SPS Observer - + From Leonardo to NASA + Multichapter Event Lifts Spirits

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SPS Observer - + From Leonardo to NASA + Multichapter Event Lifts Spirits
SPS Observer
  Volume LV, Issue 3                                        WINTER 2022

  + From Leonardo to NASA      + Multichapter Event Lifts Spirits,
    and Back Again               Builds Community
  + A Virtual Take on What’s   + Demonstrating Wastewater
    Hot in Physics               Remediation with Solar Technology
SPS Observer - + From Leonardo to NASA + Multichapter Event Lifts Spirits
SPS Observer                             TABLE OF CONTENTS

                                            WINTER 2022 • VOLUME LV, ISSUE 3
   Kendra Redmond
  Managing Editor
   Kayla Stephens                             SPS CHAPTERS ON BUILDING COMMUNITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
                                              Multichapter Event Lifts Spirits, Builds Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
  Contributing Editors
                                              Pandemic Brings Unique Spirit-Wear Opportunity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0
   Korena Di Roma Howley                      A New Take on a Family Tradition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1
   Brad R. Conrad                             Whodunnit: A Murder Mystery for the SPS History Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2
   Andrew Zeidell                             Shifting a Department Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3
   Mikayla Cleaver                            SPS CHAPTERS ON PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT . . . . . . . . . . 14
  Copy Editor                                 Breaking through Barriers in Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .              15
   Cynthia Freeman                            Presenting on Our Outreach Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                  16
                                              Introducing Mental Health Week  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .               17
  Art Director                                                                                                                                                           ON THE COVER
                                              Transforming Pizza Lectures into Virtual Visits  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                  18
   Aaron Hansen                                                                                                                                                          Radford University physics
                                              SPS CHAPTERS ON HANDS-ON PROJECTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20                                         major Kaleb Martin performs
  Layout Designer                             From Leonardo to NASA and Back Again . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                        21     an experiment to measure the
   Michael Wernert                            From Brainstorming to Building a Satellite for Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                      22     electron’s charge-to-mass ratio.
                                              Magic Flickers in the Darkness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .            24     The magnetic field generated
  SPS President                                                                                                                                                          by Helmholtz coils stabilizes
                                              Cardboard Regatta Champions (Again) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                   25
   Kiril A. Streletzky, Cleveland                                                                                                                                        an electron beam in a circular
                                              Bringing Back the Fun  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        25
   State University                                                                                                                                                      path for the measurement. Here
                                              SPS CHAPTERS ON OUTREACH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26                                    Martin watches the electron
  SPS Director                                                                                                                                                           beam as it is distorted from its
                                              A Virtual Take on What’s Hot in Physics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
   Brad R. Conrad                             Virtual Demos Maintain—and Broaden—Community Outreach . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28                                         circular path by a permanent
                                              Demonstrating Wastewater Remediation with Solar Technology  . . . . . . . . . . . 29                                       magnet on the right, between
                                              Spooky Physics for Curious Students  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
                                                                                                                                                                         the Helmholtz coils. Photo by
                                                                                                                                                                         Rhett Herman.
      1 Physics Ellipse                       LETTER
      College Park, MD 20740                  We Make SPS Each Day  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
      301.209.3007 (tel)
                                              Meet the 2021 SPS Outstanding Chapter Advisor: Donna Hammer  . . . . . . . . . . 5
                                              SPS 2021 Outstanding Chapter Advisor & Outstanding Chapter Awards . . . . . . 6
                                              CHAPTER SHORTS
                                              Ideas Worth Stealing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
                                              Quirky and Creative  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
                                              Wow!  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

      Find SPS National on:

  The SPS Observer (ISSN 2160-           The American Institute of Physics is a federation of scientific societies                                  AIP Member Societies:
  1305) is the magazine of the Society   in the physical sciences, representing scientists, engineers, educators,                                   American Association of Physicists in Medicine
  of Physics Students, published         and students. AIP offers authoritative information, services, and                                          American Association of Physics Teachers
  quarterly by the American Institute    expertise in physics education and student programs, science                                               American Astronomical Society
  of Physics, printed in the USA.        communication, government relations, career services, statistical                                          American Crystallographic Association
  Standard postage paid at Freeport,     research in physics employment and education, and history of the                                           American Meteorological Society
  OH. POSTMASTER: Send address           physical sciences. AIP publishes Physics Today, the most closely                                           American Physical Society
  changes to The SPS Observer, One       followed magazine of the physical sciences community, and is also                                          Acoustical Society of America
  Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD      home to the Society of Physics Students and the Niels Bohr Library                                         AVS: Science & Technology of Materials,
  20740-3841.                            & Archives. AIP owns AIP Publishing LLC, a scholarly publisher in the                                           Interfaces, and Processing
                                         physical and related sciences. www.aip.org                                                                 Optica (formerly known as OSA)
                                                                                                                                                    The Society of Rheology
                                                                                                                                                    Other Member Organizations:
                                                                                                                                                    Sigma Pi Sigma physics honor society
                                                                                                                                                    Society of Physics Students
                                                                                                                                                    Corporate Associates
SPS Observer - + From Leonardo to NASA + Multichapter Event Lifts Spirits

We Make SPS                                                                   Each Day
by Brad Conrad, Director, SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma

One hundred years ago this year, physics students and faculty at Davidson College came together to form a new organization. While the
details have evolved, the mission of what they created has remained the same: support all undergraduate students with an interest in
physics and astronomy. We’re in the midst of one of the hardest times in a generation to be a physics or astronomy major, but this clear
and focused purpose helps us respond to the trials and tribulations of a new era. We will persevere the way we always have—by encour-
aging one another and supporting a wide variety of activities.
   Just as each department is different, each physics and astronomy major may benefit from a different set of activities in pursuit of their dreams.
This issue of the SPS Observer will touch on just some of the inventive, awesome, and impactful activities chapters are doing to support their
members and communities in the areas of community-building, research, professional development, and outreach. If you’ve ever wanted to know
why SPS is special, this is the issue for you.

                Physics and astronomy depart-
                ments are built on a foundation
                of students and faculty. The
                glue that keeps us all together
is tradition and a sense of shared belonging.
Ideally, each new major should say to them-
selves, “These are my people. They get me.” As
a first-generation college student hundreds of
miles from where I grew up and with no backup
plan, having an SPS community to call home
kept me in college. That was where I could
explore who I might want to be and escape
from the million other stresses I had.

RIGHT: The University of Illinois Urbana-
Champaign’s SPS chapter builds community
one hand at a time. All photos courtesy of
the corresponding chapter’s 2020–21 SPS
chapter report.

                                                                                                                      Physics is an experimental
                                                                                                                      science, and no matter
                                                                                                                      whether you plan to go into
                                                                                                                      industry or graduate school,
                                                                                                      or take a different path upon graduation,
                                                                                                      research is invaluable. And research is a
                                                                                                      place where some SPS chapters really shine.
                                                                                                      Undergraduate research in physics and
                                                                                                      astronomy takes many forms, but it helps to
                                                                                                      prepare us all for the challenges that lie ahead
                                                                                                      —problem solving when there is no answer
                                                                                                      to look up!

                                                                                                      LEFT: Members of the Augustana Physics
                                                                                                      and Engineering Society construct a
                                                                                                      cardboard regatta.

                                                                                                        The SPS Observer • Winter 2022             3
SPS Observer - + From Leonardo to NASA + Multichapter Event Lifts Spirits

                                                                                                        THE SPS OBSERVER
                                                                                                        WANTS TO SHOWCASE
                                                                                                        YOUR CHAPTER!
                                                                                                        Reflect on your SPS year, invest in
                                                                                                        the future of your chapter, and let
                                                                                                        us know what you’ve been up to by
                                                                                                        submitting your 2021–22 SPS chapter
                                                                                                        report by June 15. For details visit

                                                                                                   LEFT: Marshall University’s SPS chapter hosts an
                                                                                                   ongoing virtual speaker series.
                                                                                                   BELOW LEFT: Members of Colorado Mesa
                                                                                                   University’s SPS chapter prepare for an outreach

                                                                                                       One of the best ways to experience what makes
                It was through SPS that I gave my first talk, led my first meeting, and learned    SPS special is through the chapter showcase at the
                what it meant to be a physicist and astronomer. During most of college, I felt     2022 Physics Congress. During the showcase, chap-
                like I had gotten in by accident because I had NO CLUE what was expected           ters can put on display all the awesome things they’ve
                of me. I wasn’t prepared for all of the situations in which I was being asked to   worked on, accomplished, and cultivated that make
excel. Yet the skills I learned during our colloquium series, SPS professional development         their chapter unique. The first showcase was at the
events, and as a club officer gave me the foundation I needed to stop feeling like an outsider.    2019 Physics Congress—I’ve never seen anything like
                                                                                                   it before. It was magical!
                                                                                                       Join us for the 2022 showcase at the upcoming
                                                                                                   Physics Congress to be inspired by creative ideas,
                                                                                                   see awesome demos, show off nerdy T-shirts and
                                                                                                   stickers, and see real-life examples of how chap-
                                                                                                   ters build community, connect to alumni, and
                                                                                                   help their members succeed beyond the class-
                                                                                                   room. You don’t want to miss this. Check out
                                                                                                   for details.
                                                                                                       In the meantime, enjoy this chapter showcase
                                                                                                   issue, highlighting activities from the 2020–21 SPS
                                                                                                   chapter reports. I hope it inspires you to get out and
                                                                                                   try out something new this year! //

                                                                                                       REGISTER FOR
                                                                                                       THE 2022 PHYSICS
                                                                                                       CONGRESS TODAY!
               The vast majority of physics and astronomy departments serve their local                Early bird prices end September 6, 2022.
               communities through outreach events or other activities. SPS chapters host              For more information, visit
               high school boot camps, K-12 demo days, food drives, and holiday-themed                 sigmapisigma.org/congress/2022.
               events to help get others as excited as they are about science. And their
               events make a lasting impact in the lives of students, teachers, and parents.

4   Winter 2022 • The SPS Observer
SPS Observer - + From Leonardo to NASA + Multichapter Event Lifts Spirits
SINGULARITIES | Profiles in Physics

 Meet the 2021 SPS Outstanding Chapter Advisor:

 Donna Hammer
 by Kendra Redmond, Editor
 The SPS Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award is the most pres-
 tigious award given by SPS, bestowed annually on the basis of
 the leadership, student leadership development, support, and
 encouragement the advisor has provided to the chapter. For her
 leadership and guidance of the SPS chapter at the University of
 Maryland, College Park (UMD), Donna Hammer is the 2020–21 SPS
 Outstanding Chapter Advisor.
      Donna Hammer is director of education for the physics department at
 UMD, which includes a variety of diverse roles. From organizing physics
 conferences to developing seminar classes, from recruiting new majors
 to hosting summer programs for K-12 students, she’s always on the
 move and always working on something new. The one constant: it’s all
 about students.
      With 350 physics majors, UMD’s physics program is among the
 largest in the US. One of Hammer’s driving principles is to make sure
 that each student feels welcomed and supported, whether that means
 creating a physics boot camp for incoming majors, mentoring students
 through personal challenges, addressing issues of diversity, equity, and          ABOVE: Donna Hammer (farthest left) with members of the UMD
 inclusion in physics, or empowering students in her role as advisor for           chapter at the 2019 Physics Congress.
 SPS and the other student groups in the department.
     “SPS has been a huge boost for community building in the depart-               As an SPS advisor, she’s most proud of the UMD chapter’s consis-
 ment,” Hammer says. “The members are a dedicated group. They do                tent Outstanding SPS Chapter Awards (eight years in a row!) and their
 all kinds of innovative activities that bring the department together.” This   impact on the department. “We have a physics undergraduate research
 includes their legendary donut sales, outreach events, social activities,      showcase and research fair each year, and SPS has a big role in those
 mentoring, and tutoring services, among other activities. “The tutoring        events. I’m really proud that we were able to institutionalize, through SPS,
 room is the best place to go,” says Hammer. “You can look out at all of        those department activities,” Hammer says.
 these students working in groups, and SPS has organized it all.”                   Hammer’s enthusiasm for her students, her job, and the field of phys-
      While Hammer gives the credit to the students, the students credit        ics is clear. "It's very important that the physics community continues to
 her passion, dedication, and guidance for their success. “It was Donna’s       grow and address inequities. There are questions to answer, problems
 contagious enthusiasm that convinced me to join SPS and get involved           to solve, and exciting research and career opportunities to pursue for all
 in research,” explains the student who nominated Hammer. “Since then,          students with the passion for physics,” she says. //
 I have witnessed both the extraordinary amount of work Donna contrib-
 utes to SPS as well as her profound effectiveness in mentoring students,                                                      LEFT: Hammer (second
 including myself.”                                                                                                            from left) and UMD
      When classes suddenly shifted online in 2020 due to the COVID-19                                                         physics students pass out
 pandemic, it was still all about the students. Hammer was in the office                                                       treats during Maryland
 from day one, helping chart a course forward and supporting physics                                                           Day, a family-friendly
 students through unimaginable challenges and isolation. Now that the                                                          event on campus. Photos
 campus has reopened, she’s looking ahead to teaching a new semi-                                                              courtesy of the chapter.
 nar on diversity, equity, and inclusion that she codeveloped, hosting a
 summer full of physics camps, and restarting some of the projects that
 went on hiatus during the pandemic. Yet, somehow, she always has
 time to check in with students and make sure their needs are being met.

“Really listen to the students—each group of SPS leaders has a different mission. To help them meet their goals, build them up in the areas where
 they feel they can make the biggest contribution to the community, where they can shine.”
- Donna Hammer, SPS Outstanding Chapter Advisor
SPS Observer - + From Leonardo to NASA + Multichapter Event Lifts Spirits
STARS | SPS Awards and Accolades

SPS 2021
Outstanding Chapter Advisor &
Outstanding Chapter Awards
SPS OUTSTANDING CHAPTER ADVISOR                                           University of the Sciences in     University of Louisville (KY)
                                                                            Philadelphia (PA)               University of Tennessee
The SPS Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award is the most prestigious
                                                                          Zone 4                            Zone 9
recognition given each year by SPS. The following SPS advisors
                                                                          Georgetown University (DC)        Augustana College (IL)
were nominated by their students, colleagues, and departments
                                                                          Howard University (DC)            Carthage College (WI)
in recognition of their dedication to furthering the mission of SPS.
                                                                          Northern Virginia                 University of Wisconsin -
The winner receives a total of $5,000 for themself, their chapter, and
                                                                            Community College                 River Falls
their department and will be officially recognized at the American
                                                                          Old Dominion University (VA)      Wheaton College (IL)
Association of Physics Teacher’s 2022 Winter Meeting. Learn more
                                                                          Radford University (VA)
at spsnational.org/awards/outstanding-chapter-advisor.                                                      Zone 10
                                                                          Roanoke College (VA)
                                                                                                            Dillard University (LA)
Winner:                                   Walter Johnson                  The George Washington
                                                                                                            Rhodes College (TN)
                                          Suffolk University                University (DC)
Donna Hammer                                                                                                University of Central Arkansas
                                                                          University of Maryland,
University of Maryland, College Park     Jeremy Lusk                                                        University of Southern
                                                                            College Park
                                         University of Central Arkansas                                        Mississippi
Nominees:                                                                 Zone 5
                                                                                                            Zone 11
                                         Jason Slinker
                                                                          Appalachian State
Rachele Dominguez                        University of Texas at Dallas                                      Coe College (IA)
                                                                            University (NC)
Randolph-Macon College                                                                                      Luther College (IA)
                                                                          Davidson College (NC)
                                                                                                            South Dakota School of
Costas Efthimiou                                                          University of North Carolina
                                                                                                              Mines & Technology
University of Central Florida                                               at Asheville
                                                                                                            South Dakota State University
                                                                          University of North Carolina at
                                                                                                            University of Northern Iowa
                                                                            Chapel Hill
                                                                                                            Zone 12
                                                                          Zone 6
2020–2021 SPS OUTSTANDING                                                 University of Central Florida
                                                                                                            Missouri Southern State
CHAPTER AWARDS                                                            University of Florida
                                                                                                            Southwestern Oklahoma
                                                                          University of North Alabama
The SPS Outstanding, Distinguished, and Notable Chapters are                                                  State University
                                                                          University of Puerto Rico -
determined each year by the National Council through careful                                                William Jewell College (MO)
review of the SPS chapter reports. Designations are made based            University of Puerto Rico -       Zone 13
on chapter involvement in local, zone, and national SPS meetings,           Rio Piedras                     Abilene Christian University (TX)
participation in SPS programs, outreach efforts, student recruitment,     University of Tampa (FL)          McMurry University (TX)
and interaction with their department and department alumni. To                                             Texas A&M University -
earn these designations, SPS chapters are encouraged to stay              Zone 7
active and engaged by participating in an array of activities. Sample     Cleveland State University (OH)
                                                                                                            Texas Lutheran University
activities can be found in the SPS Information Handbook, available at     Denison University (OH)
                                                                                                            The University of Texas at Dallas
                                                                          Grove City College (PA)
                                                                          Kettering University A (MI)       Zone 14
                                                                          Kettering University B (MI)       Colorado School of Mines
 Outstanding Chapters                  Siena College (NY)
                                                                          Lawrence Technological            United States Air Force
                                       St. John’s University - New York
 Zone 1                                                                                                       Academy (CO)
                                          City (NY)                         University (MI)
 Brown University (RI)                                                                                      University of Colorado Denver
                                       SUNY - Stony Brook                 Marshall University (WV)
 Mount Holyoke College (MA)                                                                                 University of Denver (CO)
                                          University (NY)                 University of Pittsburgh (PA)
 Yale University (CT)
                                       University of Rochester (NY)       Wayne State University (MI)       Zone 16
 Zone 2                                                                   West Virginia University          Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
                                       Zone 3
 Adelphi University (NY)                                                                                      University - Prescott (AZ)
                                       Juniata College (PA)               Zone 8
 Hamilton College (NY)
                                       Lycoming College (PA)              University of Illinois at
 Ithaca College (NY)
                                       Rutgers University -                 Urbana-Champaign
 New York University
                                         New Brunswick (NJ)

6    Winter 2022 • The SPS Observer
SPS Observer - + From Leonardo to NASA + Multichapter Event Lifts Spirits
STARS | SPS Awards and Accolades

Zone 17                              Zone 7                              Notable Chapters                    Zone 9
University of Alaska Fairbanks       Allegheny College (PA)                                                  DePaul University (IL)
                                                                         Zone 1
University of Oregon                 Duquesne University (PA)                                                Marquette University (WI)
                                                                         Bridgewater State University (MA)
University of Washington Bothell     Gannon University (PA)                                                  University of Illinois Chicago
                                                                         Saint Michael’s College (VT)
                                     Kenyon College (OH)                                                     University of Wisconsin -
Zone 18                                                                  Smith College (MA)
                                     Michigan State University                                                 Parkside
California State University,
                                     Ohio Wesleyan University            Zone 2
  Long Beach                                                                                                 Zone 10
                                     Ohio University                     Buffalo State College (NY)
California State University,                                                                                 Louisiana Tech University
                                     University of Dayton (OH)           Hofstra University (NY)
                                     University of Michigan              Roberts Wesleyan College (NY)       Zone 11
University of California, Berkeley
                                     University of Toledo (OH)           Syracuse University (NY)            Nebraska Wesleyan University
University of San Diego (CA)
                                                                                                             University of Nebraska Lincoln
                                     Zone 9                              Zone 3
                                                                                                             University of Northern Iowa
                                     Ball State University (IN)          Drexel University (PA)
Distinguished Chapters               Saint Norbert College (WI)          East Stroudsburg University (PA)    Zone 12
                                     University of Wisconsin -           Georgian Court University (NJ)      Pittsburg State University (KS)
Zone 1
Fairfield University (CT)              Eau Claire                        Lehigh University (PA)              Zone 13
Saint Anselm College (NH)                                                Ramapo College of New Jersey        Southern Methodist
                                     Zone 11
Suffolk University (MA)                                                  Saint Peter’s University (NJ)           University (TX)
                                     Augustana University (SD)
University of Maine                                                      Seton Hall University (NJ)          Texas Tech University
                                     Bethel University (MN)
Worcester Polytechnic                                                    Stevens Institute of                Trinity University (TX)
                                     Creighton University (NE)
  Institute (MA)                                                           Technology (NJ)                   University of Texas at
                                     Minnesota State University
                                                                         Temple University (PA)                  San Antonio
Zone 2                                 Moorhead
                                     University of Minnesota -           Zone 5                              University of Texas Rio Grande
Manhattan College (NY)
                                       Twin Cities                       Furman University (SC)                 Valley - West
Rochester Institute of
  Technology (NY)                    Zone 12                             Zone 6                              Zone 16
SUNY Potsdam (NY)                    Oklahoma State University           Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad      University of New Mexico
The City College of New York         Truman State University (MO)          Juárez (Mexico)                   Zone 17
University at Albany (NY)            University of Missouri - Columbia   University of West Florida          Lewis & Clark College (OR)
University at Buffalo (NY)                                               Wallace Community College (AL)
                                     Zone 13                                                                 Reed College (OR)
Zone 3                               Angelo State University (TX)        Zone 7
                                                                                                             Zone 18
Bryn Mawr College (PA)               Stephen F. Austin State             Hillsdale College (MI)              California State Polytechnic
Drew University (NJ)                    University (TX)                  Kalamazoo College (MI)                University, Pomona
Moravian University (PA)             Texas A&M University                Miami University (OH)
Rowan University (NJ)                University of Dallas (TX)           Zone 8
Saint Joseph’s University (PA)
                                     Zone 14                             East Tennessee State University
Stockton University (NJ)
                                     Colorado Mesa University            Indiana University Bloomington
The Pennsylvania State University
                                     Fort Lewis College (CO)             Murray State University (KY)
Zone 4
                                     Zone 15
College of William & Mary (VA)
                                     University of Utah
Longwood University (VA)
                                     Westminster College (UT)
Randolph College (VA)
Randolph-Macon College (VA)          Zone 16
University of Mary                   Arizona State University
                                                                             UPCOMING SPS AWARD
   Washington (VA)
                                     Zone 17
                                                                             APPLICATION DEADLINES
University of Maryland,
                                     Highline College (WA)                   March 15
   Baltimore County
University of Virginia               Zone 18                                 • SPS Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and   California Lutheran University          • SPS Scholarships
   State University                  California State University,
                                                                             June 15
Zone 5                                                                       • SPS Outstanding Chapter Award
                                     Point Loma Nazarene
Duke University (NC)                                                         • SPS Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award
                                       University (CA)
High Point University (NC)
Zone 6                                                                       Ongoing Awards
Florida Polytechnic University                                               • AIP-SPS Pandemic Scholarship
Georgia Institute of Technology                                              • Food for Hungry Physics Students
New College of Florida
                                                                             For details on all SPS awards visit spsnational.org/awards.
University of North Georgia

                                                                                                    The SPS Observer • Winter 2022             7
SPS Observer - + From Leonardo to NASA + Multichapter Event Lifts Spirits

                                           1                                                                2          3

                                                                                    4          5

SPS Chapters on

    1: Bethel University SPS members carve physics equations into pumpkins while social distancing.

    2: Roanoke College SPS members enjoy the beauty of Southwest Virginia on a hike.

    3: Sacramento State University’s SPS members commemorate graduation.

    4: University of Denver SPS chapter members show off the aurora borealis masterpieces they painted during a virtual Bob Ross Painting

    5: Members of Truman State University’s SPS chapter attend the All-Science Picnic, which encourages socialization across science majors.
    All photos courtesy of the corresponding chapter’s 2020–21 chapter report.

8    Winter 2022 • The SPS Observer
SPS Observer - + From Leonardo to NASA + Multichapter Event Lifts Spirits
Multichapter Event Lifts
   Spirits, Builds Community
      by Levi McClurg, Past SPS Chapter President (2020–21), Point Loma Nazarene University

Pandemics don’t stop physics.                                                                                                    1: William D. Phillips
   It was the fall of 2020, the thick of the COVID-19 pandemic, and                                                              received the 1997 Nobel
there were few gatherings of any sort going on—let alone in the phys-                                                            Prize in Physics for
ics community. But three SPS chapters in Southern California some-                                                               developing methods to
how pulled off a joint virtual event featuring physics Nobel laureate Dr.                                                        cool and trap atoms with
William (Bill) Phillips. Phillips works at the National Institute of Standards                                                   laser light. He’s a great
and Technology (NIST) and gave a great talk about international unit                                                             friend of SPS and is shown
reformation.                                                                                                                     here at the 2019 Physics
    The event was a collaboration between SPS chapters at the University                                                         Congress. Photo courtesy
of California San Diego, California State University, San Marcos, and Point                                                      of SPS National.
Loma Nazarene University. Chapter members, alumni, and friends from
each school gathered over Zoom in numbers any one of us would have
struggled to muster on our own.
    If you’ve attended virtual talks before, you probably know how
awkward they can be—especially the Q&A section. But all of the attend-
ees can attest to the clarity, brevity, and general charisma of Phillips as
a speaker. To our delight, this event wasn’t laced with the usual muted-
mics and cameras-off silence at the end of the talk. We had an influx of
questions right away and ended up going over our 30-minute Q&A allot-
ment to get to all of them.
    Pulling off a joint event in the strangest of global circumstances was
cause for celebration, even if it had to be held virtually. The fact that a
Nobel laureate gave the talk made it an even more meaningful time for
the students, alumni, and faculty in attendance.
    Ironically, the COVID-19 pandemic is part of what made this event
possible. The geographic separation of the three SPS chapters from each
other and from Phillips means the chances of an event like this happen-
ing in ordinary times—when the default would have been an in-person
talk—are slim to none. Our chapter is eager for more joint events and            2
has realized that it’s easier than we thought to organize a virtual one.
    We hope this experience serves as a catalyst for further collabora-
                                                                                 2: In 2018 the kilogram was redefined in terms of the Planck constant, ending
tions between SPS chapters, whether they be fun activities, professional
                                                                                 our reliance on physical artifacts to define SI units. That transition was the
physics talks, or anything in between. Joint events have the potential to
                                                                                 subject of Bill Phillip’s talk. Shown here is a platinum-iridium kilogram mass
create and foster lasting relationships across campuses between physics
                                                                                 housed at the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), with
enthusiasts. After all, we call it “the physics community” for a reason. //
                                                                                 stainless-steel masses in the background. Photo courtesy of J.L. Lee, NIST.

                                                                                                            3: SPS members from Point Loma
                                                                                                            University hang out during a virtual event,
  3                                                                                                         an Among Us social.

                                                                                                          The SPS Observer • Winter 2022             9
SPS Observer - + From Leonardo to NASA + Multichapter Event Lifts Spirits

Pandemic Brings Unique
Spirit-Wear Opportunity
by Samantha Tietjen and Andrew Scherer, SPS Members, Cleveland State University

Cleveland State University (CSU) completed its spring 2020 semes-             was available to student organizations. Once we had the money, the
ter online and had extremely limited on-campus capacity for the               mask order went in. There was some extra processing time caused by
2020–21 academic year. While the COVID-19 shutdown was an                     pandemic slowdowns, but they arrived just in time for the end of the
unprecedented experience for everyone, it did have some unex-                 fall semester.
pected silver linings.                                                             The masks were well received by CSU’s SPS members and faculty.
    Prior to the pandemic, we had discussed redesigning our chap-             The initial batch were given out as prizes for the winners of the 2021
ter T-shirt to better represent the next generation of SPS officers and       online version of Physics Jeopardy. They were also sported by the spring
members. However, mandatory masking presented an interesting oppor-           2021 graduating physics majors during the first in-person commence-
tunity. With a push from our chapter advisor, Dr. Streletzky, we decided to   ment ceremony since the start of the pandemic. The chapter’s masks
pitch a small change of plan. Rather than make new T-shirts, how about        definitely stood out on the jumbotron as SPS students received their
SPS-themed masks? With the then-proposed return to partial campus             hard-earned diplomas at the end of one of the most bizarre academic
activities, it seemed more timely than a T-shirt update.                      periods in recent history.
    Several designs were pitched by officers, including science puns,              While they may not be the most standard piece of chapter pride, the
colorful decals, and a patterned mask. Ultimately we decided that the         masks are certainly the most unique we’ve had to date. They’ll serve as
best design was the simple, but well-loved chapter logo. The masks            a reminder for years to come of this extraordinary period in the chapter’s,
would serve as a form of chapter pride for members as well as an effec-       and the world’s, history. //
tive advertising opportunity—they would be worn around campus when
the classes and labs were allowed to reopen.
                                                                                 ABOVE LEFT: CSU’s mask design by Andrew Scherer, featuring
    The hardest part of making this pitch a reality was obtaining fund-
                                                                                 a logo drawn by Samantha Tietjen.
ing for the project. Department funds were tight. Pandemic-related
budget restrictions were affecting all CSU operations. But as safety             ABOVE RIGHT: Samantha Tietjen wears an SPS mask during
measures and vaccine rollouts began to pick up across the country, CSU           the 2021 Spring Commencement ceremony held at Progressive
was able to open up more parts of campus. This meant some funding                Field. Photos courtesy of Tietjen.

10     Winter 2022 • The SPS Observer
A New Take on a
           Family Tradition
by Kirk Kleinsasser, SPS Chapter Secretary and Past Chapter President (2020–21), Lycoming College

                                              For an afternoon each semester, the Lycoming College SPS chapter and
                                              physics faculty gather for a family-style picnic and an afternoon of games.
                                              Hosted by our department chair in his home, this event is a highlight of the
                                              semester. Everyone enjoys the chance to relax and de-stress in a warm
                                              and welcoming environment, and it’s also an opportunity to welcome new
                                              members into our physics family.
                                                  Unfortunately, the last few semesters have been highly unusual. In 2020,
                                              Lycoming College conducted face-to-face instruction, but extracurricular events
                                              were limited. By fall, clubs and organizations weren’t permitted to hold off-
                                              campus events due to the risk of spreading COVID-19.
                                                  We didn’t want to abandon one of our favorite bonding experiences unless
                                              absolutely necessary, so our executive board quickly decided to host the event
                                              on campus. We knew it would be challenging to plan safe and fun activities, so
                                              we started months in advance.
                                                  Lycoming had approved only institution-led events at that time, so we
                                              needed special approval to host the picnic. While approval was pending, we
                                              planned contact-free activities, stringent disinfectant and sanitary practices,
                                              and social distancing accommodations. Naturally, we required face coverings,
                                              which fell in line with our Halloween theme.
                                                  Despite our early planning, we received final approval just a few days before
                                              the event, as campus management needed to ensure that case numbers and
                                              transmission risks were sufficiently low. Our picnic was the only student-led,
                                              in-person event approved by Lycoming College for the fall.
                                                  Still, we had to make last-minute accommodations. It rained the day before
                                              the event, forcing us to move locations. We had to cancel our plans for catered
                                              food. We decided to open the event to the entire campus and didn’t have
                                              enough funding for that much food.
                                                  Even with all these challenges, our members had a blast. We were happy just
                                              to see each other face-to-face outside of class! Several of the physics faculty
                                              joined us for the afternoon, bringing candy and company. Instead of a meal, we
                                              handed out treats and hot chocolate. We played games and held a costume
                                              contest where fan favorites won Starbucks gift cards. We were especially happy
                                              that many new members joined us for the first in-person SPS event of the year. //

                                              TOP TWO: Lycoming College SPS members enjoy socializing outside of
                                              class at the 2020 fall picnic. Photos courtesy of the chapter.

                                              MIDDLE: SPS leaders from Lycoming College pose for a COVID-19-safe
                                              group photo. Photo by Mitch Wheary, Lycoming College.

                                              BOTTOM: With off-campus events allowed again, Lycoming College SPS
                                              members visit a local park for stargazing. Photo courtesy of the chapter.

                                                                               The SPS Observer • Winter 2022             11

A Murder Mystery for the
SPS History Books
by William Aaron, Morgan Kaler, Brigitte Lefebvre, Sebastian Pineda, and Michelle Sangillo, SPS
Members, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

As it turns out, famous physicists are quite a murderous bunch!             Each participant received a sheet with their character’s biographical
At least that’s what we, the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)          information, their whereabouts at various times on the cruise ship, and a
SPS chapter, decided when we created an SPS murder mystery                  hidden dark secret. Participants didn’t know their character’s dark secret
game. The idea was sparked by our monthly Physics Story Time                at the start—it could only be revealed after uncovering enough clues or
events, run by chapter activities director William Aaron. As the name       red herrings. That way, everyone could take part because nobody knew
suggests, Physics Story Time explores the lives of famous scien-
                                                                            whether their dark secret was murder or some other nefarious deed!
tists, such as Paul Dirac and Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, through
                                                                                Playing detective Hercule Poirot, Aaron revealed to participants that
engaging storytelling and visuals. The stories were easy to pres-
ent over Zoom and were a welcome addition to our online chapter             Majorana’s    body had been found in the ship’s dining hall. He announced,
meetings in 2020.                                                          “Everyone is a suspect, and we all must investigate together.” In the spirit
    While looking into the history of Enrico Fermi for a Story Time, we     of Agatha Christie’s famous sleuth, he led the party in investigating the
discovered a real-life mystery—the 1938 nautical disappearance of           items in each room while the physicists questioned each other’s alibis.
famed neutrino particle physicist Ettore Majorana, who had belonged to Alliances quickly formed, and many clues were vigorously examined
an Italian research group led by Fermi. Our imaginations ran wild, envi- and hilariously misinterpreted. Was Enrico Fermi a bloodthirsty killer?
sioning murders, secret codes, and grand conspiracies set in the heart      Nope. His dark secret was being a kleptomaniac. Was Emmy Noether
of the 20th century. Inspired, we set out to create a role-playing murder a homicidal maniac? No, she was just an arsonist. Was Henrietta Swan
mystery event for which participants would play historically famous         Leavitt a dastardly murderer? Strangely, her dark secret was that she
physicists, investigate clues, interview suspects, and catch the murderer. was a ghost who had died 17 years ago!
Note: Although inspired by Majorana’s real disappearance, we made up            At the end of our event, Giovanni Gentile Jr. was revealed to be
the storyline!                                                              responsible. As our story goes, he had worked hard to achieve candidacy
    The setting was a 1938 Italian cruise. We had seven characters: for a physics professorship in Italy, only to be unseated once Majorana
Paul Dirac, Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, Emmy Noether, Enrico Fermi, returned from his international studies. Fortunately for Gentile, his father
Giovanni Gentile Jr., Henrietta Swan Leavitt, and Werner Heisenberg. was an important philosopher and political ally to Benito Mussolini, who
                                                                            was more than happy to “take care of Majorana.” With his misdeeds
                                                                            revealed, Giovanni leapt into the ocean to escape the vindictive crowd
                                                                            of physicists, and so ended our investigation.
                                                                                In reality, it’s unknown whether anything nefarious caused Majorana’s
                                                                            disappearance. In 2011 the Rome Attorney’s Office stated that, based on
                                                                            a picture and eye witnesses, Majorana was believed to have been alive
                                                                            and living in Venezuela in the 1950s. Authorities presume he migrated
                                                                            there voluntarily. For some, however, the explanation isn’t entirely satis-
                                                                            fying, and many questions remain.
                                                                                With the success of our first Murder Mystery Night, we’re excited to
                                                                            make this an annual tradition and plan a new mystery for this academic
                                                                            year. It seems that a good mystery has a knack for bringing scientists
                                                                            together. All in all, the event was a great way for us to bond and have fun
                                                                            in the midst of the pandemic. //
   ABOVE: Image courtesy of the chapter.

12    Winter 2022 • The SPS Observer
Shifting a Department Culture
by Samantha J. H. Berry, SPS Chapter President, and Lily Goltz, SPS Chapter Vice
President, Bryn Mawr College

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget
 what you did, but people will never forget how you made them
 feel.” – Maya Angelou
     We went on strike a year ago. Students, faculty, and staff at Bryn
 Mawr College and Haverford College, our partner school, abstained from
 work and studies in solidarity with the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and
 People of Color) members of our campus who are underrepresented
 and undersupported in our community.
     Among the 18 strike demands were calls for transparency, repara-
 tions, and administrative change. A lot of ugly truths were uncovered             ABOVE: A screenshot from the virtual alumni panel hosted by
 during the strike. A big one was the lack of effective equity, diversity, and     Bryn Mawr’s SPS chapter. Image courtesy of Samantha Berry.
 inclusion efforts in our physics department.
     As a step toward change, our department then joined the American
 Institute of Physics (AIP) TEAM-UP program as a departmental team.
 TEAM-UP, the AIP National Task Force to Elevate African American
 Representation in Undergraduate Physics & Astronomy, released a
 report in 2020 that addressed the ongoing underrepresentation of
 African Americans in these departments. It details systemic issues
 contributing to the underrepresentation and provides actionable recom-
 mendations for reversing the trend.
     TEAM-UP found that the main factors that contribute to the success
 of African American students in physics and astronomy departments
 are a sense of belonging, physics identity, academic support, personal
 support, and leadership and structures. Departmental teams acknowl-
                                                                                   ABOVE: Bryn Mawr SPS members enjoy a pajama movie
                                                                                   night during finals week in the fall of 2021. Photo courtesy of the
 edge the grave importance of these factors and commit to implementing
 the findings from this report.
     Our departmental team consisted of the entire faculty plus graduate             What followed was an amazing virtual event with nine alumni panel-
 and undergraduate representatives. Three of the four undergraduates             ists. We started with a general Q&A, then split the panelists between two
 were SPS leaders. Despite our commitment, our team isn’t yet a success          breakout rooms and allowed participants to ask questions. We tried to
 story. Our department is understaffed and lacks a single point of contact       acknowledge the diverse career options for physics majors by including
 on this project. Early on, communication broke down and only recently           a variety of alumni, from a planetarium director to a patent attorney for a
 have we started working together again on these goals.                          lab. The turnout was unexpectedly high. Looking back, we should have
     At the beginning of the 2021 spring semester, the SPS leadership,           made more breakout rooms!
 only four strong at the time, decided to take things into our own hands!            Because of how successful this panel was, our SPS executive board
 After some successful virtual game nights an idea hit us: how easy would        would like to create another virtual alumni event this spring. However, we
 it be to have an alumni panel over Zoom? We thought an alumni panel             haven’t forgotten about the TEAM-UP factors we didn’t touch on last year.
 could increase students’ sense of belonging through the community-              During the fall 2021 semester we created a weekly Physics Clinic, a four-
 building aspect and contribute to their physics identity by recognizing         hour window where any physics student can drop in and ask questions.
 students as future professionals.                                               We’ve also advocated for more transparency by having undergraduate
                                                                                 representatives at department meetings. We are planning to build outreach
                                                                                 relationships with our local community and the Philadelphia region, along
                                                                                 with so much more.
ABOUT TEAM-UP                                                                        The SPS chapter at Bryn Mawr College has taken on the role of imple-
The TEAM-UP report highlights long-term systemic issues                          menting change. First and foremost, we strive to make sure everyone in our
within physics and astronomy that have contributed to the                        department feels welcomed and accepted. We strive to be more inclusive
underrepresentation of African Americans in these fields and                     by following the TEAM-UP recommendations and also giving agency to
actionable recommendations for reversing the trend.                              peers, caring about long-term relationships and partnerships, advocating
                                                                                 for the legitimization of historically excluded groups, and holding the lead-
The Time Is Now: Systemic Changes to Increase African Americans
                                                                                 ership in our department and administration accountable. //
with Bachelor’s Degrees in Physics and Astronomy

aip.org/diversity-initiatives/team-up-task-force                                                            The SPS Observer • Winter 2022               13


                                                            2                                                        3                            4

SPS Chapters on

 1: SPS members from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, gather for a virtual lunch to discuss what they’re learning at the virtual
 2021 APS April Meeting.

 2: Roanoke College SPS members Adrienne (left) and Rachel (right) at the 2020 Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics with Dr.
 Hiba Assi (center).

 3: Yale University’s SPS chapter cohosts a virtual fireside chat with physics Nobel laureate Donna Strickland in fall 2020.

 4: The University of Florida inducts its inaugural class of Sigma Pi Sigma members. All photos courtesy of the corresponding chapter’s 2020–21
 chapter report.

14   Winter 2022 • The SPS Observer
Breaking through
       Barriers in Physics
by Joseph Hall, Taylor Knapp, Jasper Chen, and                                        ABOVE: Left to right: Isabel Horst, Taylor Knapp, Jasper
                                                                                      Chen, Smita Rajan, and Joe Hall. Photo courtesy of the SPS
Isabel Horst, SPS Members, Brown University

As wonderful as physics is, students and               successes to luck or to distraction on           aspects of their experience with others. The
professionals alike often face significant             the part of others, while replaying fail-        event included introductions, a short journaling
challenges. These barriers range from                  ures/mistakes vividly.”                          exercise, and breakout groups in which partici-
those that can affect us all, such as mental                                                            pants discussed the following questions: Are
                                                      “The kryptonite to imposter syndrome is
health issues and poor work/life balance,                                                               any of the reasons people might not feel a part
                                                       the courage to face my own ignorance
to systems of oppression that specifically
                                                       and the willingness to learn whatever I          of the scientific community unavoidable? What
target groups historically underrepresented
                                                       didn’t know before.”                             actions can be taken to help others feel like they
in science. Throughout the pandemic and
into the fall 2021 semester, the Brown                                                                  belong in physics?
                                                      “I immediately thought they chose me
University SPS chapter has strived to                                                                        We also discussed how losing historical
                                                       because I am a woman and not because
provide balanced academic and social                                                                    context for scientific discovery, particularly the
                                                       I was an expert in the matter, and that
support to our community, with an empha-                                                                erasure of female physicists and physicists of
                                                       I will never measure up to the level of
sis on making physics feel more accessible                                                              color, reinforces the idea that scientific intuition
                                                       leadership provided by my predeces-
and welcoming.                                                                                          is inborn or related to “talent” rather than some-
    One way we’ve supported these goals is by                                                           thing all people are capable of. This mistaken
                                                      “There’s a huge difference between ‘I
hosting workshops called Barriers in Physics.                                                           belief was a big reason many participants
                                                       don’t belong in physics’ and ‘This envi-
These events are open to all interested under-                                                          doubted their abilities early on and considered
                                                       ronment is not a good fit for me.’”
graduates and focus on addressing common                                                                switching majors.
issues and misconceptions within the physics            As physics students, our understanding               Physics is plagued by the myth that prog-
community.                                          of imposter syndrome was completely trans-          ress is made by one person, particularly the
    For a workshop on imposter syndrome—            formed by the knowledge that many of our role       stereotype of the lone genius at a chalkboard.
defined by Merriam-Webster as “a false and          models have and continue to work through            While some important historical individuals
sometimes crippling belief that one’s successes     the same fears and anxieties. While impos-          in physics fit this profile, this view is wholly
are the product of luck or fraud rather than        ter syndrome is sadly pervasive, it helped the      distorted. Scientific progress is built through
skill”—we asked tenured professors to write         student participants to realize that others have    collaboration, and everyone should be encour-
letters about the doubts and setbacks they          felt the same way and have been able to go on       aged to contribute. It is important that we, as
faced in their careers and how they overcame        and succeed.                                        SPS members, spread the feeling of belong-
them. We were incredibly grateful to have over a        Another challenge we tried to address in the    ing and build community in physics so we
dozen senior professors contribute to this event.   past year was the prevalent feelings of alien-      can break down these barriers. Our goal is
Consider some of their responses:                   ation and loneliness among students due to          to continue the work of making the physics
   “Imposter syndrome for me manifests              remote learning. For a workshop on community        community at Brown—and beyond—more
    as that internal voice that attributes          and belonging, we asked students to reflect on      welcoming, accessible, and inspiring. //
                                                    their own feelings, as well as to identify shared

                                                                                                         The SPS Observer • Winter 2022               15

Presenting on Our
Outreach Program
by Sam Williams and Kaleb Martin, SPS Members, Radford University

Last April we gave a professional presentation about
our SPS chapter’s outreach events for local high
school students. The goals of our outreach program
were to increase interest in and motivate high school
students to pursue STEM by teaching them to build
AM radios. We hosted two events via Zoom, one in
the fall of 2020 and one in the spring of 2021. Each
student received an AM radio kit purchased with
funding from an SPS Marsh W. White Award. We
learned a lot from these outreach experiences and
even more from giving a talk on them to physics
                                                          area—plus a few from outside the region—were also presenting. They gave talks on
   After we completed our outreach events, our SPS
                                                          techniques, methodology, and programs to teach physics. Here we were, a group of
advisor, Dr. Rhett Herman, suggested that we present
                                                          college students, with all of these professional educators listening intently to what we
our work at an upcoming meeting of the Chesapeake
                                                          had to say about outreach. It was the first time many of our members had presented
Section of the American Association of Physics Teachers
                                                          their work in a professional setting.
(CS-AAPT). The meeting was being hosted by our
                                                               First-year student Kaleb Martin summed up the experience this way: “When I started
school, Radford University, in April of 2021.
                                                          speaking I was pretty nervous, but as I kept talking I noticed the butterflies in my stom-
   Even though the meeting was virtual, giving a talk
                                                          ach left. It was nice to see that other people were actually interested in what we did as a
was daunting. Several dozen physics teachers from
                                                          group, and I can’t wait to do it again. Overall, I think it was a really cool experience to hear
across Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and the DC
                                                          all of the professors [giving talks] and listen to what they did or wanted to improve on.”
                                                               Presenting was an insightful experience. After the presentation, several of the educa-
                                                          tors applauded us for orchestrating our program—they said it was refreshing to see
                                                          youth teaching youth and breaking down complex subjects in a manner that younger
                                                          students could digest. They also commented on how much of a feat it was for us to be
                                                          so young and participating in a presentation of this scale.
                                                               Even though the scope of our outreach project wasn’t on the same scale as what other
                                                          educators were presenting, they still respected our work. They were friendly and inviting
                                                          and urged us to do similar programs in the future. We also shared ideas about branch-
                                                          ing out and conducting more outreach events over a wider range of topics; they didn’t
                                                          hesitate to encourage us to continue sharing our love of science with younger students.
                                                              The thought of presenting our work to a group of professionals was intimidating at
                                                          first, but the experience was well worth it. We would absolutely recommend that other
                                                          undergraduate students participate in presentations like this. It was a pinnacle of accom-
  ABOVE RIGHT: SPS members (L to R) Sam                   plishment for our chapter. //
  Williams, Anith Muthalaly, Caitlyn Fischer, and
  Krislyn Sourivong teach students how to construct
  radios over Zoom.                                                 Learn more about the SPS Marsh W. White Award for chapters
                                                                                    hosting outreach events at
  ABOVE: Title slide from Radford University’s SPS
  chapter presentation. Images courtesy of Radford
  University’s SPS chapter.

16    Winter 2022 • The SPS Observer
Health Week
by Sean Tobin, SPS Chapter President, The
Pennsylvania State University

Exams, research deadlines, meetings, homework . . . college
is stressful. Juggling all of my obligations while maintaining a
healthy social life and setting aside time for myself gets tougher
every week, as more responsibilities pile up. And that’s not to
mention the innumerable stresses that COVID-19 added to the
mix. When my stress level gets too high, it poisons my mental
     My experience isn’t unique. That’s why the Penn State SPS chapter
created Mental Health Week—to offer a lifeboat to members struggling
with mental health issues.
     We held Mental Health Week the week before spring finals, the
most stressful week of the semester. Each day we showcased an
on-campus resource or featured a stress-relieving activity. Our event
list included a virtual social, a talk on imposter syndrome and deal-
ing with failure, a panel on diversity and mental health as it relates to
minorities in STEM, a yoga session, and a painting interlude.
    These events helped our members recoup and recharge. The social
brought people together during another difficult COVID-19 semester,
reminding everyone that we are in this together. The talks were infor-
mative and provided tools for supporting each other and encouraging
empathy. The yoga session offered an island of calm in a turbulent sea.
Painting, the last of our events, helped us destress and decompress
so that we had our heads on straight going into finals.
    Those who participated in our inaugural Mental Health Week came
away feeling refreshed and better able to care for themselves, and
we considered that success. As a chapter, we think it’s important to
reach out to people who may be feeling isolated and bring everyone
together; embracing and supporting our vulnerabilities makes us better
physicists and better people.
     I encourage you and your chapter to consider organizing a Mental
Health Week. I recommend including events that allow the community
to come together and relax, educate members on the mental health
resources available on campus, provide a safe and calm space away
from stressors, and promote inclusion. Most importantly, be sure to
have fun.
     Mental health is something that we all have to protect. Taking care
of ourselves and supporting each other is—and will continue to be—          ALL: Penn State SPS members enjoy in-person, relaxing outings
key as we become the next generation of scientists. //                      during the fall of 2021. Photos courtesy of the chapter.

                                                                                                  The SPS Observer • Winter 2022        17

Lectures into
Virtual Visits
by Ruth Malenda, SPS Chapter Advisor, Emma
Miller, SPS Chapter President, and Cecilia Zimmerli,                                        ABOVE: Morovian University SPS members pose for
SPS Chapter Vice President, Moravian University                                             a group photo. Photo courtesy of the chapter.

The Moravian University SPS chapter has           such as, “Do you have any advice for under-             The Virtual Alumni Visits provided valuable
been hosting Pizza Lectures for decades— graduate students postgraduation?” and                       opportunities for undergraduate students to
literally. According to Dr. Edward Roeder, “What do you wish you had done differently or              ask alumni questions about their postgradu-
who retired last year after 55 years of teach- learned at Moravian?” But most of the time was         ation experiences and get advice on how to
ing physics, these informal talks with a side     reserved for attendees to ask questions.            make the most of their time in college. Emma
of free pizza began in 1985.
                                                      In the fall semester, we hosted Katie           Miller, senior physics and mathematics major
    Over the years, guest speakers for this
                                                  Bahnck and Bryan Harvey. Katie graduated            and current SPS chapter president, says that
series have included chapter members with
                                                  from Moravian in 2018. At the time of her virtual   the talks were “a good first look into what grad
research or internship experience, graduate
                                                  visit, she was finishing up a master’s degree       school is like, as well as other potential options
students, and professional scientists from
                                                  in mechanical engineering at Washington             for after graduation.” The guests enjoyed shar-
places such as NASA, Bell Labs, and Oak
                                                  University in St. Louis. Bryan graduated in 2019    ing their experiences with current students and
Ridge National Laboratory. The talks give our
                                                  and is a physics PhD candidate at Texas A&M         reconnecting with familiar faces among the
members insight into different types of research,
                                                  University simulating nuclear collisions.           faculty and students who attended.
models for presenting their own research, and
                                                      Alumni Fouad Haddad and Matthew                     The world has changed dramatically over
an opportunity to ask questions about graduate
                                                  Conners were guest speakers in the spring           the past two years, and connecting with others
school or careers in physics. Plus—free pizza!
                                                  semester. Fouad graduated from Moravian in          has become more important than ever. Thanks
    But last year was different; like so many
                                                  2018 and earned a master’s in energy engi-          to the flexibility, adaptability, and ingenuity of
other aspects of college life, when COVID-19
                                                  neering from Lehigh University. He’s now an         club members and the technological advances
hit, these valuable events couldn’t continue
                                                  aerospace and mechanical engineering PhD            of remote conferencing, our SPS chapter found
in their usual form. So we reinvented Pizza
                                                  candidate at the University of Arizona. Matthew     a way to persevere, strengthening relation-
Lectures as Virtual Alumni Visits. Alumni were
                                                  graduated in 2019 and is an associate engi-         ships and connecting across the challenges of
invited to come back—virtually—and update
                                                  neer in the facilities engineering department at    COVID-19. Even without free pizza. //
us on their lives since graduating. We asked
                                                  a medical device company.
presenters to answer a short list of questions

Need help finding physics alumni to participate in your chapter meeting or event? Connect with
Sigma Pi Sigma members and SPS alumni through the Alumni Engagement Program—a database of participants
who are willing to be speakers or panelists (in-person or virtual), tour guides, and mentors. spsnational.org/programs/

18    Winter 2022 • The SPS Observer

Ideas Worth Stealing
                Duke University:                                                 University of
               To stay engaged with our community of                             Washington Bothell:
               alumni, every year we collect contact infor-                        Campus life suffered during the
               mation and postgraduation plans from                                pandemic, but our SPS chapter
graduating seniors via a Google form. The responses are          was determined to stay connected. SPS exists to
accessible to current members for networking or mentor-          encourage interest in physics among students at
ship purposes.                                                   all levels, and we took this intention to heart. We
                                                                 decided we needed a social media and marketing
                University of North Carolina                     officer, so we advertised the position to marketing
                at Asheville:                                    majors and welcomed a candidate to our team.
                  Our chapter made it a goal to become more      We also created our first ever weekly newslet-
                  involved in department retention. Every time   ter. In addition to promoting events and campus
a new student declares a physics or astronomy major or           resources, we featured club members and high-
minor, the department chair or the student’s advisor now         lighted faculty and nonphysics students. Over the
sends an email introducing them to SPS. We then add them         course of the year our chapter grew from 15 to
to our mailing list and invite them to upcoming events. We’ve    70 members, with many joining us from across a              ABOVE: A preview of one of
seen a significant number of people we’ve reached out to in      variety of different degree programs.                       the University of Washington
this way become part of SPS.                                                                                                 Bothell SPS chapter’s weekly

                                                                         Quirky and Creative
                University of Northern Iowa:                                                                                  University of
                 During the summer of 2020, we helped run a virtual summer camp for elementary school                         Maryland (UMD) &
                 students called Beyond Frozen: The Science, Math, and Art of Fractals. Attendees spent                       Harvard University:
                 a week learning about fractals and creating physical and digital fractal art. They also                        In the fall of 2020, our SPS chap-
found fractals in nature and submitted photos to an online fractal gallery.                                   ter at UMD was invited by Harvard SPS to partici-
                                                                                                              pate in their undergraduate “Chilloquium” series.
                                                                                                              We eagerly accepted. These weekly talks intro-
                Luther College:
                                                                                                              duced prominent physicists as people, presenting
                One of the ways we maintained a sense of community this year was through our phys-            their work at a level accessible to undergraduates.
                ics T-shirt design contest. Each fall members submit ideas, and in spring we finalize the
                designs and vote. This year the two runners-up included a cat composed entirely of
equations and a funny test filled with inside jokes from the department. The winner, by a large margin,
featured an integral showing that the expectation value of the Spanish Inquisition is zero (because,
according to Monty Python, no one expects the Spanish Inquisition). The design owed its success
to the impassioned lobbying of a few senior members who had seen the design fail to win over the
previous three years. We even extended apparel orders to Luther physics alumni, many of whom were
supporters of the design.

                                                        LEFT: The winning design of this year’s
                                                        T-shirt contest, showing that the expectation            ABOVE: A flyer for a Chilloquium talk
                                                        value of the Spanish Inquisition is zero.                featuring Dr. Jim Gates.

                Howard University:
                                                                                                            LEFT: Students from the community of
               Along with a friend, SPS
                                                                                                            Burnt Savannah in Westmoreland, Jamaica,
                member Christina McBean
               collected and distributed                                                                    pose with tablets that will be used for online
Amazon Fire tablets to students in rural areas                                                              learning. Photos and images are courtesy of the
of Jamaica to use for online learning.                                                                      corresponding chapter.

                                                                                                                The SPS Observer • Winter 2022               19
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