Page created by Tommy Juarez

Test in REVIEW
XXXXXXXX           For the first time, the network bench-
                   marking expert P3 and ­connect
                   ­magazine have tested the mobile            Thanks to strict regulatory require-
                    networks in the city-state of Singapore.   ments, the network quality of all
                    We have conducted a drivetest as           ­Singapore operators is very high.
                    well as a crowd based analysis over         This makes it very intersting to compare
                    six months resulting in the following       their performance with that of other
                    comprehensive Mobile Review.                leading world capitals. Also, we have
                                                                taken a detailed look into the perfor-
                                                                mance of each Singapore operator.

                                                                                                  All three Singapore opera-
  CROWD                                                                                           tors d­ eliver a high l­evel of
                                                                                                  data performance while
                                                                                                  ranking very closely.
                                                                                                  ­However, in the drivetest
                                                                                                   results, Singtel is s­ lightly
                                                                                                   ­ahead, The crowd results
                                                                                                    are good o­ verall, but show
                                                                                                    a slight lead of M1 in
                                                                                                    some of the KPIs.
                               Q2      Q3              Q2      Q3              Q2     Q3
                      94,2     95,3    95,3   94,0     93,7    95,1    93,2    96,6   95,3

  Operator                   Singtel                 Starhub                  M1
  Shown scores in %

Results in a nutshell                                                                            DRIVE-             CROWD-
The Singapore market is known for its high network quality. Thus, it is                          TEST               SOURCING
not surprising that the three operators considered in this review rank                           FACTS              FACTS
closely. And still, our holistic network ­testing approach, comprised of
a data-centric drivetest and sophisticated crowdsourcing ­analyses,
reveals specific strenghts of each operator.

As this Mobile Review for the net-                   the f­astest file downloads, while          99.5%               19,257
works in Singapore does not use                      StarHub scores best in the                  of population            users
the full ­methodology of our regular                 ­YouTube measurements.                         covered
Network Benchmarks, we abstai-                             The extensive crowdsourcing
ned from ranking or g  ­ rading the                   analysis, based on 344 ­million
operators. ­However, the r­ esults                    samples collected in two con-
of our data-centric ­drivetest and                    secutive 3-month-periods from
crowdsourcing ­analysis ­provides                     April to June and July to Sep-
a good indica­tion of their achieve­                  tember 2018, overall validates
ments. The drivetest result shows                     ­these findings. The results show
the maximum performance of the
networks, where­as the crowd
                                                       the high performance level of all
                                                       three networks. The quality of 4G
                                                                                                 31,003                  344
evaluation reflects the actual user                    ­coverage was a little lower in the         samples           million samples
experience.                                             first ­evaluation period. Singtel
   The drivetest results confirm                        and StarHub improved regarding
that all three Singapore opera­-                        this KPI in the s­ econd period,
tors ­deliver a high level of data                      only M1 fell a l­ittle behind. On
per­formance and rank closely.                          the other hand, the average data
How­ever, in our drivetest, Singtel                     rates dropped in all networks in
shows a slight ­advantage over                          the ­second observation period.
its competitors. In the detailed
­analysis, each ­operator demons-
                                                        In some of the KPIs, M1 showed a
                                                        slight ­advantage. The e  ­ xamination    2,100               97.8%
 trates ­specific strenghts: M1 is                   of the Data Service Availability            km drivetest        of the built-up
 ahead in the web browsing tests                     showed minor degradations in the                                     area
 and also takes a narrow lead in                     StarHub network in March and in
 the file uploads. Singtel provides                  the M1 network in September.

operators in SingaPORE
According to the Singapore Info-Communications Media Development Authority’s (IMDA)
statistics, S­ ingapore’s mobile market has a penetration rate of almost 150 per cent.
A total of 5.6 million inhabitants hold about 8.5 million mobile subscriptions –
comprising of roughly 60 per cent postpaid and 40 per cent prepaid subscriptions.

     Singapore Telecommunica-         In the course of the libera-       M1 Limited (­previously
     tions Limited (Singtel) was      lisation of the Singapore          known as MobileOne) was
     founded in 1992 and today        telecommunications mar-            formed in 1994, launched
     employs more than 23,000         ket, StarHub was awarded           its mobile service in 1997
     staff worldwide. Headquar-       the licence to provide fixed       and became a p       ­ ublicly
     tered in Singa­pore, Singtel     ­network and mobile servi-         ­listed company at the end
     is also the parent company        ces in 1998. The c    ­ ompany     of 2002. M1 now employs
     of the renowned Australian        was officially launched in         over 1,500 people. The
     operator Optus.                   April 2000 and has been            company prides itself to
     Additionally, Singtel is          ­listed on the ­Singapore          have launched South East
     ­invested in leading com-          stock exchange since 2004.        Asia’s first commercial LTE
      panies in Asia and A­ fri­ca,     StarHub currently counts          network in June 2011 and
   ­including Bharti Airtel             about 2,500 employees.            to have become the first
    ­(India, South Asia and             For its fiscal year 2017,         operator in South East Asia
­Africa), ­Telkomsel (Indo-             the Group published a             to offer nationwide 4G ser-
     nesia), Globe Telecom (the         mobile revenue of 1.2             vices from September 2012.
     Philippines) and Advanced          ­billion Singapore Dollars        For its fiscal year 2017,
     Info Service (Thailand).            (about 0.9 billion US Dol-       M1 published an opera-
     With an operating revenue           lars). When also taking          ting revenue of 1.1 billion
     of 17.5 billion Singapore           Pay TV, broadband, fixed         Singa­pore Dollars (about
     Dollars (about 12.5 billion         line and other revenues          0.8 b ­ illion US Dollars).
     US Dollars) in the fiscal           into a­ ccount, the com­pany     ­Additionally, the company
     year 2018, Singtel is one of        achieved a total revenue          specified a fixed ­services
     the largest tele­commu­ni­          of 2.4 billion Singapore          revenue of 130 million
 ca­tions companies in Asia.             ­Dollars (about 1.7 billion       Singa­pore Dollars (about
 The group specifies over                 US Dollars) in 2017.             94 m­ illion US Dollars).
 650 million ­customers in                For Singapore, StarHub           At the end of 2017, M1 ­
 21 countries. In ­Singapore,             specifies 2.3 million mobile     had a total of 2.2 m  ­ illion
 Singtel has 4.1 ­million                 subscribers which equals         mobile customers and
 ­mobile subscribers, which               a mobile market share of         189,000 fi  ­ bre subscribers.
  equals a share in the                   about 27 per cent.               Its mobile customer base
  ­mobile market of about 48                                               equals a market share of
   per cent.                                                               about 26 per cent.

This year, P3 and connect have conducted a Mobile Review in ­
                 S­ingapore for the first time. This review just marks the start
                 – further, even more complex investigations of the network
                 quality applying more KPIs are planned in the future.

INTO the
mobile market
 P3, headquartered in Aachen, Germany, is a world leader in mobile network
 ­testing. The company has over 3,500 employees world­wide and a t­ urnover of
  ­more than 350 mil­lion Euros. P3 is partnering with the international telecommu-
   ni­cations magazine connect, which has more than 20 years of e       ­ ditorial ex-
 pertise and is one of the leading test ­authorities in ­Europe for tele­communi-
   cations products and services. T    ­ ogether, P3 and connect h  ­ ave been con-
   ducting the most impor­tant network b      ­ enchmark test in ­Germany for more
    than 15 years, ­extending it to other E­ uropean countries since 2009. ­Above
   that, P3 has been con­ducting its authoritative Mobile Benchmarking in A   ­ ustralia   Singapore‘s mobile operators
   ­since 2014 ­where it is well known and respected. P3 and connect also exa­             are among the best in a global
   mined many other mobile networks all over the world including those the USA.            comparison with very smart re-
      In 2017 alone, P3 compiled more than 60,000 mea­surement hours                       sults. Our review confirms that
    in more than 80 countries across five continents, with its test vehicles               all three Singapore operators de-
    covering ­almost one million kilometres. Recently, P3 has expanded its                 liver high quality while Singtel is
    testing scope by amending the drivetests and walktests with a sophi-                   showing a slight advantage over
                                                                                           its competitors. Our crowd-based
    sticated and statisti­cally highly reliable crowdsourcing approach. As the
                                                                                           benchmarking also reveals that
 de-facto industry standard, the P3 benchmarking methodology focuses                       ­particularly Sydney, Australia,
on customer-perceived network quality. P3‘s network bench­marks are                         achieves comparably high data
­widely accepted as a completely objective authority.                                       throughputs. Therefore, we are
                                                                                            looking forward to the ­certainly
                                                                                            very interesting results of our
drivetest and crowdsourcing reflect high                                                    ­upcoming Mobile Benchmark
                                                                                             in Australia.“
Performance of THE Singapore networks                                                      Hakan Ekmen,
 In 2018, P3 and connect have extended the scope of their ­network                         CEO of P3 commu­nications
 ­assessments to the city-state of Singapore. This market is p     ­ articularly
  ­interesting with its very large market penetration of almost 150 per cent
   (see the previous page) as well as its very high standard of network
   ­quality which is also e
                          ­ nsured by strict regu­latory requirements.
       This year, P3 and connect have started their qualified look into the
Singa­pore ­mobile market by mainly concentrating on the data ­quality of
    the networks – t­ aking into account the typical usage patterns of m  ­ obile
    ­subscribers as well as the importance of mobile data ­availability and
    performance for future applications such as IoT or automotive c  ­ onnectivity.
    To achieve this, P3 have conducted a data-centric drivetest in May 2018.
In ­order to validate and supplement its results and analyse trends in the
development of the networks‘ performance, we have also p          ­ erformed an
­exten­sive crowdsourcing analysis covering two periods of three months
 each in order to be able to also. The results of both approaches ­clearly
    reflected the high performance level of the mobile networks in Singapore.

                Data drivetests                                                                       CLOSELY
                                                                                                     AHEAD OF A
                                                                                                    VERY STRONG
DRIVETEST, ­taking into account the typical usage patterns
of mobile subscribers as well as the importance of mobile                                           COMPETITION
data ­availability and performance for future applications
such as IoT or automotive connectivity.

     In order to assess the performance and ­reliability of data con-
     nections in the Singapore networks, two d    ­ rivetest cars ­drove a
     total of 2,100 k­ ilometres, c
                                  ­ overing 99.5 per cent of Singa­pore‘s
       Each of P3‘s drivetest cars was equipped with ­arrays of
­Galaxy S8 Smartphones capable of ­supporting 300 Mbit/s
 download and 50 Mbit/s ­upload speeds. All data measure-
 ments were done in 4G p        ­ referred mode. Each car carried one
 smartphone per operator.
       P3‘s ­drivetesting considers fast throughputs as well as the
 ­networks‘ availability and ­stability. Web page and file down­
  loads or file uploads reward fast speeds, while ­recording
  ­success ratios and assessing ­YouTube playouts concentrate
   on reliability a­ spects. As YouTube streams videos at adaptive
   ­bitrates, the average value of the received video resolution is
    ­another important performance indicator.

Overall high data performance                      Data in Cies - Drivetest                        Singtel       Starhub          M1
The drivetests show the high                       Web-Page Download (Live/Sta c)
performance level of all three mobile
                                                   Success Ra o (%)                                  99,6           99,8           99,9
operators in Singapore. Determining
                                                   Time to First Byte (ms)                           506            425            419
their overall scores for the data drive-
tests, all competitors are close                   KBytes First Second (kB)                          566            561            538

together: Singtel achieves 94.2 per                HTTP Sta c Page DL Qualifier (%)                  99,8           97,7           98,8
cent of the total possible points,                 HTTP Sta c Page DL Overall Session Time (s)       1,2            1,1            1,0
StarHub follows with 94.0 per cent                 File Download (3 MB)
and M1 with 93.2 per cent. Although                Success Ra o/Avg. Session Time (%/s)            99,8/1,0       99,8/1,2      100,0/2,2
we see some differences in their                   90%/10% faster than (kbit/s)                  15938/72948    15669/45810    9073/46083
detailed performances, this is a very
                                                   File Upload (1 MB)
good result for all three of them.
                                                   Success Ra o/Avg. Session Time (%/s)            99,5/0,7       99,7/0,6       99,7/0,7
                                                   90%/10% faster than (kbit/s)                  10012/ 28369   11512/ 27397   10599/ 31873
                                                   File Download (7 Seconds)
                                                   Success Ra o (%)                                  99,7           99,8          100,0
                                                   Avg. Throughput (kbit/s)                         66526          60963          39350
                                                   90%/10% faster than (kbit/s)                  19927/128676   20433/113872   14370/70779
                                                   File Upload (7 Seconds)
                                                   Success Ra o (%)                                 100,0          100,0           99,5
                                                   Avg. Throughput (kbit/s)                         25708          27293          36076
                                                   90%/10% faster than (kbit/s)                  13432/47602    15931/36323    13923/57709
                                                   Youtube Video
                                                   Success Ra o/Start Time (%/s)                   99,0/1,8       99,4/1,8       98,9/1,9
                                                   Playouts without Interrup ons (%)                99,8%         100,0%          99,7%
                                                   Average Video Resolu on (p)                      1080           1080           1058

M1 ahead in Web BROWSING                 IN A CLOSE
                When it comes to accessing
                live web pages from the widely            RACE, EACH
                acknowledged Alexa ranking and
   Web          the static Kepler test page, M1            OPERATOR
 BrowsinG       is closely ahead of the other two
                operators. M1‘s success rates
                are slightly higher and the downlo-
                ad times slightly shorter. This
                results in a fulfillment rate of
                96 per cent in this category.
                ­However, Singtel with 94 per cent        in THE DATA
                 and StarHub with 93 per cent
                 ­follow at close distance.                CATEGORY
                DOWNLOADS, ALL THREE almost
DOWNLOADS       In the download tests, Singtel
 & UPLOADS      is one step ahead due to faster
                ­average data rates and a higher
                 top speed (P90). StarHub ranks
                 second and M1 third in the ­down-
                 load ­evaluation. Examining their
                 upload performance, all three
                 operators are ­almost on par with
                 a slight advantage for M1 due to
                 slightly higher average upload
                 data rates.

                                                      Data Results
                 STARHUB SCORES BEST IN               At a Glance
                In our tests of YouTube play-         Although all three Singapore ope-
                backs, StarHub showed a slight        rators deliver a high level of data
  youtube       ­advantage over its competitors.      performance and rank closely
                 This operator achieves a 100 per     ­together, in the overall assess­
                 cent playout without interruptions    ment, Singtel shows a slight
                 (Singtel: 99.8 per cent, M1:          ­advantage over its competitors.
                 99.7 per cent). Also, the overall      In the detailed analysis, each
                 success ratio is slightly higher       ­operator shows specific strenghts:
                 in the StarHub network. Still,          M1 is ahead in the web browsing
                 the mobile reception of YouTube         tests and is closely ahead of the
                 videos provides a very good             ­competition when it comes to
                 user experience in all three             file uploads. Singtel provides
                 Singapore mobile networks.               the fastest file downloads, and
                                                          StarHub scores best in the
                                                          YouTube measurements.

                 Crowd                                                                                  SOURCED
19,257 users have contributed 344 million samples to our crowd-                                         THE HIGH
sourcing analysis of the Singapore networks over two consecutive                                     PERFORMANCE
periods spanning three months each. The evaluation area of our crowd-                                    OF THE
sourcing represents 97.8 per cent of the built-up area of Singapore.                                   SINGAPORE

 In order to validate and supplement the results of the
 drivetest, we have also performed an ­extensive crowd-
 sourcing analysis of the mobile market in S  ­ ingapore.
 ­This analysis is ­based on crowd data that has been
  gathered in two periods of three months each. P3 decided
  to follow this approach because our crowdsourcing metrics
  are based on three-month periods. As the drivetests           Overview Score (April - June)
  were conducted in May 2018, we wanted to factor in               Coverage
  crowdsourcing data from this period as well —   ­ resulting      User DL
  in including the measurement period April to June 2018.          Speed

  On the other hand, we also wanted to present data that           Data Service
  is as current as possible. This is why we also i­ncluded
  a second ­period ranging from July to September 2018.
  Considering two consecutive three-month crowdsour­
  cing periods allows us to also have a look at trends and
  developments between the two c    ­ ompared periods.
    The results are based on usage data that have been
  collected from smartphone users who are utilising one
 or more of 800+ apps in which P3 has integrated back­
 ground ­diagnosis pro­cesses determining relevant usa-
 ge data 24/7, 365 days a year. Quarterhourly reports are
                                                                                    93,7    92,0     100,0   91,1     94,7    97,6   95,2   95,0   100,0
 generated daily and sent to P3‘s s­ ervers for a thorough
 analysis (see ­detailed description of the ­methodology        Operator                   Singtel                  Starhub                 M1
on p  ­ ages 9 and 10). This way, more 19,257 users             Shown scores in %

have contributed a total of 344 million samples in the
­described six-month period. Based on the total popu­-
 lation count of 4.6 million people, one of 308 ­inhabi-
 tants of Singapore has con­tributed to our crowd data.         Overview Score (July - September)
 The evaluation area of our crowdsourcing represents               Coverage
 97.8 per cent of the built-up area of Singapore.                  User DL
                                                                   Data Service
The overall results of our crowd tests confirm the drive-
test results in so far as all three Singapore ­operators
show respectable performance. In an o      ­ verall assess­
ment, M1 leads the field with a ­narrow margin in the
April to June period. In the July to S ­ eptember period,
Singtel and M1 are on par. ­StarHub follows at close
distance in both cases. A direct comparison of both
periods shows that Singtel‘s performance stayed the
same, StarHub was able to improve by some percen-                                   94,8    89,3     100,0   94,5    91,0     98,7   94,8   91,7   98,2
tage points, w­ hereas M1 lost a couple of ­percentage
                                                                Operator                   Singtel                  Starhub                 M1
­points. How­ever, these variances are minor all in all.
                                                                Shown scores in %

                                                                                           CROWD                                             Starhub

                                                                                           User Download Speed                               M1
                                                                                                    April - June
           For all Singapore operators, we observed 100 per cent
           coverage within our test area for both voice and data

           services during both observation periods. Even the de-                                                                                10% EA
           manding 4G ­coverage is very high with values between                                               126,2                           faster than
            97 and 99 per cent. Also, the results for the so called
              Quality of Coverage (the percentage of actual availability
              of the mobile network services) were high for voice                                                                   30,2
              and data. An examination of the Quality of 4G C  ­ overage

              shows that these values were a little lower in the first                                                             32,3
                                                                                                                                               10% Users
           evaluation ­period with Singtel and StarHub improving in                                                                            faster than
           the ­second ­period, while M1 received a slightly better
           ­result in ­the first period than in the second one.
                When it comes to data rates, M1 shows a slight ad­                                                                10,6
            vantage in the average as well as the top values (P90)

            of each Users‘ Best Throughput within the ­observation                                                                11,1
            time. These averages were 11.2 Mbit/s in the first                                                                                 Avg. Users
                                                                                                                                             Best Throughput
            ­­evaluation period and 10.5 Mbit/s in the second one.                                                                11,2
            StarHub and SingTel each follow at ­close distance
            with StarHub achieving 11.1 Mbit/s in the first and                                                                              Singtel
            10.3 Mbit/s in the second period, SingTel‘s results are                        CROWD                                             Starhub
            10.6 Mbit/s in the first and 10.1 Mbit/s in the second                         User Download Speed                               M1
            ­observation period. A possible explanation for the ­                               July - September

             overall drop in these values between the April to June
             and the July to September period could be a higher                                     156,9
             number of users in the networks leading to a higher

             ­utilisation of the network cells and their capacities.                                          132,5
                                                                                                                                                  10% EA
                Stil, SingTel delivers the highest values for the top                                                                           faster than
              speeds (P90) observed per evaluation area (“EA“). This
              applies to both observation periods. The difference to
              the User‘s Best Throughput is that these top speeds                                                                   28,7
              have been achieved by varying users.

                Occasional drops especially in some coverage KPIs                                                                   29,9
              between the first and the second three-month period                                                                               10% Users
                                                                                                                                                faster than
              can be explained by user fluctuations – the number of                                                                30,9
              users within a particular observation area is typically
              not constant between evaluation periods.                                                                             10,1

            SINGTEL SHOWED NO DEGRADATIONs IN                                                                                     10,3                         Mbit/s
            BOTH CONSIDERED PERIODS                                                                                                            Avg. Users
           In the evaluation for Data Service Availability, also all                                                              10,5       Best Throughput

           three competitors shows generally pleasing results.
           Our analysis identified one hour with limited service
           ­availabilty in the StarHub network in March and also a
            two hour degradation in the M1 network in S  ­ eptember.                                                   CROWD RESULTS
            Both incidents only had a very limited impact on the                                                       AT A GLANCE
            users‘ experience of network availability and ­stability.                                                  The crowdsourced results for the
                                                                                                                       coverage of voice and data ser-
                                                                                                                       vices is exceptionally high in the
                                                                                                                       Singapore networks. The Quality
                                                                                                                       of 4G Coverage was a little lower in
                           Affected hours (h) and days (d) (2018)                                                      the first evaluation period, SingTel
                                                                                                                       and Starhub improved regarding
                                                                                                                       this KPI in the ­second one. On the
                                                                                                                       other hand, the average data rates
Starhub       1h over 1d
                                                                                                                       dropped in all netwoks in the se-
                                                                                                                       cond observation period. In some
    M1                                                                                           2h over 1d
                                                                                                                       of the KPIs, M1 showed a slight
                                                                                                                       advantage. The examination of
               March                April                  May      June   July   August        September              Data Service Availability showed
                                                                                                                       only minor degradations in
                                                                                                                       the StarHub and M1
           MOBILE REVIEW
How does Singapore
compare to other
world capitals?
As a successful business capital, Singapore is competing with
metropolitan areas on a global scale. Therefore we have compared
our crowdsourced throughput results gathered in Singapore with
those achieved in Berlin, Cape Town, Jakarta, London and Sydney.

A look at the average values of                                                                  In London, only EE achieves                                                                     with buildings, whereas cities like
the best throughputs a  ­ chieved by                                                             ­similar results, while the other                                                               Berlin or London contain a higher
each individual user participating                                                                ­British operators as well as the                                                              share of open spaces such as
in our crowdsourcing (see chart                                                                    mobile networks in Berlin, Cape                                                               parks or fringe areas, which are
­below) shows that the ­Singapore                                                                  Town and ­Jakarta overall deliver                                                             provided with less ­mobile co­
 operators deliver con­siderably                                                                   slower data rates. When looking                                                               verage and also com­prise of
 high performance also when com-                                                                   at the P90 value (the threshold                                                               less mobile users.
 pared to their global competitors.                                                                below which 90 per cent of the                                                                     Furthermore, in order to e    ­ nsure
                                                                                                   gathered values are ­ranging                                                                  statistical relevance, we had
HIGHEST OBSERVED DATA RATES                                                                        – see also the ­description of                                                                to exclude Jakarta‘s smallest
IN SINGAPORE AND SYDNEY                                                                            our ­methodology on pages 10                                                                  operator Smartfren from this
                                                                                                   and 11), S ­ ydney even ­shows                                                                comparison.
M1, StarHub and Singtel ­provide                                                                   ­slightly better overall results than                                                              The analysis at hand concen-
high data rates to their customers,                                                                 Singapore.                                                                                   trates on data throughputs. But
which in this comparison are only                                                                      However, when evaluating the                                                              an additional look at the Areas
matched by the performances of                                                                      ­actual values, it must be taken                                                             and Quality of Coverage with 4G
the Australian operators Telstra,                                                                    into account that areas such as                                                             ­services, 3G/2G data services as
Optus and Vodafone in Sydney.                                                                        Singa­pore are densely c ­ overed                                                            well as voice services in the consi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       dered cities also
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       shows favour­
                                Singapore                                Berlin                         Cape Town                           Jakarta                         London                           Sydney
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       able results for
12M                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Singapore and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ­Sydney – how­
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ever, some com­
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        petitors such
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        as London or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ­Jakarta come
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         close in one or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the other of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         analysed metrics.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Deeper insights
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         can be made









                                                                                                                                                                                                                         avail­able to

                                                                                               Cell C


Users‘ Best Throughput

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         inter­ested parties
Mbit/s                      10,1 10,5 10,3                  5,4           6,1       5,6        3,8       4,7   4,7      4,4       4,6        6,7        4,3     5,5   8,0   4,9          5,5      6,8     9,4 10,3 9,3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         on request.
Shown values are rounded.

The methodology of the P3 connect Mobile Review is the result
of more than 15 years of testing mobile networks. Today, network tests
are conducted in more than 80 countries. They were carefully designed
to evaluate and objectively compare the performance and service quality
of mobile networks from the users’ perspective.

The P3 connect Mobile Review for         Alexa ranking. In addition, the
Singapore includes the r­ esults of      static Kepler test web p   ­ age as          Boxes were mounted into the rear and
an extensive data drive­test as well     specified by ETSI (Euro­pean               side windows of each measurement car
as a sophisticated crowdsourcing         ­Telecommu­­nica­tions Standards                 supporting the smartphones used
                                                                                                          for the drivetests.
approach.                                 Institute) was used.
                                              In order to test the data s­ ervice
 drivetests                               performance, files of 3 MB and 1 MB
The drivetest was conducted on            for download and upload w     ­ ere       based on crowd data that had
12 measurement days from May              transferred from or to a test ­server     been gathered in two periods of
2nd to May 16th, 2018. All sam-           located on the Internet. In addition,     three months each. P3 decided
ples were collected between 8am           the peak data performance was             to follow this approach ­because
and 10pm. Two d   ­ rivetest cars         tested in uplink and downlink di-         our crowdsourcing metrics are
­drove a total of 2,100 kilometres,       rections by assessing the amount          ­based on three-month periods.
 covering 99.5 per cent of Singa­         of data that was transferred within        As the drivetests were conducted
 pore‘s total population.                 a seven seconds time period.               in May 2018, we wanted to factor
   Each of P3‘s drivetest cars was            Another discipline was the             in crowdsourcing data from this
 equipped with arrays of Samsung          playback of ­YouTube videos. It            ­period as well —  ­ thus, we have
 Galaxy S8 Smartphones. ­These            took into account that Y   ­ ouTube         ­included the months from April to
 „Cat 9“ phones are capable of            dynamically adapts the video                 June 2018. On the other hand, we
 supporting 300 Mbit/s download           ­resolution to the available band­           wanted to present as current data
 and 50 Mbit/s upload speeds. All          width. So, in addition to success           as possible, which is why we also
 data measurements were done in            ratios, start times and playouts            included the period from July to
 4G preferred mode. Each car car-          without interrup­tions, YouTube             September 2018. The considera-
 ried one smartphone per operator.         measure­ments also determined               tion of two crowdsourcing periods
                                           ­average ­video ­resolution. All tests      of a duration of three months each
DATA TESTING                                were conducted with the best               allows us to also have a look at
For the web tests, the test smart-          performing ­mobile plan available          trends and developments between
phones accessed web ­pages ac-              from each operator.                        the two compared periods.
cording to the widely ­recognised                                                         For the collection of crowd data,
                                         RANKING AND GRADING                           P3 has integrated a background
                                         As this Mobile Review is i­ntended            diagnosis pro­cesses into 800+
                                         just as an indication of network              ­diverse Android apps. If one of
                                         performance and q  ­ uality, we ab-            these applications is i­nstalled on
                                         stained from ranking or ­grading               the end-user’s phone, data collec­
                                         the operators considered based                 tion takes place 24/7, 365 days a
                                         on the number of total achieved                year on this device. Reports are
                                         points. However, the p ­ ublished              generated for every 15 minutes and
                                         percentages give a good indica­                daily sent to P3‘s cloud servers.
                                         tion of their achievements.                    Such ­reports ge­ne­rate just a small
                                                                                        number of bytes per message
                                         CROWDSOURCING                                  and do not include any personal
                                         As an addition to the drivetests,              user data. Interested parties can
                                         P3 conducted thorough crowd-                   deliberately take part in the data
All test phones used in the drivetests
were operated and supervised by          based analyses of the ­Singapore               gathering with the specific ”U get“
P3‘s unique control system.              networks. These analyses are                   app (see box on next page).

Other crowdsourcing ­solutions         relevant statements, P3 ­requires             which 10 per cent of the values
 have a very technical user base.           a certain number of users and                 are situated. These values depict
 Thus, their results are typically          measurement values per opera-                 how fast the network is under
 skewed towards high-end, ­heavy            tor for each tile and each evalua-            ­favourable conditions.
 data users. With the integ­ration          tion area. If these thresholds are
 into more than 800 diverse apps            not met by one of the considered              Data service availability
 covering different market seg-             operators, this part of the map is            Another performance indicator
 ments, P3 has generated data               not considered in the assessment              considered in the crowd results is
 which is a fair and equal repre­           to ensure fair terms.                         the Data Service Availability. This
 sentation as o  ­ pposed to that of            Even more relevant results are            parameter indicates the availabi­lity
 classical speed test apps. The             accomplished by not only de-                  of a network and the number of
 unique crowdsourcing t­ echnology          termining the mere network                    outages or service d   ­ egradations
 allows P3 to collect data about            ­coverage but also considering its            respectively.
 ­real-world customer experience             ­quality. The parameter Q­ uality of             In order to differentiate net-
  in a truly passive way – wherever           Co­verage reveals whether voice             work glitches from normal varia-
  and whenever customers use                  and data services actually work             tions in network coverage, we
  their smartphones.                          in the respective evaluation area.          apply a precise definition of ser-
     P3‘s crowdsourcing data set              P3 does this because not in each            vice degradation: A degradation
  is the most realistic, s­ ince it is        area that allegedly provides net-           is an event where d   ­ ata connec-
  the most diverse that is c   ­ urrently     work reception, the mobile servi-           tivity is impacted by a number of
  ­available in the market in terms           ces can actually be used. For this          cases which significantly exceeds
   of locations, geography, times,            reason, the percentage for Quality          the expectation level. To judge
   devices, subscriptions, n  ­ etworks,      of Coverage is always a little lower        whether an hour of interest is an
   technologies and   ­
                      s martphone             than the corresponding ­coverage            hour with degraded service, the
usage patterns. P3 applies                    value. We specify these values              algorithm looks at a sliding win-
advanced big data analytics to                each for the coverage of voice              dow of 168 hours before the hour
distill the essence of informa-               services (2G, 3G and 4G combi-              of interest. This ensures that we
tion from the bulk data. By ana­              ned), Data (3G and 4G ­combined)            only consider actual network ser-
lysing data according to prede-             and 4G only.                                  vice degradations differentiating
fined m  ­ etrics, P3 can provide                                                         them from a simple loss of net-
information for the optimisation of          ASSESSMENT of data throughputs               work coverage of the respective
networks and also show whether              Additionally, P3 investigates the             smartphone due to prolonged
­networks live up to the expecta­           data rates that were a   ­ ctually            indoor stays or similar reasons.
 tions of their customers.                  ­available to each user. For this                 In order to ensure the statisti-
                                             purpose, we have determined the              cal relevance of this approach, a
rating of network Coverage                   best obtained data rate for each             ­valid assessment month must fulfil
For the assessment of network                user during the e ­ valuation period          clearly designated prerequisites:
coverage, P3 lays a grid of 2 by             and then calculated the a   ­ verage          A valid ­assessment hour con-
2 kilometers over the whole test             of ­these values. In addition, we             sists of a predefined number of
area. The so-called evaluation               have determined the so-called                 ­samples per hour and per opera-
areas generated this way are then            P90 values for the top throughput              tor. The exact number depends on
sub-divided into 16 smaller ­tiles.          of each evaluation area as well as             factors like market size and num-
In ­order to ensure statistically            of each user‘s best throughput.                ber of operators. A valid assess­
                                             P90 values specify the threshold               ment month must include at least
                                             in a statistical distribution, below           90 per cent of valid assessment
                                             which 90 per cent of the gathe-                hours (again per month and per
                                             red values are ranging – or ­above             operator).

                                              Participate in our crowdsourcing
                                              Everybody interested in becoming a part of our global crowdsourcing panel
                                              and obtaining insights into the r­ eliability of the mobile network that her or his
                                              smartphone is ­logged into, can most easily participate by installing and using
                                              the “U get“ app. This app exclusively ­concentrates on network analysis and
                                              is available ­under or via the adjoint QR code.
                                                 “U get“ checks and visualises the current mobile net-
                                              work per­formance and contributes the results to our crowd-
                                              sourcing platform. Join the global community of users who
                                              understand their personal wireless performance, while con-
                                              tributing to the world’s most comprehensive ­picture of the
                                              mobile customer experience.

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