Virtual Engagement Strategies for Adult Learners - wsascd

Page created by Bonnie Kramer
Virtual Engagement Strategies for Adult Learners - wsascd

                                                                                The 21st Century is Now

Virtual Engagement Strategies for Adult
By Katie Taylor, Lori Curtis, and Emily Bannon
Adapted from Groups at Work and Visible Thinking
Virtual professional growth opportunities for educators can take place in synchronous environments (where everyone is live
and collaborating at the same time) or asynchronous environments (where the learning doesn’t require everyone to be
online at the same time and occurs more independently).
Below is a snapshot of tools that are best leveraged for each of these styles of collaboration. And, included in this article is a
table providing tangible examples of ways to engage adult learners in the Strategies and Routines from Groups at Work:
Strategies and Structures for Professional Learning (Lipton & Wellman, 2011) within virtual environments.

                       Synchronous (Live,                  Asynchronous (Not live,
                       Collaborative Learning)             Independent Learning)
    Microsoft Edu      Teams Meeting, Teams Chat,          FlipGrid, Teams Chat, OneNote
    Environment        Microsoft Teams,                    Page, Stream, Microsoft Forms
                       OneDrive/SharePoint files
    Google Edu         Hangouts Meet, Hangouts             Sites, YouTube, Forms
    Environment        Chat, Docs, Sheets, Slides,
                       Drawing, Forms, Google
                       Classroom & Question,
                       Jamboard, Keep, YouTube

    Strategy/         Description*                  Microsoft: Ideas for using in           Google: Ideas for using in virtual
    Routine*                                        virtual learning                        learning
    A-Z listing       Select a topic and create     Share editable Word file from           Pairs share an editable doc housed
                      a list A-Z of ideas/things    OneDrive Create a template to fill-     in Drive
                      related to that topic that    in, saved in Teams Files or on a
                                                                                            Assign the doc or sheet through
                      start with each letter of     page in OneNote Collaboration
                                                                                            Google Classroom “Make a Copy
                      the alphabet.                 Space
                                                                                            for Each student”
                                                    Assign Word file or OneNote page
                                                                                            Create an A-Z slideshow of 26
                                                    via Class Team
                                                                                            slides (shared or individual)
                                                    Share PowerPoint file with 26
                                                                                            Create a Keep notecard.
                                                    slides (or assign PPT file via Teams)

Curriculum in Context ▪ Spring/Summer 2020
Virtual Engagement Strategies for Adult Learners - wsascd

                                                                              The 21st Century is Now
    Strategy/         Description*                 Microsoft: Ideas for using in         Google: Ideas for using in virtual
    Routine*                                       virtual learning                      learning
                                                   Create a Microsoft Form with a        Create a Google form that includes
                                                   question for each letter.             a question for each letter.
    Bumper sticker    Create a short ‘bumper       Share editable Word file from         Design using Google drawing,
                      sticker’ to represent        OneDrive                              Jamboard or slides that integrates
                      thinking about a topic                                             photos, text, video
                                                   Teams Chat
                                                                                         Post to Google Classroom question
                                                    Table in OneNote that could
                                                                                         for feedback and discussion.
                                                   include words or pictures
                                                                                         Use a Chrome extension to
                                                   Create a Flipgrid Shorts video or a
                                                                                         screencast over it to enhance or
                                                   Grid and connect with others
                                                                                         provide explanation. Video can be
                                                   through comments (Learn more)
                                                                                         uploaded to Google Classroom
                                                    Create a Sway that integrates        prompt question for feedback and
                                                   photos, text, & other media and       discussion
                                                   share view link or submit as
                                                                                         Learning artifact can be displayed
                                                   assignment via Teams
                                                                                         and explained on a Google Site
                                                                                         Hangouts chat
    Create a recipe   Create a recipe for a        Shared Word document                  Design using Google drawing or
                      topic that mimics what                                             jamboard that integrates photos,
                                                   Chart in OneNote
                      you would see in a recipe                                          text, video.
                      for cooking or baking, ie:   Response to a prompt in Teams
                                                                                         Respond to a Google Classroom
                      “Instructional Coaching”     chat
                                                                                         question prompt
                      1 c…                         Flipgrid response
                                                                                         Create a shared slidedeck where
                      1 tea                                                              each person or team has a slide to
                                                                                         post their recipe
                      Mix together and add a
                      dash of humor…                                                     Create a Google Site cookbook to
                                                                                         display multiple recipes
                                                                                         Learning artifact can be displayed
                                                                                         and explained on a Google Site
                                                                                         Create a Keep notecard.
                                                                                         Hangouts chat
    First word/last   Similar to an acrostic       Shared Word document                  Doc or Jamboard
    word              poem, take a topic and
                                                   Chart in OneNote
                      generate related words

Curriculum in Context ▪ Spring/Summer 2020

                                                                                The 21st Century is Now
    Strategy/           Description*                Microsoft: Ideas for using in           Google: Ideas for using in virtual
    Routine*                                        virtual learning                        learning
                        that start with each        Response to a prompt in Teams           Create a shared slidedeck where
                        letter of the topic, ie:    chat                                    each person or team has a slide to
                                                                                            post to
                        D: drives our instruction   Grid response to Flipgrid topic
                                                                                            Respond to a Google Classroom
                        A: assessment results
                                                                                            question prompt
                        T: takes time to process
                                                                                            Learning artifact can be displayed
                        A: activates questions                                              and explained on a Google Site
                                                                                            Create a Keep notecard.
                                                                                            Hangouts chat
    Just Like Me!       Ask members to identify     Add checkmark to table in shared        Jamboard post-its
                        if an experience is true    file (Word or Excel)
                                                                                            Google Forms survey
                        for them
                                                    Chart in OneNote
                                                                                            Respond to a Google Classroom
                                                    Forms survey                            question poll or open response
                                                    Teams chat – type a response or
                                                    ‘like’ the post if it is like you       Hangouts chat
                                                    Quick poll in Teams discussion
    Know/Think I        Given a topic,              Table in shared Word document           Jamboard collaborative deck of 3
    know/Want to        participants fill in what                                           slides
                                                    Chart in OneNote
    know                they already know, think
                                                                                            Google Forms survey
                        they know and want to       Microsoft Forms survey
                        know                                                                Table in a Google Doc
                                                    Response to a prompt in Teams
                                                    chat                                    Individual, pair, or team slidedeck
                                                                                            where each person or team has a
                                                    Grid response to Flipgrid topic
                                                                                            slide to post to
                                                    Add slide to shared PowerPoint
                                                                                            Learning artifact or typing can be
                                                    file; individuals, pairs, or by teams
                                                                                            displayed and explained on a
                                                                                            Google Site portfolio
                                                                                            Create a Keep notecard.
    Since we last met   Ask group to respond to     Shared Word document                    Jamboard collaborative slide
                        a prompt that begins
                                                    Chart in OneNote                        Google Forms survey
                        “since we last met…” and
                        add an ending to the        Response to a prompt in Teams           Table in a Google Doc
                        phrase. Ask participants    chat
                                                    Grid response to Flipgrid topic

Curriculum in Context ▪ Spring/Summer 2020

                                                                                The 21st Century is Now
    Strategy/          Description*                 Microsoft: Ideas for using in           Google: Ideas for using in virtual
    Routine*                                        virtual learning                        learning
                       to respond with pictures,    Add slide to shared PowerPoint          Individual, pair, or team slidedeck
                       connections, words, etc      file; individuals, pairs, or by teams   where each person or team has a
                                                                                            slide to post to
                                                                                            Respond to a Google Classroom
                                                                                            question prompt
                                                                                            Learning artifact or typing can be
                                                                                            displayed and explained on a
                                                                                            Google Site portfolio
                                                                                            Create a Keep notecard.
                                                                                            Hangouts chat
    Synectics          Invite participants to       Shared Word document                    Jamboard collaborative slide
                       make a connection to a
                                                    Chart in OneNote                        Table in a Google Doc or sheet
                       visual and
                       discuss/describe how the     Response in Teams chat w/GIF,           Respond to a Google Classroom
                       visual is or isn’t           sticker, emoji, etc.                    question prompt
                       like_____.                   Grid response to Flipgrid topic         Create a Keep notecard.
                                                                                            Hangouts chat

    Here’s What – So   Focuses attention on a       Table in shared Word document           Jamboard collaborative deck of 3
    What – Now         specific piece of learning                                           slides
                                                    Chart in OneNote
    What               or information by inviting
                                                                                            Google Forms survey
                       reflection on “here’s        Response to a prompt in Teams
                       what” (was important),       chat                                    Table in a Google Doc
                       “so what” (why it            Grid response to Flipgrid topic         Individual, pair, or team slidedeck
                       matters), and “now                                                   where each person or team has a
                       what” (will you do with      Add slide to shared PowerPoint
                                                                                            slide to post to
                       the                          file; individuals, pairs, or by teams
                       information/learning).                                               Learning artifact or typing can be
                                                                                            displayed and explained on a
                                                                                            Google Site portfolio
                                                                                            Respond to a Google Classroom
                                                                                            question prompt
                                                                                            Create a Keep notecard.
                                                                                            Hangouts chat
    P+M-I*             For a particular             Teams chat (separate each step as       Google Forms survey
                       topic/idea/action have       a separate prompt)

Curriculum in Context ▪ Spring/Summer 2020

                                                                              The 21st Century is Now
    Strategy/         Description*                Microsoft: Ideas for using in           Google: Ideas for using in virtual
    Routine*                                      virtual learning                        learning
                      participants consider       Table in shared Word document           Table in a Google Doc
                      what is P+ positive, M- a
                                                  Chart in OneNote                        Individual, pair, or team slidedeck
                      challenge or a negative,
                                                                                          where each person or team has a
                      and I* interesting          Microsoft Forms survey
                                                                                          slide to post to
                                                  Response to a prompt in Teams
                                                                                          Learning artifact or typing can be
                                                                                          displayed and explained on a
                                                  Grid topics for PMI; respond in         Google Site portfolio
                                                  Flipgrid to each topic
                                                                                          Respond to a Google Classroom
                                                  Add slides to shared PowerPoint         question prompt
                                                  file; individuals, pairs, or by teams
                                                                                          Create a Keep notecard.
                                                                                          Hangouts chat
    Traffic Light     After learning something    Shared Word document                     Jamboard collaborative deck of 3
                      new, participants reflect                                           slides
                                                  Chart in OneNote
                      on what they are going
                                                                                          Google Forms survey
                      to stop doing (red),        Microsoft Forms survey
                      continue doing (yellow),                                            Table in a Google Doc
                                                  Response to a prompt in Teams
                      and start doing (green).    chat                                    Individual, pair, or team slidedeck
                                                                                          where each person or team has a
                                                  Grid response to Flipgrid topic
                                                                                          slide to post to
                                                  Add slide to shared PowerPoint
                                                                                          Learning artifact or typing can be
                                                  file; individuals, pairs, or by teams
                                                                                          displayed and explained on a
                                                                                          Google Site portfolio
                                                                                          Respond to a Google Classroom
                                                                                          question prompt
                                                                                          Create a Keep notecard.
                                                                                          Hangouts chat
    First Turn/Last   Participants share          Teams meeting                           Respond to a Google Classroom
    Turn              thoughts about learning:                                            question prompt
                                                  Grid response to Flipgrid topic;
                      first participant reads
                                                  respond to others in turn               Hangouts Meet
                      something they
                      highlighted but doesn’t
                      say anything about that
                      passage; the rest of the
                      group gets to say
                      something about the
                      passage in turns; finally

Curriculum in Context ▪ Spring/Summer 2020

                                                                              The 21st Century is Now
    Strategy/         Description*                Microsoft: Ideas for using in           Google: Ideas for using in virtual
    Routine*                                      virtual learning                        learning
                      the participant who read
                      the highlighted passage
                      indicates why they chose
                      it. Repeat another round
                      with another participant
                      reading a highlighted
    3-2-1-            3 facts or ideas from the   Table in shared Word document           Jamboard collaborative slides
                                                  Chart in OneNote                        Google Forms survey
                      2 questions
                                                  Microsoft Forms survey                  Table in a Google Doc
                      1 main idea/big
                                                  Response to a prompt in Teams           Individual, pair, or team slidedeck
                                                  chat                                    where each person or team has a
                                                                                          slide to post to
                                                  Record response to Grid topic in
                                                  Flipgrid                                Respond to a Google Classroom
                                                                                          question prompt
                                                  Add slide to shared PowerPoint
                                                  file; individuals, pairs, or by teams   Learning artifact or typing can be
                                                                                          displayed and explained on a
                                                                                          Google Site portfolio
                                                                                          Create a Keep notecard.
                                                                                          Hangouts chat
    Elevator Speech   Participants deliver a      Create PowerPoint presentation;         Record and post to YouTube
                      short presentation on a     record slide show with audio &          (unlisted recommended). Post
                      topic                       video; post to Stream channel;          YouTube URL to Google Classroom
                                                  respond to videos with comments         prompt question for feedback and
                                                  Record response to Grid topic in
                                                  Flipgrid; comment on others’            Create a slidedeck and use a
                                                  videos                                  Chrome extension to screencast
                                                                                          over it to enhance or provide
                                                                                          explanation. Post URL to Google
                                                                                          Classroom prompt question for
                                                                                          feedback and discussion
                                                                                          Learning artifact or typing can be
                                                                                          displayed and explained on a
                                                                                          Google Site portfolio
                                                                                          Hangouts Meet

Curriculum in Context ▪ Spring/Summer 2020

                                                                            The 21st Century is Now
    Strategy/        Description*               Microsoft: Ideas for using in           Google: Ideas for using in virtual
    Routine*                                    virtual learning                        learning
    Key words        Participants share key     Table in shared Word document           Jamboard collaborative slide(s)
                     words from a reading
                                                Chart in OneNote                        Design using Google drawing or
                                                                                        slides that integrates photos, text,
                                                Microsoft Forms survey
                                                Response to a prompt in Teams
                                                                                        Post to Google Classroom question
                                                                                        for feedback and discussion.
                                                Record response to Grid topic in
                                                                                        Use a Google form to collect
                                                                                        words and then use a Chrome
                                                                                        extension to create a word cloud
                                                                                        Learning artifact can be displayed
                                                                                        and explained on a Google Site
                                                                                        Hangouts chat
    Most Important   Participants share one     Teams meeting chat discussion           Jamboard collaborative slide
    Point            idea from a reading that
                                                Table in shared Word document           Design using Google doc, drawing
                     they feel is the most
                                                                                        or slides that integrates photos,
                     important point            Chart in OneNote
                                                                                        text, hyperlink.
                                                Microsoft Forms survey
                                                                                        Respond to a Google Classroom
                                                Response to a prompt in Teams           question prompt
                                                                                        Google form survey
                                                Record response to Grid topic in
                                                                                        Record and post to YouTube
                                                                                        (unlisted recommended). Post
                                                Add slide to shared PowerPoint          YouTube URL to Google Classroom
                                                file; individuals, pairs, or by teams   prompt question for feedback and
                                                                                        Create a slidedeck and use a
                                                                                        Chrome extension to screencast
                                                                                        over it to enhance or provide
                                                                                        explanation. Post URL to Google
                                                                                        Classroom prompt question for
                                                                                        feedback and discussion
                                                                                        Learning artifact can be displayed
                                                                                        and explained on a Google Site
                                                                                        Hangouts Meet

Curriculum in Context ▪ Spring/Summer 2020

                                                                         The 21st Century is Now
    Strategy/    Description*                Microsoft: Ideas for using in           Google: Ideas for using in virtual
    Routine*                                 virtual learning                        learning
                                                                                     Hangout chat
    One-word     Participants share one      Record response to Grid topic in        Jamboard collaborative slide
    summary      word to summarize their     Flipgrid; then, reply to others’
                                                                                     Design using Google doc, drawing
                 reading – usually with an   videos
                                                                                     or slides that integrates photos,
                 opportunity to explain
                                             Table in shared Word document           text, hyperlink.
                 why they chose the one
                 word                        Chart in OneNote                        Respond to a Google Classroom
                                                                                     question prompt
                                             Microsoft Forms survey
                                                                                     Google form survey
                                             Response to a prompt in Teams
                                             chat                                    Record and post to YouTube
                                                                                     (unlisted recommended). Post
                                             Add slide to shared PowerPoint
                                                                                     YouTube URL to Google Classroom
                                             file; individuals, pairs, or by teams
                                                                                     prompt question for feedback and
                                                                                     Create a slidedeck and use a
                                                                                     Chrome extension to screencast
                                                                                     over it to enhance or provide
                                                                                     explanation. Post URL to Google
                                                                                     Classroom prompt question for
                                                                                     feedback and discussion
                                                                                     Learning artifact can be displayed
                                                                                     and explained on a Google Site
                                                                                     Hangouts Meet
                                                                                     Hangout chat
    Tweets       Participants create a #     Table in shared Word document           Jamboard collaborative deck
                 and tweet their learning
                                             Chart in OneNote                        Design using Google doc, drawing
                                                                                     or slides that integrates photos,
                                             Microsoft Forms survey
                                                                                     text, hyperlink.
                                             Response to a prompt in Teams
                                                                                     Respond to a Google Classroom
                                                                                     question prompt
                                             Record response to Grid topic in
                                                                                     Create a shared slidedeck where
                                                                                     each person or team has a slide to
                                             Add slide to shared PowerPoint          post their tweet
                                             file; individuals, pairs, or by teams

Curriculum in Context ▪ Spring/Summer 2020

                                                                          The 21st Century is Now
    Strategy/        Description*               Microsoft: Ideas for using in       Google: Ideas for using in virtual
    Routine*                                    virtual learning                    learning
                                                                                    Assign the doc or sheet through
                                                                                    Google Classroom “Make a Copy
                                                                                    for Each student”
                                                                                    Learning artifact or typing can be
                                                                                    displayed and explained on a
                                                                                    Google Site portfolio
                                                                                    Create a Google form
                                                                                    Create a Keep notecard.
                                                                                    Hangouts chat
    Say Something    Participants simply “say   Use video/audio to respond during   Record and post to YouTube
                     something” about their     Teams meeting                       (unlisted recommended). Post
                     reading or learning on a                                       YouTube URL to Google Classroom
                                                Create PowerPoint presentation;
                     particular topic                                               prompt question for feedback and
                                                record slide show with audio &
                                                video; post to Stream channel;
                                                respond to videos with comments     Create a slidedeck and use a
                                                                                    Chrome extension to screencast
                                                Record response to Grid topic in
                                                                                    over it to enhance or provide
                                                Flipgrid; comment on others’
                                                                                    explanation. Post URL to Google
                                                                                    Classroom prompt question for
                                                                                    feedback and discussion
                                                                                    Learning artifact or typing can be
                                                                                    displayed and explained on a
                                                                                    Google Site portfolio
                                                                                    Hangouts Meet
    Three A’s Plus   Participants take turns    Create Flipgrid topic in Grid for   Jamboard collaborative deck of 3
    One              responding to each         each prompt; respond to each        slides
                     prompt, one round =        topic in Grid; comment on others’
                                                                                    Google Forms survey
                     each participant says      videos
                     something to the first                                         Table in a Google Doc
                                                Post prompt in Teams chat;
                     prompt and then after                                          Individual, pair, or team slidedeck
                                                respond to chat; reply to others
                     everyone is finished you                                       where each person or team has a
                                                with @ mention; repeat with next
                     move to the second                                             slide to post to
                                                Collaborate in chart/table in       Respond to 3 Google Classroom
                     1: One thing with which                                        question prompts
                                                shared Word document; type
                     you agree
                                                response to each prompt; add
                                                comments to others’ entries

Curriculum in Context ▪ Spring/Summer 2020

                                                                              The 21st Century is Now
    Strategy/         Description*                Microsoft: Ideas for using in           Google: Ideas for using in virtual
    Routine*                                      virtual learning                        learning
                      2: One thing with which                                             Learning artifact or typing can be
                      you might argue                                                     displayed and explained on a
                                                                                          Google Site portfolio
                      3: One thing to which
                      you might aspire                                                    Hangouts meet
                                                                                          Hangouts chat
    Words, Phrases,   In response to a text,      Table in shared Word document           Jamboard collaborative deck of 3
    Sentences         participants identify key                                           slides
                                                  Chart in OneNote
                      words, phrases and
                                                                                          Design using Google drawing or
                      sentence or two that        Microsoft Forms survey
                                                                                          slides that integrates photos, text,
                      resonates.                  Response to a prompt in Teams           video
                                                                                          Post to Google Classroom question
                                                  Record response to Grid topic in        for feedback and discussion.
                                                                                          Use a Google form to collect
                                                  Add slide to shared PowerPoint          words and then use a Chrome
                                                  file; individuals, pairs, or by teams   extension to create a word cloud
                                                                                          Learning artifact or typing can be
                                                                                          displayed and explained on a
                                                                                          Google Site portfolio
                                                                                          Create a Keep notecard.
                                                                                          Hangouts chat
* Strategies adapted and used with permission from Groups at Work: Strategies and Structures for Professional Learning

Curriculum in Context ▪ Spring/Summer 2020

                                                                              The 21st Century is Now

    Strategy/Routine** Description**                 Microsoft: Ideas for using in      Google: Ideas for using in
                                                     virtual learning                   virtual learning
    Connect-Extend-        In response to an idea    Table in shared Word document      Jamboard collaborative deck of 3
    Challenge              or text, participants                                        slides
                                                     On shared text, add comments
                           identify something with
                                                     inline                             Google Forms survey
                           which they connected,
                           something that            Chart in OneNote                   Table in a Google Doc
                           extended their thinking   Microsoft Forms survey             Individual, pair, or team slidedeck
                           and something that                                           where each person or team has a
                           challenged them.          Response to a prompt in Teams
                                                                                        slide to post to
                                                     chat; respond to other’s
                                                                                        Respond to a Google Classroom
                                                     Record response to Grid topic in
                                                                                        question prompt
                                                                                        Learning artifact or typing can be
                                                     Add slide to shared PowerPoint
                                                                                        displayed and explained on a
                                                     file; individuals, pairs, or by
                                                                                        Google Site portfolio
                                                                                        Create a Keep notecard.
                                                                                        Hangouts meet
    See-Think-Wonder       In response to an idea,   Table in shared Word document      Jamboard collaborative deck of 3
                           data, image or text,                                         slides
                                                     Chart in OneNote
                           participants identify
                                                                                        Google Forms survey
                           something they saw,       Microsoft Forms survey
                           something they thought                                       Table in a Google Doc
                                                     Response to a prompt in Teams
                           about what they saw,      chat                               Individual, pair, or team slidedeck
                           and something that                                           where each person or team has a
                           they wonder               Record response to Grid topic in
                                                                                        slide to post to
                                                                                        Learning artifact or typing can be
                                                     Add slide to shared PowerPoint
                                                                                        displayed and explained on a
                                                     file; individuals, pairs, or by
                                                                                        Google Site portfolio
                                                                                        Respond to a Google Classroom
                                                                                        question prompt
                                                                                        Create a Keep notecard.
                                                                                        Hangouts meet
    Think-Puzzle-Explore   In response to an idea,   Table in shared Word document      Jamboard collaborative deck of 3
                           data, image or text,                                         slides
                                                     Chart in OneNote
                           participants share what
                                                                                        Google Forms survey
                           they think, something     Microsoft Forms survey
                           that puzzled them, and                                       Table in a Google Doc

Curriculum in Context ▪ Spring/Summer 2020

                                                                                 The 21st Century is Now
    Strategy/Routine** Description**                    Microsoft: Ideas for using in      Google: Ideas for using in
                                                        virtual learning                   virtual learning
                            something that they’d       Response to a prompt in Teams      Individual, pair, or team slidedeck
                            like to explore further.    chat                               where each person or team has a
                                                                                           slide to post to
                                                        Record response to Grid topic in
                                                        Flipgrid                           Learning artifact or typing can be
                                                                                           displayed and explained on a
                                                        Add slide to shared PowerPoint
                                                                                           Google Site portfolio
                                                        file; individuals, pairs, or by
                                                        teams                              Respond to a Google Classroom
                                                                                           question prompt
                                                                                           Create a Keep notecard.
                                                                                           Hangouts meet
    Circle of View Points   In response to a            Table in shared Word document      Jamboard collaborative deck of 3
                            scenario, brainstorm                                           slides
                                                        Chart in OneNote
                            the key players
                                                                                           Google Forms survey
                            connected to the            Microsoft Forms survey
                            scenario. Then each                                            Table in a Google Doc
                                                        Response to a prompt in Teams
                            participant is asked to     chat                               Individual, pair, or team slidedeck
                            share a response to the                                        where each person or team has a
                            following prompts:          Record response to Grid topic in
                                                                                           slide to post to
                             1. I am thinking                                              Create a meme with Google
                                of ... the              Add slide to shared PowerPoint
                                topic... From the       file; individuals, pairs, or by
                                point of view of ...    teams                              Learning artifact or typing can be
                                the viewpoint                                              displayed and explained on a
                                you've chosen                                              Google Site portfolio

                             2. I think ... describe                                       Respond to a Google Classroom
                                the topic from your                                        question prompt
                                viewpoint. Be an                                           Create a Keep notecard.
                                actor - take on the
                                character of your                                          Hangouts meet
                             3. A question I have
                                from this viewpoint
                                is ... ask a question
                                from this viewpoint
**Strategies and Descriptions quoted from Visible Thinking Routines

Curriculum in Context ▪ Spring/Summer 2020

                                                                              The 21st Century is Now
Lipton, L., & Wellman, B. M. (2011). Groups at work: Strategies and structures for professional learning. Charlotte, VT:
Ritchhart, R., Church, M., & Morrison, K. (2011). Making thinking visible: How to promote engagement, understanding, and
  independence for all learners. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Visible Thinking. (2020, February 24). Retrieved April 1, 2020, from

                    Katie Taylor is a National Board Certified Teacher serving the students in Tacoma through her role as an
                    Instructional Facilitator. Katie started her career in education as a high school English teacher in Oregon
                    and Washington, and left the classroom to support teacher growth as an instructional coach. She has
                    engaged her passion for teacher leadership through her work at the non-profit The Center for
                    Strengthening the Teaching Profession, and in serving two terms as a Department of Education Teaching
                    Ambassador Fellow. She currently supports the middle and high school instructional coaches in Tacoma
                    Public Schools where she also started and supports a teacher leadership academy.

                    Lori Curits is a Google For Education Certified Innovator, Trainer, Educator and National Board Certified
                    Teacher in Early Middle Grade Literacy who currently serves as the Director of Digital Learning Services
                    for White River School District in Buckley, Washington. Lori has been using Google for Education since
                    2007 as an administrator, Tech TOSA, classroom teacher, and student. In 2019 Lori was selected as NCCE's
                    Outstanding Technology Leader of the Year. She is also an AVID staff developer. Lori's passion for
                    differentiating instruction and professional development through technology integration stems from her
M.A. Ed in Differentiated Instruction and MEd in Digital Education Leadership.

                    Emily Bannon is an Instructional Facilitator for Tacoma Public Schools where she helps staff and students
                    with technology integration. She is a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert and MIE Master Trainer. Emily
                    has 20 years of experience as a certificated teacher and trainer with 9 years as an elementary classroom
                    teacher in Washington State and at the American Community School of Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. Emily has an
                    M.A. in Elementary Education (Reading & Literacy) as well as an M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction

Curriculum in Context ▪ Spring/Summer 2020
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