The Digital Consumer in 2019 - A summary of top predictions from major industry trend reports SYZYGY DIGITAL INSIGHT 2019 - Digital Wellbeing

The Digital Consumer in 2019 - A summary of top predictions from major industry trend reports SYZYGY DIGITAL INSIGHT 2019 - Digital Wellbeing
The Digital Consumer in 2019
                A summary of top predictions
                from major industry trend reports
                SYZYGY DIGITAL INSIGHT 2019

colour of the
year 2019

Living coral
The Digital Consumer in 2019 - A summary of top predictions from major industry trend reports SYZYGY DIGITAL INSIGHT 2019 - Digital Wellbeing
The Digital Consumer in 2019

  IN 2019
  Every year, the agency world predicts the key
  trends that will shape online consumer behaviour
  over the coming year.

  Through a thematic analysis, we've distilled 200MB
  of predictions from 20 top trend forecasting reports
  into 9 need-to-know core trends for 2019.

  These 9 ‘trends of trends’ represent the key
  changes in how consumers will use digital
  technology to meet their underlying needs.

  As such, they represent a consensus view from
  industry for how to be on-trend, create value,
  improve experience and build relevance in 2019.

SYZYGY Digital Insight                                   2
The Digital Consumer in 2019 - A summary of top predictions from major industry trend reports SYZYGY DIGITAL INSIGHT 2019 - Digital Wellbeing
9 trends driving changes in                      Humanity
consumer behaviour
                                       Trust               Maximum
                                      Issues                Security

                              Green              Purpose                Digital
                              Shift               Pays                 Wellbeing

                                      Visual                 Voice
                                      Culture                First

The Digital Consumer in 2019 - A summary of top predictions from major industry trend reports SYZYGY DIGITAL INSIGHT 2019 - Digital Wellbeing
The Digital Consumer in 2019

                               EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
                               In 2019, digital consumer behaviour will take a defensive turn. The
                               major theme emerging from 2019 trend reports is that consumers will
                               seek protection and security from a world of real or imagined threats.
                               The winning USP in 2019? We will keep you safe.

                               If consumers are expected to look for protection from threats, what
                               exactly are they looking for? The one meta-theme emerging from
                               trend reports is the quest for wellbeing. In a disruptive, divided and
                               divisive world consumers are looking to find equilibrium, balance and
                               meaning in their personal, social, digital and work lives.

                               Many forecasters are predicting an increased consumer concern for
                               digital wellbeing. Expect consumers to be more mindful of perceived
                               risks associated with elevated screen-time, excessive social media
                               use and device-dependency.

                               To the degree that human wellbeing ultimately depends on the
                               wellbeing of the planet, expect a ‘green-shift' trend to more
                               sustainable conscious consumerism in digital and beyond. Similarly,
                               expect consumers to embrace brands and businesses that use digital
                               technology to promote consumer wellbeing by balancing their profit
                               motive with a commitment to purpose, people and the planet.

                               So the overall message to brands is simple and clear. To succeed in
                               2019, put the wellbeing of consumers at the heart of your strategy.

SYZYGY Digital Insight                                                                            4
The Digital Consumer in 2019 - A summary of top predictions from major industry trend reports SYZYGY DIGITAL INSIGHT 2019 - Digital Wellbeing
Dr. Paul Marsden, SYZYGY’s consumer psychologist, interprets the             suffering from mental health issues such as anxiety disorders, panic
latest trend reports and suggest that brands will need to connect with a     attacks or depression.
new ‘Generation Z’ mindset in 2019.
                                                                             As Gen Z takes over the reigns of consumer culture from Millennial
Trend forecasting is more art than science. So the 2019 reports on           predecessors, it makes sense that their generational concerns come to
global consumer trends should be read with a pinch of salt.                  the fore. So anxious consumers are looking for digital solutions that
Nevertheless, this year’s trend reports are interesting because they         make their world safer (‘maximum security’, ‘digital wellbeing’), restore
display a remarkable consistency in their predictions.                       trust (‘trust issues’) and help them cope better in a challenging world
                                                                             (‘augmented humanity’). They are looking for brands to make a broken
Overall, we can expect consumers to be less confident, more fearful          world better (‘purpose pays’, ‘green-shift’). And of course they are
and increasingly security-conscious in 2019. German data from                looking for technology to help them better navigate their digitally-
January 2019 supports this prediction and reveals a 5% drop in German        powered lives (‘voice-first’, ‘visual culture’, ‘smart automation’).
consumer confidence over the last 12 months.
                                                                             What does this means for consumer brands? What can brands do to
The 2019 trends also make sense from a generational perspective. In          reconnect digitally with consumers in 2019? Addressing the underlying
Germany, we are experiencing the emerging influence of Generation Z          needs shaping trends in consumer behaviour is key. Also helpful will be
on consumer culture. ‘Gen Z’ is the generational cohort of adults and        a sensitivity to consumer wellbeing in 2019. Psychologically, wellbeing
teens born after 1995, and represents the first generation of pure digital   is a state in which life is experienced and evaluated positively, and
natives. As it comes of age, Gen Z is raising the bar on overall consumer    which depends on having confidence in facing life’s challenges.
expectations based on experiences with the on-demand digital                 However, as the German consumer confidence data and 2019 trends
economy.                                                                     show, consumers are low on confidence. So the opportunity is clear. If
                                                                             consumer brands bottle and sell confidence, reassurance and safety
Generational research also indicates that Gen Z is shaping up to be          2019, then they will thrive. In short, the winning value proposition in
less confident, less hopeful and more anxious than its Millennial elders.    2019 in Germany is ‘we will keep you safe’.
For example, here in Germany depression among young adults has
risen 76% over the past decade, with one in four young adults now            SYZYGY wishes you a safe and prosperous 2019.
The Digital Consumer in 2019 - A summary of top predictions from major industry trend reports SYZYGY DIGITAL INSIGHT 2019 - Digital Wellbeing
The Digital Consumer in 2019

                               1. AUGMENTED HUMANITY
                               2019 will not be the year that Augmented Reality takes off. Instead, it
                               will be the year that ‘Augmented Humanity’ drives behaviour as
                               consumers turn to technology to enhance performance and potential.

                               Isobar name-checks ‘augmented humanity’ as the meta trend of 2019
                               to denote the use of personal technology to enrich life and enhance
                               performance. Canvas8 concurs, proposing that people will look to
                               technology to boost their personal capabilities and competences.

                               Foresight Factory, Trendwatching and Trendhunter all expect
                               augmented humanity to express itself through a growing desire for
                               ‘educator brands’ that ‘future-proof’ people with the skills, knowledge
                               and connections needed to win in a disrupted future. Likewise,
                               Ericsson sees consumers turning to the ‘Internet of Skills’ to acquire
                               and master new skills. Trendhunter sees an increased role for
                               influencers in a growing desire for online education.

                               Beyond education, R/GA predicts the rise of XR (extended or
                               experiential reality) that combines technologies that augment and
                               extend human experience. Gartner expects this technology to deliver
                               more immersive experiences. In the spirit of self-improvement, Mintel
                               anticipates the rise of the brand challenge, where consumers are
                               invited to step outside of their comfort zone and push themselves to
                               the limit.

SYZYGY Digital Insight                                                                            6
The Digital Consumer in 2019 - A summary of top predictions from major industry trend reports SYZYGY DIGITAL INSIGHT 2019 - Digital Wellbeing
The Digital Consumer in 2019

  In a post-truth world of fake news, propaganda bots and data
  breaches, expect a trust deficit to grow between consumers and
  brands. Forrester dub 2019 the year of ‘Zero Trust’.

  In a climate of distrust, JWT expects a ‘reputational reckoning’ for
  technology if it is perceived as manipulating, modifying and
  monetising consumer behaviour. JWT anticipates a rise in online
  fact-checking as distrustful consumers opt for brand facts over
  brand stories.

  In 2019, expect consumers to be more wary of brands losing,
  abusing or misusing personal data. Forrester predicts that one
  consumer brand will lose 25% of its value through a data scandal
  this year. Contagious foresees more wariness of surveillance tech
  used to track consumers.

  Canvas8, Mindshare, R/GA, WGSN and Edelman all expect
  increased appeal for digital technology that builds rather than
  erodes brand transparency, brand accountability and brand truth.
  JWT, Accenture, Gartner and R/GA expect consumer-first
  empowering privacy policies and digital ethics to appeal in 2019.

SYZYGY Digital Insight                                                   7
The Digital Consumer in 2019

                               3. MAXIMUM SECURITY
                               Tagged as the new mega-trend for 2019, Trendwatching predicts that
                               safety and security will be top of mind for consumers in 2019. Safety-
                               first and security-conscious consumers will be drawn to brands
                               promising to provide safe harbour in a disrupted and volatile world.

                               Following massive data breaches, Trendwatching, Trendhunter, and
                               R/GA all expect that personal data security will remain a top concern
                               in 2019. Personal security will also be a priority, with Future Lab,
                               Trendwatching and Isobar predicting an increased need to feel safe
                               at home, out and about, at work and in education. In this context,
                               Trendhunter anticipates a growing acceptance of technology
                               designed to enhance public and private security, including facial
                               recognition technology.

                               Foresight Factory predicts the rise of a ‘prepper mindset’ among
                               consumers as they prepare to cope with real or imagined threats. As
                               political polarisation raises concerns about future stability, Canvas8
                               expects personal security, financial security and home security
                               technology to have enhanced appeal in 2019. Future Lab predicts
                               financial insecurity will be on the minds of more consumers in
                               slowing, unequal or volatile economies.

SYZYGY Digital Insight                                                                            8
The Digital Consumer in 2019

  As sustainability goes mainstream, expect increased concerns
  about the effects of digital technology on the environment. Say
  hello to digital sustainability.

  Does e-commerce help or harm the environment? What about on-
  demand services, server farms, electric cars, batteries, digital
  devices or their packaging? For JWT, brand sustainability will be the
  new need-to-have requirement in 2019. Facebook IQ notes the
  desire for green and sustainable products across consumer
  categories. Foresight Factory predicts a war on waste in 2019 as the
  desire for responsible consumption grows. Digital products and
  services that reduce, recycle or re-use will appeal. For CB Insights,
  green is the new black in technology. Expect customer journey
  maps to be redrawn with the end-user placed at the centre of a
  circular economy.

  Ericsson predicts the rise of an ‘eco-me’ trend, in which digital
  technology promotes self-knowledge about environmental impact
  and offers solutions to help reduce it. Ford expects consumers will
  turn to brands to help them lower their environmental footprint.
  Expect more technology for tracking and reporting the
  environmental impact of people and brands. With increased
  concern over the environmental impact of physical products and
  experiences, Future Lab predicts a consumer shift to virtual products
  and experiences.

SYZYGY Digital Insight                                                    9
The Digital Consumer in 2019

                               5. PURPOSE PAYS
                               In 2019, expect consumers to align their purchases with their values
                               and beliefs. In a new era of ‘woke’ consumerism, brands will profit
                               from taking a stand for communities and causes, and against
                               perceived injustices and harm.

                               JWT, R/GA and Future Lab predict a growing role for brands in solving
                               real-world problems and embracing new roles as civic leaders,
                               advocates and positive change agents. Ogilvy suggests a shift from
                               value-driven consumer behaviour to values driven consumer
                               behaviour. Digital tools and content aligned with, and promoting,
                               purpose will resonate. Fjord predicts that consumers will use a
                               purpose filter to clear out junk tech and digital spam from their lives.
                               Trendwatching expects the emergence of the ‘Internet of Better
                               Things’, where connectivity is put to the service of people, purpose
                               and the planet.

                               To address what Euromonitor calls the rise of the conscious
                               consumer, Forrester predicts that 2019 will be the year that purpose
                               regains meaning. 20% of brands are expected refine and revitalise
                               purpose. Contagious expects a new era in which brands no longer
                               shy away from polarising political and social issues. Forrester
                               anticipates that 75% of consumer brands will be tempted to ‘enter the
                               outrage’ and take a stand against injustice in 2019. 50% of those
                               efforts are predicted to be tone-deaf and to fail.

SYZYGY Digital Insight                                                                             10
The Digital Consumer in 2019

  The wellbeing mega-trend turns digital in 2019, as consumers
  embrace new products, services and behaviours designed to help
  sooth unstable, constantly connected lifestyles.

  JWT, R/GA and Mintel all expect a growing consumer wariness of
  hazards associated with excessive screen-time, social media and
  Big Tech. Expect digital to be in the dock for undermining mental,
  physical and relationship health. JWT and Mindshare anticipate
  consumers becoming more mindful and critical of digital
  dependency and digital habits in 2019. Will digital wellbeing tools
  from Google, Apple and Facebook mitigate the risk of Big Tech
  being labelled as the new Big Tobacco? Canvas8 and Isobar see a
  consumer push for a healthier balance and equilibrium between
  digital and physical lives. As the desire to temporarily disconnect
  grows, Euromonitor predicts the rise of JOMO – the joy of missing

  Beyond mitigating digital hazards, CB Insights and Mintel foresee
  increased demand for technology that positively enhances
  personal wellness and wellbeing, particularly in the areas of sleep,
  sex and seniors. Foresight Factory, Ericsson, Euromonitor and
  Contagious all expect the growth of health-tech as consumers turn
  to technology for self-diagnosis, self-care and treatment.

SYZYGY Digital Insight                                                   11
The Digital Consumer in 2019

                               7. VOICE FIRST
                               In 2019, more consumers will shift from mobile-first to a voice-first
                               mindset as they become more comfortable with talking to digital
                               devices, websites and virtual assistants.

                               Mindshare and Isobar see increased adoption of voice interfaces
                               representing a shift to a more human-centric and deeper relationship
                               between humans and technology. Mindshare expects voice to bring a
                               new level of intimacy, emotion and personal connection to
                               interactions not offered by any other medium. The continued growth
                               of smart speakers is expected, powered the SAGA virtual assistants –
                               Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant. Ogilvy expects innovations in
                               personalised voice response, contextual understanding, and voice

                               Accenture expects continued growth in voice search, with
                               implications for how brands structure, present and promote digital
                               information in 2019. R/GA anticipates more hand-free voice apps in
                               2019, but predicts 50% will fail because of poor customer and
                               contextual understand. Forrester expects a backlash over poorly
                               executed corporate chatbots that fail to live up to expectations.

                               CB Insights sees Amazon laying more foundations for voice shopping
                               but doubts this will take off in 2019. But as consumers come to
                               embrace voice, Trendhunter and R/GA expect more consumer
                               marketing campaigns that integrate with voice assistants.

SYZYGY Digital Insight                                                                                 12
The Digital Consumer in 2019

  In 2019, visual culture will dominate online, powered by social
  media and enhanced by new innovations in computer vision, visual
  search and facial recognition.

  JWT predicts a growing appeal for made-for-Instagram moments in
  travel, shopping, entertainment, beauty, tourism, food and
  packaging. Trendhunter and Fjord expect museums, galleries and
  public spaces to boost their Instagram appeal for image conscious
  and status seeking consumers. Future Lab expects more consumers
  to use Instagram for inspiration in 2019, and for the ‘Instagram-
  ability’ of brands to drive consumer choice.

  Facebook IQ and Mindshare see more shopping on social media as
  visual search and e-commerce functionality evolves. A new
  generation of virtual social media influencers led by Lil Miquela will
  become popular, according to JWT, Contagious, Fjord and
  Mindshare. For CB Insights, the future of online visual culture
  includes ByteDance, valued at $75bn.

  Expect more consumers to make even more use of their phone
  camera in 2019. McKinsey, Accenture and CB Insights all expect
  visual search to gain traction as advances in computer vision take
  off. CB Insights anticipates a greater use of data visualisation,
  including online maps incorporating real-world and real-time data        @lilmiquela

SYZYGY Digital Insight                                                                   13
The Digital Consumer in 2019

                               9. SMART AUTOMATION
                               In 2019, expect more consumers to turn to automation technology to
                               outsource routine or tedious tasks.

                               For Mindshare, Euromonitor and Trendhunter, consumer-centric
                               automation will be driven by the need to save time and effort.
                               Ericsson cites research showing that half of all virtual assistant users
                               now want their assistants to look after bills and subscriptions, as well
                               as self-restocking household supplies. Foresight Factory expects
                               consumers to turn to brands for help, inviting trusted brands to step
                               in, take decisions, and act on their behalf.

                               Ericsson sees an increasingly ‘Automated Society’ in 2019, in which
                               more chores are performed without consumer intervention or
                               assistance. Gartner predicts that the Internet of Smart Things and
                               virtual assistants will benefit in 2019.

                               In retail, Ogilvy expects the rise of the unmanned and automated
                               store. Ericsson and Future Lab expect more consumers to outsource
                               more shopping chores to technology through fully-automated ‘zero-
                               touch consumption’.

SYZYGY Digital Insight                                                                              14
The Digital Consumer in 2019


     Augmented Humanity                 Trust Issues                   Maximum Security

           How can digital improve          How can digital enhance         How can digital help
           consumer capability and            (rather than erode)         consumers feel more safe
                competence?                     consumer trust?                and secure?

     Green Shift                        Purpose Pays                   Digital Wellbeing

             How can digital help          How can digital promote a     How can digital benefit the
           consumers reduce their           purpose that matters to      physical and mental health
           environmental footprint?              consumers?                    of consumers?

     Visual Culture                     Voice First                    Smart Automation
                                             How can digital enable          How can digital save
     How can digital help consumers
                                              keyboard-free voice           people time and effort
      know, do, find or buy visually?
                                                  interaction?              by automating chores?

SYZYGY Digital Insight                                                                                 15
The Digital Consumer in 2019

  The overarching theme emerging from these nine
  trends is clear.

  Consumers want human-first experiences in 2019.

  This means brands becoming more human,
  embracing human purpose, human needs and
  human goals. It means using technology to help
  humans flourish, thrive and grow. It means a digital
  strategy that is focused on people, purpose and
  planet as well as profit.

  At SYZYGY, we believe in human-first. We are
  evolving into the human experience company,
  partnering with our clients to create positive human
  impact, enabled and scaled by technology.

  We are part of ‘Team Human’. Join us.

SYZYGY Digital Insight                                   16
The Digital Consumer in 2019


  Canvas8 - Expert Outlook 2019 (link)                      Forrester - Predictions 2019 (link)
  CB Insights – Top Tech Trends 2019 (link)                 Future Lab - Future Forecast 2019 (link)
  Contagious – Most Contagious (link)                       Isobar – Trends Report 2019 (link)
  Edelman Digital – Trends Report 2019 (link)               JWT Intelligence – Future 100 2109 (link)
  Ericsson - Hot Consumer Trends 2019 (link)                Mindshare - Trends 2019 (link)
  Euromonitor - Top 10 Global Consumer Trends 2019 (link)   Mintel - Global Consumer Trends 2019 (link)
  Facebook IQ - 2019 Topics & Trends Report (link)          Ogilvy Consulting - Trends for 2019 (link)
  Fjord - Trends 2019 (link)                                R/GA – What to Watch in 2019 (link)
  Ford - Trends 2019 (link)                                 Trendhunter - Trend Report 2019 (link)
  Foresight Factory - Trending 2019 (link)                  Trendwatching - Trend Report 2019 (link)

SYZYGY Digital Insight                                                                                    17
The Digital Consumer in 2019

     We are SYZYGY - the Human Experience company.
     We partner with clients to create positive impact, enabled and scaled by technology.
     With a team of 650 across 8 global locations, we ideate, plan, design, build, activate and maintain experiences that matter to
     people and grow businesses. You can find us in Bad Homburg, Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich, London, New York and Warsaw.
     In addition to our main brand, SYZYGY, and strategy consultancy firm diffferent, our agency group includes Polish design studio Ars
     Thanea and consultancy USEEDS°, which specialises in the customer experience. Our clients include prestigious brands such as
     AVIS, BMW, comdirect bank, Commerzbank, Daimler, Deutsche Bank, Mazda, Miles & More, o2 and health insurer Techniker. We are
     part of the WPP Group.
     Our beliefs:
        • We believe that every contact with a brand is an experience, be it a product, service, platform or communication experience.
        • Each experience is the result of human interaction which is why our thinking is human-centric, across employees, clients and
          their customers.
        • We believe Technology and Data are crucial, but serve a higher aim - to allow for better experiences.
        • Most importantly, we don’t create experiences to make money, we make money by creating better experiences.

          Contact: SYZYGY | Börsenstraße 2-4 | 60313 Frankfurt am Main | Germany | +49 69 710414100 |
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