Sri Lanka | March 2019 - British Council

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Sri Lanka | March 2019 - British Council
Sri Lanka | March 2019
Sri Lanka | March 2019 - British Council
Sri Lanka | March 2019 - British Council

Research team                          British Council
Principal researcher:                  Gill Caldicott, Director Sri Lanka
Professor Prasanna Perera
                                       Shazia Khawar,
Professor Navaratna Bandara            Director Society, South Asia
Dr Danesh Karunanayake                 Sanjeevani Munasinghe,
                                       Head of Programmes, Sri Lanka
Dr Malini Balamayuran
                                       Christine Wilson,
Mufizal Abu Bakar
                                       Portfolio Lead Research
Tania Alahendra                        and Director Next Generation
Srimal Bandara
                                       Sarvodaya Institute
All senior members of the research
team are attached to the Departments
                                       of Higher Learning
of Economics, Political Science,       Dr Vinya Ariyaratne
Psychology and Philosophy in the       Udesh Fernando
Faculty of Arts, University of
Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.                 Navoda Bandara

Advisory group                         Disclaimer
Professor Sampath Amaratunga           The views expressed are those
                                       of the authors and contributors
Professor Navaratne Bandara            and do not necessarily reflect
Dr Radhika Coomaraswamy                those of the British Council.

Dr Vinya Ariyaratne
Neela Marikkar
Sachinda Dulanjana
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>   Forewords2                                      >   Chapter 5: Youth, politics and agency        30
                                                         Youth agency and activism
>   Messages4
                                                       C hapter 6: Reconciliation and
>   Executive summary                           6       the future                                   36
    Identity: who are the Sri Lankan youth?     9       Responses to the official peace
    Education                                   9       and reconciliation process                   36
    Employment                                  9       Sense of safety after the end of the war     36
    Experience of violence                     10       Violence against women and children          38
    Politics and agency                        10       Changes in ethnic relations                  38
    Reconciliation and the future              10       Responding to post-war mechanisms            39
    Recommendations                            11       Areas of improvements after the war          39
    Peace and reconciliation                   11       Constitutional reform                        42
  I ntroduction: negative peace and                      Next steps for peace                         42
    ambivalent reconciliation                  12       Future direction                             42
    Sri Lankan youth at a glance               12   >   Conclusion44
    Next Generation research contributors      13       Recommendations          45
    Description of the report                  13       Peace and reconciliation 45
>   Chapter 1: Sri Lanka’s road to civil war   14   >   References46
    The country and its people                 14
    Conflict revisited                         14   >	
                                                       A ppendix 1: Next Generation
    Reconciliation after the defeat of LTTE    16       Sri Lanka methodology                        49
    Economy after 2009                         17

  C hapter 2: Who are the
    Sri Lankan youth?                          18
    Generational issues                        21

  C hapter 3: Sri Lankan youth: education
    and employment challenges                  22
    Educational development                    22
    Unmet employment needs                     24

  C hapter 4: Youth and experience
    of violence                                28
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2 > Next Generation Sri Lanka


The phrase ‘next generation’ is now           were killed in this insurgency. I do not      The report also expands upon how
heard much more often than it once            wish for a time like it again, but it still   many of the minorities of the society
was. Our focus has finally moved, as          highlights the fact that while it was the     are marginalised, such as the difficulties
it should, to the key sector of society –     youth who faced the magnitude of the          experienced by ex-LTTE fighters and
its youth. In an era where there is a         wrath of the government, it was also the      those living in Estates in seeking better
great deal of social change, magnified        youth who had the power to question           livelihoods. It was also interesting
by modern technology that provides            a system that they believed was unjust.       to see that not only the minority
various new platforms of expression,                                                        communities face hardship – the
                                              Even to this day, I grieve at the waste the
this research is both apt and timely.                                                       difficulties undergone by youth from
                                              insurgency caused. More than 10,000
                                                                                            the majority are also captured here.
Next Generation Sri Lanka, organised by       young people were killed. They were
the British Council in partnership with the   intelligent and purposeful, and could         There is a central topic in this detailed
Sarvodaya Institute of Higher Learning        have created a better tomorrow, if only       research concerning the creation
of Lanka Jathika Sarvodaya Shramadana         they had been given a better outlet to        of a more inclusive environment for
Movement, uses data collected from            express themselves, an environment            the youth to engage and contribute.
2,636 young people aged 18–29. The            that nurtured them. In short, if only         I strongly endorse this. I encounter
research series has obtained data to          they had been given something better.         youth on a daily basis, and I have
address the question, ‘How is Sri Lanka’s     These times are long gone, but it is          experienced their innovation, creativity
next generation responding to changes         still something we should remember            and their thirst to develop. There is
brought about by the peace and                to avoid such calamities recurring.           always something to listen to, and, if we
reconciliation process?’                                                                    take time to listen to them, much can be
                                              Therefore, I applaud the effort taken by
                                                                                            achieved. This report has done that too.
As the Vice Chancellor of the University      the British Council and Sarvodaya to gain
                                                                                            We should remember that by listening to
of Sri Jayewardenepura, the topic of          an insight into what the youth today feel.
                                                                                            our youth, we do not simply respond to
the ‘next generation’ has always been         They are aware of the hardships that
                                                                                            their needs – their ideas can indeed give
my primary concern. It is my duty             their respective communities have faced
                                                                                            us the solutions we seek as well.
towards all students of the university        and will be keen to avoid prolonging
to see that everything within the             those difficulties.                           I believe that the recommendations
university is geared towards their                                                          provided by this research have genuine
                                              In terms of peace and reconciliation,
development and growth.                                                                     practical value that will allow the youth to
                                              I agree with the report when it says
                                                                                            flourish. It must always be remembered
As I was reading this report, I came          that it remains at a standstill. I believe
                                                                                            that the successful development
across an interesting fact: ‘According to     this is because the country itself has
                                                                                            of a country solely depends on the
the UN Security Council Report (2008)         not recovered from the violence and
                                                                                            successful development of its youth.
on Children and Armed Conflict, since         invasions it has suffered throughout its
1990, more than two million children          history. Those who should be able to          Professor Sampath Amaratunga
have been killed in armed conflicts, and      guide the youth have not themselves           Vice Chancellor, University
approximately six million children have       had help, therefore they are unaware of       of Sri Jayewardenepura
become permanently disabled. Yet in           how to move forward. The young people
most countries, the ravages of war and        who underwent the terror and torment
political violence have been triggered        during the 30 years of civil conflict have
by the youth population’. This rings very     not yet had the opportunity to reconcile
close to home.                                or address their fears.
As well as what it suffered during            The Next Generation research expands
the three-decade-long civil struggle,         on topics such as identity, education,
Sri Lanka has also been a victim of           opportunity and job satisfaction. It shows
several insurgencies. That of 1971            that the youth who participated in the
was very close to my heart. At that time,     study are proud to be recognised as
I was a student at the University of          Sri Lankans, and that they are ready to
Sri Jayewardenepura. Many of my friends       take up an active role in reconciliation.
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For the last two decades, at both the        part in any related project or activity.
international and national level, we have    Though they acknowledged an
talked a great deal about the rights of      improvement in personal freedom,
women and the rights of children. Two        many women felt unsafe in the north
major international conventions exist        and east due to criminal violence.
and there are United Nations agencies        There was also disagreement on how
that have been set up to deal with these     to deal with the past, and over the role
specific issues. Yet one could argue         of justice and memory. The need for the
that the major question that still faces     government to be more fully engaged
the world today is the future of its         in these areas cannot be understated.
youth. It is a cross-cutting concern
                                             Despite their opinions on reconciliation
with other mandates, but it needs
                                             and identity, it appears that for most,
focused attention. The appointment
                                             youth education and employment
of a Sri Lankan as the UN Secretary-
                                             seem the key issues, as that most
General’s Special Representative on
                                             affects their everyday life. Their tales
Youth signals an opportunity for Sri
                                             of discrimination and frustration must
Lankans to look closely at their own
                                             be a clarion call to any government to
needs and concerns.
                                             prioritise this area as one of the most
Next Generation Sri Lanka looks at the       important aspects of a future agenda.
situation of youth in the country, elicits
                                             Through technology, today’s youth
their views and opinions on important
                                             have access to a world that their
matters and focuses especially on the
                                             parents have never known. With that
issue of reconciliation. The findings
                                             access comes hope and frustration.
gives us reason for optimism – for
                                             Sri Lanka has had two youth
example, that Sri Lankan youth identify
                                             insurrections in the 1970s and the
as Sri Lankans first – but also point to
                                             1980s. It is unlikely that youth will
areas of concern. Their views express
                                             take to open violence again, but their
their sense of frustration with the way
                                             anger may unfold in other ways, unless
things are in society, yet also a belief
                                             their concerns are dealt with and met
that their generation can do things
                                             by the authorities and society as a
for the better.
                                             whole. It is important that Sri Lanka’s
The post-war era is a time for rebuilding    institutions and best minds put their
our society at every level. Yet the vast     ideas together to come up with an
majority of the youth interviewed were       achievable action plan for meeting
unaware of any reconciliation                the needs of today’s youth.
programme run by the government
                                             Dr Radhika Coomaraswamy
or NGOs, and very few had taken
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It is with great pleasure that I write this   our youth using an entrepreneurial         ground realities. Educators can
message to all Sri Lankans, particularly      model. This is one key highlight among     re-design teaching methods to
our youth – this next generation and the      many other youth-led initiatives           comprehensively address matters
generations to come. While there have         conducted by Sarvodaya and our             of reconciliation and co-existence
been other youth-focused studies, the         sister organisations. We believe that      using more nuanced approaches.
Next Generation research is unique in         youth are our future.
                                                                                         This report reflects that Sri Lanka’s
numerous ways. Among them is its
                                              I believe we have genuinely heard the      next generation are keen to see a
special focus on post-war youth
                                              voices of our country’s youth through      better future. We can and we should
attitudes and aspirations.
                                              this comprehensive exercise. It is time    listen to them with patience and care.
This landmark report will mark a              for our policymakers to strategically      Our approaches to hear them and to
historical milestone both in academia         design and implement youth-focused         co-create positive outcomes are
and praxis of this country’s youth-           planning and engagements. Some             vastly important in this venture.
focused affairs. Being Sri Lanka’s            findings are highly positive and           The complexity of challenges demand
pioneering non-government                     praiseworthy; some are negative            that we use diverse problem-solving
development organisation, the Lanka           and require our immediate attention.       tools and mechanisms. It is also
Jathika Sarvodaya Shramadana                  To address this level of complexity will   imperative that we engage our youth
Sangamaya is proud and humble to              require different approaches. Therefore,   at all levels of policymaking, advocacy
have collaborated with the British            policymakers from different fields and     and implementation.
Council through the Sarvodaya Institute       walks of life should join hands to
                                                                                         Let us listen to them, think locally and
of Higher Learning, as both research          address these issues holistically and
                                                                                         beyond. Let us co-create their future
partner and the advocate of the               comprehensively. The government
                                                                                         and ours with the required empathy and
research outcomes. Sarvodaya believes         can seek novel avenues to address
                                                                                         compassion. Let us work hand-in-hand
in a model and a way of life based            government-level interventions. Civil
                                                                                         to make their future and ours a better
on holistic and integral development,         society organisations can confidently
                                                                                         and a prosperous one. Let us awaken
and our youth is at the heart of our          employ the key findings to enhance
                                                                                         our next generation together!
policymaking endeavours. Sarvodaya            their existing work and to re-design
recently launched a novel project             programmes and projects to address         Dr Vinya S Ariyaratne
known as ‘Tharunodaya’ (Awakening             the challenging needs. Grass-roots         President – Lanka Jathika Sarvodaya
Youth), critically assessing the              youth organisations can use the            Shramadana Sangamaya
significance and the need to empower          results to address provincial-level
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The British Council in Sri Lanka is            It is clear from Next Generation Sri Lanka   are different from the ‘older generation’,
very pleased to have partnered with            that, despite efforts made since the end     whom they feel often hold cultural and
Sarvodaya on the production of this            of the civil war, young people are still     religious biases. Young Sri Lankans
significant piece of research, which           affected by that conflict and its legacy.    believe that the education system can
looks at the attitudes and aspirations         We know that the country continues to        and should play an important part in
of Sri Lanka’s young people aged 18 to         suffer from intermittent violence between    engendering social cohesion from the
29. Next Generation is a global research       ethnic and religious groups, that the        very youngest age. But we must not
series focusing on young people; it is         political situation has remained unstable,   underplay some of the significant
carried out in countries that have gone        and that the economy has not yet offered     challenges, which include increased
through a period of significant change,        the growth and prosperity anticipated        gender-based violence and the
including conflict.                            following the end of the war. In this        perception of weak rule of law in
                                               report, the young people of Sri Lanka        the north; the economic hardships
We believe Next Generation is important
                                               highlight their concerns about               that means education is often not
because the voice of youth often goes
                                               unemployment, and about the quality          completed and the consequent effects
unheard and unheeded, particularly at
                                               of the education system and its inability    on employability; and the strong
times of significant change; as a result
                                               to equip them with the skills needed         perceptions of discrimination and
their concerns are not addressed,
                                               to enter the workforce. They share           corruption in the public systems.
which can lead to feelings of alienation
                                               their views on politics, and their sense
and disconnection, and a sense of                                                           This report is a vehicle for the voices of
                                               of their voice and agency within their
disempowerment in society. Yet their                                                        young Sri Lankans, their hopes and fears,
                                               community. Importantly, they speak
views are important, partly because the                                                     their ambitions for themselves and for
                                               about their experience of conflict, and
prosperity and security of the country                                                      their country. It is both relevant and
                                               their experiences of and hopes for the
will – in the near future – be in the hands                                                 timely. We would all do well to listen,
                                               reconciliation process.
of the young people of today, and                                                           to respond and to act.
because the country’s youth have so            While it is easy to focus only on
                                                                                            Gill Caldicott
much to offer today, in terms of their         the areas of criticism or concern, we
                                                                                            Director, British Council
energy, their creativity and their drive for   should not ignore what is positive in
                                                                                            in Sri Lanka
change. Therefore, decision makers at all      this research, and the sense of hope.
levels and in all sectors need to be aware     Despite the ongoing tension, most young
of and to respond to the concerns of the       people across all communities identify
rising next generation.                        themselves as Sri Lankan. They feel they
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Nearly ten years since the end of        education than the previous
the protracted civil war that gripped    generation. Many young Sri Lankans
Sri Lanka, young people across           excel in sports, education and
the country are still grappling with     innovation in the international arena.
a multitude of issues. They must         They are also highly educated,
navigate a stagnating economy, a         especially in comparison with the
complex peace and reconciliation         South Asian region. Acknowledging
process, contentious transitional        the immense potential young Sri
justice mechanisms and political         Lankans hold in shaping the future
instability. The intermittent violence   of their country, the British Council
between ethnic and religious groups,     and Sarvodaya partnered to develop
mostly orchestrated by extremist         Next Generation Sri Lanka. This
factions – such as were seen in March    research series, which has also taken
2018 – demonstrate that Sri Lanka is     place in countries including Pakistan,
not truly in a post-conflict state.      Colombia, Turkey and the UK,
Politics in the country has continued    explores how young people perceive
to be volatile since the end of war,     their lives at times of change, and
and the peace and reconciliation         provides them a platform for their
process has been highly contentious.     voices to be heard.
These two are not unrelated. With
                                         In Sri Lanka, the research explores
a history of violent insurgencies led
                                         how young people have responded
by youth against the government,
                                         to the changes brought about by the
understanding how youth have
                                         peace and reconciliation process.
responded to the changing dynamics
                                         The research is part of a broader
of the country with the reconciliation
                                         approach that will enable the voices
process is important.
                                         of Sri Lankan youth from all
Sri Lankan youth today have access       communities to be heard within
to social media, use mobile phones       the wider society; we hope this will
and are linked to the outside world.     ultimately contribute to policies
They have more opportunities to          that address their needs.
obtain foreign employment and
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8 > Next Generation Sri Lanka

Addressing their needs is vital,             there is a need to undertake research in    on two of the main challenges of that
particularly in the case of peace and        order to understand the attitudes and       age group: education and employment
reconciliation. One of the social groups     aspirations of the young people towards     (Amarasuriya et al., 2009; Hettige, 1992
most often ignored is youth, yet they        the reconciliation process in Sri Lanka.    and 2002; Mayer, 2002). A significant
can be both victims and perpetrators                                                     amount of literature has examined the
                                             This research is organised by the
in intergroup conflicts (Jonas and                                                       relationship concerning youth
                                             British Council in Sri Lanka, along
Morton, 2012). Significant research                                                      unemployment, youth unrest and
                                             with the Sarvodaya Institute of Higher
has emerged concerning how the                                                           conflict (Uyangoda, 1992; Serasundara,
                                             Learning of Lanka Jathika Sarvodaya
young population is victimised                                                           1998; Selvarajah, 2003). The National
                                             Shramadana Movement, to understand
during the situations of political                                                       Youth Survey (2000), the Poverty and
                                             how youth have responded to the
violence concerning the state                                                            Youth survey (Ibarguen and Abdul
                                             changes in Sri Lanka, and the process
organised repressions. According to                                                      Cader, 2004) along with reports
                                             of reconciliation. The insights from the
the UN Security Council (2008) report                                                    produced by inter-governmental
                                             research will ultimately contribute to
on children and armed conflict, since                                                    organisations (Gunatilaka et al., 2010;
                                             the design of coherent interventions
1990, more than two million children                                                     UNDP, 2014), also provide useful
                                             that address the needs and concerns
have been killed in armed conflicts, and                                                 insights on the issues faced by
                                             of the next generation.
approximately six million children have                                                  Sri Lankan youth. The Report of the
become permanently disabled. Yet in          Therefore the research is not a             Presidential Commission on Youth
many countries, the ravages of war and       standalone product, but, like all Next      in 1990 that looked into the Sinhalese
political violence have been triggered       Generation research, is intended to         youth uprising in 1988–89 offers a
by the youth population (Punamäki,           ensure young people’s voices are            comprehensive picture of the struggles
2009; Jonas and Morton, 2012). This          heard by decision makers who will           faced by Sri Lankan youth. However,
implies that the institutionalised violent   affect their futures. As part of this       there is a notable dearth of literature
conflicts have been closely associated       wider approach, the British Council         that focus on youth and peacebuilding
with youth groups who, at times, choose      and Sarvodaya will engage with young        in Sri Lanka and the volume of literature
violence as their only option for erasing    people on advocacy. The Sarvodaya           that examines the relationship between
social inequalities and deprivation.         Movement spans across the 25                youth and reconciliation appears to
                                             administrative districts in Sri Lanka and   be limited.
This phenomenon is prevalent across
                                             holds immense potential to facilitate the
the world. Raija-Leena Punamäki (2009:                                                   The findings from the research offer
                                             Next Generation research. The British
62) states that the notion ‘violence                                                     fresh insights on post-war youth in
                                             Council in Sri Lanka, along with the
breeds violence seems intuitively                                                        Sri Lanka, a country in transition. Some
                                             Sarvodaya Institute of Higher Learning
tempting to make’. In her view, children                                                 conclusions confirm outcomes from
                                             of Lanka, will implement a social media
who experienced violence are most                                                        previous studies, while others are rather
                                             campaign, establish knowledge centres,
likely to engage in aggression and                                                       surprising, highlighting the changes
                                             produce policy papers and engage in a
antisocial activities. It is explained by                                                of the next generation in post-war
                                             robust advocacy initiative to promote
Jonas and Morton (2012: 79) that ‘the                                                    Sri Lanka. The report begins with
                                             peace and reconciliation harnessing
children, including those born after the                                                 background to the country and the
                                             youth agency.
end of war, may be socialized in a                                                       context, and the composition of
context of persistent intergroup threat      The research framework consists of a        Sri Lankan youth. The research looks
and grow up expressing animosity             preliminary desk review, a questionnaire    at key themes such as challenges
toward the other group’. For this reason     survey and focus group discussions          with education and employment, the
also, youth have a potentially powerful      (FGDs). The desk review was carried         experience of violence, young people’s
role in national reconciliation, as they     out in May 2018; the survey and most of     politics and agency, and finally
are one of the most significant social       the FGDs were conducted from August         reconciliation and youth aspirations.
groups that dealt with the past              to October 2018. Much of the extant         The report ends with conclusions
communal agitation. With this backdrop,      literature on youth in Sri Lanka focuses    and recommendations.
Next Generation Sri Lanka > 9

Identity: who are the                                 generation by the older generation, and                 benefits, as well as perceived
Sri Lankan youth?                                     most young people also see themselves                   discrimination and corruption in
                                                      and their generation as different from                  the recruitment process. They prefer
The survey shows that young Sri
                                                      the older generation. However, an                       to work in the formal private sector,
Lankans are proud of their Sri Lankan
                                                      overwhelming number of youth still                      although some young people prefer
identity. Being identified as a ‘Sri
                                                      identify parents as the most influential                to work in informal economic activities,
Lankan’ is a unifying term for youth
                                                      adults, with teachers and adult relatives               with its high wages, flexibility of time
from all communities. This finding is
                                                      coming in next.                                         and not needing to resort to political
unexpected and differs from previous
                                                                                                              nepotism to secure a job. Those
studies. It suggests that youth appear
                                                                                                              who dropped out of school often see
to be influenced by the promotion of                  Education
                                                                                                              this route, as well as self-employment
‘Sri Lankan Identity’ by policymakers.                The majority of respondents are                         and entrepreneurship, as possible
When asked whether all citizens of the                currently enrolled at an educational                    career options.
country should identify themselves as                 institution. Financial issues, lack of
Sri Lankan, an overwhelming majority                  interest and unavailability of schools                  Minorities believe upward social
of youth gave a positive response. A few              were cited as the main reasons for                      mobility is possible for Sinhalese, but
Sri Lankan Tamil youth expressed pride                dropping out by the respondents who                     not for themselves. Even the graduates
about their Sri Lankan identity, but there            had dropped out of school before                        from the north and east (Tamil majority)
was also visible discomfort, which hints              completing their primary education                      suggested that getting a better job with
at the remaining tensions linked to                   (up to Grade 5).                                        decent pay is much harder for them.
identity and conflict. In the case of
                                                      Participants noted that the curriculum                  While reporting some slight
Malayaha 1 Tamil youth, they seem not
                                                      does not prepare students for the job                   improvement in job opportunities,
to prefer their Indian Tamil identity, nor
                                                      market. This is despite the fact that the               they noted that the economy is
being identified by their living in the
                                                      main reason that most participants seek                 stagnating at present, and also that
Estates. Rather, they prefer to identify
                                                      education is to gain the knowledge and                  blatant corruption meant that
as Sri Lankan Tamils and rural, rather
                                                      skills to get a good job, with the majority             government jobs were effectively ‘sold’.
than Malayaha Tamil, Up Country
                                                      feeling that highly educated youth                      They felt that government support for
Tamil, Plantation Tamil or Estate Tamil.
                                                      easily secure better employment than                    small-scale enterprises for youth and
The majority of young people stated                   others. Young Sri Lankans believe the                   micro-finance schemes lack direction,
they have a close, trusted friend from                education system should start with                      as they are given without proper
a different religion, ethnic group and/or             the very youngest children to include                   training or market analysis.
from a different part of the country,                 education and learning on social                        Malayaha Tamils expressed their
there remain many who are not                         cohesion, in order to promote an                        dissatisfaction with regard to their
familiar with the cultures of different               inclusive society in Sri Lanka, and                     wages, which is insufficient to pay
ethnic and religious groups, due to                   which values all cultures of the country.               for food and daily living. In the most
language difference and segregated
                                                                                                              badly war-affected areas in the north,
education systems.
                                                      Employment                                              unemployment is highest among
Most Sri Lankan youth state they are                  The three most influential factors for job              ex-LTTE 2 combatants, both male
religious. Irrespective of their faith,               satisfaction were identified as wages,                  and female.
most feel that they have to treat equally             working for a prestigious company and
people who do not belong to their own                 job security. Youth are steering away
religion. They feel cultural and religious            from state sector employment due to
biases have been taught to the younger                very low remuneration and other

1   > The majority of Malayaha Tamils are descendants of the workers brought to the estate plantations in Sri Lanka
      in the 19th century by European planters. They have also been known as Up Country Tamils or Estate Tamils.
2   > The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, sometimes known as the Tamil Tigers.
10 > Next Generation Sri Lanka

Experience of violence                                They would like to see more young             the weak rule of law. Both male and
                                                      people in prominent positions in              female participants felt that violence
The survey findings indicate that
                                                      political parties – indicating they are       against women and children has
the vast majority of the participants
                                                      strongly likely to vote for a party with an   increased in the north. This was partly
have not experienced violent events
                                                      attractive youth policy – and that            blamed on drugs and on gang violence,
in their lives. Nevertheless, from the
                                                      more women should be in prominent             and there were allusions to corruption
participants who had experienced
                                                      positions in political parties.               here too.
violence, the survey shows that
Northern and Eastern provinces were                   The vast majority believe that peace          Most feel that their families and friends
the most affected. However, data for                  work needs to continue and that it is         have observed peace and reconciliation
those who reported being attacked for                 the duty of all Sri Lankans to work at        following the end of the civil war.
ethnic or religious reasons indicate that             it. Eighty-five per cent of young Sri         However, the research showed up
this is not confined to the north and                 Lankans think their generation is ready       differences in understanding the nature
east. Gang violence was also noted                    to play an active role in peace and           of reconciliation. Most participants were
as an issue.                                          reconciliation, but they don’t yet know       not clear about whether it was good to
                                                      how to fit into the current process.          discuss past atrocities, as some felt it
Politics and agency                                   Around 30 per cent plan to help in            prolonged the animosities and risked
                                                      resolving conflicts in future and most        passing them on to the next generation.
A clear majority of youth identified
                                                      feel that their communities recognise         War memorials were noted to be
democracy as the best political system
                                                      the role of youth in addressing conflict.     particularly contentious.
for Sri Lanka. They believe it is capable
                                                      However, only a limited number have
of establishing a strong economy,                                                                   Looking ahead, nearly three-quarters
                                                      attended programmes (government
providing basic welfare, protecting                                                                 of young Sri Lankans, both male and
                                                      or otherwise) on reconciliation. This
human rights, valuing diversity, building                                                           female, do not believe the country is
                                                      highlights the outreach limitations of
alliances with other countries and even                                                             heading in the right direction. They
                                                      current programmes on promoting
ending corruption. However, only an                                                                 identify a number of problems for
                                                      reconciliation, although lack of support
average of 15 per cent of the survey                                                                themselves: the inability to complete
                                                      or encouragement from their family and
participants were certain that                                                                      education due to economic hardships,
                                                      community regarding such work was
democracy had been a benefit for                                                                    unemployment, discrimination in the
                                                      also cited as an issue. The majority
them, their families, and to their ethnic                                                           government job sector, the high cost of
                                                      of young Sri Lankans had not heard
and religious communities.                                                                          higher education, and corruption in
                                                      of the key government initiatives such
                                                                                                    public institutions, as well as poor
The vast majority of young people feel                as the LLRC, 3 ONUR 4 and OMP 5 or
                                                                                                    governance and political instability.
they have a responsibility to vote as                 the National Policy on Reconciliation.
citizens; the main reasons for avoiding                                                             For the country’s constitutional
voting are dislike of the political                                                                 direction, fewer than half of those
                                                      Reconciliation and the future
candidates and parties, and a general                                                               surveyed said that they believe in the
                                                      The majority feel there has been an           ‘unitary state’ concept, which is the
lack of interest in politics. Corruption is
                                                      improvement in personal freedom since         main theme of drafters engaged in
a critical issue for young Sri Lankans;
                                                      the end of the war. Yet, during FGDs,         the constitution drafting process. Only
they believe being not corrupt is a
                                                      some noted the intermittent communal          14.5 per cent stated they believe in the
defining quality of a political leader, and
                                                      violence still contributes to feelings of     ‘federal state’ – these tended to be from
identified ending corruption as the key
                                                      insecurity. Female participants noted         areas dominated by the Tamil minority.
issue in deciding their vote.
                                                      that in the post-war period women feel
                                                      unsafe, especially in the north due to

3   > Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission.
4   > Office for National Unity and Reconciliation.
5   > Office on Missing Persons.
Next Generation Sri Lanka > 11

Recommendations                              • As part of that, the government          Clearly, the research provided
                                               and other stakeholders must ensure       a wealth of data and the participants
Despite the negative outlook towards
                                               that these mechanisms meaningfully       provided the research team with
the future, young Sri Lankans have a
                                               engage young people, particularly        much to consider. Beyond the issues
strong sense of pride regarding their
                                               those in remote or other hard-to-        of conflict, peace and reconciliation –
country and are willing to come forward
                                               reach areas.                             though we observe that these have
to serve as agents of change in the
                                             • The government, partners and             far-reaching impact – the research
process of reconciliation. It is important
                                               stakeholders should ensure that          examined many facets of the lives
to seize and direct that positive energy
                                               existing programmes and institutions,    of young people, including education,
of the next generation in order to
                                               such as the LLRC, establish outreach     employment and political engagement.
develop sustainable peace, promote
                                               programmes to raise their profile        From the many findings could be
reconciliation and establish harmony.
                                               with Sri Lankan youth.                   crafted a number of recommendations
As the report shows, youth within
                                                                                        – too many for this report.
Sri Lanka have diverse concerns and          • The government should establish
needs. Designing policies that address         a national dialogue on conflict          Following discussion with the Next
the needs of youth (youth-responsive           memorialisation, allowing those          Generation Taskforce, the remaining
policies) is key to ensure the next            who lost their lives to be               recommendation is for the formation
generation’s contribution to the               remembered in a manner that              of a National Action Plan for Youth.
country’s future.                              brings communities together,             Taking the Next Generation research
                                               rather than fostering division.          as a springboard, the owners of the
The core question behind this
                                             • Along with its reparation efforts,       National Action Plan – we believe this
research was: How is Sri Lanka’s next
                                               the government should develop            should be the government – should
generation responding to changes
                                               economic, social and psychological       continue this consultative process,
brought about by the peace and
                                               programmes to reconcile and              particularly ensuring young people are
reconciliation process? We have
                                               rehabilitate communities affected        meaningfully engaged in the process.
therefore chosen to centre in on
                                               by violent conflict, with a focus on     It should look at the areas identified
the policy recommendations that
                                               mental as well as physical health        herein and assign and empower the
address this area.
                                               of those affected, both directly         relevant ministries and departments,
                                               and indirectly.                          civil society organisations and other
Peace and reconciliation                                                                stakeholders to formulate its enactment.
                                             • The government should train all
• Working together, the government,                                                     We believe this meets the aspirations
                                               security forces on peaceful co-
  civil society organisations,                                                          of Next Generation, which is to ‘enable
                                               existence and genuinely establish
  academics and expert practitioners                                                    the voices of Sri Lankan youth from
                                               measures to increase sense of
  should explore the design of justice                                                  all communities to be heard within
                                               security for all citizens irrespective
  mechanisms (such as truth                                                             the wider society… [and] ultimately
                                               of gender, ethnicity, age, location
  commissions and/or transitional                                                       contribute to policies that address
                                               or any other factor.
  justice mechanisms) that will enable                                                  their needs’.
  the citizens of this country to move
  forward to a just and equitable future
  for all Sri Lankan citizens.
12 > Next Generation Sri Lanka


Nearly a decade has passed since the                  inclusive environment. Furthermore,                    prevention and partnership were
end of the protracted civil war in 2009,              the study uses the term ‘post-war’                     emphasised as pillars for action to
when the government of Sri Lanka                      as opposed to ‘post-conflict’, to                      engage with youth in conflict contexts
militarily defeated the Liberation Tigers             underpin the reality in which violent                  (United Nations, 2015).
of Tamil Eelam. However, successive                   confrontations based on differences
                                                                                                             We should remember that existing
governments have been beset by                        of ethnicity, religion and other
                                                                                                             research suggests that youth is not
extreme nationalist sentiments of                     factors continue.
                                                                                                             a homogeneous category with similar
communal politics, rendering post-war
                                                      In the past, Sri Lanka had witnessed                   needs, but suggest broad variances
reconciliation at a standstill. Post-war
                                                      widespread mobilisation of youth,                      founded on class, gender, ethnicity,
government policies and investments
                                                      leading to violent protests, extremist                 religion and a variety of group
have prioritised economic development
                                                      factions and political insurgencies.                   affiliations (Alpaslan and Podder, 2015).
and rehabilitation, while conciliation and
                                                      However, there has been no systematic                  Furthermore, researchers identify three
building sustainable and positive peace
                                                      undertaking to understand the Sri                      dominant types of approaches to youth:
remain contentious. This has led to
                                                      Lankan youth experiences regarding                     age-defined perspective (the idea of
recurrent communal violence and
                                                      the process of peace and reconciliation.               a single, gender-equal age of maturity),
mistrust within the multi-religious and
                                                      Certainly, Sri Lanka’s next generation’s               social construct (socially situated
multi-ethnic society. Recent violence
                                                      perspectives on reconciliation will be                 and culturally constructed) and
between Sinhalese and Muslim
                                                      crucial in ushering in a cohesive future               psychological perspective (representing
communities in the Central Province
                                                      from a divided past. With a rapidly                    a transitional stage in life between
highlighted the weaknesses of the
                                                      ageing population and declining fertility              childhood and adulthood). However,
peace and reconciliation process in
                                                      rates, the country’s next generation                   across societies, cultures and times, the
Sri Lanka. The need to promote an
                                                      appears likely to inherit the bulk of                  understanding and interpretation of age
inclusive reconciliation process that
                                                      responsibility in steering the country                 categories largely varies from one to
helps to address the grievances of
                                                      beyond the ravages of a protracted                     another. In Sri Lanka, the National Youth
all communities is imperative.
                                                      civil war and communal tensions.                       Policy (Ministry of Youth Affairs and
In general, ‘peace’ and ‘reconciliation’                                                                     Skills Development, 2014) defines youth
have been examined at length in the                                                                          as the population aged 15 to 29 years.
                                                      Sri Lankan youth at a glance
fields of social sciences and humanities.                                                                    According to the United Nations,
Each culture and philosophy offers                    Across the world, youth appears                        the persons between the ages of 15
definitions of peace. Of the many                     as an active force in generating an                    and 24 years are classified as youth.
understandings, the notions of                        environment conducive to foster real                   The definition of youth is therefore
‘positive’ and ‘negative’ peace are most              changes at the ground level. The United                highly contestable.
applicable to the Sri Lankan context.                 Nations has already recognised young
                                                      people as the major energetic force for                According to the 2012 census, the
Although the definitions have evolved
                                                      development, social change, economic                   Sri Lankan youth population has
over time, the basic premise of negative
                                                      growth and technological innovation.                   been estimated as approximately
peace is the absence of violence
                                                      A December 2015 UN Security Council                    4.4 million and to be nearly one-quarter
and war, while positive peace is ‘the
                                                      mandate, along with the Sustainable                    (23 per cent) of the total population. 6
integration of society’ (Galtung, 1964:
2). According to this definition, post-war            Development Goals, recognises the                      The National Youth Services (1969)
Sri Lanka has negative peace, as the                  important and positive role of young                   was the first institution established
structures and conditions that led to the             women and men in the maintenance                       to provide opportunities for youth in
civil war and other uprisings have not                and promotion of international peace                   ‘fulfilling their aspirations in the fields of
been transformed to establish an                      and security. In particular, participation,            sports, recreation, artistic and creative

6   > The youth population by sex appears to be an almost equal distribution of 50.2 per cent male and 49.8 per cent female.
Next Generation Sri Lanka > 13

work, leadership, social service,              Next Generation                             rounds it off with two per cent.
education, personal development                research contributors                       Finally, the sample was primarily single
and participation in decision making’                                                      (83.4 per cent), with only 16 per cent
                                               The research strived hard to represent
(Jungeling, 1989: 23). In the aftermath                                                    being married. Four (0.15 per cent)
                                               the national averages on almost all
of the political insurgencies, the                                                         participants were divorced and six were
                                               key indicators such as gender, ethnicity
Presidential Commission on Youth was                                                       widowed (0.23 per cent). Although Sri
                                               and religion. There were slightly more
appointed by the government in 1989                                                        Lankan youth tend to marry in their mid
                                               females (51.7 per cent) than males
to investigate the causes of youth                                                         to late twenties, the 16 per cent number
                                               (48.3 per cent). The sample was kept
agitation and unrest and to recommend                                                      seems to be an underrepresentation
                                               to the age range of 18–29 years with
remedial actions to discourage such                                                        of the married category and thereby
                                               three subdivisions of 18–19 (30.5 per
attitudes and behaviours. However,                                                         influencing an overrepresentation
                                               cent), 20–24 (39 per cent) and 25–29
the recommendations presented                                                              of the single category.
                                               (30.4 per cent).
by the Commission in 1990 were not
fully implemented. Later, the National         Sri Lanka has a Sinhalese ethnic
                                                                                           Description of the report
Youth Corps under the Ministry of              majority and the sample reflected
Youth Affairs came to exist with the           that in having 65 per cent Sinhalese        Chapter 1 of the report provides an
aim of developing competencies to              participants. The second major ethnic       outline of the country and context,
transform youth into a healthy, multi-         group – Tamils – represented 20.2 per       with particular attention to key events.
disciplinary, self-reliant generation          cent of the sample. Due to ethno-           Chapter 2 presents the complex
through providing guidance, skills and         historical identity formation, this group   identity issues confronted by Sri Lankan
opportunities for youth to excel and           was subdivided to Sri Lankan Tamils         youth. Chapter 3 explores the challenges
contribute to the national prosperity of       (16.9 per cent) and Malayaha Tamils         youth grapple with in the critical areas
Sri Lanka. Again, related actions were         (3.3 per cent). Muslims, the third          of education and employment. In
not correctly implemented and remain           largest ethnic group in Sri Lanka, were     Chapter 4, youth reveal their experiences
limited to reports. The Sri Lankan             represented by 14 per cent of the           of violence. In Chapter 5, young Sri
government set up the National Youth           sample. There were a negligible number      Lankans share how they view politics
Policy (NYP) with the aim of ensuring,         of Burghers and Malays. Sri Lankans         and their own role in society as change
empowering and enabling youth                  follow four major religions: Buddhism,      agents. Chapter 6 discusses the
through education, skills development          Hinduism, Christianity and Islam. The       changes youth have observed with
and vocational training, employment,           sample was 63 per cent Buddhist,            the post-war peace and reconciliation
professionalisation, health and welfare,       16.2 per cent Hindu, 14.5 per cent          process. Key findings of the research
peace, physical fitness and art and            Muslim and 5.6 per cent Christian. This     are summarised in Chapter 7.
leisure. This policy aims to instil ‘a sense   is a slight overrepresentation of Muslims   In conclusion, the report offers
of social responsibility and social            and a slight underrepresentation of         recommendations made by youth
cohesion among young people while              Christians and Buddhists; however, the      in supporting a viable future and
recognising and respecting diversities         main religious representation of the        promoting peace and reconciliation
of ethnicity, culture, religion, language      country has been well captured.             with their full participation.
and lifestyles in the country’ (Ministry                                                   Appendix 1 presents details
                                               The sample comprised 63 per cent
of Youth Affairs and Skills Development,                                                   of the research methodology.
                                               rural participants, representing the
2014: 10). In addition, the NYP
                                               rural nature of the country. Urban
encourages youth to develop among
                                               participation was 23 per cent, with
the youth community the potential to
                                               semi-urban making up 12 per cent
challenge all forms of discrimination.
                                               of the sample, and the estate sector
14 > Next Generation Sri Lanka

C H A P T ER 1: S R I L A N K A’ S

The country and its people                   Conflict revisited                            people and an effort to change the
                                                                                           demography of Eastern Province, which
The small island of Sri Lanka lies off the   Sri Lanka was known as Ceylon until
                                                                                           had been identified as a Tamil-majority
southern coast of India in the Indian        1972. The country was colonised
                                                                                           area. In 1951, a new political party, Sri
Ocean and consists of a total area of        successively by the Dutch, Portuguese
                                                                                           Lanka Freedom Party, was established.
65,610 square kilometres. The major          and the British from 1505 to 1948. The
                                                                                           It came to power in 1956, forming a
ethnic groups in Sri Lanka are Sinhalese,    arrival of these three Western powers
                                                                                           grand coalition with several political
Sri Lankan Tamils, Sri Lankan Moors and      from the 16th century had far-reaching
                                                                                           groups that campaigned for the
Malayaha Tamils, who are also referred       impact on the relationship between the
                                                                                           establishment of dominance of majority
to as Indian Tamils and Up-country           communities in Ceylon. During British
                                                                                           Sinhalese in the governance process.
Tamils. The largest ethnic group, the        rule, reforms were undertaken, and in
                                                                                           The new coalition brought in legislation
Sinhalese, make up about 75 per cent         1833 there was established an
                                                                                           to make Sinhalese the sole official
of the total population. Sri Lankan          export-oriented plantation economy
                                                                                           language, creating an uproar among
Tamils make up 11.2 per cent of the          based on a capitalist market model. The
                                                                                           the Sri Lankan Tamils, as it abandoned
population, 9.2 per cent are Muslim,         British profoundly altered the political
                                                                                           the 1943 consensus to make both
and 4.2 per cent are Malayaha Tamils         and administrative structure and
                                                                                           Sinhalese and Tamil official languages.
(Department of Census and Statistics,        introduced a centralised governance
                                                                                           This effectively excluded the minority
2012). The Sinhalese believe they were       system offering places to the political
                                                                                           Tamils, including many English-speaking
the first people to settle in Ceylon from    elite that had emerged from the local
                                                                                           Sinhalese and Burgher communities,
northern India during the sixth century      entrepreneurial class. This eventually
                                                                                           as well as the Tamil-speaking Muslims,
BCE. The Sinhalese largely speak             led to clashes over power sharing
                                                                                           from access to state services and
Sinhalese, an Indo-Aryan linguistic          among the elites belonging to different.
                                                                                           employment. This led to the exploitation
group, and inhabit the South, West,          This struggle and subsequent religious
                                                                                           of ethnic identities in the name of ethnic
Central along with the North Central         and ethnic violence hindered the
                                                                                           solidarity by political leaders and
parts of Sri Lanka. The Tamils, whose        formation of Sri Lankan identity.
                                                                                           brought about a deep animosity
language belongs to the Dravidian
                                             The United National Party (UNP), a            between the Sinhalese and Tamil-
linguistic group, are the principal
                                             coalition party formed by uniting the         speaking communities.
minority community in the country,
                                             right-wing political leaders of the main
and most of them are Hindus. They                                                          Since 1956 the successive
                                             ethnic communities of the country, won
are subdivided into two groups, namely                                                     governments provided special
                                             the election of 1947 and eventually
Sri Lankan Tamils and Malayaha Tamils.                                                     treatment for Buddhism and the
                                             became the governing party that
The Sri Lankan Tamils have settled in                                                      Sinhalese culture by establishing a
                                             accepted independence from the
the country for more than a millennium.                                                    separate ministry of cultural affairs,
                                             British in 1948. The UNP government
The majority of Malayaha Tamils are                                                        ignoring the sensitivities of other
                                             enacted parliamentary acts, such as
descendants of the workers brought                                                         ethnic and religious communities.
                                             the Citizenship Act (1948), and Indian-
to the estate plantations in Sri Lanka in                                                  When the first Republican Constitution
                                             Pakistani Citizenship Act (1949), to
the 19th century by European planters.                                                     was inaugurated in 1972, the
                                             disenfranchise or curtail the voting
Like the Sri Lankan Tamils, the Moors                                                      discriminatory measures introduced
                                             rights of Tamils of recent Indian origin.
(or Muslims), the second minority                                                          in 1948 became entrenched in the
community in Sri Lanka, have an              In the 1950s, the UNP government              basic law of the country.
ethnological history of more than a          commenced schemes of colonisation
thousand years on the island. They were      to settle the landless Sinhalese farmers
the descendants of Arab traders who          in the North Central and Eastern
came to Sri Lanka for trade between the      provinces. This prompted the leaders of
eighth and 15th centuries. The four main     Sri Lankan Tamils to resist it by declaring
religions on the island are Buddhism,        it as a systematic encroachment into the
Hinduism, Islam and Christianity.            historical homeland of Tamil-speaking
16 > Next Generation Sri Lanka

The 1972 constitution declared                        Reconciliation after the                   measures to address the peoples’
Sri Lanka a unitary state, rejecting                  defeat of LTTE                             grievances. In May 2010, then President
the demand for a federal state long                                                              Mahinda Rajapaksa appointed the LLRC
                                                      Contrary to the economic progress
promoted by the leaders of the Tamil                                                             with the aim of identifying mechanisms
                                                      and social harmony anticipated
community. Tamil political leaders                                                               to prevent the recurrence of any
                                                      post-war, this period in Sri Lanka
then formed the Tamil United Liberation                                                          conflicts and to promote national
                                                      has been dominated by the economic
Front and declared their desire to                                                               integration and reconciliation of
                                                      and political instability and rise of
establish an independent state in                                                                all communities in Sri Lanka.
                                                      communal tensions and sporadic
the Northern and Eastern provinces.
                                                      violence. Since the end of the armed       Soon after the establishment of the
The Tamil youth formed clandestine
                                                      conflict, the greatest challenge facing    LLRC 7, in June 2010 the UN appointed
groups to commence an armed
                                                      Sri Lanka has been in bringing             a three-member expert committee
struggle to establish an independent
                                                      reconciliation and ensuring the            to shed light on the issues of
state for Tamils. The relationship
                                                      peaceful coexistence of different          accountability related to any alleged
between Sinhalese and Tamils
                                                      ethnic and religious communities.          violations of international human rights
worsened with the culmination of ethnic
                                                                                                 during the final stages of the armed
violence against Tamils that took place               Even since the end of armed conflict,
                                                                                                 conflict. The panel found credible
in 1981 and 1983, the latter attracting               tensions between the communities
                                                                                                 allegations of human rights abuses
international attention. Gradually, the               have been easily aroused by political
                                                                                                 by the LTTE and the government of
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE                leaders. Since 2009, successive
                                                                                                 Sri Lanka associated with the final
or Tamil Tigers) became the prominent                 governments have established
                                                                                                 stages of the armed conflict. However,
separatist armed group. Thus began an                 mechanisms to lead reconciliation and
                                                                                                 the government of Sri Lanka was
armed conflict that lasted for more than              restore broken relationships. However,
                                                                                                 of the opinion that the humanitarian
30 years, transforming into a full-scale              there is a widespread feeling that each
                                                                                                 rescue operation was pursued with
civil war in the 1990s.                               government has been engaged in the
                                                                                                 zero civilian causalities.
                                                      process of enforcing its own brand of
                                                      reconciliation, ignoring the consensus     After conducting 57 public sessions
                                                      among the different communities and        and 12 field visits at over 40 locations
                                                      their leaders.                             in the north and west and in other
                                                                                                 war-affected areas, the LLRC tabled
                                                      Soon after the end of war, on the
                                                                                                 its report to the President on
                                                      invitation of the Sri Lankan government,
                                                                                                 15 November 2011 and to the public
                                                      the visit of then UN Secretary-General
                                                                                                 on 16 December 2011. The LLRC
                                                      Ban Ki-moon to the war-affected zones
                                                                                                 recommended systemic changes in
                                                      facilitated the creation of a Joint
                                                                                                 the state structures and laws to ensure
                                                      Statement, in which the government
                                                                                                 peace and harmony among individuals
                                                      of Sri Lanka promised to ensure the
                                                                                                 and groups of all communities. Yet
                                                      importance of the accountability
                                                                                                 these recommendations were not
                                                      process and to take appropriate
                                                                                                 implemented due to lack of political will.

7   > Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission.
Next Generation Sri Lanka > 17

In 2013, to investigate the complaints                The OMP 9 was established in                 Post-war-era government policies
concerning the abductions and                         September 2017 to locate the                 have focused on rapid economic
disappearances, President Rajapaksa                   whereabouts of those who went missing        development. During the post-war
appointed the Udalagama and                           across the country during the course         period 2009–14, Sri Lanka achieved
Paranagama Commissions. The                           of the LTTE and the Janatha Vimukthi         a 6.2 per cent of average annual
Paranagama Commission report of                       Peramuna (JVP) insurrections. Another        economic growth. The driving force
October 2015 recommended the                          significant step towards the process         of this growth was the demand-driven
creation of a Truth and Reconciliation                of reconciliation is the bill passed by      private sector, especially due to private
Commission and a War Crimes Division                  the parliament in October 2018 to            consumption and investment and partly
of the High Court to advance the peace                set up the Office for Reparations.           due to agricultural development in the
and reconciliation process in Sri Lanka.              This office, an independent entity,          north and east.
                                                      aims to offer remedies to individuals
The changes in the government                                                                      The new government from 2015 to
                                                      and communities, recognising their
composition in 2015 led to a policy                                                                2018 stopped the mega infrastructure
                                                      grievances in post-war Sri Lanka.
shift to introduce mechanisms to                                                                   development projects implemented by
undertake broader goals of                                                                         the previous government and focused
reconciliation. The Sirisena–                         Economy after 2009                           on foreign direct investments and
Wickramasinghe government                             Despite the civil war and insurgencies,      supply-side factors. The sudden stop
established state institutions to                     Sri Lanka has maintained overall high        to infrastructure projects and lack
undertake and promote the process                     social development standards, although       of foreign direct investment halted
of national integration at ground level.              the areas directly affected by violence,     economic growth and brought it down
The ONUR 8 has been delegated with                    including border villages, the estate        to 3.1 per cent in 2017. The average
implementation of the mandate of the                  sector and some rural areas, lag behind.     economic growth for the period
Ministry of National Integration and                  Sri Lanka is categorised as a middle-        2015–18 October is 4.1 per cent.
Reconciliation, with the aim of building              income country, and is positioned
a pluralist and inclusive society with                76 out of 189 countries on the 2018
equal opportunities to all in all spheres             Human Development Index.
of social life.
                                                      The poverty line of Sri Lanka appears
In addition, the establishment of                     moderate according to South Asian
the Constitutional Assembly in March                  regional standards. Sri Lanka’s economy
2016 provided a crucial platform                      has traditionally been based on
for all 225 members of parliament                     agriculture; however, over the years
to initiate political reconciliation. The             it has diversified into plantation
drafting of a new constitution was in                 crops and a variety of rapidly growing
this sense an attempt to reform the                   industries including textiles and tourism.
state and establish a mechanism                       Approximately 81.5 per cent of the
through which national reconciliation                 people living in rural areas engage
could be worked out.                                  in agriculture.

8   > Office for National Unity and Reconciliation.
9   > Office for Missing Persons.
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