THE EVANGELINE The Latest News from Clarke Parish

Page created by Vincent Shelton
THE EVANGELINE The Latest News from Clarke Parish

The Latest News from Clarke
            Pulpit Swap Sunday
                             January 26, 2020
                         8 (GEC) - Holy Eucharist (Rite I)
                      9 am (SM) - Morning Prayer (Rite II)
                     11 am (GEC) – Morning Prayer (Rite II)

          Lessons - Isaiah 9:1-4, 1 Corinthians 1:10-18, Matthew 4:12-23
Lay Readers - 8 am - Glen Koontz / 9 am - Gwendolyn Malone / 11 am - Colin Greene
               Acolytes: Diane & Robyn Preston and Stella Herndon
               Altar Guild: Priscilla Lowe and Abby Sours (January)
                             Usher: Volunteer Needed!
         Coffee Hour: Community Potluck Luncheon at John H. Enders

              THE PRESENTATION
      of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple
                             February 2, 2020
                       8 am (GEC) - Holy Eucharist (Rite I)
                    10:15 am (GEC) – Morning Prayer (Rite I)

              Lessons: Malachi 3:1-4, Hebrews 2:14-18, Luke 2:22-40
             Lay Reader: 8 am - Sue Nolan / 10:15 am - Jon Campbell
            Acolytes: Terrence Preston, Adam Wilson and Elise Rovde
  Altar Guild: Margaret Burks, Kathy Campbell and Caroline McKay (February)
                         Usher: Stuart Dunn (February)
                  Coffee Hour: 'Soup'er Bowl Sunday Potluck

THE EVANGELINE The Latest News from Clarke Parish
The Lay Reader and Acolyte Schedule for Clarke Parish
                    can be found by clicking the links below.
                     Click Here for January 2020 Schedule
                     Click Here for February 2020 Schedule

     We are currently working on the schedules for March and April - they will be posted soon.

                CALENDAR QUICK NOTES

January 22 - WATTS Night at the Clarke Co. Ruritan
January 26 - Pulpit Swap Sunday - Rev Smith from Duncan Memorial United Methodist
Church will visit Clarke Parish and offer Morning Prayer during the 9 & 11 am services.
Rev. Ivatts will lead worship at the United Methodist Churches of Boyce, Millwood &
White Post.
January 26 - Community Potluck Luncheon - 12:30 pm at John H. Enders Social Hall
February 2 - The Annual Meeting of Clarke Parish! The churches of Clarke Parish will
meet for a combined service of worship beginning at 10:15 am at Grace. Immediately
following service, the annual meeting will be held in the sanctuary. At its conclusion, a
potluck luncheon will be shared in the Fellowship Hall. All congregants and friends of
the parish are encouraged to attend! Snow Date - February 9th
February 2 - Soup(er) Bowl Sunday Potluck! Bring a favorite pot of soup to share with
the Parish immediately following the Annual Meeting of Clarke Parish.
February 17 - Grace Vestry Meeting - 7 pm in the Conference Room
February 21 - Social Services Monthly Food Distribution at Duncan Memorial - every
February the churches of Clarke Parish volunteer to host and fund this important
event. Volunteers will be needed from 8 am to 11 am to help fill and distribute the food
February 22 - St. Mary's Mardi Gras Party in the Parish House @ 2 pm!Costumes
Welcome - an afternoon of fun & games AND food.
February 23 - Jazz Sunday! 10:15 am service at Grace Church with congregants from St.
Mary's, Grace, and the Church of New Beginnings. NOTE: The 8 am service will be
celebrated too.
February 23 - Shrove Sunday Pancake Feastimmediately following Jazz Sunday service
(Parish Hall @ GEC)
February 26 - Ash Wednesday Worship - noon at St. Mary's / 7 pm at Grace Church
March 4 - Service of Noonday Office & Lenten Lunch - 12 pm @ GEC
March 7 - Lenten Taize Service - 5 pm @ St. Mary's
March 8 - Day Light Saving Time BEGINS! Spring Forward 1-hour
March 11 - Service of Noonday Office & Lenten Lunch - 12 pm @ GEC
March 14 - Lenten Taize Service - 5 pm @ St. Mary's
March 16 - Grace Vestry Meeting - 7 pm in the Conference Room
March 18 - Service of Noonday Office & Lenten Lunch - 12 pm @ GEC
March 21 - Lenten Taize Service - 5 pm @ St. Mary's
March 22 - 8th Annual Parish Chili Cook-Off! - Noon in the Fellowship Hall
March 25 - Service of Noonday Office & Lenten Lunch - 12 pm @ GEC
March 26 - Soul-FULL Community Dinner hosted by Clarke Parish - 5:15 pm at Duncan
March 27 - Joint Vestry Dinner at the Rectory - 6:30 pm
March 28 - Joint Vestry Retreat - 9 am - 3 pm at Holy Cross Abbey
March 28 - Lenten Taize Service - 5 pm @ St. Mary's
April 1 - Service of Noonday Office & Lenten Lunch - 12 pm @ GEC
April 4 - Lenten Taize Service - 5 pm @ St. Mary's
April 5 - Palm Sunday / Bishop Visitation Day- the morning will begin at 10 am @ St.
Mary's for the Liturgy of the Palms. We will then process through town with Bishop
David C. Jones leading the way to Grace Church for a special service of Holy Eucharist
including confirmations, receptions and reaffirmations.
April 9 - Maundy Thursday Worship & Dinner - 6 pm @ St. Mary's
April 10 - Good Friday Worship - noon @ Berryville Presbyterian / 7 pm @ GEC
April 11 - Litany of Holy Saturday Worship - noon @ St. Mary's
April 11 - Easter Vigil - 8 pm @ GEC / the service will begin at the firepit located on the
Rectory grounds.
THE EVANGELINE The Latest News from Clarke Parish
April 12 - Easter Sunday Worship, Easter Egg Hunt and Brunch!
      April 24-26 - Parish Retreat Weekend at Shrine Mont!

                              ALTAR FLOWERS

ALTAR FLOWERS (1/26/2020) - donor needed

ALTAR FLOWERS (2/3/2020) - donor needed

ALTAR FLOWER 2020 SIGN-UP       - If interested in providing altar flowers in memory of a loved
one or in celebration of a special person or event in your life, please contact the office. There
are plenty of 'open' dates available during 2020.

                       RECTOR'S REFLECTION

This week is marked by Christians throughout the world as Christian Unity Week. It is the
week when we celebrate what binds us together rather than what divides us. Of course, the
glue that keeps us together is the unwavering devotion to Jesus Christ, Our Lord. We are
bound together by our common mission to do the work that God has set before us. Tonight,
many of our parishioners will volunteer at WATTS which we do in concert with our brother
and siter Christians here in Berryville throughout this week. This Sunday is the annual pulpit
swap when you will be joined by The Rev. Jim Smith from Duncan United Methodist Church
and I will be joining the congregations of the Boyce, White Post, Millwood United Methodist

A while back Pastor Larry Santmyer sent an email to the Clarke County Ministerial Association
and he signed off “doing together what none of us can do alone” – isn’t that the truth? So,
during this week of Christian Unity let us focus on that which unifies us, not that which
divides us, in church, politics or other ideologies. Jesus is bigger than those things and he’s
bigger than us.

Blessings, Justin+

                                CHURCH NEWS

                WATTS NIGHT
   Clarke Parish has again joined with other
   community churches to sponsor the Winchester Area Temporary Thermal Shelter
   (WATTS) program. We are signed-up to host the overnight programTONIGHT -
   Wednesday, January 22nd at the Clarke Co. Ruritan Building.

   Volunteers are always needed to help with food prep., dinner service, social hour,
   games, medical assistance, intake, and overnight supervision. Come by and lend a

THIS SUNDAY - January 26, 2020

        Each January, the Clarke County Ministerial
      Association organizes a Pulpit Swap within our
    faith-based community. This year, the churches of
      Clarke Parish welcome the Rev. Jim Smith from
   Duncan Memorial United Methodist Church - he will
        lead Morning Prayer during the 9 and 11 am
   worship services. While Rev. Smith is visiting with us, Rev. Ivatts will head to the Boyce-
        Millwood-White Post United Methodist Church Ministry to celebrate both their
                               morning and evening services.

     The 8 am Service of Holy Eucharist at Grace Church will be celebrated by Rev. Ivatts.

                            COMMUNITY POTLUCK LUNCHEON!
    Everyone is invited to enjoy fellowship at a community luncheon held this day at the
   John H. Enders Social Hall in Berryville. The luncheon begins at 12:30 pm and guests are
                     encouraged to contribute something for the meal.

                            NEXT SUNDAY, February 2, 2020!

The annual meeting of Clarke Parish will be held at Grace Church immediately following a 10:15
am service of Holy Eucharist. Please note that this will be the ONLY service offered at Clarke
Parish this day. We've elected to combine service times to make it easier for everyone to
attend this important yearly meeting. It is the tradition at Annual Meetings to hear all about
the 'good things' accomplished the previous year with detailed reports offered by church
leadership. It is also a time to elect new Vestry members and Council Delegates, learn about
goals, plans and expectations for the coming year, and most importantly provide a forum for
parishioners to openly voice their thoughts and opinions on church matters important to

In case of inclement weather, the meeting will be postponed until February 9th. In case of
snow or ice, please check your email or the church's Facebook pages for a final decision. NOTE
- no news means everything is on track and will continue as scheduled.

The Annual Report Package will be distributed by the end of the month. To be better
prepared for the meeting, please take a few minutes to review the assembled material.

                Christian Education classes for both youth and adult WILL NOT
                               meet on Annual Meeting Sunday!
                 Instead, everyone is encouraged to attend worship this day
                        and stay for the meeting immediately following.

NOTE TO COMMITTEE CHAIRS (Grace & ST. Mary's)          - If you haven't already done so, please submit
your written report to the office ASAP for inclusion in the Annual Report package. If possible,
preferably send it electronically to Robin in the office at

                                          'SOUPER' BOWL SUNDAY POTLUCK!
                                              Sunday, February 2, 2020
                                      Everyone is invited to join us in the Parish Hall
                                        at Grace Church immediately following the
                                 Annual Meeting of the Parish on Sunday, February 2, 2020
                                         for a 'Souper' Bowl Feast and some fun.

      Just think how nice it will be to wrap up our church day by sitting down in fellowship
                and enjoying some samplings of hot soup on a cold February day.

        It's a potluck, so please consider contributing a pot of soup for the festivities.
Call Robin for more details.

                                TUESDAY MORNING COFFEE SHOP HOURS
                                Justin will be in Cordial Coffee from 10:30-12:30 each
                                          Please drop by to visit. Feel free to
                            invite any friends or non church-goers you know to drop by
             f​ or coffee and a chat. Just look for the tabletop blackboard.

                         PILGRIMAGE - SEPTEMBER 2020
                   Mark your Calendars for an Exploration of
                 Celtic Spirituality with the Angelican Tradition
We will be exploring our heritage of Celtic spirituality on a pilgrimage to Wales
September 9-17, 2020. Come join us and our friends from St. John’s, McLean for a one
week exploration in this most interesting area of the British Isles.The trip will include
visits to sacred sites, worship with a local Parish of the Church of Wales, a tour of
historic Harlech Castle, and, of course, a train ride through the spectacular Snowdonia
National Park!

We are now officially accepting applications and deposit money of $500 per
person. Please make checks payable to St. John’s Episcopal Church, with “Pilgrimage
2020” in the memo line as they will handle the financial side. Forms and deposits can be
given to Robin McFillen in the office or directly to Rev. Ivatts who will collate them and
pass checks to St. John’s.

The full cost (land only) is $2275 per person, including all accommodation, breakfasts,
dinners, coach transfer and entrance fees. Airfare is separate. There is also single
supplement of $470 if you are traveling alone and do not wish to share
accommodations with someone.

        All forms and deposits must be returned by February 28, 2020
                             To learn more about the trip
            CLICK HERE to view the Pilgrimage to Wales Brochure!

                       The application form is also available by
                                  CLICKING HERE!

           Please do not hesitate to contact the office with any questions.

            SAVE THE DATE
         Friday, Feb. 21, 2020!
Every February, parishioners and friends of
Clarke Parish volunteer to staff the monthly
food distribution offered to area residents
through the Clarke Co. Dept. of Social Services.
We need your help filling the food boxes for
distribution! The monthly event begins at 8
am and runs until about 11 am in the Fellowship Hall at Duncan Memorial United
Methodist Church. The ECW of Grace Church generously underwrites this event and
covers the expense of food costs associated with the giveaway.

Volunteers are also needed on Thursday afternoon (2/20) around 3 pm to help unload
and organize the delivery from the food bank.

   Please contact the office is available to help for all or part of the morning on Friday or
   with set-up on Thursday. At times (but not often), some heavy lifting is required .

                                                      MARDI GRAS
                                                 JAZZ SUNDAY!
                               Please join us on Sunday, February 23 when Grace Church,
                               St. Mary's Church and the Church of New Beginnings come
                                together for a spiritually uplifting, music-filled morning of
                                                 worship and fellowship.

                             Karen Keating, our staff organist, and the choirs from Grace
                              and St. Mary's will be joined by Pastor Larry Santmyer and
    the talented praise band from New Beginnings - together we will make a joyful noise!

               The service begins at 10:15 am in the Sanctuary at Grace Church!

              Sunday, February 23! now that you've worked up an appetite
     doing all that singing and toe-tapping during the
      Jazz Sunday service, its time to walk across the
       street to the Parish Hall and reward yourself!
       Come eat your fill of hot delicious pancakes,
    sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, hash browns, etc
    at our annual 'Shrove Sunday' Pancake Breakfast!

                                      EVERYONE IS INVITED!
     This special free-will offering meal is hosted by our Sunday School Children and their
     families as a way of celebrating the upcoming season of Lent. All proceeds from the
            breakfast benefit the Shrine Mont Financial Assistance Fund (SMFAF)!

                             BISHOP VISITATION 2020
                       The Bishop is coming to Clarke Parish
                      on Sunday, April 5, 2020 – Palm Sunday!
         Calling anyone who wishes to be Confirmed/Received/Reaffirmed

On Palm Sunday (April 5, 2020), The Right Reverend David Colin Jones, former
Bishop Suffragan of the Diocese of Virginia, will be with us for our joint service with St. Mary’s
and Grace. What a grand day for the bishop to visit, he even gets to process through town
with us since it is Palm Sunday! Our current Upper Elementary/Middle School students in Mrs.
Nolan’s Class will be the next Confirmation cohort from the children and will be confirmed on
the next Episcopal visitation in 2022.

However, if you are an adult or high school student who has not been Confirmed in the
Episcopal Church or who has made an adult affirmation of faith in another tradition and
would like to be Received into the Episcopal Church, please let Rev. Ivatts know.

Rev. Ivatts would like to form an adult class that will meet two or three times over the
coming months to prepare for Confirmation and/or Reception. We already have
four candidate but it would be nice to have more. Please contact Justin by THIS SUNDAY
(1/26), if you would like to learn more.

                   In order to continue to run smoothly fulfilling our mission to
                   feed local children, the Backpack Committee is reorganizing.
                   There are a number of great opportunities for volunteers. If
                   you are interested in helping with any of these tasks, please
                   let Margaret Burks ( or
                   Robin McFillen in the church office know.

                    Shoppers – buy packing supplies for the ministry. You will
save receipts and be reimbursed.
Breakfast Shopper – Keep an eye on the breakfast closet and purchase needed
supplies – oatmeal, pop tarts, cereal, breakfast bars.
Snack Shopper – Keep an eye on the snack shelves and purchase needed
supplies – crackers, cookies, pretzels, pudding.
Milk Shopper – order milk from one of two sources, pick up the milk in
Winchester, deliver to the Gracement.
Coordinator with Christ Church – communicate with a representative at Christ
Church, pick up supplies in Millwood one Saturday each month.
Closet Quality Control – periodically check exploration dates and tidy the two

  Grace Episcopal Church & St. Mary's Memorial Church | 540.955.1610
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