The SPRING 2019 EDITION 82 Dove - All Saints' College

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The SPRING 2019 EDITION 82 Dove - All Saints' College
      SPRING 2019   EDITION 82
The SPRING 2019 EDITION 82 Dove - All Saints' College
From the                 Editor                                                                  The
It is hard to believe that it is the             We have been inspired by this philosophy
                                                 to incorporate more written and visual work     The dove is the traditional symbol of the
final term for the year, and soon we                                                             Holy Spirit, a messenger of good news
                                                 created by the students into The Dove,
will celebrate and congratulate the              including the front cover image by talented     or peace. It forms an integral part of the
Class of 2019 as they walk across                Year 10 student, Madhav Rajesh. The             All Saints’ College crest and represents
the stage at Presentation Ceremony               work, titled Minimus, was one of Madhav’s       our commitment to the spiritual and ethical
                                                 many striking photographs featured in the       development of our students. The magazine
and then embark on the new                       HotHouse Company’s inaugural Invitational       title also links in with the College’s other
chapter of their lives.                          Exhibition (page 63).                           major publication, the Columba yearbook,
As you browse The Dove Spring Magazine,                                                          Columba being Latin for dove.
                                                 Thank you to the many students and staff
you will read about what has been                who have contributed to our 82nd edition of
happening at Ewing Avenue during the             The Dove. We hope you enjoy reading our
past six months. The College’s innovative        College publication and wish you all the best
and dynamic curricular and cocurricular          for the last few months of the year.
programs, Service opportunities, student and
staff achievements, and community initiatives
are featured in this edition.
Goal 3 (Innovation and Enterprise) is a new
area of focus in the College’s Strategic Plan;
launched earlier this year. In this section
of the magazine, we have highlighted our
                                                 Miss Karyn Osmetti
young people who are embracing their
                                                 Communications Manager (Class of 2006)
passions and interests, who are taking
greater control of their learning and are
becoming empowered to have a voice.
The SPRING 2019 EDITION 82 Dove - All Saints' College
Inside this issue
    3       GOAL 1 - WELLBEING
   20       GOAL 2 - LEARNING
   52       GOAL 4 - COMMUNITY
   66       GOAL 5 - CUSTODIANSHIP

  ART DIRECTION Design Vault PRINTER Advance Press
  EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS College staff and students, Miss Emily Garbett (Communications Officer),
  Miss Karyn Osmetti (Class of 2006, Communications Manager)
  PHOTOGRAPHY College staff and students, Madhav Rajesh (Year 10), Michelle Thesman (Year 10)
  FRONT COVER & GOAL PAGE IMAGE Minimus by Madhav Rajesh (Year 10)
The SPRING 2019 EDITION 82 Dove - All Saints' College
From the                                    Principal
          Welcome to our 2019                                 As these pages also explain, we are very
                                                              pleased to launch a new project in partnership
          Spring edition of The Dove.                         with Curtin University, and to celebrate the
          In these pages we are pleased to celebrate          enormous success of our new 2019 Year 9
          many achievements and initiatives under the         Outdoor Learning Program in Kalbarri.
          goals of our new Strategic Plan, Benang*.           Goal 3 focuses on innovation and enterprise,
          Goal 1 (Wellbeing) focuses on some of               and these pages give some insight into the
          the many service activities in which our            breadth of innovations within the College,
          students are involved: service is a powerful        from RunwayOnline to a new website and
          vehicle to nurture wellbeing, focusing as it        student newspaper and, of course, one of
          does on young people’s empowerment to               our most recent initiatives, The Agency, our
          make a difference as they ‘give back’ to            employment agency for ASC students.
          their communities and as they explore what          Goal 4 shines the spotlight on ‘the village’,
          it means, for them, to live a meaningful life.      our community which is so integral to all
          Also spotlighted in Goal 1 is the College’s         we do, and Goal 5, amongst other things,
          vast cocurricular program where, outside the        provides an opportunity for us to thank
          traditional classroom, students learn many skills   our donors and to celebrate some of our
          and forge friendships with like-minded others.      growing number of sustainability initiatives
          There is also much to celebrate in Goal 2           and endeavours.
          (Learning) where we look at a number of new         I trust you will enjoy this edition of The Dove.
          projects within the College, including the
          creation of a ‘personalisable’ timetable and        Ms Belinda Provis
          a very popular and successful STEM elective.        Principal

2   T H E D O V E F R O M T H E P R I N C I PA L              *Benang: Noongar for “tomorrow”
The SPRING 2019 EDITION 82 Dove - All Saints' College
Goal 1           Wellbeing

                                                                T H E D O V E F R O M T H E P R I N C I PA L   3
The SPRING 2019 EDITION 82 Dove - All Saints' College
2020 India Immersion Expedition stude
                                                                       nts and staff with Brother Steve (midd
                                                                                                             le) and Ms Moten (back, far right)

       All Saints’ College strives to                          Steve Rocha from India to All Saints’ for two                    Senior School students and staff on a            ways in which our students can incorporate
       empower our young people to                             days in August as our inaugural Facilitator of                   biennial India Immersion Expedition to           social justice into their projects to help
                                                               Justice through Advocacy Resident.                               provide educational support to the children      influence people and create political change.
       develop their potential to become
                                                               Brother Steve leads an inspiring campaign                        in the organisation. During his residency,       The 17 Sustainable Development Goals
       confident, compassionate and                                                                                             Brother Steve had an opportunity to meet
                                                               called NINEISMINE (convened by PRATYeK)                                                                           identified by the United Nations were
       committed global citizens who                                                                                            the All Saints’ group which will travel on the
                                                               and is a passionate advocate for social                                                                           highlighted by Brother Steve during his
       achieve our Vision of ‘making a                         justice, children’s rights, environmental rights,                upcoming expedition in January 2020.             time at the College as part of how we, as
       positive difference in our world’.                      quality education, and ending poverty.                           While on our campus, he spoke to our Junior      a community, can contribute to creating
       Through Service Learning, our students and              NINEISMINE aims to build a better world                          and Senior Schools during Chapel about his       greater awareness and make a difference
       staff have an opportunity to see the world              for children living in India by protecting and                   campaign and how our students can have a         towards achieving these goals by 2030.
       through different lenses and contribute                 promoting their rights and opportunities. They                   voice to encourage change in their local and     We were also delighted to welcome
       to positive social change. The program                  have a strong focus on the ‘last child’ and                      the global communities.                          Ms Lynne Moten (Dean of Service Learning
       has evolved significantly in recent years,              work to ensure young people from across                          Brother Steve also ran workshops with our        at Seymour College, Adelaide) during the
       particularly through embedding issues of                India are able to collaborate in finding                         Senior School leaders and classes across         residency to share her experiences from India
       ethics and justice across the curriculum.               common solutions.                                                different learning areas, such as Drama,         and working with Brother Steve. We thank
       To help the College develop our work in this            The College is a proud partner of                                Dance, English and Humanities and Social         both of them for the time, knowledge and
       area, we were privileged to welcome Brother             NINEISMINE and sends a group of our                              Sciences. In these sessions they explored        passion they gave our community.

The SPRING 2019 EDITION 82 Dove - All Saints' College
L-R: Paige, Allan
                                                                                                                                                             , Penny and Za
                                                                                                                                                                           c James

Each year in July, All Saints’ College       theme of 2019 NAIDOC Week (‘Voice. Treaty.           kindly prepared the delicious food and were        Hours Care (OSHC) Winter Vacation Care
and communities across our nation            Truth.’) and the three key elements to the reforms   also in attendance at the event.                   Program embraced the spirit of NAIDOC
                                             set out in the Uluru Statement from the Heart.                                                          Week in various activities. They created
celebrate the history, culture and                                                                Continuing the celebrations and sharing part
                                             Our Indigenous students and their families,                                                             their own dot paintings and bracelets made
                                                                                                  of their culture, our Indigenous students and
achievements of Aboriginal and                                                                                                                       from traditional Indigenous colours, and built
                                             as well as staff from across the College,            Paige handed out tasters of the Kangaroo
Torres Strait Islander people for            came together to enjoy some Kangaroo stew,           stew to Senior School community members
                                                                                                                                                     miniature ‘mia-mia’ shelters. The children also
NAIDOC Week.                                 damper and quandong jam in celebration                                                                  enjoyed homemade damper at lunchtime
                                                                                                  during one lunchtime later in the week.
                                             of NAIDOC Week. This evening was a                                                                      and an incursion by Indigenous Tours WA.
This year’s national observance occurred                                                          In the Junior School, our students also
                                             wonderful opportunity for parents and                                                                   Through these NAIDOC Week activities and
from 7–14 July during the College’s winter                                                        reflected on the meaning and importance of
                                             guardians to meet our inaugural Indigenous                                                              events, our College community enjoyed the
holidays, so the All Saints’ community                                                            NAIDOC Week, and buddy classes created
                                             Student Support Assistant, Paige James (Class                                                           opportunity to learn more about this important
celebrated our First Nations Australians                                                          bracelets together in the colours of the
                                             of 2017) who was appointed into the role                                                                celebration, and further engaged in the
throughout the final week of Term 2.                                                              Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags.
                                             earlier this year. Paige’s parents, Allan and                                                           history and culture of Aboriginal and Torres
Week 9 Chapel services focussed on the       Penny, and her brother, Zac (Class of 2007)          The children who attended our Out of School        Strait Islander people.

                                                                                                                                                                                        THE DOVE GOAL 1   5
The SPRING 2019 EDITION 82 Dove - All Saints' College
CAPTURING THE HEART AND SPIRIT OF THE                                      Fitzroy Community

                                                                                                                                        All photographs by Madhav Rajesh and Michelle Thesman

       During the first week of the
       July school holidays, a group of 28
       All Saints’ students and seven College                                                      Voices Project – a
       staff participated in our fourth annual             We attended the trip as part of the
                                                                                                    HotHouse Company to
                                                           creative program developed by the
       Fitzroy Crossing Service Learning                                                               oy community, as well
                                                           capture the heart and spirit of the Fitzr
       Immersion expedition, in partnership                                                         their photography skills.
                                                           as support ASC students to develop
       with Teach Learn Grow (TLG).                                                                      ity School for the
                                                           Staying at the Bayulu Remote Commun
                                                                                                    ever   y morning as
       While most of the group attended to provide         week, it was incredible to be there
                                                                                                    s   with   their huge smiles
       one-on-one tutoring and mentoring to rural           children ran through the school gate
                                                                                                 next   five  days     the children
       and Indigenous children at the Bayulu Remote         and boundless energy. Over the
                                                                                                ht into   their   lives , shared a
       Community School and Fitzroy Valley District         made us smile, gave us an insig
                                                                                                   ght   with   them    countless
       High School, two ASC students – Madhav               slice of their rich culture, and brou
                                                                                               lope  d   stron  g   bon  ds and
       Rajesh and Michelle Thesman (Year 10) –              questions and stories. We deve
                                                                                                    even     taug   ht  a few of them
       travelled to the Kimberley region to take part in    connections with the children, and
                                                                                                     gest    two    TLG   mem  bers
       the HotHouse Company’s Voices Project.                about photography. Being the youn
                                                                                                grea  t  conn   ectio   ns with many
       Before the trip, Madhav and Michelle                  on the trip, we also developed
       began a mentorship program to learn from              of the older ASC students.
                                                                                                     photographing this close-
       HotHouse Company collaborator and local               It was an unforgettable experience
                                                                                                         re is so old yet still very
       professional photographer Jon Green. Since            knit community of people whose cultu
                                                                                                     e we gained a deeper
       their return the students have been working           alive today. Through this experienc
                                                                                                         munity, and a greater
       closely with Jon, Mr Stephen Roberts (Director         understanding of the Indigenous com
                                                                                                            urces and facilities we
       of Arts) and Mrs Sue Watt (Expedition                  appreciation for the opportunities, reso
                                                                                                     d the way we look at the
       Leader/English teacher) on how to artistically         have at All Saints’. It has re-adjuste
                                                                                                          n that we are extremely
       represent their work.                                  world and brought us to the realisatio
       Madhav and Michelle share their experience              blessed to have all that we have.
                                                                                        e Thesman
       and photographs on these pages.                        Madhav Rajesh and Michell
                                                              Year 10

The SPRING 2019 EDITION 82 Dove - All Saints' College
The SPRING 2019 EDITION 82 Dove - All Saints' College
                      THROUGH TECHNOLOGY
                      Last year, the College launched                    reverse-mentoring initiative run by the Office
                      GenConnect, an enriching Service                   of eSafety Commissioner. (The eSafety
                                                                         Commissioner is responsible for promoting
                      Learning program where our young
                                                                         online safety for all Australians.)
                      people connect with older adults
                                                                         As part of the ‘Be Connected Young Mentors’
                      in the community from our partner
                                                                         pilot program, the College receives access to
                      organisation, Amana Living, by                     training, online tutorials and modules to help
                      sharing their knowledge of technology.             support our students and staff who work with
                      The benefits for both generations were evident,    the residents from Amana Living.
                      with the residents developing their knowledge      “Teaming up with the eSafety Commissioner
                      and skills, and our students gaining a sense of    allowed the College to access more resources
                      purpose and an improvement in leadership and       and connect with an organisation that shares
                      communication skills, as they made a difference    similar goals. It also allowed our student
                      to the lives of others.                            and staff participants to further develop their
                      We welcomed a new group of residents to            training and knowledge,” said Mr Scott
                      the College when GenConnect started again          Corbett (Head of Catalyst: Centre for Service
                      for the year in Term 1. The weekly one-on-         and Social Enterprise).
                      one IT lessons were prepared for our student       “GenConnect is a valuable program for
                      instructors each week, and as the sessions were    both the College and Amana Living, and
                      individualised, they were able to tailor them to   it is wonderful to see two generations and
                      suit each resident’s needs and personal goals.     communities making connections through
                      The College ran another round of the               technology,” Mr Corbett added.
                      GenConnect program in Term 3, with senior          “While participants from Amana Living,
                      residents from various Amana Living centres        increased their IT skills and became more
                      eager to learn how they can better connect         accustomed to using their digital devices,
                      with the digital world, and our All Saints’        our students in Years 7–12 broadened
                      students excited to be the ones to share in this   their experiences and helped others in
                      journey with them.                                 the community by sharing their skills and
                      We were delighted to extend the                    knowledge.”
                      GenConnect program in 2019 and be one              To learn more about the ‘Be Connected Young
                      of only a few schools in Western Australia         Mentors’ program, please scan the QR code
                      to pioneer this new intergenerational              and watch the video.

One in three Australians will need
L-R: Elly Crowhurst and Eva South                                                                   blood or blood products in their lifetime

ENCOURAGES CLASS OF                                                                                                   Each blood
                                                                                                                      donation can
                                                                                                                      help save up to

2019 TO DONATE BLOOD                                                                                                  three lives

As many of our Class of 2019                     staff to help others by creating an ongoing
turn 18 years of age this year, they             awareness campaign at the College.
automatically become eligible to                 In the same week as the Assembly, Ms Mast
donate blood. With the help of All               launched her initiative of sending an email
                                                 every Monday for the rest of the year to the
Saints’ College, these students have
                                                 Year 12 students who turn 18, encouraging
been made aware of their potentially             them to consider blood donation or other
lifesaving contribution.                         ways they can help.
A Senior School Assembly held in June this       Ms Mast said she hopes these emails will
year coincided with the Australian Red Cross     help create a purposeful connection and
National Blood Donor Week, and Year              inspire students to consider blood donation.
12 students, Elly Crowhurst and Eva South,                                                             One in 30 Australians give blood each year
spoke to their peers about the significance of   “Hopefully, the students will spread the word
blood donation.                                  in their circles, both within and beyond the
                                                 College. I have already received several
National Blood Donor Week celebrates the         enthusiastic responses from Year 12s considering                               DID YOU KNOW?
half a million regular donors in Australia and   blood donation or booking themselves in for
                                                                                                                                 Did you know that four All Saints’ College
encourages new donors to register. Elly and      donation appointments,” said Ms Mast.                                           staff have donated blood over 60 times?
Eva used the week to start an emotionally-
intelligent conversation about blood donation    While National Blood Donor Week was
and how it can impact on a person’s life.        a great opportunity to create awareness of
                                                 blood donation, Ms Mast aims to continue
Elly and Eva have joined forces with Senior      the initiative in future years, and says she is     To find out if you are eligible to give blood
School Mathematics teacher, Ms Hannah            excited to see how the program develops             and to learn more about the Australian Red Cross
Mast, to encourage Year 12 students and          and what it could become.                           Blood Service, please visit

                                                                                                                                                                              THE DOVE GOAL 1   9
        The College is committed to                        At the beginning of each day, the classes       recognises the immense benefits of regular         The program also encourages student
        providing opportunities for our                    venture outside for 15 minutes to participate   physical activity and wanted to provide all        agency and the development of leadership
                                                           in various fitness activities designed to       our students with a positive start to the day.     and communication skills, with our Year 6
        students to engage in regular
                                                           increase heart rates. These include skipping,   “The ongoing research from the Department          Student Leaders planning and running the
        physical activity to help support                  tag, running and ball games.                                                                       fitness activities.
                                                                                                           of Education in Western Australia shows the
        their personal development, enrich
                                                           The program works on a rotation basis,          many physical and mental benefits of regular       “The leaders have become skilled in
        academic outcomes and foster a                     in order for our students to experience         physical activity, including increased memory      organising and presenting each activity to
        strong sense of wellbeing.                         all activities which are high-energy,           retention, focus, creativity and faster reaction   the classes. They have taken ownership over
        Established earlier this year, our Junior School   sustained forms of exercise, with a focus on    time,” said Mrs McAnuff.                           the games they present which has been very
        Morning Fitness program aims to fulfil these       Fundamental Movement Skills.                    “By providing this small change in the lives       rewarding for them,” said Mrs McAnuff.
        objectives by encouraging all students             Morning Fitness was initiated by Junior         of our students, I believe we are setting them     “The program has been very well-received by
        in Years 1–6 to engage in regular and              School Health and Physical Education            up for a strong, productive and focussed           students and staff over the past two terms, and we
        enjoyable physical activity with their peers.      teacher, Mrs Amy McAnuff, as she                learning experience,” she added.                   look forward to seeing how it evolves over time.”

It supports heart health, develops                to raise funds for this very worthy cause,
motor skills, improves coordination,              including Ananya Aggarwal (Year 2) who, to
                                                  date, has raised the largest sum of money in
balance and muscular strength, plus it
                                                  Western Australia.
is an enjoyable physical activity to do
                                                  After a presentation by the Heart Foundation
with others or on your own. What’s
                                                  at the College, Ananya decided she
not to love about skipping?                       wanted to take part in fundraising for the
Understanding the immense benefits of this        organisation because she loves skipping,
exercise to support children’s wellbeing,         and wanted to “help sick people get better”.
Junior School Health and Physical Education       Her skipping was promoted by her parents
teacher, Mrs Amy McAnuff, reintroduced            on social media, helping her to raise a total      L-R: Ms Crane, Ananya Aggarwal, Sedley Hoar, Jessica Gawthrope
the Jump Rope for Heart program into the          of $1 554.80.
College this year.
                                                  Along with Ananya, Jessica Gawthrope
In Term 1, our Pre-Primary to Year 4 students     (Year 2), who raised $257.84 and Sedley
were given the opportunity to participate         Hoar (Year 4), who raised $75.76, were
in this national activity. For over 35 years,     acknowledged by the Heart Foundation for
Jump Rope for Heart has been encouraging          their fundraising efforts with prizes which were
school-aged children to keep fit and healthy,     presented to the students in Term 2 by Dean of
while having fun and learning a Fundamental       Junior School, Ms Penelope Crane.
Movement Skill.
                                                  The following term, four of our Junior School
Over six weeks, our Junior School students        students were delighted to be involved in
enjoyed skipping rope, and in a short time        a Murdoch University School of Education
they demonstrated advanced skills, developed      research project focussing on Enhancing
strong foundational abilities, and showed a       Physical Activity, Motivational Climate and
love for the physical activity.                   Teaching Efficacy in Maldives Primary School
Another aspect of the program is to raise vital   Physical Education.
funds for the Heart Foundation, supporting        In the instructional video, our students help
the organisation’s research and programs
which improve the prevention, diagnosis and
                                                  to teach the basics of skipping, using age-
                                                  appropriate language to explain how they
                                                                                                                       Did you know?
treatment of heart disease in Australia.          learnt the skills. It is hoped that the video
                                                                                                                        Did you know that All Saints’ College Years 5–7 students
The fundraising component was not a               recordings, along with lesson plans, may be
                                                                                                                        participated in the Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser in 1990
compulsory part of the program at All Saints’.    able to help improve the low rate of student                          and raised $540.00 for the National Heart Foundation.
However, many of our students were inspired       physical activity in Primary Schools in Malé.

                                                                                                                                                                              THE DOVE GOAL 1   11
Rowing Club                                                                 CELEBRATES ITS PROUD HISTORY
             As one of our longest-running                     A passionate rowing enthusiast, Mrs Boserio       more members to the club, with a total of 32            The club has had much to celebrate over
             cocurricular sporting programs,                   first became involved in the sport as a           students. The club even grew to more than               the years, with All Saints’ rowers achieving
                                                               member of the Curtin University Boat Club         45 members at one point!                                a long list of notable placings and wins at
             Rowing at All Saints’ College has
                                                               (CUBC) in 1971. She represented the club                                                                  State Regattas, and some students going on
             a proud and extensive history.                                                                      Today, there are around 30 students in Years
                                                               at National Championships from the mid-                                                                   to represent WA in national competitions.
             With immense physical and mental                                                                    8–12 who represent All Saints’ College in
                                                               70s to early-80s and was the CUBC Club                                                                    This year, we celebrated with Old Saint,
                                                                                                                 Rowing as Single, Double, Quad and Eight
             benefits and a strong sense of                    President for a number of years. In 2006,                                                                 Lia Franklin (Class of 2017), a dedicated
                                                                                                                 crews. During the season throughout Terms
             community, it is no surprise that this            Mrs Boserio was recognised as Rowing                                                                      member of the ASC Rowing Club and
                                                               WA’s Club Coach of the Year after being           1–3, our students train after school twice a            Rowing Captain in 2017, who was invited
             sporting program has remained                                                                       week out of the CUBC. The club competes
                                                               nominated by her peers at CUBC.                                                                           to represent Australia in Rowing in an U23
             highly popular amongst Senior                                                                       in Rowing WA’s All Schools Regatta Series               Women’s Pair. Unfortunately, due to an injury,
                                                               As a result of Mrs Boserio’s life membership
             School students at ASC.                                                                             against around 50 other schools from across             Lia was unable to compete, but her selection
                                                               with the CUBC, All Saints’ crews began
             The first record of All Saints’ venturing into                                                      Perth. In the series, our students participate in       to row for the nation and reaching such a
                                                               rowing out of the Curtin University Boat Club
             Rowing dates back to the late ‘80s with a                                                           four regattas at the Champion Lakes Regatta             high level in Rowing is highly commendable.
                                                               on the Manning foreshore and using its
             Senior School Boys’ Quad competing in local                                                         Centre between June and August.
                                                               facilities and equipment in 2000. This was the                                                            Many members of the ASC Rowing Club
             regattas. In the early ‘90s, two girls’ crews     beginning of a thriving partnership between the   Our ASC Rowing Club celebrated the                      continue their connection with the sport
             showed their incredible dedication to the sport   two organisations that remains today.             completion of its 20th competitive regatta              once they have graduated, either by rowing
             and achieved success at the Schoolgirls Head                                                        season in 2019, with Mrs Boserio (Rowing                at a university club or through coaching.
                                                               Within a year of the ASC Rowing Club’s
             of the River event, wearing eye-catching shirts                                                     Coordinator and Coach) continuing to share              This is indicative of the wonderful benefits
                                                               establishment, the team had doubled in
             they had designed themselves.                                                                       her expertise and passion with yet another              and supportive environment that our All
                                                               size, with 19 scullers and two coxswains
             In 2000, the All Saints’ College Rowing Club      competing in Rowing WA Regattas                   squad. She was supported this year by Ms                Saints’ Rowing Club provides to students,
             was officially established under the coaching     and Independent Girls’ Schools’ Sports            Samantha Rees (Senior School Mathematics/               encouraging them to continue this passion
             leadership of Mrs Jo-anne Boserio, who joined     Association (IGSSA) Regattas. The following       STEM teacher) as the Rowing Club Assistant,             after leaving the College.
             the College staff community a year prior as a     year, in 2002, the camaraderie, fitness           and a number of committed coaches (many                 The strong sense of community makes Rowing
             Senior School Languages teacher.                  and excitement of this water sport attracted      of whom are Old Saints).                                a popular cocurricular option for our Senior

                                                                                         3                                                                           4
1                                                      2

    12   THE DOVE GOAL 1
1. 2019 - All Schools Rowing Regatta
                                                                                                           2. 2017 - Lia Franklin 3. 2016 - Rowa
                                                                      6. 2013 7. ASC Rowers from Class of                                       thon 4. 2016 5. 2014 - Christening of
                                                                                                            2005 and Class of 2006 8. 2006 9-11                                       a double scull with Mrs Boserio (left) and
                                                                                                                                                    . 2002 12. 2002 - Rowing Club 13.                                            Ms Provis (right)
                                                                      2002 14-16. 1994 - Schoolgirls Head                                                                                ASC Rowers from the Class of 2000 and
                                                                                                             of the River 17. 1994 - Rowing Team                                                                                     Class of


    School students. College parents and families
    have always played an important role in the
    club, showing their support of the crews during
    many long training sessions and at regattas on
    weekends. In 2009, a number of our College
    parents enjoyed the sport so much that they
    participated in a Learn-to-Row program where            12                                                                  13                                                                         14
    they learnt how to row with their children over
    several sessions.
    As an inclusive social sport, Rowing at ASC
    has helped students of all age groups develop
    valuable life skills in a positive and supportive
    environment. The ASC Rowing Club is often
    described as one large family, and after many
    years these community connections continue to
    flourish. The College looks forward to seeing
    how the club evolves over the next 20 seasons!                                                                                                                                                    11
                                                                              9                                                      10
    Registrations for the 2020 Rowing season
    are open until the end of Term 1 for students
    in Years 8–12. Interested students are
    invited to contact Mrs Boserio by emailing

                                                                                                                                           7                                                                          8

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            THE DOVE GOAL 1          13
Modern twist
         All Saints’ College’s production of               Lit by neon strip lighting, the actors were
         Grease this year stepped away                     dressed in black and white with pink
                                                           accents (a nod to the original musical) and
         from the highly-recreated film version
                                                           the minimalist set helped create an edgier
         to present a contemporary portrayal               portrayal of the stereotypically bright and
         of the musical.                                   bubbly musical.
         With a stripped-back set, limited colour          A fully-realised, high-quality and sell-out
         scheme and heavily stylised performance, the      production doesn’t ‘just happen’; everyone
         2019 cocurricular production highlighted the      involved in the cast and crew worked
         tough and grungy nature of the period and         tirelessly on creating the show. It is this sense
         place in which Grease is set.                     of camaraderie and the tight-knit bonds
                                                           created during the process that draw talented
         In a first for the College, the production also
                                                           and inspiring students to the stage each year.
         combined technology with traditional aspects
         of the stage. Live filming was projected onto     Our Senior School students dedicate a great
         a screen on stage during the performance,         deal of their time to rehearsals over many
         allowing the audience to see various              months and, in turn, learn from each other, feed
         perspectives at the same time. Before each show   off each other’s passion for performing, and
         began, the audience saw further behind the        improve their skills through collaborative work.
         scenes as they watched a short documentary        Giving students a chance to explore and
         of the rehearsal process created by a group of    engage with the Arts in a real-world context,
         Senior School students (scan QR code to view).    the College Productions continue to provide
         The classic musical, which tells the story of     All Saints’ students with unparalleled
         young lovebirds, Danny and Sandy, after           opportunities and experiences.
         their summer romance when they cross paths        Like last year’s production of Little Shop
         again back at Rydell High School, was             of Horrors, it seems Grease is on track to
         given a 21st-century approach through the         becoming somewhat of a tradition at
         costumes and set.                                 All Saints’ College.

2008 ASC Grease Production
                                                             away from traditional
In 2008, All Saints’ also staged Grease, again stepping
                                                      produc  tion used vibrant and
productions and the film representation. The 2008
                                                    lic costum   es representing
imaginative visual concepts combined with symbo
                                                  the   musica  l. Adopting a
the various decades that had viewed and loved
                                                 used    mime   and   exaggerated
 more presentational performance style, the cast
                                                 to   drive the   action.
 characterisation, placing emphasis on the actor

                                                               THE DOVE GOAL 1        15
        Complementing our classroom                    After Term 1 finished on Friday, 12 April,      soloists) in the annual Eisteddfod where          •	Senior School Boys’ Choir:
        curriculum, All Saints’ College                our dedicated College choir members from        young performers display their musical skills       Choir Recital 5-15 voices U/18 – 1st Place
                                                       Years 7–12 returned to ASC’s Centre for         and receive feedback from adjudicators.
        has a vibrant cocurricular Music                                                                                                                 •	Senior School College Choir:
                                                       Performing Arts in the evening to put on        All Saints’ entered five choirs from the Junior     Choir Recital 16+ voices U/18 – 1st Place
        program which allows students                  a performance to remember during the            and Senior Schools to participate in the
        to broaden their knowledge and                 ChoralFest opening concert.                                                                       •	Senior School Girls’ Choir:
                                                                                                       Choir Recitals at this year’s Eisteddfod held
        experiences through individual                                                                                                                     Choir Recital 18+ voices Open – Joint 1st
                                                       The Junior School combined choir followed       at Methodist Ladies’ College. In the second
                                                                                                                                                           Place with MLC Chorale
        instrumental tuition or by taking              on the following Monday (first day of school    venue, Fremantle Town Hall, our ASC Celtic
        part in our various bands,                     holidays) with two captivating performances     Band competed in the Open section of the          Additionally, we celebrate with a number of
                                                                                                                                                         ASC solo instrumentalists and vocalists who
        ensembles and choirs.                          for ChoralFest at the Maritime Museum and       Instrumental Ensemble Recital.
                                                       Shipwrecks Museum in Fremantle. We thank                                                          achieved first, second and third placings
        Students who take part in our many Music                                                       Congratulations to our Senior School
                                                       the ANCA ChoralFest Committee (especially                                                         for their individual performances and words
        programs enjoy performing regularly in                                                         choirs for sweeping the board, winning
                                                       our previous ASC Music Director, Mrs Anette                                                       of praise from the adjudicators during this
        concerts at the College and in venues beyond                                                   all their categories at the competition,
                                                       Kerkovius) for nominating the College to be a                                                     year’s Eisteddfod.
        our campus. These performances provide                                                         and our Junior School choir for achieving
                                                       part of this wonderful Festival.                a commendable third place:                        We extend our thanks to the committed Music
        opportunities for our musicians to showcase
                                                       The following term, our College choirs                                                            staff and tutors, led by Director, Mr David
        their talents in front of live audiences.
                                                       again showcased their choral singing talents    •	Junior Voices:                                 Harries, for their expert guidance, support and
        Our All Saints’ choirs were invited to take                                                       Choir Recital 16+ voices U/11 – 3rd Place      encouragement of our students during these
                                                       during the annual Fremantle Eisteddfod.
        part in this year’s Australian National                                                                                                          performances and the many other events that
                                                       For many years the College has entered          •	‘The Minor Details’ Year 7 Choir:
        Choral Association (ANCA) ChoralFest.                                                                                                            take place throughout the year.
                                                       choirs and ensembles (along with numerous         Choir Recital 16+ voices U/13 – 1st Place

As artificial intelligence becomes                capabilities are particularly nurtured through      1st – Primary Rescue                             the Australian Open National Competition
increasingly advanced in this                     the club’s involvement in state and national        Mayeul De Salve Villedieu,                       held in Melbourne from 11–13 October.
                                                  Robotics competitions.                              James Ji and Caitlin McLeod (Year 6)
technological world, All Saints’                                                                                                                       At the National Robotics Competition, our
College is embracing the change                   Since 2004 teams from the College’s Robotics        1st – Open Rescue                                three ASC teams were excited to put their
with close to 80 students choosing                Club have participated in the WA RoboCup            Thomas Fell-Smith, Rémi Hart (Year 11)           robots to the test in the Primary Rescue,
                                                  Junior Australia, which is a project-orientated     and Liam Levingston (Year 12)                    Secondary Rescue, Open Rescue and Maze
to take part in our cocurricular
                                                  educational initiative where students enter their   2nd – Secondary Rescue                           Rescue divisions.
Robotics Club.
                                                  robots into the Rescue, Soccer and On-Stage         Riley Snook (Year 7) and Taj Crofts (Year 8)     At the conclusion of the event, our teams had
From humble beginnings, the club has              competition categories.
                                                                                                      The College’s Live Streaming Team helped         secured three top 10 placings! Considering
steadily grown over the past 19 years to be
                                                  Well done to the many All Saints’ teams,            film and stream the event onto the large         this was the first nationals for five of the
one of our most popular after-school activities
for Years 5–12. Every Friday during term          particularly our first-time competitors, which      screens inside the stadium, allowing             All Saints’ students, it was a wonderful
time the student participants meet with staff     represented the College at this year’s State        spectators in the stands to watch all the        achievement and they should all feel
and Old Saint mentors to design, build and        RoboCup Junior event held at Curtin Stadium         disciplines. Mr Noah Gliosca (Technology         immensely proud.
program robots, meanwhile developing              on Friday, 9 and Saturday, 10 August.               and AV Assistant), Mr John and Mrs               We sincerely thank the staff, former and
knowledge in Science, Technology,                 After the first day of competition, all of          Yvonne Levingston (College parents), Joel        current parents and Old Saints who mentor
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).               our Robotics teams had finished in the              Walkemeyer (Class of 2018) and Alana             and support our Robotics Club students.
                                                  top 12 of their divisions, and we are               Levingston (Year 10) facilitated the streaming   In particular, we thank Mrs Donna Hatton
Students also learn important social
                                                  delighted to announce the following teams           which was thoroughly enjoyed by attendees.       (TSC Help Desk Officer) who has been
development skills through the Robotics Club,
such as teamwork, understanding diversity,        were successful in their categories at the          After the WA RoboCup Junior, our winning         passionately managing this cocurricular
communication and organisation. These             conclusion of the event.                            teams refined and improved their robots for      group since 2008.

                                                                                                                                                                                        THE DOVE GOAL 1   17
                                 Mrs Sue Gladm                                                                                  Mrs Ann Strautins
                                                                   ated ser vice to All Saints                                  After hearing, “It’s a great place to work; you’ll love it
                                 After 16 years of dedic                           itie s  Tea   che   r, Mrs Sue
                                                                     Op    po rtun                                              here,” from staff members when she first began at All
                                 College in many areas,                                                         r.
                                                                       re during Term 2 this yea
                                 Gladman, decided to reti                                                                       Saints’ in 2002, Mrs Ann Strautins discovered that to be
                                                                                                               -                a very true statement over her 17 years at the College.
                                                                     College in 2003 as a Pre
                                 Sue commenced at the                                    Ch   ildh   oo  d   Ce    ntre
                                                                         new Early
                                 Primary Teacher when the                             ng   Yea    rs  3  and      5.
                                                                                                                                Ann was appointed to work in the Senior School as a
                                                                      into tea   chi
                                  opened, before moving                                                       r was
                                                                                                                                Teacher Librarian, and felt fortunate to gain a position in
                                               sitio n  to the  role   of Opportunities Teache                                  her chosen field. However, during her time at All Saints’
                                  Her tran                                                          und   erto   ok as
                                                                       and research she                                         Ann was also involved in the English Department,
                                  prompted by the studies                                   e.   In  her    stud   ies,
                                                                      ucation degre                                             Creative Industries, Vocational and Educational Training
                                  part of her Master of Ed

     Thank you                                                                     stud   ent  s  lea  rn,   usi  ng
                                                                        x ways
                                  Sue explored the comple                                                                       (VET) areas and the Chess Club. She also held the Year
                                              ea  rch  to  hel p ma   ny   All Saints’ students make                            9 Dwellingup Camp Coordinator position for five years.
                                   her res                                                                          g.
                                                                         ious areas of their learnin
                                   significant progress in var                                                                  Ann says her love for working as a Teacher Librarian

     and Farewell
                                                                        Sue experienced with stud                               stems from her days at high school, where she
                                   The “lightbulb moments”                                         de    a   diff ere   nce
                                                                       knew she had ma                                          recognised the significance of that role in helping create
                                   and parents – times she                              me    nts  at   AS   C.
                                                                         valued mo
                                    – were some of her most                                                                     successful and motivated students.
                                                                                                                 ce and
                                                                         work with insight, patien                              After completing her degree in Librarianship and
                                    While approaching her
     to our Long-Serving Staff      purpose, Sue always loo
                                                                          ked at the
                                                                           sm  iles  dur
                                                                                                                                working as a Librarian for a few years, Ann realised
                                    things and created many                                               wo   rk    eth ic
                                                                                                                                her passion was to work with Senior School students,
                                                                        te nature and strong                                    and she commenced a Graduate Diploma in Teacher
                                     College. Her considera                                   ing    tea  m    me    mb   er.
                                                                         able and car
                                     established Sue as a reli                                                                  Librarianship and, 10 years later, completed her
                                                                                                                      her       Masters in Teacher Librarianship.
                                                                         nges Sue has seen during
                                     The most significant cha                                  up    by   pe   op   le’s
                                                                         best summed                                            While Ann has seen many changes at All Saints’,
                                     time at the College are                                                        said
                                                       upo  n hea   ring   where she worked. She                                especially in the facilities and grounds, she believes one
                                     responses                                                                 ce    to
                                                                           d from “just a nice pla                              aspect of the College has remained the same.
                                      the College has change                                              wn     for   its
                                                                          l” to now being kno
                                      send your kids to schoo                                tea   chi  ng.                     “All Saints’ College was, and is, known in the
                                       innovation, resources and                                                                community as a leading and respected school,
                                                                           College, she is excited
                                       While Sue will miss the                                ,  trav  elli ng    wit  h
                                                                                                                                attracting quality staff and students in a coeducational
                                                                             t lie ahe   ad
                                        the new opportunities tha                           and     vol  unt  eer   ing    to
                                                                                                                                environment,” Ann said.
                                                                             husba   nd)
                                        Graham (her best mate/                                                                  We wish Ann all the best in her retirement as she
                                         teach refugee women.                                                                   enjoys having more time to travel, read and continue
                                                                            Saints’ for the opportun
                                         “I offer my thanks to All                                        cia   tion    for
                                                                                                                                researching into her family history. She will be sorely
                                                                            and a deep appre                                    missed by all who had the pleasure of working with, or
                                          for professional growth                                   my    tim  e   at  the
                                                                            formed during
                                          the relationships I have                                                         my
                                                                                                                                learning from, her.
                                                            C  wil l alw   ays   have a special place in
                                           College. AS
                                           heart,” Sue said.

                                      stork                                                   N           E            W                S

                                                    ALEXANDRA                                          FRANKIE TERESA
MEELA FINN HOOKER                                   KATHLEEN HARRIES                                   ROSARIO MASTAN
The College celebrates with our Health              All Saints’ Music tutor, Mr Cameron Harries,       Congratulations to Junior School teacher, Mr
and Physical Education teacher, Miss Rahni          and his wife, Anneliis, welcomed into the          Kadir Mastan, and his wife, Kristabel, on the
Greene, and her partner, Mr Tom Hooker, on          world their beautiful baby girl Alexandra          arrival of their first child, a daughter named
the birth of their first child. Meela Finn Hooker   Kathleen Harries on Monday, 3 June 2019.           Frankie Teresa Rosario Mastan. Frankie was
was born on Monday, 22 July 2019 weighing           Alexandra weighed 8lbs 15oz and was                born on Thursday, 6 June 2019, weighing
3.22kg and was 50cm long. The new parents           52cm long, and looking at this photograph,         3.01kg and was 46cm long. The new
are thoroughly enjoying their bundle of joy         she is already a natural in front of the camera.   parents are enjoying Frankie’s first treasured
who they describe as a “very relaxed little girl    Congratulations, Cameron and Anneliis from         milestones during this special time.
with a beautiful temperament”.                      the College community!

                                                                                                                                         THE DOVE GOAL 1   19
Goal 2           Learning

el Cole (Year 10)
     L-R: Bailey Hardy and Rach

                                                                                                            Jeremy Ash (Year 11)
                                                                                                                                                                   Charlotte Geo
                                                                                                                                                                                 rge (Year 10)

As a member of Curtin                               In the initial semester of the program, students     can be counted as part of an undergraduate        “I am completing the unit on campus, but
                                                    had the opportunity to choose from a list of 13      degree (providing the selected degree             there are lectures we have to watch online
University’s Innovative Schools
                                                    units across all Faculties at Curtin: Business and   program recognises the unit).                     before we come to the campus for the
Consortium (ISC), All Saints’
                                                    Law, Health Science, Humanities, and Science         Year 11 student Jeremy Ash decided to             tutorial. I am really enjoying learning about
College was invited to                              and Engineering. Those who accepted a place                                                            our bodies and how they work,” said Rachel.
                                                                                                         study the Fundamentals of Management
participate in a new and exciting                   in Innovative Scholars were granted a full           (MGMT1000) through Innovative Scholars            “This program has given me a taste of what
program where our students in                       scholarship for the units, including access to the   this semester, and has enjoyed it so much that    university will be like: the people, the classes
Years 10–12 are able to study                       University Library and online resources.             he hopes to study another unit next year.         and amount of work. It is teaching me about
University units and earn credit                    Design Computing, Introduction to                    “It has been a great learning opportunity to be   how to stay on top of my studies and also
while they are still at school.                     Astronomy, Planetary Science and                     able to complete a University unit for free and   how to become more organised,” she added.
                                                    Typography are some of the units our                 see what Curtin is all about,” said Jeremy.       The College is delighted that our students are
At the beginning of Term 3, 14 students from
                                                    All Saints’ students have selected to study                                                            taking advantage of and enjoying this unique
All Saints’ accepted a position in Curtin’s                                                              Rachel Cole (Year 10) decided to
                                                    at Curtin this semester.                                                                               program, and is grateful for the ongoing
Innovative Schools Scholars Program for High                                                             undertake the Human Structure and Function
Achieving Students (Innovative Scholars) and        When they have successfully completed                (HUMB1000) unit, as she won’t be studying         partnership with Curtin that continues to
began studying their first University unit online   these units, our students will receive a Curtin      Human Biology at All Saints’ next year but        provide our young people with opportunities
or on campus.                                       transcript and credit for their study which          still wanted to learn about the subject.          to prepare for the future.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 THE DOVE GOAL 2   21
        Leaders in Business, Industry and                  Increasingly influential in education globally,    The insights and observations                     2. Schools need to curate opportunities that:
        Higher Education support the need                  the Organisation for Economic Co-operation         from the Advisory Group                           - Encourage collaboration
                                                           and Development (OECD) in 2018, released           provide valuable ways
        for schools to develop transformative                                                                                                                   -	Extend beyond the boundaries of school –
                                                           its position paper The Future of Education and     forward as we work to design
        competencies.                                                                                                                                              where school is the real world
                                                           Skills: Education 2030, The Future We Want.
                                                                                                              structures, curate opportunities                  -	Break the silos of disciplines and offer
        At All Saints’, Djoowak: The Beyond                Set against a backdrop of increasing               and navigate the inevitable                          transdisciplinary learning experiences
        Boundaries Institute (BBI) was founded in          pressure on the traditional model of               barriers for an education that                    -	Build and exercise entrepreneurship and
        2018 to support the College in ensuring            education, Education 2030 outlines a               meets the needs of our students                      innovation capability
        that its structures, programs and outlooks are     new blueprint for education – one where                                                              - Encourage learning and unlearning
        future focussed.                                                                                      in the present and future world.
                                                           students, schools and families are ‘co-                                                              -	Acknowledge and value capabilities as
                                                                                                              The following recommendations
        Assisted by an Advisory Group comprising           agents’, and where knowledge, skills,                                                                   well as discipline-specific knowledge
        eminent and emerging leaders in business,
                                                                                                              present a framework for
                                                           attitudes and values are mobilised through                                                              and skills
        industry and education, the BBI has                transformative competencies.                       guiding schools in that work.
        undertaken research and development;               The OECD Education 2030 project
        incubated and trialled future-focussed                                                                1.	Schools need to design structures that        3.	Schools need to navigate the barriers
                                                           has identified three further categories
        programs and structures; and played a                                                                     encourage engagement, agency and                  so that:
                                                           of competencies, the ‘Transformative
        leading role in contributing to the conversation                                                          challenge for our students, and allow for     -	Staff and students can find success within
                                                           Competencies’, that together address the
        at a state, national and global level, about                                                              flexibility and innovation in our teachers.      the constraints of the current system – an
                                                           growing need for young people to be
        education – always with students’ wellbeing                                                               These designs may include:                       ‘and-and’ approach
                                                           innovative, responsible and aware:
        and learning at the heart and centre.                                                                 - Timetable and pathway design                    -	Innovation and flexibility that grows
                                                           • Creating new value
        Student leaders at the College at the end                                                             - Learning space design                              students’ capabilities and engagement is
                                                           • Reconciling tensions and dilemmas
        of the first year of the BBI’s operations                                                             -	Professional learning and                         encouraged and championed – a ‘yes-
                                                           • Taking responsibility
        interviewed the Advisory Group members to                                                                engagement design                                 and’ approach
        glean understandings about the Horizons,           It is these Transformative Competencies that       - Design for flexibility and adaptability         -	The tension between learning for exams vs
        Barriers and Impacts in their field of influence   the Advisory Group, when interviewed,              -	Co-creation and co-design of learning             deep learning and capabilities development
        and expertise. These interviews, as well as the    identified as playing a crucial role with regard      opportunities and projects with students,         is acknowledged and interrogated
        ongoing research of the BBI, form the basis of     to the impacts in education from the horizons         industry and higher education                  -	Partnership with industry and higher
        our inaugural report.                              and barriers they identified.                                                                           education leapfrogs hurdles

                                                       For every individual student at the College                                  enable key changes: students in Year 10 will be able
                                                                                                                                    to access Vocational Education and Training (VET)
                                                       there is an individual measure of success.
                                                                                                                                    courses (eg complete a Certificate in Sport Coaching
                                                       For 2020, the College has adopted a new                                      alongside the rest of their program); and students
                                                       timetable model, aligning the gridlines for students                         with the ability and desire to accelerate in certain
                                                       in Years 9–12. This new model allows for increased                           curriculum areas (eg perhaps study Year 11 Physics
                                                       student agency, or choice, over their studies, and                           as a Year 10 student) can do so without impacting on
                                                       enables students to personalise and individualise                            other curriculum areas.
                                                       their timetable and pathway.
                                                                                                                                    In addition to selecting a Mathematics, English,
4. S
    chools and communities need to                    The College recognises that not all students are                             Science and Humanities subject, students will now be
   advocate for change that:                           the same, and that many students require a highly-                           able to study four ‘semesterised’ curriculum options per
- Is future-focussed and benefits our students         individualised program to cater for their learning                           year (previously only three) that are not specific to a
-	Removes barriers to innovation and flexibility      needs in order for them to uncover their full potential.                     particular year group. This has enabled the College
-	Suggests alternative approaches and values          Previously, the College has managed this on a purely                         to expand and refresh its already impressive list of
-	Honours the individual through personalising        individual basis, allowing a small number of students                        curriculum offerings, allowing students more choice and
-	Ensures that the wellbeing of all students          to study subjects outside the usual sequence, but this                       the ability to specialise in areas of interest and passion.
   is a central concern                                has not always been an easy task. Timetables are
                                                                                                                                    Our ability to build an agile and personalisable
                                                       built on a ‘grid structure’ and the current (pre-2020)
We are grateful for the help of our Year 12                                                                                         timetable, based on student choice, is a positive step
                                                       model had Year 11 and 12 students aligned on
students whose initial interviews form the body                                                                                     forward in building a responsive and future-focussed
                                                       a different grid to Year 9 and 10, meaning that
of the report. We acknowledge the experience,                                                                                       education for all students here at All Saints’.
                                                       ‘moves’ could be particularly problematic and result
knowledge and insight that each of our Advisory                                                                                     Mr Jim Shackleton
                                                       in students potentially missing valuable learning
Group members brought to this report. Going                                                                                         Assistant Director of Djoowak:
                                                       opportunities in other curriculum areas.
beyond the boundaries of our College and                                                                                            The Beyond Boundaries Institute
seeking their valuable guidance is key to              The alignment of gridlines will enable greater choice
ensuring that the education we provide to our          and flexibility in the ‘elective’ areas. It will also
students is world-leading best practice.
To read the full report which will be available
                                                                                                       I wanted to challenge myself. I have
next month, please visit the BBI website:                   “I chose an accelerated pathway because
                                                                                                       have covered a lot of the content                        done Drama since I was really young and
                                                                                                 and challenging to try push myself.”
                                                            before, so I thought it would be fun
Ms Esther Hill                                                                                     Year 11 Drama ATAR
                                                             Chenelle Liyanage (Year 9) has chosen
                                                                                               in 2020.
                                                             and Year 11 Modern History ATAR
Director of Djoowak: The Beyond Boundaries Institute

                                                                                                                                  ntain particularly
                                                                                            ch allengin g for me and did not co                ated Maths
                                                                           s/Science felt un                              taking an acceler
                                                       “Sometimes Math                  so me thing extra. I am currently                   ss.”
                                                                            so I wanted                                           rn in cla
                                                       difficult concepts,                                    d enjoyable to lea
                                                                            feels much mo re challenging an                          AT AR ,
                                                        class, and it now                                                  Me thods
                                                                                                      ar 11   Mathematics
                                                                                       tly studying Ye         thematics Speci
                                                                                                                              alist ATAR
                                                                        ar 9) is curren         AR, Year 11 Ma
                                                        Julius Clegg (Ye       ar 11 Physics AT
                                                                    tak ing Ye                      next year.
                                                        and will be                  Methods ATAR
                                                        and Year 12

                                                                                                                                                                                         THE DOVE GOAL 2   23
        Forming part of our Years 7–10 curriculum, the College’s
        unique Innovat[ED] program has continued to evolve over
        this year, with all students engaging in authentic project-
        based experiences and developing creative thinking,
        collaboration, problem-solving and entrepreneurship skills.

        UNITED NATIONS                                                                                 $20 BOSS ENTREPRENEURIAL PROGRAM
        SUSTAINABLE                                                                                    Term 3 saw our Year 9 and 10 cohorts            Strentz (Head of Propeller Industries and
                                                                                                       begin the youth entrepreneurship program,       Innovat[ED]/English teacher).
        DEVELOPMENT GOALS                                                                              $20 Boss, run by the Foundation for Young       As our Year 9s and 10s worked on their
                                                                                                       Australians (FYA). Our Year 9 and 10            business ideas, some groups had an
        During Innovat[ED] in Term 3, Year 7                                                           students were each provided with $20.00
        students took on the challenge of the United                                                                                                   opportunity to meet with College parents
                                                                                                       of start-up capital to create their projects    during Term 3 to receive help and advice
        Nations Sustainable Development Goals                                                          in small groups, and during the term
        which are a blueprint for achieving a better                                                                                                   on how they could develop and refine their
                                                                                                       they worked on designing their business,        innovative concepts. We thank Mrs Bronny
        and more sustainable future for all by 2030.                                                   developing marketing strategies, and
        Following their interests, they chose from a                                                                                                   Baker, Ms Alya Gatti, Mrs Felicity Glencross,
                                                        As a result of the work of Year 7 students,    creating budgets and prototypes.                Ms Kath Polglase and Mr Stuart Watson for
        variety of Global Goals to investigate.         we are currently looking at a chicken coop     “The students have learnt about the many        visiting these classes and helping our students
        Students were involved in authentic             and bee-keeping possibilities on campus,       challenges involved in starting and running     to develop their businesses.
        learning where they could see their actions     along with the installation of solar panels.   a business. Many teams have made it
        making a difference. With staff facilitation,                                                                                                  Once completed, many of our students’
                                                        Students have impacted not only ASC            through to marketing and production, while      products and services will be available to
        students instigated and managed a river         throughout this term, but also the local       others have transitioned to new ‘bring your
        clean-up and the promotion and screening                                                                                                       purchase through the College’s Runway
                                                        community and globally through prototyping     own learning’ projects that will support them   Pop-up Shop (in the foyer of our Centre
        of the film, Connection to Country,             protection for vegetable crops in Africa.      to develop new skills and find ways to share
        highlighting Indigenous issues.                                                                                                                for Performing Arts) and RunwayOnline
                                                                                                       with a broader audience,” said Ms Laura

As the world of work continues to shift
in the 21st century, so has the way that
recruiters and higher education institutions
select prospective employers or students.
They want to know more about who
the individual is and how they think and
draw upon a range of skills in real-world      REAL-WORLD SOLUTIONS FOR OUR SERVICE PARTNERS
examples, rather than simply their final
examination score.                             As part of our Year 8 Innovat[ED] program,      matched their skills. Using the design-thinking    wished to continue their projects for the
This is why at All Saints’ College through     students are developing their social            framework, the groups developed their ideas        organisations during Innovat[ED]. Many
Innovat[ED], we launched a project this year   conscience and helping make a positive          with support from their facilitators (teachers).   Year 8s were keen to continue their
where our Years 7–10 students have the         difference in our world through a Service and   The cohort had an opportunity during               involvement and are now working in small
platform and are equipped with the skills to   Social Enterprise project.                      Term 2 to go on excursions to visit the            groups on five projects. These include a
develop individual web-based e-portfolios,     In collaboration with the College’s Catalyst:   Service Learning partners to further their         prototype of a bookcase for Amana Living,
which they can use now and also when           Centre for Service and Social Enterprise,       understanding of the organisations and             a digital scrapbook for Nulsen residents,
they graduate to showcase their skills and     the Year 8s were presented with real-world      the requirements of their clients. They            an app for The Salvation Army which
knowledge to school staff, prospective         challenges faced by some of our Service         returned from the site visits and re-              notifies partner schools when supplies
employers or higher education institutions.    Learning partners: Amana Living, The            evaluated their ideas.                             are low, a Virtual Reality (VR) tour of The
                                               Salvation Army, Nulsen Group and the Royal                                                         Salvation Army Doorways Facility, and an
The students are creators and curators                                                         Early in Term 3 our Year 8s pitched their          autobiography writing course that can be
of their e-portfolios and can use them         Australian Air Force Association (RAAFA).       concepts to representatives from the               implemented at Amana Living.
when applying for leadership positions at      The ‘problems’ were projects or programs        Service organisations, and answered
the College, as they go through course         the organisations had wanted to implement       questions from the clients, as well as from        The groups continuing their engagement
counselling, when applying for contracts       but couldn’t, which is where the expertise      their peers and facilitators.                      in this unique enterprise experience aim to
through The Agency (the College’s              of our students came in. In small groups,                                                          have real-world prototypes ready to present
                                                                                               After the pitches, the students were asked         to their clients, the service partners, by the
employment agency for ASC students),           the students applied for a project that best    to email an expression of interest if they
and even possibly during student-parent-                                                                                                          end of the year for more feedback.
teacher interviews.

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