Track and Trace with Dual Serialization: A Tutorial - January, 2014 2014 Kodak. K-182

Page created by Ray Taylor
Track and Trace with Dual Serialization: A Tutorial - January, 2014 2014 Kodak. K-182
Track and Trace with
Dual Serialization:
A Tutorial
January, 2014

                       © 2014 Kodak. K-182
Track and Trace with Dual Serialization: A Tutorial - January, 2014 2014 Kodak. K-182
A Dual Serialization Track and Trace system employs both visible and invisible codes.
The invisible code creates a secondary backup if a visible code is intentionally removed
by diverters in an attempt to thwart investigations and enforcement actions. The invisible
codes are applied through variable printing and can be unique to each item, making this a
fully capable mass serialization process.

The Track and Trace System with Dual Serialization involves five major elements as
shown on the following slide. Implementation of Track and Trace usually requires
involvement from stakeholders in the departments aligned with each of these elements.

       Element                                     Stakeholder Departments

➊      Marking Plan                                Marketing (along with Production and Inspection)

     Coding and Aggregation                      Production

➌      Track Through Distribution                  Distribution

     Inspect                                     Inspection (e.g., Sales, Brand Protection, or Legal)

     Enforce                                     Brand Enforcement (Brand Protection, Legal)

Track and Trace with Dual Serialization Tutorial    2                                          © 2014 Kodak
Track and Trace with Dual Serialization: A Tutorial - January, 2014 2014 Kodak. K-182
Track and Trace with Dual Serialization Tutorial   3   © 2014 Kodak
                                                                © 2014 Kodak
1. The Marking Plan
Determining the best method for marking
and authenticating the product is a key step
that drives effectiveness and cost of the                 PLAN
entire brand protection program                                                              Invisible (covert)
   – Experience and expertise is required to
     determine the best way to mark the product
     given the product materials, label materials,
     existence of caps, manufacturing process,                              Overt
     and Brand Protection goals                                          serialization
   – Overt and Covert Serialization codes can be
     in the form of human readable
     alphanumeric, 2D barcodes, or QR codes                                                       12345
     (e.g., for supporting customer loyalty                                                       67890

   – Codes can represent the same or dissimilar            QR            2D Barcode               Alpha-
     serial numbers (dissimilar numbers would             Code            (e.g., Data            numeric
     be linked in a database)                                               Matrix)
   – A layered approach is usually called for that
     requires using serialization coding for anti-                Visible                 Invisible
     diversion plus both overt and covert                        (“Overt”)               (“Covert”)
     technologies to combat counterfeiting

Track and Trace with Dual Serialization Tutorial     4                                       © 2014 Kodak
2. Coding and Aggregation
Implementation of the marking plan requires
design and application of workflows for both                      
the printing of codes and recording of                         CODING &
aggregations into the database.
Applying Codes:
  – Codes are assigned by the software and are
    applied with continuous inkjet industrial printers

Reading Codes:
  – Codes must be read for verification and for
    entry into the serialization database
  – Standard industrial vision systems are
    augmented with the technology for reading
                                                                       Pallet   Resulting Data
    covert serialization codes                                                    Structure

  – A set of serialization codes are associated to a
    case code to facilitate tracking by case
  – A set of case codes are associated with a pallet                   Bottle
    code to facilitate tracking through distribution by
    pallet (other aggregation hierarchies are
    possible as well)

   Track and Trace with Dual Serialization Tutorial       5                      © 2014 Kodak
3. Track Through Distribution

Overt case and pallet codes (and the overt
code on the product) are used in the
distribution channels to track product
movement and changes of custody
   – Typically requires interfacing with existing
     systems                                                     ➌
                                                            TRACK THROUGH
   – May choose to only track to Brand Owner’s
     first tier distributors or, additionally, enable
     cooperation with other channel partners

   – Distribution partners do not need to know of
     the existence of the covert code on the

Track and Trace with Dual Serialization Tutorial        6                   © 2014 Kodak
4. Inspect
Products can be inspected at point of sale or at
channel partner sites. Inspections can be
performed as part of a routine program or when              
diversion is suspected or discovered.                     INSPECT

By Inspectors
   – Overt code can be inspected via smartphone to
     determine product’s intended distribution path
   – If the overt code has been altered product
     diversion is suspected. Brand Protection
     investigator can then use Traceless AD Viewer to
     read the covert code to obtain distribution path
   – If the overt code has been altered and covert code
     is not present, then counterfeit may be suspected
   – Inspectors could be brand owner’s employees or
     3rd party investigators

By Consumers
   – Use their smartphones to scan a QR code as part
     of a brand loyalty program. Invalid codes
     submitted to loyalty system may indicate
   – Patterns of product scans may be used to
     discover diversion
Track and Trace with Dual Serialization Tutorial   7                © 2014 Kodak
5. Enforce
An online incident monitoring system is
utilized to aid enforcement.                              
   – Data input to the monitoring system is via         ENFORCE
     the “Inspect” phase
   – System access via mobile devices including
   – Web portals allow Brand Managers to
     monitor all activities and make decisions
     based on the results of authentication plus
     automated system analyses
   – Fully configured dashboards and reporting
     for Brand Management
   – High level view of all security issues
     categorized by “Counterfeit,” “Diversion,”
     “Recall”, and “Theft”
   – Brand Managers are able drill down to
     details of each incident and view incident
   – Automated and configurable reporting at a
     global, region, and country level to monitor
     incidents and support the enforcement

Track and Trace with Dual Serialization Tutorial    8             © 2014 Kodak
Authentication Technologies
Numerous technologies are available to Brand Owners to protect their brand. A layering of
these technologies is often called for that serve the needs for both quick detection and
deterrence and detailed investigation of sophisticated counterfeits and diversions.

The following defines some of the terms often used to describe authentication technologies:

 Forensic                           In-lab Analysis: small molecule or DNA marking, elemental or
                                    compositional characterization, Raman spectroscopy, mass spectrometry,
                                    energy dispersive X-Ray diffraction (EDXRD)

 Covert                             Concealed: emissive taggants, magnetic taggants, unique microscopic
                                    particles, optically variable devices (OVDs) with proprietary viewers, surface
                                    roughness measurements, chemically responsive inks, hidden images,
                                    invisible mass serialization

 Semi-covert                        Semi-concealed: micro-printing, UV or single wave-length IR-excitable
                                    fluorescent inks, customized threads, encoded marks, photo-chromic inks

 Overt                              Visually Seen: overt holograms, color shifting ink, thermo-chromic ink,
                                    decorative/ornate packaging, guilloches or ornate engravings, engineered
                                    print defects, overt mass serialization

Track and Trace with Dual Serialization Tutorial             9                                          © 2014 Kodak
For more information about                            For informational videos about
  solutions from Kodak visit:                           Track and Trace, visit Kodak’s
                                                        Brand Protection channel on                      YouTube:

  Eastman Kodak Company
  343 State Street                                      See the video, “Introduction to
  Rochester, NY 14650 USA                               Track and Trace Demonstration.”

Track and Trace with Dual Serialization Tutorial   10                                © 2014 Kodak
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