The greatest wealth is health: Prioritizing workforce well-being as a prescription for business and economic prosperity - Healthy workforce | Cigna

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The greatest wealth is health: Prioritizing workforce well-being as a prescription for business and economic prosperity - Healthy workforce | Cigna
The greatest wealth is health:
Prioritizing workforce well-being as a prescription
for business and economic prosperity
Key takeaways:

 Reduced medical costs:                   Reduced absenteeism:
 For every $1 spent on                    Employee engagement,
 integrated care, a US                    linked to employers that
 employer saves $6 in                     take a more active role
 overall medical costs.1                  in supporting health,
                                          reduces absenteeism.2
                                          In fact, a Gallup study
                                          shows that highly
                                          engaged workplaces saw
                                          41% lower absenteeism.3

 Boosted profitability and economic prosperity:
 As a result, companies with high
 employee engagement are 22%
 more profitable, enabling companies
 and employees alike to drive
 greater US economic prosperity.3

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The greatest wealth is health: Prioritizing workforce well-being as a prescription for business and economic prosperity - Healthy workforce | Cigna
The greatest wealth is health:
           Prioritizing workforce well-being as a prescription for business and economic prosperity

The business case for building an economy of                      mission-critical for employers to approach
well-being is strong. Not only does investing                     workforce well-being as a social, business and
in workforce well-being drive more value                          economic investment to be leveraged rather
than costs for US employers, but it enables                       than an expenditure to be justified. After all,
them to make a winning bet on sustainable                         for every $1 spent on integrated care, a US
business growth, and a resilient, prosperous                      employer saves $6 in overall medical costs.1
economy. As a result, it has never been more

                     For every $1 spent on integrated care, a US employer
                               saves $6 in overall medical costs

Employees also tend to be more engaged when                       Against this backdrop, the following case
working for companies that take a more active                     study examines two employee wellness
role in supporting employee health.2 Data                         programs that have successfully driven
shows that a 13.5% increase in employee well-                     tangible, measurable benefits for employees
being was associated with an average reduction                    and employers alike, and enabled robust
of 5.2% in medical costs per employee.4                           business and wider economic outcomes.

      Data shows that a 13.5% increase in employee well-being was associated
         with an average reduction of 5.2% in medical costs per employee

    Press M, Livesey C. Integrated Care Opens New Doors to Mental Health, Addiction Care, 2019.
    Available from:
    Mitchell RJ, Oziminkowski RJ, Hartley SK. The Association Between Health Program Participation and Employee
    Retention. J Occup. 2016;58(9):896-901.
    Sorenson S. How Employee Engagement Drives Growth. Gallup, 2013.
    Available from:
    Guo X, Coberley C, Pope JE, et al. The Value of a Well-Being Improvement Strategy: Longitudinal Success across
    Subjective and Objective Measures Observed in a Firm Adopting a Consumer-Driven Health Plan. J Occup. 2015;57(10):1055-62.

                                                                             © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2021
The greatest wealth is health: Prioritizing workforce well-being as a prescription for business and economic prosperity - Healthy workforce | Cigna
The greatest wealth is health:
           Prioritizing workforce well-being as a prescription for business and economic prosperity

Proving the Value on Investment (VOI) of workforce
well-being on bottom line growth | Motorola

Headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois,                             Motorola’s wellness strategy emphasizes
Motorola, Inc. is an American multinational                        preventive care, with a focus on enhancing
telecommunications company established in                          education and prevention, continuously
1928. Established in 1996, its Work/Life and                       evaluating wellness impact to achieve
Wellness Fund invests $6 million annually                          return on investment (ROI), attracting key
in the development of best-in-class work/                          talent by advocating for a healthy culture
life and wellness programs for employees.5                         and merging benefits with the Motorola
This fund was initiated in response to                             business to support their clients.
recognition of potential savings prompted
by an earlier health management program.


                              +                                +                                            = VOI

   Continuously                         Education &                                    Attracting
evaluating wellness                     prevention                                     talent

Preventative programs offered include
disease management, cancer screenings, a
24/7 nurse telephone line, children’s aerobics                                     56,000+
and nutrition, and stress management. More
than 56,000 of Motorola’s US employees,                                    Number of Motorola’s US
retirees, and family members benefit                                     employees, retirees and family
from these programs, one component of                                    members who benefited from
the rewards package that continuously                                       preventative programs
evolves based on employees’ needs.6

    GovGrantsHelp. Motorola Solutions Grant Assistance Program, 2021.
    Available from:
    The Health Project. Motorola. 2021. Available from:

                                                                              © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2021
The greatest wealth is health:
       Prioritizing workforce well-being as a prescription for business and economic prosperity

There is a dedicated Motorola Wellness
Shared Service team, as well as wellness                $6.5 million
site representatives throughout North                    Annual cost savings from
America who partner with the team to                        medical expenses
integrate wellness programs. Evidence-based

                                                       $10.5 million
programs reviewed by medical specialty
organizations are prioritized, and new
programs must prove they are adding value
                                                         Annual cost savings from
to the business and have national application.
Motorola also offers a Health Advantage
                                                           disability expenses
Plan (HAP), a preventive healthcare plan that
supports screenings and healthy lifestyle
                                                 It also highlighted that participating employees
choices, which 74.79% of employees choose
                                                 saw a 2.5% increase in annual aggregate
over health maintenance organizations
                                                 healthcare costs contrasted by the 18% annual
(HMOs).6 Methodologies to assess program
                                                 aggregate increase for non-participants.
impact and ROI include cumulative
                                                 Overall, it revealed a total annual cost
health reports, cost savings, customer
                                                 savings of $6.5 million resulting from medical
satisfaction surveys, needs assessments,
                                                 expenses from lifestyle-related conditions
and rates of program participation.
                                                 such as obesity, hypertension, and stress.
                                                 Compared with non-participants, Motorola
 $3.93 saved from every $1 invested              saves nearly $10.5 million annually in disability
                                                 expenses for program participants compared
                                                 to non-participants.6 Motorola continues to
To measure the impact of their overall
                                                 reap the benefits of this work, and in turn,
investment in employee health and well-
                                                 has continued prioritizing employee health
being, the Motorola Wellness Initiatives
                                                 and well-being across their business.
team assessed US employees who
regularly used the on-site wellness center       By offering a well-rounded wellness
or the reimbursement benefit for an              plan to employees, their families, and
external fitness center. This study revealed     retirees, Motorola has achieved tangible
that for every $1 invested in Wellness           improvements in their workforce’s well-
benefits, Motorola saved $3.93, equating         being, while reducing the financial burden
to $6,479,673 in savings in 2000.6               that stems from poor health measures.

                                                         © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2021
The greatest wealth is health:
          Prioritizing workforce well-being as a prescription for business and economic prosperity

Unlocking business value through employee
wellness | American Cast Iron and Pipe Company

American Cast Iron and Pipe Company                          In 2016 – 10 years after the launch of
(American), an Alabama-based manufacturing                   WellBody – American reported a 4:1
firm, launched a wellness program for its                    ROI based on investing in physical
2,300 employees in 2006 called WellBody:                     therapy and safety programs, as well as
A Good Health Movement. This program                         savings from less physical therapy clinic
was launched, in part, due to recognition                    visits and absence due to injuries.
of work-related injuries as a barrier to
                                                                     10 years after the launch –
employee well-being and as a barrier to
                                                                     America reported a 4:1 ROI
business success. WellBody services include
access to registered dieticians, group fitness
classes, monthly wellness days, and required,
week-long safety training for new hires.
This program is comprised of four steps:

               1) biometric screening,

                                                             American also reported a decline of 89.2%
                                                             from 2010-2016 in the number of injuries they
               2) goal setting with
                                                             reported to Occupational Safety and Health
                  a health coach,
                                                             Administration (OSHA), as well as a decrease
                                                             in the total number of lost work time cases
               3) participation in two wellness              by 85.7%. Since 2013, 90% of American’s
                  campaigns each year, and                   employees who endured an injury were able
                                                             to return to their jobs without modifications
               4) rewards, such as discounts on              to their workload after receiving care.7
                  health plan premiums from
                  meeting health goals.                             This analysis revealed a total
                                                                       cost saving of $678,187

                                                             To determine the program’s overall financial
                                                             impact, medical and pharmaceutical claims
                                                             were reviewed. This analysis revealed a
                                                             total cost savings – from both medical and
                                                             productivity costs related to absenteeism, or
                                                             missing work due to poor health – of $678,187.8

    CDC. ‘The Right Way’: American Cast Iron Pipe Company, 2018. Available from:
    The Health Project. American Cast Iron Pipe Company. 2015.
    Available from:

                                                                       © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2021
The greatest wealth is health:
       Prioritizing workforce well-being as a prescription for business and economic prosperity

Actionable takeaways for US employers

Both Motorola’s and America’s programs            improved wellness outcomes and a reduced
showcase the potential economic impact            economic burden for the Motorola business.
of employee wellness programs on tangible
                                                  American has also seen measurable
business outcomes. As health is a critical
                                                  financial and productivity improvements
predictor of productivity, US employers
                                                  from its tailored employee wellness
are recognizing the increasingly evident
                                                  program. By implementing preventative
benefits of investing in employee wellness.       policies in response to the high frequency
Over the past two decades, investing in           of musculoskeletal injuries, American
                                                  simultaneously improved their employees’
targeted policies and programs has resulted
                                                  health while alleviating the economic toll
in significant financial gains for Motorola.
                                                  from such injuries on their business’ growth.
More specifically, supplying the resources
for preventative health measures enables          To implement similarly effective wellness
Motorola’s employees to have more control         programs, US employers should apply
over their own well-being, resulting in           the following actionable steps:

  • Identify and address the most significant barriers to business resiliency.
  • Mobilize existing resources to mitigate the detrimental impact of poor
     health and wellness to employee health and the bottom line.

  • Foster collaborative partnerships with a diverse array of multidisciplinary stakeholders
     to accelerate innovation and develop collective solutions to collective problems.

  • Drive meaningful impacts on employees’ lives beyond their
     workspace, while also achieving the business’ fullest potential.

                                                          © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2021
The greatest wealth is health:
        Prioritizing workforce well-being as a prescription for business and economic prosperity

While every effort has been taken to verify the accuracy of this information,
The Economist Intelligence Unit Ltd. cannot accept any responsibility or liability
for reliance by any person on this report or any of the information, opinions or
conclusions set out in this report. The findings and views expressed in the report
do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsor.

                                                                 © The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited 2021
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