Silver Report 2018 Everything you need to know about silver! - Swiss Resource Capital

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Silver Report 2018 Everything you need to know about silver! - Swiss Resource Capital
Silver Report 2018
Everything you need to know about silver! |
Silver Report 2018 Everything you need to know about silver! - Swiss Resource Capital
    Dear reader,                                    neither explicitly nor implicitly to be under-       part foreign exchange risks. The deposit porti-      by expressed recommendations or repro-                out other company evaluations. Neither Swiss          mits, changes of foreign exchange rates, fluc-
                                                    stood as guarantee of a particular price de-         on of single shares of small and micro cap           duced opinions in such a publication will result      Resource Capital AG nor the respective au-            tuations of commodity prices, delays by pro-
   Please read the complete disclaimer in           velopment of the mentioned financial instru-         companies and low capitalized securities like        in an investment advice contract or investment        thors will guarantee that the expected profits        ject developments and other factors.
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                                                                                                         and trustworthy by Swiss Resource Capital            sible that investments can lead to a capital             In addition, Swiss Resource Capital AG wel-        mineral reserve and mineral resource estima-
We point out the following:                            This applies especially to all second-line-       AG and the respective authors at the time of         reduction or to a total loss and - depending on       comes and supports the journalistic principles        tes, fluctuations of the gold price, risks and
                                                    stocks in the small and micro cap sector and         preparation. Swiss Resource Capital AG and           the investment – to further obligations for ex-       of conduct and recommendations of the Ger-            dangers in connection with mineral explorati-
   Swiss Resource Capital AG and the au-            especially to exploration and resource compa-        all Swiss Resource Capital AG employed or            ample additional payment liabilities. Any in-         man press council for the economic and finan-         on, development and mining, risks regarding
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First Majestic Silver Corp., Kootenay Silver        as well. Every exchange participant trades at        are complete and accurate and the used esti-         se and in the worst case a total loss of the in-                                                            receive insurance coverage to cover these ris-
Inc., Levon Resources Ltd., Metallic Mine-          his own risk. The information in the publica-        mates and made forecasts are realistic. There-       vested capital and - depending on the invest-                                                               ks and dangers, the relationship with emplo-
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   Swiss Resource Capital AG has closed IR
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                                                    adequacy or quality of the presented informa-        of the respective author or third parties at the     thors as well as Swiss Resource Capital AG no         They contain risks and uncertainties but not          the necessary licences and permits, the
Metals Inc.
                                                    tion. For pecuniary losses resulting from inves-     time of reparation of the publication. Neither       consultancy agreement is closed by subscrip-          limited to current expectations of the company        decreasing quantities and grades of mineral
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Endeavour Silver Corp., First Majestic Sil-
                                                    tive author neither explicitly nor implicitly.       as the respective authors assures that only          tions of Swiss Resource Capital AG are neit-          ve”, “assume”, “goal”, “plan”, “objective”, “in-      project parameter to include unexpected eco-
ver Corp., Kootenay Silver Inc., Levon Re-
                                                                                                         sources which are deemed reliable and trust-         her, direct or indirect an offer to buy or for the    tent”, “estimate”, “can”, “should”, “may” and         nomic factors and other factors, risks of in-
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                                                       Any investment in securities involves risks.      worthy by Swiss Resource Capital AG and the          sale of the discussed security (securities), nor      “will” or the negative forms of these expressi-       creased capital and operating costs, environ-
ra Minerals Inc., Silvercorp Metals Inc.,
                                                    Political, economical or other changes can           respective authors at the time of preparation        an invitation for the purchase or sale of securi-     ons or similar words suggesting future events         mental, security and authority risks,
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Risk Disclosure and Liability
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                                                    micro cap sector, and especially in the explo-       accuracy, completeness, adequacy or quality          a base for a binding contract of all kinds or         as well as plans and timing regarding further         targeted production rates and fluctuations in
   Swiss Resource Capital AG is not a securi-
                                                    ration and resource companies are all, in ge-        of the presented facts or for omissions or in-       used as reliable in such a context. Swiss Re-         exploration, drill and development activities.        foreign exchange rates. The shareholders are
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                                                    well as a high risk and can lead to, in the worst    cussed security. The statements and opinions         the respective authors in partly very speculati-      data, the assumptions regarding the accuracy          of new information, future events or other such
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                            Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz                                                                                                       |
Silver Report 2018 Everything you need to know about silver! - Swiss Resource Capital
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                             Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz                                                                                                        |
Silver Report 2018 Everything you need to know about silver! - Swiss Resource Capital
Tables of Contents                                                                  Imprint
                           The whole world of commodities
                           in one App!
      Downlo App
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                                                                                                   Disclaimer                                                      02

        for fre                                                                                    Table of Contents | Imprint07


                                                                                                   Silver – considerable catch-up potential via growing
                                                                                                   mechanization and investment demand!10

                                                                                                   Interview with Dr. Torsten Dennin –
                                                                                                   Gründer und CEO von Lynkeus Capital LLC16

                                                                                                   Company profiles
                                                                                                   Endeavour Silver Corp.                                          20                 Swiss Resource Capital AG
                                                                                                                                                                                       Poststr. 1
                                                                                                   First Majestic Silver Corp.                                     25                 9100 Herisau, Schweiz
                                                                                                                                                                                      Tel : +41 71 354 8501
                                                                                                   Kootenay Silver Inc.                                            30                 Fax : +41 71 560 4271
                                                                                                   Levon Resources Ltd.                                            35       

                                                                                                   Metallic Minerals Corp.                                         40                 Editorial staff
                                                                                                                                                                                       Jochen Staiger
                                                                                                   Sierra Minerals Inc.                                            45                 Tim Rödel
            Watch Management & Expert Interviews, Site-Visit-Videos,
                                                                                                   Silvercorp Metals Inc.                                          50                 Layout/Design
            News Shows and receive top and up to date
                                                                                                                                                                                       Frauke Deutsch
            Mining Information on your mobile device worldwide!                                    Silver One Resources Inc.                                       54
                                                                                                                                                                                       All rights reserved. Reprinting material
                                                                                                                                                                                       by copying in electronic form is not
            Amazing features:                                                                                                                                                          permitted.

            •   Company Facts
            •   Global Mining News                                                                                                                                                     Editorial Deadline 09/30/2017

            •   Push Notofications                                                                                                                                                     cover photo: © Eliora Henzler /

            •   Commodity-TV, Rohstoff-TV and Dukascopy-TV                                                                                                                   
                                                                                                                                                                                       page 19 © Endeavour Silver Corp.
                                                                                    powered by:
            •   Live Charts                                                                                                                                                            All images and graphics are, unless otherwise
                                                                                                                                                                                       stated, by the companies.
            •   JRB-Rohstoffblog                                                                                                                                                       Back 1,2,3: © Endeavour Silver Corp.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Back 4: shutterstock/Aleksandar Mijatovic

                                                                                                                                                                                       Date of Charts: 11/03/2017

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    Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz |                         |
Silver Report 2018 Everything you need to know about silver! - Swiss Resource Capital

                                                                  Dear reader,

                                                                  on the following pages we present to you      on the silver price and are well suited as   Jochen Staiger is founder and CEO of
                                                                  with great pleasure our special report on     an investment. In this silver report some    Swiss Resource Capital AG, located in
                                                                  the topic “Silver”, which follows our suc-    interesting companies are presented          Herisau, Switzerland. As chief-editor
                                                                  cessful Lithium and Uranium Reports.          which are suited for speculation on rising   and founder of the first two resource
                                                                  Swiss Resource Capital AG has made it         silver prices. Via the general overview we   IPTV-channels Commodity-TV and its
                                                                  its business to topically and comprehen-      also want to provide you with the neces-     German counterpart Rohstoff-TV, he
                                                                  sively inform commodity investors, inte-      sary basic knowledge so that you can         reports about companies, experts,
                                                                  rested parties and the individual who         make your own decisions.                     fund managers and various themes
                                                                  wants to become an investor in various                                                     around the international mining
                                                                  commodities and mining companies.             With our special reports we would like       business and the correspondent
                                                                  On our website        to give you the necessary insights and       metals.
                                                                  you will find 20 companies and informati-     inform you comprehensively. In additi-
                                                                  on as well as articles related to commo-      on, our two Commodity IP-TV
                                                                  dities. We see silver as an industrial me-    channels &
                                                                  tal on one side and as indispensable for are always avai-
                                                                  the solar industry as well as a high-tech     lable to you free of charge. For the go
                                                                  metal on the other side. Silver reached a     we recommend our new Commodi-
                                                                  supply deficit in 2016 and will continue to   ty-TV App for iPhone and Android
                                                                  do so which allows for space and oppor-       which also provides real-time charts,

                            d R o h s t o f f - T V  get          tunities for future price development. Sil-   share prices and the latest videos.
                                                                  ver is becoming more and more import-

                                 n e s s   it   d e s e r v es!   ant for antibacterial applications, allergy   My team and I hope you will enjoy rea-

                                                                  sufferers, textiles, cosmetics, high-tech     ding the special report on silver and hope

     c o m p a n y t h e                                          industry, energy transmission, solar in-      that we can provide you with new infor-
your                                                              dustry and for electric vehicles as well.
                                                                  The demand is rising whereby the supply
                                                                                                                mation, impressions and ideas. Only the
                                                                                                                one who gets broadly informed and ta-
                                                                  cannot keep up due to the fact that silver    kes matters relating to investments in his
                                                                  is in large part a by-product of the base     own hand will be amongst the winners
                                                                  metal production. One should also keep        and preserve his wealth during these dif-
                                                                  in mind the value of silver as a store of     ficult times. Silver like gold withstood     Tim Roedel is chief-editorial- and
                                                                  purchasing power and pecuniary substi-        over millennia and will continue to with-    -communications-manager at SRC
                                                                  tute as well as a hedge against extremely     stand in the future.                         AG. He has been active in the
                                                                  bad times. If the global financial systems                                                 commodity sector since 2007 and
                                                                  can’t withstand the money printing or-                                                     held several editor- and chief-editor-
                                                                  gies of the central banks and financial       Yours Jochen Staiger                         positions, e.g. at the publications
                                                                  collapse occurs, then the owner of silver                                                  Rohstoff-Spiegel, Rohstoff-Woche,
                                                                  ounces has a clear advantage to provide                                                    Rohstoffraketen, Wahrer Wohlstand
                                                                  himself and his family with the most                                                       and First Mover. He owns an
                                                                  necessary food. We don’t want to con-                                                      enormous commodity expertise and a
                                                                  jecture the worst case but physical silver                                                 wide-spread network within the whole
                                                                  and also gold as well as my wine cellar                                                    resource sector.
                                                                  ease off my fear of the potential coming
                                                                  distortions. It is more important to have a
                                                                  positive view of the future and that nice
                                                                  returns can be achieved with silver com-
                                                                  panies. Once silver turns north the silver
                                                                  producers have a tremendous leverage


       |                                  |
Silver Report 2018 Everything you need to know about silver! - Swiss Resource Capital
Silver – considerable catch-up potential via growing
mechanization and investment demand!

                                       What is better than gold? – Correct: Sil-     the reason for the historic price ratio bet-    have already made gold a kind of substi-       tivity of all elements and the highest
                                       ver! At least if we look at some funda-       ween gold and silver of 16:1.                   tute currency. That this is so shows           thermal conductivity of all metals. These
                                       mental data such as the ratio of gold                                                         gold’s rise by 700 % during the first          characteristics make silver an in-
                                       production to silver production together                                                      decade of the 21st century and the big         dispensable metal for industrial applica-
                                       with the ratio of the gold price to silver    Gold = Silver times 16 – but not                gold outflow from Europe to China that         tions.
                                       price or the grade of industrial use of       for the price                                   increased during recent years. If gold
                                       both metals. Then, one quickly finds out                                                      would be made to a currency the same           But silver is much more: Unlike gold, it is
                                       that compared to gold, silver has a tre-      A summary of these findings provides            would be happening to silver and the           used in numerous applications that are
                                       mendous catch-up potential.                   the insight that something is not right.        amount of gold and silver necessary to         steadily increasing with technical pro-
                                                                                     The ratio of existing and annually pro-         build such a gold and silver backed cur-       gress. Besides its use as industrial me-
                                                                                     duced ounces of silver to gold is appro-        rency system would be several times            tal, silver is also a precious metal. Like
                                       In regard to gold silver has a                ximately 16:1. Concurrently the price dif-      higher than the dwindling industrial de-       gold, silver is in principle money and is
                                       multiple catch-up potential                   ference of an ounce of gold to an ounce         mand caused by possible crises.                used for value preservation. It can also
                                                                                     of silver is 75:1. If this doesn’t sound                                                       be viewed as a hedge against a progres-
                                       The reason that silver has additional         right and should shift in favor of silver to-                                                  sing inflation.
                                       catch-up potential with respect to gold is    wards 16:1 one is really amazed about           Silver has to detach itself from
                                       on the one hand the historic gold/silver      the aforementioned ratio of investments         gold in the long-term!
                                       ratio and on the other the ratio of pro-      in physical silver to investments in physi-                                                    Supply Situation
                                       duced ounces of gold/produced ounces          cal gold which according to leading nati-       As an interim conclusion it can be said
                                       of silver.                                    onal Mints is between 1 and 2.5. How is         that the old price ratio of 16 ounces of
                                                                                     this possible that (almost) as much capi-       silver to one ounce of gold could be a         Mexico, Peru and China are the
                                       The ratio between the gold price and the      tal flows in to physical silver than in phy-    suitable basis. Based on current facts         leading producers
                                       silver price was – as long as both metals     sical gold? The ratio of physical silver to     silver must return to its old strength and
                                       were a currency in the USA and Europe         physical gold is around 16:1 and the            thereby also to the old price ratio of 1:16!   In 2015 the global silver production rea-
                                       (gold and silver backed currencies were       price of an ounce of gold to an ounce of        It can be noted that for the last 3, 5 and     ched its previous peak with a total of 891
                                       amongst others the US$, the Goldmark          silver is 75:1.                                 10 years the price development of silver       million mined ounces. In 2016, approxi-
                                       or the Pound Sterling (Silver)) – always at                                                   and gold was parallel to 80%. This             mately 886 million ounces (close to
                                       16:1. At the moment the price difference                                                      doesn’t say anything about the volatility:     27,580 tons) were extracted from the
                                       between gold and silver is approximately      The paper silver determines                     The beta of silver to gold was between         earth’s crust, minus 0.6% combined with
                                       at 75:1!                                      the price                                       1.2 and 1.4 during this time. This means       2015. With an annual production of 180
                                                                                                                                     that at an increase in price of gold by        million ounces (approximately 20% of
                                       The number of ounces of silver to the         This is prevented by the “paper exchan-         10% an increase in price of silver by 12-      the total global production) Mexico ranks
                                       number of ounces of gold in the earth’s       ge” Comex. On Comex, contracts for all          14% is very likely. As can be seen, silver     first among the silver producing nations
                                       crust is approximately 16:1 (other sour-      sorts of metals and other commodities           is a riskier but also potentially a more       followed by Peru and China. These three
                                       ces mention 20:1, which is not such a         are traded since ever. In theory there is       promising investment.                          countries are accountable for about half
                                       big difference). The same ratio is found      the obligation for a physical delivery                                                         of the global silver production.
                                       for the annual silver and gold producti-      which is never called for. Thereby it is
Source: First Majestic Silver          on, 16:1. That was always so and this is      possible to trade more than a billion
                                                                                     ounces silver daily (2016 the global silver     What is silver?
                                                                                     production amounted to “only” 886 milli-
                                                                                     on ounces silver per year), even if this        Top characteristics make silver
                                                                                     incredible amount of silver is not owned        an indispensable industrial
                                                                                     by anyone. With actions like this the sil-      metal!                                                                                       In 2015 the global silver production reached
                                                                                     ver price can be artificially depressed.                                                                                                     its previous peak.
                                                                                                                                     Let us come to the element silver itself                                                     Source: The Silver Institute, GFMS,
                                                                                                                                     and the actual market activities. Silver is                                                  Thomson Reuters
                                                                                     Gold and silver have already                    a chemical element with the element
                                                                                     become a substitute currency                    symbol Ag and the atomic number 47. It
                                                                                                                                     ranks among the so-called transition
                                                                                     On the other side the by debt crisis and        metals. Silver is a soft, ductile heavy
                                                                                     geopolitical distortion shaken markets          metal with the highest electrical conduc-

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Silver Report 2018 Everything you need to know about silver! - Swiss Resource Capital
fall of the zinc/lead mines. From today’s      Demand situation
                                                                                               view a declining silver production as well
                                                                                               as a decline of the overall silver supply is
                                                                                               expected as of 2019. The main reason is        Silver in a dual role
                                                                                               the expected closure of several medium
                                                                                               to large size zinc/lead mines and as well      Whereas gold is used as an investment
                                                                                               as the tremendous investment backlog           to preserve value in form of jewelry (only
                                                                                               which has built up due to the weak silver      9% of the annual demand comes from
Only 30% of the annual production is mined                                                     price during recent years. Respective sil-     industry), silver has a dual role. Approxi-
                         in pure silver mines                                                  ver projects were shelved and inadequa-        mately 60% of the total silver demand
Source: The Silver Institute, DB, GS, Tiberius                                                 tely developed. As a consequence, these        comes from the industry. The rest is in
                                                                                               projects will be brought to production         demand by investors in form of bullion
                                                                                               with a big delay.                              and coins as well as the jewelry industry.

                                                 Silver is above all one thing: a              Silver companies prioritize(d)                 Main areas of application:                                                                  World Silver Supply
                                                 by-product!                                   cost savings                                   Electronic, Alloys, Photogra-                  high level to 1.03 billion ounces in 2016.   Source: The Silver Institute, GFMS, Thomson
                                                                                                                                              phy, Photovoltaic                              The main reason for this was a decrea-       Reuters
                                                 Only 30% of the annual production is          The development of the mine pipeline                                                          sing demand from the investment sector.
                                                 mined in pure silver mines respectively in    came to a halt in the past years with          The maximum values of the important            The demand for coins and bullion decrea-
                                                 mines where silver is the primary resour-     weak silver prices because the silver          properties (highest electrical conductivity    sed by 29% after it has increased by
                                                 ce. The predominant part (70%) origina-       companies primarily had to deal with           of all metals, high thermal conductivity       24% one year before.
                                                 tes from mines where silver is only a         controlling their cost structure. The high     and distinct optical reflecting capacity)
                                                 by-product thus mainly from zinc-lead         silver prices between 2010 and 2012 led        make silver indispensable in the areas of
                                                 mines and also from copper mines as           to the commissioning of mines with all-in      electrics, electronics and optic as well as    Silver ETFs record cash inflow
                                                 well as gold mines.                           costs of over US$ 20 per ounce. These          photography. About half of the total in-       again
                                                                                               mines quickly became uneconomical af-          dustrial demand of around 600 million
                                                                                               ter 2012. Instead of closing theses mines      ounces comes from these areas. Other           The worldwide ETF inventories climbed,
                                                 Weak base metal prices lead to                the companies tried and are still trying to    applications are in silver alloys (with cop-   since the beginning of 2016 intermittent-
                                                 stagnant silver production and                reduce costs. So, there is not much time       per, zinc, tin, nickel, indium) which are      ly by 13% to an all-time high of around
                                                 to a falling supply overall                   and a lot less money for extensive explo-      used in the electro-technics and solde-        676 million ounces. The main reason is
                                                                                               ration and development programs. In the        ring technique as solder alloys (so-called     certainly the expansive politics of the      World Silver Demand
                                                 This great dependency on base metals          meantime, most of the companies have           brazing), in contact materials (primarily in   FED and other Central Banks that not         Source: The Silver Institute, GFMS, Thomson
                                                 like lead, zinc and copper is a factor that   reduced their costs to an acceptable and       relays) and conductive materials (as ca-       only pump unsecured billion-dollar as-       Reuters
                                                 the weak base metal prices and related        largely profitable level.                      pacitor coatings). Since 2011 the photo-
                                                 mine closures or at least the decrease of                                                    voltaic sector is a significant part of the
                                                 the respective base metal production ad-                                                     silver demand. Especially China wants to
                                                 versely affects the production of the         Recycling and central bank                     expand its photovoltaic capacity to
                                                 by-product silver. That the price declined    sales may not increase the                     around 110 gigawatts by 2020. This
                                                 in the past years – above all of copper       supply                                         would fix a lot more silver for at least 20
                                                 and lead too – is a reason that the silver                                                   years!
                                                 production increased only marginally.         A further decline in supply is still expec-
                                                 From 2014 to 2015 the silver production       ted for the silver recycling sector. Sales
                                                 increased by 2% only! The decline in sil-     from the central banks are no issue since      Physical demand reaches
                                                 ver recycling by 13% to 22.2 million oun-     2011 and may not contribute to a signifi-      record high and is driven
                                                 ces was responsible for the slight decline    cant rise of the silver supply in coming       primarily by the investment
                                                 in total supply between 2014 and 2015.        years.                                         sector
                                                 A continuation of the stagnant silver pro-
                                                 duction during the coming years is pre-                                                      The physical silver demand reached a re-
                                                 dicted because the output of the new                                                         cord high of around 1.17 billion ounces
                                                 mines can barely compensate the short-                                                       (36,400 tons) in 2015 and fell from a very

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                                       Swiss Resource Capital AG | Poststrasse 1 | 9100 Herisau | Schweiz                                                               |
Silver Report 2018 Everything you need to know about silver! - Swiss Resource Capital
ver (primarily in form of the one-ounce
                                                                                          Philharmonic Coin) could catch up formi-
                                                                                          dably. While the big gold ETFs had a high
                                                                                          outflow the respective silver ETFs could
                                                                                          in part increase their assets. It seems
                                                                                          that silver investors had more confidence
          Worldwide industrial demand                                                     in their investment than gold investors in
     Source: The Silver Institute, GFMS,                                                  recent years although in the meantime
                      Thomson Reuters                                                     the silver price dropped more from its
                                                                                          highest level than the gold price.

                                                                                          Demand continues to increase
                                           sets in the markets but are also respon-       All in all, the global silver demand should
                                           sible for the sliding of interest rates into   continue to increase in the coming years.                                                                                                  Source: The Silver Institute, GFMS, Thomson
                                           negative territory. While it costs interests   Besides the increasing ETF inflows and                                                                                                     Reuters
                                           in certain investment categories to invest     additional physical demand, an in part
                                           money, no penalty interest has to be paid      drastic demand increase is expected
                                           for physical silver. That special characte-    from the jewelry industry in Asia as well      stopped due to the low silver prices. Lea-   Price control on the supply side
                                           ristic of silver (and gold) as a hard-finan-   from several industry sectors such as          ding analysts expect a record supply de-     and a rising dependency on
                                           cial asset should continue so that the         photovoltaic, touch screens and dis-           ficit of more than 180 million ounces of     new technologies will be the
                                           physical demand from the investment            plays. In addition, India is heading for       silver in 2017!                              key to the next silver boom!
                                           sector should continue to remain on a          another record year of silver imports.
                                           stable high level.                                                                                                                         The primary objective for all who want to
                                                                                                                                         Financial analysts forecast a                make money with silver - regardless if
                                                                                                                                         silver price of up to US$ 30 per             they are producers or investors – has to
                                                                                          Conclusion                                     ounce in 2018                                be the breakup of the current market po-
                                                                                                                                                                                      wer of the silver-paper-trade. If the silver
           Worldwide physical demand                                                      The silver market is heading                   The median forecast of 30 financial          producers and the leading commodity
                   for coins and bullion                                                  towards an ever-increasing                     analysts predicts a silver price of al-      experts have their say, the physical silver
     Source: The Silver Institute, GFMS,                                                  supply deficit!                                most US$20 between 2018 and 2020             market must and will dominate the pa-
                      Thomson Reuters                                                                                                    which is not far from the current silver     per-silver-market in the future. An increa-
                                                                                          Since several years a proper supply defi-      price. Alone for 2018 the estimates          sing demand from the investor sector as
                                                                                          cit is prevailing in the silver sector which   range from bearish US$15 to bullish          well as from emerging nations like China,
                                                                                          has reached its previous peak of more          US$30. Should the expansionary mo-           India and Brazil could contribute to that.
                                                                                          than 100 million ounces in 2015. Since         netary policy of the global central          A certain price control on the supply side
                                                                                          2000, there were only four years when          banks continue and more money wi-            would be more important. The formation
                                                                                          the global silver producers generated a        thout significant counter value is pum-      of a silver cartel could be an important
                                                                                          surplus. During the past years the de-         ped into the dilapidated global financi-     step toward a permanent silver price sta-
                                           Most recently it is noticeable on the in-      mand was 350 million ounces higher             al system, the precious metals could         bilization and following that toward a rea-
                                           vestment side that the same amounts of         than the production. The main reason for       also be among the winners in the co-         sonable price ratio of 1:16 to gold.
                                           money are spent to buy silver than for the     the drastic increase of the silver supply      ming years. That the silver price has a      Should this be successful we could be at
                                           acquisition of gold. A simple example:         deficit is the conservative development        significant catch-up potential in com-       the beginning of a boom decade for sil-
                                           The US Mint sold for every dollar spent        activity of many precious metals compa-        parison with gold, which is the result of    ver. Fact is: the more humanity becomes
                                           on gold, a dollar of silver. The Australian    nies in the past years. During the past        the historic price development and the       dependent on the new technologies the
                                           Mint sold for every dollar spent on gold       three years no bonanza discovery was           physical occurrence in the earth’s           more we become dependent on silver.
                                           0.75 dollar of silver. At the Austrian Mint    made and the exploration activities of         crust, was plausibly explained.              And that will benefit the price of silver.
                                           the ratio was around 2.5:1, at which sil-      most of the companies were completely

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Silver Report 2018 Everything you need to know about silver! - Swiss Resource Capital
Interview with Dr. Torsten Dennin –
Founder and CEO of Lynkeus Capital LLC

                                          Dr. Dennin you are the founder and CEO          The Lynkeus Commodity Strategy is in-          After top performer status in 2016, silver      reached a value of more than US$ 11 billi-      Lynkeus Capital LLC
                                          of Lynkeus Capital LLC, an investment           vested in the commodity markets since          and silver mines had major losses, espe-        on in July 2017. On the other hand, silver
                                          boutique, specialized in the topic com-         March 2016 but exists on paper since           cially in September 2017. What now?             was trapped in its “dual role” as a preci-      Founded at the beginning of 2016
                                          modity markets. As the commodity                June 2013. During that period of more                                                          ous metal necessary for the industry.           Lynkeus Capital LLC has specialized
                                          markets – measured against Bloomberg            than 4 years an average growth of more         Gold at almost US$ 1,300 and silver be-         Around 60% of the silver demand is from         in investments reaching across asset
                                          Commodity Index – have lost 3.3% you            than 32% per year was achieved (CAGR).         low US$ 17 per ounce doesn’t sound inte-        the industry followed by coins, bullion and     classes in the topic area of
                                          were able to achieve an increase of             Such a result can’t be achieved with a         resting for the investors and is no feast for   jewelry. And during the past quarters the       international commodity markets
                                          value of 48.2% with the Lynkeus Com-            “savings mentality” – that goes without        the eyes of the managers of gold and sil-       economic development was noticeably             focusing on energy and metals. The
                                          modity Strategy in 2017. What are you           saying. The specifications for the risk ma-    ver mines. During the past 12 months, the       weaker as the long-term trend.                  focus is on the identification of
                                          doing differently from the competition?         nagement provide for a strict control of       price of silver decreased by 13.3% and                                                          extraordinary investment
                                          Which strategy or which investment              the risk in proportion to the expected re-     the shares of gold and silver mines – mea-                                                      opportunities in commodities and
Dr. Torsten Dennin is the founder and     goal are you pursuing specifically?             turn. This means that the known risk mea-      sured against the Philadelphia Gold & Sil-      In terms of price silver is roughly in ac-      commodity producers (shares and
CEO of Lynkeus Capital LLC, an                                                            sures like Sharpe Ratio, Sortino Ratio and     ver Index – were traded 11% lower than a        cord with the development of the price          bonds) as well as achieving of a
investment boutique specialized on        The Lynkeus Commodity Strategy is the           Calmar Ratio have a value >1.                  year ago.                                       of its “big brother” gold. It seems that        convincing, positive capital growth in
the topic area commodities, seated in     product of my professional experience           The bottom line of the past months is: it is   Although the price of silver took several       silver is always a bit more volatile than       any market phase (“Absolute
Switzerland. Since 2003 Dr. Dennin is     accumulated in the commodity markets            possible to make money in the commodi-         runs up to the US$ 20 mark, the metal           gold, which in a figurative sense can be        Return”). Lynkeus is a member of the
analyzing the international commodity     during the past 15 years. Two features of       ty markets!                                    gave back all its gains. The positive news      compared with a master walking his              association for quality assurance of
markets with a focus on energy and        the investment strategy stand out especi-                                                      is that the current price of gold and silver    dog. While the master (gold) stays on the       financial services (Verein zur
the global equity sectors oil & gas and   ally: first the Absolute Return Approach                                                       is an invitation for additional purchases.      sidewalk the dog (silver) pulls in all direc-   Qualitätssicherung von
metals & mining.                          which allows long as well as short posi-        What were the big value drivers in the         The fundamental picture for precious me-        tions. Why is silver far more volatile than     Finanzdienstleistungen, VQF), a
Until the middle of 2017 Dr. Dennin       tions and second the Cross Asset Class          commodity market during the past 12            tals remains unchanged and is still attrac-     gold?                                           self-regulatory organization and
managed the division Strategy and         Approach. This allows displaying an in-         months?                                        tive. The reason is the general condition of                                                    industry organization for portfolio
Research of Tiberius Asset Manage-        vestment thesis in the commodity sector                                                        the global economic and financial system,       The physical silver market is considerably      managers domiciled in Zug,
ment AG. Previously Dr. Dennin            about the commodity as well as the              Quite clear: 2017 is a year for commodi-       the historic low interest rates and the         smaller and thereby more susceptible to         Switzerland, recognized by FINMA
worked as Co-Head Natural                 stocks or bonds of commodity producers.         ties and mines! After a sluggish recovery      comparatively high valuation of the stock       fluctuations. In a figurative sense, we         (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory
Resources for VCH Vermögensver-           Depending on what pays off more for the         from the lows in January 2016 (+16%) the       and bond markets. An upward movement            compare the DAX with the SDAX. It can           Authority).
waltung (asset management)                investors.                                      commodity markets are stagnant at the          of the inflation rate could inspire the gold    be noted that for the last 3, 5 and 10 years
(2010-2013) and from 2003 to 2010         For example: in a positive market environ-      moment. During 2017 the prices of indus-       and silver stocks.                              the price development of silver and gold
as Portfolio Manager for Deutsche         ment for gold and silver the shares of gold     trial metals, like aluminum, copper and        Looking back on the past 5 years gold           was parallel to 80%. This doesn’t mention
Bank AG in Frankfurt am Main. During      and silver mines often show a clearly more      zinc increased (+16.6% on average) and         and silver mines as well as the commodity       anything about the volatility: The beta of
this time, he was responsible for the     positive investment result because in-          of the precious metals increased by 9.2%       sector in general have just begun to catch      silver to gold was between 1.2 and 1.4
investment decisions of several           creasing prices are often reflected as a        in average. Despite around US$50 for a         up in comparison with the stock market.         during this time. This means that at an in-
commodity funds.                          “multiplier” in the earnings and value of       barrel of WTI crude oil the energy sector is                                                   crease in price of gold by 10% an increa-
Dr. Dennin studied economics at the       the company. So, for example, in the port-      in the red (-10.7%). And agricultural goods                                                    se in price of silver by 12-14% is very li-
University in Cologne, Germany and at     folio many stocks and debentures of gold        (-9.3%), unpopular with investors, did not     There is a supply deficit for silver since      kely. As can be seen, silver is a riskier but
Pennsylvania State University, USA.       and silver mines are found in addition to       bring joy.                                     several years. Meaning, less silver is pro-     also a potentially more promising invest-
He wrote his doctorate on the topic       direct investments in gold and silver. For      That is especially annoying for the inves-     duced per year than demanded. How do            ment.
Commodity Markets at the                  the selection the strategy relies on a strin-   tor because of the loose Central Bank po-      you explain the negative price develop-
Schumpeter School of Business and         gent quantitative investment process and        licy and a still low interest level, even an   ment until the beginning of 2017?
Economics. He is a full member of the     the qualitative fundamental market analy-       anemic economic growth and the absen-                                                          What is important for you in your assess-
Berlin Institute of Finance,              sis for the suitable commodities.               ce of the collapse of the Euro Zone is suf-    On the one hand, it can be explained by         ment of a silver or precious metal com-
Investigation and Digitalization. Dr.                                                     ficient to drive the stock markets to ever     the existing inventory and a weak invest-       pany?
Dennin is the author of the books                                                         increasing record heights. The Dow Jones       ment demand. A slightly declining mine
“Besicherte Rohstoffterminkontrakte       Granted: an impressive investment re-           Industrial Average at 22,000 points and        production also faced a declining invest-       The location, quality, and the potential of
im Asset Management”, “Lukrative          sult against the background of a weak           the S&P 500 index at 2,500 points have         ment demand since 2013/2014. In Febru-          an asset as well as the competence and
Rohstoffmärkte – Ein Blick hinter die     development of the commodity market.            spoiled the investors. But the warnings        ary 2016, the known silver ETF inventory        reliability of the management are the deci-
Kulissen” and “Afrika – Kontinent der     But, what are the risks?                        are becoming louder and the air thinner.       declined to below 600 million ounces for        sive factors for our qualitative fundamen-
Chancen” as well as numerous                                                                                                             the first time since 2012. Since then the       tal analysis. That applies for precious me-
publications in journals.                                                                                                                ETF inventory was constantly rebuild and        tals as well as for the mining and energy

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Silver Report 2018 Everything you need to know about silver! - Swiss Resource Capital
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