Tiresias: The Database Oracle for How-To Queries

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Tiresias: The Database Oracle for How-To Queries                                                                                      ∗

                                        Alexandra Meliou                                                   Dan Suciu
                                                            Computer Science & Engineering
                                                               University of Washington
                                                                  Seattle, WA, USA

ABSTRACT                                                                                 satisfying some global constraints. Key Performance Indicators
How-To queries answer fundamental data analysis questions of the                         (KPI), or simply indicators, is an industry term for a measure that
form: “How should the input change in order to achieve the desired                       evaluates the company’s performance according to some metric [8].
output”. As a Reverse Data Management problem, the evaluation                            For example, a shipping company fills in orders by contracting with
of how-to queries is harder than their “forward” counterpart: hypo-                      several suppliers. One KPI is the total quantity per order and sup-
thetical, or what-if queries.                                                            plier: the smaller the indicator, the lesser the company’s exposure
   In this paper, we present Tiresias, the first system that provides                    to order delays due to delivery delays from the suppliers. The KPIs
support for how-to queries, allowing the definition and integrated                       can be computed using standard SQL queries on the relational data-
evaluation of a large set of constrained optimization problems, specif-                  base. However, company planners are constantly looking for ways
ically Mixed Integer Programming problems, on top of a relational                        to improve these indicators. In What-if queries [18, 6] the user de-
database system. Tiresias generates the problem variables, con-                          scribes hypothetical changes to the database, and the system com-
straints and objectives by issuing standard SQL statements, allow-                       putes the effect on the KPIs. This scenario requires the decision
ing for its integration with any RDBMS. The contributions of this                        maker to specify the hypothetical change, and the query will com-
work are the following: (a) we define how-to queries using possi-                        pute the effect on the indicator. How-to queries are the opposite:
ble world semantics, and propose the specification language TiQL                         the decision maker specifies the desired effect on the indicators,
(for Tiresias Query Language) based on simple extensions to stan-                        and the system proposes some hypothetical updates to the database
dard Datalog. (b) We define translation rules that generate a Mixed                      that achieve that effect. How-to queries are important in business
Integer Program (MIP) from TiQL specifications, which can be                             modeling and strategic planning, and are computationally very ex-
solved using existing tools. (c) Tiresias implements powerful “data-                     pensive. For example, how do I reduce the total quantity per order
aware” optimizations that are beyond the capabilities of modern                          and supplier to be at most 50?: to answer this query, the system
MIP solvers, dramatically improving the system performance. (d)                          needs to propose major updates to the database of outstanding or-
Finally, an extensive performance evaluation on the TPC-H dataset                        ders, and present it to the user.
demonstrates the effectiveness of these optimizations, particularly                         How-to queries are a special case of constrained optimization,
highlighting the ability to apply divide-and-conquer methods to                          in particular Linear Programming, and Integer Programming [11].
break MIP problems into smaller instances.                                               Several mature LP/IP tools exists, and are used extensively in many
                                                                                         applications. However, mapping a how-to query to a linear or inte-
Categories and Subject Descriptors. G.1.6 [Numerical Analy-                              ger program is a non-trivial task. The program needs to model the
sis]: Optimization – Constrained Optimization; H.2.3 [Database                           data in terms of integer and/or real variables, and the constraints
Management]: Languages                                                                   (both database constraints and constraints on the KPI’s) as inequali-
General Terms. Languages, Algorithms                                                     ties. There exists a semantic gap between the relational data model,
Keywords. Constrained optimization, Tiresias, TiQL, data-driven                          where the data is stored, and the linear algebra model of the LP
optimization                                                                             tools. For that reason, strategic planning in enterprises today is
                                                                                         done outside of, and separate from the operational databases that
1.     INTRODUCTION                                                                      supports that planning.
                                                                                            In this paper, we present T IRESIAS, the first how-to query en-
  A How-To query [21] computes hypothetical updates to the data-                         gine, which integrates relational database systems with a linear pro-
base that achieve a desired effect on one or several indicators, while                   gramming engine. In T IRESIAS, users write a declarative query in
∗ This work was partially funded by NSF IIS-0911036 and IIS-                             the T IRESIAS query language (TiQL), which is a datalog-based
0915054                                                                                  language for how-to queries. The key concept in TiQL is that of
                                                                                         hypothetical tables, which form a hypothetical database, HDB. The
                                                                                         rules in TiQL are like datalog rules, but have a non-deterministic
                                                                                         semantics, and express the actions the system has to consider while
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for                answering the how-to query, as well as the constraints that the sys-
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are                tem needs to meet. Possible actions expressible in TiQL include
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies               modifying quantity values, removing tuples, creating new tuples,
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to          computing aggregates. Constraints can represent business rules or
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific
permission and/or a fee.
                                                                                         desired outcomes on KPI’s. TiQL’s non-deterministic semantics
SIGMOD ’12, May 20–24, 2012, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA.                                   consists of the collection of all possible worlds on the HDB that
Copyright 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1247-9/12/05 ...$10.00.

satisfy all constraints. T IRESIAS chooses one possible world that            2.     ARCHITECTURE OF TIRESIAS
optimizes a specified objective function. While users write TiQL                 The architecture of T IRESIAS is shown in Fig. 1. Users write
programs, they are only exposed to the relational data model and              how-to queries in TiQL(Sect. 3). This query is parsed, then trans-
to familiar query constructs, such as selections, joins, aggregates,          lated into a Mixed Integer Program (MIP). The translation is non-
etc. However, TiQL was designed such that everything it can ex-               trivial, and we explain its logic in Sect. 4. From the system’s per-
press can be mapped into an linear program, or, more precisely,               spective, the translation has three parts. First, generate the set of
into a mixed integer program, MIP, which has both real and integer            Core tables, whose tuples are used as templates for the variables
variables. We describe TiQL in Sect. 3.                                       and inequalities in MIP (Sect. 4.2). Second, generate partition-
   The translation of TiQL into MIP is quite non-trivial, and is an           ing information: after a static analysis of the TiQL program, the
important technical contribution of this paper. At a high level, the          system decides how to partition the MIP into smaller fragments
translation proceeds by mapping each tuple in a hypothetical rela-            that can be handled by the solver (Sect. 5.1). Both the core tables
tion to one or several integer variables, and mapping each unknown            and the partition information are stored in the relational database.
attribute in a tuple of a hypothetical relation to a real variable. The       Third, the MIP constructor reads the core tables and the partition
translation needs to take into account the lineage (provenance) of            information, and generates a separate problem file for each MIP
each tuple, and first represent it as a Boolean expression over the           subproblem (Sect. 5.2). The MIP solver is a black-box module that
Boolean variables that encode the non-deterministic choices made              processes subproblems one at a time, and produces a solution for
by TiQL, then covert it into integer variables and constraints. Sim-          each.
ilarly, it needs to trace all unknown real variables, and compute ag-            Finally, the results are read by a separate module (Solution Pro-
gregates correspondingly. Dealing with duplicate elimination and              cessor), which presents the solution to the user and interacts with
with key constraints further add to the complexity of the translation.        her. This module is not presented in the paper.
To overcome these challenges we use provenance semi-rings [16],
and the recently introduced semi-modules for aggregation prove-
nance [4]. The number of integer and real variables created by the
                                                                              3.     TiQL
translation is large, and needs to be managed inside the relational             After a brief background on datalog, we illustrate TiQL by ex-
database system. We describe the translation in Sect. 4.                      amples, then define it formally.
   As expected, even robust MIP solvers cannot scale to typical
database sizes. Another key contribution of this paper is a suite             3.1      Background on Datalog
of optimizations that reduce the MIP problem sufficiently in order               We denote a relational schema R = (R1 , . . . , Rm ), where Ri is a
to be within reach of today’s standard MIP solvers; these optimiza-           relation name (aka predicate name). We assume that each relation
tions enabled us to scale T IRESIAS up to 1M tuples. The most                 name has at least one key; if no explicit key is given, then the set of
powerful optimization is a technique that splits the input problem            all its attributes always form a key. A database instance is denoted
into several independent problems. Partitioning splits one TiQL               I, and consists of m relations, one for each relation symbol, I =
query into several, relatively small MIP problems, which can be               (RI1 , . . . , RIm ).
solved independently by the MIP solver. This results in huge per-                We briefly review non-recursive datalog with negation [22, 23].
formance improvements, allowing T IRESIAS to scale to up to 1M                In datalog, predicate names are partitioned into EDBs, and IDBs
tuples. We also implemented other optimizations, like variable or             (extensional and intensional database). A single datalog rule is:
matrix elimination: while some of these are also done by the MIP                                              P(x̄) :- body
solver, we found that by performing them early (at the TiQL query
level as opposed to the MIP level), each such optimization results            where P(x̄) is called the head of the rule, P is an IDB predicate,
in a ten-fold performance increase. We describe optimizations in              x̄ are called head variables, and body is a conjunction of positive
Sect. 5.                                                                      or negated predicates, or arithmetic comparisons (e.g. x < y). We
   Finally, we report experimental evaluation of T IRESIAS on TPC-            will allow only EDB’s to occur under negation. The rule must be
H data in Sect. 6.                                                            safe, meaning that every variable must occur in a positive relational
   Tiresias was a mythical prophet from Thebes, in ancient Greece.            atom on the body. Using a simple extension, see e.g. [12], we also
He was so wise, that the gods blinded him for accessing and re-               allow aggregate operators in the rule’s head, for example the data-
vealing their secrets. The T IRESIAS system is an oracle on top of a          log rule
database, allowing users to discover how to make major updates to
the database in order to improve key performance indicators.                   SuppSum(city,sum(qnt))                 :- Supp(sk,city)
   The main contributions of this work are as follows:                                                                 & LineItem(ok,pk,sk,qnt)
     • We describe the T IRESIAS system architecture for formulat-            computes for each city the total quantity on all line items with sup-
        ing and evaluating how-to queries over relational databases,          pliers in that city. We only consider sum and count in this paper.
        by using an MIP solver (Sect. 2).                                     A datalog program, Q, is a list of rules. In this work, we consider
     • We introduce a new, simple declarative language, TiQL, which           only non-recursive datalog programs, which means that the rules
        can express complex how-to queries, in a datalog-like nota-           can be stratified, i.e. the IDBs can be ordered (P1 , . . . , Pn ) such that
        tion (Sect. 3).                                                       any rule having Pk in the head may have only the IDBs P1 , . . . , Pk−1
     • We describe a method for translating TiQL programs in MIP              in the body (in addition to any EDB predicates). Evaluation of a
        programs (Sect. 4).                                                   stratified datalog program proceeds in a sequence of steps, one for
     • We describe several optimization techniques for reducing the           each stratum. Denote Qk the set of rules in stratum k, i.e. that
        size of the resulting MIP program, and improve overall exe-           have the predicate Pk in the head. Given an EDB instance I, denote
        cution time Sect. 5.                                                  Jk = (RI1 , . . . , RIm , P1J , . . . , PkJ ): that is, Jk consists of the EDBs and
                                                                              the IDBs up to stratum k. Then the program computes the sequence
     • Finally, we perform extensive performance evaluation of the
                                                                              J1 = I, J2 , . . . , Jn , where PkJ = Qk (Jk−1 ), k = 1, n. The last instance,
        T IRESIAS system over the TPC-H dataset (Sect. 6).
                                                                              Jn , consists of the entire EDB and IDB instance.

TiQL                                                                                   problem            solution         Hypothetical
                program      Pre-processing                           MIP constructor                     files              files          data instance

                                                                                        MIP optimizer
                                   CORE tables
                 TiQL               generator
                                                                         MIP                                       MIP                Solution

                                                     CORE tables
                 parser                                                 mapper                                    solver              processor
                                         partition                 read
                                         data                      partition
                     information                                                                              retrieve CORE tables

Figure 1: The T IRESIAS system architecture. Both the database and the MIP solver as treated as black box components, so T IRESIAS
can be integrated with different DBMSs and MIP tools.

3.2    TiQL by Examples
   A shipping company keeps records of open order requests in a
                                                                                                    HLineItem(ok,pk,sk,q?)                    KEY:(ok,pk,sk)
TPC-H inspired schema [2]. Each order consists of several line
items, stored in a relation LineItem(ok,pk,sk,quant) with key                                       HS(ok,pk,sk,qnt,q?)                       KEY:(ok,pk,sk)
(ok,pk,sk): a record means that order ok contains a line item                                       HOrderSum(ok,sk,c?)                       KEY:(ok,sk)
where part pk will be delivered from supplier sk. Due to a change                      RULES:
in corporate policies, the company decides to limit the total quan-                      HLineItem(ok,pk,sk,q?)                            :- LineItem(ok,pk,sk,qnt)
tity per order and supplier to at most 50. The total quantity per                                   HS(ok,pk,sk,qnt,q?)                    :- HLineItem(ok,pk,sk,q?)
order and supplier is a very simple example of a KPI, and can be                                                                            & LineItem(ok,pk,sk,qnt)
computed as:
is HPk . All rules in Tk must be of the same type, either all are de-
 HTABLES:                                                                      duction rules, or all are reduction rules, or Tk consists of only one
    HLineItem(ok,pk,sk,q)                   KEY:(ok,pk,sk)                     constraint rule; consequently, we call HPk a deductive, or a reduc-
    HOrderSum(ok,sk,q?)                     KEY:(ok,pk)                        tive, or a constraint predicate; HLineItem is deductive in Fig. 2,
 RULES:                                                                        and is reductive in Fig. 3, while HC introduced above is a constraint
    HLineItem(ok,pk,sk,qnt)              :< LineItem(ok,pk,sk,qnt)             predicate.
    HOrderSum(ok,sk,sum(qnt))            :- HLineItem(ok,pk,sk,qnt)               In every rule, variables are labeled as either known or unknown,
                                                                               the latter having a trailing ?. A known variable may only occur in
ing a subset such that every value (ok,pk,sk) is kept in the           while all other formalisms compute the certain answers, or possible
       output, while also ensuring that all values (ok,pk,sk’) are            answers (called cautious reasoning or brave reasoning in DL [19]).
       unique.                                                                Thus, in TiQL we want to find one hypothetical database, in con-
    • If HPk is a constraint predicate, then we simply compute HPJk =         trast to finding which tuple belongs to all. This semantics is what
       Tk (Jk−1 ).                                                            is needed for how-to queries. In order to compute such a possible
  Finally, once we finish computing an instance J we check all                world, TiQL translates the problem into a Mixed Integer Program,
constraints, by iterating over all tuples of a constraint predicate HPk       as we describe next.
and checking if it satisfies the corresponding [arithm-pred]. If
yes, then we call J a possible world; if not, then we reject J.               4.    MAPPING TiQL TO MIP
  Recall that HPn is the objective function, and that HPJn has a single          T IRESIAS evaluates a TiQL program by converting it into one,
value: we denote the latter with val(J).                                      or several, Mixed Integer Programs (MIP), then invoking a MIP
                                                                              solver. This translation is non-trivial, because TiQL is a declarative
   D EFINITION 1. An instance J returned by the non-deterministic
                                                                              language, with set semantics, while a MIP consists of linear equa-
algorithm above is called a possible world. WT denotes the set of
                                                                              tions over real and integer variables, and there is a large semantic
possible worlds. The answer to the TiQL program T is a possi-
                                                                              gap between the two formalisms. We describe here the translation
ble world J for which val(J) is minimized (or, maximized, respec-
                                                                              at the conceptual level, then present several optimizations in the
                                                                              next section. The translation proceeds in three steps. First, it cre-
                                                                              ates the core tables, and several integer and real variables for tuples
   We illustrate some (fragments of) possible worlds for HLineItem
                                                                              in the core tables. Second, it computes provenance expressions us-
for the three example queries, and the values of their objective func-
                                                                              ing semi-rings and semi-modules and creates combined constraints
tion in Fig. 5.
                                                                              (involving both Boolean and numerical variables). Third, it lin-
3.4      Discussion                                                           earizes all combined constraints to obtain only linear constraints.
                                                                              Before presenting the translation, we give a brief overview of semi-
   Several formalisms exist whose semantics is based on possible
                                                                              rings, semi-modules, and illustrate the main idea in using these to
worlds. For example disjunctive datalog (DL) is a powerful exten-
                                                                              produce the linear program.
sion of datalog used for knowledge representation and reasoning;
DLV is an advanced implementation of disjunctive datalog [19].                4.1     Background: Semi-Rings and Semi-Modules
For example, key constraints can be represented in DL. Another
line of research is on incomplete databases [17]; a recent system,                Semi-rings for provenance expressions were introduced in [16].
ISQL [6], has a key repair construct as a primitive. For example,             Recently, Amsterdamer et al. [4] extended them to semi-modules
consider the following TiQL program:                                          to express the provenance of aggregate operators. A semi-module
                                                                              consists of a commutative semi-ring, whose elements are called
                     HTABLE S(x,y) KEY (x)                                    scalars, a commutative monoid whose elements are called vectors
                     RULE S(x,y) :- R(x,y)                                    and a multiplication-by-scalars operation that takes a scalar x and
                                                                              a vector u and returns a vector x ⊗ u. We use two semi-rings in
which selects a subset of R by enforcing the first attribute to be            our translation: the Boolean semi-ring (B, ∨, ∧, 0, 1), and the natu-
a key. This program can be expressed as the following “shifted”               ral numbers semi-ring (N, +, ·, 0, 1): we need the former to capture
normal datalog program:                                                       the provenance of tuples in the HDB (since TiQL has set seman-
                                                                              tics) and we need the latter to express aggregate provenance. The
          S(x,y)            :- R(x,y), not NS(x,y)
                                                                              monoid we consider is3 SUM = (R+ , +, 0). It becomes an N-semi-
          NS(x,y)           :- R(x,y), S(x,z), y != z                         module by defining x ⊗ u = x · u (standard multiplication).
One can check that the stable models of this program (called an-                  Notice that SUM cannot be extended to a B semi-module (this was
swer sets in [19]) are precisely the possible worlds of the TiQL              proven formally in [4]); if we tried, then the following distributivity
program. Similarly, it can be expressed in ISQL [6] as2 :                     law of semi-module fails: x ⊗ u = (x ∨ x) ⊗ u 6= x ⊗ u + x ⊗ u. In
                                                                              database terms, one cannot do duplicate elimination before aggre-
              S(x,y) :- R(x,y) REPAIR BY KEY x                                gation. Therefore, in TiQL we need both semi-rings B and N: the
                                                                              first to compute the tuple provenance under set semantics, and the
Their expressive power is not the same, however. DLV expresses all
                                                                              second to compute the provenance of aggregate expressions.
problems in ΣP2 , while TiQL is in NP (as follows from the next sec-
                                                                                  Assume for now that each tuple t j in the database instance I is
tion). The evaluation problem in ISQL is also NP-hard, but TiQL
                                                                              annotated with a Boolean variable X j , and with a natural number
is strictly more expressive, for example ISQL doesn’t seem to be
                                                                              x j (later we will use annotations for only some tuples and values):
able to express two key constraints as in:
                                                                              the two variables have the same value, X j = x j = 0/1, and mean
                   HTABLE S(x,y) KEY (x) (y)                                  that the tuple is absent/present. Furthermore, each attribute A of
                                                                              each the t j is annotated with a real variable v j,A . Let Q be a query
                   RULE S(x,y) :- R(x,y)
                                                                              given as a datalog rule, and let t ∈ Q(I) be an output tuple. We
Here S computes a 1-1 matching between the x values and the y                 need the following concepts from the theory of provenance: The
values that is total on the x values.                                         set provenance expression for the output tuple t is an expression in
  In addition, TiQL can represent unknown values, which are es-               the Boolean semiring B over the variables X j ; its value is 0/1, signi-
sential in how-to queries, because of their need to modify numerical          fying whether t is present in the output; we denote set provenance
quantities; neither DL nor ISQL do that.                                      with Φt . The bag provenance expression of t is an expression in the
  The most important difference between TiQL and previous for-                semiring N over the variables xi ; its value is a number representing
malisms, however, is the fact that TiQL returns one possible world,           3 We currently restrict the unknown values to be non-negative num-
2 We   adapted the ISQL syntax to a datalog notation.                         bers.

Database:                               [Q1 ] Possible worlds:
      LineItem                                     HLineItem-1 [13]       HLineItem-2 [2]      HLineItem-3 [2]        HLineItem-4 [7]
      ok pk         sk quant                       ok pk sk quant         ok pk sk quant       ok pk sk quant         ok pk sk quant
      1 P15        S10  22                          1 P15 S10 22          1 P15 S10 20         1 P15 S10 21           1 P15 S10 22
      1 P24        S10  30                          1 P24 S10 20          1 P24 S10 30         1 P24 S10 29           1 P24 S10 28
      1 P22        S55  24                          1 P22 S55 24          1 P22 S55 24         1 P22 S55 24           1 P22 S55 24           ...
      2 P15        S43  45                          2 P15 S43 42          2 P15 S43 45         2 P15 S43 45           2 P15 S43 40
      3 P24        S50  14                          3 P24 S50 14          3 P24 S50 14         3 P24 S50 14           3 P24 S50 14
      3 P22        S43  11                          3 P22 S43 11          3 P22 S43 11         3 P22 S43 11           3 P22 S43 11

        PartSupp                             [Q2 ] Possible worlds:
         pk   sk                                   HLineItem-1      [4]   HLineItem-2 [5]      HLineItem-3 [3]        HLineItem-4 [2]
        P15 S10                                    ok pk sk quant         ok pk sk quant       ok pk sk quant         ok pk sk quant
        P15 S13                                     1 P15 S10 22          1 P24 S10 30         1 P24 S10 30           1 P15 S10 22
        P15 S43                                     1 P22 S55 24          1 P22 S55 24         3 P24 S50 14           1 P22 S55 24           ...
        P24 S10                                     2 P15 S43 45          2 P15 S43 45         3 P22 S43 11           2 P15 S43 45
        P24 S50                                     3 P22 S43 11          3 P24 S50 14                                3 P24 S50 14
        P24 S55                                                           3 P22 S43 11
        P22 S55
        P22 S43
                                             [Q3 ] Possible worlds:
                                                   HLineItem-1      [4]   HLineItem-2 [4]      HLineItem-3 [5]        HLineItem-4 [4]
                                                   ok pk sk quant         ok pk sk quant       ok pk sk quant         ok pk sk quant
                                                    1 P15 S13 22          1 P15 S10 22         1 P15 S10 22           1 P15 S10 22
                                                    1 P24 S10 30          1 P24 S55 30         1 P24 S50 30           1 P24 S55 30
                                                    1 P22 S55 24          1 P22 S43 24         1 P22 S55 24           1 P22 S43 24           ...
                                                    2 P15 S43 45          2 P15 S43 45         2 P15 S43 45           2 P15 S43 45
                                                    3 P24 S50 14          3 P24 S50 14         3 P24 S50 14           3 P24 S50 14
                                                    3 P22 S55 11          3 P22 S43 11         3 P22 S43 11           3 P22 S43 11

                      (a)                                                                       (b)
Figure 5: An example EDB instance and some possible worlds for example queries Q1 , Q2 , and Q3 . Each possible world is annotated
on the top right with the evaluation of the corresponding objective function.

the multiplicity of t in the output; we denote the bag provenance                   αt,D = 5 + 0 + 20 = 25 and αt,E = 1 + 0 + 1 = 2. Note that ϕt
ϕt . Finally, for each aggregate expression sum(A) or count(*) in                   is not a linear expression, since it contains products of variables
the head of the query Q, the aggregation provenance of that value                   x1 · y1 : this is why we cannot use the semiring N to translate TiQL
is an expression in the semi-module, using variables xi and ui,B for                programs to MIP. Instead, we use B, and will show how the set
some attribute B; it denotes the value of the aggregate; we denote                  provenance Φt can be linearized. The aggregation provenance ex-
αt,A for the aggregation provenance. We omit the formal definitions                 pressions αt,D and αt,E are not linear either. To linearize them, we
of Φt , ϕt , αt,A (they can be found in [16, 4]) and illustrate with an             first rewrite the query by separating the join from the aggregations:
example instead.
   Consider the following database instance:                                                      T(x,y,z,u) :- R(x,y,z) & S(z,u)
    R     A      B      C                                                                         Q(x,sum(u),count(*)) :- T(x,y,z,u)
                                    S   C           D
          a1     b1     c1     x1                                                   The intermediate table T is:
                                        c1      10 (= v1,D )      y1
          a1     b2     c1     x2
                                        c2      20 (= v2,D )      y2                    T    A        B    C    D
          a1     b3     c2     x3
                                                                                             a1       b1   c1   10    Z1
  and the query:                                                                             a1       b2   c1   10    Z2
      Q(x,sum(u),count(*)) :- R(x,y,z) & S(z,u)                                              a1       b3   c2   20    Z3
  Then the result has a single tuple, t = (a1 , 10 + 10 + 20, 3) =                    The Boolean provenance variables Z1 , Z2 , Z3 are:
(a1 , 40, 3), and we denote its attributes with A, D, E; we have:                          Z1 = X1Y1         Z2 = X2Y1              Z3 = X3Y2

             Φt =X1Y1 ∨ X2Y1 ∨ X3Y3                                                 Now the aggregation provenance expressions become:
                                                                                                αt,D =z1 ⊗ v1,D + z2 ⊗ v1,D + z3 ⊗ v2,D                     (1)
              ϕt =x1 · y1 + x2 · y1 + x3 · y3
                                                                                                αt,E =z1 ⊗ 1 + z2 ⊗ 1 + z3 ⊗ 1
            αt,D =x1 y1 ⊗ v1,D + x2 y1 ⊗ v1,D + x3 y2 ⊗ v2,D
            αt,E =x1 y1 ⊗ 1 + x2 y1 ⊗ 1 + x3 y2 ⊗ 1                                 Here zi represent the integer counterparts of Zi . We will show how
                                                                                    expressions like these can be linearized.
(⊗ is regular multiplication; we prefer to use ⊗ to indicate that
it is the semi-module multiplication by scalars.) Φt is the set-                    4.2     Core Tables
provenance, ϕt is the bag-provenance, and αt,D , αt,E are the ag-                      The first step of the translation is to compute core tables. For
gregation provenances. Here Xi ,Y j represent the Boolean counter-                  each HDB predicate HPk we construct a core table CORE_HPk , k =
parts of the integer variables xi , y j . If all Boolean variables are              1, . . . , n. Its attributes are all the known attributes of HPk (i.e. those
set to 1, then the set provenance is Φt = 1; the bag-provenance is                  without ?) and no key constraints. We create a dalalog program
ϕt = 3 (it computes the multiplicity of the tuple); and the aggrega-                to compute the core tables, as follows: For each TiQL rule whose
tion provenances are αt,D = 40, αt,E = 3. The three formulas keep                   head predicate is HPk we create a datalog rule where the head pred-
track, concisely, of how the output would change if we modify the                   icate is CORE_HPk , and where every HDB predicate in the body is
input (replace it with a different possible world); for example, if                 replaced with the corresponding core table. For example, the core
we set x2 = 0 (remove the second R-tuple) and set v1,D = 5, then                    tables for Fig. 4 are computed as follows:

Next, the system generates the following provenance expressions
                                                                                for each HDB predicate HPk , and each tuple ti in CORE_HPk . Below
                                                                                we assume that the provenance annotation of EDB tuples is 1 (i.e.
                              :- PartSupp(pk,sk’)
                                                                                the tuple is always present), and the value provenance of any known
                               & LineItem(ok,pk,sk,qnt)                         attribute is a constant.
  CORE_HLineItem(ok,pk,sk’,qnt)                                                 Boolean Provenance Compute the set-provenance expression Φi
                              :- CORE_HChooseS(ok,pk,sk,sk’)                       for ti (Sect. 4.1).
                               & LineItem(ok,pk,sk,qnt)                         Value Provenance For each safe, unknown attribute A of HPk cre-
  CORE_HOrderSum(ok,sk)       :- CORE_HLineItem(ok,pk,sk,qnt)                      ate a value-provenance expression αi,A , as follows. If A is copied
  CORE_HC(ok,sk)              :- HOrderSum(ok,sk,c?)                               from some other attribute B of some core tuple t j , then αi,A =
                                                                                   u j,B ; if A is an aggregate sum(B) or count(*), then αi,A is the
                                                                                   aggregation provenance (Sect. 4.1).
 Note that the unknown attribute q? has been dropped from table                    Finally, we add the following CC’s:
CORE_HOrderSum(ok,sk). The last core predicate, CORE_HC, is
for the constraint predicate HC, which we introduced for the con-               Value CC For each safe, unknown attribute A of HPk , add the fol-
straint [c?
to which we associated the HDB predicate HC(ok,sk,c?). Then               5.    OPTIMIZATIONS
  we create the CC:                                                            In the previous section, we showed how to use the provenance
                       Φ(ok,sk) ⇒ (vHC                                      expressions of the HDB tuples in order to create linear constraints.
                                    (ok,sk) ≤ 50)
                                                                            These comprise a complete mixed integer program that can be solved
  Here Φ(ok,sk) is the set-provenance formula for a tuple in HC, and        with dedicated solvers. Even though these modern tools have evolved
                HLineItem (see the rule defining the constraint [c?
  is equal to X(ok,pk,sk)                                                   through many years of research and have become increasingly more
                                                                            efficient, constrained optimization remains in general a hard prob-
Algorithm: Finds a maximal partitioning                                       from the set of TiQL statements. This initial model is then pro-
      Input: a TiQL program                                                         cessed by the MIP optimizer, which can reduce the problem size.
      Output: false is partitioning is impossible                                   Modern solver to an extend already perform some of these opti-
 1    Set the partitioning of each relation to be the union of its keys             mizations, but it is much more efficient for T IRESIAS to handle
 2    Remove any aggregates from the partitioning                                   them, as is verified by our experimental results.
 3    //Repeat until there is no more change                                           Elimination of Key Related Constraints. This optimization
 4    while something changed do                                                    checks whether a key CC can be eliminated. The optimizer ana-
 5      forall TiQL rules do
 6         S = set of all subgoals and head HDB                                     lyzes the TiQL program and the present functional dependencies,
 7         P = S[0].partitioning                                                    and determines whether key constraints are automatically satisfied
 8         for i=1 to S.length do                                                   and therefore can be dropped from the MIP model. In example Q2 ,
 9           //S(P)= attributes of S[i] that correspond to P                        the following constraint is always satisfied and can be removed:
10           S[i].partitioning = S[i].partitioning ∩ S(P)
11           if S.partitioning = 0/ AND S[i] is HDB then                                               ∀ok, pk, sk : ∑ xok,pk,sk,qnt ≤1
12              return false                                                                                        qnt
13          if S[i] is HDB then                                                        Variable Elimination. Variable elimination identifies variables
14             P = S[i].partitioning                                                that are not necessary because they always evaluate to a specific
15          if S.partitioning changed then                                          value, or are just equal to another attribute. Even though modern
16             i=0                                                                  solvers apply this optimization as well, they are at a disadvantage:
                                                                                    they need to analyze the entire, possibly very large, MIP problem.
17 send partitioning to DB                                                          In contrast, T IRESIAS can easily determine unnecessary variables
18 return true                                                                      from the provenance, which is significantly faster.
                                                                                       Matrix Elimination. Assume the TiQL rule A(x) :- B(x,y).
     Algorithm 1 Finds a set of partitioning attributes if one exists,
                                                                                    Then, the provenance of each head tuple ai is ai = bi1 ∨ bi2 ∨ . . . ∨
     based on the TiQL rules.
                                                                                    biki . This lineage expression will generate the constraints ∀i, ∀ j ∈
                                                                                    [1, ki ], ai ≥ bi j . To represent these provenance constraints, Tire-
                                                                                    sias uses adjacency matrices that maintain the provenance informa-
          • An aggregated attribute cannot be part of a partitioning, be-           tion. Let P be the n × m “adjacency” matrix over relations A and B,
            cause then the calculated value would be incorrect. For ex-             with sizes n and m respectively. Pi j = 1 iff b j is in the provenance
            ample, if HLineItem from Fig. 3 was partitioned on qnt,                 of ai . Then the provenance constraints are written compactly as
            then the sum in HOrderSum would be incorrect within a par-              ai ≥ Pi j b j . This is a standard format for modeling MIP constraints,
            tition.                                                                 supported by the MathProg modeling language [20].
     Queries Q1 and Q2 from the examples in Sect. 3.2 can be parti-                    The adjacency matrix grows quadratically to the data size, and
     tioned on (ok,sk). That simply means that two tuples with differ-              it can become a bottleneck in the MIP processing. However, if the
     ent (ok,sk) values will never appear in the same constraint, and               TiQL rule imposes an 1-1 relationship between head and body sub-
     thus can be separated into different problems. The algorithm only              goal, the adjacency is a simple identity matrix (possibly permuted),
     removes attributes from a partitioning when those are not shared               and therefore unnecessary. The MIP optimizer can easily detect
     among all the relations in a rule. Therefore, if a partitioning set be-        whether this is the case by checking FDs and key constraints. The
     comes empty, the partitioning fails. The algorithm executes on ex-             optimizer also identifies (with the same tools) whether the relation-
     ample query Q3 roughly as follows: HLineItem can be partitioned                ship is many-to-one (due to joins in the body), in which case the
     on ok,sk’ due to the 3rd rule, and the partitioning is propagated to           adjacency matrix can be replaced by a simple vector.
     HChooseS due to the 2nd rule. From the set (ok,sk’), HChooseS
     shares attribute ok with LineItem, and sk’ with PartSupp, but no               6.    EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION
     attribute is shared with both. If these were HDBs, the partition-                 The first version of T IRESIAS has been implemented in Java,
     ing would fail, but EDBs are not required to be partitioned: their             and interfaces with PostgreSQL and the GNU Linear Programming
     variables are deterministic, so it is ok if they are repeated across           Kit (GLPK) [1] as the external MIP solver. It takes user input in
     subproblems.                                                                   TiQL and constructs the corresponding MIP problem files, which
        Partition grouping. Our experiments in Sect. 6 demonstrate                  are then handled by the GLPK solver. The solver produces solu-
     that partitioning results in radical improvements in query execu-              tion output files which are then parsed and linked to the CORE
     tion time, and T IRESIAS is even shown to handle MIP problems                  tables that reside in Postgres to produce the HDB instances. Our
     that modern solvers to handle. Large data sizes quickly render the             current version is running on single double-core machine; most of
     solvers useless, but if a partitioning does exist, size restrictions are       T IRESIAS’s components are fully parallelizable, but that is part of
     entirely eliminated.                                                           future work. We evaluated our system on TPC-H generated data
        However, “extreme” partitioning can have disadvantages. Split-              [2]. The TPC-H benchmark makes it easy to vary the datasize in
     ting large problems into the smallest subdivisions makes the system            a meaningful way, which was essential in the evaluation of all our
     I/O bound (writing and reading the MIP problem and solution files).            parameters. We experimented with the 3 example queries presented
     This effect can be alleviated by partition grouping: instead of gen-           in Sect. 3. We modified Q1 and Q2 to make them more challenging
     erating a MIP problem for each partition, we can group multiple                for performance, by leaving only ok as the group by attribute in
     together. We study the effect of this parameter in the experimental            the HDB HOrderSum: now partitioning is possible on ok instead of
     section.                                                                       (ok,sk’), resulting in bigger problem sizes. Most of the presented
                                                                                    graphs analyze the results of Q1 , and at the end of the section we
     5.2     MIP Optimizer                                                          compare its performance with Q2 and Q3 . We valuate the perfor-
        The MIP mapper within the MIP constructor component applies                 mance of different parts of the system, by measuring the follow-
     the mapping rules presented in Sect. 4 to generate an MIP problem              ing runtimes: TiQL to MIP transformation measures the total time

(a) TiQL to MIP translation                                          (b) total MIP solver time                                           (c) total T IRESIAS query time
                  10000                                                                10000                                                                   10000
                              all MIP optimizations ON                                            all MIP optimizations ON                                               all MIP optimizations ON
                                 matrix elimination OFF                                              matrix elimination OFF                                                 matrix elimination OFF
                  1000        variable elimination OFF                                            variable elimination OFF                                               variable elimination OFF
                                   key elimination OFF                                 1000            key elimination OFF                                      1000          key elimination OFF
  Runtime (sec)

                                                                       Runtime (sec)

                                                                                                                                               Runtime (sec)
                                                                                        100                                                                      100

                                                                                         10                                                                      10

                    0.1                                                                   1                                                                       1
                       100            1000            10000   100000                       100                     1000                10000                       100                    1000          10000
                                   Data size (# of tuples)                                             Data size (# of tuples)                                                Data size (# of tuples)

Figure 6: Evaluation of the options of the MIP optimizer over example query Q1 . MIP optimization does not add significant overhead
to the TiQL to MIP translation time, but each optimization individually results in significant gains in the MIP solver execution times,
and consequently the total T IRESIAS runtime. The MIP solver crashes on the 5k instance when any optimization is turned off, hence
the absence of those points.

of parsing and processing the TiQL input up to the generation of                                                    how does grouping partitions affect performance. We measure ex-
all MIP problem files. The MIP solver time measures the time the                                                    ecution times for query Q1 for various specifications of partition
solver takes to solve all problem files generated by one query input,                                               grouping size and dataset size. The results are presented in Fig. 7.
unless it is given as time per partition, in which case we measure                                                  Larger group sizes means that multiple partitions are grouped into a
the time the solver takes to process a single subproblem. The MIP                                                   single subproblem. This results in larger MIP problem sizes, caus-
construction time measures the time the MIP constructor takes to                                                    ing the MIP solver to dominate the total query runtime. Smaller
generate a single problem file, and finally, the total Tiresias query                                               groups result in smaller but more problem files, causing the system
time is the execution time of a TiQL query from start to finish.                                                    to become I/O bound. The graphs indicate that the choice of group
This is equal to the sum of the TiQL to MIP transformation plus                                                     size results in significant differences in runtime, and the ideal group
the total MIP solver time. All runtimes are measured in seconds.                                                    size becomes larger, the larger the dataset. In its current implemen-
                                                                                                                    tation, T IRESIAS does not pick the group size automatically, but
6.1                MIP Optimizer                                                                                    this will be an essential step in future work.
   The MIP optimizer reduces the size of the produced problem                                                          Figure 7 demonstrates significant improvements compared to the
files with optimizations that are to some extend already incorpo-                                                   results of Fig. 6, where partitioning was deactivated. As seen in
rated in modern solvers (e.g. elimination of variables and con-                                                     Fig. 7f, T IRESIAS can create and solve a constrained optimiza-
straints). Our first set of experiments explores whether there is a                                                 tion problem over 1M tuples in about 2.5 hours. Figure 8 offers
benefit in performing these optimizations outside the MIP solver.                                                   additional insight on the system scalability. The bars display the
For this part, we have disabled the pre-processing optimizer, so                                                    average time taken by the MIP constructor and the MIP solver to
T IRESIAS always produces a single problem file. Fig. 6a and Fig. 6b                                                work on a single subproblem, when the group size is fixed to 150
present the execution times of the TiQL to MIP translation, and the                                                 partitions. We observe that the average time the solver spends on
MIP solver respectively, while Fig. 6c is their sum (total runtime).                                                one problem remains fairly constant (around 1sec) for datasets of
We measure the performance of query Q1 when all MIP optimiza-                                                       5k to 1M tuples. This is intuitive as the average size of the gen-
tions are activated in the MIP optimizer (all ON), for different sizes                                              erated subproblems is expected to be the same across the different
of the LineItem table, ranging from 500 to 5k tuples. We then de-                                                   datasets, as long as the underlying statistical properties of the data
activate each optimization in turn, and examine whether the MIP                                                     do not change. Of course the number of files generated will grow
solver can achieve better performance. The answer is decisively                                                     proportionally to the data size, so overall, the MIP solver runtime
no: removing any one of the 3 optimizations increases the execu-                                                    will scale linearly.
tion time of the MIP solver by an order of magnitude in most cases,                                                    The per-problem runtime of the MIP constructor time on the
which is also reflected in the total runtime. The TiQL to MIP trans-                                                other hand does not remain constant, but increases with the data
lation is also faster with the optimizations turned on.                                                             size. This is because the MIP constructor retrieves all the data
   There are two main reasons for these observations. First, the                                                    needed to generate a subproblem by issuing several database queries
TiQL to MIP translation time is improved, because the optimizer                                                     (8 in the case of Q1 ), which become slower as the dataset grows
produces smaller problem files that lead to noticeable gains in I/O                                                 larger. This still means though that the MIP construction time
cost. The second and most important reason is that T IRESIAS has a                                                  grows at a constant pace in relation to how regular database queries
significant advantage: it can use DB specific information like fun-                                                 scale. This is an important observation, as it means that the per-
ctional dependencies to determine redundancies, whereas the MIP                                                     formance of the T IRESIAS MIP constructor is on par with DBMS
solver needs to analyze the whole program in order to achieve the                                                   performance. 4
same thing. Consequently, the MIP solver is much less efficient                                                        Finally, the line graphs of Fig. 8 refer to the logscale y-axis on the
and often unsuccessful.                                                                                             right, and represent the total T IRESIAS execution time for the same
                                                                                                                    settings, along with the average elapsed time until the first results
6.2                Partitioning                                                                                     become available, which is about 3min for the largest dataset.
   Our next experiments study the overall system performance and
the pre-processing optimizer module. We ask the questions: how
well does T IRESIAS scale in terms of runtime performance, and                                                      4 This    holds in the case of problems that can be partitioned.

(a) 5,000 tuples                                                                      (b) 10,000 tuples                                                                                      (c) 50,000 tuples
                                    40                                                                                 80                                                                                                        400
                                                  TiQL to MIP translation                                                                  TiQL to MIP translation                                                                                 TiQL to MIP translation
                                    35                          MIP solver                                             70                                MIP solver                                                              350                             MIP solver
                                                 total Tiresias query time                                                                total Tiresias query time                                                                               total Tiresias query time
                                    30                                                                                 60                                                                                                        300
                    Runtime (sec)

                                                                                                      Runtime (sec)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Runtime (sec)
                                    25                                                                                 50                                                                                                        250

                                    20                                                                                 40                                                                                                        200

                                    15                                                                                 30                                                                                                        150

                                    10                                                                                 20                                                                                                        100

                                     5                                                                                 10                                                                                                         50

                                     0                                                                                  0                                                                                                          0
                                         0      100      200       300        400     500       600                         0             100          200                              300    400   500   600                         0         100      200      300        400     500   600
                                              Group size (# of partitions per group)                                                 Group size (# of partitions per group)                                                                    Group size (# of partitions per group)

                                                  (d) 100,000 tuples                                                                       (e) 500,000 tuples                                                                                    (f) 1,000,000 tuples
                                    800                                                                                6000                                                                                                      25000
                                                   TiQL to MIP translation                                                                   TiQL to MIP translation                                                                                 TiQL to MIP translation
                                    700                          MIP solver                                                                                MIP solver                                                                                              MIP solver
                                                  total Tiresias query time                                                                 total Tiresias query time                                                            20000              total Tiresias query time
                    Runtime (sec)

                                                                                                      Runtime (sec)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Runtime (sec)
                                    500                                                                                                                                                                                          15000
                                    400                                                                                3000

                                    300                                                                                                                                                                                          10000

                                      0                                                                                      0                                                                                                         0
                                          0      100      200      300        400     500       600                              0         100          200                             300    400   500   600                             0       100     200      300         400   500   600
                                              Group size (# of partitions per group)                                                  Group size (# of partitions per group)                                                                    Group size (# of partitions per group)

Figure 7: Evaluation of the partitioning optimization. T IRESIAS is shown to scale to optimization problems of very large sizes. The
effect of group size in performance is significant, which pushes for a smart algorithm for its selection.

                8                                                                                                                               100000
                               MIP solver / per partition (avg)
                           MIP constructor / per partition (avg)
                                                                                Elapsed time to first results (avg)
                                                                                         total Tiresias query time
                                                                                                                                                                                          number of tuples in the LineItem relation, but since Q3 involves a
                7                                                                                                                               10000                                     second EDB, the number of actual tuples that are involved is much
                                                                                                                                                                                          larger. The most important take-away from these observations is
                                                                                                                                                        Runtime (sec) - logscale

                                                                                                                                                1000                                      that even more complicated queries, with a lot of integer variables
Runtime (sec)

                5                                                                                                                                                                         can be handled by the system.
                                                                                                                                                10                                        7.    RELATED WORK
                                                                                                                                                                                             Provenance work. The lineage of tuples in query answers was
                2                                                                                                                                                                         studied in [13], in the context of data warehouses. Provenance
                                                                                                                                                0.1                                       semirings were introduced as a formal foundation for lineage in [16],
                                                                                                                                                                                          and extended to semi-modules for aggregation provenance in [4];
                0                                                                                                                               0.01                                      we use that formalism in our translation from TiQL to MIP. Lin-
                                                 5k      10k                  50k    100k                             500k           1M
                                                           Data size (# of tuples)                                                                                                        eage expressions are routinely used in probabilistic databases [3,
                                                                                                                                                                                          14, 5].
Figure 8: The bars demonstrate average execution time per                                                                                                                                    Incomplete Databases and Stable Models. The highly influ-
partition for T IRESIAS and the GLPK solver, when we set                                                                                                                                  ential work on incomplete databases [17] introduced the notion
group size equal to 150. These runtimes map to the left y-axis.                                                                                                                           of possible worlds and the concept of c-tables, which are essen-
The right y-axis is in log scale and demonstrates the total exe-                                                                                                                          tially relations where tuples are annotated with lineage expressions.
cution time of the how-to query, and the projected elapsed time                                                                                                                           Recent work [6] introduced ISQL, an extension of SQL for writ-
to first results.                                                                                                                                                                         ing what-if queries. Stable models are a principled way to define
                                                                                                                                                                                          semantics for datalog with negation; when extended to disjunc-
                                                                                                                                                                                          tive datalog (which extends datalog with negation) stable models
6.3                                 Query Comparisons                                                                                                                                     are called answer sets [19]. Both incomplete databases and stable
   Our final set of experiments compares the runtimes of our 3 ex-                                                                                                                        model semantics ask two kinds of questions: is a tuple present in all
ample queries Q1 , Q2 , and Q3 across different data sizes, and for                                                                                                                       possible worlds, or is a tuple present in some possible worlds, called
two settings of the group size parameter. The results are presented                                                                                                                       the possible answers, and the certain answers respectively. TiQL
in Fig. 9. The results do not include any big surprises. Query Q2                                                                                                                         borrows the idea of possible worlds from incomplete databases and
has the fastest TiQL to MIP runtime because it has fewer variables                                                                                                                        from stable models, but it’s semantics is different, in that it chooses
and constraints, so generating the problem files can be done faster                                                                                                                       one particular possible world.
than Q1 . Q3 is the most complicated of the 3, as it includes a join                                                                                                                         Other RDM problems. How-to queries are related to Reverse
with the PartSupp table, which makes the generated MIP problems                                                                                                                           Query Processing [9] and Reverse Data Management (RDM) [21],
much bigger. Note that the data sizes are indicated in terms of the                                                                                                                       which consider the “reverse” direction of data transformations given

(a) Comparison of query runtimes (group size = 1)                                                      (b) Comparison of query runtimes (group size = 10)
                10000                                                                                                  10000
                                   MIP solver                                                                                             MIP solver
                        TiQL to MIP translation                                                                                TiQL to MIP translation
Runtime (sec)

                                                                                                       Runtime (sec)


                  0.1                                                                                                   0.01
                           Q1 Q2 Q3   Q1 Q2 Q3    Q1 Q2 Q3   Q1 Q2 Q3   Q1 Q2 Q3   Q1 Q2 Q3                                       Q1 Q2 Q3   Q1 Q2 Q3    Q1 Q2 Q3   Q1 Q2 Q3   Q1 Q2 Q3   Q1 Q2 Q3
                             100         500       1000       5000       10000      50000                                           100         500       1000       5000       10000      50000
                                         Data size (# tuples in LineItem)                                                                       Data size (# tuples in LineItem)

Figure 9: Performance comparison of the example queries over datasets of varying size. Queries Q2 and Q3 contain only integer vari-
ables, and are generally harder for the solvers to handle. Due to the partitioning optimization, T IRESIAS achieves great performance
on all 3 queries. Without partitioning, MIP solvers need multiple hours to solve an instance of Q3 on the smallest dataset.

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