Summer Camp Guide 2022 - Girl Scouts of West Central Florida

Summer Camp Guide 2022 - Girl Scouts of West Central Florida
Summer Camp
 Guide 2022
Summer Camp Guide 2022 - Girl Scouts of West Central Florida
Table of Contents
    4 Things You Should Know....................4
    Are You Ready for Camp? Quiz..............6
    Camp Activities......................................8
    Camp Wai Lani Programs....................10
    Overnight Canoe Travel Camp............14
    Health and Dietary Needs....................15
    Make Your Own Beady Buddy!............16
    Urban Hike Bingo..................................17
    Camp Wildwood Programs..................18
    North Carolina Travel Camp................21
    Choosing the Right Horse Camp.........22
    Equine Overnight Camps....................24
    Family Camp........................................27
    Become a CIT!......................................28
    Pamper Your Camper..........................30
    Health & Wellness................................32

    Girl Scouts of West Central Florida

    Camp Wai Lani
    500 Wai Lani Rd.
    Palm Harbor, FL 34683                                    Follow
    Camp Wildwood                                         us on social
    9583 County Rd. 223
    Wildwood, FL 34785                                   media and be
    P 1-800-881-GIRL (4475)
                                                        the first to hear
      or 813-281-GIRL (4475)
    F 813-282-8285
                                                          about camp
                                                         open houses!

    Connect with us @GSWCF

Summer Camp Guide 2022 - Girl Scouts of West Central Florida
If you’re a first-time camper, we know
it takes courage to come to camp…
and if you’ve been camping for years,
we’re excited to welcome you back to
make some friends, have a lot of fun,
and go on amazing adventures.

No matter which session you choose,
you’ll have countless opportunities to
access your inner go-getter, innovator,
risk-taker, and leader as you try new
things, explore the outdoors, all while
cheering your camp sisters on along
the way. Parents and caregivers can
feel at ease that your camper is well
taken care of throughout their stay.

We foster an environment where
every camper can feel good about
themselves and gain confidence
with support from counselors who
lead, inspire, and share in all of their
summer camp experiences. Don’t
hesitate to reach out to our Customer
Care Team if you have any questions.
We are here for you and can’t wait for
you to join us this summer and make
memories that will last a lifetime!

        o  u r G  irl
     —Y            m er
             S U m
   S c ou t      e am
      Ca m  p  T

Summer Camp Guide 2022 - Girl Scouts of West Central Florida
Things You Should Know
                         About How Girl Scout Camp
                         Makes Summer Awesome
                  Visit for more information!

    1            Participate, Try New Things,
                 and Live by the Girl Scout Law
    From participating in daily activities to sharing in responsibilities, adjusting to camp life is
    always more fun when campers work together to get along. Camp is the perfect time to put
    the Girl Scout Promise and Law into practice in new and exciting ways, which is why we
    expect campers to live up to them every day.

    The Camp Directors and staff will do everything possible to help campers adjust to camp
    life, but it’s the campers themselves who push themselves out of their comfort zones to
    make camp a place they want to return to year after year.

    2            Disconnect to Reconnect
                 with Your Girl Scout Sisters
     While no electronics might seem scary, summer camp offers an excellent opportunity to
     learn about and navigate social situations while not constantly connected to the digital
     world. Bonding with friends over shared experiences and exploring nature outside
     the lens of a small screen makes Girl Scout camp a place where you can disconnect to
     reconnect with yourself and your fellow Girl Scouts.

     For all the budding photographers out there, you can bring a standalone digital camera
     that you are responsible for during your time at camp. Don’t worry, even if you’re not a
     shutterbug, you’ll still get great pictures to remember the fun. Check out the FAQ on our
     website to learn how!

Summer Camp Guide 2022 - Girl Scouts of West Central Florida
3           Bunk Buddies and Solo Campers
            Alike Make New Friends
Wait, first, what’s a bunk buddy? A bunk buddy is a friend of your camper who stays in the
same cabin as your camper. So basically, if your child and their best friend are attending
camp together, they could room together too! Bunk buddies can provide comfort for new
campers. While rooming with a bunk buddy isn’t guaranteed, here’s what you need to do:

 e Overlapping schedule. Campers have to be attending the same session.

 e Mutually assured friendship. Both campers MUST pick each other during

 e Same age…ish. Campers need to be within one grade level of each other.

HOWEVER, campers can have an even better experience when they don’t know anyone
at all. It gives them the opportunity to meet new people and form totally new bonds.
More than half of our campers come to camp without a designated buddy, and 100% of
our campers make new friends once they arrive. While we love our troops, summer camp
opens up a whole new social network that is best experienced when campers spread out
across different programs. As we say: “Make new friends, but keep the old!”

4           We Hear the Counselors
            Are Pretty Awesome
Our counselors and staff are selected based on their experience, enthusiasm, and desire
to work with children in a camp setting. Our counselors strive to be role models, focusing
on the needs of campers both in individual and group settings. They model the Girl
Scout Promise and Law and receive extensive training in various topics (including youth
development and risk management), so your camper will be successful throughout their
summer camp adventure.

We screen each applicant through in-depth interviews and multiple references and
background checks, as well as a drug screening. Counselors and staff go through 10+ days
of online and on-site training, including CPR and First Aid, safety and risk management,
emergency response, activity programming, outdoor skills, how to assist campers with
homesickness and bullying, and much more. Staff who supervise specialized activities
have additional training and qualifications.

PRO TIP: Ask your camper when they get home the name of their favorite counselor!

Are You Ready For Camp?
                                 When deciding which camp experience is right for you and your child,
                                 be sure to include them in the decision-making process. Have them try
                                a backyard campout, a sleepover at a friend’s house, or a family camping
                               experience. Introduce your child to outdoor experiences away from home
                             to build their confidence. To further help you make the right decision, take
                           our camp readiness quiz; check the answer that best describes how you feel,
                         then add the value of each checked answer to determine your score.

                                Adult Quiz                                              Adult Quiz
    1.   Can you relax and enjoy yourself        Are you confident in your child’s
         when your child sleeps over at a        ability to...
         friend’s house?

         1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!
                                            7.   …wash and brush their own hair?              13–19
                                                 1   No way!   2   Maybe   3     Yes!    You and your camper
    2. Would you be okay                                                                 may not be ready for
       communicating with your child        8. …sleep in a cabin with other               resident camp quite
       only by mail for a week?                campers, knowing that adult              yet. Our Day and Family
                                               counselors are in the same cabin?         Camps are a great way
         1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!                                                        for both you and your
                                                 1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!                 camper to gain more
    3. Are you prepared to be away from
                                                                                           camp confidence.
       your child for several days?         9. …eat foods that they haven’t
                                               tried before?
         1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!
                                                 1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!                    20–29
    4. Are you willing to entrust camp                                                    You’re ready to send
       staff with the care of your child?   10. …meet new friends and include            your child to resident
                                                others who may be different             camp. Start off with one
         1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!               from them?                              of our half-week camps
                                                                                         if you’re still not sure.
    5. Are you comfortable with you              1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!
       child living & playing in an
       outdoor setting where they’ll get    11. …follow instructions given
       dirty and it rains regularly?            by counselors?
         1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!                1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!               You’ve done this before,
                                                                                          haven’t you? You are
    6. Would you be willing to work         12. …ask for help if they need it?
                                                                                        confident in your child’s
       with your child to get them
       emotionally ready for camp (i.e.          1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!                abilities and willing to
                                                                                         help them prepare for
       coping with being homesick,
                                            13. ...have fun?                              camp. You and your
       keeping track of their own things,
                                                                                        child are ready for them
       using their camping gear)?                1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!                to attend one or more
         1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!                                                          week-long resident

    Total Score: _______________________
Camper Quiz                                               Camper
                                                                                  Quiz Results
1.   Do you enjoy staying over at a      8. Are you willing to help with camp
     friend’s house without missing         chores such as sweeping, setting
     your family or feeling sad             tables, and picking up trash?
     and lonely?
                                             1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!                   15–25
     1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!                                                        Our Day and Family
                                         9. Will you try new foods, different         Camps are perfect
2. Can you wash & brush your                than what you usually eat               for you. Get ready for
   own hair?                                at home?                              resident camp next year
                                                                                  by experiencing the fun
     1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!                1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!              and excitement of Day
                                                                                   Camp or an overnight
3. Can you make your own bed and         10. Do you like to try new things?          Family Camp with
   keep track of your own things?                                                          family.
                                             1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!
     1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!
                                         11. Do you easily make new
4. Would you be okay if you had to
   walk to a nearby building to use
                                             friends and warm up to new
   the bathroom at night?                                                           You’re confident and
                                             1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!               ready to try our half-
     1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!                                                         week camps! This
                                         12. Do you enjoy participating in        summer, try a half-week
5. Would you be okay staying in              group activities?                    or day camp by yourself
   a cabin with other campers,                                                     or a week-long resident
   knowing your adult counselors             1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!              camp with a buddy. Get
   are also in the same cabin as you?                                             ready to have a blast and
                                         13. Do you enjoy outdoor activities       experience the magic of
     1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!                like hiking, playing outside,                 camp!
                                             sleeping in a cabin, and listening
6. Can you see bugs, lizards, or other       to nature?
   critters outside without running
   away screaming?                           1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!                  36–45
                                                                                     If you haven’t been
     1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!            14. Can you live by the Girl Scout          to Girl Scout Camp
                                             Promise and Law?                      already, you are going
7.   Can you survive a few days
     without an iPod, TV, video games        1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!             to be a natural! You love
                                                                                   adventure, trying new
     or cell phone?                                                               things, and making new
                                         15. Are you really excited to go
     1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!                to camp?
                                                                                    friends. You’re ready
                                                                                   to take on a one-week
                                             1 No way! 2 Maybe 3 Yes!                  camp, or even a
                                                                                         Travel Camp!

Total Score: _______________________

                                                                Click here for a printable version!

Travel                                    Visit the
       back in time to                            barn and spend
      pioneer times at                             time with one
                                                    of our many                        Learn about
    our Homestead and
                                                       horses!                       native plants and
     learn what it was
                                                                                      animals at the
      like living in the
                                                                                      Griffin Nature

                    hundreds of
                   acres of forest
                   with miles of
                       trails!                                                          Enjoy your
                                                                                       meals in our
                                            Attend a                                 air-conditioned
                                       horseback riding                           dining hall and your
                                         camp and play                              stay in Horseshoe
                                      arena games or go                           Meadows and Firefly,
                                      on a trail ride while                        our air-conditioned
                                       learning all about                                 cabins!
                                        how to take care
                                         of your horse!

                                                                             Visit the
                                                                         science lab with
                                                                         lots of activities
                                                                       including plant and
                                                                        animal dissection
                                                                          and fruit DNA
           Go for a                                                         extraction!
      hiking adventure
      with your camp

                                                                                         the climbing
                                                                                          tower and
                                                                Go paddling                zip line!
                                                               in the bay in a
                       Enjoy our                               canoe or kayak
                    air-conditioned                           or on a stand-up
                        sleeping                                paddleboard!

Camp Activities

   All Camps         1st Grade   2nd Grade   3rd Grade      4th Grade   5th Grade+
     Archery                                    X              X            X
  Arts & Crafts         X           X           X              X            X
     Hiking             X           X           X              X            X
   Swimming             X           X           X              X            X
Nature Exploration      X           X           X              X            X
Camp Wildwood
Horseback Riding        X           X           X              X            X
Pioneer Experience      X           X           X              X            X
Camp Wai Lani
    Canoeing            X           X           X              X            X
    Kayaking                                                   X            X
                                                               X            X
 Climbing Tower/
     Zip Line
                                                               X            X

                      Click here for a printable version!
mp Wai Lani
      Click here for a print-friendly Quick Guide

Shark Week e Ages 6–12
Day Camp
                                                    July 11–14
                                                    Explore all things marine science during
Day Camp Sampler e Ages 6–12                        GSWCF’s Shark Week. Learn about our marine
                                                    ecosystems in Florida, test the waters, and get
June 6–10, June 27–30                               hands on marine science experience. Check
Enjoy everything camp has to offer during the       out local shark species, complete a dissection,
day! Join friends old and new as you explore        and see the world from a fish’s perspective.
Camp Wai Lani. Participate in traditional camp      $250
activities such as swimming, canoeing, arts
and crafts, and more!
                                                    Artistic Expressions e Ages 6–12
                                                    July 18–21

Pigment of Imagination e Ages 6–12                  Bring out your inner artist. Express yourself
                                                    through different mediums including paper
June 13–17                                          crafts, wood crafting, metal crafting, and
Let’s explore colors, lights, and sounds in crazy   more.
and fun art projects, crafts, and so much           $250
more! You will get to create awesome works of
art and cool science experiments at the same
time. Make bath bombs, sun prints, and even
rainbow paper!                                                         Plus!

Math in Nature e Ages 6–12                              Thursday Night
June 20–24                                              Sleepover Add-On
Not all learning happens indoors! Join us to            Not ready for a half or full week
earn all three of your Math in Nature badges.           overnight but ready to try 1 night at
Find patterns in nature, explore outside, and           camp? Day camp attendees can spend
apply all of your skills to earn your badges.           the night at camp on Thursday! Enjoy
Learn about conservation, symmetry, and                 dinner, an evening program, and
tessellation! Campers will create nectar                breakfast the next morning before
feeders, trail maps, and other outdoor tools.           your last full day at camp.
$250                                                    $40

Full STEAM Ahead e Ages 6–12
July 25–29
Love science, but want to use your creativity
too? Join us as we combine art and science
to create beautiful and interesting works of
art! Use chemistry to make paintings, math
and innovation to make physical art, and
combine boring materials to make mind-
blowing feats of science and art. Campers will
learn the chemistry and physics behind their
Half Week Overnight                                Full Week Overnight

     Slumber Party at Camp e Ages 6–8                   SumMermaids e Ages 7–9
     June 12–15, July 17–20, July 24–27                 June 12–18, July 10–16
     Come join friends, old and new, as you discover    Become a mermaid this summer by playing
     what camp has to offer! Stay up playing            water games, swimming, and exploring the
     games, take a swim in the pool, and try your       water by learning what lives in it. Campers will
     hand at other camp activities. This session is     even make an art project to create their own
     a great start for those ready to try overnight     tail! As a special treat, they’ll sport their new
     camp.                                              tail in a special photo-op across camp.
     $340                                               $500

     Camp-o-Rama e Ages 9–11                            Summer Camp Sampler e Ages 7–9
     June 19–22, June 26–29, July 10–13                 June 5–11, June 19–25,
                                                        June 26–July 2, July 24–30
     Join other campers from around the area to
     explore camp and participate in everything it      Camp is for everyone! If you love all things
     has to offer. Shoot archery, take a hike, create   camp, this session is for you. Participate in
     crafts, and have fun with friends, old and new!    different activities throughout the week and
                                                        have fun with your friends.

                       Plus!                            Camp Try-it e Ages 9–11
                                                        June 5–11, June 19–25, July 10–16, July 24–30
                                                        Join other campers from around the area to
        Thursday/Friday                                 explore camp and participate in everything it
        Day Camp Add-On                                 has to offer. Shoot archery, take a hike, create
                                                        crafts, and have fun with friends, old and
        Not ready for more than a half week             new! You will even get to paddle around on the
        of overnight camp but don't want the            water in a canoe!
        fun to end? Join us for Thursday and
        Friday of Day Camp as well!                     $455
                                                        Discover Camp e Ages 11–14
                                                        June 12–18, June 26–July 2, July 17–23
                                                        Camp is a great place to try new things and
                                                        enjoy tradition. In this action-packed session,
                                                        you will take part in some of our most time-
                                                        honored camp activities while creating your
                                                        own afternoon schedule.

Night Owls e Ages 11–14                             Adulting Boot Camp e Ages 14–17
June 5–11, July 24–30                               June 12–18
Hang out “after hours” at camp! You’ll get to be    In this camp, you will pick from a variety of
a night owl staying up past the rest of camp’s      sessions that help them develop the practical,
lights out for special nighttime activities like    real-world skills they'll need to be independent
glow in the dark games & crafts, star gazing        young women. Session options range from
and more. Of course, you’ll get to sleep in, too!   basic vehicle maintenance (everyone should
                                                    know how to fix a flat!), planning and
                                                    preparing healthy meals, managing a budget
                                                    and learning how to cultivate good credit,
Glamping 101 e Ages 11–14                           resume and cover letter writing, interpersonal
June 5–11, July 17–23                               and professionalism skills, and more. They're
                                                    already prepared for the outdoors; this camp
Discover the perfect balance between
                                                    will help them be prepared to adult.
adventure and serenity during this relaxing
week at camp. Work with other members of            $500
your group to design an experience chosen
by you. From hanging out at the challenge           Camp Designer e Ages 14–17
tower to drifting lazily in the pool, you’re
                                                    July 17–23
sure to enjoy all that camp has to offer while
practicing some healthy living habits.              Camp can be a great place to hang out with
                                                    friends and make amazing memories while
                                                    participating in fun activities. During this
                                                    session, you will create your own schedule
Eco Camp e Ages 11–14                               doing what you love! Whether you try new
June 19–25                                          things or stick to what you know, the choice is
                                                    yours! This camp also includes a field trip that
Become one with nature while you experience
                                                    campers will plan when they arrive at camp!
camp in a new way. Observe, hypothesize,
and develop experiments that expand your            $550
understanding of the environment including
aquatics, forests, ­fish and wildlife habitats,
the role of insects, weather, and climate. Camp
includes a field trip for a local adventure in
Travel Camp

     July 10–16 e Ages 12–17
     Join us for a week-long hiking and aquatic adventure! You’ll meet your counselors at
     camp, and quickly head out for an overnight trip away from camp where you’ll hike
     and canoe your way from campsite to campsite. Campers must have canoeing or
     kayaking experience to participate in this camp session. This camp is based out of
     Camp Wai Lani.


                    Click here for a print-friendly Quick Guide
What about
     health and
   dietary needs?                                   Gir
                                                       l Scout Tacos

While we all LOVE s’mores, there is more
to food at camp than just delicious fireside             Ingredients:
snacks. It’s also a great place to try foods that
may be different than what they are used to                 5 lbs. hamburger meat
at home. While at camp, we aim to provide            1 52 oz. can of ranch-style beans
your camper with the nutrition they need                    5 packages of taco mix
to be their best all day long. That means the         3 large bags of Doritos or Fritos
health and safety of your camper are our
most significant concern in the Dining Hall.                  1 lb. cheese (grated)
                                                           1 large onion (chopped)
Want to help us make sure their food journey             1 head of lettuce (chopped)
is as seamless as trying a zip line? Be sure to             4 tomatoes (chopped)
take these steps before coming to camp:
                                                           Salt and pepper to taste
 e Let us know about any special
   considerations. In advance on the
   Health History form in CampDoc, please                 Directions:
   note any food allergy, religious dietary, or
   other nutritional restrictions, including             Sprinkle salt in the bottom of
   vegetarian needs.                                     your Dutch Oven.

 e Contact us if you have concerns. If                   Brown hamburger meat by
   you would like to discuss any special                 following the directions on taco
   considerations or diets before registering            seasoning package (don’t add
   for camp, we’re here for you. Just drop a             too much water).
   line to customerconnections@gswcf.
   org.                                                  Once hamburger meat is
                                                         browned, add beans.
 e Try new foods with them before
   coming to camp. Food you aren’t used                  Once beans are warmed, serve
   to can be a major stressor when away                  beans and meat mixture on
   from home, especially for first-time                  chips of choice.
   campers. The best way to remedy this is
   exploring new food together as a family
   before summer, and we’ve got a Girl Scout             Sprinkle lettuce, tomatoes,
   favorite recipe to the right to get your              cheese, and onion to taste.
   journey started!


               O w
     Make Your

       Click here to watch the pre-
       recorded video “How to Make
       a Beady Buddy” and follow the
       directions to complete your very
       own lizard!

       Included Supplies:
        e 2 yards cord or ribbon of choice
        e 1 key ring
        e Green pony beads
        e Orange pony beads
        e 2 black pony beads

       Additional Supplies:
        e Scissors                                             Tie a double
                                                               knot here to
        e Glue (optional)
                                                                finish the

                         Click here for a printable version!
Urban Hike

               B I NGO
                   Click here for a printable version!

                               Find signs
  Make          Find a         of animals        Find a         Identify a
  a bark       beneficial        (tracks,      non-native      constellation
 rubbing         insect         burrows,         plant           or planet

  Find an                     Measure the
                Identify                        an insect        Find a
   edible                      diameter
                 a bird                        by its song      butterfly
   plant                       of a tree
                                                or sound

                                                 Find a
                                                                 Find a
 Pick up                                       plant with
trash you
               Watch an        FREE            a defense
               animal eat                                        native
encounter                      SPACE          mechanism
                                              (thorns, etc.)

                                                 Find 3
 Wave “hi”       Find a        Find rain
                                                different        Find an
 to a fellow      white        drops on
                                                kinds of        amphibian
urban hiker      flower         leaves

               Find a bird                     Listen to
  Find a                       Identify a                        Watch a
               or squirrel                     a squirrel
spider web                      bird call                       bird bathe
                  nest                          chatter

mp Wildwo o
     Ca            d
       Click here for a print-friendly Quick Guide

Half Week Overnight                                Full Week Overnight

Slumber Party at Camp e Ages 6–8                   Summer Camp Sampler e Ages 7–9
June 5–8, June 26–29, July 24–27                   June 12–18, June 19–25,
Come join friends, old and new, as you discover    July 10–16, July 17–23
what camp has to offer! Stay up playing            Camp is for everyone! If you love all things
games, take a swim in the pool, and try your       camp, this session is for you. Participate in
hand at other camp activities. This session is     different activities throughout the week and
a great start for those ready to try overnight     have fun with your friends.
                                                   Camp Try-it e Ages 9–11
Camp-o-Rama e Ages 9–11                            June 5–11, June 26–July 2
June 5–8, July 24–27
                                                   Join other campers from around the area to
Join other campers from around the area to         explore camp and participate in everything it
explore camp and participate in everything it      has to offer. Shoot archery, take a hike, create
has to offer. Shoot archery, take a hike, create   crafts, and have fun with friends, old and
crafts, and have fun with friends, old and new!    new! You will even get to ‘horse around’ our
$340                                               equestrian center for an activity.

                                                   Culinary Camp e Ages 9–11
                                                   June 19–25, July 10–16
                                                   Learn the basic techniques of cooking. You will
                                                   try new recipes from scratch – even making
                                                   cheese! You will cook every day, sometimes
                                                   even preparing some of your own meals!

                                                   Homestead Hangout e Ages 9–11
                                                   July 24–30
                                                   Take it back to the 1800’s! Experience the
                                                   lifestyle of early settlers as you take part in
                                                   activities like churning butter, preparing meals
                                                   on an antique stove, and creating cornhusk
                                                   dolls. You will even get to sleep out at Camp
                                                   Wildwood’s Homestead for a night or two
                                                   during your week at camp!

Eco Camp                                              Night Owls e Ages 11–14
     June 12–18, July 17–23 e Ages 9–11                    July 17–23
     June 5–11 e Ages 11–14                                Hang out “after hours” at Camp! You’ll get to be
     Become one with nature while you experience           a night owl staying up past the rest of camp’s
     camp in a new way. Observe, hypothesize,              lights out for special nighttime activities like
     and develop experiments that expand your              glow in the dark games & crafts, star gazing
     understanding of the environment including            and more. Of course, you’ll get to sleep in, too!
     aquatics, forests, ­fish and wildlife habitats,       $500
     the role of insects, weather, and climate. Camp
     includes a field trip for a local nature adventure!   International
     $500                                                  Culinary Camp e Ages 11–14
                                                           July 24–30
     Glamping 101 e Ages 11–14                             Prepare and sample foods from around the
     June 12–18, June 19–25                                world with your fellow campers. Each day you
     Discover the perfect balance between                  will learn about flavor profiles and traditional
     adventure and serenity during this relaxing           cooking methods!
     week at camp. Work with other members of              $500
     your group to design an experience chosen
     by you. From hanging out in hammocks to
                                                           Camp Designer e Ages 14–17
     drifting lazily in the pool, you’re sure to enjoy
     all that Camp Wildwood has to offer while             June 5–11, July 10–16
     practicing some healthy living habits.                Camp can be a great place to hang out with
     $500                                                  friends and make amazing memories while
                                                           participating in fun activities. During this
                                                           session, you will create your own schedule
     Discover Camp e Ages 11–14                            doing what you love! Whether you try new
     June 26–July 2                                        things or stick to what you know, the choice is
     Camp is a great place to try new things and           yours! This camp also includes a field trip that
     enjoy tradition. In this action-packed session,       campers will plan when they arrive at camp!
     you will take part in some of our most time-          $550
     honored camp activities while creating your
     own afternoon schedule.
Travel Camp

July 20–30 e Ages 12–17
Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Join us as we explore the mountains
of North Carolina. The adventure begins at Camp Wildwood with team building
activities and preparation for your trip. You’ll also take part in traditional camp
activities like archery, swimming, and crafts. Then you’ll hit the road and head to
the mountains for backpacking, tent camping, and rafting or canoeing (weather
permitting) on one of North Carolina’s many rivers. We’ll return to Camp Wildwood
in time for our end of summer Barn Bash!


               Click here for a print-friendly Quick Guide
           the Right
          Horse Camp
            for Your

     Choosing the right camp isn’t just about
     the date. When it comes to selecting a
     horseback riding camp, your child’s riding
     experience is just as important as their
     availability. If they’re too new they’ll be
     behind, and if they’re too advanced they’ll
     be bored. No one wants to be frustrated
     when they’re at summer camp. These
     sessions are intended for specific skill
     levels, and campers won't be able to
     fully participate if they don't have the
     necessary skills. Please use the chart and
     descriptions on the next page to choose the
     appropriate skill group for your camper.

     All campers in horse programs will be split
     into groups based on riding skill. Campers
     will ride 2-4 times during the week.
     Excessively hot weather, rain, and skill set
     of the group can affect the amount of ride
     time. Campers will receive a very well-
     rounded experience at the barn, including
     learning proper grooming and the basics
     of horse, equipment, and stable care. Boots
     and helmets are provided for riding, and
     campers who wish to bring their own
     must check with the Outdoor Program

     If you have any questions, please call
     customer care at 813-281-GIRL (4475).
Has your camper...
      ...seen a horse?         “Newbie” level camps
                               are for campers who have
                               little to no experience
       Yes        No
                               with horses and riding.
                               No experience necessary
     ...ridden a horse?        to enroll in these camps.

       Yes        No

     ...ridden without
       an instructor?
                               “Beginner” level camps
                               are for campers who
       Yes        No           have some experience
                               in riding, but they are
                               still just starting out
 ...steered and walked their
                               in learning to ride.
    horse with confidence?     Campers should be
                               able to steer a horse at
       Yes        No           a walking pace without
                               aid and are not nervous
                               around horses.
  ...successfully stopped
        their horse?

       Yes        No

   ...learned how to trot?     “Rookie” level camps
                               are for campers with
                               more experience with
       Yes        No
                               horses and riding. They
                               should know who to
 ...trotted with confidence?   groom their horse and
                               ready them for the
                               ride, including saddling
       Yes        No           and tacking. Campers
                               should be confident at
                               steering at a walking
   ...taken riding lessons
                               pace, stopping their
       during the year?
                               horse, and beginning
                               to learn to steer at a
       Yes        No           trotting pace.

Eq                                                             s
          uin                                                   m p
                e Sp                                      C a
                       ecialty Overnig                 ht

                 Click here for a print-friendly Quick Guide
Newbie                                             Beginner

Pony Party e Ages 6–9                              Hoofin’ It e Ages 9–11
Half Week: June 12–15, July 10–13                  Full Week: June 12–18
Not quite ready for a whole week in the saddle?    Want to learn how to ride horses? Then
This half-week camp is perfect for you! Get to     this is the place for you! In this beginner
know the Wildwood horses and learn about           horsemanship program you will learn how to
grooming, saddling, and riding basics during       ride a horse independently, learn more about
staff-led rides—all while having a blast!          horses, and focus in on learning about the hoof
$415                                               health of your horse.
Pony Tails e Ages 7–9
Full Week: June 5–11, June 26–July 2               Horsin' Around e Ages 9–11
Join us for a taste of Camp Wildwood’s Horse       Full Week: June 19–25
Program! This introductory week is perfectly       Do you like horses? Do you like games? How
sized for our younger campers who are new to       about horses AND games together? Gymkhana
horses and their care. Interact with our horses    is an equestrian event in which riders are
in barn and arena lessons.                         timed individually racing through a pattern
$610                                               or compete in games on horseback. Sound
                                                   like fun? Saddle up to learn new riding skills
                                                   while playing mounted games such as egg and
Sea Horses e Ages 7–9                              spoon, relay races, and obstacle courses. Build
Full Week: July 17–23                              strength, confidence and sportsmanship.
Want to learn about horses? New to the barn        $610
scene? Come join our fine furry friends and
get an introduction to the wonderful world of      Camp Cowgirl e Ages 9–11
horses. During this session, you’ll learn how to
groom and ride a horse with the instructor’s       Full Week: July 10–16
assistance. When you’re not having fun at the      Spend this week at camp as a Wild West
barn, you can cool down with your new camp         cowgirl. Learn about horses, branding, and
friends extra time at the pool!                    what exactly barn life was like during this
$610                                               time. In the saddle, ride like the cowboys and
                                                   cowgirls of the Old West. On foot, practice
                                                   roping a cow. Once you’ve hung your hat up for
Horse Sense e Ages 7–9                             the day, it’s time for some more fun with an
Full Week: July 24–30                              assortment of Homestead activities!
This week you will be building your riding         $610
skills and earning your Junior Horseback
Riding Badge while on an obstacle course.
You must work together with your horse to
complete a variety of activities and obstacles
which will be recorded to share with friends
and family.

Take the Reins e Ages 9–11
     Full Week: July 24–30
     English riding: Learn how to groom, saddle,
     ride, and steer your horse. Learn about the          Trail Mix
     fun competitions and disciplines like jumping
     over fences and fallen logs. Work toward             Cadettes e Ages 11–14
     building your riding skills to play fun arena        Full Week: June 5–11
     games. Campers WILL NOT be jumping in
     this session, just learning about the types of       Seniors/Ambassadors e Ages 14–17
     English riding competitions/events                   Full Week: June 26–July 2
     $610                                                 Enjoy riding in the arena AND riding on the
                                                          trail? This camp makes equal time for both.
     Saddle Switch-Up e Ages 11–14                        Spend the first two days demonstrating your
                                                          ability to guide and control your horse in the
     Full Week: June 19–25
                                                          arena, and then spend your last few days
     "Western and English Riding" Interested to           hitting the trails to become more confident in
     find out what saddle might suit you best?            the saddle. When the boots are off, take to the
     Experience a week of riding in which half            trails on foot, to learn about trail markings and
     your time is spent in a Western saddle while         map reading. Campers must demonstrate the
     the other half is spent in an English one.           ability to steer, stop, and control their horse
     Discover all the differences and uses of English     calmly in the area before any trail riding.
     tack versus Western, and some of the riding
     disciplines you might do in each saddle.

     Bits & Bows e Ages 11–14
     Full Week: July 17–23
     Come spend some time in the barn with your
     favorite horses. Ride in the arena learning skills
     and safety. Maybe venture out on the trails one
     day as well! When you’re not in the barn, head
     to the archery range to perfect your shot.

Family Camp
Come relax, unwind, and connect as a family at camp. Take part in camp activities
led by staff including archery, nature hikes, cooking classes, and swim time at the
pool. In addition to group family activities you can also take advantage of a special
child-only* and adult-only activity session. Everybody will also get to tie-dye their
own camp t-shirt!
This 3-day, 2-night camp includes all meals, snacks, and activities. Be sure to bring
money with you if you would like to go shopping at the trading post!
All ages are welcome. Girl Scout Membership is required for all adults and campers
in grades K-12. Siblings are welcome and do not require membership.
$125 per person

Camp Wildwood e July 3–5                                 Camp Wai Lani e July 7–9
Cabins vary in size and configuration                    All cabins are air conditioned.
from dormitory style, to screened cabin                  Families with attending with Male family
with natural ventilation.                                members will be placed in cabins by
Families attending without Male family                   themselves.
members will be given the option to                      Families attending without Male family
share a dormitory unit or large cabin                    members will be given the option to
with another family for a discounted                     share a cabin with another family for a
rate.                                                    discounted rate.
Families will also be given the option to                We can accommodate family group sizes
stay in a non-air conditioned unit for a                 up to 16 in a cabin.
discounted rate.

*Child-only activities are limited to children in grades K-12. Children Pre-K and younger must stay with their
adult guardian(s) at all times during family camp

                     Click here for a print-friendly Quick Guide
Be                                                                              g !
            com                                                                    in
                       eaC                        ra i n

                Calling all future camp counselors!
     If you’re ready to unlock your leadership potential and your love of the outdoors, you
     can start working toward your CIT I and CIT II Awards. You’ll gain the tools you need to
     become a mentor to younger campers and take the steps toward working at camp in the
     future. As you progress into CIT II, you may choose one of our specialty tracks and focus
     on specific camp activities such as horseback riding, waterfront sports, the challenge
     course, STEM, and more! To learn more about the CIT program progression and the CIT
     awards, please visit

                       Click here for a print-friendly Quick Guide
CIT I e Ages 14–17
Camp Wildwood: June 5–18, June 19–July 2
Camp Wai Lani: June 12–25, July 10–23
Are you ready to start your Counselor-in-Training (CIT) journey? Discover your
leadership skills and talents while you learn about enriching the lives of children in the
camp setting. You’ll get a look into what the job of a camp counselor is all about, explore
the steps in developing and delivering programs at camp, and see how summer camp
operates. Gain practical experience and learn how to work with younger campers and
facilitate activities that provide fun with a purpose.
This 2-week overnight camp session is the first step towards earning your CIT I Award
and becoming a camp counselor at our summer camp programs.
Staff are not at camp on weekends, so campers must return home Saturday and return
Sunday for the remainder of their camp session.

CIT II e Ages 14–17
Camp Wildwood: June 12–18, June 26–July 2, July 10–16, July 17–23, July 24–30
Camp Wai Lani: June 5–11, June 19–25, June 26–July 2, July 17–23, July 24–30
Advance your leadership style and discover the rewards of being a camp counselor.
Time will be split between camp program planning, camper interaction, problem
solving, strengthening interpersonal skills, and having fun by participating in activities!
Successful completion of CIT I Camp and CIT I Award are prerequisites for the CIT II
This camp session is the first step towards earning your CIT II Award and the next step
in becoming a camp counselor. Campers may register for multiple and/or consecutive
weeks, but must return home over the weekend.

    Camp Ambassador
    Camp Ambassadors focus on a specific program area of interest, have an active
    role in the units, and learn how camp is run. Successful completion of CIT I
    and CIT II Camp and earning both the CIT I and CIT II Awards are prerequisites
    for the Camp Ambassador program.
    Admission to this 4-week overnight camp session is based on applying and
    interviewing with our camp directors. Camp Ambassadors must return home
    over the weekends.
    Free, visit to complete the required application.

Pamper Your Camper!

     Surprise your camper with a special care package that they will get at check in on their first
     day of summer camp! Most items in the Basic, Happy Camper and Bells & Whistles packs will
     be branded with our 2022 Camp Theme “Friends, Fun & Adventure” featuring the Red Panda
     Bear. We have a number of base packages to choose from and you can give them a little extra
     something special with an add-on pack. GSWCF reserves the right to substitute items of similar style and value.

                                    Summer Camp Care Packages

                     + tax $32.25
                                                              + tax $43.00
                                                                                                        + tax $64.50

                     Basic                            Happy Camper                              Bells & Whistles
             Mesh Laundry Bag,                                 BASIC +                          BASIC + HAPPY CAMPER +
           Bucket Hat, 2022 patch                    2022 Collectible Trading Pin               Pillowplush Pillow Blanket
           and water bottle sticker                     and Whisper Lantern                        and Red Panda plush

                          Add-on Packs for Your Care Package
                                               (can also be purchased separately)

      + tax $53.75
                          Camp Besties Pack Camp bestie tees, friends stretch bead Charm It! bracelet, BFF
                          Charm It! BFF Fun Patch. Includes (2) of each item.

                          Daily Surprise Pack!              Campers who are staying for a week of camp will receive a
      + tax $37.63
                          different item daily (half-week campers will get three items at once on their last day). Surprise
                          items include something fun for the nighttime, something to capture memories, something to
                          play with, something practical and something fun in the sun!

                          Free Time Pack!
      + tax $26.88
                                                      Campers will have fun with this pack with their cabin mates
                          playing with items in this pack! Includes: magnetic hangman, cat’s cradle string game, Jax
                          set, Mad Libs and Girl Scout Mystery Book!

      + tax $20.35
                          Glow-in-the-Dark Pack
                          This fun pack will have items that glow, blink, and shine at night!

Tra                                                                                            e s
                 din                                                                            ca t
                            g Po s                            r t i f i
                                               t s Gi f t C e

Help your camper bring camp memories home and learn life skills—like money
management and budgeting—as they choose memento’s with a gift certificate to
spend at the Camp Trading Post during their stay at camp.

Purchase a Gift Certificate during camp registration in increments of starting at $20.
Most families leave deposits of $30 for their camper. If a camper does not spend the
entire amount, they will receive change in the form of a gift certificate that they can
spend at any GSWCF Trading Post or GSWCF Girl Scout Store location.

PLEASE NOTE: We do not accept cash at the Trading Post.

Items available at the Trading Post include camp memorabilia like t-shirts, stuffed
animals, water bottles, journals, flashlights, bandanas, autograph items, fun patches,
games and much more. Prices vary from $1-$30 so there is something for everyone.

Purchase your Trading Post Gift Certificate online during registration or while
checking-in at camp. We also accept credit cards, cookie dough and nut bucks at the
trading post. Camper rules prohibit cash in the sleeping units so please do not send
cash, as we will not have any change on hand.

Gift Certificates are only valid for use at Girl Scouts of West Central Florida Shops or Trading Posts. They are not
valid for online purchase at the Girl Scout Shop ecommerce. GSWCF Trading Post Gift certificates do not expire.

     All Care Packages, Add-on Packs and Trading Post Gift Certificates are available
     for purchase during registration or on check-in day at camp while supplies last.
                           PLEASE NOTE: Items are different every year.

Let Us Be
     Your Parenting

     All parents want to see their child have a strong, fresh start at camp, unrestrained by
     past problems. Some parents hesitate to provide camps with personal information
     about their camper’s behavior or past experiences. They fear the information may
     be misused or are concerned about their child being labeled, singled out, or treated
     differently. We want to be your parenting partner through the summer camp
     experience, so you know their personal needs are met even before your camper arrives.

     We take your child’s mental health seriously.

     As seasoned camp professionals, we appreciate and understand these concerns.
     Having prior knowledge of a learning difficulty, ADHD, medical condition, recent loss,
     or significant change in the family can make a tremendous difference in helping us be
     sensitive to your child’s need for patience, understanding, and reassurance, especially
     in the first few days of camp. We also know how invaluable such information can help
     your child make a smooth and happy adjustment to life away from home.

     Children often use their behaviors rather than their words to tell us something is
     bothering them. Having advanced knowledge of areas that might be difficult for your
     child helps us understand the messages in their actions. Especially true for children
     with anxiety or attention issues, knowing in advance allows us to provide them with a
     summer that is as rewarding as it is safe. The better we know your child, the more we
     can do to ensure a better camp experience for them.

     Our commitment is to use such information only to help your child adjust to camp.
     It will not be used unless necessary and will only be made available to those staff
     members whose knowledge is directly relevant to the safe and joyous delivery of camp
     programs for your camper. We encourage you to make us a full partner in planning
     for your child’s summer success by providing us with as much information as you
     can about your camper. Our online Health History form contains space for this vital

We hope to be able to serve
                all who wish to attend camp.

We strive to make accommodations for special needs and can, in many cases. Campers
must be able to function in a 6:1 camper to adult ratio. Special needs may include a range
of physical, medical, developmental, dietary, behavioral, or communicative abilities.

Providing a safe and positive experience to all campers is of the utmost importance to
us. We reserve the right to make decisions of participation based on the extent of the
camper’s needs and our ability to meet those needs in a camp setting. Please contact the
camp director if you have any questions or concerns about your camper attending camp.
Campers must be able to meet the following essential functions to attend Girl Scouts of
West Central Florida summer resident and day camps:

 e Move independently from place to place

 e Effectively interact in group-based program content

 e Be able to meet personal needs (bathing, toileting, dressing, diet management, etc.)

 e Capable self-manager of chronic illness.

 e A camper must be aware of their dietary restrictions, medication requirements, and
   potential restrictions on physical activity and can alert counselors when they need
   additional assistance.

Please be sure to select a program that is suitable to your camper’s abilities. If your
camper requires specific amenities for medical conditions (such as air conditioning or
electricity access for medical devices) please indicate those needs in your CampDoc
profile and the camp director and health staff will contact you approximately three
weeks prior to your child’s camp session to review accommodation needs.


                                     “    My favorite memory of Wai Lani
                                      is climbing up the ropes course for the
                                     first time. I had my friends cheering me      “
                                        on from the ground as my feet flew
                                           through the air on the zipline!
                                                   Girl Scout Camp Alum

        “    There’s always something new and
            something different that you can do.
               You don’t really feel like you’re
                  being judged by anyone.
                           Girl Scout Junior

                                     “    You stay the same, but when you
                                        leave camp you’re more proud, more
                                              confident in who you are.
                                                     Girl Scout Cadette

     To learn more about how you can “Let Cookies Pay Your Way to Camp” and how our “campership”
           program may help defray the costs of attending camp, visit
Mark your                                   How to register:
                  calendars!                                         Visit us online at

    Registration opens                                               Log in or create a new
December 8, 2021 at 9 a.m.                                           account in CampDoc                                                Find your camper’s
                                                                     preferred session and
                                                                     click the link to register
No paper forms to fill out, no checks to write, and
no waiting to find out if your camper got into their                 Pay the deposit for each
first-choice sessions! GSWCF makes it easy to plan                   session you want your
your summer adventures through the Summer                            camper to attend
Camp section of our website.
                                                                     Registration is
For help with the registration process, contact                      complete! or call
1-800-881-GIRL (4475).

                                      Non-Members Welcome to
                                      Get a Taste of Girl Scouts!

                                Campers entering grades 1–12 in Fall 2021 can attend camp.
                                Non-Girl Scouts simply pay a $25 membership fee in addition
                                to the camp fee to become a registered 2021–22 Girl Scout
                                member. Upon joining, campers will have all of the benefits
                                of Girl Scout membership through September 2021!

                                PLEASE NOTE: A $25 membership fee is not required for
                                male siblings of a Girl Scout attending Family Camp.

                                Early Registration Information: For summer 2022
                                we are excited to open registration with a special Girl Scout
                                Branded Nalgene Water Bottle for the first 300 individual
                                campers who register for any overnight, day, or travel camp
                                (campers will receive their item when they check into camp)!
                                Also get $30 off any camp through December (includes Day
                                Camps, Half-Week, and Specialty/travel camps).

Girl Scouts of West Central Florida
4610 Eisenhower Blvd. Tampa, FL 33634
P 1-800-881-GIRL (4475) or 813-281-GIRL (4475)
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