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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(2): 4448-4454                                                                ISSN: 00333077

Vitaul Muasyaroh1, Kundharu Saddhono2, Djoko Sulaksono3
        Universitas Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, INDONESIA ,E-mail:

This research examines a tradition located in the North part of Central Java. Some areas still enliven this tradition every year. One
of them is Soneyan Village, Pati Regency. However, the surrounding community only knows and witnesses it without
understanding the intention and meaning of the tradition. This tradition is identical with noise and burning fire (lampor). The
interesting things that can be found from this tradition are in the uborampe section. The importance of this conducted research is
to reveal the uborampe philosophy contained in the Lamporan tradition conducted by the people of Soneyan village Pati regency.
This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The method used in this research is a descriptive method of content analysis
from the observed research results. Data were collected from interview with the informants and documents. The results showed
that uborampe from lamporan tradition of Soneyan village Pati regency included six things as follows: the tools and materials,
traditional clothes, livestock, accompaniment instruments of lamporan music, prayer, and food as well as beverages which has its
own philosophy.

Tradition, Uborampe, Lamporan, Javanese Culture, Soneyan Village
Article Received: 18 October 2020, Revised: 3 November 2020, Accepted: 24 December 2020

INTRODUCTION                                                           and other traditions can be seen from various
Tradition is a habit inherited from ancient                            aspects, one of them is uborampe.
ancestors that is inherent in society as a condition.                  Apart from being considered sacred, a series of
Tradition unites the harmony of people's lives                         rituals in the implementation of the Javanese
from the era of Hindu Buddhist civilization to the                     tradition is also classified as unique. It creates a
beginning of Islamic influence on Javanese                             characteristic of each region. Nowadays, one of
culture. As the time goes by, the tradition is still                   the Javanese traditions attracting attention is the
conducted from generation to generation                                lamporan tradition. Originating from the northern
consistently     and     experiencing       symbolic                   part of Central Java, lamporan tradition becomes a
development. The society upholds the existence of                      trending topic among the community which has
tradition as a guide in behaving or maintaining                        developed through word of mouth and spread
attitude in daily life (Saddhono, 2018). Various                       widely through printed media like newspapers and
kinds of traditions spreading in Indonesia                             social media such as twitter, facebook, instagram,
certainly have their own characteristics and                           blogs, etc. This tradition is known as Lampor or
uniqueness. One of the interesting traditions is the                   lamporan which in the Javanese bausastra
Javanese tradition. Javanese society is always                         dictionary means swara rame, swarane lelembut
identical with things that similar with tradition or                   arak arakan (loud voice, the sound of many
traditional ceremonies called kejawen. Traditions                      demons walking hand in hand). The lamporan
are related to rituals conducted by Javanese                           tradition is believed by the society as a ritual to
community groups that have ethnic, tribe, and                          reject catastrophe and to avoid various calamities.
cultural to achieve certain goals according to the                     It is conducted once a year in the month of Suro.
teachings of their previous ancestors (Achmad,                         The research studied lamporan tradition located in
2007). Furthermore, Javanese tradition is always                       the Pati regency, Central Java. Actually, Pati is
identical and attached to human life from birth to                     not the only place where the lamporan tradition
death. The difference between Javanese tradition                       develops and is preserved but this tradition also

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(2): 4448-4454                                          ISSN: 00333077

grows in the Blora and Rembang areas (adjacent         wandered in Kalimantan around 1951. After a
to the Pati regency) with the same intention and       long time, this person returned to Pati with the
purpose to reject catastrophe. However, researcher     Dayak culture of songs and prayers which were
is more interested in conducting research in Pati      developed in the Lamporan tradition. It turns out
regency because the lamporan tradition in Pati is      that the movement of a person from one place to
unique compared to the two regencies.                  another can lead to a process of culture mixing
Not all areas in Pati regency have preserved this      and forming its own characteristics (Saddhono,
tradition from the past to the present. Based on the   2015).
results of research and interviews, there are five     The study of the lamporan tradition, especially in
sub-regencies that still conducting this tradition     the uborampe section, is an interesting thing to be
from the 1960s to the end of 2019. The sub-            researched further. Some people who just know
regencies are Jaken, Wedarijaksa, Gembong,             the culture when asked by other people or
Gunungwungkal, and Margoyoso. However,                 someone from another area can not explain in
Soneyan village upholds and preserves the              detail. They just answer without concrete
lamporan tradition every year since the 1930 's        information source. Based on these problems as
until the last in 2019. In the 2020 Lamporan           well as to provide information to readers,
tradition was omitted because of corona virus          researcher explored in depth the philosophy of
outbreak (covid-19). The lamporan event was            Uborampe in the Lamporan Tradition by the
replaced with prayer and thanksgiving while            Javanese Community of Soneyan Village, Pati
maintaining health protocols.The people of             Regency.
Soneyan village have considered this to be a           METHODOLOGY
condition of the lamporan tradition. In this study,    This research was conducted in Soneyan village,
researchers focused on the lamporan tradition that     Margoyoso sub-regency, Pati regency. This
grows and develops in Margoyoso sub-district,          research is included in qualitative descriptive
specifically Soneyan village. The main reason is       research in accordance with the formulated
that Soneyan village still closely adheres to the      problems. Setiawan & Abimanyu (2018) stated
tradition of lamporan and implement it every           that qualitative description research aims to
year. Both the old and young generations conduct       describe and explore as well as to describe and
the tradition in hope that the next generation will    explain. Furthermore, part of the role of the
always care and develop this tradition.                qualitative researcher is to facilitate participant
         The uniqueness of lamporan tradition can      disclosure. Qualitative researchers report on
be seen more specifically in the uborampe section.     context, often taking detailed field notes about the
The implementation of the lamporan tradition in        setting of the interview. Qualitative research
this village is conducted once a year in the month     includes aspects of text and context in the form of
of Suro to be precise on the 1st of Friday from        interviews with sources in accordance with reality
morning to approximately 24:00 WIB one week in         (Virginia, et al, 2007). The data collection
a row starting from Saturday night to Friday night.    technique used participation, observation, and
Another fundamental thing is because this village      conversation techniques. The data analysis
is the founder of the merriest lamporan ritual         technique used content analysis. The research
celebration and reported through social media and      subjects focused on the people of Soneyan village,
printed media. In addition, the interesting thing      especially those who directly involved in the
about the implementation of the lamporan               lamporan tradition event as well as those who
tradition in Soneyan village is the uborampe, a        knew details of the lamporan tradition history.
costume for the implementation of the lamporan         This is conducted to obtain concrete data
tradition, brings elements from the Dayak culture.     regarding the implementation of the lamporan
The Dayak culture is said to have been brought by      tradition, especially in the uborampe section. Data
someone from Pati who continued his study and          of this study is collected through in depth

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(2): 4448-4454                                         ISSN: 00333077

interviews with informants and source documents.      around 2000. The era development certainly
The sampling technique used purposive sampling        provided a change. The crisp blarak used in the
with certain considerations. Data analysis used       lamporan tradition in the past until now has
interactive analysis method, which consists of        changed, namely to become a torch. The torch is
three main components as follows: data reduction,     made by using a rolled dry coconut leaf midrib
data presentation, and drawing conclusions.           filled with lot of dried banana leaves and tied to a
RESULTS                                               bamboo stick (Aristanto, 2011). The use of
Culture is a result of a combination of ideas,        torches is used in the lamporan tradition because
feelings, and creations of a person or group who      it is considered more practical. In addition,
eventually form a guide or standard in social life    according to the beliefs of the people of Pati
which has its own meaning (Widodo et al, 2012;        regency, especially in Soneyan village, the torch is
Saddhono et al, 2014). Javanese culture according     also able to expel the spirits because they had
to Sartini (2009) is always identical with symbolic   been burned with a burning fire. It had been
things and one of them is the implementation of       conducted around 2001 until now.
tradition. Ubarampe is a symbolic requirement in
implementing traditions. Uborampe is a form of        B. ........Traditional Clothes
offerings or trinkets as a means to symbolize         The implementation of the lamporan tradition is
gratitude to God Almighty for a sincere and           obliged to use traditional clothes as a
sincere request. After the uborampe is finished, a    condition.The traditional lampor clothes are made
prayer must be shared or eaten together (Fakrina,     of coconut leaves. In contrast to the making of
2016). Furthermore, Setiawati (2019) explains that    blarak garing / torch, the traditional lampor
dishes or offerings must be prepared in a             clothes are made from young coconut leaves
traditional event. The Javanese people think that     which are green or not yet dry. The method of
when there is no ubarampe, it cannot be said as a     making coconut leaves is arranged in a circle and
tradition because ubarampe contains a symbolic        measured according to the size of the stomach of
meaning about the hope of Javanese safety. The        each lampor participant. After that, it is sewn or
participants are both men and women but men are       tied with a rope made of coconut leaves. It can
more dominant with a range of approximately 6         also use raffia rope or other rope to form a skirt /
years to infinity as long as able to participate.     lower part. Before wearing the skirt, participants
Uborampe as the philosophy contained in the           may wear short pants first. Furthermore, for the
lamporan tradition are as follows.                    clothing section doesn't wear anything or be
A. ... Blarak garing/ Torch                           naked. The belly is painted with white paint or
Blarak garing in Indonesian is called as coconut      something else. Furthermore, the hands and ankles
leaves which are dry and ripe brown. Blarak in the    are given accessories from young coconut leaves
past was used by the Javanese people as a roof for    as well, and the head is decorated using coconut
houses or a daden tool to 'light a fire'              wood made to resemble a pair of horns. It was
(Setyaningsih, 2016). Blarak garing is collected      conducted aproximately from 1960s to 2016.
from about 20 dry coconut leaves or more which        As the time goes by, the traditional lampor clothes
is sufficient. Then, blarak garing is tied together   are made of cloth. Nowadays, the used lampor
and spliced with trunks of coconut wood or            clothes now are designed by teenager of Soneyan
another log. Thus, it formed like a torch. After      village as simple and practical as possible. All
that, the blarak garing is ignited with fire and      clothes from head to toe are made of cloth and
taken around the village. People in the past          sewn. The modernization of traditional lampor
believed that the presence of blarak garing ignited   clothes was conducted because according to the
with fire and carried around the village could        people of Soneyan village, the use of traditional
refuse the presence of spirits to come. It was        lampor clothes from cloth was considered to be
conducted approximately from the 1960s to             more efficient and take less time in making. In the

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(2): 4448-4454                                            ISSN: 00333077

past, the traditional clothes made of coconut          many diseases and is more immune to all kinds of
leaves were disposable and usually it was thrown       animal diseases.
away after used by the participant. Nowadays, the      D. ........Musical Instrument
traditional lampor clothes are stored after used by    Jedhor and Kentongan, two musical instruments
participant for later use in the following year. All   from the area of Central Java, were attached to be
clothes made of cloth was realized and finished in     used as accompaniment in the lamporan tradition.
2017 and 2018 but the implementation of                Kentongan is a tool made from pieces of bamboo
lamporan had not been conducted again in 2019          as a means of communication by the Javanese.
because of a problem. However, it turns out that       Rochkyatmo (2020) explains that the meaning of
the use of traditional lampor clothes was delayed      kentongan according to the Javanese community
again in 2020 due to the corona virus (covid-19)       is in accordance with the quote from the kinanthi
outbreak. The philosophy of the existence of this      tembang as follows: kenthongan is hit once as an
lampor clothes model, according to the elders of       introductory marker to always be alert, the second
Soneyan village, is originated from ancient history    hit in a row notifies of a criminal act of theft, three
which tells the story of the native Pati who           hit in in a row indicates there was a fire, the fourth
became the TNI the Kalimantan area. Then, the          hit indicates a flash flood, the fifth means the theft
native returned to the Pati area, to be precise at     of livestock, and the last is a murder case. The
Soneyan village, bringing Dayak culture into the       used jedhor is a small drum and bamboo
lamporan tradition. The philosophy of having           kentongan. The philosophy of the drum and
horns on the head as a complement to clothing          kentongan for the community is to indicate that
describes buffalo. The buffalo is considered as        the night has come and the time for the lamporan
sacred animal and protected by the community           tradition to begin. In addition, the community uses
from contaminated disease outbreaks caused by          this drum and kentongan to add traditional
spirits.                                               elements to keep it preserved. As the time goes
C. .Livestock                                          by, the music used in the implementation of the
In the event of lampor tour, it involves farm          lamporan tradition is not only in the form of
animals like buffalo and cow. The lamporan             jedhor and kentongan but there are additional
tradition is based on the community's efforts to       music in the form of Javanese dance, dangdut, pop
prevent disease outbreaks that attack their            and others to complement and enliven the event.
livestock. In the past, buffalo and cows were          E. . Prayers and lamporan accompaniment
considered the most sacred animals by society.         Prayer is an alternative that is often uttered by
Buffalo are considered as the most sacred animal       humans as a form of gratitude as well as guarding
compared to cow because the 'kebo' buffalo is a        and asking for something from the creator.
raja-kaya animal containing many advice or             Rosyidi (2012) explains that prayer is a statement
lessons about a better life especially advice for      to Allah SWT regarding many things such as
both parents. Cows are also considered as sacred       weakness, deficiency, inability or other things to
animal. In addition, these two animals are             be given enlightenment in the form of being
considered important to society because they were      elevated or replaced by a higher degree both on
used to plow fields in the past. Nowadays, people      the human side and on the side of Allah SWT.
of Soneyan village believe that buffaloes and          Javanese traditional tradition is one of the things
cows can not be exposed to light for too long          that is considered sacred because it contains many
especially fire light. Therefore, the society          meanings and is believed by the community from
gradually excluded the farm animals in the             through many generations. After praying in a
implementation of lamporan. Instead, people use        Javanese tradition, there is usually a musical
costumes and horn accessories on the head as a         accompaniment to complement and encourage the
sign that the animal is immune to spirits that carry   implementation of a tradition.The implementation
                                                       of the lamporan tradition is not only identical with

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(2): 4448-4454                                          ISSN: 00333077

accompaniment but also identical with prayers          spices (lemongrass, bay leaves, onions, etc.)
and another accompanying song in the event. The        placed on banana leaves with side dishes of tofu
most unique thing in the implementation of the         and tempeh, salted fish, and stir-fried papaya
lamporan tradition lies in the prayer which is then    leaves. In the lamporan tradition, there are
said along the way of implementing the lamporan        important things that you should not be missed in
tradition, which reads: ‘Teng Kilo Kiteng,             the nasi liwet. It is the intact chicken egg.
Tengkilo Kombe-Kombe Beko’ ‘Ling Kolang                According to the belief of the people of Soneyan
Kaling, Sing Ra Lampor Sapine Gering’. Some            village, a side dish of boiled intact chicken eggs.
people in Soneyan village do not really know the       The egg must be placed in the middle of the rice
details of each words of the prayer above but the      and covered tightly with rice so that it is not
essence and philosophy of the prayer means that        visible. It means that we as Javanesse society
'the villagers must lend a hand directly to conduct    should not have any arrogant nature or in other
lamporan activities so that the livestock will not     words to cover what we got without bad intention
get sick anymore' . The prayer that is said by the     because all we have in this world is entrusted
community has a combination of the Dayak               goods and temporary.
language with Javanese Ngoko. In addition to the       2. ........... Plain Water
recitation of the prayer, the community also sang      The complement of nasi liwet in the Lamporan
the national song as accompaniment such as maju        tradition is plain water. Plain water is clear and
tak getar, halo-halo bandung, dan garuda               tasteless drinking water. In addition, water can be
pancasila. According to the people of Soneyan          found anywhere. Plain water in Javanese is called
village, the national song is used to foster the       Banyu Pethak 'the main holy water'. In the
spirit of enthusiasm and a reminder of the struggle    implementation of the plain water lamporan
of our ancestors in the past. Nowadays, after the      tradition, it is not put in a glass but instead it is
lampor tour is finished, it is continued with          placed in a kendi 'jug made of clay'. The jug is a
barikan which is a joint prayer led by someone         traditional water container in Southeast Asia and
who is respected in Soneyan village with Javanese      identical to the shape of a container similar to a
and Arabic prayers. Then, it is followed by eating     teapot with a neck without a handle on the side
nasi liwet together.                                   (Winata, 2019). Furthermore, Wibisono (2000)
                                                       explains the term of jug in Java is often referred to
                                                       as kendi, kundi, gundi, or kamandalu. Several jugs
                                                       full of plain water were provided for all the
F.          Food and beverages                         people, and drunk alternately straight from the
Food and beverages become complement in the            jugs. The philosophy behind this rotating water
event of lamporan tradition especially at the peak     jug according to the people of Soneyan village is a
of the closing ceremony on the last day of the         sign that we have to protect each other and more
implementation of the lamporan tradition. The          or less have to share with each other.
concept of life of Javanese people always upholds      Peak of lamporan tradition closing is eating and
the harmony of life between people for example         drinking together conducted similar to the event of
sharing food with others (Sartini, 2009). Sithik       selametan or gratitude. Food and beverages along
akeh sing penting rata pada rasa 'more or less, the    with complementary fruits are placed in the
important thing is equal and same taste'. Food and     middle then the community sits in a circle of food
beverages that must exist in a series of lamporan      and is continued together with a prayer led by
traditions as follows:                                 village elders / people who are more respected.
1. ........... Liwet Rice/ nasi liwet/ sega liwet      After the prayer, the people eat together and
Nasi liwet is a reflection of the creative, simple,    scramble for the nasi liwet in the middle based on
efficient, and creative identity of Javanese society   their desired portion. Then, they eat together with
(Prihantini, 2019). Nasi liwet is rice cooked with     the method of muluk 'eating using plain hands

PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(2): 4448-4454                                        ISSN: 00333077

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