“being a team” in which “you must have the same goal             gether.” – Reintegration professional (8).
in mind”. One professional stated that “to be able to do
this work you have to be empathetic”. All professionals          However, all professionals clearly endorsed the im-
stated that building a relationship is compatible with         portance of involving the client in setting a shared goal
their ideal interaction with clients.                          and aim to align their approach with the client’s prefer-
                                                               ences. Some professionals were motivated by the idea
   “I feel it is important to make contact first, to start a   that the client is held accountable and should act on this
   relationship with clients. Because you have to earn         responsibility. Other professionals want clients to be
   their trust, and vice-versa. I see it as a commitment,      self-reliant, so that clients learn to have autonomy and
   just like a marriage; it does not happen overnight.         develop self-confidence in the choices they make. Profes-
   You have to get to know them, and once that is              sionals promoted self-management in clients by giving
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them homework to think about their RTW goals, which            follows up on decisions before professionals opt to apply
could then be discussed in the next conversation. Many         SDM.
professionals explained that if they “did not tailor the
job to the needs of the client, they would not obtain a          “Well, when I think about working together with my
long-term solution for the client”.                              candidates, I think of it as facilitating. And what
                                                                 that means is, let’s see what the candidate really
   “I want the candidate to take the lead, for the candi-        wants and see to what extent we can accommodate
   date to have self-determination and to give her a             him or her, and see what obstacles are blocking the
   level of autonomy. So when I notice, especially in            way and how I can remove them. And sometimes the
   that area, that she could be a bit stronger, I will cer-      problem lies with the candidate who will have to do
   tainly try to cultivate that. So I try to encourage her       something to remove those obstacles.” – Reintegra-
   to make choices. ( …) “I’ll say, ‘think about what you        tion professional (1).
   would like to do and let’s discuss it’.” – Reintegration
   professional (1).                                           Option talk
                                                               Presenting choice options
  In some cases, the preferences of the client and the         Professionals indicated that asking about a client’s pref-
professional are in alignment. In other cases, clients have    erences and goals, frequently results in various choice
different goals and ideas about their future work partici-     options which professionals and clients can discuss. In
pation, or have unrealistic goals according to the profes-     most cases, clients are asked to prepare a range of op-
sionals. In case of the latter, professionals indicated that   tions before the meeting. A precondition for this discus-
they encourage clients to reflect on a more feasible per-      sion, according to the professionals, is for the client to
spective. Another option would be that professionals           provide feasible choice options. Furthermore, profes-
suggest what they believe is a feasible alternative in line    sionals generally did not actively present different choice
with the preferences of the client. If that method is not      options for a variety of reasons. The first reason being
an option, professionals then actively ask questions to        the physical and mental limitations of clients, making it
obtain more information from the client in order to sug-       difficult for professionals to match clients 1-on-1 with
gest an alternative option.                                    available choice options, in most cases pre-purchased in-
                                                               terventions. Another reason, according to professionals,
   “Many people want to get back to work and let you           is that many clients lack the necessary level of autonomy
   know ‘I want this and that’. And that is not possible,      and self-management to discuss choice options. How-
   because at this particular moment that is not feas-         ever, there were also professionals who saw the possibil-
   ible. Sometimes people do not understand why not.           ity of presenting choice options regardless of the level of
   So you want to start at the bottom of that ladder.          self-management.
   And you want to know what someone is capable of,
   what someone does. What situation are they in? And            “Sometimes their level (of self-management) is so low
   once you know more, you start to figure out which             that they cannot really see the consequences of their
   approach might suit someone. ( …) And slowly build            actions. That makes it more difficult to tackle this
   to where you can say ‘why do you not go for a walk            together, so I have to take more decisions. So with
   outside?’ But you can also set targets with a client.         some (clients) you go on this journey together, and
   These can be baby steps, but, you know, with some             discover what can be done and which steps we need
   people that way is the only way”. – Reintegration             to take to get there. And with others you might just
   professional (10).                                            say ‘these are the two steps available to you, which
                                                                 one shall we pick?’ In that case, I make sure that the
  Professionals reported several preconditions for setting       choices are more limited and more concrete.” – Re-
a shared goal. Firstly, clients should have a certain level      integration professional (5).
of autonomy and self-management. In other words, cli-
ents must be able to stand up for themselves and follow          The third reason refers to the job descriptions of the
up on decisions. If clients are not autonomous, profes-        professionals in the different municipalities. Some pro-
sionals opt for a more paternalistic style with clients, in    fessionals explained that they “only perform intakes and
which professionals make all the decisions. Secondly,          subsequently decide which re-integration intervention or
professionals state that SDM is only possible with clients     trajectory is better suited to the client’s profile”. Then
motivated toward RTW and able to follow up on deci-            they refer the client to a particular intervention or tra-
sions made. In summation, ideally a client must be as-         jectory. Other professionals reflected on the division of
sertive, show initiative and demonstrate that he or she        goal-oriented and the legal aspects of the job;
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professionals who were only responsible for goal-               Discussing pros and cons
oriented aspects of the job stated that they found it eas-      None of the professionals reported on discussing the
ier to build a relationship with the client. They had the       pros and cons of choice options with the clients. How-
idea that the client trusted them more, because they            ever, professionals did report on having a preference for
were not responsible for checking if a client is entitled       a choice option of their own, described as the” feasible
to benefits.                                                    perspective”. This feasible perspective is the result of an
                                                                estimate made by the professional, which seemed to be
   “That is the advantage of not having to take that de-        primarily an unconscious process of weighing the pros
   cision (if a client is entitled to benefits). If I were to   and cons while searching for a feasible option for the cli-
   tell someone ‘if you do not show up, I will make sure        ent, preferably in line with the wishes of the client as de-
   you are penalised by a hundred per cent or I’ll have         scribed in team talk. Factors influencing this weighing
   your benefit revoked’, then I am the bogeyman. They          process include the client’s preferences, obstacles the cli-
   will never ever confide in me again.” – Reintegration        ent faces (e.g. disabilities, housing conditions, presence
   professional (11).                                           of children), the amount of autonomy a client can han-
                                                                dle, if the client is able to reflect on his/her behaviour, if
   A fourth reason is that the municipality has pre-            the client shows initiative, and the client’s general and
purchased interventions that do not match clients’ pro-         job- or sector-specific skills. The interaction with clients
files and lead toward RTW. Some professionals indicated         described above is consistent with their ideal interaction
that in their ideal interaction with clients they would         with a client.
have more autonomy in the choice options, meaning no
pre-purchased interventions and working demand-                   “What I try to do, is find out what will energise my
driven instead of supply-driven. As stated in team talk,          clients, what are they passionate about. That is what
professionals emphasise the importance of aligning the            I look for. For instance, that candidate would not
steps with the goals and preferences of clients. However,         mind being a beautician … And if you keep digging
professionals experience this as a discrepancy between            you might come up with something in a perfume
municipal policy and the support to RTW which profes-             and cosmetics shop where she might be able to give
sionals provide.                                                  beauty tips to customers, that kind of thing. So pur-
                                                                  sue that and the road you have to take starts to ap-
   “In the organisation they focus on what people can             pear, of what she might be able do over time … And
   do physically and what their job profile is, previous          that is how I keep peeling away until we come to a
   work experiences, so they can be placed in a certain           realistic, feasible perspective.” – Reintegration profes-
   sector. For instance: ‘Someone is able to sit, so he or        sional (1).
   she can do production work, because that is done sit-
   ting down.’ Instead we should be looking at what             Decision talk
   someone would really like to be doing and how we             When we asked professionals whether they make shared
   can enable that. Working with those job profiles I           decisions, most professionals stated that they currently
   think is the old way of working.” – Reintegration pro-       make shared decisions with their clients during their
   fessional (1).                                               interaction, and that these shared decisions conform to
                                                                their ideal interaction with the client. However, follow-
  Finally, some professionals mentioned that time and           up remarks show that, although they want to involve the
training for themselves and their colleagues are precon-        client in decisions, in the end they still make the
ditions to present choice options. Most professionals ex-       decisions.
perience a high caseload allowing limited time per client.
Ideally, they prefer to have more time with clients to            “I try doing it with a bit of indirect communication:
offer support of a higher quality and more SDM.                   you want to be a good father, don’t you? Yes. Don’t
                                                                  you want to take care of your family? Yes. And don’t
   “They expect our work to be tailored to clients’               you want to build a future for yourself? Yes. I said,
   needs and that is important to clients and suits               but then you will have to take steps to get there and
   them best. Within the entire official system and               one of those steps is taking good care of yourself and
   all its legal rules and regulations. And still you             of course you will be a good father.” – Reintegration
   hope you help or counsel someone as best you                   professional (2).
   can. Except, well, you just have to run production,
   let’s be honest. You just have to handle request.”             Some professionals even clearly indicated that “they
   – Reintegration professional (7).                            have the final say”, mostly because they find that they
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can make a better assessment of what is the most feas-         clients. They also did not mention these aspects in their
ible perspective for their clients toward RTW.                 ideal interaction with clients. Preconditions mentioned
                                                               are either connected to the client, such as having motiv-
   “We try as much as possible to do things in consult-        ation and self-management, or to the organisation, such
   ation. They can always come up with suggestions.            as having choice options, having a reasonable caseload
   But I make the decision.” – Reintegration profes-           to apply SDM and reflecting on having to perform both
   sional (2).                                                 goal-oriented and legal aspect of the job.
                                                                  Trust, collaborating as a team, and having an alliance
  In addition, all professionals indicated that to not all     are expressed by professionals as essential elements of
clients are able to handle choices, because of their men-      supporting a client toward RTW in this study. These are
tal limitations, cultural differences, low autonomy, low       important steps, as emphasised in SDM literature [18],
self-reflection or lack of initiative.                         and also in literature focusing on supporting clients to-
                                                               ward RTW in general [12, 15]. Although found to be es-
   “Sometimes their level is so low that they cannot           sential, de Winter et al. [23] stated that most of the
   really see the consequences of their actions. That          municipalities in the Netherlands focus on checking en-
   makes it more difficult to tackle this together, so I       titlement to benefits, and fraud. This puts a damper on
   have to take more decisions.” – Reintegration profes-       trust, collaborating as a team and having an alliance, and
   sional (5).                                                 as a result it limits SDM and the support of clients to-
                                                               ward RTW in general. This is emphasised by research
Execution and evaluation of decisions                          stating that control decreases intrinsic motivation, be-
Some professionals explained that clients do not always        cause it fails to satisfy the basic needs of clients [24].
follow up on decisions made in previous conversations.         This means that although professionals clearly mention
                                                               the necessity of building trust and collaborating to-
   “He said: ‘I would really like to work.’ OK. In the         gether, the policy of municipalities may counteract cli-
   previous session he had made a CV. I said, I did not        ents’ autonomy and intrinsic motivation. Municipalities
   receive your CV yet, send me your CV. ‘Yes, all right.’     should therefore consider the effect of the legal aspect of
   I was on holiday for a week, autumn half-term, no           the job, and consider whether focusing on trust and col-
   CV. So I sent him another message. ‘Where is your           laboration (i.e., goal-oriented activities) is more effective
   CV? I have not received it yet.’ And then you get this      in achieving both SDM and the support of a client to-
   whole story, well, my son had a fall and now he is in       ward RTW in general.
   a cast and, well, lah-di-dah, I have not had time              Not all steps of SDM are performed. For a start, pro-
   and do not pressure me.” – Reintegration profes-            fessionals generally do not inform their clients that they
   sional (2).                                                 can be part of the decision-making process or provide
                                                               the client information about the various choices and
  Ideally, professionals would like clients to follow up on    their pros and cons. This lack of raising awareness and
decisions made. Furthermore, none of the professionals         providing information, limits a client’s self-management
reported on evaluating the decisions made (together) or        [16] and their intrinsic motivation as well [24]. Although
asking for input of the client in this evaluation.             professionals indicate self-management in clients as a
                                                               precondition for the use of SDM in this study, clients
Discussion                                                     are denied the opportunity to do so due to lack of infor-
In this article we explored whether and to what extent         mation [16]; a vicious circle. Informing a client could be
reintegration professionals used SDM steps in their            a crucial first step to break that circle. The medical sec-
interaction with clients and if they would like to use one     tor offers various tools, such as decision aids, informa-
or more steps in their ideal interaction with their clients.   tional websites and campaigns [25] that provide clients
Results show that reintegration professionals found it         with the necessary knowledge and skills, facilitating the
very important to have a good relationship with clients,       self-management in clients and the opportunity to dis-
to trust each other, and to work together as a team.           cuss options, and SDM, applicable to both professionals
They did not inform their clients that they could be part      and clients in this sector.
of the decision-making process or discussed a shared              With regard to making a shared decision, professionals
goal. Although professionals did emphasise the import-         clearly indicated the importance of aligning the ap-
ance of aligning their approach with the preferences of        proach of the professionals with the preferences of cli-
the client and they tried to discuss some choice options,      ents. Therefore, most professionals strive to ask the
they did not discuss all available options or the pros and     client for his or her preferences before making a deci-
cons of these options, or evaluated decisions with their       sion. They do so because they find that essential to
Vooijs et al. BMC Public Health   (2021) 21:325                                                                 Page 8 of 10

motivate the client to take steps toward RTW. Research         are underlined by de Winter et al. [23]; they explain that
underlines this by explaining that a client’s intrinsic mo-    how you treat the client determines how the clients will
tivation can be an important facilitator to RTW [12],          behave [29]. In addition, as some professionals indicated
which can be increased by clients experiencing auton-          that SDM is possible when adapted to the level of self-
omy and feeling connected to the process [24], and is          management of the client, professionals could explore
achieved by collaborating with a client during the             whether SDM or steps of SDM could be performed
process. Although professionals state the importance of        adapted to the level of self-management of clients.
including a client’s preference in the decision, they do          A limitation of this study is that we performed the in-
not go so far as to actually make shared decisions; they       terviews by telephone, which minimised the information
express that they have the final say in the decision-          from non-verbal behaviour. However, we elected this
making process. We believe that by not only including a        method to make it possible for more professionals to
client’s preference in the decision, but actually making       participate in the study, considering their large caseload
shared decisions, intrinsic motivation of a client will in-    and limited amount of time. Another limitation is that
crease even more because of the increased autonomy of          we approached professionals in municipalities that we
a client in being part of the process [24]. This is also the   already facilitated to optimise support for clients in their
crucial difference with other available methods to facili-     RTW. In addition to voluntary sampling, this means that
tate support to RTW, such as supported employment or           these professionals were most likely to be more moti-
motivational interviewing [25, 26]. These methods strive       vated to provide optimal guidance, and subsequently
to involve the clients in the process, but differ in that      SDM, but that they were also more likely to provide us
they do not explicitly offer choice and that the client is     with more information on the ideal and current use of
not actually part of the decision making process and fa-       SDM. Another limitation is that we did not include the
cilitated to make a decision.                                  perspectives of clients into this study, to reflect on the
   Several professionals explained that they feel limited in   steps used in SDM. Future research is needed on these
their choice and decision options due to the pre-              perspectives and if clients recognize and prefer steps of
purchased interventions of municipalities, and the muni-       the SDM in the received support towards RTW. Future
cipalities’ focus on professionals supporting RTW. In          research is also needed to explore and acquire insight
addition, a lack of evidence of the effectiveness of these     into the experiences of both professionals and clients in
pre-purchased interventions [12, 27] limits the discus-        the use of SDM, to see which elements of the approach
sion about the pros and cons of the options. In fact, in       add value to both clients and professionals. Finally, al-
the medical sector [28] the pros and cons are discussed        though professionals state that they are willing and mo-
based on scientific evidence, which facilitates choosing       tivated to use SDM, increasing the knowledge and skills
the appropriate option. To increase choice and decision        of professionals seems needed [30–34] to raise their
options, municipalities can explore whether these inter-       awareness so they can reflect on the value of using SDM
ventions are effective and for whom and when. This en-         and the steps of SDM toward RTW. Also, providing cli-
ables professionals to explain evidence-based pros and         ents with information seems necessary to facilitate self-
cons per intervention and per step toward RTW, and be          management as a first step in increasing the applicability
able to meet the needs of the individual client instead of     of SDM. Future research should focus on how and what
applying a supply-driven approach.                             knowledge and skills are needed for the use of SDM by
   Although professionals are willing and strive to imple-     professionals and clients.
ment SDM, professionals clearly state that SDM is not
suitable for all clients; they state that SDM is only for      Conclusions
clients who are responsive and motivated, show initiative      SDM has potential value in the process of RTW; profes-
and follow-up on plans, in other words: self-                  sionals confirm the importance of building trust, collab-
management. However, as discussed, professionals do            orating as a team and aligning the approach with the
not provide the information to build the knowledge and         preferences of the client. However, professionals cur-
skills needed for self-management and motivation. This         rently perform a limited set of SDM steps. Professionals
can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy [16]. It implies that   are not aware of all steps of SDM; steps which could be
municipalities demand self-management in clients, but          helpful in the process of RTW. Additional knowledge,
do not provide sufficient resources to achieve this. It        skills and tools are needed for both reintegration profes-
could mean that there might be more clients who could          sionals and municipalities so that professionals can con-
be self-reliant and motivated if given sufficient informa-     sider and reflect on the value of using SDM, or SDM
tion and opportunity [16]. Finally, SDM would actually         steps, in supporting RTW. Also providing clients with
increase motivation, since the client has more autonomy        knowledge, skills and tools seems necessary to facilitate
in the decision-making process. Both of these reasons          both self-management and SDM.
Vooijs et al. BMC Public Health         (2021) 21:325                                                                                                   Page 9 of 10

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