THE WEEKLY UPDATE WEEK 43, 2021 - Squarespace

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THE WEEKLY UPDATE WEEK 43, 2021 - Squarespace
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     WEEK 43, 2021
THE WEEKLY UPDATE WEEK 43, 2021 - Squarespace
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              THE NEWSROOM

          Digital Currency Group Achieves                       Amazon Web Services Looks to                           Facebook Goes All In on Metaverse
          $10B Valuation in $700M Secondary                     Drive Crypto Settlement and                            With New Company Name Meta, NFT
          Sale                                                  Custody to the Cloud                                   Push
                                                                The infrastructure giant wants to hire a Financial     Facebook is betting big on the metaverse, and it
          Digital Currency Group (DCG), the crypto
                                                                Services Specialist to work with global financial      goes beyond a name change. Their keynote address
          investment company whose holdings include asset
                                                                institutions and innovative fintechs, and              spotlighted potential 3D social interactions, the
          manager Grayscale, crypto lender Genesis and
                                                                “transform the way they transact digital assets (ex.   ability to do work in the metaverse, and the way
          independent news outlet CoinDesk, sold $700
                                                                cryptocurrencies, CBDCs [central bank digital          that NFTs can be used to represent collectibles and
          million of stock in a private sale led by a pair of
                                                                currencies], stablecoins, security-backed tokens,      avatars alike.
          SoftBank funds. Marcelo Claure, chief executive of
                                                                asset-backed tokens and NFTs [non-fungible
          SoftBank, described DCG as the “single-best asset
                                                                tokens]) from price discovery to execution,
          that gives us the diversity of exposure to crypto,
                                                                settlement and custody.”

Nov 2, 2021                                                                              2
THE WEEKLY UPDATE WEEK 43, 2021 - Squarespace
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              “Meta mania” after Facebook name change

              A Facebook rebranding focused on making the metaverse the                                                   One week returns: Largest Metaverse Tokens By Market Cap
              firm's top priority caused an astronomical rally in metaverse-
              related crypto tokens.                                                        400%

              ▪   On October 28th, Facebook announced a name change (Meta) and a
                  new vision leading the metaverse to become the top priority in the
                  long-term positioning of the firm.
                                                                                            300%                                                                                                      302%
              ▪   The announcement hinted at supporting crypto and NFTs and also new
                  forms of governance.

              ▪   This announcement drew attention to the metaverse-related tokens.
                  Following the announcement, the native tokens of Decentraland and         200%
                  Sandbox saw incredible returns. Decentraland’s MANA token has seen
                  302% returns in the last week while Sandbox’s native token SAND saw                                                                                                                 174%
                  174% returns.                                                             150%                                        Facebook’s META
              ▪   The metaverse ecosystem has, in total, per Coingecko, seen a 593% gain    100%
                  in the last seven days as a full-on metaverse mania hit the market post
                  the Facebook announcement.
                                                                                            50%                                                                                                       50%
              ▪   Facebook has seen 7% gains since the announcement of Meta, but
                  many have criticized Facebook’s motives. Proponents of blockchain-                                                                                                                  10%
                  based metaverses argue that these solutions are inherently                 0%
                  decentralized, whereas Meta is centralized, closed and opaque, and          25 Oct             26 Oct    27 Oct     28 Oct      29 Oct      30 Oct          31 Oct         1 Nov
                  owned by one of the largest companies in the world.

              ▪   Meanwhile, while many metaverse projects already serve a niche, some                                                 MANA       ENJN      AXS        SAND
                  question the quality of the gameplay of these projects.
                                                                                               Source: Tradingview

Nov 2, 2021                                                                                                          3
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              Cheap electricity for bitcoin mining is well distributed globally

                                                                                                                                               Electricity Cost* of Mining 1 Bitcoin Worldwide
              Bitcoin can be mined cheaply in many different countries - a
              positive for keeping the Bitcoin mining network

              ▪   The countries with the lowest electricity cost of mining are spread
                  relatively evenly around the globe, but we see concentrations in the
                  Middle East, Central Asia and North America.

              ▪   Kuwait is the most affordable country to mine bitcoin, with an
                  electricity cost per bitcoin of $880. Similarly to many other countries
                  in the Middle East, Kuwait has almost limitless oil and gas reserves,
                  and the government is also heavily subsidizing electricity prices.

              ▪   Mining can also be done cheaply in many of the American and
                  Canadian states and provinces. Miners have flocked to North
                  America this year, giving the US 35% and Canada 10% of the global

                                                                                                     $880 - $10,000
              ▪   We see that cheap energy is well distributed worldwide, which is
                  very positive for keeping bitcoin mining decentralized in the future.              $10,000 - $20,000
                                                                                                     $20,000 - $30,000
              ▪   Methodology: We calculated the amount of electricity an Antminer                   $30,000 +
                  S19 uses to mine one bitcoin. We found the average electricity
                  price for all countries. We then used these prices to estimate the
                  electricity cost of mining one bitcoin in each country. Our estimate
                  is very rough, and electricity prices can vary significantly within a

                                                                                            Source: World Bank, EIA, Hydro Quebec, Glassnode    *With Antminer S19. Industrial electricity prices are used for the US and Canada. For other countries, general prices are used.

Nov 2, 2021                                                                                                             4
THE WEEKLY UPDATE WEEK 43, 2021 - Squarespace
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              Ether miners’ revenue higher than bitcoin miners’ in 2021
                                                                                                                                                          Daily Miner Revenues (7-day average)
              Bitcoin miners may get the most attention in the mining industry, but ether
              miners have had the most revenue in 2021 thanks to abnormally high
              transaction fees.                                                                                   $120m

              ▪     Ether miners have earned $17 billion in 2021, while the bitcoin miners have earned
                    $13.6 billion.
                                                                                                                   $60m                                                                                                         54m

              ▪     While bitcoin mining is known for its high volatility, ether mining takes the volatility up
                    several notches. In 2021 the volatility of daily revenues has been 47% for ether miners        $30m
                    while being “only” 28% for bitcoin miners.
                                                                                                                       Jan 21         Feb 21    Mar 21    Apr 21    May 21      Jun 21      Jul 21   Aug 21   Sep 21   Oct 21
              ▪     Ether miners are highly dependent on transaction fees. Ethereum transaction fees are
                    volatile and usually stay high only for short periods with particularly high on-chain                                                            Bitcoin            Ethereum
                    activity. This gives ether miners short windows to harvest their revenue. Ether miners’
                    dependence on transaction fees can be shown by the 0.55 correlation between their
                    revenue and transaction fees. The same number is sitting at 0.16 for bitcoin miners.
                                                                                                                                                            Fees % of Revenue (7-day average)
              ▪     Luckily for the ether miners, activity on Ethereum has been high the whole year and has       60%
                    increased lately, causing their revenues to skyrocket. Transaction fees on the Bitcoin
                    network have stayed abnormally low since the middle of the summer. Because of this,           50%                                                                                                           53%
                    fees only consist around 1% of bitcoin mining revenues now, compared to 53% for
                    ether miners.                                                                                 40%


              2021 Numbers                                     Bitcoin                      Ethereum              20%

              Cumulative revenue                             $13.6 billion                  $17.0 billion         10%
              Average daily revenue                          $45 million                    $56 million                                                                                                                         1%
              Volatility of daily revenue                        28%                            47%                  Jan 21       Feb 21       Mar 21    Apr 21    May 21      Jun 21      Jul 21    Aug 21   Sep 21   Oct 21
              Average fee % of revenue                           7%                             37%
                                                                                                                                                                     Bitcoin            Ethereum
              Revenue correlation with fees                      0.16                           0.55              Source: Glassnode

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              •   The Weekly Update (the “Report”) by Arcane Research is a report focusing on cryptocurrencies, open blockchains and fintech. Information published in the Report aims to spread knowledge and summarise developments in
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              •   The information contained in this Report, and any information linked through the items contained herein, is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide sufficient information to form the basis for an
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              •   Cryptocurrencies and digital assets are speculative and highly volatile, can become illiquid at any time, and are for investors with a high risk tolerance. Investors in digital assets could lose the entire value of their investment.

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