Summer Learning Framework Webinar Series - Topic 6: Summer Enrichment

Page created by Francis Day
Summer Learning Framework Webinar Series - Topic 6: Summer Enrichment
Summer Learning Framework
Webinar Series
Topic 6: Summer Enrichment
Summer Learning Framework Webinar Series - Topic 6: Summer Enrichment
We're Excited to Be With You Today!

Summer Learning Framework Webinar Series - Topic 6: Summer Enrichment
Summer Learning Framework
 The Summer Learning Framework helps districts with design, planning, and onboarding supports to
  implement a high-quality summer learning program. The Summer Learning Framework Includes:

  Statewide webinar series            Planning resources, tools, and        THL: Summer Units, an out-of-the
 covering design, academics,          templates – and examples for           box HQIM solution, developed
 and operations for summer              Texas districts- to support            specifically for the needs of
   learning planning led by            districts with summer plans                    Summer 2021
  TEA and national experts                                                   Additional support, materials and stipends
                                                                                 available for THL through CRIMSI

                   Educators may engage with any of the above supports as they choose.
                   Access detailed information and resources at

Summer Learning Framework Webinar Series - Topic 6: Summer Enrichment
Summer Learning Framework Webinar Series
The Summer Learning Framework Webinar Series provides districts with design, planning, and onboarding
supports, tools, and district examples to implement a high-quality summer learning program.
Design and Implementation                           Academics and Enrichment                                            Operations
 Designing for High - Qu a lity              En ric h m e n t fo r Su m m e r | 4 / 7 @ 11 AM C T                Bu d g e tin g fo r Su m m e r
       Su m m e r Le a rn in g                                                                                  Re c o rd in g No w Ava ila b le
  Re c o rd in g No w Ava ila b le                  Ma th 6 - 12: C a rn e g ie Le a rn in g
                                                      Re c o rd in g No w Ava ila b le                              Ma s te r Sc h e d u lin g
    Stu d e n t Re c ru itm e n t                                                                                    4 / 7 @ 10 AM C T
  Re c o rd in g No w Ava ila b le              Pre kin d e rg a rte n : Te a c h in g Stra te g ie s
                                                       Re c o rd in g No w Ava ila b le                         Su m m e r Site Op e ra tio n s
   Sta ffin g a n d PD Mo d e ls                                                                                     4 / 8 @ 11 AM C T
  Re c o rd in g No w Ava ila b le        Ma th K- 5 Su p p le m e n t: ST Ma th | 4 / 7 @ 9 a m

    C lim a te a n d C u ltu re      RLA En g lis h & Sp a n is h K- 5 : Am p lify Te xa s | 4 / 8 @ 3 PM C T
  Re c o rd in g No w Ava ila b le
                                           RLA 6 - 8 : Am p lify Te xa s | 4 / 8 @ 4 :30 PM C T

                                           RLA 9 - 12: Od e ll Ed u c a tio n | 4 / 9 @ 9 AM C T

             Sign Up for Webinars or Watch the Recording (when available) at!

Summer Learning Framework Webinar Series - Topic 6: Summer Enrichment
Access this tool at
         Summer Learning Work Plan Tool                                                                                                                     or
     This tool provides a research-based work plan that includes planning steps for district and school leaders
     on a 3-month planning timeline. The tool is aligned with the Summer Learning Framework.
                    CATEGORY                                                KEY ACTIVITIES                               EARLY APR LATE APR EARLY MAY LATE MAY EARLY JUN LATE JUN   EARLY JUL   LATE JUL EARLY AUG LATE AUG

          1. Designing & Planning         Outline cross-departmental leadership structure for planning
          (Management)                    Determine planning process and timeline

          1. Designing & Planning         Develop new or refine existing performance management plan
          (Data)                          Use data to inform instruction and program development

                                          Notify parents of enrollment status
          2. Student Recruitment
                                          Develop and execute strategies to promote attendance and retention

                                          Determine staffing needs and hiring timeline
          3. Staffing & PD
                                          Plan professional development calendar

                                          Define program culture and operating policies and procedures
          4. Climate and Culture
                                          Prepare campus management procedures

          5. High Quality Instructional   Identify instructional materials needs for summer program
          Materials                       Adopt high quality instructional materials for summer program

We Are                                    Recruit or select and contract with enrichment partners, providers, or staff
          6. Enrichment
 Here                                     Plan for quality enrichment

                                          Prepare budget for summer program
          7. Budgeting
                                          Manage and reconcile budget regularly

                                          Develop program schedule
          8. Schedules and Rosters
                                          Develop and share campus schedules

                                          Identify campuses for summer program
          9. Site Operations
                                          Coordinate transportation, food services, and supplies

Summer Learning Framework Webinar Series - Topic 6: Summer Enrichment
Topic 6: Summer Enrichment

               Dr. Nicole “Boofy” Mishnick
                      Project Director
             ESC Region 12 Texas ACE Program

                                                                               Christine McCormick
                                                                              Statewide Coordinator
                                                                     21st Century Community Learning Centers
                                                Houston            Texas ACE Website at

    Erik Torres                        Brenda Ware
      Principal                        Project Director
 Ermel ES, Aldine ISD        YMCA of Greater Houston ACE Program

Summer Learning Framework Webinar Series - Topic 6: Summer Enrichment
Purpose of High-Quality Summer Enrichment
Summer enrichment provides opportunities for students to learn academic and other skills.

     Access to learning             Address academic learning loss                  Have Fun!
 opportunities and supports            and developmental skill          Learning in ways that are different
  otherwise not available                      building                 from traditional instruction is fun!
 Students that lack access to         Enrichment activities that are      And fun is important for social
    summer enrichment                aligned with academic content                development!
  opportunities fall further        and engaging for students helps
   behind their peers that            students do better in school.
        have access

Summer Learning Framework Webinar Series - Topic 6: Summer Enrichment
Skills Learned in Enrichment Transfer to the School Day

  High Quality Summer Enrichment                                                   New Skills and
                                                Produces…                        Behavior in School

                                                                                                              Academic performance
    Quality              Engaged                     New                              Academic                Peer to peer relationships
  Instruction            Students                  Learned                            and Non-                Physical health
      and               (Interested and
                                                  Skills and                          Academic                Non-academic skills
    Content               Challenged)               Beliefs                           Outcomes                College and career

    High quality enrichment activities that align with academic curriculum and engage students in
     challenging content over time provide students with new skills and beliefs that they transfer
                               into their regular learning environment.

                                          Smith, C., Akiva, T., McGovern, G. and Peck, S. Afterschool Quality. New Directions for Youth Development.82014.
Summer Learning Framework Webinar Series - Topic 6: Summer Enrichment
Elements of High-Quality Enrichment Programs
                            High quality programs engage students in learning experiences

                            Selected Elements of High-Quality Enrichment Programs:
                             Grounded in student needs
                             Allow for student voice and choice
                             Coordinated with academic staff and leadership
                             Safe appropriate environment
                             Embedded youth development and skill building
                             Involved families and helps family members
Summer Learning Framework Webinar Series - Topic 6: Summer Enrichment
Enrichment Activities Aligned with Student Needs
            Academic                                    Non-Academic

   Use data to drive enrichment lessons (e.g.,   Offer a portion based on student choice to
   assessment, grades, surveys)                  drive engagement in the program

   Co-plan to build academically-aligned         Use trauma-informed care or trained
   enrichment experiences                        partners

   Schedule high-dosage one-on-one or small      Embed social skills and youth development
   group tutoring                                in enrichment lessons. (e.g., project-based
                                                 learning, leadership, group work, reflection)
   Expand strongest campus offerings
     E.g., CTE, Blended Learning model,
      early college high school, HQIM, etc.      Nutrition, exercise, and wellness

What do your students need this summer?

                                In the chat, please share:
                                   What are your students’
                                    highest areas of need?
                                   Do you need to learn more
                                    about your students needs?
                                    If so, what are your next
                                   What strategies will you use
                                    to meet the needs?

Three Questions to Determine Enrichment Activities
Summer enrichment programs should use student needs data and match local resources to create high quality
enrichment activities. Here are three questions to help:

               One                                       Two                                      Three

    What enrichment                             What can be                               What other
     resources are                            leveraged in your                        options align with
    already in place                                local                               district needs?
    at your district?                           community?

Three Questions to Determine Enrichment Activities
Based on the needs of your students, summer programs should decide on enrichment activities. Here are three questions
to help:

               One                                        Two                                      Three

    What enrichment                             What can be                                What other
     resources are                            leveraged in your                         options align with
    already in place                                local                                district needs?
    at your district?                           community?

What resources are already in place?
    Evaluate what is already in place within the district to extend to enrichment programs during summer.

                                           Existing Program              Enrichment Strategies
                                      Academic Summer School       •   Lesson alignment
                                                                   •   Co-teaching
                                                                   •   Shared goals                          COMMON ACTIVITY TYPES
                                                                   •   Developmental Skills                Tutoring
                                                                   •   Tutoring programs                   Arts, music, theater
                                                                                                           Health, wellness, nutrition
What enrichment programs              CTE Program                  • Increase career pathway
                                                                                                           Sports
      are in place?                                                                                        Languages
                                                                   • Offer apprenticeships
                                                                                                           STEM
How can you build on those            State and Federal Programs   • Food and Nutrition Programs           Family Engagement
  programs for summer                                              • ADSY PEP                              Apprenticeships/Internships
                                                                   • Migrant or Title Programs             Positive Youth Development
                                      Existing summer              • Update and expand                     Prevention
                                      enrichment partnership         partnership agreement
                                                                   • Align with student’s
                                                                     academic and other needs

No Cost Enrichment Lessons at
        PhD SCIENCE® TEKS EDITION                                             ST Math
        Planning a Design Solution:                                           Movement with Math, Digital
        Students create a windmill and                                        Dancing: Students participate
        transform energy to produce light.                                    in physical activities that
                                                                              express numerical values and
                                                                              concepts. (Example is one in a

                        Enrichment           PhD Science and ST Math are two of the many
                         Lesson for           resources that offer enrichment activities at
                          Grade 5

What resources are already in place?
   Evaluate what is already in place within the district to extend to enrichment programs during summer.

                                          Existing Program              Enrichment Strategies
                                     Academic Summer School       •   Lesson alignment
                                                                  •   Co-teaching
                                                                  •   Shared goals                          COMMON ACTIVITY TYPES
                                                                  •   Developmental Skills                Tutoring
                                                                  •   Tutoring programs                   Arts, music, theater
                                     CTE Program                  • Increase career pathway               Health, wellness, nutrition
What enrichment programs                                            options                               Sports
      are in place?                                               • Offer apprenticeships                 Languages
                                                                                                          STEM
How can you build on those           State and Federal Programs   • Food and Nutrition Programs           Family Engagement
                                                                  • Additional Days School Year            Apprenticeships/Internships
  programs for summer                                               (ADSY)
         2021?                                                                                            Positive Youth Development
                                                                  • Federal Migrant or other
                                                                                                          Prevention
                                                                    Title Programs
                                     Existing summer              • Update and expand
                                     enrichment partnership         partnership agreement
                                                                  • Align with student’s
                                                                    academic and other needs

Existing Resource: Summer Food Programs

    The Food and Nutrition Division administers 12
     federal child and special nutrition programs.

 Federal waiver flexibilities are currently in place                        the TDA website for Food
  through September 30, 2021.                                                 and Nutrition Programs

 Districts may need to apply for the federal Child and
  Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) At Risk program if      TIP: Find waiver
  they are using a waiver.                                    extension
                                                          information here

Learning From Each Other: Creating Enrichment
Activities with Existing Curriculum

                                      ESC 12 Texas ACE Cohort:
                                       Rural partner districts
                                       8 learning centers
       Dr. Nicole “Boofy” Mishnick
             Project Director
                                       7 school districts
    ESC Region 12 Texas ACE Program
                                       Summer 2020 through March
                                        2021 the program served
                                        1,706 students

Learning From Each Other: ESC Region 12

                                 Bridge Building Activity
                                  Program developed their
                                   own activity
                                  In person hands-on
                                  Virtual during COVID-19
                                  Customizable to academic
                                   and nonacademic needs

                                     Dallas Afterschool’s Wonderkits

Three Questions to Determine Enrichment Activities
Based on the needs of your students, summer programs should decide on enrichment activities. Here are three questions
to help:

               One                                        Two                                      Three

    What enrichment                             What can be                                What other
     resources are                            leveraged in your                         options align with
    already in place                                local                                district needs?
    at your district?                           community?

What can be leveraged in your local community?

        OUTDOOR                  LEARNING         PARTNERSHIPS
        ACTIVITIES              ADVENTURES

National, state county parks      Museums           Nonprofits
  City Parks & Recreation          Libraries          Parents
       Athletic Fields         Higher Education   Service Projects
            Zoos                                    Employers

Partners help expand capacity to reach shared goals

  Proposed role aligns with identified program needs
                                                                Partners can be:
  Evidence of success                                            Non-profit organizations
                                                                 Government agencies
  Quality of the content                                         Higher education
                                                                 For-profit business
  Capacity to support the program (e.g., staff, availability,    School or alumni groups
  cost)                                                          Volunteers
  Responsiveness and adaptability                                  Not all partners are
                                                                   vendors and not all
                                                                  vendors are partners
  In-kind contributions, program involvement
  Partnership and data sharing agreements

Learning From Each Other: Enrichment Partnerships

                                       YMCA of Greater Houston is
                                       the Texas ACE grantee and
                                       Ermel Elementary School is
        Brenda Ware                    one partner.
          Project Director
YMCA of Greater Houston ACE Program    About Ermel ES:
                                        Pending ADSY planning
                                         grant site for full year
                                        July 9 - 2022 school year
          Erik Torres                    starts
        Ermel ES, Aldine ISD
                                        4-week summer

Three Questions to Determine Enrichment Activities
Based on the needs of your students, summer programs should decide on enrichment activities. Here are three questions
to help:

               One                                        Two                                      Three

    What enrichment                             What can be                                What other
     resources are                            leveraged in your                         options align with
    already in place                                local                                district needs?
    at your district?                           community?

One of Our Favorites: Texas Parks and Wildlife

                                                          “When we go outside, what I
                                                            notice is that the kids are
                                                              inquisitive, they have
                                                         conversations with us, and they
                                                          want to learn, which is pretty
                                                           amazing.” – Texas Parent

   The Educational Resources pages gather          Searchable spreadsheet for TEKS-aligned
  materials from all corners of Texas Parks and   programs by grade, subject, park, and more:
  Wildlife. Learn about the range of offerings
       and access a calendar of events

One of Our Favorites: Mizzen by Mott

                                                      Aligned with learning standards
                                                      Activity “tags” make it easy to find activities
                                                      Connected with learning outcomes
                                                      Variety with quality
                                                      Instructor supports and pro-tips
   Mizzen is a free app to help afterschool and       Screened for inclusive language
    summer enrichment professionals deliver
     exciting learning opportunities that will
      inspire, engage, and empower young
                                                  Functions that help managers and instructors
                                                     include at-a-glance dashboard, student
                            groups, searchable content, pro tips, and
                                                              colleague messaging

One of Our Favorites: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

                                              “Texas 4-H … engages some 600,000
                                              youth every year in learning projects,
                                                 leadership development, and
                                                      community service.”

                                              The Junior Master Gardener Program
                                                  has “such great lessons for any
                                             children’s individual class! Thank you!!”

   Collaborative programs enable extension   Find your local extension office and
     educators and their partners to bring    some 900 professional educators:
   educational opportunities to the people
                   of Texas.           

What other options align with district needs?
Great partners align with district goals for academic performance, confidence building, social well-being, physical health,
non-academic skills, college and career preparedness, leadership, and more!

                      National                                                          State and Local

                      Who are other great partners for enrichment? Please add to chat and list region!

We’d love to hear from you at
Access this tool at
         Summer Learning Work Plan Tool                                                                                                                     or
     This tool provides a research-based work plan that includes planning steps for district and school leaders
     on a 3-month planning timeline. The tool is aligned with the Summer Learning Framework.
                    CATEGORY                                                KEY ACTIVITIES                               EARLY APR LATE APR EARLY MAY LATE MAY EARLY JUN LATE JUN   EARLY JUL   LATE JUL EARLY AUG LATE AUG

          1. Designing & Planning         Outline cross-departmental leadership structure for planning
          (Management)                    Determine planning process and timeline

          1. Designing & Planning         Develop new or refine existing performance management plan
          (Data)                          Use data to inform instruction and program development

                                          Notify parents of enrollment status
          2. Student Recruitment
                                          Develop and execute strategies to promote attendance and retention

                                          Determine staffing needs and hiring timeline
          3. Staffing & PD
                                          Plan professional development calendar

                                          Define program culture and operating policies and procedures
          4. Climate and Culture
                                          Prepare campus management procedures

          5. High Quality Instructional   Identify instructional materials needs for summer program
          Materials                       Adopt high quality instructional materials for summer program

We Are                                    Recruit or select and contract with enrichment partners, providers, or staff
          6. Enrichment
 Here                                     Plan for quality enrichment

                                          Prepare budget for summer program
          7. Budgeting
                                          Manage and reconcile budget regularly

                                          Develop program schedule
          8. Schedules and Rosters
                                          Develop and share campus schedules

                                          Identify campuses for summer program
          9. Site Operations
                                          Coordinate transportation, food services, and supplies

Summer Learning Framework Webinar Series
The Summer Learning Framework Webinar Series provides districts with design, planning, and onboarding
supports, tools, and district examples to implement a high-quality summer learning program.
Design and Implementation                                Academics and Enrichment                                                  Operations
 Designing for High - Qu a lity                  En ric h m e n t fo r Su m m e r | 4 / 7 @ 11 AM C T                       Bu d g e tin g fo r Su m m e r
       Su m m e r Le a rn in g                                                                                             Re c o rd in g No w Ava ila b le
  Re c o rd in g No w Ava ila b le
                                         Ma th 6 - 12: C a rn e g ie Le a rn in g | Re c o rd in g Ava ila b le                Ma s te r Sc h e d u lin g
    Stu d e n t Re c ru itm e n t    Pre kin d e rg a rte n : Te a c h in g Stra te g ie s | Re c o rd in g Ava ila b le        4 / 7 @ 10 AM C T
  Re c o rd in g No w Ava ila b le   Ma th K- 5 Dig ita l C o m p a n io n : Ze a rn | Re c o rd in g Ava ila b le
                                     Ma th K- 5 Su p p le m e n t: ST Ma th | Re c o rd in g Ava ila b le So o n           Su m m e r Site Op e ra tio n s
   Sta ffin g a n d PD Mo d e ls                                                                                                4 / 8 @ 11 AM C T
  Re c o rd in g No w Ava ila b le
                                        RLA En g lis h & Sp a n is h K- 5 : Am p lify Te xa s | 4 / 8 @ 3 PM C T
    C lim a te a n d C u ltu re
  Re c o rd in g No w Ava ila b le             RLA 6 - 8 : Am p lify Te xa s | 4 / 8 @ 4 :30 PM C T

                                               RLA 9 - 12: Od e ll Ed u c a tio n | 4 / 9 @ 9 AM C T

             Sign Up for Webinars or Watch the Recording (when available) at!

CRIMSI: Application Open Now for Three NEW Supports
                  Spring Adoption Coaching
            1                                              2    Summer Pilot                       3    21-22 Full Year Pilot
                    for 21-22 School Year

            Enhance teacher supports for           Reduce COVID - related learning      Recover COVID - related learning loss
                                                   loss for students in the summer      and accelerate student growth with

             next school year    by working
             with coach to determine what                 of 2021 with materials         support to select materials and
            THL products meet local needs                customized for Texas           facilitate operations for full   - year
                                                    summer learning programs                        implementation
                    Districts and/or schools                                                 Teachers, district and school
                                                   Teachers and schools planning

                seeking to enhance supports                                                     leaders seeking full year
                                                       to implement a summer
                for teachers next school year                                                         adoption and
                                                      learning program in 2021.
                     in response to COVID.                                                     implementation support.

                    April 2021 – June 2021             April 2021 - Summer 2021                  April 2021 – June 2022

                                                                                             June 11th or until capacity full
                           April 9th                           April 9th
                                                                                          (Applicants accepted on rolling basis)
App Due

                               Apply for one or more of the CRIMSI options at

Thank you!
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