And they're off! The 2018 Tour de Timor competitors hit the road from Palacio De Governu. More inside.

Page created by Suzanne Hamilton
And they're off! The 2018 Tour de Timor competitors hit the road from Palacio De Governu. More inside.
And they’re off! The 2018 Tour de Timor competitors
hit the road from Palacio De Governu. More inside.    Photo by Leith Carroll
And they're off! The 2018 Tour de Timor competitors hit the road from Palacio De Governu. More inside.
And they're off! The 2018 Tour de Timor competitors hit the road from Palacio De Governu. More inside.
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And they're off! The 2018 Tour de Timor competitors hit the road from Palacio De Governu. More inside.
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And they're off! The 2018 Tour de Timor competitors hit the road from Palacio De Governu. More inside.
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And they're off! The 2018 Tour de Timor competitors hit the road from Palacio De Governu. More inside.
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And they're off! The 2018 Tour de Timor competitors hit the road from Palacio De Governu. More inside.
The ‘100 Great Icons’                                                                                                                            ‘Snippets’
                                       PLAY-DOH - Moulding Young Lives                                                             A few Snippets to make you Snigger. A friend was in the six item express lane at the store
                                                                                                                                   quietly fuming. Completely ignoring the sign, the woman ahead of my friend had slipped into the check-out
                                                                                                                                   line pushing a cart piled high with groceries. Imagine my friend’s delight when the cashier beckoned the
  THEIR BUSINESS.                                                                                                                  woman to come forward looked into the cart and asked sweetly, “So which six items would you like to buy?”
  New Jersey preschool teacher Kay Zufall loved spending her days moulding young minds, but moulding                               Wouldn’t it be great if that happened more often? Because they had no reservations at a busy restaurant,
  clay was another story altogether. Over dinner with her brother-in law Joe McVicker in 1955, Kay couldn’t                        my elderly neighbour and his wife were told there would be a 45 minute wait for a table. “Young man, we’re
  help bermoan that the poor quality of department-issue modeling clay made her art lessons very trying.                           both 90 years old,” the husband said. “We may not have 45 minutes.” They were seated immediately. The
  The clay was messy, sticky and too stiff to be shaped by tiny hands, and Kay was over joyed when Joe                             reason Politicians try so hard to get re-elected is that they would “hate” to have to make a living under the
  offered a solution. The McVicker family ran the Cincinnati-based company Kutol Chemicals, America’s                              laws they have passed. All eyes were on the radiant bride as her father escorted her down the aisle. They
  largest manufacturer of Magic Wallpaper Cleaner. A nontoxic compound to dean fireplace soot from walls,                          reached the altar and the waiting groom. The bride kissed her father and placed something in his hand.
  sales of the doughy concoction had been in decline as alternative heating methods advance. By the 1950s
                                                                                                                                   The guests in the front pews responded with ripples of laughter. Even the priest smiled broadly. As her
  the McVickers were scratching their heads as they stared as their warehouse shelves, fully stocked
  with a product that fewer and fewer people needed. Joe asked his sister-in-law to take a few tubs of the                         father gave her away in marriage, the bride gave him back his credit card. Women and cats will do as they
  obsolete product to her next art lesson. Soft and long-lasting, it received rave reviews from its pint-sized                     please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea. Three friends from the local congregation
  critics, and it wasn’t long before Joe sent samples to other local schools. The squishy substance was soon                       were asked, “When you’re in your casket, and friends and congregation members are mourning over you,
  standard issue in all Cincinnati Board of Education elementary schools. Having discovered a lucrative                            what would you like them to say?” Artie said, “I would like them to say I was a wonderful husband, a fine
  means of offloading the company’s stock, Joe took his group to an education convention, where it caught                          spiritual leader, and a great family man.” Eugene commented, “I would like them to say I was a wonderful
  the eye of buyers from the Washington D.C. department store Woodard & Lothrop. Altough available only                            teacher and servant of God who made a huge difference in people’s lives..” Al said, “I’d like them to say,
  in off-white, it was an immediate hit with toddlers, and in 1956 the McVickers formed the Rainbow Crafts
                                                                                                                                   ‘Look, he’s moving!’” Smith climbs to the top of Mt. Sinai to get close enough to talk to God. Looking up,
  Company to manufacture and distribute their valuable formula, renamed ‘Play-Doh’. Thought to be a blend
  of wheat flour, water, deodorized kerosene and perfume (the recipe remains a secret to this day), it wasn’t                      he asks the Lord. “God, what does a million years mean to you?” The Lord replies, “A minute.” Smith asks,
  long before colour was added. In 1957 Play Doh appeared in red, blue and yellow and become available                             “And what does a million dollars mean to you?” The Lord replies, “A penny.” Smith asks, “Can I have a
  nationwide. By 1964 Play-Doh was on sale around the globe. The pliable play-stuff made Joe McVicker                              penny?” The Lord replies, “In a minute.” John was on his deathbed and gasped pitifully, “Give me one last
  a millionaire by the time he was 27. It’s estimated that the total amount of Play-Doh sold to date equals                        request, dear,” he said. “Of course, John,” his wife said softly. “Six months after I die,” John said, “I want
  the weight of 159 fully loaded space shuttles. Play-Doh from the more than two billion cans sold so far                          you to marry Bob.” “But I thought you hated Bob,” she said. With his last breath John said, “I do!” A man
  could form a a snake to wrap around Earth 300 times. Perhaps most importantly, it made art lessons for a                         goes to see the Rabbi. “Rabbi, something terrible is happening and I have to talk to you about it.” The
  dedicated New Jersey teacher fun and hassle-free.
                                                                                                                                   Rabbi asked, “What’s wrong?” The man replied, “My wife is going to poison me.” The Rabbi, very surprised
  FAST FACTS:                                                                                                                      by this, asks, “How can that be?” The man then pleads, “I’m telling you, I’m certain she’s going to poison
  1960: Play-Doh mascot ‘ Play-Doh Pete’ adorns the package. Originally dressed in a beret and artist’s                            me. What should I do?” The Rabbi then offers, “Tell you what. Let me talk to her, I’ll see what I can find out
  smock, a modernized Pete now dons a backwards baseball cap.                                                                      and I’ll let you know.” A week later the Rabbi calls the man and says, “I spoke to your wife on the phone for
  1965: Joe McVicker and his brother Noah are granted the patent for a ‘plastic modeling composition of a                          three hours. You want my advice? The man said, “Yes” and the Rabbi replied, “Take the poison.”
  soft, pliable working consistency.
  1986: Play-Doh is packaged in a tight-seal plastic container after thirty years of being sold in carboard
  1991: Toy giant Hasbro becomes the new owner of Play-Doh.
  1996: Play-Doh celebrates its fortieth birthday and introduces gold and silver to the range, as well as                                                        FROM THE EDITOR
  mouldable Splash ’n Play-Doh Soap.
  2005: Researches at Clarkson University find that most fingerprint scanning systems can be fooled 90                               September was a big month. To start with there were no public holidays. An exception to the rule. However
  percent of the time by taking a mould of the mark’s finger, filling the mould with Play-Doh, and using the                         there is November to come.
  fake finger to gain access.                                                                                                        The fabulous Tour de Timor took place and was another great success. See the social pages for more.
                                                                             From Chris Sheedy & Jenny Bond                          A few goings and a few comings. Again refer to the social pages. Loretta, Meena and James are going
                                                                                                                                     and old friends Seb and Renee have returned after a few years break.
                                                                                                                                     Peter Allen (no relation) is also leaving and the farewell was facilitated during an Hawaiian evening where
                                                                                                                                     lotus blossoms and bright shirts were par for the course.
                                                                                                                                     Masala Dosa breakfast has got bigger and better and also the Australian Ambassador held a meet and
                           “The RULES of LIFE”                                                                                       greet.
                                                                                                                                     It was interesting to note, by the time the last edition came out displaying Australian Minister Julie Bishop
                                                                                                                                     on the front page, she was already deposed.
                                     Not Everything can be Green                                                                     These things happen in the volatile Australian political arena.
                                                                                                                                     We have some spare space this month so I have included the 12th anniversary ‘brag page’ of Guide Post
  I’ve just heard about a chap* who has invented shoes that recharge your mobile phone battery while                                 even though a whee bit late.
  you’re walking. Brilliant. I want a pair but they all look like rugged walking boots – designed for areas                          Like always, if you’re going somewhere, safe travelling.
  where recharging equipment isn’t available, such as jungles and deserts. I’ll have a pair when they make
                                                                                                                                     Till next time.    Cheers !         Leith Carroll
  them in Oxford brogues. Not everything can be green. Not everyone can be as organic and as we would
  have them be.
  Ok, we’ve gone through the rant about the state of the world and what we’re doing to it. Now I’m going to
  give you a tiny get-out clause. Not everything can be green. There has to be by – products. There has to
  be some pollution. There has to be some damage. We are vast in number – billion of humans living on
  the planet have to have an effect – and we have to live. There will always be some damage. Our job is to
  limit it but it is unrealistic to attempt to eliminate it altogether. It’s all a question of balance, of priorities. It is
  unrealistic to demand the immediate elimination of all motor vehicles in the world; it’s not going to happen.                                                              Guide Post
  But we can do our bit by buying cars that use less fuel, emit cleaner exhaust fumes, use recyclable materi-
  als in their construction. But they won’t be totally green, they can’t be.                                                                            Advertising Enquiries: ph:(+670) 7726 7160
  We might all rush off to disaster zones to lend a hand but we’ll fly there and aircraft emit huge quantities of                                             Sales Phone: (+670) 7799 1302
  exhaust fumes. You see, we are making choices all the time. Driving to work, heating our homes, what we                                           
  wear, what we eat. We can’t expect everyone to be as green as we want to be. We can’t expect everything                                      Deadline: every 20th of the month. Guide Post. Central Hotel
  to be as green as we would have it.                                                                                                                         26 Rua 30 de Agosto, Formosa
  If we all manage to achieve a reduction it helps. If we are all conscious about what we are doing it helps.                                    Certificado No. 10298 Read online: (or download a copy)
  But we can’t expect perfection. We can’t expect perfection. We can’t turn things around overnight. If you’re                    Accommodation & Business Register website:
  trying so hard to be green that it’s causing you a great deal of stress and buy nothing at all in plastic and                 enquiries:
  you’ll quickly see what I mean), then stop. Make an effort but accept that it’s never going to be totally                                                    Facebook: Guide Post Magazine
  perfect. Just so long as we are trying to do something, it helps.
                                                                                            From Richard Templar

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And they're off! The 2018 Tour de Timor competitors hit the road from Palacio De Governu. More inside.
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And they're off! The 2018 Tour de Timor competitors hit the road from Palacio De Governu. More inside.
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And they're off! The 2018 Tour de Timor competitors hit the road from Palacio De Governu. More inside.
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         the following places
 A1 Services                    Osteria Italiano                 EMERGENCY                            Cheers Timor Plaza 77719776              Express Distribution 77230883    Instant Shop            77292200    NTECH IT Solutions 77138866                    St. Mary’s Private Child School
 ANL Timor                      Ossobubu Group                   CIVIL UNREST             77230365    Christadelphians email:                  Excel Est. Develop.Ltd3315888    Island Charters         77235646    NITL            77750263 / 3323333             77046781
 Air Timor                      Palm Spring(Office)              National Opp Centre 112              ­              F                                J                                   Novo Horizonte Htl                3311237      Sunshine Diver         73089999
 AJ Park                        Páteo Supermarket                A                                     Clinica LorikuMed 7717 5838             Fatubesi Travel        3310040   Jack’s @PSE Club        77231071    NSL OilChem                       3312345      SVSC                   77230965
 Alola Foundation               Plaza Hotel                      333 Clinica              76916855     Chris McIlrath Pure Water               Fibreglass Repair    77234316    Jeitu                   78169222    O                                              T
 ANZ Bank                       Quantech                         A1 Services              77230607                              77323351       Flodova Farma        7737 3727   JL Villa                73367259    Oasis Sustain. Projects77252569                Talho Moris            73397364
 Arbiru Beach Resort            RMS Engineering & Construction   Aone Plus                77508120     Christ for all nations 77372443         Floorball            77274684    JVK Naga Movers         77235784    Oasis Translations              78538353       Tam Electrics          77231078
 Asia Foundation                Sawa D                           a2p                      77256341     City Management 77989888                Flybus(Airportsuttleserv)        K                                   Oceanview Hotel                 77236041       TBBI Blocks            77235189
 Australia Embassy              SDV
 Autozone Unipessoal Lda                                         Abadi Villas        +62361730899      City 8                   78040406       77508585                         Katuas Hotel           7746 9090    Orchard Apart.                  77232000       Terra Santa           7320 2020
                                Silk Printing
 Bank Mandiri                                                    Alfa Dili Shop           77250842     Cold Storage                3313169     FNTL Optical WS       77275177   Kobecars          +819011477344     P                                              The Spa / Hair Spa 77305045
                                Spooners Bikes & Booze
 Beachside Hotel                                                 All Elect. Problems       77234316    Colina Verde Laundry 77278777           Food Start Rest       77238358   Kor Timor               77334460    Pae                              77231028      Tibar Beach Retreat 77391124
                                Stamford Medical
 Belak Fuel                     Talho Moris                      Alola Gift Shop            3323855    Com Beach Rsort             3324227     Food L Do T.P77326262,3311386    Kaye Freight & S        77259267    Palm Spring Estate 77231071                    Tibar Beach Rest.      77391124
 BNU                            Terra Santa                      Anteater                 77237033     Concept Construction 78303961           Food L Do Palm Business.         Karmu A. do Vet         77233792    Papelaria Pereirita               3321333      TIDS         3311232 / 78302225
 Burger King                    Thai Herb                        Anteater Employ’t        77294345     Convenience Store 77231200              Centre 77182797                  Kinny Tint Mobile Window Tinting    Pastor Lucky V. Okpara 77725078                Tiger Fuel             77231200
 Caimeo Beach Resort            The Ramelau Hotel                Ant.Optic.& Souvenir 77233457         Couple for Christ           3311016     Forces Rathnayake 7872 7999                               331 3813   Perkins Shipping                73322818       Timor Adventures       78625995
 Caz Bar                        Tiger Fuel                       ANZ Bank                   3324800    CompassBoat Chart 77230964/6            Free Flow Dive       77234614    Konnekto Agency         77294345    Plaza Hotel                      77232438      Timor Aid               3312260
 CCC Travel                     Time Square                      Ariana Oceano              3322109    Credit Corporation 7335 6860            Fuda Shop              3310529   Kemangi Beauty R        77347722    P o t t e r ’s C h r i s t i a n C h u r c h   Timor Homes Rental 77520635
 Centro Supermercado            Timor Lodge Hotel                Arte Moris               77233507     CSI Apartment             77087163      Furak Casa Decor. 77322087       Krung Thep Thai Rest. 77332399      77885511                                       Timor Lodge             3324227
 Clinica LorikuMed              Timor Mega Tours                 Atauro Dive Resort       73232455     D                                       G                                KURA HAO                 3310801    Professional Pest Control                      Timor Mega Tours       77235199
 Colina Verde Laundry           Timor Plaza                      Austr. Boat Captain      77234316     DALAN                     77288827      Gardamor Security 77250880       L                                   3310211, 3313003                               Timor Plaza Hotel       3313288
 Concept Construction           Timor Telecom                    Aust. Driving Instructor 77234316     Daikyo Industrial        77265225       Garden Resident       77458474   LABEH(NGO LABEH) 77240795           PPC Frozen Food Importer &                     Timor Plaza Office      3316688
 Credit Corporation             TLDPDP
 DCP (Australian Army)                                           Aust. Marime Consult. 77234316        D’ City Hotel              332 2653     GeoConsult 3313242/7767328       Lava East Homes          3324514    Distributor                      3313 003      Timor Ocean Prod. 77231901
                                US Navy Compound
 Dili Club                                                       Auto Vision              77444088     Deck Bar 3311111, 77337509              Geotechnik Ltd       77232786    Lauhata Beach Escape 7740 1111      Pumper & Gas Filter 77234316                   Timor Stevedores        3322109
                                USAID Farol
 Dili International Airport                                      Azad Autos Lda.          77320028     Delicious Bakery          77233415      Gion Japanese Rest. 3322038      Lecidere Office Cent. 77438111      Q                                              Timor Telecom           3303000
                                Venture Hotel
 D & N Movers                   VinodPatel                       B                                     Dental Clinic             77445766      Global Aimutin Villa 73822222    LELI (English Courses)              QSI Int. School                   3322389      Client Support Serv      172
 Dive Resort                    VIP Gas                          Ba Futuru                  3322437    DHL Express                 3311567     Global Net           77260665                 77487232, 77009350     Qual. Aust.Boat Captai77234316                 Service Difficulties     172
 Diya Restaurant                Western Union                    Baldwin Filters            3312308    Dili Build Solution II 77288080         Gloria Jean’s T.P    77719864    LELI (Tetun Courses) 78062835       Qual.Marime Engineer 77234316                  Directory Information 128
 Diza Restaurant                                                 Baniuaga Furniture       77250880     Dili Club                 77233149      Gloria Jean’s Colm. 77719871     Lemo-rai Editora       7815 5446    Quantech                         331 1280      Internet Services        177
 East Timor Trading                                              Beard Papa T.P           77140769     Dili Hash                77557578       Gloria Jean’s Bidau 77719873     Lightcom          +620361769246     R                                              Telemor                76900005
 Eco Discovery                                                   Beach Garden Estate 3315888           Dili Int. School          77339030      G-Net                7551 9999            Ra Logistic Serv                77349177       Tjia & Tchai Acct.      3321756
 EDS                                                             Belak Fuels                3324120    Dili MartSupermarket 78117822           Golden Star Rest     77233838    LisaBaker Piano Lessons77051763     Ramelau Hotel                     3311100      TNT Express            77235359
 E-Silva Car Rental                                              Bell-Indo                77230560     Dili Paradise            77982326       Gracia Bookstore      77348566   LLumar                  77322222    Remy’s Alfaiate                 77401264       TransporterCarRent 77237889
                                                                 Belun                      3310353    Dili Shuttle Bus          77508585      Gree AC              77139266    LOGOS Training Center               RMS                             77230540       Trans& Lang Course 77254307
 Fantija Hotel & Apartment
                                                                 BDW Tours           +62361248777      Dili Spot 3313303/77312592              Green Leaf           7871 7777               78006895 / 73499133     Rocella Bar                     77237993       Trattoria & Pizzeria 78025557
 Federal Insurance
 Gardamor                                                        Black Rock Restaurant 77988305        Dili Waste                77287917      GSA DVD Shop         77232789    Loja LIRAS 7833 1777, 7833 6630     Rotary Club of Dili             77304176       Tropical Hotel          3325084
 Geotechnik Ltd                                                  Breen Martin             77235178     Discovery Inn      3311111, 77337509    Guide Post Magaz. 77267160       Lorasae Eng Inst         3321082    Roman Star                      77556577       Troy Logistic Servi    77235359
 Global Aimutin Villa                                            BombayKitchenRest 77365999            Dive Tim. Lorosae 77237092              H                                Lucky Cake House        77378241    RTP                             77231223       TUSSPL Cat Oils        77240679
 Gloria Jeans                                                    Bongga Salon & Spa 77278055           Dive Trek & Camp 77251289               H20                  77264616    Lusa                    77231567    RPD Styles                      77924901       Tuscany Shop            3310107
 Golden Star Restaurant                                          Burger King Timor Plaza 77719866      Diya Restaurant             3321045     Hair Spa               3331393   M                                   S                                              U
 Heineken                                                        Burger King Colmera 77719870          Design& AutoCAD Ser 77363152            Haksolok Consult. 77328580       Makanan T.P. 77140769, 77809190     Samhee Construction 7784 9120                  United Auto LDA        77267551
 H20                                                             Burger King Airport      77718754     DL Lawyers Co. R. 77269974              Harmony Spa & Salon77372868      Marime Engineer         77234316    SAWA D                          7872 3888      V
 Hotel California                                                Burger King Bidau        77719873     Dreamers DiveAcademy 7709 9734          Hrmony Fitness Cent. 77245094    Maubere Security        77232908    Shah Garden                     77299000       Venture Hotel          77230870
 Hotel Timor                                                     Bridgestone              77068725     Duty Free Shops 3310154, 3310117        Heather Proof         77234316   Meratus Line            73008787    Sands Motel                     73310915       Veterans Mech.          3313741
 Inovar 4                                                        C                                     E                                       Hermosa Flowers      7726 7943   MHM Constr. Ltd         77270786    Saigon Vietnam                  77244888       Villa Mataruak         77247712
 Island Dream                                                    CCC Travel                331 0008                                            Hi Tech Tech         77267784    Minco Asia Unip. LDA 77523888       SanCar Shop                       3310606      Villa Verde Hotel       3310188
                                                                                                       Eastern Burger            77388089
                                                                 Carroll Leith            77233341     East Timor Roofing 77612005             Home Logistics AC & CCTV         MoneyGram               77611000    SanCar Pest Con.                  3310606      Vinod Patel            77140555
 JVK Naga Movers
                                                                 Casa do Sandalo            3311251    East Timor Trading 77230945             77119757 / 73344004              Moby’s D-B-Hotel        77236173    SanCar Procure’t                  3310606      VIP GAS               7315 0000
 JL Villa
 Leli School                                                     Castaway Bar             77339000     Early Sun Cafe             3324514      Hot Deals 77957364 / 77234777    MOTAGADE Prod           77375989    Stamford Medical                  3310141      W
 LOC (Lecidere Office Center)                                    Caz Bar                  77233961     ECF                      77240268       Hotel R.Carlos. L     77230826   MSI Clinic               3322841    SDV                              77230517      Welink Lda             76763000
 Lucky Cake House                                                Caimeo Beach Resort 77988305          Eco Discovery             77269829      HotRoyalBeach&Rest77258466       M&M Contrc              77278810    Sinar Mas Insurance 77836356                   Western Union
 Malinamoc Paradise                                              Central Hardware           3323251    Elite Comptr. 73226688 / 73312345       Hotel The Ramelau 3311100        N                                   Sociedade Ind Co                77266007           Dili                3321586
 Maubere Security                                                Central Hotel              3323888    English Portuguese 77428991             Hotel Timor            3324502   Nacional Grafica        77341111    Sousa Motor Repairs 77233747                      Baucau              77240897
 Naris Restaurant                                                Centrepoint         +61889419199      Entreposto               77232481       I                                Naris Restaurant        73016484    Speed Electrical AC 77238855                      Maliana             77261378
 Nautilus                                                        Centro M.Magone          77236210     Ensul                       3325023     IL Gelato T.P. 77140769,         National Eye Centre      3310415    Sporting Petisq’                 77234764      Womens Woven A         77233318
 Novo Horizonte                                                  Centro Supermercado 77854073          Ensul Wine Shop           77241052      77809190                         Natrinda AC             7864 1111   StarCom & Elet.                  77230786      XYZ
 Novo Turismo Hotel                                              Chaes Pizza              77324099     Esplanada Hotel             3313088     Inet                 77233991    Neptune Security       7859 1222    Statewest Crane                 77230607       Zeo Electro Serv.      77232797
 NSL OilChem                                                     Cheers Bidau             77392688     Esset         3317017 / 77328814        INSPRI Security       78515745   N & N Residences       7303 7282    Spectra Stat. Shop               331 3303      Zeon International     77297888
 Oasis Sustainable Projects

                                     From “Comedians Quote Book”                                                                                                                                EMBASSIES
                Anyone who likes golf on television woud enjoy watching the grass grow on the greens.
                                                                                                         Andy Rooney

                                                                                                                                                     “Comedians When you study phylosophy in school, you remember just enough to screw you up
                                                                                                                                                        Quote   for the rest of your life.
                                                                                                                                                        Book”                                                                Steve Martin

Guide post Magazine                                                                                                                           12                                                                                         
FEATURES STORIES                                                                                      HOROSCOPE - OCTOBER 2018
  Perth ‘murders’: Man accused of killing five family members A man                                                     ARIES: BIRTHDAYS FROM 21 MARCH to 20 APRIL
                                                                                                                              General Highlights: October 2018 will prove to be a rather peculiar time for Aries: it will be generally
                                                                          has been charged with murdering his           p­ ositive, but with a lot of important nuances that must be taken into account while moving towards the desired
                                                                          wife, three young children and their           goal. Now, the Sun, which is usually exultant for this sign and literally fills this sign with vital energy, will turn
                                                                                                                         away from Aries; but, its main heavenly patron, Mars, will be significantly strengthened due to its interstellar
                                                                          grandmother at a house in Western              position. What does it entail for Aries? Well, this means that despite the unfavorable position of the star, your
                                                                          Australia (WA). The bodies of Mara             sign will have a lot of energy - actually, more than enough energy. At some points it will be just enough, because
                                                                          Lee Harvey, 41, two-year-old twins             you will need all this energy in order to help not only yourself but also your relatives. You will help even those
                                                                                                                         people whose paths you barely cross at all but who are worthy of receiving your help. In the second fall month
                                                                          Alice and Beatrix, ­    three-year-old         you have to work hard, but you will truly enjoy this hard work.
                                                                          Charlotte, and Beverley Quinn, 73,
                                                                          ­                                              TAURUS: FROM 21 APRIL to 21 MAY
                                                                          were ­discovered by police in Perth on        General Highlights: The situation around certain spheres of life will develop in an unusual way for Taurus
                                                                          Sunday. Anthony Robert Harvey, 24,            representatives, who will be supported by their traditional patrons, the Moon and Venus. In October 2018 you
                                                                          was charged with five counts of murder        definitely should not rush to conclusions, despite the fact that your energy will literally be overflowing. Now,
                                                                                                                        it is important to direct your efforts to solve problems that are already taking place. That means that it will be
                                                                          on Monday. The deaths were caused             much more important to be checking your back rather than looking directly toward the future. This is a quite
                                                                          by “a blunt instrument and knives”,           logical thing to be happening at this stage, because the second fall month will be laying the foundation for some
                                                                                                                        new beginnings. You personally will need something more, rather than just having a plain desire for it. Do not
  ­police said. WA Police Commissioner Chris Dawson said it was believed that Mrs Harvey and the children                ­disregard advice from the outside: an objective view of your situation will come in handy. Do not pull the blanket
   had died at home, in the suburb of Bedford, on 3 September. Mrs Quinn was killed after going to the                    over yourself; let the others reap some benefits too.
   house the next day, Mr Dawson said. Police allege that Mr Harvey remained in the house for “some days”                 GEMINI: BIRTHDAYS FROM 22 MAY to 21 JUNE
   before attending a police station in Pannawonica, about 1,430km (900 miles) north of Perth, on Sunday.               General Highlights: Gemini, supported by Ceres, will feel confident in October 2018. There will be a
   They would not give further details. Deputy Premier Roger Cook said: “Our heart goes out to the family               lot of promising adventures on the horizon, and there will not be much that can really pull you off the chosen
                                                                                                                        path. The main thing is not to think in the usual way. The second fall month should be quite playful, despite
   and friends of all involved and also to the first responders who had to witness that horrible situation. “I                the ­seriousness of the tasks that you may face. Do not think too much; act easily and quickly choose the most
   want everyone just to hug their kids, hug their family today.” It is the third suspected mass murder that has              interesting and extraordinary way. Only creative thinking will save your life (in a figurative sense, of course) in
   taken place in Western Australia this year. In July, a 19-year-old man was charged with the murders of                     relation to both the working and personal spheres. You should stay away from provoking anyone and should not
                                                                                                                              allow anyone to provoke you. Sometimes it is better to take a bystander position and observe what is happening
   two children and their mother in another Perth suburb, Ellenbrook. Two months before that, seven people                    from the outside, otherwise it is possible to mess things up and be left with even more difficulties than before.
   were found dead at a rural property in Osmington, 280km (170 miles) south of Perth, in the country’s worst                 You need not push too hard in relation to your work; act according to the circumstances, and do not forget about
                                                                                                                              why you are doing all of these things.
   mass shooting since 1996. BBC
                                                                                                                              CANCER: BIRTHDAYS FROM 22 JUNE to 23 JULY
                                                                                                                        General Highlights: The situation will evolve quite curiously for Cancer in October 2018. It will happen
                                                                                                                        because this sign will be supported not only by its usual patron, Moon, but by amazing coincidence will also gain
  South African artist defends ‘Nazi Mandela’ work A South African artist                                               the support of Saturn, which is usually quite aggressive and unstable in relation to Cancer. Do not panic, but this
  has defended his controversial work                                                                                   period might mark a new era in your life. The second autumn month will signify the beginning of a new period
                                                                                                                        that will come to your life abruptly, suddenly, without any transition stage. However, there is nothing to worry
  which depicts anti-apartheid leader                                                                                     about because even Saturn is on your side, and its support will give you special advantages in an ­amazing and
  Nelson Mandela doing a Nazi salute.                                                                                     most incomprehensible way throughout this entire month. Look back into the past without fear, recalling that
  Ayanda Mabulu’s piece drew criti-                                                                                       even negative experience is very important, because it allows you to learn from your mistakes and to avoid
                                                                                                                          doing stupid things over again.
  cism after it was briefly displayed at
  a Johannesburg art-fair. A former
                                                                                                                          LEO: BIRTHDAYS FROM 24 JULY to 23 AUGUST
                                                                                                                        General Highlights: Leo in October 2018 will occupy an interesting position, which will mostly be defined
  president, Mr Mandela is a much-                                                                                      by the circumstances rather than by your own decisions. There is nothing bad about this. It is just because
  loved figure in South Africa, credited                                                                                your main patron, the Sun is relatively unstable. However, Uranus, which can easily create a mess in usual
  with ending white-minority rule. Ma-                                                                                  circumstances, will turn into your best friend. This means a couple of things to you. The first thing is that the
                                                                                                                        dynamics of the period will increase gradually, and the most vivid events will most likely occur towards the
  bulu said that he was speaking on                                                                                     end of the month. This certainly does not mean that you can sit around and do nothing, assuming that nothing
  behalf of poor black South Africans.                                                                                  important will happen early on. On the contrary, your actions will often play against circumstances that will
                                                                                                                        guarantee serious changes. The second thing to pay attention to is that this month you can boast about having
  “Mandela failed to ­deliver the dream                                                                                 a very special aura.
  and that makes him an equivalent of                                                                                         VIRGO: BIRTHDAYS FROM 24 AUGUST to 23 SEPTEMBER
  Hitler,” he told the BBC. The piece,                                                                                  General Highlights: The global support of Mercury and Ceres in October 2018 will become the dominant
  showing Mr Mandela superimposed                                                                                       factor that will allow Virgos to implement plans and achieve the desired results. Here, it is important to take
  on a German Nazi flag, was report-                                                                                    into account the peculiarity of the period: you should trust people less, now the risk of fraud and deception is
                                                                                                                        really very high, especially outside your area of competence. It would be ideal to sort out all your friends and
  edly taken down at the FNB Joburg                                                                                       ­acquaintances into categories for the sake of identifying obvious “parasites”. By “parasites”, we mean the type
  Art Fair as it was deemed insensitive.                                                                                   of friends who have been using you for a very long time not really giving anything back. On the other hand,
  According to local media, Mabulu                                                                                         the second fall month is also good for purifying yourself. Think seriously about how honest and fair you are in
                                                                                                                           treating people around you. Certainly, someone deserved your recent brutal treatment (the Christian concept
  caught the event’s organisers off-guard as he was not set to showcase his work at the fair. The Nelson                   of “forgiveness” was not really applicable here) but in most cases we receive mostly negative reactions from
  Mandela Foundation, which was set up to continue the legacy of Mr Mandela following his tenure as South                  other people.
  Africa’s first black president, called the work deeply offensive and said it tested the limits of the freedom            LIBRA: BIRTHDAYS FROM 24 SEPTEMBER to 23 OCTOBER
  of expression. But Mabulu was defiant: “I do not have anything to apologise for.” Is Nelson Mandela                         General Highlights: A couple of celestial bodies in the solar system will affect the lives of Libras in ­October
                                                                                                                           2018. Those are Eris, Mars, and Saturn. This period might turn into quite a significant one as a result. You will
  a sacred cow? (By Pumza Fihlani, BBC News, Johannesburg) South Africans are divided over the                             definitely have the opportunity to change something in the world around you. You should not be shy about
  latest work by controversial artist Ayanda Mabulu, which has prompted the Nelson Mandela Foundation                      your desires, but you need to learn how to define them clearly. You won’t be successful if you’re not really sure
  to raise questions about freedom of expression. Mabulu said Mr Mandela failed the poor, but has his                      about what you want. This month is definitely not good for moving in several directions at once. It is necessary
                                                                                                                           to choose, and although this choice won’t be a life-changing one, it is still worth taking seriously. October will
  depiction of the anti-apartheid icon, who spent 27 years in prison for fighting minority rule, as a Nazi gone            probably please you from a financial perspective with an increase in profits. Also, this month is not bad for large
  too far? It is not the first time the artist has taken aim at politicians. Previously his supporters defended            investments, including some risky ones. Big purchases will also benefit you, even if you yourself have not yet
  his inflammatory piece depicting former President Jacob Zuma in a sexual act, saying artists should have                 fully realized why you need them. Stability awaits you in the field of personal relationships. Right now you should
                                                                                                                           focus on solving the most pressing problems that have been bothering you for a while. In general, this is a good
  the space to express their views - no matter how shocking. But even in death, Mr Mandela is held in high                 period for your sign, but it is important to take advantage of all the benefits of the stage.
  regard around the world. Yet in recent years, as millions of poor young South Africans s­ truggle to realise             SCORPIO: BIRTHDAYS FROM 24 OCTOBER to 22 NOVEMBER
  their potential, many have been critical of his legacy. That being said, Mr Mandela was also known for not                  General Highlights: Moon’s unsuccessful position can create some problems for Scorpios, while
  shying away from criticism. For those who knew that fact, the artwork has not only felt like an attack - it                 Venus, usually responsible for “expelling” this sign, will remain neutral, due to an amazing coincidence of
                                                                                                                           ­circumstances. Pluto will turn into your supporter, which is a good thing to happen, because any kind of support
  has felt malicious. Even with his shortcomings, Mr Mandela was a peacemaker and an ­anti-racism cam-                      is important during this period. However, you should not worry - there are no truly serious difficulties waiting
  paigner while Nazi leader Adolf Hilter was, well, a killer and a racial supremacist - and history should not              for you. To be more precise, it is important to note that difficult situations can take place, but they will not be
  be misinterpreted. Mabulu was equally unfazed by the possibility of the lawsuit, saying: “I’m as poor as my               caused by external factors and circumstances, but by your own mistakes. Those mistakes are quite possible
                                                                                                                            to avoid. You should not take any risks during this period. The main difficulty is deciding whether you should
  people; I’ve got nothing to lose. I know they’ll win a lawsuit against me but they’ll never silence me.” Many             prioritize feelings or sentiments of mind. In addition, your friends will start occupying leading roles in your life
  on social media supported the foundation’s stance on the matter. BBC                                                      during October 2018. With all other things being equal, they are the only ones whom you can trust, open up to
                                                                                                                            with your thoughts, and seek advice or help.
                                                                                                                            SAGITTARIUS: BIRTHDAYS FROM 23 NOVEMBER to 23 DECEMBER
                                                                                                                        General Highlights: Sagittarius in October 2018 will be assisted by Eris and the Sun. The position of
  India thieves ‘ate from stolen royal gold lunchbox’ Thieves who stole a                                               the latter will be slightly unusual with respect to this sign, and will have a fundamental impact on Sagittarians.
    gold, diamond-studded lunchbox that belonged to a former                                                            The main emphasis will have to be kept on the field of work - personal relationships, drama, and all sorts of
                                                                                                                        other experiences will move to the background. Actually, you must move them to the background, for your
    royal family were using it to eat their meals, Indian police say.                                                   own sake. This does not mean that if your child comes up to you and asks for some help doing his homework
    The lunchbox, stolen last week, was recovered along with a                                                          that you should refuse to help him, saying that you have more than enough to do without his homework. You
    ruby and gold teacup, saucer and teaspoon. Two men from                                                             should avoid such extremes in following this recommendation. However, business issues will now be big, and
                                                                                                                        you will need a lot of time and energy to solve them. Stay focused. Some creative approach will be very much
    the southern city of Hyderabad have been arrested. The                                                                  ­appreciated at the same time, so try to be original.
    items, valued at $7m (£5.4m), once belonged to Mir Osman                                                                 CAPRICORN: BIRTHDAYS FROM 22 DECEMBER to 20 JANUARY
    Ali Khan, the last Nizam (king) of Hyderabad and once the                                                           General Highlights: Capricorns will feel confident in October 2018, and your main patron Mars will also
    richest man in the world. Police allege the two men had fled                                                             occupy a worthy position. That is why, at this stage, you can act quite freely, and even in an ­uncompromising
    to the western city of Mumbai in the hopes of finding a buyer                                                            manner in certain situations. The main thing is that you clearly understand what is going on around you.
                                                                                                                             ­Therefore, the stars give you a couple of pieces of advice that should help you throughout this period. You
    for the stolen goods where they lived a “fancy life” in a five-star                                                       should not rush to conclusions, and you should not see the world in black and white. This world is painted
    hotel for a few days. However, they were unable to find a buyer                                                           in million different shades, and by denying the presence of these colors you might end up severely limiting
                                                                                                                              yourself. In addition, this period will be very sensual - you will literally feel the need to be closer to those who
  and ­returned to Hyderabad were they where arrested after a                                                                 deserve it. Learn to forgive and not hold grudges. The ability to forgive is a trait of truly strong people. Weak and
  ­massive manhunt. Officers had initially struggled to identify the                                                          petty people always keep their hidden anger; that’s why they are so pitiful, and their dreams will always remain
   robbers because they had turned off all 32 CCTV camera’s                                                                   dreams. AQUARIUS: BIRTHDAYS 21 JANUARY to 19 FEBRUARY
   in the Nizam’s palace. However, a camera near the palace                                                             General Highlights: For Aquarius, who will be patronized by Neptune in October 2018 (and Mars, but
   ­captured the two men on a motorbike. Police say they found                                                          his influence will be unstable), this month will be quite an interesting and positive time. It is very important to
                                                                                                                        maintain a powerful, life-affirming attitude, otherwise you will fail to fulfill even some of the easiest tasks. So, if
    the motorbike a few days later and that helped them identify                                                        you are not sure, and you are tormented by some obscure doubts, do not rush in taking a step forward. Make
    the pair. The recovered items will be handed over to the the Nizam Museum, which opened to the public in            sure to build yourself up and only act afterward; in this way you will not encounter any obstacles too hard
    2000. Its collection comprises expensive gifts given to Mir Osman Ali Khan in 1937. Khan ruled what was             to overcome. The field of personal relationships won’t offer anything special to you at this stage. The stars
                                                                                                                        definitely recommend participating in various events: go attend your friend’s wedding, some corporate party, or
    then India’s largest princely state. He died in 1967. His fabled wealth included the world-famous Jacob’s           someone’s anniversary. If you are planning something big, try to be at the center of all events - find time for it,
    Diamond - which was the size of an egg - and many other pieces of exquisite jewellery. BBC                          and you will not regret it.
                                                                                                                              PISCES: BIRTHDAYS: 20 FEBRUARY to 20 MARCH
                                                                                                                              General Highlights: Pisces will have only one assistant, Ceres, in October 2018, but its support will be
                                                                                                                              more than enough for solving all of your pressing problems. You should not be persuaded by some of your “good
       From                                                                                                                   friends” into leaving everything as it is or postponing the all-important issue for some later time. In fact, now
    “Comedians            I like living out here. Earthquakes freaked me out; the first one actually helped                   you will have everything you need to deal with those problems, and the only thing missing is ­self-confidence.
                                                                                                                              You need to get yourself together and look bravely towards your future, not letting anyone interfere with your
       Quote              me, though. I was bowling at the time.                                                              progress. Some confusing situations might emerge, but they will not bring anything overly negative to you if you
       Book”                                                                                                                  make sure to act in a reasonable and consistent way. In the field of personal relationships, it will be very useful
                                                                                              Henry Cho                       to be persistent and confident, especially if you have strong desire to change something. You must satisfy such
                                                                                                                              needs as quickly as possible.                               
Guide post Magazine                                                                                                13                                                                                   
MEDIA RELEASE                                                                                                          ‘Please Explain’
       International confab taps the power of Asia’s youth to care                                                                                                 Prayer Heals
                         for the world’s oceans                                                                       Many people believe that prayer to a Higher Being can heal. This belief goes back a long way. In the Bible,
                                                                                                                      Genesis, 20:17 says: ‘Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, this wife and his
                                                                                                                      slave girls so they could have children again.’ But how much faith can we place in this belief?
                                                                                                                                  In 1872, the scientist F. Galton wrote a paper called ‘Statistical inquiries into the efficacy of
                                                                                                                      prayer’. He found no benefits, or disadvantages, from prayer. Since then there have been other studies
                                                                                                                      by medical doctors, all claiming to show the benefits of prayer. For example, William S. Haris and his
  Often tagged as creative, optimistic and passionate, the youth play a critical role in shaping the future of        colleagues at the Mid America Heart Institute at St Luke’s Hospital in Kansas City, wrote a paper in the
  the world. Indeed, their role in local and global efforts addressing pressing issues, especially regarding          Archives of Internal Medicine, claiming to show that prayer improved the outcomes of patients admitted to
  environmental concerns, are becoming more widely appreciated.PEMSEA (Partnerships in Environmental                  the hospital’s coronary care unit.
  Management for the Seas of East Asia) puts great importance on youth engagement in facilitating change                             However, a brief look at the paper shows major flaws in the science.
  for the sustainability of the environment.
                                                                                                                      First, the patients were supposedly ‘randomly’ assigned to either the prayer group or the non-prayer ­­­group-
                                                                                                                      but they weren’t. The random assignment was based on whether the last digit of the medical record
  “They’re the future generation, they are the future leaders. They have to be part of the solution”, said
                                                                                                                      number was odd or even. Odd and even numbers are not random.
  ­Aimee Gonzales, Executive Director of PEMSEA.”They have to feel ownership. They have to be consulted
                                                                                                                      Second, the people who did the praying (intercessors) were not monitored to see that they really did pray.
   and be engaged in the setting of the policy and the implementation of policy and programs that involve
                                                                                                                      There are two problems here. First, you wouldn’t do a drug trial by delivering a kilogram of drugs to the
                                                                                                                      hospital store, and then hope that the hospital staff get the right patients, in the right doses, and at the right
                                                                                                                      times. In addition, the intercessors were supposed to pray for a person by their first name, e.g. Fred, Linda,
  Asia and the Pacific have the highest number of youth around the world, according to the World Bank
                                                                                                                      etc. In any group of 1000 people, there are many shared first names. How did the prayers get directed to
  Atlas 2017. Given their potential and capacity to become agents of change, PEMSEA aims to provide an
  opportunity for them to be exposed, to learn, and to be advocates of the environment, especially of our             the right Fred or Linda?
  shared oceans.                                                                                                      Third, the study also claimed that the pre-existing illnesses of the patients were roughly similar. However,
                                                                                                                      they were not similar. The people who were prayed for were not very sick. However, the people who were
  Asia’s young people will be part of the upcoming East Asian Seas (EAS) Congress 2018 that will be                   not prayed for, were much sicker. They had a far greater incidence of previous heart attacks, unstable
  held on November 27 to 29 at the Iloilo Convention Center in Iloilo City, Philippines. The conference will          angina, pulmonary oedema, hypertension, cardiac arrest, diabetes, chronic renal failure and so on. This
  coincide with the holding of the 5th EAS Youth Forum, which aims to enhance the youth’s understanding               happens when selection is not random.
  of the environment’s current situation and highlight the role they can play in sustainable development and                         Fourth, a few of the patients who had been prayed for had extremely long hospital stays (up
  the global ocean agenda.                                                                                            to 161 days). They did not get better quickly. So to make the statistics look better, these patients were
                                                                                                                      dropped from the study!
  The forum will gather some 52 youth delegates from 8 countries in the East Asian region. They will be                              Finally, some of the patients in the prayer group got better before the intercessors had a
  given the opportunity to learn from and interact with a roster of high-profile speakers and leaders in ocean        chance to pray for them! So either the prayer was giving result before it was started, or perhaps there was
  and coastal management.                                                                                             ­something wrong with the study.
                                                                                                                                     Not everybody thinks of prayer in the same way. For example, the cynical Ambrose Bierce gave
  Speakers include Mr. Titon Mitra, Country Director of UNDP Philippines; Dr. Antonio La Viña, Chair of                this definition in The Devil’s Dictionary! ‘Prayer? To ask the laws of the universe to be annulled on
  EAS Partnership Council; Dr. Jenna Jambeck, Associate Professor of the University of Georgia ­College                behalf of a single petitioner confessedly unworthy.’
  of Engineering; Dr. Sulan Chen, Programme Advisor of GEF Small Grants Programme; Ms. Anna ­Oposa,                    Perhaps one day a study will show that prayer does have healing powers. So far, none of the studies have.
  Co-founder and Chief Mermaid of Save Philippine Seas (SPS); Mr. Hari Mahardika, Coordinator of                       But that would be something to pray for.
  ­PesisirMengajar; Mr. KaisarAkhir, Deputy Secretary-General, Indonesian Maritime Youth Association                                                              Prescription Prayer
   (APMI) and Mr. Pocholo Miguel Espina, Chief Executive Officer of Sip PH.
                                                                                                                       At various times around the world, medicine and religion have been closely intermingled- and at other
                                                                                                                       times and places, they have been kept apart. In the case of the United States, 95% of the population
  Themed “Moving as One with the Global Ocean Agenda: Active and Engaged Youth”, the event will also
                                                                                                                       ­believes in God, and 80% pray regularly and believe that God does his through medical doctors. In one
  feature peer-to-peer learning discussions, team-building and creative sessions designed to empower the
                                                                                                                        pool of 1000 American adults, 790 believed that spiritual faith could help recovery from disease.
  next generation of young champions for the oceans and coasts.
                                                                                                                        Certainly, there can be a link between your degree of religiousness and your degree of health. For
                                                                                                                        ­example, studies show that some groups in society (e.g. Mormon elders,
  To aid in their own environmental initiatives, the youth delegates will have the chance to enhance their
                                                                                                                         Roman Catholic priests and Trappist monks) have better health and ­longer
  skills in terms of project development and management. Topics dealing with sustainable ocean and
                                                                                                                         lives. This is quite predictable, because to enter one of these groups,
  coastal management such as marine plastics, climate change, and the state, issues, threats and solutions
  to marine biodiversity will be also discussed.                                                                         you have to promise to follow their standards of conduct. Most of these
                                                                                                                      s­ tandards (such as avoiding smoking and alcohol, and sometimes meat)
                                                                                                                       are ­associated with lowering risks to your health.
                                                                                                                       Many studies show that you recover better from a cancer if you do yoga,
                                                                                                                       or have an optimistic attitude. And for many people, religion can give them
                                                                                                                       this optimistic state – which can only help. However, in the early part of the
                                                                                                                       21st century, the scientific links between health, religion and spirituality are
                                                                                                                       still inconsistent and weak.


                          Information Provided by:

                                     From the “TRIVIA BOOK”

    The crocodile is surprisingly fast on land. If pursued by a crocodile, a person should run in a zigzag
    motion, for the crocodile has little or no ability to make sudden changes of direction. The digestive
    juices of crocodiles contain so much hydrochloric acid that they have dissovled iron spearheads and
    six-inch steel hooks. A crocodile really does produce tears, but they’re not due to sadness. The tears
    are glandular secretions that work to expel excess salt from the eyes, Hence, ‘ crocodile tears’ are
    false tears.

Guide post Magazine                                                                                              14                                                                       
‘‘Psychology made Simple”                                                                By:Ângela
                                                                                               Rodrigues                                                            HEALTH
                                   PSYCHOLOGICAL VIOLENCE                                                                  Pregnancy weight gain ‘going unmeasured’ Midwives are calling for official
                                                                                                                                                                                         guidance on how much weight is healthy for
             Unfortunately, violence subject is often brought to counselling sessions.                                                                                                   women to put on during pregnancy. One in
                                                                                                                                                                                         five women in the UK are obese when they
             Violence is a crime punishable by law.                                                                                                                                      start pregnancy, yet there is no national target
             Violence is the act of harming the other; is the use of the force against the natural rights of                                                                           for what ­constitutes normal pregnancy weight
                                                                                                                                                                                       gain. Regular ­weigh-ins fell out of favour in the
  another person or living being. The violence is practiced by a person that may harm another person or an                                                                             1990s when it was suggested that they cause
                                                                                                                                                                                       pregnant women unnecessary anxiety for
  animal. In the case of psychological violence the aggression happens from one person to another and the
                                                                                                                                                                                       ­little or no clinical gain. Officials say they are
  aggressor aims to intimidate the other person or to make her feel humiliated and embarrassed.
  ­                                                                                                                                                                                     ­considering whether to ­reintroduce them. The
                                                                                                                                                                                         National ­Institute for Health and Care Excellence
                                                                                                                           (NICE) is ­reviewing its weight advice for pregnancy. Its current guidelines say weight and height should
             Some types of violence:                                                                                       be ­measured at the first appointment, but not repeatedly during pregnancy as a matter of routine. US
                                                                                                                           ­guidelines do ­recommend keeping track of weight gain, and set clear targets:
             - The insults.                                                                                                 Institute of Medicine Weight Gain Recommendations for Pregnancy:
             When a father or a mother insults a son, calling him ugly names, the son feels humiliated; his                 Underweight - gain 28-40lb (12.7-18.1kg) during pregnancy
                                                                                                                            Normal Weight - gain 25-35lb (11.3-15.9kg)
  self-esteem is hurt and this may affect his character and growing. Later, this child may become rebellious                Overweight - gain 15-25lb (6.8-11.3kg)
                                                                                                                            Obese - gain 11-20lb (5-9.1kg)
  and also harm others with his anger and bitterness. This is an aggression against a person’s right of being
                                                                                                                            NICE says it is considering whether to adopt the same recommendations in its new advice, which is still
  respected in his human value.                                                                                             in the early phases of planning - meaning it is unlikely to be published before 2019. Its current guidelines
                                                                                                                            advise against dieting when pregnant, but do say pregnant women should avoid “eating for two”. Energy
             - The public humiliation.                                                                                      needs do not change in the first six months of pregnancy and increase only slightly in the last three months,
             When, in a group of young people, all get together to tell jokes about other person, pointing to               when mothers-to-be need around 200 extra calories per day. Mandy Forrester from the Royal College of
                                                                                                                            Midwives (RCM) said some UK midwives were already using the US weight guidelines, but that others did
  some mental difficulty, physical handicap or criticizing his decisions and life choices, this will cause shame            not have access to weighing scales. “There is a clear need for midwives to have the tools, ­guidance and
  and humiliation. This aggression is currently called “bullying”.                                                          training they need so they can offer women the best possible support and care. This is especially pressing
                                                                                                                            because of the potentially serious complications that can arise in pregnancy as a result of women being
  It is the aggression of discrimination, against the right of being different and the right to choose freely.              overweight or obese.” Women who are obese (with a BMI over 30) when they become pregnant face an
                                                                                                                            increased risk of c­ omplications such as gestational diabetes, miscarriage and pre-eclampsia. Being over
             If a parent hits his child in public, this also produces humiliation. This child will feel exposed and
                                                                                                                            or underweight during pregnancy might also have a negative impact on the baby, according to research.
  ashamed.                                                                                                                  The comments from the RCM come as a new study published in the journal Diabetologia says either too
                                                                                                                            much or too little weight gain during pregnancy is linked with adverse outcomes in children aged seven
             The same it will be felt by a young woman who is criticized by her boyfriend in front of friends or            years. The Hong Kong study looked at 905 mothers and their children, and found health problems such
  family. This is an aggression against the right of dignity, as a person.                                                  as high blood pressure and poorer blood sugar control. BBC

             - Blackmail.
             When someone requires another person’s money or other material things in exchange to keep
                                                                                                                           Across: 1. Hampton 8.Caught 9. Sceptic 11. Tommy-rot 12. Sepia 14. Cran 15. Lacrosse 17. Normandy 18. Vote 20.
  a secret, that’s blackmail; it is the aggression against the right of privacy.                                           Herod 21. Inasmuch 23. Earthly 24. Lacuna 25. Bauxite Down: 2. Archer 3. Poplin 4. Omit 5. Earmark 6. Aggressor 7.
                                                                                                                           Stuttered 10. Cowardice 12. Scintilla 13. Patriarch 16. Jasmine 18. Vertex 19. Toilet 22. Ha-ha
             - Threats.
             When the husband threatens his wife, saying that he will hit her if she talks with a friend, this will                       SUDOKU                                          KAKURO
  produce fear on her and violates her right of freedom.

             Most of these situations do not happen just once; these people are victims of this ­aggression
  types for many months or even years. Many of them need psychological support to overcome the ­trauma
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The Da Vinci
  caused by these aggressions. They need to speak to a trusty person and need to be understood. ­Therefore,                                                                                                           Book Quizzes:
  the therapy with a licensed professional is the most advisable.                                                                                                                                                      A. Natural Child

             Silence facilitates violence!
             Do not suffer alone, SEEK FOR HELP!                                                                                                              The Rock Pop Trivia Book Quiz:
                                                                                                                           18. ‘Video Killed The Radio Star’ (Buggles)
  By: Ângela Rodrigues                                                                                                     19. ‘Darling Nikki’ from Purple Rain (owing to its reference to female masturbation, ‘I guess you
                                                                                                                           could say she was a sex friend, I met her in a hotel lobby masturbating with a magazine’)
  Counsellor                                                                                                               20. Billy Joel (he was only 16 at the time)
  From APPCP (Portuguese Association of Person-Centered Psychotherapy and
                                                                                                                           21. ‘Eight Days A Week’ - The Beatles
  Counselling) ­
  association that is a “Full Member” of European Association for Counselling                                              22. Brian Wilson (Beach Boys) and John Phillips (The Mamas & The Papas) (Owen Elliott,
                                                                                                                           daughter of Mama Cass, who also briefly a member)
  Master in Helping Relationship and Therapeutic Intervention,                                                             23. Nick Cave
  From UAL (Universidade Autónima de Lisboa), the oldest private Portuguese
  University                                                                                                               24. The Bass
                                                                                                                           25. Helena Christensen
  Contact: 7807 3834 or                                                                              26. Elton John and Bernie Taupin

                                                                                                                                       CODE CRACKERS                                               SUPER SUDOKU

                                                                                                                                                                    POCKET PUZZLER
                                                                                                                                                  1. Napkin, 2. Season, 3. Tackle, 4. Gentle, 5.Mortar, 6. Mother.
                                                                                                                                                                    Mystery Word: Nectar

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ENTERTAINMENT                                                                                                           ENTERTAINMENT
  Captain Marvel: Why Brie Larson’s Carol Danvers is a Marvel                                                             Downton Abbey movie set like a school reunion - Julian Fel-
                                     ­game-changer Captain ­America                                                       lowes Shooting the movie version
                                                                     and co were left in a tricky position at the           of TV drama Downton Abbey feels like
                                                                     end of Avengers: ­Infinity War, but help               the “reunion” of a very “happy” school,
                                                                     may be at hand with the arrival of Captain             the show’s creator Julian Fellowes
                                                                     ­Marvel. The first trailer for Brie Larson’s           has said. The writer was back with the
                                                                      Marvel movie has premiered ahead of its               cast last week at Highclere Castle,
                                                                      2019 ­release. Marvel ­Studios Chief Kevin          ­Berkshire, to start filming the big screen
                                                                      Feige has described Carol Danvers as                 revival. He said seeing the r­eassembled
                                                                      “the most powerful character” so far in the          cast in their costumes was a “surreal
                                                                      Marvel Cinematic Universe. So it seems               ­moment”. He said he wasn’t “daunted”
                                                                      there’s finally someone set to go toe-to-toe          by trying to translate the success to a
    with villain Thanos. The trailer sees Brie meeting Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury after a period of time                feature film, adding: “I hope we’ve done well and the people will enjoy it.” But Lord Fellowes said he wasn’t
    spent away from planet earth, power up as Captain Marvel and punch a smiling old lady in the face (who                  making any assumptions about the potentially tricky transition from the small to the big screen. “In life you
    is almost certainly an alien in disguise - we hope). The film is set in the nineties - in case the extras in            can’t let yourself be daunted by the fact that it doesn’t work out for some people,” he told BBC News. “You
    retro clothes, a Blockbuster video store and pagers didn’t give that away. ‘I didn’t know that female                   just have to keep charging on and have a go and do your best... I don’t think one should expect everything
    superheroes even existed’ The movie is the first Marvel film to have a female star as its lead in a                     to be a triumph. “I’ve done my best, I know the cast are doing their best and I think it will be fun. But I won’t
    decade of building its Marvel Cinematic Universe. The closest we’ve come before now is when Evangeline                  count any chickens, thank you, until it is out, until we know how it is doing.” Lord Fellowes is no stranger to
    Lilly’s character The Wasp appeared in the title of Ant Man sequel, Ant Man and The Wasp. That means                    Hollywood success, however, having won the Oscar for best original screenplay for Gosford Park in 2002.
    a lot to viewers like Aida Latifi, who’s 18, lives in Iran and started watching Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man                  Going from television to film does present different challenges, he said. “[In a series] we usually give the
  movies after school when she was younger. “Before I saw the ­Avengers I didn’t even know that female                      big stories to maybe three characters a week... By the end of the series everyone would have big stories
  superheroes even existed,” she tells Newsbeat. “It didn’t even cross my mind. As weird as it might be,                    and it would all be plaited together. “In a film you can’t do that. Every character you include you must have
  seeing Black Widow just boosted my confidence as a child.” And she says this is why Captain Marvel’s                      their own story. The viewer can judge whether or not I have been successful, I wouldn’t make any claims.
  arrival has special meaning for people like her. “Captain Marvel’s arrival in the MCU is very ­important,                 “I had to make sure every story of every character was completed within the movie. That did take a certain
  especially for children in countries like mine,” she adds. “It shows them that they can be as strong as the               amount jiggery-pokery, but I am pleased with where we came to and very pleased with the reassembled
  boys and deserve equal rights.” Who is Captain Marvel? Captain Marvel is the hero that Samuel                             cast. “I was at Highclere [where the TV series was shot] on Friday and there was something almost surreal
  L. Jackson, as Shield boss Nick Fury, called for help at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. She’s super                   seeing them back in their costumes. “It was a very happy time for us all. It was a big hit all over the world.
  strong, can fly, survive in space and project energy (among other things) making Carol Danvers to The                     It was a very nice cast and I think they made a lot of good friends among them so there was something of
  Avengers what Superman is to Justice League: the big hitter. “She’s more powerful than, possibly, all The                 a reunion like the first day back at school... a very happy school.” Details of the film’s plot are being kept
  Avengers combined,” says Claire Lim, a huge comic book fan and a presenter for BBC’s The Social. “It’s                    tightly under wraps, and Lord Fellowes said he never answers questions about the storyline. Nostalgic
  important they’re actually putting a female front and centre as a superhero powerful enough to beat this                  fans will have to wait until next year for the Downton Abbey movie to be released. The TV series ran from
  threat.” A new start for the MCU as we know it. On a more practical level, the introduction of                            2010 to 2015, winning 15 Emmys and three Golden Globes, with the finale watched by almost 11 million
  Brie Larson as a potential new leader of the Avengers solves problems thrown up by the end of ­contractual                people in the UK on Christmas Day 2015. BBC
  ­agreements with the franchise’s biggest names. Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson,
   ­Robert Downey Jr and more of the main cast members are not contracted to appear in movies beyond
    the fourth Avengers movie, the Infinity War sequel. “Marvel have played it so well over the past ten years,
    I think people are ready for different heroes,” says Claire, who’s excited by the c­ asting of Lashana Lynch             From the               The great thing about suicide is that it’s not one of those things you have to
    as fighter pilot Maria Rambeau, mother of another female Avenger. “I’d like to see Monica Rambeau, it                   Comedians               do now or you’ll lose your chance. I mean, you can always do it later
    would be great to see Photon,” she says. “It would be good to get odd characters like that who people                   Quote Book
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Harvey Fierstein
    don’t really know about.” BBC

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