Solar Probe Plus: Humanity's First Visit to Our Star - Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun

Page created by Andre Butler
Solar Probe Plus: Humanity's First Visit to Our Star - Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun
Solar Probe Plus
   A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun

                                       Solar Probe Plus:
                                     Humanity’s First Visit
                                          to Our Star
Nicola J. Fox, N.E. Raouafi, R. Decker, S. Bale,
R. Howard, J.C. Kasper, D. McComas, M. Velli.
       Solar Probe Plus Project Scientist
Solar Probe Plus: Humanity's First Visit to Our Star - Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun
A Brief History of the Solar Wind

 1859: Richard C. Carrington first discovered Hα flare, which was followed by the strongest
  geomagnetic storm in recorded history. He suggested a connection between solar flares &
  geomagnetic activity.
 1910: British astrophysicist Arthur Eddington suggested the existence of a solar wind, without
  naming it, in a footnote to an article on Comet Morehouse.
 1916: Norwegian physicist Kristian Birkeland suggested that the solar wind was composed of
  both ions and electrons.
 1930s: scientists inferred from eclipse observations that the the solar corona must be > a million
  degree hot through observations of emissions from highly ionized ions.
 Mid-1950s: British mathematician Sydney Chapman calculated the properties of a gas at such a
  temperature and determined it was such a superb conductor of heat that it must extend way out
  into space, beyond the orbit of Earth.
 Also in the 1950s: German scientist Ludwig Biermann postulated that the anti-solar orientation
  of comet tails results from a steady stream of particles emitted by the Sun.
 1958: Eugene Parker developed the theory of hot coronal plasma evolving into what he termed
  the "solar wind”.
 1962: Marsha Neugebauer and Conway Snyder confirmed the existence of the solar wind
  through in-situ measurements.
IUGG                                        Solar Probe Plus
Solar Probe Plus: Humanity's First Visit to Our Star - Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun
How is the Corona Heated?

                                                            Cranmer & van Ballegooijen, ApJ, 2005


   Electrons and different ion species are heated differently; theoretical work has
   shown that single‐fluid theories are clearly not sufficient to explain this.
   SPP will provide measurements in the region of space where observations are
   most needed

   SPP will bridge the measurement gap between the low corona (i.e.,
   spectroscopic observations (SOHO/SUMER & UVCS) and heliospheric in‐situ
   measurements from Helios.
IUGG                                   Solar Probe Plus
Solar Probe Plus: Humanity's First Visit to Our Star - Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun
How is the Solar Wind Accelerated?

  ‘Alfvén point’: Within this point, the magnetic energy density dominates, and
   the gas is forced to flow along the field lines. Beyond this point, kinetic energy
   acquired by the flowing gas prevails and the field is forced to follow the flow.
  In a magnetized plasma, the Alfvén point (colored circles in the figure below)
   determines radial extent of the lower (sub‐Alfvénic) corona

                                                                           Kasper et al. 2010,
                                                                           SWEAP Proposal

 It is important to measure the solar wind as close to the solar surface (below the
 Alfven critical point) as possible while it is still undergoing most of its
IUGG                                   Solar Probe Plus
Solar Probe Plus: Humanity's First Visit to Our Star - Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun
50 years into the space age and we still don’t
   understand the corona and solar wind
  The concept for a “Solar Probe” dates back to
       “Simpson’s Committee” of the Space Science
       Board (National Academy of Sciences, 24 October
        ‒ The need for extraordinary knowledge of Sun from
         remote observations, theory, and modeling to
         answer the questions:
           – Why is the solar corona so much hotter than the
        –    How is the solar wind accelerated?
  The answers to these questions can be obtained
   only through in-situ measurements of the solar
   wind down in the corona and been of top priority in
   multiple Roadmaps and Decadal Surveys.

IUGG                                    Solar Probe Plus
Solar Probe Plus: Humanity's First Visit to Our Star - Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun
SPP Over-arching Science Objective

   To determine the structure and dynamics of the Sun’s coronal
   magnetic field, understand how the solar corona and wind are heated
   and accelerated, and determine what mechanisms accelerate and
   transport energetic particles.

IUGG                            Solar Probe Plus
Solar Probe Plus: Humanity's First Visit to Our Star - Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun
Spacecraft Overview

                         NASA selected instrument suites
                         685 kg max launch wet mass
                         Reference Dimensions:
                                S/C height: 3 m
                                TPS max diameter: 2.3 m
                                S/C bus diameter: 1 m
                         C-C Thermal protection system
                         Hexagonal prism s/c bus configuration
                         Actively cooled solar arrays
                                388 W electrical power at encounter
                                Solar array total area: 1.55 m2
                                Radiator area under TPS: 4 m2
                           0.6 m HGA, 34 W TWTA Ka-band science DL
                           Science downlink rate: 167 kb/s at 1AU
                           Blowdown monoprop hydrazine propulsion
                           Wheels for attitude control

IUGG                    Solar Probe Plus
Solar Probe Plus: Humanity's First Visit to Our Star - Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun
Reference Mission: Launch and Mission
   Design Overview

 Launch                                                    1st Min                         Launch
    Dates: Jul 31 – Aug 19, 2018 (20                   Perihelion                         7/31/2018
      days)                                             at 9.86 RS
    Max. Launch C3: 154 km2/s2
    Delta IV-Heavy with Upper Stage
 Trajectory Design
    24 Orbits
    7 Venus gravity assist flybys                                              Sun
 Final Solar Orbits
    Closest approach: 9.86 Rsun (3.83                                           Mercury
      million miles)
    Speed ~450,000 miles per hour
      (~125 miles per second)                                                                Earth
    Orbit period: 88 days
 Mission duration: 6 yrs, 11 months                            1st Perihelion
                                                                   at 35.7 RS

IUGG                                Solar Probe Plus
Solar Probe Plus: Humanity's First Visit to Our Star - Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun
SPP Rapidly Explores the Inner
   Orbit #           1          2          3          4          5   6   7   8   9 10 11                                       12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
  Period (d)        168        150        150        140        121 112 107 102 102 100 96                                     96 96 96 96 96 96 92 92 92 87 88 88 88

                          A2         A3         A4
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Venus Flyby
                                                                     A6        A7
                                                                                         A8    A9        A10
                                                                                                                 A11     A12     A13     A14     A15     A16     A17     A18     A19   A20   A21   A22 A23     A24   A25

                    P1         P2         P3
                                                     P4         P5
                                                                          P6        P7
                                                                                          P8        P9         P10     P11     P12     P13     P14     P15     P16     P17     P18   P19   P20   P21 P22     P23   P24

        Max solar distance is 1.018 AU, and min solar distance is 0.04587 AU (9.86 RS)
        1st perihelion (0.16 AU) 3 months after launch; 19 passes below 20 Rs
        Perihelia gradually decreases. Science measurements will commence at the first Perihelion

IUGG                                                                                            Solar Probe Plus
Solar Probe Plus: Humanity's First Visit to Our Star - Solar Probe Plus A NASA Mission to Touch the Sun
Reference Vehicle:
   Concept of Operations

IUGG                   Solar Probe Plus
Reference Vehicle:
   Anti-Ram Facing View

                                                      SWEAP PI
                                                      Justin Kasper
                                                      University of Michigan

   At closest approach, the
   front the heat shield will be
   at 1,400°C (2500 oF), but
   the payload will be near
   room temperature
IUGG                               Solar Probe Plus
Reference Vehicle:
   Ram Facing View

                                           FIELDS PI
                                           Stuart Bale (UC, Berkeley)
                                           ISIS PI
                                           David McComas
                                           (Southwest Research Inst.)
                                           WISPR PI
                                           Russ Howard
                                           (Naval Research Lab)

IUGG                    Solar Probe Plus
Solar Probe Plus Science
       Investigations (1/5)
   Solar Wind Electrons Alphas and
                                              Solar Probe Cup (SPC)
    Protons (SWEAP) Investigation: This
                                              2 Solar Probe ANalyzers (SPAN)
    investigation will count the most
    abundant particles in the solar wind ‐‐
    electrons, protons and helium ions ‐‐ and
    measure their properties such as                 SPAN-B            SPAN-A+
    velocity, density, and temperature.

                                                           SWEAP Investigation

                                                 SWEAP PI
                                                 Prof. Justin Kasper
                                                 University of Michigan/ Smithsonian
                                                 Astrophysics Observatory

IUGG                                Solar Probe Plus
Solar Probe Plus Science
       Investigations (2/5)

   Fields Experiment (FIELDS):                            FIELDS Investigation
    This investigation will make                   V1‐V4 electric antennas
                                                                             ‐ Five voltage sensors
                                                                             ‐ Two Fluxgate magnetometers
    direct measurements of                                                   ‐ One search‐coil magnetometer
                                                                             ‐ Main Electronics Package
    electric and magnetic fields
    and waves, Poynting flux,
    absolute plasma density and                                                     MAGi, MAGo

    electron temperature,                                                                              SCM

    spacecraft floating potential
    and density fluctuations, and                  V1‐V4 electric antennas       V5 electric antenna
    radio emissions.
                                           FIELDS PI
                                           Prof. Stuart Bale
                                           University of California, Berkeley

IUGG                            Solar Probe Plus
olar Probe Plus Science
 vestigations (3/5)
grated Science Investigation of the
                                      High energy Energetic Particle Instrument (EPI‐Hi)
 (ISIS): This investigation makes     Low energy Energetic Particle Instrument (EPI‐Lo)
  rvations of energetic electrons,
                                              EPI-Lo                       8 Sensor
ons and heavy ions that are                                                Wedges

 lerated to high energies (10s of keV
00 MeV) in the Sun's atmosphere
  nner heliosphere, and correlates       LET1
m with solar wind and coronal          HET


                                            EPI-Hi           LET2

                                                      ISIS Investigation
                                    ISIS PI
olar Probe Plus Science
 vestigations (4/5)
e‐field Imager for Solar PRobe
 PR): These telescopes will take images          White light imager
e solar corona and inner heliosphere.
experiment will also provide images of    Inner Telescope
 olar wind, shocks and other structures                               Outer Telescope
 ey approach and pass the spacecraft.
 nvestigation complements the other
uments on the spacecraft providing
 t measurements by imaging the
ma the other instruments sample.

                                                  WISPR Investigation

                                            WISPR PI
                                            Dr. Russell Howard
ervations from 10‐20 Rs are required
chieve the SPP Science Objectives
oronal magnetic
 ructure still channels
he flow and determines
                                       Solar Orbiter
ngular momentum loss
Waves, turbulence
emperature maximum
P Level‐1 Science Objectives

         • Trace the flow of energy that heats the
             corona and accelerates the solar wind
         •   Determine the structure and dynamics
             of the magnetic fields at the sources of
             the fast and slow solar wind
         •   Determine what mechanisms accelerate
             and transport energetic particles

         There are three detailed science sub‐questions
         stemming from each of these objectives.
ailed Science Sub‐Questions
Example: 1st Science Objective

IUGG               Solar Probe Plus
Example: 1st Science Objective
   Observation Strategy
  •    SPP, with 75 hrs inside 12 Rs /400 inside 15 Rs (sub‐Alfvénic), will
       measure more than 20 hrs (
SPP Participation

  • 31 institutions participate in SPP science teams
    • 23 in the US, 8 foreign
    • 17 educational, 5 non‐profit, 8 government labs
  • 106 science team members
    • 69 PIs and Co‐Is
    • 37 additional scientists
    • Next generation graduate students and post‐docs

IUGG                      Solar Probe Plus
Opportunity for World‐Wide Community
to Collaborate in SPP!
  •    Full‐disk magnetograms of the photosphere and chromosphere
       •   Solar Orbiter, NSO Mount Wilson Observatory, GONG, Wilcox Solar Observatory, SDO, SOHO
  •    High‐resolution spectro‐polarimetry and imaging spectroscopy of dynamic solar
       atmosphere (photosphere to corona)
       •   Solar Orbiter, ATST; GREGOR; NJIT’s Big Bear Solar Observatory New Solar Telescope (NST),
  •    Coronagraph observations
       •   Solar Orbiter, MLSO White light coronagraph, STEREO, SOHO
  •    UV/X‐ray imaging and spectroscopy
       •   Solar Orbiter, SDO, IRIS, SOHO
  •    In‐situ solar wind measurements
       •   Solar Orbiter, SOHO, ACE, DSCVR, STEREO
  •    Radio observations
       •   VLA, Green Bank Solar Radio Burst Spectrometer, Nançay radioheliograph, Nobeyama
           Radioheliograph; Owens Valley Solar Array, Siberian Solar Radiotelescope; Atacama Large
           Millimeter Array, FASR
  •    Interplanetary scintillation for tomography of solar wind and ICMEs;
       •   Differential Faraday rotation of background sources constraining magnetic field strength of outer
           corona and SW. –EISCAT, LWA, MWA, ORT

IUGG                                            Solar Probe Plus
Physics of the Corona:
     Making The Link - Summary
 •     Solar Probe Plus provides:
        – Statistical survey of outer corona
             – 1st perihelion (0.16 AU 0r ~15 million miles) 3 months after launch
             – Closest approach below 10 Rs (0.04 AU or 4 million miles)
             – Excellent sampling of all types of solar wind
             – Measurements from within the region where all the action happens
               – Particle measurements from the lowest energy plasma through the most
                  energetic particles associated with solar flares
               – Measurements of plasma waves that enable energy and momentum
               – Coronal imaging “from the inside out” bridges local to global scales by
                  providing the context

       0Action Region 20           40                  60        80            100
IUGG                                     Solar Probe Plus
SPP Conclusions
 •     Solar Probe Plus will be an extraordinary and historic mission, exploring what
       is arguably the last region of the solar system to be visited by a spacecraft,
       the Sun’s corona.
 •     SPP will repeatedly sample the near‐Sun environment, revolutionizing our
       knowledge and understanding of coronal heating and of the origin and
       evolution of the solar wind and answering critical questions in heliophysics
       that have been ranked as top priorities for decades.
 •     By making direct, in‐situ measurements of the region where some of the
       most hazardous solar energetic particles are energized, SPP will make a
       fundamental contribution to our ability to characterize and forecast the
       radiation environment in which future space explorers will work and live.
 •     Fantastic mission of discovery to the Sun
       •   Only opportunity to understand basic plasma physics mechanisms where the
           magnetic field dominates
       •   Trace the flow of energy that heats the corona and accelerates the solar wind
       •   Determine structure and dynamics of the B fields at sources of the fast & slow
           solar wind
       •   Determine what mechanisms accelerate and transport energetic particles
 •     Great collaborative opportunities
IUGG                                      Solar Probe Plus
It has been 50+ years since the Solar
  Probe Concept was introduced. . .

        We are on our way!
olar Probe Plus
ASA Mission to Touch the Sun

rmine the structure and dynamics of the
ma and magnetic fields at the sources of
olar wind
ow does the magnetic field in the solar wind source regions
onnect to the photosphere and the heliosphere?
   Potential Field Source Surface models show that the magnetic field
   expansion up to the source‐surface plays a crucial role in determining
   global solar wind outflow properties, including the terminal velocity,
   which is inversely correlated to the expansion factor itself.
 re the sources of the solar wind steady or intermittent?
   To date it has not been possible to determine the origin and variability of
   the fast solar wind as connections between solar events and high‐speed
   wind features have not been adequately measured.
ow do the observed structures in the corona evolve into the
olar wind?
   Structures emanating from active regions and coronal holes can be
   traced to several solar radii above the solar surface, but it is unclear how
   they evolve into the solar wind. Their respective contributions to the
   solar wind has proven to be hard to quantify from distant (e.g., 1 AU)
rmine the structure and dynamics of the
netic fields at the sources of the solar

xtended measurements of equatorial extensions of high‐
 titude coronal holes as well as equatorial coronal holes.
peeds of 110 km/s for perihelia at 20 Rs and ~190 km/s below
0 Rs— allows sampling of the structures, such as plumes, inside
he equatorial extensions of the coronal holes.
t a radial distance of ~31.5 Rs, there are two periods (one
 bound, one outbound) where Solar Probe Plus will be in quasi‐
orotation and will cross a given longitudinal sector slowly. In
hese intervals, the spacecraft will be able to sample the solar
 ind for significant radial distances along a field line before
 oving across the sector.
olar Probe Plus, orbiting in the ecliptic, will remain inside the
 reamer belt for a significant fraction of the 3 encounters inside
rmine what mechanisms accelerate
transport energetic particles
hat are the roles of shocks, reconnection, waves, and turbulence in the
celeration of energetic particles?
   Identifying the specific SEP acceleration process is a fundamental goal for the
   SPP mission. Measurements made near SEP acceleration sites will reduce
   uncertainties due to modifications of angular distributions by propagation and
   thus provide the timing needed to differentiate specific acceleration processes.
 hat are the source populations and physical conditions necessary for
nergetic particle acceleration?
   Continuous monitoring of the intensity and composition of suprathermal seed
   particles in the high corona and inner heliosphere (along with the plasma
   conditions) are needed to constrain the physical conditions necessary for particle
   acceleration, their intensity, energy spectrum, and composition.
ow are energetic particles transported in the corona and heliosphere?
   Good pitch‐angle coverage during the observation of these small events close to
   the Sun is necessary to determine whether the longitudinal spreading of SEP
   events is due to a direct magnetic connection to the particle source or because
   of other transport mechanism(s) (e.g., cross‐field diffusion).
rmine what mechanisms accelerate
transport energetic particles
ong observing times in the inner heliosphere enable extensive
ampling of shocks and particle acceleration and transport
apid scans in longitude allow direct exploration of the spatial
xtent of particle acceleration sites
olar Probe Plus, orbiting in the ecliptic, will remain inside the
 reamer belt for a significant fraction of the 3 encounters inside
0 Rs (15 hrs) and the previous 5 below 12 Rs (50 hrs).
xtensive radial exploration of the inner heliosphere will clarify
he origin of the “ubiquitous” power‐law supra‐thermal tails.
  addition, the synergy of SEP measurements from SPP and 1
U spacecraft will help constrain the role of cross‐field transport
rticipating Organizations

 lifornia Institute of Technology      •   Royal Observatory of Belgium
 ntre Spatiale de Liege, BELSPO        •   Smithsonian Astrophysical
 rvard University                          Observatory
 perial College                        •   Southwest Research Institute
 t Propulsion Laboratory               •   Swedish Institute of Space Physics
 hns Hopkins University / APL          •   University of Alabama, Huntsville
 boratoire d'Astrophysique de          •   University of Arizona
arseille - CNRS                        •   University of California, Berkeley
 s Alamos National Laboratory          •   University of Chicago
assachusetts Institute of              •   University of Colorado, Boulder
 chnology                              •   University of Delaware
ax Planck Institute for Solar System   •   University of Gottingen - DLR
udies - DLR
                                       •   University of Maryland, College Park
ASA Goddard Space Flight Center
                                       •   University of Michigan
ASA Marshall Space Flight Center
                                       •   University of Minnesota
 val Research Laboratory
                                       •   University of New Hampshire
 ris Observatory LESIA-CNRS
ar Probe Plus Timeline

ssion Confirmation: March
tical Design Review (CDR):
 rch 2015
unch: July 2018 on Delta IV‐
avy with Upper Stage
st perihelion (r = 34 Rs):
tober 2018
st perihelion with r < 10 Rs:
cember 2024
icle Instrument capabilities meet
el 1 requirements with margin

                                                       Particle Sensors
ons          SWEAP-SPC                                 ISIS/EPI-Lo
                          ISIS-EPI-Lo                  ISIS/EPI-Hi
        L1 Requirement                  ISIS-EPI-Hi

ons          SWEAP-SPC

m             SWEAP-SPC

s                         ISIS-EPI-Lo
ds & Waves Instrument capabilities
t Level 1 requirements with margin

gnetic   FIELDS FGM                                    L1 Requirement
gnetic                     FIELDS SCM

ectric                       FIELDS EFI

aves      Fields & Waves                  FIELDS PWI
adio       FIELDS/SCM                           FIELDS PWI
ermal       FIELDS/PWI
e                                           FIELDS PWI

   ~DC      10Hz               1kHz                      1MHz
ds and Waves Measurement Tables

 Measurement        Dynamic Range                 Cadence               Bandwidth
 Magnetic Field        140 dB                   100k vectors/s          DC - 50 kHz
 Electric Field             140 dB              2M vectors/s            DC - 1 MHz
 Plasma Waves               140 dB              1 spectrum/s          ~ 5 Hz - 1 MHz
 Quasi-Thermal          100 dB for QTN       1 spectrum/4 s QTN      10-2500 kHz QTN
 Noise/Radio            80 dB for radio     1 spectrum/16 s radio     1-16 MHz radio

  Meas.      Energy       Energy          FOV         Ang.         VDF   Mass Res.(3)
             range(1)      Res.                      Res.(2)     cadence
 Thermal     10 eV –      < 20%      nadir and ram   10ox25o       1 Hz  d(m/q)/(m/q)
   Ions       20 keV                   directions                           < 25%
 Thermal      5 eV –       < 20%     > 75% of the    10ox10o       1 Hz       n/a
 Electrons    20 keV                       sky
rmal Particle Measurement
uirements Tables

     Meas.       Energy       Energy           FOV          Ang.       VDF   Mass Res.(3)
                 range(1)      Res.                        Res.(2)   cadence
   Thermal       10 eV –      < 20%        nadir and ram   10ox25o     1 Hz  d(m/q)/(m/q)
     Ions         20 keV                     directions                         < 25%
   Thermal        5 eV –       < 20%       > 75% of the    10ox10o     1 Hz       n/a
   Electrons      20 keV                         sky

     Meas.   Energy           Energy           FOV          Ang.       VDF   Mass Res.(3)
             range(1)          Res.                        Res.(2)   cadence
   Thermal 100 eV –           < 30%        nadir and ram   20ox25o     1 Hz    None
     Ions     10 keV                         directions
   Thermal 5 eV – 2            < 30%       > 65% of the    20ox20o    1 Hz        n/a
   Electrons   keV                               sky

rgy range not required in all directions
ite Light Baseline Measurement
quirements Tables

  Meas.    Cadence           FOV             Inner   Spatial   Photometric
                                              FOV     res.      sensitivity
                                            bound.             (SNR/pixel)
   Visible ≤16.5 min   ≥76° radial x ≥20°    ≤ 14°    ≤ 6.4        ≥ 20
 Broadband             transverse at 14°             arcmin
                       elongation to ≥44°
                       transverse at 90°

   Meas.    Energy range    Highest      FOV (3)       Angular  Composition
                  (1)     cadence (2)                   sector      (4)

 Energetic ≥1.5 decade in ≤10 sec     ≥π/4 sr in     sunward vs n/a
 electrons the range from             sunward &      anti-
           0.02 - 6 MeV               anti-sunward   sunward
 Energetic ≥2 decades in ≤10s,        ≥π/4 sr in     sunward vs protons, heavy
 protons   the range from protons; 1 sunward &       anti-      ion groups
 and heavy 0.02 to 100    min, ion    anti-sunward   sunward    (He, CNO,
ergetic Particle Measurement
quirements Tables
    Meas.       Energy Highest           FOV (3)         Angular   Composition
               range (1) cadence                          sector         (4)

   Energetic    ≤0.05 to≤1 sec      ≥π/2 sr in sunward    ≤45°          n/a
   electrons    ≥3 MeV  (select      & anti-sunward      sectors
                         rates)       hemispheres
   Energetic  ≤0.05 to  ≤5 sec      ≥π/2 sr in sunward    ≤30°     at least H, He,
  protons and   ≥50    (selected     & anti-sunward      sectors   3He, C, O, Ne,

  heavy ions MeV/nuc     rates)       hemispheres                    Mg, Si, Fe
    Meas.      Energy range    Highest       FOV (3)       Angular  Composition
                      (1)     cadence (2)                   sector      (4)

  Energetic    ≥1.5 decade in ≤10 sec     ≥π/4 sr in     sunward vs n/a
  electrons    the range from             sunward &      anti-
               0.02 - 6 MeV               anti-sunward   sunward
  Energetic    ≥2 decades in ≤10s,        ≥π/4 sr in     sunward vs protons, heavy
P High Level Organizational Chart

                                            Science Mission Directorate
                                               Heliophysics Division
                                                 Director: S. Clarke
                                         Program Scientist: M. Guhathakurta
                                             Program Executive: J. Lee

                                             GSFC LWS Program Office                        APL/SES Management
                                          Program Manager: N. Chrissotimos
                                            PM for APL Projects: M. Goans
                                             Mission Scientist: A. Szabo
             HELIOSPP – JPL*
            PI: M. Velli, Obs Sci
                                          Solar Probe Plus Project Office                   Project SAM: L. Becker
                                            Project Manager: A. Driesman
                    EPO                                                                    EV Manager: H. Hunter
                                           Deputy Project Manager: P. Hill
                  D. Turney                                                                Planning Manager: C. Battista
                                        Deputy PM for Instruments: K. Cooper
                                         Production Planning Mgr: C. Battista              Financial Manager: S. Diamond

                         ISIS – SwRI
R – NRL*               PI: D. McComas            Mission System                 Project Scientist
 Howard                PM: S. Weidner               Engineer                         N. Fox
 Plunkett                                        MSE: J. Kinnison
                                                DMSE: M. Lockwood
                       FIELDS – UCB
ker’s ‘solar wind’ model - 1958

 Sun's corona is strongly attracted by solar gravity, but it is such a good
ductor of heat that it is still very hot at large distances. Since gravity
kens as distance from the Sun increases, the outer coronal atmosphere
 pes supersonically into interstellar space.
 weakening effect of the             A ‘solar wind’ is accelerated from the corona
 ity has the same effect on
 odynamic flow as a de Laval
  le (or jet engine): it incites
  nsition from subsonic to
ersonic flow.
uires energy input at the
 . kTph is not nearly enough!
uires non‐thermal energy
 predicts a critical point
e solar wind is heated continuously

s spacecraft
urements from 0.3
ger spacecraft
urements outward
batic cooling
 cts a much more
ires continuous,
buted energy input
Waves/turbulence vs reconnection

otpoint shuffling of open   Reconnection injects
 d lines generates Alfvén   energy from closed field
ves. Waves propagate        regions
                                    (Cranmer cartoon)
ward and damp
ere are we today?

e corona requires a non-thermal source of heat
A sufficiently heated corona will expand super-sonically and super-
Alfvénically to form a ‘solar wind’
The expanding solar wind requires additional heating
e large coronal magnetic energy density is a sufficient energy source.
s is our ‘dark energy’. But problems remain:
 How are the magnetic fields created and transported
 How is the magnetic energy converted to thermal energy: magnetic
 reconnection, shocks, waves and turbulence
 What is the role of ambipolar electric fields?
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