Page created by Anne Brady
UAiNSIGHT                                                               MARCH | APRIL 2022

                                                                                                             MARCH | APRIL 2022

At the February 17 State of the City            for the Upper Arlington Community                for updates from the Foundation
Address and UA Community Center                 Foundation, provided an exciting update          on the many ways you can become
Joint Meeting, the community was                on their private fundraising efforts. As         involved in the weeks and months
treated to a preview of the proposed            they ready to transition to the public           ahead. For additional details, visit
floor plans and some interior and               phase of the campaign, they have       
exterior 3D renderings showing                  already met their initial $5.4 million goal
concepts of what the facility will look like.   – including a lead gift of $2 million from       Community Meeting 4
While the core building programming             Loanne Crane, in honor of her husband            Late April
remains true to recommendations from            Bob Crane. Based on that success, and            Watch for details of our fourth
the Community Center Feasibility Task           recognizing that the design team has             Community Meeting – coming in late
Force, the vision has continued to evolve       adjusted its goals for the UA Community          April – where additional details of the
in response to ongoing feedback. This           Center, the Campaign goal has been               evolving design will be unveiled.
has included adding underground                 expanded to $8 million so that the
parking, moving uses in the building            Foundation can do its part to support
to maximize efficiencies and enhance            the community’s evolving vision for this
customer convenience, and creating a            long-awaited
welcoming entry area with seating and           facility.              The second-floor Senior Lounge will look out onto an outdoor
access to a café that will be open to all.            In keeping       patio that will be used for various recreational activities.
      The full presentation, including the      with the City’s
conceptual drawings and 3D renderings           vision for creating
can be found at uacommunitycenter.              a UA Community
com. We invite and encourage you to             Center for
take a look at what is proposed and to          everyone, all
send us an email to let us know your            members of our
thoughts.                                       community are
                                                invited to be part
UA Community Center                             of this exciting
Capital Campaign                                endeavor. No gift
Margie Pizzuti, UA Community                    is too small – or
Center Capital Campaign Co-Chair                too large!! Watch
UAINSIGHT MARCH | APRIL 2022 - BI-MONTHLY NEWS FROM THE CITY OF UPPER ARLINGTON, UPPER ARLINGTON SCHOOLS & UPPER ARLINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY                             MARCH | APRIL 2022                          CityiNSIGHT                          3

2021 Community Awards Recipients Announced
A long-held tradition for the City at the    support to 800 families to help them find    Trustees; 2021 Volunteer for UA Stage
start of each year is a celebration of       housing and food for their families.         and Golden Bear Scare. Ann generously
the best in our community, through the            Our congratulations to the following    shares her time, talents, and money with
annual Community Awards program. At          nominees: Kim Starr, Krystin Macaluso,       the community she loves. Most notably,
the 2022 State of the City Address and       Katie White & Jennifer Sega, Equal UA,       she contributed to the 2018 UA Centen-
UA Community Center joint meeting, we        Gloria Heydlauff, Chris Potts.               nial Legacy Project, by sponsoring one of
announced our 2021 winners:                                                               the stations on the Centennial Plaza and
                                             Community Safety                             History Walk in honor of her parents.
Business                                     Hare Family
Gallo’s Kitchen                              The Hare family’s                            Youth
Tommy Gallo puts his entire soul into        life was turned                              Tess Short
the food he serves! The pasta sauce he       upside down                                  After her
makes daily was his grandfather’s recipe,    when their son                               brother was
and he is visibly proud of carrying on       was born with                                diagnosed with
that family tradition. On any given night,   rare infant                                  a rare form of
you will see Tommy warmly greeting his       leukemia. As                                 cancer, Tess (a
patrons, often sharing an embrace or a       they navigated                               3rd grader at
laugh. Tommy’s energy is infectious and      an eight-month                               the time) began
he frequently brings out free samples        in-patient hos-                              to worry about
of different dishes for his regulars to      pital stay, they                             her brother and
try. Staffing and supply shortages have      founded The                                  her parents. Tess
been a huge challenge to overcome,           Callahan Murphy Hare Foundation to           re-discovered a
but somehow Tommy pulls off amazing          raise critical funds for pediatric cancer    bear her broth-
menus night after night. Gallo’s Kitchen     research. In just five months, their foun-   ers had given her when she was born.
is a neighborhood gathering place and        dation raised over $50,000 and started       This helped comfort her and manage
part of the community’s fabric.              by contributing to innovative research       her worries. One day, Tess decided to
                                             at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. The       write a story titled, The Worry-Free Bear,
Community Enrichment                         Hares have big plans for their foundation    about a girl who is battling cancer. Tess
UA Gives Back                                to further support the need to do better     showed her story to several teachers and
When the pan-                                for our children.                            classmates at Greensview Elementary.
demic hit, Kelly                                                                          They loved it and decided to publish the
Cantwell started                             Senior                                       book to raise money for childhood
a group called                               Ann Gabriel                                  cancer research AND to provide books
UA Gives Back                                Ann has been                                 and Worry-Free Bears to patients and
on Facebook,                                 devoted to UA                                siblings battling cancer. Tess’ positive
with Elizabeth                               for decades.                                 attitude and constant smile is
Blank, a teacher                             Since her retire-                            contagious, so it was no surprise that
at Hastings,                                 ment from OU                                 the communities of Greensview, UA, and
and Genny                                    in 2019, she has                             beyond rallied behind her, the Short
Futrell. They                                dedicated her                                family and this project, to generously
have support-                                time to serv-                                fund 500 books and 525 stuffed bears.
ed a number of non-profits including         ing as a senior                                    Our congratulations to the
Home For Families (HFF), Heart to Heart      volunteer in the                             following nominees: Kennedy Beebe,
Food Pantry, Student Success Stores,         civic, governmental, professional and        Jiwon Son, Girl Scout Troop 6205–
Star House, Moms2Be, Open Shelter            philanthropic arenas. Her current and        Kathryn O’Brien, Cate Seabloom,
and others. With 600+ members in the         most recent volunteer activities include:    Charlotte Davis, Kaydence Baker; Leah
group, their favorite organization has       Treasurer, UA Community Foundation;          DeCapua.
been HFF, providing 150 backpacks            Treasurer, Riverside Child Care Center,
filled with school supplies the past two     Riverside United Methodist Church;               For more on our nominees and
years and gifts to 100 children over the     Citizen Financial Review Task Force,         winners, visit
past two holiday seasons. HFF provides       Chair (2019); former UA Library Board of
4         CityiNSIGHT                                                  MARCH | APRIL 2022             

                                               (like a bright yellow line), but property    trees in the right-of-way. Those trees are
                                               owners are still responsible for knowing     usually between the sidewalk and the
                                               where the right-of-way is. To find the       road in what is called the “tree lawn.”
You just got notice that the City is           right-of-way on your property visit the
planning a project near your property.         *GIS portal at: https://upperarlingtonoh.    Can I put signs in the right-of-
It could be a road construction project,       gov/resources/gis-maps/. The City does       way?
underground utility work or even a             limit what you can put in the right-of-way   No. Signs and banners must be located
sidewalk project. The notice you got says      and if you violate those limits, the City    on your property and not in the right-of-
the City will be working in the right-of-      isn’t responsible for damage to things       way. This includes yard signs and large
way and you think “Wait. Right-of-What         that are not supposed to be there.           banners, such as graduation banners.
the !@#!!?”                                          Here are a few of our frequently
     The official definition of right-of-way   asked questions:                             Is the City required to give me
is the legal right, established by usage
                                                                                            notice before something is done
or grant, to pass along a specific route       What am I responsible for in the             in my right-of-way?
through grounds or property belonging          right-of-way, and what is the City           The City is not required to provide
to another. In simple terms, the City has      responsible for?                             notice, but we do whenever it isn’t an
the right to work on roads and the land        The City is responsible for roads, water     emergency. However, we try hard to let
adjacent to them, including sidewalks.         mains and sewer mains in the right-of-       residents know well in advance if we are
These rights are established by the Ohio       way. Under the UA Code of Ordinances         going to be in the right-of-way on their
Revised Code, City of UA ordinances            you, as a homeowner, are responsible for     property.
and the original subdivision plats.            maintaining sidewalks, driveways, and
     So, what is the purpose of right-of-      mowing the grass in the right-of-way.        What about sidewalks?
way and why is it wider than the street?
                                                                                            The short answer is property owners are
Right-of-way is essential to providing
                                               Can I plant trees in the right-of-           responsible for maintaining sidewalks
many services to your home. It includes
                                               way?                                         in the right-of-way. There is, however,
the things you can see like the road,
                                               Trees and landscaping are allowed in         much more information about sidewalks
curbs and sidewalks. It’s also used for
                                               the Right-of-way. To plant a tree in the     available. Look for more information in a
public infrastructure and utilities you
                                               right-of-way you need to obtain a Street     future edition of UA Insight.
can’t see including sewer, water, gas,
                                               Tree Work Permit from the City Forester,
fiber and lighting conduit. Whenever
                                               available at https://upperarlingtonoh.       *GIS data for right-of-way is taken from the
possible, utilities are placed next to the
                                      Be aware that you       Franklin County Auditor and is accurate
road instead of under it which makes it                                                     most of the time in the City’s experience.
                                               plant at your own risk. If the City needs
easier to maintain them. The right-of-                                                      In order to verify this data, property pins
                                               to remove something in the right-of-way,
way boundaries were also set up with                                                        (metal pins) locations must be confirmed in
                                               we are not obligated to compensate you
the future in mind and allow the City to                                                    the field. For City projects, this verification
                                               or replace it beyond putting down grass
change our road and sidewalk network                                                        is done during the design or construction
                                               seed. In Upper Arlington, however, it has
and evolve with the community.                                                              survey.
                                               been long standing policy that the City
     There isn’t a strong visual cue that
                                               will take responsibility for City planted
indicates where the right-of-way ends

    UA Click2Fix                                                                               CityiNSIGHT
                                                                                                BI-MONTHLY NEWS FROM THE CITY OF UPPER ARLINGTON

 Visit the AppleApp or GooglePlay                                                                              Production:
 store and search UA Click2Fix to                                                                Emma Speight, Community Affairs Director
                                                                                                Phone: 614-583-5045 |
 download our new smartphone
 reporting app. Residents can use the
 app to submit requests or notify the
 City of issues such as potholes, street-
 light outages, damaged street trees,                                                                  City of Upper Arlington
 etc. You can also view the construction                                                                  3600 Tremont Road
                                                                                                       Upper Arlington, Ohio 43221
 update map and contact staff using
                                                                                                         Phone: 614-583-5000
 the app’s Directory. Call Public                                                              
 Service at 614-583-5350 if you have
 any questions.                                                                               
UAINSIGHT MARCH | APRIL 2022 - BI-MONTHLY NEWS FROM THE CITY OF UPPER ARLINGTON, UPPER ARLINGTON SCHOOLS & UPPER ARLINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY                             MARCH | APRIL 2022                           CityiNSIGHT                            5

2 0 22 C A P I TA L I M P RO V E M E N T P RO G R A M
Fishinger Road Phase I                       approaches. For 2022, sections of the              tation and sewer lining and includes
Long awaited improvements to Fishinger       following streets are scheduled for this           sewers between Surrey Hill Place,
Road begin in 2022. Phase I runs from        extensive maintenance and repair work:             Mountview Road, Fishinger Road,
Mountview Road to Tremont Road, with         Bedford, Chelsea, Cimmaron and West-               and Lytham Road.
full street reconstruction, new curb         minster roads, Benderton and Elderberry      •     A five-foot-wide sidewalk will be
and gutter, improved LED streetlights,       courts, Onandaga and Rosebery drives.              installed on the west side of North
new sidewalks and a shared-use path.                                                            Star Road between Zollinger and
Concurrent with these improvements, a        Street Maintenance Program                         Fishinger.
new waterline will be installed along this   Sections of 17 streets are scheduled for     •     The Wakefield Forest neighborhood
entire section of Fishinger.                 street maintenance work, which compris-            will undergo sidewalk improve-
                                             es street resurfacing and spot curb and            ments, including a new section on
McCoy Road Phase II                          gutter repairs: Baronsmede, Lytham and             the north side of Trentwood Road
The final phase of work on McCoy Road        Watergate courts, Brixton, Clairemont,             between Northwest and North Star,
– resurfacing and spot curb and gutter       Northam, North Star, Riverhill and Wad-            and a new section on the west side
repairs, between Riverside Drive and         dington roads, Chelton Place, Eastcleft,           of Mt Holyoke Road, between Trent-
Woodbridge Road – will be undertaken         Edgehill, Hillside, Love, Lyon and Onan-           wood and Zollinger.
in 2022.                                     dage drives, and Shelbourne Lane.
                                                                                          Full project details - including an
                                             Other Highlights                             interactive GIS Story Map can be found
Street Reconstruction Program
                                                                                          under the Construction Updates page, at
Street reconstruction projects are com-      •   The Sustainable Sewer Solutions
prised of full pavement replacement,             Program has expanded to acceler-
new curb and gutter and new driveway             ate our efforts in manhole rehabili-

  FROM CHAMBERS |                                     Highlights of City Council & Its Policy Decisions

The 2022-23 City Council convened for
the first time on January 10, at which
time the four successful candidates were
sworn into office for their 2022-25 terms.
Additionally, Council as a Whole select-
ed Brendan King to serve as President
and Brian Close to serve as Vice Presi-
dent for 2022-2023. These two positions
also serve as Mayor and Vice Mayor for
ceremonial duties.
     Business also included Council
Member assignments to various entities,
•    Mid-Ohio Regional Planning 		                  FROM LEFT: Michaela Burriss, Jim Lynch, Brendan King (President), Kathy Adams,
     Commission - Michaela Burriss                      Brian Close (Vice President), John Kulewicz, Ukeme Awakessien Jeter
•    Upper Arlington Commission on
     Aging – Kathy Adams, Jim Lynch              Brian Close, John Kulewicz                   the City’s event calendar at
•    Upper Arlington Leadership              •   City Council’s Financial Policies   in advance of
     Program – Ukeme Awakessien Jeter            Subcommittee – Kathy Adams, John             meetings, in the event of any schedule
•    Community Improvement 		                    Kulewicz, Jim Lynch                          adjustments or cancellations. If you have
     Corporation - Ukeme Awakessien                                                           questions, contact the City Clerk’s Office,
     Jeter, Michaela Burriss, Brian Close    Council meetings are typically held the          at 614-583-5030.
•    City Council’s Rules Review Subcom-     first, second and third Mondays of each
     mittee - Ukeme Awakessien Jeter,        month, beginning at 7 pm. Please check
6        CityiNSIGHT                                                MARCH | APRIL 2022         

                               CITY MANAGER UPDATE                                                       Steve Schoeny

                               Won’t You Be Our Neighbor?

In the spirit of broadening our
communications reach here at the City,
I had been considering the launch
of a podcast for several months. It all
came into focus early in the New Year.
Thanks to some creative thinking, good
timing and opportunity, Won’t You Be
Our Neighbor emerged as a title that
encapsulates all that we hope to achieve
– a relaxed, welcoming venue for sharing
City news and service updates, and for        Neighbor took to the airwaves mid-         •   Basketball legend and Honorary
highlighting and engaging with our            January, and to date, we haven’t looked        Co-Chair of the UA Community
many impressive friends and neighbors         back! In addition to featuring members         Foundation’s Community Center
through casual conversation. And if you       of our City team who have been sharing         Capital Campaign, Bill Hosket
haven’t already guessed from the play         timely updates on various projects, our    •   Katie Smith, another basketball
on words and red cardigans, we have Mr.       guests so far have included:                   legend who has chosen to make UA
Rogers to thank for our inspiration.          •   The outgoing Chair of the                  her home and now shares her skills
     With the eager and able assistance           Community Relations Committee,             as assistant coach for the UA High
of my trusty sidekick, City Attorney              Floyd Akins (pictured with us above        School girls team
Darren Shulman, Won’t You Be Our                  for our inaugural podcast)             •   Matt Boaz, the UA Schools’
                                                                                             Executive Director of Diversity
Parks & Recreation Sponsorship Opportunities                                                 Equity and Inclusion

Each year, the City’s Parks & Recreation                                                      As each podcast is completed,
Department hosts a series of popular,                                                    we are sharing them via our website,
family-friendly special events that attract                                              and through our weekly City Insight
thousands of attendees and support                                                       e-newsletter – if you’ve not net registered
UA’s strong sense of community. For                                                      for email updates from the City, now
2022, we invite you to elevate your                                                      might be the time to make sure you are
business presence in UA by partnering                                                    hearing from us regularly. See page 8 for
with us as a community event sponsor.                                                    City e-News details.
We offer a range of sponsorship levels                                                        We hope to produce a minimum
that provide extensive exposure for your                                                 of two podcasts each month, and while
business and help build your brand as a                                                  we already have a long list of residents
proactive supporter of community pro-                                                    who are likely to be invited to join us
gramming. Opportunities exist for the                                                    as guests, we are looking for additional
following events:                                                                        suggestions from the community.
                                              •    Music in the Parks concert series
• Upper Arlington Labor Day Arts                                                         Similarly, if there’s an event, program or
                                                    To learn more about how you can
     Festival                                                                            issue that you would like us to highlight,
                                              partner with UA Parks & Recreation as a
• Spring Fling, Summer Celebration,                                                      we’re all ears. Send your thoughts and
                                              2022 Community Event Sponsor, please
     Fall Fest and Winter Festival                                                       suggestions to
                                              call 614-583-5300 or send an email to
• Cycle UA
UAINSIGHT MARCH | APRIL 2022 - BI-MONTHLY NEWS FROM THE CITY OF UPPER ARLINGTON, UPPER ARLINGTON SCHOOLS & UPPER ARLINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY                               MARCH | APRIL 2022                        CityiNSIGHT                             7

PLAY UA Financial Assistance Program
UA Parks & Recreation recently
launched the PLAY UA Financial
Assistance Program, designed to
support community members who face
financial barriers that may prevent them
from participating in the department’s
     PLAY UA builds upon previous
efforts to provide access to recreation
programs for all in the community, such
as the Recreation FUNd established
in 2014 by the Upper Arlington
Community Foundation. It is designed
to meet affordability and accessibility
goals identified through the 2018 Parks
& Recreation Comprehensive Plan                membership fees.                          work in Upper Arlington. The program
process that were endorsed by both                  The PLAY UA Financial Assistance     is not available for daily admission fees
City Council and the Parks & Recreation        Program will provide a 50% reduction      or facility rentals. Assistance will be
Advisory Board. Most recently, the             for most program and membership           awarded as funds are available.
Community Center Feasibility Task              fees – including summer and winter             Full program details can be found
Force recommended the formation                camps (with a cap of $400 for summer      under the Parks & Recreation section
of a financial assistance program that         day camp assistance), Safety Town, and    of our website, at upperarlingtonoh.
would provide access to the future UA          membership passes for pools, tennis       gov. If you have questions, contact the
Community Center, funded through a             and the Senior Center’s Studio 55 – for   department at 614-583-5300 or
set aside of a portion of program and          qualifying residents and those who

Coexisting With Local Wildlife
As Central Ohio continues to grow, the                                                   •   Store any food kept outside or in
                                               •   Bag your trash and don’t overfill
abundance of wildlife is adapting to                                                         your garage in rodent-proof con-
                                                   your trash container to be sure the
dwindling natural habitats and capital-                                                      tainers, such as galvanized cans with
                                                   lid is securely closed.
izing on new food sources and nesting                                                        tight-fitting lids.
                                               •   Place containers at the curb no
opportunities. Most times we can coexist                                                 •   Limit how much birdfeed you place
                                                   sooner than the evening prior to
peacefully with the array of birds, rabbits,                                                 in feeders. Put out only enough for
                                                   your regular collection day.
squirrels and other creatures that take up                                                   the daytime and regularly remove
                                               •   Once collected, return trash con-
residence in our yards and public parks,                                                     any birdfeed that falls to the ground.
                                                   tainers to an enclosure, such as a
but some wildlife can become unwel-                                                      •   If you feed pets outside, only leave
                                                   garage or shed.
come “tenants,” causing destruction to                                                       the food out for as long as it takes
property and, in some cases, posing a                                                        for your pet to finish eating.
                                               Maintain Your Yard
health risk.                                                                             •   Pick up any fallen tree fruit or gar-
                                               •  Don’t let yard waste accumulate.
     When faced with these types of                                                          den vegetables.
                                               •  Regularly cut grass and weeds in the
nuisances, it’s important to address it in a
                                                  growing season.
way that adheres to the Ohio Division of                                                        If you do run into an issue with wild-
                                               •  Haul away any leftover building/
Wildlife’s control laws and for all of us to                                             life, the City has a contract with SCRAM!
                                                  project materials.
take the following measures as a matter                                                  Wildlife Control, a division of the Ohio
                                               •  Stack firewood on racks or pallets
of routine practice:                                                                     Wildlife Center, to provide wildlife
                                                  that are at least six inches off the
                                                  ground.                                management services to residents and
Managing Your Trash and Recycling                                                        businesses. Visit our Animal & Wildlife
•  Place trash and recycling out weekly                                                  Resources page, at upperarlingtonoh.
                                               Remove Possible Food Sources
   for pickup. Do not allow trash to                                                     gov for additional information.
                                               •  Clean up any pet waste daily.
   accumulate on your property.
8        CityiNSIGHT                                                MARCH | APRIL 2022         


Public Meetings                             •    Federal Form 1040, Federal Sched-       this effort has yielded a $90,000 grant
CITY CLERK’S OFFICE        614-583-5030          ules C, E & F, Federal forms K-1,       from the U.S. Department of Justice,
A full list of public meetings can be            2106 (if applicable).                   approximately one third of the initial
found on our Events calendar, at            •    Addresses and dates for each            program start-up costs. Highlights of              location in which you resided during
upcoming Council agendas are shared              2021                                    Fire Hydrant Flushing
on Facebook, with meetings live-                  The City’s Finance Department is       April 25-May 6
streamed. Follow @CityofUA for updates!     also available for in-person assistance,     FIRE DIVISION 614-583-5100
                                            and taxpayers can drop off their infor-      Fire hydrant flushing will occur week-
City e-News                                 mation at convenient, secure drop boxes      days, April 25-May 6. This is part of an
Get timely service news and special         at either the RITA/Worthington location      annual fire hydrant maintenance
project updates from the City by e-mail:    or the Municipal Services Center Kenny       program that keeps hydrants in operable
•   City Insight - weekly e-news on City    Road parking lot.                            condition.
    services, special projects & events                                                        Most residents will notice no dif-
•   Activity Link - monthly updates from    Statewide Tornado Drill                      ference in their water supply, but a few
    Parks & Recreation                      9:50 am, Wednesday, March 23                 could experience water discoloration
•   Arts Link - monthly art updates                          after flushing has taken place. Refrain
•   Sentinel - monthly program updates      As part of Ohio’s Spring Severe Weather      from doing laundry on the day hydrants
    from the Senior Center                  Awareness Week, Franklin County              are flushed in your area. Before resum-
                                            Emergency Management and Homeland            ing laundering, partially fill washers on
Visit the Connect section of our website,
                                            Security will participate in the annual      the cold setting until the water runs clear
at to register.
                                            statewide tornado drill. This is a timely    Run a sample of water into a transpar-
                                            reminder of how important it is to have      ent container to check for settling or
2021 Income Tax Filings
                                            an emergency plan–both at home and at        discoloration. Once the water is clear,
Deadline: Monday, April 18
                                            work–and to practice it.                     the washer can be spun out to drain the
                                                                                         tub for a normal laundry load. Turn on
All residents aged 18 years and over
                                            Permit Portal                                all faucets and allow water to run until
must file an annual income tax return
                                            RESOURCES | PERMIT PORTAL                    it appears clear. Some may experience
with the City, regardless of whether any
                                                            staining of clothes despite these notices.
tax is due. The City uses the services of
                                            The City has transitioned its application    Clothes should be kept damp or wet
the Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA)
                                            processes online via the Permit Portal       to prevent the stains from setting. “Rust
for the processing of UA income taxes.
                                            on our website, making it possible to        removers” or “rust fighters” are carried
As an extra service for RITA taxpayers,
                                            conduct business with us online in most      among cleaning products at grocery and
RITA provides on site municipal income
                                            instances. Just look for the Permit Portal   hardware stores.
tax return assistance each spring free of
                                            icon under the Resources section of our            Visit the Fire Prevention page on our
charge at its various locations. Agents
                                            website to get started.                      website to view this year’s schedule and
can answer questions, take payments
and assist with RITA municipal income
tax preparation. RITA’s Worthington of-     Body Worn Camera Grant
fice, located at 760 Lakeview Plaza Bou-    POLICE                     614-583-5150      Change Your Clock,
levard, Suite 400, is providing in person   The Police Division’s new Body Worn          Change Your Battery®
taxpayer assistance Monday-Friday, from     Camera program represents a significant      Sunday, March 13
9 am-4 pm. Please bring all necessary       but important investment for the City. As    To kick off Daylight Savings Time, clocks
documents, including:                       such, the Police Division has been doing     “spring forward” at 2 am, Sunday
•     W-2 Forms from all employers, and     its due diligence to pursue available        morning. The Fire Division reminds
      any W-2G Forms and 1099-MISC          grants to help offset the costs associated   you this is a good time to change the
      Forms.                                with the program. In late December           batteries in your home’s smoke alarms.
                                            2021, the division was notified that         To stay safe, replacing batteries in all
UAINSIGHT MARCH | APRIL 2022 - BI-MONTHLY NEWS FROM THE CITY OF UPPER ARLINGTON, UPPER ARLINGTON SCHOOLS & UPPER ARLINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY                             MARCH | APRIL 2022                            CityiNSIGHT                          9

smoke alarms should be done at least         Saturday mornings from 9-Noon. Here            requires a permit. The permitting and
once a year. In addition, smoke alarms       are dates for the Spring:                      inspection process allows our staff to
should be tested once a month and if an      •   March 26 - Smith Nature Park               ensure that new and remodeled build-
alarm chirps, warning the battery is low,    •   April 16 - Northwest Kiwanis Park          ings meet State and City minimum
replace the battery right away.              •   May 14 - Smith Nature Park                 building codes and standards. This not
                                                                                            only ensures that your project is safe but
Safety Town Registration                     Citizen Camera Partnership                     starting a project without a permit could
Sessions: June 20-24, June 27-July 1,        POLICE                        614-583-5150     result in a “stop work” order, addition-
July 11-15, July 18-22                       The increase of home security video            al fees and in some cases a need to
POLICE                    614-583-5150       devices has helped the Police Division         remove the work already completed and
Safety Town is a two-week summer             identify and prosecute several incidents.      start from scratch.
preschool program that teaches children      Recognizing the value of these technol-             Examples of projects that require a
all aspects of safety. They learn about      ogies in preventing and solving criminal       permit include:
pedestrian safety by tricycling about a      activity, the division launched the Citizen    •    Constructing a deck
miniature village complete with streets,     Camera Partnership, an opt-in program          •    Finishing or altering a basement
sidewalks, buildings, stop signs and         designed to build a database of proper-        •    If framing is removed/added to a
a working traffic signal. Registration       ties with video cameras.                            kitchen/bathroom or the layout is
begins at 6 am, on Wednesday, March                By registering, residents and busi-           altered
23 for residents, and at 6 am on Friday,     nesses are simply letting UA Police know       •    If non-load-bearing walls and/
March 25 for non-residents. The cost is      that cameras are in use on their property,          or soffits are removed, altered or
$100, and children entering kindergar-       with Police only requesting access to               added
ten and first grade are eligible, but must   video footage following a crime or other       •    Adding a porch or covered entry
be five years of age prior to September      notable safety incident in the immedi-         •    Building a fence or replacing an
30, 2022. Please note that classes fill      ate area. The database is secure, with              existing fence
quickly.                                     registered participants’ information kept      •    If roof decking, exterior sheeting
                                             private and confidential.                           or framing is replaced, along with
                                                   Visit the Police section of the City’s        shingles or siding
Friends of UA Parks
                                             website for additional details and to          •    If an exterior wall and/or header
                                             register.                                           framing is altered during window
Friends of Upper Arlington Parks is a
volunteer group that works with the
City’s Parks & Forestry Division on inva-    Building Permit Reminders
sive plant control projects and native       DEVELOPMENT                   614-583-5070
plant restoration in UA Parks. The group     If you have plans to remodel part of your
meets regularly throughout the year on       home, our Community Development
                                             Department can help with an important
                                             first step: checking to see if your project

Community Special Event Application Process Updates
The City has changed the application                                     Application Timeline
and permitting process for community
special events that require use of City       City Staff will review event applications per the following schedule:
property and/or City logistical and           For Events Held:                       Application Deadline     Review Date
planning support.
                                              July 1 – September 30                  April 18                 May 4
     An online application form is to be
                                              October 1 – December 31                July 18                  August 3
used for all event proposals that involve
use of public streets, parks or other City    January 1, 2023 – March 31             October 17               November 2
property. It can be accessed at https://             Also new for 2022 is a Park Use                If you have questions, contact Parks
     Separate applications are available     Permit for groups wishing to hold small        & Recreation at 614-583-5300. For walks
for Block Parties, Mobile Demonstrations     activities in a City park that won’t disrupt   and runs, contact the City Manager’s
and Car Washes.                              typical park uses.                             Office, at 614-583-5040.
10                               CityiNSIGHT                                                   MARCH | APRIL 2022      

                                      Recycling Program Expands to Include
                                                                                                      Seasonal Employment

                                      Paper and Plastic Cups
                                      The Rumpke Recycling facility recently announced it has
                                      added several types of cups to the list of accepted items,
                                      expanding the list of recyclable items to the following:
                                      •   Cartons (milk, juice, etc.) - remove caps and straws.
                                      •   Glass Bottles & Jars - all colors of glass accepted.
                                      •   Metal Cans (soup, soda, etc.) - labels are accepted.
                                          Remove aerosol tips.
                                      •   Plastic Bottles, Jugs and Tubs (shampoo, detergent,
                                          butter, sour cream, cottage cheese tubs, yogurt, fruit
                                          cups, etc.) – lids and labels accepted.
                                      •   Paper Cups - poly-lined paper cups such as dis-
                                          posable “to-go” coffee cups. Paper sleeves are also
                                          accepted. Throw plastic lids away.
                                      •   Plastic Cups (fast food cups) - empty them, remove
                                          straws and place the plastic lids back on; please
                                          avoid throwing the lids loosely into the cart.
                                      •   Aluminum Cups - used at many stadiums and some
                                          dedicated outdoor refreshment areas (DORAs)                 It may be the start of the New Year but UA’s Parks & Recreation
                                      •   Paper & Cardboard - break down and flatten card-            Department is already focused on securing the many seasonal
                                          board boxes.                                                employees needed for a successful summer of youth camps,
                                                                                                      days at the pool, tennis programming and more. Opportunities
                                           Some cups remain on the list of items that can’t be
                                                                                                      exist for teens, college students and teachers looking to
                                      recycled at this time - this includes disposable plastic
                                                                                                      fill their summers with rewarding experiences and a useful
                                      party cups, styrofoam cups, and K-cups.
                                                                                                      paycheck, as well as for adults and recent retirees with some
                                           All recyclables should be placed loose in your recy-
                                                                                                      extra time on their hands who would like to support their
                                      cling container.
                                                                                                      community and enjoy the great outdoors.
                                           For full details, visit our Solid Waste Services page at
                                                                                                             Seasonal positions exist in the following areas:
                                                                                                      •     Pools: management positions, lifeguards, office support
                                      e-Waste Drop-off at Public Service Center                             (lifeguard certification courses are provided)
                                      The City now offers a convenient location for recycling         •     Summer camps: various camp leader and manager
                                      electronic waste (e-waste). Items can be dropped off                  positions
                                      Monday-Friday, 7 am-4 pm at the Public Service Center,          •     Parks
                                      located at 4100 Roberts Road. Please do not discard                   maintenance:
                                      e-waste in your household trash. A full list of accepted              various three-
                                      items can be found on our Solid Waste Services page, at               nine month
                                           If you have any questions or need additional                     available
                                      information, contact our Public Service Department at           •     Tennis:
                                      614-583-5350 or                              various facility
                                                                                                      •     Rental facilities: various support positions
                                                                                                      •     Safety Town: teachers and classroom assistants

                                                                                                          Check out our new seasonal recruitment video on the
                                                                                                      Employment section of our website, at
                                                                                                      To submit an application, visit
SchoolsiNSIGHT                                                                                                                 LI
                                                                                                                                    N G TO N

                                                                                                                    P E R AR

                                                                                                                                               HOOL S
  B I - M O N T H LY N E W S F R O M U P P E R A R L I N GTO N S C H O O L S
                                                                                               MARCH | APRIL 2022

                                                                                                                                   .   1918

   Listen, Learn and
   Lead for Our Schools
This spring, the Upper Arlington Board              Through this process, the Board       world experience that will serve them
of Education is launching a community         of Education hopes to encourage             well into their futures.”
engagement process to listen, learn and       meaningful and open dialogue involving           More details are being shared
lead by hearing from as many students,        as many stakeholders and as many            via a direct mailing from the Board of
families, community members and staff         different viewpoints as possible. This      Education to all households in Upper
members as possible in an effort to help      process will offer multiple opportunities   Arlington and will be published on
Upper Arlington Schools be the best it        and modes for individuals to provide        the district website, www.uaschools.
can be – for many years to come.              feedback in the way that is most            org/ListenLearnLead.aspx. Due to
       “The world is changing so quickly,     convenient and comfortable to them.         publishing deadlines, these details were
it is really important that we adjust               “Everything we do comes back          not available before the printing of this
and adapt to meet the needs of our            to our students and how we can best         newsletter.
students today,” said Board of Education      support them in their academic journey           “We see this process as a first step
President Lori Trent. “We are incredibly      here and their next steps in life,” Trent   for us as a community,” Trent said. “The
fortunate to have so many community           said. “We also hope this process serves     Board of Education wants to gather as
members interested and invested in our        as an opportunity for our students to       much feedback as possible, through
schools. With all of these voices, it’s our   learn and lead by helping to facilitate     as many methods as possible, over
goal to gather input and ideas to push        these community conversations — which       the coming months with the hope
us forward as a district — to benefit our     will provide them with lifelong, real-      of encouraging ongoing community
students today and well into the future.”                                                 engagement going forward.”
12        SchoolsiNSIGHT                                                          MARCH | APRIL 2022  

                            SUPERINTENDENT UPDATES                                                            Paul Imhoff, Ed.D.
                            Engagement Process Builds on UA’s Enduring
                            Commitment to Education

                                              contributions to the Columbus area and,         and effort to honoring Black History
                                              specifically, the area that became known        Month in our schools — which supports
                                              as Upper Arlington. The contributions           our continuing commitment to diversity,
                                              of the Litchford family are among the           equity and inclusion in our schools.
March is here, and it gives us all hope for
                                              many pieces of our local history that we
warmer weather and clear skies ahead.
                                              are sharing with students as we work to         Paul Imhoff, Ed.D. is superintendent of
     Another exciting thing on the
                                              ensure we are teaching the full history of      Upper Arlington Schools. You can follow
horizon for us this spring is the first
                                              our community.                                  him on Twitter @imhoffpaul.
phase of the Board of Education’s
                                                   I’d like to thank our staff members
community engagement process.
                                              and students who have dedicated time
     One thing that sets Upper Arlington
apart is our community’s commitment to
and support of education. We know that             2022 UPPER ARLINGTON BOARD OF EDUCATION
we are at our best as a district when we
are actively working with our community
to plan for the needs of our students.
     We look forward to supporting the
Board of Education in this process and
to having the chance to gather for great
discussions. Please keep an eye on the
mail for more information on the many
different opportunities for community
members to get involved and share their

Black History Month                                      Board of Education
One of the highlights of the winter was                  Top Row From Left:
Black History Month, when we honor                   President Lori Trent, Vice
the contributions and the experience of            President Jenny McKenna,
Black Americans throughout the history                           Nancy Drees
of our country.                                    Bottom Row Nidhi Satiani,
     For this year’s celebrations, Upper                           Lou Sauter
Arlington Schools came alongside
other Upper Arlington community
organizations to create a lineup of
programming for community members,
students and families.
                                               Thanks to a partnership with the City of Upper Arlington, Board of Education
     Throughout the month of February,
                                               meetings take place in the Council Chamber of the City’s Municipal Services
our students engaged in several learning
                                               Center, 3600 Tremont Road. In general, meetings begin at 6 pm on the second
opportunities and experiences for Black
                                               Tuesday of each month. Some exceptions apply, and last-minute scheduling
History Month. These opportunities
                                               changes are possible. Please refer to for the most up-to-date
spanned all grade levels and enhanced
our students’ learning in literacy, social
studies, the arts and much more.
     One of the many important people
                                               Upcoming Board of Education Meetings:
                                               •    Tuesday, March 8, 6 pm — Council Chamber
students have learned about is Pleasant
                                               •    Tuesday, April 12, 6 pm — Council Chamber
Litchford, who made many important                      MARCH | APRIL 2022                                 SchoolsiNSIGHT                                                 13

Treasurer’s Notes                                                                   SchoolsiNSIGHT
Andrew L. Geistfeld
                                                                                     BI-MONTHLY NEWS FROM UPPER ARLINGTON SCHOOLS
Upper Arlington Schools is committed
to being a good steward of our                                                                                                  LI
                                                                                                                                     N G TO N
                                                                                      Karen Truett

                                                                                                                     P E R AR

community’s investment in our schools,                                                Director of Communications

                                                                                                                                                HOOL S
and we take this commitment very                                                      Phone: 614-487-5027

seriously. Effective and efficient use                                                                   1918

of our financial resources is crucial to
                                                                                            Upper Arlington Schools
ensuring that we can provide the high-                                                              1619 Zollinger Road
quality educational experiences that our                                                        Upper Arlington, Ohio 43221
students deserve and our community                                                        Phone: 614-487-5000 |
     Every year, we rely on external, third-party review of our                      
finances by the state auditor’s office. A team from the auditor’s                    
offices delves into our financial records and reviews our practices.
     This year, our district again earned a clean audit opinion
- recognizing our commitment to effective and accountable
financial practices for our community.
                                                                          2021-22 SCHOOL DATES
     We also continue to be one of a handful of Ohio school               End of Second Trimester (Kindergarten-Grade 5)
districts that has the highest bond rating — AAA — from Standard          and Third Quarter (Grades 6-12)
& Poor’s. Two of the key factors in achieving this rating are our         Friday, March 11
financial planning and our strong community support. The rating
allows the district to obtain lower interest rates when issuing debt,     Spring Break
decreasing the costs for our community.                                   Monday, March 14 - Friday, March 18
     Both our clean audit opinion and our high bond rating are
good news for our district and our community. As we move                  No School for Students; Staff Report Per Schedule
forward in the 2022 calendar year, we are keeping a close eye on          Monday, March 21
several things that may impact our finances — inflation, enrollment
growth and the decision to delay an operating levy for two years          No School for Students & Staff
as a result of the pandemic and the economic situation.                   Friday, April 15
     As of this fall, it will have been five years since we last went
to voters to request additional operating funding. Over the past          No School for Students and Staff; Election Day
two years, in the absence of new operating funding, we have               Tuesday, May 3
creatively stretched our financial resources by reducing our
budget reserve; seeking out approximately $4.6 million in cost            Upper Arlington High School Commencement
reductions, primarily through a three-year hiring freeze on new           Sunday, May 29
positions; and utilizing additional COVID-related funding made
available to school districts.                                            No School for Students and Staff; Memorial Day
     Even with the proactive steps we have taken, our                     Monday, May 30
expenditures are already outpacing our revenue. This is a typical
levy cycle for a school district, and it’s why school districts usually   Last Day for Students
go back to voters every three years to request new operating              Wednesday, June 1
funding.                                                                  Dismissal at 1 pm for elementary students; 1:30 pm for
     As we go forward in the 2022 calendar year, the Board of             secondary students
Education will continue to discuss how it will address the district’s
future financial needs.                                                   Staff Report Per Schedule
     If you would like to learn more about the district’s finances,       Thursday, June 2
please visit our website,, or contact
me at
                                                                                    For the full 2021-2022 school
                                                                                          year calendar, visit:
14       SchoolsiNSIGHT                                                    MARCH | APRIL 2022    

BITES From the Apple
Greensview’s Rock-a-Thon has                 Land On A Cure Foundation to support       — who were selected for and performed
                                             an Upper Arlington Schools family          with the 2022 All-State Orchestra at the
Record Year
                                             whose son has a rare genetic disorder.     convention.
This year’s Rock-a-Thon at Greensview
Elementary School was one for the                                                           “This is such a well-deserved honor
record books. It was the 20th year for       Orchestra Teacher Honored at               for Chris,” said Andy Hatton, Ed.D.,
the service-learning project, and, with      the State Level                            Associate Superintendent of Learning
approximately $10,000 raised, it was the     Upper                                      and Leadership. “He is always going
most successful Rock-a-Thon to date.         Arlington                                  above and beyond for kids.”
     Rock-a-Thon is one of the long-         Schools                                        Lape has been with the district since
standing service-learning projects           teacher Chris                              2017. Prior to that, he was a student
in the Upper Arlington Schools, and          Lape has been                              teacher in the district under Ed Zunic
that commitment to service-learning          named the                                  and Gretchen Zunic.
stretches back decades and is an             2022 Ohio
important part of the district’s academic    String Teachers                            District Announces Enhanced
program and strategic priority of whole      Association’s                              Summer Academy Program
learning. Through service-learning           Teacher of the
projects, students are able to meet a real   Year.
community need that connects back to             Lape, who
what they’re learning in the classroom.      teaches sixth, seventh and eighth grade
     For the Rock-a-Thon project,            orchestra at both Hastings and Jones
fourth-grade classes at Greensview           middle schools, was recognized at the
partnered with the Columbus chapter          Ohio Music Educators Association’s state
of After-School All Stars to learn about     convention in Cleveland in February.
food insecurity and support their Winter     He was joined at the conference by
Break Comfort Bag Drive by purchasing        Upper Arlington Schools teachers as
more than $7,000 worth of food, games        well as three Upper Arlington Schools
and winter gear to fill the bags. The        students — Lucy Cheng (cello), Nathan      Upper Arlington Schools is proud
additional money raised went to the          Jeong (violin) and Anna Schuler (violin)   to offer an updated and exceptional
                                                                                        summer school program for the summer
                                                                                        of 2022 for K-12 students enrolled in the
                                                                                           Summer Academy 2022 will build on
                                                                                        the comprehensive academic offerings
                                                                                        of past summer school programming
                                                                                        and the academic and well-being
                                                                                        offerings through Summer BRIDGE last
                                                                                        year. All courses will be offered between
                                                                                        June 6 and July 1 and will be free of
                                                                                        charge to Upper Arlington Schools
                                                                                        students for 2022 thanks to federal
                                                                                           For more details, please visit www.
                                                                                                  MARCH | APRIL 2022                          SchoolsiNSIGHT                           15

District, City Partner on Litchford Memorial
The City of Upper
Arlington and Upper
Arlington Schools are
partnering to build
a park-like memorial
on the site of the new
Upper Arlington High
School in recognition of
the Pleasant Litchford
family cemetery that
had been located on
that site.
    Pleasant Litchford
was a master blacksmith
who had been enslaved
in Virginia in the
1800s, bought his own
freedom and went on
to settle in the area that
is now Upper Arlington.
He built a successful
business and purchased
the land that is now
home to the high school
as well as Northam Park
and Tremont Elementary
School. Among Mr.
Litchford’s many contributions to the area were establishing a school       The memorial will be located on the south end
for African-American children and being a founding member of the        of the new Upper Arlington High School, where
Second Baptist Church, which provided an important voice in the         the cemetery was located. It will be a space that
anti-slavery movement.                                                  encourages learning and reflection for students and
                                                                        community members. Through this partnership,
                                                                        Upper Arlington Schools will fund $200,000 of the
 BECS Registration Now Open — and Space Is Limited!                     project through bond funds, and the City of Upper
 Burbank Early Childhood                                                Arlington will appropriate $100,000 to fund and
 School (BECS) is our high                                              enhance the project.
 quality, tuition-based                                                     The memorial will also be featured in the City’s
 childcare for children                                                 History Trail Program, a partnership project with the
 ages 2 to 5. BECS is                                                   Upper Arlington Historical Society. The History Trail
 accepting registrations                                                is comprised of physical markers and signs in our
 for summer 2022 as well                                                community that help tell the story of Upper Arlington’s
 as the 2022-2023 school                                                history, with supplemental information and resources
 year for children ages 2                                               available on the UA History Trail website. If you see
 to 5.                                                                  a bronze round marker with a paw print next to a
     For more information,                                              community sign, scroll to to learn more
 visit                                               about the site’s historical significance.
 burbank or call us, at
16        SchoolsiNSIGHT                                                       MARCH | APRIL 2022      


     Hastings and Jones students squared off at the annual      Upper Arlington Vocal Music was all over town to promote their first
     Districtwide Spelling Bee in January. Congratulations to   musical in the new Upper Arlington High School Performing Arts
     this year’s winner - Shreya Trikha from Hastings!          Center — “42nd Street,” the weekend of February 24.

                 Hour of Code
     In December, students across the Upper Arlington
     Schools engaged in Hour of Code, an opportunity to learn
     foundational computer-science skills for their futures. Hour
     of Code also served as an opportunity for computer-science
     students from Upper Arlington High School to learn and
     grow in roles as teachers and leaders for these activities. Even
     though our world is surrounded by technology, only 51%
     of high schools teach computer science. Upper Arlington
     Schools is proud to offer computer science coursework and
     to see our students and staff find creative ways to spread
     these lessons beyond the high school!                       MARCH | APRIL 2022                                  SchoolsiNSIGHT                              17


  These second-grade students at Tremont Elementary           Our schools lined up a series of learning opportunities and activities
  School used their new, flexible learning space to stretch   — including this bulletin board at Jones Middle School —to mark two
  their bodies and their brains during math instruction.      important celebrations during the month of February: Black History
                                                              Month and Lunar New Year.

World Read Aloud Day was February 2, and these kindergarteners at
                                                                               Second grade and fifth grade class “buddies” cozied up
Greensview Elementary School listened to a special read-aloud of “Invent-
                                                                               to read together on a winter afternoon at Windermere
A-Pet” by author Vicky Fang and then dreamed up perfect pet creations.
                                                                               Elementary School.

Barrington Elementary School fifth-grade students enjoyed
a hands-on learning experience about the science of sound,      The Windermere Elementary School learning kitchen was a special treat
using different instruments and methods to see how sound        for our students this winter! Cinnamon smellers and much more have
waves move through solids, liquids and gases.                   been whipped up in the kitchen for some fun hands-on learning.
Library iNSIGHT
                                                   MARCH | APRIL 2022

 B I - M O N T H LY N E W S F R O M T H E U P P E R A R L I N G T O N P U B L I C L I B R A R Y

                                                        A NOTE FROM OUR DIRECTOR                                              Beth Hatch

On May 3, 2022, the Upper Arlington
Public Library’s levy will be on the ballot,
as it expires in November 2022. The
revenue from the current levy is 53% of
the Library’s budget.
      Right now, we are seeing over
26,000 people per month coming into
our branches to check out materials,
use the computers, get technology and                    organizations, and businesses would be       them.
research help from our staff, attend                     negatively impacted if we had to reduce            At Lane Road, I watch Pam, our
programs, pick up free COVID test kits,                  operations and let our buildings fall into   Branch Manager, help a patron who
as well as use our facilities for reading,               disrepair due to a lack of funding.          is struggling with the computer. She
studying, working, and meeting with                           As I walk around our libraries, I see   patiently shows her step by step how
groups and friends. Countless people,                    parents with young children singing          to set up an email account, and as I
                                                         along with Miss Sarah from Miller            watch the patron express her relief and
                                                         Park during storytime. They relish the       gratitude, I wonder where she would go

 LibraryiNSIGHT                                          opportunity to socialize and gather with
                                                         other parents as their children learn.
                                                                                                      for the same help if we couldn’t provide
                                                                                                      that for her.
  BI-MONTHLY NEWS FROM UPPER ARLINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY         I walk down to the Reference                  Yet, I am hopeful. We have been
                                                         Department in the lower level of the         good stewards of taxpayer dollars,
                  Production:                            Main Library and see a gentleman on          surviving on a static budget for the last
                 Christine Minx
                                                         his laptop doing work and research on        15 years. With the renewal of our 2-mill
    Marketing & Community Relations Manager
      614-486-9621 |                 the computer while our team of expert        operating levy plus a 1 mill increase, the
                                                         research librarians work mere steps away     Library can continue its success. We can
                                                         to provide assistance.                       serve the community and its patrons with
                                                              Our meeting rooms are used by           5-Star service without an ask for another
                                                         scouts, tutors, civic organizations, and     ten years.
     Upper Arlington Public Library
              2800 Tremont Road                          other groups needing free gathering                More information about the levy,
         Upper Arlington, Ohio 43221                     space. Students hang out and study in        including speaking events where you
    Phone: 614-486-9621 |              our Adult Department’s group work area.      can get your questions answered, is
                                                         Readers of all ages relax in our atrium      available on our website, at                 with a book that our librarians found for
                             MARCH | APRIL 2022                            LibraryiNSIGHT                       19


                                            47%          53%          53%
                                                                      of our revenue comes
                                                                      from local property taxes

                                                The last time we         Our users save
                                                asked for a funding
                                                increase for our
                                                operations was in
                                                                         each year by using the library

                              Our patrons borrowed

                              physical and digital items last year                          5,000
                                                                                 cars use curbside pickup each month

                                                                                                   people visit our
                                                                                                   buildings each month

                                        We’ve distributed

                                        free COVID test kits                              10,000
                                                                              people attended library programs in 2021
  Figures have been rounded
                                                                          Programs in non-pandemic years are 3x that number!
20        LibraryiNSIGHT                                                     MARCH | APRIL 2022      

Switch to Libby                                 Program Highlights
for an Upgraded                                 Collaborative Art Stations                  will provide information about the

eBook Experience                                Patrons of all ages can stop by the         upcoming operating levy. Get the
                                                Miller Park Library between March           scoop in the Main Library’s Friends
                                                7-20 to take part in group art projects     Theater on Tuesday, March 29 at 10:30
If you’re a fan of eBooks and eAudiobooks,      around the library. Decorate parts          am or 6:30 pm; or on Saturday, April
you’re probably familiar with our digital       to add to large artworks. Featuring         2 at 10:30 am. A recording of the
                                                coloring, tissue paper, and other           presentation will be available after
content provider Overdrive. Overdrive
                                                materials, this program is for everyone     these dates.
currently offers two apps that allow you
to read content on your smartphone or           from young children through adults.
tablet. However, the company is sunsetting                                                  Sensory Friendly Storytime
its namesake Overdrive app and will only        Spring Gardening Series                     Enjoy storytime designed exclusively
                                                Tisa Watts, the Columbus Garden             for young children with autism or
focus on supporting its award-winning
                                                Coach, returns to the Main Library’s        sensory processing challenges. Your
Libby app. Overdrive will be removed
                                                Friends Theater to help you make your       favorite librarians will greet you at the
from app stores on February 23, 2022 and
                                                yard the envy of the neighborhood.          door before the building opens to
we anticipate that support for Overdrive
                                                Her “Secrets of the Garden Center” talk     the public. Join us for stories in the
will end sometime in 2023.
                                                on Thursday, March 24 at 6:30 pm will       Youth Department, then have exclusive
     If you haven’t tried Libby yet, you’ll
                                                take the mystery out of shopping for        quiet time in our Early Learning
be happy to hear that it’s a user-friendly                                                  Play Area. These special storytimes
                                                plants at the local store. On Thursday,
app used by millions of people around the                                                   will be held Wednesday, March 30
                                                April 14 at 6:30 pm, learn the tricks for
world. Our Media Department has created                                                     and Wednesday, April 27 at 9 am.
                                                “Growing to Attract Pollinators.” Tisa
a guide to make the transition to the Libby                                                 Registration opens two weeks before
                                                wraps up on Thursday, May 5 at 6:30
app easy. Check it out at https://uapl.                                                     each program at
                                                pm with “Growing Culinary Herbs.” No
me/3H3PVLw.                                     registration is required.
     In addition to all of the eBooks and                                                   Peeps Science
eAudiobooks available in Overdrive,
                                                Bike School                                 Peeps are more than just sweet Easter
Libby also contains nearly 4,000 digital                                                    treats! Discover new uses for Peeps
                                                Get your bicycle ready for spring
magazines, so you can access electronic                                                     through STEAM activities, including
                                                riding at a two-part bike school led
reading material of all kinds from the same     by Jonathan Youngman, executive             creating a peep catapult. Kids in
app.                                            director for Franklinton Cycleworks. On     grades K+ can join the fun at the Lane
     Libby has a fresh and easy-to use          Saturday, March 26 at 1 pm, “Spring         Road Library on Thursday, April 7
design and has a number of unique               Tune Up” will show you how to assess        between 3:30-5:30 pm.
features.                                       a bike for safety and how to perform
•    Simple onboarding the first time you       basic maintenance. On Saturday, April       Remembering the
     open the app                               30 at 1 pm, “Tire Repair” will offer info   Holocaust Through the
•    Loans and holds from all your libraries    about the proper tools and techniques       Generations
     are automatically added to your shelf,     needed to fix a flat. Registration opens    Join us on Holocaust Remembrance
     so you can easily find all your books in   two weeks before each program at            Day for a discussion about the legacy
     one place                         Programs will be         of trauma. Panelists will address the
•    See your at-a-glance progress through      held in the Main Library’s Friends          concept of intergenerational trauma
     each book on your Shelf                    Theater.                                    in the wake of the Holocaust. Our
•    Navigate easily between your shelf                                                     panel includes history scholars, a
     and your library’s catalog                 Levy Facts with Director                    psychologist, and the daughter of a
                                                Beth Hatch                                  Holocaust survivor. Join us for this
      If you still have questions or would      On May 3, the Library will be on the        important program on Thursday, April
like to set up a one-on-one appointment         ballot for a local property tax levy,       28 at 6:30 pm in the Main Library’s
to learn more about the Libby app, please       as our current levy will expire this        Friends Theater.
call our Media Services staff at (614) 486-     year. Beth Hatch, the Director of the
9621 ext. 226. We’d be happy to help.           Upper Arlington Public Library, will
                                                explain how the library is funded and
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