St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church - Solutions

Page created by Andrew Knight
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church - Solutions
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time                                   July 26, 2020

                                                        St. Peter the Apostle
                                                        Catholic Church
                                                        We are an ACTIVE, GROWING,
                                                        WELCOMING, SPIRIT-FILLED
                                                        Roman Catholic community
                                                        nourished by the Liturgy to serve
                                                        God and others.
                                                        Nuestra Misión
                                                        Somos una comunidad Católica
                                                        Romana, ACTIVA,
                                                        CRECIENTE, ACOGEDORA Y
                                                        LLENA DEL ESPIRITU
                                                        alimentada por la liturgia para
                                                        servir a Dios y al prójimo.

                                                        MASSES / MISAS
                                                        (*also live streamed online)
                                                        (*también transmisión en vivo en
                                                        Saturday .................... 5:30 pm
                                                        Sunday ....................9:00 am*,
                                                                  11:00 am & 6:00 pm
                                                        En español
                                                        Domingo ...................1:00 pm*

                                                        Daily Masses
                                                        (*in English, also live streamed
                                                        Monday ..................... 6:30 pm*
                                                        Tuesday-Thursday.... 8:00 am*
                                                        Friday ..................... 10:00 am*

                                                        RECONCILIATION (confession)
                                                        Tuesday ............. 6:00-7:00 pm
                                                        Saturday ........ 10:00-11:00 am

                                                        RECONCILIACIÓN (confesión)
                                                        Martes ............... 6:00-7:00 pm
                                                        Sábado .......... 10:00-11:00 am

                                                        Live Streams
                                                        St. Peter’s Facebook page
                                                        St. Peter’s YouTube channel

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church ·
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church - Solutions
giving experience for you. Thanks to
                                                                                      Lacey Sorrell and Hannah Reich who
    St. Peter the Apostle                                                             promoted it for our parishioners and
    Catholic Church                                                                   families.
    Main Campus • Campus principal                                                      **Please support the St. Peter’s
    202 West Kronkosky Street                                                         Parish Catholic Daughters of
    Boerne, TX 78006                                                                  America #2690 (CDA) in their
                                                                                      “Blessings in a Backpack”
    Upon this Rock Campus                                                             fundraiser next weekend, August 8
    416 W. Highland Street                                                            – 9th, to help feed needy school
    Boerne, TX 78006                                                                  children in the Boerne ISD federal
    (830) 816-2233                                                                    meal program on weekends during
    Fax (830) 249-6175                     FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK                     the school year. This is a yearly                                                 project for the CDA and a                       **This past Monday I put out a           tremendous blessing to many
                                           Flocknote pandemic request. Thanks         needy children in the area.
    Monday through Friday                  to our parishioners who so
    Lunes a Viernes                        generously responded to give                 **Thanks to representatives of the
    9:00 am-5:00 pm                        blood plasma to help a parishioner         Catholic Daughters of America who
    Open during lunch                      who needed it for treatment of Covid-      are helping lead the Rosary after
    Abierto durante el almuerzo            19 in the hospital. Thank you for          selected weekday Masses. Thanks
                                           following-up with your donations           also to our deacons and deacon
                                           through the South Texas Blood and          candidates who are helping lead
                                           Tissue Center. We are so thankful for      rosaries, chaplets, adoration and/or
                                           the wonderful generosity of God            breviary prayer after Masses and on
    Church Cleaning and                    manifested through our parishioners        Saturday mornings. We hope this is
    Sanitization                           here at St. Peter’s Parish. Literally,     spiritually helpful for our
                                           you are offering healing, recuperation     parishioners.
    To rebuild trust and confidence        and life!
    about attending public celebration                                                  **Congratulations to Wayne
    of the Mass, the parish staff has        **In the past week-and-a-half I          Peacock, a former parishioner of St.
    arranged to have our professional      have experienced a transition from         Peter’s Parish with his family, as he
    cleaning company, Lone Star            not hearing of anyone locally or           assumes the role of CEO of USAA.
    Cleaning, do the cleaning and          among family and friends                   There was a cover story article on him
    sanitization of the Sanctuary and      diagnosed with Covid-19 to hearing         in the San Antonio Express News
    bathrooms after all Masses. This is    of more contracting it daily. This is      Magazine last Sunday, July 19th, titled
    being done for your health and         an unfortunate development. Let us         “New USAA CEO Takes Command
    protection. They are following all     pray for all who are infected, that they   During Tumultuous Time,” pages C16-
    CDC guidelines, including a            be spared of serious illness and           19. Many of you know him and work
    complete wipe down of all the          complications. We pray in a special        with him.
    pews, and the spraying of an           way for those families who have              **Both Rick Martini, our Facilities
    approved disinfectant. To clean the    relatives in the hospital with Covid and   Manager, and Deacon Brad Wakely,
    church expeditiously and               are not being allowed to visit them.       our Parish Operations Director, are
    adequately, the church will be         This carries an extra burden and           on vacation (Rick for two weeks
    locked between Masses. Thank you       accompanying stress for the recovery       and Brad for the week). I want to
    for your understanding and             process. Let us also continue              thank everyone who is helping assist
    cooperation. This is being done for    responsible behavior by social             in their absence: (1) to Marty Lee,
    the common good of maintaining         distancing, wearing masks, washing or      Greg Jaeger and Brent Fields for
    public health. Please rest assured     sanitizing our hands often, etc. Let us    serving as videographers for all daily
    we are doing our best to make your     all be a part of the solution, not the     and weekend Masses; (2) to Jim
    church safe and clean for gathering    transmission of the virus!                 Mazurek and Andrew Paiz for opening
    in worship.                              **Last Friday and Saturday, some         and locking-up the parish campus
                                           youth of our Life Teen Program             daily; and, (3) to Joe Cortez for being
                                           connected online to participate in         an additional office presence helping
                                           the “Online Steubenville Teen              staff and meeting pastoral needs of
                                           Event” with other youth from               walk-ins during the days.
    Liturgy of the Word for                throughout the nation. This special          **Continue praying for Marty Lee
    Children                               event was offered to help replace the      as his Ordination to the Permanent
    Children can now watch and listen      on-site event that takes place every       Diaconate for our Archdiocese and
    to the Sunday Gospel explained         year but was cancelled due to the          parish finally draws closer, as set
    just for them! Join us on Facebook,    pandemic.                                  now for Saturday, August 15th. He is
    YouTube and webpage every                **Thanks to all of our                   scheduled to give his first official
    Sunday -           parishioners who went online last          homilies in our parish that weekend!
    liturgyofthewordforchildren. We will   Sunday to take part in the Life Teen       Also, continue to pray for our second
    resume this ministry in person as      Steubenville Live Event for adults         Diaconate candidate, Del Eulberg,
    soon as we are able to.                entitled “Night of Hope.” We trust it      who is in his fifth year of academic
2                                          was a faith-filled, learning and life-     and pastoral training and is scheduled
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church - Solutions
to be ordained next year. We are          at It will be only 30         celebrate in familiar rituals honoring
hoping to retain both of these men for    minutes duration with presentations          and memorializing loved ones in
service in our parish! However, the       and an opportunity to donate online.         meaningful ways. Having the space,
Archbishop retains the right to assign    The event is titled: “Leave a Legacy:        place and time to grieve, experience
them after ordination to where he         Bear Fruit for Tomorrow.” Please             closure and begin the healing and
sees they are most needed for service     mark your calendars to participate in        moving-on process has been greatly
throughout the Archdiocese.               this vital service and ministry in our       disrupted. As unpleasant as the
                                          community. Dr. Jerry Muehlberger             foregoing information is, we must face
  **Congratulations to Elizabeth
Nolen, our parishioner, who was           and Laura Balderrama Contreras, our          the realities imposed upon us by the
                                          parishioners, are presently on the           virus pandemic and be ready and
featured in a front page Boerne
                                          Board at the Center helping                  adaptive to the changes it is causing
Star Newspaper article in the
Friday, July 17th edition. Elizabeth      spearhead this event. St. Peter’s            not only in the funeral industry but
                                          Parish supports the Center with              across society.
is an artist and poet who designed
                                          monthly donations.
and had masks packaged for sale                                                          **Please be aware that St. Peter’s
and use during the pandemic.                **As mentioned before, we have             Parish continues having funeral
Proceeds from the masks are               saved copies of all paper bulletins          services during the pandemic for
donated to the Roy Maas Youth             from the start of the pandemic               anyone who has died, including
Alternatives chapter in Boerne.           March 15th. If anyone does not have          those passing from Covid-19. Of
Elizabeth is a graduate of the            a computer and would like any of             course, we must follow all safety
Spiritual Direction program at the        these back copies for any reason,            guidelines and restrictions in place by
Upon the Water Spiritual Program          please call Christy, our Receptionist,       the state, county, city and
in Ingram, Texas instituted by            to get them. After a few more weeks          Archdiocese, which we know you
Bishop Michael Boulette. She now          we will discard the left-over copies.        understand. Should you need our
serves as a spiritual director for          **Last Sunday there was an                 services, please contact us directly or
our parish.                                                                            with the assistance of the funeral
                                          article by Melissa Fletcher Stoeltje
                                                                                       home of your choice. If you have any
  **Thanks to our St. Peter’s             on pages A1 and A14 in the San
Growing in Grace Garden Ministry,         Antonio Express News titled “The             questions, please feel free to call me
its leadership and the CDA, who           last responders also feeling the             or anyone on our parish Staff.
are sponsoring a summer                   stress: Funeral home business                  **Each summer an updated version
gardening event for our Elementary        surges during grim times.” A very            of our Parish Guidebook is mailed
Faith Formation and Good                  unpleasant and even morbid topic, the        out to each registered family of our
Shepherd children. The activity is        article addressed how the pandemic           parish. Christina Galvez has
over six sessions, each accompanied       and Covid-19 deaths are impacting            completed the draft document and it
with a Scripture verse for children to    funeral home operations and the              will be going to the printers this week.
reflect on with their families as they    difficulty families experience in saying     Anticipate receiving your copy of the
watch pumpkin seeds grow to fruition      goodbye and grieving those sick and          new Guidebook in the coming month
for October. Instructions and materials   dying from the virus. The following is       or so. Please use it to remain in
are available Monday, July 27th from      a summary of changes cited for               contact with each other during the
9:00 - 11:00 am and from 4:00 – 6:00      funerals during the pandemic: Some           pandemic, to maintain our close
pm as a drive thru at the BBQ             mortuaries will not conduct funerals         bonds as parishioners, and for
Pavilion. Please mark your calendars      for Covid deaths due to the                  organizational and ministerial
to participate.                           contagiousness; funeral                      purposes. This Guidebook is an aid to
  **Special thanks to our                 arrangements are being made                  continuing our parish mission and
                                          virtually via Zoom or by phone and           remaining as safe as possible during
parishioner, Florencio San Juan,
                                          email communications; families are           the pandemic restrictions.
who was contracted to deliver and
deposit 20 yards of garden soil in        delaying funerals; increase in
                                          cremations; more burial-only services;                                 SINCERELY
our new raised beds at our new
property, the “Upon this Rock”
                                          within funeral homes following social                FR. NORMAN A. ERMIS
                                          distancing, wearing of masks,                                              PASTOR
Campus. We anticipate parishioners
enjoying this gardening experience        temperature checks and other state
                                          regulations; limitations on number of
and our children learning about God’s
                                          family and guests able to attend
creation and the art of gardening.
Thanks, again, to Debbie Simnacher        services; veils or glass shields placed
                                          over caskets to prevent touching
and all those who assisted her in
                                          bodies and transmission of the virus;
clearing the gardening area and
building the new raised beds, etc. A      obituaries and memorials on video;
                                          drive-thru visitations; “drive-in theater”
lot of sweat equity donated to the
                                          services with guests in their cars
                                          watching live-streamed services from
  **The Hill Country Pregnancy            the chapel on a digital screen; funeral
Care Center normally has their            services live streamed anywhere in
yearly fundraising event in our St.       the world; and, Covid support groups
Peter’s Cana Ballroom. Due to the         being offered for family members.
pandemic, they are planning an online
                                            This has all impacted the ability of
-only, live fundraising event for
Tuesday, September 22nd at 7:00pm         family members and friends to grieve
                                          properly and customarily, and to                                                    3
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church - Solutions
Happy Anniversary!                   Nursery
 Formed                                     ¡Feliz Aniversario!                  The Nursery will remain closed until
                                                                                 further notice.
 Diving into the beauty of the Faith has    If you are celebrating a wedding
 never been easier: at home, on the go,     anniversary and would like to be
 or from any internet connected device.     included in the bulletin, please
                                                                                 2020 Archbishop’s
 Discover thousands of books, audio         email your information to            Appeal
 talks, movies, documentaries, and or       Summary Report, July 9, 2020
 studies... there is something for every    call (830) 816-5660.                 Last year, St. Peter’s reached its
 member of the family to help them grow
                                            Si está celebrando un aniversario    Goal Paid in October! What a
 closer to Christ and His Church.
                                            de boda y desea ser incluido en el   record! Let’s see if we can beat that
                                            boletín, mande su información a      record this year. We’re so close!
 Already have a Formed account?
                                   o        % Goal Pledged         85.02%
 1.   Visit                      llame a (830) 816-5660.              % Goal Paid            71.28%
 2.   Click Sign In                         Regis and Amy Mackrell who           To donate, please go to
 3.   Enter your email address              celebrated their 27th anniversary    archbishops-appeal/online-giving -
 4.   Click the link sent to your email     on July 17th                         in the parish option, make sure to
 5.   You’re in! No more passwords!         John and Lenora Daly who             select St. Peter the Apostle -
                                            celebrated their 56th wedding        Boerne - 2020 to ensure it is
 Want to create a new Formed                anniversary on July 18               recorded under our parish. For
 account with your parish or group?                                              additional methods of donating to
                                            Doug and Barbara Vogt                this fund, please call our parish
 1. Visit                        celebrated their 48 wedding          office at (830) 816-2233. Thank you
 2. Click Sign Up                           anniversary on July 22               to all who have already donated.
 3. Select "I Belong to a Parish or         Ginny and RJ Sledge who              Your generosity is greatly
    Organization"                           celebrated 43 years of marriage on   appreciated!
 4. Find your parish by name or zip code    July 23
 5. Enter your email - and you're in!       Mike and Carol Bidus who             ANNOUNCEMENT
                                            celebrated 54 years of marriage on   Per Canon Law 1051, 2, we are
 ¡Aprender y vivir la belleza de tu fe      July 23                              hereby officially notifying the
 católica, nunca había sido tán fácil¡                                           parishioners of St. Peter the
                                            Elmer and Rose Marie Pavlas          Apostle Catholic Church of the
 Puedes hacerlo en casa o en tus            who celebrated 60 years of
 trayectos desde cualquier dispositivo                                           intention that on Saturday, August
                                            marriage on July 24                  15, 2020, Martin Lee will be
 conectado a internet. Encontrarás
 cientos de libros, presentaciones en       Barbara and Jim Franklin who         promoted to the Sacred Order of
 audio, películas, documentales y           celebrate their 52nd wedding         Deacon. The Diaconate Ordination
 programas de estudio en video… hay         anniversary on July 27               will be held at St. Rose of Lima
 algo para ayudar a cada miembro de la                                           Parish at 10:00am. If anyone is
                                            James K. and AnneMarie Hooge         aware of any reason why Martin
 familia a profundizar en su relación con   who celebrate 34 years of marriage
 Cristo y su Iglesia.                                                            Lee should not be ordained, please
                                            on August 2                          contact the Director of the
 Si ya estás registrado en Formed,          Stanley and Charlene Jones who       Diaconate program at (210) 734 -
 sigue estos pasos:                         celebrate their 44th wedding         1678.
                                            anniversary on August 7
 1. Visita                                                            Monthly Parish Food Drive
 2. Presiona "Sign In"                                                           occurs next Weekend!
                                            Fred and
                                                  nd Mary
                                                      M      Lou Valentino
                                                             Lo   Valentin wh
 3. Ingresa tu email
                                            celebrate their 75th wedding         August 1&2, 2020
 4. Da click en la liga "Sign in now" que   anniversary on August 13
    llegará a tu email                                                           St. Peters provides donated food to
 5. ¡Listo! ¡No más contraseñas!                                                 the food pantry at Hill Country
                                                                                 Family Services. They are always
 1¿Te gustaría registrarte en Formed                                             VERY appreciative! And, they are
 a través de tu parroquia u                                                      always in need of volunteers, if
 organización?                              KofC Pro Life Rosary                 even for a few hours a week (call
                                            Tuesday, July 28 6:30 pm             (830) 249- 8643). Items needed
 1. Visita                                                            include all types of breakfast
                                            (all are welcome to participate)
 2. Presiona "Sign Up"                                                           cereals, soups, stew, pasta and
                                               sauce, rice, beans, peanut butter,
 3. Selecciona "I Belong to a Parish or
                                            j/88062208108?                       macaroni & cheese, tuna, and other
                                            pwd=dGVEcGg3eUJnZjJzU1IyM3F          types of canned goods. Bagged /
 4. Ingresa el nombre de tu Parroquia o     kd3JQdz09                            boxed items may be left at the
    Código Postal                                                                Church entrances. Additional
                                            Meeting ID: 880 6220 8108
 5. Ingresa tu email, y listo ¡Ya           Password: 509549                     Requested Item: Baby Diapers
    ingresaste!                                                                  (Toddler and Up). Thank you for
4                                                                                your help.
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church - Solutions
Sanctuary Light Memorial                           Mass Intentions                 Readings for the week of July
        July 26 - August 1,, 2020
                               20                  Intenciones para Misa                26, 2020
                                                                                      Sunday: 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12/Ps
            Buddy Hans
                    ns                       Sunday, July 26, 2020                      119:57, 72, 76-77, 127-128,
                                             9:00 am    Helen Nowell                    129-130 [97a]/Rom 8:28-30/Mt
                                             11:00 am   George Giddings                 13:44-52 or 13:44-46
            In Sympathy                      1:00 pm    for Parishioners              Monday: Jer 13:1-11/Dt 32:18-
             En simpatía                     6:00 pm    Jo Caldwell                     19, 20, 21 [cf. 18a]/Mt 13:31-
  Condolences to families who have                                                      35
                                             Monday, July 27, 2020                    Tuesday: Jer 14:17-22/Ps 79:8,
recently lost loved ones.                    6:30 pm    Morgan Alsobrooks
  May the Lord comfort the family in their                                              9, 11 and 13 [9]/Mt 13:36-43
time of need and welcome the                 Tuesday, July 28, 2020                   Wednesday: Jer 15:10, 16-21/Ps
deceased into heaven.                        8:00 am    George Giddings                 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11 [2]/
                                                                                        Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42
Paul Alexander Casiano, Julie                Wednesday, July 29, 2020                 Thursday: Jer 18:1-6/Ps 146:1b-
Valentino Detro, Frank Gerard                8:00 am   All Souls in Purgatory           2, 3-4, 5-6ab [5a]/Mt 13:47-53
Gabriel, Jr., Glen Morris, Rudy                                                       Friday: Jer 26:1-9/Ps 69:5, 8-10,
Palacious, Polly Rab, Deanna                 Thursday, July 30, 2020
                                             8:00 am    Gerda Settles                   14 [14c]/Mt 13:54-58
Stapleton, Viola Wagenfehr, Sr.                                                       Saturday: Jer 26:11-16, 24/Ps
Charlene Wedelich, C.D.P.                    Friday, July 31, 2020                      69:15-16, 30-31, 33-34 [14c]/
  Condolencias a las familias que han        10:00 am     Deidre Beresky                Mt 14:1-12
perdido recientemente a sus seres                                                     Next Sunday: Is 55:1-3/Ps 145:8
                                             Saturday, August 1, 2020                   -9, 15-16, 17-18 [cf. 16]/Rom
                                             5:30 pm    Pete Martin                     8:35, 37-39/Mt 14:13-21
  Que el Señor consuele a la familia en
su momento de necesidad y acoja al           Sunday, August 2, 2020                   Readings -
difunto en el paraíso.                       9:00 am    Fritz Duhon         
                                             11:00 am   Gloria Fritz
                                             1:00 pm    Antonio Venegas               Las lecturas de la semana del
                                             6:00 pm    for Parishioners                26 de julio de 2020
          In Our Prayers                                                              Domingo: 1 Re 3, 5. 7-12/Sal
      En nuestras oraciones                          Pope Francis says                  119, 57. 72. 76-77. 127-128.
 Please pray for the sick of our parish                                                 129-130 [97]/Rom 8, 28-30/Mt
                                                    Papa Francisco dice:                13, 44-52 o 13, 44-46
 Por favor oren por los enfermos de          On the Day of Judgment we will not be    Lunes: Jr 13, 1-11/Dt 32, 18-19.
nuestra parroquia                            judged for our ideas, but for the          20. 21 [cfr. 18]/Mt 13, 31-35
Fr. Mark Cannaday, Ann Childers,             compassion we have shown to others.      Martes: Jr 14, 17-22/Sal 79, 8. 9.
Nanette Evans, Jennifer Frazier, Dr.         @Pontifex                                  11 y 13 [9]/Mt 13, 36-43
David Fuentes, Jim Gleason, Roger            El día del Juicio no seremos juzgados    Miércoles: Jr 15, 10. 16-21/Sal
Hammock, Hope Hernandez, Jessica             por nuestras ideas, sino por la            34, 2-3. 4-5. 6-7. 8-9. 10-11
Joseph, Fr. Frank Kurzaj, Juan               compasión que hayamos tenido.              [2]/Jn 11, 19-27 o Lc 10, 38-42
Macias, Deacon Ken Nickel, Gerry             @Pontifex_es                             Jueves: Jr 18, 1-6/Sal 146, 1-2.
O’Neill, Bob Puff, Ricardo Salinas,                                                     3-4. 5-6 [5]/Mt 13, 47-53
Tim Stoner                                                                            Viernes: Jr 26, 1-9/Sal 69, 5. 8-
                                             We Care! You Can!
                                                            n!                          10. 14 [14]/Mt 13, 54-58
 Please contact pastoral care for family     Mentorship is available to those who
requests to In Sympathy and In Our                                                    Sábado: Jr 26, 11-16. 24/Sal 69,
                                             are experiencing or witnessing family      15-16. 30-31. 33-34 [14]/Mt
Prayers.                                     violence. Calls are kept confidential.     14, 1-12
 Por favor, llame a la oficina pastoral      Information and service referrals are    Domingo siguiente: Is 55, 1-3/
para las solicitudes de la familia a En      provided. (830) 816-5645                   Sal 145, 8-9. 15-16. 17-18 [cfr.
simpatía y En nuestras oraciones.                                                       16]/Rom 8, 35. 37-39/Mt 14,
N!!" $ %'$+!'?
(210) 912-3432 • (830) 816-5657                                                       Las lecturas -
S-3;!< "! P$@Q                                                                   October 4 - Hope for the Future/
Message line for those in need                                                        Catholic Schools
(830) 816-5646                                                                        October 18 - Word Mission

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church - Solutions
                 in conjunction with the Catholic Daughters of the Americas

                                   Growing in Grace
    Join us for a six-session summer gardening activity, accompanied by scripture verses for
    reflection. Pumpkins will be ready for October. Carve pumpkins for Halloween. Decorate with
    pumpkins for Fall. Or use pumpkins in your favorite Fall recipes! Instructions and pumpkin seed
    kits will be provided via drive thru pickup at the pavilion; enter on Hosack Street.

                      Monday, July 27, 9:00-11:00 am and 4:00-6:00 pm

    Session One - SOWING THE SEED

    Session Two - MISTAKES WE CAN MAKE

    Session Three - WATCHING IT GROW

    Session Four - TENDING TO ITS NEEDS



    Don’t forget to post pictures on the
    EFF & GS Facebook group!

    For more information:

    Laura Balderrama Contreras
    (830) 816-5668

    Angela Spino
    (830) 816-5664

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church - Solutions
Follow us on Facebook: St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church of Boerne.
        Keep posted on current events in EFF, Good Shepherd, Sacramental Prep and our Parish!
                      Join our Facebook group -

    Elementary Faith Formation Classes
Kinder through 5th Grade. Sundays 9:30 am - 10:45 am or
Wednesdays 4:30 pm - 5:45 pm in the Family Life Center.

EFF (Elementary Faith Formation) is a traditional religious      The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
formation which builds a foundation for a lifelong
relationship with Jesus through Scripture, prayer, and          The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori-
building faith community.                                       based religious formation for 3-12 year olds. It seeks to
We also offer faith formation for children with Special        create and facilitate a sacred, “handson” space called an
Needs, Sundays 9:30 - 10:45 am.                                atrium, in which both the children and the catechists can
                                                                              hear, ponder, and celebrate.

                                                                           Angela Spino • (830) 816-5664
             mación de Fe (Doctrina)
                                i a)                           
              Escuela Primaria
   Grados Kinder a 5. Domingos 9:30 am - 10:45 am o           Wednesday Level 1 is cancelled and many other sessions
  Miércoles 4:30 pm - 5:45 pm en el Family Life Center.       are full. Due to the limited availability, please contact
                                                              Angela Spino for openings before completing the
Clases de doctrina o catecismo que construye una base en      registration form. You can also see availability on the Good
la relación permanente con Jesús a través de las              Shepherd website at
escrituras, la oración y la construcción de una comunidad
de fe.
Tenemos formación de fe para niños con necesidades
especiales, Domingo 9:30 - 10:45 am.

              Laura Balderrama Contreras
       (830) 816-5668 •               Don’t forget that Faith Formation registration is now
                                                               open. Download the form on our website at
                     Sheila Dillard                   Scroll down to the Announcements
       (830) 816-5667 •              section for the link to download a form.

                                  2020-2021 First Eucharist (Communion) Preparation
                                                         Coming soon. Stay tuned!
                              2020-2021 Preparación de Primera Eucaristía (Comunión)
                                                        Información próximamente.
Online Giving                   Did you know...                              Catholic Charities

If you are viewing Mass at        ...that weekend song sheets and
                                                                             PROJECT COOL
home, or would simply prefer    readings can be downloaded using the QR      Thank you San Antonio for
to give online, you may do so   codes in the Narthex?                        responding to the call to serve our
from out website -                                                           seniors and disabled! Project Cool
                                               During this time of At the                     restrictions due to COVID-    provides free fans to seniors over
top right hand side of the                                                   the age of 60 and the disabled to
                                               19, we are not permitted to
homepage, click on the                                                       relieve the heat and reduce heat-
                                               hand out printed material
menu item GIVE ONLINE.                         for Masses. Now we post       related illness. Over the last couple
From there, you can select                     the song sheets on St.        of weeks, San Antonio has
the General Offertory or any                                                 experienced extreme heat
                                               Peter’s website. Readings
other fund to which you                                                      increasing the need to strengthen
                                can be viewed on the USCCB website.
would like to contribute. To                                                 the vulnerable through this
donate to a special               Use your phone to scan the QR codes        important program. Because of
collection, on the right hand   for the song sheet and readings. Some        YOU, we are receiving fan and
side of the screen you will     phones will require you to download a QR     monetary donations to cool our
see a list of second            code reading app. There are many that are    seniors!
collections. Select 'View all   free.
Second Collections.' Then         The QR code for the song sheet will        If you are in need of a free fan,
you will be able to designate   download a document. Open the                please bring identification or a
how much you would like to      document and you are ready to sing!          disability letter to St. Stephen's
donate to each special                                                       CARE Center, 2127 S. Zarzamora
collection. Thank you so          The QR code for the readings will          St., Monday-Friday 8:30 am -5:00
much for your generosity!       redirect you to the USCCB website page       pm.
                                that contains that day’s readings.
                                  At this time, we are only providing this
                                for weekend Masses.

                                  COME AS YOU ARE
                                  Ladies Lecture Series

     When: Saturday August 22, 2020
     Time: 9am - 11am Room 151/153
     Father Norm Presenting
     Save the dates:
     Thursday, September 24th 6:30pm – 8:30pm
     Thursday, October 22nd 6:30pm – 8:30pm
     Light refreshments provided
     Reservations required - seating limited
     Email: to secure your spot

Mensaje del pastor
                 or                          * El viernes pasado recibimos un           compartiendo vida y fe. No
                                           recordatorio del Obispo Auxiliar             cedamos ante el cansancio, el
   ** Mientras actividad en el campus      Michael Boulette pidiendo que                desánimo o la depresión por esta
 parroquial esta lenta, detrás de          todas las parroquias permanezcan             situación de coronavirus. Más bien,
 escenas, en línea, por teléfono,          constantes y lo más seguras                  sucumbamos al poder de Dios
 mensajes de texto, correos                posible siguiendo las pautas y               dentro de nosotros y la amistad
 electrónicos, etc., nuestra               directivas de la Arquidiócesis               duradera y la comunidad de fe que
 parroquia está bien y                     establecidas para la salud y la              tenemos en la Parroquia de San
 prosperando, a pesar de la                seguridad de todos. Seguramente              Pedro. Seamos todos decididos
 pandemia de coronavirus. Una              eso incluye desinfectar nuestras             en continuar lo que nos marca y
 meta que tengo como pastor y que          manos con frecuencia, usar                   nos une como parroquia
 todos comparten, mientras actuamos        máscarillas y distanciamiento                llamándonos, escribiendo cartas,
 responsablemente por nuestra salud        social. Se centró específicamente            enviando correos electrónicos y
 común, es que no permitiremos             en recordarnos que deberíamos                enviándonos mensajes de texto
 que la pandemia detenga nuestra           tener un solo músico y un cantor             para asegurarnos de que todos
 parroquia. Nuestra asistencia a           o cantora en cada Misa y que                 estamos bien y apoyandonos
 Misa ha disminuido                        deberíamos desalentar a los                  mutuamente. Una vez más,
 significativamente en nuestro             feligreses de cantar, incluso con            seamos utiles e intencionales al
 Santuario debido a preocupaciones         sus máscarillas puestas, debido a            respecto a diario, no de vez en
 por la salud y la seguridad, lo cual es   los estudios científicos que las             cuando. Contactos como estos,
 totalmente comprensible y aceptable.      gotas del canto pueden penetrar              pueden elevar nuestros espíritus y
 Muchos feligreses y familias se unen      las máscarillas y aún así llegar al          los demás para ayudarnos
 a nosotros fielmente a través de          aire. Incluso para mí parece casi            mientras avanzamos a través de
 Misas en línea transmitidas en vivo,      imposible no cantar porque viene             esta pandemia que se desarrolla
 otros servicios de oración y              tan espontáneamente en nuestra               lentamente. Acceda a la
 actividades adicionales de la             parroquia. ¡Es como una privación            información de contacto en
 parroquia. ¡Gracias a todos ustedes!      y penitencia no cantar! Sin                  nuestra guía parroquial que fue
   ** Aproximadamente la mitad de          embargo, por precaución,                     enviada por correo a las casas de
 nuestro personal esta trabajando          hagamos todo lo posible para                 todos los feligreses registrados.
 de casa, pero cumple todas las            cumplir con las pautas y                     ¡Celebramos la resistencia y la
 obligaciones, ministerios y               directivas para la seguridad y la            fuerza que otorga nuestra fe y
 servicios en sus descripciones de         salud de todos.                              vemos nuestro futuro más allá de
 trabajo. Si necesita la ayuda de                                                       la pandemia con luz, liberación y
                                             ** No queremos perder el poder
 alguno de ellos, llame a la oficina                                                    esperanza! Oremos todos por el
                                           y la fuerza de lo que teníamos
 para que Christy, nuestra                 antes de que la pandemia                     desarrollo de una vacuna y / u
 recepcionista, pueda ponerlos en                                                       otras opciones de tratamiento
                                           interrumpiera nuestras vidas
 contacto o enviarles un correo                                                         viables para que podamos
                                           como familias y una parroquia:
 electrónico.                                                                           comenzar a recuperar cierta
                                           nuestra conectividad, relaciones
                                           profundas, ser amigos en Cristo y            apariencia de normalidad, o lo que
                                           discípulos "en camino"

Gospel Meditation                          caught up in the superficial stuff and       Can you imagine God delighting in
                                           neglect paying attention to the things       you? It is easy to deaden our senses
A single mother who has a child with       that really matter. The kingdom of           to the whole reality of God and the joy
special needs works two jobs and           God is like the pearl of great price that    that living the Gospel can bring. The
sacrifices much of her own pleasures       is worth selling everything for so that it   demands of secular life and the
in order to be available for her son.      can be obtained. Based on where I            agendas competing for our attention
Being the best mother possible is          invest my time and energy each day, I        can quickly do that. We can get tired
important to her and brings her joy.       really wonder whether I am serving           and spiritually apathetic. But if we can
We are willing to make great and           God’s kingdom or my own. Have you            see our way through all of the
often heroic sacrifices for those          ever considered tracking how you             conflicting voices and hear the voice
people and things that matter most to      spend your time? You may be                  of God, we can rediscover our zeal
us. Unless there is something of           surprised! We allow our agendas to           and passion and redirect our efforts.
obvious importance to us in our            set the clock of our lives. We forget        When we begin to see as God sees,
immediate path, we can easily              that joy and a true sense of purpose         we can rise each day and notice what
approach life in a more haphazard          are not going to be found in following       really needs our attention and
and chaotic way. We jump from one          that timepiece. Joy is the expression        embrace it with exuberance. Be
thing to another, responding to            of the happiness that is discovered          careful, though. It may not be what we
whatever it is that is competing for our   when living in the kingdom of God.           originally had on our list. Responding
attention at that moment. When             When our agenda matches God, not             to it, however, will be worth putting
everything is important, nothing is        only do we leap for joy but God leaps        everything else aside.
important.                                 with delight as well. Our well-being is
If we do not wear the right pair of        what matters most to God.
glasses, we can get all too easily                                                                                             9
From the Archdiocese
                                                                                Khaki & Plaid Gala
                                                                                Save the Date - the next Khaki &
                                                                                Plaid Gala will be held February 6,
                                                                                The Khaki & Plaid Gala is one of
                                                                                the largest fundraisers for Hope for
                                                                                the Future. The Khaki & Plaid Gala
                                                                                is the premier event recognizing
                                                                                the importance of Catholic school
                                                                                education in the San Antonio
                                                                                community. This fun event brings
                                                                                together 1,300 guests, all of whom
                                                                                support Catholic school education
                                                                                in San Antonio. Thanks to the
                                                                                generous sponsors, silent and live
                                                                                auction donors, and event
                                                                                attendees, the Khaki & Plaid Gala
                                                                                helps provide critical funding that
                                                                                is distributed in the form of tuition
                                                                                assistance to families and students
                                                                                in financial distress. Hope for the
                                                                                Future assisted 2,100 children with
                                                                                more than $2 Million in tuition
                                                                                assistance for the 2019-20 school

                                                                                2020 Archbishop’s
                                                                                Medallion Awards
                                                                                The 2020 Archbishop’s Medallion
                                                                                Awards recipients embody the
                                                                                Catholic school core values. They
                                                                                are hard-working, dedicated and
                                                                                faith-filled young adults. They have
                                                                                spent hundreds of hours studying
                                                                                for AP classes, serving the
                                                                                community, and participating in
                                                                                extra-curriculars. Please help other
                                                                                students like our Medallion
                                                                                winners encounter the Gospel
                                                                                through a Catholic Education by
                                                                                supporting Hope for the Future.
                                                                                Total Scholarships/Grants
Journey Together Fall Session                                                   $104,379,798
         A Women’s Faith Sharing
                                                                                Graduation Rate
           Weekly Book Study
      St. Peter’s Family Life Center
 Thursdays, starting September 3, 2020                                          Community Service Hours
          10:00 am -12:00 noon                                                  59,459
                 Reading                   Did you know that Amazon will        Dual Credit Hours Earned
       Walk Humbly with Your God           donate a percentage of your          4,002
      Simple Steps to a Virtuous Life      purchases to St. Peter’s? Go to      Total Graduates
      by Fr. Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R., designate St.      720
                                           Peter’s as your recipient and then
 Please purchase your own book on                                               Military Appointments
                                           shop as you normally would. To register or for                                        3
                                           Make sure you bookmark
 more details please email Susan
                                           Amazon Smile or always go to
 Markworth @
                                 , otherwise          CONGRATULATIONS TO
 Due to COVID-19, we are limited in
 numbers. Reserve your seat now!
                                           your purchases will not count        ALL RECIPIENTS!
10                                         toward donations for St. Peter’s!
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church
                                                                   Catholic Daughters of the Americas #2690
                                                                  CDA #2690 is again appealing to the
                                                                  generosity of St Peter the Apostle
                                                                  parishioners for monetary donations to
                                                                  Blessings in a Backpack after the weekend
                                                                  Masses of August 8 and 9, 2020. BIB is a
                                                                  national non-profit with chapters in 44 states,
                                                                  in addition to other cities in Texas.
                                                                  The local Boerne chapter started in 2013,
                                                                  providing food to school children in the BISD
                                                                  federal meal program on weekends during
                                                                  the school year.
                   CATHOLIC CHARITIES                             Children served by BIB nationwide have
               Help Us Give a Hand to our Families!
                                                                  been shown to have improved attendance,
  Catholic Charities has remained operational during the          behavior, reading skills and test scores in
pandemic. Our community trusts us, and YOU, to deliver            school. BIB must raise the funds to purchase
immediate care with dignity.                                      the food provided. It costs approximately
  The need for food remains and we need YOU to help us help       $175 to support one child for the entire
them.                                                             school year. We look forward to your
  We respectfully request all ages 15 or above, individuals or
groups, to volunteer at St. Stephen's CARE Center to sort and     Otra vez, El CDA # 2690 apela a la
package food for our drive-thru Food Pantry and Mobile Relief     generosidad de los feligreses de San Pedro
Unit.                                                             Apóstol por las donaciones monetarias a
                                                                  Blessings in a Backpack después las Misas
  Volunteer hours are Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm at St.   del 8 y 9 de agosto de 2020. BIB es una
Stephen's CARE Center, 2127 S. Zarzamora St.                      organización de caridad que se puede
  VOLUNTEER NOW! Go to to              encontrar en 44 estados, ademas a otras
register to volunteer.                                            ciudades en Tejas.
  Contact Eddie Rocha at for more               La organizacion local de Boerne comenzó en
information or registration assistance.                           2013, proporcionando alimentos a los niños
                                                                  en edad escolar en los fines de sernana
                      Transforming Lives.                         durante el año escolar quienes participaban
                      Changing Futures.                           en el programa federal de comidas de BISD.
                          Serving All.                            Se ha demostrado que los niños atendidos
       | (210) 222-1294                   por BIB en todo el pais han mejorado la
                                                                  asistencia, el comportamiento, las
                                                                  habilidades de lectura y los resultados en los
                                                                  examenes ,en la escuela. BIB debe recaudar
                                                                  los fondos para comprar los alimentos
                                                                  provistos. Cuesta aproximadarnente $175
                                                                  para mantener a un niño durante todo el año
                                                                  escolar. Esperamos su apoyo.

                                                                               AND FACEBOOK PAGE FOR THE
Direct Phone Number:                     OFFICERS                              MOST CURRENT INFORMATION
(830) 816-Ext.                           Chairperson Bill Strain     
Email:                                         Vice-Chairperson Phillip Hunter
Pastor: Fr. Norman A. Ermis
                                         Secretary Molly Birkett               Official information
(830) 816-2233 • FrNorm@                                                       should originate from the office. If
Parish Operations Director:                                                    anyone asks you about any updates,
                                         Assistant Secretary Carrie Martinez   cancellations, etc., rather than
Deacon Brad Wakely • 5636 • Brad@                   responding with specifics, please refer
Pastoral Assistant:                      MEMBERS                               them to one of the methods mentioned
Jeanna Moravits • 5657 • Jeanna@                                               above.
                                         Heidi Abshire
Deacon: Paul Rayburg                          If you are responsible for an event,
(210) 508-9905 • DeaconPaul@             Justin Boerner                        meeting, program, ministry, etc. that
                                           was cancelled and would like to
Deacon: Ken Nickel                                                             reschedule, please keep a list of all
(830) 377-5838                           Bill Edwards        dates that you would like to                      Brett Haas         reschedule. When the campus is
Deacon: Mike Matteson                    Vicki Harris    reopened, I will send an email through
(210) 827-3365 • deaconmike@                                                   the Pastoral Council and will post on
                                         Ed Hoeppner
                                                                               the website and Facebook.
Director of Music / Liturgy:
                                         Tommy Mangold                         Thank you for your understanding.
Joe Cortez • 5656 • Joe@
                                               Christina Galvez
                                         Nareyda Norato                        Communications Specialist
Christy Samarripa-Olivarez
2233 • Christy@
                                         Marco Nuñez
Facility Manager:                        Rey Salinas
Rick Martini • 5678 • Rick@
                                         Joe Viña
Maintenance: Ryan Nakhleh      
Finance Coordinator:
Marilyn Belcher • 5659 • Marilyn@
                                         Baptism • Bautismo                    TO REPORT ABUS
Recording Secretary:                     For more information and classes in   INFORMAR ABUSO
Debra Martini • 5669 • Debra@            English, contact Debra Martini.       If you have knowledge or suspicion that a
Director of Catechesis of the Good       Para más información y clases en      child has been abused or neglected, report
Shepherd / RCIA:                         español, llame a Christy Samarripa-   online at, call
Angela Spino                             Olivarez.                             Si tiene conocimiento o sospecha de que
5664 • GoodShepherd@                                                           un niño ha sido maltratado o descuidado,
                                         First Reconciliation and Eucharist    se puede hacer un informe a
Director of Elementary Faith Formation                               , o llame a
                                         Primera Reconciliación y Eucaristía
& Catechesis:
Laura Balderrama-Contreras               Laura Balderrama-Contreras            Boerne Police Department
                                         (830) 816-5668                        Departamento de Policia de Boerne
5668 • Laura@
                                             (830) 249-8645
Assistant to Director of Elementary
                                                                               Child Protectice Services (CPS)
Faith Formation & Catechesis:            Confirmation • Confirmación           El Departamento de Servicios para la
Sheila Dillard • 5667 • Sheila@                                                  Familia y de Protección (DFPS)
                                         Lacey Sorrell
Director of Youth Ministry:              (830) 816-5663                        1-800-252-5400
Lacey Sorrell • 5663 • Lacey@                Office of Victim Assistance & Safe
Youth Ministry Coordinator:
                                         Quinceañeras                          Oficina de Asistencia a Victimas y
Hannah Reich • 5662 • Hannah@                                                    Ambiente Seguro
                                         Laura Balderrama-Contreras
Communications Specialist:                                                     (210) 734-7786 • (877) 700-1888 •
                                         (830) 816-5668              
Christina Galvez • 5660 • Bulletin@
Cana Ballroom Event Manager:                                                   To report sexual harassment or abuse
                                         Marriage • Matrimonio                 against the Archdiocesan Code of
Jesse Martinez • 5630 • Jesse@                                                 Conduct, call the reporting hotline at (844)
                                         Deacon Brad Wakely                    709-1169.
Cana Ballroom Event Coordinator:
                                         (830) 816-5636                        Para denunciar el acoso o abuso sexual
Doreann Sommers
                                              contra el Código de Conducta
5673 • Doreann@
                                                                               Arquidiocesano, llame a la línea directa de
                                                                               denuncias al (844) 709-1169.
        ES                               USEFUL LINKS
                                                   KS                               our goal paid amount, 50% of the
There are currently no in-person         Archdiocese of San Antonio •    excess is returned to our parish. You
meetings. For more information on        Credible Catholic •                        may donate to this fund online by
ministries, please visit                              going to                      Formed •                        appeal/online-giving - in the parish
                                         Life Teen •                   option, make sure to select St. Peter
Adult Bible and Faith Studies            Life Teen Parent Life •                    the Apostle - Boerne - 2020 to
Deacon Mike & Mary Ann Matteson                           ensure it is recorded under our
(210) 241-5511                           United States Conference of Catholic       parish. For additional methods of                  Bishops •                      donating to this fund, please call our
Catholic Daughters of the                Vatican •                      parish office at (830) 816-2233.
Americas                                 Word on Fire •
                                                                                    ACTS SCHOLARSHIP FUND
Local Court #2690                                                                   We just announced that we want to
Diane Beaton                             WHERE TO DONATE
                                                     ATE                            start an ACTS Scholarship Fund to
(207) 317-6015 •                         We are blessed with an extremely           help those retreatants who cannot                      large parish, offering parishioners        afford the full fees. This money will be                         90+ ministries in addition to services.    held in escrow until it is needed in the
Catholic Youth Organization (CYO)        All these wonderful ministries and         4 retreats held yearly. We want to
Sports                                   resources are funded by the                have a corpus of $10k to $15k. To          generous donations you make. To            donate to this fund you can send in a
                                         help you make your decision as to          donation and designate it as ACTS
Cenaculo de la Divina Misericordia       where to donate, please refer to the       Scholarship or donate online at
Marta Lopez • (210) 663 5150             list below. When you give a donation,
                                         please designate how and where you         ws/opportunities/
Divorce Ministry
                                         want it to be used.                        ACTSRetreatsGeneral.
Rodeana • (210) 264-4967
Donna • (210) 219-1884                   GENERAL OFFERTORY                          OTHER
Leroy • (830) 431-4289                   These donations are used for the day       There are many other opportunities to
Journey Together                         -to-day operation of the parish and its    donate to a specific fund, ministry or
Beth Dewey • (210) 844-0519              programs, which includes staff             organization. Go to
                                         salaries, utilities, supplies, etc, - to
Knights of Columbus                      basically anything that is required to     donate or call the parish office at
Charley Wasson • (210) 478-8555          run the parish and office. The bulk of     (830) 816-2233 for more information.                           all donations can best be used in this
                                         general fund that keeps our very busy      THANK YOU FOR YOUR
Los Matachines                           parish operational. You can donate to      GENEROSITY!
Anna M. Ibarra • (210) 480-0200          this offertory in collection baskets at
                                         Masses, in the offertory envelopes
Moms of Little Saints                                                               An Act of Spiritual Communion
                                         collected in the offertory baskets or in
Welcoming and spiritually enriching
                                         the office, or by going online and
ministry for mothers - First Friday of                                              My Jesus, I believe that You are
                                         making a one-time or recurring
the month, Mom’s Night Out, Advent                                                  present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I
                                         donation through WeShare at
and Lenten Study.                                                                   love You above all things, and I
Angelique Macias • (210) 378-4343                                                   desire to receive You into my soul.                  COMBINED CAPITAL CAMPAIGN                  Since I cannot at this moment receive
                                         Donations to this fund are used to         You sacramentally, come at least
Sociedad de Nuestra Señora de                                                       spiritually into my heart. I embrace
                                         pay the loan taken out for the
Guadalupe                                                                           You as if You were already there and
                                         purchase of the Upon this Rock
Society of Our Lady of Guadalupe                                                    unite myself wholly to You. Never
                                         Campus and to fulfill St. Peter’s
Elizabeth Davis • (830) 249-9369                                                    permit me to be separated from You.
                                         obligation to the Archdiocese of San
                                         Antonio’s On the Way - ¡Andale!            Amen.
Stephen Ministry
One-to-one lay caring ministry.          Capital Campaign. You can donate to
Patti Jetter • (361) 293-8643            this fund online at                        Un acto de com
Ultreya                                  ws/opportunities/
Cada Viernes, 7:00 pm en el FLC          CombinedCapitalCampaign or by              Mi Jesus, Creo que estás presente
Irma García • (210) 326-2404             calling the parish office at (830) 816-    en el Santísimo Sacramento. Te amo
                                         2233 for additional methods.               sobre todas las cosas y deseo
We Care! You Can!                                                                   recibirte en mi alma. Como en este
Mentorship for anyone experiencing       ARCHBISHOP’S APPEAL                        momento no puedo recibirte
or witnessing domestic violence.         Donations for the Annual                   sacramentalmente, entra al menos
Confidential. (830) 816-5645             Archbishop’s Appeal go to St. Peter’s      espiritualmente en mi corazón. Te
                                         obligation to the Archdiocese of San       abrazo como si ya estuvieras allí y
Young at Heart (Seniors) Ministry        Antonio, which funds ministries at the     unirme totalmente a ti. Nunca
Mary White • (830) 249-2181 or           Archdiocesan level. Once we reach          permitas que me separe de ti. Amén.
Esther Faecher • (830) 336-2375
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                                                                           The Market @ Leon Springs                                                                         Boerne, TX 78006
                                                                           (across from the Dominion)
                                                                         Leon Springs 210-687-1222                                                            

52 Point Clean                                                                                                                                                               Since 1986
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                                                                               Dominique Besson
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Free In-House Estimate                                           
                                                                                               PEGGY MCCALL, Financial Advisor         Office:                                                        O 432.367.5500            1921 E. 37th Street, Suite B                   IH 10 @ Fair Oaks Pkwy
   YouveGotMaids Alamo     210-634-4565                                                        T 888.797.4141            Odessa, TX 79762
                                                                                               F 432.368.4145

            You’ve Got Maids of Helotes
      5503 Blanco Rd. • San Antonio, TX 78216
                                                                                               Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. member FINRA/SIPC
                                                                                               Investments, Retirement Planning                                     

                                 For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •                                             St. Peter the Apostle, Boerne, TX                          B 4C 05-0647
• Dine In • Carry Out • Drive Thru • Catering                      Tietze Electric Company, LLC
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                                                      1685 River Road | Boerne, TX 78006                            RESIDENTIAL ~ COMMERCIAL ~ INDUSTRIAL                                          Kendall House Wellness
                                                                         830-331-2633                                                                                                                 & Rehabilitation
                                                                                                                                                                                                   1050 GRAND BLVD., BOERNE, TX 78006
                                                                                  R. CRAIG TIETZE
                                                                                                                OWNER               TECL 20895
                                                                                                                                                 MASTER LICENSE
                                                                                                                                                    #51931             (210) 372-9000
                                                                                                                210.326.4496                     134 PFEIFFER RD.
                                                                                                                  BOERNE, TX 78006

                                                                                                                  Tues - Sat 10 am - 4 pm
                 1 FM 3351 #115 • Boerne TX
        866.237.4434 •
                                                       • Parishioner •

           Aloha Prime Alterations                                                Alfred Fuentes Jr.,
                                                                                  AAMS®, CRPC®
                                                                                                                                  Mary Kay Cosmetics                                HealthGuard Disinfecting
   8000 Fair Oaks Parkway, Suite 3109                                             Financial Advisor
                                                                                                                                  Mary Taylor Parishioner
                                                                                                                                                                                    Electrostatic Disinfection
                                                                                                                                  Independent Beauty
       Fair Oaks Ranch, TX 78015                                                  104 Medical Dr, Boerne, TX
                                                                                                                                  Consultant                                                 (830) 249-4630
                                                                                                                                  361-676-1408                                     Crystal Frazier Guzman
Hours: Mon-Fri, 10 AM to 6 PM
(Available Saturdays by App’t)                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                         210-204-9329 •

          Traditions at the Depot
     Apparel • Accessories • Jewelry • Gifts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ◆   Fine Jewelry
               518 S. Main Street
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ◆ Watches
               Boerne, TX 78006
                                                                              200 Ryan • Boerne, TX                                                                                                                   ◆ Repairs
                  830-816-2795                                                                                                                                                                                        ◆ Custom    Design                                           830-249-2594

                                  Michelle Engel – Realtor®                                                                                                                                       830-249-4092
                                                                                        Contact Tina Watson to place an ad today!
                                                                                                                or (800) 950-9952 x5850                                 134 East Bandera Road
                                  “Whoever wants to be great must become a servant”
                                                   Matthew 20:26                                                                                                                                                      Parishioner

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Jimmy Tirres
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CLU, LUTCF, FIC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    LIFE INSURANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                  O: 210-829-0029 M: 210-313-7679
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           410 E San Antonio Ave
             Boerne, TX 78006
             Like a good neighbor,
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State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company (auto), Bloomington, IL
                  State Farm Lloyds (Home), Dallas, TX

      All-Inclusive Rates for
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137 Old San Antonio Rd. Boerne
             *(830) 249 1234

                                                                          For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 •                                           St. Peter the Apostle, Boerne, TX               A 4C 05-0647
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