StyleGAN Salon: Multi-View Latent Optimization for Pose-Invariant Hairstyle Transfer

Page created by Clarence Pham
StyleGAN Salon: Multi-View Latent Optimization for Pose-Invariant Hairstyle Transfer
StyleGAN Salon:
 Multi-View Latent Optimization for Pose-Invariant Hairstyle Transfer

 Sasikarn Khwanmuang Pakkapon Phongthawee Patsorn Sangkloy✂ Supasorn Suwajanakorn
 VISTEC, Thailand Phranakhon Rajabhat University, Thailand
 {sasikarn.k_s18, pakkapon.p_s19, supasorn.s}
arXiv:2304.02744v1 [cs.CV] 5 Apr 2023

 Input Hair

 Input Face

 Figure 1. Our method can transfer the hairstyle from any reference hair image in the top row to Tom Holland [33], in the second row.

 Abstract 1. Introduction

 Our paper seeks to transfer the hairstyle of a reference What makes Jennifer Aniston keep her same hairstyle for
 image to an input photo for virtual hair try-on. We target over three decades? Perhaps she likes the classic, or perhaps
 a variety of challenges scenarios, such as transforming a changing her hairstyle is a decision too high-stakes that she
 long hairstyle with bangs to a pixie cut, which requires re- could later regret. Unlike garments or makeup, trying on a
 moving the existing hair and inferring how the forehead new hairstyle is not easy, and being able to imagine yourself
 would look, or transferring partially visible hair from a in different hairstyles could be an indispensable tool.
 hat-wearing person in a different pose. Past solutions lever- Recent approaches for hairstyle transfer, StyleY-
 age StyleGAN for hallucinating any missing parts and pro- ourHair [20], Barbershop [46], LOHO [30], and Michi-
 ducing a seamless face-hair composite through so-called GAN [35], allow users to manipulate multiple hair attributes
 GAN inversion or projection. However, there remains a chal- of an input image, such as appearance, shape, or color by pro-
 lenge in controlling the hallucinations to accurately transfer viding a reference image for each different attribute. These
 hairstyle and preserve the face shape and identity of the methods [20, 30, 46] rely on a generative adversarial net-
 input. To overcome this, we propose a multi-view optimiza- work [11], specifically StyleGAN2 [19], which can synthe-
 tion framework that uses two different views of reference size highly realistic face images. Their key idea, which also
 composites to semantically guide occluded or ambiguous forms the basis of our method, is to leverage the realistic face
 regions. Our optimization shares information between two distribution learned by StyleGAN and search for a hairstyle-
 poses, which allows us to produce high fidelity and realistic transfer output whose latent code lies within the learned
 results from incomplete references. Our framework produces distribution using optimization (commonly known as GAN
 high-quality results and outperforms prior work in a user projection or inversion).
 study that consists of significantly more challenging hair Our extensive study on these state-of-the-art techniques
 transfer scenarios than previously studied. Project page: still reveal several unsolved challenges for in-the-wild hairstyle transfer. One of the main challenges is when the
 reference hair comes from a person with a very different head
StyleGAN Salon: Multi-View Latent Optimization for Pose-Invariant Hairstyle Transfer
pose or facial shape. In this case, the transfer result often 2. Related Work
degrades significantly [30, 46]. HairFIT [8] and the recently
proposed StyleYourHair [20] both attempt to solve this using Generative Adversarial Networks. Beginning with [11,
an additional alignment step to align the pose of the target 18], StyleGANs [17–19] have shown great success in 2D
hair to the input face. In HairFIT [8], this is done explicitly image generation by learning realistic training data distribu-
via a flow-based warping module for hair segmentation, but tion corresponding to a fixed low-dimensional distribution,
this requires training on multi-view datasets [21, 26]. Sty- called latent code. The learned latent code can be applied to
leYourHair [20] avoids this issue and also improves upon a downstream task such as image manipulation [13, , 32, 40].
HairFIT’s results by optimizing for an aligned pose within Recent work on [6,12,44] also explore 3D aware architecture
StyleGAN2’s latent space using distances between the de- in StyleGAN, resulting in multi-view consistent images.
tected facial keypoints. While StyleYourHair can handle a For hairstyle transfers, MichiGAN [35] uses a conditional
certain degree of misalignment, it often struggles to preserve hair generation network that can control hair shape, struc-
details of the reference hair texture, especially for intricate ture, and appearance. Recently, HairFIT [8], a pose-invariant
and non-straight hairstyles, e.g., in Figure 3. hairstyle transfer network, aligns the reference hair to match
 the input face pose using a optical flow-based hair alignment
 In general, we have observed that there is a trade-off be-
 module, but requires training on multi-view dataset [21, 26].
tween hallucinating new details, which is crucial for handling
 StyleGAN Latent Space and Projection Techniques.
highly different poses, and preserving the original texture
 To generate an image, StyleGAN2 first maps a random latent
from the reference images. These two goals are often at odds
 code z ∼ N (0, I) to an intermediate latent code w ∈ R512
with each others. This trade-off is also evident in the results
 in a new space called W. This code w is then replicated
from StyleYourHair, as reported in [20] and as shown in ta-
 (18x) and used as input to each layer of the generator that
ble 3, where BarberShop [46] can still produce better results,
 controls details at different scales through weight demodula-
for example, when the pose difference is small.
 tion. Collectively, these replicated latent codes are referred
 We tackle this dilemma by performing a multi-stage op-
 to as w+ ∈ R18×512 in the extended latent space W + .
timization. This serves two purposes: first, to hallucinate
 Pivotal Tuning Inversion (PTI) [29] further improves
new details necessary for aligning the poses, and second, to
 the projection quality by directly tuning generator weights
recover face-hair details from the original input images. We
 around the optimized latent code w using their regularization
preserve these details in a form of two guide images in both
 technique. Other techniques [1, 2, 5] optimize the latent code
viewpoints, which will be jointly optimized to allow new
 w+ in each layer separately to better match the input image.
details to be filled while retaining face-hair texture in the
 PIE [37] introduces hierarchical optimization for seman-
original pose. Our pose alignment is done both explicitly via
 tic attributes editing that first optimizes the latent code in
3D projection [6] on RGB images, and implicitly via latent
 the W space, then transfers the code to the W + space and
code(s) sharing during our multi-view optimization.
 continues the optimization in that space. We adopt similar
 In summary, our contributions are as follows:
 hierarchical optimization that uses both W and W + . Part of
 1. We propose StyleGAN Salon: a pose-invariant hairstyle our method is also inspired by PULSE [25], which recon-
 transfer pipeline that is flexible enough to handle a vari- structs a high-resolution image from a small reference image
 ety of challenging scenarios including, but not limited (32x32) by searching for the closest image in the StyleGAN
 to, bangs/hat removal and background inpainting. latent space that resembles the low-resolution reference.
 Some methods [7, 41, 45] project multiple images into
 2. Unlike previous works, our method operates entirely on latent space simultaneously. However, all of their inputs are
 RGB images, which are more flexible than segmenta- complete, whereas our method requires hair information
 tion masks. This allows us to first draft the output and from the reference hair image and additional information
 then refine them via multi-stage optimization. from the input face image.
 StyleGAN-Based Hairstyle Transfer. LOHO [30]
 3. We introduce multi-view optimization for hairstyle adopts loss functions from Image2StyleGAN++ [2] to com-
 transfer which incorporates 3D information to align bine face-hair inputs into a hairstyle transfer output with their
 the poses for both face and hair images. Our method orthogonalization optimization technique which reduces con-
 leverages both views to help preserve details from the flicts between multiple loss functions. Barbershop [46] first
 original images. predicts semantic regions of both inputs and uses them to
 create a “target segmentation mask” of the output with rule-
 4. We thoroughly analyze the results in several experi- (in the original paper) or GAN-based inpainting (in their
 ments, including a user study with detailed breakdown official code). Then, they optimize two separate latent codes
 into various challenging scenarios. Our method shows in W + space, one for matching the face and the other for
 superior results over existing works in all scenarios. hair, while conforming to the target segmentation mask. To
StyleGAN Salon: Multi-View Latent Optimization for Pose-Invariant Hairstyle Transfer
preserve the original details, the latent optimization is done while freezing the latent codes (Section 3.5) using PTI [29]
in their proposed F/S space, which replaces the first seven to further improve detail fidelity. Figure 2 shows an overview
blocks of W + space with the corresponding activation maps of our complete pipeline.
of StyleGAN’s convolution layers. To improve Barbershop’s
capacity to handle unaligned input poses, StyleYourHair [20] 3.1. Constructing the Guide Images
first aligns the reference hair to match the pose of the input The purpose of our guide images is to provide an initial
face via the proposed local-style-matching loss. However, estimate of how the hair would look on If . We achieve this
this alignment often leads to an unrealistic hair shape or using a cut-and-paste composite of the face and background
inaccurate hair texture results. In contrast, our method simul- from If and the hair from Ih . To better handle a potentially
taneously optimizes for two guides in face and hair views, large shift in viewpoint between If and Ih , we propose to
resulting in a better hair texture. leverage EG3D [6] to help generate geometrically consistent
 Instead of estimating the final output from the segmenta- guide images. We argue that using multi-view guide images,
tion mask [20, 46], our multi-view optimization uses face- each in the pose of If and Ih , helps preserve details that
hair composites in RGB space to overcome this problem, and could otherwise be lost from using a single viewpoint alone.
produces results that better preserve the input facial structure A straightforward approach is to simply project Ih into
and hairstyle across a wider, more challenging range of sce- the EG3D [6] latent space, and use their proposed neural
narios. Concurrent work, HairNet [47], arrives at a similar rendering pipeline to render it in the view of If (and vice
goal of removing the target segmentation mask via a two- versa). However, while the projection can produce a geo-
step process that involves baldification using StyleFlow [3] metrically consistent 3D shape, we found that the resulting
followed by another network to transfer the hairstyle. texture is not very accurate. To address this, we replace any
 Nevertheless, handling pose differences is crucial for suc- visible regions in the texture from Ih ’s viewpoint with the
cessful hairstyle transfer; our method incorporates 3D rota- original pixels of Ih , while leaving the rest of the texture as
tion to preserve the geometric consistency and systematically the projected texture from EG3D’s rendering.
evaluate this aspect. We also additionally apply uniform scaling and trans-
 lation to match the faces’ widths and centers, which are
3. StyleGAN Salon computed based on detected facial keypoints [22]. These
 keypoints, along with semantic regions from [42], are also
 Given two input images Ih and If , the goal is to transfer
 used to handle various corner cases, such as re-painting un-
the hair from the reference hair image Ih into the face in
 wanted hair regions. We refer to Appendix A for more details
the image If , while preserving all remaining details in If ,
 of this operation.
including identity, clothing, and background.
 The entire process is done for both If and Ih viewpoints,
 The key idea of our approach is to guide the optimization face hair
 resulting in a pair of guide images Iguide = [Iguide , Iguide ].We
on the learned latent space of StyleGAN2 with two “guide”
 emphasize that by leveraging our multi-view optimization
images, which represent rough composites of the final output
 (Section 3.2), these guide images do not need to be precise or
based on simple cut-and-paste in the viewpoint of Ih and
 realistic to produce convincing final results, as demonstrated
If . We leverage EG3D to construct these guided images in a
 in the first row of Figure 4.
geometrically consistent way, described in Section 3.1.
 Optimization on StyleGAN2’s latent space is commonly 3.2. Multi-View Latent Optimization
performed on either the original latent space W or the ex-
tended latent space W + . Optimizing on W space generally Our guide images provide complementary information
leads to more realistic results by staying within the original about the target hair and face, albeit from different poses.
latent space, whereas optimizing on W + allows a closer However, each guide image is only fully accurate in regions
match to the reference [37]. In hairstyle transfer, it is im- with the original pixels seen in the original viewpoint and not
portant to stay faithful to the input images and preserve warped by EG3D. Thus, our optimization goal is to combine
important details such as hair texture, face identity, and back- information from both guide images to generate a final output
ground. However, optimizing on W + will lead to poor results that accurately captures the realistic hair from Iguide , as well
because our guide images are rough and unrealistic compos- as other details from Iguide . We achieve this using multiple
ites. Thus, we propose to optimize on W space followed loss functions that attend to both viewpoints with different
by W + space, similar to a technique in PIE [37] used for spatial emphasis. Specifically, we perform multi-view latent
editing semantic attributes of an image. optimization on w/w+ (and stochastic noise maps n) that
 Our optimization incorporates both guide images from fits both guide images:
the two viewpoints, detailed in Section 3.2. Section 3.3 and
Section 3.4 cover details of our optimization on W and W + , \min _{\{ w / w^+, n \}} \sum _\text {i}^{[\text {face, hair}]} \mathcal {L}_\text {loss} (O^\text {(i)}, I_\text {guide}^\text {(i)}), (1)
respectively. Finally, we also optimize StyleGAN2 weights
StyleGAN Salon: Multi-View Latent Optimization for Pose-Invariant Hairstyle Transfer
Optimization on or + space Hairstyle Transfer Pipeline Stage 1: Hallucinate Missing Details Stage 2: Recover Face-Hair Details Image flow Latent flow
 mean Optimization Optimization
 Replicated 18x Stage 3: Pivotal Tuning Inversion
 StyleGAN Layers StyleGAN Layers

 Constructing guide
 in space in + space
 Fixing the

 Replicated 18x
 1 optimized +
 ∈ 512 ∈ 18x512 Opt.
 Pivot Tuning

 + / +

 Latent Sharing
 face face face
 Reference Hair h Guide Image guide guide guide
 (All layers are the same.) (Each layer is independent.)
 Latent Sharing

 Sharing part Opt.

 / +
 (Optimizing for

 different input)
 Guide Image guide
 (Only is optimized.) (Some layers are shared.)
 Input Face F 1st Stage Output 1 2nd Stage Output 2 Final Output 

Figure 2. Overview of StyleGAN Salon: We first align the input face If and reference hair Ih and use them to construct guide images Iguide ,
in two different viewpoints, which specifies the target appearance for each output region. (see Section 3)

where O(i) denotes the output of the StyleGAN2’s generator is a simple element-wise multiplication, which effectively
that takes a latent code w(i) or w+(i) and a stochastic noise excludes these regions from the loss by setting them to 0
input n(i) . Lloss is a sum of all our loss functions: in both input images. And Λ(i) roi is a balancing weight in (i)
 viewpoint, which is set higher when the region of interest
 covers the original pixels of If (or Ih ). For instance, the loss
 \label {eq:obj} \mathcal {L}_\text {loss} &=\sum _\text {j}^\text {[f, h, bg]} \lambda _\text {p}^\text {(j)}\mathcal {L}_\text {per}^\text {(j)} \\ &+ \lambda _\text {g} \mathcal {L}_\text {global} + \lambda _\text {i} \mathcal {L}_\text {ini} + \lambda _\varepsilon \mathcal {L}_\varepsilon + \lambda _s \mathcal {L}_\text {sim}, face
 that attends to face in Iguide has a higher weight than the face
 loss in Iguide . We consider 3 regions of interest: Lfper , Lhper ,
 and Lbg
 per for face, hair, and background regions. We refer to
where λ(·) are balancing weights, and [f, h, bg] refer to face, Section 3.3 and 3.4 for details on these mask generation for
hair, and background. We next explain each loss function. W and W + optimization, respectively.
 Global loss: This loss function attempts to match the
 overall appearance of the output to Iguide :
3.2.1 Loss Functions
The objective of our W and W + optimization is to generate \mathcal {L}_\text {global} &= L_\text {MSE}^{32}(O, \iguide ). (5)
an output image that fits the corresponding Iguide without L32 MSE is the mean square error computed on 32x32 down-
appearing unrealistic. The main challenge is that our guide sampled input images. The goal of the downsampling is to
images are unrealistic and can contain various unwanted reduce the effect of matching visible seams from higher reso-
artifacts. We design our loss functions to be tolerant of the lution Iguide because those seams become imperceptible once
imprecise nature of our guide images. downsampled. This loss is inspired by a similar idea used
 Masked Perceptual Loss: This loss is based on Learned for image super-resolution by Menon et al. [25].
Perceptual Image Patch Similarity (LPIPS) [43], which com- Initial Value Loss: To prevent the output from deviating
pares two input images in a deep feature space. Similar too far from the learned distribution and becoming unreal-
to [20, 30, 46], we apply a binary mask to indicate regions istic, we force the optimized latent code(s) w and w+ to be
of interest in the deep feature space of the two input images. close to its initial value w0 through L2 loss, as used in [2]:
We use LLPIPS (I1 , I2 ; M ) to denote this LPIPS computation
between two images (I1 , I2 ) with mask M . However, we ob-
 \label {eq:lper} \resizebox {.9\hsize }{!}{ $\mathcal {L}_\text {per}^\text {i,roi} = \Lambda ^\text {(i)}_\text {roi} L_\text {LPIPS}(O^\text {(i)} \odot \neg M^\text {(i)}_\text {roni}, \iguide ^\text {(i)} \odot \neg M^\text {(i)}_\text {roni}; M^\text {(i)}_\text {roi}), $} \begin {aligned} \mathcal {L}_\text {ini} = \|w_{1:18} -w_0\|^2_2. \end {aligned} (6)
serve that applying this masking operation after the feature
 We use the estimated mean of W latent space as initial values
computation is insufficient to disregard unwanted regions.
 for optimizing w. This is computed by averaging many latent
This is due to the fact that LPIPS is a patch-based similarity
 codes wi = f (zi ) drawn randomly through z ∼ N (0, I) and
loss, and regions outside of the mask can still affect the loss
 the StyleGAN’s mapping network f . Then the optimized
computation. Based on this principle, we propose to apply
 latent code w from the first stage becomes the initial value
additional pre-masking to mask out ambiguous regions in
 for the optimization in W + extended latent space.
Iguide that should not be trusted. Specifically, our Masked
 Noise Regularization Loss: We also use the noise regu-
Perceptual Loss is the following:
 larization loss (Lε ) proposed in StyleGAN2 [19] to ensure
 (4) that the noise maps will be used for capturing the stochas-
 tic variations, and not for encoding the content meant to be
where Mroi is the mask for region of interest (ROI), and Mroni captured by the latent code. We refer to StyleGAN2 for the
is the mask for regions of not interest (RONI). (.) ⊙ ¬Mroni details of this loss.
StyleGAN Salon: Multi-View Latent Optimization for Pose-Invariant Hairstyle Transfer
face hair
 Latent Similarity Loss: To enable information sharing While our guide images (Iguide and Iguide ) capture the over-
 face hair
between the two guide images (Iguide and Iguide ) from two all appearance of the desired outputs, they still lack details
viewpoints, we force both their latent codes to be close to- in certain regions. These unknown regions may correspond
gether by using the following L2 loss, similarly to [7]. to unseen facial features that were occluded by the hair in If
 or incomplete reference hair from Ih caused by, e.g., a hat or
 \begin {aligned} \mathcal {L}_\text {sim} = \|w^{(\text {face})} - w^{(\text {hair})}\|^2_2, \end {aligned} (7) image cropping. These details will need to be hallucinated
 and seamlessly blended with the rest of the image.
where w can be in W space during W optimization or re- To accomplish this, we design our pre-masking in
placed with w+ during W + optimization. Masked Perceptual Loss (Lfper , Lhper , and Lbg per ; Equation 4) to
 include all the unknown regions that need to be hallucinated.
3.2.2 Sharing Latent Code Specifically, Mroni represents the face region occluded by
 the hair in If , e.g., the forehead behind the bangs or the ears
In StyleGAN2, latent codes in early layers have been shown that should become visible in the final output. Analogously,
to correspond to high level concepts (e.g. human pose) h
 Mroni represents the hair region occluded by other objects
whereas the remaining layers capture low-level information (e.g., a hat) or not visible in Ih due to image cropping. We
(e.g. colors) [, 18]. This motivates the optimization in W + f
 set Mroi and Mroih
 to be segmentation masks for face and hair
extended space, as each layer can be optimized for different bg bg
 regions (Mf and Mh ), respectively. Both Mroi and ¬Mroni
aspects of the image. Similarly, we optimize latent codes to
 is set to be the background regions in If not covered by
match guide images of the same person and hairstyle but
 the transferred hair (Mbg ). These masks are constructed by
in different poses. Rather than optimizing two latent codes
 composing different semantic regions (union, intersection,
independently, we can enforce information sharing between
 etc.) from If and Ih , detailed in Appendix A.3
the two poses by constraining the latent codes of the last
 We note that Mroi is applied on the deep feature maps,
few layers (wl:18 ) to be the same. We set l to be 4 in all our
 similar to [20, 30, 46], while ¬Mroni is applied on raw RGB
experiments, loosely based on the head rotation experiments
 images. Using both masking techniques is crucial to our
shown in GANSpace [].
 natural and seamless blending. The additional pre-masking
 Sharing w Latent Code: Optimization in the space of
 allows the hair shape (or face shape) in the output to be
StyleGAN2 latent code W is generally done as a single latent
 different from Iguide ’s and freely grow outward outside Mroi
code (R512 ), which are duplicated (18x) and fed into all the
 if this leads to a more natural result (see Figure 4).
layers. In our case, we also optimize for a single latent code
w but only duplicate them for the first l layers (w1:l ). The 3.4. W + Optimization: Recover Face-Hair Details
remaining layers (wl:18 ) are interpolated from the current
 The output of the previous stage, O1face and O1hair , may
latent codes of each guide image with a coefficient α.
 still look different from the input person and not yet capture
 w_{l:18} &= \alpha w^\text {(face)}_{1:l} + (1-\alpha ) w^\text {(hair)}_{1:l}. (8) the hair details from the reference. This stage aims at refin-
 ing these output images to better reproduce the hair details
We randomize this coefficient to make the latent codes stay from Ih and the rest from If . The optimization is done in
within the space of W. This random interpolation forces the the extended W + space with respect to {w+ , n}. In other
latent code for each guide image to be partly similar while words, we allow w ∈ R512 that was previously replicated to
still producing realistic results from W latent space. each layer to be optimized separately as w+ ∈ R18×512 . We
 Sharing w+ Latent Code: Optimization in W + ex- denote O2face and O2hair to be the output of this stage gener-
tended space is straightforward, as latent code for each layer ated by StyleGAN2 from our optimized latent codes in W +
can already be separately optimized. We simply share the extended latent space.
last few layers (wl:18 ) of both w+ latent codes during opti- We update the target images for the optimization from
 face hair
mization. We refer to the Appendix A.5 for more details on Iguide and Iguide to the more complete versions based on O1face
the optimization process. and O1hair from the first stage. However, because the first
 stage aims at hallucinating new details into the pre-masking
3.3. W Optimization: Hallucinate Missing Details regions, it may lose the original texture details. To address
 This stage aims to hallucinate details not currently visible this, we replace the known regions in O1face and O1hair with
in the guide images. The output images of this stage are the correct details from the original Iguide by setting
O1face and O1hair , which are essentially the projection of the \label {eq:updateI} I_\text {new\_guide} \leftarrow \iguide \odot M_\text {c} + O_1\odot \neg M_\text {c}, (9)
 face hair
unrealistic Iguide and Iguide into the real image distribution
learned in StyleGAN2 [19]. This is done by optimizing on where Mc = Mf ∪ Mh ∪ Mbg , which corresponds to the
W latent space to fit each guide image with the objective regions of interest in our Masked Perceptual Loss where
function (Equation 2). we want to match with Iguide . In short, we simply copy the
StyleGAN Salon: Multi-View Latent Optimization for Pose-Invariant Hairstyle Transfer
hallucinated parts from O1face and O1hair , and combine them LOHO Barbershop StyleYourHair Ours
with the part in Iguide that are known to be correct.
 For our Masked Perceptual Loss, we use the same mask-
ing procedure as the previous stage (Section 3.3). However,
we observe that the projection from EG3D, which produces
Iguide , generally is inferior to the known details from the
original images. For example, Iguide contains more details
on the hair than Iguide due to the latter being hallucinated
from the 3D rotation by EG3D’s rendering pipeline. To de-
prioritize these inaccurate details, we blur both Iguide and
O when computing the perceptual loss for the less accurate
regions of interest. Concretely, we only blur images when
computing Lfper for Iguide
 optimization and when computing
 h face
Lper for Iguide optimization.
3.5. Pivotal Tuning Inversion
 The purpose of this stage is to further refine the output
images (O2face and O2hair ) by allowing the optimization of
the StyleGAN’s weights θ (while fixing the optimized latent
code woptimized ). We closely follow the proposed optimization
in PTI [29] with the same objective function. However, we
update the reconstruction loss to reflect the goal of our task,
which is to match the original details from If and Ih .
 Figure 3. Comparison to current state-of-the-art methods for trans-
 ferring hair from 1st column-top, to the face of 1st column-bottom.
 \mathcal {L}_\text {pti} &= \sum _\text {i}^{[\text {face, hair}]}(L_\text {LPIPS}(O^\text {(i)}_\text {tune} \odot M^\text {(i)}_\text {raw}, I^\text {(i)}_\text {guide} \odot M^\text {(i)}_\text {raw}; M^\text {(i)}_\text {raw}) \nonumber \\ &+ L_\text {MSE}^{32}(O^\text {(i)}_\text {tune}, I^\text {(i)}_\text {guide} ; \neg M^\text {(i)}_\text {raw})), Our method can accurately transfer hairstyle even when the input
 face and hair are misaligned (3rd, 4th row). It can also hallucinate
 (10) missing details such as a forehead that was previously occluded
 (1st row), or shorten the hair (2nd row). In general, LOHO and
where Otune is the generated image using the tuned weights Barbershop struggle with pose misalignment, while StyleYourHair
θ, the mask Mraw hair
 is (Mbg ∪ Mf ), and Mraw is Mh . struggles to preserves the input’s face shape and hair details.

 target hair. Barbershop performs well in preserving hair tex-
4. Experiments ture when the poses are similar. However, it falls short when
 In this section, we compare our method to state-of-the-art handling challenging cases, such as transitioning from a long
StyleYourHair [20], Barbershop [46], and LOHO [30]. Our to a short hairstyle or removing bangs.
evaluation criteria are i) user preference via a user study StyleYourHair can produce more realistic results in un-
on a wide variety of scenarios, ii) hairstyle transfer quality, aligned cases than LOHO and Barbershop. However, the hair
iii) hair reconstruction quality, and iv) how well the input details often look different from the reference hairstyle (row
face shape is preserved. Section 4.5 presents ablation studies 5). We also observe that StyleYourHair may perform poorly
on our multi-view sharing latent optimization, optimization when the pose difference becomes too large (row 3), as also
stage, and loss functions. shown in our user study for pose in Table 1. In contrast, our
 We use the official code of LOHO [30] and method can transfer hairstyles convincingly, regardless of the
Barbershop [46] with the default configurations. For misalignment, while still preserving the original face shape
StyleYourHair [20], we use the configuration where the hair and hair details. We refer to Appendix F for more results.
reference is never flipped.
 4.2. User Study
4.1. Qualitative Comparison
 Qualitative results can be misleading and biased, so we
 We provide a qualitative comparison to StyleY- conducted a user study using Amazon Mechanical Turk
ourHair [20], Barbershop [46], and LOHO [30] in Figure on hairstyle transfer results using randomly selected pairs
3. We observe that LOHO and Barbershop often struggle grouped into various difficulty levels. We compare results of
to fit the reference hair accurately when the poses are not our method with the current state of the art: StyleYourHair,
well aligned (rows 3-5), resulting in various artifacts, such Barbershop, and LOHO. Each participant was shown an in-
as remnants of the original hair or wrong placement of the put face, marked as ‘Face’, and a reference hair, marked
StyleGAN Salon: Multi-View Latent Optimization for Pose-Invariant Hairstyle Transfer
Test Datasets FFHQ Scenario Breakdown
 Easy Medium Difficult


 - ✓ - - - ✓✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - Pose Misalignment
 All - - ✓ - - - ✓ - - ✓ ✓ - Needs Face Inpainting
 - - - ✓ - - - ✓ - ✓ - ✓ Needs BG Inpainting
 - - - - ✓ - - - ✓ - ✓ ✓ Ih wears a hat
 LOHO 8.8 9.6 8.4 12.0 5.3 4.0 13.3 8.0 5.3 5.3 4.0 10.7 5.3 13.3 14.7
 Barbershop 16.4 13.8 17.8 17.3 21.3 13.3 21.3 18.7 17.3 17.3 20.0 12.0 18.7 14.7 21.3
 StyleYourHair 18.5 12.4 21.6 25.3 21.3 10.7 22.7 33.3 10.7 24.0 28.0 14.7 32.0 14.7 21.3
 Ours 56.2 64.2 52.2 45.3 52.0 72.0 42.7 40.0 66.7 53.3 48.0 62.7 44.0 57.3 42.7

Table 1. User study results on hairstyle transfer (percentage of user preferring each method). Our method outperforms state-of-the-art
hairstyle transfer methods on FFHQ datasets in all challenging scenarios. A total of 450 pairs are used in this study, 150 pairs in FFHQ-P
and 300 in FFHQ-S. For each pair, we asked 3 unique participants to select the best result for hairstyle transfer.

 as ‘Hair’, and asked to pick only one output that best ac- Pose Difference Range (FFHQ-P)
 complishes the task of transferring the hairstyle from image [0,15) [15,30) [30,45) [45,60) [60,75) [75,90)
‘Hair’ to the person in image ‘Face’. The output row consists LOHO 10.7 5.3 10.7 12.0 8.0 10.7
 of four images from each method in random order. Each Barbershop 24.0 13.3 12.0 8.0 10.7 14.7
 task was evaluated by 3 different participants. All images StyleYourHair 17.3 16.0 12.0 6.7 14.7 8.0
were in 256x256 resolution. Ours 48.0 65.3 65.3 73.3 66.7 66.7

 Table 2. User study on pose-invariant hairstyle transfer. Our method
 outperforms others on all pose difference ranges.
4.2.1 Datasets
 Hair Reconstruction Metrics Face Shape
For the user study, we construct two challenging benchmarks: PSNR ↑ SSIM ↑ LPIPS ↓ FID ↓ RMSE ↓
FFHQ-P and FFHQ-S, from the test set of Flickr-Faces-HQ LOHO 25.76 0.86 0.07 10.40 15.84
dataset (FFHQ) [18]. Barbershop 29.18 0.89 0.05 10.46 17.25
 FFHQ-P contains 150 random input face-hair pairs from StyleYourHair 26.89 0.87 0.09 10.93 14.37
 Ours 27.84 0.88 0.07 10.85 10.89
FFHQ, covering yaw differences in ranges of [0 − 15), [15 −
30), . . . , [75 − 90), with 25 pairs in each range.
 Table 3. Hair reconstruction results in the self-transfer experiment
 FFHQ-S contains 300 pairs, categorized into 12 differ- (Section 4.3), and RMSEs between facial landmarks detected on
ent configs with varying levels of difficulty (Table 1). Each the input and output images.(Section 4.4).
config contains 25 random input pairs and is a combination
of four possible scenarios (see details in Appendix B):
 4.2.2 Results
 • Pose Misalignment: When the yaw difference is be-
 tween [15-30) or [30-45), a single checkmark or double Using all test pairs, the participants preferred our results
 checkmarks are used, respectively in Table 1. 56.2% of the time, whereas StyleYourHair’s, Barbershop’s,
 • Needs Face Inpainting: This includes scenarios that and LOHO’s results were selected for 18.5%, 16.4% and
 require hallucinating parts of the original face, e.g., 8.8%, respectively. Our method perform the best in both
 inpainting the forehead to remove bangs. This is chal- FFHQ-P (64.2%) and FFHQ-S (52.2%), and in all configu-
 lenging because the identity can easily change from the rations in Table 1-2.
 hallucination. We detect such scenarios based on the
 face/hair regions in If and Ih (Appendix B). 4.3. Quality of Hair Reconstruction
 • Needs BG Inpainting: This includes scenarios where the Following MichiGAN and LOHO, we perform a self-
 hair shape becomes smaller and requires background in- transfer experiment where we set both the input face and
 painting. We detect such scenarios automatically based input reference hair to be the same and evaluate the recon-
 on the hair regions in If and Ih (Appendix B). struction accuracy using various metrics: PSNR, SSIM, IP-
 • Ih Contains Hat: This represents scenarios where the IPS, FID [14]. For every method, the hair region of the output
 hair reference is not fully visible in Ih . We detect such will be blended back to the input image to ensure that the
 scenarios based on the hat region in Ih . difference in score only comes from the hair.
StyleGAN Salon: Multi-View Latent Optimization for Pose-Invariant Hairstyle Transfer
Input Hair Input Face Iguide Single View Without 1st Stage No Latent Sharing No Pre-Masking Full Pipeline (Ours)
 A A
 B D


 D D

 C C


 D D

Figure 4. Ablation study of optimization stages and pre-masking. These ablated versions of our pipeline may produce results that (A) look
realistic, but fail to match the Ih ’s hairstyle; (B, C) have unlikely hair shapes or structures; (D) have sharp boundaries; and (E) contain an
incomplete background.
 A B
 The scores of our method, LOHO, Barbershop, and Sty-
leYourHair are reported in Table 3. Unsurprisingly, when C
there is no misalignment between input face and hair, Barber-
shop generally achieves excellent hair reconstruction quality.
Like ours, StyleYourHair is specifically designed to be pose- D E F

invariant, but their hair reconstruction quality seems to suffer
greatly, as shown in our comparison (row 5 of Figure 3). Our
method achieves better performance at hair reconstruction
than StyleYourHair, but also suffers from similar drawbacks.
 Figure 5. Failure cases; (A) the semantic regions are incorrect; (B)
4.4. How Well Is Face Shape Preserved? the facial keypoint is incorrect; (C) the EG3D projection is incor-
 rect; (D) the reference hair color is too similar to the background
 We also propose a novel evaluation metric for hairstyle color; (E) lighting looks unnatural; (F) eccentric hairstyle.
transfer that focuses on the ability to preserve facial shape
of the original person. We accomplish this by comparing
detected keypoints of the input face If and those on the because the second stage, which has higher image fitting ca-
output using a simple Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE). pability, tries to fit the initial rough estimation Iguide . Without
These keypoints were detected using an off-the-shelf library the latent sharing structure, the hair detail cannot be shared
Dlib [22], and we only used keypoints on the facial contour from the reference hair view (Lsim alone is not strong enough
(ID 0-16) for this evaluation. to force consistency) (Figure 4-A), resulting in inaccurate
 For this evaluation, we randomize additional 1,550 FFHQ hair colors or structures (Figure 4-C).
test pairs into our FFHQ-P and FFHQ-S datasets (2,000 im- Without pre-masking in Lper , the boundary of the face and
ages in total). Table 3 shows that our method outperforms hair regions is forced to be the same as in Iguide , leading to
others with an RMSE of 10.89, which is 24.2% lower than visible and sharp seams between the face and hair or between
StyleYourHair’s (the second best), 36.9% lower than Barber- different facial features. Here the optimizer fails to refine the
shop’s and 31.3% lower than LOHO’s. face-hair boundary to make the results look natural (Figure 4-
4.5. Ablation Studies D), and the original details, such as the background from If
 cannot be seamlessly blended (Figure 4-E).
 Here we assess the importance of each component in
our pipeline. The results are shown in Figure 4. We test 4 5. Conclusion and Limitations
ablation configurations: i) by using only Iguide from a single
view, ii) without using the hallucination stage (Section 3.3), We have presented a flexible and effective hairstyle trans-
iii) without using the latent sharing structure (Section 3.2.2), fer system that can handle a variety of challenging in-the-
and iv) without using pre-masking in Lper (Section 3.2.1). wild scenarios and produce perceptually convincing hairstyle
 Optimizing with a single view guide Iguide (Config i) transfer results. Our user study shows that human evaluators
yields inaccurate hairstyles (Figure 4-A). Without optimiza- prefer our results over previous methods across all tested
tion in W (Config ii), the method produces unrealistic hair scenarios. Nevertheless, our method can still fail in certain
results with various artifacts, e.g., sharp edges, unnatural scenarios, for example, when the face and hair are too eccen-
hair shapes (Figure 4-B) or structures (Figure 4-C). This is tric (Figure 5). We refer to Appendix G for more details.
StyleGAN Salon: Multi-View Latent Optimization for Pose-Invariant Hairstyle Transfer
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Appendix Inputs Face
 Image flow
 Latent flow
 Or Mask flow

 In this appendix, we provide additional explanations, ex- Neural
 h Projection in
 EG3D flow
 Opt. Renderer
 f Viewpoint
periments, and results: in 

 • Section A: Implementation details of our guide image, Input Face f Reference Hair h Latent 
 mask construction, and optimization.
 • Section B: Details of our FFHQ-S test set construction. Image of h
 Warped Hair
 • Section C: Additional experiments. f ’s Face Mask h ’s Hair Mask
 Face Hair
 • Section D: Additional ablation studies. h ’s Mesh

 • Section E: Comparison to a concurrent work. f ’s Camera
 h ’s Camera
 Hair Mask of h
 • Section F: Additional real-image hairstyle transfer re-
 sults and examples from our user study. Figure 6. Overview of EG3D warping: We rotate Ih to the pose
 • Section G: Failure cases. of If , and vice versa (not visualized in the diagram). This is done
 • Section H: Negative societal impact by combining the projection and geometry consistency of EG3D
 with the texture detail of the input image.
A. Implementation Details
 For guide image construction and image blending, we mesh from the volume density of EG3D. We assign colors
rely on 2D facial keypoints predicted by Dlib library [22] to the mesh by reprojecting the mesh onto Ih and use the
and semantic regions predicted from a pretrained segmen- pixel colors from Ih . We store the triangles that belong to the
tation network [42, 48]. The semantic output contains 19 hair region of Ih in a set Ψ. This will be used to determine
classes, but we group them into 6 classes: face, ear, nose, which pixels in the mesh, after being warped into the target
neck, hair, and background. After both input face If and viewpoint, correspond to the original hair pixels from Ih .
reference hair Ih are aligned in both viewpoints, we denote Target-Viewpoint Rendering: We render the mesh in
by Hhair , Hface , ... the semantic regions of Ih for the hair, the 512x512 resolution in If ’s pose and replace all pixels
face, or other parts, and analogously by Fhair , Fface , ... for the outside the hair region of Ih (not in Ψ) with the Ih ’s projec-
parts in If . tion that is warped to the If ’s pose by EG3D. We repeat the
 same process to warp If to Ih , but switching their roles and
A.1. Face-Hair Alignment change the set Ψ to contain the face region of If instead.
 The purpose of this step is to create pose-aligned versions
of If and Ih . That is, a new If in the head pose of Ih and A.1.2 Uniform Scaling and Translation:
a new Ih in the head pose of If . These pose-aligned If , Ih
will be used to construct guide images. We utilize EG3D [6] We align Ih with If by uniform scaling and translation to
for this task and use uniform scaling and translation to match match the faces’ widths and centers. The face width is cal-
their faces’ widths and positions. We first explain the process culated as the difference in the x-coordinate between the
to warp Ih to match the head pose of If . The other direction right-most (k16 ) and left-most (k0 ) keypoints. The x and y
from If to Ih will be done similarly with a small change, center coordinates are computed separately. The x-center is
discussed afterward. the x coordinate of (k0 + k16 )/2 and the y-center is the y co-
 ordinate of ((k0 + k16 )/2 + k8 )/2. This improves alignment
 of faces with larger pose differences.
A.1.1 EG3D Warping
We use EG3D [6] to rotate Ih to match If ’s pose. While
 A.2. Color Fill-In in the Guide Image Construction
EG3D projection can provide consistent geometry, the orig- To construct Iguide , there are some corner cases that need
inal details are often not well preserved. To fix this, we to be properly handled, such as when the existing hair in the
present a warping method that directly uses the original hair input is larger than the reference hair. Fortunately, addressing
pixels by utilizing the EG3D estimated geometry, as shown most corner cases amounts to handling the following four
in Figure 6. We preprocess an input image and determine scenarios, as shown in Figure 7.
the camera pose using the EG3D-proposed technique. We
use the official code of EG3D with their ffhq512-64.pkl 1. If the existing hair shape in If is larger than the refer-
checkpoint. ence hair in Ih , fill the hair region not overlapped by
 Mesh Retrieval: We project Ih into EG3D’s W latent the reference hair with the average background color.
space using PTI [29], ignoring the hat region, which can
lead to inaccurate segmentation after projection. Then, we 2. If If has bangs on the forehead, remove them by filling
use the Marching cube algorithm [24] to construct a triangle that region with the average skin color.

 Constructing Iguide
 Mroi ; Mf represents the face region of Iguide , computed

 by Fface − Hhair − Hhat . Additionally, we erode the region
 in Mf that is higher than the eyebrows (5 pixels above the
 highest keypoints) using 5 iterations.
 Input Hair Ih Input Face If Preprocessed Ih Output h
 Mroi ; Mh represents the hair region of Iguide , computed
 by erode(Hhair , 5). (I.e., eroding Hhair using 5 iterations)
 E bg
 C Mroi ; Mbg represents the background region in If that
 A is not covered by the transferred hair, computed by Fbg −
 dilate(Hhair ∪ Mout , 5), where Mout represents out-of-the-
 Itmp: Scenario 1 & 4 Itmp: Scenario 2 Itmp: Scenario 3 Guide Image Iguide
 frame regions. (Suppose, for example, Hhair extends down
 to the bottom edge of Ih , the entire region below it in Mout
Figure 7. Guide image construction. We create a guide images will be marked 1). Because there is no accurate background
Iguide with a simple cut-and-paste of the hair from Ih onto If with hair
 in the Ih viewpoint, every pixel in Mbg is zero.
a few modifications to handle the four scenarios in Section A.2. f
 Mrnoi represents the face region in If that was previously
(We also create another guide image by transferring the face from
If to Ih , but not visualized by this diagram.) We solve this by occluded but should be visible in the final output, computed
first creating a temporary canvas image Itmp to remove the original by Fface + Hear − Mf .
hair in If (Scenario 1; A,B), transfer the visible ears from Ih to Mrnoi represents the hair region that was previously oc-
Iguide (Scenario 4; C), and remove If ’s bangs (Scenario 2; D) while cluded by other objects or not visible due to image cropping,
preserving the face width of If (Scenario 3; E). Then, we combine computed by Hhat ∪ Hface ∪ Hneck ∪ Mout .
Itmp with If and Ih to create Iguide . Mc represents the regions in Iguide that were copy-pasted
 from If or Ih (including warped pixels), computed by
 1 1
 erode(Mf ∪ Mh ∪ (Fbg ∩ Obg ), 5), where Obg represents
 3. If If has a narrower face than Ih , the guide image
 the background region in O1 .
 should retain the face width of If and fill in both sides
 Mraw represents the regions in Iguide that were copy-
 next to the face with the hair color of Ih .
 pasted from If or Ih with the original pixel content. The
 face hair
 4. If the ears are visible in Ih , transfer the ear regions to mask Mraw is computed by erode(Mbg ∪ Mf , 10), and Mraw
 the guide image and fill those regions with the skin is erode(Mh , 5).
 color of If .
 A.4. Regularization Losses
We first create a temporary canvas image Itmp as follows.
We fill the region Fhair in Itmp with the average color of the This section elaborates on the regularization losses de-
pixels within Fbg (background) in If (Scenario 1), and copy scribed in prior work.
Hhair in Ih to Itmp . Then, if Hear exists (Scenario 4), fill the Noise Regularization Loss: This loss proposed in Style-
region Hear in Itmp with the skin color of If . We approximate GAN2 [19] is used ensure that the noise maps capture only
the skin color by averaging the nose pixels of the If in Fnose . the stochastic variations, by encouraging the optimized noise
Then, to remove the existing hair (Scenario 2), we fill the maps to be normally distributed via minimizing the normal-
face area of Itmp defined by the area above keypoints k0 −k16 ized spatial autocorrelation:
with the If ’s skin color. This face area is denoted by Fface .
We then fill Itmp in the region Fface ∩ (Hface ∪ Hneck ) with
the If ’s skin color. In the case where If has a narrower face (11)
(Scenario 3), we fill (Hface ∪Hneck )−Fface with the hair color where H(·), V (·) shift the noise map horizontally/vertically
of Ih in a row-by-row basis. After Itmp has been created, our by one pixel with wrap-around edges. And for each noise
Iguide is constructed by first setting Iguide = If , then copying map ni , the autocorrelation is computed for different down-
the content in the region Fhair of Itmp to Iguide . Lastly, when scaled versions n0i , n1i , ... down to the 8x8 resolution.
some part of Hhair overlaps with Fface , it is unclear whether PTI Regularization Loss: This loss proposed in
the overlapped region should be hair or face in Iguide . To PTI [29] restricts any change in the latent space to a small
solve this, we update Hhair by removing any region of Hhair area. In each iteration, we sample wz from W space, then
that lies outside of the face region defined by the detected create an interpolated latent code wr between wz and the
keypoints. With this updated Hhair , we copy the hair of Ih in optimized latent code w with an α parameter.
this region to Iguide to finish its construction.
A.3. Mask Construction
 w_r = w_\text {optimized} + \alpha \frac {w_z - w_\text {optimized}}{\left \| w_z - w_\text {optimized} \right \|_2} (12)
 We show the masks used in each loss function in Figure 8.
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