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Michael T. Stuart and Yiftach Fehige

The literature on thought experiments has been steadily expanding since 1986. And yet,
it appears that several aspects of the philosophical conversation have recently stalled. We
claim that the current philosophical literature has much to gain by a reappraisal of its
origins: by identifying the historical contingencies that caused the contemporary discus-
sion to take the shape it has, we will be in a better position to entertain other directions
the current debate could go, identify and eliminate mistaken dogma, and revive forgot-
ten insights. This special issue of HOPOS is an attempt to start such a conversation,
and we hope it might inspire similar pursuits in the history of the philosophy of other
scientific methods like modeling, experiment, and computer simulation.

By any measure, the literature on thought experiments is thriving. Since 1988,
we count at least 13 monographs, seven collected editions, and eight journal
issues dedicated to thought experiments.1 In 2020, the thought experiments

   Contact Michael T. Stuart at University of Geneva, Switzerland (mike.stuart.post@gmail.com),
and Yiftach Fehige at University of Toronto, Canada (yiftach.fehige@utoronto.ca).
   1. Monographs: Wilkes (1988), Sorensen (1992), Buschlinger (1993), Häggqvist (1996), Genz
(1999), Gendler (2000), Behmel (2001), Kühne (2005), Rescher (2005), Cohnitz (2006), Swirski (2007),
Buzzoni (2008), and Brown (2011). Collected editions: Horowitz and Massey (1991), Macho and
Wuenschel (2004), Ierodiakonou and Roux (2011), Frappier et al. (2013), Borstner and Gartner (2017), Stuart

HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science, vol. 11 (Spring 2021).
2152-5188/2021/1101-0010$10.00. © 2021 by the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science.
All rights reserved. Electronically published April 13, 2021.

Stuart and Fehige     | SPRING 2021

section of PhilPapers (http://www.philpapers.org; currently moderated by Mag-
dalena Balcerak Jackson) has 476 entries, which is more than the semantic view
of theories (124), inference to the best explanation (198), scientific representation
(203), structural realism (280), and incommensurability in science (406), and
is equal to the discussion of natural selection as a whole (476). Obviously, it is a
lively and ongoing discussion. And yet, there is still a lot of work to do.
    Concerning the class of scientific thought experiments, the majority of papers
either focus on specific scientific cases (Schrödinger’s cat is a case in point, with
55 entries on PhilPapers), the thought experiments of a specific scientist (with
Einstein and Galileo attracting most of the attention), or the epistemology of sci-
entific thought experiments in general.2 Lacking, however, are historical accounts
of the philosophical discussion of scientific thought experiments. There are no-
table exceptions, but more work seems necessary for at least two reasons.3
    The first is that the current philosophical literature has much to gain by a re-
appraisal of its origins (or so we claim). The notion that there is a single “pure
origin” of any debate is dubious (see Foucault 1977). Nevertheless, by identifying
the historical contingencies that caused the ongoing debate to take the shape it
has, we will be in a better position to entertain other directions the current de-
bate could go, identify and eliminate mistaken dogma, and revive forgotten in-
sights. With reference to the articles that constitute this special issue, we will now
discuss several tentative steps through which progress might be made.
    Charlene Brecevic revisits Ernst Mach’s writings on thought experiments.
Mach is a prominent figure in the history of philosophical inquiry into thought
experiments. Indeed, the importance of Mach’s Knowledge and Error (1905/
1976) for the evolution of philosophical thinking about thought experiments
can hardly be overstated. He set out many of the terms, examples, and ideas that
would inspire future writers. This in itself is a historically intriguing fact, because
it wasn’t him but Hans Christian Ørsted who introduced the notion of thought
experiments into the philosophical discussion in 1811, with a very different
agenda. And yet, well into the 1990s it is Mach who is mistakenly cited often

et al. (2018a), and Bornmüller et al. (2019). Journal issues: Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, vol. 38,
no. 1; Croatian Journal of Philosophy, vol. 7, nos. 1 and 2; Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, vol. 59,
no. 1; Topoi, vol. 38, no. 4; Philosophica, vol. 72; Perspectives on Science, vol. 22, no. 2; and HOPOS, this
     2. On Einstein, see, e.g., Norton (1991, 1993) and Kühne (2005, 225–79). On Galileo, see, e.g., Pal-
mieri (2003, 2018). On the epistemology of scientific thought experiments in general, see Miščević
(1992), Nersessian (1992), Sorensen (1992), Häggqvist (1996), Norton (1996, 2004), Buzzoni (2008),
and Brown (2011).
     3. See, e.g., Kühne (2005), Moue et al. (2006), Buzzoni (2008, 2018), Fehige and Stuart (2014),
and Stuart et al. (2018b).

HOPOS     |   Motivating Thought Experiments

as the originator of the term “thought experiment.” (Marco Buzzoni and Yiftach
Fehige both touch on this fact in their contributions, with each offering differing
explanations for it.)
    Brecevic reevaluates Ernst Mach’s seminal and formative contribution from
the perspective of Mach’s writings on imagination. The article begins by noting
an interesting tension. Within the literature on thought experiments, Mach is
seen as an early champion of the topic, but outside the literature, Mach has been
interpreted as a phenomenological reductionist or subjective idealist whose “prin-
ciple of economy” would, in the words of Planck, “lame” the imagination. The
idea is that Mach requires all models, theories, and concepts to be grounded in
“elements of sensation” (colors, sounds, pressures, temperatures, smells, etc.). With-
out allowing scientists to imagine how the world might be, independent of sen-
sory elements, Mach severely limits the power of imagination in science.
    This tension comes out clearly, as Brecevic contrasts Mach’s praise of thought
experiments in Knowledge and Error with his negative claims about imagination
made in connection with his criticism of Newton’s bucket thought experiment.
On the one hand, Brecevic reminds us that for Mach, “every explanation, proof
and deduction” is the result of a thought experiment (Mach 1905/1976, 144).
Yet, on the other hand, Mach claims that Newton’s bucket thought experiment
deals only with “the arbitrary fictions of our imagination” (1883/1919, 232).
Claims about absolute space, time, or motion are “pure things of thought, pure
mental constructs, that cannot be produced in experience” (229). Brecevic dif-
fuses this tension by focusing on the evolutionary nature of science. According
to Mach, there can be no quantum leaps: everything must build on and be con-
tinuous with previous experience. Newton violates this maxim by trying to use
imagination to establish facts that could never be confirmed by experience. Bre-
cevic points out that this criticism of Newton is consistent with Mach, holding
that imagination can play other (important or even necessary) roles in science,
such as via thought experiments. To this end, Brecevic introduces an important
distinction between poetic and simulative imagination, which helps to explain
the roles Mach sees for imagination in science.
    Given the importance of Mach for the literature on thought experiments, this
historical reinterpretation is very welcome, especially as Brecevic connects it with
discussions of the role of imagination in science, the view that thought exper-
iments are mental models, and the relation between memory and imagination.
For instance, scholars are now (re)examining the specific epistemic role that
imagination plays in thought experiments (Arcangeli 2010, 2021; McAllister
2013; Meynell 2014, 2018; Stuart 2017, 2021; Camp 2020; Salis and Frigg
2020). This discussion would profit from taking earlier ideas into account, in-
cluding the distinctions Brecevic draws between kinds of imagination in Mach.

Stuart and Fehige   | SPRING 2021

This is especially true as we begin to realize that our current concept of “scien-
tific imagination” is something that developed over centuries (McLeish 2019,
    Until the 1980s, the most important single paper on thought experiments
(after Mach [1905/1976]) must be Kuhn’s (1964). In that paper, Kuhn offers a
discussion of Jean Piaget, that “brilliant Swiss child psychologist,” to motivate
his own account of the role of thought experiments in scientific progress. Buz-
zoni, in his contribution to this special issue, pulls hard on this thread. His paper
asks intriguing questions about Piaget’s own position on thought experiments.
As it turns out, Piaget had a lot to say about mathematical thought experiments,
and he also drew on the work of Mach. Specifically, Piaget characterized at least
two kinds of thought experiment: one was Machian (a mental variation of var-
iables), while the second was “logically reversible” (i.e., mathematical). An im-
portant source of inspiration for Piaget was the French logician and philosopher
of science Edmond Goblot. Buzzoni argues that Piaget wrongly interpreted Gob-
lot, who anticipated Piaget’s distinction between empirical and mathematical
thought experiments. Goblot also discusses why the graphic, visual, or iconic
character of mathematical thought experiments is so important. This is still a
significant topic of discussion today. Buzzoni also draws attention to Goblot’s
account of how thought experiments play justificatory roles in mathemat-
ics, and discusses his noteworthy ideas concerning the relation between logic
and psychology.
    Another oddity in the history of the philosophical discussion about thought
experiments concerns Paul Feyerabend. He was a powerful influence (whether
positive or negative) on the course of the history and philosophy of science, and he
wrote quite a lot about the epistemological functions of Galileo’s thought exper-
iments. Specifically, he defended the importance of “counterinduction” (where
we try to find evidence for a hypothesis that contradicts theoretical claims we
believe to be true) as a way of examining our most fundamental assumptions, or
“natural interpretations.” And for Feyerabend, counterinduction was pursued per-
haps most powerfully in science through the use of thought experiments. More
than anyone else at the time, it was Feyerabend who protested against philosoph-
ical accounts of science that excluded thought experiments and other vehicles
of scientific imagination as epistemologically uninteresting. And yet, while refer-
ences to Mach, Kuhn, Popper, and to a lesser extent, Lakatos are frequent in
the current literature on thought experiments, Feyerabend has been almost for-
gotten. In order to draw out Feyerabend’s considered views on the topic, Mike
Stuart interprets the account of Galilean thought experiments we find in Feyer-
abend’s most well-known work, Against Method, through the lens of Feyerabend’s
later writing on the epistemology of drama, stories, and myths. In his article,

HOPOS     |   Motivating Thought Experiments

Stuart argues that for Feyerabend, thought experiments are a special kind of
story that can be used to demolish a dominant myth (in science or elsewhere)
and instigate a new myth through the use of propaganda to change our habits.
Thought experiments do this by appealing to our sense of what is interesting,
appealing, revealing, comprehensible, coherent, and surprising.
    Stuart also puts Feyerabend into dialogue with current accounts that empha-
size the importance of reconstructing thought experiments into logical arguments.
One upshot of Feyerabend’s account, if correct, is that the epistemological power
of a thought experiment cannot be determined without reference to features of
the audience, and so accounts that try to portray this power purely in terms of
acontextual logic are missing an important part of the story. Feyerabend’s ac-
count also contradicts the widely held belief that reconstructing thought argu-
ments into logical arguments, even if not necessary, is helpful. The idea is that
logical reconstruction clarifies the premises and inferences that are central to a
thought experiment, and thereby facilitates epistemological appraisal. Feyerabend
suggests otherwise: “clarification” is merely a license for the widespread philo-
sophical bias against emotion and desire. Clarification strips thought experi-
ments of life by forcing their rich narratives and metaphors into logical boxes.
Moving in the other direction, Feyerabend suggests an anthropological approach,
according to which we examine how thought experiments are actually used,
rather than thinking we know better than the scientists who use them (Feyer-
abend 1995, 142). We should leave thought experiments as the stories they
are (including their appeals to emotion and use of imagination and open-
endedness) and analyze them accordingly. Stuart ends with considerations about
the ethics of scientific storytelling and the effects of storytelling on the scientific
    The contribution by Fehige takes us almost to the present. One of the most
discussed problems about thought experiments in the current literature is how
thought experiments are able to lead to new knowledge or understanding, de-
spite not requiring new experience. James R. Brown’s answer is that performing
a thought experiment produces a new phenomenon in the mind. This phenom-
enon can serve as “fairly conclusive” evidence for a theory (Brown 2011, 43).
John D. Norton has been Brown’s main foil. He argues that thought experiments
are nothing but arguments (see Norton 1996). We gain new knowledge from
thought experiments only by rearranging or logically extending existing knowl-
edge. For Norton, all thought experiments succeed or fail only insofar as they
instantiate logically good arguments. Without an understanding of how and why
this dialectic emerged historically, it is difficult to pinpoint the hidden biases and
generatively entrenched structures inside it. And without this, it is difficult to see
other (perhaps more fruitful) ways the debate might have evolved and might still

Stuart and Fehige   | SPRING 2021

evolve. For example, Fehige points out that the shape of the disagreement be-
tween Brown and Norton is partially due to certain philosophical undercurrents
at work in the 1980s, including the ongoing reaction to Kuhnian views, as “a
great deal of historical scholarship and analytic spadework” had “moved” the
“understanding of the processes of scientific rationality and scientific change
considerably beyond the point where Kuhn left it” (Laudan 1984, xii). The lit-
erature in the 1990s shows resistance against Brown and Norton setting the
terms of the investigation, and the drive to find a middle ground between these
two positions is best explained (according to Fehige) by examining the philo-
sophical undercurrents present at the time, including a push toward scientific
pluralism and more detailed case studies. Grand epistemological claims along the
lines of the traditional empiricism-rationalism divide, Fehige argues, became heu-
ristically questionable, and this partially explains the trajectory of the modern
    To summarize, the first reason it is worthwhile to look back at the history of
philosophical discussions about scientific thought experiments is that (we be-
lieve) there continues to be great value in the pursuit of integrated history and
philosophy of science (HPS). Philosophy requires history, and history requires
philosophy. So far, in the discussion on thought experiments there has been ex-
cellent philosophy and excellent history, but not as much history of philosophy,
and that element is crucial for integrated HPS. Of course, the other direction of
interaction is also important: philosophy of history. The fifth contribution in this
special issue, by Catherine Greene, helps to fill this gap. Greene argues that coun-
terfactual analysis in history is a form of thought experimentation, and she charts
the history of the philosophy of that practice. She then analyzes the justification
attributed to that practice by philosophers like David Lewis and James Wood-
ward, and historians like Max Weber, Johannes Bulhoff, Niall Ferguson, Richard
Lebow, Yuen Foon Khong, Richard Evans, Philip Tetlock, and Aaron Belkin.
She argues that imagination can play a positive epistemic role in the evaluation
of historical counterfactuals, especially once we reconceive the purpose of
counterfactuals in history. That purpose is not always to find out “What would
have happened if . . .” but rather “How contingent was this or that event?”
Greene’s article might be the first to chart the history of the philosophy of
counterfactuals, which is surprising, given the centrality of counterfactuals in
modal epistemology and the importance of counterfactuals for the method of his-
tory. But also, and perhaps even more importantly, Greene argues for a new ac-
count of how history is and should be done, and what roles imagination should
play in that process.
    A second reason why we think that it is worthwhile to look back at the his-
tory of the philosophy of scientific thought experiments is that most of the

HOPOS     |   Motivating Thought Experiments

existing historical work on thought experiments has focused on individual thought
experiments or individual accounts of thought experiments. We might call this
microlevel history. What we do not see is macrolevel history, that is, historical
discussions of the interaction between different philosophers (or philosophical
accounts) over time. Macrolevel history can provide insights that are invisible
at the micro level. Thus, Fehige in his entry discusses the reactions of philos-
ophers to the Brown-Norton debate in light of the surrounding philosophical
context. The features of this historical trajectory only become possible objects
of inquiry from this higher level of analysis. That is, certain explananda would
not appear if we looked only synchronically at the accounts of individual phi-
losophers. Likewise, Buzzoni’s article allows us to see what Edmund Goblot got
right about mathematical thought experiments via an analysis of Piaget’s mis-
interpretation of his views. Greene finds resonance, development, and conflict
between the accounts of counterfactual reasoning given by philosophers and his-
torians, which inform her positive proposals. Stuart contrasts two very different
philosophers: the early and later Feyerabend. By reading the former in terms of
the latter, we gain insights not explicitly provided by either. Of course, any good
macrolevel history will rely on microlevel work, and each of our authors either draws
on such work or performs it themselves in the course of their analyses.
    We hope this special issue brings to light the importance of the history of the
philosophy of thought experiments, and also that it inspires other subfields of
philosophy of science to look again at their history. For instance, there is not
much macrolevel historical work on the philosophy of scientific modeling, ex-
periment, analogy, narrative, metaphor, or computer simulation. We think such
explorations could be useful for illuminating and advancing discussions in those
subfields. After all, many of those cognitive tools are devices of imagination. And
it was only very recently that philosophy has rediscovered the important role
that the imagination plays in our cognitive lives. Historical work is extremely
important in such cases. We should never allow the youth of a philosophical
discussion to fool us into thinking that the past holds no relevant lessons for
the present.

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Stuart and Fehige   | SPRING 2021

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