St John Passion Johann Sebastian Bach - Tuesday 8 March 2022, 7.30pm Cadogan Hall - London Concert ...

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St John Passion Johann Sebastian Bach - Tuesday 8 March 2022, 7.30pm Cadogan Hall - London Concert ...
Johann Sebastian Bach
          St John Passion

Tuesday 8 March 2022, 7.30pm
Cadogan Hall

Programme: £3
St John Passion Johann Sebastian Bach - Tuesday 8 March 2022, 7.30pm Cadogan Hall - London Concert ...
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                               Programme designed by Stephen Rickett
        and edited by Eleanor Cowie
                               London Concert Choir is a company limited by guarantee,
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St John Passion Johann Sebastian Bach - Tuesday 8 March 2022, 7.30pm Cadogan Hall - London Concert ...
Johann Sebastian Bach

 St John Passion
            Mark Forkgen Conductor

  Nicholas Mulroy tenor | Giles Underwood bass
Jessica Cale soprano | Mark Chambers countertenor
              Timothy Nelson baritone

            London Concert Choir

There will be an INTERVAL of 20 minutes after Part One
St John Passion Johann Sebastian Bach - Tuesday 8 March 2022, 7.30pm Cadogan Hall - London Concert ...
Robert Munns
   London Concert Choir members were saddened to
   hear of the death of Robert Munns, at the age of 88.
Robert founded the choir as the Brompton Choral Society
 62 years ago and was its Director of Music for 14 years.
The choir owes its existence to his inspiration and support.
One of the first concerts to be performed by the choir was
            the St John Passion, in March 1961.
St John Passion Johann Sebastian Bach - Tuesday 8 March 2022, 7.30pm Cadogan Hall - London Concert ...
J.S. Bach (1685–1750)
St John Passion
BWV 245

                         Evangelist     Nicholas Mulroy
                            Christus    Giles Underwood
                        Peter, Pilate   Timothy Nelson
                               Maid     Jessica Cale
                            Servant     Alexander Ledsham
      High Priests, Crowd, Soldiers     London Concert Choir

 It is almost 300 years since Bach composed this highly dramatic setting of
 the Passion story. His complex masterpiece, a mixture of the sacred and the
 theatrical, is based on Chapters 18 and 19 of the Gospel of St John.

 While the tenor Evangelist narrates the story, the other soloists and the choir
 portray Jesus Christ and the wide variety of characters whose combined
 actions led inexorably to his death.

 Bach intersperses intense and often vicious crowd scenes with devotional
 arias and chorales encouraging his Lutheran congregation to acknowledge
 their own responsibility for the death of Jesus, which their sins had made
 necessary. The work begins and ends with choruses in praise of Christ
 as risen Lord and Saviour.

Programme Notes
In May 1723 four wagons loaded with household goods trundled into the Saxon
town of Leipzig. They were followed, two hours later and in two carriages,
by their owner and his family. Johann Sebastian Bach, lately Kapellmeister to
Prince Leopold of Anhalt­-Cöthen, had arrived to take up his post as Cantor at
the Thomasschule and music director of the four Leipzig churches. He was to
remain there for the rest of his life.
St John Passion Johann Sebastian Bach - Tuesday 8 March 2022, 7.30pm Cadogan Hall - London Concert ...
Bach’s first years in Leipzig were remarkable for his prodigious production of
cantatas for the Sundays and holidays of the Lutheran liturgical cycle. In the
12 months from May 1723 at least 50 works were performed, nearly all of which
were newly composed.

The musical highpoint of the year was Vespers on Good Friday, when a Passion
oratorio, with a sermon between Parts One and Two, was given. That form had
come late to Leipzig, the first performance having taken place in 1717. Bach’s
predecessor as Cantor wrote a St Mark Passion for the Thomaskirche in 1721.
Three years later, on April 7th, 1724, the new man presented his St John Passion.

It was not his first essay in this field. The official Obituary speaks of five Passions,
believed to have been written between 1717 and 1731, but only two are known
to have survived – the other being the St Matthew Passion of 1727.

For his first Leipzig Passion Bach had booklets printed, saying it would take
place in the Thomaskirche. The town council, his employers, reminded him it
was the turn of the Nikolaikirche to stage the event. Bach protested that there
was not enough room for the musicians. The council stuck to its guns but paid
for a flyer announcing the correct venue and provided sufficient performing
space. It was the first of many confrontations between Cantor and municipality.

The St John Passion we are to hear tonight is the first version of 1724.
Bach subsequently revised it several times, but reversed most of these changes
for the final version of 1749. One of the reasons for his repeated revisions may
have been the musical limitations of the text.

First, St John’s account of the Passion is not as varied scenically as
St Matthew’s – for example it does not have the Last Supper or the Agony in the
Garden. Second, whereas by 1727 the poet Picander had supplied a tailor-made
libretto for the arias and reflective choruses of the St Matthew Passion, when
Bach composed the St John Passion he had to adapt passages for these from
several authors, in particular the poet and Hamburg councillor Brockes.

The first Leipzig Passion has a different balance between Gospel verses
and poetic meditation from that of the second; however, whether or not
Bach was making a virtue out of necessity, the absence of solo arias during
the central trial scene adds considerably to its impact. And, as so often,
Bach took an existing genre and raised it immeasurably in terms of dramatic
power, orchestral colour and richness of harmony and counterpoint.
St John Passion Johann Sebastian Bach - Tuesday 8 March 2022, 7.30pm Cadogan Hall - London Concert ...
The work opens with a Prologue in the form of an awe-inspiring da capo chorus
which contrasts Christ’s majesty (Herr, unser Herrscher) with the humiliation of
his Passion and death (in der grössten Niedrigkeit). Over a relentless pedal bass,
the strings rise slowly in tightly-knit semiquavers. Above them the woodwind
wail dissonantly, prefiguring the crowd’s yell of Kreuzige! (Crucify!) in the trial
scene. After a triple acclamation of the Lord the voices take up the semiquaver
runs. A contrapuntal counter-subject follows, with the semiquavers now
transferred to the instrumental bass. The original pattern soon returns and
choir and orchestra move to a tremendous climax on a high G minor chord.
The counter-subject is heard again, this time a semitone higher (Zeig’ uns
durch deine Passion). The music falls dramatically to illustrate Niedrigkeit and
gradually gathers strength on the phrase verherrlicht worden bist.
Herr, unser Herrscher, dessen Ruhm            Lord, our ruler, whose glory
In allen Landen herrlich ist!                 is magnificent everywhere!
Zeig uns durch deine Passion,                 Show us through your Passion,
Dass du, der wahre Gottessohn,                that you, the true Son of God,
Zu aller Zeit,                                at all times
Auch in der grössten Niedrigkeit,             even in the most lowly state,
Verherrlicht worden bist!                     are glorified.

St John goes straight into the arrest of Jesus in the garden. In the first two
interventions of the crowd, notice the accompanying instrumental semiquavers,
ending with an arpeggio cascade – they will recur in three other numbers; also,
the lower pitch of the second intervention, indicating awe of Jesus.

The arrest scene is punctuated by two chorales, the Lutheran hymns which would
have been familiar to Bach’s congregation and in the St John Passion are set in
such a variety of keys and harmonized with such daring. The scene ends with
two arias separated by the briefest of recitatives. In themselves they are lovely
Von den Stricken meiner Sünden (From the bonds of my sins), for countertenor,
is accompanied by weaving oboes and a bass which hastens upward, and
Ich folge dir gleichfalls (I follow you likewise), for soprano and flutes, is Bach at
his most trippingly joyous – but they do slacken the momentum of the drama.
Recitative – Evangelist
Jesus ging mit seinen Jüngern über den         Jesus went forth with his disciples over the
Bach Kidron, da war ein Garten, darein         brook Cedron, where was a garden, into the
ging Jesus und seine Jünger.                   which he entered, and his disciples.
Judas aber, der ihn verriet, wusste den        And Judas also, which betrayed him, knew
Ort auch, denn Jesus versammlete sich          the place: for Jesus ofttimes resorted thither
oft daselbst mit seinen Jüngern.               with his disciples.
Da nun Judas zu sich hatte genommen            Judas then, having received a band of
die Schar und der Hohenpriester und            men and officers from the chief priests and
Pharisäer Diener, kommt er dahin mit           Pharisees, cometh thither with lanterns and
Fackeln, Lampen und mit Waffen.                torches and weapons.
Als nun Jesus wusste alles, was ihm            Jesus therefore, knowing all things that
begegnen sollte, ging er hinaus und            should come upon him, went forth, and
sprach zu ihnen:                               said unto them:
Jesus - Wen suchet ihr?                        Whom seek ye?
Evangelist - Sie antworteten ihm:              They answered him:
Chorus - Jesum von Nazareth!                   Jesus of Nazareth!
Evangelist - Jesus spricht zu ihnen:           Jesus saith unto them:
Jesus - Ich bin’s.                             I am he.
Judas aber, der ihn verriet, stund auch bei And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood
ihnen. Als nun Jesus ihnen sprach: Ich bin’s, with them. As soon then as he had said unto
wichen sie zurücke und fielen zu Boden.       them, I am he, they went backward, and fell
                                              to the ground.
Da fragte er sie abermal:                     Then asked he them again:
Jesus - Wen suchet ihr?                        Whom seek ye?
Evangelist - Sie aber sprachen:                And they said:
Chorus - Jesum von Nazareth!                   Jesus of Nazareth!
Evangelist - Jesus antwortete:                 Jesus answered:
Ich hab’s euch gesagt, dass ich’s sei;         I have told you that I am he; if therefore ye
suchet ihr denn mich, so lasset diese gehen!   seek me, let these go their way!
O grosse Lieb, O Lieb ohn’ alle Masse,         O great love, O love without any limits,
Die dich gebracht auf diese Marterstrasse!     that has brought you along this martyr’s way!
Ich lebte mit der Welt in Lust und Freuden,    I lived with the world in pleasure and delight,
Und du musst leiden!                           And you must suffer!
Auf dass das Wort erfüllet würde, welches      That the saying might be fulfilled, which he
er sagte: ‘Ich habe der keine verloren,        spake,‘Of them which thou
die du mir gegeben hast.’                      gavest me have I lost none.’
Da hatte Simon Petrus ein Schwert und zog      Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it,
es aus und schlug nach dem Hohenpriesters      and smote the high priest’s servant, and cut
Knecht und hieb ihm sein recht’ Ohr ab; und    off his right ear. The servant’s name was
der Knecht hiess Malchus.                      Malchus.
Da sprach Jesus zu Petro:                      Then said Jesus unto Peter:
Stecke dein Schwert in die Scheide! Soll ich   Put up thy sword into the sheath: the cup
den Kelch nicht trinken, den mir mein Vater    which my Father hath given me,
gegeben hat?                                   shall I not drink it?

Dein Will gescheh, Herr Gott, zugleich         Your will be done, Lord God, both
Auf Erden wie im Himmelreich.                  on earth as in heaven.
Gib uns Geduld in Leidenszeit,                 Grant us patience in time of sorrow,
Gehorsam sein in Lieb und Leid;                obedience in love and sorrow;
Wehr und steur allem Fleisch und Blut,         Restrain and guide our flesh and blood
Das wider deinen Willen tut!                   that acts against your will!
Die Schar aber und der Oberhauptmann           Then the band and the captain and officers
und die Diener der Jüden nahmen Jesum          of the Jews took Jesus, and bound him and
und bunden ihn und führeten ihn aufs erste     led him away to Annas first; for he was
zu Hannas, der war Kaiphas’ Schwäher,          father-in-law to Caiaphas, which was the
welcher des Jahres Hoherpriester war.          high priest that same year.
Es war aber Kaiphas, der den Jüden riet,       Now Caiaphas was he, which gave
es wäre gut, dass ein Mensch würde             counsel to the Jews, that it was expedient
umbracht für das Volk.                         that one man should die for the people.
Aria – Countertenor
Von den Stricken meiner Sünden                 From the bonds of my sins
Mich zu entbinden,                             to set me free
Wird mein Heil gebunden.                       my Saviour is bound.
Mich von allen Lasterbeulen                    From all infections of vice
Völlig zu heilen,                              to heal me completely
Lässt er sich verwunden.                       he gives himself to be wounded.
Simon Petrus aber folgte Jesu nach und ein     And Simon Peter followed Jesus, and so
ander Jünger.                                  did another disciple.
Aria – Soprano
Ich folge dir gleichfalls                          I follow you likewise
mit freudigen Schritten                            with joyful steps
Und lasse dich nicht,                              and do not leave you
Mein Leben, mein Licht.                            my life, my light.
Befördre den Lauf                                  Bring me on my way
Und höre nicht auf,                                and do not cease
Selbst an mir zu ziehen,                           to pull, push
zu schieben, zu bitten.                            and urge me on.

A long recitative Derselbige Jünger follows. The Gospel verses are set starkly in
the St John – they lack the St Matthew’s nimbus of strings around Jesus – but to
great imaginative effect (note in this number the contrast between denn es war
kalt and the shiver on wärmeten).
Derselbiger Jünger war dem Hohenpriester           That same disciple was known unto the
bekannt und ging mit Jesu hinein in des            high priest, and went in with Jesus into the
Hohenpriesters Palast. Petrus aber stund           palace of the high priest. But Peter stood at
draussen für der Tür. Da ging der andere Jünger,   the door without. Then went out that other
der dem Hohenpriester bekannt war, hinaus          disciple, which was known unto the high
und redete mit der Türhüterin und führete          priest, and spake unto her that kept the
Petrum hinein. Da sprach die Magd, die             door, and brought in Peter. Then saith the
Türhüterin, zu Petro:                              damsel that kept the door unto Peter:
Bist du nicht dieses Menschen Jünger einer?        Art not thou one of this man’s disciples?
Evangelist - Er sprach:                            He saith:
Peter - Ich bin’s nicht!                           I am not!
Es stunden aber die Knechte und Diener und         And the servants and officers stood there,
hatten ein Kohlfeu’r gemacht (denn es war          who had made a fire of coals (for it
kalt), und wärmeten sich. Petrus aber stund        was cold) and they warmed themselves.
bei ihnen und wärmete sich.                        And Peter stood with them, and warmed
Aber die Hohepriester fragte Jesum um seine The high priest then asked Jesus of his
Jünger und um seine Lehre.                  disciples, and of his doctrine.
Jesus antwortete ihm:                       Jesus answered him:
Ich habe frei, öffentlich geredet für der Welt.    I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in
Ich habe allezeit gelehret in der Schule           the synagogue, and in the temple, whither
und in dem Tempel, da alle Jüden                   the Jews always resort; and in secret have
zusammenkommen, und habe nichts                    I said nothing.
im Verborgnen geredt.
Was fragst du mich darum? Frage die      Why askest thou me? Ask them which
darum, die gehöret haben, was ich zu     heard me, what I have said unto them!
ihnen geredet habe! Siehe, dieselbigen   Behold, they know what I said.
wissen, was ich gesaget habe!
Als er aber solches redete, gab der      And when he had thus spoken, one of the
Diener einer, die dabei stunden, Jesu    officers which stood by struck Jesus with the
einen Backenstreich und sprach:          palm of his hand, saying:
Solltest du dem Hohenpriester also       Answerest thou the high priest so?
Evangelist - Jesus aber antwortete:      Jesus answered him:
Hab ich übel geredt, so beweise es,      If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the
dass es böse sei; habe ich aber recht    evil; but if well, why smitest thou me?
geredt, was schlägest du mich?

Wer hat dich so geschlagen,              Who has struck you in this way,
Mein Heil, und dich mit Plagen           my Saviour, and with torments
So übel zugericht’?                      treated you so badly?
Du bist ja nicht ein Sünder              You are indeed not a sinner
Wie wir und unsre Kinder,                as we and our children are,
Von Missetaten weisst du nicht.          of wrongdoing you know nothing.
Ich, ich und meine Sünden,               I, I, and my sins,
Die sich wie Körnlein finden             that are as many as grains
Des Sandes an dem Meer,                  of sand by the sea
Die haben dir erreget                    have provoked for you
Das Elend, das dich schläget,            the misery that has struck you
Und das betrübte Marterheer.             and the host of troubles and torment.

In the hissing Bist du nicht seiner Jünger einer? (Art thou not one of his
disciples?) Bach conjures up the nightmare of accusations coming from all sides.
Peter’s anguished tears (a sentence lifted from St Matthew’s Gospel) are conveyed
by a lengthy succession of semitones and tritones above a chromatic scale
in the continuo. There follows one of the most striking numbers in the work,
Ach, mein Sinn (Ah, my soul), an impassioned aria in F sharp minor for tenor
(one might almost say Heldentenor), characterized by dotted quavers and
scurrying semiquavers. It offers no comfort and ends abruptly in a passage marked
forte by the composer. A chorale reflecting on Peter’s betrayal, in which the word
Böses (evil) is tellingly harmonized, concludes the first part of the Passion.
Und Hannas sandte ihn gebunden zu dem         Now Annas had sent him bound unto
Hohenpriester Kaiphas. Simon Petrus aber      Caiaphas the high priest. And Simon
stund und wärmete sich; da sprachen sie zu    Peter stood and warmed himself. They
ihm:                                          said therefore unto him:
Chorus - Bist du nicht seiner Jünger einer?   Art not thou one of his disciples?
Evangelist - Er leugnete aber und sprach:     He denied it, and said:
Peter - Ich bin’s nicht!                      I am not!
Spricht des Hohenpriesters Knecht’ einer,     One of the servants of the high priest,
ein Gefreundter des, dem Petrus das Ohr       being his kinsman whose ear Peter cut
abgehauen hatte:                              off, saith:
Sahe ich dich nicht im Garten bei ihm?        Did not I see thee in the garden with him?
Da verleugnete Petrus abermal, und alsobald   Peter then denied again: and immediately
krähete der Hahn. Da gedachte Petrus an       the cock crew. And Peter remembered the
die Worte Jesu und ging hinaus und weinete    words of Jesus and went out, and wept
bitterlich.                                   bitterly.
Aria – Tenor
Ach, mein Sinn, wo willt du endlich hin,      Ah, my soul, where will you at last go,
Wo soll ich mich erquicken?                   where shall I find relief?
Bleib ich hier, oder wünsch ich mir           Should I stay here, or should I wish
Berg und Hügel auf den Rücken?                that hills and mountains were at my back?

Bei der Welt ist gar kein Rat,                In the world there is no help,
Und im Herzen stehn die Schmerzen             and in my heart are the pains
Meiner Missetat,                              of my wrongdoing,
Weil der Knecht den Herrn verleugnet hat.     since the servant has denied the Lord.
Petrus, der nicht denkt zurück,               Peter, who does not think back at all,
Seinen Gott verneinet,                        denies his God,
Der doch auf ein’ ernsten Blick               but then at a look of reproach
Bitterlichen weinet.                          weeps bitterly.
Jesu, blicke mich auch an,                    Jesus, look at me also
Wenn ich nicht will büssen;                   when I am reluctant to repent;
Wenn ich Böses hab getan,                     when I have done evil,
Rühre mein Gewissen!                          stir up my conscience!

                           INTERVAL – 20 Minutes
Repeated soprano Es in the opening chorale are a clarion call at the resumption
of the action. We immediately enter the most dramatic sequence of the St John
Passion, the exchanges between Pilate and the mob. To the procurator’s question
about the charge against Jesus they launch into the hideous chromaticism of
Wäre dieser nicht ein Übeltäter (If he were not a malefactor) and the driving
dactylic rhythms of überantwortet (delivered). Pilate responds and the crowd
are off again Wir dürfen niemand töten (It is not lawful for us to put any man
to death), this time with the urgent, semiquaver accompaniment of violins and
flutes first heard in Jesum von Nazareth.
Christus, der uns selig macht,                 Christ, who makes us blessed
Kein Bös’ hat begangen,                        and has done no wrong,
Der ward für uns in der Nacht                  was for us in the night
Als ein Dieb gefangen,                         seized like a thief,
Geführt für gottlose Leut                      led before godless people
Und fälschlich verklaget,                      and falsely accused,
Verlacht, verhöhnt und verspeit,               derided, mocked and spat upon,
Wie denn die Schrift saget.                    as the Scripture says.
Da führeten sie Jesum von Kaiphas vor          Then led they Jesus from Caiaphas unto
das Richthaus, und es war frühe. Und sie       the hall of judgment: and it was early.
gingen nicht in das Richthaus, auf dass sie    And they themselves went not into the
nicht unrein würden, sondern Ostern essen      judgment hall, lest they should be defiled;
möchten.                                       but that they might eat the Passover.
Da ging Pilatus zu ihnen heraus und sprach:    Pilate then went out unto them, and said:
Was bringet ihr für Klage                      What accusation bring ye
wider diesen Menschen?                         against this man?
Evangelist - Sie antworteten und sprachen zu ihm: They answered and said unto him:
Wäre dieser nicht ein Übeltäter,               If he were not a malefactor, we would not
wir hätten dir ihn nicht überantwortet.        have delivered him up unto thee.
Da sprach Pilatus zu ihnen:                    Then said Pilate unto them:
So nehmet ihn ihr hin und richtet ihn nach     Take ye him, and judge him according to
eurem Gesetze!                                 your law!
Evangelist - Da sprachen die Jüden zu ihm:     The Jews therefore said unto him:
Chorus - Wir dürfen niemand töten.             It is not lawful for us to put any man to death.
Auf dass erfüllet würde das Wort Jesu,          That the saying of Jesus might be fulfilled,
welches er sagte, da er deutete, welches        which he spake, signifying what death he
Todes er sterben würde.                         should die.

The ensuing dialogue between the procurator and Jesus is remarkable for the
latter’s brief melodic flourish on the word ‘kämpfen’. The rolling bass quavers
in the next chorale Ach, grösser König (Ah, great king) emphasize Christ’s
majesty. Pilate returns to the crowd, who shout for the robber, Barabbas. The
Evangelist immediately enters on a top A and describes the scourging of Jesus
in an immense, galloping sequence above a jagged bass.
Da ging Pilatus wieder hinein in das            Then Pilate entered into the judgment hall
Richthaus und rief Jesu und sprach zu ihm:      again, and called Jesus, and said unto him:
Pilate - Bist du der Jüden König?               Art thou the King of the Jews?
Evangelist - Jesus antwortete:                  Jesus answered him:
Redest du das von dir selbst, oder haben’s      Sayest thou this thing of thyself,
dir andere von mir gesagt?                      or did others tell it thee of me?
Evangelist - Pilatus antwortete:                Pilate answered:
Bin ich ein Jüde? Dein Volk und die         Am I a Jew? Thine own nation and the
Hohenpriester haben dich mir überantwortet. chief priests have delivered thee unto me.
Was hast du getan?                          What hast thou done?
Evangelist - Jesus antwortete:                  Jesus answered:
Mein Reich ist nicht von dieser Welt. Wäre      My kingdom is not of this world. If my
mein Reich von dieser Welt, meine Diener        kingdom were of this world, then would
würden darob kämpfen, dass ich den Jüden        my servants fight, that I should not be
nicht überantwortet würde; aber nun ist mein    delivered to the Jews; but now is my
Reich nicht von dannen.                         kingdom not from hence.
Ach grosser König, gross zu allen Zeiten,       Ah, great king, great in all ages,
Wie kann ich g’nugsam diese Treu                How can I make my faithfulness
ausbreiten?                                     in any way adequate?
Keins Menschen Herze mag indes aus-             No human heart can conceive
denken,Was dir zu schenken.                     what gift is fit to offer you.
Ich kann’s mit meinen Sinnen nicht erreichen,   My mind cannot imagine
Womit doch dein Erbarmen zu vergleichen.        what can be compared to your mercy.
Wie kann ich dir denn deine Liebestaten         How then can I match your loving deeds
Im Werk erstatten?                              by anything I do ?
Evangelist - Da sprach Pilatus zu ihm:           Pilate therefore said unto him:
Pilate - So bist du dennoch ein König?           Art thou a king then?
Evangelist - Jesus antwortete:                   Jesus answered:
Du sagst’s, ich bin ein König. Ich bin dazu      Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I
geboren und in die Welt kommen, dass             born, and for this cause came I into the world,
ich die Wahrheit zeugen soll. Wer aus der        that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every
Wahrheit ist, der höret meine Stimme.            one that is of the truth heareth my voice.
Evangelist - Spricht Pilatus zu ihm:             Pilate saith unto him:
Pilate - Was ist Wahrheit?                       What is truth?
Und da er das gesaget, ging er wieder            And when he had said this, he went out
hinaus zu den Jüden und spricht zu ihnen:        again unto the Jews, and saith unto them:

Pilate - Ich finde keine Schuld an ihm.          I find in him no fault at all. But ye have a
Ihr habt aber eine Gewohnheit, dass ich euch     custom, that I should release unto you one
einen [zum Passafest] losgebe; wollt ihr nun,    [at the Passover]; will ye therefore that I
dass ich euch der Jüden König losgebe?           release unto you the King of the Jews?
Evangelist - Da schrieen sie wieder allesamt     Then cried they all again, saying:
und sprachen:
Chorus - Nicht diesen, sondern Barabbam!         Not this man, but Barabbas!
Barabbas aber war ein Mörder.                    Now Barabbas was a robber.
Da nahm Pilatus Jesum                            Then Pilate therefore took Jesus,
und geisselte ihn.                               and scourged him.

The succeeding bass arioso Betrachte, meine Seele (Consider, my soul) is
wonderfully scored for two viole d’amore, instruments with sympathetic as
well as playing strings, and lute, a combination of surpassing intimacy and
sweetness. The viole then accompany the tenor in Erwäge (Ponder), an aria
in which Christ’s blood-stained back is compared with the rainbow which
appeared after the Flood.

Arioso – Bass
Betrachte, meine Seel,                         Consider, my soul,
mit ängstlichem Vergnügen,                     with anxious delight,
Mit bittrer Lust                               with bitter pleasure
und halb beklemmtem Herzen                     and a heart partly oppressed
Dein höchstes Gut in Jesu Schmerzen,           that your highest good depends on Jesus’ sorrow,
Wie dir auf Dornen, so ihn stechen,            how for you from the thorns that pierce him
Die Himmelsschlüsselblumen blühn!              heavenly flowers blossom!
Du kannst viel süsse Frucht                     You can gather so much sweet fruit
von seiner Wermut brechen,                      from his wormwood,
Drum sieh ohn’ Unterlass auf ihn!               therefore look unceasingly towards him!
Aria – Tenor
Erwäge, wie sein blutgefärbter Rücken           Ponder well how his back, bloodstained
In allen Stücken                                all over,
Dem Himmel gleiche geht,                        is like the sky,
Daran, nachdem die Wasserwogen                  where after the deluge
Von unsrer Sündflut sich verzogen,              from our flood of sins has abated
Der allerschönste Regenbogen                    the most beautiful rainbow appears
Als Gottes Gnadenzeichen steht!                 as a sign of God’s mercy!

The soldiers hail Jesus mockingly (Sei gegrüsset) and the woodwind add
their falling semiquavers of obeisance. He is presented to the crowd, who
yell ‘Kreuzige!’ in a terrifying sequence of interwoven motifs – drawn-out,
dissonant major sevenths and semitones, and drumming quavers followed by
two semiquavers. Pilate says he can find no fault with the accused. The chief
priests, in a pompous fugue, remind him that Jesus is guilty of blasphemy
under their law: Wir haben ein Gesetz (We have a law). Pilate’s desire to release
(losliesse) the prisoner is touchingly portrayed at the end of the next recitative.

Und die Kriegsknechte flochten eine Krone         And the soldiers platted a crown of
aus Dornen und satzten sie auf sein Haupt und     thorns, and put it on his head, and they
legten ihm ein Purpurkleid an und sprachen:       put on him a purple robe, and said:
Chorus - Sei gegrüsset, lieber Jüden König!       Hail, dear King of the Jews!
Evangelist - Und gaben ihm Backenstreiche.        And they smote him with their hands.
Da ging Pilatus wieder heraus                     Pilate therefore went forth again,
und sprach zu ihnen:                              and saith unto them:
Pilate - Sehet, ich führe ihn heraus zu euch,     Behold, I bring him forth to you, that ye
dass ihr erkennet, dass ich keine Schuld an       may know that I find no fault in him.
ihm finde.
Evangelist - Also ging Jesus heraus und trug      Then came Jesus forth, wearing the crown
eine Dornenkrone und Purpurkleid. Und er          of thorns, and the purple robe. And Pilate
sprach zu ihnen:                                  saith unto them:
Pilate - Seht, welch ein Mensch!                  Behold the man!
Da ihn die Hohenpriester und die Diener           When the chief priests therefore and
sahen, schrien sie un sprachen:                   officers saw him, they cried out, saying:
Chorus - Kreuzige, kreuzige!                      Crucify him, crucify him!
Evangelist - Pilatus sprach zu ihnen:           Pilate saith unto them:
Nehmet ihr ihn hin und kreuziget ihn,           Take ye him, and crucify him:
denn ich finde keine Schuld an ihm!             for I find no fault in him.
Evangelist - Die Jüden antworteten ihm:         The Jews answered him:
Wir haben ein Gesetz, und nach dem              We have a law, and by our law he ought
Gesetz soll er sterben, denn er hat sich        to die, because he made
selbst zu Gottes Sohn gemacht.                  himself the Son of God.
Da Pilatus das Wort hörete, fürchtet’ er sich   When Pilate therefore heard that saying,
noch mehr und ging wieder hinein in das         he was the more afraid and went again into
Richthaus und spricht zu Jesu:                  the judgment hall, and saith unto Jesus:
Pilate - Von wannen bist du?                    Whence art thou?
Aber Jesus gab ihm keine Antwort.               But Jesus gave him no answer.
Da sprach Pilatus zu ihm:                       Then saith Pilate unto him:
Pilate - Redest du nicht mit mir?               Speakest thou not unto me?
Weissest du nicht, dass ich Macht habe,         Knowest thou not that I have power to
dich zu kreuzigen, und Macht habe, dich         crucify thee, and have power to release
loszugeben?                                     thee?
Evangelist - Jesus antwortete:                  Jesus answered:
Du hättest keine Macht über mich, wenn sie      Thou couldest have no power at all
dir nicht wäre von oben herab gegeben;          against me, except it were given thee
darum, der mich dir überantwortet hat, der      from above; therefore he that delivered
hat’s gröss’re Sünde.                           me unto thee hath the greater sin.
Evangelist - Von dem an trachtete Pilatus,      And from thenceforth Pilate sought to
wie er ihn losliesse.                           release him.

We have reached the core of the work, a radiant E major chorale Durch dein
Gefängnis in which the slavery (Knechtschaft) of sin is chromatically illustrated.
It is the centre of a gigantic musical palindrome stretching over 26 numbers
and linking movements which are musically very similar, and in some cases
almost identical. The listener will get an inkling of it from the subsequent
chorus, Lässest du diesen los (If thou let this man go), whose counterpart is
Wir haben ein Gesetz (We have a law).
Durch dein Gefängnis, Gottes Sohn,                Through your imprisonment, Son of God,
Ist uns die Freiheit kommen;                      has our freedom come.
Dein Kerker ist der Gnadenthron,                  Your prison is the throne of grace,
Die Freistatt aller Frommen;                      the refuge of all believers.
Denn gingst du nicht die Knechtschaft ein,        If you had not accepted slavery,
Müsst unsre Knechtschaft ewig sein.               our slavery would have been eternal.
Die Jüden aber schrieen und sprachen:             But the Jews cried out, saying:
Lässest du diesen los, so bist du des Kaisers     If thou let this man go, thou art not
Freund nicht; denn wer sich zum Könige            Caesar’s friend; for whosoever maketh
machet, der ist wider den Kaiser.                 himself a king is against Caesar.
Da Pilatus das Wort hörete, führete er Jesum      When Pilate therefore heard that saying,
heraus und satzte sich auf den Richtsstuhl an     he brought Jesus forth, and sat down in the
der Stätte, die da heisset Hochpflaster,          judgment seat in a place that is called the
auf ebräisch aber: Gabbatha.                      Pavement, but in the Hebrew, Gabbatha.
Es war aber der Rüsttag in Ostern, um die         And it was the Preparation of the
sechste Stunde,                                   Passover, and about the sixth hour;
und er spricht zu den Jüden:                      and he saith unto the Jews:
Pilate - Sehet, das ist euer König!               Behold your King!
Evangelist - Sie schrieen aber:                   But they cried out:
Chorus - Weg, weg mit dem! Kreuzige ihn!          Away with him, away with him! Crucify him!
Evangelist - Spricht Pilatus zu ihnen:            Pilate saith unto them:
Pilate - Soll ich euren König kreuzigen?          Shall I crucify your King?
Evangelist - Die Hohenpriester antworteten:       The chief priests answered:
Chorus - Wir haben keinen König denn              We have no king but Caesar.
den Kaiser.
Da überantwortete er ihn, dass er gekreuziget     Then delivered he him to be crucified.
würde. Sie nahmen aber Jesum und führeten         And they took Jesus, and led him away.
ihn hin. Und er trug sein Kreuz und ging          And he bearing his cross went forth into a
hinaus zur Stätte, die da heisset Schädelstätt,   place called the place of a skull, which is
welche heisset auf ebräisch Golgatha.             called in the Hebrew Golgotha.

After Jesus is led away to be crucified, Eilt, ihr angefocht’nen Seelen (Hurry, you
tormented souls), an aria for bass with string accompaniment, opens with a
powerful rising, unison scale in the top three parts and, when the continuo
takes up the same figure, offbeat entries for violins and violas create the effect of
duple over triple time. The rhythm becomes even more complex with the choral
interjections of Wohin?, to which the soloist replies, nach Golgatha!

Aria – Bass and Chorus
Eilt, ihr angefochtnen Seelen,                  Hurry, you tormented souls,
Geht aus euren Marterhöhlen,                    leave your dens of torment,
Eilt—Wohin?—nach Golgatha!                      Hurry—Where?—to Golgotha!
Nehmet an des Glaubens Flügel,                  Take the wings of faith,
Flieht—Wohin?—zum Kreuzeshügel,                 Fly—Where?—to the hill of the cross,
Eure Wohlfahrt blüht allda!                     there your salvation flourishes!
Allda kreuzigten sie ihn und mit ihm zween      Where they crucified him, and two other
andere zu beiden Seiten, Jesum                  with him, on either side one, and Jesus
aber mitten inne.                               in the midst.
Pilatus aber schrieb eine Überschrift           And Pilate wrote a title,
und satzte sie auf das Kreuz; und war           and put it on the cross. And the writing
geschrieben: ‘Jesus von Nazareth,               was ‘Jesus of Nazareth,
der Jüden König.’                               the King of the Jews.’
Diese Überschrift lasen viele Jüden, denn       This title then read many of the Jews: for
die Stätte war nahe bei der Stadt da Jesus      the place where Jesus was crucified was
gekreuziget ist. Und es war geschrieben         nigh to the city: and it was written in
auf ebräischer, griechischer und lateinischer   Hebrew, Greek and Latin.
Da sprachen die Hohenpriester der               Then said the chief priests of the
Jüden zu Pilato:                                Jews to Pilate:
Chorus - Schreibe nicht: Der Jüden König,       Write not, The King of the Jews, but that
sondern, dass er gesagt habe: Ich bin der       he said, I am King of the Jews.
Jüden König.
Evangelist - Pilatus antwortet:                 Pilate answered:
Was ich geschrieben habe,                       What I have written I have written.
das habe ich geschrieben.
In meines Herzens Grunde                        In the depths of my heart
Dein Nam und Kreuz allein                       your Name and Cross alone
Funkelt all Zeit und Stunde,                    shine at every moment
Drauf kann ich fröhlich sein.                   making me able to rejoice.
Erschein mir in dem Bilde                       Let me see the image
Zu Trost in meiner Not,                         to console me in my distress
Wie du, Herr Christ, so milde                   of how you, Lord Christ, so patiently
Dich hast geblut’ zu Tod!                       shed your blood in death!
Jesus having been crucified, the soldiers cast lots for his robe in a lengthy fugal
chorus, Lasset uns den nicht zerteilen (Let us not rend it), in which the rattling
of dice is suggested by the ceaseless semiquavers of the cello continuo.

Die Kriegsknechte aber, da sie Jesum             Then the soldiers, when they had
gekreuziget hatten, nahmen seine Kleider         crucified Jesus, took his garments, and
und machten vier Teile, einem jeglichen          made four parts, to every soldier a
Kriegsknecht sein Teil, dazu auch den Rock.      part; and also his coat. Now the coat
Der Rock aber war ungenähet, von oben an         was without seam, woven from the top
gewürket durch und durch. Da sprachen sie        throughout. They said therefore among
untereinander:                                   themselves:
Lasset uns den nicht zerteilen, sondern darum Let us not rend it, but cast lots for it,
losen, wes er sein soll.                      whose it shall be.
Auf dass erfüllet würde die Schrift, die da      That the Scripture might be fulfilled,
saget: ‘Sie haben meine Kleider unter sich       which saith, ‘They parted my raiment
geteilet und haben über meinen Rock das Los      among them, and for my vesture they
geworfen.’ Solches taten die Kriegsknechte.      did cast lots.’ These things therefore the
                                                 soldiers did.
Es stund aber bei dem Kreuze Jesu seine          Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his
Mutter und seiner Mutter Schwester, Maria,       mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary the
Kleophas Weib, und Maria Magdalena.              wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene.
Da nun Jesus seine Mutter sahe und den           When Jesus therefore saw his mother,
Jünger dabei stehen, den er lieb hatte,          and the disciple standing by, whom he
spricht er zu seiner Mutter:                     loved, he saith unto his mother:
Jesus - Weib, siehe, das ist dein Sohn!          Woman, behold thy son!
Evangelist - Danach spricht er zu dem Jünger: Then saith he to the disciple:
Jesus - Siehe, das ist deine Mutter!             Behold thy mother!
Er nahm alles wohl in acht                       He thought carefully of everything
In der letzten Stunde,                           in his last hour,
Seine Mutter noch bedacht,                       he was concerned for his mother,
Setzt ihr ein’ Vormunde.                         chose someone to look after her.
O Mensch, mache Richtigkeit,                     O man, act justly,
Gott und Menschen liebe,                         love God and mankind,
Stirb darauf ohn alles Leid,                     then you can die without sorrow,
Und dich nicht betrübe!                          and need not grieve!
Und von Stund an nahm sie der Jünger             And from that hour that disciple took her
zu sich.                                         unto his own home.
Darnach, als Jesus wusste, dass schon alles      After this, Jesus knowing that all things
vollbracht war, dass die Schrift erfüllet würde, were now accomplished, that the
spricht er:                                      Scripture might be fulfilled, saith:
Jesus - Mich dürstet.                            I thirst.
Da stund ein Gefässe voll Essigs. Sie fülleten   Now there was set a vessel full of
aber einen Schwamm mit Essig und legten ihn      vinegar. They filled a spunge with
auf einen Isopen und hielten es ihm dar zum      vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put
Munde. Da nun Jesus den Essig genommen           it to his mouth. When Jesus therefore had
hatte, sprach er:                                received the vinegar, he said:
Jesus - Es ist vollbracht!                       It is accomplished!

The phrase Es ist vollbracht forms the basis for the ensuing countertenor
aria of the same name. At this key point Bach introduces a viola da
gamba to heighten the pathos. But he also reminds us of the meaning of
Christ’s suffering by inserting a D major fanfare accompanied by strings,
Der Held aus Juda (The hero from Judah).

Aria – Countertenor
Es ist vollbracht!                               It is accomplished!
O Trost vor die gekränkten Seelen!               What comfort for all suffering souls!
Die Trauernacht                                  The night of sorrow
Lässt nun die letzte Stunde zählen.              now reaches its final hours.
Der Held aus Juda siegt mit Macht                The hero from Judah triumphs in his might
Und schliesst den Kampf.                         and brings the strife to an end.
Es ist vollbracht!                               It is accomplished!
Evangelist - Und neiget das Haupt                And he bowed his head,
und verschied.                                   and gave up the ghost.

The death of Jesus is followed by a serene, warm, sinuous chorale fantasia
for bass and chorus, Mein teurer Heiland, in which the soloist answers his
own questions about the redemptive power of the Cross with the word ‘Ja!’,
while the chorus prays for the sinner’s own redemption at death.

Aria and Chorale – Bass and Chorus
Mein teurer Heiland, lass dich fragen,         My beloved Saviour, let me ask you,
Da du nunmehr ans Kreuz geschlagen             since you have now been nailed to the cross
Und selbst gesagt:                             and you yourself have said:
Es ist vollbracht,                             It is accomplished,
Bin ich vom Sterben frei gemacht?              have I been set free from death?
Kann ich durch deine Pein und Sterben              Through your pain and death can I
Das Himmelreich ererben?                           inherit the kingdom of heaven?
Ist aller Welt Erlösung da?                        Is this the redemption of the whole world?
Du kannst vor Schmerzen zwar nichts sagen;         You can indeed not speak for anguish;
Doch neigest du das Haupt                          but you bow your head
Und sprichst stillschweigend: ja.                  and silently say: yes.
  Jesu, der du warest tot,                            Jesus, you were dead,
  Lebest nun ohn Ende,                                and now live for ever,
  In der letzten Todesnot                             in my final agony of death
  Nirgend mich hinwende.                              may I turn nowhere else
  Als zu dir, der mich versühnt,                      but to you, who have redeemed me,
  O du lieber Herre!                                  O my dear Lord,
  Gib mir nur, was du verdient,                       give me only what you have won,
  Mehr ich nicht begehre!                             for more I could not wish!

Bach takes two more verses from St Matthew’s Gospel for the rending of the
temple veil and the earthquake. The strings tremble on demisemiquavers in
the succeeding tenor arioso, Mein Herz (My heart), which at the end modulates
deliciously from D minor to C major. In this and the accompanying aria,
Zerfliesse, mein Herz (Dissolve, my heart), Bach broadens his orchestral
palette again, this time with oboes da caccia. In the second piece they weave
wonderfully intricate patterns with flutes, soprano solo and continuo.
Und siehe da, der Vorhang im Tempel zerriss    And, behold, the veil of the temple was
in zwei Stück von oben an bis unten aus.       rent in twain from the top to the bottom;
Und die Erde erbebete, und die Felsen          and the earth did quake, and the rocks
zerrissen, und die Gräber täten sich auf,      rent; and the graves were opened;
und stunden auf viel Leiber der Heiligen.      and many bodies of the saints which slept
Arioso – Tenor
Mein Herz, in dem die ganze Welt               My heart, while the whole world
Bei Jesu Leiden gleichfalls leidet,            suffers as Jesus suffers,
Die Sonne sich in Trauer kleidet,              the sun is clothed in mourning,
Der Vorhang reisst, der Fels zerfällt,         the veil is torn, the rocks split,
Die Erde bebt, die Gräber spalten,             the earth quakes, graves gape open,
Weil sie den Schöpfer sehn erkalten,           because they behold the Creator grow
                                               cold in death,
Was willst du deines Ortes tun?                for your part, what will you do?
Aria – Soprano
Zerfliesse, mein Herze, in Fluten der Zähren   Dissolve, my heart, in floods of tears
Dem Höchsten zu Ehren!                         to honour the Almighty!
Erzähle der Welt und dem Himmel die Not:       Tell the world and heaven your distress:
Dein Jesus ist tot!                            your Jesus is dead!
The composer sets the remaining 12 verses of the Gospel text in two long
passages of recitative separated by a chorale, O hilf, Christe, Gottes Sohn
(Oh help us, Christ, God’s Son) to the same melody as that at the start of Part Two.

Die Jüden aber, dieweil es der Rüsttag           The Jews therefore, because it was the
war, dass nicht die Leichname am Kreuze          Preparation, that the bodies should not
blieben den Sabbath über (denn desselbigen       remain upon the cross on the Sabbath
Sabbaths Tag war sehr gross), baten sie          day, (for that Sabbath day was an high
Pilatum, dass ihre Beine gebrochen und           day) besought Pilate that their legs might
sie abgenommen würden. Da kamen die              be broken, and that they might be taken
Kriegsknechte und brachen dem ersten             away. Then came the soldiers, and brake
die Beine und dem andern, der mit ihm            the legs of the first, and of the other which
gekreuziget war.                                 was crucified with him.
Als sie aber zu Jesu kamen, da sie sahen,        But when they came to Jesus, and saw
dass er schon gestorben war, brachen sie ihm     that he was dead already, they brake not
die Beine nicht; sondern der Kriegsknechte       his legs. But one of the soldiers pierced
einer eröffnete seine Seite mit einem Speer,     his side with a spear, and forthwith came
und alsobald ging Blut und Wasser heraus.        there out blood and water.
Und der das gesehen hat, der hat es           And he that saw it bare record, and his
bezeuget, und sein Zeugnis ist wahr, und      record is true: and he knoweth that he
derselbige weiss, dass er die Wahrheit saget, saith true, that ye might believe.
auf dass ihr gläubet.
Denn solches ist geschehen, auf dass die          For these things were done, that the
Schrift erfüllet würde: ‘Ihr sollet ihm kein Bein Scripture should be fulfilled, ‘A bone of
zerbrechen.’                                      him shall not be broken.’
Und abermal spricht ein andere Schrift:          And again another Scripture saith,
‘Sie werden sehen, in welchen sie gestochen      ‘They shall look on him whom they
haben.’                                          pierced.’
O hilf, Christe, Gottes Sohn,                    Oh help us, Christ, God’s Son,
Durch dein bitter Leiden,                        through your bitter suffering,
Dass wir dir stets untertan                      so that always obedient to you
All Untugend meiden,                             we may shun all wrongdoing,
Deinen Tod und sein Ursach                       amd thinking of your death and its cause
Fruchtbarlich bedenken,                          we may profit from our reflections
Dafür, wiewohl arm                               and in this way, however poor
und schwach,                                     and weak it may be,
Dir Dankopfer schenken!                          give you an offering of thanks!
Darnach bat Pilatum Josef von Arimathia,       And after this Joseph of Arimathaea,
der ein Jünger Jesu war (doch heimlich,        being a disciple of Jesus (but secretly for
aus Furcht vor den Jüden), dass er möchte      fear of the Jews), besought Pilate that he
abnehmen den Leichnam Jesu. Und Pilatus        might take away the body of Jesus; and
erlaubete es. Derowegen kam er und nahm        Pilate gave him leave. He came therefore,
den Leichnam Jesu herab.                       and took the body of Jesus.
Es kam aber auch Nikodemus, der vormals        And there came also Nicodemus,
bei der Nacht zu Jesu kommen war, und          which at the first came to Jesus by night,
brachte Myrrhen und Aloen untereinander,       and brought a mixture of myrrh and
bei hundert Pfunden. Da nahmen sie den         aloes, about an hundred pound weight.
Leichnam Jesu, und bunden ihn in leinen        Then took they the body of Jesus, and
Tücher mit Spezereien, wie die Jüden           wound it in linen clothes with the spices,
pflegen zu begraben.                           as the manner of the Jews is to bury.
Es war aber an der Stätte, da er gekreuziget   Now in the place where he was crucified
ward, ein Garte und im Garten ein neu          there was a garden; and in the garden a
Grab, in welches niemand je geleget            new sepulchre, wherein was never man
war. Daselbst hin legten sie Jesum, um des     yet laid. There laid they Jesus therefore
Rüsttags willen der Jüden, dieweil             because of the Jews’ Preparation day;
das Grab nahe war.                             for the sepulchre was nigh at hand.

The final chorus, Ruht wohl, is a great sarabande in rondo form (A, B1, A,
B2, A). The laying to rest is conveyed by falling instrumental arpeggios and
a vertiginous soprano descent over nearly two octaves. In the first of the
‘B’ sections, the upper instruments play the arpeggios above repeated notes in
the bass; in the second, the roles are reversed and only the top three voices of
the chorus sing.

Ruht wohl, ihr heiligen Gebeine,               Rest well, you sacred limbs,
Die ich nun weiter nicht beweine,              I shall weep for you no more;
Ruht wohl und bringt auch mich zur Ruh!        rest well, and bring me also to rest.
Das Grab, so euch bestimmet ist                The grave that is allotted to you
Und ferner keine Not umschliesst,              and contains no further suffering,
Macht mir den Himmel auf und schliesst die     opens heaven for me and shuts off hell.
Hölle zu.

After such a lullaby, what more can be said? Bach looks to the bedrock of
Lutheran music, the chorale, for the answer. Switching from C minor to the
relative major of E flat, he sets the third verse of Martin Schalling’s hymn for
the dying. The first part is a tender depiction of the dead Christian’s waiting in
hope for the Last Trump. The second is the soul’s fervent plea to see the Saviour
face to face and praise Him eternally. Bach concludes his first Leipzig Passion
with a ringing affirmation of Christ’s victory over death.
Ach Herr, lass dein lieb Engelein         Ah Lord, let your dear angels
Am letzten End die Seele mein             at my final hour carry my soul
In Abrahams Schoss tragen,                to Abraham’s bosom,
Den Leib in sein’m Schlafkämmerlein       while my body in its narrow chamber
Gar sanft ohn ein’ge Qual und Pein        gently without pain or torment
Ruhn bis am Jüngsten Tage!                rests until the last day.
Alsdenn vom Tod erwecke mich,             Wake me then from death,
Dass meine Augen sehen dich               so that my eyes see you
In aller Freud, O Gottes Sohn,            in all joy, O God’s Son,
Mein Heiland und Genadenthron!            my Saviour and throne of mercy!
Herr Jesu Christ, erhöre mich,            Lord Jesus Christ, hear me,
Ich will dich preisen ewiglich!           I shall praise you eternally!

With acknowledgments to Simon Scott Plummer, who kindly supplied
the Programme Notes.
English Translation of Chorales by Francis Browne,
reproduced with permission. Source:

                             Nikolaikirche, Leipzig
Mark Forkgen

This season Mark Forkgen is celebrating 25 years as the Music Director of London Concert
Choir. He is also Music Director of Canticum chamber choir, Principal Conductor and
Artistic Advisor of Kokoro (the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra’s New Music Group)
and Director of Music at Tonbridge School. Mark was Organ Scholar of Queens’ College,
Cambridge, before winning a scholarship to study conducting at the Guildhall School of
Music and Drama.
Since then he has conducted major UK orchestras, including the Royal Philharmonic
Orchestra, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra,
City of London Sinfonia, English Chamber Orchestra, English Northern Philharmonia and
Manchester Camerata, appearing at major venues, including Royal Festival Hall and the
Royal Albert Hall and the Barbican.
A specialist in the field of choral and contemporary music, Mark has given the first
performances of more than 150 works. He has also conducted stage works with the Trestle
Theatre Company and Britten Sinfonia, and contemporary opera with the Unicorn Theatre
Company and an ensemble from the Philharmonia, at the Linbury Studio, Royal Opera
House, Covent Garden.
Mark’s wide range of conducting also includes performances with Deep Purple for
the Henley Festival and recreating Pink Floyd’s Atom Heart Mother in the Chelsea
Festival. He also enjoys an active life as a pianist, focusing on twentieth-century
and contemporary music.
He has been Conductor and Artistic Advisor for highly acclaimed festivals including Sir Peter
Maxwell Davies’ 70th Birthday, Stravinsky, ‘A Festival of Britten’, ‘Music of the Americas’,
‘Britain since Britten’ and ‘East meets West’. Outside the UK he has conducted in Denmark,
Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Eire, the Czech Republic and Italy (including
Handel’s Messiah in Siena and Israel in Egypt at the Viterbo Early Music Festival), Bulgaria
(concerts broadcast for National TV and Radio) and Hong Kong.
During lockdown, Mark presented a series of streamed recitals and lectures to the choir.
Highlights since lockdown have included Some Call it Home, a multi-media music drama by
Jonathan Dawe and Jane O’Leary commemorating the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower,
and a concert series, ‘Play on’, inspired by Shakespeare. Further highlights this March
include Beethoven’s Eroica Symphony and Schönberg’s Pierrot Lunaire.
Nicholas Mulroy

Born in Liverpool, Nicholas Mulroy read Modern Languages at Clare College
Cambridge and then studied at the Royal Academy of Music. He has since sung at many
of the world’s great concert halls and festivals, including the Sydney Opera House,
Boston Symphony Hall, Carnegie Hall, the Royal Albert Hall, Berlin Philharmonie, the
BBC Proms, and the Salzburg Festival. In November 2020, he was also appointed
Associate Director of the Dunedin Consort, the first in the group’s history.
Described as “an outstandingly sensitive narrator” (The Star Tribune), he has sung
J.S. Bach’s Evangelist with many of today’s leading conductors, including Sir John
Eliot Gardiner, Marc Minkowski, Hans-Christoph Rademann, Lars Ulrik Mortensen,
and Laurence Cummings.
On the concert platform he has also performed with ensembles including the Royal
Scottish National Orchestra, the Brussels, Copenhagen, BBC, Wroclaw and Royal
Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestras, BBC National Orchestra of Wales, the Hallé,
Royal Northern Sinfonia, the OAE, Les Concert des Nations, Staatskapelle Dresden,
Netherlands Chamber Choir, Handel and Haydn Society, Saint Paul Chamber
Orchestra, Auckland Philharmonic, and the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. He has
sung under conductors including Sir Colin Davis, Nicholas McGegan, John Butt, Paul
McCreesh, Harry Christophers, Jordi Savall, and Sir Mark Elder.
On stage he has worked with Glyndebourne Festival Opera and on Tour, Royal Danish
Opera, Opéra Comique Paris, Théâtre Capitole de Toulouse, Opéra de Dijon, and at
the Opéra de Lille.
Recordings include a Gramophone Award-winning Messiah, Evangelist in St Matthew
Passion, Evangelist and arias in St John Passion, and Acis in Acis and Galatea
for John Butt and Dunedin Consort (Linn), St John Passion for Stephen Layton and
Polyphony (Hyperion), Monteverdi Vespers 1610 for Robert King and The King’s
Consort on Hyperion, Monteverdi Vespers 1610 with Edward Higginbottom, a series
of Monteverdi with I Fagiolini (Chandos), and projects with Theatre of the Ayre,
English Baroque Soloists, and Mr McFall’s Chamber (Delphian).
Giles Underwood

Giles Underwood is a versatile singer, teacher and conductor. His musical life began
as a chorister at Westminster Abbey, and after leaving Magdalen College, Oxford
with a degree in Biology, he went on to study on the postgraduate and opera courses
at The Guildhall School of Music and Drama under Professor Susan McCulloch. In
2016 he was appointed Professor of Singing at The Royal Academy of Music, and
has students across all voice types and year groups.

His singing career has included many major operatic roles including Don Giovanni,
Guglielmo (Così fan tutte), Count Almaviva (Le Nozze di Figaro), Tarquinius (The Rape
of Lucretia) and Marcello (La Bohème). He has sung in concert all over the world,
and has recorded widely, both as a soloist and in vocal ensembles.

Giles lives in Oxford and teaches singing to undergraduates across the university. He
is also Director of Music at University College (Univ), where he conducts the chapel
choir and directs The Martlet Ensemble and Martlet Voices, Univ’s two professional
ensembles-in-residence. Both of these enterprises were set up to give students the
opportunity to sing and play alongside professional musicians in rehearsal and
performance in a wide variety of musical genres.

He is delighted to be back performing in the flesh with London Concert Choir in the
Cadogan Hall.
Jessica Cale

Welsh soprano Jessica Cale is the 2020 First Prize winner of the Kathleen Ferrier
Awards and joint Audience Prize winner at the London Handel Festival International
Singing Competition. Jessica is a graduate of the Royal College of Music International
Opera Studio with an Artist Diploma in Opera and a Master of Performance with

Whilst at the RCM, Jessica’s operatic roles included Rodelinda (Handel); Flaminia
(Haydn’s Il mondo della luna), Susan (Berkeley’s A Dinner Engagement) and Second
Bridesmaid (Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro). Jessica has also performed Despina
(Mozart’s Così fan tutte) and Serpetta (Mozart’s The Garden of Disguises) for Ryedale
Festival Opera. Jessica’s Royal College of Music opera scenes included Blanche
(Dialogues des Carmelites, Poulenc); Juliette (Romeo et Juliette, Gounod); Tina (Flight,
Dove); Poppea (L’incoronazione de Poppea, Monteverdi); Musetta (La Bohème,
Puccini), and Melisande (Pelléas et Mélisande, Debussy). Jessica has also participated
in Masterclasses at the RCM with Dame Ann Murray, Gerald Finley, Edith Wiens and
Roger Vignoles.

In addition to her operatic endeavours, Jessica enjoys a successful career on the
concert platform. Recent notable engagements have included her debuts at the
Wigmore Hall and Cadogan Hall with The Mozartists, Handel’s Apollo e Dafne at
the London Handel Festival, and Mendelssohn’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and
Schumann’s Manfred for Sir John Eliot Gardiner at the Salzburg Festival. Jessica has
performed with many of today’s leading ensembles including the Orchestra of the Age
of Enlightenment, the Monteverdi Choir and the Gabrieli Consort.

Recent successes include being made an Associate Artist of The Mozartists and gaining
Second Prize in the Bampton Classical Opera Singing Competition. In the summer of
2022 Jessica is hugely looking forward to making her international operatic debut
at Teatro La Fenice playing Second Niece in Britten’s Peter Grimes, before returning
to the UK to make her role debut as Susanna in Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro for
Waterperry Opera Festival.
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