STRIKE LANE NEWS 8th October 2021

Page created by Ivan Caldwell
STRIKE LANE NEWS 8th October 2021
                                                                    8th October 2021
Tel: 01772632724
Twitter: @StrikeLane
Dear Parents/Carers,                                                  Dates for your diary (new dates in red)

                                                                      Tuesday 12th October – 5pm – Open Evening for
This week has seen the Year 6 Prefects taking on their new
                                                                      Reception starters 2022/2023
lunchtime roles of helping out in the dinner hall and on the          Wednesday 13th October – Y6 Taster Morning at
playgrounds. They have taken on their roles with such enthusiasm      Carr Hill
I think I might be able to put my feet up soon at lunchtimes and      Thursday 14th October – Closing Date for Design
have my own dinner time too! Although then I would miss my            A T-shirt competition
conversations with the children too much!                             Friday 22nd October – Fun Run/Krispy Crème
                                                                      doughnut sale
                                                                      Friday 22nd October – School Closes for half
Our school advisor came in on Monday to meet our new
Reception Class and was very pleased with how well they had
settled. They kept her very busy with questions and put on a
wonderful show in the outside area. It was lovely to see their
pure enjoyment at being in school.
                                                                      School Meals
                                                                      I am sure you have heard on the local news about
Today is our last day of Bikeability for Year 6 – we hope they have   the problems some schools are having with
found the course very useful and that they feel safer now riding      deliveries of catering supplies.
their bikes on the roads. Next Wednesday Year 6 will be heading       The school cook has told us that Lancashire
to Carr Hill to find out what being at High School is like!
                                                                      Catering Services, who provide our school meals,
                                                                      will be limiting the school menu to freshly made
The children are so enjoying the return of our clubs and              soup and a sandwich with a choice of fillings or a
assemblies this half term. The singing in Wednesday mornings          jacket potato also with a choice of fillings for the
assemblies is awesome and the whole school singing Cyndi              next two weeks.
Lauper’s True Colours brought a tear to my eye! Unfortunately,
Mrs Mitchell has had to postpone Badminton Club on Monday
mornings until after half-term. We apologise for any                  Harvest Donations
disappointment.                                                       For this year’s Harvest Festival, Strike Lane will be
                                                                      donating to the Fylde Food Bank. Fylde Food Bank
Next Tuesday at 5pm is our Parent Meeting for New Reception           is part of the Trussell Trust network who work
Starters 2022-23. Yes, we are preparing already as the closing        towards stopping hunger and poverty in the UK.
date for applications is 15th January 2022. Please spread the         Locally, there are three food banks which are
word – we would love to see as many new faces as possible at the      based in Kirkham, St Annes and Warton. If you
meeting where we will be talking about our wonderful school and       would like to donate, please could you leave any
children and also giving a tour. For those of you with new starters   dried or tinned items in the basket which will be
who already have children here it is not imperative that you come     located in the shelter outside Care Club from
to the meeting but we will still be happy to see your faces.          Monday. They are in urgent need of the following
                                                                      items: biscuits, small jars of coffee, tinned fruits,
I, and some of our staff, will be catching up with our previous       tinned meats and toilet rolls. Any donations will
bursar Bev Roskell, who used to work in the office this weekend. I    be welcomed.
feel there will be lots of tea and cake being consumed!
Whatever you are doing, enjoy the weekend and we will see you         Dogs On The Premises
back safe and well on Monday.                                         Please could we remind all parents/carers that
                                                                      dogs are not allowed on the school premises and
                                                                      are not to be tied to railing by the pedestrian
Mrs Katherine Shuttleworth                                            path. The only exception to this rule is for
                                                                      registered guide dogs.
STRIKE LANE NEWS 8th October 2021
Class Attendance
                                                                  Stars Of The Week
  (week ending            Weekly
    8/10/21)                                                 Well done to all our Winners
                                                    You should be very proud of your achievements
  Oak                      94.6%
                                                  Year Group                 Stars Of The Week

  Beech                     93.4%                                         Oscar & Florence

                                                                           James & Hope
                                                    Rowan                   Jake & Freya

                           100%                      Maple                   Ollie & Eva C

                                                    Willow                Amelia H & Sophie
 Willow                    98.8%
                                                   Sycamore               Georgina & James

                                                  Hornbeam                  Tyler & Kate
 Sycamore                   100%

Hornbeam                   95.0%

 Well done to Rowan, Maple, Willow & Sycamore Classes for achieving over 96%
 attendance this week.
 Rowan, Maple & Sycamore Class will be allowed to come to school in their own clothes on Friday 15th October
 as their class reward for achieving 100% attendance this week.

  Morrisons It’s Good To Grow         Garden Volunteers                            Design your own T-shirt
  Vouchers                            Do you have green fingers and a              Competition
  We are pleased to announce          love for horticulture? Can you               The Friends are holding a
  that we are collecting the          spare a couple of hours each                 Design Your Own T-shirt
  Morrisons It’s Good To Grow         week? If so, Strike Lane needs               competition.
  vouchers to receive some free       YOU!!!                                       Tonight your child should come
  gardening equipment for our         We are currently looking for                 home with a Design Your Own
  school.                             volunteers to help take care and             T-shirt entry form. Please get
  To help support us please           maintain our school garden areas.            them to design their T-shirt
  Download the MyMorrisons            Volunteers will be required to               and write their name and class
  app, sign in or register to         assist with gardening tasks such             on the reverse of the entry
  MyMorrisons and then select         as; deadheading, pruning,                    form.
  the school you wish to collect      weeding, planting, watering,                 There is an entry fee of £1.00
  for. We are registered as           potting and seed sowing.                     which can be paid via
  Freckleton Strike Lane.             If you are interested in helping             Parentmail, and the winner will
  You can scan the app at the         our gardens flourish and creating            receive a family voucher for
  checkout in store or use online     a better environment for all                 Ascent Trampoline Park.
  when shopping.                      please email                                 Please make sure all entries
  For every £10 you spend you or            are returned to school by
  will receive 1 grow token to        phone 01772 632724                           Thursday 14th October.
  donate to your chosen school.
STRIKE LANE NEWS 8th October 2021 STRIKE LANE NEWS 8th October 2021 STRIKE LANE NEWS 8th October 2021 STRIKE LANE NEWS 8th October 2021 STRIKE LANE NEWS 8th October 2021
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