Supervisor Kick-Off Meeting 2020-21 - Dr. Amanda Roth Director of Field Experiences & Professor of Practice August 26, 2020 2:00-3:30 pm

Page created by Wallace Molina
Supervisor Kick-Off Meeting 2020-21 - Dr. Amanda Roth Director of Field Experiences & Professor of Practice August 26, 2020 2:00-3:30 pm
Supervisor Kick-Off Meeting 2020-21

                      Dr. Amanda Roth
    Director of Field Experiences & Professor of Practice

                      August 26, 2020
                       2:00-3:30 pm


 Annual Things:
  - Welcome
  - General updates
  - Website for updated documents

 Pandemic Things:
  - Scheduling challenges & “fulfilling hours”
  - Zoom login (

 New Things:
  - EdThena
  - Accreditation

     *I hope for this to be much less formal than my student orientations on Monday, so if you
     have a question about something as we go along, feel free to come off mute and jump in!
Welcome to our new supervisors!

Sheri Copeland- MSub
Jessica Huntsburger –Msub, French/Spanish
Elise Morgan- Special Education
Vicki Pilling- Msub, Special Education
Jesse Santiago- Special Education
General Updates

•   Contracts & Changes
•   In-person visits or meetings are NOT encouraged
    •   Students are being asked to remain at home for their placements, even if teachers invite them to schools
    •   All supervision is remote. No mileage reimbursement
    •   SOLES will be remote all Fall 2020 and Intersession January 2021. Everyone is encouraged to stay home
        and work and learn from there.
    •   (Keep in mind that students are on zoom for field work as well as coursework. Consider a phone call without
        video if your meeting type allows [e.g., general check-in with student])
•   Governor’s Executive Order expired with Sept 1, 2020 graduates
    •   At this time, CalTPA & RICA must be completed prior to preliminary credential
•   CTC changes to guidelines and expectations
    •   CSETs, hours, solo teaching
Where can I find what I need?

●   Field Office Website:
●   Please DELETE everything you have on your hard drive (old forms, old handbooks, etc.) and
    download these updated versions. Please do not disseminate old forms to CTs or to students.
●   Everything has been updated, tried to build clarity and consistency across documents where I’d
    gotten some feedback and questions over the summer.

●   Teacher Candidate Schedule Form- especially important as we find out teachers’ schedules this fall
●   Logging Hours is required of all teacher candidates

●   CT section of the website

●   Zoom accounts: login with your info at
How do I log my hours for Student Teaching?

                                              You do not
                                              need to
                                              signatures due
                                              to distance
Who is supervising what?

   Student Teacher Supervisors          Extended Practicum Supervisors
 Charyn Berg        Lynn Menius              Jennifer Brenner
 Jennifer Brenner   Charlie Padilla          Karen Bungard
 Kim Callian        Jennifer Reiter-Cook     Sheri Copeland
 Gina Cherashore    Tom Schaaf               Maureen Dunn
 Kay Flewelling     Judy Shades              Jennifer Edstrom
 Chris Foster       Sherry Snyder            Monique Escobedo
 Sonia Fox-Ohlbaum  Elizabeth West           Elise Morgan
 Summer Girgis                               Vicki Pilling
 Katy Hammack                                Jesse Santiago
 Kelly Kent                                  Tom Schaaf
 Shannon McAndrews                           Virginia Sturgeon
Extended Practicum Observations: LOF

• No formal method for observing:
  • Synchronous or asynchronous (dropbox, zoom
      recording links, etc.)
  •   Supervisor submits 4 LOFs (per CTC)
  •   Ideal to also have at least 2 LOFs from CT
  •   Supervisor and CT both submit final eval form

  Take a moment to share some methods/best practices
  from the spring with the whole group…
Student Teacher Observations: EdThena

•    Asynchronous (recorded) observations because:
    • EdThena will provide you a chance to “tag” your comments at the exact
        moment you observe teaching practice and also to respond to comments
        from the ST or CT from their viewing of the performance.
    • When the ST watches their video, they can then respond to your
        comments/questions and upload supporting documents (lesson plans, etc.)
    • Data will be housed within EdThena. Rubrics from last year’s pilot overlap
        TPEs with Danielson Framework. (No LOFs to complete.)
    • Final Evaluations?
    There will be a separate training in a few weeks. Accounts are not yet set up,
    but “the ball is rolling.”
CTC Accreditation Visit

●   Late October 2020
●   Virtual
●   You may be invited to a group interview to discuss your role and the programs
●   No supervisor (e.g., Amanda, Reyes) will be present during your interview so that
    you feel welcome to speak freely
What the Field Office will work on this fall…

Improved communication
● Bi-weekly CT emails
● Continuing to update the website—your suggestions?
● Updates from the CTC & Governor as they become available
● How much communication do you (supervisors) need from me?

Mid-term grades for Student Teachers
● Try to have at least one observation completed in EdThena before midterm
● Submit mid-term grades to Amanda via google forms link by ____ (will send reminder emails)

Starting on Spring placements early

Creating a database of our CTs (Master Teachers vs. “regular teachers”)
Advice from Teachers about Distance Learning

●   They need to understand that they can't come into it with any set expectations of what it's going to be like. Our district is
    doing everything they can to support students, the community, and their staff... If they come into it with an open mind and
    positive attitude they will get to be a part of reimagining what education can be!

●   Create a workspace free of interruptions. Create a schedule and stick to it.

●   be willing to lean into it

●   Even as a veteran teacher with almost 15 years experience, I am still learning to develop as an educator in this difficult time.

●   when it comes to distance learning (and always honestly), I'm learning too and I would want my student teacher to
    understand that.
Advice from Teachers about Distance Learning

●   Make sure you have good time management and knowledge of google classroom.

●   It will be challenging to build relationships with both teacher and students so please be present, participate, share ideas,
    come to planning sessions, and work with the teacher to figure out a system that helps to support the class, the teacher, and
    their own development.

●   I would want them to jump in and participate as much as possible rather than just observe.

●   As an educator, I am not too proud to say this something that I do not know. Therefore, I would like to learn from the
    student teacher and I will share my knowledge of teaching and navigating the special education process.

●   Not a time to be timid; be flexible, patient, tolerant; and be brave with technology- be willing to try new things.

●   I have been teaching for 24 years and this is not something I could have predicted. So I will be learning with them to find
    new ways to engage and teach the students in the fall if we are not back in my classroom. Everyone is doing the best that
    they can.
Time for Additional Questions & Comments?

 ● What do you need from the field office to support your success this

 ● What are you still concerned about?
Thank you for coming today!

 These slides will be made available on the Field Office website.
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