The Highlawn, an Essex County Eagle Rock Reservation Monument

Page created by Susan Schneider
The Highlawn, an Essex County Eagle Rock Reservation Monument

                                                                                           Winter 2021

                                                                          The Highlawn, an
                                                                   Essex County Eagle Rock
                                                                     Reservation Monument

                                                     H ighlawn Po
                                                                  stcard - 194   5

                                            PAGE 6        PAGE 7                 PAGE 10   PAGE 13
            Joseph N. DiVincenzo, Jr.
            Essex County Executive
            and the Board of
            County Commissioners

            Daniel K. Salvante
            Director of Parks, Recreation
            and Cultural Affairs
The Highlawn, an Essex County Eagle Rock Reservation Monument
Dear Friend,
                        After a year’s hiatus caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, we are pleased to able
                        to bring back several of our favorite winter holiday activities that have become
                        traditions for many of us. Once again, Essex County Turtle Back Zoo will be
                        illuminated with over one million bulbs and adorned with over 50 animal and winter
                        themed characters. While strolling through the New Jersey’s #1 zoo, marvel at an
                        ice sculptor busy at work or join in a carol sing! Of course, there also will be some
                        special visitors, including Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus!
                        Get close to nature with our 2nd Annual Forest Friends Feeder Contest at the
                        Essex County Environmental Center and experience a re-creation of holidays
                        past at the return of our Essex County Historic Holiday House Tour, where historic

                                                                                                                                      An Essex County Gem Offers
                        homes throughout Essex County throw open their doors to the public and share
                        how the holidays were celebrated in bygone times.

                                                                                                                                           Panoramic Views
                        And while you are out or are looking for the perfect gift for that someone special,
                        remember to support our arts community. Concerts, movies, art galleries, theater
                        productions are all making a comeback. With our support, we can ensure that the
                        Arts community in Essex continues to thrive.
                                                                                                                  The top of Essex County Eagle Rock              and rain to enter the viewing area and        achieve its true purpose. With the opening
                        Happy Holidays! Together we will continue Putting Essex County First.
                                                                                                                  Reservation provides an unparalleled view       at times prevented visitors from really       of the restaurant, park patrons could relax
                                                                                                                  of the New York and Newark skylines. For        enjoying the experience.                      in a sheltered place that still provided them
                                                                                                                  centuries, people have traveled there to                                                      with remarkable views of the surrounding
                                                                                                                  see the world around them. However, while       Plans were drawn up to correct the            cities and nature. n
                        Joseph N. DiVincenzo, Jr.                                                                 the vista is amazing, being at the mercy of     problem and the Essex County Parks
                        Essex County Executive                                                                    weather often made visits short.                Department, then known as the Parks
                                                                                                                                                                  Commission, sought a permanent use
                                                                                                                  To address this issue, Essex County             for the building, considering options such
                                                                                                                  commissioned a “casino” to be built. Not        as a tea house, milk bar, or environmental
                               Protect yourself and your loved ones by getting vaccinated.
                                                                                                                  used for gambling, this building is more like   center. Without the presence of an on-
                                   For vaccination information, visit                              the original Italian meaning of the word: a     going operation in the space, the building
                                                  or call 973-877-8456.                                           small country villa. Opened to the public       was prone to vandalism and fell into
                                                                                                                  in 1912, it offered park patrons covered        disrepair, further discouraging visitors.
                                                                                                                  lookout areas on two levels, allowing them
                                                                                                                  an excellent view from multiple angles. A       Then in the 1980s, Essex County partnered
                        Joseph N. DiVincenzo, Jr.                                                                                                                 with an established restauranteur who
                                                                                                                  vendor sold light refreshments, hoping to
                        Essex County Executive                                                                    encourage people to linger. The structure       restored the building and opened a
                                                                                                                  allowed very little to impede the view,         celebration venue. This partnership finally
                        Daniel K. Salvante                                                                        however, that very design permitted wind        allowed the building, and location, to
                        Director of Parks, Recreation and                                                                                                                                                       Located in Essex County Eagle Rock
                        Cultural Affairs                                                                                                                                                                        Reservation in West Orange, NJ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                The Highlawn is known throughout
                                                                                                                                                                                                                the region for fine dining and its
                        BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                dedication to making each celebration
                        Wayne L. Richardson, President
                        Carlos M. Pomares, Vice President                                                                                                                                                       memorable and unique. It has been
                        Tyshammie L. Cooper       Leonard M. Luciano                                                                                                                                            the trusted venue of many private
                        Brendan W. Gill           Robert Mercado                                                                                                                                                groups, Fortune 500 companies,
                        Romaine Graham            Patricia Sebold                                                                                                                                               non-profit organizations, local
                        Rufus I. Johnson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                community associations, and many
                        This program is made possible in part by funds from the New Jersey State Council on                                                                                                     more, and is a recipient of OpenTable’s
                        the Arts/Department of State, a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the                                                                                                        Diners’ Choice Awards for the Top 100
                        Arts. The Essex County Division of Cultural and Historic Affairs received an operating
                        support grant from the New Jersey Historical Commission, a division of the Department                                                                                                   Scenic View Restaurants.
                        of State.
                        Front cover photo credit: The Highlawn/Rob Peterpaul                                                                                                                                    Visit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                for reservations.
                        p I ndicates the facility is handicap accessible. Please contact the facility directly
2 The Spirit of Essex       for specific accommodations.                                                                                                                                                                             The Spirit of Essex 3
The Highlawn, an Essex County Eagle Rock Reservation Monument
Ages: 3 ½ to Adult                                                                               The whole family can join in on making        call 973.228.8776. Fee: $10 per child,            and minimum number of participants are
                                           Classes offered on Fridays at 4:15pm,                                                            these colorful additions for holiday          $12 per adult                                     required. Fee: $180 per child for all
     ESSEX COUNTY                          Saturdays or Sundays at 11:15am or 1:30pm
                                           • Snow Plow (Ages 3 ½ to 6)
                                                                                                                                            gifts. Also, make a gift from nature of
                                                                                                                                            your choice—beeswax candle, multi-            OWL PELLET DISSECTION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            three days OR $70 per child per day

       SPOTLIGHT                           • Basic 1-6                                                                                      purpose body scrub, herb sachet,              Tuesday, December 21 and Monday,                  FOREST FRIENDS CLUB
                                           • Freestyle                                                                                      picture frame or recycled bird feeder.        January 24; 6 to 7:30pm                           January 13, February 10, March 10;
                                           • Adult (15 & up)                                                                                Participants may make more than one           For children ages 7-12. Learn about               4 to 5pm
                                                                                                                                            “green gift;” additional fee(s) apply. By     these beautiful and mysterious silent             For children ages 5-10 years. Each
                                           Public Session Skating                                                                           reducing waste and recycling materials,       hunters of the night. Discover what               month, participants will explore the
Seasonal events sponsored                  Ages: 2 ½ to Adult                                                                               the value of resources is extended and        they’re eating while discussing predators,        forest using nets, binoculars, magnifiers,
by the Essex County                        Sessions:                                                                                        environmental stewardship is promoted.        prey and food chain dynamics. Carefully           and microscopes to investigate nature
Department of Parks,                        • Fridays – 4:45 to 6:15pm                                                                      For more information, call 973.228.8776.      reconstruct the bones found inside owl            in the nearby wooded wetland habitat.
Recreation and Cultural Affairs             • Saturdays – 11:45am to 1:15pm &                                                              Pre-registration and minimum number           pellets! Minimum number of participants           Together we hope to foster an ethic of
                                               2 to 3:30pm                                                                                  of participants are required. Fee: $15        required. Fee: $10 per child                      stewardship and offer an opportunity
                                            • Sundays – 11:45am to 1:15pm &                                                                per adult; $12 per child ($4 per                                                                to take part in hands-on conservation
                                               2 to 3:30pm                                                                                  additional gift)                              WINTER WILDLIFE                                   projects. Come ready to explore!
                                           Adults - $9 / Children 16 & under - $7                                                                                                         EXPLORERS CAMP                                    Advance registration, payment and
                                           / Seniors - $7 / Skate Rentals - $5                                                              FAMILY WALK & CAMPFIRE                        Monday, December 27; Tuesday,                     minimum number of participants
                                                                                                                                            Tuesday, December 14; 6 to 7:30pm             December 28; Thursday, December                   are required. For information, call
                                           Senior Skating Sessions                                                                          All ages. Join a naturalist for a short       29; 9:30am to 3:30pm                              973.228.8776. Fee: $10 per child per
                                           (45 & up)                                                                                        walk on the trails and experience forest      For children in kindergarten to                   session
ESSEX COUNTY CODEY ARENA                                                                         Owl Pellet at Environmental Center
                                           Sessions:                                                                                        life in wintertime. After the walk, enjoy     3rd grade. Campers enjoy stories,
560 Northfield Avenue, West Orange
                                            • Tuesdays & Thursdays – 10:45am                 edible treats for the Center’s backyard       a campfire with organic fire-popped           crafts, campfires and forest adventures           THE ECO-FRIENDLY HOME
                                               to 12:15pm                                     forest friends. Add to a winter’s bounty by   popcorn and mint tea. Advance                 exploring the wooded wetland forests              Saturday, January 15, 11am to p
                                                                                              registering for this contest and submitting   registration and minimum number of            in winter-time. For more information, call        12:30pm
                                           ESSEX COUNTY                                       a forest feeder for them to enjoy! All        participants are required. For information,   973.228.8776. Pre-registration, payment           For families. Make and take a
 •S  ynchronized Skating                  ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER                               contest entries will be displayed for one
    Competition                            621-B Eagle Rock Avenue, Roseland                  week (or as long as wildlife will allow)

                                                                                                                                                                                                           HOLIDAY LIGHTS
    –Saturday, November 13 - 8am to 5pm   973.228.8776                                       during the winter holiday and will be
 • Essex County Codey Arena      p                         voted on by a panel of eco-experts. For
    Holiday Hockey Tournament                                                                 contest rules and to register, contact the
		 –Wednesday, December 22; Thursday,     FOREST FRIENDS                                     Essex County Environmental Center at
      December 23; Sunday, December 26     FEEDER CONTEST                                     973.228.8776.
      and Monday December 27               For all ages. Create an edible, festive            Registration Deadline:
 • Essex County High School               and unique wetland wildlife feeder for             Friday, December 10
    Wrestling Tournament                   an outdoor exhibit. The purpose of                 Project Drop-Off: Friday,
		 –Thursday, January 13 and Friday,      this contest is to provide participants            December 17 by 5pm
      January 14, 2022                     with a fun and educational experience,             FREE (prizes will be awarded)
 • NJIIHL High School Hockey Cup          engaging creativity to make natural
                                                                                                                                                                                                               At Essex County
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Turtle Back Zoo
    Finals                                                                                    HOT CHOCOLATE HIKE
		 –Wednesday, February 16 and                                                               Saturdays, December 4 and January
      Thursday February 17, 2022 at 5                               EXPLORERS                 8; 11am to 12:30pm
      and 7:30pm
 • NJSIAA State High School Hockey
                                                                                              For families. Join us for a hike around
                                                                                              the Environmental Center forest, build                                                                                     5pm to 9pm
    Semifinals                                                                                a winter campfire, sip hot cocoa and
		 –Wednesday, March 2 and Thursday,                                                         make s’mores. Dress warmly. Advanced                                                                                   Weekends
      March 3, 2022 at 4:30 and 7:15pm
                                                                                              registration and minimum number of                                                                          November 19-21, November 26-28,
                                                                                              participants are required. For information,
                                                                                              call 973.228.8776. Fee: $30 per family                                                                              December 3-5
Learn to Skate Group Lessons –
                                                                                              (up to two adults and two children)                                                                            Every Night December 10
5/6 weeks
                                                                                              or $10 per child, $12 per adult
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     through 31
Fridays – November 5, 12, 19, December                                                        HOLIDAY PAPERMAKING & GREEN                                                                                    Closed: December 24 & 25
3, 10, 17 (*no class on November 26)                                                          GIFT TAG CREATION
Saturdays – November 6, 20, December.                                                         Saturday, December 11; 11am to 1pm                                                                              Donations of non-perishable food; new, unwrapped toys; and new
4, 11, 18 (*no class on November 13                                                           All ages. Visit before the holidays to                                                                             or gently-used winter coats for the needy are appreciated.
and 27)
Sundays – November 7, 14, 21, December
                                                       ESSEX COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER
                                                              621-B Eagle Rock Avenue,
                                                                                              make recycled paper and gift tags from
                                                                                              colored construction paper scraps,
                                                          Roseland, NJ 07068 • 973.228.8776

5, 12, 19 (*no class on November 28)                                                          scented herbs and old holiday cards.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Spirit of Essex 5
4 The Spirit of Essex
The Highlawn, an Essex County Eagle Rock Reservation Monument
hand-made food storage wrap with
eco-friendly materials. Learn how to
customize your own stationary and
                                                                                                                                                     ANNUAL ESSEX COUNTY NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST WINNERS
recycle paper at the same time. Let’s talk
                                                                                                                                                  The Essex County Environmental Center and the Essex County Parks Department sponsored its annual Parks Photography
about how to reduce waste at home, be                                                                                                                   Contest in the fall. All contest entries portrayed beautiful images highlighting the wide range of opportunity and
kind to our environment and make special                                                                                                            natural splendor found throughout the Essex County Parks System. We received 37 adult entries and 23 youth entries.
customized usable and fun crafts. Fee:                                                                                                                         All contest entries were displayed on the Environmental Center Facebook page. The winners are:
$30 per family (up to two adults and                                                                                                                                          FIRST
two children) or $10 per child; $12                                                                                                                               FIRSTE
                                                                                                                                                                              YOUT                                                                                    FIRST
                                                                                                                                                                  ADU                                                                               FIRSTE            YOUT
per adult                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           PLACLT

WINTER SURVIVAL – ONE DAY                                                                                                                      1st Place -Adult                                                                                                                1st Place -Youth
CAMP                                                                                                                                               Gary Wiener                                                                                                                 Giancarlo
Monday, January 17; 9:30am to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Morano
                                                    Build a Bird House at Essex County Environmental Center
For children ages 5-10. Look at winter
habitats and how New Jersey nature
                                                of phenology, the cyclic and seasonal          973.228.8776. Fee: $30 per family (up
survives the cold season. Children will
                                               natural phenomena, especially in                to two adults and two children) or
explore the winter wetlands and do
                                               relation to climate and plant and animal        $10 per child, $12 per adult                                                           ND
indoor activities that are both fun and                                                                                                                                            PLA EH
                                               life. Participants will find a special                                                                             ND
                                                                                                                                                              SECOC E
educational. Children should wear good         place to write down and draw their
                                                                                                                                                               PLA LT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PLA EH
                                                                                               FAMILY WALK & CAMPFIRE                                                                                                            ND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SECOC E
footwear and outer wear so they can fully      winter discoveries and appreciate the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              PLA LT
                                                                                               Tuesday, February 15; 6 to 7:30pm                                                                                              ADU

enjoy the seasonal discoveries. Fee: $75       cold and brisk change of the season.            All ages. Join a naturalist for a short walk
per child                                      Maybe partake in some winter birding!           on the trails and experience forest life at
                                               Participants also will hike the grounds         night. After the walk, enjoy a campfire with                                                                                                                  2nd Place -Youth
WINTER JOURNALING                                                                                                                             2nd Place -Adult
                                               to note seasonal changes and beautiful          organic fire-popped popcorn and mint                                                                                                                          Maya Strand
                                                                                                                                               Michelle Palmer
Saturday, February 5, 11am to                  discoveries. Journals will be made on           tea. Advance registration and minimum
12:30pm                                        site. Dress warmly. Advanced registration       number of participants are required. For
All ages (children under 5 require             and minimum number of participants              information, call 973.228.8776. Fee: $10
caregiver supervision). Discover the joy       are required. For information, call             per child, $12 per adult
                                                                                                                                                                                 PLAC H
                                                                                                                                                                                 YOUT                                                                                 THIRDE
                                                                                   ESSEX COUNTY                                                                   THIRDE
                                                                                                                                                                  PLACLT                                                                                              PLAC H

                                                                        Historic Holiday
                                                                                                                                                                  ADU                                                                        THIRDE                   YOUT

                                                                          House Tour                                                          3rd Place -Adult                                                                                                                 3rd Place -Youth
                                                          Saturday, December 4 & Sunday, December 5, 2021                                        John Shiever                                                                                                                  Hanna Blancia
                                                                               Participating Houses
        After a one-year hiatus due to COVID            ❅ B
                                                           allantine House at               ❅ E
                                                                                                ssex County Kip’s Castle                                               BLE
                                                                                                                                                                                 YOU                                                                                   BLE
                                                                                                                                                                  MENTILT                                                                                        MENTITH
    safety measures, the Essex County Historic            Newark Museum                        Park                                                                 ADU                                                                       BLE

    Holiday House Tour will return in December.
                                                        ❅ C
                                                           anfield-Morgan House             ❅ E
                                                                                                ssex County Presby
     Historic homes throughout Essex will open            & Museum                             Memorial Iris Gardens
      their doors in unison for one spectacular
        weekend, Saturday, December 4 and               ❅ C
                                                           rane Homestead                   ❅ G
                                                                                                rover Cleveland Birthplace
      Sunday, December 5. Each home will be             ❅ C
                                                           rane House & Historic            ❅ K
                                                                                                ingsland Manor
    dressed for the holiday season while offering                                                                                                   Honorable                                                                                                            Honorable
    entertainment, refreshments, or educational                                              ❅ V
                                                                                                an Tassel Funeral Home                         Mention -Adult                                                                                                           Mention -Youth
                                                                                                                                              Joshua Goodman                                                                                                             Elise Linn
          information. Fees and times vary.

6 The Spirit of Essex
The Highlawn, an Essex County Eagle Rock Reservation Monument
BUILD A BIRD HOUSE                             to two adults and two children) or              com/discover/early-childhood-
Saturday, February 19; 11am to
                                               $10 per child, $12 per adult                    programs/.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Essex County Department of Parks and
For adults and children ages 8 and             ESSEX COUNTY                                    WONDERS OF THE WILD                                                                       Rose Squared Art Shows
older who are accompanied by an                TURTLE BACK ZOO                                 Most Saturdays throughout
adult. Build a home that encourages
breeding birds and other wildlife to take
                                               560 Northfield Avenue, West Orange
                                                                                               the Winter
                                                                                               1pm                                                        Thank you for coming this past fall. Join us in 2022
residence. Putting out a bird house
now creates a good chance of having
                                      p                     Turtle Back Zoo is an amazing
                                                                                               classroom! The Wonders of the Wild
                                                                                                                                                  for our long-standing, co-sponsored Fine Art and Fine Crafts events
a nesting pair of songbirds in your                                                            program is an opportunity to participate
                                               Berson Education Center at Essex
garden by spring. Advanced registration                                                        in supplementary science and nature-
                                               County Turtle Back Zoo
an minimum number of participants                                                              themed programs and projects that
                                               973-731-5800 ext.103
are required. For information, call                                                            facilitate scientific literacy and life-
973.228.8776. Fee: $10 per child; $12                                                          long environmental stewardship.
per adult                                      EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS
                                                                                               Available to students ages 6-12. The
                                               Select weekends throughout                      programs include a visit to the South
WINTER CAMPFIRE AND                            the Winter                                      Mountain Reservation, Reservoir, or
CHARCOAL ART                                   10 and 11am                                     Zoo as weather permits. $30/student.
Wednesday, February 23; 5:30-7pm               TBZ’s Early Childhood programs                  For more information, visit https://
All ages (children under 5 require             encourage family learning and foster  
                                               early environmental awareness. Young                                                                   Rose Squared Art Show at Essex County Verona Park           Rose Squared Art Show at Essex County Brookdale Park
caregiver supervision). Join us for                                                            of-the-wild/.                                          542 Bloomfield Avenue, Verona                               473 Watchung Avenue, Bloomfield; Grove Avenue, Montclair
a winter campfire and make your own            children are invited to discover the natural                                                           Saturday, May 21 & Sunday, May 22, 2022                     Saturday, June 18 & Sunday, June 19, 2022
charcoal art stick. We can collect our         world through gently structured play,           SOPHISTICATED SCIENCE
perfect charcoal pencil and watch it           art, stories, animal visits, and more. Age      SEMINARS                                               Rose Squared Art Show at Essex County Anderson Park         Rose Squared Art Show at Essex County Brookdale Park
                                               restrictions apply; pre-registration is                                                                274 Bellevue Avenue, Upper Montclair                        473 Watchung Avenue, Bloomfield; Grove Avenue, Montclair
turn into a tool of art magic! Charcoal art                                                    Select days throughout the Winter
                                                                                                                                                      Saturday, September 17 & Sunday, September 18, 2022         Saturday, October 15 & Sunday, October 16, 2022
paper will be provided and expect to get       required. Zoo admission is not included         Times vary
your hands dirty with this fun project!        with registration. Hatchlings (6 to 24          Sophisticated Science Seminars
Dress warmly. Advanced registration            months), Tots (ages 2 & 3), and Explorers       are conservation programs geared           habitats & conservation, animal careers,         fun! To further our mission of conservation,        Times Scheduled as Needed
an minimum number of participants              (ages 4 & 5) are in-person programs.            towards more adult audiences (ages         and more. These programs are perfect             education, and stewardship, campers will            Join us for a dynamic and fun educational
are required. For information, call            $25-$30 per participant. For more               13+). Seminars run throughout the year
                                                                                                                                             Each show                                                                            craft artisans.
                                                                                                                                          for those interested in animals, science,        be introduced to the extraordinary world            program that is focused on animals,
973.228.8776. Fee: $30 per family (up          information, visit https://turtlebackzoo.       and span topics such as animal anatomy,    conservation,           fEaturEs
                                                                                                                                                          and nature   who want tojuriEd    finE
                                                                                                                                                                                     learn of       artists
                                                                                                                                                                                              animals, nature, andand     finEChildren
                                                                                                                                          something newforin amorE       information will
                                                                                                                                                                relaxed atmosphere.         visit  : age-appropriate
                                                                                                                                                                                               enjoy   www.R osecamp       s quaRed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 activities.C om
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               conservation, and stewardship. We offer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               a variety of programs that satisfy many
                                                                                                                                          $30/person. For more information, visit          that include games, teacher-led lessons,            scientific benchmarks while also being

                                                                                     Enjoy All of
                                                                                                                                              behind-the-scenes visits, up-close animal
                                                                                                                                              Hey Howard,
                                                                                                                                          sophisticated-science-seminars/.                 encounters, hands-on science projects,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               engaging and informative. Programs can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               be adapted to age and ability; many can
                                                                                                                                              the magazine is at the printer. The ad ran as sent but Anthony has asked that
                                                                                                                                                                                           and fun crafts. $90 per day. For more

                                                                                    the Activities                                                                                         information, visit https://turtlebackzoo.           be adapted for outreaches to your school,
                                                                                                                                          FAMILY NATURE CLUB: NATURE
                                                                                                                                              moving forward you make the change below for locations and dates.
                                                                                                                                          ADVENTURERS                                      com/discover/zoo-camps/.                            senior center, etc. For more information,

                                                                                        at the                                                Place the address under the park name and the dates are spelled out: Thanks!
                                                                                                                                          Select Sundays throughout                                                                            visit
                                                                                                                                          the Winter                                       CONSERVATION BREAKFAST                              education-center-programs/.

                                                                                    Essex County
                                                                                                                                          Times vary depending on the date                 PROGRAMS
                                                                                                                                              ESSEX COUNTY ANDERSON PARK
                                                                                                                                          Nature play is playing WITH nature not           Select Weekends this Winter                         TBZ ZOOVENTURE BOX
                                                                                                                                          just IN nature and is a great way to interact    8:30 to 10am                                        Seasonally Themed Zoo
                                                                                   South Mountain                                             274 Bellevue Avenue., Upper Montclair
                                                                                                                                          with nature no matter your experience            Turtle Back Zoo’s Conservation Breakfasts Activity Bundles

                                                                                                                                              Saturday, September 18 & Sunday, September 19; 10am-5pm
                                                                                                                                          level or play style. Run, climb, build, dig, or  are morning programs that feature one               Pre-Order for Pick-up at the

                                                                                     Reservation                                          even just sit and experience the sounds,
                                                                                                                                          smells, and sights of the outdoors. Nature
                                                                                                                                                                                           of our animals as the educational focus,
                                                                                                                                                                                           highlighting the conservation challenges
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               TBZ Education Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Zooventure boxes are seasonally themed

                                                                                                                                          Adventurers visits different locations           facing that species while providing
                                                                                                                                              ESSEX COUNTY BROOKDALE PARK
                                                                                                                                          near Essex County Turtle Back Zoo; zoo           tools and actions you can do at home
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               animal, conservation, and science
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               activity bundles that promote exploration
                                                                                                                                              473 Watchung Avenue, Bloomfield; Grove Avenue, Montclair
                                                                                                                                          admission not included with registration.
                                                                                                                                          $10/person. For more information, visit
                                                                                                                                                                                           to positively affect its wild relatives. This
                                                                                                                                                                                           program includes zoo admission (for                 through hands-on science experiments,
                                    TREETOP ADVENTURE                               THE WATERFRONT
                                                                                    • CHILDREN’S REGATTA PLAYGROUND
                                                                                                                                              Saturday October 16 & Sunday October 17; 10am-5pm
                                                                                                                                              non-members) and breakfast. For more                personalized virtual content, arts and crafts,
                                          COURSE                                                                                          family-nature-club-nature-adventurers/.          information, visit https://turtlebackzoo.           and other educational materials. Virtual
                      CODEY ARENA                                                    • PADDLE BOATS • WALKING PATH                                                                                                                           content (zoo tours, live story times) will be
                                                                                                                                              If you have questions reach out to me. the reminder in preparation for the
                                                                                     • CLIPPER PAVILION PICNIC AREA
                                                                                                                                          WINTER MINI-CAMPS                                                                                    available on a private Google classroom;

                                                                                                                                              winter edition will be emailed October 1.
                                                                                                                                          December 28-30; January 17;                      OTHER PROGRAMS AT THE ZOO                           access codes are included in the box.
                                                                                                                                          February 21                                      OR CLOSER TO YOU                                    Zooventure Boxes are designed for ages
                          Essex County Department of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Affairs                                                 9am to 4pm                                       In-person and Virtual Programs,                     5-8. For more information, visit https://
                                                                                                           Join us at Turtle Back Zoo for some wild         Outreaches, and More Dates and             n
8 The Spirit of Essex                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The Spirit of Essex 9
The Highlawn, an Essex County Eagle Rock Reservation Monument
ESSEX COUNTY                             The following events are offered for the public’s enjoyment
                                               by Essex County-based arts and history organizations.
        CULTURAL                               The Essex County Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs takes no                                                                                   R e d e f i n i n g a g R e at
      EXHIBITIONS                              responsibility for the content, accuracy, dates or times and whether or not non-County sponsored events
                                               listed in this magazine are held as scheduled.                                                                                                                      Arts e x p e R i e n c e
                                               Transformed: Objects Reimagined
                                               by American Artists
ARTS COUNCIL OF LIVINGSTON                     Through January 8, 2023
ACL Gallery 2115, Town Center Way,             Inspired by the note Jasper Johns wrote
Livingston                                     to himself in his sketchbook in 1964, this
973-650-6374                                   exhibition features more than 60 artworks p                    from 1829 to the present in which artists
                                               take objects as their points of departure,
Fall of Art                                    transforming them to reflect their varied
Through January 3, 2022                        cultural backgrounds and viewpoints.
“Fall of Art” showcases both 2-D and           This exhibition is organized thematically,
3-D work by more than 40 artists using         as indicated on each object label, to
a wide range of mediums. Additionally          represent these diverse perspectives.
included are wearable art, jewelry and a
new “Petite Galerie,” featuring smaller gift   THE NEWARK MUSEUM OF ART

items under $100.                              49 Washington Street, Newark
MONTCLAIR ART MUSEUM                  p
3 South Mountain Avenue, Montclair
973.746.5555                                                                                             Saya Woolfalk: Field Notes from
                                               Saya Woolfalk: Field Notes from                           the Empathic Universe

                                                                                                                                                         sat, feB 5 at 8PM p                   the Empathic Universe
                                               Through December 31, 2022
Color Riot! How Color Changed                  Saya Woolfalk: Field Notes from the                   Endangered!
Navajo Textiles                                Empathic Universe invites visitors to                 Through to April 24, 2022
Through January 2, 2022                        enter the kaleidoscopic and culturally
Change has always been a hallmark of                                                                 This immersive exhibition will explore the
                                               hybrid worlds created by the artist. The
Navajo (Diné) textile design, with weavers’                                                          stories behind some extinct, threatened
                                               exhibition features an immersive video
individualism a running thread. With Diné      installation exploring portraiture and                and lower risk species, as well as how
perspectives and the technical mastery         a series of new mixed media collages,                 human behaviors affects animals. Visitors
of weavers at the heart of Color Riot!, this   all accessed through the North Wing                   will be invited to make a pledge to help
exhibition, featuring 70 bold artworks         elevator, which will be transformed by                save various animals worldwide. Great for
from 1860-1930 and the present,                Woolfalk’s digitally-collaged murals.                 families with children of any age. n
celebrates the courage and vision to

By Our Own Hand: Frontline Arts in
                                                                                                                                                         Nefesh MouNtaiN                  Mike gRiot                        luCY kaPlaNskY /
collaboration with Donna Bassin
                                                                                                                                                         Presented by sOPAC At            CelebrAtes the sOuth OrAnge       laRRY CaMPBell &
                                                                                                                                                         temPle shArey tefilO-isrAel      internAtiOnAl blues festivAl      teResa WilliaMs
Through August 14, 2022
                                                                                                                                                         thu, DeC 2 at 7:30PM             sat, DeC 18 at 8PM                fRi, feB 11 at 8PM
MAM presents a year-long, site-specific
installation in the Laurie Art Stairway,
in collaboration with Frontline Arts and                                                                                                                 a Night With e.R.i.C.            An evening Of lOve sOngs with     ColiN QuiNN
Donna Bassin. On view are approximately                                                                                                                  (extRa RiCh iN Class)            Ms. lisa fisCheR                  fRi, feB 25 at 8PM
800 sheets of handmade paper created                                                                                                                     sat, DeC 11 at 8PM               thu, feB 10 at 7:30PM
from veterans’ uniforms and provided by
Frontline Paper, an initiative of Frontline
Arts. Inspired by the ancient practice of
Tibetan prayer flags hung to mark an                                                                                                                     get Your tickets today!                          / (973) 313-2787
important and challenging occasion,
BOOH refers to the toll of veteran deaths                                                                                                                Visit
by their own hand as well as to the
resiliency and creativity from transforming      Still from Endangered! Take Action Video
                                                                                                                                                         for all covid-19 precautions & policies
military uniforms into handmade paper.
10 The Spirit of Essex                                                                                                                                                                                                              The Spirit of Essex 11
The Highlawn, an Essex County Eagle Rock Reservation Monument
showcase different animals every            on classic Christmas carols and new         celebrates holidays around the world.
                                            week. Limited capacity. The Newark          nostalgia-inspired tunes. The bandleader,   Pick up gifts from local vendors, create
    ESSEX COUNTY                            Museum of Art, Billy Johnson Auditorium,
                                            49 Washington Street, Newark. 10:15
                                                                                        Tony Guerrero, fuses clever jazz
                                                                                        arrangements with tight vocal harmonies
                                                                                                                                    some art, and go ice skating, all in one
                                                                                                                                    place! Grab food from Hot Dog Lady
    WINTER EVENTS                           to 11am. Free. Advance registration         performed by the group. NJPAC,              and Tonnie’s Minis, and the first 300
                                            required. 973.596.6550. p https://www.      1 Center Street, Newark. 7:30pm. $69.       people will receive a free treat from
                                          1.888.696.5722. p                Tonnie’s Minis. The Newark Museum of
                                            zoo-edition-tickets-173793881177                                                        Art, Alice Ransom Dreyfuss Memorial
                                                                                        December 10: Community Night,               Garden, 49 Washington Street, Newark.
December 2: Virtual Holiday Tour,           December 4: West Orange Holiday             Cocktails & Candy Canes (21-plus).          10am to 5pm. Free. p . 973.596.6550.
The Ballantine House. How do you            Open House & Christmas Tree                 Your first drink is on us! Get ready for
celebrate the holidays? How did they        Lighting. A fun filled day to kick off      laughs, prizes, and cocktails in our
celebrate back in 1891? Enjoy this          the Christmas Holiday Season at             decked-out Winter Garden. DJ Poison Ivy
30-minute virtual look inside The Newark    the downtown Holiday Open House.            brings the beats, Harmonica Sunbeam
Museum of Art’s Ballantine House, an        Breakfast & Pictures with Santa at the      hosts four outrageous rounds of bingo,
                                            Washington School Cafeteria from 9am        and stand-up comedian Mike Burton           December 11: The Nutcracker:
urban mansion in downtown Newark.
                                            to 12pm. Holiday Arts & Craft Show from     will bring down the house with his latest   State Ballet Theater of Ukraine.
Discover how the Ballantine family’s
                                            10am to 4pm. Historic Trolley Ride leaves   routine. A variety of local vendors will    Set to Tchaikovsky’s classic score and
home might have come to life during
the winter months. #NMOAatHOME.             every 30 minutes from 10am to 4pm;          be on -site to satisfy all your holiday     featuring brand new choreography
                                                                                                                                                                                    The James Hunter Six at SOPAC
7-8pm. Free. Advance registration           last ride is at 3:30pm. Two tours will be   shopping needs! The Newark Museum           and productions by Andrey Litvi
required only for Zoom, live on Facebook,   offered this year, the Historic downtown    of Art, Alice Ransom Dreyfuss Memorial      November, the State Ballet Theater            December 18: Creative Play,                 January 16: New Jersey Symphony
YouTube, Twitter, Twitch. 973.596.6550.     & Eagle Rock Reservation tour. Holiday      Garden, 49 Washington Street, Newark.       of Ukraine premiered this revised             Mini Zoo Edition. This is a program         Orchestra. Picture a silver waterfall               Open House, 289 Main Street, West           5 to 9pm. Free. 973.596.6550. p             version of “The Nutcracker” to a full         specifically designed for children ages     plunging from a towering mountain
virtual-holiday-tour-ballantine-house-      Orange. Free. 973.325.4109.                      house in Dnipro, Ukraine, in 2020.            3 to 5 and their caregivers. Join us for    into a fjord below—and you have the
registration-178900284567                                   community-night-cocktails-candy-            The company is recognized as one              a fun time with our friends from Turtle     opening of Grieg’s Piano Concerto. An
                                                                                        canes-21-tickets-168304923557               of the most prestigious institutions of       Back Zoo! We will have story time and       exquisite painter at the piano, Vladimir
December 4: Creative Play, Mini             December 9: Jane Lynch: A Swingin’                                                      classical ballet in Ukraine. NJPAC, 1         a presentation of live animals! We will
Zoo Edition. This is a program              Little Christmas Live in Concert.           December 11: Community Day,                                                                                                           Feltsman brings the concerto’s hold-
                                                                                                                                    Center Street, Newark. 3pm. $29 and up.       showcase different animals every week.
specifically designed for children ages     Emmy and Golden Globe Award winning         Winter Wonderland. Step inside                                                                                                        your-breath moments to vivid life. Andrey
                                                                                                                                    1.888.696.5722. p                  Limited capacity. The Newark Museum
3 to 5 and their caregivers. Join us for    actress Jane Lynch will be joined by her    our Winter Wonderland for food, art,                                                      of Art, Billy Johnson Auditorium, 49        Boreyko’s NJSO debut also features a
a fun time with our friends from Turtle     friends Kate Flannery and Tim Davis         and festive fun! Our transformed            December 14: Artist Insights, Bisa            Washington Street, Newark. 10:15 to 11am.   pathbreaking ballet by his countryman
Back Zoo! We will have story time and       and The Tony Guerrero Quintet in this       Museum Garden presents Hip -Hop                                                           Free. Advance registration required.        Igor Stravinsky and a new work by living
                                                                                                                                    Butler. Artist Bisa Butler invites you
a presentation of live animals! We will     festive concert that includes fresh takes   performances, music, and dance that                                                       973.596.6550. https://www.eventbrite.       legend Thomas Adès. New Jersey
                                                                                                                                    into the world of her recent piece, “The
                                                                                                                                    Warmth of Other Sons,” now in The             com/e/creative-play-mini-zoo-edition-       Performing Arts Center, 1 Center Street,
                                                                                                                                    Newark Museum of Art’s collection.            tickets-173796819967                        Newark.1.888.696.5722. p
                                                                                                                                    Butler’s vibrant work depicts the
                                                                                                                                    African American life experience
                                                                                                                                    through stunning life-sized quilts.
                                                                                                                                    #NMOAatHOME. 7-8pm. Free. Advance
                                                                                                                                    registration required only for Zoom,
                                                                                                                                    live on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter,
                                                                                                                                    Twitch. 973.596.6550. https://www.

                                                                                                                                    December 18: The Hip Hop
                                                                                                                                    Nutcracker. The Hip Hop Nutcracker
                                                                                                                                    returns to the stage for its seventh season
                                                                                                                                    on tour. Directed and choreographed by
                                                                                                                                    Jennifer Weber, this contemporary dance
                                                                                                                                    spectacle is a re-mixed and re-imagined
                                                                                                                                    version of the classic, smashing hip
                                                                                                                                    hop dance and Tchaikovsky’s timeless
                                                                                                                                    music together into a heart-stirring and
                                                                                                                                    inspirational holiday event of souls.
                                                                                                                                    NJPAC, 1 Center Street, Newark. 2 and
                                                                                                                                    8pm. $29 and up. 1.888.696.5722.                Lisa Fischer at SOPAC
12 The Spirit of Essex                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The Spirit of Essex 13
The Highlawn, an Essex County Eagle Rock Reservation Monument
January 28, 29, 30 & February
4, 5, 6: The Maplewood Strollers
Presents: The Phantom Tollbooth.
                                                                                                                                               ESSEX COUNTY
Join Milo on his zany adventures
through The Land of Wisdom and learn
to see things in a whole new way in this                                                                                                         PROGRAMS
children’s classic adapted for the stage.
The Burgdorff Center for the Performing
Arts, 10 Durand Road, Maplewood. 7pm;
Saturday and Sunday at 1 and 3:30pm.                                                                                                     THE CATHEDRAL BASILICA OF
$10. 973.761.8453.                                                                                                 THE SACRED HEART
The Burgdorff Center is ADA accessible                                                                                                   89 Ridge Street, Newark
with a ramp from the sidewalk to the                                                                                                     973.484.2400
side entrance, an ADA bathroom in the                                                                                           p
lobby, and wheelchairs can be wheeled
into the theater. It is best to call ahead so
                                                                                                                                         December 10: Navidad Latina. The
additional preparations can be made. p
                                                  The BritPack at SOPAC                                                                  Cathedral Spanish Choir under the
                                                                                                                                         direction of Olfary Gutiérrez joins forces
February 5: Gangstagrass. These
                                                Netflix special, “Happy Face,” was called   February 25: Colin Quinn: The Last           with singers and instrumentalists from
Emmy Award-nominated musical                                                                                                                                                            The Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark
                                                “the special you can’t watch enough         Best Hope Tour. Comedian, actor and          other Latin American communities of
pioneers have created a spirited, foot-
                                                                                            author Colin Quinn has become one of         the Archdiocese of Newark. Program
tapping fusion of Bluegrass and Hip-Hop.        times.” Ryan Hamilton was named one                                                                                                   January 20: Club Competition with             as an enjoyable amateur recreational
                                                                                            the most beloved voices in comedy. He        includes Villancicos Tradicionales of
You may recognize their unique urban            of Rolling Stone’s Five Comics to Watch                                                                                               Phil Echo as judge                            endeavor. Members learn to improve
                                                                                                                                         Latin America and Spain. 8pm. Doors
twang from “Long Hard Times to Come,”           and can be seen in numerous television      often focuses on the roller coaster ride                                                  February 17: Club Competition with
                                                                                                                                         open at 7pm. Free-will offering.                                                           their photography through educational
the theme song to the hit FX drama,             appearances. South Orange Performing        that American politics and culture has                                                    Phil Witt as judge                            programs and competitions. We typically
“Justified.” South Orange Performing Arts                                                   historically been. On the heels of his HBO
                                                Arts Center, One SOPAC Way, South                                                        December 15 and 16: The Fiftieth                                                           have two meetings each month. One
Center, One SOPAC Way, South Orange.                                                        Max special and new book, Quinn cracks
                                                Orange. 8pm. $28 to $35. 973.313.2787.                                                   Candlelight Carol Sing – Two                 LIVINGSTON CAMERA CLUB                        meeting is when we have an award-
8pm. $25 to $35. 973.313.2787. p                                                            up audiences on his latest tour. South       Performances. A Christmas tradition          Livingston Community Senior Center
                                                p                                           Orange Performing Arts Center, One                                                        204 Hillside Avenue, Livingston
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    winning photographer educate us on a
                                                                                                                                         for 50-plus years, the Carol Sing has                                                      unique topic. The second meeting is a
February 10: Be My Valentine: An                                                            SOPAC Way, South Orange. 8pm. $33 to                                            
                                                                                                                                         become one of the most significant
Evening of Love Songs with Ms. Lisa             February 18: The James Hunter Six.                                                                                                                                                  competition in which a judge, usually a
                                                                                            $48. 973.313.2787. p                         Christmas concerts in Northern New
Fischer. Lisa Fischer, known for her            British soulman James Hunter and his                                                                                                                                                top photographer in the area, critiques
                                                                                                                                         Jersey. The ambiance of candlelight and      Currently, due to COVID, meetings are
long-term touring association with the          gritty, longstanding backing band will                                                                                                                                              our photos. New members of all levels are
                                                                                            February 26: The Brit Pack. Embark           season décor, along with thousands of        held virtually at 7:30pm on two Mondays
Rolling Stones, Luther Vandross and             bring a sublime evening of no-nonsense                                                                                                                                              welcome to join. Annual dues are $20 for
                                                                                            on a musical tour of British Invasion        participants, combine to create an event     a month. Members will be informed of the
Tina Turner, is a powerhouse Gospel and
                                                Blues. Given their virtuosity, they have    bands as The Brit Pack authentically         that must be experienced featuring           details.                                      students, $55 for individuals and $65
Soul vocalist who evokes infinite emotion.
                                                shared the stage with acts as diverse as    replicates the sounds of The Beatles,        the Cathedral Choir, organ and Brass                                                       for families.
South Orange Performing Arts Center,
                                                Allen Toussaint, Sharon Jones and Van                                                    Ensemble. 8pm. Doors open at 7pm.            Founded in 1971, the Livingston               The full schedule is available at https://
One SOPAC Way, South Orange. 7:30pm.                                                        Oasis, Duran Duran and more. South
                                                                                                                                         Free-will offering.                          Camera Club promotes photography     n
$32 to $42. 973.313.2787. p                     Morrison. South Orange Performing Arts      Orange Performing Arts Center, One
                                                Center, One SOPAC Way, South Orange.        SOPAC Way, South Orange. 8pm. $25 to
                                                                                                                                         ESSEX PHOTO CLUB
February 12: The Heart & Soul of                8pm. $36 to $56. 973.313.2787. p            $35. 973.313.2787. p n
Magic: No Smoke, No Mirrors Tour                                                                                                         All meetings are free and open to the
featuring Ran’D Shine and Jamahl                                                                                                         public via Zoom and start at 7:30pm.
Keyes. Breathtaking, mind-blowing and                                                                                                    Contact Chris Mauro at 973.986.4002
astonishing are just a few words that                                                                                                    for Zoom access.
describe The Heart & Soul of Magic. This
show features two world class magicians,                                                                                                 Programs:
Ran’D Shine and Jamahl Keyes, in a                                                                                                       December 2: Nature Photography
unique production that weaves a tapestry                                                                                                 in NJ: Fun, Art, Ecology by
of psychological illusions, comedy and                                                                                                   Claus Holzapffer
music to create an immersive amazing                                                                                                     January 6: Topic TBA by
experience that will keep you at the edge                                                                                                Peter Gordon
of your seat. South Orange Performing                                                                                                    February 3: NJFCC Winter Pictorial
Arts Center, One SOPAC Way, South                                                                                                        Competition with Claire Gentile, Susan
Orange. 1pm. $18 to $25. 973.313.2787.                                                                                                   Candelario and Chris Mauro
February 12: Ryan Hamilton. The                                                                                                          December 16: Club Competition of
wholesome, rural Idaho-bred comic’s               Ran’D Shine and Jamahl at SOPAC                                                        Assigned Subject with club members             Photo and Camera Club Opportunities!
                                                                                                                                         as judges
14 The Spirit of Essex                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The Spirit of Essex 15
The Highlawn, an Essex County Eagle Rock Reservation Monument
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      Essex County Arts     @essexarts

    For additional copies of this magazine,
  to join our mailing list, or to submit events
for publication, please contact Terri P. Guess,
   Marketing Coordinator, at 201.341.5786
                    or e-mail
        The Essex County Division of
         Cultural and Historic Affairs


The Highlawn, an Essex County Eagle Rock Reservation Monument
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