St Anne's Church Academy @Hewish & @West Wick - St Anne's Church Academy

Page created by Micheal Sanders
St Anne's Church Academy @Hewish & @West Wick - St Anne's Church Academy
St Anne’s Church Academy @Hewish & @West Wick
                                                          Term 3 Newsletter 25th January 2019

Dear Parents and Carers                                                                            will be split between these two worthy causes.
                                                                                                   Children are encouraged to come to school
30 days have September, April, June and                                                            wearing an item of clothing with a number on
November all the rest have 31 apart from                                                           it and to bring a donation to this very worthy
February and at the moment January which                                                           cause. Lots of open ended and challenging
really does seem to be the longest month                                                           maths activities will be taking place in all year
ever! Fortunately your lovely children are                                                         groups with a focus on Fermi questions-your
banishing the January blues with some                                                              children will be able to tell you more and keep
incredible learning. I always feel that children                                                   looking on social media and class pages!
make immense progress between Christmas
and Easter and we are certainly seeing that.                                                                  ZERO TOLERANCE TO DEBT
Often parents ask us how they can best help                                                        Why a zero tolerance approach?
at home. One of the very best is to both listen                                                    The Governors have a responsibility to ensure
to your children and read and read to them.                                                        that appropriate procedures are in place to
Children listening to us read, often from a        Lisa Dadds                                      enable the school to receive all income to
more challenging book than they can read                                                           which it is entitled.
themselves,       models     good       reading,                                                   If debts are incurred then the school budget
encourages a real love of the magic of books            A370 TEMPORARY SPEED RESTRICTION           has to pay for them. So funds which should
and encourages them to want to read more           There will be a 30mph speed restriction for     be spent on the education of all our children
and more. Try to talk about the new words          the duration of works to replace a gas pipe     would be used to pay for the debts incurred by
they may be hearing and develop that love of       along the A370 (from junction 21 to The Full    a few parents.
vocabulary. Together we can can create a real      Quart) commencing on Monday 28th January        The time and resources used by the office
passion for reading that will last a lifetime;     for a maximum period of eighteen months.        crew to chase payments, make phone calls,
please help!                                       However, the restriction may not be             text messages and letters about debts which
Please also take a look at the term dates for      implemented for the whole of the period but     remain unpaid after their due date are also a
next year and if you are considering booking a     only as necessitated by the works which is      large drain on the school budget.
holiday please do so in the breaks. There are      anticipated to be of 75 days in duration.       The pressure on the school budget is such
some amazing deals in October and we have          Appropriate traffic signs will be displayed     that we can no longer tolerate a build of debt,
2 weeks and a day. One parent has booked           when the measures are in force. Please leave    however small it might appear to an individual
from the Wednesday of one week to the              extra time for your journey to and from our     family. We therefore have a payment in
Wednesday of the next - incredible offers.         Hewish campus as the traffic will be slower.    advance scheme.
                                                                                                   Please make sure that ParentPay accounts
Enjoy the last weekend in January and                            NSPCC NUMBER DAY                  are kept up to date and in credit.
                                                   On Friday 1st February 2019, we are 'dressing
                                                   up for digits' to support the NSPCC and our
                                                   Trust charity Weston Hospicecare. Donations
St Anne's Church Academy @Hewish & @West Wick - St Anne's Church Academy
CHANGE 4 LIFE                         Two public consultation events will be held on          Monday 1st April – Family Worship Y2@H
Packs have been sent home today about                   the 6 and 7 February to give those interested           2.30pm (Compassion)
being sugar smart and how to make healthier             the opportunity to meet with a specialist home          Monday 13th May – Family Worship Y3@WW
swaps to lead a healthy and happy life. Follow          to school transport solicitor and staff from the        2.15pm (Humility)
this link for more information:                         Integrated Transport Unit.                              Monday 20th May – Family Worship Y3@H                          Please email               2.30pm (Humility)
                                                        to confirm which event you will attend so that          Friday 28th June – @Hewish class & leavers
             FREE SCHOOL MEALS                          we can organise refreshments. If there are              photos
                                                        any particular subjects you would like to be            Tuesday 2nd July – @West Wick class photos
Parents are reminded that if their children are
                                                        covered, please let us know up to three topics          Monday 15th July – Family Worship Y4@WW
already in receipt of Free School Meals they
                                                        in advance. Whilst we can’t promise to cover            2.15pm (Creativity)
do not need to reapply for continued
                                                        everything, this will help us to plan the event.        Monday 22nd July – Family Worship Y4@H
entitlement. If you think your child might be
                                                                                                                2.30pm (Creativity)
entitled please follow this link for a new
application.                                            Date              Location        Time                        6 February        The Campus,     7pm – 9pm                    ST ANNE’S TERM DATES 2018-19
services/schools-learning/local-                        2019              Highlands                             Term 3:      Monday 7th January 2019             to
schools/schoolmeals/freeschoolmeals/                                      Lane, Weston-                                      Friday 15th February 2019
                                                                          super-Mare                            Term 4:      Monday 25th February 2019           to
               NUT-FREE SCHOOL
                                                                          BS24 7DX                                           Friday 5th April 2019
                                                        7 February        Folk Hall, 95   11:30am –             Term 5:      Tuesday 23rd April 2019             to
Please can we remind everyone that we are a             2019              High Street,    1:30pm                             Friday 24th May 2019
nut-free school and that snacks and lunch                                 Portishead,                           Term 6:      Monday 3rd June 2019                to
boxes must not contain anything nutty. This                               Bristol BS20                                       Tuesday 23rd July 2019
is to ensure the safety of some of our children                           6PR
who can have severe allergic reactions to
nuts. Your consideration and co-operation is                                                                    ST ANNE’S TERM DATES 2019-20 FOR CHILDREN
greatly appreciated.                                                                                            Term 1:      Tuesday 3rd September 2019 to
                                                                        DIARY DATES                                          Thursday 17th October 2019
                                                        Friday 1 February – NSPCC Number Day                    Term 2:      Monday 4th November 2019 to
                                                        Monday 4th February - Family Worship                                 Friday 20th December 2019
A public consultation has opened for young
                                                        Y1@H 2.30pm (Service)                                   Term 3:      Monday 6th January 2020 to
people, parents, carers and schools to provide          Monday 11th February – Family Worship                                Friday 14th February 2020
their views and help us shape North
                                                        Y1@WW 2.15pm (Service)                                  Term 4:      Monday 24th February 2020 to
Somerset’s Home to School Transport Policy
                                                        Monday 11th February – Family Worship                                Friday 3rd April 2020
from September 2020 onwards. The
                                                        Y5@H 2.30pm (Service)                                   Term 5:      Monday 20th April 2020 to
consultation will run from the 8 January to 20          Friday 15th February - last day of Term 3                            Friday 22nd May 2020
February and can be found via the following
                                                        Monday 25th February - first day of Term 4              Term 6:      Monday 1st June 2020 to Friday
                                                        Monday 25th March – Family Worship                                   17th July 2020
                                                        Y2@WW 2.15pm (Compassion)
                                                                                                                               CONTACT DETAILS         Once a week, take a peek         @StAnnesWSM 
St Anne's Church Academy @Hewish & @West Wick - St Anne's Church Academy
Please make sure that you notify us of any
change of contact details throughout the
school year. It is important that we have up to
date telephone numbers in case of

               NURSERY SPACES
If you are looking for a nursery space for your
child or know someone that is please do get in
touch to arrange a tour of our 'outstanding'
Little Learners Nursery based at St Anne's
@West Wick.       Once a week, take a peek   @StAnnesWSM
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