UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK - Stage 3 Consultation report - University College ...

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UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK - Stage 3 Consultation report - University College ...

Stage 3
Consultation report

September 2016
UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK - Stage 3 Consultation report - University College ...
UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK - Stage 3 Consultation report - University College ...


CHAPTER 1                               CHAPTER 5
SUMMARY                           5    TRACKING CHANGES               57
1.1 Introduction                  5    5.1 Overview                   57
1.2 Summary of events             6    5.2 Masterplan responses       58
& involvement
1.3 Masterplan themes             8
                                        CHAPTER 6
1.4 Synopsis of responses        10    NEXT STEPS                     63
                                        6.1 Overview                   63
CHAPTER 2                               6.2 Consultation timeline      64
                                        6.3 Contact us                 64
2.1 Cultural & Education District 17
2.2 About UCL East               18
2.3 Who is involved              19
                                        APPENDICES                     67
                                        A Publicity & communications   68

CHAPTER 3                               B Stakeholder mapping          72
CONSULTATION PROCESS             21    C Context74
3.1 Overview                     21    D Exhibition materials         76
3.2 Consultation diary           22    E Feedback form                86
3.3 Communication & promotion 24       F Outreach notes               88
3.4 Activities & events          26    G Workshop tablesheets         90
3.5 Community involvement        30    H Virtual reality tool         91

FINDINGS                         33
4.1 Overview                     33
4.2 Events feedback              42
4.3 Workshop feedback            48

UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK - Stage 3 Consultation report - University College ...
Main Exhibition, 11/08/2016
UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK - Stage 3 Consultation report - University College ...


1.1 Introduction
Cultural and Education District          Community consultation
UCL (University College London) is in    As part of the LDA masterplanning
partnership with the London Legacy       team, Soundings have been
Development Corporation (LLDC) to        appointed by LLDC and UCL to
establish a new university campus,       carry out community consultation
UCL East, at Queen Elizabeth             to inform development of the
Olympic Park.                            masterplan for UCL East. The aims of
                                         this process are to:
Together with Stratford Waterfront,
UCL East is part of the Cultural and     • Raise awareness of the project and
Education District (formerly known         masterplan development.
as Olympicopolis) project. This will
                                         • Gather aspirations and understand
see a world class education and
                                           key issues with regard to the UCL
cultural district clustered around the
                                           East masterplan - both for the local
Stadium, ArcelorMittal Orbit and the
                                           community and the UCL student
London Aquatics Centre (see page 17
                                           and staff community.
for more details).
                                         • Be inclusive, accessible,
This forms part of the legacy              transparent and engaging.
transformation of Queen Elizabeth
                                         • Facilitate a variety of different
Olympic Park into a new, diverse
                                           ways for people to get involved.
and vibrant part of London.
                                         • Clearly communicate the feedback
The development of masterplans for         from the community to UCL, LLDC
both sites commenced in 2015. This         and the masterplanning team.
will be followed by more detailed
                                         • Inform the masterplan
design into 2016 and 2017. Planning
applications for the Cultural and
Education District are anticipated for
                                         This report documents the
late 2016.
                                         activities, findings and outcomes
                                         from the third stage of the
                                         consultation process and will
                                         inform the Statement of Community
                                         Involvement to be submitted as part
                                         of the future Cultural and Education
                                         District planning applications.

UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK - Stage 3 Consultation report - University College ...
UCL EAST                                                                                   Chapter 1 | Summary
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                     1.2 Summary of events & involvement

1.2 Summary of events &                Consultation timeline                 Feeding into the masterplan
involvement                                                                  Findings from the consultation have
                                          ASPIRATIONS & MASTERPLAN
                                                                             been regularly discussed with UCL,
The third round of public                 PRINCIPLES
                                                                             LLDC and the LDA masterplanning
consultation activities took place        JUNE - AUGUST 2015                 team to help inform the thinking
between July and August 2016,
                                          Raising awareness about the        and masterplan development.
presenting how the masterplanning
                                          project. Understanding key         Below is an overview:
team have been developing the
plans further following the previous      issues & opportunities and
                                          discussing masterplan principles   • Members of the project team
stage of consultation including a
                                          to inform the masterplan             attended all consultation events
number of important changes that
                                          development.                         to discuss the project and hear
have been made for feedback.
                                                                               feedback first-hand.
The first stage of consultation                                              • Initial findings from events are
in summer 2015 sought to raise            EMERGING MASTERPLAN                  also fed-back to the wider team
awareness of the project as well          FEBRUARY 2016                        shortly after.
as gain an understanding of both
                                          Presenting the masterplan and      • Dedicated sessions with the
UCL and local community issues
                                          how this has responded to            project team to present and
and aspirations. The second round
                                          consultation.                        discuss consultation findings.
of events (November 2015 -
February 2016) aimed to provide           Setting out next steps.            • This report is a record of the
further background, feedback                                                   process which, along with the
on the findings from Stage 1 and                                               Stage 1 and 2 Consultation
gather feedback on the emerging                                                Reports, will ultimately inform
proposals.                                                                     the Statement of Community
                                                                               Involvement which will be part of
Findings from this stage of               MASTERPLAN                           the planning application.
engagement have been used to              JULY - AUGUST 2016
inform the final stage of masterplan      Responding to the previous         Over the course of the consultation
development before the planning           consultation and presenting        the project team have listened to
submission in winter 2016.                updates to the masterplan.         and wherever possible responded
                                                                             to the views expressed through
                                          Continuing to discuss ongoing
The exhibition took place for                                                this consultation, alongside those
nine days between July and                                                   of key stakeholders and Statutory
August 2016; in total over 2,700                                             Consultees (such as Transport for
people attended these events.                                                London).
184 individual feedback forms,
400+ comments and suggestions             PRE-SUBMISSION                     As the masterplan has developed
(including feedback form                  CONSULTATION                       we have been tracking how
comments), and workshop sheets            NOVEMBER 2016                      community feedback has influenced
from two group sessions were                                                 the masterplan (see Chapter 5 for
                                          Information sharing session to
received and recorded.                                                       more details).
                                          present the final masterplan.
Event information was circulated
to over 21,000 local residents,
businesses and contacts from
Stage 1 and 2 events, alongside
information available on the project
web pages.                                OUTLINE PLANNING
                                          APPLICATION & STATUTORY
Thank you                                 CONSULTATION
We would like to thank all who have       WINTER 2016
participated in the consultation
                                          Cultural and Education District
process to date and given their
                                          Planning Application(s)
valuable input, ideas and time.           submitted to the Local Planning
                                          Authority (LLDC).

UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK - Stage 3 Consultation report - University College ...
UCL EAST                                                     Chapter 1 | Summary
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                   1.2 Summary of events & involvement

                                             2729                      people attended
                                                                       the 9-day exhibition

                                                              fee comp
                                                                 db let
                                                                    ack ed

                                                                    comments and

                                             400+                   suggestions received
                                                                    (including feedback
                                                                    form comments)

                                                                  left on the

                                              event flyers delivered locally

                                             people engaged in total
                                              from stages 1, 2 and 3

Main exhibitions, 30 July - 13 August 2016                                                 7
UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK - Stage 3 Consultation report - University College ...
UCL EAST                                                                                   Chapter 1 | Summary
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                   1.3 Masterplan themes

1.3 Masterplan themes
The masterplan has been presented under three key themes that relate to the planning process and the strategic
objectives of LLDC and UCL. They also reflect the issues raised by the community in the previous stages of

              Access & inclusion:                Form & identity:                       Sustainability:
              movement & connectivity            layout, scale & form                   environment & ecology
              Considers connections to,          Looks at what goes where               How the site relates to
              from and within the site,          and how to arrange the                 the surrounding natural
              pedestrian movement                site so that it is inviting            environment, what efforts
              patterns and arrival               and intuitive. Covers                  will be made to reduce the
              points and gateways. Also          building heights, the                  carbon footprint and how
              considers disabled access,         general shape and size                 the design of the campus
              wayfinding and servicing.          of buildings and density.              supports healthy lifestyles.
                                                 Considers views and                    Promotes long-lasting and
                                                 'human scale' design.                  adaptable spaces.

              Access & inclusion:                Form & identity:                       Sustainability:
              public space & activities          character, look & feel                 social & economic
              Relates to how public
                                           ID    What sense of place the                Explores the impact of
              space—both inside and              campus has. Not only                   the development for
              outside—and a diverse              related to the physical                local communities and
              programme of events                treatment of public spaces             economies. Looks at
              and activities can make            and façades but also how               how the campus will
              the campus open and                the use of the site can                contribute to social equity
              inclusive. Interlinked             contribute to a distinctive            and promote community
              with the other themes              identity.                              involvement.
              on delivering successful
              public spaces.

Masterplan in section, July 2016
UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK - Stage 3 Consultation report - University College ...
UCL EAST                                                                                                                                                                                              Chapter 1 | Summary
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                  1.3 Masterplan themes

                                     Carpenters Road                                                                                           WESTFIELD
                                                                                                                                             STRATFORD CITY




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                                                                                                                                                                      UCL EAST | POOL STREET EAST

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                                                                      STADIUM                      ORBIT
                                                                                                                            ree                             UCL EAST | POOL STREET WEST
                                                                                                                      n St

                                                                                                                                         UCL EAST | MARSHGATE






                                                       Gree                                                                                                                          d


 Wick Lane

                                                                                                      PUDDING MILL
                                                                                                      LANE STATION

UCL EAST AT QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK - Stage 3 Consultation report - University College ...
UCL EAST                                                                                     Chapter 1 | Summary
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                  1.4 Synopsis of responses

1.4 Synopsis of responses
                                                              SUMMARY RESPONSES
The response to the final draft
masterplan has been very well
received with high levels of            Movement & connectivity: Movement and connectivity has been
support across all aspects and 84%      a recurring topic across all stages of the consultation to date. The
of feedback form respondents            majority of comments have centred on ease of access. Other issues
excited and positive about the          such as wayfinding and safety of the routes to the campus from all
plans. Similarly to the previous        directions through walking, cycling and public transport have also
consultation, the approach to           been much discussed. There was some common concern of crowd
openness and accessibility—both         control over routes, the Park venues, events and facilities which was
physical and social—received the        reiterated from Stage 2.
greatest level of positive feedback.
People would like more information      Public space & activities: Similar to the previous stage of
and reassurance on how some of the      consultation, there is a lot of excitement about the open and
aspirations will be delivered—most      accessible public spaces that will flow through the campus. There
notably connecting to the wider         were many ideas about how to make this approach really work for
area, publicly accessible activities,   local people, with some suggesting affordable or free events and
local involvement, crowd control        facilities. Ensuring community integration was considered important
management and approach to              by many however it was also noted that keeping the balance
sustainability.                         between openness and exclusivity of a campus is a key challenge of
                                        the development.
Types of feedback
                                        Layout, scale & form: The proposed height, scale and massing was
All comments have been considered,      generally well received and thought to be fitting to the context.
each categorised into the themes:       There were a few reservations towards height and massing and
                                        uncertainty on how it would fit within the context of the Park. Others
• Access & Inclusion                    suggested, however, that the buildings could go higher to fit with
• Form & Identity                       the surrounding tall towers. Keeping the buildings to a human scale
                                        was mentioned a handful of times, following the previous stage of
• Environment & Sustainability          consultation.

These themes were informed by           Character, look & feel: As part of the Cultural and Education District,
the masterplan priorities and the       many agree that UCL East will bring positive impact to the Park
feedback from the Stage 1 and Stage     offering opportunities to invite a more diverse community. It was
2 consultation events.                  deemed important to create a good balance between student and
                                        public uses of the campus and suggested that the use of materials
During this stage of consultation       could be used to differentiate between both public and private
over 400 comments were collected        spaces.
from feedback forms, noticeboard
comments, interactives on exhibition    Environment & ecology: Despite the Legacy Communities Scheme
boards and emails. In-depth             (LCS) which was approved in 2012, the loss of the south lawn was a
feedback through focus sessions was     major concern for a few respondents even though it is understood
also received.                          that the area was always earmarked for development. More thought
                                        that green space could be adequately provided for within the public
Analysing in this way enables a         realm of the proposals. Many were keen to see more aspects of
consistent and transparent process      ecological and environmental sustainability considered through
to discover recurring issues where      construction materials, water management and encouraging cycling
there is the greatest interest.         and public transport.

To the right is a high-level summary    Social & economic sustainability: There has been a lot of feedback
of the key messages that have come      on social and economic sustainability in terms of long-term job
from the third stage of consultation.   opportunities for the local community. Outreach to local institutions
                                        was considered to be a successful approach for engaging young
The diagram opposite shows the          people and informing teenagers about lectures, workshops and
quantitative responses to the           activities.
feedback forms questions. Overleaf
is a more in-depth synopsis of all
the feedback received.
UCL EAST                                                                                                                       Chapter 1 | Summary
    STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                                                    1.4 Synopsis of responses

      OVERALL IMPRESSION                                                                                       PLANS FITTING WITH THE OVERALL
                                               No answer | 4%
         OF THE PLANS                                                                                             VISION FOR THE CULTURAL
                                               Unexcited | 1%
                                                   Unsure | 3%
                                                                                                                  AND EDUCATION DISTRICT
                                                                                    Excited | 42%
                                               Neutral | 7%

                                                                                                          No answer | 8%
                                                                                                              Poorly | 4%                      Very well | 38%

          84% of people were                                                                         Don’t know | 10%
          excited and positive
            about the plans.

                                      Generally positive | 42%
                                                                                                                   Well | 41%

        CONNECTIVITY TO                                         VISITING THE PARK                                PROVIDING A GOOD RANGE
        THE WIDER AREA                                            IN THE FUTURE                                     OF PUBLIC SPACES

                                   Too many connection
                                                  | 1%
                                                               No answer | 16%         Very often | 18%
    No answer | 17%                                                                                           No answer | 17%                   Very well | 25%
                                                              Never | 2%

    Not enough                                                                                               Poorly | 5%
connections | 7%                                              Occasionally
                                                                     | 16%

                                                                                             Often | 25%        Don’t know
 Don’t know | 21%
                                           Just enough        Don’t know | 23%                                        | 17%                        Well | 35%
                                      connections | 54%

      OPEN AND WELCOMING BUILDINGS                               OVERALL BUILDING HEIGHTS AND                      OVERALL RESPONSE TO
            AND PUBLIC SPACES                                     MASSING FITTING WITHIN THE                          SUSTAINABILITY
                                                                       LOCAL CONTEXT

                                                                                                                 No answer | 15%                        Very
    No answer | 15%                    Yes | 43%                                        Yes | 44%
                                                              No answer | 17%                                                                    informative
Not at all | 1%                                                                                              Not at all | 1%                           | 24%
                                                          Not at all | 1%                                                Not
         No | 2%
                                                                  No | 5%                                               | 1%
   Don’t know
         | 13%
                                                              Don’t know
                                                                    | 11%

                                                                                                           Don’t know | 24%
     Somewhat | 27%                                                                                                                             Informative |
                                                                  Somewhat | 22%                                                                        36%

    For more details, see Chapter 4 Findings
UCL EAST                                                                                    Chapter 1 | Summary
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                 1.4 Synopsis of responses

Synopsis of findings
The summaries to the right give
an overview of all the feedback
including the written comments
received in Stage 3 and are
categorised according to the
masterplan themes.

The following feedback has been
collected from:

• Feedback forms (including an              ACCESS & INCLUSION: MOVEMENT & CONNECTIVITY
  online version)
• Noticeboard comments
                                        To, from and through the campus      Management and servicing
• Interactives on the boards
                                        • The pedestrian environment         • Provision of more routes
• Outreach session tablesheets            and pedestrian access to and         to and from UCL East for
                                          from the site needs to be            pedestrians would help control
Following the previous stage of           improved, especially via the         the crowd flow and lessen
consultation, there have been a few       Carpenters Estate and local          pressure on the Carpenters
recurring points regarding access to      tube and rail stations.              Road entrance, especially on
the wider area, community inclusion                                            matchdays and other key
and loss of the south lawn.             • There are natural pedestrian         events in the Park.
                                          “desire lines” through the
To better understand how the              site between Pool Street           • Provision of step-free and
masterplanning team have                  and Marshgate that should            barrier-free access. Support
responded to the feedback, please         be incorporated into the             inclusive and universal design
see the 'Tracking Changes' section in     masterplan as formal routes,         standards so that it's not
Chapter 5.                                as mentioned in the previous         necessary to rely on lifts.
                                          stage of consultation.
For more in-depth analysis please                                            • Road closures for construction
refer to Chapter 4.                     • Better accessibility to the
                                                                               and special events are seen
                                          Park without going through
                                                                               as an issue due to the lack of
                                          Westfield would encourage
                                                                               consistency with diversion
                                          more visits to the Park.

                                        Wayfinding                           • Propose an extension of the
                                        • A recurring issue mentioned          shuttle buggy service in the
                                          across the stages of                 Park.
                                          consultation and by groups of
                                          consultees is the difficulty of    • There is a need for
                                          wayfinding in and around the         soundproofing to prevent the
                                          Park.                                disruption of lectures due
                                                                               to noise from the London
                                        • Better signage for access from       Stadium and also the rail line.
                                          the south is needed including
                                          under the railway lines and
                                          across and along the rivers.

                                        • There was a request for a clear
                                          and realistic plan for accessing
                                          West Ham matches at the
                                          London Stadium.

UCL EAST                                                                             Chapter 1 | Summary
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                           1.4 Synopsis of responses

                                                                             FORM & IDENTITY:
                                                                           LAYOUT, SCALE & FORM

  Connecting with the                 Public spaces & activities         Scale
  local community                     • Providing affordable or free     • Some suggested to keep
  • Ensure integration between          events and low-cost cafes          buildings to human scale to fit
    the existing communities and        will encourage people to visit     with the Park, as mentioned
    UCL students / staff but also       frequently.                        in the previous stage of
    maintain a balance between the                                         consultation.
    openness and exclusivity of the   • Many mentioned the idea of
    campus.                             having artworks throughout the   • A few commented that the
                                        public spaces.                     buildings could go higher to
  • Provide courtyards, green                                              fit with the surrounding tall
    spaces with plenty of             • Outdoor “study pods” were          towers and create a coherent
    public seating and tables to        suggested for both university      skyline in and around the Park.
    make visitors and the local         and local A-level students to
    community feel welcome.             use.

  • Publicity of events and
    activities happening at UCL       Safety & security
    and across the Park to attract
    the community through             • Concerns about safety,
    advertisements online and           especially related to football
    in the venues as well as live       “hooligans” and the student
    feeds showing people what is        accommodation, due to the
    happening.                          nature of the plans.

UCL EAST                                                                                 Chapter 1 | Summary
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                               1.4 Synopsis of responses

         FORM & IDENTITY:                   SUSTAINABILITY:                      SUSTAINABILITY:

     Identity & place                   Environmental sustainability        Social & economic sustainability
     • It was deemed important to       • Loss of the south lawn area       • Overall, there is much
       create a good balance between      is still a concern for some, as     support for UCL East as an
       student and public uses of the     mentioned in the previous           inclusive, community-facing
       campus.                            stage of consultation.              development. Only a few
                                                                              commenters were concerned
     Materiality                        • Keeping the green space and         that the facilities will not feel
     • Suggestions on the use of          quality of the waterfront           like they are for the local
       materials that would let           were valued highly, offering        community.
       students see out but prevent       a healthy lifestyle and
       people from seeing in for the      promoting green living.           • There is excitement for
       privacy of the students.                                               employment opportunities
                                        • Keen to see and understand          for local people and
                                          more details regarding              encouragement that young
                                          construction materials, energy      people in the area will be
                                          efficiency, water management        involved in UCL East through
                                          and cycling and public              work placements.
                                          transport strategies.
                                                                            • Some commenters suggested
                                        • Suggestions to integrate            that academic placements
                                          wildlife and nature into            should be offered to young
                                          the development through             people from the surrounding
                                          landscaping, building design        communities.
                                          such as green walls and access
                                          to natural open spaces.           • It was suggested that the
                                                                              student residences are let in
                                                                              summer in order to have year-
                                                                              round activity and provide
                                                                              natural surveillance.

                                                                            • Outreach to local institutions,
                                                                              namely schools was
                                                                              considered to be a successful
                                                                              approach for engaging young
                                                                              people and teenagers about
                                                                              lectures, workshops and

UCL EAST                                                                                               Chapter 1 | Summary
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                            1.4 Synopsis of responses

Birds-eye view looking west over the UCL East site

                              ET                                         PUDDING MILL               R LE
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                                                             A                                   ORBIT

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                    POOL STREET WEST                                                                                ILL RIV
     RO TER
        AD  S                                                                    LONDON
                                                                              AQUATICS CENTRE

                                                                                                             KS   RIVER

                                                                  CARPENTERS ROAD

        STRATFORD                                                                                           KEY
                                                                    N                                       UCL EAST SITE

Main Exhibition, 11/08/2016


2.1 Cultural & Education
A new vibrant education and
cultural district
In 2013 the Mayor of London                             Aquatics Centre, which will be
unveiled his vision for the ‘Cultural                   home to UAL (University of the
and Education District’ (formerly                       Arts London)'s London College of
known as Olympicopolis) which                           Fashion, as well as Sadler’s Wells
took its inspiration from the                           and the Victoria and Albert Museum.
achievements of Prince Albert, who                      Discussions are ongoing with the
used the proceeds of the 1851 Great                     Smithsonian Institution regarding
Exhibition to create ‘Albertopolis’.                    having a presence.
The 86 acre site in South Kensington,
centred on Exhibition Road, is today                    Overall, the scheme is expected
considered one of the world’s most                      to deliver 3,000 jobs, 1.5 million
distinguished scientific, educational,                  additional visitors and £2.8 billion
artistic and cultural hubs.                             of economic value to Stratford and
                                                        the surrounding area.
The Cultural and Education District
project will be split across two                        The aim is to have the first
sites: UCL East, a new university                       University buildings complete
campus for UCL to the south of the                      in 2019 and the first Stratford
ArcelorMittal Orbit, and Stratford                      Waterfront buildings complete
Waterfront, close to the London                         in 2021.


                                                            UCL EAST

Aerial view of UCL East site and Stratford Waterfront

UCL EAST                                                                                     Chapter 2 | Background
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                             2.2 About UCL East

2.2 About UCL East
A new UCL campus on Queen               UCL East will:

Elizabeth Olympic Park will be the
largest single expansion of UCL         • House new activity not currently
since its foundation in 1826. The         offered at UCL’s Bloomsbury
first phase is expected to have up        campus.                                    UCL East will be an outstanding
to 3,000 students and 625 staff,                                                     and dynamic environment for
                                        • Serve as a model for a university          learning, breaking down the
including academics and researchers,
                                          campus of the future.
on site alongside other users and                                                    conventional barriers between
visitors.                               • Provide an outstanding                     research, education, innovation,

As a campus of the future, UCL East
                                          environment for learning and
                                          scholarship for students, staff,
                                                                                     public engagement and
aims to provide new approaches to         collaborators and the public.
practical learning, opportunities for   • Play a central role in the
participation and public engagement,      sustainable development of the                   —Professor Michael Arthur,
facilities for open innovation and        Cultural and Education District and              UCL President and Provost
spaces that are both modern and           east London.

UCL East is being designed to
encourage curiosity, learning and
scholarship for all users including
students, staff, collaborators and
the wider public. It will seek to
break down traditional barriers
to inspire the free exchange of
knowledge and ideas, in the spirit
of the UCL 2034 Vision.

The new campus will bring together
cross-disciplinary UCL expertise
across four key themes: Experiment,
Art, Society and Technology (EAST).

Working with young people, UCL’s        Working with young people, UCL’s
engineering-focused Spark Festival      engineering-focused Spark Festival      Bartlett Summer Show Family Day, 2015

UCL EAST                                                                                      Chapter 2 | Background
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                          2.3 Who is involved

2.3 Who is involved

UCL Bloomsbury campus                   Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park           Millbay, Plymouth

University College London (UCL)         London Legacy Development              LDA Design
                                        Corporation (LLDC)
Role: Long leaseholder, developer                                              Role: Masterplanners and design
and future occupier                     Role: Landowner and developer          team lead
UCL was founded in 1826. The            Formed in April 2012, LLDC’s           LDA Design is a global
first English university established    purpose is to use the once-in-a-       environmental design consultancy
after Oxford and Cambridge, UCL         lifetime opportunity of the Olympic    based in the UK with projects
was the first to open up university     Games and the creation of Queen        around the world. They have put
education to those previously           Elizabeth Olympic Park to develop a    together and are now leading a team
excluded from it, and the first to      dynamic new heart for east London,     that has the necessary expertise to
provide systematic teaching of          creating opportunities for local       deliver a masterplan for UCL East.
law, architecture and medicine. As      people and driving innovation and
London’s Global University, UCL is      growth in London and the UK.           Consultants working as part of
among the world’s top universities,                                            the LDA masterplanning team are
as reflected by performance in a        LLDC is responsible for delivering     Nicholas Hare Associates (architects
range of international rankings         one of the most important Olympic      and university space-planners),
and tables. UCL currently has over      legacy promises - the long-term        BuroHappold (engineering,
35,000 students from 150 countries      planning, development, management      sustainability and inclusive design),
and over 11,000 staff.                  and maintenance of the Park and its    Momentum (transport planning),
                                        impact on the surrounding area after   EC Harris (cost consultancy),
UCL’s Bloomsbury campus in              the London 2012 Games.                 Studio Weave (space programming
central London has limited room                                                and activity).
for growth and UCL East presents        It is a Mayoral Development
a unique opportunity to build an        Corporation and works closely          Soundings has been appointed
open and accessible new campus          with a number of organisations         to facilitate the community
pioneering a radical approach           including the Mayor of London, the     consultation process.
to cross-disciplinary working,          Greater London Authority, central
partnership, collaboration and public   government, the east London
engagement.                             Growth Boroughs, residents in
                                        neighbouring local communities,
UCL Bartlett and UCL Engineering        local organisations, businesses and
Sciences are to establish a             regeneration agencies and national
collaborative space at Here East,       and international sporting, cultural
the emerging technology hub at the      and leisure organisations.
Park. The UCL base at Here East
is set to open during 2017 and
admit its first students in September
that year.
Main exhibition, 30/07/2016


3.1 Overview
Consultation on the UCL East masterplan is a four-stage process, involving
stakeholders and the community at each key stage of design development.
Below is a broad overview of the aims of each stage. The following pages
detail the Stage 3 activities that have taken place.

Stage 3 continued to raise project awareness for UCL staff, students, the
local community and visitors to the Park.

The UCL East team collaborated with Stratford Waterfront on the Stage 3
consultation process to bring the two projects together as the Cultural and
Education District. Publicity materials were combined and the exhibition
was delivered jointly. Proposals for Pudding Mill were included in the
publicity materials and exhibition given the proximity of the development
to the Cultural and Education District.

The final draft masterplan was presented at a two-week public exhibition
tracking how the plans have responded to previous consultation stages. The
result of this stage was to provide recommendations for and form the basis
of the next stage of detailed design.

Stage 4 will present the UCL East campus and Stratford Waterfront before
they are submitted for planning.

Summary of Stage 1 and Stage 2 consultation process:

• Across the first and second stages of consultation, the focus was to
  raise awareness of the project to a cross section of the local community
  and future users of the site whilst also providing an introduction of the
  masterplan principles and considerations for feedback.
• Consultation in these stages took the form of pop up road shows and
  exhibitions in various locations across five neighbourhoods (Stratford,
  Bow, Leyton, Fish Island and Hackney Wick) and at UCL Bloomsbury.
• Findings from engagement: both UCL and local issues and aspirations
  for UCL East, tested the early masterplan concepts and helped inform
  development of the emerging masterplan.

UCL EAST                                                                                    Chapter 3 | Consultation process
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                                   3.2 Consultation diary

3.2 Consultation diary
What has happened so far
The third stage of the process has aimed to continue to involve as many people as possible through a variety of
ways that are accessible and appropriate for the many communities and stakeholders linked to the project.
Alongside the below timeline existing LLDC panels have also been kept up to date including the Park Panel and
the Legacy Youth Voice (LYV). Further details on event outreach can be found on page 24.

                                                                       9 - 12 JULY
 JUNE — AUGUST                      NOVEMBER — FEBRUARY                flyer distribution      11 JULY
 Stage 1 Events                     Stage 2 Events                                             Park Panel Meeting
                                                                                               10 attendees

                                                                                                      13 JULY
                                                                                                      Faithful Friends Meeting

                                                                       21,000 flyers
 •   6 local pop ups                • 4 activity sessions with local   80+ bundles
 •   2 UCL Bloomsbury pop ups         schools                          plus emails
 •   Masterplan Event: workshop     • 5 local road shows
 •   Masterplan Event: site         • UCL Bloomsbury road show
     walkabout                      • UCL Bartlett road show
 •   Legacy Youth Voice workshop    • 2 main exhibitions
                                                                                                      25 attendees
 •   Youth Board focus session      • Local school feedback session
 •   Spark Festival                 • Legacy Youth Voice workshop
 •   Teachers' forum                • 2 public workshops
 •   UCL Sabbatical Officers
 •   UCL Sabbatical Officers
 •   UCL Academic Challenge Panel
     Sub-Group sessions


     2015                                    2016
UCL EAST                                                                   Chapter 3 | Consultation process
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                3.2 Consultation diary

                           30 JULY - 13 AUGUST
                           Main Exhibition in the
                           London Aquatics Centre

Soft launch of the Main
Exhibition in the London   9 days
Aquatics Centre            2715 attendees
                           182 feedback forms
                           40 quick comments

                                                    10 AUGUST                   11 AUGUST
                                                    Senior BEEs Workshop        Legacy Youth Voice

37 attendees
2 feedback forms
3 quick comments

                                                    17 attendees
                                                    3 table worksheets          19 attendees
                                                                                3 table worksheets

COMMUNITY                                                                       YOUTH

UCL EAST                                                                               Chapter 3 | Consultation process
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                    3.3 Communication & promotion

3.3 Communication & promotion

UCL website                                Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park website    Event flyer distribution area

Keeping in touch                           Letters, emails & flyers                UCL communications
Websites                                   In early July, approximately 21,000     UCL has also used their regular
                                           event flyers detailing the Masterplan   e-newsletters and articles, to raise
Within UCL and LLDC’s respective
                                           exhibition were delivered to            awareness of the project and how to
websites, the project has a
                                           households and businesses               get involved.
dedicated section. These are
                                           surrounding the site. 80 ‘bundles’
regularly updated to inform people
                                           were also delivered to local centres.   Communications include the
about the project and also how
                                           In addition approximately, 600          following (updated on 28th July):
to get involved. There is access to
                                           people who have been identified
information material as well as
                                           local groups and stakeholders           •    UCL Events Calendar on Events
other key documents relating to the
                                           including people who attended                blog page
                                           events in stage 1 and 2 were
UCL website                                emailed or posted a copy of a flyer     •    E-Newsletter - The Week@UCL to
ucl.ac.uk/ucl-east                         in July.                                     all UCL staff (14,000)

Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park website                                               •    UCL home page
                                                                                   •    UCL's UCL East website: Getting
Meetings                                                                                Involved
LLDC and Soundings have attended
meetings informing the following
established groups about the

• Park Panel (11th July)
• Faithful Friends (13th July) - faith
  groups from Forest Gate (see
  Appendix F for more details)

                                           Stage 3 Event flyer

UCL EAST                                                                                               Chapter 3 | Consultation process
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                                  3.3 Communication & promotion

Window vinyl outside the Upper Welcome Zone of the London Aquatics Centre

Wayfinding poster around the Park                                       Cargo bike outside the venue                                   25
UCL EAST                                                                           Chapter 3 | Consultation process
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                            3.4 Activities & events

3.4 Activities & events

Exhibition space 'Fluid zone'          Interactive model                        Physical scale model

Main Exhibition                        Cargo bike: Legacy Youth Voice           Virtual reality: Interactive 360
                                       members were employed for                degree flyover videos of the UCL
The main exhibition was held in
                                       the duration of the exhibition to        East site in relation to the Park
the Upper Welcome Zone of the
                                       welcome people in from the Park.         from both a birds' eye and eye-level
London Aquatics Centre over a two
                                       They rode around distributing            perspective were shown on a flat
week period. The space was shared
                                       exhibition flyers. At the entrance,      screen television and iPads. With the
with Stratford Waterfront as part of
                                       they also presented visitors with        use of their smartphones, visitors
the Cultural and Education District
                                       Cultural and Education District          could also experience the UCL East
alongside Pudding Mill.
                                       branded canvas bags and balloons.        site with 3D goggles provided.
The UCL East masterplan was
                                       Feedback forms: Visitors to the          Schools engagement work: A short
presented through 11 exhibition
                                       exhibition were given a feedback         film that provided a summary of the
boards (please see Appendix D)
                                       form to complete and write any           sessions and presentation by pupils
accompanied by a range of other
                                       comments on the proposals.               from local primary, and secondary
interactive and engaging activities.
                                                                                schools was showcased at the
                                       Interactive section on the boards:       exhibition on a flat screen television.
The overall layout of the exhibition
                                       On board 10, visitors were able to
space was one that mirrored the
                                       choose their preferred options and       Over two weeks, approximately
open and accessible leisure and
                                       give additional ideas on meanwhile       2,700 people were engaged, 184
learning environment that UCL East
                                       uses they would like to see on the       individual feedback forms and 40
aspires to create.
                                       UCL East site.                           quick comments were received.
UCL East & the Cultural and
                                       To-scale model: A model of all future    Event details
Education District
                                       and existing developments of the
                                                                                Saturdays: 30 July (launch), 6 & 13 August,
The public exhibition allowed          South Park and surrounding area
                                                                                11am – 5pm
visitors to the Park, local and UCL    made reference to the proposed
communities to gather, meet the        scale and layout of UCL East in          Tuesdays: 2 & 9 August, 11am – 3pm
team and provide feedback on the       relation to the Park.
                                                                                Wednesdays: 3 & 10 August, 1pm – 5pm
emerging Masterplan.
                                       Notice board: This large notice          Thursday: 11 August, 4pm – 8pm
The activities included are detailed   board allowed for displaying quick
                                                                                Friday: 5 August, 4pm – 8pm
to the right.                          comments using different coloured
                                       cards. People were asked to offer        Held at the Upper Welcome Zone, London
                                       their thoughts, ideas, aspirations and   Aquatics Centre.
                                       questions relating to the project.
UCL EAST                                                                                                                    Chapter 3 | Consultation process
                STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                                                                         3.4 Activities & events

MASTERPLAN                                                                                                                                                                    SUMMER 2016


                                                                                                   Exhibition boards
                     Sign in and feedback forms
                     Please pick up your feedback
                     form at the sign in desk and
                     post your completed form in
                     the return box.                                                                                     Fluid zone
                                                                                                                         Enjoy sitting on the steps
                                                                                                                         and beanbags to imagine
                                                                                                                         the future of UCL East.


                                                                                                                                                        Virtual reality
                                                                                                                                                        Experience what UCL East will look
                                                                                                                                                        like in the future.
                                                                                                                                                        You can also view the interactive
                                                                                                                                                        videos here:


                                                                                                                                             Young people
                                                                                                         Notice board                        See the visions of local young people.
                                                                                                         Post your comments,
                                                                                                         ideas and aspirations
                                                                  Library                                for UCL East
                                                                  Take a seat and see stage
                                                                  reports from previous
                                                                  consultations, or fill in your
                                                                  feedback form.

                UCL East exhibition plan

EMERGING MASTERPLAN                                 FINAL DRAFT MASTERPLAN                            PRE-SUBMISSION                                       OUTLINE PLANNING
FEBRUARY 2016                                       SUMMER 2016                                       CONSULTATION                                         APPLICATION & STATUTORY
                                                                                                      AUTUMN 2016                                          CONSULTATION
Presenting the masterplan and                       Responding to the previous
how this has responded to                           consultation and presenting                       Information sharing session to                       WINTER 2016
consultation.                                       updates to the masterplan.                        present the final masterplan.                        Combined Cultural and Education
Setting out next steps.                             Continuing to discuss ongoing                                                                          District Outline Planning
                                                    opportunities.                                                                                         Application(s) submitted to the
                                                                                                                                                           Local Planning Authority (LLDC).

                Virtual reality

UCL EAST                                                                            Chapter 3 | Consultation process
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                            3.4 Activities & events

LYV session, 11/08/2016                 LYV session, 11/08/2016                  Senior BEEs session, 10/08/2016

Outreach sessions                       Senior BEEs                              Legacy Youth Voice
There has been a significant under      The group was invited to visit           Continued from the first and second
representation of BME communities       the exhibition outside the public        stages of youth engagement in 2015
and other hard to reach groups in       opening hours to offer enough time       and early 2016, the masterplanning
Stage 2. Together with Stratford        to view the exhibition and share         team went back to present the
Waterfront, we set out to contact 18    any key issues / suggestions with        emerging masterplan. 19 members
local groups (excluding Legacy Youth    the team. In total 17 members were       were involved.
Voice); 4 groups responded and 2        involved in the workshop session.
were engaged which were Senior                                                   The Legacy Youth Voice (formerly
BEEs and Faithful Friends.              The Senior BEEs are a group of           the Legacy Youth Panel) is a group
                                        over 50’s from Hackney with a            of diverse young people from the
Soundings attended the Faithful         specific interest and understanding      Olympic host boroughs. Having been
Friends' bi-monthly meeting in July     of the built environment. They           set up by LLDC prior to the Games,
to introduce the project through flip   make valuable contributions to           they have been heavily involved
book and handed out leaflets for        development plans with their             in shaping the regeneration that is
the Stage 3 events. The meeting was     unique perspectives and their local      and will be taking place on Queen
attended by 10 local faith groups       knowledge.                               Elizabeth Olympic Park.
(see Appendix F).
                                        Event details                            The Legacy Youth Voice is in the
Workshops were held in August with                                               process of creating a ‘Vision’
                                        1: Wednesday 10 August 2016, 11am-1pm,
the Legacy Youth Voice and Senior       in London Aquatics Centre.
                                                                                 document detailing their key
BEEs groups.                                                                     expectations from proposed
                                                                                 developments under a range of
These provided an opportunity for                                                topics. In this session, they identified
a more in-depth conversation with,                                               the areas that the masterplan were
and also feedback and input from                                                 fulfilling and also pointed out areas
local young people as well as those                                              of improvement according to the
over 50. Both workshops involved                                                 'Vision'.
the groups being talked through
the UCL East Masterplan exhibition                                               Event details
boards by an LDA Masterplanner.
                                                                                 1: Thursday 11 August 2016, 12pm-3:30pm
Following on from that they engaged
                                                                                 in London Aquatics Centre.
in table discussions on the key
themes of the masterplans.

UCL EAST                      Chapter 3 | Consultation process
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                 3.4 Activities & events

Interactive model

UCL EAST                                                                                          Chapter 3 | Consultation process
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                  3.5 Community involvement: checking Stage 2

3.5 Community involvement:                               Local

checking Stage 2                                        29 mapped
                                                     7 located off map
                                                      243 unknown

Local attendance mapping
To the right is a mapping of known                    roadshows

event attendees and people who                          0 mapped
                                                     7 located off map

have given us their feedback. This                     67 unknown

gives a broad indication of where
those engaged are geographically                      exhibitions

located in relation to the site.                        132 mapped
                                                    449 located off map
                                                      00 unknown

It is worth noting that contact details
could not always be collected during                    Public
the exhibition, due to the nature                       1 mapped
                                                     1 located off map
of the venue and location which                        18 unknown

attracted many people who were                           Main
just visiting the Park and casually                   Exhibitions
                                                     UCL East site
                                                      132 mapped
dropping into the exhibition.                         449 off map p
                                                     2149 unknown

Therefore the attendance mapping
is not exhaustive and serves to                       UCL East site
provide a check that there is a
good cross-section of involvement
from the different neighbourhoods
surrounding the site.

To check we are speaking with a                     Below are some of the key                     STAGE 3 COMMUNITY DEMOGRAPHICS
representative cross-section of                     observations:
                                                                                                               Stage 3 Exhibitions

the local community, at the events
the team kept an observational                      • Young people under 25 were less
                                                                                                                                       Ward average

record of broad age group, ethnicity                  engaged in the general process.
and gender. This provides a basic                     However there has been an
indication of the groups that have                    ongoing parallel process with
been engaged and allows for                           Legacy Youth Voice to ensure this
comparison against local Census                       group is represented.                      Gender
                                                    • Disability was not assessed,               Male        52%                     50%              +2%
Notes on the demographics table on the far right:
                                                      however dedicated disability
                                                      groups are being specifically              Female      48%                     50%              -2%
• Categories and Ward data taken from the
  2011 Census. All figures rounded to the
                                                      consulted in the wider process.            Age
  nearest whole number, as such there may be a
  small discrepancy of 1%.                          • There has been a significant
                                                                                                 Under 25    23%                     35%              -12%
                                                      under representation of BME
• Some key groups are involved through LLDC
  and UCL's existing engagement groups such           communities. BME groups were               25-39       29%                     34%              -5%
  as the Park Panel which includes key access         reached out to but it was not
  groups                                                                                         40-54       31%                     17%              +14%
                                                      possible to arrange enough
                                                      engagement sessions at this time.          Over 55     17%                     13%              +4%

                                                    • People aged 40 and 54 were over            Ethnicity
                                                      represented in this stage of events.
                                                                                                 White       71%                     46%              +25%
                                                      There was also an additional
                                                      engagement with Senior Bees - a            BME         29%                     54%              -25%
                                                      group of local residents over 50's.
                                                    Please see Chapter 3, page 28 for
                                                    more information on the targeted
                                                    engagement approach.

UCL EAST                                                                                Chapter 3 | Consultation process
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                        3.5 Community involvement: checking Stage 2

View towards the UCL East site, looking south over Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.
Main Exhibition, 11/08/2016


4.1 Overview
Stage 3 events have continued to raise project awareness, identify missing
gaps and reach out to local groups who were not involved previously.
The exhibition presented the final draft masterplan, revisiting the key
aspirations and issues that have arisen from the consultation to date and
provided responses from the masterplanning team on how this feedback
has helped to inform the plans.

The feedback and findings on the following pages have been gathered from
the exhibitions, feedback sessions with the Senior BEEs and Legacy Youth
Voice, online and emailed comments.

The following materials were used to collect feedback:

• Feedback forms
• Noticeboard comments
• Interactives on the boards
• Outreach session tablesheets and recordings

UCL EAST                                                                                           Chapter 4 | Findings
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                             4.2 Events feedback

4.2 Events feedback
The diagrams reflect findings from the tick-box questions on the feedback forms alongside analysis of
comments received. In total, 184 feedback forms were completed.


                     GENERAL PUBLIC                                              LOCAL RESIDENTS
 The 70% who selected 'visitor', 'business/                 The map below shows the distribution of those
 organisation' or did not answer 'Are you...' are           who identified as local residents on the feedback
 referred to in our analysis as the 'general public'.       forms. Of the 30% of respondents who selected 'local
 Their feedback has been analysed separately from           resident', the majority live closely to the Park and
 those who identify as local residents as many were         within the flyer distribution boundary (see Appendix
 visiting from outside of London or from abroad.            A). A few live further afield but still identify as local
 This helps us to better understand feedback                residents. Six of the respondents did not leave their
 specific to the local community.                           address or postcode.

Mapping local residents


                                                                                                   UCL EAST SITE
                                                                                                   LOCAL RESIDENT
                                                                                                   (2 off map)

UCL EAST                                                                                                               Chapter 4 | Findings
    STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                                                  4.2 Events feedback

    Are you...*

                   36%                                30%                                    6%                                   28%

                  A visitor **                    A local resident                Business / Organisation                       Unknown

                                                                      *People who selected more than one option were included in each option they selected.
                                                    **Of those who ticked 'visitor', 79% were from the UK, 14% from outside of the UK, and 7% were unknown.

    Q01: Were you involved in the previous rounds of consultation, including viewing any online

                                      PREVIOUSLY INVOLVED IN THE CONSULTATION*
                                                       *Including viewing online materials

                                 GENERAL PUBLIC                                                 LOCAL RESIDENTS

                                                           8%                     20%


                                                          79%                     73%


                                                          13%                     7%

                                                                     NO ANSWER

UCL EAST                                                                                                                       Chapter 4 | Findings
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                                                       4.2 Events feedback

Q02: What is your overall impression of the plans you have seen in this exhibition for the
     Cultural and Education District? What do you like? What could we improve?

                                                         OVERALL IMPRESSION OF THE PLANS

                                          GENERAL PUBLIC                                                   LOCAL RESIDENTS

                                                                      44%                     40%


                                                                      42%                     42%

                                                                           GENERALLY POSITIVE

                                                                        5%                    11%


                                                                        2%                    4%


                                                                        2%                    0%


                                                                        5%                    4%

                                                                               NO ANSWER

The overall written feedback responding to this                                       and accessible the buildings will be. Losing the South
question was positive amongst both the general public                                 Lawn is still a concern for some. Suggestions were
and local residents. This reflects the tick-box feedback                              made to consider better connections between the two
in which 86% of the general public and 82% of local                                   campuses, as well as to ensure a balance between
residents were excited and positive about the plans.                                  openness and privacy for UCL students and staff.
Multiple comments from the general public supported
the 'life' and 'vibrancy' UCL and its students could                                  Local residents also supported UCL coming to east
bring to the area. Positive responses were received                                   London and the broadening of opportunities for the
on the organisation of the masterplan—considered                                      local community. Some commented that they are
well thought out and exciting. People were also                                       excited on the inclusivity of the proposals and that it
happy to see the Park being used, bringing more job                                   would be a world-class destination. Connection with
opportunities and diversity.                                                          old Stratford was considered vital. There was some
                                                                                      concern about overcrowding, particularly at Stratford
Others commented that the plans look interesting                                      station and in Westfield. Keeping green space and the
but require further detail to understand how open                                     quality of the waterfront is highly valued.
*90 respondents left written feedback; a total of 222 comments were recorded (some were broken down into multiple comments).

UCL EAST                                                                                                                      Chapter 4 | Findings
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                                                      4.2 Events feedback

Q03: How well do you think UCL East and Stratford Waterfront work together to meet the vision
     for the Cultural and Education District? Are there any missed opportunities, and/or do you
     have any suggestions?

                                             VISION FOR THE CULTURAL AND EDUCATION DISTRICT

                                          GENERAL PUBLIC                                                   LOCAL RESIDENTS

                                                                      37%                     49%

                                                                                VERY WELL

                                                                      41%                     29%


                                                                        9%                    13%

                                                                               DON’T KNOW

                                                                        4%                    4%


                                                                        0%                    0%

                                                                                NOT AT ALL

                                                                        8%                    5%

                                                                               NO ANSWER

78% of the general public agreed that both projects                                   were some comments suggesting further efforts
work together to meet the vision for the Cultural and                                 could be made. Some local residents suggested that
Education District. Many considered that bringing                                     more integration between UCL East and Stratford
UCL to Stratford would be valuable in offering a                                      Waterfront is needed in order to be more mixed,
variety of opportunities, particularly educational                                    more open and better connected to the surrounding
opportunities such as open lectures. Some suggested                                   areas. Some felt that more detail would help them to
to keep buildings to human scale to fit in with the                                   understand how the developments compliment each
Park. A few commenters felt that Stratford Waterfront                                 other, perhaps indicative of the 13% who responded
and UCL East were too far apart and that locating the                                 'don't know' on the tick-box question. A few
institutions immediately adjacent to each other would                                 commenters felt that connecting to Stratford's local
be a better layout.                                                                   history (whether it be the area's industrial past or the
                                                                                      Olympic and Paralympic games) and communities will
Whilst 78% of local residents were positive that the                                  be important.
two projects would work well together to meet the
vision for the Cultural and Education District, there
*44 respondents left written feedback; a total of 52 comments were recorded (some were broken down into multiple comments).

UCL EAST                                                                                                                      Chapter 4 | Findings
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                                                      4.2 Events feedback

Q04: How well do you think the masterplan connects to the wider area through pedestrian,
     cycling and public transport routes? Are there any missed opportunities, and/or do you
     have any suggestions?

                                                          CONNECTIVITY TO THE WIDER AREA

                                          GENERAL PUBLIC                                                   LOCAL RESIDENTS

                                                                        1%                    2%

                                                                         TOO MANY CONNECTIONS

                                                                      55%                     53%

                                                                        JUST ENOUGH CONNECTIONS

                                                                      22%                     18%

                                                                               DON’T KNOW

                                                                        4%                    15%

                                                                        NOT ENOUGH CONNECTIONS

                                                                      18%                     13%

                                                                               NO ANSWER

Within the 55% of the general public who selected                                     residents that left tick-box feedback selected that
‘just enough connections’, some expressed concerns                                    there were 'not enough connections' provided by
over crowd flow during key events and the increase                                    the masterplan (although the majority, at 53%,
in the amount of passengers arriving into Stratford                                   agreed that there were 'just enough connections').
everyday. Better signage when coming into the Park                                    Residents suggested that more bridges are needed
from the south was suggested, including under the                                     to better connect the surrounding areas, and that
railway lines and across and along the rivers. 22% of                                 TfL bikes should be more prominently available
the general public and 18% of residents selected 'don't                               outside Stratford station. Provision of more routes for
know', suggesting that more detail on connectivity is                                 pedestrians would help control the crowd flow.
needed in general. The need for more detail on the
future paths and road links to Pudding Mill Lane and                                  This question was also discussed at workshops with
Stratford stations was mentioned specifically.                                        the Senior BEEs and the Legacy Youth Voice. Views
                                                                                      similar to those given by local residents in the
Local residents were also concerned with the                                          feedback forms were expressed. For more detailed
overcrowding of local stations. Overall, 15% of                                       findings please see section 4.4.
*43 respondents left written feedback; a total of 46 comments were recorded (some were broken down into multiple comments).

UCL EAST                                                                                                                      Chapter 4 | Findings
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                                                      4.2 Events feedback

Q05: Is this the kind of place you would come to visit and use? Would it encourage you to visit
     the Park more often?

                                                           VISITING THE PARK IN THE FUTURE

                                          GENERAL PUBLIC                                                   LOCAL RESIDENTS

                                                                      17%                     25%

                                                                               VERY OFTEN

                                                                      29%                     25%


                                                                      19%                     29%

                                                                               DON’T KNOW

                                                                      19%                     7%


                                                                        3%                    2%


                                                                      13%                     11%

                                                                               NO ANSWER

Although many people who completed the feedback
form were visitors from outside of London or the UK,
the written responses were generally positive and
the Fluid Zone and public realm proposals welcomed.
There was agreement that the variety of public-facing
facilities proposed would activate the space and
encourage public access and participation. There
were also suggestions for affordable or free events to
encourage people to visit frequently.

Local residents expressed that activities and events
would draw them into the Park in addition to their
regular visits. Better accessibility to the Park without
going through Westfield was also suggested to
encourage more visits to the Park.
*49 respondents left written feedback; a total of 55 comments were recorded (some were broken down into multiple comments).

UCL EAST                                                                                                                      Chapter 4 | Findings
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                                                      4.2 Events feedback

Q06: How well do you think the masterplan provides a good range of public spaces for future
     users, including visitors and members of the local community? What works well?
     What else could be provided for?

                                                   PROVIDING A GOOD RANGE OF PUBLIC SPACES

                                          GENERAL PUBLIC                                                   LOCAL RESIDENTS

                                                                      24%                     27%

                                                                                VERY WELL

                                                                      37%                     29%


                                                                      19%                     13%

                                                                               DON’T KNOW

                                                                        5%                    7%


                                                                        0%                    0%

                                                                                NOT AT ALL

                                                                      15%                     24%

                                                                               NO ANSWER

Overall tick-box feedback has been generally positive,                                lifestyles and green living. A few residents encouraged
with 61% of the general public and 56% of local                                       the provision of activities, amenities and services for
residents agreeing that the masterplan provides a                                     the local community.
good range of public spaces. In relation to the written
comments, there was a mixed response. There was
some positive feedback from both the general public
and residents on the public spaces and overall layout;
some agreed that opening up the lower floors and
terraces of the buildings for public access would work
well. Some suggested providing a number of places
accessible to the public in addition to private spaces
for the students within the Pool Street buildings.

The need for open and green spaces was mentioned
often, as well as design and uses that promote healthy
*35 respondents left written feedback; a total of 41 comments were recorded (some were broken down into multiple comments).

UCL EAST                                                                                                                      Chapter 4 | Findings
STAGE 3 CONSULTATION REPORT                                                                                                      4.2 Events feedback

Q07: Do you feel as though the buildings and public spaces will be open and welcoming?
     Would you want to use the buildings? What makes you feel that you could or couldn't?

                                            OPEN AND WELCOMING BUILDINGS AND PUBLIC SPACES

                                          GENERAL PUBLIC                                                   LOCAL RESIDENTS

                                                                      42%                     45%


                                                                      28%                     22%


                                                                      14%                     11%

                                                                               DON’T KNOW

                                                                        1%                    5%


                                                                        0%                    2%

                                                                                NOT AT ALL

                                                                      15%                     15%

                                                                               NO ANSWER

70% of the general public and 67% of local residents                                    'soften' the buildings, perhaps through greenery.
generally agreed that the current plans feel open
and welcoming. In the written feedback, some from                                       The division between university and public spaces
the general public suggested cafés and green spaces                                     has produced mixed responses throughout the
that are open to the public and affordable. Some                                        consultation process. The Legacy Youth Voice shared
questioned whether the buildings invoke a sense of                                      a general opinion with local residents that providing
'specialness' as you enter. Access to the university                                    publicly accessible events would be beneficial to the
during open events and closed events was brought up                                     area and Park, but were concerned regarding open
as a point that needs to be considered. Provision of                                    access to university facilities. At another workshop
step-free access was mentioned by a local resident as                                   with the Senior Bees concerns relating to the
well as the need to ensure safe and secure access.                                      management of public spaces were also identified,
                                                                                        specifically to create safe, family friendly spaces
Respondents from both the general public and local                                      that mitigated ‘hooligans’. For more detailed findings
residents brought up concerns that the buildings were                                   please see 4.4.
too large and overbearing—there were suggestions to
*38 respondents left written feedback; a total of 40 comments were recorded (some were broken down into multiple comments).

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