The European Chemical Engineering Skills Pipeline

Page created by Jeremy Doyle
The European Chemical Engineering Skills Pipeline
European Federation of Chemical Engineering
                                                                           Europäische Föderation für Chemie-Ingenieur-Wesen

                                                                                    Fédération Européenne de Génie Chimique

                                                                         NEWS AND EVENTS APRIL 2022

The European Chemical Engineering
Skills Pipeline
David Bogle, University College London,
EFCE Scientific Vice President 2018–2021

The Need for Chemical Engineers
                                                                         Dear Readers,
Chemical Engineering skills are core to the
success of the process industries which enable so                        Welcome you to the second 2022 issue of EFCE
many everyday products expected by consumers                             News!
– transportation fuels, plastic goods, personal
                                                                         This issue contains much information about
products, medicines, foodstuffs etc. - to be
                                                                         next EFCE activities and events and hopefully it
manufactured. They also have a vital role at the
                                                                         will inspire you to actively participate to them.
heart of many of the world’s greatest challenges:
developing a sustainable future and tackling the                         If you have any comments/suggestions, please
pandemic to name just two. Chemical Engineers                            contacts us.
are employed by many industrial sectors as well                          With kind regards
as in regulatory authorities, arms of government,
the charitable sector, and education. The                                Giorgio Veronesi
salary premium for Chemical Engineers is high1                           EFCE President
demonstrating that they are held in high regard.
   This article aims to explore whether the                              In this issue:
ecosystem for developing Chemical Engineers
                                                                         • The European Chemical Engineering Skills
in Europe is optimal and consistent to ensure
that demand is satisfied. The European
Federation of Chemical Engineers represents                              • EFCE Spotlight Talks 2022
more than 100,000 chemical engineers in                                  • EFCE Awards 2022 – calls for nominations:
Europe giving it a particular interest in the                              Comminution & Classification, Mechanics
pipeline of Chemical Engineers across Europe.                              of Particulate Solids
It was formed in 1953 to promote scientific
                                                                         • Working Party and Section News: WPs on
c o l l a b o ra t i o n a n d s u p p o r t t h e w o r k o f
                                                                           Crystallization and Loss Prevention
chemical engineers in 30 European countries.
Over the years student recruitment has                                   • Member Society News: CSCHE
depended on economic cycles and the                                      • News about the official EFCE Journals
                                                                         • EFCE Events in 2022

The European Chemical Engineering Skills Pipeline
performance of the relevant industrial sectors.                     organized differs between countries. Chemical
Currently student recruitment is buoyant                            Engineering can embrace Chemical Technology,
in many countries but age profiles within the                       Process Chemistry, Process Biotechnology etc.
academic community are quite diverse across                         but some do not include the same elements as
Europe. By bringing together some statistics                        others. The approach used here was to allow
of age profiles and student to staff ratios this                    countries to define for themselves how they
article aims to build a picture of good practice.                   would draw the envelope around Chemical
This will help national Member Societies in EFCE                    Engineering. Societies were asked to include
member countries and Universities to argue for                      those courses that graduate what they recognize
more academic recruitment to maintain a strong                      broadly as Chemical Engineers and not those
discipline basis for Chemical Engineering in each                   that include only a small element of Chemical
country, if it is out of line with best practice.                   Engineering. This means that definitions
Consistent data is difficult to get. There is some                  may vary across the member countries and
information on Eurostat but the definitions and                     organisations and may depend on the strategic
processes used were very out of line with how                       needs of the country as to where Chemical
the Chemical Engineering community sees itself.                     Engineers are mostly deployed.
The article first outlines the methodology used,                       Data was collected for eighteen countries:
presents the results, and then discusses them                       Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France,
in the context of the assumptions made and the                      G e r m a ny, G r e e c e , I t a l y, L i t h u a n i a , t h e
different conditions in countries across Europe.                    Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Data was not available for all countries with                       Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
EFCE member organisations but comparisons                           United Kingdom and Ukraine. It was surprisingly
can be made across the majority of countries.                       difficult to collect the data as most Societies do
Finally some conclusions are drawn about the                        not collect this information and so in some cases
consistency across Europe and what might be                         it was necessary to contact staff within the
done to address inconsistencies.                                    education systems. It was not possible to obtain
                                                                    figures for Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Hungary,
Methodology                                                         Latvia, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, and Norway and
Member Societies were asked to give five                            only partial figures were available for Ireland
numbers about teaching for Chemical                                 and were not sufficient to be comparable.
Engineering degrees in Universities (including                         Germany is a particularly complex case but
Universities of Applied Science where                               the numbers are large given the significance of
appropriate) in their country:                                      the German chemical industry. In data collected
                                                                    by German agencies Chemical Engineering is
1. Numbers of teaching staff (Full Time                             not disaggregated from Mechanical Engineering.
   E q u i va l e n t ) i n C h e m i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g   A dedicated survey was undertaken through
   Departments (or in some cases broader                            a partnership between EFCE, ProcessNet and
   Schools or Faculties) – including academic                       the Dechema Fachgemeinschaft Biotechnology
   staff, assistants, and teaching fellows but not                  with the purpose of capturing a first impression
   postgraduates and postdocs who teach unless                      of the situation in Germany and this data is
   it is a major part of their responsibilities. The                included here.
   aim was to get the number who really have
   responsibility for teaching and assessment of
   Chemical Engineering studies.                                    Results
                                                                    Table 1 shows the data that were obtained.
2. Average age of the Chemical Engineering                          It is data mostly for 2018 with some more
   teaching staff (as defined in 1)                                 recent and the degree of accuracy is variable.
3. Total number of students within Chemical                         However we are looking for significant trends
   Engineering Departments in all years (all                        so the data can be considered accurate as an
   students i.e. including Bachelor, Masters and                    Engineering approximation to allow drawing
   PhD but not post experience short courses)                       some conclusions.
   for the most recent year available.                                The raw data obtained (shown in Table 1)
                                                                    gives numbers of teaching staff (Full Time
4. T h e n u m b e r o f g ra d u a t i n g C h e m i c a l         Equivalent) for whom teaching is a major part
   Engineers with degrees (only Bachelor and                        of their responsibilities; their average age;
   Masters level) for the most recent year that                     the total number of students within Chemical
   was available.                                                   Engineering Departments in all years; and the
The way Chemical Engineering education is                           number of graduating Chemical Engineers with

The European Chemical Engineering Skills Pipeline
ChE Grads
                            Average                                           ChE Grads
               Teaching                Students     Student/      Graduates                per 1000
                             age of                                            per 100K
                 staff                 (B,M&D)      staff ratio     (B,M)                  Chem Ind
                              staff                                           population

 Croatia           69          46        1032          15.0          179         4.2           3.0

 Czech R          409         49.5       4296          10.5          550         5.3           4.2

 Denmark           67          44         442          6.6           171         3.1          16.0

 France           550          49        4360          7.9          1550         2.3           9.3

 Germany          1272         50        22167         17.4         4050         4.9           8.8

 Greece            62          54        1079          17.4          135         1.2          10.0

 Italy            400          55        5500          13.8         1375         2.3          12.5

 Lithuania         40         45.2        248          6.2           55          1.9           8.7

 Netherlands     166.3         48        2900          17.4          974         5.8          17.1

 Poland           533          46        4881          9.2          1114         2.9           8.7

 Portugal         302         53.4       2853          9.4           565         5.3          38.7

 Romania          360         46.2       3010          8.4           770         3.9          34.2

 Slovakia         22.5         49         158          7.0           52          2.5           1.1

 Slovenia          35          45         600          17.1          150         7.3           4.8

 Spain            900        43-47       11600         12.9         2500         5.3          12.7

 Sweden           135          45        1300          9.6           202         2.1           3.9

 Switzerland      110          46         810          7.4           260         3.3           3.7

 UK               1028         45        16030         15.6         4206         6.3          27.5

 Ukraine          194          57         462          2.4           70          0.17      Not available

Table 1 – Staff and student figures for Chemical Engineering

Bachelors or Masters degrees.                       industries of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, oil
  From this were calculated the student/staff       and gas. While bearing these issues in mind and
ratio, the number of Chemical Engineering           recognising that there is no ideal profile, we can
Graduates per 100,000 population and the            look at some overall trends.
number of graduates per 1000 in the national           Tables 2 (age) and 3 (student/staff ratio)
Chemical industry workforce as reported to          give an indication of the investment in Chemical
CEFIC. These are shown in the subsequent            Engineering education by the countries over
tables (Tables 2-5) presented in rank order         recent decades. Lead times for seeing the
for each particular indicator. Table 6 gives the    effects of new staff investment are long since
number of people employed in the Chemical           academics with substantive responsibility are
industry as reported to CEFIC for the year 2018.    often appointed in their early 30s. For those
                                                    countries where the average age is high it
Discussion                                          means that over the last 20 years or so there
It is possible to make some comparisons on the      has been less investment in young staff leading
basis of these indicators although comparisons      to an aging staff profile. Of course averages can
between countries need to be made with care.        hide unusual age distributions but mostly staff
The total numbers of staff and students for each    are appointed rarely and in a steady fashion
country needs to be considered with respect to      except where a new institution or Department is
the breadth of courses considered, the industrial   started.
base of the country, the duration of the courses       Denmark, Slovenia, Sweden, U.K and
and the extent of recruitment of Chemical           Lithuania are at the lower end. The case of
Engineers to employment beyond the traditional      the UK is interesting since there is now no

                                       WWW.EFCE.INFO | EFCE NEWS AND EVENTS | APRIL 2022 | PAGE 3
The European Chemical Engineering Skills Pipeline
Average age of staff                                   Student/staff ratio

 Denmark                          44                  Greece                          17.4

 Slovenia                         45                  Netherlands                     17.4

 Sweden                           45                  Germany                         17.4

 UK                               45                  Slovenia                        17.1

 Spain                           43-47                UK                              15.6

                                                      Croatia                          15
 Lithuania                       45.2
                                                      Italy                           13.8
 Croatia                          46
                                                      Spain                           12.9
 Switzerland                      46
                                                      Czech Republic                  10.5
 Romania                         46.2
                                                      Sweden                          9.6
 Netherlands                      48
                                                      Portugal                        9.4
 Slovakia                         49
                                                      Poland                          9.2
 Czech Republic                  49.5
                                                      Romania                         8.4
 Germany                          50
                                                      France                          7.9
 Portugal                        53.4
                                                      Switzerland                     7.4
 Greece                           54                  Slovakia                         7
 Italy                            55                  Denmark                         6.6
 Ukraine                          57                  Lithuania                       6.2
 France                          N/A                  Ukraine                         2.4

Table 2 – Average age of staff                       Table 3 – Student/staff ratio

retirement age so staff can continue in post         considerably from around 17:1 to 6:1 (the
for much longer so we could expect a higher          figure for Ukraine is a clear outlier based
average. It indicates that there has been a          possibly on a rather different organisation of the
continual renewal leading to a low average.          studies). Some of this may reflect how teaching
UK Universities have complete freedom                staff are defined but the range is striking. This is
in recruitment. This is not the case in some         affected by the stage in the curriculum at which
other countries where national competitions          Chemical Engineering academics included here
are organised, staff are appointed as public         begin to teach. In some cases they teach little
servants employed by the state, and Ministries       in the early years of the study programme. In
can control the number of posts that are             Greece there is very strong demand for places
opened. This is the case in Spain and Italy and      to study Chemical Engineering but the number
others although there is increasing pressure         of institutions is low. The Netherlands figure
for more institutional freedom in recruitment.       seems surprisingly high perhaps reflecting
Ukraine reported the oldest average and              structural change in Engineering education
colleagues there confirmed that there has            in recent years with merging of Institutes. It
been little recruitment in recent years. Italy       seems that across Europe there are broadly two
has had recruitment freezes in the last decade.      traditions: one with a ratio of around 16 and
The financial situation in Greece has affected       the other around 8. It is likely this reflects a
recruitment in Universities across all disciplines   different organisation of studies and of the staff
and Chemical Engineering is no exception.            that teach them.
  The student/staff ratio varies very                   It is interesting to see how the numbers

The European Chemical Engineering Skills Pipeline
Graduates per 1000 Chemical
                      Graduates per 100K population
                                                                                         Industry workforce
 Slovenia                                7.3                        Portugal                      38.7

 UK                                      6.3                        Romania                       34.2

 Netherlands                             5.8                        UK                            27.5

 Czech Republic                          5.3                        Netherlands                   17.1

 Portugal                                5.3                        Denmark                       16

 Spain                                   5.3                        Spain                         12.7

 Germany                                 4.9                        Italy                         12.5

 Croatia                                 4.2                        Greece                        10

 Romania                                 3.9                        France                        9.3

 Switzerland                             3.3                        Germany                       8.8

 Denmark                                 3.1                        Lithuania                     8.7

 Poland                                  2.9                        Slovenia                      4.8

 Slovakia                                2.5                        Czech Republic                4.2

 France                                  2.3                        Sweden                        3.9

 Italy                                   2.3                        Switzerland                   3.7

 Sweden                                  2.1                        Poland                        3.5

 Lithuania                               1.9                        Croatia                        3

 Greece                                  1.2                        Slovakia                      1.1

 Ukraine                                0.17                        Ukraine                       N/A

Table 4 – Graduates per 100k population                            Table 5 – Graduates per 1000 Chemical Industry

compare with the size of the population as                         in the chemical industry workforce. Portugal’s
shown in Table 3 (graduates per 100,000).                          industry is relatively small but is producing
Comparisons must be tempered with the                              graduates going into a wide range of industries
knowledge that the size of the industrial base                     and careers with a significant proportion being
varies significantly. However the formation of                     recruited as consulting engineers. Romania
Chemical Engineers prepares graduates for a                        has a long tradition of producing Chemical
wide range of careers such as environmental                        Engineers because of the long standing size
m a n a g e m e n t , e n e r g y r e g u l a t i o n , wa t e r   of the oil and gas sector. The UK figure is also
treatment, medical applications and many                           high possibly because academic programmes
others where there is chemical and physical                        and the research base have promoted the value
transformation of materials. Traditional career                    of Chemical Engineering skills well beyond the
routes are in the chemical and energy sectors.                     traditional employment sectors.
CEFIC provides figures for employment on the                          Countries with relatively low numbers such as
chemical industry and Table 4 gives the number                     Slovakia, Croatia, Poland, Switzerland, Sweden,
of graduates per 1000 employed and table 5 the                     Czech Republic and Slovenia and could reflect
CEFIC figures from which Table 4 was derived. It                   whether they are indeed producing enough
should be noted that the CEFIC figures include                     Chemical Engineers for the wide range of
the chemical and petrochemical industry but not                    career options that are available. The figure for
the pharmaceutical industry or oil refining.                       Switzerland is surprisingly low but, although the
  Countries are producing very different                           process industry is large, much of it is in the
numbers per head of population and per 1000                        pharma sector and this industry does recruit

                                                   WWW.EFCE.INFO | EFCE NEWS AND EVENTS | APRIL 2022 | PAGE 5
The European Chemical Engineering Skills Pipeline
Numbers employed in            German report’s analysis reported a carefully
                   Chemical Industry (CEFIC)        justified average to reflect a historical trend.

 Croatia                      5987                  Conclusions
 Czech Republic              129500                 The results show a significant variation in the
                                                    various indicators across European nations.
 Denmark                      10657
                                                    The average age of staff is not so wide but
 France                      166650                 it does reflect the lack of investment in new
                                                    academic staff that has been reported by
 Germany                     462553                 colleagues in Ukraine, Italy and Greece. Student
 Greece                       13500                 to staff ratios show a very wide range and,
                                                    although some could be because of different
 Italy                       109600                 academic structures and the way the curriculum
 Lithuania                    6300
                                                    is delivered, it should provide some ammunition
                                                    to seek for greater investment in new academic
 Netherlands                  57000                 staff in countries particularly as there is growing
                                                    demand for Chemical Engineers in a wide range
 Poland                      315000
                                                    of roles beyond the process industries.
 Portugal                     14604                     The figures in proportion to the population are
                                                    harder to interpret and need to be considered
 Romania                      22500
                                                    by the Member Societies in each individual
 Slovakia                     46143                 country to explore whether the figures indicate
                                                    that there could or should be increased student
 Slovenia                     31000                 recruitment. The best way might be to compare
 Spain                       196800                 with countries of a similar industrial profile.
                                                    In countries where the numbers are small it
 Sweden                       51300                 could also indicate an opportunity to promote
 Switzerland                  70000                 the skills of graduate Chemical Engineers more
                                                    widely. The comparisons against the Chemical
 UK                          153000                 industry employment numbers also need
                                                    interpreting carefully but again if the number
 Ukraine                   Not available
                                                    is low and there are reports of shortages by
                                                    the main employers the figures would provide
Table 6 – Graduates per 1000 Chemical Industry      support for the need for more graduates. The
Workforce                                           numbers are worth considering by the main
                                                    process industry employer organisations since
heavily from Chemistry graduates. The same          their interest is in productivity which can be
may be the case for Sweden.                         hampered by lack of skilled engineers.
   An interesting point is that the German              It is hoped that these comparisons can help
figures, which were obtained for several years in   them make a stronger case for investment in
succession, showed a very significant variation     new teaching staff at Universities and where
from year to year. The total number of students     appropriate for more student places. Chemical
studying in 2019 was 2650, in 2020 it was           Engineering is a very portable qualification so
around 8000 and in 2021 only 4500. The              where skills are in short supply they can be
German report states ‘This can be explained         filled from other countries in Europe or beyond
with the delay in curriculum and potentially        if the employment conditions are sufficiently
unfinished data preparation due to the Corona       attractive. The EFCE is keen to ensure that the
pandemic’. Some participants stated that classes    skills base does meet the needs of the sectors
could not be carried out in 2020 causing a          that can benefit from the very powerful skill set
shift to the subsequent year 2021.’ 35% of the      the graduate Chemical Engineers have acquired
students graduated in 2019, only 25% in 2020,       and are valued by the traditional process
and in 2021 less than 10% which supports this       industries and many new areas of employment.
hypothesis. In Germany it is relatively easy
to delay taking the assessment for a course         Acknowledgements
thereby delaying graduation. The employment         The author wishes to thank the many colleagues
market has been relatively weak encouraging         who helped in collecting and assembling these
students to delay graduation. The authors of the    data.

The European Chemical Engineering Skills Pipeline
EFCE Spotlight Talks 2022
We would like to cordially welcome you to the      26 April 2022, 9:30 CEST
SPOTLIGHT TALKS 2022, organised by the             Innovative Chemical Engineering Education
European Federation of Chemical Engineering        Working Parties on Education
and already the third in the series.
   This year there are eight SPOTLIGHT TALKS       26 April 2022, 15:00 CEST
hosted by seven EFCE Working Parties, and
                                                   Overcoming challenges in mixing processes with
one EFCE Section, all scheduled at the end of
                                                   evolving rheology
April. The contributing Working Parties and the
Section are: CAPE, Crystallization, Drying,        Working Party on Mixing
Education, High Pressure Technologies,
Mixing, Multiphase Fluid Flow, Membrane            27 April 2022, 9:30 CEST
Engineering.                                       CAPE ideas for biomass uses
   The webinars are completely free to attend,     Working Party on Computer Aided Process
and promise a very inspiring and stimulating       Engineering (CAPE)
treatment of Chemical Engineering science
issues!                                            27 April 2022, 15:00 CEST
   Do not miss the SPOTLIGHT TALKS 2022.           Technology to improve conventional chemical
                                                   engineering processes
Programme:                                         Working Party on High Pressure Technology

19 April 2022, 9:30 CEST                           29 April 2022, 9:30 CEST
Focus on current drying research within EFCE       Role of crystallization in the production of
Working Party on Drying                            battery materials and in battery recycling
                                                   Working Party on Crystallization
20 April 2022, 9:30 CEST
Population balance modeling in gas-liquid flows:   The full programme and registration are
a key to more reliable process design              available on the event website at https://efce.
Working Party on Multiphase Fluid Flow             info/Spotlight_Talks.html

21 April 2022, 9:30 CEST
Impact of membrane engineering on the process      Register NOW!
engineering progresses                             We look forward to seeing you in one of our
Section on Membrane Engineering                    Spotlight Talks soon.

                                      WWW.EFCE.INFO | EFCE NEWS AND EVENTS | APRIL 2022 | PAGE 7
The European Chemical Engineering Skills Pipeline
EFCE Awards 2022 – Calls for nominations
2022 EFCE Excellence Award Comminution and Classification
T h e E u r o p e a n Fe d e r a t i o n o f C h e m i c a l   The closing date for nominations is 30 April
Engineering (EFCE) and its Working Party on                    2022.
Comminution and Classification are pleased
                                                               Further information about the nomination
to announce the call for nominations for its
                                                               procedure, eligibility, supporting documentation
first Excellence Award in Comminution and
                                                               and the online submission can be obtained from
Classification. The Award has been instituted
                                                               the EFCE website at:
to recognise a PhD thesis or paper(s) of a
researcher or engineer which demonstrate(s)                    h t t p s : / / w w w. e f c e . i n f o / E x c e l l e n c e Aw a r d _
an outstanding contribution to research and/or                 ComminutionClassification
practice in the field.
                                                               About the sponsor:
                                                               NETZSCH Grinding & Dispersing is the
                                                               global leader in fine grinding and dispersing
                                                               applications, in liquid as well as dry processes.
                                                               Our innovative material processing solutions
                                                               enable our customers to create exciting
The Award is generously sponsored by NETZSCH                   products for a sustainable world. The scope of
Grinding & Dispersing                                          our products ranges from laboratory machines
                                                               for smallest amounts samples to machines with
The award consists of a certificate, a cash prize              highest capacities in the market. We offer not
of 1,500 EUR, and a travel grant and fee waiver                only single units but also complete solutions
to attend the 17th European Symposium of                       from single process lines to turnkey plants.
Comminution & Classification (ESCC 2022)                       NETZSCH G&D is the most passionate team,
where the award will be presented. The                         bringing the future state of the art to customers
Symposium will be held in Toulouse, France, on                 across all industries. To be as close as possible
27 to 29 June 2022. Furthermore, the successful                to our customers we have localized our
candidate will be invited to make a presentation               production and we are running a total of eleven
at ESCC 2022.                                                  laboratories around the world. Our sales and
                                                               service teams are covering all global industrial
  Nominations may be submitted by any PhD
                                                               regions. Innovation is the key to our future, for
supervisor at a PhD-awarding institution in
                                                               this reason we are aware of the importance of
an EFCE member country or by a member of
                                                               continuous top quality development, so it was
an EFCE member society. The nominated PhD
                                                               easy for NETZSCH to decide to support this
thesis or paper(s) must address a topic relevant
                                                               excellence award with our sponsorship.
to the field of Comminution and Classification.
Only PhD theses or paper(s) published between
October 2019 and April 2022 are eligible for

  The following call for nomination is still open:

  EFCE Excellence Award in Mechanics of Particulate Solids 2022
  Closing date for nominations: 30 April 2022
  The Excellence Award is generously sponsored by
  Jenike & Johanson Inc.
  Further information:

The European Chemical Engineering Skills Pipeline
Working Party News
2022 Summer School on Crystallization
Tu Dortmund, Germany, 29 June – 2 July 2022
Organized by the EFCE Working Party on Crystallization
Each lecture will be delivered by two speakers:   The school will be closed by a discussion driven
one from industry and one from academia. The      by the participants on the future challenges in
names of the speakers will be communicated        crystallization!
                                                  Deadline and registration: The school is free
Topics:                                           of charge, but potential participants should show
• Solid forms and their thermodynamics
                                                  interest in the school by 15 April 2022
• Nucleation and Molecular Growth
• Aggregation and Breakage                        Website for further information and registration:
• Modelling and Control                 

 News from the Working Party on Loss Prevention and Safety
 Promotion in the Process Industries
 Join the 17th International Symposium on         More than 200 submitted abstracts promise
 Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in          an interesting and valuable program, as well
 the Process Industries – Loss Prevention         as 6 very attractive keynote lectures to be
 2022 (EFCE Event No. 765)                        presented by the renown colleagues Stewart
                                                  Behie, Valerio Cozzani, Nikos Markatos,
 The Symposium will be held in hybrid format
                                                  Manfred Müller, Arjan van Dijk, and Vladimír
 (online and in Prague, Czech Republic) on 5-8
 June 2022
                                                  Register now!
 Loss Prevention 2022 is organised by the
 Faculty of Safety Engineering - VSB Technical    For further details, see “EFCE Events” below or
 University of Ostrava and the EFCE Working       visit the Symposium website at:
 Party on Loss Prevention.              
The European Chemical Engineering Skills Pipeline
Member Society News
Czech Society of Chemical Engineering (CSCHE)
The Czech Society of Chemical Engineering        Posters may be accepted up to the
(CSCHE) invites you to the upcoming CHISA        beginning of the Congress but only those
2022 – 26th International Congress of            received before 31 May 2022 will be
Chemical and Process Engineering to be           included in the final program.
held in Prague, Czech Republic on 21 to 25
August 2022 (EFCE Event No. 787).                Register now!
  In 2022, CSCHE celebrates 60 years of CHISA    The deadline for standard and presenting
Congresses under the motto “The place, where     author’s registration is 30 April 2022.
people meet people and science meets culture”
  Watch the special CHISA invitation at:         For further details, see “EFCE Events” below or            visit the Symposium website at:

 Publication Medals of the official EFCE journals
 The winners of the annual publication medals have now been announced and you can currently
 read the winning papers for free at:

 Moulton Medal - awarded to the author, or authors, of the most meritous papers published by
 IChemE in the last year.
 Junior Moulton Medal - awarded to the author, or authors, of the most meritous papers
 published by IChemE in the last year. Authors witing 10 years of graduation.
 Hutchison Medal - recognises an author for a contribution to the literature that has stimulated
 debate within the chemical engineering community.

 For more information about the medals see

News about the official EFCE journals
For the latest updates on published                   Chemical Engineering Research
papers, freely available content and editor           and Design
and author interviews please follow the               h t t p s : / / w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m / j o u r n a l /
journals on Twitter:                                  chemical-engineering-research-and-design
Chemical Engineering Research and Design              Freely available content:                     • January 2022 issue (Volume 177)
Digital Chemical Engineering                              chemical-engineering-research-and-design/                           vol/177/suppl/C
Carbon Capture Science & Technology                   • NEW Development and Application of                           Membranes for Challenging Environments
Education for Chemical Engineers                          chemical-engineering-research-and-design/                            special-issue/10W9MH3L1X1
New to Twitter:                                       • NEW International Symposium of Reaction
                                                          Engineering, Catalysis & Sustainable Energy
Process Safety and Environmental                          (RECaSE 2021)
Protection                                                                 chemical-engineering-research-and-design/
Read journal papers for free
                                                      Process Safety and Environmental
The following articles / issues are set for free
access periods. In addition to these, articles
that are published via the open access route in
the journal are also freely available to all. These
are identified in ScienceDirect by a green dot.       Freely available content:
It is possible sign up to an RSS alert specifically   • January 2022 issue (Volume 157)
to inform when a new open access article is    
published in the journal – see individual journal        process-safety-and-environmental-protection/
pages to set this up.                                    vol/157/suppl/C

                                       WWW.EFCE.INFO | EFCE NEWS AND EVENTS | APRIL 2022 | PAGE 11
• N E W S a f e t y, e nv i r o n m e n t a l a n d r i s k                  Freely available content:
  management related to Covid-19
                                                                             • January 2022 issue (Volume 29)
    special-issue/10D5W6RGHXZ                                                  sustainable-production-and-consumption/
• NEW Emerging Trends in Thermocatalytic,
  Photocatalytic,         Electrocatalytic,
  Photoeletrocatalytic and Biological Conversion
                                                                             Digital Chemical Engineering
  of Harmful Gases into Benign Compounds for                                 Gold Open Access – APC (Author Processing
  Environmental Protection                                                   Charge) fully waived on all submissions
                                                                             received before 29 May 2022
    process-safety-and-environmental-protection/                             Freely available content:
                                                                             • NEW All content freely available at:
• NEW Air Pollution Prevention and Pollution                         
  Source Identification of Chemical Industrial                                 chemical-engineering
  Parks                                   Carbon Capture Science & Technology
    special-issue/10CBFZHN2P2                                                Freely available content:
                                                                             • NEW All content freely available at:
• Data Analytics in Process Safety                           
    process-safety-and-environmental-protection/                               carbon-capture-science-and-technology
                                                                             Invitation to submit papers
PSEP – Editor’s Choice Paper – Read for Free
                                                                             We have a number of special issues planned that
                                                                             are currently open for submission. Submissions
                                                                             from all welcome! If you require any further
                                                                             information then please contact Managing Editor
Food and Bioproducts Processing                                              Catherine Cliffe                                  Details as follows:
Freely available content:                                                    Chemical Engineering Research
• January 2022 issue (Volume 131)                                            and Design
                                                                             NEW Special Issue: Chemical Engineering in
                                                                             Latin America: Challenges and Opportunities
                                                                             (Manuscript submission deadline 31 May 2022)
Education for Chemical Engineers                                   
h t t p s : / / w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m / j o u r n a l /   engineering-research-and-design/call-for-papers/
education-for-chemical-engineers                                             special-issue-chemical-engineering-in-latin-
Freely available content:
• January 2022 issue (Volume 38)                                             NEW Special Issue: Intelligent Green Oil and                                   Gas Engineering (Manuscript submission deadline
    education-for-chemical-engineers/vol/38/                                 31 May 2022)
Sustainable Production and
h t t p s : / / w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m / j o u r n a l /   Special Issue: Extended Application of
sustainable-production-and-consumption                                       Biomass-based Activated Carbon in Water and

Wastewater Treatment (Manuscript submission        sustainable-production-and-consumption
deadline 30 June 2022)
                                                   Special issue: Circular Economy as a Driver        for Achieving Sustainable Production and Con-
engineering-research-and-design/call-for-          sumption (Manuscript submission deadline 31
papers/special-issue-extended-application-of-      July 2022)
wastewater-treatment                               production-and-consumption/call-for-papers/
NEW Special Issue: Enabling Technologies for
Biopharmaceutical Process Development and          consumption
Manufacturing (Manuscript submission deadline
30 September 2022)
                                                   Digital Chemical Engineering
gineering-research-and-design/call-for-papers/     Special issue: Emerging Stars in Digital Chem-
special-issue-enabling-technologies-for-biophar-   ical Engineering (Nomination deadline 30 April
maceutical-process-development-and-manufac-        2022)
turing                                             h t t p s : / / w w w. j o u r n a l s . e l s e v i e r. c o m / d i g i -
Process Safety and Environmental                   ing-stars-in-digital-chemical-engineering
Protection                       Special issue: Advances in the Digitalisation of
NEW Special issue: Aqueous Emerging                the Process Industries (Manuscript submis-sion
Pollutants and Treatment (Manuscript submission    deadline 15 May 2022)
deadline 30 June 2022)
safety-and-environmental-protection/call-          sue-on-advances-in-the-digitalisation-of-the-pro-
for-papers/special-issue-aqueous-emerging-         cess-industries
                                                   NEW Special issue: Autonomy, Safety, and Se-
Special issue: Resilience Assessment and Man-      curity for Cyber-Physical Systems in the Process
agement (Manuscript submission deadline 31         Industries (Manuscript submission deadline 30
August 2022)                                       November 2022)
ty-and-environmental-protection/call-for-papers/   cal-engineering/call-for-papers/special-issue-au-
special-issue-resilience-assessment-and-man-       tonomy-safety-and-security-for-cyber-physi-
agement                                            cal-systems-in-the-process-industries

Education for Chemical Engineers             Carbon Capture Science &
NEW Special issue: Accreditation (Manuscript
submission deadline 30 June 2022)                  Special issue: Nanomaterials Tailored for
                                                   CO 2 Science (Manuscript submission deadline       30 June 2022)
Sustainable Production and                         science
Special issue: Digital Transformation for
Sustainable Production and Consumption
(Manuscript submission deadline 31 May 2022)

                                     WWW.EFCE.INFO | EFCE NEWS AND EVENTS | APRIL 2022 | PAGE 13
an ne No
                                                                                      d w te
                                                                                        fo da
                                                                                          rm te
Events organised by or on                                                                   at s
behalf of EFCE in 2022/23
An extended list of events is available at

PMB2022 – 7th International                         Prague, Czech Republic)
Conference on Population Balance                    5–8 June 2022 (EFCE Event No. 765)
Modelling                                           The 17th International Symposium on Loss
Lyon, France, 7–9 June 2022                         Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process
(EFCE Event No. 785)                                Industries and accompanying exhibition is
                                                    organised by the Faculty of Safety Engineering
PBM2022 is organised by Université Claude           - VSB Technical University of Ostrava and the
Bernard Lyon with involvement of several EFCE       EFCE Working Party on Loss Prevention.
Working Parties related to the field
                                                    Topics: The topic matrix is available at:
Topics: Contribution and challenges of PBM
in practical / novel applications; Identification
and uncertainty analysis of PBM; Experimental       More than 200 submitted abstracts promise an
approaches, monitoring; Solution methods of         interesting and valuable program, as well as 6
PBM, stochastic PBM; Multiscale coupling of PBM     very attractive keynote lectures.
                                                       More information and Registration and
‘Last Minute Poster’ submission deadline:           accommodation forms are available on the
29 April 2022                                       website.
Invited speakers: Dr. R. Bertrum Diemer,               The 2022 Symposium will be held in a
University of Delaware, USA; Prof. Rodney O.        new, hybrid form which offers even more
Fox, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA;        opportunities for presentation.
Prof. Achim Kienle, Max Planck Institute and
                                                    Plenary speakers: Stewart Behie; Valerio
Otto von Guericke, University of Magdeburg,
                                                    Cozzani; Nikos Markatos; Manfred Müller; Arjan
                                                    van Dijk; Vladimír Vlček
Register now!
                                                    Register now!

15th European PhD Workshop on                       ESCAPE-32 – 32nd European
Food Engineering and Technology                     Symposium on Computer Aided
Uzwil, Switzerland, 10-11 May 2022                  Process Engineering
                                                    Toulouse, France, 12-15 June 2022
The PhD Workshop is organised by the EFCE
Section on Food and hosted by Bühler at its
                                                    (EFCE Event No. 778)
CUBIC Innovation Campus.This is a unique            The ESCAPE-32 event is organized under
opportunity for your highly qualified PhD           the auspices of the EFCE Working Party on
students and recently graduated Postdocs            Computer Aided Process Engineering (CAPE-
to present and discuss their projects and to        WP), Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse
strengthen their network in academia and            (Toulouse INP) and Société Française de Génie
industry.                                           des Procédés (SFGP).
Website:         Topics: Modelling and Simulation, Product/
                                                    Process Synthesis and Design, Large Scale
17th International Symposium on                     Design and Planning/Scheduling, On Line Model
Loss Prevention and Safety                          Based Applications and Control, Concepts,
                                                    Methods and Tools, Digitalization and Artificial
Promotion in the Process Industries                 Intelligence, CAPE Applications Addressing
– Loss Prevention 2022                              Societal Challenges, Education in CAPE and
Hybrid format (online and in                        Knowledge Transfer.

Plenary speakers: Sigurd Skogestad; Vincent                            The summer school is organised by Working
Gerbaud; Jutta Valkenberg.                                             Party on Crystallization. Each lecture will be
                                                                       delivered by two speakers: one from industry
Register now!
                                                                       and one from academia. The names of the
Website:                             speakers will be communicated shortly.
                                                                       Topics: Solid forms and their thermodynamics;
17th European Symposium on                                             Nucleation and Molecular Growth; Aggregation
                                                                       and Breakage; Modelling and Control
Comminution & Classification –
ESCC2022                                                               Deadline and registration: The school is free
                                                                       of charge, but potential participants should show
Toulouse, France, 27–29 June 2022
                                                                       interest in the school by 15 April 2022
(EFCE Event No. 784)
17th European Symposium on Comminution
& Classification (ESCC) is organised by INP
Toulouse on behalf of the EFCE Working Party on                        CHISA 2022 – 25th International
Comminution and Classification.                                        Congress of Chemical and Process
   This event will combine the fundamentals of                         Engineering
breakage, advanced models and comminution
                                                                       Prague, Czech Republic,
a n d c l a s s i f i c a t i o n p r o c e s s e s o n m i n e ra l
processing, biorefinery, food, pharmaceutical,                         21-25 August 2022
chemical and materials industries as well as                           (EFCE Event No. 787)
recycling industries and waste processing.                             The Czech Society of Chemical Engineering
Topics: Fundamentals of particle breakage;                             (CSCHE) invites you to the upcoming CHISA in
Innovative methods for particulate                                     the very beautiful city of Prague to celebrate 60
characterization; Coarse grinding and                                  years of CHISA Congresses in 2022 under the
classification processes, especially for minerals,                     motto “The place, where people meet people
ores, cement, …; Grinding, dispersing and                              and science meets culture”.
classification of fine particles, micro and
nanomilling applied to pharmaceutical, chemical,                       Topics:
material and electronic industries …; Cell                             I. GLOBAL THOUGHTS: Low to zero emission
disintegration and recovery of high value-added                        technologies; Carbon dioxide economy; Water
products in biorefinery, green processes, food                         supply, management, reuse, purification;
industries, …; Grinding for recycling industries                       Fo o d i n t h e f o c u s ; S u s t a i n a b i l i t y a n d
and waste processing : plastics, WEEE,                                 circularity; Healthcare, hygiene, medicine and
construction and demolition wastes, agricultural                       pharmacology; The Covid outbreak and chemical
wastes, solar panels, wind turbines, …;                                engineering;
Mechanochemical and mechanofusion processes,
mechanical bulk and surface transformations;                           II. ENERGY: Energy to carbon footprint ratio;
Transport and process modelling across length                          Low energy cost processes; Renewable energy
scales (CFD, multiphase flow, DEM, PBM, …);                            and energy storage, hydrogen as a fuel; Energy
Wear, erosion and product contamination;                               self-sufficiency; Clean energy; Photochemistry,
Plant operation, innovations in milling and                            solar cells and solar powered technologies, fuel
classification technologies including automation,                      cells; Energy saving processes and technologies;
machine learning, in line sensors.                                     Batteries;
Plenary speaker: Pr. Ecevit Bilgili, New Jersey                        III. MATTER IN MOTION: Continuous process
Institute of Technology (NJIT), USA                                    design and optimization (batch to continuous,
                                                                       flow chemistry); Process intensification and
Register now! Early-bird registration deadline:
                                                                       miniaturisation; Fluid flow and microfluidics,
1 May 2022
                                                                       multiphase flow; Microreactors for real-life
Website:                             products and scaled-up technologies; Mixing;
                                                                       Separation processes;
2022 Summer School on
                                                                       IV. NOT ONLY FASTER: Reaction engineering
Crystallization                                                        and kinetics; Homogeneous and heterogenous
TU Dortmund, Germany, 29 June –                                        catalysis; Catalytic processes; Design,
2 July 2022                                                            preparation and characterisation of catalysts;

                                                    WWW.EFCE.INFO | EFCE NEWS AND EVENTS | APRIL 2022 | PAGE 15
Catalytic reactors;                                 ACHEMA 2022
V. PARTICLES: Advanced functional materials;        Frankfurt am Main, Germany,
Designed, printed, integrated, used materials,      NEW DATE: 22–26 August 2022
3D printing; Particulate and microporous solids,
                                                    (EFCE Event No. 775)
low-risk advanced materials; Biomimetics;
Functional films and nanostructures; Sensors        Feel the heartbeat of our industry! The process
and sensing objects and nano-objects;               industry is the innovation driver of the world
Hierarchical structures and nanoparticles;          economy and the pacemaker for numerous
Polymers and polymer technologies, conductive       industrial sectors
polymers                                              ACHEMA is the central arena of the process
VI. GREEN ISSUES: No waste technologies             industry. Nowhere is the heartbeat of our
                                                    industry faster, more intense, up-to-date,
and zero waste plants; Production-trade-
                                                    innovative and international than here.
customer zero waste chains; Urban mining,
waste management; Microplastics and endocrine         Take this opportunity to forge new contacts,
disruptors; Biotechnologies, biomass and            to build up business relations and find solutions
                                                    for your current projects!
biomass processing; Membrane processes,
adsorption; Air, soil and water pollution,          New exhibition group ‘Digital Hub’ (Hall
pollution control; Green and supercritical          12.1) Venue for digital players at the heart
chemistry, VOC reduction, ionic liquids;            of ACHEMA:
Processes for environment;                          achema/digital-hub
VII. YOU MUST KNOW: Chemical reactors –             ACHEMA Congress – from research to
all aspects; Transport phenomena; Distillation,     application: This year, for the first time,
extraction, SCF extraction, S-L separation,         ACHEMA will fully integrate the congress into
crystallisation; Thermodynamics, phase              the exhibition programme. All congress sessions
equilibria, multiphase processes; Chemical          will take place either on stages directly in the
engineering computations and modelling,             exhibition halls or in the immediate vicinity
molecular dynamics, ab-initio calculations,         of the exhibition groups. Another change to
mathematical predictions, neural networks;          the Congress is that there will be five theme
New and improved technologies; Chemical             days instead of three this year. Daily highlight
engineering and safety, prevention and loss         sessions within the respective themes will
control; Elimination of health and environmental    emphasize additional topics, ensuring that
hazards;                                            all topics driving the process industry are
VIII. COLLEGE: Educated chemical engineers;         addressed.
Teaching chemical engineering, new strategies,        On Monday (22 August 2022), the
opportunities; Jobs in chemical engineering;        theme “Hydrogen Economy” will kick off the
Choosing chemical engineering as the field of       event: As we move towards a climate neutral
studies – wright or wrong?; Competitiveness of      future, hydrogen will play a central role in the
chemical engineers on the job market;               transformation of the process industry, the
                                                    transport sector and the energy system. The
XI. The Wiley-VCH Poster Session.                   process industry is already the main user of
Plenary speakers: Prof. Robert Schlögl, Max         hydrogen. The focus of the first theme day will
Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion,    be how to leverage its further potential in the
Berlin, DE; Prof. Christine Grant, North Carolina   future.
State University, USA; Prof. David Fernandez          Production without the use of fossil raw
Rivas, University of Twente, NL; Prof. Matthias     materials is an important and ambitious goal to
Kraume, Technical University Berlin, DE; Prof.      reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the process
                                                    industry. The idea of fossil-free production is
Yoel Sasson, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, IL.
                                                    simple, but there are still many unanswered
For details see
                                                    questions. These will be addressed by the
                                                    “Fossil Free Production” theme day on
Posters may be accepted up to the                   Tuesday (23 August 2022).
beginning of the Congress but only those              The focus topic of ACHEMA, “The Digital
received before 31 May 2022 will be                 Lab”, will be part of the Wednesday (24
included in the final program.                      August 2022) theme day on “Perspectives
                                                    in Laboratory & Analytics”: Data from all
Website:                     areas of research and production converge in

Save the date!
                                                       ECCE14 & ECAB8 - 14th
the laboratory. Modular, automated and fully           European Congress of
networked, the digital laboratory is a central
component for process development and quality          Chemical Engineering & 7th
assurance. The Highlight Session on this topic         European Congress of Applied
and the Congress will complement the theme
   The continuous hot topic of “Digitalisation         Berlin, Germany,
in Process Industry” can be found as part
of the new exhibition group “Digital Hub”              17-21 September 2023
(Hall 12.1) and also as a focal point of the           (EFCE Event No. 782)
Congress programme agenda on Thursday (25
August 2022): “Data is the new gold” is a
phrase used often enough, but how can this
treasure be harnessed? How can data be used in
business models? And how can data security be         cars, ships, aircrafts, satellites); CO2 capture.
guaranteed?                                             Selected contributions will be published in a
   The last day of the congress on Friday             special issue of CHERD as a long version.
(26 August 2022) will focus on “Novel                 Associated with the conference, a call for
Bioprocesses and Technologies”: New                   nominations for the 2022 EFCE EXCELLENCE
biopharmaceuticals, bio-based fine chemicals          AWARD IN FLUID SEPARATIONS is open. The
or bio-technological recycling all require new        award is sponsored by the EFCE and Evonik.
(production) processes. Changes in these
processes are especially driven by advances           Plenary speakers: Andreas Bode, BASF SE;
in synthetic biology, automated laboratory            Søren Bøwadt, Health and Digital Executive
technologies, integrated bioprocesses, innovative     Agency (HaDEA); Veronique Pugnet, TOTAL;
bioreactor concepts, novel downstream                 Bernard Saulnier & Mikaël Wattiau, Air Liquide
technologies and advanced modelling. ACHEMA           R&D; Michael Schultes, Ruhr-Universität Bochum;
2022 will serve as the global showcase for these      & Daniel R. Summers, FRI’s Design Practices
developments.                                         Committee.

Join us and register now!                             Register now!

Website:                    Website:

                                                      9th World Congress of Particle
Distillation & Absorption 2022
Toulouse, France,
                                                      Madrid, Spain, 18–23 September 2022
18–21 September 2022
                                                      (EFCE Event No. 784)
(EFCE Event No. 780)
                                                      WCPT9 is the world’s most influential event for the
Distillation & Absorption 2022 will showcase
                                                      particle technology community. It’s where world-
the newest and best in distillation & absorption
                                                      leading researchers and companies share the
technology and will cover a broad range of
                                                      latest thought leadership about the progression
fundamental and applied aspects. The conference
                                                      and future of particle technology. And it’s the
is supported by the Société Française de Génie
                                                      best place for networking opportunities with your
des Procédés (SFGP) working closely with the
                                                      colleagues to share mutual professional goals.
EFCE Working Party on Fluid Separation.
                                                      For WCPT9, a unique collaboration has been
Topics: Basic data; Modelling, Simulation, IA
                                                      established among 8 Working Parties of the European
methods (hybrid modelling, digital twin,…); Hybrid
                                                      Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE). The
and Multifunctionnal Processes (modularity,
                                                      following EFCE Working Parties are involved with
flexibility, intensification,…); Equipment design,
                                                      the organisation of WCPT9: Agglomeration,
technology and innovation (additive manifacturing,
                                                      Characterisation of Particulate Systems,
centrifugal separation,…); Control, Process
                                                      Comminution and Classification, Crystallization,
operation and         troubleshooting; Energy and
                                                      Drying, Mechanics of Particulate Solids, Mixing,
sustainability in separation processes (efficiency,
                                                      Multiphase Fluid Flow.
renewable energy, new concepts, CO2 capture,…);
Biobased separation processes; Mobile/On-board        WCPT9 main topic: Particulate solids handling;
separation processes (embedded processes in           Particle and particulate systems characterization;

                                       WWW.EFCE.INFO | EFCE NEWS AND EVENTS | APRIL 2022 | PAGE 17
Particle    processing;  Particle-fluid systems:    storage; Help energy consumers to make more
fluidization and multi-phase flow; Particle         sustainable decisions; Mobilizing industry for
formation and design; Particle separation;          a clean and circular economy; Zero pollution
Aerosol particles; Nanoparticles: production,       ambition for a toxic-free environment; Preserving
characterization and applications; Modelling and    and restoring ecosystems and biodiversity;
simulation; Science, Technology, Engineering and    Energy storage and battery technology; Energy
Design in particle-based materials and products.    transportation and transmission; Mobilizing
                                                    society for the energy transition; How digital
Beyond these main topics, Joint Events (JE)
                                                    evolution can help zero carbon footprint challenge
will be also organized in engineering, scientific
or technically related fields, where particle       The call for papers is still open. Deadline:
technology is present. Three WCPT9-JE have been     30 April 2022
already confirmed:                                  Selected papers will be presented during the
• Challenges of microplastics: analysis and         conference and published into Chemical Engi-
   control.                                         neering Transactions:
• III ANQUE-DECHEMA Leading edge conference         The quality of this publication is valued by ISBN &
  “Particle Technology. Shaping the future”.        ISSN numbers, reference by SCOPUS and SCHOLAR
• Multidimensional particle properties:             Exhibition & Sponsorship: Spaces are available
  characterization, separation and application.     at Conference Venue for exhibition desks. A
                                                    maximum surface that can be assigned to each
Plenary speakers: Aibing Yu, Australia; Wolfgang
                                                    booth is 3x2=6 m2. Download the Sponsorship
Peukert, Germany; Jesús Santamaría, Spain; Lidia
                                                    Guide here with sponsorship packages description
Morawska, Australia; Willie Hendrickson, USA
                                                    and exhibition solutions.
Exhibition and sponsorship: Take advantage          Website:
of this opportunity to showcase your company’s/
organization’s products, services and expertise.    17th European Conference on Mixing
If you wish to participate to the Sponsorship
Program of the Congress, please consult the
                                                    (EFCE Event No. 773)
sponsorship & exhibition guide at:                  The Mixing Conference is organised by the         University of Porto on behalf of the EFCE
Sponsorship-Opportunities-Exhibition-Guide_2.pdf    Working Party on Mixing. The physical
                                                    conference in Porto, Portugal is postponed
Deadline for abstract submission extended           to 2023.
to 2 May 2022
Register now!

Energy, Environment &                                Contact
Digital Transition E2DT                              Follow us on social media:
Milano, Italy, 16–19 October 2022
(EFCE Event No. 781)                                   
The conference aims to bringing together
researchers,    engineers,  senior   executives,
policy makers and opinion formers to map the
transition from an economy based on fossil fuels
towards net zero carbon and fully renewable                      @EFCE_Comms
energy to meet the COP26 Glasgow Agreement
targets. The objective is to provide a view on         
available, up-to-date evidence on positive and                   UCxuvfbb5ST3DMHLAwZ6326w
negative environmental effects of the energy
transformation in a holistic way and on the                      Ines Honndorf,
opportunities for new technologies to drive
accelerate the transition.                                       Claudia Flavell-While,
Topics: Technology process on renewable energy
generation and use; Carbon capture and storage       Every effort is made to ensure the factual accuracy of the content of this
                                                     e-newsletter, but EFCE cannot accept any responsibility for errors.
technology; Hydrogen energy: production and

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