TURNER COTTAGE MASTERPLAN - Context & Strategic Design Directions September 2019 - Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale

Page created by Earl Salinas
TURNER COTTAGE MASTERPLAN - Context & Strategic Design Directions September 2019 - Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale
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Context & Strategic Design Directions
September 2019

  To provide a heritage gateway experience for visitors and locals that travel along the South Western Highway. The early settler gateway experience is heightened by a strong
  row of large exotic deciduous trees that harken back to the early settler plantings that adorned early community and farmhouse buildings. Use of endemic local plantings within
  both the Turner Cottage and Federation Parks will celebrate Serpentine’s unique sense of place, encourage local biodiversity, provide habitat and support waterwise goals.

                                                                                                                      Ordinary Council Meeting - 17 August 2020
TURNER COTTAGE MASTERPLAN - Context & Strategic Design Directions September 2019 - Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale
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          LOCATION                                          NYUNGAR CULTURAL HERITAGE
          Turner Cottage is located within                  The area around Serpentine
          the southern portion of Shire of                  are the traditional lands of the
          Serpentine Jarrahdale on the South                Aboriginal Southwest Nyungar
          Western Highway 27km, 20mins                      Nations and specifically part of
          drive south of Armidale (60km,                    the Pindjarup (Pinjareb or Binjareb)
          50mins drive from Perth). The                     Nyungar language group. The South
          Serpentine River runs east to west                West Aboriginal Land and Sea
          along the northern boundary.                      Council (SWALSC) - Southwest
                                                            Nyungar Settlement Agreement
                                                            acknowledges this area as part
                                                            of the larger Gnaala Karla Boodja
                                                            region referring to the Nyungar
                                                            language or dialectical groups of
                                                            the Binjareb/ Pinjarup, Wilman and

                                                            Wedjellah and Nyungar – we are all
                                                            here together, this is our country,
                                                            We welcome you here to our
                                                            country, this is our Moort, you are
                                                            our Gnaala Moort – we are family,
                                                            we are one – that Moort means we
                                                            are one.
                                                            Nyungar Elder, Mrs Janet Hayden August
                                                            2012 www.Nyungarculture.org.au/gnaala-
                                                            karla-booja/ accessed 23 July 2019

                                                                                                     Image 1. Pindjarup Language Group Area – part of Gnaarla Karla Boodja (SWALSC South
                                                                                                     West Settlement Agreement to resolve native title claims). Source: http://www.boodjar.

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BARRAGUP MUNGAH                       famous for this and we still are –
                                      we still do it.
In Gnaala Karla Booja the
Barragup mungah – fish weir on        Nyungar Elder Harry Nannup 2012 www.
the Serpentine River has long         Nyungarculture.org.au/gnaala-karla-booja/
been recognised by local Nyungar      accessed 23 July 2019
people as amongst the most
important traditional meeting
places for Nyungar from the Swan,     Recommend engagement with
Peel and Darling Ranges areas.        local Nyungar families to gain
The Serpentine River is a place of    cultural heritage knowledge of the
plenty where the surrounding hills    Serpentine area. Nyungar Families
and wetlands of the coastal plain     that live/speak for this area:
continue to provide fresh water,      •      Hill’s – Maitland Artist
fish, tortoises, lizards and birds.   Dwellingup, Christine
                                      •       Thorn’s
… this country is our country, not    •       Walley’s – Richard Walley
one, not two but all of us that
are here today, this is our land      •       Nannup’s
and we can be proud of it. As a
child, I wondered all around these
waterways with my family, we
fished the area, we hunted, we
got berries and whatever else –
we survived where other people
couldn’t. We got used to other
people coming here from all other
country areas and we fed them
with fish because we knew how to
catch the fish. We became pretty
                                                                                  Image 2.   Serpentine River. Source: Hesperian

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           The immediate Serpentine Bridge                  The old townsite has a high degree     The old townsite contains intact
           precinct includes colonial heritage              of cultural heritage significance,     the key elements of a village
           sites and buildings such as:                     having survived relatively             centre of the late 1800s. These
                                                            intact and possessing a good           include original settlers cottages
           •    Turner Cottage (1855)
                                                            representation of 19th Century         flanking the main highway, old
           •    Serpentine Bridge Primary                   village life of a close-knit farming   school, former teacher’s quarters,
                School (1902) Old School                    community.                             church and the cemetery containing
                House                                                                              graves of early settlers. Old
                                                                                                   Serpentine Settlement comprises
           •    Teacher’s Quarters (relocated
                                                                                                   Turner Cottage (1856), Bishop
                                                                                                   Hale’s Cottage (1864), Baldwin’s
           •    St Stephen’s Anglican Church                                                       Cottage (1871), Serpentine
                (1913)                                                                             Old Bridge School (1858), Old
           •    Bishop Hale’s Cottage (1864)                                                       Serpentine Cemetery (1907),
                                                                                                   St Stephens Anglican Church
           •    Michael Bowman Park &                                                              (1913), Summerfield Cottage
                Monument (1955 – accident)                                                         (1922), Teachers Quarters
           •    Baldwins Cottage (1856                                                             (relocated c.1927), Serpentine
                Circa)                                                                             Road Bridge (1935), Serpentine
                                                                                                   Falls Roadhouse (former Don
           •    Old Serpentine Cemetery
                                                                                                   Ronzio’s tearooms, date unknown),
                                                                                                   a memorial to Clontarf student
           •    Summerfield Cottage (1922)                                                         Michael Bowman, and a portion of
                                                                                                   the Serpentine River. It represents
                                                                                                   an intact precinct which creates
                                                                                                   a collective understanding of early
                                                                                                   settlement life as experienced in
                                                                                                   the southeast farming communities
                                                                                                   of the Swan River Colony.
                                                                                                                                         Image 3.    St Stevens Church. Source: Shelley Young

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COLONIAL HISTORY                        Group Settlement in the 1920s,       buildings,” Mr Lewis said.
The settlement originated in the        new facilities such as shops and
1830s but was never gazetted            a hotel were now being built near
                                                                             “It operates as a museum and
as an official townsite. It was         the railway, shifting the focus
                                                                             tourist facility and has the
superseded by the new Serpentine        away from the settlement at the
                                                                             potential to form part of a
settlement after the opening of         bridge area.
                                                                             significant heritage conservation
the East Perth to Pinjarra railway                                           area.”
line. Collectively, the place forms     TURNER COTTAGE
a significant cultural environment,
                                        Turner Cottage, Serpentine, to be    The Minister said ticket-of-leave
which retains a high level of
                                        given heritage listing - Thursday,   man James Brown was the first
integrity and authenticity and
                                        19 December 1996 (as reported)       to settle the Serpentine River
illustrates the development of a
                                        The State Government has moved       property and the first cottage on
settlement over time. Settlers
                                        to protect the heritage values of    the site is believed to have been
arrived in the area in 1849 to
                                        one of the pioneering buildings      thatched in grass. Edward Turner
purchase farmland under the
                                        of the Serpentine region. Historic   and his wife Elizabeth moved on to
Government sponsored Immigration
                                        Turner Cottage, built in about       the property in the mid-1850s.
Scheme. The old Serpentine
                                        1855, is to be placed on the         In 1866, Turner was postmaster
townsite was centred at the point
                                        Heritage Council of Western          at Serpentine and grew wheat,
where the road crossed the river
                                        Australia’s interim register of      fruit, fodder and produced milk and
and therefore developed as an
                                        heritage places. Heritage Minister   butter. Edward died in 1873 at the
important stopping place for Cobb
                                        Richard Lewis said Turner Cottage,   age of 41. His widow continued on
& Co. coaches during the 1880s.
                                        originally known as Bridge Farm,     the farm on a subsistence basis
The opening of the railway in 1893
                                        had important historic and           and it was used as a changing
1.4 km west of the bridge marked
                                        aesthetic qualities.                 station for the mail coach. The
the beginning of the demise of
this once busy townsite. Although                                            family continued to operate the
the population of Serpentine grew       “The cottage is nestled alongside    postal service.
rapidly, particularly after the First   the South West Highway among
World War and with the advent of        a number of other heritage           “ The Serpentine Bridge hamlet

                                                                                                                      Image 4.    Turner Cottage. Source: UDLA

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                                                            was well placed for trade from the     A single-storey brick and shingle
                                                            passing coaches until the railway     farmhouse, Turner Cottage was
                                                            line was connected to Bunbury in      built of on-site materials such as
                                                            1893 ,” Mr Lewis said.                mud brick, sawn timbers and split
                                                                                                  shingles. The walls are single leaf
                                                                                                  clay brick bonded with river mud
                                                            “ The building is an important
                                                                                                  outside and painted with lime. Mr
                                                            reminder of the beginnings of the
                                                                                                  Lewis said Turner Cottage was a
                                                            postal and road transport service
                                                                                                  reminder of the hardship endured
                                                            in rural WA.
                                                                                                  by a pioneering family of the
                                                                                                  Serpentine area.
                                                            “ It is also significant as a
                                                            demonstration of the type of
                                                                                                  “ With its current use as a museum
                                                            subsistence farming that took
                                                            place in Serpentine in that era. ”    and tourism facility, the cottage is
                                                                                                  a major starting point for possible
                                                            Mr Lewis said Elizabeth Turner died
                                                                                                  community involvement in a wider
                                                            in 1902 and the property passed
                                                                                                  conservation area, ” he said.
                                                            to her son Harry, who struggled on
                                                            with farming until he died in 1945.
                                                            It was left to his son Claude,        “It is a significant local heritage
                                                            who lived and worked elsewhere        building and deserves the
                                                            and leased out the property. The      protection of the State’s heritage
                                                            cottage fell into disrepair and at    laws.”
                                                            one stage was condemned by the        Media Statement: https://www.
                                                            local shire.                          mediastatements.wa.gov.au/Pages/
                                                            Reconstruction began in 1978 and
                                                                                                  aspx 19/12/96
                                                            the work was completed in 1980
                                                            and opened as a tourist facility.

          Image 5.   Old Bridge School.. Source: UDLA

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SERPENTINE OLD BRIDGE SCHOOL                MICHAEL BOWMAN PARK &                or that he had died without a                BALDWIN’S COTTAGE (1856)
Just a little to the north of the           MONUMENT (1955)                      family to mourn him and without              Built in 1870s by Richard and
Serpentine River Bridge and to              A monument commemorates              his mate and twin brother. David             Hannah Baldwin for their family
the east of the highway is this             Michael Bowman, who was killed in    fulfilled a lifelong dream when he           (10 children) after purchasing
old school. This is the site of the         a road crash.                        unveiled a marble memorial to his            the property (16tia) in 1871. The
Serpentine Old Bridge School, 1858                                               best mate and all their friends              cottage served as a Post Office
                                            In December 1955, 53 youngsters
to 1954. This particular building                                                at the site of the tragedy in                and Staging Post between 1887
                                            from Clontarf Boys Town were on
was erected in 1902 although                                                     Serpentine.                                  - 1893 (taking over the business
                                            their way to an annual Christmas
there were others (or another)              holiday when their bus collided      Source: 09-October-2015 – monuments          originally at Turner’s cottage -
before this. In those days, the             with a truck on the South Western    Australia http://monumentaustralia.org.      refer SJ34). With the opening of
South Western Highway was                   Highway, killing 12-year-old         au/themes/people/tragedy/display/61129-      the railway in 1893, the last Stage
known as the Bunbury Road. Photo            Michael Bowman instantly and         michael-bowman                               Coach ran through Serpentine in
- September 2012 Source: http://www.        injuring 19 other boys in the                                                     April 1893. The Baldwin family
mingor.net/special-interests/schools.html   horrific smash. Michael`s best                                                    and their descendants are the
                                            mate David Crisp, who now lives                                                   longest resident in the Serpentine-
                                            in Northam, and Michael`s twin                                                    Jarrahdale district. Richard
                                            brother Richard Bowman had                                                        Baldwin was also Serpentine’s
                                            missed the bus. The three boys                                                    first publican, operating a wayside
                                            were orphans and had met when                                                     inn (south of Wellard Road) in the
                                            they were babies at an orphanage                                                  1890s.
                                            in Swansea, Wales. They were                                                      Source: WA State Heritage Council http://
                                            brought to Clontarf as child                                                      inherit.stateheritage.wa.gov.au/Public/
                                            migrants in 1952. Richard never                                                   Inventory/Details/245cbc3e-19a2-4fc4-
                                            recovered from his twin brother`s                                                 9de0-927c22a4af28
                                            death and died in 1966. David
                                            Crisp left Clontarf when he was 15
                                            and became a successful shearer
                                            throughout the wheatbelt. He
                                            never forgot his best mate Michael

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          PROPERTY                                          STRATEGIC PLANNING CONTEXT            farmland for future generations will    The beauty of the natural
          The property is rectangular in shape              The Perth and Peel @ 3.5 Million      continue to be an important asset       environment should be preserved,
          with a diagonal corner in the south               document identifies strategic         to the region .’.                       integrated and promoted
          west allowing for a bend in the                   activity centres and growth           2016 SJ 2050 Visioning Framework        The Darling Escarpment, State
          South Western Highway including                   corridors. Serpentine is situated                                             Forest and water bodies within
          a Main Roads reserve. It is                       just outside the southern limits of                                           the shire make the natural
                                                                                                  SJ VALUES STATEMENT
          approximately 2.5Ha in area, 200m                 the eastern growth corridor that                                              environment a unique asset. The
          length - north south and 110m wide                terminates at the rural township      What people value most about living     community value the beauty of the
          - east west.                                      of Mundijong. Serpentine is located   in the Shire.                           landscape and believe it requires
                                                            within the rural agricultural zone.                                           proper integration into residential
          OPPORTUNITIES                                                                             ‘The country lifestyle and            development. Proper conservation
                                                            The Hames Sharley SJ                        natural bushland’                 efforts should be made as the
          The property has prominent                                                                                                      landscape offers an opportunity
          north west corner views from                      2050 Visioning Framework
                                                                                                                                          to promote the shire as a ‘trails
          the Highway. Its location on the                  acknowledges:                         The community most value the
                                                                                                                                          hub’ while providing high quality
          four-way intersection of Falls and                                                      relaxed country lifestyle
                                                                                                                                          amenity and sense of place for local
          Karnup Roads provides both an                     ‘ it will be important to define      The shire residents enjoy a lifestyle   residents.
          invitation to the area’s natural                  development limits along the          that is peaceful and quiet, they
          environment to the east, and a                    eastern growth corridor as            would like the tranquility of the
          gateway to showcase the rural                                                           shire to be maintained as growth        Strong sense of community is
                                                            proposed within the Perth and
          village of Serpentine. The hub                                                          occurs. An element of this lifestyle    maintained
                                                            Peel @3.5million - in order that
          location also showcases the areas                 the shire preserves its distinctive   is the neighbourly engagement           Residents feel there is a strong
          early settler heritage through a                  character and environmental           that occurs, and the strong             sense of community within the
          myriad of early to mid 19th century               qualities unique to the region .’     sense of community. The country         shire. The community is close-
          cottages, schools, churches                                                             lifestyle encompasses housing,          knit and akin to a small country
          and associated agriculture and                                                          the natural environment, families       community where neighbours are
          landscape influences. It presents                                                       and community and should be             friendly, and many tend to be family
          a unique opportunity for nature                   ‘ …the shire benefits from its        strategically retained and enhanced     oriented. Many believe the shire
          based tourism, set in an authentic                close proximity to productive and     for the community to maintain its       encapsulates a ‘ family friendly
          heritage context, which also                      valuable farmland. Maintaining        unique way of life.                     lifestyle ’.
          functions as a gateway into the                   access to fresh, locally grown
                                                                                                                                          2016 SJ 2050 Visioning Framework
          Shire from the south.                             food and preservation of the rural

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Key                                                                                                  Serpe
                                                                                                                                                                                         Michael Bowman
                                                                                                                                                                                            Memorial                                              2          10.5.3 - attachment 1
1 Serpentine Southern Heritage Gateway                                                                                                                                                                                                            Signage
   Presentation of Serpentine township through an                                                                                                                                                                                 Deciduous       pylons
   experiential southern gateway that celebrates Nyungar and                                                                                                                                                                      Feature
   early farming settler heritage. Including signage, feature                                                                                                                                                                     Gateway
   tree planting, slow 60 km zone, pedestrian and cycle
   amenity and open area for town interest display.

2 Serpentine Northern Heritage Gateway                                                                                                                                                             3
   Presentation of Serpentine township through an experiential                                                                                                                                                                                                  Tables
   northern gateway that showcases the Old Bridge School                                                                                                                          Pedestrian
                                                                                                                                                                                    bridge                                                            Old
   and local river environment. Including signage, feature tree                                                                         Barnyard                               (interpretation)                      Pedestrian                       Bridge
   planting, 60 km zone, Michael Bowman Memorial and                                                                                     events                                                                      underpass                        Primary
   Federation Park, pedestrian and cycle amenity                                                                               Bio
                                                                                                                              Toilets                                                                                                                            Nature
3 Pedestrian Bridge Access to Underpass                                                                                        Rest           Creative                  9                                                                                         Play
                                                                                          Serpentine                          Rooms
   Pedestrian bridge to provide easy access from Federation
                                                                                                                                               lease                                                                       Federation Park
   Park to Turner Cottage Heritage Park. Provide Nyungar
   interpretation at this location to connect with local river and                      (new building)   10         display                                                                                                               BBQ
   location stories, as appropriate.                                                                                 area
                                                                                                                                                       6                                                                                 Picnic
4 RV 24hr Rest Stop, Water & Dump Point                                      Heritage
                                                                                                                                  museum        Tours
   RV Stop to enable tourism activation and support for                       area
   adaptive re­use of cottage and local emerging food and                                                                                                                   Turner
                                                                                                                                                universal                   Cottage
   beverage destination.                                                                                                                       access path

                                                                                Turner Cottage                                           Roadside                   I

                                                                                                                                                                                                   tine (60
                                                                                  Community                                               coffee

5 Laterite Gravel Carpark                                                        Heritage Park                                             stop    7
   30 formal spaces

   2 formal caravan parks                                                                                                                              Market
                                                                                          open                                                         Space
   10 RV parks                                                                            lawn                                                                  8
                                                                                          area                  5
6 Site Buildings
   Information Centre
   Serpentine Tractor Museum (Site Management)                                Bio                                                                   BBQ
   Cultural Tours

                                                                             Toilets                                                               Picnic           Deciduous
   Creative Lease                                                                                                                                  Tables

                                                                              Rest                                                                                  Feature
   Rest Rooms                                                                Rooms                                                                     9            Tree

   Barnyard Events                                                     RV water

                                                                     & dump point

7 Roadside Pop­up Coffee                                                                                                                                                     Signage

   Opportunity for small pop­up coffee van to take advantage                                 RV stop (24hrs)
                                                                                                                                                                        1    pylons
   of roadside customers and attract longer stay in heritage                        4                                                                            Open area
   park                                                                                                                                                           used for
                                                                                                                                                                display town
8 Serpentine Country Markets                                                hydro-carbons treatment swale                                                       marketing &
   Use of gravel hardstand / lawn area for markets
9 Picnic Amenity                                                                                                                                                                and reduced
   Picnic benches, BBQ’s, rest rooms, nature play by the river                                                                                                                  n60km speed
   to encourage family day use
                                                                     Serpentine (1.4km)

10 Serpentine Tractor Museum
    Existing and new building including open air heritage
   display and hardstand                                                                                                                                                                                                                      0         10               20   30                50m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Scale 1:1000 (A4)   N

                                          To provide a heritage gateway experience for visitors and locals that travel along the South Western Highway. The                                        Turner Cottage Vision Plan
                                          early settler gateway experience is heightened by a strong row of large exotic deciduous trees that harken back to                                                   Serpentine Heritage Gateway
                                          the early settler plantings that adorned early community and farmhouse buildings. Use of endemic local plantings                                                   Ordinary 161
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Council   Meeting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Karnup Road      - 17 August 2020
               V3: 10 SEP 2019            within both the Turner Cottage and Federation Parks will celebrate Serpentine’s unique sense of place, encourage
                                          local biodiversity, provide habitat and support waterwise goals.
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          1 & 2. ESTABLISH
          H E R I TA G E G AT E WAY S
                                                                                       Formalised avenue                                          Improved
          Signify a country town gateway
                                                             Improved                  of Heritage Style                                          signage
          treatment, signifying to the traveler
                                                             signage                   trees                                                                        Pedestrian
          to slow down and anticipate a                                                                                                                             crossing points
          changed environment as you enter                                                           Banner style
          the town.                                                                                  events &                     Tractors/
                                                                                                                                  wayfinding artwork     Reduce
                                                                                                     advertising                                         speed to
                                                                                                                                  on corner
          Formalised exotic street tree                                                                                                                  60km/h
          planting within the precinct will help
          celebrate the towns heritage and
          form a more distinct center. This will
          also help to shade the expansive
          streetscape and create a more
          welcoming environment for both
          pedestrians and vehicles.

          Tree planting along the highway
          will serve as a natural traffic
          calming device and encourage lower
          speeds by creating both a sense of
          enclosure and visual interest.

                                                              1 . S E R P E N T I N E S O U T H E R N H E R I TA G E G AT E WAY

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                                        Entry sign                  Improved signage                          Formalised avenue of
                                                                    & wayfinding                              Heritage Style trees

                                                                                 Improved access
                                                                                 & connections


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                                                                           A low cost pedestrian bridge shall
                                                                           reconnect the Turner Cottage to
                                                                           Bowman Park, creating a Heritage Trail
                                                                           ending at the Old Bridge School. This
                                                                           will be the safest route for pedestrians
                                                                           crossing the river. The bridge will
                                                                           connect to the South-West Highway
                                                                           underpass on the northern side of
                                                                           Serpentine River, allowing pedestrians
                                                                           to cross the highway safely. The bridge
                                                                           presents an opportunity for indigenous
                                                                           interpretation of the river.


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4. RV REST SITE AND                       5. LATERITE GRAVEL                         6. S I T E B U I L D I N G S
DUMP POINT                                CARPARK                                                                                  Street, Serpentine) This group could
                                                                                     Information Centre:
                                                                                                                                   potentially manage the site.
RV rest site and dump point to be         Low key local laterite gravel carpark to
located by to the west of the entrance,   provide 30 formal car parks, 2 formal      The Turner Cottage would serve as
                                                                                     a modest information centre where             Cultural Tours:
away from buildings. A rest site within   caravan parks and 10 RV parks. The
                                                                                     visitors can get information about the        The existing wool shed could be used
the Serpentine precinct will attract      mature existing trees are a feature of
                                                                                     town and its local attractions.               as a base for Cultural Tours. Local
travelers into the town.                  the site, having a low impact treatment
                                                                                                                                   artifacts and other significant items
                                          such as gravel will minimise root
                                                                                     Serpentine Tractor Museum:                    could be on display here,
                                          disturbance. This path would mostly
                                          use already paved ground around            The existing arts and crafts building
                                                                                     would serve well as a home for                Creative Lease:
                                          existing trees.
                                                                                     the Hugh Manning Tractor Museum               If not used for other purposes this
                                                                                     (currently located on Wellard                 building could be leased out to a

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          creative / local artist/s.                         7. POP UP COFFEE                         8. SERPENTINE COUNTRY                   9.PICNIC AMENITY
          Rest Rooms:                                                                                 MARKETS
                                                             A small space within the Turner                                                  The Serpentine Country Markets
          Restrooms could be provided at the
                                                             Cottage lot has been allocated for a     The Serpentine Country Markets          happen on the first Sunday of every
          rear of the property, adjacent the
                                                             pop up coffee vendor to operate during   happen on the first Sunday of every     Month (except October.) This is a
          events space.
                                                             certain hours and for events.            Month (except October.) This is a       great use of the space, and should be
                                                                                                      great use of the space, and should be   encouraged to keep happening on this
          Barnyard Events:
                                                                                                      encouraged to keep happening on this    site.
          The existing buildings barnyard at
          the rear of the property could be                                                           site.
          used for events such as weddings
          and functions. The open structure is
          situated in a quiet area of the site
          facing the Serpentine River.

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Composting toilets are suggested
as a more appropriate solution to
conventional toilets due to the
environmentally sensitive location
adjacent a river.
It is suggested 2 x men’s composting
toilets and 2 x women’s composting
toilets are contained in the ablution
block. These toilets will be the main
ablutions, close to the Tractor Museum
and events space. Composting toilets
systems require a 1m raised platform
for better circulation and easier
servicing. Suggested composting
toilets can be used for garden fertiliser
as part of the sustainable composting

                                            Ordinary Council Meeting - 17 August 2020
                                                       Serpentine Turner Cottage | Strategic Design Directions 15
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