Spring Tour 2015 - European Union Youth Orchestra

Page created by Marion Anderson
Spring Tour 2015 - European Union Youth Orchestra
Spring Tour 2015

Principal Corporate Partner
Spring Tour 2015 - European Union Youth Orchestra
At United Technologies, we believe that ideas and inspiration create
opportunities without limits. UTC applauds the European Union
Youth Orchestra for its important role in transcending cultural, social,
economic, religious, and political boundaries in the pursuit of
musical excellence.
To learn more, visit utc.com.
Spring Tour 2015 - European Union Youth Orchestra
                                                               Joy Bryer
                                                               Co-founder & President of the
                                                               European Union Youth Orchestra
                                                               “Ever since my husband and I founded the European Union
                                                                Youth Orchestra in 1976 we had a dream of convincing the
                                                                citizens and governments of the then European Community
                                                                that culture, education, and international understanding
                                                                are essential parts of our lives. After almost 40 years of
                                                                an extraordinary journey both within and outside of the
                                                                European Union, we have indeed accomplished our aims.
                                                                I am absolutely thrilled and extremely excited that the
                                                                EUYO has now taken on, with courage and determination,
                                                                a strategy for growth and development in all aspects
                                                                of its activities under the dedicated leadership of our
                                                                new Co-Chairmen. It is with great pleasure and joy that I
                                                                look forward to working with them, taking us into a new
                                                                world for Europe’s future leaders in classical music.”

Sir John Tusa
Co-Chairman of the
European Union Youth Orchestra
“I am delighted to become involved with the EUYO at this
 momentous turning point in its artistic and strategic
 future. New people bring new ideas, and a revitalised
 approach to leadership. I have dedicated much of my life to
 the Arts and I look forward to aiding the development of
 what has already proved itself to be a strong, committed
 and ambitious leadership team. This is a journey I am
 happy to go on; Joy Bryer has given her new Chairmen
 a wonderful orchestra and solid foundations upon
 which to build a sustainable and remarkable future –
 with Europe’s finest young players at itsheart.”

                                                               Ian Stoutzker CBE
                                                               Co-Chairman of the
                                                               European Union Youth Orchestra
                                                               “The EUYO, founded in 1976 through the inspiration and
                                                                commitment of Joy Bryer, has been an outstanding example
                                                                of European cultural cooperation for almost 40 years.
                                                                Building on this tradition, my aim is to help reinvigorate
                                                                the Orchestra and broaden the scope of its activities,
                                                                ensuring the highest levels of performance, and thus
                                                                enabling it to continue to act as a beacon and example
                                                                                                                             EUYO > W E LCOM E M ES SAG E S

                                                                of what can be achieved by European endeavour.”

Spring Tour 2015 - European Union Youth Orchestra
Marshall Marcus                                                          Jean-Claude Juncker
                                 Chief Executive of the                                                   President of the European Commission,
                                 European Union Youth Orchestra                                           Head of the EUYO’s Honorary Patrons
                                 2015 continues the EUYO’s recent unremitting pace of change.             It is a pleasure to be asked to serve as Head of the
                                 The Orchestra’s Towards 2020 Programme – launched last year              Honorary Patrons of the European Union Youth Orchestra.
                                 with a broad range of partners to skill the next generation of           I am delighted to accept, and delighted that the European
                                 Europe’s musicians – is already delivering an extensive programme        Union continues to support this worthwhile project.
                                 of new audience and performance initiatives, from music Labs
                                 and informal late night concerts to a new European Music                 For me, Europe is not just an economic arrangement, or a
                                 Campus Orchestra, alumni teachers in new regional orchestras,            bureaucratic convenience. It is a place of peace and prosperity;
                                 apprenticeship schemes, and visits to the US and Brazil as part          freedom and opportunity. It is a forum for people of many different
                                 of the newly developed Global Exchange Programme. Matching               backgrounds to meet, interact and celebrate their culture.
                                 these initiatives, a new logo and visual identity have been launched     The many nations of Europe have their own cultures and languages;
                                 to coincide with our Spring tour, and later this year a brand new        their own traditions and virtues; their own riches and raisons
                                 digital space for Europe’s young musicians will come online.             d’être. Taken together, Europe has a diverse and deeply-rooted
                                 None of these (and many other) developments would have been              cultural heritage of which we should be proud – not least in music.
                                 possible without our joining with our Towards 2020 Partners and          But amid that diversity, there is much that we can share, and
                                 Associates, or without the support of the EU’s newly unveiled Creative   much that we can learn from each other; our Union gives us the
                                 Europe Programme and our new Principle Corporate Sponsor, UTC.           opportunity to do so, and we should take that opportunity.
                                 But as with all really effective organisational developments, it is       This is why the European Union’s motto is to find “Unity in Diversity”.
                                 the leadership and governance of the organisation that actually
                                 enables effective change. With great commitment, expertise                That should not just be a slogan: it is something we must work to deliver.
                                 and enthusiasm, the EUYO’s new Co-Chairs, Sir John Tusa and Ian          And the European Union Youth Orchestra is an excellent example of how
                                 Stoutzker are leading the organisation’s governance, marrying the        to achieve it in practice. Bringing together young people from across
                                 remarkable tradition of the EUYO to a new sense of innovation.           the continent, in mutual harmony and understanding, to celebrate
                                                                                                          and perform the rich resources of our cultural heritage. Allowing
                                 As everyone knows, the continent of Europe faces major challenges.       those young people to bridge differences, overcome difficulties and
                                 But here at the EUYO we are confident that we are playing our part        experience joyful moments together; all projected on a European stage.
                                 in the training of tomorrow’s artists and citizens, and helping to
                                 create leaders from all 28 EU member states who will be able to          Like a good orchestra, the work of the European Union can be marked
                                 face those challenges with confidence, excellence and expertise.          by tension and resolution; being in harmony does not always mean being
                                                                                                          in unison. But ultimately, we can do more if we do it together, working
                                                                                                          together in tune and in tempo. Acting “in concert” to achieve a common
                                                                                                          goal. Focusing on delivering results in the areas that really matter. That
                                                                                                          is the vision that inspires me – I hope it is one that inspires you, too.
                                                                                                          In music, as in politics, achieving such a vision does not happen
                                                                                                          by itself: it takes hard work and determination. I know you
                                                                                                          will all be showing that hard work and determination over the
                                                                                                          coming weeks and months, and I wish you every success.

Spring Tour 2015 - European Union Youth Orchestra
Martin Schulz
President of the European Parliament,
Honorary President of the EUYO
As Honorary President of the European Union Youth Orchestra,
comprising some of Europe’s most exceptionally talented young
musicians, I am glad that you have put together yet another great
Spring Tour revisiting some classics of the repertoire and introducing
some brilliant young soloists to audiences in several countries.
                                                                         Federica Mogherini
Being the President of a multinational, multilingual Parliament,
I can only emphasise how valuable dialogue across cultures and           High Representative of the European Union
across traditions is to foster common understanding and to
break down borders between peoples. What better and more                 for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and
touching medium to choose than music to achieve this?                    Vice-President of the European Commission
In these times of crisis, culture is coming under increasing             Music is our universal language. It resonates across borders and
pressure and orchestras the world over are forced to reinvent            cultures to bring us beauty and inspiration. In these times of turmoil
what they do and how they do it. How to ensure that we invest            we rely on a common language, a common prism through which to
sufficiently in promising talent? How to ensure that today’s               view the world, more than ever.
audiences – and not only the aficionados, but people of all
ages from all walks of life – are engaged? In that respect, I look       The young women and men that come together across Europe in
forward with interest to the results of your recent initiative           this orchestra send a message to the world: we need to transcend
T2020 which has no less a task than to examine how culture can           divisions and focus on what unites us. Their stellar achievements and
increase its contribution to the well-being of European society.         the inspirational music they perform give us hope for a future built on
                                                                         peace and understanding.
On behalf of the European Parliament,
I wish you a very successful tour!                                       Culture is a central ingredient of our diplomacy. The European
                                                                         Union Youth Orchestra shows how we can work together to create
                                                                         something beautiful and lasting. I thank these young musicians for
                                                                         being such excellent ambassadors for the European Union.

                                                                                                                                                   EUYO > W E LCOM E M ES SAG E S

Spring Tour 2015 - European Union Youth Orchestra
                             CONCERT                                                       BRITISH

                             MASTER                                                        ROYAL ACADEMY
                                                                                           OF MUSIC, LONDON

                                      VAN BELLEN
                                      DUTCH                                                                   JUDITH
                                      ROYAL COLLEGE OF
                                      MUSIC, LONDON
                                                                                                              DE HAAS
                                                                   MARINA                                     UNIVERSITY OF
                                                                   ARRUFAT                                    AMSTERDAM &
                                                                                                              FONTYS HOGESCHOOL
                                                                   GRAU                                       VOOR DE KUNSTEN,
                                                                   SPANISH                                    TILBURG

                                                                   UNIVERSITÄT FÜR MUSIK UND
                                                                   DARSTELLENDE KUNST, GRAZ

          VIOLIN                                                               DEMIAN
                                  DORA                                         BARALDI                             GARCÍA
                                  CHATZIGEORGIOU                               CONSERVATORIO
                                  GREEK                                        DI MUSICA                           HOCHSCHULE FÜR
                                  GUILDHALL SCHOOL OF MUSIC                    “G. VERDI”,                         MUSIK UND THEATER
                                  AND DRAMA, LONDON                            MILANO                              “FELIX MENDELSSOHN
                                                                                                                   BARTHOLDY”, LEIPZIG
                                  CONCERT MASTER, MEGARON YOUTH
                                  SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA

                                              DAVID                             BERGENHUIZEN
                                              GARCÍA                            CONSERVATORIUM
                                              RODRÍGUEZ                         VAN AMSTERDAM
                                              SPANISH                                                                 TESSEL
                                              ANTON BRUCKNER
                                              PRIVATUNIVERSITÄT,                                                      HERSBACH
                                              LINZ                                                                    DUTCH
                                                                                                                      FONTYS HOGESCHOOL
                                                                                                                      VOOR DE KUNSTEN,

                                                                                HELENA                                TILBURG

                                                                                ROYAL COLLEGE
                                                                                OF MUSIC, LONDON


                                                                     MOLLY                                             HOCHSCHULE FÜR
                                                                                                                       MUSIK KARLSRUHE

                                                                     ROYAL COLLEGE
                                                                     OF MUSIC, LONDON

Spring Tour 2015 - European Union Youth Orchestra
                                    PRZYBYCIEŃ                                        HERLINDE
                                    DIE HOCHSCHULE
                                    DER KÜNSTE, BERN                                  BELGIAN

     THERESIA                                                                         CONSERVATORIUM,
                                             CONSERVATOIRE NATIONAL
                                             SUPÉRIEUR DE MUSIQUE
                                             ET DE DANSE DE LYON

              HOCHSCHULE                                 MAGDALENA
              FÜR MUSIK,
                                                         UNIVERSITÄT FÜR
                                                         MUSIK UND DARSTELLENDE
                                                         KUNST, WIEN

         KJÆLDGAARD                                                                       ALIZA
         KRISTENSEN                                                                       VICENTE
         DANISH                              AGNIESKA                                     ARANDA
         MUSIKKONSERVATORIUM,                ŚCIĄŻKO                                      SPANISH
         KØBENHAVN                           POLISH                                       HOCHSCHULE
                                             AKADEMIA                                     LUZERNMUSIK
                                             IM. K. LIPIŃSKIEGO
                                             WE WROCŁAWIU 
                                             TRINITY LABAN

ANNA                                         COLLEGE OF MUSIC
                                             & DANCE, LONDON
MUZYCZNA IM.K.                      ANASTASIA
SZYMANOWSKIEGO                      VAINA
                                    GREEK                                         KAIA
                                    STATE CONSERVATORY
                                    OF THESSALONIKI


                                                         EMMA VAN
                                                         ROYAL NORTHERN COLLEGE
                                                                                                         EUYO > T H E ORCH E ST R A

                                                         OF MUSIC, MANCHESTER

              DE BRUXELLES

Spring Tour 2015 - European Union Youth Orchestra

                             VIOLA                                                  UNIVERSITÄT FÜR
                                                                                    MUSIK UND DARSTELLENDE
                                                                                    KUNST, WIEN

                                 JOOSEP                                                                      CELLO
                                 ESTONIAN                                  ILINA
                                 KONINKLIJK                                ILIEVA                               AURORE
                                 TE DEN HAAG                               BULGARIAN                            DASSESSE
                                                                           NATIONAL MUSIC                       BELGIAN
                                                                           SCHOOL “LYUBOMIR                     HOCHSCHULE
                                                                           PIPKOV”, SOFIA                       FÜR MUSIK
                                                                                                                SAAR, AND QUEEN
                                                                                                                MUSIC CHAPEL,

                              ALMUDENA                                                                          BRUSSELS

                              ARRIBAS                                           IRÉNÉE
                              COMES                                             KRUMENACKER
                              SPANISH                                           FRENCH
                                                                                HAUTE ÉCOLE
                                                                                DE MUSIQUE                      PATRYCIA
                              BRUSSEL, KCB ,
                                                                                DE GENÈVE                       DE LA
                                  MÉLINDA                                                                       SPANISH
                                  CORGNET                                                                       UNIVERSITÄT FÜR MUSIK UND

                                  FRENCH                                      IOANA                             DARSTELLENDE KUNST, GRAZ

                                  CRR DE PARIS,                               MARDARE
                                  CONSERVATOIRE                               ROMANIAN
                                  DE MUSIQUE ET DE DANSE
                                   AULNAYSOUSBOIS                           UNIVERSITATEA DE
                                                                              ARTE “GEORGE ENESCU”                      DANA
                                                                                                                        DE VRIES
                                                                                                                        NATIONAL SUPÉRIEUR

                                   PALOMA                                                                               DE MUSIQUE
                                                                                                                        ET DE DANSE, PARIS
                                   FELGUEROSO                                            MARTIN
                                   MEJÍAS                                                MORIARTY
                                   SPANISH                                               IRISH
                                   GUILDHALL SCHOOL OF MUSIC                             CONSERVATORIUM
                                   & DRAMA, LONDON                                       VAN AMSTERDAM

                                        MARTINA                                                               SOUSA
                                        ENGLMAIEROVÁ                                                          ROYAL ACADEMY OF
                                        CZECH                                                                 MUSIC, LONDON


                                                               SPANISH                                        SORINVLAD
                                                               HOCHSCHULE FÜR MUSIK
                                                               “CARL MARIA VON WEBER”,
                                                               DRESDEN                                        ROMANIAN
                                                                                                              NAȚIONALĂ DE
                                                                                                              MUZICĂ DIN

Spring Tour 2015 - European Union Youth Orchestra
FABIO                                                 O’HALLORAN
FAUSONE                                               MEADOWS SCHOOL OF THE
ITALIAN                                               ARTS, DALLAS, TEXAS

          DORA                                                                      GERMAN
          HÁJKOVÁ                                                                   UNIVERSITÄT FÜR MUSIK UND
                                                                                    DARSTELLENDE KUNST, WIEN
          GYMNÁZIUM A

  ANNE                                               CONSERVATOIRE ROYAL
  SOPHIE                                              DE BRUXELLES

  AUSTRIAN                                                                          KLARA
  MOZARTEUM                                                                         WINCOR
  SALZBURG                                                                          AUSTRIAN
                                                                                    UNIVERSITÄT FÜR
                                                                                    MUSIK UND

      JOHANNES                                                                      KUNST, WIEN

                               DOUBLE BASS                                                       FELIX
                                                    JURA                                         LASHMAR
                                                    HERCEG                                       ROYAL ACADEMY
                                                    CROATIAN                                     OF MUSIC,

ELIAS                                               SVEUČILIŠTE
                                                    U ZAGREBU

BARTHOLOMEUS                                        MUZIČKA

                                                      PAVEL                                    TORIBIO
                                                      HUDEC                                    NIDO
EDWARD                                                FÜR MUSIK
                                                      FREIBURG                                 FÜR MUSIK UND

FRANCISSMITH                                                                                  DARSTELLENDE
                                                                                               KUNST, GRAZ
                                                                                                                EUYO > T H E ORCH E ST R A

                             KRZYSZTOF                                      DUTCH
                             GRZYBEK                                        CONSERVATORIUM
                                                                            VAN AMSTERDAM
                             THE FRYDERYK CHOPIN
                             UNIVERSITY OF MUSIC,
                             DEPARTMENT OF
                             AND PEDAGOGICAL
                             STUDIES IN BIAŁYSTOK

Spring Tour 2015 - European Union Youth Orchestra
FLUTE                                  TOMMASO

                                       EMMA                         HAUTE ÉCOLE DE

                                                                    MUSIQUE DE GENÈVE
                                       BRITISH                                                             SAMPAOLO
                                       ROYAL ACADEMY                                                       ITALIAN
                                       OF MUSIC, LONDON                                                    KONINKLIJK
                                                                                                           DEN HAAG

                             OBOE                                             HILTON
                                                                              ROYAL ACADEMY

                                     JOSÉ MARÍA                               OF MUSIC, LONDON

                                     FERRERO DE LA
                                     ASUNCIÓN                                                    ÁNGEL LUIS
                                     STAATLICHE HOCHSCHULE                                       SÁNCHEZ MORENO
                                     FÜR MUSIK UND DARSTELLENDE                                  SPANISH
                                     KUNST, MANNHEIM                                             ESCUELA SUPERIOR
                                                                                                 DE MÚSICA
                                                                                                 REINA SOFIA,

                                                  CLARINET                                       FREDERIK
                                                                                                 VON WÜRDEN
                                                 LORENZO                                         DANISH
                                                 RUSSO                                           DET KONGELIGE DANSKE
                                                 ITALIAN                                         KØBENHAVN
                                                 DI MUSICA
                                                 “SANTA CECILIA”,

                                                                    HOCHSCHULE FÜR
                                                                    MUSIK, THEATER
                                                                    UND MEDIEN,


                                                                                                 HOCHSCHULE FÜR
                                                                                                 MUSIK, DETMOLD

       HENRIQUES                                                             MICHAELA
       DANISH                                                                ŠPAČKOVÁ
       DET KONGELIGE                                                         CZECH
       DANSKE MUSIKKONSERVATORIUM,                                           HOCHSCHULE FÜR
       KØBENHAVN                                                             MUSIK, “HANNS EISLER”,

                                          RICHARD                            BERLIN

                                          ROYAL NORTHERN
                                          COLLEGE OF MUSIC,

HORN                                                                TRUMPET
       ANAÍS MARÍA                                                           LEITE
       ROMERO                                                                ESCOLA SUPERIOR
       BLÁNQUEZ                                                              DE MÚSICA, ARTES E
       SPANISH                                                               ESPECTÁCULO, PORTO


                  KRISZTINA                                                             REAL
                  BERCZELI                                                              CINTERO
                  HUNGARIAN                                                             SPANISH
                  LISZT FERENC                                                          CONSERVATORIO
                  ZENEMŰVÉSZETI EGYETEM,                                                SUPERIOR
                  BUDAPEST                                                              “SALVADOR SEGUI”

                                                                           SALA PLA
                LEA                                                        SPANISH
                SCHWARZ                                                    CONSERVATORIO SUPERIOR DE
                                                                           MÚSICA DE ARAGÓN, ZARAGOZA
                ANTON BRUCKNER

                                          IAN                                                     SMITH
                                          WILDSMITH                                               BRITISH
                                          IRISH                                                   ROYAL ACADEMY OF
                                          ROYAL NORTHERN COLLEGE                                  MUSIC, LONDON
                                          OF MUSIC, MANCHESTER

  TUBA                                                        PERCUSSION
                                                                                                                EUYO > T H E ORCH E ST R A

                  ROSS                                             ULF
                  KNIGHT                                           BREUER
                  BRITISH                                          GERMAN
                  ROYAL ACADEMY                                    HOCHSCHULE FÜR
                  OF MUSIC, LONDON                                 MUSIK UND THEATER MÜNCHEN

                                         Conductor, Music Director of
                                         the European Union Youth Orchestra

                                                              One of the few artists to combine a         Ashkenazy is also Music Director of the European Union Youth
                      © Keith Saunders

                                                              successful career as a pianist and          Orchestra, with whom he tours each year, and Conductor
                                                              conductor, Russian-born Vladimir            Laureate of both the Iceland and NHK Symphony orchestras.
                                                              Ashkenazy inherited his musical gift from   He has previously held posts as Principal Conductor and
                                         both sides of his family; his father David Ashkenazy was a       Artistic Advisor to the Sydney Symphony Orchestra (2009–
                                         professional light music pianist and his mother Evstolia (née    13), and Chief Conductor of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra
                                         Plotnova) was the daughter of a chorus master in the Russian     and Music Director of NHK Symphony Orchestra. He
                                         Orthodox church. Ashkenazy first came to prominence on the        maintains strong links with other major orchestras including
                                         world stage in the 1955 Chopin Competition in Warsaw and as      The Cleveland Orchestra (where he was formerly Principal
                                         first prize-winner of the Queen Elisabeth Competition in          Guest Conductor) and Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester
                                         Brussels in 1956. Since then he has built an extraordinary       Berlin (Chief Conductor and Music Director 1988–96).
                                         career, not only as one of the most outstanding pianists of
                                                                                                          Ashkenazy maintains his devotion to the piano, these days
                                         the 20th century, but as an artist whose creative life
                                                                                                          mostly in the recording studio where he continues to build
                                         encompasses a vast range of activities and continues to offer
                                                                                                          his extraordinarily comprehensive recording catalogue.
                                         inspiration to music-lovers across the world.
                                                                                                          This includes the Grammy award-winning Shostakovich
                                         Conducting has formed the larger part of Ashkenazy’s             Preludes and Fugues, Rautavaara’s Piano Concerto No.3
                                         activities for the past 30 years. He continues his long-         (a work which he commissioned), Bach’s Wohltemperierte
                                         standing relationship with the Philharmonia Orchestra, who       Klavier, Rachmaninov Transcriptions and Beethoven’s Diabelli
                                         appointed him Conductor Laureate in 2000. In addition to         Variations. Spring 2013 saw the release of ‘Ashkenazy: 50
                                         his performances with the orchestra in London and around         Years on Decca’ – a 50-CD box-set celebrating his long-
                                         the UK each season, and in countless tours with them             standing relationship with the label. In 2014, Decca released
                                         worldwide, he has also developed landmark projects such          a milestone collection of Ashkenazy’s vast catalogue of
                                         as Prokofiev and Shostakovich Under Stalin (a project which       Rachmaninov’s piano music, which also includes all of his
                                         he also took to Cologne, New York, Vienna and Moscow) and        recordings as a conductor of the composer’s orchestral music.
                                         Rachmaninoff Revisited (which was also presented in Paris).

                                                                                                                                                                          © Keith Saunders

                                                                                         Future engagements include a tour with         But he consciously seeks to balance this
                                                                                         the Orchestra Nazionale di Santa Cecilia       both in recital and in the concert hall with
                                                                                         conducted by Sir Antonio Pappano,              other, post-classical repertoire – Debussy,
                                                                                         and with the NHK Symphony Orchestra            Ravel, Liszt, Dvořák, Bartók, as well as the
                                           Alexander                                     conducted by Gianandrea Noseda.                composers of the great German repertoire.
© Ugo Dalla Porta

                                           Romanovsky                                    Since 2014, Alexander Romanovsky is the        Piemontesi’s playing is characterised by
                                                                                         artistic director of the Vladimir Krainev      consummate technical skill, a wide and
                                           Piano                                         Moscow International Piano Competition.        rich palette of colour and a refinement
                                                                                                                                        of expression. Of one of his great
                    Born in the Ukraine in 1984, Alexander                                                                              teachers and mentors, Alfred Brendel,
                    studied with Leonid Margarius at the Imola                                                                          Piemontesi says that Brendel taught
                    Piano Academy and with Dmitri Alexeev                                                                               him “to love the detail of things”.
                    at the Royal College of Music in London.
                    He has recently appeared as soloist both                                                   Mone                     In 2012, Piemontesi was announced as
                                                                                                                                        Artistic Director of the Settimane Musicali
                    with the Mariinsky Orchestra conducted
                    by Valery Gergiev in the Mariinsky Concert                                                 Hattori                  di Ascona, by his hometown Locarno.
                    Hall in St. Petersburg and with the Russian                                                                         Francesco Piemontesi now appears with
                    National Orchestra conducted by Michael                                                    Violin                   major ensembles worldwide, including the
                    Pletnev in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall                                                                             Cleveland Orchestra, DSO and Berlin Radio
                    in Moscow, as well as with the Royal                                 Born on 14 September 1999 in Tokyo             Symphony, Bavarian Radio Symphony,
                    Philharmonic Orchestra at the Barbican in                            (Japan). Mone Hattori began to study the       London Philharmonic, Philharmonia, BBCSO,
                    London and the English Chamber Orchestra.                            violin when she was five years old under        Israel Philharmonic and the Orchestra of
                                                                                         Goro Masuda and, from the age of six, under    the Maggio Musicale. He has performed
                    He has been invited to major European                                Akuri Suzuki. At the age of eight she played
                    festivals and venues including La Roque                                                                             with such conductors as Zubin Mehta,
                                                                                         Saint-Saëns’ Violin Concerto with orchestra    Marek Janowski, Sakari Oramo, Vasily
                    d’Anthéron in France, the Klavier-Festival                           for the first time. She has also studied
                    Ruhr in Germany and the Chopin and his                                                                              Petrenko and Charles Dutoit and has also
                                                                                         under Professor Zakhar Bron since 2011 as      established a close musical partnership
                    Europe Piano Festival in Warsaw, and is a                            well as taking classes from Akiko Tatsumi.
                    frequent guest of the International Piano                                                                           with, for example, Sir Roger Norrington,
                    Festival Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli                               In 2008 when she was ten years old she         Stanislaw Skrowaczewski, David Afkham,
                    in Brescia and Bergamo, Italy.                                       won 1st prize at the XI Wieniawski and         Nicholas Collon, and Andrew Manze.
                                                                                         the Lipinski International Competition         Piemontesi is a natural and keen chamber
                    Since moving to Italy in 1997, Alexander has                         for Young Violinists and 1st prize at the
                    appeared in venues in Turin, Bologna, Naples,                                                                       musician and plays with a variety of
                                                                                         Japan Arts Competition, following which        partners – the Emerson Quartet, with
                    Teatro della Pergola in Florence, Teatro                             she held her own recital. This year she
                    Politeama in Palermo, the Auditorio Verdi                                                                           Antoine Tamestit and Jörg Widmann,
                                                                                         was commended by the Tokyo Board of            in trio, with Renaud and Gautier
                    and Teatro dal Verme in Milan and the Santa                          Education after winning these competitions.
                    Cecilia Academy in Rome. Further afield, he                                                                          Capuçon, Clemens Hagen, Yuri Bashmet,
                    has given concerts in the USA and Japan.                             In 2008 at the age of eleven she performed     Angelika Kirchschlager and during his
                                                                                         at the gala of Zakhar Bron in Zurich on 3      formative years, with Heinrich Schiff.
                    Notably, in 2007 Alexander has performed                             September. She currently lives in Tokyo
                    on an invitation at the Papal Residence                                                                             In solo recital, he has appeared in many
                                                                                         and studies under Professor Zakhar Bron.       prestigious venues including Wigmore Hall,
                    in the presence of Pope Benedict XVI
                    in a concert celebrating the 110th                                                                                  Amsterdam Concertgebouw, Rotterdam
                    Anniversary of Pope Paul VI’s birth.                                                                                De Doelen, Carnegie Hall and Avery Fisher
                                                                                                                                        Hall in New York, Berlin Philharmonie,
                    Last seasons highlights included his                                                                                Vienna Konzerthaus and Musikverein, Tokyo
                    debut with the Chicago Symphony and                                                                                 Suntory Hall and in Rome, Zurich, Paris, and
                    James Conlon in Ravinia and with the                                                       Francesco                Brussels. Festival invitations have come
                                                                     © Marco Borggreve

                    New York Philharmonic and Alan Gilbert                                                                              from the Edinburgh International Festival,
                    in Vail, concerts at the Stresa and Colmar                                                 Piemontesi               La Roque d’Anthéron, New York Mostly
                    festivals and performances with the                                                                                 Mozart, Chopin International Music Festival
                    National Philharmonic of Russia and                                                        Piano                    in Warsaw, Lucerne Festival, Aix-en-Provence
                    Vladimir Spivakov, the Royal Philharmonic                                                                           Festival, and Schleswig-Holstein Festival.
                    Orchestra and the Tchaikovsky Symphony                               Born in Locarno, Francesco Piemontesi rose
                    Orchestra and Vladimir Fedoseyev.                                    to international prominence with prizes        Francesco Piemontesi has released a
                                                                                         at several major competitions, including       number of fine recordings, including
                    Alexander Romanovsky opened the 25th                                 the 2007 Queen Elisabeth Competition.          Schumann Sonatas and a mixed recital
                    “Master Pianists Series” at the Main Hall of                         He was chosen as a BBC New Generation          of Handel, Brahms, Bach, and Liszt for
                    the Amsterdam Concertgebouw. During the                              Artist (2009-11), and is regarded as one       Avanti Classics and more recently, three
                    last seasons he played with the Filarmonica                          of the new great Mozartian pianists.           recordings for Naïve Classique – Mozart
                    della Scala at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan,                                                                      Piano Works, Schumann and Dvořák‘s Piano
                    the Hallé Orchestra at the Bridgewater Hall                                                                         Concerti with the BBC Symphony Orchestra
                    in Manchester, the Bournemouth Symphony                                                                             and Jiří Bělohlávek, and the Debussy
                    Orchestra, the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra                                                                             Preludes, to be released later in 2015.
                    and the Simón Bolívar Youth Orchestra.
                                                                                                                                                                                       EUYO > S OLOIS TS

Spring Tour Programme

                                                                                                                                                     © Falling Walls Foundation
                  © Peter Adamik

                                   Interlaken                           Interlaken                              Festival
                                   Classics                             Classics                                de Pâques

                                   Kursaal Interlaken                   Kursaal Interlaken                      Grand Théâtre de Provence

                                   www.interlaken-classics.ch           www.interlaken-classics.ch              www.festivalpaques.com

                                   Interlaken,                          Interlaken,                             Aix-en-Provence,
                                       Switzerland                          Switzerland                            France

                                   Saturday 4 April 17:00               Sunday, 5 April, 17:00                  Tuesday, 7 April, 20:30

                                   Maestro Vladimir                     Maestro Vladimir                        Maestro Vladimir

                                   Ashkenazy conductor                  Ashkenazy conductor                     Ashkenazy conductor
                                   Alexander Romanovsky piano           Mone Hattori violin                     Francesco Piemontesi piano

                                   Haydn Symphony No. 49                Mozart Symphony No. 35                  Haydn Symphony No. 49
                                   Passione                             Haffner                                  Passione
                                   Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 4       Mendelssohn Violin Concert in E minor   Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 4
                                   Mendelssohn Symphony No. 4 Italian   Beethoven Symphony No. 7                Mendelssohn Symphony No. 4 Italian

Perugia Musica Megaron                               Megaron
Classica       Thessaloniki Concert Halls, Chamber
               Music & Side-by-side with the Megaron
                                                     Alternative performance &
                                                     audience opportunities
Teatro Morlacchi                     Youth Symphony Orchestra

www.perugiamusicaclassica.com www.tch.gr                                 www.tch.gr

Perugia,                             Thessaloniki,                       Thessaloniki,
   Italy                                Greece                              Greece

Thursday, 9 April, 20:30             Sunday, 19 April, 21:00             Thursday, 16 April, 11:00
                                                                         REACT Performances
Maestro Vladimir                     Yuri Azevedo
Ashkenazy conductor                  conductor
                                                                         Meat Market, Thessaloniki
Mone Hattori violin

                                                                         Saturday, 18 April, 18:00
Mozart Symphony No. 35               Farnaby arr. Howarth Fancies,
Haffner                               Toyes and Dreames                   REACT Performances
Mendelssohn Violin                   Spohr Nonet                         (pop-ups)
Concert in E minor
                                     Schubert Symphony No. 8             Sea Front, Thessaloniki
Mendelssohn Symphony No. 4 Italian   'Unfinished'

                                     Skalkottas 3 Greek Dances
                                     for String Orchestra
                                       Epirotikos – Set 1 No.4
                                       Arkadikos – Set 3 No.10
                                                                                                     EUYO > TO UR

                                       Kleftikos – Set 3 No.3

                                     J. Strauss (elder) Radetzky March

Creative Europe                                                                                          T2020
Co-funding Towards 2020 :
Skilling Musicians & EngagingAudiences
in Europe’s OrchestralSector

Europe has an extraordinarily rich cultural          The MEDIA sub-programme offers support
heritage and a vibrant capacity for creativity. We   schemes along the value-chain, tailored to the
create the stories, sounds and images that fill       different needs of professionals. The aim here
the pages, screens and exhibition halls the world    is to strengthen the competitiveness of the
over. The challenge now is to build on these         sector and increase the circulation of European
strengths, carrying them into the digital world.     films, TV programmes, web series and games.
The European Union has launched the Creative         Responding to a real need on the ground, we
Europe programme, offering a budget of almost         are making it easier for Europe’s cultural and
€1.5 billion – which represents a 9% increase        creative operators to obtain bank loans. Thanks
over the previous budget. The programme              to our new loan-guarantee facility, which will
will support 240,000 European artists, 2,000         make available up to €750 million, we are helping
cinemas, 800 films and 4,500 book translations.       financial institutions to better understand
                                                     how the cultural and creative sectors work.
Creative Europe aims to overcome the barriers
limiting creative development across the             Creative Europe has a strong international
European Union. It aims at promoting culture         dimension. One reason for this is the on going
for innovation and social inclusion, and at          globalisation of the cultural and creative
developing new avenues for well-being, new           sectors and the need for the professionals
jobs, and economic growth. The programme             to internationalise their activities in order
replaces the previous Culture, MEDIA and MEDIA       to reach new audiences. Another reason is
Mundus programmes, and has – for the first time       the European Union’s commitment to the
– brought EU funding support for cultural and        UNESCO convention on cultural diversity, and
audiovisual sectors under the same umbrella. It      to increasing cooperation and intercultural
is, therefore, a more transparent “one-stop shop”    dialogue with third countries. To this
for all European operators from these sectors.       end, Creative Europe is open – for
                                                     the first time on an equal footing – to
Creative Europe will help the EU cultural and
                                                     the participation of our neighbouring
creative sector to operate transnationally; it
                                                     countries, subject to some conditions.
will help operators to reach new audiences
in Europe and beyond; and it will help to
strengthen their competitiveness. It will also
strengthen transnational policy cooperation
in order to foster innovation, audience
building and new business models.                    Tibor Navracsics
The Culture sub-programme will continue to           European Commissioner for Education,
                                                     Culture, Youth and Sport
support cross-border cooperation projects.
We expect that, for the period 2014 to
2020, at least 6,400 cultural organisations
will be involved in cooperation projects
with operators from other countries.
                                                                                                                 EUYO > C RE ATIV E EURO P E

T2020 Partner Projects

                               BOZAR                                                                         Grafenegg
                               The BOZAR in Brussels is using its expertise and intercultural competences    After its successful launch in 2014 the European Music Campus opens
                               to create relationships with the players involved in the T2020 project        for its second edition in summer 2015. As part of the T2020 project
                               outside of the audition process. These players – auditionees, members,        the European Music Campus is being developed to demonstrate
                               recent alumni of the EUYO – will become part of a new ‘YOUNGBOZAR’            how centres of excellence can be created serving young classical
                               scheme. The scheme will function by the players: being available to work      musicians. As an important centre of international orchestral und
                               in and see BOZAR education projects; being a focus group to understand        musical culture, Grafenegg is helping to build the future for classical
                               how young artists relate to/use a venue like BOZAR; taking part in            music by bringing together more than 180 young musicians each year
                               chamber music for unusual BOZAR projects such as pre-concert, late night      from all over Europe as well as non-artistic participants to renew and
                               informal exhibition music and cultural conferences. In these ways, apart      reinvigorate the original ideals of a united Europe through group music,
                               from supervising EUYO auditions, BOZAR will deepen its relationship           culture and debate. The European Music Campus includes symphonic
                               with future audiences whilst helping T2020 player development.                concerts on Grafenegg’s beautiful ‘Wolkenturm’ outdoor stage, open
                                                                                                             rehearsals, ‘Laboratory Sessions’, informal ‘Late Night Sessions’ and
                                                                                                             a Music Gallery. It is hoped that the activities of the European Music
                               Culture Action Europe                                                         Campus will serve as positive examples for other locations who are
                                                                                                             looking to create centres of learning and artistic development for
                               Culture Action Europe is supporting the T2020 project through                 young musicians, as well as broadening and diversifying audiences.
                               the development of an evaluation framework based on the overall
                               social goals of the project. It will help to document the claims of a
                               broad understanding of the social functions of orchestral music (and          John Good Group
                               performance art in general) by developing and measuring with both
                               quantitative and qualitative methods the short and longer-term impacts        The Digital Partner for the T2020 project is currently working on
                               on the quality of life and wellbeing of audiences and practitioners.          the new T2020 website and associated App. In short, creating a
                                                                                                             new portal, designed to engage with a young audience, deliver
                                                                                                             relevant educational content and eventually facilitate employment
                               Cyprus Symphony                                                               opportunities for the next generation of orchestral players. Having
                                                                                                             completed the branding and identity work for the EUYO and initial
                               Orchestra Foundation                                                          designs for the T2020 site and mobile App, they are currently working
                                                                                                             to deliver the initial phase of the T2020 site, due for launch in 2015.
                               Cyprus has an important role to play within the T2020 project as it will
                               link non-EU countries to Europe through the Cyprus Youth Symphony
                               Orchestra and its activities, serving as an inspiration for other countries   Music Center Slovakia
                               who find themselves on a geographical periphery. For the purposes
                               of the T2020 project, Cyprus will approach young musicians from               Beyond the organising of auditions, T2020 is allowing the MCS to focus
                               countries such as Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt and demonstrate          more energy on ‘missing elements’: advanced training in orchestral
                               how an Arts venue can become a cultural base for musicians who do             playing, training on specific performance techniques etc. By enabling
                               not have equal opportunities in terms of education and performance.           valuable training and a chance to participate in global initiatives, young
                                                                                                             Slovak musicians will be able to grow professionally and become better
                                                                                                             equipped for demanding orchestral performances and a variety of new
                               Fondazione Concorso Pianistico                                                performance formats. MCS is dedicated to enriching and educating
                                                                                                             young audiences for classical as well as contemporary music. T2020
                               Internazionale Ferruccio Busoni                                               represents an opportunity for the Music Center Slovakia to establish
                                                                                                             new relationships with cultural institutions throughout Europe.
                               The Busoni Competition has been working to develop ‘Spazio Klassik’,
                               an alternative performance space, designed to provide young
                               musicians with a platform through which they can bring a broad,               Thessaloniki Concert Halls
                               diverse audience closer to their lives, with and for classical music. It
                               is meant to encourage new audiences and serve as a transportable              Thessaloniki are pioneering a new audience development project called
                               model for use in other locations, worldwide. The prototype is                 ‘REACT’ that will serve as a model for developing skills amongst long-
                               currently being developed with the local Faculty of Design, having            term unemployed young people. It is also in the process of creating

                               launched ‘Spazio Klassik’ last summer to the citizens of Bolzano.             its own youth orchestra, the newly formed Megaron Youth Symphony
                                                                                                             Orchestra. Experienced young musicians from the EUYO will work
                                                                                                             alongside the newly formed Symphony Orchestra, and also perform for
                                                                                                             diverse publics in unexpected venues through the REACT programme:
                                                                                                             hospitals, schools, bars, and the seaside promenade and meat market.
                                                                                                             Masterclasses, alumni tutoring and musicianship workshops will form an
                                                                                                             integral part of the project, showing how an orchestra can ‘adopt a city’.

How Much Does
                                                  Excellence Cost?

                                                  We are fortunate victims of the energy of                  We cannot ignore the need to prepare our youth with
                                                  our musicians and their aspirations.                       the necessary skills to enable social mobility and a
                                                                                                             union to shape a stronger, more confident Europe
                                                  Besides enabling the performance you enjoyed with
                                                                                                             powered by tolerance and cultural empathy.
                                                  us today, we also provide our musicians with advanced
                                                  training in career management, and music education.        There are many ways you can get involved,
                                                  We work with young European NEETs to empower               from unrestricted cash donations, to using your
                                                  them and equip them for reinsertion and employment         company’s CSR budget to invest in our projects and
                                                  in the Arts. We are currently building the world’s         players. Together, we can make a difference.
                                                  first dedicated, digital space designed for our young
                                                                                                             One brief conversation will kick-start one of the
                                                  musicians to showcase their talents even further.
                                                                                                             most meaningful relationships you’ll ever have –
                                                  We financially support creative entrepreneurship:
                                                                                                             with thousands of Europe’s finest young musicians.
                                                  encouraging young musicians to share their skills
                                                  with other people, and in their home countries.
                                                  To achieve all of this, we invest approximately            Please call me, Charlotte Saldanha,
                                                  €15,000 in each and every one of our young,                (Development Manager), on: + 44 (0) 20 33705462.
                                                  extraordinary musicians, each year.                        Or email, charlotte@euyo.org.uk
                                                  You are here today because you also care about
                                                  the future of Europe, and believe, like us, that
                                                  transformation is possible if we invest in young people.

                                                  (Above) Leonidas Kavakos, violin
                                                  student, EUYO 1982–1984

                                                  (Main picture) 2014 – Leonidas Kavakos,
                                                  acclaimed international solo
                                                  violinist and conductor, exclusive
                                                  Decca Classics recording artist.

The European Union
                 Youth Orchestra
© Peter Adamik

                 The European Union Youth Orchestra        with inspiring opportunities for          2020: Skilling Musicians & Engaging
                 was founded almost forty years ago by     digital and artistic innovation.          Audiences in Europe’s Orchestral
                 Joy and Lionel Bryer. An aspirational                                               Sector’ (T2020 ), a project co-funded
                                                           The EUYO has provided an exceptional
                 organisation from conception, the                                                   by the European Union’s ‘Creative
                                                           bridge between music colleges and the
                 Orchestra was intended as a ‘living                                                 Europe’ cultural funding programme.
                                                           professional music world for almost
                 metaphor’ for the founding ideology                                                 T2020 is a large scale European
                                                           3,000 alumni, in a group that includes
                 of the European Community, now the                                                  Cooperation Project that will establish
                                                           conductors, soloists, and musicians
                 European Union. The finest young                                                     a new model to skill talented young
                                                           from, inter alia, the London Symphony
                 classical musicians from all twenty-                                                orchestral musicians from all 28 EU
                                                           Orchestra, the Berliner Philharmoniker,
                 eight EU Member States come together                                                Member States in a manner that
                                                           the Boston Symphony Orchestra, and
                 to convey to audiences, worldwide,                                                  responds to the changing needs of
                                                           the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.
                 that these different, contrasting, and                                               21st century audiences and society.
                                                           With Grafenegg as the Orchestra’s
                 mutually supportive national cultural
                                                           Summer Home and Principal Venue           The EUYO’s Honorary Patrons include
                 identities can come together and
                                                           Partner, from New York to Nicosia,        the Heads of Government of the 28
                 perform as one orchestra - united
                                                           Seoul to São Paulo, Moscow to             EU Member States, the President
                 in diversity. Europe’s most excellent
                                                           Mumbai, the EUYO has partnered            of the European Commission and
                 young players are stretched not only
                                                           with some of the greatest names           the President of the European
                 by performances in great concert halls,
                                                                                                                                               EUYO > TH E EU RO PE A N UN ION YOUT H ORC H E STR A

                                                           in classical music including Marta        Parliament. The Orchestra
                 but also by the challenge of making
                                                           Argerich, Daniel Barenboim, Leonard       acknowledges support from the
                 their own horizons into the future.
                                                           Bernstein, Herbert von Karajan, Jessye    EU and all 28 EU Member States.
                 From its origins as a twice-yearly        Norman, Mstislav Rostropovich and
                                                                                                     Together with its partners the
                 touring orchestra, the EUYO is now a      particularly its three notable Music
                                                                                                     EUYO aims to shape tomorrow’s
                 much busier organisation. The EUYO        Directors: Claudio Abbado, Bernard
                                                                                                     musical leaders in Europe.
                 distinguishes itself by preparing         Haitink, and current Music Director
                 its players for the future with           Maestro Vladimir Ashkenazy.               The European Union Youth
                 new approaches to teaching, new                                                     Orchestra commits to excellence,
                                                           The EUYO with its 8 international
                 approaches to engaging audiences,                                                   but it commits to it for a reason
                                                           partners and 30 associate partners,
                 and a strategy that marries the                                                     beyond that of mere virtuosity.
                                                           is currently delivering ‘Towards
                 best of its performance tradition

The EUYO’s Global
                                                                Exchange Programme
                                                                New World Symphony, Miami

                                                                “In November 2014, I had the great opportunity to be           “This experience was important, it forced us to step
                                                                 one of two EUYO-players who went to Miami to visit the         outside of our comfort zone and experience first-hand
                                                                 renowned orchestra academy, the New World Symphony.            how classical music is brought to and perceived by a
                                                                                                                                different culture. European societies are more and more
                                                                Tessel and I were there for quite an extraordinary
                                                                                                                                modelling themselves on the American approach. In the
                                                                week with the orchestra, where we got to be a part of
                                                                                                                                music world, we are expected to promote ourselves as
                                                                their ‘Discovery Concerts’. Hosted by Jamie Bernstein
                                                                                                                                a ’brand’. We have to go out and look for our audience,
                                                                the audience was guided through Beethoven’s life
                                                                                                                                whilst before we only needed to have the skill of our
                                                                and music. With modern lighting technology and a
                                                                                                                                actual instrument and our audiences would come to us.
                                                                presentation, they managed to make it a delightful
                                                                and educational evening for a brand new audience.              The New World Symphony, apart from giving high-class
                                                                                                                               instrument and orchestra playing training, is constantly
                                                                We got to meet other musicians while staying in an
                                                                                                                               trying to improve their image and search for patrons and
                                                                apartment in the middle of their dedicated housing.
                                                                                                                               fans to support them. I found it interesting that during
                                                                It’s always exciting and inspiring to meet other young
                                                                                                                               concerts, their main focus seems to be the audience. They
                                                                musicians who share our passion for music and orchestral
                                                                                                                               are not just there to play the music the best they can and
                                                                playing, but who come from very different backgrounds.
                                                                                                                               hope the public will enjoy. No, they actively try to engage
                                                                To be able to visit as many different institutions and          the audience. They want to explain the music and most
                                                                artistic concepts as possible widens one’s artistic horizon.   importantly: they want to know what the people in the
                                                                I returned from Miami with a new perspective on how            hall are thinking about it. They want the audience to feel
                                                                to develop new concepts for classical music diffusion.”         part of the experience, instead of being mere spectators.

                                                                                                                                We all try to achieve the same, just in different ways. The
                                                                Amalie Kjaeldgaard                                             importance of these exchanges is to stay open-minded,
                                                                Danish, Violin                                                 stay critical of your own approach and try to find a way
                                                                                                                               that works. Obviously, not everything from the American
                                                                                                                               approach will work in Europe, but that doesn’t mean things
                                                                                                                               should be instantly dismissed. In these changing times, my
                                                                                                                               generation is the generation that has to invent a new model
                                                                                                                               to keep classical music alive. Music is a language everybody
                                                                                                                               understands, it’s vital to use that communication tool to
                                                                                                                               bind cultures and nations, not just for the sake of music itself,
                                                                                                                               but for all other aspects of society. By communicating with
                                                                                                                               peers from a different continent, a big step is achieved.”

                                                                                                                               Tessel Hersbach

                                                                                                                               Dutch, Violin

Awards                                                                               Emily Davis
                                                                                       British, Violin
                                                                                     Recipient of the
                                                                                     Pavlovic Award
                    Inge Bergenhuizen                           “Receiving the “Alexander Pavlovic” award was an absolute
                                                                 privilege and delight. Having admired the musicians of the
                       Dutch, Violin                             EUYO for many years since I was very young, it felt extremely
                                                                 special to be given that honour. The award money will go
                    Recipient of the
                                                                 towards the purchase of my own new bow, a very special
                    Chairman’s Award
                                                                 thing that is as important as the violin itself, which I have
“The EUYO has taught me so much about how to be a better         needed for many years. It has been fascinating to be able
 musician, but I also learned how to work with different,         to try out various bows, and I look forward to finding the
 talented musicians from all over the European Union.            perfect one for me. I have recently accepted a position at
                                                                 the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, and having
It’s incredible how all these great musicians come
                                                                 the best equipment to play with is vital to establishing my
together and not only make wonderful music, but
                                                                 career there. I feel incredibly fortunate to have been given
also become great collegues and (maybe even
                                                                 this extra help, alongside all the other wonderful experiences
more importantly) really good friends.
                                                                 I have benefitted from as a member of the EUYO.”
I am very honoured to be the joint recipient of the
Chairman’s Award 2014, certainly because this orchestra
demonstrates how it is actually possible for all the different
nationalities to join in one orchestra and work as one, with
                                                                                     Sorin-Vlad Spasinovici
an overpowering amount of positive energy. The Award                                    Bulgarian, Viola
helped me to pay the college tuition for my last year of
Masters studies in Amsterdam, I am happy to set an example                           Co-recipient of the
for future EUYO-members. The distinct EUYO-energy is                                 Lionel Bryer Award
what makes the EUYO special and I hope we can be an             “The Lionel Bryer Award has brought me, besides the immense
inspiration for the rest of Europe and even for the world.”      honour and joy of being its joint recipient, the chance of
                                                                 buying myself a new bow, which helps tremendously in my
                                                                 development as a musician. The moment when this award was
                                                                 given to me really couldn’t have been more opportune, as I
                    Ulf Breuer                                   had just managed to buy myself a new viola, after many years
                       German, Percussion                        during which I couldn’t afford to buy a better viola than the
                                                                 one I had bought when I was in high-school. By saving as much
                    Recipient of the                             money as possible from the earnings that I had in the past
                    Chairman’s Award                             couple of years, and with some financial help from my parents,
“I gave the money I received for this award to another           I got my new viola one week before the start of the Summer
 musician in the orchestra. I believe this musician would        Tour 2014. Therefore, a new viola would have also required
 benefit significantly more than me from this financial gift.       a new bow, a better one, which I wouldn’t have been able to
                                                                 buy so soon, but thanks to EUYO and the great surprise of
He had been struggling with his instrument in a way              offering me this distinction, I will benefit from the help of
that would have prevented him from developing as                 this new bow in my future career – in my auditions, recitals,
a player. So, I hope through my action, I may have               exams and, of course, all the performances with the EUYO.”
helped in some way towards giving him the chance
to help himself out of this situation. I hope the end
result will have changed his musical future definitively.
For about two months he searched for the very best                                   Soteris Chrysostomou
instrument he could afford, and luckily he came upon an                                  Cypriot, Trombone
instrument that matched with the value of this award.
                                                                                     Co-recipient of the
Since then, he told me, his musical life has
                                                                                     Lionel Bryer Award
positively changed. This assures me that I made
the right decision in the first instance.”                       “I have been a member of the Orchestra since 2012. Since
                                                                 then, I have noticed a remarkable evolution in my playing,
                                                                 me as a musician and as an individual. I attribute this
                                                                 positive development to being involved in the EUYO – an
                                                                 orchestra unlike any other. I feel very privileged to receive
                                                                 tuition from some of the world’s finest. But, I have also
                                                                                                                                  EUYO > AWA RDS

                                                                 learnt so much from my fellow musicians. It was an honour
                                                                 to receive the Lionel Bryer Memorial Fund Award. I have
                                                                 used it to invest in my continued musical development,
                                                                 repairing my instrument and to further my studies.”

Honorary Patrons
                                                       European Parliament                                       European Commission                                 European Commission                                    European Committee of the Regions
                                                  President of the European Parliament,                     President of the European Commission,               High Representative of the European Union              President of the European
                                                  Honorary President of the EUYO                            Head of the Honorary Patrons                        for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and             Committee of the Regions,
                                                  Martin Schulz                                             Jean-Claude Juncker                                 Vice-President of the European Commission,             Honorary Patron
                                                                                                                                                                Honorary Patron                                        Michel Lebrun (until Feb. ’15)
                                                                                                                                                                Federica Mog
                                                                                                                                                                            h ini

                                                  Heads of State / Heads of Government
                                                       Austria                              Czech Republic                      Germany                              Latvia                              Poland                            Spain
                                                  Federal President                    President                           Federal President                    President                           President                           HM King Felipe VI*
                                                  Heinz Fischer                        Miloš Zeman                         Joachim Gauck*                       Andris Bērziņš                      Bronisław Komorowski*               Prime Minister
                                                  Federal Chancellor                   Prime Minister                      Federal Chancellor                   Prime Minister                      Prime Minister                      Mariano Rajoy Brey
                                                  Werner Faymann                       Bohuslav Sobotka                    Angela Merkel                        Laimdota Straujuma*                 Ewa Kopacz*
                                                     Belgium                              Denmark                               Greece                               Lithuania                           Portugal                       HM King Carl XVI Gustaf
                                                  HM King Philippe*                    HM Queen Margrethe II               President                            President                           President
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Prime Minister
                                                  Prime Minister                       Prime Minister                      Karolos Papoulias                    Dalia Grybauskaitė                  Aníbal Cavaco Silva                 Stefan Löfven*
                                                  Charles Michel*                      Helle Thorning-Schmidt*             Prime Minister                       Prime Minister                      Prime Minister
                                                                                                                           Alexis Tsipras*                      Algirdas Butkevičius                Pedro Passos Coelho                    United Kingdom
                                                       Bulgaria                             Estonia                                                                                                                                     HM Queen Elizabeth II
                                                  President                            President                                Hungary                            Luxembourg                            Romania
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Prime Minister
                                                  Rosen Plevneliev                     Toomas Hendrik Ilves                President                            HRH Grand Duke Henri                President
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        David Cameron
                                                  Prime Minister                       Prime Minister                      János Áder                           Prime Minister                      Klaus Iohannis*
                                                  Boyko Borisov*                       Taavi Rõivas*                       Prime Minister                       Xavier Bettel                       Prime Minister
                                                                                                                           Viktor Orbán                                                             Victor Ponta
                                                       Croatia                              Finland                                                                  Malta                                                              * Pending
                                                  President                            President                                Ireland                         President                                Slovakia                       ** Former Head of State
                                                  Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović*            Sauli Niinistö                      President                            Marie Louise                        President
                                                  Prime Minister                       Prime Minister                      Michael D. Higgins*                  Coleiro Preca*                      Andrej Kiska*
                                                  Zoran Milanović                      Alexander Stubb*                    Taoiseach                            Prime Minister                      Prime Minister
                                                                                                                           Enda Kenny                           Joseph Muscat                       Robert Fico
                                                       Cyprus                               France
                                                  President                            President                                Italy                              Netherlands                           Slovenia
                                                  Nicos Anastasiades                   François Hollande                   President                            HRH Princess Beatrix**              President
                                                                                       Prime Minister                      Sergio Mattarella*                   Prime Minister                      Borut Pahor
                                                                                       Manuel Valls                        Prime Minister                       Mark Rutte                          Prime Minister
                                                                                                                           Matteo Renzi                                                             Miro Cerar*

                                                  Honorary Committees
                                                       Austria                              Cyprus                              France                               Italy                              Poland                               Spain
                                                  Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek              Ioannis Kasoulides                  Laurent Fabius                       Paolo Gentiloni*                    Grzegorz Schetyna*                  José Ignacio
                                                  Minister of Education and Women      Minister of Foreign Affairs          Foreign Minister                     Minister of Foreign Affairs          Minister of Foreign Affairs          Wert Ortega
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Minister of Education,
                                                  Josef Ostermayer*                    Costas Kadis*                       Aurélie Filippetti                   Dario Franceschini                  Małgorzata
                                                                                                                                                                                                       g                                Culture and Sports
                                                  Minister of the Federal              Minister of Education and Culture   Minister of Culture and              Minister of Heritage and Cultural   Omilanowska*
                                                  Chancellery responsible                                                  Communication                        Activities and Tourism              Minister of Culture and National    José Manuel García-
                                                  for Arts and Culture                      Czech Republic                                                                                                                              Margallo y Marfil
                                                                                                                                Germany                            Latvia                                                               Minister of Foreign Affairs
                                                  Sebastian Kurz                       Lubomír Zaorálek                                                                                                  Portugal
                                                  Minister of Foreign Affairs           Foreign Minister                    Monika Grütters                      Dace Melbārde                                                           and Cooperation
                                                  and Integration
                                                                                       Marcel Chládek                      Minister of Culture and Media        Minister of Culture                 Jorge Barreto Xavier                     Sweden
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Secretary of State for Culture
                                                       Belgium                         Minister for Education,             Manuela Schwesig*                    Edgars Rinkěvičs                                                        Margot Wallström*
                                                                                       Youth and Sport                     Federal Minister of Family Affairs,   Minister for Foreign Affairs         Rui Machete*                        Minister for Foreign Affairs
                                                  Pascal Smet*                         Petr Drulák                         Senior Citizens, Women and Youth                                         Minister of State
                                                  Flemish Minister for Education,                                                                                   Lithuania                       and Foreign Affairs                  Alice Bah Kuhnke*
                                                                                       Deputy Minister of                  Frank-Walter Steinmeier
                                                  Youth, Equal Opportunities and
                                                                                       Foreign Affairs                      Minister for Foreign Affairs          Šarūnas Birutis                                                         Minister of Culture and
                                                  Brussels Affairs                                                                                                                                        Romania                        Democracy
                                                                                                                                                                Minister of Culture
                                                  Fadila Laanan                             Denmark                             Greece                          Linas Antanas Linkevičius           Bogdan Lucian Aurescu*                   United Kingdom
                                                  Minister of the French-speaking                                                                                                                   Minister of Foreign Affairs
                                                  Community Government, in
                                                                                       Marianne Jelved*                    Konstantinos Tasoulas*               Minister of Foreign Affairs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Philip Hammond*
                                                  charge of Culture, the Audiovisual
                                                                                       Minister of Culture                 Minister of Culture and Sport                                            Eugen Teodorovici*                  Secretary of State for Foreign and
                                                                                                                                                                     Luxembourg                     Minister of European Funds
                                                  Sector, Health and Equal             Martin Lidegaard*                   Andreas Loverdos*                                                                                            Commonwealth Affairs
                                                  Opportunities                        Foreign Minister                    Minister for Education and           Jean Asselborn                      Ionut Vulpescu*                     Sajid Javid*
                                                                                                                           Religious Affairs                     Minister for Foreign Affairs         Minister of Culture
                                                  Isabelle Weykmans                    Mogens Jensen*                                                                                                                                   Secretary of State for Culture,
                                                  Minister for Culture,                Minister for Trade and              Nikos Kotzias*                       Maggy Nagel                              Slovakia                       Media and Sport
                                                  Employment and Tourism               Development Cooperation             Minister for Foreign Affairs          Minister of Culture
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Miroslav Lajčák*                    David Lidington

                                                  Didier Reynders                           Estonia                             Hungary                              Malta                          Minister of Foreign Affairs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Minister for Europe
                                                  Deputy Prime Minister and
                                                  Minister of Foreign Affairs and       Keit Pentus-Rosimannus*             Péter Szijjártó*                     Owen Bonnici*                       Marek Maďarič                       Baroness Rawlings
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       g of
                                                  European Affairs                      Foreign Minister                    Minister of Foreign Affairs and       Minister for Justice,               Minister of Culture
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Burnham Westgate
                                                                                                                           Trade                                Culture and Local Government
                                                       Bulgaria                        Urve Tildus                                                                                                       Slovenia
                                                                                       Minister of Culture                 Zoltán Balog                         Evarist Bartolo*                                                        * Pending
                                                  Daniel Pavlov Mitov*                 Jevgeni Ossinovski*                 State Secretary for Social           Minister for Education              Julijana Bizjak Mlakar*
                                                  Minister of Foreign Affairs                                               Inclusion in the Ministry of         and Employment                      Minister of Culture
                                                                                       Minister of Education
                                                                                                                           Administration and Justice
                                                  Vezhdi Letif Rashidov*               and Research                                                                  Netherlands                    Karl Erjavec
                                                  Minister of Culture                                                           Ireland                                                             Minister for Foreign Affairs
                                                                                            Finland                                                             Bert Koenders*
                                                       Croatia                                                             Heather Humphreys*                   Minister of Foreign Affairs
                                                                                       Pia Viitanen*                       Minister for Arts, Heritage and
                                                  Vedran Mornar*                       Minister of Culture and Housing
                                                                                                                           the Gaeltacht
                                                                                                                                                                Jet Bussmaker
                                                  Minister of Science, Education                                                                                Minister for Education,
                                                  and Sports
                                                                                       Erkki Tuomioja*                     Charles Flanagan*                    Culture and Science
                                                                                       Minister for Foreign Affairs
                                                                                                                           Minister for Foreign Affairs
                                                  Andrea Zlatar Violić*                Lenita Toivakka*                    and Trade
                                                  Minister of Culture
                                                                                       Minister for European
                                                                                       Affairs and Foreign Trade
                                                                                                                           Paschal Donohoe*
                                                                                                                           Minister for Transport,
                                                                                                                           Tourism and Sport

National Associates
                      Austria                       Denmark                          Greece                         Luxembourg                      Slovakia
                 Wiener Jeunesse Orchester     Det Kongelige Danske            Thessaloniki Concert Halls     Ministère de la Culture          Music Centre Slovakia
                 Renate Böck                   Musikkonservatorium             George-Emmanuel
                                                                                   g                          Marco Battistella                Olga Smetanová
                                               Jonas Bille Gamkjær             Lazaridis
                      Belgium                                                                                       Malta                           Slovenia
                 BOZAR                              Denmark                          Hungary                  Arts Council                     RTV Slovenija, Department of
                 Ulrich Hauschild              Det Kongelige Danske            Kreatív Európa Nonprofit Kft.   Elaine Falzon                    Musical Production
                                               Musikkonservatorium             Gábor Mondik                                                    Irena Lesjak
                      Bulgaria                 Jakob Errboe Holtze                                                  Netherlands
                 National School of Music                                            Ireland                  NJO
                 Lyubomir Pipkov                    Estonia                    National Youth Orchestra of    Miranda van Drie                 Subdireccion General
                 Gheorghi Arnaoudov            Eesti Muusika- ja               Ireland                                                         de Musica y Danza
                                               Teatriakadeemia                 Carol-Ann McKenna                    Poland                     Ministerio de Educación,
                      Croatia                  Kai Kiiv                                                       Department of Artistic Schools
                                                                                                                                               Cultura y Deporte
                 Jeunesses Musicales Croatia                                         Italy                    and Cultural Education           José Rodriguez del Pino
                 Mira Surjak                        Finland                    RAI                            Ministry of Culture and
                                               Sibelius-Akatemia               Mihaela Liliana Schefer        National Heritage                     Sweden
                      Cyprus                   Anna Rombach                                                   Eliza Kujan                      Academy of Music and Drama,
                                                                                     Latvia                                                    University of Gothenburg
                 Cyprus Symphony
                 Orchestra Foundation               France                     Jāzepa Vītola Latvijas               Portugal                   Tobias Granmo
                 Nenad Bogdanovic              Orchestre Français des Jeunes   Mūzikas akadēmija              Direção-Geral das Artes
                                               Pierre Barrois                  Maija Sīpola                   Dulce Brito                           United Kingdom
                      Czech Republic                                                                                                           National Youth Orchestra of
                                                    Germany                          Lithuania                      Romania                    Great Britain
                    /       , spol.
                               p s. ro.
                 Lenka Šimečková               Goethe-Institut                 Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro     ARTEXIM                          Sarah Alexander
                                               Therese Hueber                  akademija                      Simona Barbu
                                                                               Giedrė Antanavičienė
© Peter Adamik

                                                                                                                                                                              EUYO > N ATIO NA L A SSOCI ATE S

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