Translating academic careers into industry healthcare professions - Spark-BIH

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careers & recruitment

Translating academic careers into industry
healthcare professions
Though academic institutions have contributed enormously to the remarkable growth in the healthcare industry,
a key limiting resource for this continued growth is the creation of career opportunities for doctoral graduates.

       he strong biotechnology industry
       in the United States began with the      Box 1 | Exploring career options
       founding of Genentech in 1976 and
the subsequent creation of innovation           The evolution of one’s career is often an           fields, business, law and technology transfer.
hubs in the San Francisco Bay Area and          individual experience filled with questions,        Starting the dialog was the first important
Cambridge, Massachusetts. In Europe,            yet, as our survey reveals, many of the             step and helped her to take the next one:
growth has been slower due to a lack of         challenges faced are shared. One common             asking some hard questions that required
capital to finance promising startups. In       theme of many successful careers is that            a great deal of self-reflection and personal
the most prominent example, Biogen was          being proactive helps create options, such          assessments of strengths, weaknesses,
founded in Switzerland but moved early          as asking experts about their journeys              passions and interests — something that
on to the United States, where funding          to find their first jobs. In one case, a            an individual development plan11 can help
conditions were better.                         graduate student one and a half years into          with. Nearly all of the core challenges
    Innovation hubs with an abundance of        her doctoral program started asking her             experienced by her are evident in our
capital from venture investors, business        friends on the junior professor track and           survey of approximately 300 biomedical
angels and government incentives                other colleagues whether she should stay            graduates, who perceived many barriers
attract not only the most innovative            in academia or go look outside for a job.           keeping them from following their ideal
healthcare companies, but also talented         While all academics said she should stay in         career path (Fig. 1b). To break down such
individuals contributing brain power to         academia, they also highlighted that if she         barriers, we would highly recommend
innovation creation. The industry needs         wanted to leave this was the right time to          asking experts for their advice about job
two components to survive and grow              start preparing. As also seen in our survey         opportunities and for introductions. This
in the future: capital and talent. While        (Fig. 1a), the advice given was heavily             can be highly effective and was a key
funding and dealmaking continues to             oriented toward staying in academia. This           element of a recent Career Exploration
break records1–3, leading to unprecedented      advice led her to search the graduate school        Day organized by the CDI group in Berlin
new drug approvals by the FDA4 and fast         workshop and seminar program, where she             (Table 1). At this event, we recommended
product development in response to virus        saw and applied for a research management           follow-up discussions with the experts at
outbreaks like Ebola or SARS-CoV-2, talent      training for early-career researchers               the workshop, which in turn led to specific
is a chronically scarce resource5,6. Here,      (for reference and similar programs, see            introductions to local CEOs in the Berlin
we discuss the current state of graduate        Table 1). In this week-long workshop, she           medtech and biotech community and
and postgraduate students in healthcare         learned about different avenues to exploit          concrete jobs opportunities from employers
programs and the ways to translate an           biomedical innovations, and also had the            eager for these talented individuals. In
academic career into a healthcare industry      chance to exchange thoughts with many               the end, proactive networking is key to
profession. We summarize various programs       people with backgrounds in different STEM           launching one’s career.
in the United States and Europe and how
governments, universities, pharmaceutical
companies and venture capital investors
are working toward creating innovation         degree and postdoctoral studies at academic         understood the value of networking and
hotspots to attract and develop the best       research institutions. While moving along           specific expertise to qualify for their current
talent. Finally, we describe possible          the academic career path, young scientists          job, their understanding of how to translate
approaches for shifting one’s career           realize rather late that principal investigator     a research career to their next job, especially
from academia to industry and provide          and faculty positions in academia are scarce        outside academia, seemed to be less clear.
information on various programs and events     (less than 18% of PhD graduates will get            Almost all students found their current
helpful to such a journey.                     one) and long-term postdoctoral funding             position through either a job posting or
    Companies in the healthcare sector,        is limited7.                                        through their network and qualified for
including pharma, biotech, medtech and             To get an idea of the career awareness          employment through specific knowledge
e-health companies, require highly trained     of biomedical professionals, we conducted           and experience. Half of the interviewed
and specialized talent and spend significant   a poll of over 300 graduate students                academic scholars were actively exploring
amounts of time and capital on human           (master’s degree and PhD) and postdocs at           career options, mostly in academia or
resources to find and recruit new team         various universities in Berlin, Stockholm,          industry, and many were uncertain which
members. Students in biomedical graduate       Silicon Valley and Tel Aviv (see Box 1,             career path they should choose. In more
programs more often than not pursue an         Supplementary Methods and Supplementary             than half of the cases, a career development
academic research career leading to a PhD      Data). We found that while students                 office helped to some degree in making
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              a      Career advice                                                                 b      Career challenges

                     0%      20%     40%      60%       80%                                            0%      5%    10%      15%    20%   25%   30%   35%   40%

        Academia                                                             Unawareness of options /
                                                                                     lack of support
          Industry                                                  Focus of studies on one particular
                                                                     career direction (e.g., academia)
    Medical sector
                                                              Conflicting interests between me and my
     None of them                                               supervisor / employer / lack of support

        Uncertain                                                            Personal or family issues

        Non-profit                                                       No action in terms of a career
                                                                           planning on my own behalf
                                                                             Transition from education
                                                                           to work in a foreign country

            Other                                                                            Uncertain

Fig. 1 | Survey results. To gain insight into how biomedical students think about their careers, we conducted a survey of 300 graduate and postgraduate
students in the United States and Europe (see Supplementary Methods). a, Students received the most career advice about academic careers. b, A large
proportion of students felt a lack of support and awareness of career options blunted their ability to reach their ideal careers.

contacts to alumni networks, while specific           career development plan11 to encourage                        for proactive career planning9. Finally, there
offers in form of workshops, training,                students to think about their talents                         are books that are great resources to help
mentoring or internship facilitation were             and core interests, as well as to identify                    identify one’s strengths while matching them
lacking. Importantly, most students were              cross-disciplinary mentors both inside and                    to exciting careers14,15.
given advice almost exclusively for academic          outside academia.
research careers, and half felt they were                Similarly, graduate students on the shared                 Career opportunities in the healthcare
unaware of various non-academic career                campus of the Charité Medical School and                      sector
options and were lacking work experience              Humboldt University in Berlin worked                          Companies in the healthcare sector range
or networking skills to be able to get their          together to create the Career Development                     from large pharmas with tens of thousands
dream job. The survey shows that graduates            Initiative (CDI)12. The students also                         of employees to university startups with
and postgraduates in the life sciences                established their own individual career                       a handful of team members. Innovations
are aware of what is needed to translate              development plans and were able to work                       and ideas out of universities are typically
academic careers, but seem to lack                    with their respective programs to design                      financed by government grants, business
the knowledge of where to find and                    new coursework and permit new training                        angels and investors such as venture capital
establish the skill sets, mentorship                  outside of their majors. In addition, they                    (VC) firms, and the translation from idea
and/or networks necessary to facilitate               created a lecture series where scientists                     to company is in many cases facilitated by
career choice and translation.                        working in non-academic positions speak                       several stakeholders: the founding team,
                                                      about their journey and how they landed                       the university technology transfer office,
Life science career development                       their ideal job. The speakers agreed to                       intellectual property lawyers, entrepreneurs
challenges                                            become mentors and advisors in this                           and VCs themselves.
Starting with university career programs, the         program, making personal introductions to                        Recently, the classical VC investment
poll highlights students’ needs and desires           companies in the larger Berlin community.                     model has shifted more and more
for additional training in areas outside their        Outside speakers represent a valuable                         toward company creation and early-stage
core curriculum. While some universities              mechanism for scholars to learn about                         investment in order to bridge the gap
are quite progressive and have developed              skill sets that will be truly useful in the real              between science and capital markets. One
innovative solutions (Table 1), there is much         world. The CDI group also uses design                         of the main tasks of VCs is human resource
room for improvement8,9. Intriguingly, in             thinking approaches13 in workshops to                         management. Most VCs spend a significant
a growing number of examples, changes                 explore career options and prepare for                        amount of their time attracting and
in how universities support career                    interviews. Moreover, by networking with                      retaining the best talent for newly financed
development are being driven by students              several local not-for-profit organizations,                   startups. Since investors search actively
and postdoctoral fellows themselves. In one           including Berlin Partners, the students                       for new ideas to invest in and talent to
such example at Stanford University10, pairs          recruit representatives from local biotech                    recruit, many have started initiatives to
of student representatives from each of the           and medtech companies to a Young Talent                       increase talent attraction. The idea behind
major life science graduate programs in               Career Day12 where, via a matchmaking                         most programs is to develop the talent
developmental biology, neuroscience, cell             algorithm, attendees can be paired with                       pool of tomorrow, allowing the exchange
biology and pharmacology, among others,               prospective future employees. Many of these                   of many different ideas, bringing different
worked not only to restructure core course            features are also seen in programs at top                     technologies together and thereby
requirements, but to increase the fraction            innovation-oriented universities in Europe                    creating an innovation ecosystem. Some
of electives that could be taken anywhere             and the United States (Table 1). Of note,                     examples of public and private efforts to
across campus, including the schools of               efforts at the Scripps Research Institute                     expand job opportunities that capture
education, public policy, engineering and             have led a graduate level course, Effective                   young talent in the biomedical areas
business. They also developed an individual           Career Planning for PhDs, that advocates                      are highlighted below.

Nature Biotechnology | VOL 38 | June 2020 | 758–764 |                                                                           759
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Table 1 | Some institutions with progressive career development programs for doctoral and postgraduate students
Institution                    Country   Specific information                       Website
University of California,      US        Occupational outlook book, salary
Berkeley                                 recommendations
Boston University              US        Comprehensive, mature approach   
Harvard University             US        Approaches from tuition assistance to
Medical School                           retirement
Karolinska Institute           Sweden    Focus on inside and outside career
Massachusetts Institute        US        Exploration of chances in industries,
of Technology                            especially biotech
Max Delbrück Center for        Germany Focus on researchers, also outside 
Molecular Medicine                     academia
Scripps Research               US        Career planning course for PhDs  
Stanford University            US        Motivation by career story telling
University of Cambridge        UK        Appealing video tutorials from industries
University of Copenhagen       Denmark Curriculum with speakers from outside
+ Technical University of              academia
University of Heidelberg       Germany Startup management                 
University of                  US        Individual career development plan
Massachusetts Medical
University of Oslo             Norway    Focus on networking outside academia
University of Oxford           UK        Skill training courses           
Tel Aviv University            Israel    Company presentations            
Other academic organizations
California Life Science        US        Biotech primer for delivery of industry
Institute                                knowledge
Einstein Center, Charité       Germany Innovative initiative run by medical and
Medical University                     neuroscience students
Life Science Career            Canada    Student initiative to bridge academia and
development Society                      industry
STEMPeers                                World’s biggest STEM community   

VC internships and fellowships                     about new trends in academia, enlarge their           then, the region has developed into one
Venture capital firms have raised                  academic networks and, in the best-case               of Europe’s most successful biotech hubs,
increasingly large funds in recent years,          scenario, attract talent for their portfolio          birthing multi-billion-dollar companies such
allowing internal investment teams to grow.        companies. Such programs provide an                   as Ablynx and Argenx. To ensure excellence
Today a number of VC funds are large               easy way to learn the business aspect of              in science, the VIB pays special attention
enough to provide in-house internship              startup companies, become familiar with               to the professional development of all
or fellowship programs on a rolling basis          the drug or device development process                co-workers. Human resource development
(Table 2). Internships usually last between        and interact with different stakeholders              at the VIB includes training, mentoring,
6 and 12 months and pay a small salary             in healthcare. The most valuable lesson               coaching and career guidance inside or
or are financed by a grant. Programs are           from the experience is the understanding              outside of academia. To do so in an efficient
directed toward graduate students still            that investors work together with a wide              manner, the VIB established its own career
enrolled in their PhD curriculum and               range of specialists, giving the intern plenty        center aimed at graduate students. At the
looking for early professional experience.         of opportunities to establish personal                VIB and other innovation hubs, graduate
Interns usually learn broadly about the            relationships and learn as much as they can.          students can access a diverse set of resources
healthcare ecosystem, learn how VCs                                                                      to attend workshops, receive training in
evaluate prospective investments and, most         Creating innovation centers and hubs                  various skill sets and increase their own
importantly, get exposed to many startup           The foundation of the VIB in the Flanders             awareness of different professional skills.
companies. At the same time, VCs are able          region of Belgium in 1996 marked the first                The VIB created an innovation hub
to see different perspectives and ideas, learn     innovation hub in Europe (Table 2). Since             similar to the Kendall Square ecosystem in

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Table 2 | Innovation hubs and internships
Innovation hub                               Country                 Specific information                  Website
VIB                                          Belgium                 Successful spinouts, networking,
                                                                     career center
Babraham Research Campus                     UK                      Successful spinouts, networking,
BioMedX                                      Germany                 Networking                  
University of Cambridge Enterprise           UK                      Networking, education, mentoring
Curie Tech Transfer (insC2)                  France                  Networking, initiative for innovation
                                                                     education                             inc2-initiative
Enterprising Oxford                          UK                      Networking, education       
Innovate Carolina                            US                      Networking, workshops, courses on
Max Planck Innovation                        Germany                 Associated innovation programs;
                                                                     life science incubators, lead
                                                                     discovery center, conferences
Oncode                                       The Netherlands         Oncology-focused innovation hub
Ascenion                                     Germany                 Networking, conferences,    
BioInnovation Institute                      Denmark                 Networking, events          
AdMare Bioinnovations                        Canada                  AdMare Academy training     
BaseLaunch                                   Switzerland             Networking                  
Biocat                                       Catalonia               Networking, education, job board
BioM                                         Germany                 Events, workshops, job board
Euroasanté                                   France                  Networking events           
Industrial Biotechnology Innovation          Scotland                Networking, job board       
MassBio                                      US                      Success stories, networking,
                                                                     education, mentorship
MTPConnect                                   Australia               Events, training opportunities
Oslo Science Park                            Norway                  Networking, courses, lectures
Pharma companies
Bayer Life Hubs                              Worldwide               Networking, lectures        
Johnson & Johnson Innovation JLABS           Worldwide               Networking, lectures, workshops
Pfizer Healthcare Hub                        Worldwide               Focus on eHealth            
                                                                                                 ; https://
VC internship and fellowship programs                                Duration
5am                                          US                      6 months                    
Apollo Health Ventures                       Germany                 12 months                   
Flagship Pioneering                          US                      3 months                    
LSP                                          The Netherlands,        6 months                    
M Ventures                                   The Netherlands         6 months                    
Nextech Invest                               Switzerland             6 months                    
Vida Ventures                                US                      3 months +                  

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Cambridge, Massachusetts, where scientists,     the life science industry, with topics ranging       individual talents can inform the selection of
entrepreneurs, and investors from academia,     from discussions on early science to drug            professions. While understanding individual
startups, biotech and pharma meet regularly.    approval, the regulatory path and scientific         strengths and weaknesses is important,
Such interactions are the first steps to        topics. Attendees obtain insights into diverse       interacting with professionals working in
understanding the various opportunities         topics from Johnson & Johnson employees,             jobs of interest is essential to reality-check
and possibilities for life science graduates.   entrepreneurs or academic scientists.                expectations and further map out details of
Not every résumé is the same and, more          Together, such initiatives are beginning             jobs and personal interests. It also helps to
often than not, individuals working in the      to bridge the gap between large pharmas,             follow the journey in a personal notebook,
industry have a diverse skill set that they     innovative companies and scientists,                 summarizing and detailing all information
acquired working in different jobs.             fostering exchange between people from               on people, jobs, companies, events and
    Other innovation hubs have built on the     diverse professions.                                 workshops one has attended. This serves as a
success of the VIB and combine regional                                                              personal reference and makes it easier to go
excellence with talent development (Table 2).   Empowering exciting careers                          back and reanalyze decisions and opinions.
Stakeholders in such hubs vary from             How can we empower the next generation
region to region depending on regional          of young scientists to get the job of their          Conclusions
strategy and the most active business           dreams? Scientists in academia may be                Exploring career options will come with
areas. Historically, the Netherlands has        highly successful, dedicated and innovative,         surprises. With luck, it should not only
a strong VC sector; in fact, the first VC       but translating skills developed in an               expose strengths and weaknesses but
investments were made in Holland,               academic setting to an applied profession            also create enthusiasm and passion for
financing expeditions by ship to explore        continues to be a challenge. The process of          specific topics. One absolutely essential
new continents to trade coffee, tea and other   one’s own career translation can be seen as          ingredient in translating one’s training
resources. Relying on a strong financial        a road with predefined junctions. Like the           in academia to a faculty job or industry
sector, a number of biotech companies           planning for a road trip, career transitioning       is strong communication skills, as well
were created in the Netherlands16. However,     needs planning and an idea of where the              as the courage to approach people across
the academic institutions fueling such          journey should lead.                                 networks, asking for introductions or even
innovation are distributed over the country         The golden rule for all important                cold calling others, especially those with
and not well interconnected. Therefore,         decisions is to start planning early. For            professional paths that look interesting.
the Oncode Institute was created to unite       example, when considering a job change or            Beyond academic services, we recommend
scientists under one organization with the      transition from university to industry, the          exploring career development programs
mission of translating scientific innovation    process can usually take a year to a year and        and innovation hubs around the world
into new therapies. The shared mission          a half. Also, some entry-level jobs might            that host a range of networking and career
forces researchers to think about their own     only be available to those with prespecified         opportunities. Attending a seminar or
research from a different angle and provides    degrees and work experience. This means              lecture series outside your normal scientific
new possibilities for creative scientists to    that, in some cases, it will be easier to enter      area is a good starting point for networking
invent products based on their research         a large pharma after a master’s degree rather        and communicating with others. For those
topics. Top-quality addition of value by        than after a postdoctoral fellowship. Thus,          with an academic career interests, these
translation of research results requires a      an ideal time to start your career transition        activities should increase your passion for
highly specialized talent pool. The close       is to begin shortly after the first year into        pure science and knowledge for knowledge’s
proximity of scientists, entrepreneurs,         a master’s or PhD program. At that stage,            sake while providing insights into how to
investors and tech transfer specialists, with   graduate students usually have a first idea          build a successful career in academia by
the shared goal of translating ongoing          of their academic and lab environment and            finding mentors. For those still exploring
research, forms the foundation for everyone     whether they are passionately focused on             their future, these experiences should help
involved to think beyond their academic         an academic path or are already thinking             increase one’s awareness of the wide range of
career path.                                    outside the academic box. Take advantage of          careers in the healthcare industry and lead
    Importantly, large pharmas are              individual career development plans11,12. It         to an early preparation toward a professional
also interested in fostering innovation         is also a good time to tap into local graduate       goal. It is critical to take a proactive approach
ecosystems, recruiting the best talent and      schools, universities and community                  to career building, adding new skill sets
promoting translation of breakthrough           programs or activities that encourage                and identifying opportunities to broaden
science (Table 2). For example, Johnson         internships, workshops and other activities          experiences. Finally, be curious and ready
& Johnson was one of the first pharmas          outside of the degree curriculum (Table 1)           to challenge your own expectations, as they
to create a separate investment arm             in order to collect as much information as           do not always match reality, and then take a
and innovation department to advance            possible on a variety of different professions.      chance and walk through opportunity’s door
healthcare innovation by collaboration with         By the second year of graduate education,        to the career of your dreams.                   ❐
academia and startups. It created innovation    the collected information can then be used
centers for scouting and collaborating and      to map the landscape of professions and              Sinje Gehr 1, Craig C. Garner          1,2   ✉
JLABS to incubate early ideas and interact      associated skills required. This allows one          and Karin N. Kleinhans 3 ✉
with the eco-environment. JLABS are             to adjust one’s curriculum or add another            1
                                                                                                      Charité Medical University Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
innovation hotspots in various cities; they     degree qualification in an interdisciplinary         2
                                                                                                      German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases
engage with the different stakeholders.         study program to meet the requirement of a           (DZNE), Berlin, Germany. 3LSP, Munich, Germany.
The interaction encompasses a variety           specific career or profession. To understand         ✉e-mail:;
of communication channels, from social          one’s personal skill set better, one can look at
media to personal presence at events.           personal preferences and talents cultivated
JLABS offer a wide range of courses,            inside and outside academia. In the end,             Published online: 9 June 2020
workshops and talks on various aspects of       the overlap between required skills and    

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