Page created by Charlotte Newton
                  Course Catalog

Veterans Health Administration                                                                                               Employee Education System

Course Catalog
November 2020

Table of Contents

VHA TRAIN Course Catalog: Introduction ........................................................................................................ 3
Military Culture ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Opioids, Addiction and Pain Management ...................................................................................................... 4
Epilepsy ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Health Disparity And Health Equity ................................................................................................................. 7
War Related Illness/Post Deployment Health ................................................................................................. 9
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) ............................................................................................................ 8
Ethics In Health Care/Whole Health Care/Cultural Transformation.............................................................. 15
Respiratory Care ............................................................................................................................................ 18
Cancer ............................................................................................................................................................ 18
Cardiac Care ................................................................................................................................................... 19
Disability......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Geriatrics And Extended Care ........................................................................................................................ 24
Dental Care .................................................................................................................................................... 26
Mental Health ................................................................................................................................................ 26
Lead Coordinator Training ............................................................................................................................. 29
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) ........................................................................................................................... 27
Suicide Prevention ......................................................................................................................................... 29
Grand Rounds ................................................................................................................................................ 34
Vision.............................................................................................................................................................. 40
Veteran Community Care Provider………………………………………………………..………………………………………………… 40
Other ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….41
Veterans Health Administration                                                           Employee Education System

VHA TRAIN Course Catalog: Introduction
VHA TRAIN is a gateway into TRAIN National, the most comprehensive catalog of public health learning
products. TRAIN is one of the most widely used learning management systems and is a free service of the
Public Health Foundation. Access VA-approved and sponsored learning on Veteran health topics now!
Also, subscribe to specific topics of interest to receive periodic VHA TRAIN eblasts and other news tailored
to your area of interest.

Below is a list of current courses available through VHA TRAIN organized by topic and updated monthly:


COURSE TITLE              DESCRIPTION                                     CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID   EXPIRATION DATE
Military Culture in the   The purpose of this knowledge-based             1 hour         1070966     5/12/2021
Reserve and National      educational web course is to discuss the
Guard                     Reserve Components (RC) as a unique
                          culture within the military culture that
                          warrants awareness and understanding
                          from health care providers. A panel of
                          experts from various backgrounds and
                          settings will orient learners to the basics
                          of service in the RC and then provide a
                          more in-depth discussion regarding how
                          membership in the RC culture can affect
                          the health care seeking and response of
                          RC service members and their families.
                          Additionally, unique stressors of RC will be
                          reviewed to include common deployment-
                          related health and mental health
Providing Health Care     This recorded, knowledge-based webinar          1 hour         1089371     1/27/2023
for Military Veterans     will familiarize the attendee with the
                          unique health care needs of military
                          Veterans and will enhance their capacity
                          to provide optimal care for Veterans they
                          are seeing in any health care setting. The
                          areas of focus will include military culture,
                          military service, and deployment related
                          health risks and impacts.

Understanding the         The purpose of this series is to further        2 hours        1082781     2/17/2021
Context of Military       educate non-VA providers about VA’s
Culture in Treating       policies, practices, expertise, standards
Veterans                  and resources for treating Veterans.
                          Sharing knowledge about VA’s resources
                          and providing educational opportunities
                          about its policies, practices and standards
                          affirms the synergy and uniformity
                          between community and VA-based health
                          care given to Veterans.
Veterans Health Administration                                                              Employee Education System


COURSE TITLE                 DESCRIPTION                                     CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID   EXPIRATION DATE
Pain Management and          This recorded, knowledge-based webinar          1 hour         1089763     2/27/2023
Opioid Safety in VHA:        will provide updated information to
Update and Outlook           community care providers and health care
Towards 2020                 teams about VHA pain management
                             approaches and the VA Opioid Safety

Opioid Overdose              This knowledge-based course is designed         1 hour         1087390     12/15/2020
Education and Naloxone       to train providers on opioid
Distribution Training        safety/overdose prevention and how to
                             respond to an overdose with naloxone.
                             The core curriculum will be presented in a
                             web-based learning module with
                             additional resources available for use
                             after the training session. The tutorial will
                             increase provider awareness of the need
                             for opioid safety/overdose prevention and
                             describe national VA naloxone kits and
                             how to use them. Expiring soon!
Evidence-Based Tobacco       The goal of this web-based series is to         2 hours        1086645     9/30/2022
Cessation Care in the VA     further educate non-VA providers and
Health Care System           health care teams about VA policies,
                             practices, expertise, standards and
                             resources for treating Veterans. This
                             particular session will address evidence-
                             based tobacco cessation care in VA.

Pain Management and          The purpose of this series is to further        2 hours        1083377     3/22/2022
the Opioid Safety            educate non-VA providers about VA’s
Initiative in the Veterans   policies, practices, expertise, standards
Health Administration        and resources for treating Veterans. This
                             particular session will discuss pain
                             management and the opioid safety
                             initiative in Veterans Health


COURSE TITLE                 DESCRIPTION                                     CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID   EXPIRATION DATE
Anti-Seizure                 The VA Epilepsy Center of Excellence has        1 hour         1076882     4/15/2021
Medications: A Changing      determined that there is a knowledge gap
Landscape                    throughout the system of a common
                             understanding of changing landscapes of
                             anti-seizure medications and epilepsy.
                             This is a web-based training course on the
                             concepts of that changing landscape. The
                             purpose of this knowledge-based module
                             is to provide pharmacists, physicians and
                             non-physician health care providers with
Veterans Health Administration                                                             Employee Education System


COURSE TITLE                  DESCRIPTION                                   CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID   EXPIRATION DATE
                              detailed information about anti-seizure
                              medications (ASM) and how they are
                              associated with epileptic and nonepileptic
                              conditions. Key lessons within this course
                              include a review of seizure types,
                              comparison of anti-seizure medications,
                              treatment and finding the right
                              medication, and discontinuing ASMs.

Recognizing Imitators of      The VA Epilepsy Center of Excellence has      1 hour         1075698     12/8/2020
Epilepsy                      determined that there is a knowledge gap
                              throughout the system of a common
                              understanding of the imitators and
                              mimickers of epilepsy. This is a web-based
                              training course on imitators and mimics of
                              epilepsy. Key lessons to learn from this
                              course include an introduction on the
                              clinical approach to differential diagnosis
                              of seizures, followed by more in-depth
                              discussion on psychogenic nonepileptic
                              seizures, syncope and movement
                              disorders that may imitate seizures, as
                              well as other common imitators. Expiring


COURSE TITLE                  DESCRIPTION                                   CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID   EXPIRATION DATE
Treating the Unique           The goal of this live, web-based series is    2 hours        1085486     6/15/2022
Health Care Needs of          to further educate non-VA providers and
Veterans with Lesbian,        health care teams about VA policies,
Gay, Bisexual and             practices, expertise, standards and
Transgender                   resources for treating Veterans. This
                              particular session will address the unique
                              health care needs of the lesbian, gay,
                              bisexual and transgender community.
Casting the Health            Optimizing patient-focused primary care       1 hour         1067604     12/31/2020
Equity Lens on Routine        related to routine check-ups. Expiring
Check-up: Lucille F. 54       soon!

Determinants of Health        The purpose of this Decision Simulation is    30 min         1067599     12/31/2020
and Healthcare for All        to provide an awareness of Veteran
Employees                     populations that are at risk for health
                              disparities, the factors that put them at
                              risk and what you can do within your area
                              of influence to move toward attaining the
                              highest level of health for our Veterans.
                              Expiring soon!
Veterans Health Administration                                                             Employee Education System


COURSE TITLE                  DESCRIPTION                                   CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID   EXPIRATION DATE
Transgender:                  This brief training is part of a series of    0.25 hour      1087996     10/25/2022
Masculinizing Hormone         programs on health care for transgender
Therapy                       and gender-diverse Veterans. This session
                              focuses on masculinizing hormone
Transgender: Medical          This brief training is part of a series of    0.25 hour      1087992     10/25/2022
Evaluation for                programs on health care for transgender
Masculinizing Hormone         and gender-diverse Veterans. This session
Therapy                       focuses on medical evaluation for
                              masculinizing hormone therapy.
Transgender: Medical          This brief training is part of a series of    0.25 hour      1087993     10/25/2022
Evaluation for                programs on health care for transgender
Feminizing Hormone            and gender-diverse Veterans. This session
Therapy                       focuses on medical evaluation for
                              feminizing hormone therapy.
Transgender: Feminizing       This brief training is part of a series of    0.25 hour      1087995     10/25/2022
Hormone Therapy               programs on health care for transgender
                              and gender-diverse Veterans. This session
                              focuses on feminizing hormone therapy.
Transgender: Diagnosing       This brief training is part of a series of    0.25 hour      1087990     10/25/2022
Gender Dysphoria              programs on health care for transgender
                              and gender-diverse Veterans. This session
                              focuses on diagnosing gender dysphoria.
Transgender:                  This brief training is part of a series of    0.25 hour      1087994     10/25/2022
Assessment of                 programs on health care for transgender
Readiness and Consent         and gender-diverse Veterans. This session
for Hormone Therapy           focuses assessment of readiness and
                              consent for hormone therapy.


COURSE TITLE                  DESCRIPTION                                   CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID   EXPIRATION DATE
War-Related Illness and       Veterans would like topics of moral injury,   1.25 hours     1093983     10/28/2020
Injury Study Center:          institutional betrayal and institutional
Post-Deployment Health        courage to be incorporated into their
Service Institutional         post-deployment health care, yet
Betrayal and Courage in       providers are not typically trained to
Addressing Veteran            address these concerns. The goals of this
Exposure Concerns:            intermediate-level webinar is to provide
Intermediate                  an overview of these concepts and offer
                              providers tools to recognize and respond
                              to these concerns in a way that builds
                              rapport and promotes institutional
War-Related Illness and       This web-based series will give               1 hour         1070422     7/26/2023
Injury Study Center           evidence-based behavioral
Module 2: Airborne
                              treatments for pain, illness and
Veterans Health Administration                                                            Employee Education System


COURSE TITLE                 DESCRIPTION                                   CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID   EXPIRATION DATE
                             respiratory self-management. The
                             VA has a commitment to provide
                             effective, evidence-based treatment
                             for chronic pain, illnesses and
                             environmental exposures, during
                             deployments and to provide
                             Veterans with the tools they need to
                             self-manage pain, illness and
                             respiratory issues.
War-Related Illness and      The War-Related Illness and Injury Study      1.5 hours      1070234     7/26/2023
Injury Study Center          Center, a national program in VA's Post-
Module 1: Assessing          Deployment Health Services, provides
Deployment-Related           expertise to Veterans and providers on
Environmental                difficult to diagnose illnesses and
Exposures                    environmental exposure concerns.
                             Module 1: Assessing Deployment-Related
                             Exposures is the first in a series of post-
                             deployment health web-based training
                             modules. Module 1 provides clinically
                             relevant knowledge on the role of
                             environmental exposures in Veteran
                             health and the importance of addressing
                             each patient's exposure concerns. In the
                             following lessons, the course participant
                             will learn how to conduct a deployment-
                             related exposure assessment and
                             determine whether an exposure could be
                             associated with a Veteran's specific health
War-Related Illness and      This curriculum provides health care          1 hour         1087697     10/1/2022
Injury Study Center:         providers with knowledge about the
Module 5 – Depleted          current research on health effects in
Uranium and Toxic            depleted uranium (DU)-exposed
Embedded Fragments           populations; information about enrolling
                             Veterans with suspected DU exposure or
                             toxic embedded fragments into VA
                             registry programs; and guidance about the
                             clinical approach to Veterans with
                             embedded fragments.
War-Related Illness and      The purpose of this training is to provide    1 hour         1074205     12/4/2020
Injury Study Center          health care providers with the knowledge
Module 3: Gulf War           needed to recognize, evaluate, manage
Illness                      and treat Gulf War Illness in Veterans.
                             Providers will also become familiar with
                             and be able to apply the VA-DOD clinical
                             practice guideline for chronic multi-
                             symptom illness to Gulf War illness.
                             Expiring soon!
Veterans Health Administration                                                                Employee Education System


        COURSE TITLE                    DESCRIPTION                                   CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID    EXPIRATION DATE
        War-Related Illnesses           This module offers health care                1.25 hours     1084440      3/28/2022
        and Injury Study Center         professionals an opportunity to gain
        Module 4: Chronic               insight into chronic multi-symptom illness
        Multi-symptom Illness           including the incidence in civilian and
                                        military populations, defining
                                        characteristics and the latest resources
                                        and management strategies to consider
                                        for care.


COURSE TITLE                     DESCRIPTION                                 CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID       EXPIRATION DATE
PTSD 101: PTSD and               The purpose of this knowledge-based         1 hour         1072850         8/28/2023
Experiences of Sexual            course is to close a training gap by
Harassment and Sexual            offering clinicians an opportunity to
Assault During Military          learn certain principles and tools to
Service                          improve their clinical practice with
                                 military sexual trauma (MST)
                                 survivors. In addition to providing
                                 background information about the
                                 nature of MST and its impact, there
                                 will also be an emphasis on the
                                 interpersonal and sexual health
                                 implications of MST, by using an in-
                                 depth focus on core areas that
                                 commonly arise in the course of
                                 treating MST-related PTSD and other
                                 mental health difficulties.
Medication Management of         The purpose of this recorded training       1 hour         1093367         8/14/2023
PTSD in Veterans With Mild       is to review symptoms of PTSD and
Traumatic Brain Injury           mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI); an
Pocket Card                      integrated mental health care model
                                 at the Polytrauma Rehabilitation
                                 Center San Antonio; complications of
                                 polypharmacy practice; lack of access;
                                 and accessible pharmacological and
                                 augmentative non-pharmacological
                                 options to minimize polypharmacy
                                 while ensuring effective treatment for
                                 PTSD in Veterans with mTBI.
Treating PTSD in Rural           This purpose of this recorded,              1 hour         1093341         8/14/2023
Settings                         knowledge-based training is to
                                 identify and discuss the unique
                                 challenges rural health care
                                 providers encounter related to
                                 PTSD care. Education will be
                                 provided on the updated
Veterans Health Administration                                                                 Employee Education System


COURSE TITLE                     DESCRIPTION                               CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID        EXPIRATION DATE
                                 VA/DOD clinical practice
                                 guideline for the treatment of
                                 PTSD. A variety of resources
                                 related to assistance with
                                 education, diagnosis and
                                 treatment of PTSD, available to
                                 VA staff nationally, will be
Rural PTSD Improvement in        This recorded training will address the   1 hour         1093340          8/14/2023
the Northeast Through            challenges that rural providers face in
Outreach                         effectively treating PTSD in their
                                 clinics. An overview of the protocol
                                 and outcomes of an implementation
                                 project that use facilitation and
                                 academic detailing in rural New
                                 England, and supported by the VA
                                 Office of Rural Health, will be shared.
                                 Resources developed to support such
                                 an intervention will also be reviewed.
PTSD 101: PTSD and               The purpose of this knowledge-based       1 hour         1072847          8/282023
Reintegration Challenges         web course is to describe the stresses
                                 associated with different phases of the
                                 deployment cycle, with particular
                                 attention to the impact of PTSD on the
                                 process of reintegration following
                                 combat deployments.
PTSD 101: PTSD and               The purpose of this knowledge-based       1 hour         1072847          8/28/2023
Reintegration Challenges         web course is to describe the stresses
                                 associated with different phases of the
                                 deployment cycle, with particular
                                 attention to the impact of PTSD on the
                                 process of reintegration following
                                 combat deployments.
Veterans Integration to          This course will provide college and      1 hour         1091486          5/18/2023
Academic Leadership:             university staff the knowledge and
Understanding PTSD               skills needed to assist Veterans with
                                 transitional issues and needs for
                                 mental health assistance through the
                                 Veterans Integration to Academic
                                 Leadership, or VITAL, initiative.

Clinician Administered           At the conclusion of this game-based      2.5 hours      1090937          3/5/2023
PTSD Scale for DSM-5             learning program, learners will be able
(CAPS-5) Training Simulator      to identify the interview principles
– Part 2                         required for administering the
                                 Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for
                                 DSM-5 (CAPS-5); appropriately pose
                                 follow-up clarifying questions when
Veterans Health Administration                                                                  Employee Education System


COURSE TITLE                     DESCRIPTION                                CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID        EXPIRATION DATE
                                 warranted; conduct a concise and
                                 thorough CAPS-5 interview; and apply
                                 the CAPS-5 scoring criteria
                                 appropriately. Note: You must log into
                                 TMS/TRAIN using the Google Chrome
                                 web browser for this module to load
Integrating National Center      This series of video demonstrations        1 hour         1090455          1/31/23
for PTSD Mobile Apps into        will show health care team members
Veteran Mental Health Care       how to effectively inquire about
                                 access to, and interest in, using mobile
                                 apps as an integrated part of mental
                                 health treatment for PTSD and related
                                 concerns; introduce apps to Veterans,
                                 incorporating discussion of security
                                 and privacy issues; obtain informed
                                 consent and document in the medical
                                 record; assign and review homework;
                                 and collaborate with family members
                                 to support Veterans' treatment goals.
PTSD 101: Posttraumatic          The purpose of this knowledge-based        1 hour         1089429          12/31/22
Stress and Substance Use         course is for team members to review
Disorder Comorbidity             assessment and treatment
                                 recommendations for treating co-
                                 occurring PTSD and substance use
                                 disorder (SUD) from the revised PTSD
                                 (2017) and SUD (2015) VA/DOD
                                 clinical practice guidelines.
PTSD 101: Assessing and          The purpose of this knowledge-based        1 hour         1088734          9/30/2022
Reducing Violence Risk in        course is to provide an evidence-based
Veterans with PTSD               approach to improving the current
                                 team processes of clinical assessment
                                 and management of violence risk in
                                 Veterans with PTSD. By addressing a
                                 training practice gap, learners will be
                                 presented with a review of empirical
                                 literature associated with violence in
                                 Veterans with PTSD; a discussion on
                                 how psychosocial rehabilitation can
                                 help manage and reduce violence risk;
                                 and an overview of a systematic
                                 approach to violence risk assessment
                                 to PTSD.
PTSD 101: Practical              The purpose of this knowledge-based        1 hour         1088857          10/31/2022
Applications of Trauma-          course is to provide training by using
Focused Psychotherapies          clinical case examples to
                                 compare/contrast evidence-based
                                 trauma-focused psychotherapies.
Veterans Health Administration                                                              Employee Education System


COURSE TITLE                     DESCRIPTION                                CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID    EXPIRATION DATE
PTSD 101: Prolonged              The purpose of this knowledge-based        1 hour         1088863      11/30/2022
Exposure Therapy: Effective      course is to review the recent research
Treatment for PTSD               on prolonged exposure (PE), provide a
                                 basic description of the treatment and
                                 to describe areas of future research
                                 for the team. By addressing a training
                                 practice gap, current PE
                                 providers/team members may
                                 improve their delivery of PE by
                                 learning about how recent research
                                 has informed new clinical
                                 recommendations for this treatment.
PTSD 101: PTSD Treatment         The purpose of this knowledge-based        1 hour         1088865      9/30/2022
via Tele-Mental Health           course is to provide an evidence-based
Technology                       approach to improving the current
                                 team processes of how Tele-Mental
                                 Health (TMH) technology, specifically
                                 home-based clinical video telehealth,
                                 can be used to address common
                                 barriers to care for Veterans with
                                 PTSD. By addressing a training practice
                                 gap, learners will be able to identify
                                 access and barriers to care for rural or
                                 remote Veterans with PTSD; describe
                                 how to offer evidenced-based PTSD
                                 treatment to rural Veterans via the
                                 telehealth technology team; and list
                                 clinical and research resources to help
                                 providers start a TMH program.
PTSD 101: Cognitive              The purpose of this knowledge-based        1 hour         1088864      10/31/2022
Processing Therapy               course is to provide an updated
                                 description of the various versions
                                 of cognitive processing therapy (CPT),
                                 as well as a summary of recent and
                                 future research for the team. By
                                 addressing a training practice gap,
                                 current CPT providers/team members
                                 may improve their delivery of CPT by
                                 learning about how recent research
                                 has informed new clinical
                                 recommendations for this treatment,
                                 particularly changes in various CPT
PTSD 101: Assessing and          The purpose of this knowledge-based        1 hour         1088734      9/30/2022
Reducing Violence Risk in        course is to provide an evidence-based
Veterans With PTSD               approach to improving the current
                                 team processes of clinical assessment
                                 and management of violence risk in
                                 Veterans with PTSD. By addressing a
Veterans Health Administration                                                                  Employee Education System


COURSE TITLE                     DESCRIPTION                                CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID        EXPIRATION DATE
                                 training practice gap, learners will be
                                 presented with a review of empirical
                                 literature associated with violence in
                                 Veterans with PTSD; a discussion on
                                 how psychosocial rehabilitation can
                                 help manage and reduce violence risk;
                                 and an overview of a systematic
                                 approach to violence risk assessment
                                 to PTSD.
Community Hospices –             This recorded, knowledge-based             1 hour         1086813          8/29/2022
PTSD in Vietnam Veterans         presentation will define PTSD, its
                                 causes and symptoms, and how this
                                 may manifest at the end of life. A
                                 number of treatment options for PTSD
                                 specific to those under hospice will be
                                 presented, as well as the similarities
                                 and differences between PTSD and
                                 other conditions.
Cognitive Processing             The purpose of this knowledge-based        4 hours        1084993          6/30/2021
Therapy for PTSD Enhanced        educational web course is to provide
Practice                         knowledge and skills to implement
                                 CPT in order to be able to offer this
                                 therapy as an option for all Veterans
                                 seeking treatment for their PTSD
                                 symptoms. Learners will explore a
                                 number of scenarios using techniques
                                 to have Veterans work through Stuck
                                 Points and learning to Self-Challenge.
                                 These topics will help address training
                                 gaps as well as identify how the use of
                                 CPT for PTSD can help Veteran
PTSD Assessment and              The purpose of this series is to further   2 hours        1084439          5/25/2022
Treatment                        educate non-VA providers and health
                                 care teams about VA policies,
                                 practices, expertise, standards and
                                 resources for treating Veterans. This
                                 session will discuss PTSD assessment
                                 and treatment.
PTSD 202: Skills Training in     This e-learning course is split into       8 hours        1084691          9/30/2021
Affective and Interpersonal      three sections, each containing a
Regulation                       series of 15 to 20-minute sessions
                                 about skills training in affective and
                                 interpersonal regulation or STAIR, a
                                 trauma-informed, skills-focused
                                 treatment for PTSD and depression
                                 symptoms. Each session provides
                                 interactive, engaging and learner-
                                 centric training and resources for
Veterans Health Administration                                                                   Employee Education System


COURSE TITLE                     DESCRIPTION                                 CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID        EXPIRATION DATE
                                 behavioral health clinicians learning to
                                 perform this therapy. The course relies
                                 heavily on a situational learning
                                 approach that involves scenarios,
                                 realistic examples, storytelling and
                                 characters. This approach takes
                                 several forms which is useful in
                                 expressing the nuances necessary to
                                 demonstrate behavioral, emotional
                                 and cognitive processes.
PTSD: From Neurobiology          This presentation will highlight major      1 hour         1083779          9/1/2021
to Treatment                     advances in the neurobiology of PTSD
                                 and link these insights to novel
                                 therapeutic strategies. In doing so, this
                                 presentation will take a historical
                                 perspective and highlight advances
                                 from the 25 years of research within
                                 the Clinical Neuroscience Division of
                                 the National Center for PTSD of the
                                 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
PTSD 101: The 2017               The purpose of this knowledge-based         1 hour         1083765          1/31/2022
Revised Clinical Practice        web course is to help clinicians
Guideline for PTSD:              become knowledgeable about the
Recommendations for              guideline recommendations and to
Psychotherapy                    assist them in providing care based on
                                 the latest evidence. This course will
                                 review the process by which the PTSD
                                 Clinical Practice Guideline was
                                 developed, clearly explain the
                                 recommendations related to
                                 psychotherapy and discuss the clinical
                                 implications for providers treating
PTSD 101: The 2017               This course will review the process by      1 hour         1083746          1/31/2022
Revised Clinical Practice        which the PTSD Clinical Practice
Guideline for PTSD:              Guideline was developed, clearly
Recommendations for              explain the recommendations related
Medications                      to medications and discuss the clinical
                                 implications for providers treating
PTSD 101: The 2017               This course will review the process by      1 hour         1083776          1/31/2022
Revised Clinical Practice        which the PTSD Clinical Practice
Guideline for PTSD: How it       Guideline was developed, clearly
Impacts Primary Care             explain the recommendations related
                                 to primary care and discuss the clinical
                                 implications for providers treating
Veterans Health Administration                                                          Employee Education System


COURSE TITLE                 DESCRIPTION                                CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID    EXPIRATION DATE
Prescribing for Older        This series of 10 courses are designed     1 hour         1065018      7/1/2021
Veterans With PTSD           to address key areas of PTSD that have
                             the most profound impact on
                             Veterans and active duty
Addressing Traumatic Guilt This course is part of the PTSD 101          1 hour         1081427      7/1/2021
in PTSD Treatment            education series, which is presented
                             by experts in their field to increase
                             provider knowledge related to the
                             assessment and treatment issues of
                             PTSD. The curriculum will be
                             presented in a web-based learning
                             module with additional resources
                             available for use after the training
                             session. After successfully completing
                             the course, learners will be able to use
                             the information to describe the
                             relationship between guilt and trauma
                             and explain how to assess traumatic
                             guilt; illustrate how guilt can be
                             addressed in prolonged exposure
                             therapy; and discuss how guilt can be
                             addressed in cognitive processing
  Assessment and            The goals of this course are to address this     1 hour       1084873     4/1/2021
  Treatment of Sleep        practice gap by providing information on
  Problems in PTSD -        both pharmacological and cognitive
  Alternate Methods for     behavioral interventions for Veterans
  Delivery of Cognitive     seeking help with their PTSD-related sleep
  Behavioral Therapy        problems and highlighting the innovative
                            ways the psychotherapy interventions can
                            be implemented in groups and through
                            telehealth technology.
                             One of the most common complaints          1 hour         1058582      4/1/2021
Assessment and Treatment in those with PTSD is sleep
of Sleep Problems in PTSD – disturbance. Problems with sleep may
Background                   lead to further exacerbation of PTSD
                             and other comorbid symptoms.
                             Despite the growing recognition that
                             sleep disturbances are one of the most
                             common detrimental components of
                             PTSD, many providers are not well
                             educated on effective protocols for
                             improving sleep. The goals of this
                             course are to address this practice gap
                             by providing information on both
                             pharmacological and cognitive
                             behavioral interventions for Veterans
                             seeking help with their PTSD-related
Veterans Health Administration                                                                   Employee Education System


COURSE TITLE                     DESCRIPTION                                 CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID        EXPIRATION DATE
                                 sleep problems, and to highlight the
                                 innovative ways the psychotherapy
                                 interventions can be implemented in
                                 groups and through telehealth
Assessment and Treatment         One of the most common complaints           1 hour         1058586          4/1/2021
of Sleep Problems in PTSD -      of individuals with PTSD is sleep
Pharmacological                  disturbance. Problems with sleep may
Treatments                       lead to further exacerbation of PTSD
                                 and other comorbid symptoms.
                                 Despite the growing recognition that
                                 sleep disturbances are one of the most
                                 common detrimental components of
                                 PTSD, many providers are not well
                                 educated on effective protocols for
                                 improving sleep. The goals of this
                                 course are to address this practice gap
                                 by providing information on both
                                 pharmacological and cognitive
                                 behavioral interventions for Veterans
                                 seeking help with PTSD-related sleep
                                 problems and highlighting the
                                 innovative ways the psychotherapy
                                 interventions can be implemented in
                                 groups and through telehealth


        COURSE TITLE                    DESCRIPTION                                   CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID     EXPIRATION DATE
        Facilitation Tips and           The purpose of this knowledge-based web       1 hour         1072952       9/15/2022
        Techniques for Whole            course is to provide facilitation tips and
        Health Partners                 techniques for delivering face-to-face
                                        courses for whole health facilitators.
                                        These techniques will help address
                                        training gaps and were designed to
                                        augment and provide for opportunities to
                                        practice the skills developed in the in-
                                        person course, Whole Health Group
Veterans Health Administration                                                    Employee Education System

Introduction to Whole     This course introduces whole                   1 hour   1093760   9/23/2022
Health Skill Building     health coaches to the eight whole health
Classes Module 2: Food    skill-building classes that are available to
and Drink                 teach at local VHA facilities. The program
                          will model how to teach the area of
                          personal development, and it is the
                          second course in a series of eight classes
                          covering each area of the circle of health.
Whole Health Coaching-    This course will introduce whole health        1 hour   1093706   9/23/2022
Kaizen: Less is More      coaches to the concept of Kaizen. It will
(More or Less)            offer a definition of Kaizen, as well as an
                          invitation for coaches to write a personal
                          goal and to reflect on moments where
                          they created Kaizen goals in their
                          coaching. The speaker will feature
                          examples from coaching experiences from
                          the past and will reference the book, “One
                          Small Step Can Change Your Life.”
Whole Health Coaching:    This course will teach the coach how to        1 hour   1093705   6/3/2022
Creating Traction         guide their coaching partners forward
Between Sessions          through the change process from one
Leading to the Final      session to the next, linking the individual
Session                   coaching sessions into a program that will
                          support the wholistic integration of new
                          behavior patterns for health and lifestyle.
                          This course will also teach the process of
                          how to complete a coaching program with
                          the coaching partner to harvest what they
                          have gained through their coaching
                          program, as well as to empower the
                          partner to successfully sustain their new
                          behaviors moving forward.
Whole Health Coaching:    This program will enable learners to           1 hour   1085561   7/3/2022
Tracking Mechanisms       explain stop codes, CHAR4 codes and
                          health factors associated with whole
                          health coaching. It will outline the
                          differences between count and non-count
                          clinics and how to apply to whole health
                          coaching, and will discuss within what
                          service lines coaches could be hired.
Whole Health Coaching     The purpose of this knowledge-based            1 hour   1085560   7/3/2022
Stage 4: Debrief,         Whole Health Community of Practice
Integrate and Forward     Coaching webinar series is to provide
Traction                  fundamental knowledge and skills in
                          transforming the culture from
                          transactional care based on illness and
                          disease, to care focused on the individual
                          Veteran’s life and what matters to him or
                          her. Moreover, these offerings will focus
                          on strengthening personal resilience and
Veterans Health Administration                                                      Employee Education System

                           self-care practices that are essential for
                           effective health and wellness coaching.

Whole Health: Providing    This recorded, knowledge-based                 1 hour    1093424   9/3/2023
Health Care in VHA and     presentation will provide an overview of
in the Community           the whole health system of care
                           implementation in VHA to date, a
                           summary of the evidence for several
                           complementary and integrative health
                           (CIH) approaches provided in this model,
                           and a discussion around provision of CIH
                           within VHA and in the community and
                           health care teams.
Safety Aids and the        This recorded training will educate            1 hour    1093360   8/14/2023
Ethics                     attendees about safety aids and
                           challenges clinicians may face when trying
                           to help patients eliminate the use of
                           safety aids.
The Whole Health           The purpose of this series is to further       2 hours   1088250   12/2/2022
System: An Update on       educate non-VA providers and health care
VHA Health Care            teams and give an in-depth review of the
Transformation             whole health system of care, including the
                           elements of the model in action
                           throughout the country, implementation
                           and evaluation strategies, as well as
                           testimonials from Veterans receiving this
                           care. The recorded training will also
                           include a discussion around provision of
                           complementary and integrative health
                           within VHA and in the community.
Eating for Whole Health:   The purpose of this knowledge-based            1 hour    1078889   6/30/2021
Introduction to            educational web course is to inform
Functional Nutrition       learners of the latest research in nutrition
                           and draw from the wisdom of dietitians
                           and functional nutrition practitioners
                           throughout VA in order to incorporate
                           nutrition recommendations into Veterans'
                           personal health plans. Learners will
                           explore several nutrition-related topics
                           ranging from how food affects bodies at a
                           molecular level, to how best to support
                           Veterans in making changes related to
                           their eating patterns. In addition, this
                           course will introduce a series of whole
                           health tools and techniques and an array
                           of nutrition resources that can support
                           clinical work.
Whole Health for Pain      This knowledge-based whole health              1 hour    1077809   3/8/2021
and Suffering: Neck and    education program is designed to support
Back                       clinicians who work with patients that
                           experience pain. Participants will learn
                           about evidence-informed, safe and
                           effective non-pharmaceutical approaches
Veterans Health Administration                                                    Employee Education System

                           to pain care. The program is built around
                           patient vignettes and explores the role of
                           self-care approaches, such as nutrition,
                           physical activity, sleep and interpersonal
                           relationships. Special emphasis is given to
                           mind-body approaches and ways to
                           cultivate mindful awareness. This
                           particular video will discuss whole health
                           for the neck and back.
Whole Health for Pain      This knowledge-based whole health             1 hour   1077808   3/8/2021
and Suffering:             education program is designed to support
Osteoarthritis             clinicians who work with patients that
                           experience pain. Participants will learn
                           about evidence-informed, safe and
                           effective non-pharmaceutical approaches
                           to pain care. The program is built around
                           patient vignettes and explores the role of
                           self-care approaches, such as nutrition,
                           physical activity, sleep and interpersonal
                           relationships. Special emphasis is given to
                           mind-body approaches and ways to
                           cultivate mindful awareness. This
                           particular video will discuss whole health
                           for patients dealing with osteoarthritis.
Whole Health for Pain      This knowledge-based whole health             1 hour   1077811   3/8/2021
and Suffering: Self Care   education program is designed to support
                           clinicians who work with patients that
                           experience pain. Participants will learn
                           about evidence-informed, safe and
                           effective non-pharmaceutical approaches
                           to pain care. The program is built around
                           patient vignettes and explores the role of
                           self-care approaches, such as nutrition,
                           physical activity, sleep and interpersonal
                           relationships. Special emphasis is given to
                           mind-body approaches and ways to
                           cultivate mindful awareness. This
                           particular video will discuss self-care as
                           part of whole health for pain and
Whole Health for Pain      This knowledge-based whole health             1 hour   1077810   3/8/2021
and Suffering: Mind and    education program is designed to support
Body Part I                clinicians who work with patients that
                           experience pain. Participants will learn
                           about evidence-informed, safe and
                           effective non-pharmaceutical approaches
                           to pain care. The program is built around
                           patient vignettes and explores the role of
                           self-care approaches, such as nutrition,
                           physical activity, sleep and interpersonal
                           relationships. Special emphasis is given to
                           mind-body approaches and ways to
                           cultivate mindful awareness. This
Veterans Health Administration                                                    Employee Education System

                          particular video will dive into whole health
                          for the mind and body for patients dealing
                          with pain and suffering.
Whole Health for Pain     This knowledge-based whole health              1 hour   1077768   3/8/2021
and Suffering: Mind and   education program is designed to support
Body Part II              clinicians who work with patients that
                          experience pain. Participants will learn
                          about evidence-informed, safe and
                          effective non-pharmaceutical approaches
                          to pain care. The program is built around
                          patient vignettes and explores the role of
                          self-care approaches, such as nutrition,
                          physical activity, sleep and interpersonal
                          relationships. Special emphasis is given to
                          mind-body approaches and ways to
                          cultivate mindful awareness. This video
                          will dive a bit deeper into whole health for
                          the mind and body for patients dealing
                          with pain and suffering.
Whole Health for Pain     This knowledge-based whole health              1 hour   1077803   3/8/2021
and Suffering: Headache   education program is designed to support
                          clinicians who work with patients that
                          experience pain. Participants will learn
                          about evidence-informed, safe and
                          effective non-pharmaceutical approaches
                          to pain care. The program is built around
                          patient vignettes and explores the role of
                          self-care approaches, such as nutrition,
                          physical activity, sleep and interpersonal
                          relationships. Special emphasis is given to
                          mind-body approaches and ways to
                          cultivate mindful awareness. This
                          particular video will discuss whole health
                          for patients dealing with headaches.
Whole Health for Pain     This knowledge-based whole health              1 hour   1077806   3/8/2021
and Suffering: Chronic    education program is designed to support
Pain                      clinicians who work with patients that
                          experience pain. Participants will learn
                          about evidence-informed, safe and
                          effective non-pharmaceutical approaches
                          to pain care. The program is built around
                          patient vignettes and explores the role of
                          self-care approaches, such as nutrition,
                          physical activity, sleep and interpersonal
                          relationships. Special emphasis is given to
                          mind-body approaches and ways to
                          cultivate mindful awareness. This
                          particular video will discuss whole health
                          for patients suffering from chronic
Veterans Health Administration                                                         Employee Education System

Difficult Airway          The Difficult Airway Algorithm and Rescue     6 hours        1071302     4/20/2023
Algorithm and Rescue      Cricothyrotomy (DAARC) training program
Cricothyrotomy            intends to help reduce patient morbidity
                          and mortality associated with difficult and
                          lost airways. In order to provide Veterans
                          mission-critical, personalized, proactive,
                          patient-driven health care through
                          innovation and improvements,
                          professional medical providers need
                          iterative Emergency Difficult Airway
                          Algorithm and Rescue Percutaneous
                          Cricothyrotomy training.


COURSE TITLE              DESCRIPTION                                   CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID   EXPIRATION DATE


COURSE TITLE              DESCRIPTION                                   CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID   EXPIRATION DATE


COURSE TITLE              DESCRIPTION                                   CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID   EXPIRATION DATE
Disability and Medical    The purpose of this web-based training        1 hour         1064863     10/1/2022
Assessment: General       course is to provide training on the
Medical Examination       recommended process required to
                          perform compensation and pension (C&P)
                          general medical examinations. It will
                          address a knowledge gap by providing
                          updated information including,
                          procedures regarding how to prepare for,
                          conduct and properly document a
                          thorough and legally defensible C&P
                          general medical examination.
Disability and Medical    The purpose of this web-based training        1 hour         1067760     10/30/2022
Assessment Foot           course is to provide an overview of the
Examination               compensation and pension (C&P) Foot
                          examination process. This training
                          will provide updated information,
                          including procedures to prepare for,
                          conduct and properly document a C&P
                          foot examination sufficient for
                          adjudication purposes.
Veterans Health Administration                                                           Employee Education System


COURSE TITLE              DESCRIPTION                                     CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID   EXPIRATION DATE
Disability and Medical    The purpose of this web-based training          1 hour         1064862     9/30/2022
Assessment Skin and       course is to provide an overview of the
Scar Examinations         skin and scar disability examination. It will
                          address a knowledge gap by providing
                          updated information including procedures
                          and a demonstration regarding how to
                          prepare for, conduct and properly
                          document a thorough and legally
                          defensible skin and scar disability
Disability and Medical    The compensation and pension cold injury        1 hour         1067762     8/30/2022
Assessment (DMA) Cold     protocol examination provides one model
Injury Residuals          demonstration of an exemplary
Examination               compensation and pension examination.
Disability and Medical    The purpose of this web-based training          1 hour         1064860     12/31/2020
Assessment: Hand and      course is to provide an overview of
Fingers Examination       the Compensation and Pension hand and
                          fingers examination process. It will
                          address a knowledge gap by providing
                          updated information, including
                          procedures to prepare for, conduct, and
                          properly document a C&P hand and
                          fingers examination sufficient for
                          adjudication purposes. Expiring soon!
Disability and Medical    The purpose of this instructional program       1 hour         1067760     12/31/2020
Assessment Foot           is to provide physicians, nurses and
Examination               physician assistants with demonstrations
                          of optimal compensation and pension
                          examination: respiratory compensation.
                          Opportunities are provided for clinicians
                          to view the demonstrations in their
                          entirety or scan a range of demonstration
                          related topics, selecting those that
                          specifically address individual training
                          needs. Expiring soon!
Disability and Medical    The purpose of this web-based training          1 hour         1064262     12/31/2020
Assessment Aggravation    course is to provide an overview of the
Opinions                  Aggravations disability examination. It will
                          address a knowledge gap by providing
                          updated information, including
                          procedures and a demonstration
                          regarding how to prepare for, conduct
                          and properly document a thorough and
                          legally defensible Aggravations disability
                          examination. Expiring soon!
Next Steps in             The purpose of this program is to provide       3 hours        1090644     2/1/2022
Assessment of Patients    an opportunity for interdisciplinary
Diagnosed With            learning to improve dementia care
                          management throughout all VISNs and
Veterans Health Administration                                                            Employee Education System


COURSE TITLE                DESCRIPTION                                    CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID   EXPIRATION DATE
Dementia: A Holistic        community partnerships. This program
Approach                    will also utilize innovative technology to
                            increase access to patient-centered
                            education for providers nationwide.
Geriatric Late-Life         Geriatric Late-Life Depression is a gaming     1.25 hours     1086750     7/31/2022
Depression                  learning product that will provide learners
                            with a surrogate measure of clinical
                            competency in managing late-life
                            depression in geriatrics.
Community Hospices –        This webinar will define the concept of        1 hour         1086811     8/29/2022
Moral Injury in Vietnam     moral injury (MI) to health care teams and
Veterans                    how it affects some Veterans of the
                            Vietnam War. How to identify symptoms
                            of MI, especially in the last weeks to
                            months of life, will be described, and
                            treatment options, particularly those that
                            are viable in the home setting and used by
                            hospice and other health care
                            professionals, will be discussed.
Complex Capacity            The purpose of this training is to improve     1 hour         1083837     2/28/2021
Assessments: A Case         the capacity of clinicians to care for older
Study of Discrepant         adults by improving competence in
Findings Among              assessing capacity and approaching ethical
Providers                   issues.

Introduction to             This program will bridge the knowledge         1 hour         1083452     2/28/2021
Independent Living and      gap with what is currently known about
Financial Capacity          independent living for older adults and
Evaluations                 introduce new information regarding how
                            the VA can help Veterans explore
                            independent living.
Integrating                 This program series will bridge the            1 hour         1083451     2/28/2021
Neuropsychology Into        knowledge gap with what is currently
Multidisciplinary           known about independent living for older
Geriatric Health Care       adults and introduce new information
Settings                    regarding how the VA can help Veterans
                            explore independent living. This particular
                            session will discuss integrating
                            neuropsychology into multidisciplinary
                            geriatric health care settings.
Capacity Evaluation in      This program series will bridge the            1 hour         1083568     2/28/2021
the Inpatient Psychiatric   knowledge gap with what is currently
Setting                     known about independent living for older
                            adults and introduce new information
                            regarding how the VA can help Veterans
                            explore independent living. This particular
                            session will discuss capacity evaluation in
                            the inpatient psychiatric setting.
Veterans Health Administration                                                           Employee Education System


COURSE TITLE                DESCRIPTION                                   CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID   EXPIRATION DATE
Integrating                 This program series will bridge the           1 hour         1083451     2/28/2021
Neuropsychology Into        knowledge gap with what is currently
Multidisciplinary           known about independent living for older
Geriatric Health Care       adults and introduce new information
Settings                    regarding how the VA can help Veterans
                            explore independent living. This particular
                            session will discuss integrating
                            neuropsychology into multidisciplinary
                            geriatric health care settings.
Recognizing and             This module was developed to help             1.25 hours     1086464     7/25/2022
Managing Dementia in        clinicians better recognize dementia using
Primary Care                a warning signs approach, and to integrate
                            knowledge of dementia into management
                            of other chronic conditions in the primary
                            care setting to improve patient care
                            outcomes and safety.
Introduction to Capacity    This program will bridge the knowledge        1 hour         1083440     2/28/2021
Assessment and              gap with what is currently known about
Treatment Consent           independent living for older adults and
                            introduce new information regarding how
                            the VA can help Veterans explore
                            independent living.
Legal and Social            This program series will bridge the           1 hour         1083611     2/28/2021
Approaches to Supports      knowledge gap with what is currently
and Surrogates              known about independent living for older
                            adults and introduce new information
                            regarding how the VA can help Veterans
                            explore independent living. This
                            particular session will discuss legal and
                            social approaches to supports and
Exploring the               This program series will bridge the           1 hour         1083563     2/28/2021
Intersection of Financial   knowledge gap with what is currently
Exploitation and            known about independent living for older
Financial Decision-         adults and introduce new information
Making                      regarding how VA can help Veterans
                            explore independent living. This
                            particular session will explore the
                            intersection of financial exploitation and
                            financial decision-making.
Capacity Evaluation in      This program series will bridge the           1 hour         1083568     2/28/2021
the Inpatient Psychiatric   knowledge gap with what is currently
Setting                     known about independent living for older
                            adults and introduce new information
                            regarding how the VA can help Veterans
                            explore independent living. This particular
                            session will discuss capacity evaluation in
                            the inpatient psychiatric setting.
Veterans Health Administration                                                                Employee Education System


COURSE TITLE                   DESCRIPTION                                     CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID   EXPIRATION DATE
Strategies to Enhance          This program will focus on the financial        1 hour         1083438     2/28/2021
Independent Living             aspects of care that affect the older
Capacity                       Veteran. This program will bridge the
                               knowledge gap with what is currently
                               known about independent living for older
                               adults and introduce new information
                               regarding how the VA can help Veterans
                               explore independent living.
Program for Advancing          Dementia is a major public health               1              1075061     11/30/2020
Cognitive Disorders            concern, affecting over 770,000 Veterans.
Education for Rural            The incidence of dementia increases with
Staff: Addressing              age and most people affected are over the
Decision Making and            age 60. This course will describe topics
Safety in Dementia             related to decision making, advanced care
                               planning, and safety for Veterans with
                               dementia. Specific topics include:
                               competency, capacity, and consent;
                               advanced care planning; driving and
                               dementia; and elder abuse. Expiring soon!

COURSE TITLE                   DESCRIPTION                                     CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID   EXPIRATION DATE
Geriatric Patient              The goal of this Veterans Health                1 hour         1094380     9/16/2023
Cognitive Impairment           Administration geriatrics workforce effort
                               is to design an educational game that
                               provides an adaptable, competency-based
                               learning experience and develops
                               "geriatrics-equipped" inter-professional
                               team members.
Geriatric Scholars             This four-part, knowledge-based program         1.5 hours      1094184     Live event to be
Toolkit Webinar Series -       will provide training on a variety of topics                               held Dec. 2 only
Assessing and Treating         geared to assist the clinicians and health
Pain in Older Adults           care teams caring for older Veterans to
                               manage and properly use the geriatric
                               scholars program toolkits. These toolkits
                               focus on a variety of geriatric issues aimed
                               at infusing geriatrics into primary care.
                               The toolkits have previously been
                               disseminated to the community based
                               outpatient clinics and other health care
                               providers within the VA Health Care
                               System. Expiring soon!
Geriatrics Scholar             This four-part, knowledge-based web             1 hour         1093794     Live event to be
Program Toolkit                program will provide training on a variety                                 held Nov. 18
Webinar Covid and              of topics geared to assist the clinicians and                              only
Delirium                       health care teams caring for older
                               Veterans to manage and properly use the
                               geriatric scholars program toolkits. These
                               toolkits focus on a variety of geriatric
Veterans Health Administration                                                          Employee Education System


COURSE TITLE                DESCRIPTION                                  CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID   EXPIRATION DATE
                            issues aimed at infusing geriatrics into
                            primary care, and have previously been
                            disseminated to the community based
                            outpatient clinics and other health care
                            providers within the VA Health care
                            system. Expiring soon!
PACERS: Identifying and     Dementia is a major public health            1 hour         1070939     12/31/2020
Assessing for Dementia      concern, affecting over 770,000 Veterans.
                            The incidence of dementia increases with
                            age, and most people affected are over
                            the age 60. It is one of the most costly
                            chronic conditions that VA treats, and its
                            financial impact is expected to grow with
                            the increasing number of aging Veterans.
                            Dementia is often overlooked or
                            unrecognized. Being aware of dementia
                            warning signs facilitates detection of
                            dementia symptoms and prompts further
                            comprehensive assessment. A
                            comprehensive assessment should include
                            a detailed history, physical exam,
                            laboratory tests and imaging. This module
                            will provide an overview of dementia
                            warning signs and comprehensive
                            assessment. Please note that this course
                            runs only in Internet Explorer. Expiring
Plan of Care for the        The purpose of this knowledge-based          1 hour         1091116     8/13/2021
Older Adult                 training is to review components of
                            person-centered care planning for the
                            older adult. When developing a plan of
                            care, it is important to be aware of the
                            unique developmental and physical needs
                            of the patient as it refers to the aging
                            process, including any disease processes
                            occurring, such as dementias or other
                            diseases that can affect cognition. The
                            nurse must also be able to identify
                            expected outcomes and modify the plan
                            of care related to normal and abnormal
                            processes of aging. Having this knowledge
                            can positively impact the patient-
                            centered, team-delivered care that the VA
                            provides to Veterans.
Safety of the Older Adult   Nursing specialty certification validates    1 hour         1091118     10/14/2021
                            nursing knowledge and skills. With more
                            Veterans aging, obtaining gerontological
                            nursing certification becomes important
                            to promote quality and standardization of
Veterans Health Administration                                                           Employee Education System


COURSE TITLE              DESCRIPTION                                     CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID   EXPIRATION DATE
                          care. This webinar series will review
                          requirements for certification, why
                          certification is important, and work to
                          close the knowledge gap on geronological
                          nursing skills and practice behavior
                          required to optimize geriatric Veteran
                          care and prepare nurses for board
                          certification in gerontological nursing.
Medication and            This training focuses on the topics of          1 hour         1091107     9/10/2021
Treatment                 medication and treatments specific to the
Considerations in Older   care of older adults, such as
Adults                    polypharmacy, medication reconciliation
                          and use of alternative/complementary
                          medications for common geriatric
Communication With        This knowledge-based training will              1 hour         1091113     7/8/2021
Older Adults              address effective communication and
                          teaching techniques as they relate to
                          older adults and gerontological nursing
                          practice. As such, this training will work to
                          close the knowledge gap among nurses on
                          communication and teaching with older
                          adults thereby enhancing their
                          gerontological nursing skills and practice
                          behavior to better optimize geriatric
                          Veteran care.


COURSE TITLE              DESCRIPTION                                     CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID   EXPIRATION DATE


COURSE TITLE              DESCRIPTION                                     CREDIT HOURS   COURSE ID   EXPIRATION DATE
VA Greater Los Angeles    The VA Greater Los Angeles Psychology           6 hours        1094179     Live event to be
Psychology Continuing     Continuing Education Series provides                                       held Nov. 9 only
Education Series          advanced training to psychologists and
                          other mental health providers, with the
                          goal of supporting competent clinical
                          practice and meeting continuing
                          education requirements. This course will
You can also read