The St. John Beacon -

Page created by Anne George
The St. John Beacon -
The St. John Beacon

April • 2022                                                                                                              (405) 478-3344

  The Pastor’s Pen                                                              Get Ready for the 2022
Beloved Members,
      I pray that this edition of our
                                                                                Simultaneous Revival!
monthly Beacon finds you and                                                                     Submitted by Sis. Debra Johnson
the family in the best of health
and spirit. Given the many chal-
lenges we face and juggle on a
daily bases, it is easy to become
discouraged and develop a dis-
torted perspective. I want to                Dr. Major L. Jemison, Pastor
encourage you to set aside some
time in meditation with Lord.             salvation. It is a glimpse of how
Let His presence and His Word             deep God’s love and goodness
replenish you.                            goes. It seems almost too good
      In light of the upcoming cel-       to be true; but it is! It’s love
ebration of Easter, I want to             beyond anything we could ever
share a meditation that really            repay. It’s too much. It’s too
speaks to the essence of the              good. And, well, that’s who God       Rev. Lee Andrew Edwards II            Rev. Dr. Freddy J. Clark
moment:                                   is. He is too good. He is too
      Our acceptance in God’s             much. His love is overwhelm-              St. John members and         have two guest speakers…that’s
eyes is a no-strings-attached gift.       ing!                                  friends, it’s been two years     right, two sermons all at 10:45.
It isn’t a reward for our good be-             And so, when we falter or        since the city has held a full   Preaching for us will be Dr. Rev
havior. It’s not something we             fail, the Cross of Calvary is the     Simultaneous Revival.            Freddy Clark, Pastor of the Shalom
can pay God back for by doing             compass for our recovery. Re-         Well, 2022 is the year!! The     Church City of Peace Church in St.
all the things we think he wants          mind yourself of what Jesus           78th City-Wide Simulta-          Louis, MO. Also preaching will be
us to do. God gave us our salva-          death, burial and resurrection        neous Revival will be held       Minister Lee A. Edwards, II, Ex-
tion. Jesus paid a high price for         has accomplished. Then, even          immediately following Eas-       ecutive Pastor of the Kingdom Life
it, so it wasn’t free; but it’s free to   though it’s difficult, bring your     ter Sunday, which falls on       Fellowship Church in McKinney,
us. It’s a gift that he wanted us         sin and guilt to God and receive      April 17th this year. Many       TX. A brief bio for each of these
to have because he is good and            the love that he offers in ex-        of God’s best preachers,         pastors are provided below. The
loving.                                   change. Sit in the intensity of the   prophets and evangelists         Theme for St. John’s revival service
      Paul said it like this: “It is by   moment; don’t run from it. As         from across the length and       is “Look Upon Jesus and Live!!
grace you have been saved,                you experience the many emo-          breadth of this country will     Taken from Numbers 21:9 where
through faith — and this is not           tions of the moment, know this:       be proclaiming the Good          it says, “So Moses made a bronze
from yourselves, it is the gift of        You’re experiencing the loving        News of the Gospel in sister     snake and put it on a pole. Then
God — not by works, so that no            intensity of a God who so loved       churches throughout Okla-        when anyone was bitten by a snake
one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8             that he willingly sacrificed His      homa City during week            and looked at the bronze snake, they
– 9).                                     only son. This is God’s heart.        night, noonday and late          lived.”
      God’s grace is hard to grasp        He is audaciously loving, shock-      night services.                       Although St. John will not be
because in our world nothing              ingly kind and unfailingly for-           St. John is doing some-      hosting services during the week of
comes for free. Grace is the way          giving. Let it sink in! Let Cal-      thing a little different this    the Simultaneous Revival, you are
of God because that’s how deep            vary marinate in your spirit. Let     year. Instead of a three-day     encouraged to visit other churches
his love goes. Is it awkward? Yes         Calvary bring healing to your         revival, we will have a one-     in revival worship on those nights.
it is. Particularly, when we realize      soul.                                 day revival service on April
Jesus died to save us and there’s              Thank you Lord for saving        24th during the 10:45 wor-            (“Simultaneous Revival”
nothing we can do to earn our             me!!!                                 ship service. We will also              continued on page 2)
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                         CHRISTIAN EDUCATION
                    Submitted By Dr. Lawrence C. Kirk, Director of Christian Education

 What does love look like in Marriage?
     Beverly and I just celebrated   you” this must be what we               lowed ourselves to be “irritable
48 years of marriage, and we are     mean! “Love is patient and              or resentful” there would be
still working on our marriage!       kind; love does not envy or boast;      more tenderness. If we could
Most of us learn within the first    it is not arrogant or rude. It does     always depend on each other
few months of marriage that if       not insist on its own way; it is not    that until death do us part, we
we are to make it a beautiful        irritable or resentful; it does not     could always “bear all things,
work of art, we are going to need    rejoice at wrongdoing but re-           believe all things, hope all things,
a lot of help. The selfishness of    joices with the truth. Love bears       endure all things.” Would we
sin dooms a marriage to medi-        all things, believes all things,        feel more secure? Any marriage
ocrity or even the bitter sorrow     hopes all things, endures all           would be well on its way to be-             You may be asking how can
and treachery of a divorce. Hu-      things. Love never ends.”               coming a masterpiece if we             I learn more about God’s for-
man wisdom has rushed in with        (ESV) (1Cor. 13:4-8).                   meant all of this every time we        mula for a great marriage? You
self-help and how-to marriage              This is love as we felt it when   say “I love you.”                      can find all the answers in God’s
manuals. But as with other con-      God created us in His image and              When we bring this love and       word. Here at St. John, we have
sequences of sin, only God truly     after His likeness. It is the love      service into our marriage it has       several ways that you can learn
understands the problems and         Adam felt when he awoke and             the potential to become a mas-         God’s purpose, not only for
how to resolve them.                 saw Eve. Think what this could          terpiece. The sacrifices to make       your marriage but for your fam-
     You see marriage is more        do for our marriage. If we could        this possible will be nothing          ily. Contact me at Lckirk@
than the glow that some people       always be “patient and kind,”           when compared to the blessings or call (405) 478-
have imagined it is to be, there     were never “rude” and never             that such a marriage will bring -      3344 and I will be glad to assist
is a level of commitment and a       “insisted on” getting our “own          not only to us, but to our chil-       you in discovering a class to
bond of unity that must exist.       way” it would greatly enhance           dren, our grandchildren and our        meet your needs, be encour-
     When we say “I love             our relationship! If we never al-       brethren.                              aged!

                                              (“Simultaneous Revival” continued from page 1)
    St. John will serve as the       R.E.A.C.H the community for             Church (City of Peace) where           Come and Samson’s Weakness
host for the W.K. Jackson Fel-       the Kingdom of God.                     preaching, teaching, and pray-         as well as his doctoral disserta-
lowship Breakfast at 7:30 a.m.           Lee is the son of Pastor Lee        ing are the foundational pillars       tion, Hospitality: An Ecclesio-
on Friday morning, April 22nd        A. and Donna Edwards and has            of his ministry.                       logical Practice in Ministry.
as well as the Closing Mass Ser-     one brother, Paul Edwards. He                Dr. Clark earned a Bach-               His leadership in civic, per-
vice on Sunday afternoon, April      was born November 14, 1987,             elor of Arts in Religion and Phi-      sonal and health-related causes
24th at 3:00 p.m. If you would       in Dallas, Texas. He graduated          losophy from Bishop College in         is recognized both locally and
like more information on tick-       from Plano East Senior High             Dallas, Texas. He earned both          nationally. Dr. Clark is respon-
ets for the breakfast or any of      School in 2006. During his se-          a Master of Divinity and a Doc-        sible for organizing one of the
the revival activities for the       nior year, he accepted the call         tor of Ministry from Eden Theo-        largest church-sponsored health
week, please call the church of-     to preach the gospel of Christ.         logical Seminary. Most re-             fairs in the nation. He was also
fice at 405-478-3344.                    Lee has completed his Bach-         cently, Dr. Clark received an          one of the co-leaders of A Call
                                     elor of Arts from Dallas Baptist        Honorary Doctorate in Divin-
                                                                                                                    to Oneness, a local march that
Bio of Lee Andrew Edwards, II        University and a M.DIV with a           ity from Eden Seminary in
                                                                                                                    garnered the support of over
    Lee Andrew Edwards II            concentration in theology from          2017.
                                                                                                                    20,000 African American men.
serves as the Executive Pastor       Truett Theological Seminary at               He has served several orga-
of Kingdom Life Fellowship in        Baylor.                                 nizations and boards: Board of              He is a member of Alpha
McKinney, TX. He preached                                                    Directors, Christian Hospital;         Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and
his first sermon in McKinney,        Bio of Reverend Dr. Freddy J.           Advisory Board Member,                 100 Black Men of Metropoli-
TX under the leadership of his       Clark                                   iHeartMedia, Inc.; Chaplain,           tan St. Louis and Lifetime Mem-
father at the age of eighteen. Lee       Reverend Dr. Freddy J.              North St. Louis County Pre-            ber of the National Association
helped his father found King-        Clark, a native of St. Louis, ac-       cinct, St. Louis County Police         for the Advancement of Col-
dom Life Fellowship where he         cepted a call to preach the gos-        Department; and Commis-                ored People (NAACP). Dr.
serves as the Executive Pastor,      pel at a young age. Since that          sioner, Metro, Inc. (formerly Bi-      Clark is married to the former
in 2010 with 66 members and          time, he has been the pastor of         State Transit Authority).              Cheryl Waller and they have 3
has seen growth in spirit and        several churches and twenty-six              Dr. Clark has published           adult children, Terrence, An-
numbers. Their vision is to          years ago founded the Shalom            two sermons, The King Has              thony, and Michelle.
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                Technology Media/Digital Ministry
                                       Submitted By Rev. Marcus Carruthers

        Remember Those That Are In Prison
                     Matthew 25:36 “I was in prison and you came to see me”!

     Even the most broken lives       prison staff, the chaplains and       and prayed the prayer of faith
and situations can be restored        wardens                               over me. Afterwards, my vision
and made whole when we re-                2. We need you to provide         cleared up! And still is! I HAVE    me, He can change you! I now
spond to God’s call to serve men      paperback bibles                      BEEN HEALED TONIGHT                 know that “we can do anything
and women behind bars.                    3. We need you to pray about      OF BAD VISION IN JESUS              through Christ who strengthens
     Every person is made in the      becoming a pen pal.                   NAME!”                              us!”
image of God. No life is beyond       Listen to these testimonies…          • I HAVE BEEN CHANGED:                  These are just a few testimo-
His reach. We are called to serve     • GOD TOOK THE CRAV-                      From a young man who            nies of real lives that have been
all those affected by crime and       ING AWAY:                             tried to die, but now lives for     touched and transformed. Join
people who are incarcerated and           From a guy loosed from a          Christ: “My dad was an alco-        us in prayer as we take the
to see lives and communities          BIG stronghold: “I am clean so        holic and drug addict! He emo-      “Good News” to those who need
restored in and out of prison.        far from having a habit of ½          tionally, mentally, physically,     emotional healing and a hope
Let’s keep obeying and serving        gram of drugs a week (about           and sexually abused me at a very    and a future inside the walls of
God, one transformed life at a        $200 a week in prison) and lots       young age! No one would be-         prison. I am excited to partner
time. The Bible tells us “What        of cigarettes! I tried to smoke a     lieve me, and when my grandma       with Rev. Cornlious Wade to
we do for the least of them we        cigarette and got sick instantly!     died when I was 15, I too turned    impact the lives of men and
do unto Jesus Christ.”                No one could take that craving        to drugs and alcohol. I have just   women in prison for Jesus
     Prison Ministry is one of the    away from me but the One who          come back to a loving heavenly      Christ. If you would like to help
most life-changing experiences        said “For the weapons of our          Father during this class and I      us, contact Rev. Marcus
you can ever imagine. I serve in      warfare are not carnal, but           believe that if God can change      Carruthers at 479-263-8363.
the jails doing Prison Ministry       mighty through God to the pull-
most every Sunday. It is a bless-     ing down of strongholds”! (II
ing. We minister to about 55          Cor. 10:3,4)
guys weekly. We speak the
Word, we pray for them and
                                      • FROM CURSES TO
                                      BLESSINGS:                                        WMU Highlights
their families, we are helping            From a woman who has
develop life-skills, character and    moved from curses to God’s                       Submitted by Penny Emery, WMU President
preparing them to re-enter our        blessings: “My grandmother,
world. Most of these men have
been forgotten about. They
                                      mother, and many relatives are
                                      practicing witches! I was ready
                                                                            Happy Spring St. John
have noone reaching out and           to repent for that generational
encouraging them. We are all          curse, and as I did, I was relieved       The St. John Women’s Mis-       President, Sister Kimberly
one bad decision away from be-        of bad dreams and severe head-        sionary Union(WMU) is ex-           Tomlin as she not only assists
ing where they are.                   aches! I want the blessings for a     cited about the next quarter of     the women of our State Con-
     Let’s not forget and let’s fo-   thousand generations to follow        the year! We began this year in     vention as 2nd VP, but she will
cus on serving these men and          my children, and I thank God          earnest expectation of God’s        also be responsible for leading
women who are sometimes               for coming to set me free!”           blessings and we have not been      the programs of the St. John
hopeless. It’s when someone is        • FROM A STRUGGLING                   disappointed.                       WMU in that role as well.
ar rock bottom that we must           MAN, ONCE BLIND, BUT                      Our new WMU Leaders –                This month, we gave the bal-
point men and women who are           NOW I CAN SEE:                        Sister Evelyn Spriggs and Sister    ance of donated socks to Sox of
hopeless to Jesus Christ. In our          “I have experienced blurred       Susan Townsend have hit the         Love, an organization dedicated
lowest point in life, God can do      vision in both of my eyes for ap-     ground running as Circle #4 -       to helping the homeless popu-
His greatest work.                    proximately 7 months! Tonight,        JDP(Jewel Pendleton Davis) as       lation with necessary items,
     Pray about how you can help      while class was going on, I could     Circle Chairpersons. We com-        such as socks. Representative
us take the Gospel of Jesus           not see the faces of those speak-     bined Circle #8 and Circle #10      Mr. Kellon Dixon came to re-
Christ to the world inside and        ing. All I saw was blurred forms      into Circle #4. Circle members      ceive the donation and was very
outside the walls of the prison.      of them! I waited a while, trying     have embraced this new assign-      thankful to the members of St.
Here is what you can do to help       to squint my eyes, hoping to see      ment and we are grateful for        John. Thank you again, St. John
and serve with us:                    better. I motioned some of the        their support!                      for your love and support for the
     1. We need you to pray for       team over to pray for my eyes.            We are also thanking God        outreach ministry. YOU are the
the inmates, their families, the      They anointed my eyes with oil        for newly appointed 2nd Vice-       best!
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                                                                           Attention, Attention!

         Gwinetta Lang                        David Brown

    St. John Duo Wins
 Customer Service Awards
                      By Joyce Doakes Smith

    When you walk into the           Thunder after retiring from
Paycom Center in downtown            Integris Health and has worked
Oklahoma City to attend a            at the center for seven years.
Thunder basketball game any          Lang assisted and impressed two                   Sis. Sherry catches fish at Arcadia Lake
other event, you are not a client,   secret shoppers on the same
number or customer, you are a        night and received two awards.            Ladies in preparation for our fishing derby, we will have a
guest!                               “You never know who you come         brief fishing tutorial on April 10th in the fellowship hall, follow-
    From the beginning, the vi-      in contact with, so you have to      ing morning worship.
sion of the Thunder franchise        do your job well all the time,”           Please bring your fishing rod and Tackles to the tutorial. There
included being affordable and        Lang said.                           will be a sign up sheet available for individuals attending the derby
accessible to all Oklahomans.             After retiring from the         and a participation fee of $2.50 is required.
They strove to be the most “fan-     Oklahoma Tax Commission,                  Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready!
centric” organization in profes-     Brown wanted to totally fund a            For The Lady J First Annual Fishing Derby Hook Line and
sional sports. From Loud City        surprise family trip, which led      Sinker which will be held on April 23rd at Arcadia Lake in Edmond,
at the top of the arena to the       to a part-time position with the     OK from 9:00am to 4:00pm.
courtside seats, every guest is      Thunder franchise.                        Very Important, Very Important, Very Important!
special and every guest matters.          “People have gone to some            Please get your fishing license if you do not already have one.
    Occasionally, the franchise      kind of effort to come to an event   You can obtain a fishing license on the Oklahoma Wildlife website.
hires secret shopper vendors to      at the Paycom Center. If some        We look forward to seeing you catch the big one and have fun.
canvass Thunder staff to score       small thing I can do to help              This comes from Lady J, Evangelist Betty Winters and Sherry
customer service, appearance,        make their outing more fun or        Richardson. Thank you.
wearing appropriate identifica-      less hectic, I’m happy to do it. I
tion, knowledge of the venue,        like my job,” Brown said.
courtesy and attitude.                    At St. John, Lang sings in
    This month, when the             the choir. She and her husband,
scores were tallied, two ambas-      Ben, care for their grandson,
sadors of goodwill are St. John      Dominique.
members: Gwinetta Lang and                David works with the Hos-
David Brown. Each of them re-        pitality and Safety and Security
ceived the 2021-2022 100%            Ministries and is a Whiz Kid                    April Anniversaries
Guest Service Award. The             tutor. He and his wife,
award recognizes exceptional         Jacqueline, are doting dog par-          •Nichols, Enoch & Alois — April 2, 1982 — 40 years
customer service by acknowl-         ents to Blue and Papa.               •Boyd, Kevin & Whitlow, Yolanda — April 12, 2010 — 12 years
edging front-line staff who re-           These two not only well-          •Evans, Edward & Vanessa — April 13, 1985 — 37 years
ceived 100 percent scores from       represent the Thunder fran-                  •Walker, Akilah — April 14, 2012 — 10 years
the secret shopping vendors.         chise, they make St. John proud,      •Jemison, Major & Jacqueline — April 22, 1978 — 44 years
    Lang took the job with the       too.                                   •Chandler, Victor & Andrea — April 28, 2018 — 4 years
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                                      Frankly Speaking
                        By Patricia T. Brewer, Luella Dunn Children’s Department Minister

                                                                                                            deavors for over 30+ years.
                                                                                                                 It is not how much you do,
                                                                                                            but how much love you put in
To Pastor Jemison, Ms. Wanzetta                                                                             the doing. -Mother Theresa-
Woody, Ms. Joyce Smith, Rev.                                                                                     Be assured that Rev. & Mrs.
Carruthers, just to name a few,                                                                             Keith Carter will take the chil-
and the Entire St John Family &          Again to all the parents and   the volunteer workers that          dren & youth department to
Staff,                               guardian, grandparents, men-       worked with me over the years.      higher heights, They both have
    Words can never express          tors, children sponsors and vol-   I have so many great memories       a genuine love and concern for
how I am still feeling from the      unteers over my 47 years work-     working with you and the chil-      children. They are not new to
love and appreciation that was       ing with your children and         dren & youth of St. John.           the game. So, welcome them
shown me during the Annual           working with you….Thank you            Special Shout out and           with open arms.
Children and Youth Day Pro-          for believing in me and entrust-   Thanks to my husband, Michael            Again, Thank You All. I
gram. “St John is the best           ing your children under my         Brewer for being so supportive      will continue to keep you in my
church this side of judgement”.      leadership. Again, thanks to all   in my all my many,many en-          prayers.

                      PARISH FELLOWSHIP NEWS
                           By Sis. Debra Johnson, Parish Fellowship Coordinator

    Greetings to All!! Praying       that each member of St. John            HAPPY BIRTHDAY
God’s choice blessings upon          be contacted monthly by their             MEMBERS!!
each of you.                         Parish Fellowship Coordinator
    It’s the Easter season. He       or Group Leader. If you are not
Died….He Rose….He Lives!!            being contacted, please let us
I just love these words from         know so we can make adjust-
songs we sing at Easter. They        ments to ensure you are con-
encompass the essence of what        nected to you and you to us
Easter is all about. I’m so glad     monthly. Blessings to all!!
he died, he rose, and that he
lives! Come join us for Easter
Sunday Service on April 17th
at 10:45 am.
    It’s Revival Time St. John!!         We are taking ideas for
Please read the Simultaneous         CONNECT forum. If there is a
Revival article on the front page.   topic you’d like to have us ad-
Our Parish Fellowship Minis-         dress in the CONNECT forum,
try will be reaching out to you      please contact me with your
over the next few weeks and          idea. Be listening for announce-          Sis. Fletta James
strongly encouraging all St. John    ments regarding our next CON-
Families to come to in-person        NECT session.                          APRIL MEMBERS, it’s
service in a large way on Sun-                  JOIN THE                your birthday month and we say               Sis. Stella Lee
day, April 24th.                         CONVERSATION….                 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
    Lastly, let’s continue to be               ENJOY THE                    Let’s give a birthday “shout-       I also want to also give a spe-
in prayer for those on the sick            FELLOWSHIP…..                out to Sis. Stella Lee (Birthday    cial “Shout-Out” to our April
and shut-in list. It is our goal               CONNECT!!                April 10th) and Sis. Fletta         Deacons Harvey Johnson,
                                                                        James (Birthday April 4th).         David Shelton, and Enoch
                                                                        Thank you Sista’s Stella and        Nichols. Thank you for all you
LOVE IN ACTION – THAT IS WHAT WE DO!!                                   Fletta for all you do.              do!!
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                     PASTOR’S PARTNERS                                  We are BACK !!!!!
                         IN PRAYER                                      The children and
                       Submitted By Deacon Raymond Payton
                                                                        youth areas are BACK
               Faith In God                                             in person
  Jesus said to the disciples, “Have faith in God.” Mark 11:22                          Submitted by Linda & Keith Carter
     As the eye is the organ by      time and be still before God
which we see, so faith is the        believing with an unbounded             As St. John continues to reopen, we are delighted to restart
power by which we see the light      faith in His longing to make       Sunday School classes for all children and youth and Children’s
of God and walk in it.               Himself known to us. Let us        church for our children ages four to eleven beginning April 3.
     We were made for God, to        feed on God’s Word to make us      Sunday School and Children’s Church is an excellent opportunity
seek Him, to find Him, to grow       strong in faith. Let that faith    for young children to learn age-appropriate Bible lessons, grow in
up into His dwelling. And faith      have large thoughts of what        their relationship with Jesus, do a craft, and connect with others.
is the eye which, turning away       God’s glory is and what His             We have recently updated and decorated our classrooms to
from the world and self, looks       power is.                          create a fun learning environment. For everyone’s safety, masks
                                                                        are required for students, volunteers, and teachers in the class-
up to God and sees God reveal            Such faith exercised and
                                                                        rooms. For infants and toddlers, nursery childcare will be pro-
Himself.                             strengthened day by day in se-
                                                                        vided beginning April 3 at 10:30 am. The Nursery is supervised by
     Without faith, it is impos-     cret fellowship with God, will
                                                                        fully vaccinated and trained professionals.
sible to please God or to know       become the habit of our life. It        The Youth Department will host a back to in-person Sunday
Him. “Abraham never wavered          will keep us ever in the enjoy-    School Celebration on Sunday, April 3, from 9:00-10:30 am. There
in believing God’s promise….         ment of His presence and in the    will be prizes, games, and more prizes; it will be a fun-filled event!
He was absolutely convinced          experience of His saving power.    All youth ages 12 and above are invited, members, their family
that God was able to do anything         Continue to keep Pastor        and friends.
he promised” (Romans 4:20-           Jemison and his family in our           Also, St. John Family & Friends, you are in for a treat! On
21).                                 prayers. Join us as we pray for    Easter Sunday, April 17, the Fusion Ministry and the Children’s
     Let our one desire be to take   our pastor at noon daily.          Department will host an Easter Extravaganza for our children!
                                                                        Starting at 10:30 am, the day will be packed with an in-person
                                                                        lesson covering Resurrection Sunday. The children will also take
                                                                        part in an enormous Egg Hunt. We welcome you and your entire
              Prayer Ministry                                           family to worship with us during the 10:45 service. Bring the chil-
                                                                        dren and their baskets, wear your mask, and let’s have a great
                                                                        Easter fellowship!
  Submitted by Rev David Dawson, Prayer & Visitation Minister                If you have any questions concerning the April children and
                                                                        youth activities, please contact, Sis. Linda Carter (405-209-6538)

 Prayer Ministry Update                                                 or Rev. Keith Carter (405-923-2513).
                                                                                            Important dates for April:
Dear members,                                                           •Sunday, April 3 –
    The Wednesday evening prayer period that heretofore has taken            “Back to Sunday School” celebration at 9 am in the Youth
place at 7 pm for the last 2 years has undergone the following          room
permanent change and requires your attention. The Wednesday             •Tuesday, April 5 – Zoom Parent meetings.
evening Prayer & Bible Study will now take place at 6 pm each                Children at 6:29 pm Text the word “child” to 405-237-6001
Wednesday evening beginning April 6, which is the first Wednes-         for the Zoom meeting information.
day in April, in the Conference Center and will revert back to the           Youth at 7:29 pm Text the word “youth” to 405-237-6001 for
old format we once employed. However, the Prayer & Bible                the Zoom meeting information.
Study will be broadcast via Facebook for the benefit of those who       •Sunday, April 17 – Easter
are unable to physically attend.                                             9:30 am – Easter program for children and youth
    The Sunday morning prayer period that has taken place in the             10:45 am – Easter Extravaganza for children
gymnasium at the 10’clock hour will relocate to the Conference
Center for prayer. We will continue to meet at 10’clock until
10:30 am. Isaiah 65:24 tells us, “I will answer them before they
even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs I
                                                                                    You Tell Us ...
will go ahead and answer their prayers”. This change will take
                                                                                    We Tell Them.
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                          NORTH TO WILSHIRE                                               Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
                                                                                          Dearest Pastor Jemison,
                            Bus Transportation                                                With sincere appreciation, I would like to thank you,
                                 Services                                                 the WMU and the St. John church family for the resolu-
                                                                                          tion, beautiful heartfelt cards, condolences and prayers
                         “Need a ride to church services?”                                received during the passing of my grandson, Kobe Love.

                         CALL FOR THE BUS                                                 Leroy Simpson

                          DIAL: 478-5644, Ext. 160                                                        ***********************

                   The Bus Transportation Ministry will pick-up indi-                     Pastor Jemison & St. John Church Family,

                                                                         EAST TO BR
                   viduals for the Enrichment Hour (Sunday School),                          Thanks so very much for all the kindness shown to us
                   Worship Service, Prayer Meeting, including P31 and                     during the passing of our beloved mother, Ruth Green.
                   SOS and most other church programs. Please call                        Love Chervonne, Michele, George, Craig and Monique
                   this number at least two (2) hours before your ser-
                   vices or program start time. Leave a message on an-                                    ***********************
                   swering services giving us your name, address and
                   phone number. On Sunday mornings, Transporta-                          St. John & Pastor Jemison,
                   tion Ministry will take individuals home immedi-                       Hope you know how much your thoughtfulness is appreci-
                   ately after service. Anyone desiring to stay after                     ated.
                   church for dinners or other programs will need to                      Jessie M. Simpson’s Daughters (Sandra Denise)
                   make provisions for their transportation back home.
                      Thank You, Kenneth Washington
                                                                                          Dear Church Family,
                      A blessed service, rendered by the church
                                                                                             Thank you for your calls, texts and prayers. May God
                      SOUTH TO FIRST STREET
                                                                                          continue to bless each of you.
                                                                                          Love, Tasha Vaughn
                     You may view the Beacon on the church website                           Thank you St. John for all your thoughts and prayers
                                                               during the loss of our brother. Praying God brings you
                             You can follow us on Facebook:                               many blessings in return for your kindness.
                  Search for St. John Missionary Baptist Church of OKC                    Mike & Brenda Fenner
                                The Beacon                                                   I want to thank you and the SJMBC for the calls, visits,
          Published monthly to communicate more effectively the                           cards, and prayers. I am very appreciative. My surgery went
         mission of the St. John Missionary Baptist Church.                               well, and I have completed the prescribed chemotherapy.
                                     Staff                                                My recent PET scan showed there is no malignancy in my
              Debra Johnson • Diana Bell • Lamonia Parker                                 body, that I am “CANCER FREE”. Hallelujah!!!! God’s
                                                                                          grace and healing power is better than amazing!!! I am so
                                                                                          grateful. Thank you so much.
                           DON’T FORGET                                                   Glenda Denson
        The membership can keep abreast of what is going on at St.
        John by submitting your news to the BEACON newspaper
        mailbox no later than the Third Sunday of every month.

                                        Social Media
                                      Volunteer Needed
        The church is in need of responsible/committed volunteers to
        work with Sis. Debra Johnson in updating and maintaining
        our social media accounts. If you are skilled and interested in
        serving in this area, please contact Sis. Johnson at 816-7493.
The St. John Beacon -
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