Study Abroad - VALLADOLID, SPAIN 2022 - UWEC Study Abroad + Immersions

Page created by Christine Welch
Study Abroad - VALLADOLID, SPAIN 2022 - UWEC Study Abroad + Immersions


Study Abroad

                                  Program Guide
TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                    Weather ............................................................ 11
                                                                                     Clothing............................................................. 11
Academics .............................................................. 5
                                                                                     Gifts ................................................................... 12
   Pre-departure Planning ..................................... 5
                                                                                  Getting To Spain ................................................. 12
   Registration at UVA ........................................... 5
                                                                                     Travel Arrangements ...................................... 12
   UVA Placement Test ......................................... 5
                                                                                     Getting to Valladolid ....................................... 12
   Class Schedule .................................................. 5
                                                                                     Early, Late or Delayed Arrival ....................... 13
   UVA & UWEC Transcripts ................................ 5
                                                                                  Settling In ............................................................. 13
   Spanish Academic System............................... 6
                                                                                     Orientation........................................................ 13
   Additional Academic Notes for Summer
   Students .............................................................. 6         Adjustment Note for Summer Students ....... 13

   Service Learning ................................................ 6               On-Site Support............................................... 13

Money Matters........................................................ 7              Study Space..................................................... 13

   Cost Estimate ..................................................... 7             Local Transportation ....................................... 13

   Currency Exchange ........................................... 7                   Clubs & Organizations ................................... 13

   Cost of Living ...................................................... 7           Activities/Events .............................................. 14

   Money on Arrival ................................................ 7               Dance:............................................................... 14

   Languages Department Scholarships ............ 7                                  Teaching or Tutoring English ........................ 14

Health & Safety ...................................................... 8          Housing................................................................. 14

   Centers for Disease Control ............................. 8                       Living Situation ................................................ 14

   CDC Recommended Vaccines ........................ 8                               Family Placement ........................................... 14

   Healthcare ........................................................... 8          What's Provided? ............................................ 15

   CISI Insurance in Spain .................................... 9                    Utilities .............................................................. 15

   Services for Students with Disabilities ............ 9                            Laundry ............................................................. 15

   Safety in Spain ................................................... 9             Internet Access................................................ 15

   Stalking/Harassment ....................................... 10                    Meals & Snacks............................................... 15

   Marijuana .......................................................... 10           General Food/Meal Etiquette ........................ 16

   Emergency Contacts ....................................... 10                     Some Typical Foods to Try............................ 16

   911 Equivalent in Spain .................................. 10                     Living with a Family ........................................ 16

Required Documents........................................... 10                     Guests............................................................... 17

   Visa .................................................................... 10      Changing Families .......................................... 17

   Visas for Travel to Other Countries............... 11                             Financial Arrangements ................................. 17

Packing Tips ......................................................... 11         Communication ................................................... 17
Time Difference ................................................ 17               Government ..................................................... 21
   Email/Internet Access ..................................... 17                    Population ........................................................ 21
   Landline Phone Information ........................... 18                         Cultural Basics................................................. 21
   Cell Phone Information ................................... 18                  Web Resources: Spain ...................................... 22
   Pay Phones/Calling Cards ............................. 18                         Valladolid .......................................................... 22
   Calling from the U.S. ....................................... 18                  Spain ................................................................. 22
   Courteous Communication ............................. 19                          Travel ................................................................ 22
   Snail Mail ........................................................... 19      Contact Information ............................................ 23
   Communicating in Spanish............................. 19                       Past Participant Tips........................................... 24
Travel While Abroad ............................................ 20                  What They Wish They Had Known Before
   Organized Travel ............................................. 20                 They Left........................................................... 24

   Bus ..................................................................... 20      Biggest Adjustments They Had to Make ..... 24

   Train Travel....................................................... 20            How Identity Affected Their Experience ...... 24

   Summer Travel Planning ................................ 20                        Safety Tips for Future Students .................... 25

Cultural Notes ....................................................... 20            How They Summed It Up............................... 25

   A Brief History of Spain ................................... 20
Congratulations on being accepted to the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (UWEC)
study abroad program with the Universidad de Valladolid (UVA) in Spain. Living and studying in a new
culture is both an exciting and a challenging experience. Past participants of study abroad report that
the many advantages of international study include:
                         Gaining new perspectives on a chosen academic field
                             Increasing understanding of different cultures
                                   Enhancing personal development
                           Developing different perspectives on U.S. culture
                               Gaining self-confidence and independence
                         Learning skills for the future international job market

It is up to you to determine how you can best benefit from these possible advantages. This is your

Use this program-specific guide with the more general resources in your BlugoldsAbroad account.
While this guide contains the information available at the time of publication, it is impossible for any
single resource to answer all of your questions. We encourage you to do your own research, also,
through INTS 145 and by using the web resources listed towards the end of this guide, as well as
others that you find. Contact the Center for International Education (CIE) staff with your specific

Questions only you can answer include:
1) What are YOUR goals for this experience? Advancement in a future profession, desire to expand
personal and academic horizons, need for a change, and wish to challenge yourself in a new

2) Given the way the program is set up, how can you best prepare to meet your goals? For example, if
one of your goals is to truly be immersed in the Spanish language and culture, yet you will be taking
classes with all international and/or American students, how can you ensure that you get out and
interact with the local population?

The information in this guide was current at the time of publication, though changes may occur at any

                                                       be in the “Intermediate”, “Advanced” or
                                                       “Superior” level of Gramática Española, but you
The Academics section of the Study Abroad              will earn 302 credit regardless. You cannot
Handbook has more information on:                      earn 410 credit in Valladolid without having
   •   registration at UW-Eau Claire and               earned 302 credit at UW-Eau Claire.
   •   class attendance                                Class Schedule
   •   credits & course-load                           SUMMER: Classes meet four hours/day,
   •   integrative learning                            Monday-Friday, in the mornings.
   •   transcripts
   •   service learning                                SEMESTER: Class schedules vary by week
                                                       and month. Classes meet Monday-Friday, and
Pre-departure Planning                                 each class will meet for different amounts of
Please see the UWEC Valladolid Academic                time. Schedules for specific classes may
page for details on how to plan for your courses       change several times during the semester, but
in Spain, including information on finding             a typical class day will start around 9:30am and
courses, credits and course-load, and grade            most days end at about 2:00pm, so you can go
conversion.                                            home for lunch. A class may occasionally meet
                                                       after lunch, but that will usually only last for a
Registration at UVA                                    few weeks.
You will not need to do anything to register in
                                                       Additional Class Requirements
Valladolid, since you will be taking a set of
                                                       As part of your classes, you will also be
courses based on your classes completed at
                                                       required to attend three to four cultural events
UWEC and your UVA placement exam.
                                                       on campus or in the community. There are
                                                       many options--movies, music, theater--and you
                                                       choose what you want to attend.
UVA Placement Test
Summer and fall students will take a placement         UVA & UWEC Transcripts
test upon arrival at UVA. Spring students will         Please see the Academics section of the Study
take the test at UWEC in November. The CIE             Abroad Handbook for important information if
will notify you of the time and location.              you are graduating, transferring or applying
                                                       for a competitive major such as Nursing or
Semester students: if you will have completed          Education at the end of your term abroad.
SPAN 302 at UW-Eau Claire prior to study
abroad, you must take the SPAN 410                     A transcript for your program will be sent from
equivalent in Valladolid. This means that you          UVA to UW-Eau Claire. Transcripts usually
must take the “Advanced” or “Superior” level of
                                                       arrive four-six weeks after the end of the
the Gramática Española class. If you do not
                                                       UVA term. Because this is later than the UW-
test into that level, notify the CIE
                                                       Eau Claire semester, your Blugold CampS
                                                       account will initially indicate “NR” (not reported)
If you have completed 301, but not 302, at UW-         for all courses. This will be changed once the
Eau Claire prior to study abroad, you will take        grades arrive.
the appropriate course determined by the
Valladolid placement exam for 302 credit.
Depending on your placement exam, you may

Spanish Academic System                                   each night starting at the beginning of the
Although you are going to a program for                   semester, then start studying more in-depth a
international students, keep in mind that you             few weeks before an exam, midterm, or final.
are not going to a U.S. classroom abroad.                 Exams are similar to those here. There is a lot
These courses are taught within the Spanish               of writing - you will have essay questions and
university system by Spanish professors.                  short answer responses more often than
                                                          multiple-choice exams.
Overview: Higher education in Spain differs
from that in the U.S. Students are expected to            Academic Assistance: If you have questions
learn independently and often work together               for professors that cannot be asked during
outside of class to understand or expand                  class, ask either right before or right after class.
upon the materials presented. There is little             Spanish professors are not required to hold
time allowed for discussion or classroom                  office hours; the time they expect to interact
participation, and short quizzes and daily or             with students is during class. That said, do not
weekly assignments are uncommon.                          be afraid to ask questions. The professors are
                                                          more than willing to answer both academic and
Syllabi: Specific course syllabi with dates and           cultural questions for you.
topics, required in U.S. higher education, are
generally unknown. Classes often have no                  Student Services: Another difference to note is
required textbooks. Sometimes U.S. students               that “student services” is a relatively unknown
think this means that Spanish instructors are             concept. The university is there to provide
unorganized or not well prepared when, in fact,           access to academic resources. It does not
they are working within the framework of a                have the mission, common to most U.S.
different academic system. You will need to               institutions, of “student development.”
adjust.                                                   University students are considered adults who
                                                          will work their way through the system, asking
Assignments: Compared to classes at UWEC,                 questions when necessary. As a newcomer to
you will not receive a lot of homework in Spain.          the system and the culture, you will find it
Most people have 10-30 minutes of grammar                 necessary to ask questions often!
assignments to complete each night and
sometimes 10-20 minutes of reading for                    Additional Academic Notes for
literature. So, you don't have a lot of daily work,       Summer Students
but don't let that fool you into thinking that the        The University of Valladolid runs 2, 4 and 5-
classes are easy!                                         week intensive Spanish language classes at a
                                                          variety of levels throughout the summer.
Exams: Grades are based on major exams
                                                          Students come from around the world, and they
and/or papers. You will have comprehensive
                                                          are incorporated into ongoing classes at their
exams in the middle of the term and again at
                                                          level. Be prepared for changing numbers of
the end of the program. This mirrors the
                                                          students and faces throughout your courses—
Spanish system: Spanish students obtain their
                                                          although the total number of students in a class
academic degrees by taking comprehensive
                                                          will typically remain between 15-20 for the more
exams at various points during their university
                                                          general classes, 10-15 for the specialized ones.
education. The exams require students to
integrate knowledge from several areas. Less
                                                          Service Learning
emphasis is placed on individual courses.
                                                          If you are interested in completing your service-
Exams are comprehensive. DO NOT start                     learning requirement in Spain, ask one of your
studying the night before! Go over your notes

professors how to get in touch with Cruz Roja in       Cost of Living
Valladolid for volunteer opportunities.                For an idea of what everyday costs you may
                                                       encounter, check out this website
See the Academics section of the Study Abroad
Handbook for information on having a project           living/in/Valladolid
approved. This must be done in advance of
beginning the project but cannot be done before        Money on Arrival
you go to Spain, since you will not know the
                                                       You will need cash (Euros) for small purchases
necessary details of the project.
                                                       you may need to make. A general
                                                       recommendation is to travel with the equivalent
MONEY MATTERS                                          of $100-$200 dollars in your host country
UWEC information about                                 currency.
  • making payments
                                                       Languages Department
  • when they are due
  • withdrawal, cancellation and refund                Scholarships
     deadlines                                         In addition to the scholarships awarded through
  • financial aid,                                     the CIE, you may wish to apply for the following
  • general scholarships                               scholarships. Visit
  • budgeting                                
  • ways to bring money abroad                         passion/scholarships-student-support/ for
                                                       application details.
is found on the following websites:
Fund Your Experience
                                                       Marian Kragness Johnston Spanish
Study Abroad Handbook: Money Matters                   Scholarship
                                                       Four scholarships from $2,500 to $5,000 are
Cost Estimate                                          available.
The most current Cost Estimate for your
program and term, in printable format, is on the       This scholarship will be awarded to a Spanish
CIE Valladolid webpage. Be sure you are                or French major, with preference for students
looking at the correct term. The cost estimate         studying Spanish. Recipients must be a
includes what you pay to UWEC, what you pay            sophomore, junior or senior and committed to
to UVA, and what you pay directly to other             the study of Spanish or French. Financial need
vendors.                                               is required.
                                                       Preference will be given to students who will be
Currency Exchange                                      studying abroad during the year the scholarship
The currency of Spain is the Euro. One Euro            will be received.
has 100 cents. There are 8 Euro coins, ranging
in amount from 1 cent to 2 Euros. Coins have           Richard E. Olson Spanish Study Abroad
different designs in the various countries that        Scholarship
use the Euro. Bills range from €5 to €500 and          One scholarship of $1,000 is available.
have a standard design across countries.               This scholarship will be awarded to a Spanish
                                                       major who will be studying abroad for a
You can find current exchange rates at                 semester or full academic year in a Spanish-              speaking country through UW-Eau Claire. The
                                                       student should be studying abroad when the

funds are received. The recipient must be a
junior or senior with financial need and a
Spanish major GPA of at least 3.0.                     Healthcare
                                                       Medical Services: You can choose from many
                                                       different types of medical facilities in town:
HEALTH & SAFETY                                        private doctors, clinics, medical centers, private
General information about:                             hospitals, or big main hospitals. Unless it is an
    • CISI Insurance                                   emergency, the private sector is usually
    • Preparing to Go                                  quicker.
    • Staying Healthy
                                                       Your host family will help you get in contact with
    • Traveling Safety
    • Emergency Protocols                              the appropriate facility/doctor; their schedules
and links to additional health and safety              may not allow them to actually accompany you
resources are found on the following websites:         to an appointment . You can also ask staff
                                                       members at the language center about where
Health + Safety                                        to go to get medical care or go to the CISI
Study Abroad Handbook: Health & Insurance              insurance portal for addresses.
and Safety Abroad sections.
                                                       Counseling Resources: Past students asked
                                                       about English-speaking counselors in
Centers for Disease Control                            Valladolid. The following information was
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has              provided by Assist America, with the caveat that
vaccination suggestions, how to stay healthy           this information is not an endorsement of the
when abroad, and health information specific to        practice, and it does not guarantee coverage by
Spain. Review the CDC site for Spain.                  CISI.

                                                       The following psychologists at the practice
                                                       below speak English. Payment should be made
CDC Recommended Vaccines                               at time of service. Keep your receipts and file
Due to increasing measles and mumps cases in           for reimbursement with CISI if the treatment
Europe, we strongly encourage you to check             received is covered by the policy:
your vaccine history to see if you have had the
                                                       Leticia Sordo Ruiz
MMR vaccine.                                           Psicóloga
                                                       C/ 20 De Febrero, 9 - 2 Dcha,
In addition to up-to-date routine vaccinations,        Valladolid, Spain.
the Centers for Disease Control recommend              Tel:+34 983 370 989
COVID-19, and hepatitis A & B vaccines for             Email:
most travelers to Spain. See complete                  Hours: M to F from 9:30 am to 3 pm & 4 pm to 9
information here:                                      pm.
                                                       Medical Supplies/Medications: You can find
                                                       basic medical supplies or medications in local
single-001 and discuss these
                                                       pharmacies. They are plentiful and are
recommendations with your medical
                                                       identified by a green cross (universal symbol in
professional.                                          all of Europe). They even sell personal hygiene

items that you might not expect, like                     Petty Theft: Do not leave bags unattended.
toothbrushes.                                             Keep them in sight and avoid placing passports,
                                                          cash, cell phones, or other valuables in the
CISI Insurance in Spain                                   outer pockets of backpacks or purses or on
If your charges are less than 1,000 Euros, you            tables in public places. Do not leave bags slung
will have to pay up front since the Spanish               over the backs of chairs, on hotel or store
physician and/or hospital will not process bills          counters, on top of your suitcase or travel bag,
for less than that amount through a U.S.                  or out of your physical control in hotel lobbies,
insurance company. Most facilities accept                 car rental locations, train stations, restaurants,
cash, and many accept VISA cards as well. Be              and other public places. Avoid carrying your
sure to get a receipt to file your CISI claim. In         passport unless needed for travel, especially in
other countries, you may need to pay up front             tourist areas. Instead, carry a photocopy or
regardless of the amount.                                 photo of your passport’s biographical
                                                          information page and consider leaving your
To put this in perspective, a past student who            passport in a secure location, such as a hotel
was hospitalized in Spain overnight for stomach           safe.
pains had a total bill of 300 Euros. This
included everything: x-rays, IV, doctor visits,           Sexual Assault: The U.S. Embassy in Spain
prescriptions.                                            has received numerous reports of sexual
                                                          assaults affecting U.S. citizens, especially
Services for Students with                                younger travelers, students and exchange
Disabilities                                              teachers.
UVA will do their best to accommodate
disabilities, but services may be different than          The Embassy notes:
what you are used to in the U.S. and not all
services may be offered. Contact your UWEC                   •   Navigating the Spanish criminal justice
study abroad coordinator to begin exploring                      system after surviving a sexual assault
what may be available.                                           has proven to be extremely difficult for
                                                                 U.S. citizen victims, who report feeling
It is also important to look at the level of                     judged and re-victimized throughout the
accessibility in general. To find more                           very lengthy investigatory and judicial
information on this topic, please see the Local                  process.
Laws & Special Circumstances section of the                  •   Although it is not required, many U.S.
U.S. State Department Country Information                        citizen victims of sexual assault in Spain
page                                                             have found it helpful to hire a local
                                                                 attorney to be their advocate and defend
Safety in Spain                                                  their rights throughout the process.
Information on crime, specific safety issues,                •   Many sexual assaults occur at night or
road safety, drug penalties, and terrorist activity              during the early morning hours.
in Spain is included in the U.S. State                       •   In most cases, assailants take
Department’s Spain Country Information                           advantage of alcohol or drugs to make
website. Information below is excerpted from                     victims more vulnerable.
the “Safety & Security” section; read the entire             •   There have been numerous reports
site for details.                                                alleging sexual assaults against U.S.
Specific safety in and around Valladolid will be                 citizen students by Manuel Blanco Vela,
discussed during orientation in Spain.                           a representative of a tour operator
                                                                 based in Seville.

Exercise the same caution as you would in any              In addition to legal penalties, you are putting
unfamiliar area or with unfamiliar people. Be              yourself at risk of robbery or assault, or you
cautious in bars and clubs where alcohol is
                                                           may get a much more dangerous combination
served, and do not leave your drink unattended
                                                           of drugs than you thought you were buying.
or accept a drink from strangers, as they may
have slipped drugs into the drink.
                                                           Emergency Contacts
See additional information and suggestions for
                                                           General emergency procedures are described
US students abroad in the “Local Laws and
                                                           in the Safety Abroad section of the Study
Special Circumstances” section of the U.S.
                                                           Abroad Handbook, and UVA staff are available
State Department’s Spain Country Information
                                                           for consultation if difficulties arise. See the
                                                           Contact Names & Addresses page of this
In Spring 2020, women on the program                       911 Equivalent in Spain
reported a man following them and exposing
                                                           If you are in an emergency situation in Spain,
himself near the UVA campus. They reported it
                                                           you will need to know how to reach the local
to the police and to UVA staff. The police set
                                                           police, fire, or ambulance services. The local
up additional patrols in the area, and UVA staff
                                                           equivalent to the 911 emergency line in Spain
arranged for staff to walk women home after
                                                           is 112. We suggest you save this number in
class for several days. No further incidents
                                                           your cell phone.
were reported.

General information and resources for sexual
violence are on the Health & Safety section of             REQUIRED
the study abroad website.
Marijuana                                                  General passport and visa information is in the
                                                           Study Abroad Handbook: Travel Resources
As of this writing, personal use of marijuana on
private property is legal. Membership in
“cannabis clubs” has grown because they meet
                                                           If you are not a U.S. citizen, please contact
the requirement of private property. However,
                                                           the CIE for more information about the
membership is restricted to Spanish citizens
                                                           following topics.
over the age of 21.

Any form of public use is illegal. Even carrying it        Visa
on your person in public can be considered                 A visa is official permission to temporarily
                                                           reside in another country and is granted by the
drug trafficking, at the discretion of law
                                                           government of that country.
enforcement officials. U.S. citizenship offers no
protection if you break a Spanish law. There is            SUMMER/FALL: Spain is one of the Schengen
NOTHING the CIE, your host organization, or                countries. Because the summer and fall
the U.S. government can do if you are found in             Valladolid programs are less than 90 days, you
violation of Spanish laws.                                 do not need a student visa. In fact, as fall
                                                           students were informed in the Learning Content
                                                           section of your online study abroad application,

because the program is less than 90 days, you             Visa applications will not be accepted more
CANNOT get a student visa for the program.                than 90 days or fewer than four weeks in
This also means that if you plan to travel before
                                                          advance of intended departure.
or after the program, you cannot be in the
Schengen countries for more than a total of               Visas for Travel to Other Countries
90 days.                                                  If you plan to travel outside the Schengen area
The Fall Valladolid program is usually between            while abroad, verify visa requirements for each
77 and 80 days long. This means you can only              country you will visit by contacting the nearest
remain in the Schengen countries for a                    consulate for that country, or your travel
combined total of 10-13 days before or after              agency. Most Western European nations do
the program. If you leave the Schengen area               not require U.S. citizens to have a visa for
and go to the United Kingdom, for example, but            tourist travel of less than 90 days.
must return to Spain or to another Schengen
country to fly home, you must be sure to save
at least one of your 90 days for the return to the        PACKING TIPS
Schengen area. Plan your travel carefully!                General packing information is in the Study
                                                          Abroad Handbook: Travel Resources section.
You can find a complete list of Schengen
countries here:                A country-specific packing list will be released
affairs/what-we-do/policies/borders-and-                  through your BlugoldsAbroad account a few
visas/visa-policy/schengen_visa_en                        months prior to departure.

SPRING:                                                   Although people often think of “sunny Spain,”
It is your responsibility to apply for and receive        Valladolid is not on the Mediterranean!
the appropriate visa for study in Spain. The
                                                             •   The average temperature in September
Center for International Education is not
responsible for students who do not get the                      and October is 60-70 degrees
proper visa prior to traveling abroad, and
student visas (or extensions to tourist visas)               •   Temperatures range from 30-50
                                                                 degrees from November through
cannot be issued in Spain.
                                                                 February, and it rains frequently. In
In past semesters, the Spanish Consulate in                      March, April, and May the range is 40-
Chicago has offered a group processing service                   70 degrees.
that allowed a UWEC representative to submit                 •   Summer temperatures are warmer, with
visa applications on behalf of the entire UWEC                   highs in the 80s and lows in the 50s.
group. Note that the representative is not
responsible for incomplete/incorrectly                    Central heating is uncommon, and the damp
completed applications.                                   cold can feel much colder than the actual
                                                          temperature. Air conditioning is also
The CIE will post instructions on completing the          uncommon; past students recommend buying a
visa application forms and supplementary                  small fan.
materials to your BlugoldsAbroad account once
they are available from the Consulate.                    Clothing
                                                          The Spanish dress more formally than the
                                                          average American. Students generally wear

jeans to class, but they dress them up with a            Some host families may be able to pick you up
nice blazer or sweater, or shirt and nice shoes.         at the bus or train station; others may direct you
                                                         to take a taxi to their home.
Summer dress is less formal, although hoodies
and sweatpants are uncommon. Shorts are                  By Bus:
fine most places, but women must have their              Option 1: You can take a bus directly from
shoulders covered and be wearing conservative            Barajas airport (Madrid). If you arrive early in
shorts to enter most churches, whether for a             the morning, you will have a long wait, because
service or as a tourist.                                 the first bus leaves the T4 (T4 Terminal) in the
                                                         afternoon. The bus company is "Alsa," and you
It is uncommon in Spain to wear tennis shoes             can find the schedule here:
for non-athletic purposes. Some clubs may      
even deny entrance to individuals wearing
tennis shoes or jeans.                                   Option 2: If you do not want to wait, you can
                                                         take a subway or taxi and go to the "Estación
Some students have commented that since                  Sur" in Madrid. You will again travel to
they were not in class with Spaniards, it did not        Valladolid with the bus company Alsa
really matter what they wore to class. While this        (, but there are more frequent
is true on one level, if your goal is to be              departures than there are from the airport. The
respectful of/fit in as much as possible in              trip takes 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Spanish culture, it does matter.
                                                         By Train:
Gifts                                                    If you prefer, go to Valladolid in a fast train,
You may want to pack some small items as                 (which is more expensive), you can take a taxi
gifts for your host family. A memento from               (about 20 €) or catch a train from "Cercanías"
Wisconsin, like a UWEC mug, might be nice.               (C) at the airport to the "Chamartin" station, and
                                                         then take a train to Valladolid. There are

                                                         Cercanías trains from Airport-T4 to Chamartín
                                                         Station about every 12 minutes:
There is information on booking flights in the
Study Abroad Handbook: Travel Resources
                                                         You can find the train schedule from Chamartín
Travel Arrangements                                      Station to Valladolid-Campo Grande. This is the
It is your responsibility to make travel                 website:
arrangements to Valladolid. You will fly into
                                                         Summer/Spring Semester: If 15 or more
Madrid Bajaras airport. Specific dates and
                                                         students are participating, UVA will send a bus
arrival times will be published on the UWEC
                                                         to meet you in Madrid. You need to arrive in
Valladolid program page when available.
                                                         Madrid before noon on the date designated by
Getting to Valladolid                                    UVA if you wish to take the UVA-provided bus
Fall: Because the fall program is small, UVA             to Valladolid.
does not provide group transportation from
                                                         Transportation from the airport in Madrid to
Madrid. You can travel by bus or train.
                                                         Valladolid is provided by UVA on the arrival
Depending on when you make your
arrangements, you will either report them
through the CIE or directly to your host family.

•   The group will meet at the Punto de                 participants are often there for four. Past
       Encuentro (Meeting Point) T1 (Terminal              students noted that beginning the July session
                                                           was almost like starting over, since very few
   •    If you arrive at a different terminal, you
                                                           people they had met in the June session were
       will need to make your way to Terminal
                                                           still there.
   •   Once you get through customs and
       claim your baggage, make your way                   On-Site Support
       there. It is on floor 0 (planta 0), close to        The Cursos para Extranjeros staff will be your
       the pharmacy and Missing Items Office               main advising contacts while at UVA. Their
       (farmacia y la oficina de objetos                   contact information is on the Contact Names &
       perdidos).                                          Addresses page of this guide.
   •    A representative from the University of
       Valladolid will meet you there.                     Study Space
                                                           On campus, the Centro de Idiomas has a study
Early, Late or Delayed Arrival                             room in the building, and there are multiple
Summer/SpringSemester: If you miss the
                                                           libraries in different buildings nearby that are
group transportation from Madrid to Valladolid,
                                                           great study space.
either because you are planning to travel
independently, or because your flight is                   Local Transportation
delayed, you will need to contact your host                Host families live anywhere from a 20 to a 45-
family and travel to Valladolid on your own.               minute walk from campus. Many students do
See the “Travel Arrangements- Fall” section for            walk, but those who live further away may wish
information on independent arrival.                        to buy a bus pass. How to do this will be
ALL: Once you know whether you are arriving                explained at orientation in Valladolid.
by bus or train, and at what time, contact your
host family by phone or email with this
                                                           Clubs & Organizations
information. They will let you know if they are            Intercambios: On Friday nights Spaniards who
able to meet you at the bus or train station, or           are studying English at the university and
whether you will need to take a taxi to their              students from the U.S. meet up at school for a
home. Please copy Rubén Caramazana, the                    language exchange program. Each native
host family coordinator, on the message. His               Spanish speaker is paired with a native English
email is                        speaker, and you spend five minutes talking in
                                                           Spanish then 5 minutes talking in English
                                                           before you talk to new people. Past
                                                           participants emphasize that this is the
SETTLING IN                                                easiest way to meet new Spanish friends!

Orientation                                                Sports clubs: There is a sports center on calle
The day after you arrive, you will have a city
                                                           Ruiz Hernandez, where you can get involved in
tour and a brief orientation to the program.
                                                           just about any sport you can think of, volleyball,
                                                           basketball, soccer, track, swimming, hiking, you
Adjustment Note for Summer
                                                           name it, they have groups and activities. The
Students                                                   website of the sports center is:
Most UWEC students are in the summer             
program for eight weeks, while other

Information about university/community events
is posted weekly on the main bulletin board in            Living Situation
the Cursos building and in every classroom.               You will live with host families, to maximize your
Keep your eyes open for information about the             exposure to Spanish language and culture.
excursions offered by the Cursos, they are                Your homestay begins at 12:00am the day of
often not planned or publicized too much in               your arrival and ends on the final day of the
advance.                                                  program at 12:00 noon.
Dance: Go to Colonial Cubana for salsa                    Most Spanish host families live in
lessons on Thursday nights.                               apartments. This is very common in Europe.
GUM (Grupo Universitario de Montaña): If you              The families involved in the program come in all
are into outdoor activities, ask your professors          shapes and sizes, two parents with several
how to get involved with this organization. They          children, a widow and her child, an older couple
organize outdoor trips and activities every               whose children are on their own, a single
couple of weekends.                                       woman, etc. Some of them have had students
                                                          for years; some will be hosting for the first time.
Teaching or Tutoring English
Another way to get involved is to be an English           Family Placement
tutor. There is no formal way to go about this (it        You turned in a housing preference form with
isn't set up through the university), so if this          your acceptance materials and you will be
interests you, you will need to seek out the              placed with a family based on the information
opportunities.                                            you submitted.

   •   Ask your host family, professors, or                  •   You will share your room with another
       friends you meet at Intercambios if they                  international student (usually another
       know anyone interested in being tutored                   UWEC student or student from the U.S..
       in English or who wants to practice                       occasionally a student from another
       speaking English.                                         country).
   •   Past participants posted flyers in their              •   You can request to room with a specific
       neighborhoods, public libraries or at the                 UWEC student of the same sex; the
       University, offering to teach English to                  request will be honored if both students
       kids or adults.                                           list the other on their housing forms.
   •   Past students tutored young children                  •   Transgender students are welcome in
       and created lessons every week to                         host families. They will be placed in
       teach them, others met weekly at a café                   single rooms unless they request a
       with a Spanish student their age to help                  specific UWEC roommate/the roomated
       them with English homework.                               requests them, as noted above.
   •   Still others were conversation partners               •   On your housing preference form, you
       with adults who wanted to improve their                   indicated if you want to be in a family
       fluency.                                                  with small children, pets or no pets,
   •   Some were volunteers, while others                        smoking or no smoking, etc. Keep in
       were paid.                                                mind that this is a preference list
                                                                 only, and that "families" come in
                                                                 many forms, from single women to
                                                                 retired couples.

Family assignments are made by the                         There is more information on phone use in the
administrative office at the University of                 “Communication” section.
Valladolid. Two to four weeks prior to the
start of the program, the CIE will receive an              Many families are on a plan where electricity is
email with your host family's address, a short             discounted at night and more expensive during
description about the family members, a map of             the day, so ask when you should shower (don’t
where they are in Valladolid, and information              take long, hot showers), hand-wash clothes,
about other host families near you. We will pass           etc.
it on as soon as we receive it.
                                                           Don’t forget to turn off the lights when you don’t
In most cases, your family information will                need them. Use natural light from windows
include an email address. Before going to                  whenever possible. Turn off the water when
Spain, it is a good idea to email your host family         soaping up, brushing teeth, etc.
and thank them in advance for having you. You
can also introduce yourself and ask them a bit
about themselves. If you noted specific food
                                                           Your family will do your laundry once a week.
needs (gluten-free, vegetarian) on your housing
                                                           You may want to wash some special items by
form, it would be good to mention them again.
                                                           hand. Most Spaniards don't have dryers, so
You may even want to send a picture of
                                                           they will hang your clothes on the line to dry
                                                           which could take a day or two. Make sure you
Most students from UW-Eau Claire have been                 always save some clothes to wear!
happy with their families and with life in
Valladolid. In any new living situation, there are
                                                           Internet Access
                                                           Only about 80% of Spanish households have
some adjustments to be made. It is very
                                                           Internet access. Requiring host families to have
important to ask your family for guidelines. The
                                                           internet would unfairly disadvantage willing host
more flexible you are the more pleasant life will
                                                           families. Be prepared to not have access at
                                                           home and be pleasantly surprised if you do. In
Some students have noted that they felt more               the words of one past participant: "It was hard
like renters than like they were living with a host        at first because I didn’t have Internet! I hated
family. For suggestions on how to become                   not being able to Skype and Facebook
more a "part of the family," see the Get Involved          whenever I wanted, but in the long run it was
with Your Family below.                                    great. I spent a lot more time walking around
                                                           the city and doing things in Spain, instead of
What's Provided?                                           sitting at home and going on the Internet."
   •   A double, furnished room, with bedding
   •   One shower/day, towels provided
                                                           Meals & Snacks
                                                           You will receive three meals a day: breakfast,
   •   Three meals/day (as long as you are
                                                           lunch, and dinner. Remember that you are a
       home at mealtime)                                   guest (even if a paying one) in your family’s
   •   Laundry ~ once/week                                 home, and that this is not a hotel situation. Do
                                                           not insist on being able to do things as you
Utilities                                                  would in your own home. This is particularly
While utilities are included, electricity, water,
                                                           important when it comes to food customs. You
and telephone use are very expensive in
                                                           may be used to snacking when you wish, eating
Europe, and some families impose restrictions
                                                           on the run, or inviting friends to meals. Be
on the use of hot water and the telephone.
                                                           prepared for the following:

If you know you will miss a meal, let your family
Breakfast: a quick, small, informal meal. It              know and ask how you should handle the
usually includes coffee or hot chocolate, bread           situation.
or toast or a little muffin with jam, digestive
cookies (kind of like Graham crackers), yogurt,           Some Typical Foods to Try
and/or a piece of fruit. Depending on your host           •   Tortilla española: an egg and potato
family's schedule, you might eat breakfast while              omelette, eaten hot or cold, sometimes as a
                                                              sandwich filling.
they are still sleeping or at work.
                                                          • Croquetas: small, fried patties, cakes, or
Lunch: (la comida, NOT el almuerzo): the                      balls stuffed with meats, vegetables, fish,
                                                              and/or cheese
biggest meal of the day in Spain and is eaten
                                                          • Lentejas: lentils
around 2pm. Many host families serve a three-             • Paella: saffron-flavored rice dish served
course meal. Some people find Spanish food to                 with meat, seafood, and vegetables in a
be filling and carb-heavy, especially during the              buttery sauce
fall/winter. The first course is often a salad,           • Potaje: garbanzo bean and spinach stew -
stew, soup, or vegetable puree. The main                      delicious and warming when it is cold
course is some type of meat or fish with rice,                outside!
                                                          • Jamón Ibérico/Chorizo: a "tough" sausage,
potatoes, or garbanzo beans. The third course                 almost like jerky.
is "dessert" which is typically fruit and                 • Churros con chocolate: you probably won't
sometimes yogurt. On special days you might                   get these at home...but they are a great
get a pastry, flan, or ice cream.                             treat at cafes!
                                                          This is a good website if you want more
Dinner: a small meal usually served between               information about Spanish food:
8pm and 10pm. Salad, tortilla or a fried egg,
croquetas, and slices of cheese and meat are                  •
typical. Fruit or yogurt is often served after
                                                          Living with a Family
General Food/Meal Etiquette                               Get involved as much as you can with your
The refrigerator is often off-limits, and between-        family. They are an important resource for you
meal snacking is less common. You may get                 to learn from and a great resource to help you
hungry between meals, especially at the                   experience the culture of Spain! You may have
beginning. Snacks are your own                            an interest in cooking. By taking some mixes or
responsibility: go to the supermarket and                 recipes from home, you may easily gain entry
buy some snacks or fruit that you can carry               into the kitchen, and your host mom may be
with you to school.                                       thrilled if you show an interest in Spanish
In general, Spaniards have good table
manners. Watch how your host family eats,                 Conversation is important in Spanish culture.
bread is usually the only food that is acceptable         You can spend hours after a meal chatting and
to eat with your fingers. A fork AND knife are            watching television or learning to play Spanish
generally used throughout the entire meal. If             card games.
there is something unfamiliar on your plate (e.g.
a whole shrimp), and you have no idea how you             Remember that you are a guest in your family’s
are supposed to eat it, just ask!                         home. Offer to do some things around the
                                                          house, like helping with meals or dishes. Keep
                                                          your room and other areas of the house that
                                                          you use tidy. Be aware of noise levels,

particularly if you are coming home later at             that they have cultural interests for participating,
night.                                                   most households participating do so at least
                                                         partially for economic reasons. This is only
Depending on your specific home situation, you           logical, given the disruption that hosting a
will probably not be expected to help with               student causes to family life. It is not easy to
setting or clearing the table for meals. Do it           welcome a stranger into your home for several
anyway! This is a great opportunity to talk and          months. The entire family needs to adjust
develop your relationship with your host family.         schedules and habits to accommodate a new
In addition, these small efforts show that you           person. In addition, there are very real costs
are a considerate and appreciative guest in              associated with having another person in the
their home.                                              home. Receiving some monetary
Keep in mind that any relationship is a two-way          compensation for this is only fair, and most
street. It is as much your responsibility to fit         families would not consider hosting otherwise.
into the family as it is their responsibility to
include you in their daily life. The more you            COMMUNICATION
put into the relationship, the more you will             See the Study Abroad Handbook: Travel
receive!                                                 Resources section for information on:
                                                            • Communication with UWEC
                                                            • Calling, Texting & Other Communication
In Spain, inviting a guest into your home implies
a close relationship. It would be more common
to gather with friends at a restaurant, while the
                                                         Time Difference
                                                         Spain is seven hours ahead of Eau Claire. For
home is reserved for the family.
                                                         example, 1:00pm on a Thursday in Eau Claire,
If you are expecting friends or family members           it is 8:00pm on Thursday in Valladolid. To see
from the U.S., make lodging arrangements for             the current time in Spain visit: (find appropriate
them at a local hostel or hotel prior to their           list);
arrival in Valladolid. The host family should not
be expected to have additional visitors stay in          madrid
their homes, even for just a few days.
                                                         Email/Internet Access
It is not culturally appropriate to have your            Again, host families are not required to have
boyfriend or girlfriend spend the night in your          internet access, so do not plan on having
room in your host family's house.                        access at home. E-mail is available in a building
                                                         (Alfonso VIII) about a 10-minute walk from your
Changing Families                                        classroom building. The lab is usually open
If you discover that you absolutely cannot get
                                                         from 9am-2pm and 5pm-7pm on weekdays;
along with your host family, talk with the
                                                         9am-2pm on Saturdays.
Program Coordinator at the UVA about it so
that appropriate changes can be made. (UWEC              Past participants recommend bringing a laptop
is not involved in the actual family placements,         if you have one, as well as extra batteries. UVA
and changes must be done through UVA.) But               has free Wi-Fi, so if you have a laptop,
remember to give the situation some time and             connecting there is no problem. You will need
to be flexible and open-minded.                          a password for access, and that password
                                                         changes on the first of each month. You can
Financial Arrangements                                   get the updated one in the administration office
While UVA screens families carefully to ensure           of el Centro de Idiomas.

There is also free Wi-Fi in the main town square          around $40-50, and they just purchased
(Plaza Mayor), so students who do not have                minutes as they needed them. Calling people is
Wi-Fi at home frequently bring their laptops to           expensive; however, texting is cheap. If you
the square to use it there.                               think you might be interested, stop in a cell
                                                          phone store for more information. These stores
Another possibility is public libraries. You will         are everywhere and are not difficult to find.
receive the name and address of the largest
one at orientation. Your host parents may be              Many students also choose to bring their
able to direct you to one closer to home. You             smartphones with them to Spain and call home
will ask for a library card (which will require           over Wi-Fi. If you don’t have a smartphone, an
showing a copy of your passport and having                iPod touch or tablet works well, too. Most
two passport-sized photos), and then you can              students use Facetime, Skype or WhatsApp.
sign up to use a computer for an hour at a time.
                                                          Pay Phones/Calling Cards
The above options are free. For additional
                                                          Pay phones are still an option in Spain. There
access, past students recommend using
                                                          are cabinas or phone booths on just about
Internet cafes.
                                                          every block. Having a calling card/ international
In the words of a past participant: "Just because         calling card will make this easier. You can buy
you have Internet in your home does not mean              phone cards (tarjeta teléfonica) to use at almost
that your connection will be amazing. Many of             every kiosko (kiosk). Ask for a "tarjeta
us are used to a speedy and smooth-running                telefónica" for "llamadas internacionales."
connection here, but that was often not the               Instructions for these cards are located on the
case. Skype calls may have pretty poor quality            back. You simply insert the phone card into the
at times. It is also not uncommon for your home           phone (looks like a credit card slot at an ATM)
Wi-Fi to abruptly go out for several hours or             and make your phone call.
even a whole day. Overall, the Internet
connections worked pretty well; just don't
                                                          Calling from the U.S.
expect it to be perfect!"                                 From the U.S. to Spain: If you want to call
                                                          someone in Spain before you arrive, you must
Landline Phone Information                                first dial 011, which is the international dialing
Phone lines in Spain are expensive. Most                  code. Next, you dial 34, the country code for
families require the use of a public pay                  Spain, and the rest of the number.
phone for outgoing calls. You can generally
                                                          It may be most economical for your family or
receive phone calls at your host family’s house
                                                          friends to call you in Spain. Past participants
with no problem.
                                                          have told us that a great phone card is from
If allowed to use the phone, ask permission      The rates are great; the only catch
each time. Keep phone calls to a minimum.                 is that it does expire after three months. But,
Long distance calls are not itemized, so it is not        CALL AROUND to set yourself and your family
possible to find out from the bill how much a call        up with the best deal, or you may be surprised
cost.                                                     at your first bills!

Cell Phone Information                                    From Spain to the U.S.: To “phone home”
Cell phones (móviles) are everywhere, as they             while you are abroad using a calling card or
are here. Some past participants have found it            calling collect, you must dial an access code to
economical and convenient to purchase a cell              get an American operator. There are many
phones in Valladolid. The phones were usually             forms of phone cards that you can purchase so
                                                          you will want to look around for the best value.

Courteous Communication                                   Professors: It's their job to help you improve,
If Skyping/using other communication apps in              so they will correct you in class and will require
your apartment, use headphones, close the door            you to speak often. They are always willing to
to your room, speak softly, and end the                   help explain things or sit down and talk with you
conversation immediately if it is time for a meal.        about things you don't understand.

                                                          Families: It is very likely that your family has
Snail Mail                                                been hosting American students for a number
International airmail takes 7-10 days to cross            of years. This means that even when you say
the Atlantic in either direction. Packages usually        the wrong thing, chances are they will
take at least two weeks and sending from Spain            understand you. Don't be afraid to speak with
can take longer than receiving in Spain.                  your family at meals, after meals, during down
                                                          time, at any possibility.
Communicating in Spanish
You have been studying Spanish for years, and             Other People You Meet: Natives of Spain
now you are going to apply your language skills           KNOW that you are not a native speaker even
in day-to-day life. Here are some things to keep          before you open your mouth. In most cases, if
in mind.                                                  you are making an effort to communicate with
                                                          them, they will be very kind and patient with
Before You Go: Start listening to Spanish                 you. In addition to this, get to know local
music, movies, TV in Spanish. Get your ear                students. Many of them are studying English
accustomed to it before you get there!                    and would LOVE to get together and talk. One
                                                          thing to remember: you need to make the effort
Also, start reading it, beyond what is required
                                                          to get to know them. Common phrases:
for class. Consider changing your phone
language to Spanish, reading websites from                Here are some words and phrases common in
Spain, finding online newspapers.                         Spain that you may find unfamiliar if you've
                                                          learned Latin American Spanish:
Fluency: In the words of a past language
student, "I am going to warn you right now: you           Alumno: (instead of estudiante)
WILL NOT be fluent after only three-five months
in another country. I definitely improved in my           Naranja: (for both the fruit and the color
reading, writing, listening and speaking, but I           orange)
did not sound like a native. Don't expect to
come home fluent, or you will spend your whole            Patata: (instead of papa, meaning potato)
time abroad frustrated with yourself. Take                Ordenador: (instead of computadora)
things one day at a time and you will be so
impressed with yourself. There were days                  Servicio/Aseo: (bathroom – instead of baño)
where I would all of a sudden realize that I was
participating in classes that were only in                ¿Qué tal? – instead of ¿como estás?
Spanish! It's definitely a great feeling to see
                                                          Movil: - instead of telefono cellular
how much your Spanish speaking is improving."
                                                          VOSOTROS: This is a form that is not covered
Speaking: Speak as much as possible. You
                                                          much in Spanish classes and is more or less
                                                          that "ya'll" form. Spaniards use this ALL THE
Spanish (since you're living in Spain). There are
                                                          TIME but luckily, it is a very easy form to catch
so many people willing to help you get better:
                                                          onto. The vosotros is used almost always in

place of uds. (unless you're in a very formal            Train Travel
setting)                                                 Point-to-point tickets are usually less expensive
                                                         in Spain than using a rail pass. Rooms and food
Tio/Tia: This is a phrase that is used as "dude"
                                                         in southern Spain were the cheapest
and is said to friends
                                                         participants found in all of Europe.
Vale: It means "OK" and is used a lot as a filler
                                                         Check train times and routes on
                                                This Web site also
Venga: Another filler word. Often Spaniards will         lets you know if the train you need requires
say "venga, hasta luego" when they're saying             reservations. If it does, be sure to reserve a
goodbye                                                  seat ahead of time so you can take the train
                                                         you need.
Hasta luego: "see you later!" which is used
when people run into each other on the street,           Summer Travel Planning
or when they're saying goodbyes. However,                Summer is high season for tourism. If you are
they kind of run the words together so it sounds         going in the summer and plan to travel before
more like "ha-uego"                                      or after the program, make reservations for
                                                         transportation, accommodation, etc, well in
TRAVEL WHILE                                             advance.

ABROAD                                                   CULTURAL NOTES
General information on guidebooks, maps,
                                                         A Brief History of Spain
hostels and more is in the Study Abroad                  Spain became a part of the Roman Empire in
Handbook: Travel Resources section.                      206 CE. Once the Roman Empire began to
                                                         weaken, the Visigoths took over the territory of
Organized Travel                                         the empire that is now Spain. From then it was
Three excursions to sites such as Salamanca,             a battle of what group ruled over Spain. After
Segovia, Ávila-El Escorial, or Madrid are                the Visigoths, the Muslims, who came up from
included in the program cost for all terms.              Africa, took over until, eventually, the Catholics
                                                         (known as the Spanish) started to take their
These excursions are led by UVA faculty and              territory over starting at the north. Granada
staff. Past summer students noted that many              (south of Spain) was the last territory that
students are there with faculty-led groups, and          became part of what we know as present-day
the faculty also accompany their students on             Spain in 1492, during what is known as the
the excursions. UWEC students are sometimes              Reconquista.
assigned to another university’s group for a
portion of a tour, which was a little awkward at         Also, at this time, exploration of the seas was
times.                                                   taking place and the Spanish government
                                                         financed Portuguese navigator Christopher
Bus                                                      Colombus for his voyage which led to the
For travel within Spain, many past participants          discovery of America. Spain gained a lot of
highly recommend traveling by bus rather than            power and wealth with all the colonies and
by train. Buses in Spain are clean and nice and          resources they found in the Americas, first with
are typically faster and less expensive than             Cortes in Mexico and then in Peru with Pizarro.
                                                         While these voyages across the oceans were
                                                         taking place, Spain was enforcing a religious

You can also read