Supporting the growth of electric vehicles - January 2019 - National Grid

Page created by Edgar Nichols
Supporting the growth of electric vehicles - January 2019 - National Grid
the growth of
electric vehicles
January 2019
Supporting the growth of electric vehicles - January 2019 - National Grid
National Grid | January 2019   Supporting the growth of electric vehicles

There are around 40,000
premature deaths each year in
the UK, due to high levels of air
pollution. This is equivalent to over
100 preventable deaths every day.

Supporting the growth of electric vehicles - January 2019 - National Grid
Supporting the growth of electric vehicles                National Grid | January 2019

The decarbonisation of transport
presents a huge opportunity for
the UK to reduce emissions,
improve air quality and to be a
leader in mobility

Transport became the largest             Consumer range anxiety is a                  With a targeted investment
contributor to the UK’s carbon           key blocker to the uptake of                 approach coupled with a proactive
emissions (27%) in 2016                  electric vehicles                            strategy to planning network
Recent research shows that               To overcome consumer range                   connections, the UK could become
high levels of air pollution, which      anxiety and to remove early barriers         a global leader in EV’s.
traditional vehicles significantly       to EV uptake, a minimal viable               This paper calls for a minimal viable
contribute to, is harming the            network of ultra-rapid EV charge             network of ultra-rapid EV charge
respiratory health of the UK’s           points along the strategic road              points to be delivered along the
population. This is leading to           network, supported by appropriate            strategic road network and sets
40,000 premature deaths, and 6           electricity network infrastructure in        out how charging hubs could
million sick days each year, costing     addition to home, destination, local         be delivered quickly and funded
over £6bn to the NHS and £22bn           fast and fleet charging, will be vital.      efficiently, while stimulating new
to the UK economy.                                                                    markets, and minimising costs
                                         From concept to assets working
The Government has rightly               on the ground, it will take up to            to consumers.
recognised this in their case            four-years to deliver the required
for change and commitment to             infrastructure at sites along the
accelerating the shift to low carbon     strategic road network. This makes
transport through the Industrial         it imperative for Government to
Strategy1, Clean Growth Strategy2        make timely decisions on the
and Clean Air Strategy3.                 requirement as well as who would
                                         pay for the required infrastructure,
To make the most of the
                                         to ensure the projections for EV
opportunity to improve air quality,
                                         uptake are not hindered by the lack
reduce emissions and develop
                                         of infrastructure.
one of the best Electric Vehicle
(EV) infrastructure networks in the      The decarbonisation of transport
world, the Government needs to           presents a huge opportunity
speed up its preparations for the        for UK industry in the research,
uptake of EV’s, and provide the          development and production of
right environment to support and         low carbon vehicles, technologies
encourage the transition.                and infrastructure. The Industrial
                                         Strategy sets out an ambition for            Consumers will only
It is estimated that EV’s will reach
                                         the UK to be a world leader in
price equivalency with internal
                                         mobility, and recognises that EV’s           switch to an EV if there
combustion engine vehicles by the                                                     are widespread charging
                                         support new businesses and jobs
mid-2020’s. However, consumers
will only switch to an EV if they are
                                         in the UK’s regions. The strategy            points, which are easily
                                         identifies the opportunity to build
confident that it will present minimal
                                         and export new capabilities in
                                                                                      accessible, and can
disruption to their daily lives.                                                      charge at appropriate
                                         automotive, energy, technology and
                                         infrastructure sectors globally.             speed.

Supporting the growth of electric vehicles - January 2019 - National Grid
National Grid | January 2019   Supporting the growth of electric vehicles

                               Consumers will only switch to
                               an EV if there is a widespread
                               network of charging points,
                               including along the strategic
                               road network

                               A key reason for not purchasing              We need an appropriate
                               an EV is the consumers’                      network of electric car chargers
                               perception of ‘range anxiety’                A network of car chargers, at
                               This is an anxiety that their battery        appropriate speeds to suit the
                               will run out of charge en route,             time spent at each location, will
                               due to a lack of sufficient charging         be vital to ensure we are ready for
                               points, and that it will take to             EV uptake. In addition to home,
                               long to appropriately charge their           destination, local fast and fleet
                               vehicle.                                     charging, as seen in Fig. 1., a
                                                                            network of ultra-rapid (120kW to
The most convenient            A recent survey, by
                                                                            350kW) charge points is needed
and cost-effective way to, identified
                                                                            along the strategic road network,
                               that 66% of motorists do not want
address ‘range anxiety’        to buy an EV or hybrid vehicle as
                                                                            enabling drivers to charge their
is to locate ultra-rapid                                                    vehicles in around 5-10 minutes.
                               their next car, citing the lack of
charging infrastructure at     charging points and upfront cost as          While approximately 90% of
                               the main reasons. A similar number           Motorway Service Areas (MSA’s)
existing motorway service      (52%) expressed “range anxiety”              have some EV chargers on site,
areas with the ability to      and worries that they would not              which are often described as ‘fast’,
charge a vehicle in the        able to travel long distances as             they are usually 50kw chargers,
                               serious deterrents to switching4.            which can take more than an hour
time it takes to buy a cup                                                  to charge a vehicle.
of coffee.                     Currently, EV’s and hybrids account
                               for just over 2% of current car              The availability of charging
                               sales in the UK. Consumers will              infrastructure can significantly delay
                               only switch to an EV if they are             the speed of EV adoption in the UK
                               confident that it will present minimal       and materially impact the country’s
                               disruption to their daily lives. To          ability to achieve clean air and
                               achieve this, the UK will require            carbon targets. The Government
                               widespread charging points,                  needs to build consumer
                               which are easily accessible, and             confidence through the successful
                               can charge a vehicle at a speed              delivery of infrastructure.
                               appropriate to the time they
                                                                            As set out in the National
                               spend at a given location.
                                                                            Infrastructure Assessment, and the
                               However, existing charging
                                                                            BEIS Committee report ‘Electric
                               infrastructure is limited in both
                                                                            Vehicles: Driving the Transition’,
                               numbers and location5.
                                                                            National Grid agrees that the most
                               While charging at home will be a             convenient and cost-effective
                               option for some, around 40% of               way to address ‘consumer range
                               households do not have access to             anxiety’ is to locate ultra-rapid
                               off street parking, leaving millions of      charging infrastructure at existing
                               vehicles requiring adequate facilities       MSA’s, with the ability to charge a
                               to charge elsewhere.                         vehicle in the time it takes to buy a
                                                                            cup of coffee.

Supporting the growth of electric vehicles - January 2019 - National Grid
Supporting the growth of electric vehicles         National Grid | January 2019

Lack of infrastructure is the
most serious deterrent to over
half of UK drivers, 52% of whom
say that they are worried about
travelling long distances in an
electric vehicle.

Fig. 1. There will be 5 key locations required for electric vehicle charging

Home                      Destination                 Local Fast                  Fleet          Motorway
Or on a                   While doing                 At petrol station           At depot hub   At service station,
residential               another activity            equivalent, visited         for fleets     on driver routes
street typically          e.g. work                   for the recharge                           enabling long
overnight                                                                                        journeys

Supporting the growth of electric vehicles - January 2019 - National Grid
National Grid | January 2019   Supporting the growth of electric vehicles

                               There is a network solution
                               to overcome consumer
                               range anxiety by 2025,
                               if infrastructure delivery
                               begins in 2019

                               The electricity networks                     power connection before 2030 to
                               operators, together, can                     allow for the additional numbers
                               enable a smooth and efficient                of charge points required to meet
                               consumer transition to EVs                   consumer charging demand.
                               We have examined the links                   Given these existing constraints,
of the 165 motorway            between the strategic road network           significant network upgrades will
                                                                            likely be needed to accommodate
sites in England and           and the electricity transmission
                                                                            the use of batteries.
                               network in England and Wales
Wales are within 5km of        to understand the minimal viable             A minimal viable solution is
the transmission network       infrastructure requirement to                needed to support the uptake of
infrastructure.                overcome consumer range anxiety.             EVs in England and Wales
                               Over the last year, we have studied          As shown in Fig. 3. we have

                               the power capacity of the MSA                identified an initial 54 ultra-rapid EV
                               sites, across the strategic road             charging sites along the strategic
                               network, the journeys EV drivers             road network, where an upgraded
                               are likely to take, and how close            electricity network connection
                               they would need to be to an                  would allow 99% of EV drivers in
We have identified 54          ultra-rapid charger to overcome              England and Wales to be within 50
                               consumer range anxiety. We                   miles (in any direction) of an ultra-
locations for strategic        have also assessed the electricity           rapid charging station. This would
ultra rapid charging along     network infrastructure required              provide drivers with the ability to
the existing motorway          to support enough ultra-rapid                charge their vehicle in the time it
                               charge points to provide                     takes to buy a cup of coffee.
network.                       confidence to EV drivers and
                                                                            We have identified a cost-efficient
                               avoid queues at peak times.

                                                                            solution for the identified sites,
                               We have considered the use of                which could include a combination
                               large scale battery solutions,               of utilising the existing distribution
                               often in the form of charging                networks, where there is enough
                               hubs, however the commercial                 capacity, and directly connecting to
                               models are still in the early stages         the transmission network.
With the network of 54         of development. While solutions
                                                                            With 60% of the strategic road
sites, 99% of all electric     are emerging, they are utilising
                                                                            network, in England and Wales,
                               an existing electricity network
vehicle drivers could          connection with significant on-
                                                                            being within 5km to National Grid’s
be within 50 miles, in any                                                  existing electricity transmission
                               site or local renewable energy
                                                                            network, it makes us well placed to
direction, of an ultra         generation.
                                                                            deliver a cost-efficient infrastructure
rapid charging station         It is evident that under any likely          solution at many of the MSA sites,
with the ability to charge     scenario of EV uptake, due to                with the remainder better served by
                               existing power constraints, most             a DNO solution.
in the time it takes to        MSA’s will require a reinforced
buy a cup of coffee.
Supporting the growth of electric vehicles - January 2019 - National Grid
Supporting the growth of electric vehicles                          National Grid | January 2019

        Fig. 2. Electricity Transmission connection timeline





                Pre           Customer       Elec.             Elec. Tx      Customer       Elec. Tx       Planning          Procure       Asset build
                application   data           Tx data           design and    review and     planning       consent           assets
                meeting       collection     processed         offer         sign offer

        Of the MSA sites which prove                     Fig. 3. The 54 identified sites will allow 99.6% of drivers to be
        most economical for a direct                     within 50 miles of an ultra rapid charger.
        transmission connection, 90%
        could be supplied from existing
        National Grid substations,
        reducing the requirement for
        wider reinforcement works and
        therefore minimising the cost of
        delivering this much needed EV
        infrastructure. This also aligns with
        the energy regulators ambitions to
        ensure networks companies make
        economic and efficient use of their
        existing infrastructure.
        However, as set out in Fig. 2.
        from concept to assets working
        on the ground, and dependent
        on planning constraints, it will
        take up to four-years to deliver
        the required infrastructure at each
        MSA site. This makes it imperative
        for Government to make timely
        decisions on the requirement
        of infrastructure.

        To ensure that consumer uptake
        of EVs is not hindered, and using
        powers under the Automated
        and Electric Vehicle Act, the
        Government should designate, in
        2019, which MSA sites should be
        part of a minimal viable network
        of ultra-rapid chargers, to ensure
        there is adequate time to deliver
        the required electricity network
        infrastructure, and achieve
        EV targets.

Supporting the growth of electric vehicles - January 2019 - National Grid
National Grid | January 2019   Supporting the growth of electric vehicles

                               Building a network of ultra-
                               rapid EV chargepoints along
                               the strategic road network is
                               imperative to the success of
                               the EV industry in the UK
                               With the right conditions, the UK            with many struggling to make the
                               has an opportunity to become a               case for the costs of the electricity
                               global leader in electric vehicles           network infrastructure, especially
                               However, for this to be a reality, a         ahead of full utilisation. This is a
                               network of ultra-rapid EV charge             market failure.
                               points will need to be delivered by          A truly national solution is
                               2025 - the time at which vehicle             needed to avoid air inequality
                               cost parity is reached - to ensure
                                                                            If Government want to realise
                               infrastructure does not become an
                                                                            the ambitious commitments to
A network of ultra-rapid       unintended barrier to consumer
                                                                            improving conditions for all UK
EV charge points will          EV uptake.
                                                                            citizens, irrespective of location,
need to be delivered by        The infrastructure must allow EV             there is a need for intervention
the time at which vehicle      drivers to undertake out of pattern          to enable the market to mature
                               and long distance journeys,                  quicker than it otherwise would. If
cost parity is predicted       delivering charging times similar            the market matures, the utilisation
to be reached, to ensure       to those experienced for refueling           risk will reduce and make it more
infrastructure is not the      existing internal combustion                 commercially viable for private
                               engine vehicles.                             investment to deliver ultra-rapid
remaining barrier to                                                        charging infrastructure across
consumer EV uptake.            While initially fewer chargers will be
                                                                            the UK.
                               required, until the market develops,
                               the most economic infrastructure             A market-led approach, without the
                               solution is to plan for a future where       appropriate government intervention,
                               there is no liquid fuel. This would          will result in a postcode lottery with
                               mean ensuring that there is enough           many low wealth and rural areas left
                               electricity capacity to enable more          with an insufficient network of rapid
                               ultra-rapid chargers to be added             charging infrastructure. This will be
                               as and when necessary to meet                a serious deterrent for potential EV
                               the future EV demand, without the            drivers. We need to ensure that all
                               need for further disruptive and costly       families across the UK have an equal
                               construction work to change the              opportunity to reap the technology
                               network connection.                          and air quality benefits that EV’s
                                                                            will bring. If left to the market
                               If there is an inadequate number of
                                                                            alone, sufficient charging capacity
                               EV charge points, queues will form
                                                                            will likely only be delivered at the
                               potentially causing the market to stall
                                                                            high utilisation / low costs sites
                               reinforcing consumers’ perception of
                                                                            highlighted in Fig.4. with a maximum
                               range anxiety.
                                                                            of only 16 sites having potential for
                               While significant investment has             the market to deliver.
                               been made into UK charging
                               infrastructure, the existing market
                               structures at MSA’s are complex.             Recommendation:
                               In order to successfully leverage            As set out in the National
                               private investment, the market needs         Infrastructure Assessment6 and the
                               certainty in both affordable cost of         BEIS Committee Report “Electric
                               infrastructure and EV utilisation rates.     Vehicles: Driving the Transition”5,
                               We know from talking to prospective          we believe the Government should
                               market participants that they do not         prioritise the rollout of a “national
                               currently have certainty on either,          network of ultra-rapid EV chargers”.
Supporting the growth of electric vehicles - January 2019 - National Grid
Supporting the growth of electric vehicles   National Grid | January 2019

                    A market-led approach, without the appropriate
                    government intervention, will result in an
                    infrastructure postcode lottery, and an unequal
                    distribution of chargers across the UK,
                    specifically in rural areas.

                    Fig. 4. National Grid analysis highlighting cost of delivering electricity
                    network capacity at strategic MSA sites vs. traffic flow.

                    30                                                                                                                        14

                    25                                                                                                                        12

                                                                                                                                                   Car traffic (k/day)
Solution cost (m)


                     5                                                                                                                        2

                     0                                                                                                                        0

                         Solution cost (m)         Car traffic (k/day)

Supporting the growth of electric vehicles - January 2019 - National Grid
National Grid | January 2019              Supporting the growth of electric vehicles

We are developing funding
options which minimise the cost
to consumers, while enabling the
future market to mature

For most energy transmission              With the creation of a funding               As set out in Fig. 6, if we assume
network infrastructure projects,          pool, which would see market                 that the actual construction start
National Grid will fund the initial       participants coming forward to               date is phased over five years from
upfront capital investment for the        pay for capacity access to each              2022, to deliver the 54 MSA sites,
required infrastructure, recovering       site, the market would begin to              the maximum annual payment
the costs over the lifetime of the        contribute towards the annual                will be £50m, in year five, with the
asset, typically 40 years, through        costs, reducing the overall amount           average annual connection fee
an annual connection charge.              Government pays in the long-term.            across the project being c.£20m.
                                                                                       While we appreciate the challenges
We recognise that, in addition to         As an example of how the market
                                                                                       to justify any Government spend,
the market funding challenges,            could participate in practice,
                                                                                       it serves to highlight the need
there are also concerns with energy       the capacity price could be
                                                                                       for interdepartmental, long term
bill payers funding EV transport          cost reflective, with payment
infrastructure, especially in the early   proportionate to the capacity
adoption years.                           required i.e. a participant requesting       We recognise the current charging
                                          a fifth of the site capacity, where a        method for DNO’s does not
A strategic approach is required
                                          site has annual connection charge            enable them to recover costs
to fund a network of ultra-rapid
                                          of £300k, would pay £60k/yr. into            over the lifetime of their assets.
                                          the funding pool.                            We understand however that
While there are likely several                                                         there is work ongoing to align
options for how to fund a strategic       As the market matures, and
                                                                                       the distribution and transmission
network of ultra-rapid chargers,          the utilisation rates increase,
                                                                                       charging regimes. This change
we believe one of the swiftest and        market participants will erode
                                                                                       would ensure that the suggested
simplest methods is using the             the Government payments, as
                                                                                       funding mechanism would work
existing network charging regime,         depicted in Fig. 5. While this will
                                                                                       for both transmission and
which requires minimal legislative        likely happen faster in some areas
                                                                                       distribution networks.
intervention from Government.             than others, especially in areas
                                          of high utilisation, this model will
To remove the initial market entry        ensure that the country is served
barriers and ensure the timely                                                         Recommendation:
                                          as a whole. Those areas that are
delivery of future-proofed network                                                     To ensure the infrastructure can
                                          not as commercially viable to the
infrastructure, Government would                                                       be delivered in a timely manner,
                                          market, such as the low wealth and
be required to underwrite the                                                          as a priority, the Government
                                          rural areas, will also have access to
overall construction cost (c. £0.8-                                                    and Regulator should agree in
                                          sufficient infrastructure to overcome
1bn), and pay the early years’                                                         2019 who should pay for MSA
                                          consumer range anxiety.
annual connection charges.                                                             reinforcement and other critical
                                                                                       EV infrastructure, and agree an
                                                                                       appropriate funding mechanism.

Supporting the growth of electric vehicles   National Grid | January 2019

 Fig. 5. Indicative market share

                                Year 1                             Year 2                             Year 3           Year 15

                          Government          Market participant

 Fig. 6. Annual electricity connection costs for 54 MSA sites


Annual connection costs

  Present value (£m)






                                                                              Financial year

                                 Connection costs

National Grid | January 2019   Supporting the growth of electric vehicles


Recommendation 1
As set out in the National Infrastructure Assessment and
the BEIS Committee report ‘Electric Vehicles: Driving the
Transition’, we believe the Government should prioritise the
rollout of a ‘national network of ultra-rapid EV chargers’.

Recommendation 2
To ensure that consumer uptake of EVs is not hindered,
and using powers under the Automated and Electric
Vehicle Act, the Government should designate, in 2019,
which MSA sites should be part of a minimal viable network
of ultra-rapid chargers, to ensure there is adequate time to
deliver the required electricity network infrastructure, and
ensure EV targets are achieved.

Recommendation 3
To ensure the infrastructure can be delivered in a timely
manner, as a priority, the Government and Regulator should
agree in 2019 who should pay for MSA reinforcement and
other critical EV infrastructure, and agree an appropriate
funding mechanism to deliver the necessary investment,
in areas where the market won’t deliver.

Supporting the growth of electric vehicles   National Grid | January 2019

National Grid | January 2019             Supporting the growth of electric vehicles

1. HM Government (BEIS),                4.,
    Industrial Strategy: Building a          “16 million motorists say they
    Britain fit for the Future, (2017)       can’t afford to drive electric
                                             cars”, (2018)
2. HM Government (BEIS), The
    Clean Growth Strategy:               5	BEIS, Electric Vehicles:
    Leading the way to a low carbon         Driving the Transition, (2018)
    future, (2017)
                                         6. National Infrastructure
3. DEFRA, Clean Air Strategy 2018,           Commission,
    (2018)                                    National Infrastructure
                                              Assessment, (2018)
                                         7. HM Government,
                                              AEV Act, (2018)

If you require any further information, please contact;
Pete Abson
Graeme Cooper

Supporting the growth of electric vehicles   National Grid | January 2019

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