SONNENFELD III Malte - Malte Sonnenfeld

SONNENFELD III Malte - Malte Sonnenfeld

SONNENFELD III Malte - Malte Sonnenfeld
by Malte Sonnenfeld

Almost everyone who comes to me           Mönchengladbach, the city with
in my studio, whether I know this         that certain nothing. But maybe
someone or not, has an opinion on         more about that later.
art in general and on my art in
particular, even people who stray to      More than four years ago, I moved
me only by chance or driven by            into my studio in the „Pützgasse
curiosity.                                number two“ in Unkel and, together
Artists are generally fond of             with Jochen Seidel, the organizer
interpretation. It is almost irrelevant   of the "Unkeler Höfe", I also
whether these interpretations have        founded a cultural workshop there,
to do with the work or not. The work      where we invite well-known artists
is charged interpretatively by the        to exhibit here.
viewer, which increases the value.
Basta. This is not much different in      Curious people often drop in and
Unkel where my studio is located or       want to engage me in expert
in my hometown Cologne.                   conversation, usually while I'm
                                          sitting at the canvas and painting:
As a painting artist, you have to
listen to new creative outpourings        "You know Bob Ross, don't you?
all the time. Whether you want to or      The painter from America! The one
not.                                      on Channel 9, ARD Alpha?!“
                                          "Yes, I know him!"
Since I took part in the art weekend      "Well, HE is a real painter."
"Unkeler-Höfe" for the first time six     "Thank you..."
years ago, I have been drawn
there. Actually, I only need four         or
places in this world: Cologne,
Pellworm           Unkel        and       "My sister-in-law paints too...but
SONNENFELD III Malte - Malte Sonnenfeld
she also works at the insurance          an espresso, and strolling tourists.
company."                                These on average middle-aged,
                                         some of them actually still equipped
And already they are leafing through     with Nordic walking sticks, belly belt
the smartphone and I have to endure      bag, new hiking boots and with wide
some unattractive photos showing         hips. They stop briefly in the
the smartphone owner in garish           Pützgasse to take a photo. Not of my
Bermuda shorts. Then finally we          studio of course. They take photos of
arrive at the 40 or so pictures of the   the Pützgasse itself: this
sister-in-law, which her relative        picturesque, beautiful escape
presents to me applaudingly like a       towards the Rhine. With
trophy. I try to escape in my mind       cobblestones, half-timbered houses
and try to think of something else,      with hanging baskets and with the
but always get back to the picture:      tables in front of the wine tavern "Im
Adult Education Center watercolor        Lämmlein".
class, second lesson.                    And now and then my studio glass
The classic artist's question, though    door squeaks and a tourist couple
a bit aged, is still relevant:           stands in the room.
                                         After I have then told a little about
"That's all well and good what you're    my work, she says:
doing...but what do you actually do      "I prefer to read... historical novels."
for a living?"                           I'll have to remember that! Soon I will
                                         go to a bricklayer and ask him what
or                                       he does for a living. And when he
                                         answers "Bricklayer!", I will tell him:
"You've actually sold paintings          "Bricklayer. Aha! Well, I for my part
already? Then you've been lucky."        prefer to live in log houses!" and will
…Well, being an artist doesn't have      walk away with my head held high ...
the same status as other trades.         in the meantime I continue to paint
                                         and watch the people in front of my
While I sit behind my large shop         shop window and will report again in
window and paint at the easel, they      the next catalog.
pass by: hurried locals on their way
to the Doc, workers from the
Greenfield Office, Peter, the landlord   Best regards,
of the Wine Tavern „Im Lämmlein“ (In
the Little Lamb), who gives me a         Malte Sonnenfeld                           „fast so etwas wie prousts eclair“
friendly wave and will later bring me                                                           acrylic, mixed media,

                                                                                                       120cm x 80cm
SONNENFELD III Malte - Malte Sonnenfeld

acrylic, mixed media, 70cm x 100cm
SONNENFELD III Malte - Malte Sonnenfeld
                                                                by Dr. Thomas Ebers

                                                                A studio visit in the rhenish Unkel, which was obviously not in the sense of the 2019 acting
                                                                weather god: thunder, lightning as well as raining streams lined the way. Despite the divine
                                                                goings-on, nevertheless arrived and immediately felt at home at the sight of the pictures.
                                                                (The person Malte Sonnenfeld supports this congenially, by the way.) A visual language that
                                                                works with well-known pop-cultural memes, mostly placed in original pictorial contexts and
                                                                encompassing meaning-creating and -disfiguring word and sentence formations. Here Willy
                                                                Brandt, Kurt Georg Kiesinger, Goethe, Max and Moritz, Mr. Rossi, Uncle Sam, Super Mario,
                                                                Superman, Salvador Dali and many more cavort in differently collaged environments.

                                                                A first drawer:
                                                                Neo Pop Art; colorful, comic-like pictorial landscapes that create meaning between the lines
                                                                and depicted elements, which often only presents itself to the second or third glance. A
                                                                wonderfully successful use of aesthetic and intellectual sense. In reference to Karl Marx's
                                                                famous eleventh Feuerbach thesis, the following motto could be added to Malte Sonnenfeld's
                                                                works when viewed from the outside: "Artists have only represented and imagined the world
                                                                in different ways. What matters is to comment on it."

                                                                The second drawer:
                                                                In these artistic commentaries, however, no unreal or even logically contradictory sceneries
                                                                come into play. Rather, they simply do not correspond to the expectations and expectation of
                                                                the viewer. Malte Sonnenfeld's art can therefore be called "paradoxical art" in the best sense
                                                                of the word, for paradox etymologically denotes something contradictory to ordinary
                                                                expectations. This art is far from surrealism, symbolism, and from behind-the-scenes, though
                                                                not from behind-the-scenes. Rather, Malte Sonnenfeld's art draws attention to the
                                                                contradictory, the illogical, or even the usual that should not be usual.

„It started in the cities“ ,acrylic, mixed media, 60cm x 60cm
SONNENFELD III Malte - Malte Sonnenfeld
In the drawers:
   Malte Sonnenfeld's civil name is Michael Koslar. Under
   this name he already practices the not very civil
   professions of tv-speaker, author and host. Under the
   pseudonym Malte Sonnenfeld, he has been visible to the
   public as a visual artist since 2010. Good for the public.

   (The title is based on a quote by Malte Sonnenfeld, which
   can be found on his website
   "to make money with art you need: ideas, contacts,
   persuasion, patrons, contacts, courage, contacts again
   and possibly creativity.")

   Dr. Thomas Ebers studied philosophy, sociology and
   comparative religion at the Rheinische Friedrich-
   Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn. In 2009, he was awarded
   his doctorate there with the dissertation "Schreckliche
   Freiheit und Verantwortung. Reflections on the Recovery
   of a Philosophical Concept of Guilt," earning him his
   doctorate. He lives and works in Bonn.

                                                                „Schauen Sie schnell

„Fuck Deko“                                                     woanders hin“

acrylic, mixed media, 30cm x 100cm                              acrylic, mixed media, 60cm x 80cm
SONNENFELD III Malte - Malte Sonnenfeld

acrylic, mixed media, 80cm x 60cm
SONNENFELD III Malte - Malte Sonnenfeld
„Ja, aber…“ acrylic, 40cm x 100cm

MANY THX!                                            and subversive-provocative way, which he        Sonnenfeld succeeds in "jecke (id est:
by Robert Reschkowski                                medially transposes with the heroes, icons      cologne saying for crazy) works“ and an
                                                     and ciphers of the global media universe.       original-original art, which are able to inspire
                                                     Thereby he reaches into his immense memory      us and last not least to entertain us in the best
                                                     fund of his personal media-visual               way.
                                                     "socialization"! His pictorial inventions and
Malte Sonnenfeld is not only a dazzlingly
                                                     visual-thematic condensations are carried by
versatile personality and appointed Pop Art                                                          Many thanks Malte!
                                                     irony and wit.
artist, but also a very likeable and endearing
person. Born in Cologne, he skilfully uses the                                                       RR
visual language of Pop Art and tells stories         In the best "cologne-rheinish sense" Malte
and tales from everyday life in a critical, poetic                                                   Robert Reschkowski - German Artist,
                                                                                                     Performer, Life Coach
SONNENFELD III Malte - Malte Sonnenfeld

        acrylic, mixed media, 80cm x 100cm
SONNENFELD III Malte - Malte Sonnenfeld
„Pablo who?“


mixed media,

100cm x 75cm

               „Kunst muss gar nix“

               acrylic, mixed media,

                     100cm x 80cm

     acrylic, mixed media, 60cm x 80cm
                            by Dr. Axel Wendelberger

                            …as a painter, Malte Sonnenfeld                            His extraordinary pictorial ideas
                            always came up with such funny                             fascinated me immediately when I came
                                                                                       into contact with Sonnenfeld's work. In
                                                                                       one painting, Japanese director and
                            One could philosophize wonderfully                         actor Takeshi "Beat" Kitano holds a
                            about the paintings of Malte Sonnenfeld.                   revolver to his temple with a cynical
                            The studied philologist gives the                          laugh in the famous final scene of his
                            knowledgeable viewer indeed plenty of                      gritty yakuza flick "Sonatine," pulls the
                            material to analyze, explain and talk                      trigger, and : N o brain sputters after the
                            shop. I would rather talk about my                         shot, but flowers bloom from his head,
                            personal encounter with the artist and                     borrowed from one of Kitano's flower
                            his work, because I notice that my                         paintings, who began painting himself
                            opinion of the human being is                              after a moped accident. Through his
                            increasingly creeping into my judgment                     laconic, comic-like painting style,
                            of contemporary art. I no longer seek the                  Sonnenfeld even manages to do justice
                            much vaunted "objective view."                             to the monumentality of the cinematic
                                                                                       moment - enriched with fine humor, of
                            Michael Koslar, the man behind the
                            picturesque pseudonym, is no stranger.
                            He has long since made a name for                          "Contradictio in adiecto" is what this
                            himself as an author, TV announcer and                     mental technique is called, the
                            "presenter with cult potential". The fact                  contradiction in the enclosure. In many
                            that he is "ne Kölsche Jung“ (id est: a                    of his works, Malte Sonnenfeld surprises
                            guy from Cologne) may be given little                      the viewer with unexpected
                            s i g n i fi c a n c e o u t s i d e o u r r e g i o n .   combinations of very different pictorial
                            However, it explains the lightness and                     elements that stimulate reflection and
                            irony that make Malte Sonnenfeld's                         decipherment. What began as montages
                            pictures so distinctive. In variation of one               in acrylic became a pictorial atlas of
                            of his so typically enigmatic work titles                  visual memories of an entire generation.
„ways to make you talk I“
                            one could say: Since his reinvention as a                  Comic book heroes, pictures of historical
acrylic, mixed media,       painter Malte Sonnenfeld always came                       personalities, film stills, images of old
                            up with such funny ideas...
60cm x 80cm
works of art, fragments of newspaper            Malte Sonnenfeld has expanded his                 I see far more than just two identities
photos, stickers, collectible pictures are      artistic spectrum. The "Icons" and "Stills"       and observe with admiration how he
the material from which the artist draws,       series (works inspired by 17th-century            reconciles the loving family man, (with
which he assembles into enigmatic               Dutch still lifes) were followed by "Neo          his wife from finland, which is also an
pictorial compositions, which he likes to       Pop meets policy," "Street art for your           artist) the TV announcer, showmaster,
give no less enigmatic titles.                  home," "Pellworm," "International                 author, entertainer and painter - a
                                                Proverbs" and "Famous first words."               professional, in fact. Bravo, Malte!
                                                Increasingly, he also thinks about purely         Bravo, Michael!
Sometimes in the morning I hear a music         painterly tasks. His art becomes more
title on the radio that reminds me of           differentiated. He has long since left the
situations from times past and that does        subject areas of his own generation.              About Dr. Axel Wendelberger: After
not leave me throughout the day. Then I         Nothing more stands in the way of                 studying art history and aesthetics, Axel
often think to myself, "This is part of the     international recognition.                        Wendelberger worked for eight years as
soundtrack of your life." I feel the same                                                         a curator at various museums before
way about Malte Sonnenfeld's paintings.                                                           becoming a freelance editor and graphic
They evoke memories, memories of                The aforementioned Takeshi Kitano                 designer and art historian in the
those born in the 1960s. That's what            began his career as a comedian and had            publishing industry in 1992.
makes them so valuable. The American            achieved cult status far beyond Japan's
writer Kurt Vonnegut, whose novel               borders in the 1980s with his madcap
Breakfast of Champions was the                  game show "Takeshi's Castle". When he
inspiration for the title of a Malte            suddenly came to the public eye with
Sonnenfeld painting, commented on this          serious feature films as a director and
phenomenon in a 1968 conversation:              actor, audiences were disconcerted. A
                                                whiff of such irritation may also have
                                                been exuded by Michael Koslar - a man
"It's certainly not bad just to be a terrific   of words known from television and the
writer for your own generation... To            stage - when he presented the painter
achieve that is something!" He cited            Malte Sonnenfeld and his paintings,
Ernest Hemingway as an example of               which had already matured from the
such an author, "because he inspired his        start.
contemporaries and he did it well!"
Vonnegut's interlocutor pointed out that
he, Vonnegut, is read by all ages,              "Why a pseudonym?" he wrote in the
                                                                                              „Dead can dance“
however: "It may have to do with the            introductory text of his first exhibition
writing itself, Kurt. It may have to do with    catalog. "Pseudonym is actually the           acrylic, mixed media, 50cm x 100cm
the subjects..."                                wrong term. More like a second identity."

acrylic, mixed media, 120cm x 80cm
„Der Griff des Wassermannes
oder Something inside takes
me down again“

acrylic, mixed media,

60cm x 80cm

                                         „Tu Perdi“

                              acrylic, mixed media,

                                   100cm x 120cm

    acrylic, mixed media, 100cm x 140cm
by Andreas Cordes

When people talk or write about the works             confrontation with the works of Sigmar
of Malte Sonnenfeld, the term Pop Art                 Polke. Thus, as with Polke, his multi-
comes up again and again in order to trace            layered works encompass a broad
his stylistic roots and his models in terms of        spectrum in the use of different painting
content. He is also often compared with the           techniques and painterly means of
artist Sigmar Polke with the remark that              expression: in the ambivalent play of
both draw on the formal characteristics of            transparency and opacity, in the setting of
this art movement.                                    contours between the development of form
Yet Sigmar Polke saw himself more as a                and dissolution, or in the contrasting
critical German answer to American Pop Art            interplay of spherical pictorial background
and coined the term "Capitalist Realism" as           and painterly brushwork, his pictorial worlds
early as 1963, together with Konrad Lueg              appear like fragments put together at
and Gerhard Richter. An allusion to the               random, which repeatedly condense into
official GDR designation "Socialist Realism"          multi-layered ensembles.
as the predominant art movement there.                This impression is reinforced by the
What connected these artists to Pop Art               technical artifice of collage, with which the
was less a bond over formal features than a           spectrum in Malte Sonnenfeld's mode of
critical view of mass consumption and                 expression extends far beyond classical
unquestioning optimism about progress.                painting. Thus, the pictorial grounds in his
What does all this have to do with Malte              works are often covered with wallpaper,
Sonnenfeld's art?                                     product packaging, or excerpts from poems
If we look closely, quite a lot: for just as little   and quotations on paper. A technique that
as Sigmar Polke's works, his art cannot be            makes us think not only of Sigmar Polke,
reduced exclusively to stylistic aspects or           but also of Nouveau Réalisme, which
variations on the meaning of Pop Art in               emerged as a European parallel
terms of content. The reference to the                phenomenon to Pop Art in the early 1960s.
artist's preference for comics also falls             In particular, the painterly treatment of the
short of a characteristic classification.             image carrier, consisting of the most subtle
                                                      layers of color and vehement brushstrokes,      „Pharao der Postmoderne“
Rather, Malte Sonnenfeld seems to have
                                                      is sometimes reminiscent of the pictorial           acrylic, mixed media,
worked out his painting style in the artistic
                                                                                                                 90cm x 70cm
quality of the poster tear-off pictures of the   everyone can draw their own insights from
                                              French artist Jacques Villeglé, a co-founder     this historical situation and bring their ideas
                                              of New Realism.                                  together with the facts."
                                              The quintessence From all these formal
                                              derivations in the pictorial design, Malte       Andreas Cordes studied art history and
                                              Sonnenfeld has developed his very own,           philosophy in Osnabrück. He is a founding
                                              very personal as well as complex and             member of the Kunstverein Nordhorn e.V.
                                              heterogeneous style. With his seemingly          and works as an art historian.
                                              infinite cosmos of signs, his pictorial spaces
                                              appear to us more like search images or
                                              pictorial puzzles that allow the viewer to
                                              open up ever new spaces of memory.
                                              Thus, Malte Sonnenfeld's works are neither
                                              to be understood as a pure examination of
                                              the consumerism of the masses, as in Pop
                                              Art, nor can they be interpreted as mere
                                              criticism of mass culture, despite the use of
                                              strongly ironic elements, as in Sigmar
                                              Polke's work. Nor do his works seek to
                                              close a gap between art and life, as the
                                              representatives of Nouveau Réalisme or
                                              Neodada demanded in their elitist-seeming
                                              "revolution of the everyday."
                                              Rather, the artist brings icons from culture
                                              and politics as well as motifs, symbols, and
                                              signals from our world of media
                                              consumption and commodities into
                                              multifaceted contexts that tell his view of
                                              the world, but without moralizing or
                                              lecturing. With his typical and unmistakable
                                              wink, Malte Sonnenfeld keeps the viewer
                                              guessing, participating, and challenges us
                                              to perceive and recognize the images of the
                                              everyday cultural and media world as the
                                              collective memory of a real existing parallel    „Hommage to Jacques Villegle“
                                              world. Or, to conclude in the words of Pierre
                                              Restany, who announced the end of                acrylic, mixed media, 50cm x 70cm
                                              Nouveau Réalisme in 1963: "In the future,
„MAARE“ acrylic, mixed media, 100cm x 100cm
„Genius seldom pays“

acrylic, mixed media,

60cm x 80cm


                        acrylic, mixed media,

                               40cm x 60cm

acrylic, mixed media, wooden door, 50cm x 46cm
„beuys - phatt“

acrylic, mixed media,

wooden slice,

ca. 33cm x 22,5cm

                             „des hasen tod“

                        acrylic, mixed media,

                             wooden canvas,

                               48cm x 40cm

      acrylic, mixed media, 90cm x 60cm
„Tante Eusebia mit Hermelin“

acrylic, mixed media,

60cm x 90cm

                                       „le douanier“

                               acrylic, mixed media,

                                    wooden canvas,

                                      40cm x 50cm

" now he is known all over Germany for
his colorful, comic-like and cryptic acrylic     "The high-flyer" (Aachener Zeitung) has
paintings..." (Kölnische Rundschau)              "made his mark on more than 50 exhibitions
                                                 and various art fairs." (Focus online) and
"The high-flyer" (Aachener Zeitung) has          produces "colorful pop art" (WAZ) - "but his
"made his mark on more than 50 exhibitions       philosophical and philological insights have
and various art fairs." (Focus online) and       also flowed into his pop imagery" (Weser-
produces "colorful pop art" (WAZ) - "but his     Kurier Bremen).
philosophical and philological insights have
also flowed into his pop imagery" (Weser-        "Sonnenfeld is one of the best known German
Kurier Bremen).                                  neo-pop artists and is already counted among
                                                 the important German artists." (Rhein-Zeitung)
"Sonnenfeld's work has established him as a
new force in the German art world.“ (RP)         " connoisseurs consider (him...the ed.) a
                                                 trailblazer with his Neo Pop Art." (Rheinischer
"Sonnenfeld is one of the best known German      Spiegel)
neo-pop artists and is already counted among
the important German artists." (Rhein-Zeitung)   "The Schwabach altar of the largest
Furthermore, " connoisseurs consider       late Gothic winged altars in Germany. Now a
(him...the ed.) a trailblazer with his Neo Pop   new, no less impressive colorful, albeit
Art." (Rheinischer Spiegel)                      secular, exclamation point of art has been
                                                 added to this imposing church: The painter
" now he is known all over Germany for      and artist Malte Sonnenfeld…“ (Blick aktuell)
his colorful, comic-like and cryptic acrylic
paintings..." (Kölnische Rundschau)              "Art with humor, precision and history (...) New
                                                 works in the country gallery Dellarte in
In Germany, Malte Sonnenfeld has firmly          Südarle (...) The drawing card of this fifth
established himself in the art scene. Now it's   summer exhibition represents the Cologne
Belgium's turn. Eupen makes the start. (BRF)     Malte Sonnenfeld.“ (Ostfriesischer Kurier)

                                                                                                    "die anthropogene kybernetische mutation der arten“

                                                                                                    acrylic, mixed media, 100x100cm
                            UND DER

acryl, mixed-media, 120cm x 100cm
„death on skates“, acrylic, mixed media,

70cm x 70cm
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